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X-Ray Circuit

The X-Ray circuit is divided into two main sections; the main x-ray circuit and the filament circuit
(c). Within the main x-ray circuit there are two sides, the primary (low voltage) side (a), and the
secondary (high voltage) side (b).

1) The x-ray circuit begins with an incoming line from the power supply company to the main
breaker. This starts as a low voltage line, usually around 220V, but in some cases will be
more if it is safely regulated.
2) The circuit then travels to the main switch, here the generators are turned on, because of
the close proximity to the technologist and the ability for something to go wrong the voltage
is low on this primary side.
3) The circuit then moves to the autotransformer. At the autotransformer the kVp is regulated,
autotransformer regulates major and minor kVp settings, these settings are located at the
4) kVp settings allow the technologist to choose their technique, they can adjust their settings
using the major kVp selector by increments of 10 and using the minor kVp selector by
increments on 1.
5) Also at the control console is the exposure switch, this closes the circuit and allows an
exposure to be made. Before making the exposure the anode will begin to rotate at high
enough speeds to make an exposure.
6) The exposure timer consists of either a milliampere-second timers or automatic exposure
control timers. These devices end the exposure, using their own specific technology.
7) Before ending the exposure the circuit travels to the primary side of the step up
8) It travels to the secondary side, creating potential difference.
9) Back at the autotransformer the circuit is directed to the mAs selector.
10) At the mA selector, settings are chosen based on how many electrons are able to be sent
over within the tube, this controls the amperage.
11) The circuit then goes to the primary side of the step-down transformer.
12) Out the secondary side of the step-down transformer to the cathode and filament, then
back to the step-down transformer, then to the auto transformer.
13) Meanwhile at the cathode electron build up is occurring, as soon as the exposure switch it
pressed the electrons will travel to the rotating anode.
14) Inside the tube interactions begin to occur, once the exposure switch has been pressed the
circuit travels to the high voltage side.
15) Where they will go through the diode rectification circuit, here the alternating current will
be turned to direct current while it is going through the tube.
16) The rotor stator is rotating the anode to keep it from building too much heat.

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