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Argumentative Essays


Among all the causes of conflict in the world, one of the most
frequent is religion. For some inexplicable reason, many humans cannot
tolerate that other humans have different religious beliefs than their
own. In many cases it begins by suspicions of peoples with different
beliefs, develops into hatred and finally ends in open armed conflict.

In spite of their having been great souls who have come to preach
religions to us, religions have very much been based on understanding,
and interpretations, of the teachings by individuals and groups of
individuals. Hence we even have different groups claiming to be 'true'
followers of certain religious leaders while dismissing all others as
heretics. Again, it points out that religion is an individual belief.

It must be accepted that each person is an individual and that he

hears is likely to be interpreted by his mind, based on his own
experiences. Hence two persons listening to the same message have
different backgrounds with which they compare the information they
obtain. This information is likely to interpreted to the understanding of
the individual. Such being the case, it is wrong for anyone to explain the
'truths' of a religion; since they would be 'true' based on their own
understanding. To argue otherwise would be to claim that religious
truths are a priori (obvious) truths - which they certainly are not. If they
are they will not, and cannot, be interpreted differently.

Philosophy teaches us that 'knowledge' of the divine is not the

same as belief. In fact there is very little about religion which can be
classified as knowledge in the true sense of the word. Knowledge is of
things over which there can be no doubt; such as the truth that the sun
rose this morning and that one object plus another is equal to two
objects. These are truths because they can be proven. That the sun will
rise tomorrow is just a belief; because it has not yet happened. Thus,
though individuals may have 'known' divinity, what they are preaching is
'beliefs' to the others - until they, the listeners, themselves have
experienced it for themselves.

We can impose knowledge, if it is evident, on others but we

should never try to impose our beliefs on others. This is because belief s
just opinion. This attitude of not imposing beliefs on others refers
especially to religious beliefs. No one else has any right to tell us what to
and what not to believe.

(422 words)

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