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Pulp Fiction

Why is Pulp Fiction Postmodern?

Pulp Fiction looks back!
Pulp Fiction is a postmodern film because it
looks back and makes constant reference to
earlier films.
The film starts with a reference to the French
New Wave film band a part by Jean-Luc
Goddard. A key characteristic of postmodern
films is inter-textual reference to other, older
Pulp Fiction looks back!
Postmodern films constantly refer back to the
past. There is nothing new to say, it has all
been said.

In Pulp Fiction they go to a retro restaurant.

Older music is playing; they dance an old
dance (the twist). The waitresses are Buddy
Holly and Marilyn Monroe.
Pulp Fiction looks back!
Postmodern films are inter-textual and refer
to other films.

The dance reminds the audience of John

Travolta dancing in Saturday Night Fever. It
also makes reference to the dance scene in
bande a part. The Marilyn Monroe waitress
has her white dress blow up to her thighs as
happens in The Seven Year Itch film.
Pulp Fiction
Another key postmodern characteristic is the
lack of meta-narratives. In the second scene of
the film, two gangsters are discussing
hamburgers with as much seriousness as they
discuss killing people.

The bible is quoted at very inappropriate

The nature of miracles is discussed.
Pulp Fiction
The lack of meta narratives leads to a lack of

Murder is almost matter of fact!

Scraping the side of a car is almost regarded as

the worst possible crime!
Pulp Fiction
Postmodern films are playful.
When Mia is in the car with Vincent, she
draws a square to jolt the audience and
remind them they are watching a film. This is
not reality as the graphic reminds us. This is
not the classic way that traditional films are
watched by their audience. Normally we are
encouraged to suspend disbelief.
Pulp Fiction
Post Modern films do not differentiate
between high and low culture.

Both are of equal worth.

Butchs partner refers to Madonna in the pop

video for Lucky Star when she wants a pot

Why is Pulp Fiction a postmodern text?

Give specific examples to support your points.

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