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Akim Joshua A.

Parias BSN 3

1. Describe the result of the full physical that the narrator receives at the beginning of
the fil.

2. The table below compares the amount of meat, processed sugars, and dairy
consumed on average in the United States in the early 20th century and present. Give
the numbers that are ingested presently.

Food Product Early 20th Century Present Consumption (Per

Consumption (Per Person Person Annually)
Meat 140 pounds 222 pounds (2007)
Processed Sugar 20 pounds 147 pounds (1999)
Dairy 294 pounds 605 pounds (2006)

3. What important nutrient do most people associate with animal-based foods?

When its comes to animal-based foods such as meats, dairy or processed foods, the
nutrient that people thought of that associates with the animal based food is

4. What compound in food causes coronary artery disease? What happens when this
compound ingested excessively?

CAD is usually caused by a condition of the arteries that supply the heart with blood.
What happens is that overtime a fatty substance in the bloodstream called
cholesterol builds up in the coronary arteries restricting the blood flow to the heart.
The can ultimately cause several problems, from severe chest pain called angina to
heart attacks. When we consume dietary cholesterol that can only be found in
meats, eggs and dairy products. It tends to stay in the bloodstream. This so-called
plaque is what collects on the inside of our blood vessels and is the major cause of

5. Explain how bypass surgery works. How does it cost?

Dr. Esselstyn and his colleague Dr. Rene made a major breakthrough in the
treatment of CAD. It was 1967, when Dr. Rene did the first coronary artery bypass
graft. This is accomplished by removing a vein from the patients leg, then stitching it
on the hearts blocked coronary artery to allow blood to flow around, or bypass, the
blockage. Lots of people in US has go under the knife annually for heart bypass
surgery costing around $100,000 apiece.

6. One of the doctors observed that Filipino children had a much higher risk of liver
cancer. Describe the experiment that was conducted with rats and its results.
This experiment was done to see the effect of dietary protein on the development of
liver cancer. It detailed work that had been done on a population of experimental
rats that were first exposed to a carcinogen called aflatoxin, the fed a diet of casein.
They use two different level of casein. 20% casein turned on cancer, and 5% turned if

7. What major disease are much more prevalent in the United States compared to
other countries, such as Kenya, Japan and China?

Prostate Cancer.

8. Explain the relationship between mortality from circulatory disease and the Nazi
occupation in Norway.

During the WWII occupied Norway. Among the first things they did was confiscate all
livestock and farm animals to provide supplies for their own troops. So the
Norwegians were forced to eat mainly plant-based foods. 1927-1948, death rate
pero 10,000 people because of circulatory diseases. But during the arrival of the
Germans to the country the mortality rate decreases. But with
cessation of the hostilities in 1945, back comes the meat, the dairy, the strokes and
heart attacks.

9. A different version of the rat/casein protein diet was conducted. Describe this
experiment and its results.

The experience is to test about the growth of tumor in the liver by exposing the rat
to both percentage of casein. Other rat was expose to 20% of casein while the other
rat was exposed to a 5% casein. Results says, that high levels of casein can cause
liver tumour growth. While exposing to a lower percentage

10. Explain the relationship between processed foods, calorie density, and the sensation
of physical fullness.

11. What are the three parts of the motivational triad, as shown in the example of the
Great White Shark?

a. Give an example of a modern stimulation that hijacks this triad.

12. A massive study of cancer rates conducted in China les to the production for the
cancer atlas. What were the results from this study?
13. What is the relationship between endothelial cells, nitric oxide gas, and heart

14. What is the canary in the cardiovascular system coal mine?

15. Why are fruits and vegetables much harder to find in a typical school lunch?

16. Describe some of the biases in the university system, National Academy of Sciences,
and USDA.

17. How is a diet heavy in animal-based foods damaging to the environment?

18. What health changes occurred with the narrator after several weeks on the new

For each quotes below, explain what it means in the context of the documentary.

Let food be thy medicine Hippocrates

it was clearly said highlighted in the movie that there are food that could be lethal to
our health, but there are some that could be the answer to all sort of lifestyle
diseases. It was said that people could have a better and healthier life if we choose
to be a vegetarian, or eat more vegetables than meat and dairy products. If we
maintain indulging foods that are beneficial to our health, then we could prevent the
occurrence of some disease.

The doctor of the future will no longer treat human frame with drugs, but rather will
care and prevent disease with nutrition Thomas Edison

Nutrition is the key to keep occurrence of the disease. It was said that modern world
will start to promote prevention than treatment. Thru nutrition; partaking foods that
are healthy and avoiding foods that could be a threat to our health, is the first step in
preventing disease. We should keep in mind that we should limit ourselves in eating
unhealthy foods.

One fourth of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-fourths keep your doctor
alive. Egyptian hieroglyph

For me it means that most of the cases that people are becoming sick and diagnosed
to lifestyle diseases is because most of the food we ingest are the reason, example
for that is becoming an addict to sodas, pizzas, or meat. Those foods make our body
unhealthy, and when disease comes in, we go to physician for consultation and
asking for treatment.


Choose and explain two significant claim made by the video that were either described
incompletely or misleading according to the critique.

Do you feel that the makers of this documentary have an agenda? Is there a possibility of
bias here?

I do think that this documentary has a purpose and it is to tell the people that not
everything we eat should always have a limitation. That we should eat foods that are
beneficial for preventing and reversing the disease. I can see that theres a bit of a bias
here, specifically regarding about the protein intake of a person. Theres one that says
that we should eat meat products for it is a number source of protein. But Campbell said
that theres also protein found in the plants. The document highlights the essential of
partaking a plant-based diet.

What aspects of the video do you think are legitimate and worth incorporating into your
lifestyle and diet? Give specific examples and data from the documentary and the

After I finished watching the documentary I have seen the effects of unhealthy foods
to our body. I also seen the effects of a plant-based diet to a person, healthy or
unhealthy. Eating meat, other processed food, and animal-based protein should be
avoided. The data that really wakes me is that excessive milk (calcium) could also be
a risk for osteoporosis. For milk creates this acid-like condition; metabolic acidosis.
And because of that the body will compensate to combat that condition that is by
secreting calcium from bones to neutralize the excess acid. And because of the
reaction of our bones, it will be lack in calcium causing osteoporosis.

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