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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.1 Introduction

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.1 Introduction

Every student governments in different universities in our country are supported

by the university fund for different tools, equipment and other utilities. Each student

government have a specific and delegated office area. Those office area are compose of

different materials, tools, supplies furniture and fixture and other necessity. Those

materials are important in order to student government to work properly.

In Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Quezon City Branch. Supreme Student

Council serve as the student government of the university. It is an immense challenge for

the SSC to maintain an accurate and updated records of all items inside the office.

Pursuant to the constitution and by-laws of the student council, ARTICLE VIII


Officer shall have the following powers, duties and responsibilities: Shall have the

responsibility for the procurement of supplies needed by the organization.

As a solution, Supreme Student Council SSCIS must be implemented properly.

This system allows the officer to enter the details of the item belong to the organization

and allow to view in list form. Using this system it is much efficient to record all items plus

less paper is needed.

The proponent used Microsoft Visual Studio for the front end of the system and

Microsoft SQL for the back end or for the database of the system.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.2 System Description

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.2 System Description

The SUPREME STUDENT COUNCIL of Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Quezon City Branch is the highest student organization representing the general

interests, rights, and welfare of the studentry.

The office of the Supreme Student Council comprise with different materials,

equipment, appliances, furniture and other necessary materials that may help the

council to work properly. In line with this, the council must record properly the list of all

items inside the office.

As a solution, Supreme Student Council SSCIS must be implemented properly.

This system allows the officer to enter the details of the item belong to the organization

and allow to view in list form. Using this system it is much efficient to record all items plus

less paper is needed.

The system has a default username and password, user serve as the default

username while ssc serve as the default password. This system allow the user to

enter information about the officer and also allow the user to enter information about the

items to be logged. The system can show the list of the officers and prior information

about them same in item.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.3 System Features

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.3 System Features

The proposed Supreme Student Council Inventory System has the following

Records the personal information of the officers The user can store the data of
the officers to the database for faster reviewing.

Records inventory date - The user can store the data of the specific date of

Record items information The user can store the data the items.

Display of records The user can view the entire record of the items and officers

Display Graph The user can view the record in a virtual representation.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.4 System Requirements

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.4 System Requirements

The objective and the main purpose of the proposed system are to provide a
computer-generated data to the store.

1.4.1 Hardware Requirements

Hardware Minimum Recommended

Requirement Requirement

Processor 2.6 GHz 3.3 GHz or higher

Memory 1 to 2 GB 2 GB or higher
Hard Drive 80 to 250GB 500 GB or higher
Printer Print Print/Scan/Copy/Fax
Video Card 1 GB 2GB

Table 1.4.1
Hardware Requirements

The above table shows the Hardware requirements of the proposed system, as
shown above there are minimum specifications but for better and faster development of
the system there recommended hardware specifications.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.4.2 Software Requirements

Software Recommended Use

Operating System Windows 7 (Professional) For the environment or
platform to be used.
Programming Language C# For the development of
the system.
Database MSSQL For the storage of the

Table 1.4.2
Software Requirements

The table above shows the software requirements of the proposed system. There
is a Use column to show what the requirement will be used for. Windows 7 platforms
are known for their stability and its user friendly interface but because Microsoft will stop
supplying security updates for Windows XP after two years, Windows 7 is recommended.
Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft SQL softwares are recommended because they
are open-source softwares.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.4.3 Data Requirements

Data Description

Login Data Username Refers to the default

username of the user.
Password Refers to the default
password of the user.
Officers Data Last Name Refers to the last name of the
First Name Refers to the first name of the
Middle Initial Refers to the middle initial of
the officer.
Sex Refers to the sex of the
Contact Number Refers to the contact number
of the customer.

Items Data Item Name Refers to the name of the


Item Description Refers to the description of

the item.

Item Quantity Refers to the quantity of the


Item Unit Refers to the quantity unit of

the item.

Item Status Refers to the status of the


Item Storage Refers to the storage area of

the item.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

Funds Data Fund Name Refers to the source of fund


Inventorys Data Inventory Date Refers to the date of


Table 1.4.3
Data Requirements

The table above shows information needed by the system in order for it to generate
better and more reliable reports.

1.4.4 People Requirement

People are the most important requirements needed in the system. The unified
system is very helpful for the user.

People Description

System Administrator The person responsible for maintaining a

single-user computer system. This
individual also performs procedures to
prevent the spread of viruses in a
computer to protect the system.

Table 1.4.4
People Requirements

The table above are the people that are expected to use the system and those
who can help in giving information about Supreme Student Council Inventory System.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.5 Entity Relationship Diagram

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.5 Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 1.5.1
Entity Relationship Diagram

The figure above shows the entity relationship diagram for Supreme
Student Council Inventory System.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.6 System Composition

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.6 System Composition

Supreme Student
Council Inventory

System Setup Transaction Queries Report Log out

Add Officer List of Transaction


Add Item

Figure 1.6.1
Composition of the Supreme Student Council Inventory System

The figure above shows the composition of the proposed system. There are
System Setup, Transactions, Query, Report and Logout that the proposed system will

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.7 Source Documents

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.7 Source Documents

1.7.1 Source Documents Inventory

Forms Description

Login Form Used to input the default user information

Used to input another organization

Add Officer Tab

Add Item Tab Used to input another item.

Inventory Form Used to input the inventory date, item

details, officer position, and fund source.

Table 1.7.1
Source Document of Supreme Student Council Inventory System

The table above shows the source documents which the information needed for
the system will come from.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.7.2 Source Documents Format

Login Form
The figure above is used to input admin essential information to access the system.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

Add Officer Tab
The figure above is used add, edit and delete the necessary information of organization
officer and view the list of officers.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

Add Item Tab
The figure above is used input another item.

Transaction Form
The figure above is used input transaction.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.8 Query Forms

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.8.1 Query Forms Inventory

Form Description

Transaction Log
Used to see the transaction

Table 1.8.1
Queries Forms of the Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.8.2 Query Form Format

Map Form

The figure above is used locate the customer using google map.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.9 Report

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.9.1 Report Form Inventory

Form Description

Report form
Used to show a printable

Table 2.0.1
Report Form of the Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.9.2 Report Form Format

Report Form

The figure above is used show printable report.

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.10 Log out Form

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Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.10.1 Logout Form Inventory

Form Description

Log out form

Used to exit the system.

Table 1.10.1
Logout Form of the Supreme Student Council Inventory System

1.10.2 Logout Form Format

Logout Form

The figure above is used stop the process of the system.

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