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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

1. vSphere Optimization Assessment Consolidated Cover Page Report

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

2. vSphere Optimization Assessment Consolidated Overview Report

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

3. vSphere Optimization Assessment Capacity Section Report

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

4. Capacity Placement Report

Capacity Utilization

Cluster Compute Resource

1 Underutilized Optimal 1 Overutilized 0

Virtual Machine
124 Underutilized Optimal 21 Overutilized 8

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

5. Top 5 Capacity Risk Report

Top 5 Capacity Risk VMs (Capacity Remaining %) Top 5 Stressed VMs (%)

Utilization Index Objects Utilization Index Objects

0 suap-homologacao-banco 152.48 26.nacpdc

0 bd-paged 43.09 backup_samba

0 26.nacpdc 36.88 nuvem

0 banco_aurora_teste 34.57 openmeetings

0 nuvem 28.22 bd-paged

Top 5 Low Time Remaining VMs (%) Top 5 Over Sized VMs (Highest Waste %)

Utilization Index Objects Utilization Index Objects

0 suap-homologacao-banco 100 zabbix_sia

0 bd-paged 100 CAFe

0 congresso_pre 100 WS ProxyServicos-teste

0 26.nacpdc 100 WS ProxyServicos (2)

0 banco_aurora_teste 100 mediawiki-teste

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

6. Cluster Capacity Remaining Report - Time and Resources remaining

May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name CPU Capacity CPU Time Mem Capacity Mem Time Disk Space Capacity Disk Space Time
Remaining (%) Remaining Remaining (%) Remaining Remaining (%) Remaining

Cluster HA 25.07 % > 1 Year 70.84 % > 1 Year 99.03 % > 1 Year

Cluster Pesquisa 74.24 % > 1 Year 90.05 % > 1 Year 92.94 % > 1 Year

AVERAGE 49.66 % > 1 Year 80.44 % > 1 Year 95.98 % > 1 Year

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

7. Datastore Disk Space Used % > 85% Report (Warning of high usage. Reclaim space or extend
the disk)
May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Used Disk Space %

cofre 99.11 %

datastore_esx8 97.51 %

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

8. VM CPU Right Sizing Report - VMs that are Oversized for CPU and Powered ON
May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name CPU Provisioned CPU Recommended CPU Reclaimable CPU Demand % Avg CPU Demand % Max

setec 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 3.42 % 5.28 %

zabbix 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 2.64 % 16.44 %

pergamum_bd_teste 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 2.56 % 9.26 %

onlyoffice_community 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 1.42 % 2.34 %

GLPI PRODUCAO 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.96 % 2.74 %

backup_samba 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.91 % 9.18 %

portal_jcr 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.86 % 16.07 %

BigBlueButton 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.83 % 3.74 %

SUAP_producao_banco 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.76 % 13.32 %

portal_srq 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.58 % 8.82 %

portal_cmp 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.53 % 4.96 %

portal_btv 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.42 % 4.06 %

pergamum_php 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.4 % 4.28 %

portal_srt 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.34 % 11.86 %

bonitasoft 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.26 % 1.73 %

congresso_pre 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.25 % 3.93 %

pergamum_java_teste 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.25 % 9.57 %

portal_prp 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.21 % 1.27 %

redmine-gt 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.17 % 0.64 %

cofre 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.16 % 4.09 %

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name CPU Provisioned CPU Recommended CPU Reclaimable CPU Demand % Avg CPU Demand % Max

dev-webdiario 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.15 % 4.75 %

portal_ouv_index 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.14 % 0.75 %

compras-ti 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.14 % 2.65 %

servicos 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.14 % 3.18 %

dev-webdiario-backup 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.13 % 4.19 %

pligg 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.11 % 0.94 %

ojs 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.11 % 2.78 %

ocs 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.11 % 2.3 %

estatuinte 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.11 % 4.28 %

portal_prx2 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.1 % 1.17 %

logserver 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.1 % 1.27 %

ojs_btv 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.09 % 1.31 %

clone_SUAP_producao_ 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.09 % 4.33 %


portal_jnd 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.09 % 0.89 %

limesurvey 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.09 % 0.93 %

portal_ubt 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.08 % 1.03 %

portal_mcc 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.07 % 1.04 %

SUAP_websecretaria 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 7 vCPUs 0.06 % 0.13 %

pergamum_java 8 Cores 2 vCPUs 6 vCPUs 12.85 % 19.38 %

pergamum_bd 8 Cores 2 vCPUs 6 vCPUs 3.34 % 20.15 %

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name CPU Provisioned CPU Recommended CPU Reclaimable CPU Demand % Avg CPU Demand % Max

suap-homologacao-edu 8 Cores 2 vCPUs 6 vCPUs 1.77 % 10.82 %

alfresco-teste 8 Cores 2 vCPUs 6 vCPUs 0.44 % 15.42 %

windows_stonegate- 8 Cores 4 vCPUs 4 vCPUs 4.36 % 66.07 %


exosh4 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 3.57 % 29.25 %

exosh5 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 2.76 % 23.37 %

exosh3 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 2.72 % 29.67 %

cfttds 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 2.32 % 12.2 %

Aurora 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 1.08 % 11.67 %

kanban 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 1.06 % 3.03 %

23.magnetos 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 1.02 % 13.13 %

vpn214 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 0.49 % 3.62 %

moodle_brt 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 0.48 % 2.6 %

concurso_teste 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 0.42 % 19.68 %

novo_portal_ti 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 0.22 % 6.47 %

dns 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 0.17 % 0.39 %

samba-die 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 0.17 % 2.22 %

FOG 4 Cores 1 vCPUs 3 vCPUs 0.16 % 2.35 %

exosh2_teste 4 Cores 2 vCPUs 2 vCPUs 3.32 % 36.03 %

exosh2 4 Cores 2 vCPUs 2 vCPUs 3.2 % 29.83 %

exosh1 4 Cores 2 vCPUs 2 vCPUs 2.75 % 22.55 %

banco_aurora 4 Cores 2 vCPUs 2 vCPUs 0.77 % 24.92 %

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name CPU Provisioned CPU Recommended CPU Reclaimable CPU Demand % Avg CPU Demand % Max

TOTALS 416 Cores 72 vCPUs 344 vCPUs - -

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

9. VM Mem Right Sizing Report - VMs that are Oversized for Mem and Powered ON
May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Mem Provisioned Mem Recommended Mem Reclaimable Mem Demand % Avg Mem Demand % Max

nuvem 128 GB 21.72 GB 106.28 GB 0.45 % 34 %

email 128 GB 30.24 GB 97.76 GB 9.01 % 22 %

GLPI PRODUCAO 32 GB 0.71 GB 31.29 GB 0.53 % 3%

BigBlueButton 32 GB 0.72 GB 31.28 GB 0.59 % 3%

cofre 32 GB 0.87 GB 31.13 GB 0.04 % 7%

FOG 16 GB 0.5 GB 15.5 GB 0.16 % 6%

bd-paged 16 GB 0.52 GB 15.48 GB 0.71 % 5%

suap-homologacao-edu 16 GB 2.53 GB 13.47 GB 1.27 % 15 %

dev-webdiario-backup 12 GB 0.81 GB 11.19 GB 1.1 % 13 %

dev-webdiario 12 GB 1.12 GB 10.88 GB 1.14 % 19 %

winserver2 16 GB 6.12 GB 9.88 GB 4.09 % 55 %

portal_prp 8 GB 0.5 GB 7.5 GB 2.45 % 10 %

redmine-gt 8 GB 0.5 GB 7.5 GB 1.33 % 4%

LDAP_teste 8 GB 0.5 GB 7.5 GB 1.33 % 4%

clone_LDAP_teste-SUAP 8 GB 0.5 GB 7.5 GB 1.31 % 4%

SUAP_websecretaria 8 GB 0.5 GB 7.5 GB 1.11 % 3%

novo_portal_ti 8 GB 0.52 GB 7.48 GB 1.79 % 11 %

bonitasoft 8 GB 0.61 GB 7.39 GB 3.24 % 9%

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Mem Provisioned Mem Recommended Mem Reclaimable Mem Demand % Avg Mem Demand % Max

clone_SUAP_producao_ 8 GB 0.63 GB 7.37 GB 1.64 % 12 %


onlyoffice_community 8 GB 0.99 GB 7.01 GB 6.43 % 15 %

23.magnetos 8 GB 1.03 GB 6.97 GB 2.09 % 18 %

suap-homologacao- 8 GB 1.07 GB 6.93 GB 2.5 % 19 %


SUAP_producao 16 GB 9.23 GB 6.77 GB 6.63 % 58 %

exosh2_teste 8 GB 1.51 GB 6.49 GB 4.55 % 21 %

exosh5 8 GB 1.56 GB 6.44 GB 2.83 % 28 %

zabbix 8 GB 1.7 GB 6.3 GB 8.75 % 44 %

exosh4 8 GB 1.74 GB 6.26 GB 2.92 % 31 %

exosh3 8 GB 1.88 GB 6.12 GB 2.68 % 34 %

banco_aurora 8 GB 2.21 GB 5.79 GB 1.73 % 32 %

SUAP_producao_banco 8 GB 2.28 GB 5.72 GB 4.65 % 31 %

kanban 6 GB 0.5 GB 5.5 GB 1.95 % 12 %

exosh1 8 GB 2.54 GB 5.46 GB 2.84 % 46 %

pergamum_bd 8 GB 2.98 GB 5.02 GB 5.8 % 53 %

exosh2 8 GB 3.02 GB 4.98 GB 2.66 % 47 %

OpenProject 8 GB 3.33 GB 4.67 GB 10.82 % 44 %

alfresco-teste 8 GB 3.5 GB 4.5 GB 5.5 % 36 %

windows_stonegate- 16 GB 11.76 GB 4.24 GB 6.9 % 90 %


pergamum_bd_teste 8 GB 3.98 GB 4.02 GB 4.81 % 58 %

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Mem Provisioned Mem Recommended Mem Reclaimable Mem Demand % Avg Mem Demand % Max

Aurora 8 GB 4.06 GB 3.94 GB 5.29 % 81 %

ESRS_VE.x86_64- 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 6.22 % 12 %


ojs_btv 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 3.71 % 17 %

portal_prx2 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 3.34 % 18 %

ocs 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 3.09 % 21 %

portal_prx 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 3.06 % 20 %

ojs 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.89 % 13 %

portal_tup 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.79 % 17 %

limesurvey 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.55 % 13 %

portal_jnd 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.52 % 12 %

samba-die 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.48 % 17 %

portal_ubt 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.42 % 15 %

portal_mcc 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.38 % 15 %

portal_ouv_index 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.35 % 6%

portal_conict 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.31 % 14 %

portal-sidemeg-sbv 4 GB 0.5 GB 3.5 GB 2.29 % 16 %

compras-ti 4 GB 0.54 GB 3.46 GB 4.39 % 19 %

portal_btv 4 GB 0.59 GB 3.41 GB 6.23 % 15 %

setec 4 GB 0.6 GB 3.4 GB 7.76 % 16 %

portal_srq 4 GB 0.61 GB 3.39 GB 5.94 % 20 %

servicos 4 GB 0.68 GB 3.32 GB 2.85 % 22 %

moodle_brt 4 GB 0.8 GB 3.2 GB 8.13 % 25 %

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Mem Provisioned Mem Recommended Mem Reclaimable Mem Demand % Avg Mem Demand % Max

VMware vCenter Server 8 GB 4.86 GB 3.14 GB 15.65 % 62 %


portal_jcr 4 GB 1.09 GB 2.91 GB 7.32 % 32 %

pergamum_php 4 GB 1.11 GB 2.89 GB 7.83 % 27 %

portal_mto 4 GB 1.12 GB 2.88 GB 3.8 % 25 %

portal_cmp 4 GB 1.51 GB 2.49 GB 6.41 % 54 %

congresso_pre 4 GB 1.56 GB 2.44 GB 6.66 % 56 %

vRealize Operations 8 GB 5.62 GB 2.38 GB 39.43 % 63 %

Manager Appliance

pergamum_java_teste 4 GB 1.71 GB 2.29 GB 5.2 % 53 %

pergamum_java 4 GB 1.75 GB 2.25 GB 18.42 % 43 %

GitLab 4 GB 1.94 GB 2.06 GB 13.55 % 59 %

logserver 4 GB 2 GB 2 GB 3.68 % 42 %

portal_srt 4 GB 2.04 GB 1.96 GB 4.68 % 61 %

TOTALS 818 GB 168.58 GB 649.42 GB - -

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

10. VMs Underprovisioned Report - Consider Adding Resources

May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name CPU CPU CPU Demand CPU Demand Mem Mem Mem Demand Mem Demand
Provisioned Recommended Avg % Max % Provisioned Recommended Avg % Max %

26.nacpdc 1 Cores 3 vCPUs 8.24 % 118.13 % 3 GB 4.09 GB 6.42 % 89.52 %

backup_samba 8 Cores 1 vCPUs 0.91 % 9.18 % 4 GB 4.76 GB 8.77 % 81.99 %

banco_aurora_t 1 Cores 1 vCPUs 1.23 % 97.33 % 1 GB 1.13 GB 6.37 % 87.79 %


bd-paged 1 Cores 2 vCPUs 2.66 % 106.47 % 16 GB 532 MB 0.38 % 4.99 %

nuvem 8 Cores 10 vCPUs 10.36 % 105.28 % 128 GB 21.72 GB 0.43 % 33.59 %

openmeetings 1 Cores 2 vCPUs 2.32 % 105.93 % 4 GB 2.75 GB 4.86 % 75 %

TOTALS 20 Cores 19 vCPUs - - 156 GB 34.97 GB - -

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

11. Idle VMs Details Report - Low CPU, Disk & Network Utilization
May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name CPU Provisioned Mem Provisioned Disk Space Provisioned

CAFe 1 Cores 1,024 MB 20 GB

FWVisitante_WiFi 4 Cores 1,024 MB 50 GB

GAIAER-Pesquisa_SRT 8 Cores 32 GB 1,024 GB

GLPI TESTE 4 Cores 32 GB 200 GB

Jasper 4 Cores 8 GB 80 GB

Lupa 1 Cores 8 GB 60 GB

RodaServices_producao 1 Cores 8 GB 80 GB

WS ProxyServicos (2) 1 Cores 7.89 GB 16 GB

WS ProxyServicos-teste 1 Cores 7.89 GB 16 GB

ad_samba4 4 Cores 16 GB 300 GB

alfresco 8 Cores 8 GB 50 GB

avatar 1 Cores 1,024 MB 60 GB

backup 1 Cores 1,024 MB 1,000 GB

banco_aurora_teste 1 Cores 1,024 MB 40 GB

clone-ojs_teste 8 Cores 4 GB 120 GB

clone_SUAP_producao 8 Cores 8 GB 80 GB

cofre-clone 2 Cores 4 GB 25 GB

concurso-luiz 1 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

cpa 8 Cores 8 GB 64 GB

dhcp 8 Cores 2 GB 50 GB

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name CPU Provisioned Mem Provisioned Disk Space Provisioned

docs 8 Cores 16 GB 80 GB

escritorio_processos 1 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

estratos 1 Cores 2 GB 100 GB

forum 8 Cores 512 MB 100 GB

jbpm 8 Cores 12 GB 60 GB

ldap_teste 4 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

magnetos_clone 4 Cores 8 GB 100 GB

mediawiki 8 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

mediawiki-teste 8 Cores 2 GB 50 GB

novo_portal_teste 4 Cores 8 GB 120 GB

openmeetings 1 Cores 4 GB 80 GB

pergamum_php_teste 8 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

piwik 1 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

portal_cbt 8 Cores 4 GB 40 GB

portal_cista 1 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

portal_itq 1 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

portal_lmr 8 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

portal_ouv 1 Cores 2 GB 40 GB

portal_ptb 1 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

portal_sbv 8 Cores 4 GB 40 GB

portal_teste 4 Cores 4 GB 28 GB

radius 8 Cores 4 GB 20 GB

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name CPU Provisioned Mem Provisioned Disk Space Provisioned

rodaweb_frontend_producao 1 Cores 8 GB 80 GB

rodaweb_frontend_teste 4 Cores 8 GB 80 GB

servidor_scl 8 Cores 8 GB 38 GB

sidec 8 Cores 4 GB 100 GB

siga 4 Cores 10 GB 60 GB

sisplan 8 Cores 4 GB 100 GB 4 Cores 4 GB 100 GB

suap-homologacao 8 Cores 16 GB 80 GB

suap-teste-edu 8 Cores 8 GB 80 GB

suap_teste 1 Cores 16 GB 80 GB

termos 4 Cores 1,024 MB 28 GB

teste_clonagem 4 Cores 4 GB 50 GB

tropos 4 Cores 1,024 MB 20 GB

vm_owncloud_perfil 2 Cores 4 GB 25 GB

TOTALS 247 Cores 365.28 GB 5.48 TB

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

12. Powered Off VMs Details Report

May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Disk Space Provisioned Powered Off Time

pergamum_bd_teste_clone 200 GB 100 %

clone-ojs 120 GB 100 %

cftwse 108.36 GB 100 %

RodaServices_teste 80 GB 100 %

Filadelphia 60 GB 100 %

clone_concurso_producao 50 GB 100 %

pergamum_php_teste_clone 50 GB 100 %

zabbix_sia 50 GB 100 %

pergamum_java_teste_clone 50 GB 100 %

aurora_teste 40 GB 100 %

sigateste 20 GB 100 %

WS ProxyServicos (1) 16 GB 100 %

TOTALS 844.36 GB -

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

13. VM Snapshots Report - Potential to Reclaim Disk

May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Snapshot Size

winserver2 159.57 GB

alfresco 143.76 GB

bonitasoft 131.7 GB

SUAP_producao 124.31 GB


alfresco-teste 113.34 GB

suap-homologacao-banco 104.93 GB

RodaServices_teste 100.25 GB

siga 81.61 GB

jbpm 71.12 GB

exosh1_teste 70.09 GB

quimios 64.61 GB

suap-homologacao 63.12 GB

clone_SUAP_producao 62.48 GB

suap_teste 58.13 GB

clone_SUAP_producao_banco 54.67 GB

portal_teste 54.15 GB

windows_stonegate-client 53.05 GB

23.magnetos 49.18 GB

SUAP_websecretaria 48.69 GB

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Snapshot Size

SUAP_producao_banco 46 GB

concurso-producao 40.7 GB

rodaweb_frontend_teste 39.91 GB

GitLab 37.4 GB

pligg 29.78 GB

zabbix 25.19 GB

termos 24.59 GB

ojs 21.98 GB

sigateste 20.33 GB

novo_portal_teste 19.03 GB

estatuinte 18.72 GB

portal_btv 16.21 GB

limesurvey 15.21 GB

tropos 14.24 GB

OpenProject 13.63 GB

newFWExt_ifsp 13.13 GB

aurora_teste 11.78 GB

CAFe 11.01 GB

portal_ouv 10.4 GB

banco_aurora 10.28 GB

magnetos_clone 9.96 GB

Aurora 8.68 GB

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Snapshot Size

mediawiki-teste 8.66 GB

mediawiki 8.35 GB

clone_LDAP_teste-SUAP 8.22 GB

setec 6.8 GB

ojs_btv 6.38 GB

ocs 6.19 GB

vpn214 6.07 GB

WS ProxyServicos (1) 5.13 GB

WS ProxyServicos (2) 5.13 GB

dhcp 4.56 GB

dns 3.04 GB

cofre 472.03 MB

LDAP_teste 209.03 MB


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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

14. Total Reclaimable Resources Report

May 08, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name CPU Reclaimable Mem Reclaimable Disk Reclaimable

Perfil 601 vCPUs 1 TB 7.29 TB

TOTALS 601 vCPUs 1 TB 7.29 TB

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

15. vSphere Optimization Assessment Performance Section Report

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

16. Stressed Host Performance Report - (Hosts with CPU and Memory Stress)
May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name CPU Workload Average (%) CPU Workload Max (%) Mem Workload Average (%) Mem Workload Max (%) 30.07 % 99 % 95.76 % 97 %

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

17. Host Network Packets Drop Report (Packet drops indicate potential network issues)

May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Transmitted Packets Dropped (Max) Transmitted Packets Dropped (Avg)

No data

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

18. Host Storage Adapter Storage Latency >15ms Report (Warning of potential degraded disk
May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Host Storage Adapter Write Latency (Max) Write Latency (Avg) Read Latency (Max) Read Latency (Avg)

No data

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

19. Datastore Latency > 15ms Report (Warning of Datastores with degraded disk performance)

May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name IOPS (Max) IOPS (Avg) Write Latency (Max) Write Latency (Avg) Read Latency (Max) Read Latency (Avg)

No data

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

20. Top 5 Host by Usage Report (7 Days)

Top 5 Host CPU Usage % (7 days) Top 5 Host Mem Usage % (7 days)

Utilization Index Objects Utilization Index Objects

35.6 94.55

30.61 79.39

25.88 72.68

18.33 57.53

16.04 45.43

Top 5 Host Disk IOPS (7 days) Top 5 Host Network Usage KBps (7 days)

Utilization Index Objects Utilization Index Objects

294.06 20,602.22

161.23 7,411.3

132.31 5,550.2

78.62 4,673.1

40.9 3,806.76

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

21. VM CPU Diagnose Report (Warning of CPU Demand higher than the usage)
May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Parent Host Contention % (Max) Swap wait % (at IO Wait % (at Co-stop % (at Idle % (at CPU|CPU
CPU|CPU CPU|CPU CPU|CPU Contention (%)
Contention (%) Contention (%) Contention (%) maximum)
maximum) maximum) maximum)

26.nacpdc 37.42 % 0% 0.0016 % 0% 0.26 %

nuvem 25.08 % 0% 0.0022 % 0.12 % 0.35 %

vRealize Operations 21.63 % 0% 0.0008 % 0% 0.52 %

Manager Appliance

email 19.17 % 0% 0.0034 % 0.01 % 0.64 %

GitLab 15.7 % 0% 0.02 % 0% 0.33 %

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

22. VM Memory Diagnose Report (Warning of Memory being stressed)

May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Parent Host Memory Contention % (Max) Ballooning (at Swapped (at
Memory|Contention (%) Memory|Contention (%)
maximum) maximum)
No data

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

23. VM Disk Latency >15ms Report (Warning of VMs with degraded disk performance indicated by
May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Read Latency (Max) Read Latency (Avg) Write Latency (Max) Write Latency (Avg)
No data

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

24. Top 10 VMs by Usage Report 1 (7 Days)

Top 10 CPU Usage % (7 days) Top 10 VMs Memory Usage % (7 days)

Utilization Index Objects Utilization Index Objects

14.72 26.nacpdc 37 vRealize Operations Manager A

12.48 pergamum_java 16.37 pergamum_java

8.49 GitLab 14.01 exosh1_teste

7.88 newFWExt_ifsp 13.74 26.nacpdc

6.62 vRealize Operations Manager A 13.59 VMware vCenter Server Applian

6.1 email 12.49 windowsxp_switch-san

5.13 nuvem 12.47 GitLab

5.07 winserver2 12.34 quimios

4.93 quimios 12.08 cfttds

3.38 windows_stonegate-client 9.57 dns

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

25. Top 10 VMs by Usage Report 2 (7 Days)

Top 10 VMs Disk IOPS (7 days) Top 10 VMs Network Usage KBps (7 days)

Utilization Index Objects Utilization Index Objects

113.89 zabbix 4,621.97 newFWExt_ifsp

106.98 email 1,493.63 26.nacpdc

55.1 vRealize Operations Manager A 1,280.33 backup_samba

48.67 GLPI PRODUCAO 872.86 email

22.25 VMware vCenter Server Applian 306.49 GLPI PRODUCAO

19.12 26.nacpdc 229.67 nuvem

18.66 nuvem 194.86 Aurora

14.1 cfttds 188.48 exosh4

12.93 backup_samba 155.69 quimios

10.8 windows_stonegate-client 97.65 VMware vCenter Server Applian

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

26. Top 10 VMs by Usage Report Mem (7 Days)

Top 10 VMs by Mem SwapOut Rate KBps (7 days) Top 10 VMs Mem Ballooning % (7 days)

Utilization Index Objects Utilization Index Objects

0 suap-homologacao-banco 0 suap-homologacao-banco

0 estatuinte 0 estatuinte

0 CAFe 0 CAFe

0 concurso_teste 0 concurso_teste

0 WS ProxyServicos-teste 0 WS ProxyServicos-teste

0 WS ProxyServicos (2) 0 WS ProxyServicos (2)

0 mediawiki-teste 0 mediawiki-teste

0 cpa 0 cpa

0 portal_ubt 0 portal_ubt

0 exosh1 0 exosh1

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

27. Top 5 Health Alerts Report

Top 5 Health Alerts

ESXi host has detected a link status down on a physical NIC

5 objects impacted | 1 Recommendation(s)
ESXi disables the device to avoid the link flapping state. You might need to replace the physical NIC. The alert will be canceled when
the NIC is repaired and functioning. If you replace the physical NIC, you might need to manually cancel the alert.

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 37 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

28. vSphere Optimization Assessment Log Insight Overview Report

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

29. vSphere Optimization Assessment Configuration Section Report

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

30. Cluster Configuration Summary Report

vSphere Cluster HA Status vSphere Cluster Admission Control Enabled

vSphere Cluster HA Status vSphere Cluster Admission Control

true true

2 100 % 2 100 %

vSphere Cluster DRS Configuration vSphere Cluster DPM Configuration

vSphere Cluster DRS Configuration vSphere Cluster DPM Configuration

true true

2 100 % 2 100 %

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

31. Cluster Configuration Summary Report

May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name CPU Mem HA Admission DRS DRS Total Total Total Parent Parent
Resources Resources Enabled Control Enabled Automatio Number of Number of Number of Datacente vCenter
Enabled n Level Hosts VMs Datastores r

Cluster HA 70.22 GHz 188.86 GB true true true fullyAuto 2 1 3 IFSP Perfil

Cluster 150 GHz 883.8 GB true true true fullyAuto 5 1 5 IFSP Perfil
Pesquisa mated

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

32. Host Configuration Summary Report

vSphere Hosts Statistics vSphere Host Version

Number of Running Hosts

Number of Running Hosts Total Number of Hosts
Total Number of Hosts vSphere Host Version
Number of Running Hosts Total Number of Hosts 5.5.0-1331820
15 15 5 33.33 % 5.5.0-2068190

Average Running VMs Count

Average Running VMs Count Total Number of Datastore
Total Number of Datastore
per Running Host
per Running Host 15 9 60 %

Average Running VMs Count Total Number of Datastore 1 6.67 %

per Running Host
9 25

vSphere Hosts in Maintenance Mode 25 vSphere Host Connection State

vSphere Hosts in Maintenance Mode vSphere Host Connection State

notInMaintenance connected

15 100 %
15 100 %

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

33. Host Hardware Overview Report - Basic configuration of Hosts in the environment

May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Power CPU CPU Number Number Hyperthr Hyperthr Power Power Mem Size Number Bios
State Model Speed of CPU of CPU eading eading Manage Manage of NICs Version
Sockets Cores Avilable Active ment ment
Technolo Policy
y Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true - - 255.96 8 -

On Xeon(R) GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true - - 255.96 8 -

On Xeon(R) GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true - - 255.94 8 -

On Xeon(R) GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true - - 255.96 8 -

On Xeon(R) GB
2640 0 @

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power CPU CPU Number Number Hyperthr Hyperthr Power Power Mem Size Number Bios
State Model Speed of CPU of CPU eading eading Manage Manage of NICs Version
Sockets Cores Avilable Active ment ment
Technolo Policy
y Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true - - 127.94 8 -

On Xeon(R) GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true - - 127.96 8 -

On Xeon(R) GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true - - 127.96 8 -

On Xeon(R) GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 28.73 2 12 true true - - 95.99 GB 4 -

On Xeon(R) GHz
E5645 @
2.40GHz Powered Intel(R) 41.5 GHz 2 12 true true - - 95.99 GB 4 -

On Xeon(R)
X5690 @

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 44 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power CPU CPU Number Number Hyperthr Hyperthr Power Power Mem Size Number Bios
State Model Speed of CPU of CPU eading eading Manage Manage of NICs Version
Sockets Cores Avilable Active ment ment
Technolo Policy
y Powered Intel(R) 28.73 2 12 true true ACPI P- Balanced 63.99 GB 4 6.1.0
1 On Xeon(R) GHz states,
E5645 @ states
2.40GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true ACPI C- Balanced 255.96 8 1.3.6
3 On Xeon(R) states GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true ACPI C- Balanced 255.96 8 1.3.6
4 On Xeon(R) states GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true ACPI C- Balanced 255.96 8 2.0.19
5 On Xeon(R) states GB
2640 0 @
2.50GHz Powered Intel(R) 30 GHz 2 12 true true ACPI C- Balanced 255.96 8 2.0.19
6 On Xeon(R) states GB
2640 0 @

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power CPU CPU Number Number Hyperthr Hyperthr Power Power Mem Size Number Bios
State Model Speed of CPU of CPU eading eading Manage Manage of NICs Version
Sockets Cores Avilable Active ment ment
Technolo Policy
y Powered Intel(R) 41.5 GHz 2 12 true true ACPI P- Balanced 127.99 4 6.1.0
On Xeon(R) states, GB
X5690 @ states

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 46 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

34. Host Status Overview Report - Key settings for the hosts in the environment including SSH
and NTP
May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Version Maintenance State SSH Running NTP Running Parent vCenter 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance false true Perfil 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance true false Perfil 5.5.0-3568722 notInMaintenance false false Perfil 5.5.0-3568722 notInMaintenance false false Perfil 5.5.0-3568722 notInMaintenance false false Perfil 5.5.0-3568722 notInMaintenance false false Perfil 5.5.0-3568722 notInMaintenance false false Perfil 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance false true Perfil 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance false true Perfil 5.5.0-2068190 notInMaintenance false true Perfil 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance false false Perfil 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance false true Perfil 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance false false Perfil 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance true true Perfil 5.5.0-1331820 notInMaintenance false true Perfil

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

35. VM OS Summary Report

VMs OS Distribution

Guest Operating System

5 6.41 % Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
4 5.13 %
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (64-bit)
1 1.28 % Other Linux (32-bit)
2 2.56 % Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (32-bit)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (32-bit)
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 (64-bit)
5 6.41 % Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)
Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

2 2.56 %
38 48.72 %
2 2.56 %

19 24.36 %

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

36. VM Compute Summary Report

VMs vCPU Distribution Top 5 VMs by Snapshot Disk Usage

Utilization Index Objects

Configured vCPUs Distribution
191.59 winserver2
35 22.73 % 1.0
16.0 143.76 alfresco
1 0.65 % 2.0
72 46.75 % 4.0 124.31 SUAP_producao
6 3.9 %
121.35 alfresco-teste

40 25.97 % 121.33 bonitasoft

VMs Configured Memory Distribution


0.5 - 1 1 - 1.37 1.37 - 2.02 - 3.14 - 5.09 - 8.5 8.5 - 14.43 - 24.75 - 42.72 -
(GB) (GB) 2.02 (GB) 3.14 (GB) 5.09 (GB) (GB) 14.43 24.75 42.72 128 (GB)
(GB) (GB) (GB)
Memory|Guest Configured Memory (GB)

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

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[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment

37. VM Tools Summary Report

VMs VMware Tools Status Distribution

VMware Tools Status

4 2.6 %
Guest Tools Not Running
Guest Tools Running

150 97.4 %

VMs VMware Tools Version Distribution

VMware Tools Version

4 2.6 % 1 0.65 %
Guest Tools Current
Guest Tools Not Installed
Guest Tools Unmanaged

149 96.75 %

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 50 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

38. VMware Tools Status - VM Powered On and Tools not Current Report
May 31, 2016 04:35 - Jun 07, 2016 04:35 (GMT-03:00)

Name Power State VMware Tools Version VMware Tools Status Guest OS Name

clone_SUAP_producao Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

mediawiki Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

ESRS_VE.x86_64-310.0004.0 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 (64-

pergamum_java Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

SUAP_producao_banco Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

suap_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

piwik Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

alfresco-teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_lmr Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

SUAP_websecretaria Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

OpenProject Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

suap-teste-edu Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit) Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

samba-die Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_ptb Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

dns Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

portal_jcr Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 51 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power State VMware Tools Version VMware Tools Status Guest OS Name

redmine-gt Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

exosh4 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

cofre-clone Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

rodaweb_frontend_producao Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

nuvem Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal-sidemeg-sbv Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_srt Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

exosh2 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

limesurvey Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

clone_Aurora Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

portal_jnd Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

ojs Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

tropos Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

exosh2_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

backup_samba Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

email Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

pergamum_php_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

GLPI PRODUCAO Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

escritorio_processos Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_sbv Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 52 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power State VMware Tools Version VMware Tools Status Guest OS Name

portal_srq Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

pergamum_php Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

radius Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

portal_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

winserver2 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Microsoft Windows Server
2008 R2 (64-bit)

windowsxp_switch-san Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Microsoft Windows XP
Professional (64-bit)

exosh3 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

pligg Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

sidec Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

quimios Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

pergamum_bd Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Microsoft Windows Server
2008 R2 (64-bit)

vm_owncloud_perfil Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

pergamum_bd_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Microsoft Windows Server
2008 R2 (64-bit)

estratos Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

concurso-producao Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

magnetos_clone Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

portal_mcc Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_tup Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

kanban Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)
This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 53 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power State VMware Tools Version VMware Tools Status Guest OS Name

BigBlueButton Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

concurso-luiz Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

FWVisitante_WiFi Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

alfresco Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

GitLab Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

clone_SUAP_producao_banco Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

portal_ouv_index Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

ojs_btv Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

banco_aurora Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_cbt Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

compras-ti Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

suap-homologacao-banco Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

estatuinte Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

CAFe Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

concurso_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

WS ProxyServicos-teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

WS ProxyServicos (2) Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

mediawiki-teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

cpa Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

portal_ubt Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 54 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power State VMware Tools Version VMware Tools Status Guest OS Name

exosh1 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

portal_cista Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

backup Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

servidor_scl Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

portal_mto Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

novo_portal_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

suap-homologacao Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

bd-paged Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

dev-webdiario-backup Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

congresso_pre Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

26.nacpdc Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

banco_aurora_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_cmp Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

Jasper Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

windows_stonegate-client Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Microsoft Windows Server
2008 R2 (64-bit)

sisplan Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

ldap_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

siga Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

portal_prp Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 55 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power State VMware Tools Version VMware Tools Status Guest OS Name

exosh1_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

pergamum_java_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

cfttds Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Other Linux (32-bit)

suap-homologacao-edu Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

GLPI TESTE Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

portal_btv Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

LDAP_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running CentOS 4/5/6 (32-bit)

exosh5 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

23.magnetos Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

SUAP_producao Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

portal_conict Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

zabbix Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

Aurora Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

FOG Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

dhcp Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

termos Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

jbpm Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

setec Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

vpn214 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 56 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power State VMware Tools Version VMware Tools Status Guest OS Name

bonitasoft Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

newFWExt_ifsp Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

servicos Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

RodaServices_producao Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_prx2 Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

docs Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

forum Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

portal_prx Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_itq Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

ocs Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

portal_ouv Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

avatar Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

moodle_brt Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

novo_portal_ti Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

clone-ojs_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (32-bit)

logserver Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

GAIAER-Pesquisa_SRT Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Microsoft Windows Server
2012 (64-bit)

clone_LDAP_teste-SUAP Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running CentOS 4/5/6 (32-bit)

cofre Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

Lupa Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

onlyoffice_community Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Microsoft Windows Server
2008 R2 (64-bit)

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 57 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

Name Power State VMware Tools Version VMware Tools Status Guest OS Name

dev-webdiario Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

rodaweb_frontend_teste Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64-bit)

teste_clonagem Powered On Guest Tools Not Installed Guest Tools Not Running Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 58 of 59

[Phase 3] - Consolidated Report of vSphere Optimization Assessment vSphere World

39. vSphere Optimization Assessment vROps Benefits Report

This report was generated with VMware vRealize Operations Manager

Jun 7, 2016 Page 59 of 59

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