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Execitive director of curriculum and

The executive director of curriculum and instruction supevises the
divisions of elementary education, secondary education, special education,
athletics, community education, and summer school education, and is
responsible for the staff development of teachers and all district employees.
The principals of elementary, junior high or middle school, and secondary
schools, as well as directors of physical education and directors of athletics
and activities, fall within the curriculum and instruction directors domain.
The executive director of curriculum and instruction is also involved on the
development and evaluation of curriculum and the organization and
supervision of instruction and preservice and in-service teacher training.
The executive director of curriculum and instruction in first in line to
perform thr duties of the superintendent of school in the event of the
superintendents absence.

Executive director of human resource service

or director of personnel service

The Executive director of human resource service is chief

personnel officer of the district and, as such, manage thr personnel functions
for all licensed (teacher, coaches, administrators, etc.) and classified
(secretaries, clerks, etc.) staff. The Executive director also assists the
superintendent in district management and represents the district in assigned
school-community relations. In addition, aspects of employee relation such
as negotiations of union contracts, fringe benefif packages, and insurance
coverege for teachers and coaches also fall within the human resource
managers domain. In the absence of the executive director of curriculum
and instruction, the human resource director represents the superintedent.
Executive director for finance and business
services or school business manager
The finance and business manage serves as head of bussines affrairs
and supervises the conroller, purchasing, operations, and the total
information educational systems (district computer consortium for record
keeping, grading, athletic eligibility, etc.) employed by the district.
Buildings and ground, food services, and the business officer staff also
usually fall under the domain of the finance and business manage. The
executive director of finance and business is last in line to assume duties
during the superintendents absence.

The position of principal is similar to that of the superintendent; it
differs mainly in the extent of responsibility. Whereas the superintendent
is usually in charge of all the schools within a particular community, thr
principal is in charge of one particular school. The duties of the principal
include executing educational policy as outlined by the superintendent,
appraising eduvational offerings, making periodic reports on various
aspects of the program, directing the instructional program, promoting
positive relationship between the community and the school, and
supervising the maintenance of the physical plant.

The Supervisor is generally responsible for improving instruction
in a specific subject area. Although sometimes a supervisor is responsible
for the entire elementary or secondary instructional program.
Direktur eksekutif kurikulum dan

Direktur Eksekutif kurikulum dan pengajaran supevises divisi pendidikan dasar,

pendidikan menengah, pendidikan khusus, atletik, pendidikan masyarakat, dan
pendidikan sekolah musim panas, dan bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan
staf guru dan semua karyawan kabupaten. Prinsipal dari SD, SMP, SMA atau
menengah, dan sekolah menengah, serta direktur pendidikan jasmani dan direksi
atletik dan kegiatan, termasuk dalam domain kurikulum dan instruksi sutradara.
Direktur Eksekutif kurikulum dan pengajaran juga terlibat pada pengembangan dan
evaluasi kurikulum dan organisasi dan pengawasan instruksi dan preservice dan
pelatihan guru di-service. Direktur Eksekutif kurikulum dan pengajaran di di baris
pertama untuk melakukan thr tugas pengawas sekolah dalam hal tidak adanya
pengawas ini.

direktur eksekutif layanan sumber daya

manusia atau direktur layanan personil

Direktur Eksekutif layanan sumber daya manusia petugas personil kepala distrik
dan, dengan demikian, mengelola thr personil fungsi untuk semua lisensi (guru,
pelatih, administrator, dll) dan diklasifikasikan (sekretaris, panitera, dll) staf.
Direktur Eksekutif juga membantu pengawas dalam manajemen kabupaten dan
mewakili kabupaten dalam hubungan sekolah-masyarakat ditugaskan. Selain itu,
aspek hubungan karyawan seperti negosiasi kontrak serikat, pinggiran benefif
paket, dan penutupan timbunan asuransi untuk guru dan pelatih juga jatuh dalam
domain manajer sumber daya manusia. Dengan tidak adanya direktur eksekutif dari
kurikulum dan pengajaran, direktur sumber daya manusia merupakan superintedent

direktur eksekutif untuk layanan

keuangan dan bisnis atau manajer bisnis

Keuangan dan bisnis mengelola berfungsi sebagai kepala bussines affrairs dan
mengawasi conroller, pembelian, operasi, dan sistem pendidikan total informasi
(kabupaten konsorsium komputer untuk pencatatan, grading, kelayakan atletik, dll)
yang dipekerjakan oleh kabupaten. Bangunan dan tanah, jasa makanan, dan staf
petugas bisnis juga biasanya jatuh di bawah domain dari keuangan dan bisnis
mengelola. Direktur eksekutif keuangan dan bisnis terakhir di baris untuk memikul
tugas selama ketidakhadiran inspektur.

Kepala Sekolah
Posisi utama adalah mirip dengan inspektur; hal itu berbeda terutama di tingkat
tanggung jawab. Sedangkan inspektur biasanya bertanggung jawab atas semua
sekolah dalam komunitas tertentu, pokok thr bertugas satu sekolah tertentu. Tugas
pokok termasuk melaksanakan kebijakan pendidikan sebagaimana digariskan oleh
inspektur, menilai persembahan eduvational, membuat laporan berkala mengenai
berbagai aspek program, mengarahkan program instruksional, mempromosikan
hubungan positif antara masyarakat dan sekolah, dan mengawasi pemeliharaan
fisik tanaman.

Supervisor umumnya bertanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan instruksi dalam
bidang subjek tertentu. Meskipun kadang-kadang seorang supervisor bertanggung
jawab untuk seluruh program pembelajaran dasar atau menengah.

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