Standard 5

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Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.1 Assess student learning

Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student
5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning by providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning

During my practicum placement at Brewarrina Central School in a Year 2 class I taught a lesson on fractions. I commenced the lesson with a whole class teacher
demonstrated lesson using an apple to show a whole, half, quarters and eighths. This implemented using a concrete artefact that assisted the students to relate
to everyday life. The students then completed group rotations to reinforce and demonstrate their understanding of fractions. Brewarrina Central School is an L3
school which utilises a jellybean table for teacher assessment during numeracy and literacy rotations. During the fractions rotations I utilised the jelly bean table
to assess students understanding of whole, half, quarters and eighths. Students were provided with coloured squares and circles and asked to fold the paper into
whole, half, quarters and eighths. I recorded notes and used photos as evidence of assessment.
I was able to address standard 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning by providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning
as it was occurring. I allowed students to attempt to demonstrate the required fraction and then provided prompts, feedback and reinforcement for them to
immediately correct the fraction which allowed for constructive learning and teacher/student interaction. I provide further assistance and prompts as required.
This activity also allowed me to differentiate for each individual student which enhanced the learning further.
The lesson commenced with the whole class coming back together and the students making pizza on small round bases. The students formed small groups
were they demonstrated their understanding of the lessons (and allowed for further assessment) by cutting the pizza whole, half, quarters and eighths and
sharing with their classmates, support staff and teachers.

Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on

student learning

5.1 Assess student learning

Demonstrate understanding of assessment
strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic,
formative and summative approaches to assess
student learning.
5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning by
providing timely and appropriate feedback to
students about their learning.

Utilising the jellybean table allows for individual student assessment in small groups. Students were provided feedback
which allowed for optimal learning and success as the learning was differentiated for each individual.

Small mixed ability numeracy groups allows for one on one feedback to be provided to students to build and develop
their knowledge at their own pace.

8 ways pedagogy was also included in this lesson through the students seeing (teacher demonstrated), act (small mixed
ability groups), make (assessment and demonstration of learnt concepts), share (sharing their learning and pizza at the
end of the lesson). Following the 8 ways concept allowed for assessment to take place in a relaxed no threatening
environment which ensured that all students were successful in their learning and demonstration.

Numerous opportunities were provided for student assessment which ensured that all students were catered for and the
lesson was differentiated to each individual students needs as it occurred.

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