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By :
Ema Sari, NIM : 1622309
Vastha Vusvitha, NIM : 1622313

Lecturer : Dr. Welly Ardiansyah, M.Pd





Table of contents ii
A. Background of The Problem 1
B. Formulation of The Problem.... 2
A. Defenition of training for teachers ..... 3
B. The purpose of the Teacher Training...... 5
C. Teacher Training evaluation ....... 6
D. Characteristics of Training........... 7
Conclusion .... 9
Reference .. 10

A. Background of The Problem

Efforts to improve the quality of education continue to be done, both conventional and
innovative. Education is a very important thing in managing life, both in school life, family,
society and the life of the nation. So that, the welfare of the people of a nation are largely
determined by the quality and the quality of education of a country. Education as a process of
social transformation culture, education defined as activities of cultural inheritance from one
generation to another.1
Thinking of Kihajar Dewantara, since the 1920 that education would be a better
human being, it is reaffirmed by setting legally "humanize education in general for the whole
man" (Law No.20 of 2003 on National Education System). In more detail again that the
Government shall manage and organize a national education system, which can increase the
faith and devotion and noble character in the context of the intellectual life of the nation,
which is regulated by the Law (Article 31 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution). To
implement these provisions the government has made various efforts, including the issuing of
Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and
Lecturers, Government Regulation 74 of 2008 on the Master, and various other regulations,
which confirms the strategic role of teachers and lecturers in improving the quality of
Of exposure above can be seen the importance of the role of education, it is very
necessary quality of education must be improved. One effort to improve the quality of
education is through improving the quality of learning in the classroom. Improved quality of
learning is determined by the planned learning. Be aware that the success of the learning
process is determined by several factors such as teachers, students, methods, infrastructure
and class during the learning situation. Teachers are expected to develop appropriate learning
models so that students' understanding of a subject to be relatively better. Teachers are
required to use a variety of teaching methods better, innovative, and able to boost student
motivation in learning.
According to Dantes (2010), as the implications of globalization and reform, a change
in paradigm of education that involves four things, including: (1) education process-oriented

Tirtarahardja Umar and La Sulo, Pengantar Pedidikan: Proyek Pembinaan dan Peningkatan Mutu
Tenaga Kependidikan, (Jakarta: Dirjen DIKTI Depdikbud, 1995), p. 34.
Kertih, dkk., Panduan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Bagi Guru Dalam Jabatan, (Undiksha: FIS, 2010), p.
paradigm of teaching where the teacher is an information center, shifted to the educational
process oriented learning in which stem from learners (student center), and the teacher's role
is as a facilitator; (2). paradigm of traditional education process-oriented approach to classical
and formal in the classroom, shifted to learning and flexible models, such as distance
education system; (3) the quality of education is a priority (that means the quality of being
international); (4) the growing popularity of lifelong education and further melting of the
boundary between education in school and out of school.
Components that can be identified as supporters of the acquisition of a maximum
learning experience to students is closely related to the presence of professional teachers who
continually seek to implement the idea, ideas and thoughts in the form of behavioral attitudes
that excel in their duties. Professional competence of teachers is one of the factors that affect
the achievement of learning goals and education in schools. Teacher competence does not
stand alone, but is influenced by several factors such as length of service, the type of training
and educational background. With professional competence, can be surprisingly influential in
the management of education so as to give birth output quality education. Output quality
education can be seen from the results of direct students' education in the form of a
comprehensive mastery of the process to learning outcomes.
Training is usually associated in an effort to prepare a person to perform a role or task,
usually in the working world. Training can also be monitored as a special element or the
output of the educational process more generally. Peter in Kamil forward the concept of
applied training in several aspects, such as: (1) there are a number of types of skills that must
be mastered, (2) exercise is needed to master the skills, (3) required a bit of emphasis on
theory. Training is defined as a systematic effort to master the skills, rules, concepts or ways
of behaving that have an impact on performance improvement. Experience in training can be
obtained from the education which is an integral part of an individual and an integrated
investment in a person in effective interaction with the surrounding social environment.
B. Formulation of The Problem
Based on the background of the above problems, the formulation of the problem can
be stated as follows:
1. What is training for teachers?
2. What the purpose of the teacher training?
3. How evaluate the teacher training?
4. How to assess whether effective teacher training activities?
A. Defenition of training for teachers
Suyatno said the Training is an activity undertaken for the development or
improvement of competence in carrying out duties as an educator, both at the district level,
the district/city, provincial, national, and international levels. Physical evidence of this
component can be either a certificate, charter, or a certificate from a training organizers.3 The
training program (training) is a program of repair mastery of various skills and techniques
specific work practices to current needs while development aims to prepare certain
employees ready to assume office in the future. Exercise and development program aimed
among other things to cover the gap between the skills of employees with office demand, but
it is also to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of employees in achieving work targets.4
According Jejen, the training has a very significant influence on the effectiveness of a
school. The training provides an opportunity for teachers to acquire the knowledge, skills and
attitudes that change the behavior, which in turn will improve student achievement. The
training should be in accordance with the needs of teachers teaching.5 Organizers must plan
carefully every training, ranging from the selection of materials, time, place, method to the
quality of the instructors. According to the regulations of the state minister utilization of state
apparatus and bureaucracy reform No. 16 of 2009 made clear that continuous professional
development is teacher competence development are being implemented according to the
needs, gradually, continuing to increase professionalism. Training is one of the efforts to
develop the professionalism of teachers. Credit Score is the unit value of each item of
activities and the accumulated value of grains of activities that must be accomplished by a
teacher in order to develop rank and position.
In order to improve the professionalism of teachers, need to do intense training and
upgrading of teachers. The necessary training is training tailored to the needs of teachers, ie
training refers to the demands of teacher competence.6 According Barnawi and Arifin,
training is used to handle low ability of teachers. The training program should be based on
need. That is, the type of training that is programmed to be in accordance with any kind of
ability is still low. Training will take place optimally if it is designed according to the needs,

Suyatno, Panduan Sertifikasi Guru, (Jakarta: Indeks, 2008), p. 111.
Umar Husein, Riset Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Organisasi, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka
Utama, 2004), p.12.
Jejen Musfah, Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2011), p. 61.
Suherman, Aris., dan Ondi Saondi, Etika Profesi Keguruan, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2010), p.
methods and timing. Training is suitable for teachers who have high potential but still weak
in knowledge and skills.
The necessity of adequate training for teachers has been emphasised in several reports
(e.g.: Garton, Copland & Burns, 2010; Papp, 2011; Rixon, 2000) however, different countries
may view the training requirements of teachers differently. In some countries a basic
educational qualification is provided by the government which is deemed sufficient for all
teachers regardless of the age they will be teaching or the subject area. In other countries,
teachers are given a more specialised training aimed at equipping them with the specific
requirements of their future career. Cameron (2001) believes there are two common
misconceptions related to teaching English to young learners: that teaching English is a
straight forward process that can be undertaken by anyone with a basic training in ELT, and
secondly, that the language taught to children only needs to be simple as cognitively, they are
not as developed as adult or teenage learners. Camerons points emphasise the necessity of
specific training for primary school teachers. 7
Howard (2012) states that in the UAE some teachers coming into primary education
have a qualification to teach English to adults and subsequently adapt pedagogies and
techniques to suit the particular requirements of young learners (page 71), although she does
not mention how this group learn to adapt their teaching. She goes on to say that other
teachers are trained as primary teachers, but without specific qualifications or training to
teach English language. We can see then that in certain contexts, teachers may enter the
profession with different qualifications, specialisms and training experiences. Initial Teacher
Training programmes frequently include a supervised Teaching Practice element, where
teachers are scored on their performance and receive post-teaching feedback. In the UK all
primary school teachers are required to have undertaken Teaching Practice in order to gain
Qualified Teacher Status (Skills Funding Agency, 2010). However, this is not the case in
every country.
Education and training of a process that will result in a change in behavior.
Significantly change the behavior shaped the ability of the target to improve the quality of
education and training. Education and training are in fact one of the activities of human
resource development programs. Human resource development as one of the chain (link) of
the personnel management cycle can be interpreted: is the process of improvement of staff
through a variety of approaches that emphasize self-realization (awareness), personal growth

Susan Shehan, E-Jurnal Teaching English, (London: British Council, 2013), volume 1,
and development. The development includes activities aimed at the improvement and growth
capabilities, attitude, skills and knowledge of the organization's members.
From the above it can be concluded that teacher training is an activity undertaken in
the framework of the development or improvement of competence in carrying out duties as
an educator.
B. The purpose of the Teacher Training
Training is given to teachers to facilitate teachers in the learning related to job duties.
In other words, an effective training program is a training program that touches three
domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. According to Gery Dessler in
Barnawi and Arifin, effective training can be done in five ways: 8
1. Analysis of needs
Used to determine the specific skills required, analyze the skills and needs of
candidates who will be trained and develop specific measurable knowledge and aims
to improve its performance.
2. Designing Instruction
Aiming to decide, develop, and produce the content of training programs, including
modules. exercises and activities, which use techniques with direct job training and
study aided by computer
3. Validate
The training program by presenting it to a few employees who could represent him.
4. Implementation of Training
Implementation of the training that is implementing a training plan that has been
validated and confirmed.
The effectiveness of the training needs to be examined, if effective could be rewarded,
but if it is less effective of course necessary to find the cause and provided input for
improvement in the future. One thing that is crucial in the implementation of the training is
how organizations view and treat learning activities. Therefore, the main strategy to improve
the knowledge and skills is to make the school as a learning organization (learning
organization). Learning organization is an organization that continues to transform itself in
the sense that never cease to learn, adapt and change in order to answer the challenges of the

Arifin, et.all., Kinerja Guru Profesional, (Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2014), p. 82.
C. Teacher Training evaluation
According to Umar to evaluate the training, it can be measured by several indicators
below. Indicators of teacher training variables, namely:
1. The rate of reaction
To review the participants' reactions to training, coaches and others
2. Level of study
To determine changes in knowledge, skills and attitude
3. The level of employment behavior
This method can see changes in the behavior of labor
4. The level of organization
Can determine the effects of training on the organization
5. The final value
Can find out how the benefits of training and development, not only for the
organization, but also for individuals.
Education and training are made against teachers and other education personnel is
done so that they can play duties and functions well in the implementation of the curriculum
in 2013, as well as preparing qualified human resources through quality learning process
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the training is a program that
is held specifically to further enhance and improve the performance of teachers in improving
the quality of education. Training is a requirement that must be carried out happily and
sincerely and with a spirit of change for the better and the individual and the organization.
Training in curriculum implementation in 2013 is very important, so that all parties involved
in the implementation in the field understand the changes that must be made in accordance
with the duties and functions of each, so that they provide support for curriculum changes
made. The training curriculum should be made to the various parties involved in its
implementation, as well as to the entire school community, even to the community and the
parents of learners. This training is important, especially so that the whole school community
to know and understand the vision and mission of the school, and the curriculum will be
implemented. Training needs to be done carefully to the various parties in order to offer a
new curriculum that can be understood and applied optimally, since training is an important

Mulyasa, E., Guru Dalam Implementasi, (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2014), p. 7.
step that will support and determine the success of curriculum change. Training will take
place optimally if it is designed in accordance needs, methods and timing.
Operationally according Hamalik (2001: 10) "training defined as a process that
includes a series of acts (attempts) carried out deliberately in the form of assistance to the
labor performed by professionals to improve employability". Regulation Of National
Education Minister number 16 of 2007 explains teacher competency standards developed
entirely in four main pedagogical competence, personality, social and professional, the fourth
integrated competence in the performance of teachers.
D. Characteristics of Training
According Jejen Mushaf, the characteristics of effective training, namely:10
1. Encouragement and feedback
Knowledge and experience possessed by the teacher will be increased through various
parties, namely the principal, colleagues, staff and students. This will help teachers to
improve the capabilities and skills taught in the classroom.
2. Suitability and Easy Guide
Each program will be successful if it is planned in all seriousness, includes three
factors, namely responsibility, program design, evaluation and follow-up.
Development of the quality of teachers or teachers' efforts to improve the quality of
the responsibility of the teacher and the institution that employs the teacher.
Teacher quality coaching activities include planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The teachers involved in the planning of training and possibly presenting a paper in front of
other teachers. This means that the teacher's task increased in addition to the task of teaching
and teaching preparation. A good school is quality-oriented school, one of them the quality of
the teaching force. Quality school teachers do not come in immediately and easily. Schools
should facilitate teachers to develop competencies that are still hidden and require as many
opportunities as possible to go forward according to the quality of teachers expected. Schools
must have a high academic culture so that teachers, students and educators are always
learning and growing all the time continues to evolve its potential to the fullest.
Professional teachers formed by a quality learning experience. Teacher education
should be able to provide a quality learning experience. Therefore, where teachers work
should have a quality culture as well. Based on the above it can be concluded that the
characteristics of a good training is the encouragement or feedback, appropriate and easy to

Jejen Musfah, Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2011), hal. 69-75.
do. A school principal should understand a few things, namely the needs of teachers, school
progress related to the service of the teachers, the provision of intensive teacher is not always
associated with live content, a source of satisfaction of teachers related to its presence in the
school, the importance of creating an atmosphere of work and school fun, and give example
in goodness, quality and discipline.
A good training is training that has the characteristics that the training objectives. In
accordance with the needs of education, training materials relevant to the realization of the
purpose of the exercise, the schedule arranged so that is conducive for both trainers and
followers of training, training location selected to provide excitement in the process of
training, have the necessary qualifications, and training methods must be in accordance with
the training follower and material provided.
The era of globalization characterized the quality or the quality of competition,
demands all parties in the various fields and sectors of development to continually improve
their competence on a competitive basis. It seated importance of efforts to improve the
professional teachers, both qualitatively and quantitatively that needs to be done
continuously, so that training is an instrument supporting the professionalism of the teaching
profession in running performance.
With the trainings for teachers expected the process to upgrade the competence and
professionalism of teachers in performing the task or job as educators, so that the quality of
learning will increase. Training and experience in teaching has an important role in
improving the professionalism of teachers. Teacher has special characteristics, thus requiring
special attention and services to improve its competence. Teacher is the primary role in
education because it directly foster, influence and develop the student's ability. Students can
become qualified human resources when guided by the teacher quality as well.
Arifin, Mohammad., dan Barnawi. 2014. Kinerja Guru Profesional. Yogyakarta: Ar-
Ruzz Media.
Husein, Umar. 2004. Riset Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Organisasi. Jakarta: PT
Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Kertih, et. all. 2010. Panduan Pendidikan Profesi Guru Bagi Guru Dalam Jabatan.
Undiksha: FIS.
Mulyasa, E. 2014. Guru Dalam Implementasi. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
Musfah, Jejen. 2011. Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru. Jakarta: Kencana.
Suherman, Aris., dan Ondi Saondi. 2010. Etika Profesi Keguruan. Bandung: PT
Refika Aditama.
Suyatno. 2008. Panduan Sertifikasi Guru. Jakarta: Indeks.
Umar, Tirtarahardja and La Sulo. 1995. Pengantar Pedidikan: Proyek Pembinaan dan
Peningkatan Mutu Tenaga Kependidikan. Jakarta: Dirjen DIKTI Depdikbud.
Shehan, Susan. 2013. E-Jurnal Teaching English. London: British Council. volume 1.

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