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Internship Industrial Report

Submitted By
Umer Khalid
Submitted to
Human Resource Department PEL

Internship Duration
July 23, 2010 to August 19, 2010

Internship Department
Development - AD

BE Materials Engineering

School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME)

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) H-12


NUST National University of Sciences and Technology H-12 Islamabad

Executive Summary

I started my internship at PEL on 23 June 2010. I was expecting a huge learning from

this experience as this was first time I stepped into real world of manufacturing products.

I was enthusiastic and full of energy to learn and explore the facility. I thank whole

heartedly to those who made this internship possible. I cannot express my gratitude for

my supervisor and engineers at development office. Who showed by example how to be

professional and work toward the success of the company.

I was not disappointed a bit. Despite all the short comings experience at PEL was a

fruitful one and I learned a lot. I would also like to thank those who took out time form

their busy schedule to explain the processes on the production line. Specially the

engineers at development who tried their level best to explain the development, R&D,

testing and manufacturing of products.

No company is perfect , every company lacks in one area or the other but the thing is

only those companies remain in competition who by all means keep on improving on

their already perfect systems. I wish PEL and all its employees a very best of luck for

their future and may PEL become a flag bearer of the manufacturing industry in Pakistan.

NUST National University of Sciences and Technology H-12 Islamabad

Key Learnings
• The plan of industrial orientation was nicely designed.

• How to spend and manage time in 9 to 5 environment.

• How industry works. Co-ordination of different departments in an organization.

• The manufacturing processes in refrigeneration and deep freezer market

• How to interact and mange workforce

• What is the main role of engineer in PEL production line

• R&D work at PEL

• Development work being done at PEL

• Some of the engineers at production line and the development department explained the

in lying principles of engineering working in PEL’s product.

• Learned how a product is designed, tested, produces and marketed in this age of


• The supervisor not only discussed the company workings but also gave valueable advice

on career development and enhancing personality in workplace.

• The youth empowerment initiative by PEL HR department was the best part.

• Learned how to write an effective resume and interview skills.

NUST National University of Sciences and Technology H-12 Islamabad

Areas of Improvement/suggestions

• Although one of the best companies in Pakistan still there are many areas where PEL can


• The HSE is one of the major drawbacks of PEL

• The workers should be forced to wear safety gear while working.

• The path which comes from parking to PEL offices has foundry and scrapeyard besides

it. In the morning when employees come the first thing they encounter is intense noise

and smell of foundry which is a major turnoff. PEL should do something to minimize its


• The internship programme was not as good as expected to be.

• The factory orientation was good but after that ended there was nothing to do and most of

the time was spent idle.

• The interns should be trusted and given real work so they can experience the true nature

of job.

• The interns didn’t have any cabin or even a chair to sit on in the offices so they can learn

how the working in offices is done. HR should ensure the seating in the offices for intern.

NUST National University of Sciences and Technology H-12 Islamabad

The Internship Programme

The internship programme at PEL was one of its kind experience. Although I expected

much more structure and organization in internship programme but was disappointed to

find that there was none.

Despite all the shortcomings PEL gave a rich experience to its interns. There were many

things to learn and the supervisors and engineers were always helpful. The engineers in

the office always co-operated when help was needed not only in understanding the

manufacturing processes but also when there was a query about career.

Interns are the flag bearers of your organizations. When they go back to universities after

internship they talk about their experience and time spent at internship. If you don’t give

them a good time, if you don’t entrust them with real job responsibility and let them sit

idle for whole day the impression they are going to give once they are back to the

university will not be a good one.

Although the engineers tried their level best to makemost of the time of interns fruitful

but still there lacked a structure in internship programme. The HR department and

various other concerned departments should sit together and chalk out a 28 day internship

plan for every single department.

They should make sure that none of the intern sit idle his whole 28 days of internship but

be immersed in real work. Only then the intern can be satisfied and grade the company as

one of the best.

NUST National University of Sciences and Technology H-12 Islamabad

The link between Internship and Qualification

Unfortunate me as a Materials Engineer and being placed in the vendor development

department, there was no link between my qualification and the department I was placed

in. Although the department in which I was placed required more knowhow of the

products than the specialized knowledge of any field of engineering.

The consideration of PEL as a future Employer

I will not consider PEL as a future employer because first of all the engineering I am

doing has no workings in the PEL manufacturing. As I am a Materials Engineer and all

the materials i.e. sheets, plastic resins, paints etc are imported from foreign so in actual

there is not really a place for me in PEL. Secondly, the environment of PEL is not of

health and safety. No safety gear is worn when working and I will never compromise the

safety during my working.

NUST National University of Sciences and Technology H-12 Islamabad

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