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Announcements and Upcoming Plans

by Jordan Bernt Peterson

Hi everybody. So first I'd like to thank all of my viewers and listeners for their attention and
supportit's been absolutely overwhelming. I still haven't reconciled myself to it, but so far so good,
and I hope to continue to produce content that strikes a chord. And I would also like to thank my
Patreon supporters, who have been extraordinarily generous and helpful and whose support has enabled
many of the projects that I'm going to discuss today. So, here's what's been happening and what's going
to happen over the next couple of months.

The first thing I'd like to announce is the release, today, of my new YouTube channel, called
Jordan B Peterson Clips. It will feature clips that are five to fifteen minutes long, some of which will be
original and some of which will be derived from YouTube videos that have already been posted. It's
not obvious what the optimal length is for a YouTube videoit's new technologyand, so, my team
and I are experimenting with videos of different lengths to see what might be optimal. So we plan to
release two to three videos a week on that, and so, uh, that's Jordan B Peterson Clips. And thank you to
Jillian Vardy, who's going to be my daughter-in-lawshe's engaged to my son Julian, who's also
helping on this project and also my daughter Mikhalia, who is about to have a baby in about a week. So
they're all doing the editing and setting up the channel and so, um, thank you very much to them for the
hard work. And, so, that's the first announcement.

The second thing I would like to announce is the release, sometimes2 later this month, of a new
website that will enable students to enter their course descriptions of their university courses and
perhaps their high-school courses as well, along with the professor's name, the discipline, and the
university. And the website has an artificial intelligence core that will do a linguistic analysis of the
content of the course description and rate it as postmodern neo-Marxist or not. And so if you're
interested in taking postmodern neo-Marxist courses in university and undergoing that pathway of cult-
like indoctrination then you can use the website to do that. And if you'd like to avoid that, and get
yourself a classical education, and learn to speak and write and communicate and think and familiarize
yourself with the great works of civilization then you can use it to do that. So we're hoping that that
will be an extraordinarily useful website. And the overarching goal, in part facilitated by that website,
is to cut the enrollment in postmodern neo-Marxist courses of indoctrination in university2 across the
Western world by 75% over the next five years. So that's announcement number two.

Announcement number three is that we're going to release a psychometrically valid personality
test called the Big Five Aspect Scale in its online form within the next month. So you'll be able to go
there and do a five-factor analysis of your own personality. That will give you your ratings for
extroversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientousness, and openness, as well as breaking each of
those down into two aspects. So, for extroversion that's assertiveness and enthusiasm; for neuroticism
it's withdrawal and volatility; for agreeableness it's compassion and politeness; for openness, it's
openness proper, which is interest in aesthetics, and interest in ideasthat's intellect. So openness will
break down into openness and intellect. And finally, conscientousness into industriousness and
orderliness. And that will enable you to receive a report on your personality, that will detail how you
compare to other people in terms of a percentile on each of those five major trait dimensions and the
ten subsidiary dimensions. We will also, soon after, release a couples or dyad form of the same test so
that once you take the test, you can have a friend take it or a sister or a brother or a child or a parent or
an employee, for that matter, and it will give you each a report on your respective personalities, but will
also inform you as to your similarities and differences and where you will clash and where you won't
and what the basis for your misunderstandings might be and how to work through them. And so that's
the third announcement.

And then, for the fourth announcement, you may know that we've already created a set of
programs called the Self-Authoring Suite that helps adults write about their past experiences, analyse
their personalities in written formthat's different than getting a personality reportand make a plan
for the future. The Future Authoring Program has helped university students increase the probability of
staying in their courses by about 30%, and increase their grade point averages by about 25%. We're
going to release a high-school version of that at the beginning of September, so we're really looking
forward to that. And t-that will take elements of the Past Authoring, Present Authoring and Future
Authoring, and make them all accessible to high-school students who will be asked to look three to six
months down the road, in terms of character development and future plans.

And then, finally, I'm just putting the finishing touches on my book, 12 Rules for Life: An
Antidote to Chaos, which will be published by Penguin Random House Canada, and released January
9th, 2018. And I'm hoping that that book will provide further background information regarding the
sorts of things that I've been discussing in my YouTube lectures, including the Biblical Series and uh,
provide an introduction to my ideas that's substantially more straightforward and-and, public-friendly,
let's say, than my previous book, Maps of Meaning.

So that's the announcement stream, so herehere it all is in summary. I've launched a new
YouTube channel, Jordan B Peterson Clips, uh, there'll be three to five videos a week going up on that,
from five to five minutes2 long. We're going to launch a postmodern neo-Marxist content analyser and
consumer information site, for university students who wish to avoid being indoctrinated by the radical
leftists who've taken over the humanities, and we're hoping that that will help transform the universities
back into something approximating what they should be. We're going to release the Big Five aspect
scale, which will enable people to get an accurate indication of their personality along the Big Five
dimensions, and also break each of the Big Five down into two canonical aspects. We've developed a
high-school Self-Authoring Suite that should come out in Septemberthat'll help high-school students
write about themselves, and understand who they are and start planning for the future. And I'm putting
the finishing touches on my book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. That's already available, by
the way, for preorder at Amazon.

So, um, thank you very much, and uh, I hope that you enjoyed the new channel and also that
you find these programs that we're developing useful and practical in that they help you put yourselves
together and lead productive and meaningful and high-quality lives with the least amount of tragedy
and suffering possible. That would be really good. So, thanks very much, um, bye-bye.

1. [sic], sometimes
2. [sic], universities
3. [sic], five to fifteen minutes

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