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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

1 / 30 explains the whole process and principle of earthquake.

Since Im a Chinese, English is not my native language. This thesis is translated by
others, so there might be some information asymmetry. If you cannot understand the
translation, please kindly refer to the original Chinese version.

The real reasons of frequency of earthquake in recent years .................................................... 1

1 Why is the earth round?.......................................................................................................... 2

2. Formation Process of Continents........................................................................................... 4

3 Movement Process of Earthquake ........................................................................................ 10

4 The reasons for the sudden increase in earthquakes in recent years..................................... 11

Here is the Chinese version ..................................................................................................... 14

..................................................................................... 15

1 ...................................................................................................... 15

2 ............................................................................................................... 17

3 .......................................................................................................... 26

4 .............................................................................................. 28

The real reasons of frequency of earthquake in recent years

Author: China, Chen Qiming

Abstract: this thesis introduces the whole process and principle of

earthquake, and answers questions, including why the earth is round, how the ocean
squeezes the land out of the sea level, how rain and other factors break the
gravitational equilibrium of earth, and how to pull it back to balance via earthquake in
the end...
This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively
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1 Why is the earth round?

Here, I'd like to explain the real causes of frequent earthquakes in recent years! Why
have earthquakes been frequent in recent years? To explain the problem, let's first see
why the earth is round
Let's see how the matter in the universe comes together.According to the
law of gravitation, we know that everything in the universe is attractive, when a mass
of material too close will attract each other and bound together closely , eventually
emerged as a whole form.If these things that are attracted to each other, then it
becomes a liquid form that comes together,then the gravity of the liquid with the
greatest density is bigger than the other low density liquid.At this point the liquid with
the greatest density will open up other lighter fluid, which is tightly closed in its
center.Second, the density of the second, third levels of liquid will be placed around
the center of the highest density of liquid arranged outward layer by layer. Take the
earth for example,the density of lava in the center of the earth is the greatest and
gravity is also the strongest.As the layers expanding outward, the density and gravity
gradually decrease, and eventually the density of the liquid which is at the outermost
will be the smallest.(In every layer of magma in the earth, except itself is attracted by
gravity, it is also suppressed by the centripetal force of all the magma on its outer
surface, which is a centripetal force superposition).
The above tells the principle that the substances that are too near in the
universe attract each other by gravitational attraction.But why does it end up with a
round ball?
1, because each substance is made up of smaller atoms, each atom has a
magnetic field, and most of the atoms are spherical in shape, and each atom is a small
sphere.When all atoms are aggregated, a large spherical magnetic field will be
2. Assume two kinds of liquids that are different in density and are not
compatible in one bucket:Such as water and oil,then we will see the oil floating above
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the water, the interface between oil and water is a plane, a part of the water will not
protrude into the oil, a part of the oil will not protrude into the water either.Why
doesn't that happen?If the water is higher than the interface,the pressure of the water
above is greater than the pressure of the water on the side.So the water with high
pressure is definitely move towards to the low pressure.The flow stops when the
pressure of the upper part of the water agrees with the pressure at the side of the
water.This is the flow of water in a bucket.What would happen to the earth's magma
flow in the universe, while it is still in magma state?To allow the same density of
magma to produce the same pressure on the center, the magma is equal to the distance
from the center.Only when the distance is equal, these magma around the center with
the same density will be attracted by the same gravity from the center, and this layer
of magma will produce the same pressure to the center.Once the pressure is not the
same, if the pressure is below around,the surrounding magma will immediately flow
into this area to make up for it; if the pressure is higher than the edge, so the higher
part of the magma will quickly flow to the side until all the pressure on the center are
consistent each other,then will stop flow.Then, when the surface magma is consistent
with the center of the pressure, the shape of the liquid is spherical(In fact, the surface
of the water in the bucket is flat, and the surface of the earth is round,this is the same
principle,but the surface of water in the bucket is just a point on earth.If the surface of
the earth is filled with such buckets, and each bucket is consistent with the pressure of
the center of the earth, then you will see that these buckets are also arranged in a
spherical shape).Besides, it can't be any other shape.This is the principle that earth
and almost all planets in the universe are spherical.Unless the planet has cooled to a
certain extent and is not liquid, it is likely to be in other shapes, or it is unlikely to be
anything else.
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2. Formation Process of Continents

Now, lets get to know the formation of continent, from above-mention introduction,
we can realize that a bunch of magma is round shape in the weightless space, inside
this sphere, the whole magma is attracted by the gravitation in the center. According
to the law of universal gravitation, all substance have gravitation, therefore, each
molecule will attract other substance around as the center to form an independent
sphere. But, when the earth were full of magma, we did not find that there were many
spheres like ping-pong ball or basketball gathering together to form a much bigger
sphere. The reason is that the gravitation of the earth is so powerful that there is no
substance can rival and attract other substance to a small sphere, therefore, these
molecules give up attract others as the center and be attracted by the gravitation of the
earth. Although the substance cannot attract other substance around to form a ball, the
gravitation of this substance is existing but broke by the powerful centripetal force,
which cannot present to the outside.
However, when the gravitation of these independent substance present?
When they cool down, they will solidify together, at this time, the force of
solidification after cooling down will be larger than the force of centripetal force for
breaking them. The centripetal force cannot separate the solids after freezing. When
they solidify into a whole which gathers a lot of molecules, the gravitation of these
molecules will be superimposed that can overcome part of centripetal force and attract
around substances. Why they just overcome part of centripetal force, because they just
can attract the substance around little (The centripetal force has a powerful control
force for the layers of different substances, therefore, the cooling rocks cannot attract
a lot of substances both in height and depth, the attractive force of cooling rocks in
height and depth will be in equilibrium with the centripetal force that breaks their
attractive force. When the height and depth beyond such equilibrium, they will be
broken by the centripetal forces that cannot continue to be expand. If such equilibrium
has not been reached, they can attract more substance to expand in height and depth.
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However, the control force of centripetal force on the attractive force around of
cooling rocks in the same layer is much smaller than that of in height and depth. Such
as, the floating boards can easily gather together through pushing, but are difficult to
press into water or pull out of water), therefore, in height and depth, they cannot form
a sphere like a ball in water, they will form a shape like a flying saucer with small
bumps in the top and bottom.
But the attractive force of the rocks in different places and layers are
powerful. Because the centripetal force attracts substances to the center, the force
overcoming attractive force of substances in the same layer is rather smaller. At the
same time, rocks with great mass will produce strong attractive force to each other,
which gather together from around places and form a unity (since the unity is formed
by different rocks which is independent with magma in the bottom, the rocks are fused
into an unity by the magma after cooling. Some independent mountains would be
integrated into a mountain range afterwards).
From above description, we can know that at the beginning of crust
forming, different cooling rocks will attract with each other to present a disk shape
(the substances would attract others in all directions to form a sphere, but they are
controlled by the centripetal force in the height and depth, therefore, they cannot form
a sphere, the substances in the plane will be impact little by the centripetal force and
present a disk shape). As more and more cooling magma, the area of this disk will be
larger, and expand around the disk until the earths surface is totally solidified.
At the same time, the thickness will be thinner from the center of rock
disc to the edge. Why? That is because each atom will receive a compressional force
of around atoms to the center except the attractive force to the center, and the
attractive force around the disc superimpose from the edge to the center and become
the highest in the center (similarly, the pressure in the earths core is the maximum
pressure, the earth has its maximum pressure in its core, the disc has its maximum
pressure in its center, the first is the pressure in the center of sphere, the second is the
pressure in the center of a plane), which leads the high pressure of disc center, when
the pressure is larger than the control force of centripetal force on the rocks discs in
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height and depth (include the power to keep original shape after solidification). Since
there are no articles to press, the high pressure in the central disc will be released from
the top and bottom, which means the rocks will be squeezed out and piled on the disc
in height and depth. (Lets explain how the magma accumulates in the foothill. The
floating magma also can be accumulated. We can demonstrate this through a small
test. There is a small magnet in a large plastic box with liquid metal. We can find that
the magnet can attract a lot of liquid metal, when you separate the liquid metal with
this small magnet, you would feel a certain resistance. If you move the small magnet
in the liquid metal, the liquid metal attracted by the magnet will also move together;
this will be more clearer when dying the liquid metal. Therefore, the lava is attracted
by the mountain to be at the bottom and overcoming the centripetal force with the
mountain, as accumulation in depth. But this lava attracted by the mountain will go
deep into far depth of the earths surface and receive higher pressure from the depth
of the earth, hence the earth will have much stronger lift force to the mountain. Then
the mountain can be held up. As for the hardness, you can separate the magnet and
liquid metal by hand, but if the magnet and liquid metal solidify into a whole through
heating, can you separate them as before? Absolutely, you cannot. The lava attracted
by the mountain can hold the mountain through certain force, but cannot hold
mountains with great mass. The liquid lava cannot hold the mountain which exceeds a
certain mass. At this time, it generally depends on the cooling magma, when the
magma becomes into rocks after cooling, it will have enough hardness to hold higher
mountain. But how magma been cooled? Actually, the mountains just like huge
cooling fins on the ground, the higher the mountain is, the colder the climate is, so the
mountain will bring more and more heat. More and more magma under the mountain
become rocks after cooling. Then it has much stronger lift force to the mountain
which can lead the mountain to grow higher. When the temperature of earth increase,
some rocks under the mountain will be melted and became lava again. The lift force
to the mountain decreased will result in the collapse, which is a kind of earthquake)
Along with the expanding of disc, such press will be stronger. And the mountain will
become much higher. The continent becomes larger; the mountain on this continent
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will be higher. The mountains far from the sea will be much higher, and become lower
when close to the sea, until become the plain when near the sea.
The cooling rock disc will be attracted to which place of the earth? This
is related with the strength of magnetic field of magnetic lines in different regions,
generally, the south and north poles have the strongest strength of magnetic field,
therefore the discs firstly appear in the south and north poles of the earth, with two
discs on each poles separately. Since the magnetic fields of South Pole and North Pole
are different in size and these two discs have different formation time and forming
speed, which result in a larger disc and a smaller disc.
Then the steam floating in the air will becomes rain and falls to the
ground. When the whole rain pours down, the rain covers the surface of the earth
Now, lets talk about how continents rise above the seal level and become
the continents we know today? The continents provide this planet a living space to
breed more superior beings.
I want to tell everyone that: the continents are extruded out of the seal
surface by the sea water. But how is the extruding process coming about? Lets
conduct a small experiment; each one holds a small balloon stuck a little metal on the
top by double-sided adhesive in hand. We can figure out that the metal will press the
balloon because of gravity, when we bunch other parts of the balloon by hand will
increase the pressure of gas inside the balloon, which pushes up the small metal on the
top. The metal can be considered as continent, and the force pressed by the hand can
be considered as the force of sea water to the magma in the earths core. Finally, the
continents are extruded out of the sea.
People would say that: the continents are also under the sea before, so
they should be pressed by the sea water at the bottom, but why they will be extruded
out of sea level by the sea water? We know the principle of thermal expansion and
contraction, the magma will be narrowed in size and increased in density after cooling
down and becoming rocks, cooling rocks will attract around magma to gather in its
center during cooling process, which results in the central position of cooling rocks
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much higher than around rock face. Therefore, the density and volume of cooling rock
disc increase, and the mass is also increased, with the increase of its pressure to the
core of earth. It will produce much stronger pressure to the core of earth than
surrounding thin lithosphere. If the earth want to keep the same pressure of positions
in the surface to the earths core (the variance of such pressure cannot be dissolved
through separating cooling rocks and distributing evenly), it will realize this purpose
though deformation, which means that increase the mass of positions with low
pressure to increase its pressure. Therefore, in order to increase the pressure of these
low pressure regions, the sea water gathers around these low pressure regions to
increase their mass and make their pressure to the core as same as others. It just like a
balance with iron on one side and cotton on another side, in order to keep balance, the
volume of cotton must be larger than iron to ensure the same mass of both materials.
Therefore, sea water comes into these thin crust areas to make the crust thick, which
can be considered as the increase in cotton volume. Just like the iron, the volume of
another side is much smaller than these areas with sea water. This is the reason for
current phenomenon that the diameter of south and north poles is shorter than that of
the equator, which means the south and north poles are more flat, the equator is more
protruding. Someone says that the longer diameter of equator is due to the attractive
force of the sun. If this is true, then the side of earth facing with the sun should be
risen, and be sunken when against the sun, but we do not find this phenomenon (The
rocks after cooling are distributed on the surface of the earth unevenly, which leads to
the different centripetal force of different regions on the earths surface. In order to
balance such centripetal force, the earth will adjust the distribution of sea water and
magma and distortion to keep a new balance. The apparently disorganized distribution
of mountains and waters on the earths surface is actually presents the same pressure
of these substances to the core of the earth).
When the sea water comes to the thin lithosphere, it will press the
lithosphere region (Broken at a certain position of the first formed rock disc and later
formed thin lithosphere, because the rock disc becomes thinner along round and
round, the broken shape is also round. The broken thin lithosphere will sink down and
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become the seabed. The first formed disc will rise up a little and become continent
Since the earths surface is spherical, the angle of centripetal force of cooling rocks
will change along with the different positions on the earths surface. The variation of
the angles of cooling rocks on the south and north poles and equator will be 90 degree.
Assuming that the positions of south and north poles are from the top to the bottom,
and the positions of equation are from left to right. The angle of centripetal force for
the rock on the pole is horizontal direction, the angle of centripetal force for the rock
on the equator is vertical direction. Therefore, along with the expanding of cooling
rocks, the angle direction of rocks on the center is different with that of rocks on the
around. When the directions of centripetal force are different, then their compression
force will be decreased or even disappeared. Then the south and north poles will not
be pressed by surrounding rocks with the expanding of surrounding cooling rocks to
the equator. The surrounding cooling rocks will be adsorbed on the edge of the rock
discs of south and north poles when expanding to a certain degree, they will not press
greatly to the south and north poles. The central pressure of south and north poles will
not be increased when reaching a certain degree, and the number of central rocks
pressed will also not be increased when reaching to a certain degree. The rocks remote
from the edge will not press to the center, and the number of rocks gathering in the
south and north poles is limited. Extra rocks will be placed on other places for other
continents except south and north poles in future. Otherwise, if the number of rocks
on the south and north poles has no limit, then all rocks emerging from the seal level
will be attracted to the south and north poles, but other positions of the earth cannot
form continents. When the rocks of poles expands to a certain distance and the
centripetal force of the edge is smaller than a certain extend, it is easily broken at the
positions of rock disc with small centripetal force, because a substance with different
stress directions will be separate into several part by the stresses. The positions
separated by stress are easily broken with poor tolerance. Finally, when the sea water
press these cooling rocks, these rocks will be broken at the weakest position of stress.
The rocks will be broken when the rocks become more and more thin until cannot
hold the stress, or at the weakest position of the stress). The sea water press some part
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of the earth which lifts another parts of the earth.
The size of rock disc expands along with the cooling of rocks, which
leads more sea water coming into the thin lithosphere regions and produce more
pressure to there that presses the seabed deeper. The continents are slowly extruded
out of the sea level by sea water (the rising history of continents is also their cooling
history). The above-mentioned contents are the principles of continents extruded out
of the sea level by sea water.
When the sea water extrudes the continents out of sea level, it will not
only produce great longitudinal force to the core of earth, but also produce lateral
pressure to around rocks. Therefore, the size of continents will not be too huge or too
small. Their sizes are related with compression degree and viscosity of rocks. The
compression degree means that the continents will not be extruded to be high and thin,
the viscosity means that when the continents being extruded to rise, the mountains
will not stop rising because of gravity or collapse when rising, the continents can stick
the rocks around firmly to prevent the collapse or landslide when reaching a certain

3 Movement Process of Earthquake

It is easy to learn the main reason causing earthquake after understanding the theory
of land formation. Raining is the main reason of earthquake. Rainwater brings soil on
land surface into ocean. The process continues and soil brought into ocean ejects
matching volume seawater out. Seawater is surrounded by land in certain area which
cannot flow globally to evenly cover earths surface (if seawater can flow globally
and evenly cover, earthquake merely caused by surface gravity distribution imbalance
in soil driving will need much more time). Then sea level rises and mass of seawater
area increase that pressure on earths core increase accordingly. When soil on land
brought into ocean to certain degree, gravity balance between ocean and land will be
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broken and earth will produce contrary force to recover the lost balance. Ocean water
will repress the extra soil brought into ocean to earth core for melting. As a result,
satellite found earth turn rounder after last time great tsunami.
The extra soil pressed into mantle makes whole earth swell. And swell
leads plates on earth surface torn and moved. Plates are separated for extra magma.
Also, some plates move nearer to other plates which will produce larger attraction to
repress into new mountain or elevate mountain. It is why plates will move. Somebody
says plates move because of convection between magma under earth and earth core.
You can shake an egg violently while egg shell not break or move. Even for newly
frozen river, the water flowing under ice will not break or move the ice. Similarly,
when make Chinese Tofu leaf, the under boiled water keeps rolling while the surface
thin Tofu leaf will not be torn. Meanwhile, magma in earth does not flow fiercely as
convection. Therefore, the theory that plates move because of convection is wrong.
Rainwater brings soil on land into ocean continually in billions of years
and ocean never has been filled in nor do mountain and land disappear. It is a circular
process. Soil on land is brought into ocean by rainwater and pressed into earth core by
seawater. The earth swells that the swell and plate movement arise original mountain
or extrude new mountain (if too less soil is pressed into ocean bottom, earth may not
swell and the extra volume will be ejected out of earth through volcano). Naturally
plains or gorges will also be torn to form.
It is the real reason for earthquake. If there is no flowing water or sand
wind on a planet to move sands into other space, the balance on the planet will not be
broken and earthquake will basically not happen.

4 The reasons for the sudden increase in earthquakes in recent years

Since we have realized the above principles, now lets come back to this initial
question, why did the earthquake suddenly increase in recent years? Originally the
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activities on the earth were highly intense when the earth came into being (the magma
was rolling random in the earth inside, a large number of meteorite hit the earth, and
rain also fiercely fell into the earth in quantity for a long while), but along with the
passage of time, the activities slowly became more and more stable (light rain and
short rain only took away limited surface soil, because there was vegetation on the
surface, light rain is difficult to damage the vegetation and the soil fixed by vegetation.
It needs a long time to take a certain amount of soil away), logically now it's hard to
happen earthquake again. However, why did the earthquake suddenly increase in
recent years? This is because the human beings destroy the environment, release a
large number of carbon to the air; subsequently, plenty of carbon in the air will make
the earth's temperature rise, then the glacier of North and South Poles will melt, and
the seawater will continually be evaporated in large quantities. These large quantities
of the evaporated seawater will become a lot of rain down to the ground, these large
amounts of rain will bring a lot of soil on the land to the sea. In this way, the rain can
transport a lot of soil on the land to the sea in a short space of time, and then the
earths center of gravity will be changed in a very short time (only a long time heavy
rain and rainstorm have the ability to destroy the soil fixed by the vegetation on the
earth, and cause landslides, debris flow and other natural disasters. After the soil and
stone are washed out, they will flow to the sea in a short period through the river).
When this center of gravity is shifted to a certain serious situation, the earth will
through the earthquake to help these damaged centers of gravity balance back to
equilibrium. At this time, the earth will continue to earthquake, so as to adjust the
earth's internal pressure balance, which is the main reason for frequent earthquake in
recent years.
Other minor causes can also generate a certain number of earthquakes:
every piece of plate on the crust is like a ship floating on magma. Changing the
weight of the material carried on the ship will change the waterline. Then the events:
arbitrary digging and filling on the earth surface; establishment of large reservoirs;
large-scale transport of pipeline and logistic: drought (prolonged drought will
evaporate the water in the soil on the land, resulting in the land lighter), floods (if the
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land is flooded for a long time, it will make the crustal water content increased rapidly,
resulting in the land heavier), glaciers melt (after the glaciers melt, the weight of the
land is reduced, and the melted water will flow into the sea, then the weight of the sea
is increased) ... ... All of these will change the weight borne by each plate, resulting in
the rise, decline and tilt of each plate, when reach a certain extent, it will cause the
In addition to continual earthquake, the environmental destruction also
will make the glaciers of North and South Poles melt continually. This melting can be
roughly divided into three stages, the first stage is the temperature begin to rise until
glaciers begin to melt (in this process, we can feel the temperature is significantly
increased), the second stage is the glacier melting process from the beginning to the
end (the temperature is slowly rising during the melting process, but it is still smooth.
The glaciers of south and north poles are frozen for a long time, within this long
period, the soil of south and north poles isnt brought to the sea by rain. If the glaciers
dissolve totally, the soils of continents will be brought to the sea by rain, when it lost
to a certain amount, the south and north poles will lift the ground, which will bring an
unprecedent and horrible earthquake); the third stage is the water vapor on the ground
evaporates continuously until the entire water on the earth evaporates (the temperature
will rise faster in this process). After the end of the second stage, humans are difficult
to live, and if wait until the entire water on the earth evaporates, humans and all
animals and plants have already been dead basically. Therefore, human beings should
take good care of the environment! Todays destruction needs tomorrows double
Earth is a relatively stable planet appeared until a variety of unstable
factors reach a certain balance. Only this stable state is the best condition for
mankinds survival. At the same time, this stability is highly vulnerable, which is
known as ecological vulnerability. The act of destroying nature is equivalent to
commit suicide!

The above is my statement about the causes of earthquake. Experiment

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can be conducted by finding similar matters in the earth and reducing their scales to
simulate the structure and operation mode of the earth in a space without gravity and
finally to obtain all accurate data. Thanks.


Here is the Chinese version

This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively
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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively
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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively
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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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This is a brand-new theory, which comprehensively

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