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Standard 1: Know students and how they learn

Unit Title
1.2 Understand how students learn
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
This unit of work has been developed to be delivered in a Stage 1 class at Brewarrina Central School. 1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of
Wombats have been selected as the unit topic to engage students and further develop their writing skills. students across the full range of abilities
Brewarrina is an isolated community in western New South Wales (NSW) that is home to Australian wildlife
including Wombats. A significant discovery of megafauna Wombats (Diprotodon) at Cuddie Springs within the I used my prior knowledge of Brewarrina and the discovery of the
Brewarrina shire council will also provide a personal connection for the students. Students will be given the Diprotodon bones at Cuddie Springs to form the basis of this unit of
opportunity to further investigate this discovery within the unit of work. work. I sourced the Diprotodon bone that belongs to the school and
This unit of work has been developed using the text Wombat Stew, written by Marica K Vaughan and illustrated bought it into the classroom for the students to experience.
by Pamela Loftus. The text will be used to develop students knowledge and skills in order to compose a Students were able to feel and experience the bone which allowed
procedure. The purpose of a procedure is to direct, inform and explain how to do something. Students will them to get a picture and understand the characteristics and size of
compose their own Wombat Stew procedure in order to make Wombat Stew. Students will complete grammar the Diprotodon. Students became Archaeologists and made a
lessons on adjectives and verbs and will be encouraged to use adjectives and verbs in their procedural writing. discovery of a Diprotodon in their classroom. They worked together
to construct the Diprotodon skeleton. This approach engages Lev
The unit will also provide students with the opportunity to investigate Wombats through deconstructing and
reconstructing an information report. Vygotsky social constructivism theory which encourages students
to engage in discussion with peers and teachers to create new
English and HSIE cross curricula lessons have been created to achieve appropriate stage outcomes. understandings and shared meanings. This teaching activity
Note: Brewarrina Central School uses the L3 literacy program for K-2. This unit of work has been adapted to addressed Standard 1.2 understand how students learn as I
ensure that the current practices are still included in the teaching of literacy. This unit could be further extended implemented an activity that supported Aboriginal students and how
to include other genre and text types. Wombat goes to School and Diary of a Wombat written by Jackie French they learn best through hands on and kinaesthetic modes.
could also be included for the genres narrative and recount.
Students were also provided the opportunity to research plan and
Year Level create suitable Wombat habitats. This activity executed the 8 ways
Stage 1 Year 2 pedagogy step 3 of we see, think, act, make and share without
Approximate Time Needed Curriculum Links
5 x 50 minutes Using the L3 literacy model students were provided with the
English, HSIE, Science and Creative Arts opportunity to investigate Wombats through deconstructing and
4 x 15 minutes
reconstructing an information report. Teacher modelling, guidance
Differentiation of students needs and successful differentiation using the jellybean table as a tool
further supported students learning.
In this unit of work each lesson is designed to be completed in the following order:
I also achieved step 8 of the 8 ways model by returning to my home
Lesson introduction as a class group community and sharing the gift of education. During my teaching
Group completed activity as a class group or in a small group modeled, directed and supported by the teacher placement I shared stories of growing up in Brewarrina and going to
school just like my students. I used my newly learnt skills of
Completion of activity individually or in small groups
teaching to provide my student group with a quality, fair educational
The lessons will be further differentiated for completion of individual or small group activities. experience.
Students will be extended based on where they are currently plotting on the Literacy continuum as follows:
Comprehend texts through listening, reading and viewing
Cluster 6 (or above) will be extended by completing tasks further and/or above their fellow class members.
This may include direct question and opportunities to provide extended and more detailed responses.
Cluster 5 - will be provided with opportunities to become involved in class discussion and provide responses to
direct questioning by the teacher
Cluster 4 - will be encouraged and provided with opportunities to become involved in class discussion and pro-
vide responses to direct questioning by the teacher. These students may require additional support by the
teacher to clearly communicate their response and ideas.
Comprehends text through speaking, writing and creating
Cluster 6 (or above) will be extended by completing tasks further and/or above their fellow class members.
This may include when independent writing tasks are being completed requesting these students to extend the
response to include more detail and more sentences.
Cluster 5 - these students will be required to complete writing tasks independently with little or no support from
the teacher/s. These students can be further extended through support from the teacher to complete more
detail in their writing and more sentences.
Cluster 4 - these students will require additional support by the teacher to clearly communicate their response
and ideas. This may include assisting the student to construct sentences by clearly scribing in foundation print
the sentence on a mini whiteboard so the students are provided with a model of the required work.
Text, Grammar, Word and Visual knowledge
Cluster 6 (or above) will be extended by completing tasks further and/or above their fellow class members.
They should be provided with individual and group extension tasks that reinforces and further extends their
knowledge and skills.
Cluster 5 these students will be expected to complete assigned tasks and may be provided with opportunities
to complete extension activities with support from the teacher/s.
Cluster 4 these students will be provided support and/ or specific differentiation from the teacher/s to
complete assigned tasks.

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