Coun 3501 2018

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School of Hlth & Comm Services

Family and Family Systems

2017-18 Academic Year

Program Year Semester
HCS-Social Service Worker Diploma 2 3
CE-Social Services Worker Diploma 2 3

Course Code: COUN 3501 Course Equiv. Code(s): HSC 1552, COUN 3581
Course Hours: 42 Course GPA Weighting: 3
Prerequisite: SSW 2500
Corequisite: N/A
Laptop Course: Yes No X
Delivery Mode(s): In class X Online Hybrid Correspondence
Authorized by (Dean or Director): Judeline Innocent Date: July 2017

Prepared by
First Name Last Name Email
Randy Uyenaka

Durham College Course Outline - COUN 3501 - 2017-2018 Page 1 of 13

Course Description:
This course is an introduction to a generalist approach to intervention with families. In this course, students will learn
about the family work approach and related skills including engagement, assessment, intervention and termination.
Intervention with individuals will be contrasted with a family systems approach which views human behaviours as
expressions of family interactions, dynamics and structures. Family dynamics will be explored as factors in the
development and maintenance of various types of problems that present for professional help.

Subject Eligibility for Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is a process a student can use to gain college credit(s) for
learning and skills acquired through previous life and work experiences. Candidates who successfully meet the
course learning outcomes of a specific course may be granted credit based on the successful assessment of their
prior learning. The type of assessment method (s) used will be determined by subject matter experts. Grades
received for the PLAR challenge will be included in the calculation of a students grade point average.

The PLAR application process is outlined in Full-time and part-time students must
adhere to all deadline dates. Please email: for details.
PLAR Eligibility

Yes X No

PLAR Assessment (if eligible):

X Assignment
X Exam

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Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes contribute to the achievement of Program Learning Outcomes for courses that lead to a
credential (e.g. diploma). A complete list of Vocational/Program Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability
Skill Outcomes are located in each Program Guide.
Course Specific Learning Outcomes (CLO) Essential Employability Skill Outcomes (ESSO)

Student receiving a credit for this course will have This course will contribute to the achievement of
reliably demonstrated their ability to: the following Essential Employability Skills:

CLO1 Describe changes in the meaning, structure and X EES 1. Communicate clearly, concisely and
composition of "family" that have occurred in correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that
Canada over the past half Century fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the
CLO2 Contrast the family systems approach and the
concept of "individual in context" to a more X EES 2. Respond to written, spoken, or visual
traditional individually oriented approach messages in a manner that ensures effective
CLO3 Describe family functioning in the context of
ecological influences and perpectives X EES 3. Execute mathematical operations accurately.

CLO4 Analyze family development and structure X EES 4. Apply a systematic approach to solve
according to a family life cycle perspective problems.

CLO5 Describe major family counselling models as X EES 5. Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate
they relate to social service work and/or child and solve problems.
and youth work interventions
X EES 6. Locate, select, organize, and document
CLO6 Recognize issues of diversity when assessing information using appropriate technology and
and working with families information systems.

CLO7 Apply principles of family dynamics, X EES 7. Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant
interactional patterns and structure when information from a variety of sources.
assessing a family
X EES 8. Show respect for the diverse opinions,
CLO8 Construct a family genogram and discuss it's values, belief systems, and contribution of others.
clinical usefulness in working with families
X EES 9. Interact with others in groups or teams in
CLO9 Develop a basic intervention plan that is ways that contribute to effective working
consistent with the family systems approach relationships and the achievement of goals.

X EES 10. Manage the use of time and other

resources to complete projects.

X EES 11. Take responsibility for one's own actions,

decisions, and consequences.

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Evaluation Criteria:
The Course Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability Skills Outcomes are evaluated by the following evaluation

Evaluation Description Course Learning Outcomes EESOs Weighting

Test 1 CLO1, CLO2, CLO3 EES1, EES2, EES5, 20


Test 2 CLO3, CLO4, CLO5, CLO6, CLO7 EES1, EES2, EES4, 20


Test 3 CLO5, CLO6, CLO7 EES1, EES2, EES4, 20


Family Assessment Part One CLO3, CLO4, CLO7 EES1, EES2, EES4, 15
EES10, EES11

Family Assessment Part Two CLO7, CLO9 EES1, EES2, EES4, 15

EES10, EES11

Genogram CLO8 EES1, EES2, EES3, 5

EES8, EES9, EES10,

In process CLO1, CLO3, CLO4, CLO6, CLO7 EES1, EES2, EES5, 5


Total 100%


1. 1. Test dates are tentative and will be confirmed by the Professor

2. Tests will be closed book
3. Tests will be written at the beginning of that week's scheduled class
4. The format of tests will be discussed in the week prior to it's scheduled date
5. Specific instructions and the evaluation criteria for the family geneology showcase and family assessment
assignments will be provided to students in week 3

Required Text(s) and Supplies:

1. Collins, D, Jordan, C & Coleman, H (2013). An Introduction to Family Social Work (4th Ed.). Belmont, CA:

ISBN: 978-1-133-31262-8

Recommended Resources (purchase is optional):


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Policies and Expectations for the Learning Environment:
General Policies and Expectations:

General College policies related to General policies related to

+ Acceptable Use of Information Technology + attendance

+ Academic Policies + absence related to tests or assignment due

+ Academic Honesty + excused absences

+ Student Code of Conduct + writing tests and assignments

+ Students Rights and Responsibilities + classroom management can be found in the

can be found on-line at Program Guide (full time programs only) in MyCampus

Course Specific Policies and Expectations:

Please refer to the program guide for course specific policies which include missed tests, late assignments,
attendance and student conduct, among others.

General Course Outline Notes:

1. Students should use the course outline as a learning tool to guide their achievement of the learning
outcomes for this course. Specific questions should be directed to their individual professor.
2. The college considers the electronic communication methods (i.e. DC Mail or DC Connect) as the primary
channel of communication. Students should check the sources regularly for current course information.
3. Professors are responsible for following this outline and facilitating the learning as detailed in this outline.

4. Course outlines should be retained for future needs (i.e. university credits, transfer of credits etc.)

5. A full description of the Academic Appeals Process can be found at

6. Faculty are committed to ensuring accessible learning for all students. Students who would like
assistance with academic access and accommodations in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights
Code should register with the Access and Support Centre (ASC). ASC is located in room SW116,
Oshawa Campus and in room 180 at the Whitby Campus. Contact ASC at 905-721-3123 for more
7. Durham College is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic integrity. Durham College
and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism.
Students agree that by taking this course all assignments could be subject to submission either by
themselves or by the faculty member for a review of textual similarity to Further information
about Turnitin can be found on the Web site.

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Learning Plan
The Learning Plan is a planning guideline. Actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances.

Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of learning outcomes or
evaluations, prior to changes being implemented, as specified in the Course Outline Policy and Procedure at
Durham College.

Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

1 Intended Learning Objectives

Course Introduction
Review expectations of the Learning Environment
Review Course Outline

Unit 1: The Field of Family Social Work

Define the concept of "Family"

Understand the diversity of family forms, and beliefs about families
Identify the various purposes and functions of a family

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 2

YouTube Functions of a family


Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

2 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 1: The Field of Family Social Work Continued

Identify the assumptions of the Family Social Work approach.

Recognize the importance of the family approach in the Social Service and/or Child and Youth work field of
Define the family as a "microculture" and discuss their own family experiences as a "microculture".
Recognize the ways in which the environment (home, school, and community) impacts individual and family
Describe the ecological approach as it relates to work with families.

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 1


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Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

3 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 2: Family Systems Theory

Discuss Genogram and Family Assessment assignments

Describe the concept of family systems theory and its components.
Recognize families as interconnected units within themselves and the larger environment.
Analyze the concept of family rules as they relate to the family work approach.
Describe the various family subsystems.
Summarize the family strengths perspective.

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 3

Genogram and Family Assessment rubrics


Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

4 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 2: Family Systems Theory Continued

Identify family systems boundary patterns including "enmeshed" versus "disengaged" boundaries.
Describe the systems theory concepts of homeostasis, and circular causality as they relate to work with
Describe key functions of family subsystems.
Analyze the impact of multigenerational patterns on current family system functioning.
Discuss Test 1

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 3


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Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

5 Intended Learning Objectives

Test 1

Video: The Trouble with Evan (first viewing)

Intended Learning Activities

Video, class discussion

Resources and References

Video Trouble with Evan

Evaluation Weighting
Test One Ch. 1, 2 & 3 20%

Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

6 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 3: The Family Life Cycle

Explain the principles of the Family Life Cycle.

Describe the 8 Stages of Family Development.
Discuss the challenges of each family development task.
Identify the impact of culture, gender and class on family development.
Recognize variations that affect the family life cycle such as blended, single parent lead families and same-
sex couples.

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 4


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Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

7 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 4: Family Resilience

Identify the beliefs and values involved in a strengths-based family work approach.
Define the concept and qualities of resilience as they relate to family functioning.
Identify the various components of a family's ecosystem; microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and
Recognize the impact of a family's ecosystem on overall family functioning.

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 5


Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

8 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 5: The Beginning Phase: Family Assessment and Genograms

Identify the tasks for the beginning phase of intervention with families; engagement, assessment, goal setting
and contracting.
Explain the use of empathy to engage each family member in the beginning phase of intervention.
Discuss common pitfalls made by new social service workers and or child and youth workers in the beginning
Examine qualitative assessment tools that provide a comprehensive understanding of families.

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 7 & 8

Social Work Engagement

Evaluation Weighting
Family Assessment Part One Due Beginning of Class 15%

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Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

9 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 5: Family Assessment and Genograms Continued

Observe families through structured qualitative assessment tools including a family genogram.
Apply various assessment tools, such as an Ecomap to a case example.
Construct a multigenerational genogram of the student's own family.
Apply technology to create a multigenerational genogram.
Discuss Test 2

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 8 & 9

Genopro demonstration

How to draw a genogram


Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

10 Intended Learning Objectives

Test 2
Return and discuss Family Assessment Part One
Video: The Trouble with Evan (second viewing)

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Video Trouble with Evan

Evaluation Weighting
Test 2 Ch. 4, 5, 7 & 8 20%

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Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

11 Intended Learning Objectives

Presentation of the student's own multigenerational genogram

Unit 6: The Intervention Phase

Identify the skills underlying various family work interventions.
Discuss intervention strategies designed to change maladaptive family patterns.
Examine the specialized family work approaches: Solution-focused, Experiential, Structural and Narrative
Apply the techniques in specialized family work approaches.
Evaluate the various family work approaches consistent with student's personal and professional experiences.

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 10 & 11

Structural Family Therapy: Staging an enactment

Structural Family Therapy

Experiential Family Therapy family sculpting

Solution Focused Family Therapy

Solution Focused Family Therapy: The Miracle Question

Evaluation Weighting
Genogram Showcase 5%

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Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

12 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 6: The Intervention Phase Continued: Gender Sensitive Family Therapy

Observe and understand sources of inequality in the family.

Identify a feminist approach to work with families.
Discuss the limitations of family treatment models from a feminist perspective.
Sensitive intervention.
Recognize how sources of gender oppression impact gender roles within the family.
Apply an anti-oppressive lens in intervention with families.

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 11 & 13

Gender Sensitive Family Therapy

Evaluation Weighting
Family Assessment Part Two Due Beginning of Class 15%

Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

13 Intended Learning Objectives

Unit 7: The Termination Phase

Describe issues/experiences of families in the termination phase of family work intervention.

Recognize the need for planned termination with families.
Apply techniques and skills that assist families in the termination phase.
Recognize the signs of resistance to termination in families.
Discuss Test 3.

Intended Learning Activities

Lectures, interactive exercises

Small Group Activities

Resources and References

Text Ch. 14

Evaluation Weighting
In Process (cumulative) 5%

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Wk. Hours: 3 Delivery: In Class

14 Intended Learning Objectives

Test 3

Course Wrap Up.

Return and discuss Family Assessment Part 2

Intended Learning Activities


Resources and References


Evaluation Weighting
Test 3 Ch. 9, 10, 11, 13 & 14 20%

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