French-English Legal Dictionary

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The Council of Europ~
Legal Dictionary

. Council of Europe Publishing


This dictionary has been compiled as a manual to assist translators who are not
familiar with legal terminology and others who have no time to consult more authori-
tative sources. It has no pretensions to completeness and many of the renderings are
tentative or apply only in certain contexts. The English terms are those currently or
formerly used in English law; French terms refer to the French legal system unless
otherwise indicated - as Belgian ("Belg"), Canadian ("Can"), Luxembourg ("Lux")
or Swiss ("Sw").
I should like to thank those colleagues who have corne to discuss points of inter-
est and in particular Martin Weston, who has not only supplied nie with lists of sug-
gested renderings, most of which I have adopted, but has also revised, copy-edited
and proof-rea:d the entire text for publication. I am also indebted to my son Steven,
without whose encouragement and assistance the computer typescript would never
have seen the light of day.

Frank Bridge

April 1994


ACTE-CONDITION - legal transaction ren- ESTIMATOIRE - action estimatoire -

dering a legal rule or rules applicable to an indi- action for a reduction of price on account of
vidual. defects.
ACTIF - assets; positive balance. TAT - action d'tat - action to establish,
CIRCULANT - actif circulant - current contest or change one's personal status (de-
assets. scent, marriage, etc); status action.
LMENT actif- asset. VACUATION- action en vacuation-
NET action for possession.
UTILIS - actif net utilis - (balance EXHIBENDUM - action ad exhibendum -
sheet) net assets employed. application for the production of a document.
SUJET actif (d'un droit, d'une obligation) EXPULSION - action en expulsion -
- person entitled to the benefit of a right or action for possession.
obligation (obligee, promisee, creditor, victim FIXATION - action en fixation - action for
of a tort). a declaration (declaratory judgment).
ACTION - share; action; right (cause) of GARANTIE - action en garantie - action
action. to enforce a guarantee or warranty; share
ANNULATION - action en annulation - certificate deposited as a security.
action to set aside. IMMOBILIER - action immobilire -
APPORT - action d'apport - share issued action to recover land; action to establish a
in return for a contribution in kind. right in rem or in personam over land.
ASSOCIATIONNEL - action association- INDEMNIT - action en indemnit -
nelle - action brought by an interested asso- action for damages.
IN REM VERSO - action de in rem verso
CIVIL - action civile - civil action; claim
- action based on unjust enrichment.
for damages in civil proceedings.
INTERROGATOIRE - action interroga-
COLLECTIF - action collective - group
(representative, class) action. toire - action to force a persan who has the
CONFESSOIRE - action confessoire - right to choose between several alternatives
action in rem to be put into possession of a to do so.
usufruct or establish one's title to an ease- JACTANCE - action de jactance - action
ment, profit, etc as a right in rem. to force someone who publicly daims a right
CONTESTATION - action en contesta- to prove his title or remain silent.
tion d'tat - action to disprove one's descent JOUISSANCE - action de jouissance -
from one's ostensible parents; action to dis- share whose capital has been repaid (on
prove a person's apparent status, descent or drawing ciflots) but which is still entitled
nationality. to dividends etc.
JUGEMENT COMMUN- action en JUSTICE - action en justice - action; legal
dclaration de jugernent commun - pro ceedings.
third-party notice. MIXTE - action mixte - action to enforce
SIMULATION - action en dclaration
a right in personam and a right in rem in the
de simulation - action to set aside a same proceedings.
simulated transaction.
MOBILIER - action mobilire - action to
DCLARATOIRE - action dclaratoire - movable property.
action to obtain a declaration.
DIMINUTION - action en diminution - NAISSANCE - donne naissance 1'action
action by the purchaser for a reduction in the en garantie dans la personne de l'acheteur
price of goods. - gives the purchaser a right (cause) of /
DIRECT - action directe - action by a ~ction under the warranty.
creditor directly against a third party who NGATOIRE - action ngatoire - action
has a contractual obligation to his debtor. to establish the non-existence of an easement,
DOMMAGES-INTRTS - action en profit, servitude, etc.
dommages-intrts - action for (in) dam- NOMINATIF action nominative - regis-
ages. tered share.


LI - action nominative lie - regis- the validity of a daim he asserts against the
tered share which can only be trans- plaintiff.
ferred with the company's consent. PUBLIC - action publique - (public) pros-
NULLIT - action en nullit - action to ecution; criminal proceedings.
set aside ( dedare void). QUERELLEUR - action querelleuse -
OBLIQUE - action oblique - action vexatious proceedings.
brought by a creditor in the name of his
RCLAMATION - (action en) rclama-
tion d'tat - action to establish descent from
PATERNIT - action en recherche de pa-
a parent (legitimacy).
ternit - affiliation proceedings; action to
establish paternity. RECONVENTIONNEL - action recon-
PAULIEN - action paulienne - action by ventionnelle - counterdaim; cross-action;
which a creditor can have dedared void cer- cross-petition.
tain transactions by a debtor with third par- RCURSOIRE - action rcursoire - third-
ties prejudicial to his interests. party proceedings; third-party notice.
PERSONNE - action attache (exclusive- TAT - action rcursoire de l'tat
ment) la personne - strictly (purely) per- contre l'agent fautif - state's action
sonal action; non-pecuniary action. for indemnity against a public officer
PERSONNEL - action personnelle - who has committed a fault for which the
action to enforce a right in personam. state is liable.
DLIVRANCE - action personnelle RDHIBITOIRE - action rdhibitoire -
en dlivrance - action in personam to action for rescission ( against the seller of de-
be put in possession of a usufruct (life fective goods or animals).
tenancy). RDUCTION - action en rduction - ac-
PTITION - (action en) ptition d'hr- tion to reduce the price (of defective goods).
dit - action to obtain possession of an es-
REL - action relle - action to enforce a
tate from a person daiming to be the heir;
right in rem or a right of possession.
action to daim (a share in) an estate.
PTITOIRE - action ptitoire - action to RPTITION - action en rptition de
establish ownership or another right in rem. l'indu - action for restitution of money paid
POPULAIRE - action populaire.- action without legal cause (for money had and re-
which may be brought by any member of the ceived).
public, whether or not he is in any way con- RESCISION - action en rescision (pour
cerned with the case; actio popularis; some- lsion) - action for rescission for inadequate
times used in the sense of an action by one consideration.
of a dass of persons affected on behalf of the RSILIATION - action en rsiliation -
others; group (representativ; dass) action. action to terminate a continuing contract (ex
PORTEUR - action au porteur - bearer nunc).
share; share warrant; bearer stock. RSOLUTION - action en rsolution -
POSITIF - action positive - {human rights) action to set aside a contract; action for
affirmative action. resc1ss10n.
POSSESSOIRE - action possessoire - RESPONSABILIT - action en respon-
action to protect or recover possession; sabilit - action for damages.
possessory action. There are three types:
RESTITUTION - action en restitution -
complainte - trespass, ie when posses-
action for recovery of possession.
sion is disturbed by some factual or legal ac-
tion; dnonciation de nouvel uvre, RETRANCHEMENT - action en re-
when works are commenced completion of tranchement - action by the children of a
which would interfere with possession; and former marriage to recover property from the
rintgrande, where a person has been marital community or a spouse.
deprived of possession. . REVENDICATION - action en revendica-
PRIORIT - action de priorit - prefer- tion - action to establish title ( ownership);
ence share. action .in detinue.
PROVOCATOIRE - action: provocatoire HRDIT - action en revendication
- action to force a person to to establish d'hrdit - action to obtain p.ossession



rence - call for tenders. - applicable - applicable to; applying
CONTRIBUTION - appel de contribu- to; affecting.
tions call for contributions. DIRECTEMENT - directement applicable
DCLARATION d'appel - notice of - directly applicable; self-executing.
APPLICATION - application; implementa-
FAIRE appel - appeal; lodge an appeal; give
tion; enforcement.
(enter) notice of appeal.
ARTICLE - en application de l'article 22 -
FONDS - appel de fonds - call on not fully
pursuant to section (Article) 22.
paid-up shares; call on shareholders etc.
CAS d'application case to which (a given
FOU - fol appel - frivolous or vexatious ap- provision) applies.
CHAMP d'application - scope; ambit.
AMENDE de fol appel - fine for lodg-
MATRIEL - champ d'application
ing a frivolous appeal.
matrielle - (Sw) substantive scope; (so-
GARANTIE - appel en garantie - proceed- cial security) material (ie non-personal)
ings against the guarantor which may take scope.
the form of giving third-party notice.
INCIDENT - appel incident - cross-appeal. APPLIQUER
INTERJETER appel - appeal; lodge an LOIS appliques - relevant (applicable) leg-
appeal; give (enter) notice of appeal. islation.
NOMINAL - appel nominal - roll-call vote. PEINE - appliquer la peine - determine
OFFRE - appel d'offres - invitation to ten- the sentence.
der; advertisement ( call) for tenders. S'appliquer - relate to.
PROVOQU - appel provoqu - cross- APPORT
appeal by a third party affected by the pro-
ACTION d'apport - share issued in return
ceedings, eg a guarantor. for a contribution in kind.
RETARD - appel retard - postponed CAPITAL - apport de capitaux - contribu-
appeal (ie until after the decision in the main tion of assets to a company or partnership.
pro ceedings).
COMMISSAIRE aux apports - valuer of
SANS appel - not subject to appeal. contributions in kind to the capital of a com-
APPELANT - appellant.
DOTAL - apport dotal - dowry; marriage
APPEL - remainderman; person entitled in settlement.
due course (eg on birth). ESPCES - apport en espces - cash
SUCCESSION - appel la succession - brought in; assets brought in in cash.
entitled to inherit. INDUSTRIE apport en iRdustrie - contri-
bution in the form of (various) services.
APPELER SOCIT - apport en socit - contribu-
CAUSE - appeler en cause join a party tion to a partnership's assets.
to the proceedings.
GARANTIE - appeler en garantie - have APPRCIATION - discretion; assessment;
recourse to (proceed against) the guarantor. consideration; finding; determination.
JUGEMENT - appeler d'un jugement - ACCUSATION - apprciation de l'accusa-
appeal against a judgment. tion - determination of the charge.
PARTIE ADVERSE - appeler la par- DISCRTIONNAIRE - apprciation
tie adverse - give the other side notice to discrtionnaire - unfettered discretion.
appear. LMENTS d'apprciation - evidence; fac-
tors to be taken into account.
APPELLATION ERREUR d'apprciation - error (in ass-
ORIGINE - appellation d'origine - war- esing evidence or exercising a discretion).
ranty (indication) of origin; name indicating LGALIT - recours en apprciation de
origin. lgalit - application to an administrative


AVERTISSEMENT - (prison sanction) cau- AVOCAT - barrister; counsel; advocate;

tion (written warning). l:oi.wver.
COMPARUTION - avertissement suivi GNRAL - avocat gnral - Solicitor-
par la comparution volontaire de l'int- General (without political and advisory
ress - warning (information) issued by the fonctions); (EU) Advocate-General; ami eus
public prosecutor followed by the voluntary cunae.
appearance of the defendant. MINISTRE - dispens de ministre
TAX - avertissement tax - warning d'avocat - legal representation is not re-
coupled with a fee (financial penalty). quired.
OFFICE - avocat d'office - official ( offi.-
AVEU - admission; confession. cially assigned) defence counsel.
AVIS - notice; decision; opinion. STAGIAIRE - avocat stagiaire - pupil bar-
CONFORME - sur l'avis conforme de - rister.
with the approval (consent) of. AVOIR- (in plural) assets.
CONSULTATIF - avis consultatif - consul- FISCAL - avoir fiscal - tax credit.
tative opinion. NUMRAIRE - avoirs en numraire -
DFAVORABLE - mettre (rendre) un cash in hand.
avis dfavorable ( l'extradition etc) - ad-
vise (rule) against. AVORTEMENT - abortion.
EXPDITION - avis d'expdition - notice AVOU- solicitor (for litigation only). ("Proc-
(advice) of dispatch. tor" and "attorney" are old-fashioned terms
FAVORABLE - mettre (rendre) un avis which may be useful in some contexts.)
favorable ( l'extradition etc) - advise
(rule) in favour of; authorise; approve. AVULSION - sudden detachment by a river
IMPOSITION - avis d'imposition - assess- of a considerable mass of land which becomes
ment. attached to that of another owner.
JURIDIQUE - avis juridique - legal opin- AYANT CAUSE- person claiming through.
10n. PARTICULIER - ayant cause titre par-
LICENCIEMENT - avis de licenciement - ticulier - person deriving title from; as-
notice of dismissal; letter of dismissal. signee; assign; transferee; successor in title.
PASSAGE - avis de passage - notice by UNIVERSEL - ayant cause titre uni-
the bailiff that he has called and left a copy versel - person succeeding to a portion of
of the document with a neighbour or at the another's legal position ( assets and liabili-
town hall. ties).
RCEPTION - avis de rception - record- UNIVERSEL - ayant cause universel -
ed delivery. person succeeding to a person's whole legal
RECUEILLIR - aprs avoir recueilli l'avis position ( assets and liabilities); univers al suc-
de - after consulting. cessor; heir.
RFLCHI - avis mrement rflchi -
considered opinion. AYANT DROIT - person entitled to a right;
beneficiary; licensee; registered holder; person
AVIS - reasonable. entitled through or under another (may includt;
INSTITUTEUR - un instituteur avis - a a widow, whereas the expression personne
reasonable schoolmaster. charge do es not).



BAIL - lease; tenancy. BANQUEROUTE - (negligent or fraudulent)
CHEPTEL - bail cheptel - lease of live- bankruptcy.
stock. FRAUDULEUX- banqueroute fraudu-
COLONAT PARTIAIRE - bail colonat leuse - fraudulent bankruptcy
partiaire - lease on the basis of a division SIMPLE - banqueroute simple - (negli-
of pro duce and lasses between tenant and gent) bankruptcy
COMMERCIAL - bail commercial- busi- BANS - notice of an intended marriage posted
ness tenancy. on the notice-board of a mayor's office.
CONSTRUCTION - bail construction -
long building lease (18-70 years) conferring a BARME
right in rem on the lessee. IMPT - barme de l'impt sur les
DOMAINE CONGABLE - bail do- salaires - salary-tax tables; (Schedule E)
maine congable - short-term agricultural income-tax tables.
tenancy in which the tenant retains owner-
ship of (or is entitled to compensation for)
his erections, plantations and crops and also PLAIDER la barre - address the court.
has a right of pre-emption. BARREAU- bar.
FERME - bail ferme - 9-year renewable
agricultural tenancy. BARREMENT - crossing of a cheque.
HABITATION - bail usage d'habitation
- residential tenancy. BASE
NATURE - bail en nature - tenancy in IMPOSITION - base d'imposition - tax-
which the rent is paid in kind. able (rateable) value; value for tax purposes;
NOURRITURE - bail nourriture - con- basis of assessment.
tract to supply board and lodging for life. LGAL - manque de base lgale - (judg-
RENTE - bail rente - rentcharge. ment based on) faulty or insuffi.cient reasons
RURAL - bail rural - agricultural tenancy. (ground for appeal to the Court of Cassa-
TRIBUNAL paritaire de baux ruraux - tion).
agricultural land tribunal. TEXTES de base - relevant texts ( docu-
BAILLEUR - landlord; lessor; hirer. ments); basic provisions.
FONDS - bailleur de fonds - persan pro-
viding finance; money-lender.
BTONNIER- chairman of the bar.

COMPTE - balance des comptes en mou- DISCUSSION - bnfice. de discussion -
vement et en soldes - turnover and balances surety's right to require execution to be di-
of the accounts. rected against the principal debtor before the
creditor levies execution on the surety.
BALLOTTAGE -situation where none of the
DISTRIBU - bnfice non distribu -
parties has obtained suffi.cient votes to be elected
in the first round of an election. profit retained.
SCRUTIN de ballottage - second ballot. DIVISION - bnfice de division - surety's
right to obtain a court order that the pro-
BAN ceedings be directed against all the sureties .
RUPTURE de ban - o:ffence of returning to DOUTE - au bnfice du doute - for lack
French territory ( committed by a person who of evidence.
has been banished); also applies to persans
MOLUMENT - bnfice d'molument-
under order not to live in a specific region.
limitation of a spouse's liability for the com-
BANDITISME - aggravated theft; aggravated munity debts to his or her share of the com-
larceny. m11nit.v """"fa:


RUINER la mise en cause du requ- RCLUSION cellulaire - solitary (cellular)

rant - destroy the case against the confinement ( deten tion).
applicant. RGIME cellulaire - solitary (cellular) con-
NULLIT - cause de nullit - ground of finement ( detention); prison with separate
nullity. cells.
P AR'.l'IE en cause - party to proceedings. SECTION cellulaire - solitary-onfinement
PREMPTOIRE - cause premptoire de wing (di vision).
divorce - absolute ground of divorce.
POURVOI - cause du pourvoi - grounds of CELLULE
appeal. DISCIPLINAIRE - cellule disciplinaire -
(prison sanction) punishment cell; solitary
JUDICATUM - cautio judicatum solvi -
security for costs (and compliance with the CENTIME
ADDITIONNEL - centimes additionnels
CAUTION - surety; guarantor; security. - local tax on property and businesses, cal-
FOURNIR Une caution - offer (produce) a culated in the form of a fictitious supplement
suret y. on certain defunct forms of direct state taxa-
JURATOIRE - caution juratoire - promise tion - similar to UK rates.
(by a life tenant) to conserve and restore
movable property; personal security of the CERTAIN
life tenant (usufructuary). DOMICILE certain - fixed abode.
REL - caution relle - persan who, not
being himself liable for a debt, has mort-
gaged his land as a security for the debt of ADDITION - certificat d'addition - patent
another. of addition.
SOLIDAIRE - caution solidaire - surety CONFORMIT - certificat de conformit
jointly and severally liable with the principal - certificate of compliance.
debtor. COUTUME - certificat de coutume - cer-
tificate of foreign law.
CAUTIONNEMENT- contract of guaran-
DROIT DE VOTE - see VOTE below.
tee (suretyship); bond; recognisance.
VERSER un cautionnement comme INDIGENCE - certificat d'indigence - cer-
garantie de bonne conduite - give security tificate of lack of means (financial hardship).
for good behaviour. INVESTISSEMENT- certificat d'inves-
tissement - ce:rtificate of entitlement to the
CDANT - assignor; transferor. pecuniary rights attaching to a share.
NOMINATIF - certificat nominatif- reg-
CD - debtor or persan liable to perform the
obligation assigned; persan liable on the chose in istered certificate; certificate for registered
action assigned. shares.
NON-APPEL - certificat de non-appel -
CDER - assign; transfer. certificate by the registrar that there has
been no appeal or application to set aside.
CDULE - acknowledgement.
PORTEUR - certificat au porteur - bearer
CITATION - cdule de citation - sum-
warrant; share warrant.
QUITUS - certificat de quitus - certificate
ClBRATION of discharge given to an administrator, re-
MARIAGE - clbration du mariage - ceiver, etc.
solemnisation of marriage. SCOLARIT - certificat de scolarit -
CELLULAIRE (school) attendance certificate.
EMPRISONNEMENT cellulaire - solitary VIE - certificat de vie - life certificate.
(cellular) confinement ( detention). VOTE - certificat de droit de vote - cer-
ISOLEMENT cellulaire - solitary (cellular) tificate of voting rights (belonging to a
confinement ( detention). share).


CERTITUDE Cham ber. "Division" is usually a larger unit con-

TABLIR avec certitude - prove beyond taining several chambres, but in courts (like
doubt. the Court of Cassation) where a chambre it-
PEINE - certitude de la peine - :fixed self contains several sections this is a suitable
penalties; :fixed sentences. translation. The word "chamber" is used in the
European Convention on Human Rights and
CESSATION - termination; suspension. in the Rules of the European Court of Human
PAIEMENT - cessation de(s) paiement(s) Rights but in other contexts the best translation
- cessation (suspension) of (a debtor's) pay- is probably "court", "bench" or possibly "sec-
ments (state preceding bankruptcy); inability tion" (where these expressions do not appear un-
to meet current liabilities; insolvency. natural).)
CESSIBLE - transferable; assignable. ACCUSATION - chambre d'accusation
(des mises en accusation) - Indictments
CESSION - assignment. Chamber (of the Court of Appeal).
ANTRIORIT - cession d'antriorit -
assignment of priority.
des appels correctionnels - Criminal Ap-
BAIL - cession bail - assignment by way
peals Chamber (Division); Criminal Chamber
of lease; grant of a lease.
(Division) of the Court of Appeal.
BAIL - cession de bail - assignment of a
COMMUNE - Chambre des communes -
(British) House of Gommons.
CRANCE - cession de crance - assign-
ment of a chose in action, ie of the right to COMPENSATION - chambre de compen-
receive payment of a debt or performance of sation - clearing-house.
some other obligation. CONSEIL - chambre du conseil - judge's
DCLARATION de cession - notice of chambers; court in chambers.
assignment. EN chambre du conseil - in chambers;
DETTE - cession de dette - transfer of the in private; the court in chambers.
duty to pay a debt (or perform some other CORRECTIONNEL - chambre correc-
obligation). tionnelle - Criminal Section (Chamber).
ENCAISSEMENT - cession aux fins CRIMINEL - chambre criminelle - Assize
d'encaissement - assignment (of debts) for Chamber (Division); Criminal Division of the
collection. Court of Cassation.
FONDS - cession d'un fonds - sale (trans- DROIT PUBLIC - chambre de droit pu-
fer) of a business. blic - public-law chamber (section, division).
GARANTIE - cession titre de garantie - CONOMIQUE - chambre conomique -
assignment by way of security. commercial section.
LICENCE - cession de licence - assign- MTIER - chambre des mtiers - cham-
ment of a licence. ber (association) of (manual) trades; trades
MITOYENNET - cession de mitoyen- association; guild; corporation.
net - assignment of party rights in a wall, MIXTE - chambre mixte de la Cour de
fence, ditch, etc. cassation - court consisting of the judges of
SRET - cession titre de sret-' at least three divisions of the Court of Cas-
assignment by way of security. sation (13-25 judges) which must hear a case
USAGE - cession d'usage - assignment if the division of the Court dealing with the
(transfer) of a right of user (right to use). case was equally divided or the Attorney-
CESSIONNAIRE - assignee. General applies for the case to be so heard
FONDS - cessionnaire d'un fonds - pur- and may hear certain other cases; enlarged
chaser of a business. court; mixed division.
NOTAIRE - chambre des notaires - law
CH = chiffre. society.
CHAMBRE - chamber; section; subdivision. PAIR - Chambre des pairs - (British)
("Chamber" meaning a section of a court is not House of Lords; Upper House.
in general use in England though the word ap- PARTIE - faire partie d'une chambre - sit
pears in the old Star Chamber and Exchequer as a member of (belong to) a chamber.


TRE colloqu - les crances sont col- confirmatory oral evidence or presumptions
loques dans l'ordre suivant sur le produit which would otherwise be excluded; writing
des biens de la masse - the debts are satis- admitting oral evidence; some evidence in
fied from the proceeds of the bankruptcy in writing; prima facie case.
the following or der.
COMMENTATEUR- commentator; re-
COLONAT porter; legal writer; authority.
PARTIAIRE - colonat partiaire - agri-
cultural tenancy in which the rent takes the COMMERANT - trader; merchant;
form of a share of the produce or the loss. PETIT commerant - small trader.

DIRECTEUR - comit directeur - steering ACTE de commerce - commercial transac-
committee. tion.
ENTREPRISE - comit d'entreprise - ENNEMI - commerce avec l'ennemi -
works council. trading with the enemy.
RESTREINT - comit restreint - select FONDS de commerce - business.
committee. HORS (du) commerce - whose sale is pro-
COMMAND hibited by law; not subject to legal transac-
DCLARATION de command - statement tions; inalienable; not for sale.
exercising the right of an ostensible purchaser JURIDIQUE - commerce juridique - legal
to substitute the true purchaser for whom he transactions,
was acting as an agent; naming one's princi- RAISON de commerce - business name.
pal at or after an auction. REGISTRE du commerce - business-names
register; commercial register.
TRIBUNAL de commerce - Commercial
POLICE - commandant de police -
(police) chief inspector.
pay a judgment debt etc) served by a bailiff hold- SUBJECTIF - thorie de la commercia-
ing an authority to levy execution; service of a lit subjective - theory that certain acts
peremptory or der. or transactions fall within the jurisdiction
AUTORIT LGITIME- commande- of the commercial courts because they are
ment de l'autorit lgitime - defence of performed by merchants or businessmen.
lawful orders. COMMETTANT- master; principal; person
ITRATIF - commandement itratif-
vicariously liable for the fault of his servant.
final notice to pay before levying execution.
PAYER - commandement de payer - order COMMINATOIRE- (of a penalty, fine or
to pay. nullity) imposed to put pressure on one of the
POUVOIR de commandement - factual parties and revocable at the court's discretion
power (not necessarily founded in law) to according to the circumstances of the case.
give orders relating to a thing. JUGEMENT comminatoire - order con-
COMMANDITAIRE- limited partner. taining a revocable penalty for non-com-
pliance with its terms.
COMMANDITE - limited partnership. MESURE comminatoire - coercive measure
ACTION - commandite par actions - part- (ie involving a threat of legal sanctions).
nership limited by shares.
SIMPLE - commandite simple - limited COMMISSAIRE - (police) superintendent.
partnership. APPORT - commissaire aux apports -
valuer of contributions in kind to the capital
COMMANDIT- general, active or manag- of a company.
ing partner in a limited partnership. CENTRAL - commissaire central - chief
COMMENCEMENT superintendent.
PREUVE - commencement de preuve par COMPTE - commissaire aux comptes -
crit - signed writing rendering admissible auditor.


DIVISIONNAIRE - commissaire division- PARITAIRE- commission paritaire - joint

naire - chie{ superintendent. (equi-representational) commit tee.
ENQUTEUR - commissaire enquteur - MIXTE - Commission mixte paritaire
commissioner appointed to hold an inquiry. - joint committee of the two chambers of
GOUVERNEMENT - commissaire du the French parliament which prepares a
gouvernement - prosecutor in a court mar- compromise text when the two chambers
tial; law offi.cer whose task it is to present a disagree.
completely impartial report on a case to an PARLEMENTAIRE - commission par-
administrative court, especially the Conseil lementaire - parliamentary committee.
d'tat, or to the Jurisdiction Court (Tri- PERMANENT - commission permanente
bunal des conflits); offi.cer representing - standing committee.
the point of view of a ministry in an adminis- ROGATOIRE - commission rogatoire -
trative division of the Conseil d'tat. request for judicial assistance; request for
POLICE - commissaire (de police) - evidence on commission; letters rogatory; del-
(police) superintendent. egation of powers by a judge; instruction(s)
PRINCIPAL - commissaire principal- (eg by a judge to the police); warrant ( eg to
chief superintendent. the police to seize evidence).
PRISEUR - commissaire-priseur - valuer REMETTRE la commission rogatoire
and auctioneer of movables. - report back (to the judge).
RPUBLIQUE - commissaire de la R- SCURIT SOCIALE - commission de
publique (now again prfet) Dpartement scurit sociale - social-security board (tri-
Commissioner, ie the government 's represen- bunal).
tative in the dpartement (county). TECHNIQUE - commission technique -
RGION - commissaire de la Rpu- specialised committee; expert committee.
blique de rgion (now again prfet de VRIFICTION DES COMPTES - com-
rgion) - Regional Commissioner (Gov- mission de vrification des comptes -
ernment representative in the region). board of auditors.

COMMISSION - board; committee; commis- COMMISSIONNAIRE- commission agent;

sion; tribunal; instruction given by a court to a nominee; factor; agent of a principal whose exis-
judge or other public offi.cer. tence is not disclosed.
ARBITRAL - commission arbitrale - DOUANE- commissionnaire en douane -
(arbitral) assessment board. customs agent.
CONCURRENCE - Commission de la EXPDITEUR - commissionnaire expdi-
concurrence - Fair Competition (Trading) teur - forwarding agent.
Board. TRANSPORT - commissionnaire de
CONTRAT de commission - contract with transport - forwarding agent.
a commission agent acting for an unnamed COMMISSOIRE
principal who is known to exist.
PACTE commissoire - foreclosure clause
CONTENTIEUX - commission con- in a pledge or mortgage; clause permitting
tentieuse de la scurit sociale - social- the pledgee or mortgagee to keep the ab-
security tribunal. . ject pledged or mortgaged in case of non-
DLIMITATION - commission de dli- repayment; (more generally) rescission clause.
mitation - boundary commission; frontier
commission. COMMODANT- lender.
DOMMAGE - commission de dommages COMMODAT - loan (for use of a non-
de guerre - war-damage board.
consumable abject).
ENQUTE - commission d'enqute - com-
mission of inquiry; fact-finding committee; COMMODATAIRE - borrower.
investigating committee.
EXAMEN - commission d'examen - board
PEINE - commuer une peine - commute a
of examiners.
MARCH - commission des marchs -
tender board. COMMUN- in co-ownership; joint.


CONDOMINIUM - condominion. des conflits) when there have been con-

CONDUITE - behaviour. fl.icting judgments by the ordinary and the
administrative courts.
CONFESSIONNEL - denominational. JURIDICTION - conflit de juridictions
CONFESSOIRE - conflicting decisions relating to jurisdic-
ACTION confessoire - action in rem to be tion ( confl.ict of jurisdiction), ie where two
put in possession of a usufruct (life tenancy) different courts both claim or decline to exer-
or to establish one's title to an easement, cise jurisdiction to decide a case; confl.ict of
profit, etc as a right in rem. jurisdiction between the courts of two or
more different countries.
LOI - conflit de lois - confl.ict of laws;
ABUS de confiance - misappropriation; em-
choice of law; private international law.
bezzlement (which can only be committed
by a clerk or servant); fraudulent conversion; DROIT des conflits de lois - private
fraudulent breach of trust. international law; confl.ict (of laws); rules
HOMME de confiance - confidential adviser governing choice of law.
or agent. NGATIF - see ATTRIBUTION above.
LGITIME - confiance lgitime - the rea- POSITIF - see ATTRIBUTION above.
sonable (legitimate) expectations of the other RGLE de conflit (de lois) (rgle sur les
party. conflits) - rule of private international law;
CONFINANT choice-of-law rule.
- confinant - abutting on. SOCIAL - conflits sociaux - labour dis-
putes; industrial disputes.
CONFISCATION - confiscation; forfeiture. TRANCHER un conflit - settle a dispute.
CONFLIT TRAVAIL - conflit du travail- industrial
ARRT de conflit - Prefect's order trans- dispute; labour dispute.
ferring a jurisdictional dispute (between the TRIBUNAL des conflits - court for settling
ordinary and administrative courts) to the questions of jurisdiction and inconsistent
Jurisdiction Court (Tribunal des con- judgments between administrative courts
flits); jurisdiction or der. on the one hand and ordinary courts on the
ATTRIBUTION - conflit d'attribution(s) other; Jurisdiction Court.
- dispute as to jurisdiction between the ordi-
nary courts and the administrative authori- CONFONDRE
ties or courts, or between two administrative SE confondre - be merged.
NGATIF - conflit ngatif (d'attribu- CONFORME
tion(s)) - situation where both courts - conforme - compatible with.
( authorities) involved consider they have .. LOI - conforme la loi - lawful; in
no jurisdiction to deal with the case; re- accordance with law.
fusal of jurisdiction by both the ordinary
and the administrative courts. CONFORMER
POSITIF - conflit positif ( d'attribu- SE conformer - comply with.
tion(s)) :__situation where both courts
( authorities) involved claim jurisdiction; CONFORMIT
acceptance of jurisdiction by both the USAGE - conformit l'usage envisag
ordinary and the administrative courts. par les parties - :fitness (ie for the purpose
COLLECTIF - conflit collectif - labour known to the vendor).
dispute; industrial dispute.
COMPTENCE - conflit de comptence - CONFUSION - merger.
dispute as to jurisdiction. PART - confusion de part - inability to
LEVER le conflit - (of the Prefect) r aise assign paternity owing to a confl.ict of two
the question of jurisdiction. legal presumptions of paternity of two succes-
JUGEMENT - conflit de jugements - pro- sive husbands of the same woman.
cedure whereby a litigant can obtain a deci- PEINE - confusion des peines - concurrent
sion from the Jurisdiction Court (Tribunal sentences.


POUVOIR - confusion des pouvoirs - fail- NET - connaissement net - clean bill of
ure to observe the principle of the separation lading.
of powers. ORDRE - connaissement ordre - order
bill of lading.
CONG - notice; leave.
PORTEUR- connaissement au porteur -
BAIL - cong de bail - notice to terminate;
bearer bill of lading.
notice to quit.
, PNITENTIAIRE- cong pnitentiaire - CONNATRE
prison leave. DE - connatre de - hear; deal with; hear
CONGDIEMENT - dismissal; termination and determine; entertain; take cognisance of.
of a contract of employment. .. AFFAIRE - connatre d'une affaire -
(have jurisdiction to) hear a case; deal
CONGRGATION - religious order. with a case.
CONGRS - joint meeting of both chambers .. APPELER - qui sont appels con-
of the French parliament to pass an Act amend- natre des affaires de divorce - which
ing the Constitution. try divorce cases.
.. DEMANDE - connatre de la
CONJOINT demande - entertain the proceedings
CODBITEURS conjoints - persans sever- (the claim).
ally li able (each for his share). .. FOND - connatre du fond d'une af-
DEMANDE conjointe - joint petition for faire - deal with the merits of a case.
divorce or judicial separation (by both par- .. POUVOIR connatre de - have juris-
ties). diction to decide.
DIFFRENDS entre conjoints - marital
.. PROCDURE - connatre de proc-
dures - entertain proceedings.
, OBLIGATION conjointe - several liability.
DROIT- que connat le droit allemand -
, REQUTE conjointe - joint application
existing in (recognised by (in)) German law.
(method of commencing contentious proceed-
ings by parties agreeing to submit their dis- CONNEXE
pute to the court). - connexe - arising from the same
SURVIVANT - conjoint survivant - sur- transaction; related to; closely connected
viving spouse. with.
CONJOINTEMENT - jointly; together. CONNEXIT- the relationship existing
CONJUGAL consortium. between two or more cases or offences which jus-
DEVOIR conjugal - duty to have sexual tifies their being joined and tried together; close
relations with one's spouse. connection.
DOMICILE conjugal - matrimonial home. EXCEPTION de connexit - defence that
UNION conjugale - consortium. related proceedings are pending in another
court (lis alibi pendens).
CESSION - connaissance spciale et per- CONNIVENCE - collusion.
sonnelle de la premire cession - actual
notice of the first assignment. CONSANGUIN - of the half blood on the
PRENDRE.connaissance du dossier - in- father's side.
spect the file. CONSEIL - council; board; commission;
CONN AIS SEMENT - bill of lading. guardian; adviser; counsel.
CHEF - con,naissement chef - captain's ADMINISTRATION - conseil d'adminis-
copy of the bill. tration - board of directors.
DESTINATAIRE- connaissement desti- CABINET - conseil de cabinet - meeting
nataire - consignee's copy of a bill of lading. of the government chaired by the Prime Min-
FLUVIAL - connaissement fluvial - river ister.
bill of lading. CHAMBRE du conseil - judge's chambers;
INTRANSMISSIBLE - connaissement in- (Belg) Court in Chambers (which, inter alia,
transmssible - non-negotiable bill of lading. decides whether to commit for trial).


CONTRADICTOIREMENT - in the BIENFAISANCE- contrat de bienfaisance

presence of (with the participation of, after hear- - contract without consideration.
ing) both parties; inter partes; on equal terms; on BIRE - contrat de bire - exclusive sup-
an equal footing. ply contract.
NON contradictoirement - ex parte. BONNES MCEURS - see MURS below.
CONTRAIGNANT - coercive; binding. COLLECTIF - contrat collectif (de tra-
CIRCONSTANCES contraignantes - com- vail) - collective (labour) agreement.
pelling circumstances. COMMUTATIF - contrat commutatif -
con tract based on an exchange of benefits;
CONTRAINTE - coercion; duress; order to commutative contract.
pay issued by various authorities, esp. the collec-
COURTAGE- contrat de courtage - bro-
tor of taxes, with statutory authority; (means of)
kerage contract.
enforcement; (translation of German Haftung)
DIRIG - contrat dirig - controlled con-
CORPS - contrainte par corps - enforce-
EMPHYTOSE - contrat d'emphytose -
ment against the person; civil imprisonment;
long lease.
imprisonment for debt; imprisonment in de-
fault (for non-payment) (of a fine etc). ENTREPRISE - contrat d'entreprise -
MESURE de contrainte - coercive measure. contract for services (by an independent con-
SANS contrainte - unenforceable. tractor and sometimes involving the supply
URBANISME - contraintes d'urbanisme - of materials), eg with a dentist, taxi-driver,
(town-)planning requirements. cabinet-maker, garage owner or tailor; locatio
CONTRARIT GRATUIT - contrat titre gratuit - con-
JUGEMENT - contrarit de jugements tract without consideration.
- confiicting (incompatible) judgments (if GR GR - contrat de gr gr - in-
they are in the same case, this constitutes a forma! contract; freely negotiated contract.
ground for an appeal in law to the Court of GROSSE - contrat la grosse - bottomry
Cassation); procedure whereby a litigant can bond.
obtain a decision from the Jurisdiction Court IMPOS - contrat impos - contract im-
(Tribunal des conflits) when there have posed by law.
been confiicting judgments by the ordinary INNOMM - contrat innomm - innom-
and the administrative courts. inate (unnamed) contract, ie not belonging
MOTIF - contrarit de motifs - inconsis- to a type governed by specific legal rules but
tent reasons in a judgment. devised by the parties for their own purposes.
CONTRARIO - see A CONTRARIO. INSTANTAN - contrat instantan - con-
tract of immediate execution.
JEU - contrat de jeu - gaming contract;
ACCESSOIRE - contrat accessoire - col-
wagering contract.
lateral contract.
JUDICIAIRE - contrat judiciaire - settle-
ADDITIONNEL - contrat additionnel -
ment in court; judicial settlement.
supplementary contract.
ADHSION - contrat d'adhsion - LONIN - contrat lonin - unconscionable
standard-form contract (imposed by the bargain; contract conferring all the advan-
stronger part y). tages on one party.
ADMINISTRATIF - contrat administratif LICENCE - contrat de licence - licence ( eg
- contract subject to the jurisdiction of the. to exploit a patent).
Administrative Courts and governed by ad- LOCATION-VENTE- contrat de
ministrative law. location-vente - hire-purchase contract.
ALATOIRE - contrat alatoire - contract LOUAGE
involving a risk or hasard for one or both SERVICE - contrat de louage de ser-
parties, eg insurance, wager or life annuity. vices - service contract; employment
AMODIATION - contrat d'amodiation contract.
- lease in which the rent is calculated as a MANDAT - contrat de mandat - agency
proportion of the produce of the land. con tract.


, MARIAGE - contrat de mariage - mar- , TACITE - contrat tacite - implied con-

riage contract; marriage settlement. tract; inferred contract.
, MCEURS - contrat contraire aux bonnes , TARIFAIRE - contrat tarifaire - wage
murs - immoral contract. agreement.
, NOMM - contrat nomm - contract regu- , TERME - contrat terme - a contract
lated by legislation; nominate contract. whose effect is suspended for a certain time
, NOTAIRE - contrat par-devant notaire or until the happening of some event.
- contract recorded by a solicitor; notarial , TITRE - contrat de titres - contract note.
con tract. , TITULAIRE de contrat - contractor.
, NOVATOIRE - contrat novatoire - (con- , TRANSPORT - contrat de transport -
tract created by) novation. contract of carriage.
, ONREUX - contrat onreux - con tract TRAVAIL - contrat de travail - contract of
involving consideration. service (service contract); contract of employ-
, PIGNORATIF - contrat pignoratif- loan ment (employment contract).
disguised as a sale with an option to repur- , TYPE - contrat-type - model contract;
chase; contract whereby a debtor transfers standard-form contract; standard contract.
the possession of one of his assets to the .. LOCATION - contrat-type de loca-
creditor as a security, eg pledge. tion - uniform (standard) tenancy
, PRIMITIF - contrat primitif- original agreement.
contract. .. TRAVAIL - contrat-type de travail-
, PROMESSE de contrat - pre-contract (eg standard service contract (agreement).
option agreement, pre-emption agreement). , UNILATRAL - contrat unilatral - uni-
, REL - contrat rel - real contract, ie a lateral contract.
contract which requires for its formation , VERBAL - contrat verbal - oral contract;
the effective delivery of the thing to which
parol contract.
it refers in addition to the agreement of the
, VIOLATION de (du) contrat - breach of
parties, eg deposit or loan for use. (Distin-
con tract.
guish from real contracts in English law,
which are contracts referring to real property, CONTRAVENTION - petty offence; sum-
eg a lease.) mary offence.
RELATIVIT - principe de la relativit , POLICE - contravention de simple police
des contrats - privity of contract (rule) (ie - petty offence; summary offence.
a contract is binding only on the parties and , VOIRIE - contravention de grande voirie
does impose burdens or confer benefits on - administrative offence of damaging or ob-
third parties) structing the highway.
, RSILIER un contract - terminate a con-
, ROMPRE un contrat - break a contract. to a petty offence.
, RUPTURE de contrat - breach of contract.
CONTRE-ASSURANCE - reinsurance;
, SERVICE - contrat de service - service
reciprocal insurance.
contract; employment contract.
, SOCIT - contrat de socit - articles CONTRE-CAUTION - surety for a surety;
of partnership; memorandum and articles of further or additional surety.
association of a company.
, SOLENNEL - contrat solennel - authen- CONTRE-DNONCIATION (AU
ticated contract; solemn form contract; offi- TIERS SAISI) - notice of validation proceed-
cially recorded contract. ings to the garnishee.
, SUCCESSIF - contrat successif- contract CONTREDIT - procedure for raising a
involving successive performance; continuing question of jurisdiction in the Court of Appeal;
contract. objection (to a payment order); objection to the
, SYNALLAGMATIQUE - contrat synal- judge's decision in insolvency proceedings.
lagmatique - reciprocal contract; bilateral
contract; contract involving obligations on CONTRE~ENQUTE - hearing evidence in
both sides. reply; hearing the other party's evidence; bringing


evidence to disprove the evidence adduced by the CONTRIBUTION - procedure for the distri-
plaintiff. bution between the creditors of the proceeds of an
attachment in proportion to the amounts due to
CONTRE-EXPERT - expert called by the
other side.
APPEL de contributions - call for contribu-
CONTRE-EXPERTISE - expert opinion tions.
submitted in reply, by the other sicle; second ex- DETTE - contribution la dette - proce-
pert opinion. dure by which a person who has paid a sum
for which he is not ultimately liable obtains
CONTREFAON - forgery.
contribution or indemnity from those ulti-
BREVET - contrefaon de brevets - in-
mately liable.
fringement of patents.
DIRECT - contribution directe - direct
DESSIN - contrefaon de dessins - in-
fringement of registered designs.
GUERRE - contribution de guerre - war
CRITURE - contrefaon d'critures -
levy; special tax to meet the cost of a war.
forgery of documents.
PATENTE - contribution des patentes -
LITTRAIRE - contrefaon littraire -
(formerly) trading-licence tax; trade tax.
infringement of copyright.
MARQUE - contrefaon de marques de CONTRLE
fabrique - infringement of registered trade ACCORD de contrle - supervision agree-
marks. ment.
MONNAIE - contrefaon de monnaies - AGENT de contrle - supervising officer;
making counterfeit coinage; coinage offences; checking officer.
forging coins. A POSTERIORI - contrle a posteriori -
CONTRE-LETTRE - secret document set- subsequent (ex post facto) inspection (check,
ting out the true facts of a fictitious transaction; control, review).
modification of a marriage contract (marriage set- A PRIORI - contrle a priori - previous
tlement). inspection (check, control, review).
CHANGE - contrle des changes - ex-
CONTREPARTIE - consideration; equiva- change control.
lent; remuneration; opposing party (in this sense
COMPTABLE - contrle comptable -
also contrepartiste).
CONTREP ARTISTE - other (opposing) COMPTABILIT - contrle de la comp-
party. tabilit - audit.
PORTER - se porter contrepartiste - (of DEVISE - contrle des devises - exchange
an agent) contract with himself. control.
DOUANE - contrle de la douane - cus-
CONTRE-PASSATION - cross-entry; re-
toms inspection.
versal; contra (entry).
DROIT de contrle - right of supervision.
CONTREPAS SER - reverse or cancel an EFFECTIF - contrle d'effectifs - atten-
entry. dance check.
EXTERNE - contrle externe - external
CONTREPRESTATION - consideration.
CONTRE-PREUVE - rebutting evidence. IDENTIT - contrle d'identit - identity
CONTRE-SEING - countersignature.
IMPT - contrle de l'impt - tax inspec-
CONTRESTARIES - demurrage. tion.
JUDICIAIRE - contrle judiciaire -
judicial supervision; court supervision (of
CONTREVENANT - (petty offence) defen- accused persans pending trial); judicial re-
dant; offender. view.
JURIDICTIONNEL - contrle juridiction-
CONTREVENTION - petty offence.
nel - judicial review of a decision etc; control
CONTRIBUABLE - taxpayer. by the courts of administrative decisions.


LGALIT - contrle de la lgalit - re- ment (to cover a branch of i~dustry or a

view of (the) legality (lawfulness) (of pro- region).
ceedings etc). DOUBLE IMPOSITION - see IMPOSI-
NOMINATIF - contrle nominatif- nomi- TION below.
nal roll. CONOMIE d'une convention - structure
POSTAL - contrle postal - postal censor- (scheme, logic) of a convention.
ship. ENTREPRISE - convention d'entreprise -
works agreement.
CONTRLER - review; check; supervise;
TABLISSEMENT - convention d'ta-
control; audit; inspect.
blissement - establishment convention; con-
CONTRLEUR - (tax etc) inspector. vention on establishment.
FINANCIER - contrleur financier - EXPRESSE - convention expresse - ex-
financial controller. press agreement.
EXTRADITION - convention d'extradi-
CONTUMACE- (of an accused) refusing
tion - extradition treaty.
(failure) to appear for trial; unlawful absence;
GR GR - convention de gr gr -
wilful non-appearance.
LMENTS constitutifs de la contumace private treaty (as opposed to public auction).
- requirements of unlawful absence. HRDIT - convention d'hredit - in-
JUGEMENT par contumace - judgment heritance agreement.
concerning or trial of a serious indictable IMPOSITION - convention sur la double
offence (felony) in absentia. imposition - double taxation agreement.
PURGE de la contumace - retrial after INDIVISION - convention d'indivision -
conviction in absentia. agreement to continue co-ownership.
INTRT - convention d'intrts - agree-
CONTUMAX - person convicted of a serious ment to pay interest.
indictable offence (felony) in absentia; absent LIBERT des conventions - freedom of
accused. con tract.
CONVAINCRE MARIAGE - convention de mariage -
S'ESTIMER convaincu - be satisfied. marriage contract; marriage settlement.
INTIMEMENT convaincu - satisfied. MATRIMONIAL - convention matrimoni-
ale - marriage contract; marriage settlement.
NON-RESPONSABILIT - convention de
DE convenance - conventional.
non-responsabilit - agreement excluding
CONVENANT - lease at will in which the (exempting from) liability.
tenant is entitled to retain ownership of his erec- SYNALLAGMATIQUE - convention
tions and crops. synallagmatique - reciprocal agreement; bi-
lateral agreement.
CONVENTION - agreement.
TACITE - convention tacite - implied
ARBITRAGE - convention d'arbitrage
- arbitration agreement. This covers both
TARIFAIRE - convention tarifaire - wage
a compromis, ie an agreement to submit
agreement; customs t_ariff convention.
to arbitration when a dispute has already
arisen, and a clause compromissoire, TEMPS - convention temps - time
an agreement to submit future differences to charter.
arbitration. TYPE - convention-type - standard agree-
ASSISTANCE ment; model agreement.
MARITIME - convention d'assistance VERBAL - convention verbale - oral
maritime - salvage agreement. agreement; parol agreement.
CADRE - convention-cadre - outline con- VOYAGE- convention au voyage - voyage
vention. charter.
COLLECTIF - convention collective - col-
CONVENTIONN - approved.
lective (labour) agreement.
EXTENSION d'une convention col- CONVENTIONNEL - based on or arising
lective - extension of a collective agree- out of an agreement, contract or treaty.


DROIT INTERNATIONAL convention- PLACEMENT - cooprative de placement

nel - treaty law (as opposed to customary - investment trust.
international law); (sometimes referred to as) VENTE - cooprative de vente - market-
conventional international law. ing co-operative.
VALEUR - avoir valoir conventionnelle -
rank as (be treated as) part of. a convention, COOPTATION - co-option.
treaty, etc. COORDONNER
CONVICTION LOI - lois coordonnes (Belg) - consoli-
LMENT - faute d'lments suffisants dated Acts. .
de conviction - where the evidence is incon- COPARTAGEANT - person participating in
clusive. a partition of assets; partitioner.
EMPORTER la conviction du juge - sat-
isfy the court. COPERMUTANT - party to a exchange.
INTIME conviction - being satisfied be-
yond reasonable doubt; evidence satisfying
the court; personal conviction of the court AUTHENTIQUE- copie authentique -
officially recorded copy; authenticated copy;
( after considering all the evidence).
PICE conviction - evidence; real evi-
office copy.
dence; exhibit (in a criminal case). CERTIFI - copie certifie - certified
(true) copy.
CONVOCATION - summons; notice; calling; CONFORME - copie certifie con-
convocation. forme - certified (true) copy; office copy.
ASSEMBLE - convocation d'une EXCUTOIRE - copie excutoire - execu-
assemble - calling of a meeting. tion copy of a judgment, ie a copy endorsed
CORPS LECTORAL - convocation du with authority to execute (with a writ of ex-
corps lectoral - (issuing of a) writ for elec- ecution).
PROCS-VERBAL - convocation avec COPOSSESSION - possession in common;
procs-verbal - summons with a statement co-possession; joint possession.
of charges (method of commencing criminal
proceedings without a judicial preliminary
COPRVENU - co-defendant or co-accused
( charged with a petty offence or a misdemean-
our ).
CLAUSE de non-convol- clause forbidding COPROPRITAIRE - co-owner; tenant in
marriage; celibacy clause. common.

CONVOQUER- summons; call; convene. COPROPRIT.,... ownership in common,

COMPARATRE - convoquer com- each owner being notionally entitled to a share;
paratre - issue a summons to appear; sum- co-ownership in undivided shares.
mons to appear. APPARTEMENT - coproprit par
appartements - individual ownership of fiats
CO OBLIG (adj) - jointly liable. with co-ownership of the remaining parts of
COOBLIG (noun) - co-obligor; person the building.
jointly liable with another. HORIZONTAL - coproprit horizontale -
SOLIDAIRE - cooblig solidaire - person co-ownership of several buildings erected on
jointly and severally liable. land owned in common.
VERTICAL - coproprit verticale - co-
COOPRATEUR - mmber of co-operative ownership of a building in storeys.
COOPRATISME- the co-operative move- SANITAIRE - cordon sanitaire - sanitary
ment. cordon.
COOPRATIVE - co-operative society. CORESPONSABiLIT - joint liability.
ACHAT - cooprative d'achat - purchasing
co-operative. CORESPONSABLE - jointly liable.


CORPORATIF - representing sectional or PASSIF - corruption passive - accepting or

professional interests. soliciting bribes.
CORPORATION - guild; professional asso- CORSAIRE - privateer.
ARTISANAL - corporation artisanale - COTE - quotation on the stock exchange.
trade guild; trade association. ADMIS la cote (officielle) - quoted.
" NON admis la cote (officielle) - un-
CORPOREL - material; tangible; corporeal.
OBJET corporel - material object.
DOMMAGE corporel - persona! (physical, HORS-cote - (adj) unlisted; not officially
bodily) injury. quoted; (noun) unlisted security.
IMPT - cote d'impt - tax assessment.
CORPS MOBILIER - cote mobilir - tenancy tax.
ASSURANCE sur corps - ship policy.
CERTAIN - corps certain - specific goods. COTER - quote; list.
DUR - corps durs - solid abjects. BOURSE - cot en bourse - quoted.
LECTORAL - corps lectoral - elec- NON cot - unlisted.
JUSTICE - corps de justice - the judiciary. COTISATION - contribution.
LGISLATIF - corps lgislatif - legisla-
ture. COTISER - pay contributions.
MUNICIPAL - corps municipal - district COTUTELLE - joint guardianship.
council; borough council.
SOCIAL - corps social - social entity. COTUTEUR - joint guardian; deputy guard-
CORPUS - the physical aspect of possession,
ie factual power exercised over an object. COUCHER
CORRECTION TESTAMENT - coucher sur un testament
MAISON de correction - detention centre; - mention in a will.
JUDICIAIRE - correctionnalisation judi- circonstances aggravantes - dangerous
ciaire - trial of a felony as a misdemeanour. wounding.
LGAL - correctionnalisation lgale - BLESSURE - coups et blessures - assault
reduction of felonies to misdemeanours by and battery; assault; wounding (in serious
statute. cases).
CORRECTIONNALISER - reduce felonies MORT - coups et blessures ayant en-
to misdemeanours by statute; prosecute for mort sans intention de la donner
(charge with) a misdemeanour on facts which - wounding causing death; manslaughter.
would support prosecution for felony. TOMBER sous le coup de - fall within (the
ambit of); be covered (caught) by.
APPEL - chambre des appels correction- COUPABLE- guilty.
nels - Criminal Appeals Chamber (Division); GRAND coupable - principal offender.
Criminal Chamber (Division) of the Court of PRINCIPAL - coupable principal - princi-
Appeal. pal offender.
CHAMBRE correctionnelle - Criminal Sec-
tion (Chamber). - COUPE-FILE - official pass (permit).
TRIBUNAL correctionnel - (regional)
Criminal Court (for the trial of misde- COUPON
meanours). ARRIR - coupon arrir- coupon in
CORRUPTION SOUFFRANCE - coupons en souffrance -
ACTIF - corruption active - bribery. outstanding coupons.
MAGISTRAT - corruptin de magistrat -
bribing of a judge or prosecutor. COUPURE- banknote; currency note.


VICE - couvrir un vice - cure a defect. EXIGIBLE - crance exigible - due debt;
debt accrued due; payable debt.
COVENDEUR - co-vendor; joint seller.
FAILLITE - crance de faillite - daim in
CPS =Code pnal suisse. bankruptcy.
CRAIN T FISCAL - crances fiscales - tax daims;
RVRENTIEL - crainte rvrentielle - unpaid tax.
parental (etc) influence. GAGE - crance donne en gage - debt or
daim charged by way of security.
CRAPULEUX - committed from base mo.,.
GAG - crance gage - secured debt.
tives, eg for pecuniary gain, or in a barbarie man-
GARANTI - crance garantie - secured
CRIME crapuleux - felony committed from
GEL - crance gele - blocked (frozen)
base motives, eg for pecuniary gain, or in a
barbarie manner; sordid (barbarie) crime.
HOMICIDE crapuleux - homicide commit- HONORAIRE - crance d'honoraires -
ted from base motives, eg for pecuniary gain, daim for fees; fees owing.
or in a barbarie manner. HYPOTHCAIRE - crance hypothcaire
- mortgage debt.
CRANCE - right to receive payment of a IMPT - crance d'impt - tax owing; tax
debt; right to receive the benefit or performance daim(ed).
of a contract or other obligation; chose in action;
INCESSIBLE - crance incessible - in-
right in personam; obligation; sum owed; contrac-
alienable or non-negotiable daim.
tual right; debt; daim.
INDEMNISATION - crance en indem:r;ii-
ALIMENTAIRE - crance alimentaire -
sation - daim (right) to damages ( compen-
(right to receive or daim) maintenance.
AMORTISSEMENT d'une crance - ex-
tinction of a debt; writing off a debt. INDIVIS - crance indivise - joint daim.
CD - crance cde - debt or chose in INTRT - crance d'intrt - daim for
action which has been assigned. interest.
CDER une crance - assigna chose in ac- IRRCOUVRABLE - crance irrecou-
tion, ie the right to receive payment of a debt vrable - bad debt.
or performance of some other obligation. LEGS de crance - legacy of a chose in ac-
CESSION de crance - assignment of a tion (right to receive payment of a debt etc).
chose in action, ie of the right to receive pay- LETTRE de crance - letters of credence;
ment of a debt or performance of some other (a diplomat's) credentials; letter of credit.
obligation. LOYER - crance de loyers - right tore-
CHIROGRAPHAIRE- crance chiro- ceive payment of rent.
graphaire - unsecured debt. MARCHANDISE - crance sur marchan-
CIVIL - crance civile - civil debt (ie gov- dises - right to receive goods.
erned by civil law). MASSE - crance contre la masse - prior-
COMMERCIAL - crance commerciale - ity daim against the bankruptcy for costs, or
commercial debt (ie governed by commercial obligations entered into by the trustee.
MONTANT RDUIT- crance d'un
COMPTABLE - crance comptable - book
montant rduit - small debt.
debt (daim); account receivable.
PRIX DE VENTE - crance de prix de
CONTEST - crance conteste - dis-
vente - right to receive the purchase money.
puted daim.
CONTREPARTIE - crance en contrepar- PRODUCTION d'une crance - proof of a
tie - counterclaim. debt (in bankruptcy).
DOMMAGES DE GUERRE - crance de PRODUIRE une crance - prove a debt (in
dommages de guerre - war-damage daim. bankruptcy).
DOUTEUX - crance douteuse - doubtful RECOURS - crance en recours - right to
debt. indemnity; right of recourse.
CHU - crance chue - due debt; debt RECOUVRABLE - crance recouvrable --
accrued due; payable debt. recoverable debt.


RELIQUAT d'une crance - balance or re- DSINTRESSER un crancier - satisfy,

mainder of a debt; outstanding balance of a pay off or buy out a creditor.
claim. DROIT REL - cranciers dtenteurs de
REPRISE de crance - acceptance of the droits rels - secured creditors.
assignment of a chose in action (ie a claim FAILLITE - crancier de la faillite - credi-
to payment of a debt or performance of a tor in the bankruptcy
con tract). GAGISTE - crancier gagiste - pledgee
RESTANT de la crance - balance or re- GARANTI - crancier garanti - secured
mainder of the debt. creditor.
SAISI - crance saisie - attached debt; gar-
HRDITAIRE - crancier hrditaire -
nished debt.
creditor of the estate.
SAISI-ARRT - crance saisie-arrte -
HYPOTHCAIRE - crancier hypoth-
attached debt.
caire - mortgagee.
SUCCESSORAL - crance successorale -
INSCRIT - crancier inscrit - proving
right to a share in an estate.
TERME - crance terme - claim subject
to a stipulation as to time. MASSE - crancier de la masse - creditor
TIERS - crance d'un mineur contre un of the bankruptcy.
tiers - sum owed to a minor by a third per- NANTI - crancier nanti - secured credi-
son. tor.
TRANSFERT (TRANSPORT) de crance NAVIRE - crancier du navire - holder
- assignment of a chose in action, ie of the of a bottomry bond or person entitled to an
right to receive payment of a debt or perfor- unregistered lien on a ship.
mance of some other obligation. OBLIGATAIRE - crancier obligataire -
debenture holder.
CRANCIER - creditor; (con tracts) promi-
POURSUIVANT - crancier poursuivant
see; (obligations generally) obligee; the person
- judgment creditor; execution creditor.
entitled to receive the payment of a debt or the
PRIVILGI - crancier privilgi - pre-
performance or the benefit of a contract or other
ferred or secured creditor; preferential credi-
obligation; person entitled to damages a:gainst a
tor (in bankruptcy).
tortfeasor; party entitled.
PRODUISANT - crancier produisant -
ALIMENTAIRE - crancier alimentaire -
person entitled to maintenance. proving creditor.
ALIMENT - crancier d'aliments - person RENTE - crancier de rente - annuitant.
entitled to maintenance. RETARDATAIRE - crancier retardataire
ANTICHRSISTE - crancier antichr- - dilatory credi tor.
siste - mortgagee in possession (Welsh mort- SAISISSANT - crancier saisissant -
gagee). execution creditor.
APPEL de cranciers - calling of a credi- SOCIAL - crancier social - creditor of the
tor's meeting. partnership or company; partnership credi-
CHANGE - crancier de change - holder tor.
of a bill of exchange. SOLIDAIRE - crancier solidaire - joint
CHIROGRAPHAIRE - crancier chi- and several creditor.
rographaire - unsecured creditor. SUCCESSION - crancier de la succession
COMIT des cranciers - committee of - creditor of the ( deceased 's) estate.
inspection (in bankruptcy).
COMMISSION des cranciers - committee CRATION
of inspection (in bankruptcy). DROIT - cration du droit - formation of
CONCORDATAIRE - crancier concor- law.
dataire - creditor under a composition or SOCIT - cration d'une socit - for-
scheme of arrangement. mation of a partnership or company.
CONCOURS de cranciers - rule that
creditors bear the loss ( arising from an insol- CRDIBILIT
vency) in proportion to the amount of their SERMENT de crdibilit - oath by an
claims. alleged debtor's surviving spouse or heirs


that they are unaware of the existence of a CRDITEUR - creditor; persan entitled to a
debt or other relevant matter. credit balance.
CRDIRENTI;ER - persan entitled to a CRDULIT
rentcharge; annuitant. SERMENT de crdulit - oath by an
CRDIT - credit; appropriation. alleged debtor's surviving spouse or heirs
ASSURANCE. crdit - credit insurance. that they are unaware of the existence of a
ATTEINTE au crdit de l'tat - disparage- debt or other relevant matter.
ment of public credit. CRER
ATTRIBUTIQN de crdits - allocation of EFFET - crer un effet - draw a bill.
appropriations; attribution of expenditure to
appropriations. CRIE
AVAL - crdit d'aval - guaranteed credit. AUDIENCE des cries - session for sale of
BLANC - crdit blanc - clean credit; open real property by the court by auction; court
credit. auction.
BLOCAGE de crdits - blocking (freezing) VENTE la crie - sale of movables or im-
of appropriations. movables by public auction.
BUDGTAIRE - crdit budgtaire -
appropriation. CRIME - felony (o:ffence of the most serious
CAHIER de crdits - supplementary esti- category); serious indictable offen ce .
mates. CRAPULEUX - crime crapuleux ""'" felony
CAISSE - crdit de caisse - overdraft facil- committed from base motives, eg for pecu-
ity. niary gain, or in a barbarie manner; sordid
CAUTION - crdit de caution - guaran- (barbarie) crime.
teed credit. DLIT - crimes et dlits - indictable
CAUTIONNEMENT- crdit de caution- o:ffences; felonies and misdemeanours.
nement - guaranteed credit. PASSIONNEL - crime passionnel - o:ffence
CONSOMMATION - crdit la consom- motivated by jealousy; crime passionnel.
mation - consumer credit. SANG - crimes de sang - murder and simi-
DEMANDE de crdit (supplmentaire) - lar crimes.
(supplementary) estimate.
TABLISSEMENT de crdit - financial CRIMIN ALISATION - conversion of misde-
institution. meanours into felonies by statute; creation of an
IMPT - crdit d'impt - tax credit. o:ffence; making (certain acts) an o:ffence.
INSTITUTION de crdit - financial insti- CRIMINALISER - con vert a misdemeanour
tutiqn. into a felony by statute; create an o:ffence; make
}40DIFI - crdit modifi - amended (certain acts) an o:ffence.
p-VIPR ~n ~rdit - vote an appropriation. CRIMINALISTE - expert in criminal law or
~ OUVRIR des crc:Uts de paiemeI!-t - appro- police science; criminal lawyer.
priate funds.
PRQJE~ de ~rdit - :propps~l for an appro- CRIMINALISTIQUE- police science; crim-
priation. inal science; criminalistics.
REPORT de crdit - carry-over of an
AFFAIRE - criminalit des affaires - eco-
SUPPLMENTAIRE - crdit-supplmen-
nomic crime; white-collar crime; business
taire - supplementary appropriation.
crime .
TITRE de crdit - credit instrument; secu-
rity. CRIMINEL - (of imprisonment) long-term.
VIREMENT de c:cdit - virement; transfer TAT - le criminel tient le chdl en tat:-
, '"''
(from one head of the estimates to another). '

when the same act involves criminal and civil

CRDIT-BAIL - leasing. proceedings, the civil court must await the
decision of the criminal court before deciding
CRDIT- borrower. the case.


DAMNUM EMERGENS - loss (and dam- PROCS-VERBAL des dbats - record of
age) suffered ; damnum emergens. the proceedings; transcript of the trial.
PUBLICIT des dbats - (re<}u.irement of,
DANGER- threat; risk. right to) a public hearing.
FUITE - danger de fuite - danger of
absconding. DBATTRE
MINEUR - mineurs en danger - minors at PRINCIPAL - dbattre au principal- dis-
risk. pute the main issue; argue the merits.
PUBLIC - danger public - public emer-
gency. DBAUCHAGE- enticement to quit em-
ployment; inducing breach of contract (of employ-
DATE ment).
CERTAIN - date certaine - authenticated
date, ie certi:fied by a court, notary or official. DBAUCHE - sexual immorality, including
The date may be considered as authenticated homosexual practices.
or certain as a result of registration, men- EXCITATION (des mineurs) la dbauche
tion in an o:fficially recorded document or the - incitement (of min ors) to immorality;
death of one of the parties. depravation (of minors).
CHANCE - date d'chance - due date.
DBAUCHER - entice to quit employment;
MISSION - date d'mission - date of induce breach of cpntract (of employment).
FIXE - procdure d'urgence date fixe - DEBELLATIO - conquest.
:fixed-date urgent proceedings.
RFRENCE - date de rfrence-
ARRT de dbet - restitution order; re-
appointed day or date; prescribed date.
payment order (referring to a de:ficit in an
VALEUR - date de valeur - value date.
DATION PROCDURE de dbet - proceedings for
GAGE - dation en gage - pledging; charg- restitution or repayment by the accountant
ing. of the de:ficit in an
NANTISSEMENT- dation en nantisse- account.
ment - pledging; charging. DBIRENTIER - persan liable to pay an
PAIEMENT - dation en paiement - satis- annuity, rentcharge, etc.
faction; accord and satisfaction.
DBITEUR - debtor; promisor; obligor; tort-
DBALLAGE feasor; persan liable.
VENTE au dballage - special-offer sale ALIMENT - dbiteur d'aliments - persan
(from temporary premises). liable to pay maintenance.
DBAT ASSIGN - dbiteur assign - debtor
against whom proceedings are pending.
RESTREINT - dbat restreint - parlia-
mentary debate in which speaking time is CAMBIAIRE - dbiteur cambiaire - per-
san liable on abm.
CD ~ dbiteur cd - persan liable to
DBAT(S) - hearing; trial; proceedings. pay a debt or perform an obligation which
CLTURE des dbats - termination of the has been assigned.
hearing. DFAILLANT - dbiteur dfaillant - in-
MAXIME des dbats (Sw) - rule that the solvent debtor; defaulter.
parties control the (subject-matter of) the FAILLI - dbiteur failli - bankrupt.
proceedings (and may present the case as GAGISTE- dbiteur gagiste - pledgor.
they see fit). HYPOTHCAIRE - dbiteur hypoth-
ORAL - dbats oraux - hearing. caire - mortgagor.



INTRTS dbiteurs (au compte profits DCERNER

et pertes d'un fonds) - interest owing to the MANDAT - dcerner un mandat d'arrt -
fund. issue an arrest warrant.
MALHEUREUX - dbiteur malheureux
et de bonne foi - honest but unfortunate DCS
debtor. ACTE de dcs - death certificate; record of
NGLIGENT - dbiteur ngligent - dila7 death.
tory debtor. ALLOCATION de (au) dcs - death
, OBLIGATAIRE - dbiteur obligataire - grant.
person liable on a negotiable security. ASSURANCE dcs (en cas de dcs) -
PRESTATION - dbiteur d'une prestation (whole) life assurance.
- persan liable to confer a benefit; persan CERTIFICAT de dcs - (doctor's) death
liable to perform a contract; promisor. certificate.
RENTE - dbiteur d'une rente - persan
DCHARGE- release (discharge) of a trustee,
liable to pay an annuity, rentcharge, etc. administrator, receiver, etc.
SAISI - dbiteur saisi - judgment debtor
CONVENTIONNEL - dcharge conven-
against whom attachment has issued, whose tionnelle - contractual discharge; remission
goods have been seized in execution. of a debt.
SOLIDAIRE - dbiteur solidaire - persan
DONNER dcharge de sa gestion - dis-
jointly and severally liable on a debt or other
charge in respect of his management.
obligation; joint debtor etc.
FAIT dcharge - exonerating evidence.
SUCCESSION - dbiteur de la succession
TMOIN dcharge - defence witness.
- debtor of the estate.
TIERS dbiteur - debtor of a debtor; gar- DCHARGER- discharge; release.
DCHANCE - loss; deprivation; disentitle-
DBLOCAGE - release; decontrol; unfreez- ment; disqualification (for public office after a
ing. conviction); lapse; forfeiture; termination (of
a right); avoidance (of a procedure etc.); being
DBLOQUER - release; decontrol; Unfreeze.
barred from proceeding for failure to comply with
DBOURS - disbursements; outgoings. a time-limit; being out of time.
TARIF - dbours tarifs - disbursements AUTORIT PARENTALE - dchance de
allowed on taxation (eg transport, postage, l'autorit parentale - loss or deprivation of
telephone). parental authority.
BREVET - dchance du brevet - revoca-
DBOUT - court's dismissal of an applica- tion of a patent; expiry of a patent.
tion addressed to it. CLAUSE de dchance - forfeiture clause.
JUGEMENT de dbout - judgment dis:- DROIT - dchance d'un droit - forfeiture
missing an action. of a right; loss of a right.
OPPOSITION - dbout d'une opposition .. CIVIQUE - dchance des droits
- dismissal of an applic?-tion to set aside. civiques - deprivation of civic rights
(disqualification from exercising certain
DBOUTER - dismiss (an appeal etc). rights on conviction).
DE - tre dbout de sa demande - lose .. PENSION - dchance de la pension -
one's case; have one's daim dismissed (appli- loss or deprivation of pension rights.
cation refused); have the court find against FONCTION - dcha:nce des fonctions -
one. loss of office.
DCAISSEMENT - disbursement; out~of MANDAT - dchance du mandat - with-
pocket expenses. drawal or termination of authority or power
of attorney.
DCENTRALISATION - transfer of pow- NATIONALIT- dchance de la natio-
ers from central government to independent nalit - loss or deprivation of citizenship
(local) authorities; devolution. (nationality).


PEINE - sous peine de dchance - to be HOMOLOGATION - dcision de homolo-

valid. gation - confirmation; con:firmatory decision.
PENSION - dchance de la pension (du INCRIMIN - dcision incrimine -
droit pension) - loss or deprivation of pen- decision appealed against; decision of the
sion rights. court below (lower court or authority);
PUISSANCE PATERNELLE (now re- impugned decision; decision being challenged.
placed by autorit parentale) - dchance INTERNEMENT- dcision d'internement
de la puissance paternelle - loss or depriva- - detention order.
tion of paternal (parental) authority. JUDICIAIRE - dcision judiciaire - judg-
RELVEMENT de dchance - restora- ment; court decision.
tion of a right which has lapsed or of which JUSTICE - dcision de justice - court deci-
a persan has been deprived; termination of a sion; judgment; court order.
disqualification. MOTIV - dcision motive - decision giv-
TERME - dchance du terme - fact that ing reasons; reasoned decision.
all debts become immediately payable on in-
MOTIVER une dcision - give reasons (fur-
solvency, failure to provide security or acts
nish grounds) for a judgment.
by the debtor reducing the value of the secu-
POUVOIR de dcision propre - personal
rity given.
TOMBER en dchance - lapse owing to
PRALABLE - dcision pralable - pre-
vious administrative decision which is an es-
USUFRUIT - dchance de l'usufruit -
sential step in bringing a case in an Admin-
termination of the usufruct (life estate, life
istrative Court or an appeal to the Conseil
d'Etat; preliminary decision on the merits
DCHOIR - lapse; lose; be deprived of. leaving the damages to be assessed la ter.

NATIONALIT - dchoir de la nationalit PRJUDICIEL - dcision prjudicielle--

- deprive of citizenship (nationality). decision (ruling) on a preliminary question
(point, i~sue) (by another court); preliminary
DCISION - decision; judgment. ruling.
ARBITRAGE - dcision d'arbitrage, PRVISIONNEL - dcision prvisionnelle
dcision arbitrale - (arbitral, arbitration) (Sw) - injunction; mandatory injunction;
award. provisional or der.
ASSEMBLE - dcision prise en assemble PRINCIPE - dcision de principe - lead-
plnire - decision by the full court etc. ing case; authoritative decision; decision
ATTAQU - dcision attaque - decision establishing an important principle.
appealed against; decision of the court below
PROVISOIRE - dcision provisoire - in-
(lower court or authority); impugned deci-
junction; mandatory injunction; provisional
sion; decision being challenged. order.
CLASSEMENT - dcision de classement -
QUITUS - dcision de quitus - discharge;
decision to discontinue the proceedings (not
to proceed, not to prosecute).
RECOURS - dcision rendue sur recours -
DFINITIF - dcision dfinitive - final
decision on appeal.
RENVOI - dcision de renvoi - committal
ENTREPRENDRE une dcision - appeal
against ( attack, challenge) a decision or judg- for trial; reference, remission or transfer to
ment. another court.
EXCUTOIRE - dcision excutoire - TAXATION - dcision de taxation - taxa-
(immediately) enforceable decision. tion of costs.
EXPULSION - dcision d'expulsion - ex- DCISOIRE
pulsion warrant (or der); deportation or der. SERMENT dcisoire - oath which a party
FOND - dcision au fond - decision on the is required to take by his opponent in order
merits; decision on the substance. to decide the matter at issue between them.
GRACIEUX - dcision gracieuse - decision
(judgment) in a non-contentious matter; de- DECIS ORIA LITIS - merits (as opposed to
cision of an administrative nature by a judge. procedure).



DCLARER- report; declare; state; enter; DCOUPAGE

file; find; order; certify. CIRCONSCRIPTION - dcoupage de cir-
COUPABLE - dclarer coupable - find conscriptions - drawing (ie fixing) of con-
guilty. stituency boundaries.
DCLASSEMENT - downgrading; release DCOUVERT - overdraft.
(from some specified category); transfer of prop- A dcouvert - without cover; without secu-
erty from the category of "public property" (do- rity.
maine public) to that of "private property"
LOI DE FINANCES - dcouvert de la loi
(domaine priv).
de finances - budget deficit.
COMPTENCE - dclinatoire de comp- DCRET - (governmental or presidential) de-
tence - objection to jurisdiction. cree or order; regulations.
CONNEXIT - dclinatoire de connexit APPLICATION - deret d'application -
- objection that related proceedings are implementing decree, order or instrument;
pending in another court. implementing regulations.
LITISPENDANCE - dclinatoire de AVANCE - dcret d'avances - supplemen-
litispendance - (preliminary) objection that tary budget appropriations which may be
proceedings on the same issue are pending in ordered by the government in precisely speci-
another court (lis alibi pendens). fied exceptional circumstances subject to
subsequent ratification by parliament.
DCLINER - decline; refuse to accept (a na- EXCEPTION - dcret d'exception - emer-
tionality to which one is entitled, responsibility). gency Tegulations.
CHOSE JUGE - dcliner l'autorit de NATURALISATION - dcret de naturali-
la chose juge - refuse to accept that one is sation - naturalisation order or certificate.
bound by a judgment. NOMINATION - dcret de nomination -
COMPTENCE - dcliner comptence instrument of appointment.
- refuse to assume jurisdiction; decline to
PNAL - dcret pnal - summary order
exercise jurisdiction.
imposing a fine which the defendant may
NATIONALIT - dcliner la nationalit-
have set aside if he wishes to have a full trial;
renounce one's nationality.
sentence order.
NOM - dcliner ses nom et qualits - give
one's personal particulars.
PUBLIQUE - dcret pris dans la forme
DCOMPTER des rglements d'administration publique
TRE dcompt partir de - (of time) run - (formerly) decree made by the Prime Min-
from. ister after consultation of the full Conseil
DCONCENTRATION - delegation of
UTILIT PUBLIQUE - dcret d'utilit
authority from superior (central) to subordinate
publique - order (made in the pub}ic in-
(local) authorities of central government; devolu-
terest) approved by the Conseil d'Etat and
tion (of authority); decentralisation; decartelisa-
signed by the Prime Minister.
DCONCENTR - central government DCRET-LOI - legislative decree (enacted
working through local organs. by the government under the authority of an Act
and having the effect of an Act, ie modifying ex-
DCONFITURE - astate of insolvency (the isting legislation).
equivalent of bankruptcy in persons who are not
traders). DE CUJUS - deceased.
DCOTE - marginal tax relief (for persons DCUMUL - (tax) disaggregation.
whose income just reaches the point where it be-
comes taxable). DDIT - renunciation; repudiation; penalty; re-
fusa! to perform; right of promisor not to perform
DCOULANT his obligation; sum payable by a promisor who
DE - dcoulant de - under. avails himself of this right.


DDOMMAGEMENT - damages; compen- , CONFORMIT - dfaut de conformit -

sation; indemnity; reparation. state of a:ffairs incompatible with a contract,
treaty, etc.
DDOMMAGER- indemnify; compensate;
pay damages. CONG - dfaut cong - striking out for
failure to proceed (by the plainti:ff).
DDOUBLEMENT CONTENANCE - dfaut de contenance -
FONCTIONNEL - ddoublement fonc- deficiency in the acreage sold.
tionnel - plurality of fonctions.
DCLARATION - dfaut de dclaration -
DDUCTION failure to report.
BASE - dductions la base - (tax) , DISCERNEMENT - dfaut de discerne-
allowances. ment - lack of discretion.
CHARGE - dduction pour charges de DONNER dfaut - to record non-
famille - family or dependants allowance. appearance by the defendant; give judgment
FAMILIAL - dductions familiales - family by default.
or dependants allowances.
EXPLOITATION - dfaut d'exploitation
SALAIRE - dduction du salaire - deduc-
- non-user; failure to work a patent; failure
tion from wages.
, VIEUX AU NEUF - dduction du vieux to operate (a mine) at the agreed level of
au neuf - deduction to compensate for the production; insuffi.cient operation.
increased value when an insurer replaces a , FAIRE dfaut - fail to appear.
damaged old object by a new one; new-for- , FAUTE
old deduction. .. ACCOMPLIR - dfaut faute d'accom-
DFAILLANCE - default; failure to pay or plir les actes de procdure - failure to
perform; failure to appear. prosecute the proceedings.
.. COMPARATRE - dfaut faute de
DFAILLANT- person who fails to pay (per- comparatre - failure to appear; default
form, appear or comply with a rule); party in de- of appearance.
.. CONCLURE - dfaut faute de con-
TRE dfaillant - fail to appear to a writ;
clure - ( default by) failing to file plead-
fail to comply with a formality:
ings (submissions).
DFAILLIR (of a condition) - fail. FORME - dfaut de forme - formal defect;
DFALCATION procedural defect.
DETTE - dfalcation des dettes - deduc- JUGEMENT par dfaut - (civ) judgment
tion of debts. by default; (crim) judgment in absentia (mis-
demeanours and petty o:ffences).
DFAUT- fault; defect; absence; default; fail-
MANIFESTE - pour dfaut manifeste de
ure to appear, file pleadings or to make submis-
fondement - as manifestly ill-founded.
, ATTENTION - dfaut d'attention - lack MOTIF - dfaut de motif(s) - inadequate
of care or diligence. (absence of) reasons (for a judgment).
CACH - dfaut cach - hidden (latent) NOTIFICATION - dfaut de notification
defect. - failure to serve or give notice.
COMPARUTION- dfaut de comparu- NOUVELLE - dfaut de nouvelles - (pro-
tion - failure to appear; default of appear- longed) absence of news (in cases of disap-
ance. pearance).
COMPTENCE - dfaut de comptence -
, PARTIE - dfaut d'une partie - failure of a
lack of jurisdiction. party to appear.
, CONDAMNATION par dfaut non frap-
, PRESTATION - dfaut de prestation -
pe d'opposition - conviction in absentia for
a misdemeanour where no application has failure to perform.
been made to set the conviction aside. , PREUVE - dfaut de preuve - absence
CONDITION - une des conditions fait (lack) of or insuffi.cien t evidence (pro of).
dfaut - one of the conditions is not satis- , PRONONCER (le) dfaut - give judgment
fied. by default.


RABATTEMENT de dfaut - setting aside OFFICE - dfenseur d'office - official (offi-

a judgment ( obtained) by default (where the cially assigned) defence counsel.
defendant appears before the end of the hear-
ing). DFRER - bring before; refer to.
COUR - dfr la cour - brought before
defendant; respondent (divorce etc). INSTRUCTION - dfrer une instruc-
APPEL - dfendeur en appel - respondent. tion - comply with a direction.
CIT - dfendeur cit - defendant (who JUSTICE - dfrer la justice (of the po-
has been) served with a writ. lice) bring before the court; bring to court.
GOUVERNEMENT dfendeur - respon-
PARQUET - dfrer au parquet - bring
dent government.
(offen der, suspect) before the public prosecu-
DFENDRE tor; refer (case) to the Prosecutor's Depart-
CAUSE - dfendre sa propre cause - ment.
present one's own case. SERMENT - dfrer le serment quelqu'un
JUSTICE - dfendre en justice - defend - require a persan to take an oath; put a per-
(legal proceedings). san to his oath.
SE dfendre - conduct one's own case.
DFENSE MOTION de dfiance - motion of no confi-
CONCLUSIONS en dfense - defence dence.
(pleadings). VOTE de dfiance - vote of no confidence.
DROIT - dfense des droits - protection of
the rights. DFICIENT
DROITS de la dfense - right of bath par- MENTAL - dficient mental - mentally
ties to put forward their case and be in- deficient or disordered persan; persan of un-
formed of their opponent's case (including sound mind; mental patient.
freedom to choose one's legal representative);
right to a fair hearing (trial); due process; DFICIT
rights of the defence. EXPLOITATION - dficit d'exploitation -
EN dfense - as defendant (respondent). trading loss.
FAIRE VALOIR - a fait valoir des d-
DFINITIF - final.
fenses au fond - has a defence on the merits.
JUGEMENT dfinitif- final judgment.
FOND - dfense au fond - defence on the
LGITIME dfense - self-defence. (A de- BORNE - dgradation de bornes - damag-
fence to a prosecution for manslaughter ing boundary stones.
or proceedings for assault; if the defence
CIVIQUE - dgradation civique - loss of
fails, the excuse of provocation can still be
civic rights; loss of political rights and fonc-
pleaded. The concept includes the defence of
tions following a conviction for felony; dis-
other persans and of property.)
qualification from holding office, voting, etc .
.. ABUS de la lgitime dfense - use of
LIMITE - dgradation de limites - damag-
disproportionate force in self-defence.
ing boundary stones.
LIBERT de la dfense - see DROITS
MONUMENT- dgradation de monu-
ab ove.
MOYENS de dfense - submissions; argu- ments - criminal damage to monuments or
ments; grounds of defence; defence. buildings.
SOCIAL - dfense sociale - social protec- DEGR
tion (ie against crime). DEUX - instruction deux degrs - inves-
.. COMIT de dfense sociale (Belg) -
tigation by both the investigating ]udge and
mental health area board.
thereafter the Indictments Chamber ( compul-
DFENSEUR - defence counsel; counsel (rep- sory in all cases of felony (crime)).
resenting either party). DOUBLE - droit un double degr de
AGRE - dfenseur agr - approved rep- juridiction - right to an appeal (two-tier
resentative in the Commercial Court. proceedings, a system of appeal courts).



INTENTER - dlai pour intenter une ac- REPRSENTATION - dlai de reprsen-

tion - time within which proceedings must tation - period within which a persan (or
be taken. abject) shall again be brought before the
INTERRUPTION des dlais - interruption court.
of the limitation or prescription period, after RIGUEUR - dlai de rigueur - strict time-
which time begins to run afresh, ie the whole limit.
period recomences from the beginning. (Cf SANS dlai - without time-limit; forthwith.
SUSPENSION below.) SURSIS - dlai de sursis - ( crim) period
JUDICIAIRE - dlai judiciaire - time-limit of probation; (civ) extension of time for pay-
fixed by the court (judge). ment .
LGAL - dlai lgal - statu tory time-limit SUSPENSION des dlais - suspension of
or period. the limitation or prescription period, after
MORATOIRE - dlai moratoire - exten- which it continues to run again from the
sion of time for payment. point reached when the suspension began.
NON-RESPECT du dlai - failure to (Cf INTERRUPTION above.)
observe the time-limit. UTILE - tait encore dans le dlai utile
OCTROI d'un dlai - granting of time. pour le faire - was still in time to do so.
OPPOSITION - dlai d'opposition - time- VIDUIT - dlai de viduit - period of 300
limit for lodging an application to set aside days during which a woman may not remarry
or raising an objection. ( after the death of her husband or the cessa-
PREMPTION - dlai de premption - tion of co-habitation preceding divorce).
strict time-limit ( after which, eg, an instru-
ment becomes ineffective (without destroying DLAI-CONG - period of notice required
the underlying right) or an application may to terminate an employment contract.
be made to strike out proceedings which have DLAISSEMENT - right to daim full com-
not been pursued for two years); fixed term. pensation for a ship on abandoning the wreck to
PLANCHE - dlai de planche - lay days. the underwriters.
PRCLUSION - dlai de prclusion (Sw) HYPOTHQUE - dlaissement pour
- strict time-limit. hypothque - abandonment of land on ac-
PRFIX - dlai prfix - predetermined count of a mortgage.
time-limit; strict time-limit.
PRESCRIPTION DLAISSER - abandon (a ship to underwrit-
ACQUISITIF - dlai de prescription ers); desert (one's wife and family).
acquisitive - prescription period; period
of adverse possession. DLATEUR- informer.
EXTINCTIF - dlai de prescription DLATION
extinctive - limitation period. SERMENT - dlation du serment - requir-
PEINE - dlai de prescription de la ing a party to take an oath; putting a party
peine - limitation period after which to his oath.
sentences may no longer be enforced.
PRSENTATION - dlai pour la prsen- DLGALISATION - delegation of legisla-
tation des motifs - time for filing grounds of tive power by Parliament to the executive.
DLGATAIRE- persan in whose favour a
PRESTATION - dlai de prestation - time debtor instructs his debtor to make a payment.
for performance.
PROLONGATION d'un dlai - extension DLGATION - operation whereby a debtor
of time. (promisor) instructs a third persan (normally his
PROROGATION d'un dlai - extension of own debtor) to paya debt or perform a contract
time. for his creditor (promisee) in his place; a species
RECONNATRE - le dlai que lui sera of novation by change of debtor (promis9r).
reconnu pour - the time he will be allowed EMPLOI - dlgation l'emploi - Labour
for. Department in the Ministry of Labour.
RECOURS - dlai de recours - time for IMPARFAIT - dlgation imparfaite
appealing (entering an appeal). - dlgation (qv) in which the original


debtor (promisor) remains Hable as well as a single judge, who then discusses the case
the persan he has instructed to pay (or per- with the other two members of the bench
form) on his behalf. (optional practice in the Commercial Court).
MARCH - dlgation de march - charg- METTRE en dlibr - deliberatej discussj
ing the benefit of a public works contract withdraw to deliberate; reserve a judgment.
by way of security in order ta obtain a bank RAPPORT - dlibr sur rapport - con-
credit. sidered judgmentj judgment after delibera-
MUNICIPAL - dlgation municipale - in- tionj reserved judgment.
terim managing committee (to perform the SIGE - dlibr sur le sige - extempore
current administrative tasks of a town coun- judgment, ie where the court gives judgment
cil which has been dissolved or has resign.ed without retiring after consultation on the
en bloc). bench.
PARFAIT - dlgation parfaite - dlga-
tion ( qv) in which the persan instructing his DLICAT
debtor to pay his creditor himself ceases ta QUESTION dlicate - di:fficultyj ticklish,
be liable. nice question.
PAIEMENT - dlgation de paiement -
order (instruction) to pay (usually addressed DLICTUEL - in tort; tortious.
to a banker). QUASI - responsabilit quasi dlictuelle -
SIGNATURE - dlgation de signature - liability for negligence (non-intentional tort).
(administrative law) delegation of powers to
another public o:fficer. DLIMITATION
SOLDE - dlgation de solde - order to COMMISSION de dlimitation - boundary
pay one's salary directly to one's dependants. commission; frontier commission.
SOMME - dlgation de sommes - transfer
by court order of sums due ta one persan ta DLINQUANCE
another (eg a husband's earnings to his wife)i JUVENILE - dlinquance juvnile - juve-
transfer orderj assignment order . nile delinquency.
SPCIAL - dlgation spciale - interim
DLINQUANT - offender.
managing committee (to perform the current
ACCIDENTEL - dlinquant accidentel -
administrative tasks of a town council which
casual offender.
has been dissolved or has resigned en bloc).
VOTE - dlgation de vote - proxy; DIFFICILE - dlinquant difficile - hard-
core offender.
DLGU MINEUR dlinquant - juvenile delinquent.
PROBATION - dlgu la probation - PRIMAIRE - dlinquant primaire - first
probation o:fficer. offenderj persan prosecuted for the first time.
SCURIT - dlgu la scurit - secu-
ri ty commissioner. DLIT - (crim) (generally) offence; (specifi-
SNATORIAL - dlgu snatorial - sena- cally) misdemeanourj lesser indictable offence;
torial elector. ( civ) tort; (more specifically) intentional tort as
SYNDICAL - dlgu syndical - persan opposed to negligent or inadvertent tort (quasi-
representing a union in dealings with the dlit).
head of a businessj trade union's manage- ACCIDENTEL - dlit accidentel - casual
ment representative. offen ce.
DLIBRATIF AUDIENCE - dlit d'audience - the
VOIX - avec voix dlibrative - with a offence of disturbing judicial proceedings.
right ta votej entitled to vote; voting. CIVIL - dlit civil - intentional tort; tort.
COMMISSION - dlit de commission -
DLIBRATION - resolution taken after offence committed by an act (as opposed to
discussion; discussion; deliberationj decision. an omission).
DLIBR - consideration. of a judgment by CONSCIENCE - dlit de conscience -
the judges in chambersj deliberation(s). "crime" of conscience.
JUGE - renvoi au dlibr d'un juge - CONSOMM - dlit consomm - com-
arranging for the ad dresses to be heard by pleted offence.


CORRECTIONNEL - dlit correctionnel LEGS - dlivrance d'un legs - payment of

- misdemeanour; lesser indictable offence. a legacy.
DROIT COMMUN - dlit de droit com- EXEQUATUR - dlivrance de l'exequatur
mun - non-political offence; ordinary offence; - registration of a foreign judgment; grant of
criminal offence. authority to execute.
EXTRADITIONNEL - dlit extradition-
nel - extraditable offence. DLIVRER
FLAGRANT dlit - offence discovered PERSONNE - dlivr personne - per-
while it is being committed or immediately sonally served.
ENQUTE de flagrant dlit - expe- DLOGEMENT - quitting; ejectment.
dited police investigation; on-the-spot DLOGER - quit; eject.
investigation (involving extended police
powers). DLOYAL- unfair.
PRENDRE en flagrant dlit - arrest
while committing an offence (in the act, DEMANDE - action; application; statement
red-handed, flagrante delicto). of daim; request.
FUITE - dlit de fuite - hit-and-run ADDITIONNEL - demande additionnelle
offence; failure to stop and give particulars - supplementary statement of daim.
after an accident. CA USE de la demande - facts and rule of
IMPRUDENCE - dlit d'imprudence - law on which a party founds his case; cause
offence not requiring mens rea; non-intentional of action.
offence; (tort of) negligence; negligent tort. CHIFFRE de la demande - amount in-
INITI - dlit d'initi - insider dealing volved (in the case); amount of the daim.
(trading). COMMUNICATION - demande de com-
INSTANTAN - dlit instantan - offence munication de pices - application for pro-
committed in a single act, ie non-recurrent duction or handing over of documents for
and non-continuous . inspection (application for discovery).
MATRIEL - dlit matriel - offence CONJOINT - demande conjointe - joint
which is only constituted if the act or omis- petition for divorce or judicial separation (by
sion produced a specified result; strict- both parties).
liability offence (not requiring proof of crimi- CONNEXE - demande connexe - associ-
nal intent (mens rea)). ated (related, dosely connected) action,
OPINION - dlit d'opinion - (if it is not daim or application.
possible to say: punished, prosecuted, etc CRDIT - demande de crdit (suppl-
for his opinions) offen ce of opinion; thought- mentaire) - (supplementary) estimate.
crime. DIVISIONNAIRE - demande division-
PNAL - dlit pnal- misdemeanour; naire - action, daim or application limited
lesser indictable offence; (more generally) to part of the subject-matter.
criminal offence (as opposed to a civil tort). EN demande - as plaintif[ (petitioner).
POLICE CORRECTIONNELLE - dlit EXEQUATUR - demande d'exequatur -
de police correctionnelle - misdemeanour; action to register and enforce a foreign judg-
lesser indictable offence. ment; application for authority to execute.
PRESSE - dlit de presse - offence against
EXPULSION - demande d'expulsion -
the legislation on the press.
action for possession.
TENT - dlit tent - attempt.
EXTRADITION - demande d'extradition
DLIVRANCE - issue; delivery; duty of the - extradition request.
vendor to place the goods sold at the disposal of GARANTIE - demande en garantie -
the purchaser. action to enforce a guarantee.
ACTION personnelle en dlivrance - INCIDENT - demande incidente - ddi-
action in personam to be put into possession tional (supplementary, interlocutory) appli-
of a usufruct (life tenancy, life interest). cation (by one of the parties or a third party
BREVET - dlivrance d'un brevet - grant in the course of the proceedings); motion;
of a patent. summons.


GARANTIE - demande incidente question (point, issue) (for a preliminary rul-

en garantie - third-party proceedings ing).
against a guarantor. RECONVENTIONNEL - demande recon-
INDTERMIN - demande indtermine ventionnelle - counter-daim; cross-action;
- subject-matter of indeterminate value. (divorce) cross-petition.
INITIAL - demande initiale - writ; state- REJETER une demande - dismiss an
ment of daim; originating summons or appli- action or daim; reject an application.
cation. REPOUSSER une demande - dismiss an
INSCRIPTION - demande fin d'inscrip-
action or daim; reject an application.
tion - application for registration.
RETIRER une demande - withdraw or dis-
INSCRIPTION - demande d'inscription
continue an action, daim or application.
l'ordre du jour - motion (application,
request) for an item to be induded in the SUITE - donner suite une demande -
agenda. allow an application.
INTERDICTION - demande en inter-
DEMANDER - apply for; ask for; request.
diction - application for an administration
DIVORCE - demander le divorce - peti-
order and guardianship (for a person inca-
tion for divorce.
pable of managing his own a:ffairs); applica-
tion for a person to be dedared of unsound DEMANDEUR - plainti:ff; petitioner (divorce
mind (dedaration oflegal incapacity). etc); applicant.
FORC- demande en intervention DMARCHAGE- selling from door to door;
force - third-party notice. doorstep selling.
VOLONTAIRE - demande en inter-
vention (volontaire) - application to be DMARCHE - step; measure; representation.
j oined in (the) pro ceedings.
demande introductive d'instance - writ; VALEUR - dmatrialisation des valeurs
statement of daim; originating summons or - representing and dealing with securities ex-
application; request (of the European Com- dusively by means of entries on a computer
mission of Human Rights bringing a case be- account; dematerialisation.
fore the European Court of Human Rights).
INVALIDATION - demande d'invalidation DMEMBREMENT
- election petition. PROPRIT - dmembrement de (la)
JUSTICE - demande en justice - writ; proprit - separation of one of the attrib-
action; proceedings; statement of daim; utes (usus, fructus, abusus) of ownership; one
daim. of the attributes so separated.
MAINLEVE - demande en mainleve - PUISSANCE PUBLIQUE - dmembre-
application for release from (termination of) ments de la puissance publique - collective
an attachment etc. term covering local and territorial authori-
MONTANT de la demande - amount in- ties, public corporations, etc.
volved (in the case); amount of the daim.
NOUVEAU - demande nouvelle - exten- DMENCE- mental disorder.
sion of the statement of daim.
OBJET de la demande - aim (purpose) of DEMEURE - place of residence; seat (regis-
the daim or proceedings; subject(-matter) of tered office) of a company.
the daim or proceedings. MISE en demeure - notice to pay or per-
OFFRE - demande d'offres - call ( adver- form; notice to remedy a certain state of
tisement) for tenders. a:ffairs; default notice; notice to proceed or to
ORDRE DU JOUR - demande d'inscrip- comply (with an order, instruction, formality,
tion l'ordre du jour - motion (application, etc); notice.
request) for an item to be induded on the PERPTUEL - perptuelle demeure -
agenda. permanent attachment to the soil.
PRJUDICIEL - demande prjudicielle -
application for the decision of a preliminary DEMI-DROIT - half fee.


DPENDANCE IMPT sur les dpenses - luxury (expen-

NCESSAIRE - dpendances ncessaires diture) tax (ie calculated on what a persan
- necessary appurtenances. spends).
RAPPORT de dpendance - dependent INITIATIVE des dpenses - the right to
condition; state of dependence. initiate (introduce) legislation involving ex-
DPENS - costs. penditure.
COMPENSATION des dpens - order that OBLIGATOIRE - dpenses ayant un ca-
each party shall bear its own costs. ractre obligatoire - expenditure of a bind-
CONDAMNATION - demander la con- ing nature; mandatory expenditure.
damnation de son adversaire aux dpens - PAIEMENT de dpenses - dis charge of lia-
ask for costs. bilities.
CONDAMNER aux dpens - award costs PRVISIONS de dpenses - estimated ex-
against. penditure.
DISTRACTION des dpens - right of the
PROFESSIONNEL dpenses profession-
successful party's legal representative to re-
cover his disbursements directly from the un- nelles - ( deductible) business or professional
successful party. expenditure.
TAT des dpens - bill of costs; statement REL - dpenses relles - actual expendi-
of expenditure. ture.
INSTANCE - dpens de l'instance - costs TITRE de dpense - head of expenditure;
of the proceedings, of the hearillg. expenditure vote .
LIQUIDATION des dpens - taxation
(assessment) of costs; settlement (payment) DPISTAGE
of costs. CRIMINALIT- dpistage de la crimi-
TAXATION dpens - taxation of costs. nalit - crime detection.
VRIFICATION des dpens - review by
the registrar of his (or the court's) original DPLACEMENT
assessment (liquidation) of costs. (If the
ADMINISTRATIF- dplacement admi-
litigant is still not satisfied he may apply to
nistratif- transfer.
the president of the court for an order fixing
the costs.) BORNE - dplacement de bornes - mov-
ing boundary stones.
DPENSE - expenditure. DISCIPLINAIRE - dplacement par
ARTICLE de dpense - item of expendi- mesure disciplinaire - disciplinary transfer.
DROIT - dplacement d'un droit - trans-
BUDGET des dpenses - expenditure bud-
fer of a right.
CHAPITRE des dpenses - head of expe:q- INDEMNIT d~ dplacement - travelling
diture. and subsistence allowance; relocation (re-
COMPTE de dpenses - expenditure moval, displacement) allowance.
account. SERVICE - dplacement de service - offi-
EFFECTIF - dpenses effectives - actual cial journey.
ENGAG - dpenses engages - commit- DE PLANO - without further authority; with-
ted expenditure. out further formalities or consideration
TABLISSEMENT - dpenses d'tablis-
sement - formatio.n expenses; promotion ex- DPORT - backwardation; refusal to act by an
penses; capital expenditure. arbitrator; withdrawal by a judge.
EXCUTION de dpenses - discharge of
liabilities. DPORTATION - deportation; displace-
FQNCTIONNEMENT - dpenses de fonc- ment; transportation; conscription for labour
ti8:qnement - running expenses: abroad by an occuJ?ying power.
FONDATION - dpenses de fondation -
formation expenses; promotion expenses; DPORT - deportee; o:ffender sentenced to
capital expenditure. transportation; displaced persan.


DPORTER BILAN - dpt du bilan - filing one's state-

SE dporter - (of a judge) withdraw (on ment of affairs (balance sheet) at the begin-
account of a personal interest in the proceed- ning of bankruptcy proceedings.
ings). CERTAIN - dpt certain de titres - in-
dividual deposit of securities in safe custody
DPOSANT - depositor; customer (of a (as opposed to collective deposit).
CERTIFICAT de dpt - deposit receipt.
DPOSER - give evidence; deposit; depose; COMPTE de dpt - current account.
make a statement; file (a document) in the court COMPTE - dpt en compte - placing or
registry; table (a motion etc); issue (a writ). holding money on a current account.
ACTE - dposer un acte introductif DCOUVERT - dpt dcouvert -
d'instance - issue a writ. articles or certificates deposited with a bank
BILAN - dposer son bilan - file one'.s otherwise than in sealed packets or an indi-
statement of affairs (balance sheet) at the vidual safe; unsealed deposit.
beginning of bankruptcy proceedings. DEMANDE - dpt de la demande - filing
CONCLUSION - dposer ses conclusions an application or statement of claim.
- file a pleading, petition, application or DOUANE - dpt de douane - customs
statement of claim; file pleadings; make an warehouse; bonded warehouse.
application. CHANCE - dpt chance fixe -
EXPLOIT - dposer un exploit d'assigna- :fixed(-term) deposit.
tion - issue a writ. FONDS en dpt - amounts held (funds
JUSTICE - dposer en justice - give evi- placed) on deposit.
dence. GARANTIE - dpt de garantie - sum
PICE - dposer des pices - produce or deposited as a guarantee.
file documents. INACTIF - dpt inactif- stationary ac-
PLAINTE - dposer une plainte - report count.
an offence to the prosecuting authorities; lay IRRGULIER - dpt irrgulier - deposit
an information; make a complaint. where the depositary acquires the owner-
RATIFICATION - dposer un instrument ship of the things deposited and is merely
de ratification - deposit an instrument of required to return an equivalent number
ratification. or amount of articles of the same kind, eg
REFUS de dposer - refusal to give evi- money deposited in a bank account; general
dence. deposit.
JUDICIAIRE - dpt judiciaire - lodging
DPOSITAIRE- depositary.
in court or payment into court or according
to the directions of the court; placing in the
de l'autorit publique - person exercising
custody of the court.
public authority.
JUSTICE - dpt en justice - lodging in
JUSTICE - dpositaire de justice - official
court or payment into court or according
or statutory depositary.
to the directions of the court; placing in the
DPOSITION - statement (given in evi- custody of the court.
dence); evidence given by a witness; deposition. LGAL - dpt lgal - legal deposit or fil-
RECEVOIR une dposition - examine (a ing ( delivery) of copies of publications.
witness); take a statement ( deposition) (from BIBLIOTHQUE de dpt lgal -
a witness). copyright ( deposit) library; legal deposit
DPOSSDE_R - dispossess; oust; evict. MANDAT de dpt - order of a court or
DPOSSESSION - dispossession; eviction; investigating judge to a prison governor to
parting with possession. to admit and detain an accused; committal
warrant; detention order.
DPT - deposit; account; prison; filing of a MARQUE - dpt d'une marque - regis-
document in the registry; tabling. tration of a trademark.
ACTION - dpt de l'action - issue of a MENDICIT - dpt de mendicit - va-
writ; 'commencement of proceedings. grancy centre.


MODLE - dpt d'un modle - registra- DROGER

tion of a design. - droger - exclude the operation of a
NCESSAIRE - dpt ncessaire - bail- rule etc; create an exception from; vary from;
ment of necessity (depositum miser ab ile). depart from.
NUIT - dpt de nuit - night safe.
PLAINTE - dpt de plainte - reporting DROULEMENT
an offence to the prosecuting authorities; lay- INSTANCE- droulement de l'instance -
ing an information; making a complaint. (course or conduct of the) proceedings.
PRAVIS - dpt sept jours de pravis PROCDURE - droulement normal de la
- deposit at seven days' notice. procdure - proper conduct of the proceed-
RCPISS de dpt - deposit receipt. ings.
RECONNAISSANCE de dpt - deposit
AFFAIRE - l'affaire se droulera - the case
REFUS du dpt - refusal by the registrar
will proceed.
to accept an application for registration.
SE drouler - (of proceedings) be con-
REGISTRE des dpts - register of docu-
ments deposited in the mortgage registry.
RGULIER - dpt rgulier - deposit in DSACCORD - dissent.
which the depositary is obliged to return the PERSISTANT - dsaccord persistant -
actual articles deposited; special deposit. deadlock.
TERME - dpt terme - time deposit.
FIXE - dpt terme fixe - fixed DSAFFECTATION - abandonment, eg
(-term) deposit. of a public right of way; change of category from
TITRES en dpt - securities held on de- public to private.
DSAFFECTER - exclude from the category
USAGE - dpt d'usage - deposit for use.
of public state property. .
DPRCIATION NE PAS - tant qu'ils n'ont pas t dsaffects
INDEMNIT de dprciation - compensa- - so long as they remain public state prop-
tion for wear and tear. erty.

DPUTATION DSAVEU - action to disclaim acts by a

CANDIDAT la dputation - parliamen- bailiff, notary, etc done without, or in excess of,
tary candidate. his client's authority.
PERMANENT - dputation permanente - PATERNIT - dsaveu de paternit - ac-
standing committee; (Belg) provincial coun- tion to disclaim paternity.
DESCENDANCE - issue; descendants.
DRGLEMENT LGITIME - descendance lgitime - birth
MURS - drglement des murs - im- in wedlock; legitimate descent.
DRIV JUSTICE - descente de justice - inspection
DROIT driv - su~ordinate legislation. of the premises (by the court); visit to the
locus (in quo).
DROGATION - partial repeal; creation of LIEU - descente sur les lieux - visit to the
an exception; exclusion from the effect of a provi- locus (in quo), site of the crime, etc; inspec-
sion; exemption; repeal; exception. tion.
LGAL - sauf drogation lgale - unless
otherwise provided (by law). DSERTION
PAR drogation - as an exception to. COMPLOT - dsertion avec complot -
conspiracy and desertion.
RGLE - des rgles drogatoires du droit DSHRENCE - failure of issue on intes-
commun - exceptions to the general law. tacy.


DSUTUDE PRIMAIRE - dtenu primaire - first

TOMBER en dsutude - become obsolete offender.
through non-user.
DTRIORATIONS - (of a tenant for life
DTACH- seconded. etc) waste (dilapidations).
RPONDRE - il ne rpond pas des
DTACHEMENT - secondment.
dtriorations - he is not liable for waste
DTAIL (dilapidations).
APPLICATION - dtails d'application -
implementing regulations or arrangements. DTERMIN- speci:fied.
EXCUTION - dtails d'excution- im- TEL - telle personne dtermine - a speci-
plementing regulations or arrangements. :fied person.

DTAXE - return or remission of tax, duties, DTERMINER - assess.

dues, fees, etc.
DTOURNEMENT - conversion; fraudulent
DTAX - tax-free; with reduced tax. conversion; embezzlement; misappropriation.
ACTIF - dtournement d'actifs - conceal-
DTENIR - hold.
ment of assets by a debtor or bankrupt.
DTENTEUR - possessor; holder; bearer; CLIENTLE - dtournement de clientle
custodian; occupier; bailee. . - enticement of another's customers.
ACTUEL - dtenteur actuel - current FONDS - dtournement de fonds - embez-
holder. zlement (in the case of a clerk or servant);
GAGISTE - dtenteur gagiste - pledgee. fraudulent conversion; misappropriation (of
money or funds).
DTENTION - custody; keeping; imprison-
GAGE - dtournement de gage - fraudu-
ment; (more particularly) imprisonment for politi-
lent conversion of securities or pledges.
cal offences; detention; control; occupation.
ARBITRAIRE - dtention arbitraire - MINEUR- dtournement de mineur -
arbitrary, illegal imprisonment; false impris- abduction of a minor.
onment. OBJET SAISI - dtournement d'objets
CRIMINEL - dtention criminelle - im- saisis - fraudulent removal or conversion of
prisonment for political offences. attached property (goods seized).
INJUSTIFI- dtention injustifie - PICE - dtournement de pices - sup-
wrongful detention. pression of documents or documentary evi-
MAINTIEN en dtention - continued de- dence.
tention (on remand); remand (in custody). POUVOIR- dt'ournement de pouvoir -
MATRIEL - dtention matrielle - physi- abuse (misuse, misapplication) of a power,
cal control. authority or discretion; improper exercise of
PRCAIRE - dtention prcaire - occu- authority; misfeasance (in (public) office).
pation of another's property by virtue of an
DTRUIRE - rebut (a presumption).
agreement with the owner (eg as a tenant).
PRVENTIF - dtention prventive DETTE - liability; obligation; debt.
(Belg) - detention on remand; remand (in ACTIF - dette active - right to receive pay-
custody); detention pending investigation or ment of a debt.
trial; custody (for short periods). ALIMENTAIRE - dette alimentaire - lia-
PROVISOIRE - dtention provisoire - bility to pay maintenance; maintenance obli-
detention on remand; remand (in custody); gation.
detention pending investigation or trial; pre- ALIMENT - dette d'aliments - liability to
tria.l detention; custody (for short periods). pay maintenance; maintenance obligation.
STUPFIANT - dtention de stupfiants ALTERNATIF - dette alternative - alter-
- possession of drugs. native obligation .
TITRE de dtention - committal order.
CADUC - dette caduque - statute-barred
DTENU - prisoner. debt.
CONTRAIGNABLE - dtenu contraigna- CAMBIAIRE - dette cambiaire - sum due
ble - debtor liable to imprisonment. on a bill of exchange.

COMMUNAUT- dette de la commu- PASSIF - dette passive - debt; liability to
naut - debt of the (marital) community. paya debt.
COMPTE - dette du compte courant - PORTABLE - dette portable - debt
debit balance on current account. payable at the creditor's residence or place
CORPS CERTAIN - dette de corps cer- of business.
tain - obligation to transfer specific goods. PRISE EN CHARGE d'une dette -
DEVISE - dette en devises trangres - assumption of liability for the obligation or
foreign-currency debt. debt of another.
CHU - dette chue - debt due, payable. PROMESSE de dette - formal unilateral
EMPRUNT - dette d'emprunt - funded obligation to pay or perform for which con-
debt. sideration is not required and usually not
ESPCE - dette d'espce - obligation to mentioned.
sell or deliver specific goods. QURABLE - dette qurable - debt
EXEMPT de dettes - free of debts; unen- payable at the debtor's residence or place
cumbered. of business.
EXIGIBLE - dette exigible~ debt due, RAPPORT des dettes - operation whereby
payable. an heir deducts from his share of the estate
FINANCIER - dette financire - financial his debts to the deceased or a coheir.
obligation. RECONNAISSANCE de dette - formal
FLOTTANT - dette flottante - fl.oating acknowledgement of a duty to pay or perform
debt; unfunded debt. for which consideration is not required and
FONCIER - dette foncire - charge on usually not mentioned.
land, ie a capital-sum payment of which (to- REMISE de dette - release from or waiver
gether with costs and interest if stipulated) is of a debt.
charged on land. No consideration is stated REPRENDRE une dette - undertake to
in the transaction, which, unlike a mortgage, satisfy the debt or perform the obligation of
does not purport to be the security for the another.
repayment of a loan. REPRISE de dette - undertaking to. sat-
GAGE - dette gage - secured debt. isfy the debt or perform the obligation of an-
GENRE - dette de genre - obligation to other.
transfer generic goods. SOCIAL - dette sociale - partnership or
HYPOTHCAIRE - dette hypothcaire - company debt.
mortgage debt. SOLIDAIRE - dette solidaire - debt or
IMMOBILIER - dette immobilire - en- obligation for _which several persons are
cumbrance; charge on land. jointly and severally liable.
IMPT - dette d'impt - tax owing; tax SUBROG la dette - person assuming
arrears. the liability to pay the debt or perform the
obligation of another.
JEU - dette de jeu _; gaming debt.
SUCCESSORAL - dette successorale._.
MARCHANDISE - dette sur marchan-
debt of the ( deceased's) estate.
dises - obligation to transfer or deliver
VIAGER - dette viagre - liability to pay
an annuity.
MASSE - dette de la masse - debt of the
bankruptcy arising out of the obligations en- DETTIER - person imprisoned for failing to
tered into by the trustee while administering pay a fine or taxes.
the assets and payable out of the bankrupt's
assets or estate before distribution to the
creditors. CHANGE - deuxime de change - second
of exchange.
MOBILIER - dette mobilire - debt se-
cured on movables. DVIANCE - deviant behaviour.
NANTISSEMENT - dette garantie par
nantissement - debt guaranteed by ( collat- DEVIS - (detailed) estimate.
eral) securities. DEVISE - national or foreign currency; for ex-
OBLIGATAIRE - dette obligataire - change control purposes, any instrument entitling
debenture debt; bond. to P.ayment in a foreign currency.


ALLOCATION en devises - exchange con- DIES

trol allowance, permission, allocation. AD QUEM - dies ad quem - final day of a
APPRCI - devise apprcie - hard cur- time-limit.
rency. A QUO - dies a quo - day on which a thing
ATTRIBUTION de devises - exchange con- is clone or an instrument becomes opera-
trol allowance (allocation) or permission. tive (formerly excluded when calculating a
, CONTINGENTEMENT de devises - ex- time-limit) : the old rule still applies to time-
change control. limits calculated in days; dies a quo.
CRANCE en devises trangres - right to
receive payment in foreign currency. DITE
FORT - devise forte - hard currency. FDRAL - Dite fdrale - (German)
OCTROI de devises - exchange control per- Federal Parliament (Bundestag).
mission; currency allowance. PROVINCIAL - Dite provinciale - (Aus-
OPRATION sur devises - currency trans- trian or German) Land Parliament (Land-
action. tag).
RENTRE de devises - foreign-currency DIFFAMATION - defamation; libel; slander;
receipts (payments received). criminal libel.
DEVISE-TITRE - foreign-currency security. DIFFREND - dispute.
DEVOIR COLLECTIF - diffrend collectif (de tra-
ATTENTION - devoir d'attention - duty vail) - labour (industrial) dispute.
of care. JUSTICIABLE - diffrend justiciable -
CHARGE - devoirs de sa charge - official legal dispute; dispute falling within the juris-
duties; official fonctions. diction of the courts.
CONJUGAL - devoir conjugal - duty to TRAVAIL - diffrend du travail - labour
have sexual relations with one's spouse. (industrial) dispute.
, DILIGENCE (ET PRUDENCE) - devoir VIDER un diffrend- settle a dispute.
de diligence (et prudence) - duty of care.
OMISSION - devoir d'omission - duty to
EXCUTION - difficults d'excution
abstain from doing something.
d'un jugement - points ( difficulties) arising
SECOURS - devoir de secours - duty of
on the execution of a judgment.
assistance (owed to a spouse).
VIOLATION du devoir professionnel - DIFFORME - inconsistent; having a different
breach of professional (official) duty. content.

EFFET dvolutif - (of an application to set APPEL dilatoire - appeal entered to gain
aside) effect of bringing a default judgment time.
back to the court by which it was originally EXCEPTION dilatoire - defence raised to
decided; transfer of all issues of fact and law gain time, eg so as to decide whether to ac-
to a (higher) court (eg on appeal). cept a succession or give third-party notice
.. NORMAL - effet dvolutif normal - to a guarantor; application to stay the pro-
the normal transfer of jurisdiction. ceedings to allow time to make a decision or
comply with a formality.
DVOLUTION - passing; transfer; devolu- INTRT - dans un intrt dilatoire -
tion; transmission, in particular with regard to
with a view to protracting the proceedings;
the right of the paternal or maternal relations to
as a delaying tactic.
succeed to the whole of the estate on the failure
MANCEUVRES dilatoires - delaying tac-
of the other line.
COMPTENCE - dvolution de comp-
PROCDS dilatoires - delaying tactics.
tence - transfer of jurisdiction or powers.
HRDITAIRE - dvolution hrditaire - DILIGENCE - care; (in plural) steps in the
succession to an estate. proceedings.
SUCCESSION - dvolution de la succes- - est fait la diligence du juge - must
sion - order of devolution of property. be clone by the judge.


DISCRTIONNAIRE PEINE - dispenser de peine - dis-

POUVOIR discrtionnaire - (unfettered) charge.
discretion or (unlimited) power.
PRSIDENT - pouvoir discrtion-
naire du prsident - power of the pres- CRDIT - disponibilit d'un crdit -
ident of an assize court to take all such availability of fonds under an appropriation.
measures as he may consider usefol for EN disponibilit - on half pay, ie available
ascertaining the truth. for service.
TRSORERIE - disponibilits de trso-
DISCRTIONNAIREMENT -in the ex- rerie - available fonds; liquid assets; cash
ercise of one's own unfettered discretion. resources.
BNFICE de discussion - surety's right AFFECTATION - disponible sans affecta-
to require execution to be directed against tion - uncommitted.
the principal debtor before the creditor levies QUOTIT disponible - portion of his es-
execution on the surety. tate over which a testator can dispose freely;
DISCUTER - attach and sell the goods of a disposable portion.
debtor. DISPOSANT - person alienating; donor; tes-
QUESTION - o la question n'avait pas tator.
t expressment discute - (proceedings) DISPOSER
in which the point was not argued (expressly CAPACIT de disposer - capacity to alien-
raised). ate.
DISJOINDRE - separate (sever) (proceed- DE - disposer de - alienate.
ings). DROIT des peuples disposer d'eux-
mmes - right of self-determination.
DISJONCTION - separation (severance) (of VIF - disposer entre vifs - alienate inter
proceedings). VlVOS,
DEMANDE de disjonction - application for
a separate trial. DISPOSITIF (adj)
PRINCIPE dispositif- rule governing civil
DISP ACHE - average adjustment.
proceedings requiring the court to make a
DISPARITION - disappearance in circum- decision on all the questions submitted to it
stances which render survival improbable. and on nothing else.
DISPENSE - exemption; dispensation. DISPOSITIF (noun) - (of a statute or decree)
GE - dispense d'ge - exemption from the enacting clauses (body, purview).
rule as to age (age requirement). JUGEMENT- dispositif d'un jugement
BAN - dispense de bans - dispensation - (formal) order (setting out the effect of a
from publication of the banns. judgment); operative words (provisions) (of a
CAUTION - dispense de caution - exemp- judgment).
tion from the requirement of giving security. PRINCIPE du dispositif- rule that the
EMPCHEMENT DE MARIAGE - dis- parties control the course of civil proceed-
pense des empchements de mariage - ex- ings.
emption (dispensation) from impediments to
DISPOSITION - alienation; provision.
ACTE de disposition - instrument or legal
PEINE - dispense de peine - discharge
transaction disposing of rights or property;
(without imposing a penalty on an accused
disposal; conveyance; deed of gift.
who has comrriitted an o:ffence but appears
APPLICATION - disposition d'application
unlikely to commit forther offences).
- implementing provision.
CONDITIONNEL - dispense de peine
CAUSE DE MORT - see MORT below.
conditionnelle - conditional discharge.
COMMUN - dispositions communes - pro-
DISPENSER visions covering a number of different cases;
DE - dispenser de - exempt from. common provisions.


CONTRAIRE - sauf disposition contraire VIF - disposition entre vifs - conveyance or

- unless otherwise provided. donation inter vivos.
DCS - disposition en cas de dcs - do- VOLONT - disposition de dernire
nation mortis causa. volont - testamentary disposition.
DROIT de disposition - right to alienate; VICE DE FOND - disqualifier un vice de
right of disposa!. fond en vice de forme - redefine ( down-
EXCUTION - disposition d'excution - grade, construe) an essential defect as a for-
implementing provision. mal (merely procedural) defect.
FACULTATIF - disposition facultative -
DISSIDENT - dissenting; voting against; op-
optional provision.
posing; dissentient.
GOUVERNEMENT - mise la disnosi-
tion du gouvernement (Belg) - placing at DISSIMULATION - concealment.
the disposa! of the government (system for BIEN - dissimulation de biens - conceal-
dealing with habitua! offenders involving pre- ment of assets.
ventive detention combined with conditional
release adjusted to the requirements of the DISSOLUTION -winding-up; dissolution (of
individual concerned). Parliament); termination of a status or institu-
GRATUIT - disposition titre gratuit tion.
- transfer without consideration (gift or MARIAGE - dissolution du mariage - di-
legacy). vorce; dissolution of marriage.
IMPRATIF - disposition imprative -
mandatory provision. DISSOUDRE - wind up (a company); dissolve
LGAL - disposition lgale - statutory (a partnership).
provision. DISTINCTION
LGISLATIF - disposition lgislative -
HONORIFIQUE - distinction honorifique
statutory provision.
- honour.
RGLEMENTAIRE - dispositions
lgislatives et rglementaires - statutes DISTRACTION
and regulations. DEMANDE en distraction - claim to the
MORT - disposition cause de mort - tes- ownership of goods or property seized by a
tamentary disposition. third party made during the execution pro-
PNAL - disposition pnale - criminal ceedings.
provision. DPENS - distraction des dpens - any-
POSTHUME - disposition posthume - one's right, with the permission of the court,
testamentary provision. to sue the opposing party for the costs one
POTESTATIF - disposition potestative - has advanced (usually exercised by counsel of
optional or non-mandatory provision. the successful party).
POUVOIR de disposition - power of alien-
DROIT de distractio11 - right of third par-
ation; power of disposa!. ties to withdraw their property from the as-
PRLIMINAIRE - disposition prlimi- sets in bankruptcy.
naire - introductory provision.
CRANCIER de droit de distraction
PROCDURE - disposition de procdure
- third party having the right to with-
- procedural provision.
draw his property from the assets in
PROHIBITIF - disposition prohibitive -
FRAIS - distraction des frais - deduction
PROTECTEUR - disposition protectrice -
of expenses.
protective provision.
RGLEMENTAIRE - disposition rgle- DISTRIBUER - allocate (a case to a court).
mentaire - regulation.
SAUVEGARDE - disposition de sauve- DISTRIBUTION
garde - protective provision. CHAMBRE - distribution d'une affaire
TRANSITOIRE - disposition transitoire - une chaml;>re - allocation of a case to a
transitional provision. particular court ( chamber) for trial.


CONTRIBUTION - distribution par con- CAUSE de divorce - ground of divorce.

tribution - procedure for the pro-rata appor- DEMANDE en divorce - divorce petition.
tionment between the creditors of the pro- RECONVENTIONNEL - demande
ceeds of the sale of a debtor's attached assets reconventionnelle en divorce - respon-
together with any sums of money which may dent 's petition; cross-petition.
have been garnished; apportionment of the FAILLITE - divorce faillite - divorce based
proceeds of execution (in the UK the rule
on the breakdown principle.
"first corne first served" applies except in
FAIT RECONNU - divorce pour faits
reconnus par les deux poux - divorce on
TAT de distribution - distribution scheme;
grounds of facts admitted by both parties.
apportionment plan; plan of distribution; dis-
tribution of work. FAUTE - divorce sans faute - no-fault
EXPRS - distribution par exprs - spe-
cial delivery. INSTANCE
PROCDURE de distribution - distribu- DE - tre en instance de divorce - to
tion or apportionment proceedings. be engaged in divorce proceedings.
EN - instance en divorce - divorce pro-
DISTRICT - district union.
AFFERM - district afferm - leased pre-
JUGEMENT de divorce - decree of divorce.
CHASSE - district de chasse - hunting pre- MIGRATOIRE - divorces migratoires -
serve. forum shopping (in divorce proceedings).
PCHE - district de pche - fishery. MOTIF de divorce - ground of (for) di-
DIVERTIR - misappropriate.
PRONONCER un divorce - pronounce a
DIVERTISSEMENT - misappropriation; decree of divorce; grant a divorce; dissolve
fraudulent conversion. (terminate) a marriage.
REMDE - divorce remde - divorce
based on the breakdown principle.
ACOMPTE sur dividende - interim divi-
SANCTION - divorce sanction - divorce
ACTION - dividende des actions ordi- for a matrimonial o:ffence.
naires - ordinary dividend. TORT
BLOCAGE des dividendes - dividend stop; EXCLUSIF - divorce prononc aux
dividend freeze. torts exclusifs du mari - divorce (de-
PASSER le dividende - pay no dividend; cree) granted against the husband.
pass the dividend. RCIPROQUE - divorce prononc
PERU aux torts rciproques - divorce based
NON - dividende non peru - un- on the fault of both parties; divorce
claimed dividend. granted to both parties; divorce on
PRIORITAIRE - dividende prioritaire - grounds of mutual fault.
preference dividend.
PROVISOIRE - dividende provisoire - DIVULGATION - publication; :revelation;
interim dividend. disclosure.


OPINION doctrinale dominante - most
au thori ties .
BNFICE de la division - right of one of
the sureties to limit his liability to his share DOCTRINE - legal opinion; legal theory; legal
subject to his having to assume his part of writers; doctrine; authorities.
the share of any surety who becomes insol-
CONSTANT - il est de doctrine constante
vent. - it is well established.
DIVORCE DOMINANT - doctrine dominante - pre-
ACTION en divorce - divorce petit.ion; di- vailing (better, ac cepted) opinion: most writ-
vorce proceedings. ers (au thori ties).


ABANDON du domicile conjugal - deser- SOCIAL - domicile social - registered office

tion (of the matrimonial home). of a company or partnership; place where an
ADMISSION domicile - special residence individual is entitled to receive social-security
permit. benefits.
ASSIGNATION domicile - house arrest. SOCIT de domicile - company having
CERTAIN - domicile certain - fixed abode. only its registered office in a given country.
COLLECTE domicile - house-to-house TRANSFERT (TRANSLATION) de domi-
collection. cile - change of permanent residence.
COMMERCIAL - domicile commercial - VIOLATION de domicile - violation of the
registered office. privacy (sanctity) of the home; trespass on
CONJUGAL - domicile conjugal- matri- domestic premises; violation of domestic pri-
monial home. vacy; unlawful entry of a person's home.
LECTION - domicile d'lection - resi-
DOMICILIATAIRE - paying agent.
dence for the purpose of performance and
jurisdiction (venue); address for service. DOMICILIATION - domiciliation (indica-
LECTION de domicile - choice of juris- tion of place of payment).
diction; choice of venue; jurisdiction clause; VISA de domiciliation - certificate of domi-
clause giving an address for service. ciliation.
LU - domicile lu - residence for the pur-
pose of performance and jurisdiction (venue); DOMMAGE - damage; injury.
address for service. ACCIDENT - dommage rsultant d'acci-
TAT du domicile - state of ordinary resi- dent - accident damage.
dence (see DOMICILE). ANIMAL - dommage caus par les ani-
FICTIF - domicile fictif - national resi- maux - damage caused by animals ( eg cattle
dence. trespass).
FISCAL - domicile fiscal - residence for tax ATTROUPEMENT - dommage caus par
purposes. les attroupements - riot damage.
FIXE - domicile fixe - fixed abode. AUTEUR du dommage - tortfeasor; persori
SANS domicile fixe - of no fixed ab ode. causing the damage.
INVIOLABILIT du domicile - inviola- AVARIE - dommage d'avarie - average.
bility of a person's residence; sanctity of the AVIS de dommage - notice of damage.
home. BIEN - dommage aux biens - material
JURIDICTION - domicile jittributif de damage; damage to property.
juridiction - residence for the purpose of REQUISITIONN - dommage aux
determining jurisdiction. biens requisitionns - damage to requi-
MATRIMONIAL - domicile matrimonial sitioned property.
- district in which a person's marriage.may CONSCUTIF - dommage conscutif-
lawfully be celebrated. consequential damage; further damage arising
MENDICIT domicile - house-to-house after a lapse of time.
begging. CONSTATATION du dommage - assess-
MULTIPLE - domicile multiple - more ment of damage; statement of damage.
than one residence. CORPOREL - dommage corporel - per-
PERMANENT - domicile permanent - sonal (physical, bodily) injury.
permanent residence; CULTURE- dommage aux cultures -
POLICE - domicile de police - registered damage to crops.
address (ie with the police). DCLARATION de dommag - notice of
QUTE domicile - house-to-house collec- damage.
tion. VALUATION du dommage - assessment
RGULIER- domicile rgulier (Sw) - or- of damage.
dinary residence. EXCESSIF - dommage excessif - exceed-
SECOURS - domicile de secours - perma- ing the limit of noise, smoke, etc normally
nent residence for assistance purposes; place acceptable between neighbours; nuisance.
where a persan is entitled to receive social- GUERRE - crance de dommage de
security benefits. guerre - war-damage claim.


INTGRAL - dommage intgral - total MANUEL - don manuel - gift from hand
loss. to hand.
INTENTION de causer un dommage -
intention to injure.
MATRIEL - dommage matriel - damage DONATEUR- donor.
to property; pecuniary (material) damage.
MORAL - dommage moral - non-pecuniary
DONATION - gift; donation; voluntary settle-
(non-material) damage.
ACTE de donation - instrument ( deed) of
OBJET du dommage - thing (property)
gift; settlement.
BIEN - donation de biens venir - settle-
OCCUPATION - dommage d'occupation
ment of future assets.
- occupation damage, ie damage caused by
CHARGE - donation avec charge - gift
the occupying authorities or members ofthe
with a condition attached; gift subject to a
occupation forces.
condition or obligation.
PATRIMONIAL - dommage patrimonial -
CONTRAT de donation - contract of gift;
pecuniary damage; economic loss.
voluntary settlement.
PCUNIAIRE - dommage pcuniaire -
DGUIS- donation dguise - simulated
pecuniary damage; pecuniary loss.
transaction (eg a sale) concealing a gift.
PERSONNE - dommage aux personnes -
MANUEL - donation manuelle - gift from
persona! (physical, bodily) injury.
hand to hand.
PERSONNEL - dommage personnel - per-
MUTUEL - donation mutuelle - reciprocal
sona! (physical, bodily) injury.
donation; mutual gifts.
RGLEMENT des dommages - assessment
1 OBLIGATOIRE - donation obligatoire -
of damages.
gift made in fulfilment. of a moral obligation.
RESPONSABILIT pour les dommages -
ONREUX - donation onreuse - gift with
liability for damage; damages.
a condition attached; gift subject to a condi-
RICOCHET - dommage par ricochet -
tion or obligation.
indirect damage suffered by dependants (or
others similarly situated) from the death or
par personne interpose - indirect dona-
injury of a victim.
SUBJ - dommage subi - damage suffered.
PRCIPUTAIRE - donation prciputaire
SURVENANCE d'un dommage - occur-
- money, chattels or land which the surviving
rence of damage. spouse is entitled to take from the commu-
TIERS - dommage aux tiers - damage nity property before partition.
caused to third parties. PROPTER NUPTIAS - donation propter
VICTIME du dommage - injured party. nuptia& - donation in consideration of mar-
DOMMAGEABLE - injurious; harmful. riage by the future spouse or a third-party.
RMUNERATOIRE - donation rmun-
DOMMAGES-INTRTS - damages; ratoire - gift in consideration of past ser-
compensation; reparation. vices.
ACTION en dommages-intrts - action RVOCATION de (d'une) donation - re-
for (in) damages. vocation of a gift.
COMPENSATOIRE - dommages-intrts ACTION en rvocation de (d'une)
compensatoires - damages for failure to per- donation - action to revoke a gift.
. form; damages for breach of contract. TESTAMENTAIRE - donation testamen-
FIXATION des dommages-intrts - taire - testamentary gift; gift by will.
assessment of damages. USAGE - donation d'usage - customary
MORATOIRE - dommages-intrts mora- (traditional) gift.
toires - damages for late performance, for VIF - donation entre vifs - donation inter
delay; default interest. vivos (between living persons).
DON - gift; donation. DONATION-PARTAGE- inter vivos dis-
ARGENT - don en argent - money gift; tribution of the estate among the presumptive
gift of money. heirs.


DONNER - create or transfer a right in rem. DOUBLE (adj)

ACTE - donner acte de - (officially, for- DEGR - droit un double degr de
mally) confirm; take formal note of; note a juridiction - right to an appeal (two-tier
declaration on the record. proceedings, a system of appeal courts).
OBLIGATION de donner - obligation to IMPOSITION - double imposition - dou-
transfer property or a right in rem. ble taxation.
SUITE - donner suite - allow (a claim,
INCRIMINATION - double incrimina-
an application, etc).
tion - (extradition) requirement that the
DONNEUR o:ffence committed should be an o:ffence in
AVAL - donneur d'aval- guarantor of a both countries; requirement of dual criminal
bill. liability.
GAGE - donneur de gage - pledgor; mort-
gagor. DOUBLE (noun)- second original (of a con-
tract etc).
ORDRE - donneur d'ordre - employer of
an independent contractor; principal; espe- DOUTE
cially, a person instructing a banker or stock-
broker. BNFICE - au bnfice du doute - for
lack of evidence.
DOSSIER - file; documentation; case; matter;
case-file. DOUZIME
COMMUNICATION du dossier - making PROVISOIRE - douzime provisoire -
the file available for inspection; producing provisional monthly appropriation pending
the file for inspection; right of civil servant the adoption of the budget.
etc to see his personal file.
EXAMEN du dossier - inspection of the DOYEN - eldest or senior member of a body.
file. GE - doyen d'ge - oldest member pre-
PROCS - dossier du procs - case :file. sent; provisional chairman (president).
DOT - dowry; wife's settled property (adminis-
corps diplomatique - dean or doyen of the
tered by the, husband for the bene:fit of the mar-
diplomatie corps, ie senior ambassador or
riage); husband's settled property; gift in consid-
nuncio accredited in a given capital.
eration of marriage.
CONSTITUTION de dot - marriage settle- DROIT - law; right; claim; due; duty; charge;
ment on the wife or husband. title.
DOTATION - endowment; grant; appropria- ABUS de droit - abuse of rights.
tion; civil list; subsidy; subvention. ACCESSION - droit d'accession - right
PROVISIONNEL - dotation provision- of the owner of property to all it produces
nelle - reserve; transfer to reserve. and everything which becomes united to it,
ie (1) all produce (periodical or other), (2)
DOTER - make a marriage settlement (espe-
in the case of ownership of the surface, all
cially on a woman); endow.
that lies above or below it, (3) everything
DOUAIRE - dower (widow's right to the in- that becomes incorporated in it, (4) water
come of her late husband's property). springing from or fiowing over the soil; right
of accession or accretion.
ACCISE - droit d'accise - excise duty.
ACQUIT de douane - customs receipt; cus-
toms release. ACCROISSEMENT - droit d'accroisse-
ment - right of accretion.
COMMISSIONNAIRE en douane - cus-
toms agent. ACHAT - droits d'achat - purchase
ENTREPT de douane - bonded ware- options.
house; bond; customs warehouse. ACQUIS - droit acquis - vested right;
PRPOS des douanes - customs official. established right.
RAYON de douane - (customs) frontier FOI - droit acquis de bonne foi - right
zone. acquired in good faith (bona


COALITION - droit de coalition - right of COMPENSATION - droit de compensa-

association. tion - (right to) set-off.
COERCITION - droit de coercition - right COMPTANT - droits au comptant - taxes
of enforcement; right to enforce. subject to immediate collection.
COGESTION - droit de cogestion - (work- CONCURRENCE - droit de la concur-
ers') right of joint management. rence - competition law; the law of competi-
COLLATION - droit de collation - right of tion; the law prohibiting restraint of trade.
appointment. CONFLIT de droits - confl.icting daims;
COMMERCE - droits hors (du) com-
alternative grounds of claim.
merce - rights which cannot form the
CONFLIT DE LOIS - droit des conflits de
subject-matter of a legal transaction.
lois - private international law; confl.ict (of
COMMERCIAL - droit commercial - com-
laws); rules governing choice of law.
mercial law; business law.
.. COUTUMIER - droit commercial CONSENTEMENT - droit de consente-
coutumier i customary commercial law; ment - right to sanction taxation etc.
mercantile custom; the law merchant; CONSERVATION des droits - preservation
trade custom; commercial practice. of rights.
COMMISSION - droit de commission - , CONSOMMATION - droit de consomma-
(broker's etc) commission. tion - excise duty.
COMMUN - droit commun- general law; CONSOMMATION - droit de la consom-
ordinary or existing law. mation - consumer law .
.. DE droit commun - ordinar(il)y; de CONSTAT - droits constats - taxes not
droit commun celui qui veut obtenir subject to immediate collection.
l'annulation d'un acte - the general , CONSTITUTIONNEL - droit constitu-
rule is that someone seeking to have a tionnel - constitutional law.
transaction set asiife.
.. COUTUMIER - droit constitutionnel
.. EXORBITANT du droit commun -
coutumier - customary constitutional
going beyond (falling outside the scope
law; conventions of the constitution.
of) (the rights conferred by) the general
(mdinary) law; ~reating or constitut- CONSTRUIRE - droit de construire -
ing an exception to the general law, eg right to build.
a clause in a government contract ex- , CONTRACTER MARIAGE - droit de
cluding the jurisdiction of the ordinary contracter mariage - right to marry.
courts. CONTRAINTE - droit de contrainte -
.. JURIDICTION de 9-roit commun - right to enforce.
ordinary court; ordinary jurisdiction. CONTRAIRE - droit contraire - opposing
.. PROCDURE - droit commun de la right; confiictin~ right~
procdure - the ordinary rules of pro- CONTRE-VALEUR - droit contre-
cedure. valeur - right to an equivalent; right to the
.. RECOURS de droit commun- m;di- proceeds of.
nary remedy. CONTRLE - droit de contrle - right of
.. TRIBVNAL - tribunaux de droit
supervision or inspection.
commun - the ordinary (and admin-
CONVENANCIER - droits convenanciers
istrative) courts (ie excluding the spe-
- compensation for erections, plantations and
cialised courts of limited jurisdiction).
crops payable to a short-term tenant of an
, COMMUNICATION - droit fie cqm:rquni-,
agricultural holding (cf BAIL DOMAINE
cation - right to have documents, accounts,
etc iade available for inspection.
, COMMUNICATION - droit des commu- CONVENTIONNEL - droit conventionnel
nications - transport law. - right based on contract; contractual right;
.. ARIEN - droit des communications agreed rate of duty; treaty law.
ariennes - the law of air transport. COPROPRIT - droit de coproprit -
COMPENSATEUR - droit compensateur co-ownership; owrrership in common:
- compensating, equalising tariff; countervail- CORPORATIF - droit corporatif - the law
ing duty. of guilds and professional associations.


CORPOREL - droit corporel - property appoint a representative to the supervisory

right; right to a tangible abject. board of a company.
CORRECTION - droit de correction - DESSAISI de l'exercice de ses droits - ex-
right to inflict corporal punishment. cluded from exercising his rights.
COURTAGE - droit de courtage - (bro- DVELOPPEMENT du drqit - develop-
ker's) commission. ment of the law.
CO-UTILISATION - droit de co-utilisation
DIFFUSION - droit de diffusion - right to
- righ t of joint user.
publicise, broadcast, disseminate.
COUTUMIER - customary law; custom.
DIRE le droit - do justice; act as a court;
INTERNATIONAL - droit coutumier
enfo:rce (state, declare) the law (as it is).
international - customary international
law. DIRE pour droit - rule; find; hold.
CRANCE - droit de crance - right to DIRECTION - droit de direction - right of
receive payment of a debt or performance of con trol (over a thing).
an obligation; chose in action; claim; right in DISCIPLINAIRE - droit disciplinaire -
personam; obligation. disciplinary regulations; standing orders.
IMMOBILIER - droit de crance im- DISJONCTION - droit de disjonction
mobilire - chose in action appurtenant (Sw) - right to withdraw one's property from
to immovable property. the operation of bankruptcy.
CRIE ET BOUGIE - droit de crie et de DISPENSE - droit de dispense - right to
bougie - fee for an auction conducted by the grant dispensations (exemptions); dispensing
court. power.
CRIMINEL - droit criminel - c:riminal law. DISPOSER - droit des peuples disposer
CRITIQUE - droit de critique autorise - d'eux-mmes - right of self-determination.
(right of, defence of) fair comment.
DISPOSITION - droit de disposition -
CULTE - droit de culte priv - right to
right to alienate; right of disposal.
hold services in an embassy.
DOUBLE droit - double fee (charge).
PLEIN - see PLEIN below. CONOMIQUE - droit conomique -
QUI - qui de droit - to the persan business law; the law relating to economic
entitled; to whom it may concern. cnme.
DCHANCE d'un droit - loss (forfeiture) COULEMENT - droit d'coulement des
of a right. eaux de pluie - ( easement conferring a) right
DCISION - droit de dcision - power of to discharge rain-wate:r (over the servient
decision. tenement).
DCOUVERTE - droit de dcouverte - CRIT - droit crit - written law (ie as
the law relating to finder's rights. opposed to customary law and conventions);
DDOMMAGEMENT - droit ddom- statute; statute law.
magement - right to compensation. NON - droit non crit - unwritten law
DDOUANEMENT - droit de ddouane- (ie customary law and conventions as
ment - clearance fee. opposed to statu tes etc).
DFENSE - droits de la dfense - right of DITION - droit d'dition - the law of
bath parties to put forward their case and be publishing; copyright.
informed of their opponent's case (including
LECTORAL - droit lectoral - right to
freedom to choose one's legal representative);
vote; franchise; the law governing elections;
right to a fair hearing (trial); due process;
electoral law.
rights of the defence.
LECTORAT - droit d'lectorat - right to
DNIER un droit quelqu'un - refuse
vote; franchise; the law governing elections;
someone a right; hold that someone is not
electoral law.
entitled to a right; reject (dismiss, disallow) a
claim. LIGIBILIT - droit d'ligibilit - right
DRIV - droits drivs - derivative to stand for election.
rights. EN droit de - entitled to.
DSIGNATION - droit de dsignation - ENCAISSEMENT - droit d'encaissement
right of appointment or nomination; right to - collection charge.


ENREGISTREMENT - droit d'enregistre- EXTRACTION - droit d'extraction - min-

ment - registration fee. ing right.
ENTENDU - droit d'tre entendu (par un EXTRAPATRIMONIAL - droit extrapa-
juge) - right to judicial proceedings; right to trimonial - non-pecuniary (non-
a fair trial (hearing). proprietorial, non-proprietary) right.
ENTRE - droit d'entre - right of entry; FACTAGE - droit de factage - cartage;
entrance; charge; import duty. delivery charge.
ENTREPT - droit d'entrept - ware- FAIRE droit une demande - allow (grant)
house charges. an application.
PAVE - droit d'pave - the law relating FAIRE VALOIR un droit - put forward
to unclaimed movables. (advance, submit) a claim; claim (assert) a
PUIS - droit puis - ex rights. right.
ESPRANCE - droit en esprance - ex-
FAMILLE - droit de la famille - family
pectation (right in spe).
ESTER - droit d'ester en justice - right
FISCAL - droit fiscal - tax law.
to take part in court proceedings; standing
(before the court); locus standi. FISCAL - droits fiscaux - taxes and duties.
ESTIVAGE - droits d'estivage - charges FIXE - droit fixe - fixed charge, due, duty.
for summer pasture. FONCTION PUBLIQUE - droit de la
TABLISSEMENT - droit d'tablissement fonction publique - civil-service law.
- right to settle (take up residence); right of FORFAITAIRE - droit forfaitaire - fixed
establishment. (fiat-rate) charge.
TAPE - droit d'tape - right of troops to FRAPPE - droit de frappe - right of
pass through foreign territory. coinage.
TRANGER - droit des trangers - the FRAUD - droit fraud- evading payment
law relating to aliens (foreign nationals). of a fee.
TRE en droit de - be entitled to. FUTUR - droit futur - future right.
TROIT - de droit troit - to be strictly GAGE - droit de gage - creditor's right to
(restrictively, narrowly) interpreted. retain, sell and pay himself out of the pro-
VENTUEL - droit ventuel - contingent ceeds of the abject pledged; pledgee's rights;
right. lien; pledge; security.
VOCATION - droit d'vocation - supe- BAILLEUR - droit de gage du bail-
rior court's power to order pending proceed- leur - landlord's lien for rent.
ings to be transferred to itself for decision.
GNRAL - un droit de gage gnral
EXAMEN - droit d'examen - examination
sur le patrimoine de son dbiteur - a
"floating" charge over the debtor's prop-
EXCEPTION - droit d'exception - rule
erty, ie the creditor's right to enforce his
creating an exception.
daim against the debtor's entire prop-
EXCLUSIVIT - droit d'exclusivit - sole
(exclusive) right.
IMMOBILIER - droit de gage im-
EXERC - droit exerc - ex rights.
mobilier - real security; charge on real
EXERCICE - droit d'exercice - right to
practise (a profession).
EXHAUSSEMENT - droit d'exhausse- GARANTIE - droit de garantie - guaran-
ment - right to build higher. tee commission.
EXPDITION - droit d'expdition - fee GARDE - droit de garde - storage charge
for a certified copy. ( customs etc); safe-custody charge (bank
EXPERTISE - droit d'expertise - fee for etc); right to control and care (physical cus-
an expert opinion. tody) of a child.
EXPLOITATION - droit d'exploitation - GENS - droit des gens - public interna-
operating right; mining concession. tional law; jus gentium; the law of nations.
FORESTIER - droit d'exploitation GLOBAL - droit global-:- standard charge;
forestire - forestry concession. inclusive charge.
EXPROPRIATION - droit d'expropria- GRCE - droit de grce - prerogative of
tion - right to expropriate. mercy.


PASSIF - droit de lgation passif - NAVIGATION ARIENNE- droit de

right to receive diplomatie missions from navigation arienne - air law; the law of
other states. air transport.
LGIFRER - droit de lgifrer - right to NGOCIATION - droit de ngociation
legislate. (Sw) - turnover tax.
LSER les droits - interfere with, violate or NEUTRALIT - droit de la neutralit -
infringe a person's rights. law of neutrality.
LSION dans les droits - interference with, NOM - droit au nom - right to one's name.
violation or infringement of a person's rights. NOMINATION - droit de nomination -
LICENCE - droit de licence (d'exploita- right to appoint.
tion) - licence (to operate a mine, trade or OBJECTIF - droit objectif - the rules of
manufacture or use a patent, copyright, etc); law; the law (as opposed to droit subjec-
licence fee; royalty. tif).
LICENCIEMENT - droit de licenciement OBLIGATION - droit des obligations -
- right to dismiss. law of obligations; contract and tort. It also
LITIGIEUX - droit litigieux - disputed includes quasi-contract (restitution, unjust
claim. enrichment, etc) and statutory obligations
LIVRAISON - droit livraison - right to (eg maintenance).
receive delivery. OCCUPATION - droit d'occupation -
LOCATION DE CHASSE - droit de loca- right to occupy; right to take possession of
tion de chasse - the law of shooting rights. ownerless property; occupation law, ie that
MAGASINAGE - droit de magasinage iinposed by an occupying power.
- depository fee; warehouse (warehousing) OPPOSITION - droit d'opposition - right
charge; storage charge. to object; right to apply to have a decision
MAINTIEN DANS LES LIEUX - droit du set aside.
maintien dans les lieux - right to remain in
OPTION - droit d'option - option.
OUVRIR (un) droit - entitle; grant (confer)
MARIAGE - droit du mariage - the law of
a right.
PANAGE - droit de panage - right topas-
MARITIME - droit maritime - maritime
ture swine in a forest.
PARC01JR:S - droit de parcours - right of
INTERNATIONAL- droit maritime
common (for pasturing animals).
international - the law of the sea.
MATRIEL - droit matriel - substantive PART RSERVATAIRE - droit part
law (as opposed to procedure). rservataire - right to a reserved portion in
MOBILE - droits mobiles - sliding-scale a parent's estate.
tariff ( customs). PASSAGE- droit de passage - right of
MOBILIER - droit mobilier - right relat- way.
ing to a movable. PATRIMONIAL - droits patrimoniaux -
MORAL - droit moral de l'auteur - non- pecuniary rights; property rights; proprieto-
pecuniary, special (personal) right of an rial (proprietary) rights; economic rights.-
author, artist, etc in his work; non-pecuniary PTURE - (droit de) vaine pture - right
( attributes of) copyright. of common; common of pasture exercisable
MOYEN de droit -=- ground based on law; after mowing or harvest.
point of law. PAVILLON - droit de pavillon- the law of
PUR - moyen de pur droit - le gal the
ground resulting implicitly from the PAYER - droit de se payer - right to ob-
facts as presented to the court. tain satisfaction or payment.
MUTATION - droit de mutation - capital PAGE - droit de page - toll. '
transfer tax; transfer duty. PCHE - droit de pche - fishing rights;
. DCS - droit de mutation. 'par dcs (right of) fishery.
--' succession duty; inheritance tax. PNAL - droit pnal- (the) cri:rll.inal law.
NATUREL - droit naturel~ natural law PRMIAL - droit pnal'Prmial-
(a system of law based ori reasori 'artd human criminal law based on.rewards nstad of
nature as opposed to actual (positive) law). punishrri.ent'; recompensive ctiminal law.


PNITENTIAIRE - droit pnitentiaire - to statutory priority, preference or lien

prison law, (privilge)) to be paid in preference to
PENSION - droit une pension de re- other creditors; preferential right; preferen-
traite - pension entitlement. tial ( customs) duty.
PERDRE - perdre des droits - forfeit PRESCRIPTION d'un droit - lapse (bar-
rights. ring) of a right by statutory limitation.
PERQUISITION - droit de perquisition - PRSANCE - droit de prsance - right
right of search. of precedence.
, PERSONNALIT - droits de la person-
PRSENTATION - droit de prsentation
nalit - non-pecuniary personal rights other
- right to name a successor for appointment
than family rights; personality rights (name,
to certain professional offices, such as those
reputation, privacy, etc); strictly personal
of bailiff, registrar, stockbroker or auctioneer.
PRT - droit de prt public - public lend-
PERSONNE - droit attach la personne
- strictly (exclusively) personal right; ease- ing right.
ment in gross. PRTORIEN - droit prtorien - judge-
PERSONNE - droits de la personne (Can) made law.
- human rights. PREUVE - faire la preuve de son droit -
PERSONNE - droit des personnes - law of establish one's title.
persons. PRIMAUT du droit - rule of law.
PERSONNEL - droit personnel - (pecu- PRINCIPAL - droit principal - indepen-
niary) right in personam; obligation; chose in dent (non-accessory) right.
action; daim. PRISE - droit des prises - prize law .
PERTE du droit - loss or forfeiture of a PRISE - droit de prise - appraisement
right or claim. fee; valuation fee.
PEUPLE - droit des peuples disposer
PRIVATIF - droit privatif- exclusive
d'eux-mmes - right of self-determination.
PLAIDOIRIE - droit de plaidoirie - coun-
PRIVATION des droits civiques - disquali-
sel's hearing fee.
, PLEIN - de plein droit - by operation of fication from exercising the franchise and
law; ipso jure; as a matter of law (ie without holding public office imposed on certain con-
the need for any application or stipulation); victs.
as of right; of itself; as full members; ex offi- PRIV - droit priv - private law.
cio; as ex-officio members. PRIVILGE - droit de privilge - statu-
POINT de droit - point of law; question of tory lien or privilege giving a right to be paid
law. in preference to other creditors.
PORT - droits de port - harbour dues. .. SPCIAL - droit de privilge spcial
, POSITIF - droit positif- positive law, ie - lien on certain movables or immovables
the law as it actually exists, as opposed tb giving a right to preferential payment.
natural law. PROCDURE - droit de la procdure -
POURSUITE - droit de poursuite - right procedure; procedural law; law of procedure.
to prosecute; right of (hot1 pursuit. PROCDURE - droit de procdure - trial
PRCAIRE - droit prcaire - revocable fee; court fee.
right, ie subject to revocation by the grantor.
PROCESSUEL - droit processuel - (the
, PRMINENCE du '.drnit - rule of law.
study of) (the law governing) procedure.
, PREMPTION - droit de premption -
PROPORTIONNEL - droit proportionnel
right ofpre~emption; option to pui:chase in
preference to others. - proportional tax; graduated tax.
PRFRENCE - cil.roit de prfrence - PROPRIT - droit de proprit - owner-
right (of :<;1.mortgagee or person entitled ship; property right; right in property.
to a statutory priority, preference .or lien .. INDUSTRIEL - droit de proprit
(privilge)) to be paid in preference to industrielle - industrial-property right,
other creditors; pr~ferentiaJ right. eg patent, t~a,demark.
. PRFI~.ENTIBL :--- dro,it prfrentiel PROSPECTION:--- droit de prospection -
:--- r.ight (of a mortgagee or pe:i;son e:o,titled prospecting right.


, PROTECTION - droit de protection - RFORMATION - droit de rformation -

legal provision(s) whose object is to protect right to set aside or alter the judgment of a
certain persans; protective provision(s). lower court.
PROUV - droit prouv - established REGARD - droit de regard - right of in-
right. spection or supervision.
PUBLIC - droit public - public law. .. GESTION - droit de regard sur la
.. CHAMBRE de droit public - public- gestion - right to be informed about the
law division. management .
.. RECOURS de droit public - public- RGLE de droit - legal norm (rule); the
law appeal. law; rule of law.
PUISAGE - droit de puisage - right to RINTEGRATION dans ses droits -
draw water from a well. reinstatement in one's rights .
PURGE - droit de purge - purchaser's RELATIF - droit relatif - right binding
right to redeem charges (mortgages) for the only on a specific persan or persans, eg a
price paid or the present value. It may only promisor, debtor or tortfeasor; right in per-
be exercised by a purchaser not personally sonam.
liable on the mortgage. REMBOURSEMENT - droit rem-
QUAI - droit de quai - wharfage. boursement - right to be reimbursed.
QUESTION - droit de question - right to REMBOURSEMENT - droit de rem-
put questions, to interrogate. boursement - collection fee; COD charge.
RACHAT - droit de rachat - right of
RMR - droit de rmr - option or
(option to) repurchase; vendor's right of
right to repurchase.
RAPPEL - droit de rappel - right to recall.
.. DOMICILE - droit de remise domi-
, RAPPEL de droits - supplementary assess-
cile - delivery charge.
RCEPTION du droit - reception ( adop- RENONCIATION - droit de renonciation
tion) of a foreign, eg Roman, law. - right to waive (relinquish, renounce, aban-
RECETTE - droit de recette - collection don) a right, privilege, etc.
charge. , RPARATION - droit rparation - right
RECHERCHE - droit de recherche - to compensation (damages, reparation).
search fee. RP ARATOIRE - droits rparatoires -
, RECOMMANDATION - droit de recom- compensation for erections, plantations and
mandation - charge for registering (a letter crops payable to a short-term tenant of an
etc). agricultural holding (cf BAIL DOMAINE
, RECONNAISSANCE de droit - de jure CONGABLE).
recognition. REPENTIR - droit de repentir - right to
RECOURS - droit de recours - right of rescind (withdraw from a contract).
appeal; right of recourse. RPLIQUE - droit de rplique - right of
, RECOUVREMENT - droits mis en recou- reply; right of rectification.
vrement - entitlements called in. RPONSE - droit de rponse - right of
RECOUVRER - droits recouvrer - reply; right of rectification.
entitlements; sums due. REPRSENTATION - droit de reprsen-
.. RESTER - droits restant recouvrer tation - counsel's fee (for the hearing); per-
- entitlements outstanding. forming right.
RCUSATION - droit de rcusation - REPRISE - droit de reprise - landlord's
right of challenge. right in certain circumstances to recover
RDUIRE premises in spite of the tenant's right to an
.. PEINE - droit de rduire une peine - extension of the lease; landlord's right to re-
right to remit or commute a sentence. occupy demised premises because he needs
REL - droit rel - right in rem. them for himself.
.. BIEN - droit rel sur un bien de son RSERVATAIRE - droits rservataires -
dbiteur - -right in rem over one of his statutory right to a share in the estate of a
debtor's assets. parent; reserved portion.


right; (usually in plural) inheritance tax; suc- TERRITORIAL - droits territoriaux -

cession duty. territorial rights.
, SUFFRAGE - droit de suffrage - suffrage; TESTAMENTAIRE - droit testamentaire
right to vote. - law of wills.
, SUITE - droit de suite - right to trace or TESTER - droit d tester - right to make
follow property into the hands of a third per- a will (transfer property by will).
san; mortgagee's right to attach the mort-
TIMBRE - droit de timbre - stamp duty.
gaged property and have it sold to answer
.. PASSEPORT - droit de timbre sur les
the mortgage debt into whoever's hands it
may have passed; right of persans entitled passeports - passport fee.
to a privilge (right to preferential pay- TIRAGE - droit de tirage spcial- special
ment) to follow property; right of a secured drawing right.
creditor to take possession of the security TITRE - droit n du titre - right incorpo-
even if in the possession of a third party; rated in a security, eg bearer securities.
(bankruptcy) right of stoppage in transitu; TITULAIRE d'un droit - person entitled to
(copyright) right of an author to a percent- (owner, holder of) a right.
age of the sale price of his work (over which TOUR - droit (servitude) de tour d'chelle
he may not dispose inter vivos or by will and - easement entitling the owner of the dom-
to which his heirs are entitled for a period inant property to place ladders on the
of :fifty years after his death, subject to a life servient property.
interest of the surviving spouse); reserved TRANSCRIT - droit transcrit - registered
royalties; right of an artist to a percentage right or interest.
of the price of his picture every time it is TRANSITOIRE - droit transitoire - tran-
sold by an auctioneer or art dealer; surviving sitional provisions; transitional legislation.
right; inheritable royalty; surviving royalty;
TRANSMISSION - droit de transmission
resale right. - transfer duty.
SUJET de droit - persan (entity) recognised
TRANSPARENCE - droit de trans-
by law or a particular system of law as capa-
parence - right of access to official docu-
ble of owning and exercising rights and being
ments etc ( corresponding to a duty of disclo-
subject to obligations; person, ie as having
legal personality; legal person; (in an interna-
tional context) subject of law. TRAVAIL - droit du travail - labour law.
.. INTERNATIONAL - sujet de droit TRMATAGE- droit de trmatage - pri-
international - person recognised by ority of passage through a lock.
international law as having rights and UNIQUE - droit unique - standard charge.
duties (having legal personality); subject URGENCE- droit d'urgence - emergency
of (international) law. provisions.
SUPERFICIE - droit de superficie - sur- USAGE - droit d'usage - right of user;
face rights (in a piece of land containing min- right in rem to use the property of another
erals); right in rem to buildings and planta- to satisfy one's personal needs and those of
tions on the land of another; surface owner's one's family for life; usus.
rights; building owner's rights; building lease. USUFRUIT - droit de l'usufruit - usufruct;
SUPPLTIF - droit suppltif- non- right in rem to use and enjoy the property of
mandatory rules of law, eg expressing the another to the same extent as an owner but
presumed intention of the parties to a con-
without altering the substance (functionally
equivalent to a life tenancy).
SURVEILLANCE - droit de surveillance -
right of supervision. VAINE PTURE - see PTURE above.
SURVOL - droit de survol - right to fiy VARIABLE - droit variable - variable rate
over national territory. of tax etc.
SYNDICAL - droit syndical - right of as- VIAGER - droit viager - right (to some-
sociation; right to organise; right to form thing) for life.
trade unions; trade-union law. VIDUIT - droit de viduit - widow's
SYNDICAL - droits syndicaux - trade- right to maintenance from her late husband's
union rights. estate for a limited period.


VISITE - droit de visite - right to inspect; CONTRACTUEL - dure contractuelle -

right of serch; right to stop and search; right length (term, period) of the contract.
of access. CONTRAT - dure du contrat - length
VOIE de droit - legal channel; legal action; (term, period) of the contract.
legal procedure; remedy; appeal; proceedings. CHANCE - dure d'chance - cur-
TOUT - toute voie de droit - any rency (of a bill).
legally perrnissible rneans, eg procedure, EMPLOI - dure d'emploi - length of em-
form of evidence, ployment.
VOISINAGE - droit de voisinage - law EXPIRATION de la dure - expiration of
governing the rights and duties of adjacent timej expiration of the period.
owners. FONCTION - dure des fonctions - length
VUE - droit de vue - right to have an (period, term) of office.
opening in a wall at less than the statutory MANDAT de dure dtermine - fixed
distance from an adjoining property; right to term of office.
inspect (accounts, documents, etc). LECTIF - dure du mandat lectif
- period for which a persan is elected;
DTS = droit de ti:rage spcial. term of office.
DUCROIRE - del credere. PEINE - dure de la peine - length of the
DUPLICATA - second copy; duplicate.
PROLONGATION de la dure - extension
DUPLIQUE - rejoinder (defendant's reply to of time.
the plaintiff 's reply). SERVICE - dure des services - length of
DURE - time spent. VALIDIT - dure de validit - (period
BAIL - dure du bail - term (period) of the of) validity; currency. .
CIRCULATION - dure de circulation - DURET
currency of a bill. CLAUSE de duret - hardship clause.


EAU TERME d'chance - date of payment.
ADJACENT - eaux adjacentes - coastal
waters. CHEC - breakdown (of marriage).
CTIER - eaux ctires - coastal waters.
INTRIEUR - eaux intrieures - national CHEL(L)AGE - easement entitling the
or domestic waters, ie waters within the owner of the dominant property to place ladders
baseline of the territorial sea. on the servient property.
RGLEMENT d'eau - apportionment CHELLE
(allocation) of water rights (between ripar- MOBILE - chelle mobile des peines -
ian owners); water regulations. graduated scale of sentences.
TERRITORIAL - eaux territoriales - ter-
ritorial waters. CHELON
CONTIGU - eaux territoriales con- ANCIENNET - chelon d'anciennet -
tigus - contiguous ( adjoining) territo- seniority; salary step; increment.
rial waters.
HIRARCHIQUE- chelon hirarchique
BRANLEMENT - rank; grade.
LIEN CONJUGAL - branlement du lien
conjugal - weakening of the marriage bond; CHELONNEMENT
breakdown of the marriage. PAIEMENT - chelonnement des paie-:
ments - payment by instalments.
CARTER - (of a presumption) rebut.
DEMANDE - carter une demande - dis- CHEVIN - alderman; (Belg) deputy mayor;
miss an application. (Can) town councillor. (Also used in translations
RGLE - les rgles de droit commun sont to designate the non-professional members of a
cartes pour les notifications entre avo- court or tribunal.)
cats - the general rules do not apply to sim-
plified service (of documents) between coun- CHEVINAL
sel. FORMATION - en formation chevinale
CHANGE - (of a court) sitting with non-professional
SOULTE - change avec soulte - exchange members.
with payment of the difference.
CHOUER - fail.
CHANTILLON - sample.
VENT~ sur chantillon - sale by sample. CLAIRER
JURIDICTION - lorsque la juridiction
CHANCE - due date; date payable; date of s'estime claire - when the court considers
expiry (expiration); maturity; date on which an it is suffi.ciently informed.
obligation must be performed.
DLAI - chance du dlai - expiry of the COLE
term or time(-limit). MAGISTRATURE - cole nationale de
DTERMIN - une chance dter- la magistrature - Legal Service Training
mine - at a fixed date. College.
MOYEN - chance moyenne - average
due date. CONOMIE - structure (scheme, logic) (of a
PROROGATION d'chance - extension of convention); tenor (of a provision).
REMBOURSEMENT - chance de rem- COT (Sw) - bill of costs.
boursement - dat:e of repayment.
TERME - chance du terme - expiry of CRIT
the term or time(-limit); becoming due (of a DIFFAMATOIRE - crit diffamatoire -
debt, bill, etc). li bel.


default judgment back to the court by which PLACE - effet sur place - local bill; town
it was originally decided; transfer of all issues bill.
of fact and law to a (higher) court (eg on PRIV d'effet - ineffectual; unenforceable,
appeal). PROROGATION d'un effet - extension of
NORMAL - effet dvolutif normal - a bill.
the normal transfer of jurisdiction, PROTEST - effet protest - protested
DOMICILIE - effet domicili - domiciled bill.
bill. PROTESTER un effet - protest a bill.
CHANCE - effet chance- bill PROTT d'un effet - protest.
payable on a fixed day. PUBLIC - effets publics - government
CHU - effet chu - matured bill. securi ties,
METTEUR d'un effet - issuer (drawer) of RECOUVREMENT d'un effet - collection
a bill. of a bill.
ENCAISSEMENT - effet l'encaissement RECOUVRER - effet recouvrer - bill for
- bill for collection, collection.
ERGA OMNES - effet erga omnes - effect RELATIF - effet relatif - effect as between
binding on everyone (the whole world); effect the parties,
in rem (erga omnes). CONTRAT - effet relatif des contrats
ESCOMPTE - effet l'escompte - bill for - (doctrine of) privity of contract, ie a
discount. contract is binding only on the parties to
ESCOMPT - effet escompt - discounted it and does not impose burdens or confer
bill. ben.e:fits on third parties.
TRANGER - effet l'tranger - foreign RENOUVELLEMENT d'un effet - renewal
bill. (extension) of a bill.
FICTIF - effet fictif- accommodation bill; RSOLUTOIRE (RSOLUTIF) - effet
kite. rsolutoire (rsolutif) - effect of annulling
FINANCIER - effet financier - accommo- ( cancelling, rescinding) a contract.
dation bill; finance bill. RETIRER un effet - withdraw a bHl,
INTRIEUR - effet sur l'intrieur - inland RETOUR d 1effets - redrafti re-exchnge~
bill; domestic bill. RETRAIT d'effet - withdrawing a bill.
INTER PARTES - effet inter partes - RTROACTIF - effet rtroactif - retro-
effect as between the parties. spective effect.
IRRCOUVRABLE - effet irrcouvrable S,ORTIR ses effets - become f'ffective.
- irrecoverable bill. SOUFFRANCE - effet e~ilquff:t<j,p,,e - bill
LIBRATOIRE - effet libratpire - effect held over; overdue bill.
of releasing from liability. SUSPENSIF - effet suspensif - suspensive
LONGUEUR d'un effet - currency of a bill. effect.
MATRIEL - effet matriel - substantive TIRER i+n effet - draw a qill.
effect (cet avant-acte ne peut produire au- COMPTE ~ effet tir pour ompte -
cun effet matriel - this precontract has no bill drawn on a bank on behalf of an-
substantive effect), other ( eg a documentary credit ).
MOBILIER - effets mobiliers - movables; RSOR - effet du Trsor - Treasury bill,
chattels. UTILE - principe P-e l'effet utile - the
MOBILISATION - effet de mobilisation - principle o'f effectivel].eS~ (t j;e~ ffiagis valeat
finance bill. quam pereat) j the principle that wht<re pos-
NANTISSEMENT- effet en nantissement sible a transaction or document sh.ould be
'--'- bill deposited as a security; pawned bill, interpreted in a manner that renders it effec-
NOURRICE - effet en nourrice - bill de- tive.
posited as a security; pawned bill. VUE - effet vue - sight bill.
PAYER - effets payer~ bills payable.
PENSION - effet en pension___: bill de.:.
PERSONNEL - effectif rel du personnel.
posited as a seurity; pawned bill.
- staff 'in service.
PERSONNEL - effets personnls - per- ;~

sonal effects. EFFRACTION - breaking (into premises).


VOL avec effraction - housebreaking; bur- APPRCIATION - lments d'apprcia-

glary. tion - evidence; factors to be taken into
ACCS - programme d'accs l'galit CONSTITUTIF - lment constitutif -
(factual) ingredient.
- affirmative-action programme (human
rights). INFRACTION - lment constitutif
ARME - galit des armes - equality of de l'infraction - essential element, con-
arms. dition, requirement or ingredient of the
VOIX - s'il y a galit des voix - where the offen ce.
votes are equal. CONVICTION - faute d'lments suffi-
sants de conviction - where the evidence is
LARGIR- set free; release. inconclusive.
LARGISSEMENT - release. ESSENTIEL - lments essentiels du con-
trat - essentials of the contract.
LECTEUR - elector.
FAISCEAU d'lments concordants -
CONSULAIRE - lecteur consulaire - per-
(number of) facts pointing in the same di-
son entitled to elect judges to the Commer-
cial Court:
DEGR - lecteur du premier degr- per- FAIT - lments de fait - facts; factual cir-
son entitled to vote for an elector in a two- cumstances.
tier system. MORAL - lment moral - mental element.
INSCRIT - lecteur inscrit - voter on the PLAIDANT - lments plaidant contre -
register; registered elector. evidence against.
PREMIER DEGR - see DEGR above. PREUVE - lments de preuve - evidence;
GRAND lecteur - (second-degree) elector pro of.
in a two-tier system.
RATTACHEMENT - lment de rattache-
PRIMAIRE - lecteur primaire - person
ment - connecting factor.
entitled to vote for an elector in a two-tier
system. SUBSTANTIEL - lment substantiel du
contrat - essential (material) part of the
LECTION contract.
AMI - lection d'ami - declaration by a TRAIN DE VIE - lments de train de vie
(commission) agent stating the name of his - stan.dard-of-living criteria.
COMPLMENTAIRE - lection compl- LEVER
mentaire - by-election. CONFLIT - lever un conflit - raise a con-
CONSULAIRE - lection consulaire - elec- fl.ict of jurisdiction (by means of an applica-
tion 'Df judgesof the Commercial Court; tion by the Prefect to have the case trans-
DOMICILE - lection de domicile - choice ferred frorn the ordinary courts to the admin-
of jurisdiction; choice of venue; jurisdiction istrative courts).
clause; clause giving an address for service.
S'lever contre - to dispute.
PARTIEL - lection partielle - by-election.
PRUD'HOMAL - lection prud'homal -
election of the judges of the industrial rela-
tions tribunal (Labour Court). DROIT d'ligibilit - right to stand fo:t elec-
TRIANGULAIRE - lection triangulaire - tion.
three-cornered election.
LECTORAL DOMICILE - lire domicile ~ to stipulate
LOI lectorale - Ekctoral Provisions Act; or agree upon a person's permanent resi-
Representation of the People Act. dence, usually in a c0ntract 1 for the pu1:-
pose of confer.ring juxisdictiorr on a particu-
LECTORAT - franchise; electorate.
lar court or F>toviding an address for service;
LMENT - (in plural) evidence; material. accept the jurisdictioii of; j:r-is.diction
ACTIF - lment actif- asset. upon.


LOIGNEMENT EMPCHEMENT - impediment; bar; hin-

INDEMNIT d'loignement - expatriation drance; disability.
allowance; foreign-service (foreign-residence) CAUSE d'empchement - ground of imped-
allowance. iment.
DIRIMANT - empchement dirimant -
LU - member of Parliament or of a local au-
thority; elected representative. impediment en,tailing nullity or voidability of
a marriage celebrated in spite of the impedi-
LUDER ment; absolute impediment.
LOI - luder la loi - evade the law. DISPENSE des empchements de mariage
- exemption ( dispensation) from mpedi-
MANCIPATION - declaration that a
ments to marriage.
minor shall be regarded as of full age and capac-
LGAL - empchement lgal - statutory
ity; emancipation.
MANCIPER- declare of full age; free of LGITIME - empchement lgitime - law-
in.capacities imposed by minority; treat as being ful impediment (objection).
of full age; emancipate. LIVRAISON - empchement la livraison
- ground for refusing delivery.
MARGEMENT - initials or signature in
MARIAGE - empchement au mariage -
the margin or a column; marginal entry or signa-
impediment (to marriage).
PROHIBITIF - empchement prohibitif
MARGER- sign or initial in a column or - impediment which does not render voici or
margin; receive money. voidable a marriage celebrated in spite ofthe
VOIE PUBLIQUE - embarras de la voie EMPHYTOSE - long lease conferring a
publique - obstructing the highway, right in rem.
MENDER EMPHYTOTE - lessee under a long lease
JUGEMENT - mender un jugement - conferring a right in rem.
vary a judgment.
EMPITEMENT - trespass; infringement;
METTRE - issue. encroachment.
CAVALERIE - mettre de la cavalerie -
FONCTION - empitement de fonctions -
fl.y a kite; issue bad bills.
exceeding one's authority.
CHQUE - mettre un chque- draw a
cheque. EMPLOI - post; office; duty; employment; use;
utilisation; purchase of property with available
MEUTE - riot; rout; disturbance. capital.
MIGRATION ABUSIF - emploi abusif- misuse; im-
CAPITAL - migration de capitaux - proper use.
fl.ight of capital. BUDGTAIRE - emploi budgtaire -
established post.
MISSION - issue. FAIRE emploi du prix de vente - reinvest
BANQUE d'mission - issuing bank; issuing
the proceeds of sale.
FORCE - emploi de la force - use of force.
CHQUE - mission de chque sans provi-
LUCRATIF - emploi lucratif- paid em-
sion - issuing a bad (worthless) cheque.
ployment; gainful employment; profitable use.
MOLUMENT - scale fee of an officer of the MI-TEMPS - emploi mi~temps - part-
court (barrister, bailiff, etc); allowance paid to a time employment.
witness or expert. OCCUPER un emploi public - hold public
BNFICE d'molument - limitation of a office.
spouse's liability for the community debts to PRIORIT de l'emploi - prior right of
his or her share of the community assets. employment.
JUSTICE - molument de justice (Sw) - PRISE d'emploi - assumption (taking up)
court fees. of duties.


PROLONGATION d'emploi - continued DNONCIATION d'emprunt - calling in a

employment. loan.
RETRAIT d'emploi - removal from office; GAG - emprunt gag - secured loan.
dismissal. HYPOTHCAIRE - emprunt hypoth-
VACANCE d'emploi - vacant post. caire (sur hypothque) - mortgage (loan).
LOT - emprunt lots - lottery loan.
EMPLOY - clerk; servant; salaried employee.
MONNAIE - emprunt (libell) en mon-
EMPREINTE naie trangre - foreign-currency loan.
DIGITAL - empreinte digitale - finger- OBLIGATAIRE - emprunt obligataire -
print. debenture loan.
EMPRISE - (illegal) expropriation; possession; OBLIGATION - emprunt par obligations
taking possession; (legal or illegal) dispossession (Sw) - debenture loan.
by the authorities; encroachment. PERPTUEL - emprunt perptuel - irre-
TOTAL - rquisition d'emprise totale - deemable loan.
application for the compulsory purchase of PRIME - emprunt prime - premium
property rendered unusable by the expropri- loan.
ation of the rest of the building or land in PRODUIT de l'emprunt - proceeds of the
question. loan.
REVALIDATION- emprunt de revalida-
EMPRISONNEMENT tion - redemption loan.
CELLULAIRE - emprisonnement cellu-
TRANCHE d'emprunt - block of deben-
laire - solitary (cellular) confinement ( deten-
tures, consols, etc.
VALEUR STABLE - emprunt valeur
COMMUN - emprisonuement en commun
stable - fixed-value loan.
- group cfetention.
CORRECTIONNEL - emprisonnement EMPRUNTEUR - borrower.
correctionnel - imprisonment for misde-
meanour. ENCAISSE- cash in hand.
CRIMINEL - emprisonnement criminel - ENCAISSEMENT - collection; cashing; pay-
imprisonment for felony. ment.
INDIVIDUEL - emprisonnement indi- CHQUE l'encaissement - cheque for
viduel - solitary confine~ent. collection.
POLICE - erpriso:p,ement d~ pgJice -
iwp:tiip:rne:,.t fpr fi. peHy 8ffence: ENCAISSER
PRE.VJ!lN'f,If ,... ~mprif!!Pllnemf!nt prventif CHQUE - encaisser un chque - collect a
(Belg) - detention on i:emand. cheque.
~T!13IPIA1RJ!} - e:m:m:isonnement sub-
sidiairf! (Belg) - imprisom:pent in default (of ENCEINTE
TRIBUNAL - enceinte du tribunal-
pa:-yme:r of, a fine).
courtroom; precinct of the court.
AMORTISSABLE - emprunt amortissable ENCHANNEMENT
- redeemable loan. CONTRAT d'enchanement - tied-house
AMORTISSEMENT fi'emprunt - redemp- contract.
tion of (paying off) a loan. ENCHRE
CAPITAL d'emprunt - outside capital;
FORT - plus forte enchre - highest bid.
borrowed capital.
FOU - folle enchre - frivolous (sham) bid
CAUTIONN- emprunt cautionn-
(at an auction).
guaranteed loan; secured loan.
MINIMUM - enchre minimum - lowest
CONSOLIDATION - emprunt de consoli-
bid; lowest price.
dation - funding loan.
CONVENTION d'emprunt - loan agree- VENDRE aux enchres - sell by auction.
ment. ENCHRIR- bid; increase the price of,
CONVERSION - emprunt de conversion -
conversion loan. ENCHRISSEUR- bidder.


DERNIER enchrisseur - highest bidder. ENDOSSEUR - endorser.

FORT - plus fort enchrisseur - highest PRCDENT - endosseur prcdent -
bidder. previous endorser,
FOU - fol enchrisseur - sham bidder.
ENCLAVANT ABANDONN- enfance moralement
FONDS enclavant - land surrounding an abandonne - neglected children.
enclave. ASSISTANCE l'enfance - child welfare.
ENCLAVER - surround so as to create an COUPABLE - enfance coupable - juvenile
enclave. delinquents.
DLINQUANT - enfance dlinquante -
ENCLORE - enclose.
juvenile delinquents.
ENCLOS - enclosure; enclosed :field or prop- MORALEMENT ABANDONN - see
erty; curtilage. ABANDONN above.
ENCOURIR - incur; be liable to. ENFANT
ENDETT - in debt. ABANDON d'enfant - abandonment ( expo-
sure) of a child.
ENDETTEMENT - indebtedness; debts. ABANDON d'enfants - deserting one's chil-
COEFFICIENT d'endettement - borrowing- dren.
to-capital ratio; debt ratio. ADULTRIN - enfant adultrin - adulter-
IMMOBILIER - endettement immobilier ine child.
- mortgage debts. CHARGE - enfant charge - dependant
RATIO d'endettement - borrowing-to-
capital ratio; debt ratio.
CONU - enfant conu - unborn child;
ENDOS - endorsement. child en ventre sa mre.
PROCURATION - endos de procuration - CONSANGUIN- enfant consanguin -
endorsement signed by an agent or manager. child of the same father,
ENDOSSABLE - endorsable; negotiable. LIT
AUTRE - enfant d'un autre lit -
ENDOSSATAIRE- endorsee, stepchild.
ENDOSSEMENT - endorsement. PREMIER - enfant du premier lit -
BLANC - endossement en blanc - blank child of the :first marriage.
endorsement. SUBSTITUTION d'enfant - substitution of
COMPLET - endossement complet - full a child.
endorsement. SUPPOSITION d'enfant - attributing a
EFFET PROTEST - ehdossement d'un child to an imaginary woman or to a woman
effet protest - endorsement after protest; who has not conceived; passing off a child.
subsequent endorsement. SUPPRESSION d'enfant - causing the
GARANTIE - endossement titre de disappearance of a new-born child (charge
garantie - endorsement by way of security. brought where nothing more can be proved);
PERSONNE concealment of birth.
DNOMM - endossement per- UTRIN - enfant utrin - child of the
sonne dnomme - endorsement to a same mother.
specified persan; full endorsement.
PIGNORATIF - endossement pignoratif - ENFREINDRE - infringe; violate; be in
endorsement by way of security. breach of,
PORTEUR - endossement au porteur - ENGAGEMENT- appointment; pledging;
endorsement to the bearer; endorsement in mortgaging; pawning; undertaking; obligation;
blank. commitment; liability.
PROCURATION - endossement de procu-
BILAN - engagement hors bilan - liability
ration - endorsement signed by an agent or
not appearing on the balance sheet.
CAMBIAIRE - engagement cambiaire -
ENDOSSER - endorse. liability under a bill of exchange.


POLICE - enqute de police - police inves- AMIABLE - entente amiable - friendly

tigation. settlemen t.
PRLIMINAIRE - enqute prliminaire - DLICTUEUX - entente dlictueuse -
preliminary police investigation. conspiracy.
RESPECTIF - enqute respective - taking INDUSTRIEL - entente industrielle - in-
evidence of the facts alleged by the defen- dustrial combine; cartel.
dant; bringing evidence which does not sim- PRALABLE - entente pralable - prior
ply consist in countering evidence brought by agreement (consent).
the plaintiff. TERRAIN d'entente - common ground .
SOCIAL - enqute sociale - investigation
by the welfare authorities; social inquiry ENTRINEMENT - confirmation; endorse-
report. ment.
SOMMAIRE - enqute sommaire - tak- ENTRINER- confirm; endorse.
ing of evidence by the trial court itself (an
exceptional procedure). EN-TTE
JUGEMENT - en-tte du jugement -
ENQUTEUR - detective constable; investi- heading of the judgment.
ENTIERCEMENT - deposit of a pledge in
ENREGISTREMENT - registration. the hands of a third party.
DBET - enregistrement en dbet - reg-
istration of the case :file with the fees being ENTIT
payable later. JURIDIQUE - entit juridique - legal en-
DROIT d'enregistrement - registration fee. tity; juridical persan; corporation.
NUMRO d'enregistrement - registration
ENTLAGE - theft by a prostitute from a
CAUSE - enrichissement sans cause - un-
ADMINISTRATIF - entraide administra-
just enrichment.
tive - mutual assistance in administrative
ILLGITIME (Sw) - enrichissement ill-
gitime - unjust enrichment.
JUDICIAIRE - entraide judiciaire - mu-
ENRLEMENT - registration; :filing; enter- tual assistance between courts; judicial co-
ing a case in the court register. operation.
EFFECTUER - dans la mesure o l'en- JURIDIQUE - entraide juridique - mutual
rlement au secrtariat-greffe n'a pas t assistance in legal matters.
effectu""' if they have not been :filed in the
ENTRAVE - obstacle; hindrance; impediment.
registry. JUSTICE - entrave au fonctionnement de
ENSEIGNEMENT la justice - contempt of court; interference
LIBERT d'enseignement - freedom of in- with the administration of justice.
struction; freedom to impart knowledge. LIBERT .
ENCHRE - entrave la libert des
ENTACHER- vitiate. enchres - interference with (the proper
ARBITRAIRE - entach d'arbitraire - conduct of) an auction and fair bidding.
arbitrary. TRAVAIL - entrave la libert du
ERREUR - entach d'erreur - erroneous. travail - interference with freedom of
INCERTITUDE - entach d'incertitude - employment.
contingent. NAVIGATION - entrave la navigation-
NULLIT - entach de nullit - void.
interference with navigation.
PROCS - entamer un procs - commence
ASSOCI - entre d'un associ - entry of
a partner into a firm.
ENTENTE - formal or informal agreement in FONCTION - entre en fonctions -
restraint of trade. assumption of duties, office, etc.


FRANCHISE - entre en franchise - entry ANONYME - entreprise anonyme - joint-

of goods free of customs. stock company.
JOUISSANCE - entre en jouissance - ARTISANAL - entreprise artisanale -
taking possession; entry on (commencement manual trade.
of the enjoyment of) the benefits, fruits, BUT LUCRATIF - entreprise but lu-
rents and profits of property; entry into pos- cratif - profit-making enterprise; enterprise
session of a usufruct. with a view to gain.
MATIRE - discussion de l'entre en CAISSE d'entreprise - works provident
matire (Sw) - preliminary discussion to fond.
decide whether a matter should be pursued COMIT d'entreprise - works council;
further. works committee.
POSSESSION - entre en possession -
CONCD - entreprise concde - con-
taking possession. cessionnaire; undertaking operating a conces-
VIGUEUR - entre en vigueur - (Act) en-
try ( coming) into force; (regulations, rules,
CONCESSIONNAIRE - entreprise con-
etc) coming into operation; (Act, regulations,
cessionnaire - concessionaire; undertaking
rules, etc) commencement.
operating a concession.
ENTREPT CONTRAT d'entreprise - contract for ser-
COLLECTIF - entrept collectif- collec- vices (by an independent contractor and
tive storage. sometimes involving the supply of materials),
CONSTITUER en entrept - bring into eg with a dentist, taxi-driver, cabinet-maker,
bond. garage owner or tailor; locatio operis.
DOUANE - entrept de douane - bonded CONVENTION d'entreprise '-- works agree-
warehouse; bond; customs warehouse. ment; staff agreement.
FICTIF - entrept fictif- private bonded DFICITAIRE - entreprise dficitaire -
warehouse. losing business; business operating at a loss.
RCPISS d'entrept - warehouse re- DMORALISATION - entreprise de
ceipt; deposit warrant. dmoralisation de l'arme - undermining
REL - entrept rel - bonded warehouse; the morale of the troops.
bond. INDIVIDUEL - entreprise individuelle -
SPCIAL - entrept spcial - bonded independent business.
warehouse; bond. LIBRE entreprise - free enterprise.
ENTREPRENDRE MOYEN - entreprise moyen - medium-
JUGEMENT - entreprendre un jugement sized fi.rm etc.
- appeal against ( attack, challenge) a judg- PERTE - entreprise travaillant perte -
ment. losing business; business operating at a loss.
RGLEMENT d'entreprise - works regula-
ENTREPRENEUR - entrepreneur; contrac-
tions; staff regulations.
tor; employer; industrialist; operator; manufac-
RESPONSABLE d'entreprise - (in some
turer; merchant; businessman; producer; indepen-
contexts) worker's representative; shop stew-
dent contractor (in contract for services).
PRIV - entrepreneur priv - private con-
SUCCESSORAL - entreprise successorale
tractor etc.
- successor concern.
RESPONSABILIT de l'entrepreneur -
SYNDICAT d'entreprise - local or works
employer's liability; manufacturer's liability ;
producer's liability. union.

ENTREPRISE - firm; enterprise; business; ENTRER

concern; works; undertaking. FONCTION - entrer en fonctions -
ACCONAGE - entreprise d'acconage - assume office; take up duties.
lighterage company. LIQUIDATION - entrer en liquidation -
ACCORD d'entreprise - works agreement; go into liquidation; be wound up.
staff agreement. VIGUEUR - entrer en vigueur - (Act) en-
AGRICOLE - entreprise agricole - farm. ter (corne) into force; (regulations, rules; etc)


corne into operation; (Act, regulations, rules, POUX - husband; spouse; party to a
etc) commence. marri age.
ABANDONN - poux abandonn -
ENTRETENIR - provide maintenance; main-
deserted spouse.
tain; pay maintenance.
COMMUN - poux commun (en biens) -
ENTRETIEN spouse living in community of property.
OBLIGATION d'entretien - duty to maii::t- COMMUNAUT entre poux - commu-
tain a persan or keep a building in repair. nity of property (between spouses); marital
REFUS d'entretien - refusal to pay mainte- community.
nance (to maintain). DFENDEUR - poux dfendeur - re-
NUMRATION spondent (divorce proceedings).
PICE - numration des pices - listing DEMANDEUR - poux demandeur - peti-
of documents (with a view to obtaining dis- tioner (divorce proceedings).
covery). PREUVE
ENVELOPPE INVITABLE - preuve invitable - un-
BUDGTAIRE - enveloppe budgtaire - avoidable hardship.
budget package. MISE l'preuve - probation.
ACTE d'envoi. en possession - authority to RECOURS
take possession of an estate (document). INTERNE - puisement des recours
FORC - vente par envoi forc - unsolic- internes - exhaustion of domestic reme-
ited postal sale. dies.
FRAIS d'envoi - forwarding expenses. VOIE -puisement des voies de re-
POSSESSION PROVISOIRE - envoi en cours - exhaustion of the (available)
possession provisoire - provisional authority remedies.
to take possession.
REBUT - envoi tomb en rebut.- undeliv- QUIPOLLENT
erable ( dead) letter. THORIE des quipollents - rule that
REMBOURSEMENT - envoi contre rem- a prescribed formality may be replaced by
boursement - cash on delivery. something equivalent.
ENVOY QUITABLE - fair; reasonable .
EXTRAORDINAIRE - envoy extraordi-
naire - special envoy; envoy extraordinary. QUIT - fairness; reasonableness; taking ac-
count of the particular circumstances of the indi-
vidual case; equity in the non-technical sense.
POSSESSION - envoyer en possession -
JUGER en quit - decide on equitable
put in possession of an estate.
principles (ex aequo et bono).
LIVRET d'pargne - (savings) passbook.
MATRIMONIAL - pargnes matrimo- TITRE - quivalence de titres - equiva-
niales - savings during the marriage (forming lence of qualifications.
part of the matrimonial property). QUIVOQUE- uncertainty or ambiguity (eg
PAVE - lost (but not abandoned) movable as to the date in a document); ambiguous nature
property; wreck; remnant; abject abandoned by (eg of acts performed by a persan apparently in
its owner. possession).

POQUE ERGA OMNES - erga omnes; (effective)

FAIT - l'poque des faits - at the mate- against the whole world; in rem.
rial time.
ERREUR - mistake; error.
POUSE -wife, spouse. APPRCIATION - erreur d'apprciation
DIVORC - pouse divorce - divorced - error (in assessing evidence or exercising a
wife. discretion).


ESTIMATION - assessment; valuation; esti- IMPT - tablissement de l'impt - tax

mate. assessment.
CONTRADICTOIRE - estimation contra- INDUSTRIEL - tablissement industriel -
dictoire - assessment in the presence of the industrial premises.
parties. INTRT PUBLIC - tablissement d'in-
JUDICIAIRE - estimation judiciaire - as- trt public - public-service corporation.
sessment by the court; judicial assessment. LIBERT d'tablissement - freedom to set-
PRIX d'estimation - estimated price. tle (take up residence); freedom of establish-
VALEUR d'estimation - estimated price. ment;
LIEU d'tablissement - place of residence;
place of business.
ACTION estimatoire - action for the reduc-
PNITENTIAIRE - tablissement pni-
tion of the price of goods sold, on account of
tentiaire - prison.
PERMIS d'tablissement - residence
ESTIMER- (of a court) hold. (establishment) permit; authority to settle
(take up residence).
TABLIR - establish; prove; show; make out; PERSONNEL - tablissement en nom
substantiate. personnel - private firm (business); one-man
JUSTICE - tablir en justice - prove in :firm (business).
court. PRT SUR GAGES - tablissement de
TABLISSEMENT - (place of) business; prt sur gages - pawnbrok~r.
institution; settlement; premises; establishment; PRINCIPAL - tablissement principal -
corporation. principal office; principal place of business.
ACCORD (collectif) d'tablissement - PROFESSIONNEL - tablissement profes-
works agreement. sionnel - office; practice; place of business.
ASSIETTE PUBLIC - tablissement public - public
IMPT - tablissement de l'assiette institution; public corporation.
de l'impt - tax assessment; basis of REDRESSEMENT - tablissement de re-
assessment. dressement - reformatory; approved school;
AUTORISATION d'tablissement- per- borstal institution.
mission to settle (take up residence). STABLE - tablissement stable - business
BIENFAISANCE - tablissement bien- premises; industrial premises; works; plant;
faisance - charitable institution; charitable :fixed assets.
corporation; charity. TRAIT d'tablissement - establishment
CENTRAL - tablissement central - prin- treaty.
cipal office; principal place of business. UTILIT PUBLIQUE - tablissement
CLASSE - tablissement class - classi:fied d'utilit publique - public corporation pro-
premises. moting the public interest; charitable corpo-
CONVENTION d'tablissement - conven- ration.
tion on establishment; establishment conven-
PROPRITAIRE d'tage - owner of a floor
CRDIT - tablissement de crdit - :finan-
(storey) in a building.
cial institution.
PROPRIT d'tage - ownership of a :floor
DANGEREUX- t'ablissement dangereux,
(storey) in a building.
incommode et insalubre - dangerous, offen-
sive (noxious) or unhealthy works (premises). TALON
DPENSES d'tablissement - formation MTALLIQUE - talon mtallique - metal
expenses; promotion expenses; capital expen- (currency) standard.
diture. MONTAIRE - talon montaire - mone-
DROIT d'tablissement - right to settle tary standard.
(take up residence); right of establishment. OR - talon (d')or - gold standard.
ENFANT- tablissement d'un enfant -
setting up a child; conferring a portion on a TAT- state; central govemment; status; regis-
child. ter; statement; list.

ACCUSATION - tre en tat d'accusation CONTESTATION - action en contesta-
- be the subject of a prosecution; have pro- tion d'tat - action to disprove one's descent
ceedings taken against one. from one's ostensible parents; action to dis-
ACTION d'tat - action to establish, con- prove a person's apparent status, descent or
test or change one's personal status ( descent, nationality.
marriage, etc); status action. CONTRACTANT - tat contractant -
AFFAIRE en tat - case ready for hearing, contracting state.
ready for trial. CRISE - tat de crise - state of emergency .
AGENT d'tat - civil servant; state em- DPENS - tat des dpens - bill of costs;
ployee. statement of expenditure.
BELLIGRANCE - tat de belligrance - DESCRIPTIF - tat descriptif- descrip-
state of belligerency. tion.
BELLIGRANT - tat belligrant - bel- DIVISION - tat descriptif de divi-
ligerent state. sion - description of the division of the
BLOCUS - tat de blocus - blockade. property.
CARENCE - tat de carence - absence of DETTE - tat des dettes - statement or
goods capable of being attached. list of debts.
CA USE - en tout tat de cause - at any DISTRIBUTION - tat de distribution
stage of the proceedings. - distribution scheme; apportionment plan;
CHARGE - tat de charges - list of en- plan of distribution; distribution of work.
cumbrances. DOMICILE - tat du domicile - state of
CIVIL - tat civil - civil status; registry ordinary residence (see DOMICILE).
of births, deaths and marriages; population DROIT - tat de droit - (state governed
register; marital status. by) the rule of law.
ACTE de l'tat civil - civil-status GLISE - tat de l'glise - Vatican City
record (entry) or certificate. St a te.
EXTRAIT de l'tat civil - civil-status EN tat - ready for decision; ready for trial.
TENIR - le criminel tient le civil en
FALSIFICATION de l'tat civil - tat - civil proceedings for damages
forgery or falsification of civil-status cer-
arising out of a criminal offence must
tificates (documents or records relating await the outcome of the criminal trial.
to civil status).
EN l'tat - as matters stand (stood); as the
OFFICIER de l'tat civil - registration
case stands (stood).
officer; registrar.
IRRECEVABLE en l'tat - inadmissi-
PICE d'tat civil - civil-status certifi-
ble in the current state of the file.
ENTRETIEN - tat d'entretien - state of
REGISTRE d'tat (de l'tat) civil -
population register; register of births,
deaths and marriages. ENVOI - tat d'envoi - sending state.
COLLOCATION - tat de collocation TABLISSEMENT - tat d'tablissement
- list of creditors, debts and available as- - state in whic~ a person has established his
sets (in bankruptcy); order of preference in residence.
bankruptcy. EXCEPTION - tat d'exception - state of
COMPTABLE - tat comptable - state- emergency; martial law.
ment of accounts. EXCUTOIRE - tat excutoire - enforce-
CONSEIL d'tat - highest administrative able order for costs.
court and government adviser on questions FAIRE tat de - rely on; establish.
arising in connection with legislation (not ATTITUDE,.... faire tat de cette
usually translated); State Council. attitude comme constituant - treat
CONSOMMATION this attitude as constituting.
CRDIT - tat de consommation des FAIT - tat de faits - facts; statement of
crdits - (statement of the) amount of facts; factual situation.
appropriations used; (statement of) utili- FONCTIONNAIRE d'tat - civil servant.
sation of appropriations. FONDS de l'tat - public money.

FONDS d'tat - government bonds (securi- of the flag.
ties, stock). PERSONNE - tat des personnes - civil
FRAIS - tat de frais - statement of costs; (personal, family status).
order for costs. PONTIFICAL - tats pontificaux - Papal
HYPOTHCAIRE - tat hypothcaire - States.
statement (list) of mortgages. POSSESSION - tat de possession - posi-
INVENTORI - tat inventori - inven-
tion established by actual occupation.
POSSESSION d'tat - actual enjoyment of
LIEU - tat du lieu de la situation - state
a certain civil (personal, family) status; pub-
in which the object is situated.
lic acceptance of a person's status; factual
LIEU - tat des lieux - state of the pre-
possession of status; de facto enjoyment of a
mises; inventory of fixtures.
certain status, eg the prerogatives of citizen-
LIMITROPHE - tat limitrophe - neigh-
ship; enjoyment of status by repute.
bouring (bordering) state; border (frontier)
LIQUIDATIF - tat liquidatif- statement DPENSE - tat de prvision de
of amount due; settlement statement; final dpenses - estimate of future expen-
scheme of division in a partition. diture.
MANDATAIRE - tat mandataire - RECETTE - tat de prvision de re-
mandatory state, ie a state holding a League cettes - estimate of future revenue.
of Nations mandate. PRVISIONNEL - tat prvisionnel -
MEMBRE - tat membre - member state. budget estimates; estimates; budget.
METTRE en tat - prepare (a case) for PROTECTEUR - tat protecteur - pro-
trial; make (a case) ready for hearing; put tecting state; protecting power,
in order; put (premises) into repair. PROTG - tat protg - protected
SE mettre en tat - (as required of a state; protectorate.
convicted offender who is appealing on
QUESTION d'tat - matter relating to civil
points of law) surrender to custody.
(personal, family) status.
MEUBLE - tat de meubles - list of mov-
RCLAMATION - (action en) rclama-
able property.
tion d'tat - action to establish descent from
MISE en tat - preparation (of a case) for
a parent (legitimacy).
trial; making (a case) ready for hearing;
putting in or der; putting (premises) into re- RECTIFICATIF - tat rectificatif - corri-
pair; (required of a convicted offender who is gendum.
appealing on points of law) surrender(ing) to RENTE sur l'tat - state annuity; state
custody. pension.
MI-SOUVERAIN - tat mi-souverain - RPARTITION - tat de rpartition -
semi-sovereign state. apportionment plan.
NANT - tat nant - negative report; nil REQURANT - tat requrant - appli-
return. cant state; requesting state.
NCESSIT - tat de ncessit- (state REQUIS - tat requis - requested state.
of) necessity; defence of necessity. RSIDENCE - tat de rsidence - state of
NEUTRE - tat neutre - neutral state, residence,
NOMINATIF - tat nominatif- list of
REVERSEMENT - tat de reversement -
names; nominal roll.
enforceable repayment order.
MARGEMENT - tat nominatif
RIVERAIN - tat riverain - riparian
d'margement - list of names with a
column for signatures.
NUMRIQUE - tat numrique -'- nilmeri- SCURIT de l'tat - national security.
cal return. SJOUR - tat de sjour - state of tempo-
PARCELLAIRE - tat parcellaire - copy rary residence.
of the official plan and description of a piece SERVICE - tat de services - record of
of land. service.
PAVILLON - tat du pavillon - state SIGE - tat de sige - martial law; state
whose flag is flown by a ship or aircraft; state of emergency.


PROCLAMER l'tat de sige - pro- - tranger - not connected with; alien

claim martial law or astate of emer- to; a stranger to.
gency. GIBRALTAR - tranger Gibraltar -
SITUATION - tat de situation - state- non-Gibraltarian.
ment of affairs; return. AVOIRS l'tranger - accounts, deposits or
BANQUE - tat de situation de assets abroad.
banque - bank's statement of its affairs. BIENS l'tranger - assets abroad.
SOUS-JACENT - tat sous-jacent - state
CA USE trangre - external (outside)
whose territory is being :flown over; over:flown
cause; cause for which the promisor ( defen-
dant) is not liable; cause which cannot be im-
SOUVERAIN - tat souverain - sovereign
puted to the promisor ( defendant) or person
whose animal or thing caused the damage.
SUCCESSEUR - tat successeur - succes-
COMPTE l'tranger - foreign account.
sor state.
SURVOL - tat survol - state whose POLICE des trangers - immigration de-
territory is being :flown over; over:flown state. partment.
TAMPON - tat tampon - buffer state. REGISTRE des trangers - aliens register.
TENIR en tat - (of criminal proceedings REPRSENTATION l'tranger - diplo-
in relation to civil proceedings) require to be matie representation abroad.
stayed (pending the outcome of the criminal
proceedings); take precedence (priority) over. TUDE
CRIMINEL - le criminel tient le civil NOTAIRE - tude de notaire - solicitor's
en tat - civil proceedings for damages (notary's) office (practice).
arising out of a criminal offence must
await the outcome of the criminal trial. VACUATION
TRANSIT - tat transit - state over ACTION en vacuation - action for posses-
whose terri tory a right of passage or transit sion.
is exercised. DLAI d'vacuation - (notice or order giv-
UNION d'tats - union between states; ing) time to quit.
union of two or more states.
UNITAIRE - tat unitaire - unitary state; VAD- escaped prisoner.
centrally governed state.
URGENCE - tat d'urgence - state of VALUATION - assessment; valuation; basis
emergency. of calculation; estimated amount.
USURPATION d'tat civil - assumption of CONTRADICTOIRE - valuation contra-
false name or identity. dictoire - assessment in the presence of the
TATIQUE- state (adj). DPENSE - valuation de la dpense -
TATISATION - placing under direct state estimated amount of expenditure.
control (ie with less independence than a nation- DOMMAGE - valuation des dommages -
alised undertaking). assessment of the damages.
FISCAL - valuation fiscal - tax or duty
TATISER - place under direct state control. valuation; tax rating.
TEINDRE FORFAITAIRE- valuation forfaitaire -
ACTION PUBLIQUE - l'action publique lump-sum estimate.
se trouve teinte - the prosecution is PROVISOIRE - valuation provisoire -
(statute-)barred (has lapsed). provisional estimate.
DETTE - teindre une dette - extinguish a VENTE sur valuation - sale at an esti-
debt. mated price.
S'teindre - lapse.
VASION - escape.
TENDRE - extend. CAPITAL - vasion des capitaux - :flight of
TRANGER - alien; foreigner; foreign na- capital.
tional; abroad. FISCAL - vasion fiscale - tax avoidance.


VNEMENT FOND - examen au fond - consideration of

CASUEL - vnement casuel - fortuitous the merits.
event; accident. INTERMDIAIRE - examen interm-
DOMMAGEABLE - vnement dom- diaire - intermediate examination.
mageable - cause of damage. MATRISE - examen de matrise - master
craftsman's examination.
VENTUALIT - contingency; risk. NOUVEAUT- examen de nouveaut-
MOMENT - le moment o l'ventualit examination as to novelty (patents).
se produit - the time when the contingency PERSONNALIT- examen de person-
occurs. nalit - report on the accused's personality
VENTUEL ( compulsory in cases of felony).
PUREMENT ventuel- contingent. PROBATOIRE - examen probatoire -
aptitude test.
VICTION - dispossession (of a purchaser
etc) by a person exercising a superior right. EXAMINER - examine; test; consider; inves-
GARANTIE contre l'viction - covenant
for peaceful possession. EXCDENT
BUDGTAIRE - excdent budgtaire -
VINCER - dispossess by virtue of a superior
budget surplus.
right; oust; deprive of a right; defeat by superior
CAISSE - excdent de caisse - cash sur-
VOCATION - order of a superior court CHARGE - excdent de charge - overload-
bringing before itself for decision a case pending ing; excess weight.
in a lower tribunal; transfer order; decision on the COMPTABLE - excdent comptable -
merits by a court of appeal after it has decided an accounting surplus.
appeal on a point of procedure. POIDS - excdent de poids - overloading;
excess weight.
INTERPRTATION volutive - progres- EXCDENTAIRE- showing a surplus.
sive (evolutive) interpretation by the courts.
JURISPRUDENCE volutive - progressive
POUVOIR - excder ses pouvoirs - act
(evolutive) interpretation by the courts.
beyond (exceed) one's authority.
VOLUTION EXCEPTER - make an exception.
LITIGE - volution du litige - development
in the legal position occurring in a case EXCEPTION - exception; defence; objection
(either at the trial or at a later stage which ( constituting a temporary obstacle to proceed-
justifies giving third-party notice on appeal). ings); preliminary issue or objection.
ANTRIORIT - exception d'antriorit
VOQUER - issue a transfer order (see - defence of prior right, user, etc (which ren-
VOCATION); (of a superior court) transfer to ders void an industrial property right).
itself. CHOSE JUGE - exception de chose
EXACTITUDE- correctness. juge - defence of res judicata.
COMMUNICATION - exception de com-
EXAMEN munication de pices - objection which can
APTITUDE - examen d'aptitude - apti- be raised requesting the court to stay pro-
tude test; qualifying examination. ceedings so long as the opposite party refuses
COMMISSION d'examen - board of exam- to make his documents available.
mers. COMPENSATION - exception de com-
COMPAGNONNAGE- examen de com- pensation - ( defence of) set-off.
pagnonnage - journeyman's test; skilled CONNEXIT - exception de connexit -
workman's test. defence that related proceedings are pending
DOSSIER - examen du dossier - inspec- in another court (lis alibi pendens).
tion of the file. CONTREPARTIE - exception de con-
DROIT d'examen - examination fee. trepartie - defence based on the agent's


option himself to assume the liability of the LITISPENDANCE - exception de litispen-

undisclosed principal. dance - (preliminary) objection that a mat-
DCLINATOIRE - exception dclinatoire ter is pending before another competent
- defence, objection or plea that the court court (lis alibi pendens).
has no jurisdiction to hear a case; objection LOI d'exception - Emergency Provisions
to jurisdiction. Act.
DILATOIRE - exception dilatoire - de- MESURE d'exception - emergency provi-
fence raised to gain time, eg so as to decide sion; special measure.
whether to accept a succession or give third- NON ADIMPLETI CONTRACTUS -
party notice to a guarantor; application to exception "non adimpleti contractus" -
stay the proceedings to allow time to make a defence that the plaintiff has not performed
decision or comply with a formality. his part of the con tract.
DISCUSSION - exception de discussion
NULLIT - exception de nullit - defence
- defence raised by a guarantor or surety re-
that the transaction etc relied on by the
quiring the principal debtor to be sued first.
plainti:ff is void; application for a step in the
DOL - exception de dol - defence alleging
prc:iceedings (writ, pleading, etc) to be struck
fraud on the part of the plaintiff.
out (set aside) on grounds of nullity.
EXTRANIT - exception d'extranit -
defence alleging that the plaintiff is an alien. PREMPTOIRE - exception premptoire
GARANTIE - exception de garantie - de- - absolute defence; defence which goes to the
fence alleging the existence of a guarantee. root of and destroys the plainti:ff's case.
ILLGALIT - exception d'illgalit - PL URIUM CONCUBENTIUM - excep-
defence that the contract relied on by the tion plurium concubentium - defence alleg-
plaintiff is illegal or that the administrative ing that the mother has had relations with
regulation on which the prosecution is based persons other than the alleged father during
is unlawful. the conception period.
INCOMPTENCE - exception d'incomp- PRJUDICIEL - exception prjudicielle -
tence - defence, objection or plea that the preliminary question which must be referred
court has no jurisdiction to hear a case; ob- to another court after the proceedings have
jection to jurisdiction. been stayed.
INEXCUTION - exception d'inexcution PRLIMINAIRE - exception prelimini-
- defence that the plaintiff has not performed aire - preliminary objection; preliminary
his part of the contract. point.
IRRECEVABILIT - exception d'irrece- PREUVE - exception relative la preuve
vabilit - objection to admissibility (particu- - objection relating to the evidence.
larly in the case of private member's Bill or PROPOSER une exception - raise an ob-
amendment which is not in accordance with jection; plead (put forward, raise) a defence.
the Constitution).
RGLEMENTATION d'exception - emer-
JEU - exception de jeu - defence alleging
gency regulations.
that the contract etc relied on by the plaintiff
is void as a wager. REJETER une exception - dismiss an ob-
JURIDICTION d'exception - (1) court jection; reject a defence.
of limited jurisdiction; specialised court, SIMULATION - exception de simulation
ie any court other than the Tribunal de - defence alleging that the transaction relied
grande instance and the Court of Ap- on is fictitious.
peal, eg the tribunal d'instance, the SOULEVER une exception - raise an ob-
tribunal de commerce, and the con- jection; plead (put forward, raise) a defence.
seil de prud'hommes; (2) specialised TRIBUNAL d'exception - see JURIDICTION
criminal court, eg the juridictions pour ab ove.
mineurs, the tribunaux aux armes VOIE - par voie d'exception - as a defence
and the Haute Cour de justice; (3) or an objection.
(Belg) special court (ie set up to deal with
an individual case or cases). ' EXCS - abuse; excess.
LGISLATION d'exception - emergency OBLIGATION - excs des obligations (or-
legislation. dinaires) de voisinage - nuisance.


POUVOIR - excs de pouvoir - abuse CLAUSE d'exclusivit - exclusive-rights

(misuse) of authority; acting in excess of clause.
authority (jurisdiction); acting ultra vires. DROIT d'exclusivit - sole (exclusive)
COMMETTRE un excs de pouvoir - right.
exceed one's jurisdiction.
EX-CONJOINT - former spouse,
RECOURS (en annulation) pour excs
de pouvoir - application to an adminis- EXCUSE - ground of excuse.
trative court to set aside an administra- ABSOLUTOIRE - excuse absolutoire -
tive decision on grounds such as lack of statutory ground for exemption from punish-
jurisdiction, error of procedure, misap- ment.
plication of the law, misuse of a discre- ATTNUANT- excuse attnuante-
tion or ultra vires (exceeding or misusing ground for mitigating sentence, eg provo-
one's authority); application for judicial cation or the fact that the accused is under
rev1ew. age.
VITESSE - excs de vitesse - exceeding
EX-DROIT - ex rights; ex new.
the speed-limit; speeding.
VOISINAGE - see OBLIGATION above. EXCUTER - perform; fulfil; execute; carry
out; enforce.
EXCESSIF - unreasonable.
DBITEUR - le dbiteur doft excuter -
EXCIPER the obligor (promisee etc) is under an duty
BONNE FOI- see FOI below. to perform his obligation.
DE - exciper de - rely on; plead in one's OBLIGATION - excuter une obligation -
defence. perform an obligation.
DIVORCE - l'poux prtendu bigame PEINE - (faire) excuter une peine - en-
peut exciper d'un ciivorce rgulier - an force a sentence.
allegedly bigamous spouse may rely on EXCUTEUR
the defence of a divorce in due form.
TESTAMENT.A.IRE - excuteur testa~en-::
DROIT - exciper de son droit - rely on a taire - executor.
FOI - exciper de sa bonne foi - plead one's EXCUTIF - the executive (p,s opposed to the
good faith. legislative and the judiciary).
PRESCRIPTION - exciper de la prescrip-
EXCUTION - fulfilment; performance; exe-
tion - raise the defence of limitation; plead
cution; enforcement.
ACCORD d'excution - administration
EXCIPIENS - persan raising the defence that agreement; administrative agreement.
the plaintiff has not performed his part of the ACTE d'excution - execution (enforce-
con tract. ment) measure; measure of execution.
ACTE - excution d'un acte - execution of
EXCITATEUR- trouble-maker; agitator. an instrument.
EXCITATION ANTICIP - excution anticipe de
DBAUCHE - excitation (des mineurs) peines (Sw) - advance enforcement of sen-
la dbauche - incitement (of minors) to tences (ie starting before the sentence
immorality; depravation (of minors). becomes final).
BUDGET - excution du budget - imple-
EXCLURE mentation of the budget.
MUTUELLEMENT - qui s'excluent CHOSE JUGE - excution tardive de la
mutuellement - contradictory. chose juge - late compliance with a court
JUGEMENT d'exclusion- order excluding CONTRAT - excution du contrat - per-
daims not lodged within the appointed time. formance of the con tract.
RESPONSABILIT - exclusion de lares- DLAI d'excution - time for performance.
ponsabilit - exclusion of liability. DIFFICULTS d'excution d'un jugement
- points arising on the execution of.a judg-
EXCLUSIVIT- exclusive rights. ment.


TAT PRVISIONNEL - excution de ORGANISME d'excution - executive

l'tat prvisionnel - implementation of the organ (body).
budget. PARTIEL - excution partielle - part per-
FDRAL - excution fdrale - coercion formance.
exercised by the federal authorities against a PEINE - excution d'une peine - enforce-
member state of the federation; federal coer- ment of (serving) a sentence.
cion. POURSUIVRE l'excution - levy execu-
FORC - excution force - execution by tion.
force or threat of force; enforcement; execu- POUVOIR d'excution- power (authority)
tion. to enforce (execute); executive power.
NATURE - excution force en na- PROCDURE d'excution - execution pro-
ture - enforcing specifi.c performance. ceedings; execution procedure.
SUSCEPTIBLE d'excution force - PROMESSE - excution d'une promesse -
capable of being enforced. fulfi.lment of a promise.
IMPOSSIBILIT d'excution - impossi- PROMESSE - promesse d'excution - for-
bility of performance (this is judged by an mal undertaking to perform the obligation of
objective standard and not by the defen- another.
dant's personal inability to perform).
PROVISION - excution par provision -
JUGE de l'excution - judge of the Region-
order making a judgment immediately en-
al Court with jurisdiction to decide questions
forceable notwithstanding the lodging of an
relating to the execution of civil judgments;
appeal; order annulling the suspensive e:ffect
execution(s) judge.
of an appeal.
JUGEMENT - excution du jugement -
PROVISOIRE - excution provisoire -
enforcement of the judgment, order or sen-
order making a judgment immediately en-
forceable notwithstanding the lodging of an
LIEU d'excution - place of performance (of
appeal; order annulling the suspensive e:ffect
a contract).
of an appeal.
LOYAL - excution loyale - correct (punc-
RECEVOIR excution - be put into e:ffec.t.
tual, full) performance.
REFUS d'excution - refusal to perform;
MANDAT d'excution - instruction to levy
execution given by the judgment creditor to
the baili:ff; writ of execution. RGLEMENT d'excution - implementing
MESURE d'excution - form or measure
of execution (enforcement); execution (en- REPRISE d'excution - undertaking the
forcement) measure; implementing measure performance of another's obligation but not /
(which may take the form of implementing the obligation itself; agreement whereby a
regulations). third party agrees with the debtor (promi-
METTRE en excution - enforce. sor) to perform the latter's obligation, the
MINUTE - excution sur minute - imme-
creditor (promisee) not being a party to the
agreement; agreement for vicarious perfor-
diate execution, ie on the authority of the
original written judgment, without having to
serve an execution copy (grosse). RETARD dans l'excution - delay in per-
MODALIT d'excution - implementing formance; late performance.
regulation, provision, etc. SAISIE - excution de la saisie - execution
NATURE - excution en nature - specifi.c of writ of fi fa; attachment; seizure.
performance. SUCCESSIF - contrat excution succes-
OFFICE - excution d'office - execution by sive - continuing contract.
the authorities at the expense of the person SURSEOIR l'excution - stay execution.
concerned; ex-officia execution of administra- SURSIS l'excution - stay of execution.
tive decisions by the authorities. VOIE d'excution - (method of) execution;
ORDRE d'excution - writ of execution (in plural) execution ( enforcement) proce-
endorsed on an order to pay. dure.
ORGANE d'excution - executive organ VOLONTAIRE - excution volontaire -
(body). voluntary performance.


EXCUTOIRE (adj) - enforceable; operative. COUL - exercice coul - past (previ-

DIVORCE excutoire - decree absolute. ous) financial year.
FORCE excutoire - enforceability. EN exercice - serving; present; acting; in
AVOIR force excutoire - be enforce- charge; on duty; in office; for the time being.
able (by execution). FISCAL - exercice fiscal - tax year; year of
MINUTE - excutoire sur minute - assessment.
enforceable immediately, ie on the author- IN CAPAGIT d'exercice - incapacity to
ity of the original written judgment, without exercise one's own rights without some form
having to serve an execution copy (grosse). of representation, assistance or authorisation;
PROVISION - excutoire par provision - absence of legal capacity.
immediately enforceable. MANDAT - exercice d'un mandat - acting
VALEUR - avoir valeur excutoire - in- as an agent; acting under a power of attor-
cluding an authority to execute; be enforce- ney; fulfilling instructions.
able by execution. SOCIAL- exercice social- (company's)
EXCUTOIRE (noun) - order fixing the accoun ting (fin an ci al) year.
amount of costs; order for costs. EXHAUSSEMENT- increase in height of a
PRENDRE l'excutoire-: make an order for wall or building.
EXGSE - interpretation. EXHRDATION - depriving of a right of
EXEMPT CAUSE d'exhrdation - ground for depriv-
CHARGE - exempt de charges - unencum- ing of a right of inheritance.
bered; free from encumbrances.
IMPT - exempt d'impt(s) - tax-free; EXIGER
free of tax; not liable to tax. DOMMAGES-INTRTS - exiger des
dommages-intrts - daim damages.
EXEQUATUR - (decision conferring) author-
ity to execute (a judgment or arbitral award); EXIGIBILIT - current liability.
registration for enforcement; official confirmation; CONDITION d'exigibilit - condition on
exequatur (for a consul). which payment may be demanded.
DLIVRER l'exequatur - register a foreign OBLIGATION - exigibilit de l'obligation
judgment for execution; grant authority to - existence of a cause of action.
INSTANCE en exequatur - application for EXIGIBLE - due; payable.
authority to enforce a foreign judgment.
EXONRATION - exemption from liability,
EXERCER tax, etc.
ACTION - exercer une action ..,. bring an CAUSE d'exonration - ground of exemp-
action. tion.
COMPTENCE - exercer sa comptence FISCAL - exonration fiscale - exemption
- entertain proceedings; exercise jurisdiction. from tax.
RECOURS - exercer un recours - bring IMPT - exonration d'impt(s) - exemp-
(enter) an appeal; exercise (have recourse to) tion from tax.
a remedy. RESPONSABILIT - exonration de la
EXERCICE - accounting year; financial year. responsabilit - exemption from liability.
BUDGTAIRE - exercice budgtaire -
EXONR - free from liability.
accounting year; fin an ci al year.
CAPACIT d'exercice - independent EXONRER- exempt from tax; remit tax.
capacity to exercise one's own rights with-
out any form of representation, assistance or EXORBITANT
authorisation; legal capacity. DROIT COMMUN - exorbitant du droit
CLOS - exercice clos - past (previous) commun - going beyond (falling outside the
:financial year. scope of) (the rights conferred by) the gen-
DLAI d'exercice - time-limit for exercising eral (ordinary) law; creating or constituting
a right etc. an exception to the generl law, eg a clause


FAIT - expos des faits - the facts. COMPTENCE - extension de comp-

MOTIF - expos des motifs - statement tence - extension of jurisdiction.
of reasons; explanatory memorandum; CONVENTION
abjects and reasons. COLLECTIF - extension d'une con-
EXPOSER - incur (costs). vention collective - declaration that the
terms of a collective agreement are of
EXPOSITION general application.
ENFANT - exposition d'enfant - exposure
of a child. EXTRIORISER
S'extrioriser - be outwardly evident.
EXPROPRIANT - expropriating authority.
EXPROPRIATION - compulsory purchase; EXTRIORIT- extraneous cause.
expropriation. EXTERRITORIALIT - exterritorial
ARRT d'expropriation - expropriation status.
order; compulsory-purchase order.
CONDITIONNEL - expropriation con- EXTINCTIF
ditionnelle - expropriation authorised on CONDITION extinctive - condition subse-
condition that the cost does not exceed a quent (of (in) a contract etc, to a transaction
specified figure. etc).
DEMANDE d'expropriation - application EXTINCTION
for expropriation. DROIT - extinction d'un droit - lapse or
DROIT d'expropriation - right to expropri- extinction of a right.
ate. INSTANCE - extinction de l'instance -
INDEMNIT d'expropriation - compensa- (premature) termination of the proceedings.
tion for compulsory purchase (expropriation).
INSALUBRIT - expropriation pour EXTORQUER- obtain by threats or men-
~iJ.-US~ d;lnsalubrit - expropriation on aces, by blackmail.
grounds of unfitness for human habitation.
PL US-VALUE - expropriation pour cause
AVEU - extorsion d'aveux - obtaining a
de plus-value - expropriation of adjacent
confession by threats.
land because it has appreciated in value.
FONDS - extorsion de fonds - obtaining
UTILIT PUBLIQUE - expropriation
money by threats; blackmail; extortion.
pour cause d'utilit publique - expropria-
SIGNATURE- extorsion d'une signature
tion in the public interest.
- obtaining a signature by duress.
EXPROPRI- expropriatedperson.
EXTOURNE - reverse entry.
EXPULS - expelled person; persan expelled
EXTRA-CONJUGAL - extra-matrimonial;
from his homeland.
outside marriage.
EXPULSION - expulsion; deportation; evic-
EXTRA CONTRACTUEL - non-contrac-
tual; tortious; in tort.
ACTION en expulsion - action for posses-
ARRT d'expulsion - expulsion warrant DROIT d'extraction - mining right.
(or der); deportation or der. PERMIS d'extraction - mining licence.
DCISION d'expulsion - expulsion warrant
(order); deportation or der. EXTRAD - extradited person.
DLAI d'expulsion - time to quit. EXTRADITION
DEMANDE d'expulsion - action for posses-
DEMANDE d'extradition - extradition
ORDONNANCE d'expulsion - order for
TAT qui demande l'extradition - request-
possession; writ of possession.
ing state.
EXTENSION TRANSIT - extradition en transit (extra-
ARRT d'extension - declaration that dition par voie de transit) - granting tran-
something is of general application. sit facilities for the purpose of extradition.


EXTRAIT - short-form certi:ficate. land certi:ficate.

CADASTRE - extrait du cadastre - copy
EXTRAJUDICIAIRE - out of court; extra-
of a section of the property register (official
plan) relating to a plot or plots of land.
ACTE extrajudiciaire - extrajudicial pro-
CASIER JUDICIAIRE - extrait du casier
cess or formality (eg formal demand for pay-
judiciaire - copy of a person's criminal
ment, protest).
(police) record.
TAT CIVIL - extrait de l'tat civil - EXTRAJUDICIAIREMENT - out of
civil-status certi:ficate. court; extrajudicially.
MATRICULAIRE - extrait matriculaire -
EXTRA-LGAL - illegal; contrary to law.
copy of a person's prison record.
NAISSANCE- extrait de naissance - EXTRANIT - foreign origin; status of
birth certi:ficate. being an alien; state of being a stranger to a
REGISTRE contract or other legal instrument.
COMMERCE - extrait du registre du FACTEUR- affect d'un facteur d'extra-
commerce - copy of an entry or entries nit - involving a foreign element.
in the commercial register. EXTRAP ATRIMONIAL - non-pecuniary
FONCIER- extrait du registre
foncier (Sw) - copy of an entry or
entries in the land register; copy of the EXTRA-TERRITORIAL - extraterritorial.


FABRICANT DNONCIATION - facult de dnoncia-
MONNAIE - fabricant de fausse monnaie tion - right to (give notice to) terminate;
- forger; coiner. right to denounce (a treaty).
DROIT - facult de droit - law faculty;
school of jurisprudence.
MONNAIE - fabrication de fausse mon-
OPTION - facult d'option - option.
naie - counterfeiting coinage; forgery.
PROPORTION - proportion de leurs
SECRET de fabrication - manufacturing
facults respectives - according to their re-
spective resources.
FABRIQUE PUR - de pure facult - in the exercise of
MARQUE de fabrique - trade mark. one's own right.
SECRET de fabrique - manufacturing RACHAT - facult de rachat - right of
secret. (option to) repurchase; vendor's right of pre-
FACERIE- pasturing agreement.
RENONCIATION - facult de renoncia-
FACILIT tion - right or power to renounce (waive).
CAISSE - facilits de caisse - short-term
bank credits; overdraft facility.
ESPRIT - faible d'esprit - imbecile; men-
FACTIEUX- (violent) agitator. tally deficient; feeble-minded.
FACTURATION - invoicing. FAILLI- bankrupt.
CONCORDATAIRE - failli concordataire
FACTURE- bill; invoice.
- bankrupt who has entered into a composi-
ACCEPT - facture accepte - accepted
tion with his creditors.
ACQUITT - facture acquitte - receipted FAILLITE - bankruptcy (of a trader); compul-
mvo1ce. sory liquidation of a company.
FICTIF - facture fictive - pro-forma in- ASSIGNATION en dclaration de faillite -
voice. presentation of a bankruptcy petition.
SIMUL - facture simule - fictitious in- CRANCIER de la faillite - creditor in the
voice; pro-forma invoice. bankruptcy.
DCLARATION de faillite - (by the court)
FACTURE-CONG- consignment note
adjudication; (by the debtor) application for
issued against security.
the commencement of bankruptcy proceed-
FACTURIER- invoice book. ings .
FAIRE faillite - become, be declared,
FACULTATIF- optional; discretionary.
bankrupt; (of a company) be in compulsory
FACULT- right; power; option; (in plural) liquidation .
goods; cargo. MASSE de la faillite - bankrupt's assets;
ABANDON - facult d'abandon de mi- estate of a deceased bankrupt; assets of a
toyennet - right to give up one's rights in a company in compulsory liquidation.
party wall (fence, ditch, etc). OFFICE des faillites (Sw) - execution and
ACTION - facult d'action - cause of bankruptcy department (for persans engaged
action; right to bring an action. in trade).
AVOIR la facult de - be open to (someone OUVERTURE de la faillite - commence-
to do something). ment of bankruptcy.
CONTRIBUTIF - facult contributive - PERSONNEL - faillite personnelle - cul-
taxable ca'pacity. pable bankruptcy (involving sanctions im-
DCibER - laisse au juge la facult de posed personally in bankruptcy on dishon-
dcider - .gives the court power to decide. est or rashly imprudent traders or company


FALSIFICATION - forgery; counterfeiting; FASCICULE

adulteration. BREVET - fascicule de brevet - patent
DOCUMENT - falsification de documents specification.
- forgery of documents.
CRITURE - falsification d'critures - FAUSSAIRE- forger; counterfeiter.
forgery or falsification of documents. FAUTE- fault (the term covers both deliber-
TAT CIVIL - falsification de l'tat civil ate action and negligence); misconduct; misfea-
- forgery or falsification of civil-status certifi- sance; culpability; error; tortious intent. (Where
cates (documents or records relating to civil the context shows that negligence is intended,
status). this is the best translation).
IDENTIT- falsification d'identit (de , ABSENCE de faute - absence of fault;
papiers d'identit) - forgery of identity absence of intention or negligence.
ADMINISTRATIF - faute administrative
MARCHANDISE - falsification de mar- - administrative error.
chandises - adulteration or dishonest presen-
, AUTRUI- faute d'autrui - negligence of
tation of goods for sale.
MONNAIE - falsification de monnaie -
AVEU de faute - admission of a fault.
counterfeiting (coin( age)); forging notes ..
, CARACTRIS - faute caractrise -
SCEAU - falsification de sceaux - forgery
definite (specific) fault.
of seals, dies, etc.
, COLLECTIF - faute collective - collective
FALSIFIER- forge; counterfeit; falsify; adul- guilt.
terate or present for sale in a dishonest fashion. , COMMUN - faute commune - joint negli-
gence; contributory negligence.
, CONTRACTUEL - faute contractuelle -
ABANDON de famille - wilful neglect to
culpable or negligent breach of contract.
maintain; wilful neglect or desertion.
, DLIBR - faute dlibre - deliberate
ARRANGEMENT de famille - transfer of
land to a descendant in consideration of the tortious intent.
latter's paying the transferor's debts. , DLICTUEL - faute dlictuelle - inten-
BIEN de faniille - reserved family property tional tort; tortious conduct; tortious intent.
(not liable to attachment or capable of being .. QUASI - faute quasi dlictuelle - neg-
mortgaged); hereditary farm; long-standing ligence.
family property; homestead. , DTACHABLE - faute dtachable - fault
CONSEIL de famille - family council. or error committed by a public servant not
LIVRET de famille - family civil-status . intrinsically connected with the performance
book; family record book; family (civil- of his duties and for which he is accordingly
status) registration book. personally liable in the ordinary courts.
SUBSISTANCE de famille - family mainte- , DISCIPLINAIRE - faute disciplinaire -
nance. disciplinary offence.
, FORME-faute de forme - formal defect;
FANTAISIE error of form.
PASSEPORT de fantaisie - bogus passport. GRAVE - faute grave - serious negligence;
FANTAISISTE misconduct.
, IMPUTER - tre imput faute - be
RECOURS d,'inspiration fantaisiste -
frivolous application. treated as irriproper.
IN ABSTRACTO - faute in abstracto -
FARDAGE- dis'.honest presentation of goods failure to observe the standard of reasonable
for sale. care.
, IN CONCRETO - faute i:O: concreto -
FARDE (Belg) - file.
failure to observe the standrd of care one
FARDEAU applies in one's own affairs.
PREUVE - fardeau de la preuve - burden , INEXCUSABLE - faute inexcusable -
(onu.~) of proof. gross negligence; inexcusable conduct.


INTENTIONNEL - faute intentionnelle - FAUX (adj)

deliberate tortious intent. CL - fausse cl - skeleton key; master key.
LGER - faute lgre - slight negligence.
FRAIS - faux frais - expenses; disburse-
TRS - faute trs lgre - very slight ments; overheads.
FRET - faux fret - half freight or forfeit
LOURD - faute lourde - gross negligence.
freight payable on abandoning a charter.
LUCRATIF - faute lucrative - tort which
is profitable to the tortfeasor; profitable tort. MNAGE - faux mnage - concubinage;
NAUTIQUE - faute nautique - naviga- extramarital cohabitation.
tional error. SERMENT - faux serment - perjury by a
OBJECTIF - faute objective - failure to party; false declaration (on a form etc).
observe the standard of reasonable care. TMOIGNAGE - faux tmoignage - per-
PARTAGE - faute partage - joint negli- jury (by a witness); false evidence (when
gence; contributory negligence. given by an accused not under oath).
PERSONNEL - faute personnelle - per-
sona! fault; fault or error committed by a FAUX (noun) - forgery.
public servant not intrinsically connected ARGUER de faux - allege that a docu-
with the performance of his duties and for ment is forged; challenge the authenticity
which he is accordingly personally liable in of a document.
the ordinary courts.
DOCUMENTAIRE - faux documentaire -
PRSOMPTION de faute - presumption of forgery of documents.
CRITURE - faux en criture(s) - forgery
PROFESSIONNEL - faute professionnelle
of documents.
- professional misconduct.
RESPONSABILIT IMMATRIEL - faux immatriel - caus-
POUR - responsabilit pour faute -
ing an official to issue false certificates or to
liability for intention or negligence; fault make false records, eg by giving false infor-
liability. mation.
SANS - responsabilit sans faute - INCIDENT - faux incident civil - inter-
liability without fault (ie without either locutory civil proceedings to decide on the
intention or negligence); strict liability; authenticity of a document.
absolute liability; risk liability; no-fault INSCRIPTION de faux - (independent or
liability. interlocutory) civil proceedings to challenge
SERVICE - faute de service - administra- the authenticity of a document or prove it is
tive (official) error; fault committed by a a forgery.
public servant in the performance of his INSCRIRE - s'inscrire en faux - allege
duties for which he is not liable in the that a document is forged; challenge the
ordinary courts. authenticity of a document.
PUBLIC - faute du service public -
INTELLECTUEL - faux intellectuel - giv-
error occurring in the public service; offi- ing false information for inclusion in a docu-
cial error.
SIMPLE - faute simple - negligence.
MATRIEL - faux matriel - physical
TECHNIQUE - faute technique - profes-
alteration of a text.
sional negligence.
VICTIME - faute de la victime - contribu- MOYENS de faux - grounds on which it
tory negligence. is alleged that a document is not genuine
FAUTEUR PRINCIPAL - faux principal- forgery of
DSORDRE - fauteur de dsordre - dis- documents.
turber of the peace; agitator.
SERMENT - faux serment - perjury by a
FAUTIF- negligent; improper; unsatisfactory; party.
wrongful. USAGE de faux - uttering; making us of
TAT fautif - offending state. forged documents with intent to defraud.


FAVORISER MALADIE - feuille de maladie - medical

NATION - clause de la nation plus form, card or record; case notes; (social secu-
favorise - most-favoured-nation clause. rity) treatment form.
FDRATIF- federal. PAIE - feuille de paie - pay slip.
FEMME TIMBR - feuille de papier timbr
COMMUN - femme commune en biens - - sheet of stamped paper on which cer-
wife in community of property. tain legal documents are required to be
DOTAL - femme dotale - woman benefiting written.
from a marriage settlement in her favour. POINTAGE - feuille de pointage - tally
SEUL - femme seule - woman living alone. sheet.
FENTE - division of a succession in equal ROUTE - feuille de route - waybill.
halves between the ascendants of the maternal SOIN - feuille de soins - (social security)
and paternal lines. treatment form.
FRI FIANAILLES - engagement.
POURSUITE - jours fris en matire de
poursuites - days on which execution cannot
be levied. ANTHROPOMTRIQUE - fiche anthro-
pomtrique - fingerprint form; physical
FERMAGE - lease. identification form.
FERME - farm; agricultural holding. FICHIER
BAILLEUR ferme - lessor; landlord. IMMOBILIER - fichier immobilier - Land
PRISON ferme - immediate (ie non- Registry index.
suspended) imprisonment; affirmative sen-
tence. FICTIF - national; :fictitious.
FERMETURE FICTION - fiction; assumption.
CHASSE - fermeture de la chasse - begin- JURIDIQUE - fiction juridique - legal :fic-
ning of the close season. tion.
DOUANIER - fermeture douanire - cus- LGAL - fiction lgale - statutory :fiction.
toms seal. LOI - fiction de loi - statutory :fiction.
ENTREPRISE - fermeture d'office d'une
entreprise - compulsory closure of an under- FIDICOMMIS - life estate followed by a
taking. remainder but without the machinery of a settle-
ment (no trustee).
FERMIER - lessee; tenant.
FONDATEUR d'un fidicommis - settlor.
LGAL - fte lgale - statutory holiday;
FIDIJUSSEUR - surety; guarantor.
bank holiday. FIDIJUSSION - guarantee.
FEUILLE BANQUE - fl.dijussion d'une banque -
ACCIDENT - feuille d'accident - accident bank guarantee.
report form.
FIDUCIAIRE) - (adj) :fiduciary; trust; (noun)
AUDIENCE - feuille d'audience - record
life tenant under a fidicommis.
(of the proceedings).
AVIS - feuille d'avis - gazette; bulletin. FIDUCIE - transfer of ownership of property
JUDICIAIRE - feuille d'avis judi- as security for a debt; trust.
ciaires - court gazette; newspaper pub-
lishing court notices. FILATURE- shadowing (of a suspect) by the
DCLARATION - feuille de dclaration - police.
report form. FILIALE - branch; subsidiary.
DPOUILLEMENT....; feuille de dpouille-
ment - tally sheet. FILIATION - descent; relationship by descent;
IMPT - feuille d'impt(s) - tax return; relationship to one's father or parents; lawful
(notice of) tax assessment. descent.


negligent belief in the existence of a fact, RELVEMENT de fonctions - removal

right or rule of law. from office.
EN foi de quoi - in witness whereof. STATUT de la fonction publique - Civil
FAIRE foi - be authentic ( authoritative); be Service Act and Regulations.
good evidence. SUSPENSION de fonctions - suspension
MAUVAIS - mauvaise foi - bad faith; tor- from office.
tious intent; criminal intent; malice; mens TITULAIRE d'une fonction publique -
rea. holder of (a) public office.
PUBLIC - la foi publique - public confi- USURPATION de fonctions - usurpation
dence. (illegal exercise) of office.
FONCIER (adj) - relating to land; real; im-
FONCTIONNAIRE - civil servant; public
movable; landed.
servant; official; local-government officer.
PRT foncier - mortgage loan.
AUTORIT - fonctionnaire d'autorit -
FONCIER (noun) - (in a bail domaine official with power to make decisions.
congable) landowner; landlord. CARRIRE - fonctionnaire de carrire -
FONCTION established or career civil servant.
DCHANCE des fonctions - loss of office. COMMUNAL - fonctionnaire communal -
DURE des fonctions - length (period, local-government officer.
term) of office. CONTRACTUEL - fonctionnaire con-
EN fonction - in office; in charge; acting. tractuel - temporary civil servant; govern-
ENTRE en fonctions - assumption of ment employee.
duties, office, etc. CONTRIBUTION - fonctionnaire des
EXERCICE - dani3 l'exercice de ses fonc- contributions - tax official.
tions - in the counie of his employment; in CORRUPTION de fonctionnaire - bribery
the execution (performance) of his duties. of a civil servant, official, etc.
FAIRE fonction de - represent; act for; act DISPONIBILIT- fonctionnaire en
as. disponibilit - civil servant not actively
GOUVERNEMENTAL - fonction gou- employed but available for service, sometimes
vernementale - power of government; right on half pay; temporarily retired.
to govern (rule); executive power. TAT - fonctionnaire d'tat - civil serv-
IMMUNIT de fonctions - immunity by ant.
virtue of one's office; official immunity. HAUT fonctionnaire - senior official; senior
INDEMNIT de fonction(s) - official ex- civil servant.
penditure allowance; acting allowance; duty INAMOVIBLE - fonctionnaire inamovible
allowance; allowance for extra duties. - official who cannot be removed from office.
INSIGNE de fonctions - badge of office.
MUNICIPAL - fonctionnaire municipal -
INVESTIR - tre investi d'une fonction
local-government officer.
publique - hold (a) public office.
OUTRAGE fonctionnaire - insulting an
JUDICIAIRE - fonction judiciaire -
official or civil servant or officer.
judicial office; legal office; legal fonctions.
RAFFECTATION - fonctionnaire en ins-
(The term includes the office of prosecutor as
tance de raffectation - (redundant) civil
well as that of judge in certain contexts.)
servant awaiting reappointment.
JURIDICTIONNEL - fonction juridic-
tionnelle - judicial power; jurisdiction; the SERMENT des fonctionnaires - official
judiciary. oath.
LGISLATIF - fonction lgislative - STAGIAIRE - fonctionnaire stagiaire -
legislative power. civil servant on probation.
OCCUPER une .fonction publique~ hold SUBALTERNE - fonctionnaire subalterne
(a) public office. - subordinate official.
PRISE de fonctions - assu:mption of duties TITULAIRE - fonctionnaire titulaire -
(office). established civil servant.
.PUBLIC - fonction publique - civil a:nd NON - fonctionnaire non titulaire -
local-government service; public office. temporary, non-established civil servant.


FONCTIONNEMENT that may prejudice the interests of subse-

DPENSES de fonctionnement - running quent shareholders or of the creditors.
JUSTICE - fonctionnement de la justice - FOND (adj) - well-founded.
course of justice; functioning ( operation) of MAL fond - ill-founded; unfounded; with-
the judicial system. out foundation.
SEREIN - fonctionnement serein de NON fond - unfounded; without founda-
la justice - proper (unimpeded, smooth) tion; ill-founded.
operation of the courts.
FOND (noun)
FOND - substance; merits; subject-matter.
POUVOIR - fond de pouvoir - attorney;
CON CL URE au fond - plead on the merits.
DE fond - substantive; relating to the mer- authorised agent or manager.
its. PROCURATION - fond de procuration -
MOYEN - tout moyen de fond tant authorised agent or manager (employed by a
rserv - liberty to bring further argu- business).
ment on the merits; without prejudging
(prejudice to) the merits.
DNU de fondement- without founda-
RGLES de fond- substantive rules.
tion; unmeritorious.
VICE de fond - essential defect; sub-
stantive defect. JURIDIQUE - fondement juridique - legal
DROIT - fond du droit - substance; merits. basis (foundation).
JUGE - juges du fond - trial and appeal
FONDER - found; set up; create; establish;
courts; courts below.
JUGEMENT au (sur le) fond - judgment
DROIT - fond en droit - well-founded.
on the merits; trial of the merits.
LITIGE - fond du litige - gist (merits, sub- RAISON - pour une raison fonde en
stance) of the dispute; subject-matter; cause droit - for a legally valid reason.
of action. TRE fond - have good cause to.
REJET au fond - dismissal on the merits.
RENVOYER pour le fond - refer (to a
FONDS - land; piece of land; property; busi-
ness; fund. .
committee) for report.
RSERVE - fonds de rserve - reserve ABONNEMENT - fonds d'abonnement -
fund. prefect's special expense allowance.
TRIBUNAL du fond - trial court; tribunal AMORTISSEMENT - fonds d'amortisse-
of fact; (in plural) trial and appeal courts; ment - sinking fund.
courts below. APPEL de fonds - call on not fully paid-up
shares; call on shareholders etc.
FONDATEUR- promoter; settlor; persan
ASSUJETTI - fonds assujetti - servient
establishing; founder.
FIDICOMMIS - fondateur d'un :fidi- tenement.
commis - settlor. AUTOMOBILE-fonds de garantie au-
PART de fondateur - founder's share; pro- tomobile - fund which compensates the
moter's,share. victims of accidents caused by uninsured
drivers. .
FONDATION - foundation; settlement; chari- AUTRUI- fonds d'autrui - another's land.
table settlement; charitable trust; founding; pro-
BAILLEUR de fonds - persan providing
motion. .
finance; money-lender.
DPENSES de fondation - formation ex-
penses; promotion expenses; capital expendi- BUDGTAIRE - fonds budgtaires -
ture. appropriations.
PRIV - fondation prive - private trust. CESSION d'un fonds - sale (transfer) of a
PUBLIC - fondation publique - charitable business.
trust. CESSIONNAIRE d'un fonds -purchaser of
QUALIFI - fondation qualifie - special a business.
formation of a company, ie in which the pro- COMMERCE - fonds de commerce - busi-
moters e:iter into "dangerous agreements" ness; goodwill.


CLAUSE de fonds de commerce - PRTEUR de fonds - money-lender; person

clause in a marriage contract (marriage providing finance.
settlement) whereby a business belong- PUBLIC - fonds publics - public securities;
ing to one of the spouses is settled on public fonds.
the survivor or the survivor authorised RSERVE - fonds de rserve - reserve fond.
to purchase the business. RETRAITE - fonds de retraite - pension
COMPENSATION - fonds de compensa- fond.
tion - equalisation fond; clearing fond. ROULEMENT - fonds de roulement -
CONTREPARTIE - fonds de contrepartie working capital.
- counterpart fond. SERVANT - fonds servant - servient tene-
DBITEUR - fonds dbiteur de la servi-
tude - servient tenement.
SOCIAL - fonds social - capital of a com-
DPT - fonds en dpot - amounts held
pany or partnership; partnership fonds.
(fonds placed) on deposit.
TERRE - fonds de terre - plot (parcel) of
DTOURNEMENT de fonds - embez-
zlemen t (in the case of a clerk or servant);
fraudulent conversion; misappropriation (of TUTELLE - fonds de tutelle - trust fonds.
money or fonds). VOISIN - fonds voisin - adjacent property.
DOMINANT- fonds dominant - dominant
FONGIBILIT - quality (state) of being fon-
gible; fongibility.
DOTAL - fonds dotal - dowry; nuptial
settlement. FONGIBLE - fongible; interchangeable; non-
GALISATION - fonds d'galisation des specific; generic.
changes - currency equalisation fond.
ENCLAV - fonds enclav- enclave. FOR- court; jurisdiction; (Sw) place where a
TAT - fonds de l'tat - public money. court having jurisdiction in a given matter is sit-
TAT - fonds d'tat - governmnt bonds uated, eg the court of the defendant's place of
(securi ties, stock) . residence.
EXPLOITATION - fonds d'exploitation -
FORAT - convict.
working capital.
EXTORSION de fonds - obtaining money FORCE
by threats; blackmail; extortion. CHOSE JUGE - force de chose juge -
GREV - fonds grev - servient tenement. res judicata, ie the quality (state) of having
HYPOTHQU - fonds hypothqu - been finally decided.
land subject to a mortgage. ACQURIR (COULER en, PASSER
INDEMNISATION-.fonds d'indemnisa- en, PRENDRE) force de chose juge -
tion - compensation fond. become final (of a judgment).
MARIN - fonds marins - sea-bed.
MISE de fonds - capital investment.
PRIS) force de chose juge - final (of a
PERDU - fonds perdu - life annuity.
fonds perdu(s) - non-repayable; non-
EXCUTOIRE - force excutoire - en-
returnable; non-redeemable.
forceabili ty.
CONTRIBUTION fonds perdu(s) -
AVOIR force excutoire - be enforce-
irredeemable contribution.
able (by executi~n).
INVESTIR (PLACER) fonds per-
du(s) - take out (purchase) a life annu- LGISLATIF - force lgislative - force of
ity. law.
PLACEMENT fonds perdu(s) - LOI - ayant force de loi - legally binding;
doubtfol investment. having statutory force (force oflaw).
PRT fonds perdu(s) - irredeemable MAJEUR - force majeure - force majeure;
loan. vis major.
PRTER fonds perdu(s) - lend OBLIGATOIRE - force obligatoire - bind-
money without security. ing force; the quality of being binding.
VENTE fonds perdu(s) - sale for a ORDRE - forces de l'ordre - police; law-
rentcharge. enforcement agencies.


FORMALISER LOCAL - forme locale - form required by

APPEL - formaliser un appel - bring (en- the local law (by the lex situs).
ter, lodge) an appeal. OLOGRAPHE - dans la forme olographe
FORMALISME - in the testato:r's o.wn handwriting; holo-
INSTANCE - le formalisme de l'instance - graph.
the (procedural) formalities. PRESCRIPTION de forme - formal re-
quirement; provision as to form; procedural
FORMALIT provision.
ACCESSOIRE - formalit accessoire - RGLE de forme - procedural rule.
subsidiary (inessential) formality. SANS forme - informal; without formal
HABILITANT - formalits habilitantes - requirements.
formalities enabling a contract to be made on SUBSTANTIEL - forme substantielle -
behalf of an incapable; enabling fqrmalities. ess~ntial formal requirement (formality).
ORDRE PUBLIC - formalit d'ordre pu-
VICE de forme - formal (procedural) defect
blic - mandatory requirement; mandatory (error, irregularity).
VIOLATION des formes - failure to comply
REJET de la formalit - refusal by the
with forma! (procedural) requirements.
Mortgage Registrar to register a document
containing an error. If the applicant corrects FORMEL - express; technical; procedural.
the error within a month of receiving notice
of it, the document will be registered as of FORMELLEMENT - formally; expressly;
the date of its original deposit. strictly; procedurally.
SECONDAIRE- formalit secondaire - INTERDIT - formellement interdit -
subsidiary (inessential) formality. strictly forbidden.
SUBSTANTIEL - formalit substantielle -
essential formality.
ACTION - former une action - bring pro-
FORMATION ceedings (an action) .
DROIT - formation du droit - creation APPEL - former un appel- bring (enter,
(shaping) of the law. lodge) an appeal.
JUGEMENT - formation de jugement - OPPOSITION - lodge an objection or ap-
trial bench. plication to set aside.
RDUIT - en formation rduite- with a
reduced bench; with fewer judges. FORMULAIRE - form; precedent; precedent
book; book of precedents.
FORME - (in plural) procedure.
ACCOMPLIR - formes accomplir -
(necessary) formalities (proceduraJ steps).
FORMULE - form;,wording.
DEMANDE - formule de de'rftande - a!ppli-
BON - en bonne et due foi:me - in order; cation form.
in proper form; in the p:r:escrib_ed form. EXCUTOIRE - formule exc.toire
CONDITION de forme - requirerb.ent as to (clause conferring) authority to execute l en-
form; forma! requirement; formality. force); writ of execution (endorsed on a judg-
DANS les formes - in accordance with for- ment).
mal requirements. LGAL - la formule lgale - the wording of
DFAUT de forme - formal defect; fail-
the Act (statute).
ure to comply with the rules of form or pro-
SERMENT -formule de serment - form of
oath; wording of an oath~
HABILITANT - forme habilitante - en-
abling formality. FORTERESSE
INOBSERVATION des formes - failre to ARRTS de forteresse (mil) - detention in
comply with essential forrnalities (ground for a fortress.
an appealn law to the Court of Ca~sation).
IRRGULARIT de forme - formal defect; FORTUIT - purely accidenta! (ie without
failure to comply with the ruies of procedure. fault). '
JURIDIQE ..:_ forme juridique:_ legal CAS fortuit - unforeseen (unforeseeable)
form; statutory form. accident; accidenta! occurrence


PAR cas fortuit - accidentally. FOURRIRE - pound (for stray animals or

impounded vehicles).
FORTUNE- assets; property; fortune; capital.
IMMOBILIER - fortune immobilire - FOYER - home.
immovable assets; landed property. ABANDON de foyer - desertion and failure
IMPOSABLE - fortune imposable - tax- to maintain.
able assets. DOMESTIQUE - foyer domestique - fam-
IMPT sur la fortune - capital tax; prop- ily home; matrimonial home.
erty tax; wealth tax.
MER - fortune de mer -'- that part of a FRACTION
shipowner's fortune which consists of the INDEMNIT - fraction d'indemnit -
ship and freight; the hazards of the sea. part compensation.
MOBILIER - fortune mobilire - movable PARLEMENTAIRE - fraction parlemen-
assets. taire - parliamentary party or group.
SITUATION de fortune - financial posi- FRACTIONNEMENT
tion. PEINE - fractionnement de la peine -
TERRE - fortune de terre - a shipowner's court's order that a sentence shall be en-
assets exclusive of the ship and freight. forced in instalments.
FORUM - court; jurisdiction; (Sw) place where FRACTURER - break open.
a court having jurisdiction in a given matter is
situated, eg the court of the defendant's place of FRAI - wear (of coins).
FRAIS - costs; expenditure; disbursements;
FOSSE charges; fees.
MITOYEN - fosse mitoyenne - common AGIR ses propres frais - proceed at one's
ditch separating adjacent properties; party own expense.
dit ch. ANNULATION des frais - disallowance of
BANQUE - frais de banque - bank charges.
APPEL - fol appel - frivolous or vexatious
CHARGE des frais - burden of costs.
CHMAGE DE WAGON - frais de
AMENDE de fol appel - fine for lodg-
chmage de wagon - demurrage.
ing a frivolous appeal.
CONSERVATION - frais de conservation
ENCHRE - folle enchre - frivolous
- cost of preservation. .
(sham) bid (at an auction).
CONSULAIRE - frais consulaires - con-
FOUILLE - search; (in plural) excavtions. sular fees.
CORPOREL - fouille corporelle - personal CRANCE pour frais - claim for costs ..
search; search of the persan. DPLACEMENT - frais de dplacement -
RAPPROCH - fouille corporelle travel and subsistence :expenses.
rapproche - intimate bo'dy search. CRITURE - frais d'critures - copying
CORPS - fouille corps - personal search; fees (typing) fees charged by the registry as
search of the persan; (prisons) body search. an item of costs.
ENCAISSEMENT - frais d'encaissement -
collection charges.
VALOIR - clause de fournir et faire valoir
ENTRETIEN - frais d'entretien - cost of
- del credere clause.
FOURNIS SEMENT - contribution; action ENVOI - frais d'envoi - forwarding ex-
for partition. p~nses.

TABLISSEMENT - frais d'tablissement

- promotion expenses; formation expenses.
GROS - fourni~seur en gros - wholesaler.
FAUX frais - incidental expenses; necessary
FOURNITURE - (in plural) supplies. incidental costs; overheads.
CONTRAT de fourniture - supply con- FONDATION - frais de fondation - pro-
tract. motion expenses; formation expenses.


FRUSTRATOIRE - frais frustratoires - FRANC

arbitrary and unnecessary or unauthorised AVARIE - franc d'avarie - free of average.
costs (which are borne by the barrister etc by CHOUEMENT - franc d'avarie sauf
whom they are incurred). chouement - free of average unless the
FUNRAIRE - allocation pour frais vessel be stranded.
funraires - death grant; death allowance. PARTICULIER - franc d'avaries par-
GARDE - frais de garde - expenses of ticulires absolument - free of particu-
(charges for) storage or safe keeping. lar average absolutely.
JUSTICE - frais de justice - court fees. MOLUMENT- franc d'molument (Sw)
JUSTICIAIRE - frais justiciaires ...:. court - free of charge.
fees. HUITAINE - huitaine franche - in eight
LIQUID - frais liquids - taxed costs; clear days.
ascertained costs.
HYPOTHQUE - franc d'hypothques -
MDICAL - frais mdicaux - medical ex-
unencumbered; free of encumbrances; free of
MISE EN TAT - frais de mise en tat -
IMPT - franc d'impt - tax-free; free of
expense of restoring (premises etc) to their
original condition.
JOUR - cinq jours francs - in five clear
MISSION - frais de mission - official jour-
neys allowance. days.
MOINS - frais en moins - less costs. QUINZAINE - quinzaine franche - in
NCESSAIRE - frais ncessaires - costs fifteen clear days.
necessarily incurred. QUITTE - franc et quitte de toute dette -
OCCUPATION - frais d'occupation - free of all debts and obligations.
occupation costs
FRANCHISAGE- franchising.
PLUS - frais en plus - plus costs.'
POURSUITE - frais de poursuite - court FRANCHISE - franchising; (insurance) ex-
fees; prosecution costs. cess.
PRINCIPAL - les frais suivent le principal ASSURANCE - franchise d'assurance -
- costs follow the event. self-insurance; being one's own insurer; ex-
PROFESSIONNEL - frais professionnels cess.
- professional expenses ( deductible for. tax CONVENTIONNEL - franchise conven-
purposes). tionnelle - agreed self-insurance; contractual
RCUPRABLE - frais rcuprables - self-insurance.
recoverable costs. DIPLOMATIQUE - franchise diploma-
RGIE - frais de rgie - management ex- tique - diplomatie exemption from cstoms
penses; overheads. and taxes.
RGLEMENT - frais de rglement - cost
ENTRE en franchise - entry of goods free
of assessing damages.
of cstoms.
RELCHE - frais de relche - port dues
HTEL - franchise d'htel - inviolability
(in a port of refuge).
of embassy premises and ambassador's resi-
REMPLACEMENT - frais de remplace-
ment - cost of replacing; cost of obtaining a
RESPONSABILIT - franchise de respon-
sabilit - exemption from liability.
REPRSENTATION - frais de reprsen-
tation - entertainment expenses; cost of ob- RISQUE
taining a representative (being represented). GUERRE - franchise de l:isques de
SAISIE - frais de saisie - execution costs; guerre - excluding war risks.
~osts of attachment. TAXE - franchise de taxe - exemption
TAXATION des frais - taxation of costs; from taxation or fees.
fixing of costs. TIMBRE - franchise de timbre - exemp-
VEXATOIRE - frais vexatoires - expendi- tion from stamp duty.
ture caused with malicious intent; vexatious TOTAL - franchise totale - total exemp-
costs .. tion.


FRANCHISSEMENT FRONTALIER- person living near the bor-

FRONTIRE - franchissement irrgulier der or crossing the border frequently for purposes
de la frontire - illegal entry; illegally cross- of employment, trade, etc.
ing the frontier. NON frontalier - inland.
FRANCISATION - registration of a ship in FRONTIRE
France. DIFFREND de frontire - boundary dis-
ACTE de francisation - French ship's regis- pute.
tration certificate. PETIT - rgime de petite frontire - local
frontier traffic
BORD - franco de bord - free on board FRUIT - (in plural) things produced by prop-
(fob). erty at regular intervals and in principle without
FRAIS - franco de tous frais - free of all reducing its substance; periodical pro duce ( crops,
charges. young of animals, rents and profits)
CIVIL - fruits civils (fructus civiles) - in-
FRAPPER come from property, ie rents, profits, divi-
ALIGNEMENT - frapper d'alignement - dends, interest, etc.
impose a building line. IMMOBILISATION - immobilisation des
IMPOSITION - frapper d'une imposition fruits - effect of the seizure of land in execu-
- tax. tion of a judgment, ie the pro duce is treated
NULLIT - frapper de nullit - render as part of the land for the purposes of the
void. execution and the proceeds of its sale divided
RADICAL - frapp d'une nullit rad!- among the mortgagees and preferential credi-
cale - absolutely void. tors.
USUFRUIT - frapp d'u:p. usufruit - sub- INE>UEjTRIEH-:- fruits i:qg'-1-strie~s (fruc-
ject to a usufruct (life interest). tus industriales) - p:wduc:e r~sltip.g fFC!W
FRAUDE- fraud. the ~abour and ip.d-y.stry of the pcc:pant, eg
cultivated crops.
CIVIL - fraude civile - evading the rules of
NATUREL - fruits nat,urels (fructus nat-
civil law.
urales) - things produced naturally by the
FISCAL - fraude fisqale - tax evasion.
land without cultivation, eg wool, met<}l,
LOI - fraude la loi - fraudulent evasion of
milk and the young of animals,
statutory provisions (of the law).
PARTAG]ij g~s fruits - appertionment of
PAULIEN - fraude paulienne - defrauding
pro duce.
one's creditors.
PENDANT - :(ruits pendants (par
QUALIT - fraude sur la qualit des
branches ou par racines) - unsevered fruits
marchandises - passing off inferior goods.
or produce; growing (standing) crops.
FREINTE PERU - fruits perus - severed fruits or
ROUTE - freinte de route - loss (wastage) pro duce.
in transit.
FRELATER - adulterate. ACTE frustratoire - invalid or defective
process, document, formality or step in the
FRRE proceedings.
CONSANGUIN - frre consanguin - half- FRAIS frustratoires - arbitrary and un-
brother on the father's side. necessary or unauthorised costs (which are
GERMAIN - frre germain - full brother. borne by the barrister etc by whom they are
UTRIN - frre utrin - half-brother on incurred).
the mother's side.
FUGITIF - escaped prisoner.
FRET - freight.
PRIX du fret - freight. FUITE - flight; escape; absconding; abscon-
TEMPS - fret (au) temps - time freight. dance.
CAPITAL - fuite des capitaux - flight of
FRTEUR- shipowner. capital.


DLIT de fuite - hit-and-run offence; failure FUTAIE

to stop and give particulars after an accident. BOIS de haute futaie - timber.
FISCAL - fuite fiscale - tax: evasion.
PRENDRE la fuite - abscond. MESURE d'instruction in futurum - order
FUSION - merger; amalgamation. (measure ordered) to facilitate possible fu-
ACCORD de fusion - merger agreement. ture proceedings, eg by preserving evidence.


GAGE - pledge; pawn; security. GAGNANT
ACTE constitutif de gage - con tract of PARTIE gagnante - successful party.
AVANCE sur gage - loan on the security of GAGNER
a pledge. MANQUE gagner - loss of earnings or
BAILLEUR de gage - pledgor. profit (lucrum cessans).
CONSTITUANT de gage - pledgor.
CONSTITUER un gage - make or give a GAIN
pledge (security). CAPITAL - gain en capital - capital gain.
CRANCIER - gage des cranciers - secu- CA USE - avoir gain de cause - win (a
rity of one's creditors. case).
DTENTEUR de gage - pledgee. FORTUNE - gain de fortune - increase in
DONNER en gage - pledge. .one's assets (fortune).
DONNEUR de gage - pledgor. HORAIRE - gain horaire - hourly remu-
DROIT de gage - creditor's right to retain, neration (wage).
sell and pay himself out of the proceeds of PERTE de gain (Sw) - loss of earnings.
the object pledged; pledgee's rights; lien; SURVIE - gain de survie - advantage
pledge; security. accruing to the survivor.
BAILLEUR - droit de gage du bail-
leur - landlord's lien for rent. GARANT- surety; guarantor.
GNRAL - un droit de gage gnral PORTER - se porter garant de - stand
sur le patrimoine de son dbiteur - a surety for; go bail for; guarantee.
"fioating" charge over the debtor's prop-
erty, ie the creditor's right to enforce his GARANTI - person for whom a security or
claim against the debtor's entire prop- guarantee is given.
erty. GARANTIE - guarantee; warranty; security;
HYPOTHCAIRE - gage hypothcaire - safeguard; (insurance) cover.
mort gage.
ABSTRAIT - garantie abstraite - security
IM~OBILIER- gage immobilier - real
without possession.
security; mortgage.
ACCORD de garantie - guarantee agree-
LETTRE de gage - pledge certi:ficate.
MISE en gage - pledging; pawning; giving ment .
as security. ACTION en garantie - action to enforce
MOBILIER - gage mobilier - movable a guarantee or warranty; share certificate
security; security in the form of movables; deposited as a security.
pledge; pawn. APPEL en garantie - proceedings against
OBJET de (en) gage - thing pledged or the guarantor which may take the form of
pawned . giving third-party notice.
PRTER sur gage - lend on the security of APPELER en garantie - have recourse to
pledges . (proceed against) the guarantor.
PRTEUR sur gage - pawnbroker; person ASSIGNATION en garantie - action to
who lends on the security of pledges. enforce a guarantee or warranty.
PRISE en gage - taking something as a BANCAIRE - garantie bancaire - bank
pledge or security. guarant~e,
RALISATibN du gage - sale of the CLAUSE de garantie - guarantee clause;
pledge; realisation of the security. warranty,
RETIRER un gage - redeem a pledge. COLLATRAL - garantie collatrale -
TITRE de gage - document of title to a collateral guarantee; collc:i,teral warranty.
DLAI de garantie - period covered by a
GAGISTE- pledgee. guarantee or warranty.


DEMANDE en garantie - action to enforce TROUBLE - garantie des troubles -

a guarantee or warranty. covenant or warranty for peaceful possession.
DPT de garantie - sum deposited as a VICE- garantie des vices - warranty that
guarantee. goods or animals sold are free of faults or
DROIT - garantie des droits - inclusion defects.
of a guarantee of human rights in a state's
VICTION - garantie contre l'viction - BIEN - garantir les dommages aux
covenant for peaceful possession. biens - provide insurance against ( cover for)
FORMEL - garantie formelle - guarantee damage to goods (property).
in which the guarantor is obliged not only GARDE - (physical) custody; care; power of
to indemnify the person guaranteed but also direction and control over an object.
to take steps to prevent the loss or damage DROIT de garde - storage charge ( customs
occurring. etc); safe-custody charge (bank etc); right
HYPOTHCAIRE - garantie hypoth- to control and care (physical custody) of a
caire - mortgage security. child.
IMMOBILIER - garantie immobilire - ENFANT - garde d'un enfant - right to
real security; mortgage security. control and care (physical custody) of a
INCIDENT - garantie incidente - joinder child.
of guarantor (in pending proceedings). FRAIS de garde - expenses of (charges for)
LOCATIF - garantie locative - security of storage or safe keeping.
tenure. JURIDIQUE - garde juridique - custody;
MOBILIER - garantie mobilire - security
consisting of a charge on movables; security
MATRIEL - garde matrielle - (physical)
based on movables.
custody; care.
PCUNIAIRE - garantie pcuniaire -
RTABLISSEMENT de la garde - restora-
pecuniary security.
tion of custody.
PERSONNEL - garantie personnelle -
SCEAU - Garde des Sceaux - Minister of
personal security.
PROCDURE - garanties de procdure -
VUE - garde vue - police custody.
procedural safeguards.
PROMESSE de garantie - indemnity; guar- GARDER
antee. VUE - garder vue - keep in poli.ce cus-
PROVENANCE - garantie de provenance tody.
- warranty of origin.
RECOURS en garantie - action to enforce GARDIEN - holder; custodian; keeper; person
a guarantee or warranty. having the custcidy and care of; person respon-
REL - garantie relle - security other sible for; person in charge of, ie having the use,
than personal, ie on land or movables. direction and control of an object causing dam-
REPRSENTATION - garanties de age.
reprsentation - bail.. ANIMAL - gardien d'un animal - owner or
RESSOURCE - garantie de ressources - other person responsible for an animal (as a
unemployment bene:fit for persans losing or rule a person who in some way makes use of
giving up their employment after the age of the animal).
60 (70% of previous earnings). RESPONSABILIT du gardien d'un
RISQUE - garantie d'un risque _: insurance animal - liability of the owner or other
against a risk. person responsible for an animal for the
SIMPLE - garantie simple - guarantee in damage it causes.
which the guarantor's duty is limited to in- JUDICIAIRE - gardien judiciaire - cura-
demnifying the person guaranteed. tor (guardian) appointed by the court.
TRANSFERT - garantie de transfert - PAIX - gardien de la paix - (police) con-
guarantee of the right to transfer profits. stable; police officer.
TRANSFERT en garantie - transfer of SCELL - gardien' des scells - person in
ownership (but not possession) by way of charge of or responsible for the safe keeping
guarantee. of sealed abjects or premises.


, POUVOIR de gracier - prerogative of PERL - grve perle - go-slow (strike);

mercy. slow-down.
PONCTUEL - grves ponctuelles -
GRACIEUX- free; non-contentious.
selective strikes.
DCISION gracieuse - decision (judgment)
RGLEMENT - grve du rglement -
in a non-contentious matter; decision of an
administrative nature by a judge.
TOURNANT - grve tournante - stag-
PROCDURE (en matire) gracieuse -
gered strike.
non-contentious proceedings (procedure). ZLE - grve du zle - work-to-rule.
RECOURS gracieux - application to the
same administrative authority to reconsider GREV (adj) - encumbered; mortgaged;
its decision. charged; subject to; tenant for life; persan hold-
ing subject to a charge, mortgage, etc.
GRATIFICATION - gratuity; bonus; ex FONDS grev - servient tenement.
gratia payment. HRITIER grev - heir who takes subject
GRATIFI- beneficiary; donee. to (an obligation to pay) a legacy, or as a
tenant for life (usufruitier) under a testa~
GRATUIT mentary settlement (fidicommis) .
TITRE - titre gratuit - gratuitous; with-
out consideration; free of charge. GREV (noun)
RESTITUTION - grev d'une restitution
GRGR - tenant for life under a will .
ALINATION de gr gr - sale to a will- SUBSTITUTION - grev de substitution
ing purchaser (at arm's length); sale by pri- - tenant for life.
vate treaty (as opposed to an auction); sale USUFRUIT - grev d'usufruit - property
on the open market. subject to a usufruct (life tenancy).
TRAITER de gr gr - condude a private
DE - grever de - subject to (rights in rem).
VENTE de gr gr - see ALINATION
.. HYPOTHQUE - grev des hypo-
ab ove.
thques prises sur l'immeuble - sub-
GREFFE - registry (of a court). ject to the mortgages on the property;
CORRECTIONNEL - greffe correctionnel encumbered or charged with mortgages.
registry of the Criminal Court.
GRIEF - daim; complaint;cause of action;
DROIT de greffe - registry fee (eg for
ground of appeal; prejudice; allegation; grievance.
ACCUSATION - griefs d'accusatioil -
INSTANCE- greffe d'instance - Regional charges; counts.
Court registry. APPEL - griefs d'appel - grounds of
MUNICIPAL - greffe municipal (Sw) - appeal.
local-government offices; town hall. CAUSER un grief - prejudice; injure;
GREFFER adversely affect.
SE greffer sur - be an adjunct of. FAIRE grief - adversely affect.
PREUVE - avoir faire la preuve d'un
GREFFIER- registrar. grief - prove that one has suffered a disad-
ASSUM - greffier assum (Belg) - acting vantage (loss, harm, prejudice).
registrar. SUITE - donner suite un grief - allow a
CRIMINEL - greffier criminel - registrar daim.
of a criminal court.
GRIVLERIE - obtaining credit by fraud in
GRVE a hotel or restaurant.
AVERTISSEMENT- grve d'avertisse-
ment - token strike.
OUVRAGE - gros ouvrage - main walls
BRAS CROISS - grve des bras croiss -
and roof.
sit-down strike.
INSURRECTIONNEL - grve insurrec- GROSSE - (former term for) execution copy
tionnelle - revolutionary strike. of a judgment, ie a copy endorsed with authority

; 'A: ., .
GRIEUX : -. li'R'OSS'.E

to execute (with a writ of execution endorsed); association of local authorities; district

instrument drawn by a solicitor (notaire) incor- union.
porating an authority to execute. COOPRATIF - groupement coopratif-
co-operative; professional association.
GROSSOYER- engross (prepare) the execu- ILLICITE - groupement illicite - unlawful
tion copy of a judgment or a notarial act incorpo- association.
rating an authority to execute. INTRT CONOMIQUE - groupement
GROUPE d'intrt conomique - agency of economic
DISCIPLINE de groupe parlementaire - interest, eg a joint purchasing agency estab-
party discipline; party whip. lished by two or more companies; joint en-
IMPT - groupe d'impt - tax category terprise; consortium; (EU) economic interest
(eg single, married, married with one child). grouping.
PATRONAL- groupement patronal\- em-
GROUPEMENT - group or association ployers association.
of persons in the wide sense including asso- SYNDICAL - groupement syndical - pro-
ciations (ie non-profit-making associations) fessional, trade or industrial association.
and societs (profit-making partnerships and
companies). GUELTE- commission on sales.
EXPLOITATION - groupement agri- CONTRIBUTION de guerre - war levy;
cole d'exploitation en commun - farm- special tax to meet the cost of a war.
ing partnership. DROIT de la guerre - the law(s) of war.
FONCIER - groupement agricole FAIT de guerre - act of war; enemy action.
foncier - agricultural land partnership. PRISE de guerre - booty; prize.
COMMUNAL - groupement communal - PUISSANCE en guerre - belligerent power.


SUCCDER - habile succder - having SERVITUDE de halage - duty of a riparian
capacity to inherit. owner to leave space for a towpath alongsid
TESTER - habile tester - capable of a navigable waterway.
making a will.
HANDICAP - disabled.
HABILITANT - enabling.
FORMALITS habilitantes - formalities HARMONIE
enabling a contract to be entered into on be- MISE en harmonie - consequential amend-
half of an incapable; enabling formalities. ment.
HABILITATION - authorisation enabling a HAUTE COUR DE JUSTICE - see '
person under an incapacity to do certain acts, or COUR.
conferring an authority on an official.
LGISLATIF - habilitation lgislative - HAUTE MER - see MER.
statutory authotisation.
LOI d'habilitation - Act authorising the HAUTEUR
govemment to legislate by regulation; en- PROCDURE - toute hauteur de la
abling Act. procdure - at any stage of the proceedings.

HABILITER - authorise a person to do some- HBERGE - height of the roof of the lower of
thing which he would otherwise be legally inca- two buildings separated by a wall.
pable of doing; empower; enable.
AGENTS spcifiquement habilits - offi- HBERGEMENT
cers specifically authorised in that behalf (for DROIT d'hbergement - right to receive
that purpose). visits from a child in the care ( custody) of
SUCCDER - habilit succder - having another; staying access.
capacity to inherit.
HRDITAIRE - hereditary; passing on suc-
HABITATION - occasional residence; right to cess10p..
occupy the house of another for the requirem~nts CRANCIER hrditaire - creditor of the
of oneself and one's family (for life). estate.
BON MARCH-see MARCH below. RSERVE hrditaire - reserved portion
BOURGEOIS - habitation bourgeoise - (of a deceased's estate).
use as a private dwelling-house only.
LOCAL d'habitation - living accommoda- HRDIT - succession; estate (of a deceased
tion; dwelling. person).
MODR - habitation loyer modr PTITION - action en ptition
- low-rent fiat; rent-controlled premises. d'hrdit - action to obtain posses-
MARCH - habitation bon march - sion of an estate from a persop. claiming
low-rent fiat; rent-controlled premises. to be the heir; action to daim (a share
MEUBL - habitation meuble - fumished in) an estate.
premises. REVENDICATION - action en reven-
USAGE - usage d'habitation - residen-
dication d'hrdit - action to obtain
tial. possession of an estate from a person not
HABITUDE claiming as heir or under a will.
COMMERCIAL - habitude commerciale - ADI'l'ION d'hrdit - acceptance of a suc-
commercial usage. cession.
MALFAITEUR d'habitude - habitua! crim- JACENT - hrditjacente - vacant suc-
inal (offender). cession; unclaimed estate.


VOIE - par la voie hirarchique - through HOMOLOGUER - confirm; approve; recog-

the usual (official) channels; through one's nise; sanction.
superior officer(s).
HIRARCHIQUEMENT - by reference to ACTE contraire l'honneur - dishon-
the higher authority; by seniority. ourable act or conduct.
HISTORIQUE - background. ATTEINTE l'honneur - insult; defama-
PROCDURE - historique de la proc- tion; li bel; slander.
dure - summary of the proceedings. FAIRE honneur ses engagements - hon-
our one's obligations ( commitments).
JURIDICTION d'honneur - court of hon-
AVANCEMENT d'hoirie - advancement.
our; disciplinary (professional) tribunal; juris-
HOLDING - holding company. diction of such a court or tribunal.
HOMICIDE - homicide; person committing MEMBRE d'honneur - honorary member.
homicide. HONORAIRES -fees.
CRAPULEUX - homicide crapuleux -
CRANCE d'honoraires - daim for fees;
homicide committed from base motives, eg
. fees owing.
for pecuniary gain, or in a barbarie manner.
LIQUIDATION des honoraires - fixing of
IMPRUDENCE - homicide par impru-
fees; settling (payment) of fees.
dence - negligent homicide; causing death by
negligence. HONORARIAT- honorary title conferred on
INVOLONTAIRE- homicide involontaire retirement.
- unintentional homicide; manslaughter.
PRMDIT - homicide prmdit - HORS
premeditated homicide (with malice afore- CAUSE - hors (de) cause - not subject to
thought); murder. (above, cleared df) suspicion; in the clear;
PRAETERINTENTIONNEL - homicide cleared; exonerated.
praeteriritentionnel - unintentional homi- COMMERCE - hors (du) commerce -
cide by wounding; causing death unintention- whose sale is prohibited by law; not subject
ally by intentionally wounding (manslaughter to legal transactions; inalienable; not for sale.
or murder). DROITS hors (du) commerce:-- rights
VOLONTAIRE - homicide volontaire - which cannot form the subject-matter of
intentional homicide. a legal transaction.
HOMME METTRE hors (du) commerce - pro-
CONFIANCE - homme de confiance - hibit the sale of; prohibit commercial
confidential adviser or agent. transactions relating to; render inalien-
DROIT - droits de l'homme - human able.
rights. DLAI - hors dlai - out of time.
LOI - homme de loi - (practising) lawyer; MARIAGE - hors mariage - extramarital;
(in plural) the legal community (profes- out of wedlock.
sion(s)). PART - (par prciput et) hors part - (of a
PAILLE - homme de paille - man of straw. gift to an heir out of an estate) not subject
HOMOLOGATION - confirmation; ap- to hotchpot; in addition to the heir's share of
proval; recognition. the estate.
DCISION d'homologation - decision con- HORS-COTE - (adj) not officially quoted;
firming. unlisted; (noun) unlisted security.
JUDICIAIRE - homologation judiciaire -
judicial confirmation. HTEL
JUGEMENT d'homologation - judgment FRANCHISE d'htel - inviolability of em-
confirming. bassy premises and ambassador's residence.
JUSTICE - homolog_a.tion de justice - judi-
JUGE - htel du juge - judge's private resi-
ial confirmation. .
HOMOLOGUE - opposite number. MONNAIE - Htel des monnaies,.- Mint.


VENTE - htel des ventes - auction rooms. GARANTIE - hypothque de garantie

- guarantee mortgage; mortgage which in
every respect is strictly ancillary to the debt
huis clos - in camera; in private.
GREVER - grev d'une hypothque - sub-
PRONONCER le huis clos - exclude
ject to a mortgage.
the public.
INSCRIPTION d'une hypothque - regis-
HUISSIER - bailiff. tration of a mortgage.
AUDIENCIER- huissier audiencier - INSCRIT - hypothque inscrite - regis-
court usher; tipstaff. tered mortgage.
CONSTAT d'huissier - bailiff's official re- JUDICIAIRE - hypothque judiciaire -
port (on some matter of fact). mortgage or charge registered by order of the
HUITAINE court as a measure of execution.
FRANC - huitaine franche - in eight LGAL - hypothque lgale - statutory
clear days. mortgage; statutory charge.
LIBELL - hypothque libelle en mon-
HUMANIT naies trangres - foreign-currency mort-
CLAUSE d'humanit - hardship clause. gage.
LIBRE d'hypothques - unencumbered; free
HYPOTHCAIRE-mortgage (adj);
of encumbrances; free of mortgages.
secured by mortgage.
MARITIME - hypothque maritime -
PRT hypothcaire - mortgage (loan).
mortgage on a ship.
HYPOTHQUE - mortgage. OCCULTE - hypothque occulte - non-
ACTE d'hypothque - mortgage deed. registered mortgage.
CONSTI';I'UTIF - acte constitutif OCTROI d'hypothques - grant of mort-
d'hypothq~e - mortgage (referring to gages.
the instrument). PRENDRE une hypothque sur - to take a
ARIEN - hypothque arienne (Sw) - mortgage on.
mortgage on an aircraft. PRT sur hypothque- mortgage (loan).
ARONEF - hypothque sur aronef - PURGE d'une hypothque - redemption
mortgage on an aircraft. or discharge of a mortgage; removal or can-
AMLIORATIO.N - hypothque sur cellation of the entry of a mortgage in the
amlioration de terrains (Sw) - lnd register; (of a purchaser) paying off mort-
improvement charge. gage.
AMORTISSABLE - hypothque amortis- PURGER une hypothque - (of a pur-
sable - mortgage repayable in annual instal- chaser) pay off a mortgage.
ments. RANG - hypothque de second rang - sec-
BATEAU - hypothque sur bateau - mort- ond mortgage.
gage on a ship. REGISTRE des hypothques - mortgage
BUREAU des hypothques - Mortgage register or registry.
Registry (Land (Charges) Registry). SRET - hypothque de sret (Lux)
CONSENTIR une hypothque - to mort- - guarantee mortgage, a mortgage the ex-
gage; grant a mortgage on. istence of which is in all respects bound up
CONSERVATEUR des hypothques - with that of the debt gttaranteed.
Chief Registrar of the Mortgage Registry TERRSTRE - hypothque terrestre -
(of the Land (Charges) Registry); Mortgage non,-maritime mortgage. .
Registrar; Land Registrar. ' TRANSCRIPTION d;une hypothque -
CONVENTIONNEL-hypothquecon- registration of a,. rp.or_tgage.
ventionnelle - contractual mortgage. TRANSCRIT - hypothque transcr~te -
EMPRUNTER sur hypothque - borrow registered mortgage ..
on mortgage.
FLUVIAL - hypothque fluviale - mort- HYPOTHQUER - mortgage.
gage of river' craft.
HYPOTHSE '"'" case; inference; assumption;
FRANC d'hypothqus ~ unencumbered;
free of encumbrances; free of mortgages.


IDAL - national. ILLICIT - unlawfulness; illegality.
QUOTE-PART idale- national share,
ILLICITE - unlawful; illegal; wrongful.
IDALEMENT - notionally.
CLOS - (espace) idalement cloio - notion- ILLIMIT - perpetual.
ally enclosed (space).
IMMATRICULATION - registration (of a
IDENTIQUE company, ship, etc).
REXPORTER l'identique - re-export PORT d'immatriculation - home port.
unchanged (in the same condition). REGISTRE
COMMERCE - immatriculation au
regiStre du commerce - registration in
CONSTATATION d'identit - finding or
the commercial registry (register).
establishment of a person's identity; a finding
that two things are identical. IMMATRICULE- number allotted to a
CONTRLE d'identit - identity check. bailiff when his name is entered on the roll.
FALSIFICATION d'identit - forgery of HUISSIER - immatricule d'huissier -
identity documents. bailiff's court-registration number.
INTERROGATOIRE d'identit - exam-
ination to establish identity; examination IMMATRICULER- enter; register.
( questioning) as to one's personal particulars.
HJDICIAIRE :- (service de) l'identitju,. IMMEUBLE - immovable; plot; parcel; (piece
diciaire - cri~inal identification depp,rtment; of) land; h.~reditament; building; messuage; real
criminal records office. prqperty; (leljs tech11ic;:1.lly) p1:J.ilding~'.
! CONSl.Y:LAIR~ - im!f!eubl~ co:g,13lai.r~ -
JUSTIFIER de son identit - prove one's
identity. consulate building.
RE.JCONNAISSA. H;1E d'if'J.e:tit - estab-
1 P,EST~tfAT:J:O~ - immeuble pip: qestin<i:=
lishment of a perso:q's idel!tity. tion - statutqry imrovable; ~h.q,ttel F~al.
TI~RE d'identit - identity do~rnent. DOMMAGE!~ ~~x immeuble11 - damage to
VRIFI-A.TlQN q'identit - forcible lf!.nd (itn4 pildh1J!;s).
checking of ~ persqn's identity py the POTAL - izp.ip.euql~ gp,taj - qqWfY land;
police involvi~g his detent~on ~m the premises s:pouse's settleq lan~:
during the process; identity ch~clc. GRANT d'hnmell'J:>les - ~state (pi;qperty)
p,:tan(i,ge~j !Jimt f:Ollectqf:
ffABiATlP!l!I- immeul:>le rn~age d'habi-
DROIT - ignorance du droit - igp.or&nf:f3 qf
the law. tl:).tfo:i:! - gwelling.,.fiqu~ei re!3ide!ltial premises.
RAf.f Q:f:l - !p:rmeqle d~ ra,pport - house
ILLGAL - illegal; unlawful; (of a court deci- let to. t~p.ants; :i;ented howi~:
sion) erroneous; wrong in law.
IMMOBILIER -,immovabl~.
ILLGALEMENT - unlawfully; illegally. BIENS immobiliers - immovable property;
real estate.
ILLGALIT - illegality; unlawfulness; incor-
rectness (in law) of a court decision. CARACTRE - avoir un caractre im-
EXCEPTION d'illgalit - defence or ob-
mobilier - be deemed to be land; be treated
notionally as land ..
jection allegng (the) illegality (of an admin.,.
istrative regulation relied on by the other DROIT immobilier - the' law of real prop-
party). erty; right relating to an immovable (land).

ILLGITIME - unlawful; illegitimate. IMMOBILISATION - (in plural) fixed

assets; assets permanei;i.tly employed in a bus:ir
ILLGITIMIT - unlawfulness; illegitimacy. ness.


IMPORT (Belg) - amount. RELATIF - impossibilit relative - inabil-

NOMINAL - import nominal - nominal ity (personal to the promisor) to perform the
amount. obligation (which could be performed by oth-
CONSIGNATION - importation en IMPT-tax.
consignation - import in bond. ACCROISSEMENT
FRANCHISE - importation en franchise - CAPITAL - impt sur les accroisse-
duty-free import. ments du capital - capital gains tax.
IMPOSABILIT- liability to tax. FORTUNE - impt sur l'accroisse-
ment de la fortune - capital gains tax.
IMPOSABLE - liable to tax; subject to tax. VALEUR - impt sur l'accroissement
NON-imposable - not liable to tax. de la valeur - capital gains tax.
PRIODE imposable - assessment period;
AFFECT - impt affect une dpense
period of assessment. dtermine - special-purpose tax.
IMPOSER - tax; subject to tax. AMNAGEMENT - impt d'amnage-
S'imposer - be on. ment - improvement rate.
ANALYTIQUE- impts analytiques -
IMPOSITION - taxing; taxation; ass.essment.
speci:fic taxes
ANNUEL - imposition annuelle - annual
assessment. ANT~CIP - impt anticip (Sw) - ad-
vance tax .
ASSIETTE d'imposition - basis of assess-
ment. ARRIR d'impt - tax arrears.
AVIS d'imposition - assessment. ARRIR - impts arrirs - tax arrears.
BASE d'imposition - taxable (rateable) ASSUJETTI l'impt - liable to tax; sub-
value; value for tax purposes; basis of assess- ject to tax.
ment. ASSUJETTISSEMENT l'impt- liabil-
DCISION d'imposition - assessment. ity to taxation.
DOUBLE imposition - double taxation. BARME de l'impt sur les salaires -
DROIT d'imposition - right to raise (im- salary-tax tables; (Schedule E) income-tax
pose) taxes. tables.
FORFAITAIRE - imposition forfaitaire BNFICE _;_ impt sur les bnfices -
- lump-sum assessment; assessment in a profits tax.
national amount. GUERRE - impt sur les bnfices de
INTGRAL - imposition intgrale - con- guerre - war-pro:fits tax; excess-pro:fits
:fiscatory taxation, ie 100% rate of tax. tax.
LIMITE d'imposition - limit of taxation; SOCIT - impts sur les bnfices
point at which a tax immunity ceases to ap- des socits - corporation tax.
ply. BOISSON - impt sur les boissons - bever-
PRIODE d'imposition - assessment age tax.
period; period of assessment. BON d'impt - tax-paymen,t certi:ficate; tax-
SPAR - imposition spare - separate reserve certi:ficate.
assessment. BOURSE - impt sur les oprations de
SOURCE - imposition des revenus la bourse - stamp duty on stock-exchange
source -_deduction (oftax) at source; PAYE. transactions (contracts).
TARIF d'imposition - rate of tax.
CAPITAL - impt sur le capital - capital
TAUX d'imposition - rate of tax. .
tax; property tax.
TRANCHE d'imposition - "slic of tax-
.CDULAIRE - impt cdulaire - sched-
able incom.e; income b!ond.
ule( d) tax; tax applying .to particular cate-
IMPOSSIBILIT gory of income.
EXCUTION - impossibilit d'excution CIRCULATION - impts de circulation -
- impossibility of perform~nc~. (this is judged transfer taxes;
by an objective standard and not by the CODE gnral des impts - Taxation Act;
defendant's personal inabilityto perform). Tax Code.


COLLECTIVIT - impt sur les collec- LOCAL - impts locaux - rates.

tivits (Lux) - corporation tax. LOCATIF - impt locatif - rent tax; tax on
COMMUNAL - impt communal - local incarne from rents.
tax; rates. LUXE - impt sur le luxe - luxury tax.
COMPENSATAIRE - impt compensa- MAJORATION de l'impt - increase in the
taire sur le revenu (Belg) - incarne tax. amount of tax due.
COMPENSATOIRE - impt compen-
MONTANT de l'impt - amount of tax
satoire (Sw) - equalisation tax.
CONSOMMATION - impt de consom-
MUNICIPAL - impt municipal - local
mation - excise duty; consumer tax.
tax; rates .
CRANCE d'impt - tax owing; tax
claim(ed). NATURE - impt en nature - tax(ation)
DBIT - impt sur les dbits de boissons in kind.
- liquor licence (on and off). OPRATION DE BOURSE - see BOURSE
DBITEUR d'impt - taxpayer. ab ove.
DCLARATION d'impts - tax return. PERCEVOIR un impt - levy (raise, im-
DPENSE - impt sur les dpenses - lux- pose, collect) a tax.
ury (expenditure) tax (ie calculated on what PROPRIT BTIE - impt sur la pro-
a persan spends). prit btie - built-up-property tax .
DETTE d'impt - tax owing; tax arrears. QUOTIT - impt de quotit - tax calcu-
TABLISSEMENT de l'impt - (tax) lated at a certain rate on a certain quantity
assessment. or amount; pro-rata tax.
EXEMPT d'impt(s) - tax-free; free of tax; RAPPEL d'impt - supplementary assess-
not liable to tax. ment; demand for arrears of tax.
EXONRATION d'impt(s) - exemption
RECETTES d'impt - tax revenue; revenue
from tax. from taxation.
FEUILLE d'impt(s) - tax return; (notice
RECOUVREMENT d'impts - collection
of) tax assessment.
of taxes.
FONCIER - impt foncier - land tax.
FORFAIT ~'impqt - lump:sum. ~s~~sment; REL - impts reli; - non-personal prop-
~rty taxes (eg trade tax, land tax, dog tax).
!-~sess:meJ:tp i!} fJo P.PtiP]lijol ampunt.
f-Q~:J!AI' - impqt 4 fprfajt -:-: lump-sum REFUS de l'impt - refusai to pay taxes.
pax; ti}X blj.Se~ on a ngtionf!.l assessment. REMBOURSEMENT d'impts - repay-
f()~fAITAl~E - im:p,pt forfaitaire - lump- ment of taxes.
sm tcc; tax on f.l- p.otional assessment. REMISE d'impt - tax remission.
, FO~'J.'PNE - h:npt sur la fortune - capital RENDEMENT de l'impt - tax revenue;
tax; property tax; wealth tax. tax yield.
, f'~A~ d limpf!t - tax-free; free of tax. RENTRE des impqts - collection (getting
~ENEJl,A~ - ~mpqt g~nral sur le revenu in) of t~)i:es.
- incarne tax. RENTRES d'impts (de l'impt) - tax
9-:ft.O"(Jf~ ~lipipt.- tax category (eg single, receipts; revenue received from taxes.
married, married with one child).
RETENUE d'impt - retention ( deduction)
IMMOBILIER - impt base immobilire
of tax.
- real-property tax.
INDICIAIRE - impt indiciaire - indicator- REVENU - impt sur le revenu - income
based tax; apparent-wealth tax (based on ex- tax.
ternal indications of wealth). CAPITAL MOBILIER - impt sur le
INDIRECT - impt indirect sur la con- revenu des capitaux mobiliers - tax on
sommation - indirect consumer tax; excise income from securitiesj income taxon
duty. investments other than land.
LEVER un impt - levy (raise, impose, col- LOCATIF - impt sur le revenu loca..:
lect) a tax. tif - rent tax; tax on incarne from rents.
LIQUIDATION de l'impt - (tax) assess- TRAVAIL - impt sur les revenus du
ment; fixing the amount of tax; payment of travail - tax on individual earnings; tax
tax. on earned incarne.


SALAIRE - impt sur les salaires - salaries IMPUBRE - under marriageable age.
tax; wages tax; payroll tax.
SOCIT - impt sur les socits - corpo- IMPUBERT - being under marriageable
ration tax. age.
SOMPTUAIRE - impt somptuaire - lux-
ury tax.
IMPUISSANCE- impotence.
SOURCE d'impts - source of tax. IMPUTABILIT - the fact of requiring to be
SPECTACLE - impt sur les spectacles - taken into account (eg in calculating a sentence);
entertainment tax. imputability.
SUCCESSION - impt sur les successions
NON-imputabilit - absence of guilt;
- inheritance tax; succession duty.
absence of criminal responsibility (owing to
SUPERBNFICE - impt sur les super-
insanity or duress).
bnfices - excess-profits tax.
SUPPLMENTAIRE - impt supplmen- IMPUTABLE - requiring to be taken into
taire - additional tax. account; imputable, ie for which a person may be
SYNTHTIQUE - impts synthtiques - called upon to answer.
general taxes; comprehensive taxes.
TRANSFERT - impt sur les transferts de IMPUTATION - taking into account; accu-
capital - (capital) transfer tax; conveyancing sation; setting off ( against); charging (to budget
duty. etc).
TRANSMISSION - impts sur les trans- BUDGTAIRE - imputation budgtaire -
missions titre onreux - (capital) transfer budgetary coding.
tax; conveyancing duty. DIFFAMATOIRE - imputation diffama-
TRANSPORT - impt sur les transports - toire - defamatory allegation; innuendo.
transport tax.
UNIQUE - impt unique - standard tax. IMPUTER - take into account; accuse; charge
VERSEMENT des impts - payment of (to budget etc).
taxes. SUR - impu_ter sur - set off against; charge
IMPRESCRIPTIBILIT- non-applicabili-
ty of statutory limitation; indefeasibility. IN ABSTRACTO - according to an abstract
standard; with reference to the ordinary man,
IMPRESCRIPTIBLE - not subject to limi- reasonable contractor, etc.
tation; not capable of being acquired by prescrip-
APPRCIER - la faute du propritaire
tion; indefeasible.
est apprcie in abstracto - the owner's
IMPRVISIBILIT - unforeseeability. fault is judged according to an objective
standard (ie the conduct of a reasonable
IMPRVISIBLE - unforeseeable. owner).
IMPRVISION - unforeseeability. INADMISSIBLE- (of an administrative de-
THORIE de l'imprvision - doctrine per- cision being challenged) unreasonable.
mitting the modification of, or release from,
a contract owing to an unforeseen and funda- INALINABILIT - inalienability.
mental change of circumstances; frustration
of a contract by unforeseen events. INALINABLE- inalienable.
IMPRVUS - contingencies. INAMOVIBILIT- irremovability; security
IMPRUDENCE of office; fact of holding a life appointment (being
irremovable). (In France this security is in fact
BLESSURES par imprudence - negligent
not absolute but provides a guarantee against
arbitrary removal, arbitrary posting, etc.)
DLIT d'imprudence - offence not requir-
ing mens rea; non-intentional offence; (tort INAMOVIBLE- irremovable; holding office
of) negligence; negligent tort. for life.
HOMICIDE par imprudence - negligent
homicide; causing death by negligence. INAPPLICATION - non-application.



SERVICE - inapte au service - for
(military) service. INCENDIAIRE - person committing arson;
TRAVAIL - inaptitude au travail- (phys- INCENDIE
ical) incapacity for work; permanent disable- INTENTIONNEL - incendie intentionnel
ment. (Sw) - arson.
INATTAQUABLE- inappellable (unappeal- VOLONTAIRE - incendie volontaire -
able); not subject to appeal; not liable to be set arson.
aside or declared void on grounds of fraud, error,
duress, etc; unchallengeable.
INCENDIER- set on fire.

INCAPABLE - incapable; lacking in legal INCERTAIN (noun) - variable (movable) ex-

capacity. change.
CONTRACTER - incapable de contracter DONNER l'incertain - quote un.certain;
- incapable of contracting or entering into quote variable exchange; quote in foreign cur-
legal relations. rency.
INCAPACIT- disability; incapacity; dis- INCESSIBLE - un.assignable.
CERTIFICAT d'incapacit de travail - cer- INCIDEN';I' (adj)- interlocutory.
tificate of unfitness for work. DEMANDE incidente - (supple-
CONTRACTER - incapacit de con- mentary, interlocutory) application (by one
tracter - incapacity to con.tract or enter into of the parties or a third party in the course
legal transactions. of the proceedings); motion; summons.
LECTORAL - incapacit electorale - in- GARANTIE - demande incidente
capacity to vote or be elected; disqualifica- en garantie - third-party proceedings
tion. against a guarantor.
ESTER - incapacit d'ester en justice - GARANTIE incidente - joinder of guaran-
lack of standing (before the court); incapac- tor (in pending proceedings).
ity to take part in court proceedings.
EXERCICE - h~capacit d'exercice - in- INCIDENT (noun) - question or point (arising
capacity to exercise one's own rights without in the course of proceedings); particular point; in-
some form of representation, assistance or terlocutory procedure; application; motion; sum-
authorisation; absence of legal capacity. mons; (in plural) (interlocutory) proceedings.
JOUISSANCE - incapacit de jouissance AUDIENCE - incident d'audience - inci-
- incapacity to hold (exercise) legal rights; dent occurring during the trial.
absence of legal personality. COMPTENCE - incident de comptence
PERMANENT - incapacit permanente - - summons (motion) to decide a question of
permanent disability; permanent unfitness for jurisdiction.
CRIMINEL - incident criminel - pleading
PHYSIQUE - incapacit physique - physi-
a criminal offence during civil proceedings.
cal disability.
, PROFESSIONNEL - incapacit profes- EXCUTION - incident d'~xcution - ob-
sionnelle - lack of professional qualification jection to execution.
or capacity; disqualification. INSTANCE - incident de !'in.stance - inci-
RELATIF - incapacit relative - incapacity dental or inteocutory proceedings.
to con.tract with certain specific persons. PROCDURE - incident de procdure -
SERVICE - incapacit de service - unfit- procedural application; step in the procedure;
ness for (military) service. interlocutory (incidental) application or pro-
, TEMPORAIRE - incapacit temporaire - ceedings.
temporary disablement; temporary disability. PROCS - incidents du procs - {inter-
TRAVAIL - incapacit de travail-"- locutory) procedural objections or applica-
ness for work; disablement. tions.



, CRIME - incitation au crime - incitement , RATIONE MATERIAE - see MATIRE
to commit a felony (very serious offence). ab ove.
, FAUX TMOIGNAGE - incitation au
faux tmoignage - subornation of perjury. INCOMPTENT - lacking jurisdiction.
FISCAL - incitations fiscales - tax induce- , DCLARER - se dclarer incomptent -
ments. refuse ( decline) jurisdiction.
, RVOLTE - incitation la rvolte - in-
IN CONCRETO - with reference to the par-
citement to rebellion (mutiny).
ticular person concerned (tortfeasor, victim, etc);
INCITER - incite; instigate; foment. subjective; in the particular case ( circumstances).
INCIVIQUE (Belg) - person disqualified from INCONDUITE - misconduct; immorality.
exercising certain civic rights as a punishment;
collaborator. INCONSCIENCE
TOTAL - inconscience totale - complete
INCIVISME - lack of patriotism; (Belg) col- unawareness of what one is doing.
laboration with the enemy; treason.
IN CONSOMPTIBLE - unconsumable, ie
INCOHRENCE - inconsistency. not destroyed by use.
INCOMBER - fall upon; be borne by. INCORPORATION - (national service etc)
, DEVOIR qui lui incombe - duty owed by call-up.
RSERVE - incorporation de rserves -
, FRAIS - les frais incombent cette partie
(increase of capital through) capitalisation of
- the costs shall be borne by that party.
INCOMMODE - causing disturbance; offen-
sive; noxious. INCORPOREL - incorporeal; intangible.
, TABLISSEMENT dangereux, incom- INCORPORER - incorporate; admit to
mode et insalubre - dangerous, offensive membership.
(noxious) or unhealthy works (premises). CAPITAL - incorporer au capital - add
INCOMPATIBILIT- incompatibility; dis- reserves to capital; capitalise reserves.
ability or disqualification (in matters of eligibility INCOT - unquoted.
for office).
, HUMEUR - incompatibilit d'humeur - INCRIMINATION - offence; definition of an
incomratibility of temperament. offence; creation of an offence; statute or regula-
tion creating an offence.
INCOMPTENCE - lack of jurisdiction;
DOUBLE - condition de la double incrimi-
nation - (extradition) requirement that the
, DCLARATION d'incomptence - finding
offence committed. should be an offence in
of lack of jurisdiction.
both countries; requirement of dual criminal
EXCEPTION d'incomptence - defence,
objection or plea t.hat th~ court has no juris-
diction; objection to jurisdiction. INCRIMINER- make an offence; create as a
, FAIT - incomptence pour les faits qui specific offence.
s'taient drouls . .::1ack (want} of (had no) , DCISION incrimine .:._ decisiori appealed
jurisdiction over matters occurring. against; decision of the court below (lower
, LIEU -incomptence raison .u lieu - court or authorlty); impugned decision; deci-
lack (want) of jurisditicin ratione loci, ie re- sion being challenged.
sulting from factorssth as the defendant's , FAIT incrimin - offence charged; matter
place of residence or the situation of the complained of.
subject-matter: , JUGEMENT in~rimin- judgment
, MATIRE - incomptence raison de la appealed against.
matire - lack (want) of jurisdictiori ratione
materiae, ie resulting .frotn the nature of the INCULPATION- accusation; charge; notice
subject-matter. of prosecution.



TARDIF - inculpation tardive - error of an ASSURANCE - indemnit d'assurance -

investigating judge who examines as a wit- insurance money(s); insurance compensation.
ness a person against whom there is serious " INCENDIE - indemnit d'assurance
evidence of guilt; delay in charging a suspect. contre l'incendie - fire-insurance
INCULP - (in proceedings before the investi-
ATTENTE - indemnit d'attente - demur-
gating judge) defendant; accused; person charged
(with a criminal offence).
BASE - indemnit de base - basic
INCULPER- accuse; charge. allowance.
CAISSE - indemnit (de dficit) de caisse
INDLICATESSE - misconduct; dishonest - indemnity for cashier's deficit.
CAPITAL - indemnit en capital - lump-
INDEMNISABLE- indemnifiable. sum compensation; capital payment.
CHANGE - indemnit de change- com-
INDEMNISATION - compensation; dam- pensation for loss on exchange.
ages; indemnity.
BARME d'indemnisation- scale of com-
de changement d'emploi - compensation for
change of employment.
CRANCE en indemnisation - claim
(right) to damages (compensation).
DROIT indemnisation - right to damages .. ADMINISTRATIF - indemnit de
(compensation). charges administratives - offi.cial-
QUITABLE - indemnisation quitable -
expenditure allowance.
fair compensation; just satisfaction. " ENFANT - indemnit pour charge
SOUFFRANCE - indemnisation des souf- d'enfants (Lux) - children'~ allowance.
frances (pretium doloris) - (damages for) CHERT DE VIE - indemnit~ de chert
pain and suffering. de vie - cost-of-living allowance.
TARIF d'indemnisation - scale (rate) of CHMAGE - indemnit de chmage -
compensation. unemployment benefit.
" MALADIE - indemnit de chmage
INDEMNISER - indemnify; compensate. pour cause de maladie - sickness bene-
INDEMNIT- compensation (moneys); dam- fit.
ages; indemnity. COMPARUTION- indemnit de compa-
ABSENCE - indemnit d'absence - sepa- rution - witness allowance.
ration allowance. COMPENSATEUR - indemnit compen-
ACCESSOIRE - indemnit accessoire - satrice - equalisation allowance; hardship
subsidiary or supplementary allowance. allowance.
ACCIDENT - indemnit en cas d'accident " LOGEMENT- indemnit compensa-
- compensation for injuries (arising out of an trice de logement - allowance in lieu of
accident). (official) accommodation.
ACCORDER une indemnit - award dam- COMPENSATOIRE - indemnit compen-
ages; grant ( award) compensation. satoire - equalisation allowance; hardship
ACCOUCHEMENT - indemnit allowance.
d'accouchement - maternity grant. COMPLMENTAIRE - indemnit com-
ACTION en indemnit - action for dam- plmentaire - supplementary allowance.
ages. CONGDIEMENT - indemnit de cong-
ALLAITEMENT - indemnit d'allaite- diement - compensation for loss (termina-
ment - nursing allowance. tion) of employmeht; damages for dismissal;
ALLOUER une indemnit - award dam- redundancy payment.
ages; grant (award) compensation. DCS - indemnit de dcs - death
ANCIENNET - indemnit d'anciennet grant.
- seniority allowance. DCOUCHER - indemnit de dcoucher
ASSISTANCE - indemnit d'assistance - (Sw) - night allowance.
salvage (money). DFICIT - see CAISSE above.


DLAI-CONG - indemnit de dlai- FUNRAIRE - indemnit funraire (Sw)

cong - payment (compensation) in lieu of - funeral grant; death grant.
notice. GLOBAL - indemnit globale - general
DMNAGEMENT - indemnit de damages; inclusive damages.
dmnagement - removal allowance. GROSSESSE - indemnit de grossesse -
DPART - indemnit de dpart - compen- pregnancy grant.
sation for loss of employment; redundancy HABILLEMENT - indemnit d'habille-
payment; leaving (severance) allowance. ment - clothing allowance.
DPLACEMENT - indemnit de dplace- HEURE SUPPLMENTAIRE - indem-
ment - travelling and subsistence allowance; nit pour heures supplmentaires - over-
relocation (removal, displacement) allowance. time.
DPRCIATION - indemnit de dpr-
JOURNALIER - indemnits journalires -
ciation - compensation for wear and tear.
sick pay.
DIFFRENTIEL - indemnit diffrentielle
KILOMTRIQUE - indemnit kilom-
- equalisation allowance.
trique - mileage allowance.
LOIGNEMENT - indemnit d'loigne-
LICENCIEMENT - indemnit de licen-
ment - expatriation allowance; foreign-
ciement - compensation for loss (termina-
service (foreign-residence) allowance.
tion) of employment; damages for dismissal;
ESPCE - indemnit en espces - compen-
redundancy payment.
sation in cash.
VICTION - indemnit d'viction - com- LOGEMENT - indemnit de logement -
pensation for non-renewal of a business ten- housing allowance; rent allowance.
ancy. LOUAGE - indemnit de louage - rent
EXPATRIATION - indemnit d'expatria- allowance.
tion - expatriation allowance; foreign-service MANQUE GAGNER - indemnit pour
(foreign-residence) allowance. manque gagner - compensation for loss of
EXPERTISE - indemnit d'expertise - fee earnings.
for an expert opinion; expert witness's fee. MNAGE- indemnit de mnage (Sw) -
EXPROPRIATION - indemnit d'expro- household allowance.
priation - compensation for compulsory pur- MISE
chase (expropriation). QUIPEMENT - indemnit de
FAMILIAL - indemnit familiale (Belg) - premire mise d'quipement - equip-
family allowance. ment allowance; capital allowance.
FIN D'ANNE - indemnit de fin d'anne NATIONALISATION - indemnit de
- Christmas gratuity. nationalisation - compensation for nation-
FONCTION - indemnit de fonction(s) alisation.
- official expenditure allowance; acting NAT URE - indemnit en nature - com-
allowance; duty allowance; allowance for pensation (reparation) in kind.
extra duties. NUIT - indemnit de nuit (Sw) - night
FORFAITAIRE - indemnit forfaitaire - allowance.
lump-sum compensation.
OCCUPATION - indemnit d'occupation
FRAIS - indemnit pour frais - expendi-
- mesne profits.
ture allowance.
PARLEMENTAIRE- indemnit par-
DPLACEMENT - indemnit de frais
lementaire - MP's allowances.
de dplacement - travelling and subsis-
tance allowance. PARTIEL - indemnit partielle - partial
FUNRAIRE - indemnit pour frais compensation.
funraires - funeral grant; death grant. PCUNIAIRE - indemnit pcuniaire -
. PROFESSIONNEL - indemnit de pecuniary damages.
de frais professionnels - professional- PERSONNEL - indemnit de caractre
expenditure allowance. personnel - strictly personal damages (pain
ROUTE - indemnit de frais de route and suffering, aesthetic damage, etc).
- travelling allowance. PERTE
SERVICE - indemnit de frais de ser- GAIN - indemnit pour perte de
vice - offi.cial-expenditure allowance. gains - compensation for loss of profit.


SALAIRE - indemnit pour perte de SINISTRE - indemnit de sinistre - insur-

salaires - compensation for loss of wages ance money( s).
(earnings). TMOIN - indemnit de tmoin- wit-
PL US-VALUE - indemnit de plus-value - ness's allowance.
compensation for loss of betterment. VIE CHRE - indemnit de vie chre -
PRAVIS - indemnit de pravis - pay- cost-of-living allowance.
ment (compensation) in lieu of notice. VOYAGE - indemnit de voyage - travel-
PREMIRE MISE D'QUIPEMENT - ling allowance.
see MISE above.
INDPENDANT - self-employed.
PRRQUISITION - indemnit de
prrquisition - compensation for loss of INDICATION
power of disposal over property reserved for PICE - indication des pices - listing of
requisition. documents (with a view to obtaining discov-
PRINCIPE - indemnit de principe - ery).
nominal damages (compensation). RGLEMENTAIRE - indications rgle-
PRIVATION mentaires - prescribed details (information).
JOUISSANCE - indemnit pour pri-
INDICE - (fact forming the basis of an) infer-
vation de jouissance - compensation for
ence; (in plural) ( circumstantial) evidence; proof
loss of enjoyment of property.
by inference from facts; indicia.
PROCDURE - indemnit de procdure
PONDR - indice pondr - weighted
(Belg) - preparation allowance (for preparing index.
a case for trial). PREUVE par indices - circumstantial evi-
PROVISIONNEL - indemnit provision- dence.
nelle - provisional compensation. SRIEUX - indices srieux - strong cit-
RAPPRENTISSAGE - indemnit de cumstantial evidence.
rapprentissage - conversion allowance; re-
training allowance. INDICIAIRE
RINSTALLATION - indemnit de IMPT indiciaire - indicator-based tax;
rinstallation - resettlement allowance; re- apparent-wealth tax (based on external indi-
location (removal, displacement) allowance. cations of weal th).
RENCHRISSEMENT - indemnit de
INDIFFRENT - irrelevant.
renchrissement (Lux) - cost-of-living
allowance. INDIGENCE
RENVOI - indemnit de renvoi - compen- CERTIFICAT (DCLARATION) d'indi-
sation for loss (termination) of employment; gence - certificate of lack of means (financial
damages for dismissal; redundancy payment. hardship ).
REPRSENTATION - indemnit de
INDIGNE~ native.
reprsentation - entertainment allowance.
RQUISITION - indemnit de rquisition INDIGNE
- compensation for requisitioning. NATIONAL - indigne national - citizen
RESPONSABILIT - indemnit de res- deprived of certain civic rights by way of
ponsabilit - liability allowance. punishment.
RISQUE - indemnit de risques - danger
INDIGNIT- unfitness.
SUCCESSORAL - indignit successorale -
ROUTE - indemnit de route (Sw) - trav-
unworthiness to inherit.
elling allowance.
RUPTURE INDIRECT - consequential.
ABUSIF - indemnit de rupture abu- RGLES indirectes - (private international
sive - damages for wrongful dismissal. law) choice-of-law rules.
CONTRAT - indemnit de.rupture de
INDIRECTES - Commissioners of Excise;
contrat~ damages for breach of con-
indirect-taxation department.
SJOUR - indemnit de sjour - subsist- INDISPONIBILIT - status of an abject
ence allowance. which is not capable of being disposed of.


COMMODO ET INCOMMODO - infor- REL - cumul rel d'infractions -

mation de commodo et incommodo - ad- position where the o:ffender has commit-
ministrative inquiry to ascertain the possible ted several acts each of which consti-
e:ffects of proposed public works. tutes an o:ffence.
OUVRIR une information - commence in- DISCIPLINAIRE - infraction disciplinaire
vestigations or a judicial (preliminary) inves- - disciplinary o:ffence.
tigation. DISCIPLINE - infraction la discipline -
INFORMER - conduct or initiate an investi- disciplinary o:ffence.
gation (inquiry). DROIT COMMUN - infraction de droit
CONTRE - informer contre - lay an infor- commun - ordinary o:ffence; non-political
mation against; bring proceedings against. offence; ordinary crime.
ORDRE d'informer - direction to com- CONOMIQUE- infraction conomique-
mence a judicial (preliminary) investigation. economic o:ffence; busines~ crime.
FISCAL - infraction :fiscale - tax.. o:ffence .
INFRACTION - o:ffence; breach; infringe- FLAGRANT - infraction flagrante -
ment; violation. o:ffence discovered while it is being commit-
ACTE constitutif de l'infraction - actus ted or immediately afterwards.
FORMEL - infraction formelle - acts con-
COMMETTRE une infraction - commit an stituting an o:ffence per se irrespective of
offence. their results.
CONCOURS d'infractions - coincidence of
INCRIMIN- infraction incrimine-
several o:ffences.
o:ffence charged; charge~
IDAL - concours idal d'infractions
INTENTIONNEL - infraction intention-
- single act fulfilling the conditions re-
nelle - o:ffence requiring proof of criminal
quired to constitute various o:ffences;
intent (mens rea).
complex action which, though fulfilling
the conditions required to constitute var- LOI - infraction la loi - breach (infringe-
ious o:ffences, is nevertheless treated as ment, violation, contravention) of the law or
a single o:ffence owing to the presence of an Act.
some unifying factor; notional plurality MATRIEL - infraction purement matrielle
of o:ffences. - strict-liability o:ffence (not requiring proof
REL - concours rel d'infractions of criminal intent (mens rea)).
- plurality of o:ffences dealt with in the PERMANENT - infraction permanente
same proceedings. - instantaneous o:ffence the e:ffects of which
CONNEXIT d'infractions - close connec- continue as a result of the purely passive
tion or relationship between o:ffences, eg so as attitude of the o:ffender (eg bigamy).
to justify their being tried together. POLICE - infraction de simple police -
CONSTATATION de l'infraction - finding summary or petty o:ffence.
of guilt. PRAETERINTENTIONNEL - infraction
CONSTATATION d'une infraction - find- praeterinten~ionnelle - delibe:rate o:ffence
ing ( decision) that an o:ffence has been com- with consequences more serious than those
mitted. contemplated by the o:ffender.
CONSTATER une infraction - find PUREMENT MATRIEL - see MATRIEL
( decide) that an offen ce has been committed. ab ove.
CONTINU - infraction continue - continu- RGLEMENT - infraCtion au rglement -
ing o:ffence (eg abduction). administrative o:ffence; regulatory offence.
CONTINU - infraction continue - REPROCH - infraction reproche moins
planned series of o:ffences. grave - lesser charge.
CORPS de l'infraction - corpus delicti; ob- SIMPLE POLICE - see POLICE above.
ject on which a crime has been committed. VIE - infractions contre la vie et l'int-
CUMUL grit de la personne - o:ffences against the
IDAL - cumulidal d'infractions - person (including homic1de),
position where a single act constitutes
more than one o:ffence. INGRENCE - interference.


INHIBITORIUM - clause in a garnishee or- INNOVATION

der forbidding the judgment debtor to dispose of MATRIEL - innovations matrielles -
the debt which has been garnished. physical alterations,
INIMITI - ill-will. INOBSERVATION - failure to observe
INIQUE - unjust; inequitable; unfair. ( comply with).
DLAI - inobservation du dlai - failure to
INIQUIT - injustice; inequity. observe the time-limit.
INITIAL FORME- inobservation des formes -
, TEXTE initial - original text. failure to comply with essential formalities
(ground for an appeal in law to the Court of
INITIATIVE Cassation),
, DPENSE - initiative des dpenses - right
to initiate (introduce) legislation involving INOFFENSIF
expenditure. PASSAGE inoffensif- innocent passage.
, LGISLATIF - initiative lgislative - right
to initiate legislation. INOPRANT - ineffective.
, LOI - initiative des lois - right to initiate
legislation. INOPPORTUN - inexpedient; inadvisable;
, PARLEMENTAIRE- initiative parlemen- ill-advised.
taire - parliamentary proposal for legislation. INOPPOSABLE
.. DROIT d'initiative parlementaire -
- inopposable - not binding on; which
right of members of Parliament to initi-
does not affect or prejudice the rights of; void
ate (introduce) legislation.
against ( eg a trustee in bankruptcy); void-
, POPULAIRE - initiative populaire - (Sw)
able by; unenforceable against; not effective
request for a referendum; (with reference to
against; not able to be raised against (raised
Austria) proposal for legislation.
to defeat).
, DLIT d'initi- insider dealing (trading). IN PROCEDENDO - relating to procedure.
, OPRATIONS financires par les initis - INQUISITOIRE - inquisitorial.
insider dealing (trading).
INJONCTION - order; administrative direc- INSAISISSABILIT- fact (state) of
tion (instruction); injunction. being exempt from (not subject to) execution or
, PAIEMENT - injonction de paiement - attachment; unseizability; freedom from attach-
order to pay. ment.
, PAYER - injonction de payer - (summary) INSAISISSABLE - exempt from (not subject
payment order; order to pay. to) execution or attachment; unseizable.
, POUVOIR d'injonction - power to give
directions. INSALUBRIT
, PROCDURE d'injonction- administra- EXPROPRIATION pour cause d'insalu-
tive enforcement procedure. brit - expropriation on grounds of unfitness
IN JUDICANDO - relating to the merits for human habitation.
INSCRIPTION - registration; entry; inclu-
INJURE - insult; (vulgar) abusg, s10n.
, GRAVE - injures graves - serious insults. COMPTE - inscription au compte - entry
INJUSTE -wrongful. in the account.
CRDIT - inscription au crdit - credit
INNAVIGABLE- unseaworthy. entry.
INNOMM DEMANDE fin d'inscription - applica-
, CONTRAT innomm - contract not regu- tion for registration.
lated by legislation, but devised by the par- DEMANDE d'inscription l'ordre du jour
ties for their specific purposes; innominate - motion (application, request) for an item to
con tract. be included in the agenda.


DOSSIER - inscription au dossier - entry INSCURIT

on a person's personal file. DROIT - inscurit du droit - uncertainty
DROIT d'inscription - enrolment fee; regis- ofthelaw.
tration fee. JURIDIQUE - inscurit jur1dique - un-
FAUX - inscription de faux - (independent certainty of the law.
or interlocutory) civil proceedings to chal-
lenge the authenticity of a document or prove INSERTION - advertisement (in a newspaper,
it is a forgery. gazette, etc).
HYPOTHCAIRE - inscription hypo- , SOUVERAINET - insigne de sou-
thcaire - registered mortgage. verainet - emblem of sovereignty; national
, HYPOTHQUE - inscription d'hypo- emblem.
thque - registration of a mortgage; regis-
tered mortgage. IN SOLIDUM
LIVRE - inscription sur le grand livre - , OBLIGATION in solidum - type of
registered (state) annuity. restricted joint and several liability which
MARITIME - inscription maritime - mer- applies, eg, in the case of joint tortfeasors or
chant seaman's registry. persans jointly liable on a bill of exchange.
MODIFICATIF - inscription modificative It does not include the effects based on the
- alteration of an entry in the register. presumed mutual agency of the co-obligors.
ORDRE DU JOUR - inscription l'ordre
du jour - inclusion in the agenda. INSOLVABILIT- insolvency.
PRALABLE - inscription pralable - INSOLVABLE - insolvent; unable to meet
caution, ie an entry in the register to protect one's commitments as they arise.
a contractual right to the transfer of an inter-
est in land. INSOUMIS - persan failing to report for duty;
, PROCS-VERBAL - inscription a:u persan refusing to perform military service.
procs-verbal - inclusion in the record.
INSOUMISSION - failure to report for
duty; refusal to perform military service; non-
.. COMMERCE - inscription au registre
du commerce - registration in the com-
NGLIGENCE- insoumission par ngli-
mercial registry (register).
gence - negligent failure to report for duty .
.. FONCIER - inscription au registre
ORDONNANCE - insoumission une or-
foncier - registration in the land reg-
donnance - non-compliance with an order.
, RENOUVELLEMENT - inscription de INSPECTEUR - detective sergeant.
renouvellement - renewal of registration of a DIVISIONNAIRE - inspecteur division-
mort gage. naire - detective chief inspector.
RENTE - inscription de rente - registered PRINCIPAL - inspecteur principal-
(state) annuity. detective inspector.
RLE - inscription au rle - entry in the
list (of cases) . INSPECTION
FINANCE - inspection des finances -
INSCRIRE- enter. Treasury control; the Treasury.
COMPTE - inscrire au compte -: enter in
LOCAL - inspection locale (Sw) - inspec-
the account. tion of the premises; visit to the locus (in
FAUX- s'inscrire en-faux - plead that a quo).
document is a forgery.
MARITIME - inspection maritime (Belg)
INSCRIT~ persan whose rights are entered in - merchant seamen's registry. .
the register.
MARITIME - inscrit maritime - registered
INSTANCE - court; tribunal; level of proceed-
ings; (first or last) instance; authority; level of
jurisdiction; proceedings.
INSCRIVANT - persan: applying for registra- ACTE introductif d'instance - writ; origi-
tion. nating procedure.


, ADMINISTRATIF - instance administra- , JUDICIAIRE - instance judiciaire - court;

tive - (higher or lower) administrative level. judicial authority.
, APPEL - instance d'appel - appeal (appel- , JUGEMENT en premire instance - deci-
late) court (tribunal, authority). sion at first instance.
, ARBITRAGE - instance d'arbitrage - , JUSTICE - instance en justice - action;
arbitral tribunal; arbitrator(s); arbitration. court proceedings.
, ARBITRAL - instance arbitrale - arbitral , LIEN (juridique) d'instance - procedural
tribunal; arbitrator(s); arbitration. relationship (situation).
, CAUSES en instance - pending cases. , LIER l'instance - begin the preparations for
, CIVIL - instance civile - civil proceedings. trial; commence proceedings.
, COMMERCIAL - instance commerciale - MOMENT - tout moment de l'instance
commercial proceedings. - at any stage of the proceedings.
, CONTRLE - instance de contrle - su- , OCCASION - l'occasion d'une instance
pervising authority. - in the course of proceedings.
, COURS - au cours de l'instance - during , PNAL - instance pnale - criminal court;
the proceedings. criminal proceedings.
, DCLARATION PRIMITIF - instance primitive - original
.. DCS- instance en dclaration judi- proceedings.
ciaire de dcs - proceedings for decla- PRINCIPAL - instance principale - main
ration of death; application for a judicial proceedings.
declaration of death. , RECOURS
, DNONCER l'instance - give third-pa!tY
.. DE - instance de recours - appeal
notice; give notice of proceedings.
(appellate) court (tribunal, authority).
, DNONCIATION d'instance - third-party
.. EN - instance en recours - appeal pro-
notice; notice of proceedings.
, DPENSES de l'instance - costs.
RFR - instance en rfr - summary
, DERNIER - dernire instance - last
application to a single judge for an interim
order in an urgent case; urgent application
, DSISTEMENT. d'instance - withdrawal
(~ummons, motion).
or discontinuance of the proceedings only
REQUTE introductive d'instance - writ;
(not implying waiver of one's right of action).
statement of claim; petition (eg in divorce);
, DEUX instances - courts of :first instance
(original) application; originating summons.
and appeal.
, DEVANT toutes les instances - at every RVISION - instance en rvision - retrial
stage in the proceedings.
, DIVORCE SUPRIEUR - instance suprieure -
.. DE - tre en instance de divorce - be higher court (instance, tribunal, authority).
engaged in divorce SUPRME - instance suprme - highest
.. EN - instance en divorce - divorce pro- court (instance, tribunal, authority).
, ENGAG - instance dj engage - pend-
CONTRAT instantan - contract of im-
ing proceedings.
mediate execution:
, EN instance - pending; awaiting trial or
judgment. INSTIGATEUR- instigator; abettor; acces-
, EXEQUATUR - instance en exequatur - sory (before the fact); person who incites.
application for authority to enforce a foreign
judgment. INSTIGATION - incitement.
, FORMALISME - le formalisme de l'ins- INSTITUER - prescribe; fix; appoint.
tance - the (procedural) formalities. HRITIER - instituer un hritier -
o INTERMDIAIRE - instance interm- appoint an heir.
diaire - intermediate court (tribunal, author-
ity). INSTITUTION - special (set of) rules gov-
, . INTRODUCTION de l'instance - com- erning a specific area of the law; doctrine; figure
mencement of (the) proceedings. of law; rule(s); institution; authority.


ASSISTANCE - institution d'assistance - CHARGE ET DCHARGE- instruction

welfare institution (authority). charge et dcharge - investigation of the
, BIENFAISANCE - institution de bienfai- cases for the prosecution and the defence.
sance - charitable institution. CODE d'instruction criminelle - Code of
, COMPENSATION - institution de com- Criminal Procedure.
pensation - clearing-house. COMPLMENT d'instruction - further in-
, COMPTENT - institution comptente - vestigations; further inquiries (into the facts).
(social security) competent institution. DEGR - instruction deux degrs - in-
, CONTRACTUEL - institution con- vestigation by both the investigating judge
tractuelle - contractual appointment of an and thereafter the Indictments Chamber
heir; contract without consideration dispos- ( compulsory in all cases offelony (crime)).
ing of one's estate on death. DEMANDE - instruction des demandes
CRDIT - institution de crdit - financial de permis - procedure for granting licences.
institution. DISCIPLINAIRE - instruction disci-
, DROIT INTERNATIONAL - les institu- plinaire - disciplinary investigation.
tions de droit international s'intressant IMPRATIF - instruction imprative -
l'homme - the rules of international law mandatory instruction (direction).
concerning the individual. INTERPRTATIF - instruction in-
, DUCATION terprtative - interpretative provision .
.. SURVEILL - institution d'ducation MESURE d'instruction - measure of in-
surveille - reformatory. vestigation (investigative measure); procedu-
HRITIER - institution d'hritier - ral step in preparation for trial; procedural
appointment of an heir. reasure (eg for preserving or establishing
JUDICIAIRE - institution judiciaire - evidence).
judicial authority. .. FUTURUM - mesure d'instruction in
, JURIDIQUE - institution juridique - spe- futurum - order (measure ordered) to
cial set of rules governing a speci:fic area of facilitate possible future proceedings, eg
the law; doctrine; figure of law; legal rule(s); by preserving evidence.
legal construction. .. ORDONNER des mesures d'instruc-
LIBRE - institution libre - private school. tion - ( civ) give (procedural) directions;
, P ARATATIQUE - institution para- ( crim) order investigations (inquiries
tatique - semi-public institution. into the facts).
, PRVOYANCE - institution de pr- MINISTRIEL - instruction ministrielle
voyance - friendly society; provident society. - ministerial direction ( circular).
SOCIAL - institution sociale - social- PARTICULIER - instruction particulire
service institution ( department, corporation); - individual instruction (directive).
welfare institution. PNAL - instruction pnale - investigation
, UTILIT PUBLIQUE - institution of a criminal offence.
d'utilit publique - institution promoting PRLIMINAIRE (PRPARATOIRE,
the public interest; charitable institution. PRALABLE) - instruction prliminaire
(prparatoire, pralable) - preliminary
INSTRUCTEUR (judicial) inquiry; preliminary (judicial)
MAGISTRAT instructeur - investigating investigation.
SERVICE - instruction de service - service
INSTRUCTION - instruction; direction; regulation; standing order; administrative
directive; ( crim) (judicial) investigation; examina- instruction.
tion; committal proceedings; ( crim) inquiry into
INSTRUIRE - investigate; inquire into an
the facts; (civ) preparatory (interlocutory) stages
offence; try; (civ) prepare a case for trial.
of the proceedings; ( ci:v) preparation (of a case)
DOSSIER - instruire le dossier - prepare
for trial.
the case file; conduct the investigation (in-
ACTE d'instruction - measure of investiga-
tion (investigative measure) taken or ordered
by the investigating judge; pi;ocedural step in INSTRUMENT- instrument (in the sense of
preparation for trial. a document).


INSTRUMENTER- prepare (draw (up)) an INTEMPESTIF

offi.cially recorded document. RECOURS intempestif - miticoceived
INSUBORDINATION - disobedience.
ACTIF - insuffisance d'actif - deficiency of ACTION - intenter une action - bring an
assets. action.
ASSURANCE - insuffisance d'assurance -
underinsurance. INTENTION - intention; intent; purpose;
VALUATION - insuffisance d'valuation
criminal intent to injure (damage).
- undervalue. COMMUN - intention commune - joint
PROVISION - insuffisance de la provision (common) purpose.
- insuffi.cient cover. COUPABLE - intention coupable - mens
RECETTE - insuffisance de recettes - in- rea; (guilty) intent.
come shortfall; income deficiency. CRIMINEL - intention criminelle - felo-
nious intent.
INSULTE - insult; defamation; abuse; insulting
DLICTUEUX - intention dlictueuse -
intent to commit an offence; criminal intent.
INSURG- insurgent. DOLOSIF - intention dolosive - tortious
AVEC intention dolosive - deliberately.
RECOURS - insusceptible de (voie de)
recours - against which no appeal lies; not DOMMAGE - intention de causer un
subject to appeal. dommage - intention to injure (damage).
FRAUDULEUX - intention fraudleuse -
INTGRIT - integrity; inviolability (of ter- intent to deceive ( defraud); bad faith.
ritory, the person, premises, etc); sanctity (qf the LETTRE d'intention - letter of intent.
home). , LIBRAL - intention librale - intention of
PERSONNE iaking a gift; animus donandi.
ATTEINT~ l'intgrit de la per-
~ NUIRE - intention de nuire - intention to
sonne - ( assault causing) bodily harm.
INFRACTIONS contre la vie et
l'i!ltgrit de la personne - offences lNTENTJONN~:f; - inte~ionat; deliberate.
against the person (including homicide).
:PHYSIQUE - atteinte l'intgrit phy- INTERDIQTION - prohibition; rule forbid-
sique - ( }Ssault causing) bodily harm. ding; guardianship; declaration of legal incapac-
MORAL - atteinte l'intgrit phy- ity; disqualification; injunction to restrain.
sique pu morale - physical or psycho- ;DEMANDE en interdiction - application
logical duress. . . . for an administration order and gui,:cdi;m-
PHYSIQUE - lroit l'intgrit Plt~&ique ship (for a person incapable of managing his
et morale - right to prot~-ct(~p. :fypm phy~ic;:i.l own affairs); application for a person to be
and mental injury. d~cl;:i,r~d,. pf unsound mind (declaration of
PHYSIQUE - mettre en danger l'intgrit leg~l in,rn:p~citY).
physique de - constitute a threat to the per- DROIT d'interdiction - tJ:i-~ right to pro~
son of. hibit.
INTELLIGENCE DROIT - interdiction des droits de
ENNEMI - intelligences avec l'ennemi - l'article42 - disqualifications in section 42.
collusion (being in communication) with the JUDICIAIRE - interdiction judiciaire -
enemy. deprivation of legal capacity; guardianship
PUISSANCE TRANGRE - intelli- (order).
gences avec (des agents d')une puissance LGAL - interdiction lgale - statutory
trangre - being in communication with disablities imposed on conviction for certain
agents of a foreign power. offences; statutory disability of convicts.


LEVER l'interdiction - terminate the interest.

guardianship order; terminate the state of CORPORATIF - intrts corporatifs -
legal incapacity; discharge the injunction. professional interests.
MAINLEVE d'interdiction - termination COURS - le cours de leurs intrts
of a guardianship order; order terminating s'arrte - interest ceases to run.
astate of legal incapacity; discharge of an COURU - intrts courus - accrued inter-
injunction. est.
MOTIF d'interdiction - reason for a prohi- CRANCE d'intrt - claim for interest.
DBITEUR - intrts dbiteurs (au
RSIDENCE - interdiction de rsidence -
compte des profits et pertes) d'un fonds
order forbidding a person to reside in a par- - interest owing to the fund.
ticular area or areas; residence prohibition.
DFAUT d'intrt - absence of any (legiti-
SJOUR - interdiction de sjour - order
mate) interest.
forbidding a person to enter a particular area
CHU - intrt(s) chu(s) - interest due;
or areas.
accrued interest .
ZONE d'interdiction - prohibited area.
VENTUEL - intrt ventuel - contin-
INTERDIT - person deprived of legal gent interest.
capacity; subject to (under) guardianship; person EXEMPT d'intrt - interest-free.
officially declared insane (of unsound mind). GROUPE - intrts hors groupe - minor-
LGAL - interdit lgal - person subject to ity interests.
penal incapacity. INVOQUER un intrt moral - claim a
SJOUR - interdit de sjour - person for- non-material interest.
bidden to enter a particular area or areas.
JURIDIQUE - intrt (d'ordre) juridique
INTRT - legal interest; legitimate interest.
AGIR - intrt pour agir - capacity to LGAL - intrt lgal - statutory (rate of)
take part in legal proceedings; standing; lo- interest.
cus staiidi; interest enabling the person con- LGITIME - intrt lgitime - legally pro-
cerned to take or defend legal proceedings. tected interest.
ARRIR des intrts - arrears of interest. LITIGIEUX - intrt litigieux - sum in-
ARRIR - intrts arrirs - arrears of volved (in litigation).
interest. MAJEUR - intrt majeur - overriding
AVANCE sans intrt - interest-free loan. interest .
CIVIL - intrt civil - civil claim; private- MORATOIRE - intrt(s) moratoire(s) -
law claim. interest for delay; default interest.
COLLECTIF - intrts collectifs de la pro- N ET ACTUEL - intrt n et actuel -
fession - the interests of the profession as a existing pecuniary interest.
whole. NOMINAL - taux d'intrt nominal -
COMMUN - intrt commun - public
nominal interest.
(general) interest.
PLACEMENT intrt~ interest-bearing
COMPENSATOIRE - intrts compen-
satoires - interest allowed as damages for
PORTER intrt - bear interest.
breach of contract etc.
COMPOS - intrts composs - com- PRIV - la nullit est d'intrt priv - the
pound interest. (procedural) defect is not a matter of public
CONSOLID - intrts consolids - com- policy (ie the proceedings are not void but
pound interest. only voidable).
CONTRACTUEL - intrt contractuel - PROMESSE d'intrt - undertaking to pay
interest due under a contract or agreement; interest.
agreed interest. PUBLIC - d'intrt public - of (serving
CONVENTIONNEL - intrt(s) conven- the) public (general) interest; charitable,.
tionnel(s) - interest due under a contract or REMISE d'intrts - waiver of interest.
. agreement; agreed interest. SERVIR des intrts - make interest pay-
CONVENU - intrt convenu - interest ments; service a loan.
due under a contract or agreement; agreed SPHRE d'intrt - sphere of.influence.


STATUTAIRE - intrt statutaire - inter- INTERNONCE- internuncio.

est due under the statutes.
STIPULATION des intrts - provision for INTERPELLANT - persan asking a parlia-
interest; interest clause. mentary question.
STIPUL - intrt stipul - agreed inter-
INTERPELLATEUR - persan asking a par-
liamentary question.
SUPPRESSION des intrts - cancellation
of interest. INTERPELLATION - parliamentary ques-
TAUX d'intrt - rate of interest. tion; notice; summons; member of parliament's
NOMINAL - taux d'intrt nominal - right to introduce a debate (with a limited num-
nominal interest. ber of speakers) on a matter of general interest.
USUAIRE - intrt usuaire - uncon-
DROIT d'interpellation - right to put par-
scionable rate of interest.
liamentary questions.
INTERGROUPE - inter-party group of MPs.
INTERPELLER - stop and question.
INTRIM - period during which an office is
held by an acting office holder. INTERPOSITION
AD intrim - acting. PERSONNE - interposition de per-
PAR intrim- acting. sonne(s) - position where a transaction
INTERJETER ostensibly for the benefit of one persan is
APPEL - interjeter appel - appeal; lodge in fact for the benefit of another; use of an
an appeal; give (enter) notice of appeal. intermediary.


terim, preliminary) decision. AGR - interprtation agre - agreed
in terpretation (construction).
INTERMDIAIRE- mediator; negotiator;
intermediary; agent; middleman. ANALOGIE - interprtation par voie
DROIT intermdiaire - transitional law; d'analogie - interpretation by (way of) anal-
revolutionary law (covering the period be- ogy.
tween 1789 and the Code Napolon); the law CONVENU - interprtation convenue -
applying in an intermediate period. agreed interpretation (construction).
RGIME intermdiaire - (prisons) interme- DOCTRINAL - interprtation doctrinale
diate treatment. - interpretation (construction) supported by
leading writers.
DROIT interne - domestic (municipal, VOLUTIF - interprtation volutive -
national, internal) law. progressive (evolutive) interpretation by the
INTERNEMENT - (preventive) detention; EXTENSIF - interprtation extensive -
(political) internment; (medical) confinement (in broad (liberal) interpretation.
a mental hospital). JURISPRUDENTlEL- interprtation
, ADMINISTRATIVE - internement ad-
jurisprudentielle - judicial interpretation;
ministrative - restrictions on freedom of
interpretation by the courts.
movement imposed by the administration
LGAL - interprtation lgale - statutory
(house arrest, internment, etc).
ASILE - internement dans un asile - de-
interpretation, ie interpretation by a subse-
quent statute.
tention (confinement) in a mental hospital
(asylum). LIBRAL - trouver une interprtation
MAISON d'internement - mental hospital; plus librale - be interpreted more widely.
asylum. RESTRICTIF - interprtation restrictive
ORDRE d'internement - detention order; -strict (narrow) interp:retation.
internment order. STRICT - interprtation stricte - strict
, SRET - internement de sret - pre- (narrow) interpretation; rule forbidding
ventive detention, ie detention of habitual courts to extend the meaning of a
offenders for the protection of the public. statute.


SYSTMATIQUE - interprtation syst- prescription pe:riod, afte:r which time begins

matique de la convention - inte:rp:retation of to run afresh, ie the whole pe:riod :recom-
the convention as a whole. mep.ces from the beginning. (Cf SUSPEN-
TLOLOGIQUE - interprtation tlo- SION.)
logique - teleological (pu:rposive) inte:rp:reta- SANCE - interruption de la sance - in-
tion, ie based on the purpose or intention of terruption of the sitting.
the enactment.
INTERSESSION - pe:riod between two
INTERPRTE sessions; pa:rliamenta:ry :recess.
DROIT de l'interprte - pe:rfo:rme:r's :right
(copyright). INTERVALLE
JUR - interprte jur - sworn inte:rp:rete:r. LUCIDE - intervalle lucide - lucid inte:rval.
INTERPRTER - construe. INTERVENANT - accepto:r for honour;
INTERROGATOIRE - examination. accepto:r supra p:rotest; inte:rvening party; inte:r-
FAITS ET ARTICLES - interrogatoire vene:r; party applying to be joined to the p:roceed-
sur faits et articles - (fo:rmerly) examining a ings.
party to civil p:roceedings on interrogato:ries. ACCESSOIRE - intervenant accessoire -
FOND - interrogatoire sur le fond - pe:rson applying to be joined to p:roceedings
examination (questioning) on the me:rits (the as joint plaintiff o:r joint defendant.
IDENTIT - interrogatoire d'identit - INTERVENTION - intervention in p:roceed-
examination to establish identity; exam- ings; application to be joined to p:roceedings;
ination (questioning) as to one's pe:rsonal acceptance fo:r honour.
pa:rticula:rs. ACCEPTANCE par intervention- accep-
PUBLIC - interrogatoire public - public tance fo:r honour.
examination. ACCESSOIRE - intervention accessoire
- application to be joined to p:roceedings as
INTERROGER- examine; question; interro-
joint plaintiff o:r joint defendant.
DEMANDE en intervention - application
INTERROMPRE to be joined to p:roceedings.
PRESCRIPTION - interrompre la pres- FORC- intervention force - thi:rd-party
cription - intei:rupt the running of the lim- notice; joinde:r of a thi:rd pa:rty.
itatio.n or p:res~:ription pe:rtod (afte:r which
PRINCIPAL - intervention principale -
tirpe pegip.~ to run afre11h, ie the whole pe:riod
application by a thi:rd pa:rty laiming own-
:recommences from the beginning).
e:rship of the subject-matte:r of pending p:ro-
IN"TERRUPTION -interruption (afte:r ceedings.
which time begins to run afresh). PROTT - iu.tervention prott - pay-
CIVIL - interruption civile - legal interrup- ment sup:ra p:rotest.
tion of ptesq:iption, i~ interruption ~esulting; Y,OLONTAIRE - intervention volontaire
from some lregal act or transaction. - application to be joined to p:roceedings;
PLAI - interruption des dlais - interrup- intervention in p:roceedings.
tion of the limitation or prescription pe:riod,
afte:r which time begins to run afresh, ie the INTERVERSION
whole period :recommences from the begin- PRESCRIPTION - interversion de la
ning. (Cf SUSPENSION.) prescription - substitution of the general
INSTANCE - interruption de l'instance limitation pe:riod of thi:rty yea:rs for a sho:rte:r
- interruption of the p:roceedings, eg on the pe:riod afte:r the latter has been interrupted
death of a party, change of counsel, etc, be- by an acknowledgement etc.
fo:re the beginning of the hea:ring. TITRE - interversion de titres - position
NATUREL - interruption naturelle - fac- whe:re a pe:rson not p:reviously holding in his
tual interruption of prescription, eg by loss of own :right now daims to do so in o:rde:r to
possession. take advantage of prescription.
PRESCRIPTION - interruption de la pre-
scription - interruption of the limitation or INTESTAT - see AB INTESTAT.


INTIMATION - service of notice of appeal on PERSONAE - intuitus personae - personal .

a respondent. relationship; involving consideration of the
CONVICTION - intime conviction - INVALIDATION - declaration that an elec-
reasonable conviction; reasonable certainty; tion etc. is invalid (void).
state of being satisfied beyond reasonable DEMANDE d'invalidation - election peti-
doubt (personally convinced); personal con- tion.
viction of the court ( after considering all the
evidence). INVALIDE- disabled person.
GRAND invalide - severely disabled person,
INTIM - respondent; defendant.
INVALIDER- declare invalid (void).
JUGEMENT - intitul du jugement - INVALIDIT- disablement; invalidity; per-
heading of a judgment. manent incapacity to work; voidness; nullity.
ASSURANCE invalidit - disablement in-
INTRANSMISSIBLE - not negotiable.
HRITAGE - intransmissible par voie
d'hritage - non-inheritable. COMPLET - invalidit complte - total
INTRA VIRES - expression indicating that DEGR d'invalidit - degree of disable-
an heir (legatee, partner) is not liable to pay ment.
debts except to the extent of the assets he has PENSION d'invalidit - disablement pen-
actually received from the estate etc. (NB not the sion.
sense in which the Latin term is used in English RENTE d'invalidit - disablement pension.
law.) RETRAITE d'invalidit - disablement pen-
PREUVE intrinsque - proof based on the INVENTAIRE - inventory; taking of an in-
instrument itself; proof appearing on the face ventory; statement of assets and liabilities.
of the document. LIVRE d'inventaires - balance-sheet book.
INVENTEUR - finder of treasure trove or
ACTE introductif d'instance - writ; origi-
lost property.
nating procedurn
ACTION - introduction de l'action - com- BREVET d'invention - patent.
mencement of the action ((the) proceedings). BREVETABLE - invention brevetable -
DEMANDE - introduction d'une demande patentable invention.
- making an application. BREVET - invention brevete - patented
INSTANCE - introduction de l'instance- invention.
commencement of (the) proceedings. DROITS d'invention - inventor's rights.
LOI d'introduction - Introductory Act. PERFECTIONNEMENT d'invention -
PREUVE - introduction des preuves (Sw) improvement.
- submission of evidence. SERVICE - invention faite dans le service
- employee's invention.
INTRODUIRE - lodge; file; bring; commence;
take (proceedings), INVESTIR
ACTION - introduire une action - com- DE - investi de - exercising; endowed with.
mence an action (proceedings).
INSTANCE - introduire une instance - INVESTISSEMENT
commence (take) proceedings. BIENS d'investissement - capital goods;
RECOURS - introduire un recours - enter items of equipment.
an appeal; take proceedings. ENCOURAGEMENT aux investissements
- investment incentives.
PECUNIAE - intuitus pecuniae - with a INVESTITURE - nomination of a candidate
view to a pecuniary interest. by a political party.


SCRUTIN d'investiture - (formerly) vote (statutory) requirements; (procedural) defect; (in

in the National Assembly confirming the ap- plural) misconduct.
pointment of a Prime Minister by the Presi- FOND - irrgularit de fond- essential
dent. defect (rendering proceedings void).
FORME - irrgularit de forme - failure to
DOMICILE - inviolabilit du domicile -
satisfy formal requirements; formal defect.
SUBSTANTIEL - irrgularit substantielle
inviolability of a person's residence; sanctity
- essential (material) defect.
of the home.
PARLEMENTAIRE - inviolabilit par- IRRGULIER - not in accordance with re-
lementaire - parliamentary immunity (from quirements; not in order; defective; inadmissible;
prosecution for offences not connected with unauthorised; unlawful.
parliamentary fonctions). SITUATION - qui se trouve en situation
INVITATION irrgulire - not satisfying the requirements
PAYER - invitation payer - summons to (in breach) of the law (statute, regulations,
pay; request for payment. etc).
INVITER IRRMDIABLE - (breakdown of mar-
COMPARATRE - inviter comparatre riage) irretrievable.
- summon to appear.
IRRESPONSABILIT-freedom from (ab-
INVOLONTAIRE - unintentional. sence of) liability; (crim) absence of responsibil-
BLESSURES involontaires - unintentional ity; absence of guilt.
injuries. CLAUSE d'irresponsabilit- exemption
HOMICIDE involontaire - unintentional clause; clause excluding liability.
homicide; manslaughter. PARLEMENTAIRE - irresponsabilit
INVOQUER - rely on; plead; raise; put for- parlementaire - parliamentary immunity
ward; cite; pray in aid. for votes and words spoken in Parliament.
COMPENSATION - le dbiteur doit invo- PNAL - irresponsabilit pnale - absence
quer la compensation - the debtor etc must of criminal responsibility; legal irresponsibil-
plead the set-off. ity.
DROIT - invoquer un droit - rely on a
IRRESPONSABLE - not liable; not respon-
right. sible for one's actions.
IRRTRACTABLE - irrevocable.
IRRACHETABLE - irredeemable.
IRRVOCABLE - irrevocable.
IRRECEVABILIT - inadmissibility.
ISOL - (MP) independent.
IRRECEVABLE - inadmissible.
DFENSE - peine d'tre dclar ir- ISOLEMENT
recevable dans sa dfense - if he is not to CELLULAIRE - isolement cellulaire - soli-
be estopped from defending the proceedings. tary (cellular) confinement (detention).

IRRCOUVRABLE - irrecoverable. ISOLMENT - by itself.

IRRCUSABLE - not liable ta be chal- ISOLOIR - polling-booth.
lenged. ISSUE - egress; access.
IRRFRAGABLE- irrefragable; irrebut- VOIE PUBLIQUE - issue insuffisante
table; impossible to refut. la voie publique - insuffi.cient access to the
IRRGULARIT - incorrectness; the fact of
not being in proper form or not complying virith


JARDIN other) pro duce of property either in kind or indi-
FAMILIAL - jardin familial - allotment. rectly, having transferred the direct enjoyment to
OUVRIER - jardin ouvrier - allotment. another; right to enjoy.
ABUS de jouissance - excessive exploitation
JAUGE - tonnage (burden) of a ship. of a usufruct; waste; misuse.
JAUGEAGE- measurement of a ship. ACTION de jouissance - share whose cap-
ital has been repaid (on drawing of lots) but
JET which is still entitled to dividends etc.
IMMONDICE -jet d'immondices - throw- BON de jouissance - certificate giving a
ing filth (rubbish). right to a share in profits or on liquidation
MER - jet la mer - jettison. or to subscribe for shares; participation cer-
tificate (not identical with a bon de par-
MONNAIE - jeton de monnaie - coin;
COMMUN~ jouissance commune -joint
money token.
PRSENCE - jeton de prsence - (eg
DROIT de jouissance - right to use and
director's) attendance fee.
enjoy property; usufruct; beneficial interest;
JEU - gaming. right to rents and profits; right to receive
BNFICE du jeu - winnings. dividends without the corresponding voting
DETTE de jeu - gaming debt. rights.
CRITURE - jeu d'critures - transfer of DROIT - jouissance d'un droit - enjoy-
en tries. ment of a right.
HASARD - jeu de hasard - game of ENTRE en jouissance - taking posses-
chance. sion; entry on (commencement of the enjoy-
ment of) the benefits, fruits, rents and prof-
JOINDRE its of property;. entry into possession (of a
FOND - joindre au fond - join to the usufruct).
merits. ENTRER en jouissance - take (enter into)
JONCTION - joinder. possession.
CAUSE - jonction de causes - joinder of LGAL - jouissance lgale - parent's statu-
cases (actions). tory right to child's income from property.
DEMANDE - jonction de demandes - PAISIBLE - jouissance paisible et utile -
joinder of cases (actions). peaceful possession; lawful possession.
PERTE de jouissance - loss of enjoyment;
INSTANCE - jonction d'instances - join-
loss of possession.
der of cases (actions).
POSSESSION - jonction de possessions - JOUR - window or aperture admitting light
joinder of successive periods of possession. and air but not allowing of a view. (Cf VUE.)
AMENDE -jour-amende - day-fine.
JOUIR - enjoy ((the bene:fit of) the rents and
AUDIENCE - jour d'audience - day of
profits of property).
trial (hearing).
DROIT - jouir d'un droit - exercise (have
CHM - jour chm - nm-working day.
the benefit of) a right.
CHANCE -jour d'chance- due date;
PRE DE FAMILLE - jouir en bon pre
de famille - (obligation imposed on a tenant
FRI - jour fri - public holiday.
or hirer) to use rented etc property without
FIXE ~ assignation jour fixe - fixed-date
damaging it, ie to keep the premises in good
condition, fair wear and tear excepted.
FRANC - jour franc - clear day (period
JOUISSANCE - enjoyment; bene:fit; rents of 24 hours starting at the beginning of the
and profits of; right to receive the periodical (or next day).


, GRCE - jour de grce - day of gr ace. APPLICATION - juge de l'application -

, OUVRABLE - jour ouvrable - working see PEINE below.
day. A QUO - juge a quo - court appealed
PLANCHE - jour de planche - lay day. against; court below.
RFRENCE - jour de rfrence - ap- ARBITRE - juge-arbitre - arbitrator.
pointed day; relevant day, ASSESSEUR- juge assesseur - (non-
RETARD - jour de retard - day late. presiding) judge; judge acting as an assessor
SOUFFRANCE - jour de souffrance - on a board or commission.
closed window admitting light but not air.
AUXILIAIRE - juge auxiliaire - assistant
TIRAGE - jour de tirage - day of the
(auxiliary) judge.
CANTONAL -juge cantonal- (formerly)
TOLRANCE - jour de tolrance - closed
window admitting light but not air. district judge (court); (Sw) cantonal judge
UTILE - jour utile (Sw) - working day. (court).
CARRIRE - juge de carrire - profes-
JOURNAL sional judge; legally qualified judge.
ANNONCE CIVIL_: juge civil - civil court(s) or judge .
.. LGAL - journal d'annonces lgales
COMMERCE - juge de commerce - (non-
- (official) gazette; newspaper carrying
professional) commercial judge; Commercial
official announcements.
, BORD - journal de bord - ship's log.
COMMERCIAL - juge commercial - (non-
, OFFICIEL - journal officiel - official
professional) commercial judge; Commercial
JUDICATURE - judicial office. COMMIS - juge commis - judgto taking
JUDICIAIRE - the judiciary; the cou~ts; judi- evidence on commission or performing some
cial; of the courts; appointed by the court; of the other fonction at the request of another
ordinary courts; court (adj). court.
, FONCTION judiciaire - judicial office; legal COMMISSAIRE - juge commissaire -
office; legal fonctions. (The term includes the judge taking evidence on commission or per-
office of prosecutor as well as that of judge in forming some other fonction at the request of
certain contexts.) another court; bankruptcy judge.
, POLICE judiciaire - ( criminal) police (the . CONCILIATEUR - juge conciliateur -
adjective is usually unnecessary in English as judge presiding over conciliation proceedings.
the term "police" does not as in France ex- CONSULAIRE - juge consulaire - (judge
tend to other administrative departments); of the) Commercial Court.
criminal investigation department. (The DEGR -juge du deuxime degr - higher
term also includes other persans, such as court; appeal court.
mayors, who have certain fonctions in con- DLGU -juge dlgu- member _of a
nection with the repression of crime.) court entrusted with a particular task (eg
.. OFFICIER de police judiciaire - . hearing evidence) by the president of the
senior police officer, mayor, prefect, etc court.
entitled to exercise special powers in DPARTITEUR - juge dpartiteur -
connection with the repression of crime; judge with a casting vote.
senior law-enforcemen t officer.
DEUXIME DEGR - see DEGR above.
, PROTECTION judiciaire - (court) protec-
DEVANT ses juges - before the court.
tion order.
DISCIPLINAIRE - juge en matire dis-
JUDICIARISATION - bringing (a matter) ciplinaire - chairman or member of a disci-
within the jurisdiction of the courts. plinary tribunal or committee; judge deciding
JUGE - judge; court. on a disciplinary matter.
, AD HOC - juge ad hoc - judge or court ap- DROIT COMMUN - juge de droit com-
pointed to hear a speci:fic case; ad hoc judge mun - ordinary court.
or court. ENFANT -juge des (pour) enfants -
ADJOINT - juge adjoint- additional judge (judge of the) youth court (formerly juvenile
(eg in special constitution al proceedirigs). court); children's judge.


ACTION en dclaration de jugement com- terminating or varying) the rights of the

mun - third-party notice. parties, eg divorce.
ADJUDICATION-jugement d'adjudica- TAT - jugement constitutif d'tat -
tion - allocation of property. judgment in rem (effective erga omnes,
ANNULER un jugement - set a judgment creating or altering status).
aside. CONTENTIEUX - jugement contentieux
APPEL - jugement d'appel - appeal judg- - judgment in contentious proceedings.
ment; judgment on appeal. CONTRADICTOIRE - jugement contra-
APPELER d'un jugement - appeal against dictoire - judgment after hearing the (both)
ajudgment. parties; proceedings in which both parties are
ARBITRAIRE - jugement arbitraire - heard.
arbitrary decision. CONTRARIT de jugements - conflict-
ARBITRAL - jugement arbitral - (arbi- ing (incompatible) judgments (if they are in
tral) award. the same case, this constitutes a ground for
ATTAQU - jugement attaqu - judgment an appeal in law to the Court of Cassation);
appealed against. procedure whereby a litigant can obtain a
ATTAQUER un jugement - appeal against decision from the Jurisdiction Court (Tri-
ajudgment. bunal des conflits) when there have been
AUDIENCE de jugement - reading of the conflicting judgments by the ordinary and
judgment. the administrative courts.
AVANT DIRE {FAIRE) DROIT- see CONTUMACE - jugement par contumace
DROIT below. - judgment concerning or trial of a serious
CHOSE JUGE - jugement pass en force indictable offence (felony) in absentia; convic-
de chose juge - final judgment. tion in absentia in proceedings for felony.
CIVIL - jugement civil - civil judgment, CONVENU - jugement convenu - consent
decision or proceedings. judgment, decree or order.
COLLECTIF - jugement collectif- judg- CORRECTIONNEL - jugement correc-
ment or proceedings affecting a number of tionnel - judgment concerning or trial of
persans. a lesser indictable offence (misdemeanour);
COMMERCIAL - jugement commercial - criminal judgment; criminal trial.
judgment in a commercial case; commercial
DCLARATIF - jugement dclaratif (d~
droit) - declaratory judgment.
COMMINATOIRE - jugement commina-
ABSENCE - jugement dclaratif
toire - order containing a revocable penalty
d'absence - judgment establishing that
for non-compliance with its terms.
a persan has disappeared and cannot be
COMMUN - jugement commun - judg-
ment binding on a party who has been joined
to the proceedings by third-party notice. DCS - jugement dclaratif de dcs
- declaration of death.
CONDAMNATION - jugement de con-
damnation - conviction and sentence. FAILLITE - jugement dclaratif de
CONFIRMATIF - jugement confirmatif - faillite - adjudication in bankruptcy.
judgment upholding ( confirming, affirming) FILIATION - jugement dclaratif de
the decision of the court below. filiation - judgment establishing de-
CONFLIT de jugements - procedure scent.
whereby a litigant can obtain a decision from NAISSANCE - jugement dclaratif de
the Jurisdiction Court (Tribunal des con- naissance - judgment establishing date
flits) when there have been conflicting judg- of birth.
rnents by the ordinary and the administrative NULLIT - jugement dclaratif de
courts. nullit - judgment establishing nullity;
CONSTITUTIF - jugement constitutif- judgment declaring (a transaction, con-
judgment in rem, effective erga omnes ( cre_at- tract, etc) void; (marriage) decree of nul-
ing or altering status). lity.
DROIT - jugement constitutif de DCLARATOIRE ~jugement dcl.ratoire
droit - judgment altering (ie creating, {de droit) - declaratory judgment.


DFAUT - jugement par dfaut - ( civ) appointed time.

judgment in default; default judgment; GRACIEUX - jugement gracieux - deci-
( crim) judgment in absentia. sion in non-contentious proceedings (some-
, DFINITIF -jugement dfinitif- final times on an ex parte application).
judgment. HOMOLOGATION - jugement d'homolo-
, DERNIER RESSORT - see RESSORT gation - order confirming or approving.
below. INCIDENT - jugement sur incident - in-
DISPOSITIF d'un jugement - (formal) terlocutory order.
order (setting out the effect of a judgment); INFIRMER un jugement - set aside a
operative words (provisions) (of a judgment). judgment.
DIVORCE - jugement de divorce - decree INSTANCE-jugement en premire ins-
of divorce. tance - judgment, trial or proceedings at
, DONNER (DONN) ACTE - jugement :first instance.
de donner (donn) acte - (judgment con- INTERDICTION - jugement d'interdic-
firming the) entry of a fact in the record. tion - order depriving a person of his legal
, DROIT - jugement avant dire (faire) droit capacity; guardianship order; order dedaring
- interlocutory decision or order. a person legally incapable.
EN-TTE du jugement - heading of the INTERLOCUTOIRE - jugement inter-
judgment. locutoire - interlocutory order.
ERRON - jugement erron - erroneous INTERPRTATIF - jugement interprta-
tif - judgment interpreting a previous judg-
ESTER en jugement - take part in court
proceedings; appear and plead before a court.
IRRVOCABLE - jugement irrvocable -
, TAT-jugement d'tat - judgment in rem
final judgment; irrevocable judgment.
(effective erga omnes, creating or altering
JONCTION - jugement de jonction -
order for the joinder of proceedings.
TRANGER - jugement rendu l'tran-
JURIDICTION de jugement - trial court.
ger - foreign judgment; judgment of a foreign
LEVER un jugement - obtain a copy of the
EXCLUSION - jugement d'exclusion - judgment endorsed with authority to execute;
order exduding daims not lodged within the obtain the execution copy of the judgment;
appointed time. obtain a writ of execution ( endorsed on the
, EXCUTION du jugement - enforcement judgment).
of the judgment. MINUTE du jugement - original judgment
EXCUTOIRE - jugement excutoire - signed by the registrar and the president of
enforceable judgn;ient, order or sentence. the court. (The copy for execution is called
, EXEQUATUR-jugement d'exequatur the grosse.)
- ( decision conferring) authority to enforce MIXTE - jugement mixte - final interlocu-
(execute). tory judgment, eg a judgment which decides
EXPDIENT - jugement <l'expdient - the question of liability and appoints an ex-
consent judgment, order or decree. pert to assess the damages.
EXPDITION du jugement - execution OBTENIR un jugement - obtain a judg-
copy of the judgment. ment.
EXPROPRIATION - jugement d'expro- OPPOSITION - jugement frapp d'oppo-
priation - expropriation order; compulsory sition - judgment in default which the de-
pur chase or der. fendant has applied to set aside; judgment
, FAILLITE~ jugement de faillite - adjudi- subject to an application to set aside.
cation in bankruptcy. PASS EN FORCE - see FORCE above.
, FINAL - jugement final - final judgment. " CHOSE JUGE - see CHOSE JUGE
FOND - jugement au fond - judgment on ab ove.
the merits. PNAL - jugement pnal - criminal judg-
FORCE~ ju,gement pass en force (Sw) - ment; criminal trial.
final judgment. PICE - jugement sur pices - judgment
FORCLUSION - jugement de forclusion - given on the pleadings (on the written evi-
order excluding daims not lodged within the dence, on the file).


PREMIRE INSTANCE - see INSTANCE - judgment setting aside ( annulling) a con-

ab ove. tract.
below. DERNIER - jugement en dernier
DERNIER - see RESSORT below. ressort - judgment against which no ap-
PRENDRE un jugement - obtain a judg- peal lies; judgment, trial or proceedings
ment. at last instance; last-instance deision.
PRPARATOIRE - jugement prpara- PREMIER - jugement en premier
toire - interlocutory order. ressort - judgment, trial or proceedings
ABSENCE - jugement prparatoire at fi.rst instance; fi.rst-instance decision,
d'absence - intermediate order in pro- PREMIER ET DERNIER - jugement
ceedings to declare that a persan has en premier et dernier ressort - judg-
disappeared and cannot be traced; trac- ment, trial or proceedings at fi.rst in-
ing order. stance against which no appeal lies.
PRONONC du jugement - reading (giv- SPARATION DE CORPS - jugement
ing, delivery) of a judgment. de sparation de corps - decree of judicial
PROVISOIRE - jugement provisoire - separation.
judgment ordering a provisional or procedur- SIGNIFICATION du jugement - service of
al measure; interlocutory judgment or order. the judgment (by a bailiff).
RADIATION - jugement de radiation - TRANSLATIF DE PROPRIT - juge-
striking out. ment translatif de proprit - court order
RECEVABILIT-jugement sur la rece- transferring ownership.
vabilit - decision on admissibility. VALIDIT - jugement de validit - judg-
RCOGNITIF -jugement rcognitif- ment confi.rming the validity of a garnishee
judgment based on the defendant's admission order (ie an attachment of a debt) and trans-
of the plaintiff's claim. ferring the title to the debt to the attaching
jugement de reconnaissance d'criture VRIFICATION D'CRITURE - juge-
- judgment incorporating the defendant's ment de vrification d'criture - decision
recognition of the genuineness of a document on the genuineness of a document (in con-
or signature. tentious proceedings).
RFORMATION d'un jugement - setting
aside, (partial) alteration (variation, rectifica- JUGER
tion) or reversal of a judgment (by a higher QUIT - juger en quit - decide on
court). equitable principles (ex aequo et bono).
RFORMATOIRE - jugement rforma- FAIRE - entendre faire juger - seek a rul-
toire - decision varying the judgment of the ing that.
court below. FOND - juger au fond - decide on the
RELAXE -jugement de relaxe - acquittal. merits.
RENDRE un jugement - give or deliver a PICE - juger sur pices - decide (a mat-
judgment. ter) on the pleadings (on the written evi-
MAL - jugement mal rendu - erro- dence, on the fi.le).
neous judgment.
RENVOI - jugement de renvoi __: order JUR - juryman; member of the jury; (in plu-
transferring the p_roceedings. ral) jury.
REPORT DE LA FAILLITE - jugement EXPERT - jur-expert - (sworn) expert
de report de la faillite - retrospective adju- witness.
dication in bankruptcy. SUPPLANT -jur suppla~t - sbstitute
RPRESSIF - jugement rpressif- crimi- juryman.
nal judgment.
JURIDICIT- (of a problem etc) amenabil-
RESCINDANT - jugement du rescindant
ity to being settled by legal means; legal nature.
- (formerly) judgment declaring an applica-
tion for retrial admissible. JURIDICTION - court; jurisdiction; tri-
RSOLUTION -jugement de rsolution bunal.


INSTRUCTION - juridiction d'instruction of a court of appeal) indicates that if a case

- the investigating courts (ie the investigat- which was wrongly brought before the Com-
ing judge and the Indictments Chamber). mercial Court instead of the ordinary court
INTERNATIONAL - juridiction inter- cornes before the Court of Appeal, the error
nationale - international court or tribunal; is deemed to be cured once the appeal has
international jurisdiction. been decided by the Court of Appeal. (The
INTERNE - juridiction interne - domestic same applies to felonies (crimes) which the
court. Assize Court holds to be misdemeanours
JUDICIAIRE - juridiction judiciaire - (dlits).)
ordinary court; ordinary jurisdiction; the JOUIR - jouissant de la plnitude de
ordinary courts. la juridiction - competent to deal with
JUGEMENT - juridiction de jugement - all aspects of a case.
trial court; court trying (hearing) the case. POUVOIR de juridiction - the judiciary
MARITIME - juridiction maritime - (the courts) (in the theory of the separation
admiralty court; admiralty jurisdiction; the of the powers).
admiralty courts. PROFESSIONNEL - juridiction profes-
MILITAIRE - juridiction militaire - court sionnelle - professional tribunal; jurisdiction
martial; jurisdiction in military matters. of a professional tribunal.
OBLIGATOIRE - juridiction obligatoire -
PROROGATION (volontaire) de juridic-
compulsory jurisdiction.
tion - extension of a court's ordinary juris-
OCCUPATION -juridiction d'occupation
diction (by agreement of the parties).
- occupation court; jurisdiction of the occu-
PRUD'HOMAL - juridiction pru-
pation courts.
d'homale - industrial tribunal(s); labour
ADMINISTRATIF - juridiction de court(s); jurisdiction of such tribunals
l'ordre administratif- administrative (courts).
court. RELEVER d'une juridiction - to fall under
JUDICIAIRE - juridiction de l'ordre or within (be subject to) the jurisdiction of a
judiciaire - ordinary court. court or other authority.
PNAL - juridiction pnale - criminal RENVOI - juridiction de renvoi - court
court; criminal jurisdiction; the criminal to which a case is referred or transferred for
courts. hearing and decision.
PLEIN RPRESSIF - juridiction rpressive -
COMPTENCE de pleine juridiction Criminal Court; criminal jurisdiction.
- power to make any order that may be SAISI - juridiction saisie - court dealing
required by the justice of a case (to deal with a case (before which a case has been
with all aspects of a case). brought); court in which proceedings are
RECOURS de pleine juridiction - ap- pending.
plication to an administrative court to SPCIAL ~juridiction spciale - special
find that the applicant is entitled to a court.
claim against the state or to set aside or VOLONTAIRE - juridiction volontaire -
vary an administrative act which does non-contentious proceedings.
not fall within the scope of an action
for misuse or abuse of authority (excs JURIDICTIONNEL -judicial; relating to
de pouvoir) (usually a contract with jurisdiction; jurisdictional; relating to courts other
a public authority); application to an than the ordinary courts; quasi-judicial.
administrative court for damages or DCISION d'ordre juridictionnel - quasi-
recognition and enforcement of a right; judicial deCision, eg by a disciplinary com-
administrative-law action. mittee.
PLNITUDE de juridiction - power to PROCDURE juridictionnelle - judicial or
make any order tha.t may be required by the quasi-judicial proceedings; legal proceedings.
justice of a case (to deal with all aspects of
a case); power of the ordinary courts in cer- JURIDIQUE - legal.
tain cases to hear matters falling within. the CONSEIL juridique - legal adviser; legal
jurisdiction of the specialised courts; (used representative; legal assistance.


NORME juridique - rule of law; legal rule. international courts; international precedents
ORDRE juridique - legal system (order); ( case-law).
branch of law. RECUEIL de jurisprudence - law reports;
PROTECTION juridique - access to (pro- collection of decisions.
tection of) the courts; legal protection. RELATIF - jurisprudence relative - the
RGIME juridique - rules governing. cases on.
juridique - special legal arrangements; jurisprudence - ( decision making a) change
special rules. of (in) judicial doctrine or policy; new line of
JURIDIQUEMENT decisions; new precedent; reversal of prece-
CONTRAIGNANT - juridiquement con- dent; departure from ( abandonment of) ex-
traignant - legally binding. isting precedents (previously established doc-
JURIMTRIE - jurimetrics (use of scientific TOURNANT de jurisprudence - turning-
methods to study legal questions). point in the doctrine of the courts (in the
JURISCONSULTE - jurist; legal adviser. case-law).
JURISDICTIO - the courts' judicial (as op- JURISPRUDENTIEL
posed to their administrative) fonctions. INTERPRTATION jurisprudentielle -
JURIS ET DE JURE - (of a presumption) judicial interpretation; interpretation by the
absolu te (irrebuttable, irrefutable). courts.
TENDANCE jurisprudentielle - line or
JURISPRUDENCE - case-law; established trend of judicial reasoning, doctrine or prac-
precedents; decided cases; decisions; previous tice; the courts have inclined to the view.
( earlier) decisions; leading cases; line of author-
ity; authorities; line ofcases; the courts; judicial JURIS TANTUM - (of a presumption) re-
doctrine; position adopted by the courts. buttable (refutable).
ADMINISTRATIF - jurisprudence admi-
nistrative - the decisions of the administra- JURISTE - lawyer; legal expert.
tive courts. JURY
ALLEMAND - jurisprudence allemande -
EXPROPRIATION - jury d'expropriation
the German courts.
- (former) tribunal to fix the amount of com-
CAS de jurisprudence - leading case; prece-
pensation to be paid for expropriated prop-
dent; authority.
erty; expropriations valuation tribunal.
CONSTANT - jurisprudence constante -
HONNEUR-jury d'honneur- court of
established precedents; long line of decisions
honom; professional disciplinary committee.
( decided cases).
ABSOLUMENT - la jurisprudence JUGEMENT - jury de jugement - jury
est absolument constante en ce sens (which decides both the question of guilt and
- the precedents are unanimous on this the sentence to be imposed).
point; this is unanimously confirmed by
JUSTICE - the courts; the judicial system;
the courts; the courts have consistently justice.
so held.
ACTION en justice - action; legal proceed-
DOMINANT -jurisprudence dominante -
the prevalent opinion; the balance of judicial
ACTIONNER en justice - sue; bring an
opinion; most authorities.
TABLI - jurisprudence bien tabli~ - action or (legal) proceedings against.
well-established line of decisions. ADMINISTRATIF - justice administra-
VOLUTIF - jurisprudence volutive - tive - the administrative courts; administra-
progressive (evolutive) interpretation by the tive jurisdiction.
courts. AGIR en justice - bring legal proceedings.
FAIRE jurisprudence - establish a prece- ALLER en justice - bring legal proceedings.
dent. ASSIGNATION en justice - issuing a sum-
INTERNATIONAL.-jurisprudence in- mons or writ against; brtnging proceedings
ternationale - the decisions (doctrine) of against.


ASSIGNER (ATTAQUER) en justice - FONCTIONNEMENT de la justice -

sue; issue a summons or writ against; bring course of justice; functioning (operation) of
proceedings against. the judicial system.
AUTORISATION de justice - permission SEREIN - fonctionnement serein de
of (authorisation by) the court; leave of the la justice - proper (unimpeded, smooth)
court. operation of the courts.
AUTORIT - par autorit de justice - by MARCHE - bonne marche de la justice -
the court. due course of justice; proper functioning of
BON - bonne justice - proper administra- the judicial system.
tion of justice. RAPPORTER - s'en rapporter la jus-
CITATION en justice - writ; ( originating) tice du tribunal - leave the matter to the
summons; subpoena; summons (to appear discretion of the court.
before the court). RENDRE la justice - do justice.
CIVIL - justice civile - the civil courts; SRNIT - troubler la srnit de la
civil jurisdiction. justice - interfere with the proper conduct of
CODE de justice militaire - Army Act; pro ceedings.
Military Criminal Code. TRANSPORT de justice - inspection of
CONSIGNATION en justice - payment the site, locus (in quo), scene of the crime or
into court; placing in the custody of the premises by the court.
court. JUSTICIABILIT - state of being able to
CRIMINEL - justice criminelle - the be enforced by the courts; enforceability.
Criminal Courts; criminal jurisdiction.
DCISION de justice - court decision; JUSTICIABLE - subject to the jurisdiction
judgment; court order. of the courts; litigant; the public; plaintiff; defen-
DFENDRE en justice - defend (legal pro- dant; person on trial.
ceedings). ACCS des justiciables aux tribunaux -
DLGU - justice dlgue - delegated public access to the courts.
jurisdiction. APPEL - justiciable de l'appel - subject to
DEMANDE en justice - writ; action; pro- appeal.
ceedings; statement of daim; daim. JUSTIFIABLE
DNI de justice - refusal to do justice; re- VOIE de recours - justifiable de cette voie
fusal to decide a case; (more generally) mis- de recours - subject to this remedy.
carriage of justice; denial of justice.
DNONCER en justice - report to the JUSTIFICATIF - supporting document.
prosecuting authorities. JUSTIFICATION - proof; evidence; vouch-
DPT en justice - lodging in court or ers; reasons.
payment into court or according to the di- FORMALIT - justification de l'accom-
rections of the court; placing in the custody plissement de la formalit - proof (evi-
of the court. dence) that the formality (requirement) has
DESCENTE de justice - iI).spection of the been complied with.
premises (by the court); visit to the locus (in ORDONNANCE de justification- show
quo). cause or der.
EMPCHER que justice ne soit faite -
impede the course of justice.
RAPPORT justifi- report stating reasons.
ESTER en justice - take part in court pro-
ceedings; appear and plead before a court. JUSTIFIER - establish; prove.
FAIRE PROCURATION - condition de justifier
GRIEF - faire justice d'un grief- rem- d'une procuration - if he is able to pro duce
edy (redress) a complaint. (show he possesses) an authority.
SE faire justice soi-mme - take the TITRE - justifier par titres - pro duce
law into one's own hands. documentary evidence (to establish) that.


LABEL - term for certain trade marks belong- LGALEMENT - by operation oflaw;
ing to an association or other group of persons. legally; lawfully.
ADMISSIBLE - lgalement admissible -
LACRATION which the law allows.
AFFICHE - lacration d'affiches - damag-
ing notices or posters. LGALISATION - certification that the sig-
natures appended to a document are genuine and
LACUNE that the persons signing hold the offices they pur-
DROIT - lacune de droit - lacuna (gap, port to hold; authentication; (in the case of doc-
omission) in the law; matter not provided uments from abroad or intended for use abroad)
for by law; absence of legal provision; (legal) legalisation.
LGALISER - give statutory form to.
LAIC - secular; non-denominational.
LGALISTE - legalistic; formalistic.
RELAIS - lais et relais de la mer - land LGALIT - legality; lawfulness.
formed by the gradual action of the sea, POURSUITE - lgalit des poursuites -
alluvion ( alluvio maris). (This becomes the mandatory (compulsory) prosecution; legal
private property of the state.) basis for or requirement of prosecution.
PRINCIPE de (la) lgalit - rule requiring
LAISSE conformity with statute; strict compliance
MER - laisse de basse mer - lowest line of wit4 the lq,w; rule of law; gpliga.tory prosecu-
ebb tide. tio:q.; :mle ~(Oquiring th;:i,t pffennes ;:i,p.d punish-
LAISS-POUR-COMPTE - term used ments shall be strictly qe:fied 'Qy lq,w.
to describe goods in carriage that have been so VEIJ!LER au rei>Pe<::t ge l~ lg~f - rin~me
damaged that they can no longer pe used: the compliance with thfl law. ..
carrier must pay their full value in da.mages and J:,:i-ATA.IRE- legatee q:i; d,ev!11ee i:i~ pernon
the consignee is entitled to refuse qelivery; +eft on entitled to a shl,re of ai+ estatp.
hand; refused. P ARTJCULIER - lgataire ~ titre pai:-
LAISSEZ-PASSER - (in particular) pass ticul!er - per13o:q entitled tq an ind,ividual
for the transport of certain wines and spirits on legacy, ie a specific or pecni;:i,ty or a
which tax is not due; cart note; transire. devise. ' .
UNIVEJtEI,-: !~at1:1.ire U:1~~ver13el,..,, per-
LARCIN - theft. son to whom a testator lea.ve1:1 tlw whole
LATITUDE - discretion. or a share of his estate, possibly '1lt;i~e!'t tg
legacies; universal legatee; residuary lega-
LECTURE - reading; delivery. tee. (If a universal legatee or the persons
ADOPTER - tre adopt en premire lec- entitled to the reserved portions (hritiers
ture - be given a first reading. rservataires) disappear, the remaining
universal legatees become entitled to his or
LGAL - in accordance with law; legal; based their share(s).)
on law; prescribed by law; statutory. TITRE - lgataire titre universel -
HYPOTHQUE lgale - statutory mort-
person to whom the testator bequeathes
gage; statutory charge. or devises a share of his estate. (Such a
PSYCHIATRE lgal - court (ie appointed share may be a share of the whole, all
by the court) psychiatrist. the real property, all the movables, a
PSYCHIATRIE lgale - forensic psychiatry. share of the real property or a share of
VOIE - selon les voies lgales - in accor- the movables.)
dance with a procedure prescribed by law;
through prescribed channels. LEGATION - seat of a diplomatie mission.


LEGS - legacy. ground for rescinding the contract: (1) on a sale

ALTERNATIF - legs alternatif - alter- of real property where the seller has lost more
nate legacy (ie giving the legatee a choice than seven-twelfths of the value; (2) on accepting
between two or more alternatives; once made an estate (of a dece~ed persan) where the estate
the choice is final). is reduced by more than half on the discovery of
CHARGE - legs avec charge - legacy con- a will unknown at the date of acceptance; (3) in a
"ditional on performing an obligation imposed partition where one of those entitled suffers a loss
by the testator. of more than a qurter; (4) on the assignment of
CHOSE D'AUTRUI - legs de la chose a literary or artistic copyright if the author or
d'autrui - legacy of something not belong- artist suffers a loss of more than seven-twelfths;
ing to the testator. (In principle this is void, (5) in legal transactions where one of the parties
but if the testator has some right over the is a minor.
thing in question, the legacy is valid. The CORPOREL - lsion corporelle - physical
same. applies if the legacy consists of a cer- (personal, bodily) injury.
tain quantity of generic goods not contained DROIT - lsion dans les (des) droits - in-
in the estate.) fringement of rights.
CRANCE - legs de crance- legacy of a
MOITI - lsion de plus de la moiti -
chose in action (right to receive payment of a loss of more than half the value.
debt etc).
DE RESIDUO - legs "de residuo" - legacy LSIONNAIRE - unequal; unfair; with inad-
subject to the requirement that the legatee equate consideration; unconscionable.
shall leave what remains of the legacy on his ERREUR lsionnaire - gross error as to the
death to a specified persan. value of the subject-matter of a con tract.
GENRE- legs d'un genre de choses -
legacy of generic (unspeci:fic) goods. LETTRE
LIBRATION - legs de libration - testa- CHANGE - lettre de change - bill of
mentary provision releasing the debtor from exchange, ie a written instruction by the
a debt he owes the testator. drawer (tireur) to the drawee (tir) to pay
PARTICULIER - legs ( titre) particulier the payee (preneur or bnficiaire).
- individual legacy (ie a specific or pecuniary CHARG-lettre charge - insured letter
legacy, bequest or devise). containing money or valuables.
UNIVERSEL - legs universel - the whole CONVOCATION - lettre de convocation -
or a share of a testator's estate, possibly sub- letter inviting to attend a meeting etc; notice
ject to legacies; universal legacy; residuary of a meeting etc.
legacy. (In the case of a share, if the other COUVERTURE - lettre de couverture -
persans entitled to like shares and those en- caver note (insurance).
titled to the reserved portions (hritiers CRANCE - lettre de crance - letters of
rservataires) disappear, the universal credence; (a diplomat's) credentials; letter of
legatee becomes entitled to the whole.) credit.
TITRE - legs titre universel -
GAGE - lettre de gage - bond.
legacy, bequest or devise of a share of an
estate. (Such a share may be a share of HYPOTHCAIRE - lettre de gage
the whole, all the realproperty, all the hypothcaire - mortgage bond.
movables, a share of the real property or INTENTION - lettre d'intention - letter of
a share of the movables.) intent.
USUFRUIT- legs en usufruit - life interest MISSIVE - lettre missive - persona! letter;
in property under a will. letter, card, etc sent through the post or by
LGUER -bequeath; devise; give a legacy. RAPPEL - lettres de rappel - ( ambas-
LONIN - unconsciol).~ble. sador's) letters of recall.
RCRANCE - lettres de rcrance -
LSER - injure; wrong; aggrieve; infringe.
( ambassador's) letters of recall.
LSION - loss caused to one of the parties by TRANSPORT
a contract; excessive loss; inadequate considera- ARIEN - lettre de transport arien
tion; unfair price. In certain cases it constitutes a - air freight warrant; air consignment


note (equivalent to a bill of lading at ALIGNER le libell - make the wording (of
sea). two documents) agree.
VOITURE - lettre de voiture - consign- EXPLOIT - libell de l'exploit - statement
ment note; waybill. of claim.

LEV - survey of land. LIBELLER

TRE libell- (of a document) read (eg as
LEVE - removal (of an impediment); termina- follows).
tion or lifting (of an attachment); discharge (of an
injunction or other judicial or der); exercise (of an LIBRAL
option); withdrawal (of a reservation); raising (of INTERPRTATION - trouver une inter-
recruits). prtation plus librale - be interpreted
CROU - leve d'crou - release. more widely.
IMMUNIT - leve de l'immunit - LIBRALISME - liber al attitude (of the
waiver (withdrawal, deprivation) of immu- courts etc).
nity, eg in the case of an MP who has com-
mitted an offence. LIBRALIT - gift; donation; transaction
MASSE - leve en masse - final resistance without consideration; voluntary disposition (of
to an invading army by the whole popula- property).
tion. CHARGE - libralit avec charge - gift
RQUISITION - leve de la rquisition - subject to an obligation (to be fulfilled by
lifting (termination) of the requisitioning. the donee).
SCELL - leve de scells - (official) re- RMUNRATOIRE - libralit rmun-
moval of seals (eg when making an inven- ratoire - gift in consideration of past ser-
tory). vices.
SQUESTRE - leve du squestre - ter- TESTAMENTAIRE - libralit testamen-
mination of a stakeholding, custodianship or taire - testamentary gift.
tempor13,ry administration of property. LIBRATION - release; payment; discharge.
~EVJP.R - remove; terminate; lift; discharge ACTION - libration d'actions - paying up
(fi.J:t injn~tiop. or other judicial order ); exercise (not fully paid up) shares.
qr tak~ l.J.Il (an option); withdraw (a reservation); ANTICIP - libration anticipe - release
F13.ise (recrl].its), before completion of one's sentence; early
~ :i!:CRO'V - lever l'crou - release.
IMMUNIT - lever l'immunit - withdraw COMMISSION de libration - release
immunity (from) (deprive of immunity) (eg board.
CONDITIONNEL - libration condition-
ap. M:):l who )las com:rp.itted !-n o.:ffence); waive
(!!- persop.'~) immunity. nelle - release on parole (licence) (from
prison); conditional release (from detention
'- IMPT - lever un impt - levy (raise, im-
on remand). (Misconduct may entail are-
pose, collect) a tax.
turn to prison.)
JUGEMENT - lever un jugement - obtain
PUR ET SIMPLE - libration pure et
a copy of the judgment endorsed with au-
simple - unconditional release.
thority to execute; obtain the execution copy
of the judgment; obtain a writ of execution LIBRATOIRE - resulting in release (dis-
(endorsed on the judgment). charge) from an obligation.
SCELL - lever les scells - (officially) TRE - ne serait pas libratoire - would
remove the seals (eg when making an inven- not constitute a discharge.
tory). PAIEMENT libratoire - payment effected
in accordance with the conditions required by
LIAISON law for the discharge of the debtor.
INSTANCE - liaison de l'instance:.._ hear-
ing at which submission~are first exchanged LIBR
and after which objections may no longer be ENTIREMENT libr- fully paid up.
LIBRER - pay up (of shares)
LIBELL -wording. SE librer - escape liability.


LIBERT release under supervision. (This may be

ACTION - libert d'action - freedom to or.ered against a minor pending proce~d
act according to one's own discretion. ings or after a sentence or other measure has
APPRCIATION - pleine libert d'appr- been imposed and may continl.le until the mi-
ciation - freedom to form an opinion on the nor cornes of age; it may also be imposed on
facts (without being restricted by the techni- minors who are vagrants.)
cal rules of evidence). SYNDICAL - libert syndicale - freedom
CIRCULATION - libert de circulation - to fix rates (charges, prices).
freedom of movement. TARIFAIRE - libert tarifaire (Sw) - free-
CIVIL - libert civile - freedom to do any- dom to negotiate wage agreements.
thing not forbidden by law. TRAVAIL - entrave la libert du travail
CONCURRENCE - libert de concur- - interference with freedom of employment.
rence - free competition, ie the opposite of
restraint of trade. LIBRE
CONTRACTUEL - libert contractuelle CHARGE - libre de toutes charges - free
- freedom of contract; freedom to contract; of all encumbrances.
freedom to choose the law governing the con- DROIT - libre de tous droits - free of all
tract. rights; free of all charges.
CONVENTION - libert des conventions HYPOTHQUE - libre d'hypothques -
- freedom of contract. free of mortgages.
DFENSE - libert de la dfense - right of
PREUVE - la preuve de la cause est li-
both parties to proceedings to be heard and
bre - the consideration (legal basis) may be
to choose their own counsel. proved by any kind of evidence.
ENCHRE - entrave la libert des
enchres - interference with (the proper con-
libre salaire de la femme marie - married
duct of) an auction and fair bidding.
woman's free earnings. The wife is entitled
ENSEIGNEMENT - libert d'enseigne-
to administer and dispose of her earnings
ment - freedom to impart knowledge accord-
and the movables and immovables purchased
ing to one's own discretion.
therewith although these remain part of the
TABLISSEMENT - libert d'tablisse-
community (of property). Often known as
ment - freedom to settle (take up residence);
"reserved property".
freedom of establishment.
INDIVIDUEL - libert individuelle - per- LICIT - lawfulness.
sona! freedom, ie freedom to make one's own
decisions and corne and go as one chooses LICENCE - permission; licence.
(including freedom of movement, freedom CABARETAGE - licence de cabaretage
to demonstrate and freedom of one's private (Lux) - on-licence for wines and spirits.
life); liberty of the subject; (in plural) liber- COLPORTAGE - licence de colportage -
ties of the subject. hawker's licence; pedlar's licence.
PAROLE - libert de la parole - freedom CONCESSION de licence - granting
of speech. (grant) of a licence.
PRIVATIF - peine privative de libert-
custodial sentence; imprisonment.
PROVISOIRE - mise en libert provisoire
DBIT DE BOISSON - licence de dbit
- provisional release from detention on re-
de boisson - liquor licence.
mand; (release on) bail; release pending trial.
PUBLIC - liberts publiques - fondamen- DROIT de licence (d'exploitation) - licence
tal rig~s and freedoms; individual freedoms; (to operate a mine, trade or manufacture or
civil liberties; civil rights. use a patent, copyright, etc); licence fee; roy-
RUNION - libert de runion - freedom alty.
of assembly. EXCLUSIF - licence exclusive - exclusive
SJOUR - libert de sjour - freedom of licence (to operate a mine, trade or manufac-
movement (residence). ture or use a patent, copyright, etc).
SURVEILL - libert surveille - freedom EXERCICE - licence de plein exercice -
subject to supervision (by a social worker); on-licence for wines and spirits.


EXPLOITATION - licence d'exploitation LICENCIER - dismiss; terminate the services

- licence to operate a mine, trade or manu- of.
facture; licence to use a patent or copyright;
operating licence; trade licence. LICITATION - sale by public auction, usually
GRAND - grande licence - on-licence for of immovable property in joint ownership which
wines and spirits. cannot practically be partitioned; sale by auction
OBLIGATOIRE - licence obligatoire - of property owned in common. (The expression
compulsory licence. (If the owner fails to use may, however, refer to movables and to property
his patent anyone may apply to him for a which is not in joint 'ownership.)
licence. If he does not grant it, application AMIABLE - licitation amiable - auction
may be made to the Regional Court for a by mutual agreement.
non-exclusive compulsory licence.) JUDICIAIRE - licitation judiciaire - auc-
OCTROI de licence - grant(ing) of a tion by the court (to which recourse is had
licence. where the parties cannot agree or some of
PLEIN EXERCICE - see EXERCICE above. them are absent, under age, etc.).
PRENEUR de licence - licensee. VOLONTAIRE - licitation volontaire -
PROFESSIONNEL - licence profession- auction by mutual agreement.
nelle - licence to exercise a trade or profes- LICITE - lawful; permitted.
RESTREINT - licence restreinte - LJCITER - to sell by public auction (gener-
restricted licence (ie conveying part of the ally property which it is not practical to partition
rights conferred by a patent or copyright; among co-owners - see LICITATION).
or a licence to sell liquor subject to certain
restrictions). LI
RETRAIT de licence - withdrawal of a AFFAIRE - l'affaire est lie - the case is
licence. ready to proceed (ready for trial).
SIMPLE - licence simple - ordinary (non- LIEN
exclusive) licence. CAUSALIT - lien de causalit - causal
SPCIAL - licence spciale - special li- relationship (link); relationship of cause and
cence. (If patents relating to drugs or other e:ffect; ( chain of) causation.
remedies are so used by the holder of the
CONJUGAL - lien conjugal- marital rela-
patent that the products in question do not
tionship (bond).
reach the public in suffi.cient quantity or
DROIT - lien de droit - legal relationship.
quality or the price is too high, special li-
INSTANCE - lien (juridique) d'instance -
cences can be granted to other manufacturers
procedural relationship (situation).
by the Ministry of Health.)
PARENT - lien de parent - relationship.
TITULAIRE de licence - licensee; licence-
holder. LIER
TRANSFERT - licence de transfert - con- INSTANCE - lier l'instance - begin the
sent to assign. preparations for trial; commence proceedings.
VOLONTAIRE - licence volontaire -
licence granted by mutual agreement; con- LIEU
tractual licence. EXCUTION - lieu d'excution - place of
performance (of a contract).
LICENCI - lice~see; licence-holder. IMMATRICULATION-lieu d'immatricu-
LICENCIEMENT - dismissal; termination of lation - place of registration.
services. INFRACTION - lieu de l'infraction -
AVIS de licenciement - notice of dismissal; place where the offence was committed.
letter of dismissal. LOU - lieux lous - demised premises.
IMMDIAT - licenciement immdiat - MAINTIEN dans les lieux - tenant's statu-
dismissal without notice. tory right to remain in occupation after ter-
INDEMNIT de licenciement - compen- mination of the tenancy; statutory tenancy.
sation for loss (termination) of employment; POURSUITE - lieu de la poursuite - place
damages for dismissal; redundancy payment. of trial; venue.


PUBLIC - lieu public - public place, LIQUIDATION - liquidation; fixing; calcula-

including places which by reason of their tion; assessment; settlement; payment.
purpose are freely open to the public (roads, BIEN - liquidation de biens - compulsory
squares, stations, cemeteries, etc) and also winding-up order; judicial liquidation.
places of a private nature which are open to DPENS - liquidation des dpens - taxa-
the public by virtue of the intention of their tion ( assessment) of costs; settlement (pay-
owners (cafs etc). ment) of costs.
TRANSPORT sur les lieux - inspection of
DOMMAGE - liquidation des dommages -
the site, locus (in quo), scene of the crime or
assessment of damages.
premises by the court.
VIDER les lieux - quit the premises. ENTRER en liquidation - go into liquida-
VISITE des lieux - inspection of the site, tion; be wound up.
locus (in quo), scene of the crime or premises FORC - liquidation force - compulsory
by the court. liquidation (winding-up ).
HONORAIRE - liquidation des honoraires
- fixing of fees; settling (payment) of fees.
RECONSTITUTION de ligue dissoute -
reconstituting a proscribed organisation. IMPT - liquidation de l'impt - (tax)
assessment; fixing the amount of tax; pay-
LIMITATIF- exhaustive. ment of tax.
LIMITATION JUDICIAIRE - liquidation judiciaire -
RESPONSABILIT - limitation de lares- (formerly) a procedure less rigorous than
ponsabilit - limitation of liability. bankruptcy (faillite), now replaced in
SAISIE - limitation de la saisie - limitation France by the rglement judiciaire.
of the attachment. PENSION - liquidation de la pension -
LIMITATIVEMENT - exhaustively. calculation of the amount of the pension.
NONC - limitativement nonc - PICES de liquidation - documents
specifically enumerated. required for the purpose of settlement.
PRODUIT de la liquidation - proceeds of
LIMITE - boundary.
ASSIGN - limites assignes . - restric- the liquidation; proceeds on winding-up.
tions on. SUCCESSION - liquidation de la suc-
BASSES EAUX - see EAU below. cession - division of the estate between the
CHARGE - limite de charge - maximum heirs.
load. TERME de (la) liquidation - date for set-
EAU - limite des basses eaux - low-water tlement.
TAT - limite d'tat - state frontier. LIQUIDE - liquid; in an immediately available
IMPOSITION - limite d'imposition - limit form; certain and of a fixed amount; assessed at a
of taxation; point at which a tax immunity fixed. amount.
ceases to apply.
LIQUIDER - liquidate; realise; assess; calcu-
LIMIT - qualified. late.
LIMITROPHE ASTREINTE - liquider une astreinte _:_ fix
TAT limitrophe - neighbouring (border- the amount payable as a coercive fine.
ing) state; border (frontir) state.
LIQUIDIT - liquidity; in an immediately
LIQUIDATEUR- liquidator. available form; of a definitely ascertained amount;
AMIABLE - liquidateur amiabie - liquida- (in plural) cash reserves.
tor appointed by mut~al agreement.
JUDICIAIRE - liquidateur judiciaire - LISTE
liquidator appointed by the court. BLOQU - liste bloque - a list to be
LIQUIDATIF accepted or rejected in toto (in a vote).
TAT liquidatif- statement of amount due; MARGEMENT,_ liste,d'margement -
s.ettlement stq,tement; final licl.ier,ue of division column on the electoral list for recording that
in a partition. the elector .has voted.


SCRUTIN de liste - election in which the the same grounds are brought before two different
voter votes for a party list and not for an courts each having jurisdiction, it is for the higher
individual candidate. or else the second court to say whether there is
TTE de liste - candidate whose name ap- suffi.cient identity between the proceedings to jus-
pears at the top of the party list; party's tify a preliminary objection of lis alibi pendens.)
leading candidate. DCLINATOIRE de litispendance - (pre-
LITIGE - dispute; case; cause; issue; proceed- liminary) objection that proceedings on the
same issue are pending in another court (lis
CIVIL - litige civil - civil action.
alibi pendens).
INSTANCE - litige en instance - pending EXCEPTION de litispendance - (prelim-
case. inary) objection that a matter is pending
JUDICIAIRE - litige judiciaire - court before another competent court (lis alibi pen-
proceedings. dens).
MATRIMONIAL - litige matrimonial -
LIVRAISON - delivery.
matrimonial cause (proceedings, dispute).
OBJET du (en) litige - subject-matter of LIVRE - (code) book. The French, Belgian and
the proceedings. Luxembourg Civil Codes are divided into livres
PARTIE au litige - party to the proceed- (books), titres (parts), chapitres (chapters),
ings; litig ant. sections (sections) and articles (articles). The
POINTS en litige - points in (at) issue. Swiss Civil Code is divided into livres (books),
RGLEMENT d'un litige - settlement of parties (parts), titres (sections), chapitres
an action (case). (chapters) and articles (articles).
SOMME en litige - amount in dispute. BORD - livre de bord - (ship's) log-book.
SUCCESSORAL - litige successoral - pro-
COMMERCE - livres de. commerce -
ceedings concerning a disputed inheritance.
books (of account).
VALEUR en (du) litige - value of the
DISCIPLINE - livre de discipline - (ship's)
subject-matter; sum involved; amount in dis-
punishment book.
VIDER le litige - settle a case. FONCIER - livre foncier - land register;
Land Registry.
LITIGIEUX - disputed; in (at) issue; com- INVENTAIRE - livre d'inventaire (des
plained of; impugned. inventaires) - balance-sheet book.
DCISION litigieuse - decision appealed
PUBLIC - livre public - public register.
POQUE des faits litigieux - the material LIVRER
time. VENTE livrer - sale for delivery (ie
PROCDURE litigieuse - proceedings com- within a stated period).
plained of.
RETRAIT litigieux - exercise by the defen- LIVRET
dant of his right, in a case where the plain- CAISSE D'PARGNE - livret de caisse
tiff h~s sold his right against the defendant d'pargne - savings (bank) book.
(with which the pending proceedings are TRANGER- livret pour tranger (Sw) -
concerned) to another, to acquire this right alien's identity card.
from the purchaser on reimbursing him what
FAMILLE - livret de famille - family civil-
he paid for it; right of a debtor sued by the
assignee of a debt to settle the proceedings status book; family record book; family
by paying. the assignee the amount for which ( civil-status) registration book.
he purchased the debt together with the costs IDENTIT - livret d'identit - identity
of the assignment and interest. card;
INDIVIDUEL - livret individuel -
LITISCONSORT - co-plaintiff or co- military-service certifi.cate ( certifying that
defendant. the persan concerned has performed military
LITISPENDANCE - lis alibi pendens. service).
(When two actions between the same parties re- MATRICULE - livret matricule - military-
lating to the same subject-matter and based on service certificate.


MILITAIRE - livret militaire - soldier's ABROGER une loi - repeal an Act.

pay-book. ADDITIONNEL - loi additionnel - supple-
mentary Act.
ADOPTER une loi - pass an Act; enact a
COMMERCIAL - local ( usage) commer-
cial - business premises.
APPLICATION - loi d'app~ication - im-
DISCIPLINAIRE - local disciplinaire -
plementing Act.
punishment cell.
APPROBATION - loi d'approbation -
HABITATION - local ( usage) d'habita-
approving Act.
tion - residential premises; dwelling; accom-
AUTONOMIE - loi d'autonomie - rule
NU - local nu - unfurnished premises. of private international law that contracts
PROFESSIONNEL- local ( usage) pro-
are governed by the law expressly or tacitly
fessionnel - business premises. chosen by the parties.
BUDGET - loi de budget -Appropriation
LOCATAIRE- tenant; lessee. Act (expenditure).
PRINCIPAL - locataire principal - sub- BUDGTAIRE - loi budgtaire - Appro-
lessor. priation Act (expenditure).
LOCATION - tenancy; lease. CIRCONSTANCE - loi de circonstance -
MEUBL - location en meubl - furnished special Act.
tenancy. COMPTENT - loi comptente - proper
VERBAL - location verbale - parol ten- law.
ancy; oral tenancy. COMPTE - loi de comptes (Helg) -
Finance Act.
LOCATION-GRANCE - leasing of a CONFLIT de lois - conflict of laws; choice
business in which the lessee runs the business on of law; private international law.
his own account and at his own risk. CONFORME la loi - lawful; in accord-
LOCATION-VENTE- hire-purchase. ance with law.
CONFORMMENT - ordonnance rendue
LOGEMENT conformment la loi - lawful order.
AFFECTATION de logement - allocation COORDONN - lois coordonnes (Belg) -
of accommodation. consolidated Acts.
ALLOCATION de logement - rent DISPOSITIF - loi dispositive - statutory
allowance (mortgage interest allowance). provision which can be displaced by even
ENTREPRISE - logement d'entreprise the implied intention of the parties; non-
- house or fiat provided by the employing mandatory legislation.
business. DOMICILE - loi du domicile - law of a
FAMILIAL - logement familial - matrimo- person's ordinary or habitual place of resi-
nial home. dence.
FAMILLE - logement de famille - matri- LECTORAL - loi lectorale - Electoral
monial home. Provisions Act; Representation of the People
FONCTION - logement de fonction - offi- Act.
cial residence; premises occupied in connec- LUDER la loi - circumvent (evade) the
tion with an employment. law.
INDEMNIT de logement - housing ENSEMBLE - loi d'ensemble - general
allowance; rent allowance. Act.
OCCUP EXCEPTION - loi d'exception - special
INSUFFISAMENT - logemen,t insuf-
Act; emergency legislation.
fisamment occup - undr-occupied
EXCUTION - loi d'excution - imple-
menting Act (legislation).
LOI - Act; the law in the sense of all written law FACULTATIF - loi facultative - non-
emanating directly or indirectly from the legisla- mandatory legislation.
ture. FINANCE - loi de finances - Budget
ABROGATION - loi .d'abrogation - re~ ( covering -both expenditure (Appropriaticm
pealing Act. Act) and revenue (Finance Act)).

, FISCAL - loi fiscale - Tax Act; taxing MUNICIPAL - loi municipale - Local Gov-
statute; tax legislation. ernment Act.
FONDAMENTAL - loi fondamentale - NATIONAL - loi nationale - national
basic Act; basic law. (municipal, domestic) law.
o FORCE - ayant force de loi - legally bind- NATUREL - loi naturelle - natural law, ie
ing; having statutory force (the force of law). law based on reason and the nature of man
FORMEL - loi au sens formel - Act of Par- as opposed to law as it actually exists.
liament. ORDRE PUBLIC - loi d'ordre public -
FORMEL - loi formelle - legislation in mandatory Act (legislation, provisions), ie
the formal or procedural sense, ie an enact- based on considerations of public policy.
ment which has passed through the forms ORGANIQUE - loi organique - State Au-
prescribed by constitutional law. thorities Act; Act, not forming part of the
FRAUDE la loi - fraudulent evasion of Constitution, laying down the principles gov-
statutory provisions (of the law). erning the organisation or structure of organs
GIGOGNE - loi gigogne - Miscellaneous of government or other public authorities;
Provisions Act. Institutional Act; Act establishing; (with ref-
, HABILITATION - loi d'habilitation - Act erence to Spain) implementing Act.
authorising the government to legislate by ORGANISATION MUNICIPALE- loi sur
regulation; enabling Act. l'organisation municipale - Local Govern-
HOMMES de loi - the legal community; the ment Act.
profession; (practising) lawyers. ORIENTATION - loi d'orientation - Gen-
IMPRATIF - loi imprative - mandatory eral Principles Act; Outline Act.
Act (legislation, provisions), ie based on con- OUVRIER - loi ouvrire - Workmen's Pro-
siderations of public policy. tection Act.
PARTICULIER - loi particulire - special
, INFRACTION la loi - breach (infringe-
Act; special provision.
ment, violation, contravention) of the law or
an Act.
POLICE - loi de police - public order Act.
, INITIATIVE des lois - right to initiate
POUVOIR - loi de pleins pouvoirs - Act
authorising the government to legislate by
, INTERDICTION - loi d'interdiction - Act
regulations; enabling Act.
containing prohibitions.
PROCDURE - loi de procdure - Code
, INTERPRTATIF - loi interprtative -
of Procedure; Procedure Act; procedural pro-
Act interpreting a previous Act (not "Inter- visions.
pretation Act" , which lays down certain gen-
PROGRAMME - loi de programme - Act
eral rules of interpretation and a number of authorising the government to take measures
definitions of general application). involving expenditure covering several finan-
JUGE SAISI - loi du juge saisi - lex fori cial years.
(ie national law of the court trying the case). PROJET de loi - (government) Bill.
LIEU PROPOSITION de loi - (private member's)
" ACTE - loi du lieu de l'acte - law of Bill.
the place where the act was committed RECETTE - loi de recettes - Finance Act.
or done (lex actus) . REDRESSEMENT - loi de redressement
" CONTRAT - loi du lieu du contrat - (Belg) - consolidating Act; Law Revision
law of the place where the contract was Act.
made (lex loci actus). REPRSENTANTS de la loi - law- .
MARTIAL - loi martiale - Revolutionary enforcement agencies.
law authorising local authorities to make use RPRESSIF - loi rpressive - penal
of the military to maintain or der, now re- statute (Act); penal legislation.
placed by the lois sur l'tat de sige and SOUVERAINET de la loi - supremay of
sur l'tat d'urgence; martial law. the law.
MILITAIRE - loi militaire - military law; SUPPLTIF - loi (purement) suppltive -
Army Act. statutory provisions displaced only by the ex-
MODIFICATIF - loi modificative - amend- press intention of the parties; non-mandatory
ment Act. provisions.


TALION - loi du talion - principle of retali- DOMAINE CONGABLE - louage do-

ation (an eye for an eye). maine congable - short-term agricultural
TARIFAIRE - loi tarifaire - Customs Tariff tenancy in which the tenant retains owner-
Act; (Sw) Collective (Wage) Agreements Act. ship of (or is entitled to compensation for)
TERRITORIAL - loi territoriale - terri- his erections, plantations and crops and also
torial legislation (ie applying only to acts has a right of pre-emption.
committed in a certain territory). EMPHYTOTIQUE - louage emphyto-
TOURNER la loi - evade the law. tique - long lease of land in which the tenant
TRANSITION - loi de transition - Transi- is gtven a right in rem in the property.
tional Provisions Act; transitional legislation. INDUSTRIE - louage d'industrie - con-
TYPE - loi type - model law. tract for services, ie to make or do something
UNIFORME - loi uniforme - uniform law as an independent contractor, eg make a suit
(ie enacted in several countries in the same or fill a tooth.
form). NOURRITURE - louage nourriture -
VALID - loi valide - validated Act (ie agreement to provide a persan with board
one that was originally invalid). and lodging in return for periodical payments
VIGUEUR - loi en vigueur - existing Act or a capital sum.
(legislation); law currently in force (in force OUVRAGE - louage d'ouvrage - contract
at the time). for services; contract for work (and mate-
VIOLATION de la loi - error of law rials). (Comprises both louage de ser-
(ground of appeal to the Court of Cassation). vices (service contract; employment con-
tract) and louage d'industrie (contract
VOTER une loi - pass an Act; enact a
for services, ie to make or do something as an
statu te.
independent contractor, eg make a suit or fill
LOI-CADRE - Act laying clown the general a tooth).)
principles governing some field of legislation; Gen- SERVICE - louage de services - service
eral Principles Act; Outline Act. contract; employment contract.
LO,ISIBLE - permissible. LOUER - let; rent; hire.
- il est loisible au requrant de - the
LOYAUT- (duty of) fairness.
applicant is entitled to (may); it is open to
the applicant to. LOYER - rent; hire-purchase instalments;
interest charge.
LONGUEUR ACOMPTE sur loyer - advance payment of
EFFET - longueur d'un effet - currency of rent.
a bill of exchange. ALLOCATION de loyer - rent allowance.
LOTIR - divide a piece of land up into building ARGENT - loyer de l'argent - interest.
plots. BAILLEUR loyer - landlord; lessor.
CRANCE de loyers - right to receive pay-
LOTISSEMENT - the dividing up of land ment of rent.
into plots for building or other purposes; building PRINCIPAL - loyer principal- rent
estate; division into plots or parcels; industrial payable to the superior landlord.
(building) estate. TRIMESTRIEL - loyer trimestriel - quar-
terly rent. '
LOTISSEUR - (building) estate owner.
OCCUPATION lucrative - remunerated
CHEPTEL - louage cheptel - hiring of a
(gainful) employnient.
herd of cattle.
CHOSE - louage de chose - hiring, letting LUCRUM CESSANS - loss of profit or
or leasing of property. earnings (lu.crum cessans).



GNRAL - magasins gnraux - state ARM - attaque main arme - armed
depository. assault.
PUBLIC - magasin public - public ware- AUX mains de - in the power of.
house. COMMUN - main commune - clause by
MAGASINAGE- depository fee(s); ware- which (the) spouses agree that the commu-
house (warehousing) charge(s); storage charge(s). nity shall be administered jointly.
DROIT de magasinage - depository fee; COURANT - main courante - register of
warehouse (warehousing:) charge; sto~age o:ffences recorled by the police; (police) note-
charge. book,
TAXE de magasinage - depository fee; JUSTICE - placer sous main de justice -
warehouse (warehousing) charge; storage have (order to be) administered by the court.
charge. LEV - vote main leve - vote by show
of hands.
MAGISTRAT - member of the national legal
service, ie either a judge or a law offi.cer (mem- 1'.fAINLEVE - lifting (of an attachment etc);
ber of the Attorney-General's Department, State d1scharge (of a court order); termination; (Swiss
Counsel (prosecutor)); member of the court. execution procedure) setting aside the debtor's
ASSIS - magistrat assis - judge. objection.
CONSULAIRE - magistrat consulaire - ACTION en mainleve du squestre -
member of the Commercial Court; Commer- action to obtain release of property from
cial Court judge. judicial custody.
DEBOUT - magistrat debout - law offi.cer; AMIABLE - mainleve amiable - termina-
prosecutor; State Counsel; State prosecutor; tion (lifting) of an attachment by agreement
member of the Attorney-General's Depart- between the parties.
INSTRUCTEUR - magistrat instructeur - HYPOTHCAIRE - mainleve
investigating judge. d'inscription hypothcaire - cancel-
MILITAIRE - magistrat militaire - judge lation of (the entry of) a mortgage (in
advocate. the Land Registry (land register)).
MUNICIPAL - magistrat municipal - INTERDICTION - mainleve de l'inter-
generic term for the senior members of a diction - release from guardianship; restora-
town ( city) council, ie the mayor and his im- tion of full capacity.
mediate assistants (adjoints - aldermen). JUDICIAIRE - mainleve judiciaire - ter-
SIGE - magistrat du sige - judge. mination (lifting) of an attachment by court
TAXATEUR - magistrat taxateur - taxing
master. MANDAT
DPT - mainleve du mandat de
MAGISTRATURE- national legal service; dpt - cancellation of the arrest war-'
judiciary. rant.
CONSEIL suprieur de la magistrature - MESURE
Judicial Service Commission. EXCUTION - mainleve des me-
DEBOUT - magistrature debout - the law sures d'excution - stopping (lifting) of
officers; Attorney-General's department. measures of execution.
COLE suprieure de la magistrature - SAISIE - mainleve de la saisie - lifting of
Legal Service Training College. the attachment.
INDPENDANCE de la magistrature - SQUESTRE - mainleve du squestre
independence of the judiciary. - release of property from judicial custody,
SIGE - magistrature du sige - the compulsory administration, seizure, attach-
judges; the judiciary. ment or (in some cases) sequestration.


MAINMISE RCLUSION - maison de rclusion-

JUSTICE - mainmise de la justice - prison.
attachment; seizure. REDRESSEMENT - maison de redresse-
ment - reformatory.
MAINMORTE - mortmain.
REFUGE - maison de refuge - assistance
MAINTENANCE - lump-sum provisin on home (for persons dependent on some form
divorce. of national assistance, eg vagrants); shelter
MAINTENIR (for battered wives etc).
TAT - maintenir en tat - keep in repair. SOCIAL - maison sociale - registered office
(headquarters) of a company.
POSSESSOIRE - maintenue possessoire - MATRE
court order that property be restored to the BIEN sans matre - res nullius; ownerless
state it was in prior to the interference with (unclaimed) goods.
possession complained of. MUR - matre du mur - owner of the wall.
CEUVRE - matre d'uvre - architect or
MAINTIEN - continuation.
building contractor.
DTENTION - maintien en dtention -
CEUVRE - matre de l'uvre - client;
continued detention (on remand); remand (in
owner; person for whom the house etc is
being built.
TAT - maintien en tat - keeping in re-
OUVRAGE - matre de l'ouvrage - client;
owner; person for whom the house etc is
LIEU - maintien dans les lieux - order
staying execution of a writ of possession; being built.
statutory right to remain in occupation REQUTE '- matre des requtes - legal
after the termination of a tenancy; statutory adviser at the Conseil d'tat, junior to the
tenancy. judges (conseillers) and senior to the le gal
ORDRE PUBLIC - maintien de l'ordre assistants. (auditeurs).
public - keeping the peace. MATRE CHANTEUR - blackmailer; ex-
VIGUEUR- maintien en vigueur - keep- tortioner.
ing or remaining in force.
MAJEUR- (adj) of (full) age; (noun) person
MAISON of full age.
ARRT - maison d'arrt - short-stay
prison; remand prison. MAJORATION
CENTRAL - maison centrale (de force RETARD - majoration de retard '-- penalty
(correction)) - prison. (surcharge) for late payment of
CORRECTION - maison de correction -
reformtory; detention centre. MAJORIT - full age; majority.
DUCATION - maison d'ducation cor- ABSOLU - majorit absolue - absolute
rective (surveille) - reformatory. majority (more. than halfthe votes).
FORCE- maison de force - prison. CIVIL - maj0rit civile - full age; majority.
HABITATION - maison d'habitation~ ' LECTORAL - majorit lectorale - age
dwelli:rig-house. at which one is entitled to vote; voting agEl.
INTERNEMENT - maison d'internement MATRIMONIAL - majorit mtrimoniale
- mental hospital; asylum. - age at which one is entitled to marry; mar-
JUSTICE - maison de justice - remand riageable age.
prison. PNAL - majorit pnale - age (18) at
PNITENTIAIRE- maison pnitentiaire which one is criminally responsible.
- prison. QUALIFI - majorit quli:fie - spcial
PRT SUR GAGE (NANTISSEMENT) majority (ie a majority greater than an abso-
- maison de prts sur gage (nantissement) lute majority).
- pawnbroker (the only such 'establishments RELATIF - lllajorit relative - relative ma-
allowed are those run by a local authorty jority (more votes than any other candidate).
(crdits municipaux) and state deposito- SIMPLE""' majorit simpl"~ simpl major-
ries (magasins gnraux)). ity (more votes than any other candidate).


MALADIE DPT - mandat de dpt - order of a

CA\SSE de maladie - sickness fund; health- court or investigating judge to a prison gov-
insurance fund (association). ernor to admit and. detain an accused; com-
FEUILLE de maladie - medical form, card mittal warrant; detentin order.
or record; case notes; (social security) treat- ~ .DOMESTIQUE - mandat domestique -
ment form. (formerly) wife's right ( authority) to repre-
1 PROFESSIONNEL - maladie'profession- sent her husband in household matters and
nell~-- oc,upaticHiJ dl.sease. pledge his credit for household necessaries.
(Since 1965 she has been considered not
MALFAITEUR - criminal. as representing her husband but as acting
ASSOCIATION de malfaiteurs - criminal directly on behalf of the community in such
association; conspiracy. matters.)
HABITUDE - malfaiteur d'habitude - DURE - mandat de dure dtermine -
habitua! criminal (o:ffender). fixed term of office.
RECEL de malfaiteur - harbouring a crimi- DURE du mandat lectif- period for
nal. which a persan is elected; term of office.
MAL-FOND - (of a judgment) absence of CROU - mandat d'crou - committal
legal basis; erroneous assumption. warrant.
LECTIF - mandat lectif - right (and
MALHONNTE - fraudulent. duty) to represent one's electors; electoral
MALICIEUX - wilful.
EXCDER son mandat - exceed one's
MAL-JUG - incorrect (erroneous) judgment authority.
( decision); judicial error. EXCUTION - mandat d'excution - in-
struction to levy execution given by the judg-
MALVEILLANCE- malice; evil intention.
_ment creditor to the baili:ff; writ of execution.
MALVERSATION - misconduct; misappro- FICTIF - mandat fictif - payment order
priation. relating to a fictitious debt.
GNRAL - mandat gnral - general
MANDANT- prinipal_ (of an agent). power of attorney.
MANDAT contract of agency; power of IMPRATIF - mandat impratif- system
attorney; authority; terms of reference; contract under which a Member of Parliament's right
whereby one persan confers on another the power to represent his electors depends on his com-
to enter into legal transactions on his behalf; plying with their instructions.
mandate; warrant. JUDICIAIRE - mandat judiciaire -
AD LITEM - mandat ad lite'n - (barris- authority conferred by the court.
ter's) authority to act for (his) client in liti- LGAL - mandat lgal - authority con-
gation. ferred by statute; statutory authority.
AMENER- mandat d'amener - warrant OCCASIONNEL - mandat occasionnel -
to bring a suspect or an accused before the ad hoc terms of reference.
investigating judge or public prosecutor im- ORAL - mandat oral - oral authority.
mediately. PAIEMENT - mandat de paiement - war-
APPARENT - mandat apparent - allowing rant or authority to pay issued by a Treasury
a persan to hold himself out as one's agent. official.
ARRT - mandat d'arrt - arrest warrant; PARLEMENTAIRE- mandat parlemen-
warrant to arrest and imprison a fugitive taire - right to sit in Parliament.
o:ffender, suspect or accused. PERQUISITION: - mandat de perquisition
COMPARUTION - mandat de comparu- - search warrant.
tion - summons (to appear before the inves- RECOUVREMENT - mandat de recou-
tigating judge). vrement - authority to collect debts (for
CONVENTIONNEL - mandat conven- another).
tionnel - contract of agency. REPRSENTATION - mandat sans
DCERNER un,mandat d'arrt - issue an reprsentation - agent acting for an undis-
arrest warrant. closed principal.


, RPRESSION - mandat de rpression to duty, including the duty to proceed expe-

(Sw) - sentence order. ditiously); show proper (due) diligence.
, SNATORIAL - mandat snatorial - right

to sit in the Senate. MANUVRE- unskilled workman; deceitful

, SOUS mandat - territoire sous mandat - act; dishonest conduct (intended to deceive).
mandate; mandated territory. CRIMINEL - manuvres criminelles -
, SPCIAL - mandat spcial - special power criminal acts.
of attorney. , DILATOIRE - manuvres dilatoires -
, TACITE - mandat tacite de la femme delaying tactics.
marie - (formerly) wife's right (author- DOLOSIF - manuvres dolosives -
ity) to represent her husband in household fraudulent practices; deceit; fraud.
matters and pledge his credit for household
FRAUDULEUX - manuvres frau-
necessaries. (Since 1965 she has been consid-
duleuses - fraudulent practices; false pre-
ered not as representing her husband but as tences; deception; fraud.
acting directly on behalf of the community in
, RETARDEMENT - manuvres de
such matters.)
, TERRITOIRE sous mandat - mandate; retardement - delaying tactics.
mandated territory. MANQUE
, VERBAL - mandat verbal- oral authority.
, DISCERNEMENT - manque de discerne-
, VIREMENT - mandat de virement -
ment - lack of discernment ( discretion)
transfer order.
(especially in a child).
MANDATAIRE - agent; attorney; represen- GAGNER- manque gagner - loss of
tative. earnings or profit (lucrum cessans).
, AD LITEM - mandataire ad litem - bar- , PREUVE - manque de preuve - absence of
rister authorised to act for (his) client in liti- pro of.
, CONSTITUER un mandataire - appoint MANQUEMENT - omission; fault; breach;
an agent or attorney. infringement; violation; wrong.
, GNRAL - mandataire gnral - person , CONVENTION - manquement la Con-
holding a general power of attorney (a gen- vention - breach of the Convention.
eral authority) to act on behalf of another.
, DEVOIR- manquement son devoir -
, JUDICIAIRE - mandataire judiciaire -
failure to comply with one's obligations.
administrator or curator appointed by the
DISCIPLINE - manquement la disci-
, LGAL - mandataire lgal - agent pline - disciplinary offence.
appointed by statute; statutory agent. MANU MILITARI - with the assistance of
, SOCIAL - mandataire social - agent or
the police (including the use of physical force).
attorney of .a company or partnership.
, VOTE - mandataire d'un droit de vote - MARAUDAGE- stealing unpicked fruit or
proxy. standing crops in small quantities; theft of unsep-
MANDATER- appoint as agent, attorney or arated crops.
MANDEMENT- court order. , FRANC - au marc le franc - in proportion-
, JUSTICE - mandement de justice - court ate shares; pro rata.
MANIFESTATION MARCHAND (adj) - merchantable.
, VRIT - manifestation de la v.rit - dis- MARCHAND (noun) -trader.
covery of th~ truth (in c;riminal proceedings).
AMBULANT - marchand ambulant -
, VOIE PUBLIQUE - .manifstation sur la
voie publique - street demonstration ..
, BIEN - marchand de biens - estate agent.
, DILIGENCE - manifester la diligence MARCHANDAGE.- subcontracting (build-
voulue - exercise, due care (and attention ing work).


CRANCE sur marchandises - right to PERSONNEL - mariage sans com-
receive goods. parution personnelle - proxy marriage.
DETTE sur marchandises - obligation to CONSENTEMENT au mariage - consent
transfer or deliver goods. to marriage.
CONSOMM - mariage consomm - con-
di'se loyale et marchande - goods of mer- summated marriage.
chantable quality.
CONTRAT de mariage - marriage contract;
MARCHE marriage settlement.
INSTANCE- marche de l'instance - con- DISSOLUTION du mariage - divorce; dis-
duct of the proceedings; course of the pro- solution of marriage.
ceedings. EMPCHEMENT au mariage - impedi-
JUSTICE - bonne marche de la justice - ment (to marriage).
due course of justice; proper functioning of NULLIT du mariage - nullity (of mar-
the judicial system. riage).
MISE en marche des autorits pnales -
institution of criminal proceedings. devant l'officier de l'tat civil - marriage in
MARCH the registry office (by the mayor).
APPEL D'OFFRES - march par appel PROCUREUR - mariage par procureur -
d'offres - contract by advertisement ( call) proxy marriage.
for tenders (invitation to tender); putting a PUBLICATION de mariage - notice of
contract out to tender. marriage; (in a church etc) (marriage) banns.
COMPTANT - march au comptant - PUTATIF - mariage putatif - putative
spot transaction. marriage.
entente directe - sale by private treaty. MARIN
FORFAIT - march forfait - agreement FONDS marins - sea-bed.
by a contractor to do the work in question
for a :fixed sum. MARINIER - waterman.
FOURNITURE - march de fournitures - MARITALEMENT - as man and wife; in
contract for the supply of goods. concubinage (cohabitation).
GR GR - march de gr gr - sale
by private treaty. MARQUE - trade mark.
PUBLIC - march public - public .works or CONNU - marque notoirement connue -
supply contract. well-known trade mark.
TERME - march terme - forward trans- DCLARATION de marque de fabrique -
action. trade-markapplication; application for regis-
MARCHEPIED tration of trade mark.
SERVITUDE de marchepied - duty of a ri- DPOS - marque dpose - registered
parian owner to leave space alongside a navi- trade mark.
gable waterway for necessary manuvring on DPT d'une marque - registration of.a
land by boat crews. trade mark.
MARIAGE ENREGISTREMENT d'une marque - reg-
ANNULATION du mariage - granting a
istration of a trade mark.
decree of nullity; annulment of (a) marriage. FABRIQUE - marque de fabrique - trade
APTITUDE au mariage - capacity to mark.
marry. NOTOIRE(MENT CONNU) - marque
BIGAMIQUE .,... mariage bigamique - biga- notoire(ment connue) - well-known trade
mous marriage. mark.
BOITEUX - mariage boiteux - marriage PRODUiT - marque de produit - trade
recognised in one country but nod.n"all.<5Mier. name; trade description; descriptive mark.
CLBRATION du mariage - solemnisa- RENOMME - marque de haute renom-
tion of marriage. me - fainous trade mark (brand (name)).


RGIME matrimonial- system (regime) of FRAIS - mmoire des frais - bill of costs.
matrimonial (marital) property. INTERVENTION - mmoire d'interven-
REGISTRE matrimonial- register of sys- tion - application to be joined in the pro-
tems (regimes) of matrimonial property. ceedings.
FOI - mauvaise foi - bad. faith; tortious in- introductif d'instance - application; state-
tent; criminal intent; malice; mens rea. m.ent of claim; writ; opening memorial; origi-
TRAITEMENT - mauvais traitements - nating summons.
cruelty; ill-treatment. POUR mmoire - token entry.
RPONSE - mmoire en rponse - memo-
MAXIMA - see A MAXIMA. rial in reply; observations in reply.
MCONNAISSANCE - disregard; failure
to comply with; non-compliance; violation; in-
ACCORD - mmorandum d'accord..,..
fringement; breach.
memorandum of agreement.
DROIT - mconnaissance du droit - (in
addition 'to the meanings given above) misin- MMORIAL
terpretation (misreading) of the law. LE Mmorial (Lux) - (Luxembourg) Official
MCONNATRE- infringe; violate; fail to Gazette.
apply. MENACE
DROIT - mconnatre un droit - infringe a ORDRE PUBLIC - menace pour l'ordre
right. public - threat to the peace (public order,
MDECIN public policy).
LGISTE - mdecin lgiste - forensic
medical examiner (formerly - and in com-
BESOINS courants de la mnage - house-
mon parlance still - police surgeon); court
hold necessaries.
medical officer; pathologist.
BIENS du mnage - matrimonial property.
MARRON - mdecin marron - unqualified
_FAIT - mnage de fait - extramarital co-
(quack) or unscrupulous doctor, eg one who
habitation; concubinage.
who signs certificates to suit the convenience
FAUX mnage - concubinage; extramarital
of his patients.
OFFICIEL - mdecin officiel - (govern-
ment) medical officer. MENES - subversion; disloyal behaviour.
TRAITANT - mdecin traitant - (a
party's) own (family) doctor. MENEUR - ringleader.
MDECIN-CONSEIL- medical officer MENSUALISATION - deduction of tax or
working for a public or private body, eg social- payment of salary on a monthly basis (certain
security office or an insurance company. privileges are associated with this type of salary
LGAL - mdecine lgale - forensic (legal) MENTAL
medicine. TROUBLES mentaux - mental disorder.

MDIATEUR - Parliamentary Commissioner MENTION - (in plural) particulars (in a doc-

(for Administration); ombudsman. ument).
DOSSIER - mention au dossier - entry in
MDIATION - mediation. the file.
MDICO-LGAL MARGE - mention en marge - marginal
INSTITUT mdico-lgal -forensic mortu- entry.
ary. ORDRE - m~ntion ordre - order clause
on a cheque,' bill, etc.
MMOIRE- memorial; pleading; observa-
tions; statement of grounds of appeal. MENU
AMPLIATIF -:- mmoire ampliatif- sup- OUVRAGE - menus. ouvrages - building
plementary memorial; further pleadings. work other than the main walls and the roof.


MPRIS PRVENTION - mesure de prvention -

LOI - au mpris d'une loi - in disregard preventive measure.
( defiance) of a statute. RFR - mesure de rfr - injunction;
mandatory injunction.
FERM - mer ferme - enclosed sea. REPRSAILLES - mesures de reprsailles
HAUT - haute mer - high sea(s). - measure of reprisal; reprisals.
LIBRE - mer libre - open sea. SUBSTITUTION - mesure de substitu-
TERRITORIAL - mer territoriale - terri- tion - alternative (measure).
torial sea; territorial waters. SRET - mesure de sret - social-
protection order; preventive measure; mea-
MERCURIALE - speech by a representative sure which can be imposed by the court on
of the Attorney-General's Department at the cer- an offender not as a punishment but for the
emony marking the beginning of the judicial year. protection of society. (Such measures include
MRE detention of insane offenders, prohibition
NATUREL - mre naturelle - mother of an of residence in certain places, various dis-
illegitimate child (natural mother). qualifications, compulsory treatment of alco-
holics or drug addicts and the supervision of
MESURE minors.)
APPLICATION - mesure d'application -
implementing measure. MTAYAGE- tenancy of an agricultural
CLMENCE - mesure de clmence - act holding in which the rent is paid in produce (in
of clemency. the absence of contrary agreement the landlord
COERCITIF - mesure coercitive - coercive receives one-third).
COERCITION - mesure de coercition - MTIER
coerc1ve mesure. CHAMBRE des mtiers - chamber ( associ-
COMMINATOIRE - mesure commina- ation) of (manual) trades; trades association;
toire - coercive measure (ie involving a guild; corporation.
threat of legal sanctions).
CONSERVATOIRE- mesures conser-
ADJUDICATION - mettre en adjudica-
vatoires - steps (measures) to preserve
tion - advertise (call) for (invite) tenders.
rights, property, evidence, the status quo, the
APPLICATION - mettre en application -
present position; temporary administrative
bring into operation.
measures; protective measures; precautionary
CAUSE - mettre en cause - serve third-
measures; interim (provisional) measures.
party notice on; implicate.
CRISE - mesure de crise - emergency pro-
vision; special measure. TRE mis en cause - have proceedings
DPLACEMENT par mesure disciplinaire brought against one; be implicated.
- disciplinary transfer. MIS en cause - against which the daim
EXCEPTION - mesure d'exception - is directed; respondent (adj).
emergency provision; special measure. CONCOURS - mettre en concours -
EXCUTION - mesure d'excution - form advertise ( call) for (invite) tenders.
or measure of execution (enforcement); exe- DLIBR - mettre en dlibr - deliper-
cution (enforcement) measure; implementing ate; discuss; withdraw to deliberate; reserve a
measure (which may take the form of imple- judgment.
menting regulations). DEMEURE - mettre en demeure - give
INSTRUCTION - mesure d'instruction - notice to pay or perform (to remedy a certain
measure of investigation (investigative mea- state of affairs, to proceed or to comply (with
sure); procedural step in preparation for an order, instruction, formality etc)); give
trial; procedural measure (eg for preserving ( default) notice.
or establishing evidence). ENCHRE - mettre aux enchres -
ORDONNER des mesures d'instruc- auction.
tion - give procedural directions. TAT - mettre en tat - prepare (a case)
LGISLATIF - mesures lgislatives et for trial; make (a case) ready for hearing; put
rglementaires - statutes and regulations. in or der; put (premises) into repair.


SE mettre en tat - (as required of a born; and (3) an intention to kill. If the intention
convicted offender who is appealing on was only to injure and the victim subsequently
points of law) surrender to custody. dies, the offence is only wounding (coups et
LIBERT - mettre en libert - release . blessures).)
PIED - mettre pied - suspend (from JUDICIAIRE - meurtre judiciaire - judi-
duty) on disciplinary grounds; lay off (em- cial murder (manslaughter).
ployees); suspend a contract of employment
for economic reasons. MIEUX
RECOUVREMENT - mettre en recouvre- ACHAT au mieux - purchase at the best
ment - take steps to collect debts or taxes. available price.
RETRAITE - mettre la retraite - retire MILICE - vigilante group.
(a person).
SCELL - mettre sous scells - place seals MILICIEN (Belg) - national serviceman; con- ,
on (place under seal) (eg pending an inven- script.
tory). MILIEU
, SECRET - mettre au secret - place in soli-
FERM - en milieu ferm - custodial.
tary confinement; hold incommunicado; pro-
hibit communications. MINES - minerals; mines.
VIGUEUR - mettre en vigueur - bring
into force. MINEUR - minor; juvenile; infant; under age.
DANGER- mineurs en dangei- - minors at
MEUBLE - movable (property). risk.
, ANTICIPATION - meubles par antici- DE - mineur de dix-huit ans - minor under
pation - things such as minerals and crops 18.
which it is intended to separate from the soil DLINQUANT- mineur dlinquant-
and which for some purposes are treated as juvenile delinquent.
movables prior to separation. DTOURNEMENT de mineur - abduc-
, CORPOREL - meubles corporels - corpo- tion of a min or.
real movables; goods; tangible movables. MANCIP - mineur mancip - minor
, DTERMINATION DE LA LOI - declared of full age and capacity (emanci-
meubles par dtermination de la loi - pated minor).
statutory movables: incorporeal assets, rights
or choses in action, including in most cases MINIMA - see A MINIMA.
rights in rem over corporeal movables but
not the ownership of a corporeal movable
AVOCAT - le ministre (obligatoire)
where this is deemed to merge with the mov-
d'avocat ou d'avou alourdirait la proc-
able itself.
dure - (compulsory) representation by a bar-
INCORPOREL - meubles incorporels -
rister or solicitor would make the proceedings
incorporeal movables.
cumbersome; legal representation.
MEUBLANT - meubles meublants - furni-
PUBLIC - ministre publiciie - the pros-
ecution; (Principal) State (Crown) Counsel's
NATURE - meubles par leur nature - cor-
Office (Department); (Principal) Legal Ad-
poreal movables; goods; chattels. (Things
viser's Office (Department); (in general 6r
which move (animals) or can be moved from
civil context) Attorney-General's Depart-
place to place, eg boats, furniture, gas, elec-
ment; State (Crown, Pblic) Prosecutor's
tric current and bearer certificates not cen-
Office (Department); the public prosecutor;
trally deposited.)
the prosecuting authorities; State (Crown)
MEUBL - furnished premises. Prosecution Service; legal department; the
law officers.
MEURTRE - unlawful killing without aggra-
vating circumstances; manslaughter (ie the actus MINISTRIEL
reus of murder but without malice aforethought, OFFICE :ministriel - one of certain offices
eg if there is p~ovocation). (The three elements - such as those of bailiff, solicitor (notaire)
of the French crime are (1) an act causing death; and stockbroker - the holders of which are
(2) the victim must be a living person already officially appointed, though their relationship


with their clients is in most cases that of a the original of which is to be kept by the so-
professional adviser or agent; professional licitor (notaire) as a minute.
OFFICIER ministriel - member of one of MISE
certain professions (eg bailiff, solicitor (no- ACCUSATION - mise en accusation - de-
taire) or stockbroker) whose members are cision to prefer an indictment to the Assize
officially appointed, though their relation- Court made by the Indictments Chamber
ship with their clients is in most cases that of (chambre d'accusation); committal for
a professional adviser or agent; professional trial.
officer. ADJUDICATION - mise en adjudication
MINISTRE (publique) - putting out to tender; adver-
ADJOINT - ministre adjoint - deputy min- tisement ( call) for tenders.
ister. CAUSE - mise en cause - third-party
CONSEIL des ministres - (meeting of the) notice.
Cabinet presided over by the President of the DBITEUR - mise en cause du
Republic (if he is not present, the expression dbiteur - j oinder of the debtor.
used is conseil de cabinet). RESPONSABILIT - mise en cause
DLGU - ministre dlgu - minister de la responsabilit de quelqu'un -
delegated by the Prime Minister to perform raising the question of someone's liabil-
a specific task or mission; Minister of State; ity.
assistant minister.
RUINER la mise en cause du requ-
TAT - Ministre d'tat - Secretary of
rant - destroy the case against the
State; Minister.
PLNIPOTENTIAIRE - ministre plni-
potentiaire - minister plenipotentiary. CAUSE - mise hors cause - discharge;
(more generally) elimination from an inquiry;
MINORIT- minority (also in the sense of exoneration.
being under age). COMMERCE - mise hors (du) commerce
FAVEUR-'-- minorit de faveur - suffi- - prohibition of dealing in or sale of.
cient minority (in a jury) to bring about an CONCOURS - mise en concours - putting
acquittal. out to tender; advertisement ( call) for ten-
PNAL - minorit pnale - age up to 18 ders.
when a child is not (or not fully) criminally
DLIBR - mise en dlibr - decision
to give a considered judgment; reserving
MINUTE - (official) record; original document; judgment.
original judgment. DEMEURE - mise en demeure - notice to
(ACTE en) minute - the original instru- pay or perform; notice to remedy a certain
ment kept by the solicitor (notaire) in state of affairs; default notice; notice to pro-
his archives. (The execution copy of a di- ceed or to comply (with an order, instruc-
rectly enforceable instrument is known as tion, formality, etc); notice.
the grosse and other copies are called
ACQURIR - mise en demeure
d'acqurir - notice to purchase.
DRESSER minute - execute an instrument
the original of which is to be kept by the ARRT de mise en demeure ~ offi-
solicitor (notaire) as a minute. cial order to put an end to a given state
of affairs.
EXCUTOIRE sur minute - enforceable
immediately, ie on the authority of the origi- PREUVE - mise l'preuve - (putting
nal written judgment, without having to on) probation.
serve an execution copy (grosse). TAT - mise en tat - preparation (of a
JUGEMENT - minute du jugement - orig- case) for trial; making (a case) ready for
inal judgment signed by the registrar and the hearing; putting in order; putting (premises)
president of the court. (The copy for execu- into repair; (required of a convicted offender
tion is called the grosse.) who is appealing on points of law) surren-
PASSER minute - execute an instrument der(ing) to custody.


ORGANE de modration (Sw) - agency for COMPENSATOIRE - montant compen-
arbitrating professional fees. satoire - compensating amount ( countervail-
ing charge).
MOIFICATIF- amending provision.
COMPTE - montant du compte - state of
MODIFICATION - amendment; alteration; (balance on) an account.
modification. CRANCE - montant de la crance -
STATUTAIRE - modification statutaire - amount of the daim.
alteration of the statutes.
DEMANDE - montant de la demande -
MODIFIER - amend; alter; modify; vary. amount involved (in the case); amount of the
ATTENTAT aux murs - sexual offence, EXONR- montant exonr- (tax-free)
BON - bonnes murs - morality. allowance.
DRGLEMENT des murs - immorality. FORFAITAIRE - montant forfaitaire -
NATURE - murs contre nature - sexual fixed sum; lump sum.
pervers10n. IMPOS
NON - montant non impos - (tax-
MOMENT - stage in the proceedings.
free) allowance.
MONTAIRE PEINE - montant de la peine - length of
CLAUSE montaire - monetary correction the sentence.
clause; escalator clause.
MONT-DE-PIT - pawnbroker. (In
MONNAIE France such business may now only be transacted
ALTRATION de monnaie - debasing by the crdit municipal or the magasins
currency. gnraux.)
APPOINT - monnaie d'appoint - small
change which is legal tender only up to a pre- MORAL - non-material (damage); juridical
scribed amount. (person); non-pecuniary (compensation or dam-
BILLON - monnaie de billon - small age).
change which is legal tender only up to a pre- DROIT
scribed amount.
AUTEUR - droit moral de l'auteur -
CONTREFAIT - monnaie contrefaite -
non-pecuniary, special (personal) right
counterfeit coin( age); forged notes.
of an author, artist, etc in his work; non-
FALSIFICATION de monnaie - counter-
pecuniary ( attributes of) copyright.
feiting (coin(age)); forging notes.
LMENT moral - mental element.
FICTIF - monnaie fictive - inconvertible
currency. PERSONNE morale - legal entity; corpora-
FIDUCIAIRE - monnaie fiduciaire - in- tion; legal (juridical) person.
convertible currency. DROIT PRIV - personne morale de
LGAL - monnaie lgale - legal tender. droit priv - private-law corporation.
SCRIPTURAL - monnaie scripturale - DROIT PUBLIC - personne morale
bank or other forms of financial credit; bank de droit public - public-law corpora-
money. tion.


MONNAYAGE TMOIN de moralit - witness to prove
FAUX monnayage - forging ( counterfeiting) character.
MORATOIRE - moratorium.
PAVILLON- monopole de pavillon- types MORT
of navigation reserved for national ships, eg CIVIL - m:ort civile - civil dath. Forfeiture
coastal trade and coastal shipping. of all civil rights formerly imposed on felons.


MOTIF - ground (of divorce or appeal); rea- MOTIVER - furnish with reasons; give rea-
son (for ajudgment); motive (for entering into a sons for.
contract); cause; justification. DCISION - motiver une dcision - give
ACCUSATION - motif d'accusation - reasons for a decision (judgment).
count (charge) in an indictment.
APPEL - motif d'appel - ground of (for)
COLLECTIF - mouvement collectif-
(prison) mutiny.
ARRESTATION - motif d'arrestation -
ground (reason) for arrest. MOYEN - cause of action; defence; ground of
CONTRARIT de motifs - inconsistent defence or claim; procedure; argument; allegation;
reasons in a judgment. type of evidence; point; submission; plea; ground
DCISOIRE - motifs dcisoires - grounds of (for) appeal.
of a judgment which are treated as having APPEL - moyen d'appel - ground of (for)
effect as if included in the formal order appeal.
(operative words) . BUDGTAIRE - moyen budgtaire- bud-
DFAUT de motif(s) - inadequate (absence get provision.
of) reasons (for a judgment). CAUSE - moyen se trouvant dans la cause
DIVORCE - motif de divorce - ground of - ground inherent in the facts as presented
(for) divorce. though not relied on by the parties.
EMPCHEMENT - motif d'empchement COERCITION - moyen de coercition -
- obstacle; impediment. means of coercion or pressure.
ERREUR sur le motif - mistake affecting DFENSE - moyens de dfense - grounds
the motive (in principle not sufficient to ren- of defence.
der a contract voidable). DILATOIRE - moyen dilatoire - applica-
EXPOS des motifs - explanatory memo- tion whose (sole) abject is to retard the pro-
randum; (statement of) abjects and reasons. ceedings; means of retarding the proceedings;
JUGEMENT - motifs du jugement - rea- delaying tactic.
sons for the judgment. DROIT - moyen de droit - ground based
NULLIT - motif de nullit - ground of on law; point of law.
nullity. PUR - moyen de pur droit - le gal
RETENU - motifs retenus - reasons (given ground resulting implicitly from the
by a court for its judgment). facts as presented to the court.
SANS motif serieux - without reasonable EXISTENCE - moyens d'existence -
cause. 1 means of subsistence (support).
FAIT - moyen de fait - ground based on
MOTION - (Sw) parlianientary:ruffi'6ri. -v fact.
(requiring government to legislate) (as opposed FAUX - moyen de faux - allegation of
to postulat). forgery; grounds on which it is alleged a doc-
ACCUSATION - motion d'accusation - ument is forged.
motion for impeachment. FINANCIER- moyens financiers - finan-
DFIANCE - motion de dfiance - motion cial resources.
of no confidence. FOND - tout moyen de fond tant rserv
ORDRE - motion d'ordre - point of order. - liberty to bring further argument on the
PROCDURE - motion de procdure - merits; without prejudging (prejudice to) the
(procedural) application. merits.
MOTIVATION NULLIT - moyen de nullit - ground of
APPEL - motivation de l'appel - (lodging
the) grounds of the appeal. OBLIGATION de moyens - obligation to
BREF - une brve motivation - brief state-
use one's best endeavours (ie skill, care and
diligence); duty to exercise skill and care;
ment of reasons.
best-endeavours obligation.
MOTIV - containing grounds (reasons) .. OFFICE.- moyen pris (relev) d'office -
-JUGEMENT. motiv - reasoned judgment; . point (ground) raised by the court of its own
judgment giving reasons. motion (ex officia).


, ORDRE PUBLIC - moyen d'ordre pub- MUNICIPALIT - local-government district;

lic - ground involving a question of public township; town council; local authority.
policy (which the court must raise of its own
motion at any stage of the proceedings).
, MITOYEN - mur mitoyen - party wall.
, PAIEMENT - moyen de paiement - means
of payment. MREMENT
, PRSENTATION de moyens nouveaux - , RFLCHI - mrement rflchi - consid-
submission of new grounds. ered.
, PREUVE - moyen de preuve - (piece of)
MUTATION - transfer (of property or
evidence; proof.
employee); posting (of a civil servant); change of
, PREUVE par tous les moyens - all types of
, DROIT de mutation - capital transfer tax;
.. POSSIBLE - la preuve serait alors
transfer duty.
possible par tous les moyens - in that
" DCS - droit de mutation par dcs
case any kind of evidence would be
- succession duty; inheritance tax.
admissible ( could be adduced).
, FONCIER - mutation foncire - entry of a
, PROBATOIRE - moyen probatoire - evi-
transfer (of ownership) in the land register.
dence; proof. , OFFICE - mutation d'office - disciplinary
, RCUSATION - moyen de rcusation - transfer (posting).
ground for challenging (a judge, juror, etc). , PROPRIT - mutation de proprit -
, RSERV - see FOND above. change (transfer) of ownership.
, SUPPLER - le tribunal ne peut suppler .. TAXE sur les mutations de proprit
d'office ce moyen - the court cannot raise - conveyancing duty.
this defence of its own motion (ex officio). , SERVICE - mutation de service - posting
, TARDIVET - moyen de tardivet - sub- (transfer) .
mission that an application.etc is out of time. , TAXE de mutation - transfer tax.
, TOUS les moyens - any type of evidence.
, VALOIR - faire valoir ses moyens - present MUTUALIT (MUTUELLE) - friendly
one's case. society; mutual insurance company.

MULTIPROPRIT - time-sharing. MUTUUM - loan of money (or other fungible

or consumable goods) of which the borrower is
MULTIRCIDIVISTE - persistent under an obligation to return an equivalent quan-
offender. tity; money loan.


ACTION ngatoire - action to establish the CERTIFICAT de non-appel - cenificate by
non-existence of an easement, profit, servi- the registrar that there has been no appeal
tude, etc. from, or application to set aside, a judgment
or order.
NGOCIATION - transfer free of equities.
COLLECTIF - ngociation collective - NON BIS IN IDEM - rule tha.t a persan
collective bargaining. must not be tried twice for the same offence; non
COMPTANT - ngociation au comptant - bis in idem.
cash bargain; cash transaction.
PRIME - ngociation prime - option
NONCE - nuncio.
bargain; option deal. NON-CONCILIABILIT - incompatibility;
TERME - ngociation terme - bargain
for account. NON-CONCURRENCE
CLAUSE de non-concurrence - agreement
NET not to compete.
IMPT - net d'impts - free of tax.
NEUTRALIT PEINE - non-cumul des peines - rule
JUGE - neutralit du juge - neutrality that where a person has committed severa.l
of the court (implying that control of the offences, consecutive sentences are not ini-
proceedings and of the presentation of the posed. Instead the court pronounces the
subject-matter is exercised by the parties). severest of the penalties available for one of
STATUT de neutralit - neutral status. the individual offences.
NEUTRE - neutral. NON-EXCUTION - failure to perform.
NOLIS - freight. NON-IMMIXTION - non-interferencej non-
NOLISSEMENT - chartering; affreightment. intervention.

NOM NON-IMPOSABLE - not liable to tax.

COLLECTIF - socit en nom collectif-
commercial partnership.
NON-IMPUTABILIT- absence of guilt;
absence of criminal responsibility ( owing to insan-
COMMERCIAL - nom commercial - busi-
ity or duress).
ness name.
EMPRUNT - nom d'emprunt - assumed NON-INSCRIT - independent (MP).
GUERRE - nom de guerre - pseudonym. NON-LIEU - discharge (by the investigating
PATRONYMIQUE - nom patronymique - judge) of the accusedj termination of the proceed-
surname; family name. ings, ie when the accused is not corrimitted for
PERSONNEL - tablissement en nom trial.
personnel - private firm (business); one-man NON-PRCARIT - (holding something)
firm (business). in one's own right.
PROPRE - en nom propre - in his own
SOCIAL - nom social - business name. TRE - est non-recevable - (of an appeal)
does not lie.
NOMADE - persan having (of) no fixed
NOMINAL - nominal value. CLAUSE de non-rembauchage - clause
undertaking not to work for a competitor.
NOMINATIF - (shares) registered.
NON-REFOULEMENT - non-return (to
NOMM the persecuting country) i non-repatriation (ie pro-
CONTRAT nomm - contract regulated by visional admission or transfer to a country willing
legislation; nominate contract. to accept).


NON-REPRSENTATION ment drawn by a solicitor. (Cf an English

ENFANT - non-reprsentation d'enfant - deed.)
( criminal offen ce of) failure to hand over a CHAMBRE des notaires - law society.
child to the person(s) entitled to its custody. CLERC de notaire - legal executive; solici-
NON-RESPECT - failure to comply. tor's (notary's) clerk.
DLAI - non-respect du dlai - failure to TUDE de notaire - solicitor's (notary's)
observe the time-limit. office (practice).
TARIF des notaires - scale of solicitors'
NON-RESPONSABILIT - freedom or charges.
exemption from liability.
CLAUSE de non-responsabilit- exemp- NOTARIAT - solicitor's (notary's) profession;
tion clause; clause excluding liability. (Lux, Sw) solicitor's office (practice).
CONVENTION de non-responsabilit -
agreement excluding (exempting from) liabil-
NOTARI - officially (ie notarially) recorded;
NOTATION - assessment (of an official's per-
CLAUSE de non-rtablissement - clause
undertaking not to enter into competition NOTE
with the purchaser of a business etc. AMENDEMENT - note d'amendement -
NON- USAGE - non-user. assessment of improvement (on a prisoner's
p ersonal file).
NON-VALEUR AUDIENCE - note d'audience - court
METTRE en instance de non-valeur - clas- record; record of the hearing.
sify (credit entry) as doubtful. CIRCULAIRE - note circulaire - circular.
MISE en instance de non-valeur - amount COUVERTURE - note de couverture -
awaiting a decision as to write-o:ff. cover note; covering note.
NONCE - nuncio. DLIBR - note en dlibr - note sent
by a party to a court when it is deliberating.
NORMATIF - law-making; rule-making. FRAIS - note de frais - bill of costs.
CLAUSE normative - rule-making clause;
ORIENTATION - note d'orientation -
substantive clause. briefing.
FORME - sous forme normative - in pre-
PAY - note paye - receipted invoice.
scriptive form.
PLAIDOIRIE - note de plaidoirie - writ-
NORME - legal rule; norm; standard. ten submissions summarising counsel's ad-
FONDAMENTAL - norme fondamentale dress.
- basic (fondamental) norm (translation of PROTESTATION - note de protestation -
German Grundnorm in Kelsen's theory). protest note.
INTERNATIONAL- norme interna- SERVICE - note de service - office circu-
tionale - rule of international law. lar.
JURIDIQUE - norme juridique - rule of
law; legal rule. NOTIFICATION - service; notification.
ACTE DE PROCDURE - notification
NOSTRIFICATION - naturalisation; recog- des actes de procdure - service of process.
nition of a foreign qualification etc. ACTION - notification de l'action ~service
NOTAIRE - solicitor. (This is the general of the writ, summons, etc..
functional equivalent but there .are many di:ffer- DFAUT de notification - failure to serve
ences wh~n it cor,nes to details of practice and or give notice.
scope of fonction; in some contexts "notary" DOMICILE - notification domicile - ser-
should be used, but care should be taken to avoid vice at a person's ordinary residence.
confusion with the considerably narrower English EXPLOIT de notification - record of ser-
profession of notary public.) vice made by a process-server.
ACTE devant notaire - officially (ie notari- MAIN PROPRE - notificatio11 en main(s)
ally) recorded instrument; notarial act; docu- propre(s) - personal service.


PERSONNE - notification personne - DROIT - nullit de droit - mandatory nul-

personal service. lity, ie not in the discretion of the court.
PROCDURE - notification des actes de ENTACH de nullit - void.
procdure - service of process. .. RELATIF - entach de nullit relative
SUBSIDIAIRE - notification subsidiaire - - voidable (by the person the law seeks
substituted service. to protect).
NOTIFIER - serve; notify. EXCEPTION de nullit - defence that the
transaction etc relied on by the plaintiff is
NOTOIRE - (matter) of common knowledge; void; application for a step in the proceed-
(facts) of which judicial notice is taken (ie which ings (writ, pleading, etc) to be struck out
do not require to be proved). (set aside) on grounds of nullity.
NOTORIT FRAPPER de nullit - render void.
ACTE de notorit - officially recorded doc- .. RADICAL - frapp d'une nullit radi-
ument containing statements by a number of cale - absolutely void.
persons as to matters of common knowledge. JUGEMENT dclaratif de nullit~ judg-
TRE de notorit (publique) - to be a ment establishing nullity; judgment declaring
matter of common knowledge. (a transaction, contract, etc) void; (marriage)
decree of nullity.
NOURRITURE MARIAGE - nullit du nl.ariage - nullity
LOUAGE nourriture - agreement to pro- (of marriage).
vide a person with board and lodging in
MISE EN UVRE de la nullit - proce-
return for periodical payments or a capital
dure for establishing nullity.
MOTIF de nullit - ground of nullity.
NOVATION - novation. MOYEN de nullit - ground of nullity.
NOVER - replace by a fresh obligation (nova- ORDRE PUBLIC - nullit d'ordre public
tion). - absolute ( essential) nullity.
PEINE - (sous) peine de nullit - cannot
NU - unfurnished. validly; to be valid .
NUANCER - qualify (reasons, a decision). .. OBLIGATION - l'obligation n'est
pas prescrite peine de nullit de la
NUBILE - marriageable. dcision - failure to comply does not
NUE-PROPRIT - remainder. mean that the decision is void.
.. PRESCRIPTIONS qui doivent tre
NUIRE observes peine de nullit - require-
BUT - sans nuire au but - without preju- ments failure to observe which makes the
dice to the purpose. judgment etc void.
NUISANCE - disturbance; inconvenience; nui- PRIV - nullit de caractre priv - void-
sance; harmful effect of industrial or technical ability.
development. PROPOSER une nullit - raise an objec-
tion ( defence) on the ground that the action
NUL -void. etc is void.
AVENU - nul et non avenu- null and void.
RELATIF - nullit relative - state of be-
EFFET - nul et de nul effet - null and
ing voidable (by the person the law seeks to
protect); voidability; curable nullity.
NULLIT - nullit'-'.r TEXTUEL - nullit textuelle - nullity
ABSOLU - nullit absolue - incurable nul- which can be declared by a court only on the
lity; state of being ( absqlutely) void. (En- basis of an express statutory provisiori.
glish prefers the adjective to the noun.) VIRTUEL - nullit virtuelle - nullity which
ACTION en nullit - action to set aside eau be declared by a court even in the ab-
( declare void). sence of an express statutory provision.
CAUSE de nullit- ground of nullity.
COUVRIR la nullit - cure (remedy) the NUMRAIRE - cash.
nullity (a void transaction). AVOIRS en numraire - cash in hand.


NUMRO ORDRE - numro d'ordre - serial number.

CADASTRAL - numro cadastral - land-
NUNCUP ATIF - nuncupative; oral.
plan number; plot number on index map.
, MINRALOGIQUE - numro minralogi- NU-PROPRITAIRE- remainderman.
que - motor-vehicle number.


DTERMIN - obligation dtermine - forced but is valid and cannot be set aside if
obligation to produce a specific result. voluntarily performed).
DETTE - obligation la dette (aux NON-CONCURRENCE - obligation de
dettes) - liability for the debt(s) (of another, non-concurrence - obligation not to com-
of a deceased persan). pete.
DOMMAGES-INTRTS - obligation PLURAL - obligation plurale - obligation
dommages-intrts - liability in damages. with several obligors or several obligees.
DONNER - obligation de donner - obliga- PORTEUR - obligation au porteur -
tion to transfer property or a right in rem. bearer debenture.
DROIT des obligations - the law of obli- PROPTER REM - obligation propter
gations; contract and tort. It also includes rem - obligation binding on the owner of a
quasi-contract (restitution, unjust enrich- hereditament.
ment, etc) and statutory obligations (eg PRUDENCE- obligation de prudence et
maintenance). de diligence - duty of care; duty to exercise
ENTRETIEN - obligation d'entretien - care and diligence; duty to use one's best
obligation to maintain a persan or keep a endeavours.
building in repair. GNRAL - obligation gnrale de
VENTUEL - obligation ventuelle - con- prudence - general duty of care.
tingent obligation; contingent liability. QUASI DLIGTUEL - see DLICTUEL
EXTRAPATRIMONIAL - obligation above.
extrapatrimoniale - obligation of a non- REL - obligation relle - obligation se-
pecuniary nature (though it has a pecuniary cured in rem; secured obligation; obligation
value). binding on the owner of a hereditament as
FACULTATIF - obligation facultative - su ch.
obligation relating to a single act of perfor- RSERVE - obligation de rserve - obliga-
mance from which the performer may be re- tion to treat the court with respect; obliga-
leased by performing something else. tion of judge or civil servant to refrain from
FAIRE - obligation de faire - obligation to any actions or expression of opinions incom-
do something other than transfer a right in patible with his fonctions or loyalty to the
rem. state; obligation to exercise reserve; duty of
NE PAS - obligation de ne pas faire discretion.
- obligatioh to abstain (refrain) from RSULTAT - obligation de rsultat - obli-
doing something. gation to produce a specific result; absolute
FONCIER - obligation foncire - mortgage obligation.
debenture secured on land. SCURIT - obligation de scurit - duty
GARANTIE - obligation de garantie - of care foi the safety of others (implied by
(seller's) statutory warranty. case-law in certain contracts).
HYPOTHCAIRE - obligation hypoth- SOLIDAIRE - obligation solidaire - joint
and several obligation.
caire - mortgage debenture; mortgage bond.
STATUTAIRE - obligation statutaire -
IN SOLIDUM - obligation in solidum -
duty imposed by (the) statute(s), regul~
type of restricted joint and several liability
tions, etc.
which applies, eg, in the case of joJ').t tortfea-
SUCCESSORAL - obligation succ~sso'rale
sors or persans ,jointly liable on a bill of e.x:-
- liability of the estate.
change. It does not include the, effects based
TRSOR - obligation du Trsor - treasury
on.the presumed mutual agency of the co-
obligors. .
VALEUR - obligation de valeur - fixed-
JURIDIQUE - obligationjuridique - legal
value debt. .
duty; legal obligation.
VOISIN..t\..GE- obligations (ordin.a,ires) de
MOYEN - obligation de moyens - obliga-
voisinage ~ duties owed to neighbours.'
tion to use one's best endeavours (ie skill,
EXCS des obligati~ns (ordinaiores) de
care and diligence); duty to e:icercise skin and
voisinag.e - nuisa;n:ce.
care; best-en:deavours oblgati6n.'
NATU'REL - obigato:. natur~ili(:... natural OBLIGATOIRE - binding; compulsory;
obligation (obligation which cannot :be en- obligatory.


VALEUR obligatoire - binding e:ffect. PRIV - uvre prive - private charity.

SOCIAL - uvre sociale - welfare institu-
OBLIG - obligor; promisor.
OBSERVATION - (in plural) comments; rep-
resentations; observations; submissions. CEUVRE (masc)
COMPLMENTAIRE - observations NOUVEAU - dnonciation de nouvel
complmentaires - further observations. uvre - application for an injunction to stop
building works; proceedings for a quia timet
OBSERVER - comply with; follow. injunction, ie to prevent anticipated damage
OBSTACLE interfering with enjoyment (possession) of
FAIT - obstacle de fait - material property.
OFFENSE - insult; abuse; insulting (a head of
- obtemprer - comply with.
VGTAL - obtention vgtale - creation BONS offices - good offices.
of new plant species. D'office - ex officia; of its own motion; pro-
prio motu.
OCCUPANT - occupier; possessor; occupying AVOCAT d'office - official ( officially
forces (or power). assigned) defence counsel.
TITRE - occupant sans titre - unlawful
DFENSEUR d'office - official ( offi-
occupier; squatter.
cially assigned) defence counsel.
OCCUPATION - (military) occupation; orig- RELEVER d'office - (of a court) raise
inal acquisition of ownerless property; occupation of its own motion (ex officia).
of previously unclaimed territory; assuming own- FAILLITE - office des faillites (Sw) - exe-
ership of ownerless property by taking possession; cution and bankruptcy department for per-
occupation. sans engaged in trade.
DOMMAGE d'occupation - occupation PLACEMENT - office de placement de
damage, ie damage caused by the occupying main-d'uvre - labour exchange.
authorities or members of the occupation
lic ou ministriel- one of certain offices -
JURIDICTION d'occupation - occupation
su ch as th ose of baili:ff, solicitor (notaire)
court; jurisdiction of the occupation courts.
and stockbroker - the holders of which are
LGISLATION d'occupation - o~cupation
officially appointed, though their relation-
ship with their clients is in most cases that of
LUCRATIF - occupation lucrative - remu-
a professional adviser or agent; professional
nerated (gainful) employment.
SOL - plan d'occupation des sols - local
development plan; land-use plan. OFFICIER
TRIBUNAL d'occupation - occupatio.n
DFENSEUR - officier dfenseur -
court. defending officer (before a court martial).
OCCUPER ETAT CIVIL - officier de l'tat civil -'!eg-
POUR- occuper pour - (of an avou) act istratio.n officer; .registrar.
for .. JUSTICE - officier de justice - court offi-
CEUVRE (fem) - c)J.arity. cer.
ADOPTION - ~uvre d'adoption - adop- MINISTRIEL - officier ministriel -
tion society.. member of one of certain professions (eg
BIENFAISANCE.:.... uvre de bienfaisance baili:ff, solicitor (notaire) or stockbrokei)
- charitable institution. whose members.are officially appointed,
ESPRiT - droits sur uvres dl'esprit - though their relationship with their clients
right to the fruits of mentalactivity (prod- is in most cases that of a professional adviser
ucts of the mind, creative work, intellectual. OJ: agent; professional officer.
property). PAIX - officier de paix - (police) sergeant.

. ' ~ li

PRINCIPAL - officier de paix princi- issue in question (recours en rvision,

pal - (police) inspector. formerly requte civile).)
POLICE - officier de police - senior (uni-
formed) police officer (officier de paix or OMNES - see ERGA OMNES.
JUDICIAIRE - officier de police ju- ONREUX
diciaire - senior police officer, mayor, TITRE - titre onreux - for (valuable)
prefect, etc entitled to exercise special consideration; for payment; non-gratuitous;
powers in connection with the repression for value.
of crime; senior law-enforcement officer.
PUBLIC - officier public - persan entitled OPRATION - transaction.
to make officially recorded documents (the BOURSE - opration de bourse - stock-
geueral term is sometimes used where the exchange transaction (contract).
context shows that, for example, a solicitor IMPT sur les oprations de bourse -
(notaire) or baili:ffis intended); holder of a stamp duty on stock-exchange transac-
professional office; profession al officer. tions.
OFFICIEUX - semi-official; non-statutory; LECTORAL - oprations lectorales -
extra-statutory; unofficial. holding of an election.
OFFRANT FICTIF - opration fictive - fictitious
PL US - le plus offrant - the highest bidder. transaction.
LI - opration lie - connected or collat-
OFFRE - o:ffer (the first step towards a con- eral transaction; combined transaction.
tract, which is completed by "acceptance").
CONCOURS - offre de concours - o:ffer OPINION
to contribute to the cost of public works by ABSTRAIT - opinion abstraite - the gen-
an interested party (a contract governed by
eral view; the opinion of the reasonable man.
public law).
COMMUN - opinion commune -joint
DEMANDE d'offres - call (advertisement)
for tenders.
DEMANDE - offre et demande - supply CONCORDANT - opinion concordante -
and demand. concurring opinion.
ESPCE - offre en espces - cash o:ffer. DISSIDENT - opinion dissidente - dissent-
- PREUVE - offre de preuve - offer or ing opinion.
application to produce or bring evidence. DOMINANT- opinion dominante - pre-
P,l,tSEN~E,R des ~:f&es de preuve - dominant view (opinion); better opinion.
subinit evid.nce. INDIVIDUEL - opinion individuelle - sep-
R~~ ~.~ffr~~ r~~i~~ - (formal) tender of arate opinion.
p'fori:nance 19r p'ayment, ie tender of the
i " ....
li PARTAGE d'opinions - equality of votes;
sm due by a persan with capacity to pay
evenly split.
t a creditor with ca.pacity to receive (or to
a persan entitled to receive it on his behalf). SPAR - opinion spare - separate opin-
(To be valid the sum must be presented by ion.
a bailiff or solicitor at the place prescribed
for payment. If refused the sum is paid into OPPORTUNIT- expediency; desirability;
court.) discretion.
OLOGRAPHE - holograph (will), ie entirely d'un acte administratif- expediency of (the
in the testator's handwriting. way a discretion has been exercised in arriv-
OMISSION ing at) an administrative decision.
STATUER - omission de statuer - failure POURSUITE - principe de l'opportunit
(by a court) to decide a point raised in the des poursuites - rule that whether a prose-
pleadings. (This may constitute a ground cution should be brought is a matter within
for app.eal to the Court of Cassation or for the discretion of the prosecuting authorities;
an application to the trial court to retry the principle of discretionary prosecution.


OPPOSABLE pas susceptible d'opposition - an applica-

- opposable - binding on; enforceable tion may not be brought to set aside a deci-
against; effective against; capable of being sion ordering a procedural measure.
raised against; TIERCE opposition - application by a third
capable of operating against. party (ie a persan not represented in the pro-
TIERS - opposable aux tiers - valid ceedings) to set aside a judgment adversely
vis--vis third parties; effective against affecting his interests.
third parties; binding on (applicable INCIDENT - tierce opposition inci-
to) third parties (eg strangers to a con- dente - application by a third party in-
tract). cidental to pending proceedings to set
aside a judgment.
OPPOSANT - persan applying to set aside (a
judgment by default or in absentia); persan plac- PRINCIPAL - tierce opposition prin-
ing a stop on a negotiable .instrument; objector. cipale - application by a third party
independent of pending proceedings to
OPPOSER - raise the defence; plead in set aside a judgment.
defence; reply; abject; set up (against).
ACTE - opposer un acte - rely on a docu- OPTION
ment made by the other party. LEVE de l'option - exercise of the option.
PRTENDRE opposer un acte - seek LEVER une option - exercise an option.
(purport) to allege the validity of an act PLACE - option de place - right to choose
(transaction). place of payment.
S'opposer - son droit interne s'oppose -
its domestic law prevents.
DBAT - oralit des dbats - (requirement
OPPOSITION - application to a court to set of) a(n oral) hearing.
aside a judgment it has given by default or in the
absence of an accused and rehear the case; ob- ORDONNANCE- order (certain provisional
jection; (negotiable instrument) stop; notice to a orders of a legislative nature made by the gov-
debtor not to pay his creditor; notice of attach- ernment in connection with the budget or the in-
ment of a debt. troduction of special programmes of legislation;
ACTE d'opposition - application to set certain orders made by a single judge, especially
aside. those connected with the investigation of an
CONTRAINTE - opposition contrainte offen ce); warrant ( authority) authorising payment
- application to set aside (objection to) an by the Treasury.
order to pay. ACCORD - ordonnance rendue sur la
DBOUT d'une opposition - dismissal of base d'un accord - consent order.
an application ta set aside. APPLICATION - ordonnance d'applica-
DFAUT- opposition sur dfaut- appli- tion - implementing regulations.
cation to set aside a judgment by default. CLTURE - ordonnance de clture -
DLAI d'opposition - time-limit for lodg- order by which an investigating judge closes
ing an application to set aside or raising an an investigation (ie discharge or committal
objection. for trial).
EXPLOIT d'opposition - notice of applica- COMPARUTION- ordonnance de com-
tion to set aside. parution - summons (to appear before the
FAIRE (FORMER) opposition - lodge court making the or der).
(file) an application to set aside; lodge (file) CONTRAINTE - ordonnance de con-
an objection; put a stop on a negotiable in- trainte - warrant to bring before the court.
strument. CONTUMACE - ordonnance de contu-
INCIDENT ~ opposition incidente - see mace - order to present oneself for trial
TIERCE b elow. within ten days.
MARIAGE - opposition mariage - pre- DESSAISISSEMENT - ordonnance de
vention by certain persans of the celebration dessaisissement - order transferring a case
of a marriage. to another investigating judge.
SUSCEPTIBLE d'opposition - la dcision EXEQUATUR- ordonnance d'exequatur
qui ordonne une mesure d'instruction n'est - authority to execute (enforce) a judgment.


EXPROPRIATION - ordonnance d'expro- SQUESTRE - ordonnance de squestre

priation - expropriation (compulsory pur- (Sw) - provisional attachment order.
chase) or der. SOIT-COMMUNIQU- ordonnance de
EXPULSION - ordonnance d'expulsion - soit-communiqu - order by the investigat-
order for possession; writ of possession. ing judge closing an investigation, transmit-
INCOMPTENCE - ordonnance d'incom- ting the file and informing the public pros-
ptence - :finding by an investigating judge ecutor's office that the case is ready for fur-
that he lacks jurisdiction to deal with the ther action; notification to proceed (with a
case. prosecution).
INTERNEMENT- ordonnance d'interne- TAXE - ordonnance de taxe - order fix-
ment - detention order; internment order. ing the costs; certi:ficate of taxed costs; allo-
JUSTICE - ordonnance de justice - court catur; taxation of costs (by the president
order; judge's order. of the court on an appeal from a taxation
JUSTIFICATION - ordonnance de justifi- (vrification des dpens) by the reg-
cation - show cause or der. istry).
NON-LIEU - ordonnance de non-lieu - TRANSMISSION (DE PICES) - ordon-
discharge (by the investigatingjudge). nance de transmission (de pices) - order
NON-RECEVABILIT- ordonnance de by the investigating iudge closing an inves-
non-recevabilit - ruling (by the investigat- tigation and sending the file to the Princi-
ing judge) that the conditions for opening an pal Public Prosecutor's Office (Attorney-
investigation are not satisfied. General's Department) for submission to
PNAL - ordonnance pnale - summary the Indictments Chamber of the Court of
order imposing a fine which the defendant Appeal.
may have set aside if he wishes to have a full
trial; sentence order. ORDONNANCEMENT
PRENDRE une ordonnance - make or DPENSE - ordonnancement des d-
issue an or der. penses - warrant (issued by the minister
PREUVE - ordonnance de preuves (Sw) - personally) authorising payment by the Trea-
order for evidence to be taken. sury; authorisation of settlement.
PRISE DE CORPS - ordonnance de prise ORDONNATEUR - minister or civil servant
de corps - arrest warrant issued by the entitled to authorise the payment and receipt of
Indictments Chamber. public moneys; commitments officer.
RFR - ordonnance de rfr (sur
rfr) - provisional (interim) order made ORDONNER-order.
by a single judge, usually the president of the
court, in an urgent matter; (judge's) order ORDRE
(on an application in urgent proceedings). AVOCAT - ordre des avocats - bar (associ-
REFUS D'INFORMER - ordonnance de ation).
refus d'informer - ruling (by the investigat- BILLET ordre - promissory note
ing judge) that the conditions for opening an CHQUE ordre - order cheque.
investigation are not satis:fied. CLAUSE ordre - order clause written on
RGLEMENT- ordonnance de rglement a cheque or bill (ie the words "or order"). (A
- order by which an investigating judge bill of exchange is transferable by endorse-
closes an investigation (ie discharge or com- ment even without an express order clause
mittal for trial). unless it contains words expressly excluding
RENDRE - ordonnance rendue conform- such transfer.)
ment la loi - lawful order. CONNAISSEMENT ordre - order bill of
RENVOI - ordonnance de renvoi - com- lading.
mittal for trial. CONSEIL de l'ordre (des avocats, des
REQUTE - ordonnance sur requte - mdecins, etc - Bar Council, General Medi-
order made by the president of the court or a cal Council, etc.
single judge on an ex parte application. CONSTITUTIONNEL- ordre constitu-
SAISIE-ARRT - ordonnance de saisie- tionnel - the existing constitutional order
arrt - (formerly) garnishee order nisi. (system).


OUR sums at the disposal of a client for a speci-

DCLARATION - la Cour a ou dans fied period.
leurs dclarations - the Court heard ad- DBAT - ouverture des dbats - stage of
dresses by. a trial which commences when the plaintiff's
OUTRAGE - insult; abuse (especially insult- counsel begins speak.
ing persons holding official positions). DONNER ouverture rparation - afford
AGENT - outrage agent - insulting a a daim in damages.
constable. DROIT - ouverture d'un droit - grounds
BONNES MCEURS - see MURS below. on which a daim or right is based; granting
DERNIER - subir les derniers outrages - of a right.
be raped. PRESTATION - ouverture du droit
MCEURS - outrage aux bonnes murs - aux prestations - eligibility for benefit.
offence against morality; immoral publica- FAILLITE - ouverture de la faillite - com-
tions (especially those of an obscene or er~tic mencement of bankruptcy.
nature); obscene publications, songs, cries or RPARATION - donnant ouverture
advertisements. rparation - affording a daim in damages.
MORALIT PUBLIQUE - outrage la SUCCESSION - ouverture de la succes-
moralit publique - causing offence by inde- sion - moment when the succession takes
cent behaviour or exposure. place; passing of the estate to the heirs.
PUDEUR - outrage public la pudeur - USUFRUIT- ouverture de l'usufruit -
indecent behaviour or exposure in public; commencement of the usufruct (life tenancy).
gross indecency. OUVRAGE
OUTREPASSER GROS ouvrage - main walls and roof.
POUVOIR - outrepasser ses pouvoirs - LOUAGE d'ouvrage - contract for services;
exceed one's powers (one's authorlty). contract for work (and materials). (Com-
prises both louage de services (service
contract; employment contract) and louage
ACTION - aussi l'action restera-t-elle
d'industrie (contract for services, ie to
ouverte bien au-del de trois ans - the
make or do something as an independent
action will therefore remain available for
contractor, eg make a suit or fi.11 a tooth).)
much longer than three years ( eg because
time does not run during the plaintiff's OUVRIR
minority). ACTION - ouvrir une action - give (make
VILLE ouverte - (international law) open available) a cause of action.
(ie undefended) city. CASSATION - la voie de cassation est ou-
OUVERTURE - commencement; grounds; verte contre - an appeal on points of law
lies against.
eligibility; entitlement; cases in which an action or
appeal is available. CRDIT - ouvrir un crdit - vote an
ACTION PNALE - ouverture de l'action
pnale - institution (commencement) of DROIT - ouvrir (un) droit - entitle; grant
criminal proceedings. (confer) a right.
CASSATION - ouverture cassation - INFORMATION - ouvrir une information
grounds on which an appeal to the Court of - commence a judicial investigation.
Cassation may be based. INSTRUCTION - ouvrir une instruction -
CONDITIONS d'ouverture du droit aux commence a judicial investigation.
prestations - conditions of entitlement to OYANT
benefit. COMPTE - oyant compte - person to
CRDIT - ouverture de crdit - agreement whom an account is rendered.
whereby a a bank agrees to place certain


PACAGE-right to pasture sheep; common of CHU - paiement chu - payment due.
pasture. ESPCE - paiement en espces - payment
SERVITUDE de pacage - profit of pasture. in cash.
PACTE FICTIF - paiement fictif- national pay-
COMMISSOIRE - pacte commissoire - ment.
foreclosure clause in a pledge or mortgage; FRACTIONN - paiement fractionn -
clause permitting the pledgee or mortgagee payment by instalments.
to keep the abject pledged or mortgaged INDU - paiement de l'indu - payment
in case of non-repayment; (more generally) in satisfaction of a non-existent obligation
rescission clause. (which gives rise to a right to restitution -
MATRIMONIAL - pacte matrimonial - money had and received).
marriage contract. INTRIEUR - paiement intrieur - inland
PRFRENCE - pacte de prfrence - payment.
pre-emption agreement. INTERVENTION - paiement par inter-
QUOTA LITIS - pacte de quota litis - vention - payment for honour.
agreement authorising another to pursue an LIBRATOIRE - paiement libratoire -
action on one's behalf in return for a share payment effecting a discharge (from an obli-
of the proceeds; champertous agreement (if gation).
entered into by a lawyer). NUMRAIRE - paiement en numraire -
RACHAT --pacte de rachat - redemption payment in cash.
clause; clause giving a vendor the right to PRSENTATION au paiement - presenta-
repurchase property (within five years). tion for payment.
RMR - pacte de rmr - redemption PROVISIONNEL - paiement provisionnel
clause; clause giving a vendor the right to - payment of an advance.
repurchase property (within five years). SOMMATION de paiement - official
SOCIAL - pacte social - articles of associa- demand for payment by the bailiff.
tion or partnership. SOUFFRANCE - paiement en souffrance
SUCCESSION FUTURE - pacte sur suc- - overde payment.
cession future - agreement on the succession SURSIS de paiement - extension of time for
of a living persan. payment.
TEMPRAMENT - paiement tempra-
PAIEMENT - performance of an obligation
ment - payment by instalments.
(payment of a debt) and more particularly perfor-
TROP - paiement en trop - overpayment.
mance of an obligation to pay money.
ANTICIPATION - paiement par anticipa- PAIR
tion - payment in advance. AU pair - at par.
CESSATION de(s) paiement(s) - cessation
(suspension) of (a debtor's) payments (state PAISSON - right of pasture for pigs.
preceding bankruptcy); inability to meet cur- PANACHAGE- the inclusion by a vote; of
rent liabilities; insolvency. candidates selected from different party lists in
COMPENSATOIRE - paiement compen- his voting-paper,
satoire - equalisation payment; deficiency
payment. PAPIER- bill of exchange.
DATION en paiement - satisfaction; accord COMPLAISANCE - papier de complai-
and satisfaction. sance - accommodation bill.
DLGATION de paiement - order DOMESTIQUE - papiers domestiques -
(instruction) to pay (usually addressed to family papers, eg diaries.
a banker). FAIT - pipier fait - bill with three signa-
CHELONN - paiement chelonn - tures accepted for rediscount by the Bank of
payment by instalments. France.


ORDRE - papier ordre - order security. PARENTLE - family group consisting of a

PORTEUR - papier au porteur - bearer persan and his issue; stirps; stock.
TIMBR - papier timbr - stamped paper,
GRIEF - parer un grief- redress a com-
ie paper bearing a revenue stamp on which
certain documents must be written.
PARRE - written statement confirming the
existence of a trade custom.
FISCAL - paradis fiscal - tax haven.
PARI - bet; wager.
P ARATATIQ UE - partly state-owned {or
controlled). PARITAIRE - equi-representational; joint.
PARAFISCAL - extra-budgetary. PARIT - official rate of exchange.
P ARAJUDICIAIRE- quasi-judicial. PARJURE - perjury; perjurer.
PARALGAL - quasi-statutory. PARQUET - State (Crown) Counsel's Office
(Department); Attorney-General's Department;
PARAPHER - initial the text of a treaty to State (Crown, Public) Prosecutor's Office
show it has been provisionally agreed. This does (Department); the prosecution; the prosecuting
not in any way bind the negotiating states. authorities.
PARAPHERNAL GNRAL - parquet gnral - Principal
BIENS paraphernaux - separate property State (Crown) Counsel's Office (Depart-
of the wife under the dotal system of mrital ment); Attorney-General's Department;
property ( abolished in France with respect Principal State (Crown, Public) Prosecu-
to future marriages as from 1965) which does tor's Office (Department); the prosecution;
not form part of her settled property (biens the prosecuting authorities.
dotaux). PRATIQUE des parquets - prosecution
PARASTATAL - partly state-owned (or
controlled). PART - portion; share; newly born infant.
ASSOCI - part d'associ - share in a
PARCELLAIRE partnership.
PLAN parcellaire - registered plan; index FONDATEUR - part de fondateur -
map (showing plots ofland). founder's share; promoter's share.
REMEMBREMENT parcellaire - consoli- HORS - (par prciput et) hors part - (of
dation of smallholdings. a gift to an heir out of an estate) not subject
PARCELLE- plot (parcel) (ofland). to hotchpot; in addition to the heir's share of
CADASTRAL - parcelle cadastrale - plot
the estate.
INDIVIS - part indivise - undivided share.
on a registered plan.
INTRT - part d'intrt - partnership
PARCOURS share; non-negotiable share.
DROIT de parcours - right of common (for PRCIPUTAIRE - part prciputaire -
pasturing animals). gift to an heir out of an estate in addition to
LIBRE parcours - free passage. his share.
SOCIAL - part sociale - share in a partner-
P AREATIS (Belg) - authority to execute (en-
ship, business or private company.
SUBSTITUTION de part - substitution of
PARENT a child.
CONSANGUIN - parents consanguins - SUCCESSORAL - part successorale -
relations of the half-blood on the father's share in an estate; share on (an) intestacy.
si de. SUPPOSITION de part - attributing a
GERMAIN - parents germains - relations child to an imaginary woman or to a woman
of the full blood. who has not conceived; passing off a child.
UTRIN - parents utrins - relations of SUPPRESSION de part - causing the
the half-blood on the mother's sicle. disappearance of a new-born child (charge


brought where nothing more can be proved); PARTICIPATION

concealment of birth. , ACQUT - participation aux acquts -
, VIRIL - part virile - separate share; equal sharing of after-acquired property. (System
share. of marital property under which each spouse
keeps his own property and at the end of the
PARTAGE- partition. marriage each takes half the other's after-
, ASCENDANT - partage d'ascendant - acquired property.)
division of an estate by a parent or ancestor , BON de participation - participation cer-
among his children or issue to avoid subse- tificate giving a right to share in profits or
quent litigation. on liquidation or to subscribe for shares (not
, CONJONCTIF - partage conjonctif- divi- identical with a bon de jouissance).
sion by the father and mother of their estate
, CRIMINEL - participation criminelle -
among all their issue.
complicity (in a felony).
, JUDICIAIRE - partage judiciaire - parti-
FORFAITAIRE- participation forfaitaire
tion by the court.
- fixed contribution.
, NATURE - partage en nature - partition
MAJORITAIRE - participation majori-
in kind.
taire - majority holding.
, OPINION - partage d'opinions - equality
of votes; evenly split. SOCIT en participation - partnership
with a sleeping partner or undisclosed part-
, PROVISIONNEL - partage provisionnel
- provisional partition (esp where there is
a usufruct (life interest) pending the final
PARTICULIER - private individual.
division of the property).
, TRANSMISSION titre particulier -
, SOUCHE - partage par souche(s) - divi-
transfer of (succession to) one or more spe-
sion per stirpes.
cific items of property (not subject to the
, SOULTE - partage avec soulte - partition
persona! debts of one's predecessor in title).
with payment of compensation.
, TESTAMENTAIRE - partage testamen- PARTIE - (code) part. The Swiss Civil Code
taire - division by will. is divided into livres (books), parties (parts),
, TTE - partage par tte - division per titres (sections), chapitres (chapters) and ar-
capita. ticles (articles).
, VOIX - partage des voix - equality of , ADVERSE - partie adverse - the other
votes; tie; if the votes are equal. side; opposite ( opposing) party (it may be
preferable to specify "the plaintiff", "the
PARTAGEABLE - divisible. respondent", etc).
PARTAGEANT- persan entitled to a share , APPELANT - partie appelante - appel-
on partition. lant.
, ASSIGN - partie assigne - party on
PARTENAIRE- the other party (to a con- whom a writ has been served, ie the defen-
tract). dant.
, SOCIAL - partenaires sociaux - manage-
ment and labour; both sicles of industry;
mise l'assistance judiciaire - legally aided
partners in industry; employers and labour.
PARTI , BELLIGRANT - partie belligrante -
, SANS parti - independent. belligerent.
, CAUSE - partie en cause - party to the
PARTIAIRE proceedings.
, COLON partiaire - tenant who pays his .. METTRE - partie mise en cause -
rent in produce. respondent.
PARTIAL- biased; partial. , CIT - partie cite - party on whom a writ
of summons has been served, ie the defen-
PARTIALIT - bias. dant.


CIVIL - partie civile - party claiming dam- Counsel when he takes part in civil proceed-
ages (in criminal proceedings); (sometimes) ings as plaintiff or defendant.
complainant. PRIVATIF - parties privatives - parts of a
COMMUN - parties communes - parts of building in co-ownership occupied exclusively
a building and its surroundings in the joint by the various co-owners .
ownership of the co-owners. . PROCS - partie au procs - party to the
COMPARANT - partie comparante - proceedings; litigant.
party before the court. PUBLIC - partie publique - Attorney-
CONSTITUTIF - partie constitutive - General's Depart:ment; the prosecution.
constituent part; essential part. RCLAMANT - partie rclamante - com-
CONTRACTANT- (haute) partie con- plainant; applicant.
tractante - (high) contracting party. REQURANT - partie requrante - plain-
DBOUT - partie dboute - unsuccess- tiff; applicant.
ful (losing) party. SUCCOMBANT - partie succombante -
DFAILLANT - partie dfaillante - party unsuccessful (losing) party.
failing to appear.
DFENDEUR - partie dfenderesse -
PAS-DE-PORTE- premium payable for the
right to occupy business premises; premium for
defendant; respondent.
DEMANDEUR - partie demanderesse -
plaintiff. PASSAGE- right ofway.
DIFFREND - partie au diffrend - liti- DROIT de passage - right of way.
gant. INOFFENSIF - passage inoffensif - inno-
GAGNANT - partie gagnante - successful cent passage.
party. USAGE - le passage a fait l'objet de
INDIGENT - partie indigente - poor trente ans d'usage - the right of way has
party. been exercised for thirty years.
INTGRANT - partie intgrante - essen-
tial component. PASSATION
INTERVENANT - partie intervenante- ACTE - passation d'un acte - execution of
third party; intervening party; intervener. a legal instrument.
INTIM - partie intime - respondent. CRITURE - passation en critures -
JOINT - partie jointe - co-plaintiff or co- posting (entry) in an account.
defendant; party joined as plaintiff or defen- POUVOIR - passation des pouvoirs -
dant; associated party; status. of State Coun- transfer of power; handing over of office
sel when he intervenes in civil proceedings to (fonctions).
submit his observations to the court. PASSAVANT- excise pass (for the transport
TRE - lorsqu'il est partie jointe - of wines and spirits and other merchandise); tran-
when he is joined in the proceedings. sire.
LS - partie lse - injured party.
LITIGE - partie au litige - party to the PASSE-DROIT - dispensation.
proceedings; litigant. PASSEPORT
OPPOSANT - partie opposante - object- SERVICE - passeport de service - serv:ice
ing party. passport.
PERDANT - partie perdante - unsuccess-
ful (losing) party. PAS SER - enter into; conclude.
PLAIGNANT - partie plaignante - com- ACTE - passer un acte - execute a legal
plainant. instrument.
POURSUIVANT - partie poursuivante - OUTRE - passer outre - continue (proceed-
plai:ntiff; applicant; prosecutor. ings) in spite of an objection etc.
PRENANT - partie prenante - party enti-
tled to receive payment.
DE - passible de - subject (liable) to.
PRSENT - partie prsente - party before
the court. PASSIF- liabilities.
PRINCIPAL - partie principale - State LMENT de passif - liability.


, HYPOTHCAIRE - passif hypothcaire - PAULIEN

mortgage debts. ACTION paulienne - action by which a
, SUJET passif (d'un droit, d'une obliga- creditor can have declared void certain trans-
tion) - persan against whom a right may be actions by a debtor with third parties preju-
enforced; obligor; promisor; debtor; tortfea- dicial to his interests.
sor; persan bound by (liable to perform) an
obligation. PAUMER (Belg) - sell land through a solicitor
(notaire) to the persan making the best o:ffer
. PASSIONNEL (not an auction).
, CRIME passionnel - o:ffence motivated by
jealousy; crime passionnel. PAVILLON - a ship's in the sense of its
PATENTE- trade tax; traders tax; licence (to
practise a profession, sell liquor, etc). COMPLAISANCE - pavillon de complai-
sance - of convenience.
, NET - patente nette - clean bill of health.
, PARLEMENTAIRE - pavillon parlemen-
PATERNIT taire - of truce.
, ACTION en recherche de paternit - affil-
iation proceedings; action to establish pater- PAYS
nity. ACCUEIL - pays d'accueil- host country.
, JURIDICTION - pays de juridiction -
PATRIMOINE - assets; fortune; fund; prop-
country with jurisdiction; (formerly) coun-
erty; goods; possessions; collection of assets and
try in which consular juridiction is exercised
liabilities attached to a persan.
over foreign nationals.
, AFFECTATION - patrimoine d'affectation
MANDAT - pays de mandat - (League of
- collection of assets and liabilities allocated
Nations) mandated territory; mandate.
or reserved for a special purpose; special-
purpose fund. REQURANT - pays requrant - appli-
, MORAL - patrimoine moral - strictly per- cant country; requesting country.
sona! property; strictly personal rights; non- REQUIS - pays requis - country receiving
material rights. the application; requested country.
, SOCIAL - patrimoine social - partnership
or company assets. PAGE- toll.

PATRIMONIAL- pecuniary; economic. PCHE - fishery.

, DROITS patrimoniaux - pecuniary rights; PETIT - petite pche - right to fish in
property rights; proprietorial (proprietary) coastal waters.
rights; economic rights.
PCULAT (Sw) - embezzlement of public
PATRON - employer. fonds.
PATRONAGE (Sw) - supervision ofreleased PCULE - prisoner's earnings.
LIBRATION - pcule de libration -
, COMIT de patronage - prisoners aid co;m-
(prisoner's) release savings.
PATRONAL - employers'. PEINE - punishment; sentence; penalty; sanc-
PATRONYMIQUE peine de - failing which (it will be); if it is
, NOM patronymique - surname; family not to be.
name. " IRRECEVABILIT- peine d'irre-
P~TURE cevabilit - if it is not to be. declared
, SERVITUDE de pture - profit of pasture; inadmissible; will be inadmissible unless.
right to pasture cattle or sheep. " NULLIT - peine de nullit - can-
, VAIN - (droit de) vaine pture - right of not validly; to be valid.
common; common of pasture exercisable after ACCESSOIRE - peine accessoire - ancil-
mowing or harvest. lary (accessory) penalty(measure).

... J

ADOUCISSEMENT de peine - mitigation offences, consecutive sentences are not im-

of penalty. posed. Instead the court pronounces the
AFFLICTIF - peine afflictive et infamante severest of the penalties available for one of
- penalty imposed for a felony (life or fixed- the individual offences.
term imprisonment coupled with banishment PATRIMONIAL - peine patrimoniale -
and civic disqualification). pecuniary penalty.
AGGRAVATION de peine - aggravation of PERPTUEL - peine perptuelle - life
penalty. sentence.
AJOURNEMENT (du prononc) de (la) POLICE - peine de (simple) police - pen-
peine - deferment of sentence. alty for summary (petty) offence.
ATTNUATION de peine - mitigation of
PRESCRIT - peine prescrite - lapsed pen-
penalty. alty; statute-barred penalty.
CERTITUDE de la peine - fixed penalties;
PRINCIPAL - peine principale - primary
fixed sentences.
(principal) penalty (measure).
COMMUER une peine - commute a sen-
PRIVATIF - peine privative de libert -
COMPLMENTAIRE - peine compl-
custodial sentence; imprisonment.
mentaire - additional penalty (measure). PRONONC des peines - sentencing.
CONFUSION des peines - concurrent sen- PURGER une peine - serve a sentence.
tences. QUANTUM de la peine - length of sen-
CORPOREL - peine corporelle - (former- tence; amount of a fine.
ly) (penalty entailing) corporel punishment; REMETTRE une peine - remit a sentence.
(occasionally used in the sense of) custodial REMPLACEMENT - peine de remplace-
sentence. ment - substitute (alternative) penalty.
CORRECTIONNEL - peine correction- SECONDAIRE - peine secondaire - acces-
nelle - penalty for a misdemeanour (lesser sory penalty (measure).
indictable offen ce). SOUS peine de - failing which (it will be); if
CRIMINEL - peine criminelle - penalty it is not to be.
for a felony (serious indictable offen ce).
MESURE - sous peine de mesures
CUMUL des peines - consecutive ( aggre-
disciplinaires - under threat (on pain)
gated) sentences.
of disciplinary sanctions.
DISPENSE de peine - discharge.
NULLIT - sous peine de nullit -
CONDITIONNEL - dispense de peine
cannot validly; to be valid.
conditionnelle - conditional discharge.
DROIT - peine de droit - statutory penal- SUBIR une peine - serve a sentence.
ty. SUBSTITUTION - peine de substitution
COMMUN - peine de droit commun ( l'emprisonnement) - alternative to im-
- sentence (penalty) imposed under the prisonment.
ordinary criminal law.
ENCOURIR une peine - incur (become
PNAL - criminal; penal.
liable (subject) to) a penalty. GE pnal - age at which a persan becomes
ENSEMBLE - peine d'ensemble (Sw) - criminally liable.
consolidated sentence, ie for several offences. MATIRE pnale- criminal case.
EXCUTION d'une peine - enforcement EN matire pnale - in criminal cases;
(serving) of a sentence. in criminal law.
INDTERMIN - peine dure indter- POURSUITE(S) pnale(s) - criminal pro-
mine - indeterminate sentence; sentence of ceedings; prosecution.
unspecified duration.
INFAMANT - peines infamantes - penal- PNALIT - imposition of punishments; pun-
ties imposed for a felony (ie banishment and ishment; penalty.
civic disqualification). CONVENTIONNEL - pnalit conven-
LIBERT - peine privative de libert - tionnelle - contractual penalty (penalty
custodial sentence; imprisonment. clause). '
NON-CUMUL des peines - rule that DLAI - pnalit de dlai - penalty for
where a persan has committed several late performance.


PENDANT - pending. if the dominant and servient tenements were

owned by different persons; quasi-easement.
IRRGULIER - pntration irrgulire - PREMPTION - expiring of a time-limit;
unauthorised entry. lapse by expiry of a time-limit (and failure to
PNITENTIAIRE - prisons; penological; take action, eg failing to prosecute an action,
correctional. appeal, etc).
TABLISSEMENT pnitentiaire - prison. DLAI de prempt).on - strict time-limit
( after which, eg, an instrument becomes inef-
PENSION - periodical payments. fective (without destroying the underlying
ALIMENTAIRE - pension alimentaire - right) or an application may be made to
maintenance; alimony (judicial separation strike out proceedings which have not been
only). pursued for two years); fixed term.
CENT POUR CENT - pension cent
FRAPPER - tre frapp de premption -
pour cent - full pension.
DCHANCE de la pension (du droit
pension) - loss or deprivation of pension INSTANCE - premption d'instance -
rights. lapse of an action for want of prosecution
DIFFR - pension jouissance diffre - (this does not take effect ipso jure and an
deferred pension. application to strike out is required); strik-
EFFET en pension - bill deposited as a se- ing out a case for failure to prosecute the
curity; pawned bill. proceedings (for inaction). '
LIQUIDATION de la pension - calculation JUGEMENT - premption du jugement -
of the amount of the pension. lapse of a judgment by defa.ult for failure to
RFORME - pension de rforme - invalid- serve it within six months.
ity pension.
RVERSION - pension de rversion - PREMPTOIRE - mandatory; absolute.
widows' and orphans' pension; survivor's CAUSE premptoire de divorce - absolute
pension; deperidant's pension; reversionary ground of divorce.
pension. EXCEPTION premptoire - absolute
VIAGER - pension viagre - life annuity. defence; defence which goes to the root of
and destroys the plaintiff's case.
PERCEPTION - separation ( ofperiodical
produce (fruits) from the soil). RCUSATION premptoire - challenge
IMMDIAT - perception immdiate - on- without cause; peremptory challenge.
the-spot payment of fines.
PRQUATION - equalisation.
PERCEVOIR- collect (taxes). PRLVEMENT de prquation - equali-
INDEMNIT - percevoir une indemnit sation tax, charge or contribution.
sociale - draw a social-security benefit.
PERDU - irredeemable. PRIL
ARRT de pril - danger notice.
BON pre de famille - reasonable, prudent PRIMER - lapse (for want of prosecution)..
man; careful, diligent owner.
JOUIR en bon pre de famille - (obli- PRIMTRE
gation imposed on a tenant or hirer) to
DFENSE - primtre de mise en dfense
use rented etc property without damag-
- (hunting or fishing) preserve.
ing it, ie to keep the premises in good
condition, fair wear and tear excepted. PROSPECTION - primtre de prospec-
DESTINATION du pre de famille - use tion - (licensed) prospecting claim.
,-) by the owner of two tenements of one for the PROTECTION - primtre de protection
benefit of the other in such a way that an - protected area.
easement or profit arises when one of the ten- REMEMBREMENT - primtre de re-
ements passes into different hands; state of membrement - land-consolidation area (for
affairs which would constitute an easement the purpose of consolidating smallholdings).


PRIODE EXTRACTION - permis d'extraction -

CELLULAIRE - priode cellulaire (Sw) - mining licence.
solitary confinement. PROSPECTION - permis exclusif de
COMPLMENTAIRE - priode compl- prospection - exclusive prospecting licence.
mentaire - complementary period. RECHERCHE - permis exclusif de
CONSIDRER - priode considrer - recherche - exclusive prospecting licence.
material time. SJOUR - permis de sjour - residence
FONCTION - priode de fonctions - term permit.
of office.
STATIONNEMENT - permis de station-
IMPOSABLE - priode imposable -
nement - permission to occupy or erect mov-
assessment period; period of assessment.
able structures on part of the highway or in
IMPOSITION - priode d'imposition -
some other public place, eg for a caf to put
assessment period; period of assessment.
chairs on the pavement.
RFLEXION - priode de rflexion -
(house-to-house 'sales) cooling-off period. PERMISSION
SRET - priode de sret - period of VOIRIE - permission de voirie - unilateral
unconditional imprisonment ( during which grant by an administrative authority of the
no form of release can be granted). right to occupy part of the highway or some
SUSPECT - priode suspecte - period of other public place.
relation back ( doubtful period) from adjudi-
cation in bankrUptcy to the date on which PERPTUEL
the debtor first ceased to meet his obliga- DEMEURE - perptuelle demeure - per-
tions. (The debtor's transactions during this manent attachment to the soil.
period may be challenged by the creditors,
acting through the trustee in bankruptcy.) PERPTUIT
RCLUSION perptuit - life imprison-
JURIDIQUE - permanence juridique-
legal advice office. PERQUISITION - (entry and) search.
DOMICILIAIRE - perquisition domici-
PERMIS - licence; permit.
ASSIGNER - permis d'assigner - (divorce) liaire - (house) search.
leave to bring proceedings (this must be PERQUISITIONNER - search.
applied for to the president of the court by
the petitioner in person). PERSONNALISABLE
BTIR - permis de btir - building per- MATIRE personnalisable (Belg) - mat-
mit; planning permission. ter on which a Belgian citizen is entitled to
CIRCULATION - permis de. circulation correspond with the authorities in his mother
- vehicle licence, eg for seagoing pleasure tongue anywhere in the country.
CITER - permis de citer - leave to bring PERSONNALIS - constituting a juridical
proceedings. person.
COLPORTGE - permis de colportage -
hawker's licence. PERSONNALISER - confer legal personal-
CONDUIRE - retrait du permis de con- ity on.
duire - withdrawal ( deprivation) of one's
driving licence; disqualification from driving. PERSONNALIT
CONSTRUIRE - permis de construire - ACTIF - personnalit active - capacity to
building permit; planning permission. bring proceedings.
TABLISSEMENT - permis d'tablisse- COMPTENCE de la personnalit
ment - residence (establishment) permit; active - jurisdiction based on the
authority to settle (take up residence). nationality (or domicile) of the offender
EXPLOITATION - permis d'exploitation or tortfeasor.
- mining licence (take up residence). CIVIL - personnalit civile - legal person-
EXPROPRIER - permis d'exproprier - ality (ie being entitled to rights and subject
authority for compulsory purchase. to obligations).


STATUT du personnel - staff regulations. CONVICTION - pice conviction - evi-

SUPRIEUR - personnel suprieur - se- dence; real evidence; exhibit (in a criminal
nior staff; (industry) managerial or executive- case).
grade staff; (civil service) administrative- RGLER le sort des pices convic-
grade staff. tion - dispose of the exhibits.
PERSONNIFICATION DOSSIER - pices du dossier - evidence
CIVIL - personnification civile (Belg) -
(in the file).
legal (juridical) personality. NUMRATION des pices - listing of
documents (with a view to obtaining discov-
PERTE ery).
FORTUIT - perte fortuite - purely acci- TAT CIVIL - pice d'tat civil - civil-
dental loss (ie without fault). status certi:ficate.
GAIN - perte de gain (Sw) - loss of earn- FAUX- pice argue de faux - document
ings. alleged to be false (forged).
SALAIRE - perte de salaire - loss of earn- INDICATION des pices - listing of docu-
ings. ments (:with a view to obtaining discovery).
PERTINENCE - relevance (of evidence). JUSTIFICATIF - pice justificative -
documentary evidence.
PTITION LIQUIDATION - pices de liquidation -
HRDIT - (action en) ptition d'hr- documents required for the purpose of settle-
dit- action to obtain possession of an es- ment.
tate from a person claiming to be the heir; PROCDURE - pices de la procdure -
action to daim (a share in) an estate. case file; documents on the file.
REMISE - ptition en remise - application
PRODUCTION de(s) pices - production
for remission of tax. of documents.
PTITIONNAIRE - petitioner. SOMMATION de communiquer les pices
- summons to make document~ available (for
PTITOIRE - (action) to establish ownership discovery and production of documents).
or another right in rem. STATUER sur pices - decide the case on
ACTION ptitoire - action to establish
the pleadings (on the written evidence, on
ownership or another right in rem. the file).
PHASE TERRAIN - pice de terrain - plot of
PROCDURE - phase de la procdure - land.
stage in the proceedings.
PIGNORATIF- by way of security.
PHILOSOPHIE CONTRAT pignoratif - loan disguised as
DROIT - philosophie du droit - jurispru- a sale with an option to repurchase; contract
dence. whereby a debtor transfers the possession of
one of his assets to the creditor as a security,
eg pledge.
PERSONNE physique - natural person;
individual. PILLAGE - looting.
PICE - document; coin; exhibit. PILQTE
CAISSE - pice de caisse - voucher.
ARRT pilote - leading case.
DEMANDE de communication de PLACER- invest.
pices - application for production of
documel'lts for inspection (application PLACET- application for a case to be entered
for discovery) . in the list; application for a case to be heard as
EXCEPTION de communication de an urgent application (rfr sur placet); copy
pices - objection which can be raised writ (or originating summons).
requesting the court to stay proceedings PLAGIAT - plagiarism.
so long as the opposite party refuses to
make his documents available. PLAIDER - argue; maintain.


COUPABLE - plaider coupable - plead PLATEAU

guilty. CONTINENTAL - plateau continental -
PERSONNE - plaider en personne - con- continental shelf.
duct one's case in person.
PLAIDEUR - party; litigant.
RAISONS plausibles - good reasons.
PLAIDOIRIE - (counsel's) address; argu-
ment(s). PLNIER - full; plenary.
AUDIENCE des plaidoiries - hearing; trial.
DROIT de plaidoirie - counsel's hearing fee. PLNITUDE
STADE des plaidoiries - trial stage (of the COMPTENCE- plnitude de comp-
proceedings). tence - see JURIDICTION below.
JURIDICTION - plnitude de juridic-
PLAIDOYER- (defence counsel's) address. tion - power to make any order that may
PLAIGNANT - complainant. be required by the justice of a case (to deal
with all aspects of a case); power of the
PLAINTE - complaint (to the prosecuting ordinary courts in certain cases to hear
au thori ties); information. matters falling within the jurisdiction of the
DPOSER une plainte - report an offence specialised courts; (used of a court of appeal)
to the prosecuting authorities; lay an infor- indicates that if a case which was wrongly
mation; make a complaint. brought before the Commercial Court instead
INCONNU - plainte contre inconnu - of the ordinary court cornes before the Court
complaint (information) against a person or of Appeal, the error is deemed to be cured
persons unknown. once the appeal has been decided by the
PORTER plainte - report an offence to the Court of Appeal. (The same applies to
prosecuting authorities; lay an information; felonies (crimes) which the Assize Court
make a complaint. holds to be misdemeanours (dlits).)
PLAIRE JOUIR - jouissant de la plnitude de
BIEN - bien plaire - ex gratia; without juridiction - competent (having jurisdic-
obligation. tion) to deal with all aspects of a case.
DIRE - plaise la Cour dire - the Courtis
requested to hold. PLI
JUDICIAIRE - pli judiciaire (Belg) - judi-
PLAN cial recorded delivery.
ALIGNEMENT- plan d'alignement-
alignment plan. PLUMITIF - (former name of) registrar.'s
AMNAGEMENT - plan d'amnagement notes (record) of the hearing.
- development plan.
CADASTRAL - plan cadastral - index PL US-VALUE - increase in value; apprecia-
map (showing plots); official plan; registered tion; capital gain.
plan; land survey.
DVELOPPEMENT - plan de dveloppe-
ment - national economic plan. PREUVE - poids d'un lment de
OCCUPATION - plan d'occupation des preuve - evidential value; weight of evidence.
sols - local development plan; land-use plan.
POINON - hallmark; inspection stamp.
PARCELLAIRE - plan parcellaire - reg-
istered plan; index map (showing plots of POINT
land). ATTACHE- point d'attache - connecting
URBANISME - plan d'urbanisme - devel- factor.
opment plan; structure plan. LITIGIEUX - point litigieux - point in
( at) issue.
PLAQUE POLICE - administration; (uniformed) police;
IMMATRICULATION - plaque d'imma- policing; public order; responsibility for keeping
triculation - (vehicle) number-plate. order; (insurance) policy.


ADMINISTRATIF- police administra- CORRECTIONNEL - tr}?unal de

tive - administrative authorities; administra- police correctionnelle - (regional)
tive procedure; maintaining public ord:fr and Criminal Court (for the trial of misde-
safety; policing. meanours).
AGENT de police - police o:fficer; constable;
member of the police force.
AMENDE de simple police - fine for a POLLICITATION - offer; offer of reward;
summary (petty) offence. unilateral promise.
ASSEMBLE - police de l'assemble -
(responsibility for) keeping order in Parlia- POLLUTION
ment and other assemblies. MER - pollution des mers - marine pollu-
AUDIENCE - police de l'audience - tion.
(responsibility for) keeping order in court. PONCTUEL
BTIMENT - police des btiments- GRVES ponctuelles - selective strikes.
building-regulations authority.
COMMISSAIRE de police - police superin- POPULATION
tendent. ACTIF - population active - working pop-
COMMISSARIAT de police - police ulation.
station. PORT
CORPS - police sur corps - comprehensive IMMATRICULATION - port d'immatri-
msurance. culation - home port (ie port where a ship is
CORRECTIONNEL - police correc- registered).
tionnelle - (court) jurisdiction over misde-
meanours (lesser indictable offen ces). PORTABILIT- (of a debt) the fact of
CRIMINEL - police criminelle - ( criminal) being payable at the creditor's residence or place
police; criminal investigation department. of business.
TRANGER - police des trangers - iII1-
PORTABLE- (of a debt) payable at the cred-
migration department.
itor's residence or place of business.
JUDICIAIRE - police judiciaire - ( crimi-
nal) police (the adjective is usually unneces- PORTE - effect; scope.
sary in English as the term "police" does not GNRAL - avoir une porte gnrale -
as in France extend to other administrative be of general application.
departments); criminal investigation depart-
ment. (The ter:i:n also includes other persons, PORTE-FORT - person who guarantees_) that
S1fch ~s mayors, who have certain fonctions another will do a speci:fic thing (generally ratify a
in connection with the repression of crime.) contract entered into on his behalf).
OFFICIER de police judiciaire - senior PROMESSE de porte-fort - undertaking to
police o:fficer, mayor, prefect, etc entitled ensure that a third party performs his obliga-
to exercise special powers in connection tion.
with the repression of crime; senior law-
PORTE-PAROLE - spokesman.
enforcement o:fficer.
MUNICIPAL - police municipale - local PORTER
administration; city (municipal) police. AFFAIRE - l'affaire sera porte devant un
ROULAGE - police du roulage - tra:ffic juge unique - the case will be taken (heard)
police or policing. by a single judge.
RURAL - police rurale - rural administra- ATTEINTE - porter atteinte - infringe;
tion; rural police. violate; interfere with; undermine; adversely
SANITAIRE- police sanitaire - health affect.
administration; health authority. FORT - se porter fort pour un tiers - un-
SOUSCRIPTEUR de police - the insured; derta:ke that someone else will do something.
policyholder. . REMDE - porter remde - redress.
TRIBUNAL de (simple) police - court of TRANSFERT - portant transfert de pro-
summary jurisdiction; police court; district prit - transferring (passing of) ownership
court. (property).


PORTEUR- holder; bearer. the right of, on behalf of, un.der the author-
ACTION au porteur - bearer share; share ity of) another (and not in his own right);
warrant; bearer stock. custodian.
CHQUE - porteur d'un chque - holder
POSSESSION - possession; holding; occupa-
of a cheque.
tion; factual exercise of the rights pertaining to
CLAUSE au porteur - bearer clause.
CONNAISSEMENT au porteur - bearer
BONNE FOI - see FOI below.
bill of lading.
ENTRE en possession - taking possession.
TRE au porteur - made out to bearer.
OBLIGATION - porteur d'obligation -
NON - possession non quivoque -
debenture holder.
unequivocal (undisputed) possession.
PAPIER au porteur - bearer security.
TAT de possession - position established
PART - porteur de parts - participant
by actual occupation.
(investment fonds); shareholder.
TAT - possession d'tat - actual enjoy-
PETIT porteur - small shareholder.
ment of a certain civil (personal, family) sta-
POLICE - porteur de police - policyholder.
tus; public acceptance of a person's status;
POUVOIR - porteur de pouvoir - holder
factual possession of status; de facto enjoy-
of a power of attorney; attorney. ment of a certain status, eg the prerogatives
PORTION of citizenship; enjoyment of status by repute.
DISPONIBLE - portion disponible - por- FOI - possession de bonne foi - bona
tion of his estate which a testator may dis- possession or occupation.
pose of freely. PAISIBLE - possession paisible - peace-
HRDITAIRE - portion hrditaire - able possession.
share of an estate devolving on an heir. TROUBLE de la possession - trespass; nui-
SAISISSABLE - portion saisissable - sance; interference with (a person's) posses-
attachable portion, eg of earnings. sion (quiet enj oymen t). .
VIRIL - portion virile - one of several UTILE - possession utile - valid (effective)
equal shares in an estate. possession.
VRITABLE - prsomption de possession
POSITIF vritable - presumption that the possessor is
DROIT positif - positive law, ie the law as the true owner.
it actually exists, as opposed to natural law. VICE de la possession - defect in posses-
JURIDIQUE - positivisme juridique - POSSESSOIRE
positivism (theory which rejects the concept ACTION possessoire - action to protect or
of natural law and main tains that the only recover possession; possessory action. There
law is the law actually in force at a given are three types: complainte - trespass, ie
time - positive law). when possession is disturbed by some factual
POSSDER or legal action; dnonciation de nouvel
PRCAIRE - possder titre prcaire - ceuvre, when works are commenced com-
occupy, possess or hold un.der (in the right pletion of which would interfere with posses-
sion; and rintgrande, whre a person.
of, on behalf of, un.der the authority of) an-
other (and not in one's own right); have cus- has been deprived of possession.
tody of. POSTE - item (in an account, budget, etc).
ANTRIEUR - possesseur antrieur -
previous holder; previous occupant. POSTRIT - descendants; issue.
FOI - possesseur de bonne foi - bon.a POSTPNITENTIAIRE
holder; holder in good faith; bon.a occu-
ASSISTANCE postpnitentiaire - after-
pant. care.
PRCAIRE - possesseur prcaire - person
occupying, possessing or holding un.der (in POSTULANT - applicant for a post.


POSTULAT (Sw) - parliamentary motion (re- PNAL - poursuite(s) pnale(s) - prosecu-

questing the government to legislate) (as opposed tion.
to motion). RENVOI des fins de la poursuite - acquit-
POSTULATION - pre-trial work, eg advis- tal.
ing on evidence, drawing pleadings, preparing for RESPONSABILIT - poursuite en res-
trial; taking procedural steps on behalf of a client ponsabilit - action for damages (in tort or
(as opposed to representing him in court). con tract).
SUSPENSION des poursuites individuelles
POSTULER - represent a client and conduct - stay (suspension) of individual actions
proceedings other than in court; take procedural ( consequence of b ankru ptcy).
steps on behalf of a client (as opposed to repre-
senting him in court). POURSUIVANT (adj)
POT-DE-VIN - bribe. PARTIE poursuivante - plaintiff; applicant;
POTESTATIF - potestative; depending on
the free will of one of the parties. POURSUIVANT (noun) - applicant; plain-
PRESCRIPTION potestative - provision tiff; prosecutor.
whose application is discretionary.
POURSUIVRE - sue; prosecute; take pro-
, COUVERTURE - pourcentage de couver-
DETTE - poursuivi en paiement de sa
ture - (currency) cover ratio.
dette, le dbiteur ... - when sued for his
POURSUITE(S) - proceedings; prosecution; debt, the debtor .. .
search for an offender; civil proceedings. EXCUTION - poursuivre l'excution -
ACTE de poursuite - step in criminal pro- levy execution.
ceedings. INFRACTION - poursuivi pour une in-
, CHAUD - poursuite chaud - hot pursuit. fraction - charged with an offence.
, DISCIPLINAIRE - poursuite disciplinaire
JUSTICE - poursuivre en justice - sue;
- disciplinary proceedings. bring (take) to court.
DROIT de poursuite - right to prosecute;
RGLEMENT - poursuivre le rglement
right of (hot) pursuit.
de - (seek to) settle (eg a confl.ict of juridic-
ENGAGER des poursuites - commence a
EXTINCTION des poursuites - (prema- POURVOI- appeal on points oflaw (on a
ture) termination of the proceedings. point of law, in law) (to the Court of Cassation
, IMMUNIT de poursuites - immunity or, in the case of an administrative appeal, to the
from prosecution. Conseil d'tat); application for retrial.
INSTANCE - poursuite de l'instance -
ACTE de pourvoi - notice of appeal;
continuation of the proceedings; conduct of
grounds of appeal.
the proceedings.
CASSATION - pourvoi en cassation -
JUDICIAIRE - poursuite judiciaire -
court proceedings. appeal on points of law (on a point oflaw, in
LGALIT des poursuites - mandatory
law) (to the Court of Cassation or the Con-
seil d'tat).
( compulsory) prosecution; legal basis for or
requirement of prosecution. CAUSES du pourvoi - grounds of appeal.
OFFICE des poursuites (Sw) - execution DCLARATION de pourvoi - (filing)
department (responsible for conducting ex- notice of appeal to the Court of Cassation
ecutions against persons not engaged in or the Conseil d'tat.
trade). , CEXCS - pourvoi pour excs de pouvoir
, OPPORTUNIT - (principe de) l'oppor- - appeal to the Court of Cassation by the
tunit des poursuites - rule that whether Attorney-General's Department, acting on
a prosecution should be brought is a mat- the instructions of the Minister of Justice,
ter within the discretion of the prosecuting aginst a decision by which the courts have
authorities; principle of discretionary pros- exceeded their jurisdiction by purporting to
ecution. exercise legislative or executive powers.


INCIDENT - pourvoi incident - cross- ited) power.

appeal. PRSIDENT - pouvoir discrtion-
LOI - pourvoi dans l'intrt de la loi - naire du prsident - power of the pres-
appeal by the Attorney-General's Depart- ident of an assize court to take all such
ment to the Court of Cassation against a measures as he may consider useful for
decision contravening a statutory provi- ascertaining the truth.
sion. The result does not affect the deci- DISPOSITION - pouvoir de disposition -
sion appealed against as far as the parties power of alienation; power of disposal.
are concerned. EXCEPTIONNEL - pouvoirs exception-
MOYEN de pourvoi - ground of appeal.
nels - emergency powers exercised by the
NULLIT - pourvoi en nullit (Sw) -
President of the Republic.
appeal on points of law (on a point of law,
EXCS de pouvoir - abuse (misuse) of
in law).
PROVOQU - pourvoi provoqu - cross- authority; acting in excess of authority
appeal by a party against whorn the original (j urisdiction); acting ultra vires.
appeal was not directed (ie a third party COMMETTRE un excs de pouvoir -
affected by the proceedings, eg a guarantor). exceed one's jurisdiction.
RVISION - pourvoi en rvision - appli- EXCUTION - pouvoir d'excution -
cation for a retrial. power ( authority) to enforce ( execute); exec-
SUSPENSIF - pourvoi suspensif - appeal utive power.
having the effect of a stay of execution. GRACIER - pouvoir de gracier - preroga-
tive of mercy.
SE pourvoir - appeal; enter an appeal; seek HIRARCHIQUE - pouvoir hirarchique
to have set aside. - disciplinary control; power of direction and
control over subordinates.
POUVOIR- power; authority; power of attor- INJONCTION - pouvoir d'injonction -
ney; power to exercise the rights of others; power power to give directions.
to take proceedings (on behalf of an incapable or
JUDICIAIRE - pouvoir judiciaire - courts;
juridical persan); authority to act (for a client) in
legal proceedings.
ABUS de pouvoir - abuse (rnisuse) of LIBRATOIRE - avoir pouvoir libratoire
(official) authority; acting in excess of one's - (of money) to be legal tender.
authority or discretion. PASSATION des pouvoirs - transfer of
APPRCIATION - pouvoir d'apprcia- power; handing over of office (fonctions).
tion - discretion; power (freely) to evaluate PLEINS pouvoirs - full powers; full author-
( assess) (evidence etc). ity.
COMMANDEMENT - pouvoir de com- LOI de pleins pouvoirs - Act authoris-
mandement - factual power (not necessarily ing the government to legislate by regu-
founded in law) to give orders relating to a lations; enabling Act.
thing. PUBLIC - pouvoir public - the executive;
CONFUSION des pouvoirs - failure to the authorities; public authorities.
observe the principle of the separation of RGLEMENTAIRE - pouvoir rglemen-
powers. taire - power to make regulations.
CONSTITUANT - pouvoir constituant -
REMISE des pouvoirs - submission of cre-
power to make a constitution.
CONSTITUTIONNEL - pouvoir constitu-
tionnel - power to make a constitution. SPARATION des pouvoirs - separation of
DCISION - pouvoir de dcision propre - powers.
persona! discretion. SUBSTITUTION - pouvoir de substitu-
DTOURNEMENT de pouvoir - abuse tion - power to appoint a sub-agent; right of
(misuse, misapplication) of a power, author- a superior authority to take measures in the
ity or discretion; improper exercise of author- place and on behalf of a subordinate author-
ity; misfeasance (in (public) office). ity.
DISCRTIONNAIRE - pouvoir discr- TUTELLE - pouvoir de tutelle - supervis-
tionnaire - (unfettered) discretion or (unlim- ing authority; guardianship authority.


INCIDENT - pourvoi incident - cross- ited) power.

appeal. PRSIDENT - pouvoir discrtion-
LOI - pourvoi dans l'intrt de la loi - naire du prsident - power of the pres-
appeal by the Attorney-General's Depart- ident of an assize court to take all such
ment to the Court of Cassation against a measures as he may consider useful for
decision contravening a statutory provi- ascertaining the truth.
sion. The result does not affect the deci- DISPOSITION - pouvoir de disposition -
sion appealed against as far as the parties power of alienation; power of disposal.
are concerned. EXCEPTIONNEL - pouvoirs exception-
MOYEN de pourvoi - ground of appeal.
nels - emergency powers exercised by the
NULLIT - pourvoi en nullit (Sw) -
President of the Republic.
appeal on points of law (on a point of law,
EXCS de pouvoir - abuse (misuse) of
in law).
authority; acting in excess of authority
PROVOQU - pourvoi provoqu - cross-
(jurisdiction); acting ultra vires.
appeal by a party against whom the original
appeal was not directed (ie a third party COMMETTRE un excs de pouvoir -
a:ffected by the proceedings, eg a guarantor). exceed one's jurisdiction.
RVISION - pourvoi en rvision - appli- EXCUTION - pouvoir d'excution -
cation for a retrial. power (authority) to enforce (execute); exec-
SUSPENSIF - pourvoi suspensif - appeal utive power.
having the e:ffect of a stay of execution. GRACIER - pouvoir de gracier - preroga-
tive of mercy.
SE pourvoir - appeal; enter an appeal; seek HIRARCHIQUE - pouvoir hirarchique
to have set aside. - disciplinary control; power of direction and
control over subordinates.
POUVOIR - power; authority; power of attor- INJONCTION - pouvoir d'injonction -
ney; power to exercise the rights of others; power power to give directions.
to take proceedings (on behalf of an incapable or
JUDICIAIRE - pouvoir judiciaire - courts;
juridical person); authority to act (for a client) in
legal proceedings.
ABUS de pouvoir - abuse (misuse) of LIBRATOIRE - avoir pouvoir libratoire
(official) authority; acting in excess of one's - (of money) to be legal tender.
authority or discretion. PASSATION des pouvoirs - transfer of
APPRCIATION - pouvoir d'apprcia- power; handing over of office (fonctions).
tion - discretion; power (freely) to evaluate PLEINS pouvoirs - full powers; full author-
( assess) (evidence etc). ity.
COMMANDEMENT- pouvoir de com- LOI de pleins pouvoirs - Act authoris-
mandement - factual power (not necessarily ing the government to legislate by regu-
founded in law) to give orders relating to a lations; enabling Act.
thing. PUBLIC - pouvoir public - the executive;
CONFUSION des pouvoirs - failure to the authorities; public authorities.
observe the principle of the separation of RGLEMENTAIRE - pouvoir rglemen-
powers. taire - power to make regulations.
CONSTITUANT - pouvoir constituant -
REMISE des pouvoirs - submission of cre-
power to make a constitution.
CONSTITUTIONNEL - pouvoir constitu-
tionnel - power to make a constitution. SPARATION des pouvoirs - separation of
DCISION - pouvoir de dcision propre - powers.
personal discretion. SUBSTITUTION - pouvoir de substitu-
DTOURNEMENT de pouvoir - abuse tion - power to appoint a sub-agent; right of
(misuse, misapplication) of a power, author- a superior authority to take measures in the
ity or discretion; improper exercise of author- place and on behalf of a subordinate author-
ity; misfeasance (in (public) office). ity.
DISCRTIONNAIRE - pouvoir discr- TUTELLE - pouvoir de tutelle - supervis-
tionnaire - (unfettered) discretion or (unlim- ing authority; guardianship authority.


VALIDATION des pouvoirs - ratification of IMMOBILIER - prcompte immobilier

credentials; validation of the appointment. (Belg) - advance on incarne tax payable on
VRIFICATION des pouvoirs - examina- immovable property.
tion of credentials.
PRATIQUE PRIODE prcontractuelle - period pre-
TAT - pratique des tats - state practice. ceding the contract.
PROCDURE - la pratique de la proc-
dure - practice. PRMINENCE
TRIBUNAL - pratique des tribunaux - DROIT - prminence du droit - rule of
practice; court practice. law.
ADHRER - adhrant la prmi-
PRALABLE - previous. nence du droit - subscribing to the rule
QUESTION pralable - preliminary ques- of law.
tion (point, issue) to be decided by the court
trying the main issue. PREMPTION - preemption; first option to
pur chase.
PRAMBULE - preamble.
PRAVIS - notice; warning. DROIT de prfrence - right (of a mort-
INDEMNIT de pravis - payment (com- gagee or persan entitled to a statutory pri-
pensation) in lieu of notice. ority, preference or lien (privilge)) to be
paid in preference to other creditors; prefer-
PRAVISER - give notice.
ential right; preferential duty.
PRCAIRE - provisional; in the right of an-
PRFET - prefect; chief administrative offi.cer
in a dpartement ( county).
DTENTION prcaire - occupation of an-
MARITIME - prfet maritime - admiral in
other's property by virtue of an agreement
charge of a coastal district.
with the owner (eg as a tenant).
POLICE - prfet de police - (Paris) Metro-
PRCARIT - the fact of holding or occupy- politan Police Commissioner; Commissioner
ing property in (by virtue of) the right of another of Police for the Metropolis.
(eg as a tenant). RGION - prfet de rgion - regional pre-
EXEMPT de prcarit - not holding in the fect; chief administrative offi.cer in a region.
right of another.
PRJUDICE - damage; injury; loss; harm.
PRCDENT - precedent. AGRMENT - prjudice d'agrment -
loss of amenity.
PRCIPUT - clause in a marriage contract
CHEF de prjudice - head of damage.
whereby the surviving spouse has a right to re-
MATRIEL - prjudice matriel - pecu-
ceive a sum of money or certain chattels befoi:e
niary (material) damage.
the partition of the community property; right to
MORAL - prjudice moral - non-pecuniary
receive something in advance before the division
(non-material) damage.
of an estate or thing so received.
PATRIMONIAL - prjudice patrimo:q.ial -
PART - prciput hors part - gift to an heir
pecuniary damage; economic loss.
out of the estate in addition to his share.
PCUNIAIRE - prjudice pcuniaire -
PAR prciput et hors part - (of a gift
to an heir out of an estate) not subject pecuniary damage.
to hotchpot; in addition to the heir's PERSONNEL - prjudice de caractre
share of the estate. personnel - loss of amenity, pain and suffer-
ing and aesthetic damage.
PRCIS - specific. PORTER prjudice - cause damage.
PRINCIPAL - ne portent pas prju-
PRCISER - specify.
dice au principal - without prejudice to
PRCOMPTE - advance payment; salary (without affecting) the merits.
deduction for the purpose of paying an employee's RICOCHET - prjudice par ricochet -
social-security contributions; deduction at source. indirect damage suffered by dependants (or


others similarly situated) from the death or PREMIER

injury of a victim. CHANGE - premire de change - first of
SANS prjudice de - subject to; without exchange.
prejudicing (prejudice to); without prejudg- DEGR - premier degr - court below;
ing. trial court; first instance.
SOCIAL - prjudice social - loss or dam- INSTANCE - premire instance - first
age suffered by a company, (professional or instance.
other) association, trade union, etc. JUGE - premier juge - the court below;
VOISINAGE - prjudice excdant la trial court; first instance.
mesure ordinaire des obligations de voisi-
TRIBUNAL - premier juge du tri-
nage - nuisance.
bunal de grande instance - senior judge
PRJUDICIABLE - harmful. of the Regional Court,
PRSIDENT - premier prsident - Presi-
. dent (of the Court of Appeal or Court of
DCISION prjudicielle - decision (ruling)
on a preliminary question (point, issue) (by
another court); preliminary ruling. PRENDRE
DEMANDE prjudicielle - application for ACTE - prendre acte de - take formal note
the decision of a preliminary question (point, of; take official notice of.
issue) (for a preliminary ruling). CONCLUSION - prendre des conclu-
QUESTION prjudicielle - preliminary
sions - file pleadings; make an application
question (issue); preliminary point of law (in court proceedings).
(pending the decision of which by another
FUITE - prendre la fuite - abscond.
court the proceedings are stayed); case
JUGEMENT - prendre un jugement -
obtain a judgment.
ACTION - question prjudicielle
l'action - preliminary question (point, PAROLE - prendre la parole - address (the
issue) to be decided before an action can court).
be brought. RANG - prendre rang avant - take prece-
JUGEMENT - question prjudicielle dence of.
au jugement - preliminary question
PRENEUR - purchaser; payee; tenant; lessee.
(point, issue) to be decided before judg-
LICENCE - preneur de licence - licensee.
ment can be given.
RENVOI prjudiciel - reference of a prelim- PRNOM - forename; first name; Christian
inary question (point, issue) to another court name.
for decision or for a ruling.
PRJUDICIER - harm; damage. JUGEMENT prparatoire - interlocutory
PRJUGER - make a preliminary, provisional decision.
or interlocutory decision; decide on (admit) in
PRPOS - servant, ie a person under one's
advan ce.
direction and control, employed to perform a task
PRLEGS - preferential legacy. and for whose faults one is vicariously liable; .per-
son who works under the direction of another.
PRLVEMENT - deduction before par-
DOUANE - prpos des douanes - cus-
tition; deduction; tax; contribution; levy; with-
toms official.
PRQUATION - prlvement de pr- REGISTRE - prpos au registre du com-
quation - equalisation tax, charge or contri- merce (Sw) - officei: in charge of the Com-
bution. mercial Registry; Commercial Registrar.
SOURCE - prlvement la source - de-
PRPOSITION - position of a superior
duction at source; PAYE.
entitled to give orders to subordinates (ie
PRLIMINAIRE master-and-servant relationship).
CONCILIATION- prliminaire de conci- RAPPORT de prposition - master-and-
liation - conciliation proceedings. servant relationship.


PRRQUISITION - period between re- PEINE - dlai de prescription de la

ceiving notice of a requisition and its execution. peine - limitation period after which
sentences may no longer be enforced.
PRROGATIVE- particular right. DROGATOIRE - prescription droga-
EXORBITANT - prrogatives exorbi- toire - exception.
tantes du droit commun - powers not sub- DROIT - prescription d'un droit - lapse
ject to (falling outside the scope of) the gen- (barring) of a right by statutory limitation.
eral (ordinary) law, creating or constitut- EXCIPER de la prescription - raise the
ing an exception from the general law, eg a defence of limitation; plead limitation.
clause in a government contract excluding
EXPIRATION de la prescription - comple-
the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts.
tion of the prescription or limitation period;
PROPRITAIRE - prrogatives du pro-
expiry of the time-limit for prosecution or
pritaire - owner's (accessory) rights. enforcement of a sentence.
PROPRIT - prrogatives du droit de EXTINCTIF - prescription extinctive -
proprit - owner's rights ; rights of owner- limitation (less frequently referred to as neg-
ship. ative prescription) (which extinguishes or
PRS renders unenforceable rights and the corre-
COUR (TRIBUNAL) - prs la cour (le sponding obligations).
tribunal) - (of a prosecutor, expert, etc) at FORME - prescription de forme - formal
the court. or procedural requirement.
IMPRATIF - prescription imprative -
PRESCRIPTIBILIT - fact of being sub- mahdatory provision.
ject to limitation or prescription. INTERRUPTION de la prescription - in-
terruption of the limitation or prescription
PRESCRIPTIBLE - subject to limitation or
period, after which time begins to run afresh,
ie the whole period recommences from the
PRESCRIPTION - instruction; prescription; beginning. (Cf SUSPENSION below.)
limitation; provision; means of acquiring property INTERVERSION - interversion de la
and rights (prescription) or freeing oneself of obli- prescription - substitution of the general
gations (limitation); ( crim) time-limit after which limitation period of thirty years for a shorter
an offence cannot be prosecuted or a sentence en- period after the latter has been interrupted
forced. by an acknowledgement etc.
ABRG - prescription abrge - short LGAL - prescriptions lgales - statutory
limitation period. requiremen ts.
ACQUISITIF - prescription acquisitive LIBRATOIRE - prescription libratoire
- (positive or acquisitive) prescription (as a - limitation.
means of acquiring rights); adverse possession OBLIGATOIRE - prescription obligatoire
(as a means of acquiring property). - mandatory provision.
ACTION PNALE - see ACTION PEINE - prescription de la peine - (ex-
PUBLIQUE below. piry of) time-limit for the enforcement of a
ACTION PUBLIQUE - prescription de sentence.
l'action publique - time-limit after which a POTESTATIF - prescription potestative -
prosecution may not be brought. provision whose application is discretionary.
ADMINISTRATIF - prescription adminis- POURSUITE - prescription des pour-
trative - administrative direction or regula- suites - (expiry of) time-limit for prosecut-
tion. ing an offence.
ARRTER le cours de la prescription - PRISE - donner prise la prescription -
stop time running. be subject to limitation.
CRIMINEL - prescription criminelle - SANCTIONN
time-limit for (bringing a) prosecution; time- NON - prescription non sanctionne
limit for enforcing a sentence. - provision carrying no penalty for non-
DLAI de prescription - (acquisitive) pre- compliance.
scription period; period of adverse possession; SUSPENSION de la prescription - sus-
( extinctive) limitation period. pension of the limitation or prescription


period, after which it continues to run again INTRIM - prsident par intrim - acting
from the point reached when the suspension chairman (president )_.
began. (Cf INTERRUPTION above.) PREMIER prsident - President (of the
PRESCRIRE - make regulation etc; obtain Court of Appeal or Court of Cassation).
( acquire) by prescription. PRSIDENT-DIRECTEUR GN-
POSSESSEUR - le tiers possesseur pres-
RAL - chairman and general manager (man-
crit la fois contre l'usufruitier et con- aging director).
tre le nu-propritaire - time runs in favour
of the occupier against both the life tenant PRSOMPTIF
(usufructuary) and the remainderman. HRITIER prsomptif- heir presumptive,
SE prescrire - lapse by limitation; be sub- ie who will be heir if no nearer relative is
ject to limitation. born.
PRESCRIT - statute-barred; time-barred; PRSOMPTION - presumption, ie the infer-
barred by limitation.
ence of an unproved fact from a fact already es-
PRSANCE - precedence. tablished; inference; some (prima facie) evidence;
PRSENCE - (in plural) attendance register. ABSOLU - prsomption al]solue - irrebut-
JETON de prsence - (eg director's) atten- table (irrefutable) presumption.
dance fee. HOMME - prsomption de l'homme - pre-
PRSENT sumption of fact; supporting evidence; rebut-
USAGE - prsents d'usage - traditional table (refutable) presumption; evidence tend-
gifts. ing to prove.
INFRACTION - prsomption d'infraction
PRSENTATION - prima facie offence.
DROIT de prsentation - right to name a
IRRFRAGABLE - prsomption irrfra-
successor for appointment to certain profes-
gable - irrebuttable (irrefutable) presump-
sional offices, such as those of bailiff, regis-
trar, stockbroker or auctioneer.
JURIS ET DE JURE - prsomption juris
PAIEM~NT - prsentation au paiement -
et de jure - absolute (irrebuttable, irrefu-
presentation for payment.
table) presumption.
VOLONTAIRE - prsentation volontaire
JURISPRUDENTIEL - prsomption juris-
- voluntary appearance of the parties (means
of commencing proceedings before the dis- prudentielle - presumption established by
trict court (tribunal d'instance)).
JURIS TANTUM - prsomption juris tan-
PRSENTER - submit; move; file. tum - rebuttable (refutable) presumption;
AMENDEMENT - prsenter un amende- statutory rebuttable presumption.
ment - move (table) an amendment. LGAL - prsomption lgale - statutory
DUPLIQUE - prsenter une duplique - file presumption; presumption of law.
a rejoinder. POSSESSION - prsomption de.posses-
SE prsenter spontanment - report volun- sion vritable - presumption that the pos-
tarily. sessor is the true owner.
PRSIDENT RGULARIT - prsomption de rgulari-
GE - prsident d'ge - oldest member (of t - presumption that proceedings have have
a committee etc) acting as chairman (presi- been properly conducted.
dent) ad interim. RELATIF - prsomption relative - rebut-
CHAMBRE - prsident de chambre - table (refutable) presumption.
president of a division of the Court of Appeal SIMPLE - prsomption simple - rebuttable
or Court of Cassation. (refutable) presumption.
EXERCICE - prsident en exercice - TOMBER - faire tomber une prsomption
chairman(-in-offi.ce); president(-in-offi.ce). - rebut (refute) a presumption.
HONNEUR - prsident d'honneur - hon- VIE - prsomption de vie - presumption
orary president ( chairman). that a persan is alive.


DLIT de presse - offence against the legis- AVENTURE - prt l'aventure ( la
lation on the press. grosse aventure) - bottomry loan.
PRESSION BONIFI - prt bonifi - interest rebate
EXERCER - tendant exercer des. pres- loan; soft loan.
sions - prejudicial. CONSOMMATION - prt de consomma-
TMOIN - pression sur les tmoins - in- tion) - loan of money (or other fongible or
timidation of witnesses. consumable goods) of which the borrower is
under an obligation to restore an equivalent
PRESTATAIRE - person performing or liable quantity; money loan.
to perform an obligation; promisor; person from CONVENTIONNEL - prt conventionnel
whom something is requisitioned. - contractual loan.
PRESTATION - thing or service promised in CORPS - prt sur corps - bottomry loan.
a contract; fulfilment (performance, execution) of FONCIER- prt foncier - mortgage loan;
this promise; (promised) benefit; subject-matter (to a company) mortgage debenture.
of the contract; act of performance forming the FONDS PERDU - prt fonds perdu(s) -
subject-matter of an obligation; thing, service irredeemable loan.
or payment which the obligor is bound to trans- GAGE - prt sur gage - loan secured by a
fer, furnish or make for the benefit of the obligee; pledge.
thing etc promised; performance; (social-security) GROS - prt la grosse (aventure) - bot-
benefit; (in plural) acts of performance. tomry loan.
ACCESSOIRE - prestation accessoire - HYPOTHCAIRE - prt hypothcaire -
collateral benefit. mortgage (loan).
BNFICIAIRE d'une prestation - bene:fi- HYPOTHQUE
ciary; person receiving a benefit; promisee. PREMIER - prt en premire hypo-
COMPENSATOIRE - prestation com- thque - loan secured by a :first mort-
pensatoire - pecuniary provision on divorce gage.
(intended to equalise the position of the ex- SUR - prt sur hypothque - mort-
spouses). gage (loan).
DBITEUR d'une prestation - person USURAIRE - prt usuraire - loan at an
liable to confer a benefit; person liable to unconscionable rate of interest.
perform a contract; promisor.
DLAI de prestation - time for perfor- PRTE-NOM - agent who acts in his own
mance. name; man of straw; nominee; factor; agent of a
D - prestation due - thing or service principal whose name is not disclosed.
ESPCE - prestation en espces - pay- PRTENDRE - claim; maintain; submit;
ment in cash; cash bene:fit. allege.
FAMILIAL - prestations familiales - fam- POUVOIR - pouvoir prtendre - be
ily allowances. quali:fied for.
MATERNIT - prestation de maternit -
maternity beriefit.
GALIT - prtendue galit des contrac-
NATURE - prestation en nature - bene:fit
tants - notional (ostensible) equality of the
in kind.
contracting parties.
SERMENT - prestation de serment -
taking an oath. PRTENDUMENT - allegedly.
SERVICE - prestation de service - per-
forming a service. PRTENTION - claim; allegation; cause of
SOCIAL - prestations sociales - social- action; allegation in pleadings; ground of defence;
security bene:fits. submission; pleading.
. SUCCESSIF - prestations successives - ALIMENTAIRE- prtention alimentaire
performance in instalments. (Sw) - maintenance claim.
SRET - prestation de sret - giving CHIFFRER ses prtentions - quantify
security. one's daims.


DCISION de principe - leading case; PRISONNIER

authoritative decision; decision establishing CONSTITUER - se constituer prisonnier
an important principle. - give oneself up.
INDEMNIT de principe - nominal dam- DROIT COMMUN - prisonnier de droit
ages (compensation). commun - ordinary prisoner (as opposed to
a political prisoner).
ACTION de priorit - preference share. PRIVATIF - exclusive; in exclusive ownership;
TOUR de priorit - (right of) precedence. individual.
LIBERT - peine privative de libert -
PRISE - prize. custodial sentence; imprisonment.
BNFICE - prise de bnfice - taking a
profit. PRIVATISTE- expert in private law.
CHARGE - prise en charge - acceptance of
responsibility for; taking into custody.
DETTE - prise en charge d'une dette
- assumption of liability for the obliga- CIVIQUE - privation des droits
civiques - civic disqualification; depri-
tion or debt of another.
vation of civic rights.
FRAIS - prise en charge des frais -
acceptance of liability for costs. INDEMNIT pour privation de jouissance
- compensation for loss of enjoyment of prop-
CONSEIL des prises - prize court.
CORPS.,.- ordonnance de prise de corps
- arrest warrant issued by the Indictments PRIVILGE - right of certain classes of credi-
Chamber. tors to be paid in preference to others (including
COUR des prises - prize appeal court. the secured creditors); right to preferential pay-
DCLARER bonne prise - declare good ment; preference; lien; licence; exemption.
pnze. BAILLEUR - privilge du bailleur - land-
EAU - prise d'eau fonde en titre - estab- lord's right of distress.
lished right to take water. BOUILLEUR DE CRU - privilge des
FONCTION - prise de fonctions - assump- bouilleurs de cru - distiller's licence.
tion of duties (office). DIPLOMATIQUE - privilge diploma-
GAGE - prise en gage - taking something tique - diplomatie privilege.
as a pledge or security. FAILLITE - privilge en cas de faillite -
GARDE - prise en garde - taking some- right to preferential payment in bankruptcy.
thing into one's custody. GNRAL - privilge gnral - right to
GUERRE - prise de guerre - booty; prize. preferential payment out of the debtor's
LIVRAISON - prise de livraison - taking entire assets or estate.
delivery. IMMOBILIER
MARITIME - prise maritime - prize. GNRAL - privilge immobilier
PARTIE - prise partie - action for dam- gnral - right to preferential payment
ages against a judge for misuse of his author- out of all the debtor's immovables.
ity. SPCIAL - privilge immobilier
spcial - right to preferential payment
PRISE - valuation.
attaching to specific immovables.
PRISON JURIDICTION - privilge de juridiction -
BRIS de prison - escape. exemption from jurisdiction.
FERME - prison ferme - immediate im- MOBILIER
prisonment (ie not suspended); affirmative GNRAL - privilge mobilier
sentence. gnral - right to preferential payment
PRVENTIF - prison prventive (Belg) - out of all the debtor's movables.
detention on remand; remand (in custody); SPCIAL - privilge mobilier spcial
detention pending investigation or trial; cus- - right to preferential payment attaching
tody (for short periods). to speci:fic movables.


PAVILLON - privilge de pavillon - fiag SIGNIFICATION des actes de proc-

discrimination, ie reserving rights of fishery dure - service of judicial process (by a
or coastal trade to national ships. bailiff).
ADMINISTRATIF - procdure adminis-
PRIVILGI - preferential creditor;
trative - administrative procedure.
CRANCIER privilgi - secured or pre-
ferred creditor; preferential creditor (in
administrative juridictionnelle -
administrative-court procedure.
AMATEUR - prix d'amateur - collector's procdure d'administration d'une -(de la)
(connoisseur's, fancy price). preuve (des preuves) - taking (bringing,
BAIL - prix du bail - rent. adducing) evidence.
FAIT - prix fit :.... agreed price. ALERTE - procdure d'alerte - procedure
FORFAITAIRE - prix forfaitaire - inclu- enabling an auditor or works council to call
sive price. for explanations from the managers when
LOYER - prix du loyer -:- rent. the economic position of a business appears
PROBANT ANNULER la procdure - set the proceed-
MANIRE - de manire probante - reli- ings aside.
ably. ARTIFICE de procdure - procedural
VALEUR probante - evidential value; pro- device.
bative value. CONCORDAT - procdure de concordat
LMENT - valeur probante des - composition or arrangement with creditors
lments - weight of evidence. ( approved by the court).
PROBLME - question; issue. CONFLIT - procdure de conflit - proce-
dure for settling confiicts of jurisdiction.
PROCD CONTENTIEUX - procdure contentieuse
BREVET de procd - process patent. - contentious proceedings.
COERCITIF - procd coercitif- means of CONTRADICTOIRE - procdure
coercion. contntieuse contradictoire - ordinary
CONTRAINTE - procd de contrainte - (ie inter partes) contentious proceedings.
means of coercion. CONTRADICTOIRE - procdure con-
SIGNIFICATION - procds de signifi- tradictoire - proceedings involving the par-
cation des actes de procdure - procedure ticipation, representation or hearing of both
for (manner of) serving judicial process (by a parties; inter p~rtes (ie ordinary) proceed-
bailiff). ings.
CONTRAINTE - procdure de contrainte
- coerc1ve measures.
SCHMA procdural - form of procedure.
CONTUMACE - procdure par contu-
PROCDURE- proceedings; procedure; pro- mace - trial in absentia.
cess; case file; police report. DBET - procdure de dbet - proceed-
ABRG - procdure abrge - shortened ings for restitution or repayment by the
form of procedure. accountant of the deficit in an account.
ACCLR - procdure acclre - short- DFAUT - procdure par dfaut - ( civ)
ened form of procedure. default proceedings; ( crim) trial in absentia.
ACCUSATOIRE - procdure accusatoire DLAI de procdure - procedural time-
- adversarial proceedings. limit.
ACTE de procdure - step in judicial pro- DROULEMENT de la procdure~ course
ceedings (writ, pleading, application, etc); of the proceedings.
procedural formality; process; procedural DISPOSITION de procdure - procedural
document; procedural step; procedural mea- provision.
sure._ DROIT de la procdure - procedure; proce-
NOTIFICATION des actes de proc- dural law; law of procedure.
dure - service of process. DROIT de procdure - trial fee;. court fee.


LEVER MOTION de procdure - (procedural)

.. S'lever contre la procdure - com- application .
plain of the procedure. NOTIFICATION - procdure de notifica-
ENGAGER une procdure - begin (start, tion - service of process; service.
commence) proceedings; bring ah action; ORAL - procdure orale - (oral) hearing.
initiate a procedure. ORDRE - procdure d'ordre - procedure
ENQUTE - procdure d'enqute - inves- for distributing the proceeds of sale of real
tigation(s). property among the preferential and secured
EXCUTION - procdure d'excution - creditors, according to the priority of their
execution proceedings; execution procedure. liens, preferential rights and mortgages.
FOND - procdure sur le fond - trial on
PARTIE ADVERSE - procdure sans ci-
the merits; trial of the principal issue.
tation de la partie adverse - ex parte pro-
FORC - procdure force - coercive mea-
PNAL - procdure pnale - criminal pro-
FRUSTRATOIRE - procdure frustra-
toire - obstructive tactics.
GRACIEUX - procdure (en matire) gra- PICES de la procdure - case file; docu-
cieuse - non-contentious proceedings (proce- ments on the file.
dure). POLICE - procdures de police spciales -
INCIDENT de procdure - procedural special administrative proceedings.
application; step in the procedure; interlocu- PRENDRE - s'en prendre la procdure
tory (incidental) application or proceedings. - complain of the procedure.
INDEMNIT de procdure (Belg) - prepa- ~ RGLE de procdure - rule of court; proce.,.
ration allowance (for preparing a case for dur al :mle; n~le of procedure.
trial). ROUVERTURE de la procdure - re-
INJONCTION - procdure d'injonction - opening of the proceedings.
administrative enforcement procedure. RPRESSION - procdure de rpression
INQUISITOIRE - procdure inquisitoire d'une infraction - procedure for dealing
- inquisitorial procedure (the investigation is with an offence.
in the hands of the court and conducted in REQUTE - procdure sur requte - ex
secret with special rules of evidence and no parte proceedings.
confrontation of prosecution and accused on
SUSPENDRE la procdure - stay the pro-
equal terms). ceedings.
INSTANCE - procdure en instance -
URGENCE - procdure d'urgence - (pro-
pending proceedings.
cedure for) urgent cases,
INSTRUCTION - procdure d'instruction
t t DATE - procdure d'urgence fl. date
- preliminary inquiry; investigation proceed-
ings. fixe - fixed-date urgent
INTRODUIRE une procdure- bring pro- VICE - procdure entache d'un vice -
ceedings (an action etc). invalid proceedings.
INVESTIGATION - procdure d'investi- VICE <ie procdure - prncedural defect
gation - investigations; investigation proce- (error, irregularity),
JOUR - procdure jour fixe - fixed-date PROCDURIER- (adj) litigious; (noun)
(expedited) proceedings. litigant who takes undue advantage of procedural
JUDICIAIRE - procdure judiciaire - devices (niceties); vexatious litigant.
court proceedings; legal proceedings; judicial
PROCS - proceedings, trial.
JURIDICTIONNEL - procdure juridic- DIRECTION d'un procs - conduct (con-
tionnelle - judicial or quasi-judicial proceed- trol) of the proceedings.
ings; legal proceedings. DOSSIER d'un procs - case file.
LOI de procdure - Code of Procedure; ENGAGER un procs - begin (start, com-
Procedure Act; procedural provisions. mence) proceedings; bring an action.
MODALITS de la procdure - forms of QUITABLE - procs quitable - fair
procedure. trial.

, FILIATION - procs en filiation - proceed- GNRAL - procuration gnrale - gen-
ings to establish legitimacy or paternity. eral power of attorney; general authority.
FORME - procs en bonne et due forme - NOTARI - procuration notarie - offi-
properly conducted trial. cially recorded power of attorney.
GAGNER un procs- win a case. RVOCATION d'une procuration - revo-
INSTANCE - procs en instance - pending cation of a power of attorney.
proceedings. SPCIAL - procuration spciale - special
INTENTER un procs - begin (start, com- power of attorney.
mence) proceedings; bring an action.
VENTE - procuration pour la vente -
MARCHE d'un procs - course of proceed- authority to sell.
VOTE par procuration - proxy vote; vote
, MENER un procs:..._ conduct proceedings.
given by a proxy.
PERDRE un procs - lose a case.
PROCESSIF - procedural; (of a litigant) PROCUREUR- public prosecutor; State
vexatious; (of other persans) litigious. prosecutor (Counsel); Legal Adviser; (Belg)
Crown prosecu tor ( Counsel).
PROCESSUEL - procedural. TAT - procureur d'tat (Lux) - State
DROIT processuel - procedure. prosecutor (Counsel).
PROCS-VERBAL - (official) record or re- GNRAL - procureur gnral - Princi-
port; minute; police report; memorandum (min- pal State Prosecutor (Counsel); Attorney-
utes) of proceedings; record of acts performed by General; Principal Legal Adviser; (Belg)
a bailiff (eg service or attachment); (parking etc) Principal Crown Prosecutor (Counsel).
ticket. RPUBLIQUE - procureur de la Rpu-
, AUDIENCE - procs-verbal d'audience - blique - public prosecutor; State prosecutor
record of the hearing. (Counsel).
, AUDITION - procs-verbal d'audition - ROI - procureur du Roi (Belg) - public
deposition; record of evidence taken from a prosecutor; Crown prosecutor (Counsel).
, CAISSE - procs-verbal de caisse - certifi- PRO DEO (Belg) - legal aid; in forma pau-
peris; poor persons'.
cate of verification of cash.
CARENCE - procs-verbal de carence - PRODIGALIT- extravagance.
official report (affidavit) of failure to attend
or failure to perform some obligation or to do PRODIGUE - extravagant person; spend-
some specific thing; bailiff's return that there thrift.
is no property to be seized (nulla bona).
, DBAT - procs-verbal des dbats - PRODUCTEUR- manufacturer; producer.
record of the proceedings; transcript of the PRODUCTION - production (disclosure)
trial. (of documents etc); proving (proof) (of debts or
, DRESSER - il en est dress procs-verbal daims in bankruptcy and similar proceedings).
- the proceedings are recorded. ACTE - production d'actes - production of
, INTGRAL - procs-verbal intgral - ver-
documents (in evidence, for inspection).
batim record.
BIENS de production - capital goods,
, RSUM - procs-verbal rsum - sum-
CRANCE - production d'une crance -
mary record.
proof of a debt (in bankruptcy).
PROCURATION - power of attorney; au- JUSTICE - production en justice - pro-
thority; counsel's authority to act (for a client). duction in evidence.
, ACTE de procuration - power of attorney;
authority. PRODUIRE- produce (disclose) (documents
, DFAUT de procuration - lack of author- etc); (of evidence) adduce (bring); (of a debt or
ity. daim in bankruptcy) prove.
LECTORAL - procuration lectorale - CRANCE - produire une crance - prove
authority to vote on behalf of another; proxy. a debt (in bankruptcy).
, ENDOS (SEMENT) de procuration - en- JUSTICE - produire en justice - produce
dorsement signed by an agent or manager. in evidence.


PICE - produire des pices - produce CONTRAT - promesse de contrat - pre-

documents (in evidence, for inspection). contract (eg option agreement, pre-emption
TMOIN - produire des tmoins - call agreement).
evidence (witnesses). DETTE - promesse de dette - formal uni-
lateral obligation to pay or perform for which
PRODUIT - produce; product; proceeds; (in
consideration is not required and usually not
plural) things produced by property at irregular
intervals and causing a reduction in its substance.
FINANCIER- produit :financier - cash EXCUTION d'une promesse - excution
yield. d'une promesse - ful:filment of a promise.
LIQUIDATION - produit de la liquidation EXCUTION - promesse d'excution-
- proceeds of the liquidation; proceeds on formal undertaking to perform the obligation
winding-up. of another.
LOCATIF - produit locatif - rental. GARANTIE - promesse de garantie - in-
demnity; guarantee.
PORTE-FORT- promesse de porte-fort
AMBULANT - profession ambulante -
- undertaking to ensure that a third party
itinerant trade or occupation.
performs his obligation.
ARTISANAL - profession artisanale -
POST MORTEM - promesse post mortem
manual trade.
LIBRAL - profession librale - (indepen-
. - clause providing that the obligations in
agreement shall only be performed on the
dent) profession.
death of one of the parties.
PROFESSIONNEL SEING PRIV - promesse sous seing
ASSOCIATION professionnelle - trade priv - written promise.
association. VENTE - promesse de vente - (prelimi-
PROHIBER - forbid; declare illegal. nary) contract of sale; promise to sell.


EMPCHEMENT prohibitif- impediment
which does not render void or voidable a PROMOTEUR- property developer.
marriage celebrated in spite of the impedi-
SOCIAL - promotion sociale - social ad-
PROJET vancement.
A.MENDEMENT - projet d'amendement
- draft amendment. PROMULGATION - promulgation; (loosely)
BUDGET - projet de budget - estimates. publication.
CRDIT - projet de crdit - proposal for
an appropriation. PRONONC- reading (giving, delivery) (of a
LOI - projet de loi - (government) Bill. judgment); passing (of a sentence); (Sw) decision;
PRIMITIF - projet primitif- rough draft; order.
first draft. PEINE - prononc des peines - sentencing.
RGLEMENT - projet de rglement -
suggestion for a solution or settlement; draft
PRONONCER- deliver (give, read) (a.judg-
ment); grant (an injunction, a divorce); order (the
closure of a business).
RSOLUTION - projet de rsolution -
draft resolution. DIVORCE- prononcer un divorce - pro-
nounce a decree of divorce; grant a divorce;
PROLONGATION - extension oftime (of a dissolve (terminate) a marriage.
time-limit). SE prononcer sur - adjudicate on; decide;
PROMESSE determine; rule on.
BNFICIAIRE d'une promesse - promi- TRANSFERT
see. PROPRIT - prononcer le trans-
CONTRACTER - promesse de contracter fert de la proprit - declare that the
(Sw) - preliminary contract; pre-contract. property has passed.


PROPAGATION ATTEINTE la proprit prive - inter-

BRUIT ference with private property.
.. FAUX - propagation de faux bruits - ATTEINTE porte la proprit du fonds
spreading false rumours. enclavant - restriction on the ownership of
the land surrounding the enclave.
COMMERCIAL - proprit commerciale
PRINCIPE de la proportionnalit - pro-
- right to obtain an extension of business
portionality rule.
tenancy or compensation in lieu.
PROPORTIONNELLE (noun) - propor- COMMUN - proprit commune - co-
tional representation. ownership; co-property; tenancy in common.
, SCOLAIRE - proportionnelle scolaire - TAGE - proprit d'tage - ownership of
division of state grants between state and a fl.oor (storey) in a building.
private schools in proportion to the number INDIVIS - proprit indivise - joint owner-
of pupils. ship.
PROPOSER INDUSTRIEL - proprit industrielle -
EXCEPTION - proposer une exception - industrial property, ie patents, registered
raise an objection; plead (put forward, raise) designs, trade marks, marks of origin, etc.
a defence. INTELLECTUEL - proprit intellectuelle
, NULLIT - proposer une nullit - raise an - intellectual property (includes copyright
objection ( defence) on the ground that the and industrial property).
action etc is void. , LITTRAIRE - proprit littraire -
PROPOSITION - proposal; motion; bill. copyright.
AMENDEMENT- proposition d'amende- MUTATION de proprit - change (trans-
ment - motion to amend; proposed amend- fer) of ownership.
ment. PLEIN - pleine proprit - property not
, COMPLMENTAIRE - proposition subject to a usufruct (life interest).
complmentaire - motion for a supplemen- RSERV de proprit- reservation of
tary amendment. ownership (of goods sold until payment in
, LOI - proposition de loi - (private mem- full)'
ber's) Bill. TITRE de proprit - document of title to
, RECOMMANDATION - proposition pour property (proving ownership); title deed.
une recommandation - motion for a recom- TRFONCIER - proprit trfoncire -
mendation. ownership of the subsoil.
PROPRES - separate property of a spouse (ie VIAGER - proprit viagre - life interest.
not forming part of the community).
PROROGATION - extension of time.
PROPRITAIRE BAIL - prorogation d'un bail - extension
, TAGE - propritaire d'tage - owner of a of a lease or tenancy.
fl.oor (storey) in a building. COMPTENCE - prorogation de comp-
, INDIVIS - propritaire (par) indivis - tence - extension of jurisdiction (of a court).
joint owner.
DLAI - prorogation d'un dlai - exten-
, RIVERAIN - propritaire riverain - ripar-
sion of time.
ian owner.
JURIDICTION - prorogation (volontaire)
TRFONCIER - propritaire trfoncier -
de juridiction - extension of a court's ordi-
owner of the subsoil.
nary jurisdiction (by agreement of the par-
, VIAGER - propritaire viager - life ten-
TERME - prorogation de terme - exten-
PROPRIT sion of time.
APPARENT - proprit apparente -
ostensible ownership. PROROGER - extend.
, ARTISTIQUE - proprit artistique - DLAI - proroger un dlai - extend a
copyright in artistic works. period; extend time.


PROSPECTION DTENTION provisoire - detention on re-

AUTORISATION (PERMIS) exclu- mand; remand (in custody); detention pend-
sive (exclusif) de prospection - exclusive ing investigation or trial; pre-trial detention;
prospecting licence. custody (for short periods).
PROSPECTUS JUGEMENT provisoire - interlocutory
MISSION - prospectus d'mission- judgment.
(company) prospectus. MESURES provisoires - interim measures.
SOUSCRIPTION - prospectus de sous- MISE EN LIBERT provisoire - provi-
cription - (company) prospectus. sional release from remand; (release on) bail;
TRIMESTRIEL - prospectus trimestriel - release pending trial.
quarterly statement. STATUER au provisoire - give a provi-
sional ruling; make an interim order.
JUDICIAIRE - protection judiciaire - PROVOCATION
(court) protection or der. AVORTEMENT - provocation l'avorte-
JURIDIQUE - protection juridique - ment - incitement to abortion.
access to (protection of) the courts; legal CRIME - provocation au crime - incite-
protection. ment to commit a felony.
SOCIAL - protection sociale des enfants -
child welfare. PROXNTE- procurer.
PROTT PROXNTISME - assisting or benefiting
DNONCIATION de prott - notice of from the prostitution of another; living on the
protest. earnings of prostitution; procuring.
d'acceptation - protest for non-acceptance. PRUDENCE
INTERVENTION prott - payment DILIGENCE - devoir de diligence et pru-
supra protest. dence - duty of care.
PROTUTEUR- (formerly) unoffi.cial guar- PRUD'HOMME-member of an industrial
dian, especially for the administration of overseas (relations) tribunal (Labour Court).
property. CONSEIL de prud'hommes - industrial
PROVISION - cover; advance; reserve; fonds; (relations) tribunal; Labour Court.
value; consideration. PCHEUR - prud'hommes pcl1eurs -
AD LITEM - provision ad litem - advance maritime fishery courts.
to cpver the cpsts of the other party in di-
vorce proceedings; advance for costs. PSYCHIATRE
ALIMENTAIRE - provision alimentaire - LGAL - psychiatre lgal - court (ie
maintenance during divorce proceedings. appointed by the court) psychiatrist.
AMORTISSEMENT - provision d'amor-
tissement - depreciation reserve.
LGAL - psychiatrie lgale - forensic psy-
CHQUE sans provision - uncovered
cheque, ie a cheque issued without fonds to
meet it; bad (worthless) cheque. PUBERT
ENGAGEMENT - provisions pour enga-
LGAL - pubert lgale - marriageable
gement restant payer - provisions for pay-
ment awaiting clearance.
EXCUTOIRE par provision - immedi- PUBLIC
ately enforceable. ACTION publique - (public) prosecution;
PAR provision - by way of advance. criminal .pro ceedings.
SANS provision - (cheques) worthless; un- AGENT public - public servant.
covered. AUTORIT publique - the executive; the
TRSORERIE - provision de trsorerie -
authorities; public authorities.
cash provision.
EXERCICE de l'autorit publique -
PROVISOIRE- interlocutory. exercise of official authority.


ORDRE public - public policy; public order; MANDATAIRE - puissance mandataire -

ordre public. (In French private international mandatory power.
law, public policy excludes the application of PATERNEL - puissance paternelle - (for-
foreign law if it is contrary to the fondamen- merly) paternal (parental) authority.
tal principles of French civilisation. Freedom DCHANCE de la puissance pater-
of contract is subject to the condition that nelle - loss or deprivation of paternal
the agreement entered into is not contrary to (parental) authority.
public policy or morality.) DTENTEUR de la puissance pater-
POUVOIR public - the executive; the nelle - persan entitled to exercise pater-
authorities; public authorities. nal (parental) authority.
PUBLIC - puissance publique - public
PUBLICATION - registration, eg in the
authorities; sovereign authority.
Mortgage Registry.
ACTE de puissance publique - act of
BONNES MURS - see MURS below.
public authority; act of state.
MARIAGE - publication de mariage -
DE puissance publique - sovereign;
notice of marriage; (in a church etc) (mar-
governmental; prerogative (de lege im-
riage) banns.
MURS - publication contraire aux
bonnes murs - obscene publication. PUPILLE - ward; young persan (juvenile) in
PRIODIQUE - publication priodique - care or detention.
periodical. NATION - pupille de la nation - war
PUBLICISTE - expert in public law (or inter- orphan.
national law); publicist. PUR
SIMPLE - pur et simple - unconditional;
PUBLICIT - public hearing (in this sense
absolute; mere.
also: publicity); notice.
DBAT - publicit des dbats - (require- PURGE - procedure whereby a purchaser can
ment of, right to) a public hearing. clear land of mortgages, liens and rights to pref-
FONCIER - publicit foncire - system erential payment by paying the purchase price to
of rules governing notice to interested par- the creditors; procedure for clearing a property of
ties of the creation, transmission or extinc- mortgages on purchase, the purchase price being
tion of rights relating to land and mortgages, used to pay off the mortgages as far as it goes.
charges and liens over land; land registration. CONTUMACE - purge de la contumace -
SOUMETTRE - et la cession est retrial after conviction in absentia.
soumise la publicit foncire - and HYPOTHQUE - purge d'une hypo-
the assignment must be registered. thque - redemption or discharge of a mort-
FORMALITS de la publicit des articles gage; removal or cancellation of the entry of
1690 et 2075 - the requirements as to giving a mortgage in the register; (of a purchaser)
notice prescribed in Articles 1690 and 2075. paying off a mortgage.
TROMPEUR - publicit trompeuse - mis-
leading advertising.
PURGER- destroy; cancel; serve (a sentence);
pay off.
PUDEUR DROIT - l'acte de concession purge tous
ATTENTAT la pudeur - indecent assault. les droits du propritaire sur son sous-sol
PUISSANCE - the instrument of concession cancels all the
ABUS de puissance - misuse of economic owner's rights in the subsoil.
power. HYPOTHQUE - purger une hypothque
BELLIGRANT - puissance belligrante - - (of a purchaser) pay off a mortgage.
belligerent power. PEINE - purger une peine - serve a sen-
GARANT - puissance garante - guarantee- tence.
ing power. VICE - la confirmation purge l'acte de son
GUERRE - puissance en guerre - belliger- vice - confirmation cures the transaction of
ent power. its defect.


QUALIFICATION - legal classification;

Q JUGE - en qualit de juge - in a judicial
characterisation; definition (of an offen ce); ruling; capacity.
qualification. MARCHAND - qualit marchande - mer-
CONFLIT de qualification - conflicting chantable quality.
legal classifications. MOYEN - de qualit moyenne - of average
DLIT - qualification d'un dlit - classifi- quality.
cation of an offence. PROMIS - qualit promise - warranted
JURIDIQUE - qualification juridique des quality.
actes - application of the law to the acts SUBSTANTIEL - qualit substantielle -
(with which X was charged). essential property of the subject-matter (of a
RETENIR - on ne retient la qualification contract).
que si - the offence is not committed unless.
QUANTUM - amount; length (of a sentence).
QUALIFI - aggravated; treated as a felony. QUARTIER
FONDATION qualifie - special formation ISOLEMENT - quartier d'isolement -
of a company, ie in which the promoters en- solitary-confinement block, wing, etc.
ter into "dangerous agreements" that may MISE au quartier - (prison sanction) pun-
prejudice the interests of subsequent share- ishment cell; solitary confinement
holders or of the creditors. OBSERVATION - quartier d'observation -
MAJORIT qualifie - special majority (ie observation block, wing, etc.
a majority greater than an absolute major-
ity). QUASI-CONTRAT -voluntary human
action resulting in a obligation to a third party
QUALIFIER- define; classify. or sometimes in mutual obligations between the
QUALIT - status; position; capacity; the two parties; quasi-contract.
fact of having a direct personal interest in the QUASI-DLICTUEL - see DLICTUEL.
subject-matter of proceedings by virtue of which
one is entitled to be a party; fact of belonging to QUASI-DLIT - non-intentional tort; negli-
a limited class of persans entitled to bring certain gent tort; (tort of) negligence.
types of proceedings; (in plural) personal particu- QUASI-USUFRUIT - quasi-usufruct;
lars; introductory part of a judgment; title and usufruct of consumable goods.
recitals of a judgment.
AGIR- qualit pour agir (en justice) - QURABLE - payable at the debtor's resi-
capacity to take part in court proceedings; dence or place of business.
standing (before the court); locus standi. DETTE qurable - debt payable at the
BORNAGE - qualit pour procder au debtor's residence or place of business.
bornage - right to take proteedings to fix a
ACTION querelleuse - vexatious proceed-
DFENDRE - qualit pour dfendre en
justice - capacity to defend legal proceed-
ERREUR sur les qualits non substantielles DBATTU - question dbattue - matter
- mistake relating to non-essential properties in issue.
of the subject-matter (of a contract). TAT - question d'tat - matter relating to
S qualits - in that capacity; in the ex- civil (personal, family) status.
ercise of one's fonctions; in one's offi.ci11J ORAL - question orale - oral question (in
capacity; ex officia. P arliament).
ESTER - qualit pour ester en justice - PRALABLE - question pralable - pre-
capacity to take part in court proceedings; liminary question (point, issue) to be decided
standing (before the court); locus standi. by the court trying the main issue.


PRJUDICIEL - question prjudicielle QUITTE

- preliminary question (issue); preliminary DETTE - quitte de toute dette - free of all
point of law (pending the decision of which debts.
by another court the proceedings are stayed);
QUITUS - discharge.
case stated.
DONNER quitus - discharge.
ACTION - question prjudicielle
l'action - preliminary question (point, QUOTA LITIS
issue) to be decided before an action can PACTE de quota litis - agreement author-
be brought. ising another to pursue an action on one's
JUGEMENT - question prjudicielle behalf in return for a share of the proceeds;
au jugement - preliminary question champertous agreement (if entered into by a
(point, issue) to be decided before judg- lawyer).
ment can be given. QUOTE-PART - contribution; (proportion-
PRINCIPAL - question principale - the ate) share.
main issue to be decided in legal proceedings. ABSTRAIT - quote-part abstraite -
REMETTRE en question - put in doubt; national share.
reopen (a question, an issue, etc). ARITHMTIQUE - quote-part arithm-
SUBSIDIAIRE - question subsidiaire - tique - arithmetical proportion.
alternativ count. QUOTIENT
LECTORAL - quotient lectoral - means
QUI of calculating the number of seats obtained
DE DROIT - persan entitled. by a party under a system of proportional
qui de droit - to the persan entitled; represen tation.
to whom it may concern. FAMILIAL - quotient familial - means of
calculating the family allowance for income-
QUINZAINE tax purposes.
FRANC - quinzaine franche - in fifteen
clear days.
DISPONIBLE - quotit disponible - por-
QUIRAT - share in a ship. tion of his estate over which a testator can
dispose freely; disposable portion.
QUIRATAIRE- owner of a share in a ship. RSERV - quotit rserve - reserved
QUITTANCE - receipt; discharge.


RABATTEMENT VALEUR de la raison sociale - good-
DFAUT - rabattement de dfaut - set- will.
ting aside a judgment (obtained) by default
(where the defendant appears before the end
of the hearing). A CONTRARIO - raisonnement a con-
trario - principle that a rule of law shall not
RABATTRE- set aside (ajudgment (ob- be extended to cover similar situations; prin-
tained) by default etc). ciple of non-extensive interpretation; expres-
sio unius est exclusio alterius (opposite of
RACHAT - redemption. extension by analogy); restrictive interpreta-
DROIT de rachat - right of (option to) re- tion; argument from the converse.
purchase; vendor's right of pre-emption.
FACULT de rachat - right of (option to) RALLIER
repurchase; vendor's right of pre-emption. SE ralli~r - accept; concur in (view etc).
PLANCHE - rachat de planche - dispatch
RANG - ranking (of creditors or secured credi-
tors, liens, etc); seniority; priority.
SERVITUDE - rachat d'une servitude -
PRENDRE rang avant - take precedence
redemption of an easement.
over .
VALEUR de rachat - surrender value.
AVIS - se ranger l'avis de - agree with;
VOIE PUBLIQUE - racolage sur la voie
share the opinion of.
publique - soliciting or molestation by pros-
titutes. RAPPEL - recall; back payment of a salary etc
increase; back pay.
RADIATION - cancellation of an entry; strik-
ANCIENNET - rappel d'anciennet -
ing out or striking off a list.
grant of additional seniority or years of ser-
BARREAU - radiation du barreau - dis-
vice (eg in calculating a pension).
barment; striking off the roll.
AUGMENTATION- rappel en augmen-
RLE - radiation du rle - (of a court)
tation - back pay (eg in the case of a retro-
striking (a case) out (of the list) (striking (a
spective salary increase).
case) off the list) (eg for failure to pur sue the
DIMINUTION - rappel en diminution'-
demand for restitution of an overpayment.
RADIER- (of a court) strike (a case) out (of IMPT - rappel d'impt - supplementary
the list); strike (a case) off the list. assessment; demand for arrears of tax.
LETTRE - lettres de rappel - ( ambassa-
RAISON dor's) letters of recall.
COMMERCIAL - raison commerciale -
RGLEMENT- rappel au rglement-
fancy name under which a business is carried
point of order.
on, eg "The Three Pigeons"; trade name.
TRAITEMENT - rappel de traitement -
TAT - raison d'tat - political justifica-
back pay; payment of arrears of salary.
tion, esp for immoral proceeding; reason of
St a te. RAPPORT- (bringing into) hotchpot; setting
OPPORTUNIT - raisons d'opportunit - aside (of an order); report; refationship.
grounds on which (a decision etc) is taken. ACTIVIT - rapport d'activits - ( com-
SERVICE - raisons de service - depart- pany) report.
mental requirements; exigencies of the ser- CAUSALIT - rapport de causalit -
vice. causal relationship; relationship of cause and
SOCIAL - raison sociale - firm name; busi- effect.
ness name including the names of all or some CIRCONSTANCI - rapport circon-
of the personally liable partners. stanci - detailed report.


CONTRACTUEL - rapport contractuel - RATTACHEMENT

contractual relationship. CRITRE de rattachement - connecting
DPENDANCE - rapport de dpendance factor.
- dependent condition; state of dependence.
LMENT de rattachement - connecting
DETTE - rapport des dettes - operation
whereby an heir deducts from his share of
the estate his debts to the deceased or a co- RGLE de rattachement - rule of private
heir. international law; choice-of-law rule.
DROIT - rapport de droit - legal relation-
RATURE - crossing out; deletion; erasure.
ENQUTE - rapport d'enqute - report of
an inquiry.
FONDATION - rapport de fondation - RLE - rayer du rle - (of a court) strike
founders' or promoters' report. (a case) out (of the list); strike (a case) off
JURIDIQUE - rapport juridique - legal the list.
MER - rapport de mer - captain's report.
NOTATION - rapport de notation - peri- DOUANE - rayon de douane - (customs)
odic report; staff (assessment) report. frontier zone.
PARTIE - dans les rapports des parties -
as between the .parties. RAFFECTATION - (building) new use.
SUCCESSORAL - rapport successoral - HABITAT - raffectation destination
hotchpot; bringing into account against a d'habitat - reallocation (of an old building)
child's share of an estate of benefits received for housing.
in the deceased's lifetime.
VOISINAGE - rapports de (bon) voisi- RALISATION
nage - (good) neighbourly relations. GAGE - ralisation du gage - sale of the
RAPPORTABLE- (of agift to an heir out pledge; realisation of the security.
of the estate) subject to hotchpot.
RAPPORTER- bring into hotchpot; repeal SE raliser - (of a condition) be satisfied
(enactment etc); revoke; cancel; set aside; with- (fulfilled).
JUSTICE - s'en rapporter la justice du RASSIGNER - repeat the service of a writ;
tribunal - leave the matter to the discretion re-serve a writ.
of the court.
PREUVE - rapporter la preuve - establish RBELLION - forceful resistance to a public
by evidence; prove. o:fficer executing the law or a lawful order; ob-
RAPPORTEUR- reporting judge (ie judge structing an o:fficer in the execution of his duty.
who prepares a report on a case for a court); (in
the Commercial Court) judge who directs prepa- RCALCITRANT (noun).
rations for trial ; (in P arliament etc) rapporteur. VOLONTAIRE - rcalcitrants volontaires
CONSEILLER rapporteur - reporting - cases of wilful refusal.
judge (ie judge who prepares a report on a
case for a court). RECEL - handling (formerly receiving) stolen
JUGE rapporteur - reporting judge (ie goods; concealing abjects obtained by a crime;
judge who prepares a report on a case for conversion of items belonging to the community
a court); (in the Commercial .Court) judge or to the estate of a deceased persan.
who directs preparations for trial . CADAVRE - recel de cadavre - conceal-
RAPPROCHEMENT - reconCiliation. ment of a body.
GROSSESSE - recel de grossesse - con-
RAPT - abduction. cealment of pregnancy.
RTELAGE- collecting with a rake grass left MALFAITEUR- recel de malfaiteur -
over after haymaking (a petty offen ce). harbouring a criminal.


NAISSANCE- recel de naissance - con- RECEVEUR

cealment of birth. FINANCE - receveur des finances - collec-
SUCCESSORAL - recel successoral - con- tor of taxes.
cealment of an inheritance; conversion of
assets belonging to an estate. RECEVOIR
CONG - recevoir cong - receive notice of
RECEL - handling (formerly receiving) stolen intention to quit.
goods; concealment. DPOSITION - recevoir une dposition -
ENFANT - recel d'enfant - concealing examine (a witness); take a statement. ( depo-
(the identity of) a child; concealing a new- sition) (from a witness).
born child; concealment of birth.
EXCUTION - recevoir excution - be
RECLEMENT - handling (formerly receiv- put into effect.
ing) stolen goods; concealment. NOTAIRE - reu par un (par-devant) no-
GROSSESSE - reclement de grossesse - taire - executed in the presence of a solicitor
concealment of pregnancy. (notary).

RECELEUR - handler (formerly receiver) of RECHERCHE - inquiry; search.

stolen goods. AUTORISATION exclusive de recherche -
exclusive prospecting licence.
RCPISS - (acknowledgement of) receipt. DROIT de recherche - search fee.
RCPISS-WARRANT - negotiable de- PATERNIT - action en recherche de pa-
~posit receipt for goods in a warehouse. ternit - affiliation proceedings; action to
establish paternity.
RCEPTION - acceptance of work performed PERMIS exclusif de recherche - exclusive
by a building contractor etc. prospecting licence.
ACCUS de rception - acknowledgement PREUVE - recherche de preuves - obtain-
of receipt; advice of delivery; delivery note. ing evidence.
DROIT romain - rception de droit ro- SOUSTRAIRE - se soustraire aux re-
main - reception (ie adoption) of Roman law cherches de la police - hide from the police.
(in the Middle Ages).
RCIDIVE - recidivism; fact of having com-
RCEPTIONNAIRE - recipient (person mitted (similar) previous o:ffences; reoffending.
accepting a document served on another in his
GRAND - grande rcidive (correction-
nelle) - further conviction after having
RCEPTIVIT - individual sensitivity (to served a sentence of more than a year.
noise, smoke, fumes, etc). PETIT - petite rcidive (correctionnelle)
- further conviction after having served a
RECETTE sentence of less than a year.
AFFECT - recette affecte - receipt ear-
marked for a special purpose. RCIDIVISTE - recidivist; previous offender.
BUDGET des recettes - revenue (income,
receipts) budget. RCIPIENDAIRE- person chosen for mem-
DIVERS - recettes diverses - sundry re- bership of a select body.
IMPT - recettes d'impt - tax revenue;
RCLAMANT - complainant; claimant.
revenue from taxation. RCLAMATEUR - person entitled to deliv-
RECEVABILIT - admissibility. ery of a ship's cargo.
VRIFIER la recevabillt - examine the
admissibility. RCLAMATION - complaint; appeal (in
disciplinary or other non-judicial proceedings).
RECEVABLE- admissible; (of amendments) ADMINISTRATIF - rclamation admi-
in order. nistrative - complaint through administra-
NON - est non-recevable - (of an appeal) tive (official) channels; administrative com-
does not lie. plaint.


TAT - (action en) rclamation d'tat - DE FAIT - reconnaissance de fait - de

action to establish descent from a parent facto recognition.
(legitimacy). DPT - reconnaissance de dpt -
PCUNIAIRE - rclamation pcuniaire - deposit receipt.
pecuniary claim; money claim. DETTE - reconnaissance de dette - formal
PRCONTENTIEUX - rclamation pr- acknowledgement of a duty to pay or perform
contentieuse - complaint through official for which consideration is not required and
channels. usually not mentioned.
DROIT - see DE DROIT above.
RECLASSEMENT - regrading; upgrading. DROITS ET LIBERTS - reconnaissance
RCLUSION - imprisonment (for more than des droits et liberts - guarantee of rights
five years); severe imprisonment; extended impris- and freedoms.
onment; penal servitude; hard labour. CRITURE - reconnaissance d'criture -
CELLULAIRE - rclusion cellulaire - soli- admission that a document is genuine.
tary (cellular) con:finemen t ( deten tion). ENFANT NATUREL - reconnaissance
PERPTUIT - rclusion perptuit - d'enfant naturel - admission of paternity
life imprisonment. with respect to an illegitimate child.
TAT - reconnaissance d'tat - recogni-
RCLUSIONNAIRE - persan serving a tion of a state.
long term of imprisonment; long-term prisoner. FAIT - see DE FAIT above.
GOUVERNEMENT - reconnaissance de
gouvernement - recognition of a govern-
ACTE recognitif - instrument recognising
the existence of a situation, right or obliga-
IDENTIT - reconnaissance d'identit -
tion created or evidenced by an earlier in-
establishment of a person's identity.
MONT-DE-PIT - reconnaissance de
RCOLEMENT - checking of attached goods mont-de-pit - pawn ticket
prior to sale to see that none are missing; reading NANTISSEMENT- reconnaissance de
a witness's statement back to him to ensure that nantissement - pawn ticket.
it is correct. NAVIRE - reconnaissance de navire -
veri:fication of a ship 's nationality by a man-
RCOLER - read back his evidence to a wit- of-war.
ness for him to correct or confirm.
RECONNATRE - acknowledge.
RECOMMANDATAIRE (AU BESOIN) DLAI - le dlai qui lui sera reconnu pour
- referee in case of need.
- the time he will be allowed for.
RCOMPENSE - (in plural) sums due by a RECONSTITUTION
spouse to the community or by the community to LIGUE - reconstitution de ligue dissoute -
a spouse.
reconstituting a proscribed organisation.
RCONCILIATION - condonation accepted RECONVENTION - counter-claim; cross-
by the respondent. action.
TACITE reconduction (reconduction DEMANDE reconventionnelle- counter-
tacite) - tacit renewal (of a lease etc). claim; cross-action; (divorce) cross-petition.
RECONDUIRE - renew, continue. RECORS - bailiff's witness (eg of the execu-
tion of an attachment).
FRONTIRE.- reconduite la frontire - RECOURIR
removal (of an illegal immigrant). CONTRE - recourir contre quelqu'un -
bring proceedings against another to recover
RECONNAISSANCE- acknowledgement;
what one has paid on his behalf.
recognition; checking; verification.
DE DROIT - reconnaissance de droit - de RECOURS- appeal; remedy; application;
jure recognition. petition; recourse; proceedings; action to recover


damages paid on behalf of another, eg by the GARANTIE - recours en garantie - action

state for damage caused by a teacher's negligent to enforce a guarantee or warranty.
supervision of his pupils and recovered by the vic- .. VICE - recours en garantie pour vice
tim from the state. de la marchandise - action to enforce a
ADMINISTRATIF - recours administratif warranty when the goods are defective.
- appeal to a higher administrative authority. , GRE - recours en grce - petition for
" CONTENTIEUX - recours adminis- (an exercise of the prerogative of) mercy;
tratif contentieux - appeal to an ad- application (request) for pardon.
ministrative court. GRACIEUX - recours gracieux - applica-
ANNULATION - recours en annulation tion to the same administrative authority to
- (civil procedure) application to set aside; reconsider its decision.
(administrative procedure) ( abbreviation of
HIRARCHIQUE - recours hirarchique
recours en annulation pour excs de
- appeal to a higher administrative author-
pouvoir) - application to an administrative
ity; application to a higher administrative
court to set aside an administrative decision
authority to review the decision of a lower
on grounds such as lack of jurisdiction, error
administrative authority; application for dis-
of procedure, misapplication of the law, mis-
ciplinary proceedings.
use of a discretion or ultra vires (exceeding
, INSTANCE de recours - appeal (appellate)
or misusing one's authority); application for
judicial review. court (tribunal, authority).
APPRCIATION DE LGALIT - re- INSTANCE en recours - appeal proceed-
cours en apprciation de lgalit - appli- ings.
cation to an administrative court as a pre- , INSUSCEPTIBLE de (voie de) recours -
liminary point to declare an administrative against which no appeal lies; not subject to
decision illegal. appeal.
. CAMBIAIRE - recours cambiaire - re- , INTERNE - puisement des recours in-
course against the prior holders of a bill of ternes - exhaustion of domestic remedies.
ex change. , INTRODUCTION d'un recours - entering
CASSATION - recours en cassation - an appeal.
appeal on points of law (on a point of law, INTRODUIRE un recours - enter an
in law) to the Court of Cassation. appeal; take proceedings.
, CONSTITUTIONNEL - recours constitu- JOINT - recours joint (Sw) - cross-appeal;
tionnel - constitutional appeal. counter-appeal.
CONTENTIEUX - recours contentieux -
, JURIDICTION - recours de pleine juri-
recourse to the courts; court (legal) proceed-
diction - application to an administrative
court to find that the applicant is entitled to
CRDIT - possibilits de recours au cr-
a claim against the state or to set aside or
dit - loan possibilities.
. vary an administrative act which does not
DLAI de recours - time for appealing (en-
fall within the scope of an action for misuse
tering an appeal).
or abuse of authority (excs de pouvoir)
DROIT de recours - right of appeal; right
(usually a contract with a public authority);
of recourse.
application to an administrative court for
DROIT PUBLIC - recours de droit public
damages or recognition and enforcemnt of a
- public-law appeal.
right; administrative-law action.
EXCS DE POUVOIR - recours (en an-
nulation) pour excs de pouvoir - applica- OUVRIR - un recours s'ouvrirait - an
tion to an administrative court to set aside appeal would lie.
an administrative decision on grounds such , PARALLLE - recours parallle - other
as lack of jurisdiction, error of procedure, available remedy~
misapplication of the law, misuse of a dis- , PLEINE JURIDICTION - see JURIDIC-
cretion or ultra vires (exceeding or misusing TION above.
one's authority); application for judicial re- , RFR - recours en rfr - summary
v1ew. application to a single judge for an interim
EXERCER un recours - bring (enter) an order in an urgent case; urgent application
appeal; exercise (have recourse to) a remedy. (summons, motion).


RFORME - recours en rforme (Sw) - RECTIFICATIF

appeal. BUDGTAIRE - rectificatif budgtaire -
RVISION - recours en rvision - appli- budget amendment.
cation to reopen civil proceedings on grounds
of error of fact or law. RECTIFICATION - rectification; adjust-
SUSCEPTIBLE de recours - subject to ment.
appeal; open to challenge. RECTIFIER - amend; rectify.
TIERS - recours contre des tiers - remedy
(recourse) against third parties. RECUEIL
ULTRIEUR - recours ultrieur - further JURISPRUDENCE - recueil de jurispru-
appeal. dence - law reports; collection of decisions.
VOIE de recours - appeal; remedy (espe-
cially in administrative matters); means of
obtaining redress. AVIS - aprs avoir recueilli l'avis de -
PUISEMENT des voies de recours - after consulting.
exhaustion of the ( available) remedies. EXCEPTION - recueillir une exception
EXTRAORDINAIRE - voie de re- - allow an objection.
cours extraordinaire - special appeal RECULEMENT
or remedy (ie appeal on points of law to
SERVITUDE de reculement - obligation
the Court of Cassation, application by a not to build (or repair existing erections)
third party to set aside a judgment). within a certain distance of a road; obliga-
INSUSCEPTIBLE de (voie de) re- tion to observe a building line.
cours - against which no appeal lies; not
subject to appeal. RCURSOIRE
INTERNE - voie de recours interne - ACTION rcursoire de l'tat contre
domestic remedy. l'agent fautif- state's action for indemnity
ORDINAIRE - voie de recours ordi- against a public officer who has committed a
naire - ordinary appeal or remedy (ie fault for which the state is liable.
application to set aside, appeal to the
Court of Appeal). RCUSATION - challenging (a judge for bias
etc); withdrawal (of a judge etc from proceedings
RECOUVREMENT - (steps taken for) col- in which he has some interest or with which he is
lection (of debts etc). otherwise connected).
CORPS - recouvrement par corps - en- MOTIV - rcusation motive - challenge
forcement of fines by imprisonment. for cause.
FORC - recouvrement forc - enforce- PARTIALIT - rcusation pour cause de
ment of debts. partialit - challenge for bias.
MANDAT de recouvrement - authority to PREMPTOIRE - rcusation premptoire
collect debts (for another). - challenge without cause; peremptory chal-
METTRE en recouvrement - take steps to lenge.
collect debts or taxes.
MISE en recouvrement - (steps taken for RCUSER
the) collection of debts or taxes. SE rcuser - (of a judge etc) withdraw_ (from
ORDRE de recouvrement - collection or- proceedings in which he has some interest
der; order to collect; payment demand note. or with which he is otherwise connected); be
excused; stand down.
RECOUVRER - collect ( debts etc); recover
(one's nationality). RDACTION - wording.
DROIT - constater un droit recouvrer -
establish that an entitlement is due. REDI'HTION
LIBERT - recouvrer sa libert - be re- COMPTE - reddition des comptes - sub-
leased. mission (rendering) of accounts.

LETTRES de rcrance - (ambassador's) TAT - redevances due l'tat - dues
letters of recall. (royalties) payable to the state; licence fees.


FONCIER - redevance foncire - rent- ARRT de rfr - judgment on an appeal

charge. from an order made on an urgent applica-
TRFONCIER- redevance trfoncire - tion.
surface owner's royalty (ie royalty payable by INSTANCE en rfr - summary applica-
a mining company to the surface owner). tion to a single judge fo; an interim order in
an urgent case; urgent application (summons,
RDHIBITION - rescission of a sale on
account of a defect in goods or animals sold.
JUGE des rfrs - urgent applications
RDHIBITOIRE judge (with jurisdiction to make interim or-
ACTION rdhibitoire - action for rescission ders and issue inj unctions).
( against the seller of defective goods or ani- PLACET - rfr sur placet - urgent pro-
mals). ceedings commenced in the ordinary way, ie
VICE rdhibitoire - hidden defect render- bywrit (assignation).
ing a thing sold unfit for its intended purpose PROCDURE de rfr - urgent proce-
and entitling the purchaser to rescind the dure.
sale or obtain a reduction in price; breach of
PROCS-VERBAL - rfr sur procs-
an implied condition of suitability and mer-
verbal - urgent proceedings commenced by
chantable quality.
a bailiff's or solicitor's report referring a dis-
RDIGER - draw (pleadings etc). puted point to the court.
RECOURS en rfr - summary applica-
FISCAL - redressement fiscal - revised
tion to a single judge for an interim order in
assessment; tax penalty in the form of an an urgent case; urgent application (summons,
increased assessment; punitive assessment. motion).
LOI de redressement (Belg) - consolidating RSERVE - clause de rserve de rfr
Act; Law Revision Act. - clause (in an order) reserving the defend-
ant's right to apply to the urgent applica-
RDUCTION tions judge; liberty to apply.
ACTION en rduction - action to reduce
the price (of defective goods). RFRENCE
JOUR de rfrence - appointed day; rele-
REL - in rem; real.
DROIT rel - right in rem.
vant day.
IMPTS rels - non-personal taxes (eg
RFRENDAIRE - auxiliary judge (of the
trade tax, land tax, dog tax).
Court of Cassation); middle-ranking member of
OFFRES relles - (formal) tender of perfor-
the Auditor-General's Department (Cour des
mance or payment, ie tender of the sum que
comptes); legal secretary.
by a person with capacity to pay to a cred.-
itor with capacity to receive (or to a person CONSEILLER rfrendaire - auxiliary<
entitled to receive it on his behalf). (To be judge (of the Court of Cassation); middle-
valid the sum must be presented by a bailiff ranking member of the Auditor-General's
or solicitor at the place prescribed for pay- Department (Cour des comptes).
ment. If refused the sum is pad into court).
SAISIE relle - attachment of real property RFRER
(immovables). SERMENT - rfrer le serment - require
a party applying for an oath to take an oath
ASSIETTE - rvaluation de l'assiette -
(tax) reassessment. RFLCHI
AVIS mrement rflchi - considered opin-
RFACTION - reduction in price (of goods)
for inferior quality.
RFR - summary application to a single RFLEXION
judge for an interim order in an urgent case; PRIODE de rflexion - (house-to-house
urgent application (summons, motion). sales) cooling-off period.


REFORMATIO IN PEJUS - (literal trans- RGIE - public management; state-run busi-

lation: "altering for the worse") imposing a heav- ness (some of which are government monopolies).
ier sentence on an appeal by a convicted persan. AVANCE - rgie d'avances - (authority to
RFORMATION - setting aside, (partial) opera.te an) imprest account.
alteration (variation, rectification) or reversal of a EN rgie - state(-)run.
judgment (by a higher court). INTRESS - rgie intresse - manage-
ERREUR - rformation d'erreur - rectifi- ment of a public service by an individual
cation (of a document). whose remuneration is calculated in such a
RFORME way as to give him an interes't in the results
RECOURS en rforme (Sw) - appeal.
achieved .

RFORMER - (of a higher court) set aside, RGIME - rules governing; arrangements;
(partially) alter (vary, rectify) or reverse (a judg- treatment; provisions; regime; scheme.
ment); (sometimes) interfere with. ASSISTANCE - rgime d'assistance judi-
REFOULEMENT - refusal of entry (at a ciaire - legal-aid scheme.
frontier); removal; return. CARRIRE - rgime des carrires - rules
governing quarries.
REFOULER- refuse entry (at a frontier);
remove; return. CELLULAIRE - rgime cellulaire - soli-
tary (cellular) confinement; solitary deten-
REFUGE tion; p]:ison with separate cells.
MAISON de refuge - assistance home (for
DIFFRENTIEL - rgime diffrentiel -
persans dependent on some form of national
different treatment.
assistance, eg vagrants); shelter (for battered
wives etc). DISCRIMINATOIRE- rgime discrimina-
toire - different treatment.
DOTAL - rgime dotal - system (regime)
NATIONAL - rfugi national - refugee
of marital property (abolished in France in:
returning to his original homeland; national
1965) in which the wife's dowry (biens do-
taux) was inalienable. (It continues to ap-
REFUS ply to persans who adopted it before 1966.)
DPOSER - refus de dposer - refusal to FACULTATIF - rgime facultatif- optional
give evidence. provisions.
DPT - refus du dpt - refusal by the
FAVEUR - rgime de faveur - preferential
registrar to accept an application for regis-
ENTRETIEN - refus d'entretien'-- refusal FISCAL - rgime fiscal des organisations
to pay maintenance (to maintain). but non lucratif - tax treatment of non-
EXCUTIOJ::ol" - refus d'excution - refusal profit-making organisations. ,
to perform; repudiation. JURIDIQUE - rgime juridique - rules
IMPT - refus de l'impt - refusal to pay governing.
taxes. PARTICULIER- rgime particulier
VENTE - refus de vente - refusal by a juridique - special legal arrangements;
trader to sell or provide his usual services special rules.
(a criminal offence) .
MATRIMONIAL - rgime matrimonial
RFUTER - rebut. - system (regime) of mtrimonial (marital).
NON rfut - unrebutted. property.
REGARD PRFRENTIEL - rgime prfrentiel-
DROIT de regard - right of inspection or preferential treatment.
supervision. PREUVE - rgime des preuves - rules of
GESTION - droit de regard sur la evidence. /
gestion - right to be informed about the
management. RGIR - govern.



RGISSEUR (memorandum and) articles of an association

AVANCE - rgisseur d'avances - imprest or a company; charter; statutes.
RGLEMENT - regulations; l?ettlement; pay-
REGISTRE ment; (EU) regulation.
AUDIENCE - registre d'audience - hear- ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE -
ings register (kept by each chamber of a rglement d'administration publique -
court); registrar's notes (record) of the hear- (formerly) regulations made by the Prime
ing. Minister after consultation of the full Conseil
COMMERCE - registre du commerce - d'tat.
business-names register; commercial register. AMIABLE - rglement amiable - friendly
DPT - registre des dpts - register of settlement.
documents deposited in the Mortgage Reg- APPLICATION - rglement d'application
istry. - implementing regulations.
TAT CIVIL - registre d'tat (de l'tat) ARBITRAGE - rglement d'arbitrage -
civil - population register; register of births, rules governing arbitration; arbitration rules.
deaths and marriages. ARBITRAL - rglement arbitral - settle-
'l'RANGER - registre des trangers - ment by arbitration.
aliens register. ARRT de rglement - legislative prece-
FONCIER - registre foncier (Sw) - Land dent formerly issued by a superior court.
fl,egistry; land register. ATELIER - rglement d'atelier - works
FRANCISATION - registre des soumis- regulations.
sions de francisation - ships register. AUTONOME- rglement autonome -
MATRIMONIAL - registre matrimonial - executive regulations made by the govern-
register of systems (regimes) of matrimonial ment in certain areas not reserved by the
property. Constitution for legislation by Act of Par-
RGLE liament; prerogative regulatipns.
CONFLIT - rgle de conflit (de lois) DFINITIF - rglement dfinitif- :fi:qal
(rgle sur les conflits) - rule of private list of entitled creditors (in the procedure fqr
international law; choice-of-law rule. distributing the proceeds of a sale of land).
DIRECT - rgles directes - (private inter- EAU - rglement d'eau - apportionment
national law) substantive rules. (allocation) of water rights (between ri parian
DROIT - rgle de droit - legal norm (rule); owners); water regulations .
the law; rule of law. ENTREPRISE - rglement d'entreprise--
FIXE - rgles fixes de la procdure - set works regulations; staff regulations.
procedure. EXCUTION - rglement d'excution -
FOND - rgles de fond - substantive rules. implementing regulations.
FORME - rgle de forme - procedural rule. FINANCIER- rglement financier - finan-
INDIRECT - rgles indirectes - (private cial regulations.
international law) choice-of-law rules. FORFAITAIRE- rglement forfaitaire -
ORDRE - rgle d'ordre public - manda- global settlement .
tory rule of law; rule of public policy. INTRIEUR - rglement intrieur - rules
PREUVE - rgle de preuve - rule of evi- of procedure.
dence. INTERNE - rglement interne - rules of
PROCDURE - rgle de procdure - rule procedure.
of court; procedural rule; rule of procedure. JUDICIAIRE - rglement judiciaire - sim-
PROPORTIONNEL - rgle proportion- ple bankruptcy; a form of bankruptcy less
nelle - rule that insurance moneys are pro- rigorous than faillite in which the debtor
portionally reduced if a property etc is continues to manage his own affairs and may
underinsured or the premiums too low effect a composition with his creditors; ju-
owing to honest failure to disclose details. dicial liquidation; distribution of a person's
SCURIT - rgle de scurit - safety assets by the court; judicial insolvency pro-
regulation. cedure; judicial administration (of an insol-
STATUTAIRE - rgles statutaires - vent's property).


JUGE - rglement de juges - procedure RHABILITATION - rehabilitation.

for settling confl.icts of jurisdiction between
different courts in criminal matters. RINSTALLATION
LITIGE - rglement d'un litige - settle- INDEMNIT de rinstallation - resettle-
ment of an action (case). ment allowance; relocation (removal, dis-
ORDONNANCE de rglement - order by placement) allowance.
which an investigating judge closes an inves-
tigation (ie discharge or committal for trial).
RINTGRANDE - action for recovery of
possession ( after unlawful eviction).
PACIFIQUE - rglement pacifique des
conflits - peaceful settlement of disputes. RINTGRATION - return to detenton
POLICE - rglement de police - adminis- etc; reappointment to one's former post after
trative regulations. wrongful dismissal.
POURSUIVRE le rglement de - (seek to)
DROIT - rintgration dans ses droits -
settle (eg a confl.ict of jurisdiction). reinstatement in one's rights.
PROJET de rglement - suggestion for a
NATIONALIT - rintgration dans la
solution or settlement; draft regulation(s).
nationalit - restoration of one's former
TRANSACTIONNEL - rglement tran-
sactionnel - settlement.
RGLEMENTAIRE- prescribed. REJET - dismissal (rejection) (of a petition
etc) .
TRE rglementaire - be in order.
FOND - rejet au fond - dismissal (rejec-
RGLEMENTATION tion) on the merits.
CHANGE - rglementation des changes - FORMALIT - rejet de la formalit -
exchange control. refusal by the Mortgage Registrar to regis-
TRANSITOIRE - rglementation transi- ter a document containing an error. If the
toire - transitional provisions. applicant corrects the error within a month
of receiving notice of it, the document will
RGLEMENT-TYPE - model regulations. be registered as of the date of its original
RGNICOLE (Belg) - permanently resident deposit.
or having one's registered office in Belgium. FORME - rejet pour raison de forme -
dismissal (rejection) on prcedural grounds.
ACTION - regroupement d'actions - con- REJETER - dismiss; reject.
solidation of shares.
MISE EN ORDRE - regroupement et RELCHE - port of call.
mise en ordre - consolidation. RELAI - land left by a river moving away from
RGULARISATION - curing a (procedural its bank or by the sea moving away from the
etc) defect. shore.
POSSIBLE - rgularisation possible - pos-
RELATIF - relating to a specific person; per-
sibility of curing a procedural defect (rectify-
sonal; as between the parties (as opposed to ab-
ing the procedure).
RGULARISER - cure a (procedural etc) AUTORIT relative de la chose jug~e -
defect. binding effect of a judgm~nt on the parties
(but not on strangers to the proceedings); res
RGULARIT - validity; lawfulness; (for- judicata.
mal) propriety.
DROIT relatif- right binding only on aspe-
FORMEL - rgularit formelle - whether
ci:tic person or persans, eg a promisor, debtor,
the proper pi:ocedure has been followed; pro-
tortfeasor; right in personam.
cedural questions.
EFFET relatif des conventions - (doctrine
PRSOMPTION de rgularit - presump-
of) privity of contract, ie a contract is bind-
tion that proceedings have been properly
ing only on the parties to it and does not
impose burdens or confer benefits on third
RGULIER - in order; lawful. parties.


PRSOMPTION relative - rebuttable - leave to proceed (appeal etc) out of time;

(refutable) presumption. extension of time for appealing.
RELATION RELEVER - (of an infringement etc) find (to
SERMENT - relation de serment - pro- exist); establish the existence of.
cedural step whereby a party who has been APPEL - relever un appel - bring an
called on to swear to the truth of his case appeal.
refuses to do so and requires his opponent to DE - relever de - fall under; corne within;
swear that the fact he alleges is true. be governed by; release from.
, SOCIAL - relations sociales - labour rela- DCHANCE - relever d'une dchance
tions; industrial relations. - restore a right which has lapsed or of which
a person has been deprived; terminate a dis-
CHOSE JUGE - relativit de la chose
FORCLUSION - relever de la forclusion
juge - rule that res judicata applies only
- give leave to proceed (appeal etc) out of
between the parties and their privies, ie a
time; extend time for appealing.
judgment is binding on the parties to the
JURIDICTION - relever d'une juridiction
proceedings and not on others.
- fall under or within (be subject to) the
, CONTRAT - principe de la relativit des
jurisdiction of a court or other authority.
contrats - privity of con tract (rule) (ie a
OFFICE - relever d'office - (of a court)
contract is binding only on the parties to it
raise of its own motion (ex officio).
and does not impose burdens or confer bene-
:fits on third parties). SERMENT - relever d'un serment - re-
lease from an oath.
TRAIT - relativit des traits - rule that
a treaty is only effective between the con- RELIQUAT - balance of an account.
tracting parties and cannot bene:fit or injure CRANCE - reliquat d'une crance - bal-
third parties. ance or remainder of a debt; outstanding bal-
RELAXE - acquitta! (and discharge) by a ance of a daim.
court other than an assize court. RELIQUATAIRE- person who owes the bal-
RELGATION - (formerly) a form of preven- ance of an account.
tive detention. RELOCATION - further letting; renewal of a
RELEV lease.
CADASTRAL - relev cadastral - copy of RMANENCE
a section of (extract from) the registered plan CLAUSE de rmanence - continuing-effect
(index map). clause.
, COMPTE - relev de compte - statement
of account. REMBOURSEMENT - repayment; reim-
DTAILL - relev dtaill - schedule bursement; withdrawal (from a savings bank).
with particulars; detailed statement ( eg tele- REMBOURSER
phone bill).
BILLET - rembourser un billet - pay a bill
FORCLUSION - relev de forclusion -
of exchange where the acceptor has failed to
leave to proceed (appeal etc) out of time;
do so.
extension of time for appealing.
REMDE- redress.
RELVEMENT - power of the court not to PORTER remde - redress.
apply the accessory measures or penalties nor-
mally attached to certain convictions. REMEMBREMENT - consolidation of
DCHANCE - relvement de dchance parcels (ofland).
- restoration of a right which has lapsed or of AGRAIRE - remembrement agraire - con-
which a person has been deprived; termina- solidation of smallholdings.
tion of a disqualification. PARCELLAIRE - remembrement parcel-
FONCTION - relvement de fonctions - laire - consolidation of smallholdings.
removal from office. URBAIN - remembrement urbain - redis-
FORCLUSION - relvement de forclusion tribution of urban land.


RMR - option to repurchase (for the same IMMOBILIER - remploi immobilier -

price). reinvestment in land (real estate).
CAUSE - remettre en cause - reopen (a
COMPTE - rendant compte - person who
decided case etc); challenge (object to) (a
renders an account.
PEINE - remettre une peine - remit a sen- RENDEMENT
tence. IMPT - rendement de l'impt - tax rev-
QUESTION - remettre en question - put enue; tax yield.
in doubt; reopen (a question, an issue, etc).
S'EN remettre la sagesse de la cour - RENDRE - deliver (give, read) (ajudgment).
leave it to the discretion of the court. JUSTICE - rendre la justice - do justice,
REMISE - remission (of a debt or obligation);
delivery; handing over (of a document, title, etc); RENOMME
adjournment; filing (of a document in the reg- COMMUNE renomme - common repute.
DE - remise d'une cause - adjourn- - renoncer - waive (renounce, abandon)
ment of a case. (a right).
EN - remise en cause - reopening (a
RENONCIATION - waiver, renunciation
decided case etc); challenging of (objec-
or abandonment (of a right); refus al to accept (a
tion to) (a judgment).
nationality to which one is entitled).
COMPTE - remise en compte courant -
sum paid to the other party to a current RTRACTER la renonciation - withdraw
account. one's waiver (renunciation, abandonment).
DETTE - remise de det.te - release from or RENTE - annuity; pension; income from in-
waiver of a debt. vestments; periodical payments.
GARANTIE - remise e:q garantie - deposit
ACCIDENT - rente d'accident - accident
as a security.
pension .
t RANCE - r12mise de lettres de ALIMENTAIRE (Belg) - rente alimentaire
. ~ranc~ - delivery of one's credentials. - maintenance .
PAIEMENT AMORTISSABLE - rente amortissable -
.. ,~. OMPTANT - remise sur les paiements redeemable annuity.
au ~omptant - reduction for cash. ATTRIBUTION d'une rente - grant of a
J?EINE) - remise (gracieuse) de peine - pension.
remission of sente:q.ce. CONSOLID - rente consolide - consols.
PROVISOIRE - remise prpvisgire - provi- CONSTITU - rente constitue - contrac-
sional exemption. tual an:p.uity.
SOLIDARIT - remise de la solidarit -
CR4N"<:::~~~ de rente - annuitant.
termination of joint liability.
DCS - rente aprs dcs - survivor's
VIGUEUR - remise en vigueur - bringing
back into force; reapplication.
DIFFR - rente diffre - deferred life
REMPLACEMENT- purchase from an- annuity.
other sou~ce by a buyer of goods when the seller
TAT - rente sur l'tat - state annuity;
fails to deliver. state pension.
REMPLIR FONCIER - rente foncire - rentcharge,
CONDITION - remplir une condition - RVERSIBLE - rente rversible - annuity
satisfy (fulfil) a condition. or pension which passes to another on death;
FORMALIT - remplir une formalit - reversionary annuity or pension.
comply with a formality (requirement). SERVIR une rente - pay an annuity or pen-
REMPLOI - reinvestment (of the proceeds of s10n.
an investment which has been sold). VIAGER - rente viagre - life annuity.


RENTRE SUITE - renvoi la suite - postponement

BUDGTAIRE - rentres budgtaires - of a question.
national income; (budget) revenue.
RENVOYER- adjourn; commit for trial;
IMPT - rentre des impts - collection
return to the country of origin; send for trial;
(getting in) of taxes.
send back; refer.
IMPT - rentres d'impts (de l'impt) - AUDIENCE- renvoyer l'audience -
tax receipts; revenue received from taxes. enter (send, commit, set clown) for trial
RENTRER (hearing).
DBOURS - rentrer dans ses dbours - to FIN - renvoyer des fins de la poursuite -
be awarded one's disbursements. acquit.
VIGUEUR - rentrer en vigueur - corne FOND - renvoyer pour le fond - refer (to a
into force again. committee) for report.
JUGEMENT - renvoyer en jugement -
RENVERSEMENT commit for trial.
JURISPRUDENCE- renversement de la MIEUX - renvoyer mieux se pourvoir
jurisprudence - ( decision making a) change - instruct the parties to take proceedings in
of (in) judicial doctrine or policy; new line of the proper court.
decisions; new precedent; reversal of prece- PLAIDEUR - renvoyer les plaideurs -
dent; departure from ( abandonment of) ex- transfer the case to another court.
isting precedents (previously established doc- PLAINTE - renvoyer de la plainte - refuse
trine). to prosecute.
PREUVE - renversement de la charge de
la preuve - shift in the burden of proof. ROUVERTURE
DLAI - rouverture des dlais - (giving)
RENVERSER~ disprove; rebut (refute) (a leave to appeal out of time.
CHARGE - renverser la charge de la RPARATION - damages; compensation;
preuve - shift the burden of proof. reparation; repairs.
CIVIL - rparations civiles - civil damages.
RENVOI - reference; committal; adjournment; ENTRETIEN - rparations d'entretien -
renvoi; return to the country of origin; transfer current repairs.
(to another court); reference back; dismissal. GROS - grosses rparations - major re-
AUDIENCE - renvoi l'audience - (im- pairs (ie roof and outside walls).
mediate) entry (sending, committal, setting LOCATIF - rparatio:s locatives - ten-
down) for trial (hearing). ant's repairs.
COMMISSION - renvoi en commission - MORAL - rparation morale - non-
reference to a committee. pecuniary (non-material) damages.
DEMANDE - renvoi des fins de la de- NATURE - tenu rparation en nature -
mande - dismissal of an action. liable to make good the damage in kind.
FIN - renvoi des fins de la poursuite - USUFRUCTUAIRE - rparations usufruc-
acquittal. tuaires - usufructuary's (life tenant's) re-
INDEMNIT de renvoi - compensation for pairs.
loss (termination) of employment; damages
for dismissal; redundancy payment.
RPARTITION - division; allocation; ppor-
JUGEMENT - renvoi en jugement - com-
CHARGE - rpartition des charges - cal-
mittal for trial.
culation of contributions; apportionment of
JURIDICTION de renvoi - court to which
of charges.
a case is referred (or transferred) for hearing
TAT de rpartition - apportionment plan.
and decision.
SYSTME de rpartition - pay as you go
PRJUDICIEL - renvoi prjudiciel -
scheme (pensions).
reference of a preliminary question (point,
issue) to another court for decision or for a RPERTOIRE - register; record book; digest.
ruling. CIVIL - rpertoire civil - register of judg-
RQUISITIONS en renvoi - application to ments ordering guardianship or other matters
commit for trial. affecting the capacity of an individual.


GNRAL - rpertoire gnral - general DETTE - reprendre une dette - undertake

register (of cases, kept in the registry). to satisfy the debt or perform the obligation
MTIER - rpertoire des mtiers - trades of another.
register. PAR - repris par le nouveau Code - incor-
porated in the new Code.
RPTER - daim return or restitution.
RPTITION - recovery. REPRSAILLES - reprisal(s).
INDU - rptition de l'indu - a.ction for
restitution of money paid without legal cause REPRSENTANT - agent.
(ie when it was not in fact owing); action for JUSTICE - reprsentant en justice - legal
money had and received. representative.
LGAL - reprsentant lgal - statutory
RPLIQUE - reply; answer.
representative (legal guardian) of a minor.
DROIT de rplique - right of reply; right of
rectification. LOI - reprsentants de la loi - law-
enforcement agencies.
RPLIQUER - reply.
REPRSENTATION - production; appear-
RPONDANT - surety. ance; representation; taking procedural steps on
RPONDRE - be liable. behalf of a client, eg filing pleadings.
EXIGENCE - rpondre aux exigences - DLAI de reprsentation - period within
satisfy the requirements. which a person (or object) shall again be
NE pas rpondre - qui ne rpondent pas brought before the court.
- which are incompatible with. DROIT de reprsentation - counsel's fee
REQUTE - rpondre une requte - write (for the hearing); performing right.
an order at the foot of an application; deal FRAIS de reprsentation - entertainment
with an application. expenses; cost of obtaining a representative
RPONSE (being represented).
DROIT de rponse - right of reply; right of GARANTIES de reprsentation - bail.
rectification. DPOURVU de garanties de repr-
sentation - unable to find bail.
REPORT - contango.
BAIL - report de bail - assignment of a JUSTICE - reprsentation en justice -
lease. representation by a lawyer in legal proceed-
CRDIT - report de crdit - carry-over of ings.
an appropriation. PAR - succder (venir) par reprsentation
DATE - report gnral de dates limites - - inherit through one's ascendants.
general extension of time-limits. SUCCESSORAL - reprsentation succes-
OUVERTURE - report d'ouverture de sorale - the right of the more remote issue to
la faillite - fixing the date from which the take in the place of their deceased parent (or
e:ffects of a bankruptcy commence to operate. ancestor) in the succession to an estate.
REPORTER- carry over (a loss). REPRSENT - principal; person repre-
ULTRIEUR- reporter une date ult-
rieure - adjourn to a later date.
DIMANCHE - loi sur le repos de JUSTICE - reprsenter en justice - repre-
dimanche - Sunday Observance Act. sent in legal proceedings.

RPRHENSIBLE - objectionable; censur- RPRESSIF - criminal; penal; punitive.

able. JURIDICTION rpressive - criminal court;
REPRENDRE - re-enact; adopt; incorporate; criminal jurisdiction.
follow; restate; repeat. SANCTIONS rpressives - criminal sanc-
DBAT - reprendre les dbats - start the tions.
proceedings afresh (eg where there has been SERVICES rpressives - law-enforcement
a change in the composition of the court). agencies.


RPRESSION - suppression; punishment; REPROCHE - allegation; objection to a wit-

prevention; enforcement; legislation on ( against). ness.
MANDAT de rpression (Sw) - sentence
RPUDIATION - repudiation (of a national-
ity which one already possesses).
RPRIMANDE - reprimand; (prison punish-
ment) oral warning.
RPUDIER- renounce.
RPUTER - treat as; deem to be.
RPRIMER - suppress; punish; render illegal; CRIT - rput crit - (term) implied (in a
make an o:ffence; pass a law against; make guilty contract etc).
of an o:ffence (rprime celui qui aura sciemment
- makes guilty of an o:ffence whoever knowingly). REQURANT (adj)
INFRACTION - l'infraction rprime par AUTORIT requrante - requisitioning
la condamnation - the o:ffence for which sen- authority.
tence was passed. TAT requrant - applicant state; request-
ing state.
JUSTICE - repris de justice - previous REQURANT (noun) - applicant; petitioner;
o:ffender; recidivist. daimant; plainti:ff; persan entitled to requisition.
REPRISE - taking back by a spouse on disso- REQURIR- apply for; ask for.
lution of the marital community of his or her sep-
arate property or its value (reprise en valeur). REQUTE - application; petition; appeal (to
CITATION en reprise d'instance - sum- the Court of Cassation); summons; motion; ex
mons to resume proceedings which have been parte application.
interrupted. APPROBATION - requte en approba-
CRANCE - reprise de crance - accep- tion - application for approval or consent.
tance of the assignment of a chose in action CIVIL - requte civile - (former term for)
(ie a daim to payment of a debt or perfor- retrial in (reopening of) civil proceedings.
mance of a con tract). CONJOINT - requte conjointe - joint ap-
DETTE - reprise de dette - undertaking to
plication (method of commencing contentious
satisfy the debt or perform the obligation of proceedings by parties agreeing to submit
another. their dispute to the court).
DFENSE - requte en dfense - (plead-
DROIT de reprise - landlord's right in cer-
ings) defence; answer.
tain circumstances to recover premises in
DEMANDE - requte en demande -
spite of the tenant's right to an extension
of the lease; landlord's right to reoccupy (pleadings) statement of daim.
FAILLITE- requte en faillite - bankrupt-
demised premises because he needs them for
himself. cy petition.
INSTANCE - requte introductive d'ins-
EXCUTION - reprise d'excution -
tance - writ; statement of daim; petition (eg
undertaking the performance of another's
in divorce); (original) application; originating
obligation but not the obligation itself; agree-
ment whereby a third party agrees with the
debtor (promisor) to perform the latter's INTRODUIRE une requte - lodge (or
obligation, the creditor (promisee) not be- make) an application.
ing a party to the agreement; agreement for LIQUIDATION
vicarious performance. DPENSES - requte en liquidation
des dpenses - application for taxation
INSTANCE - reprise d'instance - resump-
tion of proceedings after they have been in- (of costs).
terrupted by the death of a party or the sale ORDONNANCE sur requte - order made
of the subject-matter of the action. by the president of the court or a single
judge on an ex parte application.
REPROCHABLE PROCDURE sur requte - ex parte pro-
PERSONNE reprochable - person who ceedings.
may be challenged (as being biased or un- PROROGATION - requte en prorogation
suitable). de dlai - application for extension of time.


RPRESSION - suppression; punishment; REPROCHE - allegation; objection to a wit-

prevention; enforcement; legislation on (against). ness.
MANDAT de rpression (Sw) - sentence
RPUDIATION - repudiation (of a national-
ity which one already possesses).
_,RPRIMANDE - reprimand; (prison punish-
ment) oral warning.
RPUDIER- renounce.
RPUTER - treat as; deem to be.
RPRIMER - suppress; punish; render illegal; CRIT - rput crit - (term) implied (in a
make an o:ffence; pass a law against; make guilty contract etc).
of an o:ffence (rprime celui qui aura sciemment
- makes guilty of an o:ffence whoever knowingly). REQURANT (adj)
INFRACTION - l'infraction rprime par AUTORIT requrante - requisitioning
la condamnation - the o:ffence for which sen- authority.
tence was passed. TAT requrant - applicant state; request-
ing state.
JUSTICE - repris de justice - previous REQURANT (noun) - applicant; petitioner;
o:ffender; recidivist. daimant; plainti:ff; person entitled to requisition.
REPRISE - taking back by a spouse on disso- REQURIR - apply for; ask for.
lution of the marital community of his or her sep-
arate property or its value (reprise en valeur). REQUTE - application; petition; appeal (to
CITATION en reprise d'instance - sum- the Court of Cassation); summons; motion; ex
mons to resume proceedings which have been parte application.
interrupted. APPROBATION - requte en approba-
CRANCE - reprise de crance - accep-
tion - application for approval or consent.
tance of the assignment of a chose in action CIVIL - requte civile - (former term for)
(ie a daim to payment of a debt or perfor- retrial in (reopening of) civil proceedings.
mance of a contract). CONJOINT - requte conjointe - joint ap-
DETTE - reprise de dette - undertaking to
plication (method of commencing contentious
proceedings by parties agreeing to submit
satisfy the debt or perform the obligation of
another. their dis pu te to the court).
DFENSE - requte en dfense - (plead-
DROIT de reprise - landlord's right in cer-
ings) defence; answer.
tain circumstances to recover premises in
DEMANDE - requte en demande -
spite of the tenant's right to an extension
(pleadings) statement of daim.
of the lease; landlord's right to reoccupy
FAILLITE- requte en faillite - bankrupt-
demised premises because he needs them for
cy petition.
INSTANCE - requte introductive d'ins-
EXCUTION - reprise d'excution -
tance - writ; statement of daim; petition ( eg
undertaking the performance of another's
in divorce); (original) application; originating
obligation but not the obligation itself; agree-
ment whereby a third party agrees with the
INTRODUIRE une requte - lodge (or
debtor (promisor) to perform the latter's
obligation, the creditor (promisee) not be- make) an application.
ing a party to the agreement; agreement for LIQUIDATION
vicarious performance. DPENSES - requte en liquidation
INSTANCE - reprise d'instance - resump-
des dpenses - application for taxation
(of costs).
tion of proceedings after they have been in-
terrupted by the death of a party or the sale ORDONNANCE sur requte - order made
of the subject-matter of the action. by the president of the court or a single
judge on an ex parte application.
REPROCHABLE PROCDURE sur requte - ex parte pro-
PERSONNE reprochable - person who ceedings.
may be challenged (as being biased or un- PROROGATION - requte en prorogation
suitable). de dlai - application for extension of time.


RCUSATION - requte en rcusation the investigation on the discovery of new

- challenge (objection) to a judge etc on facts.
grounds of bias etc.
RESCINDABLE - Iiable to be rescinded.
RVISION - requte en rvision - applica-
tion for a retrial. RESCINDANT - (formerly) examination of
SAISIR d'une requte - lodge an applica- the admissibility of an application for retrial.
tion with; make an application to. RESCINDER - set aside a judgment; rescind
SUSPICION LGITIME - requte en sus- a con tract for inadequate consideration (lsion).
picion lgitime - challenge (objection) to a
judge etc on grounds of bias etc. RESCISION - rescission for unfair price (for
UNILATRAL - requte unilatrale - ex inadequate consideration).
parte application. ACTION en rescision (pour lsion) -
action to rescind a contract for inadequate
REQUIS (adj) consideration.
TAT requis - requested state. LSION - rescision pour cause de lsion -
REQUIS (noun) - person requisitioned toper- rescission for inadequate consideration.
form services. RESCISOIRE - retrial after an application for
RQUISITION - requisition; order to strik- retrial has been allowed in civil proceedings.
ing workers to resume work when public order is RSERVATAIRE- person entitled to a
threatened; (in plural) prosecution case; applica- reserved portion in a deceased's estate.
tion for a specific sentence; prosecution's (pub-
lic prosecutor's) submissions; Attorney-General's RSERVE - reservation; (accounts) reserve;
submissions. (game) (p )reserve; reserved portion (of a de-
ARRT de rquisition - requisition order. ceased's estate).
EMPRISE - rquisition d'emprise totale AMORTISSEMENT - rserve pour amor-
- application for the compulsory purchase of tissements - depreciation reserve.
property rendered unusable (valueless) by the CLAUSE de rserve - reservation (clause).
expropriation of the rest of the buildings or RFR - clause de rserve de rfr
land in question. - clause (in an or der) reserving the de-
FAILLITE - rquisition de faillite (Sw) - fendant's right to apply to the urgent
bankruptcy petition. applications judge; liberty to apply.
POURSUITE - rquisition de poursuite FONCIER - rserve foncire - land reserve
(Sw) - writ of execution (fieri facias, fi. fa.) (for future building etc).
PROCUREUR - le procureur prsente FONDS de rserve - reserve fond.
ses rquisitions - the (public) prosecutor HRDITAIRE - rserve hrditaire -
makes his submissions (eg to the investigat- reserved portion (of a deceased 's estate).
ing judge). LGAL - rserve lgale - ( company's)
..:.fil&.t.u:t.o_.Ly-Eerve (of at least one tenth of its
RQUISITOIRE - (public) prosecutor's ad- capital).
dress; formal request to impose a certain sen- LOI - rserve de la loi (Sw) - rule that the
tence; (public) prosecutor's application to com- executive is bound by the law (subject to the
mence proceedings; indictment. rule oflaw).
DFINITIF - rquisitoire dfinitif- writ- OBLIGATION de rserve - obligation to
ten statement of how he wishes the investi- treat the court with respect; obligation of
gating judge to proceed with the case sub- judge or civil servant to refrain froin any
mitted by the (public) prosecutor at the end actions or expression of opinions incom-
of the preliminary investigation. patible with his fonctions or loyalty to the
INTRODUCTIF - rquisitoire introductif state; obligation to exercise reserve; duty of
d'instance - (public) prosecutor's written discretion.
application requesting the investigating judge PRVOYANCE - rserve de prvoyance -
to open an investigation. reserve for contingencies.
SUPPLTIF - rquisitoire suppltif- PROPRIT - clause de rserve de pro-
(public) prosecutor's written application re- prit - reservation of title (ownership)
questing the investigating judge to extend clause.


, TAT - responsabilit de l'tat - state QUASI DLICTUEL - see DLICTUEL

liability. ab ove.
, ENTREPRENEUR - responsabilit de RUINE - responsabilit du fait de la ruine
l'entrepreneur - employer's liability; manu- d'un btiment - liability for damage caused
facturer's liability; producer's liability. by the total or partial collapse of a building.
, EXTRACONTRACTUEL - responsabilit SOLIDAIRE - responsabilit solidaire -
extracontractuelle - non-contractual liabil- joint and several liability.
ity; liability in tort.
, FAUTE RESPONSABLE (adj) - (civ) liable; (crim)
.. POUR - responsabilit pour faute - responsible .
liability for intention or negligence; fault INDFINIMENT responsable - with un-
liability. limited liability.
.. SANS - responsabilit sans faute -
liability without fault (ie without either RESPONSABLE (noun)
intention or negligence); strict liability; ENTREPRISE - responsable d'entreprise
absolute liability; risk liability; no-fault - (in some contexts) worker's representative;
liability. shop steward.
.. ANIMAL - responsabilit du gardien RESSORT - jurisdiction; judicial district;
d'un animal - liability of the owner or administrative district.
other person responsible for an animal ADMINISTRATIF - ressort administratif
for the damage it causes. - administrative jurisdiction.
, MATRIEL - responsabilit matrielle - DERNIER ressort - last instance.
liability for pecuniary (material) damage. .. JUGEMENT en dernier ressort -
, MINISTRIEL - responsabilit minist- judgment against which no appeal lies;
rielle - minister's responsibility to Parlia- judgment, trial or proceedings at last
ment for the actions of his department. instance; last-instance decision.
, NOTARIAL - responsabilit notariale - PREMIER ressort - first instance.
solicitor's liability. .. DERNIER - jugement en premier et
OBJECTIF - responsabilit objective - dernier ressort - judgment, trial or pro-
strict liability; absolute liability; liability ceedings at first instance against which
without fault; risk liability. no appeal lies.
, PNAL - responsabilit pnale - criminal TAUX de ressort - financial limit on the
responsibility. jurisdiction (of a lower court); sum up to
PRPOS - responsabilit du fait des which a court has jurisdiction.
prposs - liability for one's servants' torts,
TERRITORIAL - ressort territorial - ter-
ie for the torts of a persan acting under one's
ritorial jurisdiction.
direction and control.
TRIBUNAL - ressort d'un tribunal -
, PRODUCTEUR- responsabilit des pro-
(judicial) district (of a court); court's
ducteurs - producer's liability.
(territorial) jurisdiction.
.. PRJUDICE - respnsabilit du RESSORTIR
propritaire qui cause un prjudice
DE - ressortir de - fall under the jurisdic-
excdant la mesure ordinaire des obli- tion of.
gations de voisinage - liability in nui-
sance . RESSORTISSANT - subject; (less strictiy)
.. VOISINAGE - responsabilit du pro- national.
pritaire dans les rapports de voisi-
nage - liability in nuisance, negligence, RESSOURCE
trespass or abuse of right between neigh- CONDITION de ressources - means test.
de la puissance publique - official liability; PAYER - restes payer - outstanding pay-
liability of a public authority. ments.


RESTITUTION a right to withhold property until a debt is

ACTION en restitution - action for recov- paid.
ery of possession.
DLAI - restitution de dlai (Sw) - leave RETENUE - retention.
to proceed (eg appeal) out of time; extension SOURCE - retenue la source - deduction
oftime (to appeal etc). at source.
DEMANDE de restitution - application for
RTICENCE - intentional failure to disclose
restitution. information of which one is aware, eg in a pro-
DROIT - restitution d'un droit - restora-
posal for insurance; non-disclosure of facts the
tion of a right one formerly possessed.
other party has an interest in knowing, eg omis-
INDU - restitution de l'indu - restitution
sion by a vendor to mention the disadvantages of
of money paid (or things transferred) without
an object sold.
legal cause.
NATURE - restitution en nature - restora- RETIREMENT - buyer's duty to accept
tion of the previous state of a:ffairs (as delivery of the goods sold.
opposed to money compensation); restitution
in kind. RTORSION - retortion; retaliation.
RESTREINT - select (committee); quali:fied. RETOUCHE - minor amendment.
RSULTAT - :final account; :final balance. RETOUR - return; reversion; equity of re-
AFFECTATION du rsultat - allocation of demption.
the ( credit) balance. COMPTE de retour - amount of expenses
COMPTABLE - rsultats comptables - added to a redraft; notarial charges on a dis-
credit balance. honoured bill.
OBLIGATION de rsultat - obligation to CONVENTIONNEL - retour convention-
produce a speci:fic result; absolute obligation. nel - contractual reversion of property to the
RSULTER donor on the death of the donee.
DE - rsulter de - arise out of. LGAL - retour lgal - statutory reversion
of property to the donor from the estate of
RSUM the donee.
FAIT - rsum des faits de la cause - out-
LOT - retour de lot - money compensation
line of the case. to a person receiving a less valuable share of
RTABLISSEMENT - return of a docu- property on a partition.
ment to the place from which it has been taken; SANS FRAIS - retour sans frais - clause
restoration of a case to the list. excluding the requirement of a protest in the
CHOSE - rtablissement des choses dans case of an unpaid bill of exchange.
l'tat - restoration of the former position.
GARDE - rtablissement de la garde - RTRACTATION - revocation; retraction;
restoration of custody. disavowal; withdrawal (of a promise, decision,
etc); alteration (by a court etc) of its own deci-
RETARD sion, eg by setting aside a judgment by default.
EXCUTION - retard dans l'excution -
CONSENTEMENT - rtractation de con-
late performance; performance out of time.
sentement - withdrawal (revocation)of con-
RETENIR - (of a court) hold; specify; declare sent.
admissible; accept (an argument).
AFFAIRE - retenir une affaire - decide to RTRACTER - revoke; retract; disavow;
proceed with a case. withdraw; (of a court) alter its previous decision,
PRVENTION - retenir une prvention - eg by setting aside a judgment by default.
(of a court) find a charge has been proved. RETRAIT - right to take the place of a third
TMOIGNAGE - retenir un tmoignage - person in a transaction which has already been
admit evidence. concluded; cancellation of its own unilateral deci-
RTENTION sion by an administrative authority.
DROIT de rtention - lien; right to retain EMPLOI - retrait d'emploi - removal from
or remain in possession; right of retention, ie office; dismissal.


LITIGIEUX - retrait litigieux - exercise RUNION - (of conditions) fulfilment; satis-

by the defendant of his right, in a case where faction.
the plaintiff has sold his right against the de- PACIFIQUE - runion pacifique - peaceful
fendant (with which the pending proceedings assembly.
are concerned) to another, to acquire this PARCELLAIRE - runion parcellaire (Sw)
right from the purchaser on reimbursing him - consolidation of agricultural holdings.
what he paid for it; right of a debtor sued by
the assignee of a debt to settle the proceed- RUNIR - (of conditions) fulfil; satisfy.
ings by paying the assignee the amount for
which he purchased the debt together with REVENDICATION
the costs of the assignment and interest. ACTION en revendication - action to
PERMIS - retrait du permis de conduire establish title (ownership); action in detinue.
- withdrawal ( deprivation) of one's driving HRDIT - action en revendication
licence; disqualification from driving. d'hrdit - action to obtain possession
SUCCESSORAL - retrait successoral - of an estate from a person not claiming
exercise by the co-heirs of their right (where as heir or under a will.
an heir has assigned his share of an estate) to ENFANT - revendication d'enfant lgitime
exclude the purchaser (not being an heir) by - action by parents to establish that a person
refunding the price he has paid. is their legitimate child.
RETRAITE - retirement; pension; redraft. REVENDIQUER - bring an action to estab-
RETRANCHEMENT lish title (ownership); daim.
ACTION en retranchement - action by
the children of a former marriage to recover
ENCHRE - revente sur folle enchre -
property from the marital community or a
resale when the purchaser at an auction fails
to pay the price.
CASSER par voie de retranchement -
set aside part of a decision, leaving the rest REVENU - income.
standing. GLOBAL - revenu global - total (world)
RETRAYANT - person who by operation of income.
law takes the place of another (retray) in a VALEUR du revenu cadastral - rateable
contract just entered into by the latter; person by value.
whom a retrait is exercised.
REVERSABLE - repayable.
RETRAY - person against whom a retrait
is exercised. REVERSEMENT - repayment.
TAT de reversement - enforceable order
RTRIBUTION - remuneration; considera-
for repayment.
RTROACTE (Belg) - preparatory docu- RVERSIBILIT - statutory transferability
ment. (transmissibility) of a proportion of an official's
pension to his widow, ie to constitute a survivor's
RTROACTIVIT- retrospective effect. pension.
IN MITIUS - rtroactivit in mitius -
application of a less severe criminal statute RVERSIBLE - capable of being transferred
to facts occurring before it was passed. or transmitted to a third party; passing to the
RTROCDER - assign back; reassign;
transfer to a third party; resell. RVERSION
RTROCESSION - reassignment; recon- PENSION de rversion - widows' and or-
veyance (ie back to the previous owner or those phans' pension; dependant's pension; sur-
claiming through his estate); assignment back; vivor's pension; reversionary pension.
transfer to a third party; resale.
RTROGRADATION - reduction in grade, JURISPRUDENCE - revirement de juris-
rank, salary, etc. prudence - ( decision making a) change of


LITIGIEUX - retrait litigieux - exercise RUNION - (of conditions) fulfilment; satis-

by the defendant of his right, in a case where faction.
the plaintif[ has sold his right against the de- PACIFIQUE - runion pacifique - peaceful
fendant (with which the pending proceedings assembly.
are concerned) to another, to acquire this PARCELLAIRE - runion parcellaire (Sw)
right from the purchaser on reimbursing him - consolidation of agricultural holdings.
what he paid for it; right of a debtor sued by
the assignee of a debt to settle the proceed- RUNIR - (of conditions) fulfil; satisfy.
ings by paying the assignee the amount for
which he purchased the debt together with REVENDICATION
the costs of the assignment and interest. ACTION en revendication - action to
PERMIS - retrait du permis de conduire establish title (ownership); action in detinue.
- withdrawal ( deprivation) of one's driving HRDIT - action en revendication
licence; disqualification from driving. d'hrdit - action to obtain possession
SUCCESSORAL - retrait successoral - of an estate from a person not claiming
exercise by the co-heirs of their right (where as heir or under a will.
an heir has assigned his share of an estate) to ENFANT - revendication d'enfant lgitime
exclude the purchaser (not being an heir) by - action by parents to establish that a persan
refunding the price he has paid. is their legitimate child.
RETRAITE - retirement; pension; redraft. REVENDIQUER - bring an action to estab-
RETRANCHEMENT lish title (ownership); claim.
ACTION en retranchement - action by REVENTE
the children of a former marriage to recover
ENCHRE - revente sur folle enchre -
property from the marital community or a
resale when the purchaser at an auction fails
to pay the price.
CASSER par voie de retranchement -
set aside part of a decision, leaving the rest REVENU - income.
standing. GLOBAL - revenu global - total (woild)
RETRAYANT - person who by operation of mcome.
law takes the place of another (retray) in a VALEUR du revenu cadastral - rateable
contract just entered into by the latter; person by value.
whom a retrait is exercised.
REVERSABLE - repayable.
RETRAY - person against whom a retrait
is exercised. REVERSEMENT - repayment.
TAT de reversement - enforceable order
RTRIBUTION - remuneration; considera- for repayment.
RTROACTE (Belg) - preparatory docu- RVERSIBILIT - statutory transferability
ment. (transmissibility) of a proportion of an offi.cial's
pension to his widow, ie to constitute a survivor's
RTROACTIVIT- retrospective effect. pens10n.
IN MITIUS - rtroactivit in mitius -
application of a less severe criminal statute RVERSIBLE - capable of being transferred
to facts occurring before it was passed. or transmitted to a third party; passing to the
RTROCDER - assign back; reassign;
transfer to a third party; resell. RVERSION
RTROCESSION - reassignment; recon- PENSION de rversion - widows' and or-
veyance (ie back to the previous owner or those phans' pension; dependant's pension; sur-
claiming through his estate); assignment back; vivor's pension; reversionary pension.
transfer to a third party; resale.
RTROGRADATION - reduction in grade, JURISPRUDENCE- revirement de juris-
rank, salary, etc. prudence - ( decision making a) change of


(in) judicial doctrine or policy; new line of VOIE PUBLIQUE ~ riverain d'une voie
decisions; new precedent; reversal of prece- publique - frontager; persan owning land
dent; departure from (abandonment of) abutting on a street.
existing precedents (previously established
DROITS de riverainet - riparian rights;
RVISION - revision; review; retrial (in crim- frontager's rights.
inal cases); modification of a contract, legislation,
RIXE - fight; affray; brawl.
, ORGANE de rvision - auditor; board of RO = recueil officiel.
POURVOI en rvision - application for a
AUDIENCE- rle d'audience - list (of
, RECOURS en rvision - application to re- cases for hearing).
open civil proceedings on grounds of error of ROULAGE - traffi.c.
factor law. POLICE du roulage - traffi.c police or polic-
REQUTE en rvision - application for a ing.
RVOCATION - repeal; revocation; can- CAPITAL de roulement - current assets;
cellation; withdrawal; dismissal (of an official); working capital.
discharge (of an order etc). MAGISTRAT - roulement des magistrats
, ACTION en rvocation - action to set aside - annual assignment of judges to the various
for error, deceit, duress, etc. chambers of a court.
" DONATION - action en rvocation de
(d'une) donation - action to revoke a RS =recueil systmatique.
gift. RUBRIQUE - item; heading.
, DONATION - rvocation de (d'une) dona-
tion - revocation of a gift. RUPTURE
BAN - rupture de ban - offence of return-
RVOQUER- repeal; revoke; cancel; with- ing to French territory (committed by a per-
draw; dismiss; discharge (a court order). san who has been banished); also applies to
TESTAMENT - rvoquer un testament - persans under order not to live in a specific
revoke a will. region.
DOMMAGE par ricochet - indirect dam- contrat de travail - premature termination
age suffered by dependants (or others simi- of an employment contract.
larly situated) from the death or injury of a " ABUSIF - rupture abusive du contrat
victim. de travail - unfair dismissal; wrongful
RIGUEUR , FIANAILLES - rupture de fianailles -
DLAI de rigueur - strict time-limit.
breach of promise of marriage.
RISQUE LIEN CONJUGAL - rupture du lien con-
ACCEPTATION des risques - volenti non jugal - de facto separation.
fit injuria. VIE COMMUNE - rupture de la vie com-
, LOCATIF - risque locatif- tenant's liabil- mune - cessation of cohabitation; living
ity (for damage caused by fire). apart; de facto separation; termination of
, TRANSFERT des risques - passing of the consortium either by prolonged de facto sep-
risk, eg on a sale. aration (six years) or by supervening perma-
RIVERAIN - riparian owner; adjacent (abut- nent insanity.
ting) owner.


sSAISIE-EXCUTION - attachment of
REMETTRE goods; execution against goods.
S'EN remettre la sagesse de la cour
- leave it to the discretion of the court. SAISIE-GAGERIE - preventive attachment
of a tenant's goods by the landlord; distress for
SAISI - judgment debtor whose goods have rent.
been attached (seized).
TIERS saisi - garnishee; person in whose SAISIE-OPPOSITION - notice of attach-
hands money owing to a debtor is attached. ment of a debt.
SAISIE - seizure (of drugs, contraband, etc);
attachment or seizure of property in execution.
der to ensure the conservation of property which
CONSERVATOIRE- saisie conservatoire
the owner is seeking to recover from a third party.
- preventive attachment, ie an attachment
before the creditor has obtained judgment SAISIE-VENTE - attachment of a debtor's
in order to prevent the debtor rendering his tangible movables. The movables may be at-
property inaccessible to execution by dissi- tached either in the debtor's possession or in that
pating or transferring his assets. (Cf Mareva of a third person.
injunction ( asset-freezing order) .)
CONTREFAON - saisie contrefaon - SAISINE - right of an heir to take possession
procedure to establish an infringement of in- of the deceased's property without formalities;
tellectual property. act or fact of bringing a case before a court; case
DROIT de saisie - right to seize (in connec- referred (to a court).
tion with certain offen ces). COUR - saisine de la cour - reference of a
GAGE - droit de saisie du gage - right case (bringing (of) a case b efore) the court.
to attach property as a security for pay'-
DIRECT - saisine directe - direct commit-
ment. tal.
FORAIN - saisie foraine - preventive
FONCTION - la saisine du juge d'appel
attachment of the goods of a person not
est fonction de la dclaration d'appel - the
resident in a town or district, eg by a hotel-
jurisdiction of the appeal court is limited
IMMOBILIER - saisie immobilire - exe- ( circumscribed) by (the grounds stated in)
cution against real property. the notice of appeal.
REL - saisie relle - attachment of real JURIDICTION - saisine de la juridiction
property. - commencement of proceedings.

SAISIE-APPRHENSION - attachment SAISIR - attach; distrain; put in possession;

of tangible movables by a person entitled to their ( drugs, contraband, etc or of the sheriff in execu-
delivery. The movables may be attached either in tion) seize; arrest (a ship).
the possession of the person liable to deliver them COMMISSION - saisir la commission -
or in that of a third person. refer to the commission; lodge with the com-
SAISIE-ARRT - (formerly) garnishee or-
der nisi; garnishment; attachment of a debt or COUR - saisir la cour - refer a case to
of property of the debtor in the hands of a third (bring a case before) the court,
person. TRE saisi de - have a case before (one, a
court, etc); (start to) deal with; have under
SAISIE-ATTRIBUTION - attachment of consideration.
sums of money in the hands of a third person.
JURIDICTION saisie - court dealing
SAISIE-BRANDON - attachment of stand- with a case (before which a case has been
ing crops, fish in a pond and other potential mov- brought); court in which proceedings are
ables not yet separated from the land. pending.


PARLEMENT - saisir le Parlement d'un SCELL

projet de loi - table a Bill. APPOSER les scells - place official seals
SE saisir de - assume jurisdiction in a case. (on container or premises).
TRIBUNAL - saisir un tribunal - refer a
BRIS de scells - unlawful removal of offi-
case to a court; bring a case before a court.
cial seals.
SAISIR-ARRTER - (formerly) garnish;
obtain a garnishee order in respect of; attach. SCHMA
SAISISSABLE - attachable. DIRECTEUR- schma directeur - basic
development scheme; master plan.
SAISISSABILIT - liability to attachment.
PROCDURAL - schma procdural -
SALAIRE form of procedure.
TCHE - salaire la tche - (remunera-
tion for) piece-work; piece-rate wages. SCRIPTURAL - cashless, ie by bill or
SALARI - wage-earner; employee; servant
MONNAIE scripturale - bank or other
(ie persan who works under the direction of his
forms of financial credit; bank money.
AUDIENCE - salle d'audience - court-
room; open court. SCRUTIN - ballot; vote; voting; election;
DLIBRATION - salle des dlibrations poll(ing).
- judges' conference ( deliberations) room. ARRONDISSEMENT - scrutin d'arron-
SANCE - salle des sances - courtroom; dissement - election in which only one can-
open court. didate is returned in each constituency.
TRIBUNAL - salle du tribunal - court-
BALLOTTAGE- scrutin de ballottage -
room; open court.
second ballot.
SANCTION - sanction; approval; approba- DIRECT - scrutin direct - direct election.
tion; penalty; repressive measure.
INVESTITURE - scrutin d'investiture
LOI - sanction des lois (with reference to
- (formerly) vote in the National Assembly
constitutional monarchies) - royal assent.
confirming the appointment of a Prime Min-
SANG ister by the President.
CRIMES de sang - murder and similar
LISTE - scrutin de liste - election in which
the voter votes for a party list and not for an
DROIT du sang (jus sanguinis) - rule that
individual candidate.
nationality is conferred by descent.
TOUR de scrutin - ballot.
SATISFACTION UNINOMINAL - scrutin uninominal-
QUITABLE - satisfaction quitable -
election in which only one candidate is re-
just satisfaction.
turned in each constituency.
SAUF-CONDUIT - safe conduct.
JUSTICE - sauvegarde de justice - judi- PLNIER - sance plnire - plenary sit-
cial protection (system for protecting per- ting; sitting of the full court.
sans whose faculties are temporarily slightly PUBLIC - sance publique - open court;
diminished but not to the extent of requiring public sitting.
a guardian o~ supervisor).
SAUVETAGE - salvage.
CHANGE - seconde de change - second of
SCANDALE- o:ffence. ex change.
APPOSER les sceaux - place official seals SECONDAIRE
(on container or premises). DROIT secondaire - subordinate legislation.


PATRIMOINE - sparation des patri- DLATION du serment - requiring a party

moines - separation of the assets of a to take an oath; putting a party to his oath.
deceased from those of the heirs; separation FAUX serment - perjury by a party; false
of assets (estates). declaration (on a form etc).
POUVOIR - sparation des pouvoirs - FORMULE de serment - form of oath;
separation of powers. wording of an oath.
SPAR RFRER le serment - require a party ap-
CORPS - spar de corps - judicially sepa- plying for an oath to take an oath himself.
rated. RELATION de serment - procedural step
whereby a party who has been called on to
SPARMENT - apart.
swear to the truth of his case refuses to do so
SQUESTRATION - holding a persan and requires his opponent to swear that the
against his will; false imprisonment; illegal con- fact he alleges is true.
finement. SUPPLTOIRE - serment suppltoire -
ARBITRAIRE - squestration arbitraire supplementary oath which the judge can
- holding a persan against his will; false require a party to take and which, unlike the
imprisonment; illegal confinement. serment dcisoire, does not decide the
PERSONNE - squestration de personne matter in dispute but leaves the decision to
- holding a persan against his will; false the judge.
imprisonment; illegal confinement.
SQUESTRE - receiver; administrator; custo- COMMUNAUT - service (travail) au
dian pendente lite; custody pendente lite of goods
profit de la communaut- community ser-
whose ownership is disputed during the pro-
vice (work).
ceedings; compulsory administration.; seizure or
ENQUTE - service d'enqute - investi-
(by a court) attachment or (in some cases) se-
gating department.
questration. sub MIS sous squestre - (by a
court) placed under compulsory administration, EXTRIEUR - services extrieurs - local
attachment or (in some cases) sequestration. sub departments of ministries in the provinces.
OFFICE des squestres (Lux) - Public Custo- FAUTE de service - administrative (official)
dian's Office. error; fault committed by a civil or other
public servant in the performance of his
SQUESTRER - unlawfully deprive a persan duties for which he is not liable in the or-
of his freedom; hold a persan against his will. dinary courts.
JUSTICE - troubler la srnit de la jus- COMMUN - services gnraux com-
tice - interfere with the proper conduct of muns - common general services.
proceedings. PASSEPORT de service - service passport.
SRIEUX - reasonable. VOT - services vots - public services
INTRT srieux et lgitime - reasonable provided for in the previous year's budget
and lawful interest. and which (unlike new measures) are adopted
under an expedited procedure.
de crdibilit (crdulit) - oath by an INTRT - servir des intrts - make in-
alleged debtor's surviving spouse or heirs terest payments; service a loan.
that they are unaware of the existence of a RENTE - servir une rente - pay an annu-
debt or other relevant matter. ity or pension.
DCISOIRE - serment dcisoire - oath
which a party is required to take by his SERVITUDE - an encumbrance imposed on a
opponent in order to decide the matter at tenement for the benefit of a tenement belonging
issue between them. to a di:fferent owner; easement; quasi-easement;
DFRER le serment quelqu'un - profit prendre (eg a right to take sand); restric-
require a persan to take an oath; put a per- tive or other covenant running with the land in
san to hi~ oath. rem; servitude; (in a wider sense) any restriction


imposed on property in the public interest; obli- MILITAIRE - servitude militaire - ease-
gation. ment imposed for reasons of military security.
ADMINISTRATIF- servitude adminis- NON JEDIFICANDI - servitude non
trative - public servitude; local land charge. redificandi - obligation not to build on the
ALIGNEMENT - servitude d'alignement land.
- obligation to comply with a building line. PA CAGE - servitude de pacage - profit of
AMLIORATION - servitude d'amliora- pasture.
tion - obligation to comply with administra- PASSAGE- servitude de passage - right
tive regulations when making alterations. ofway.
APPUI - servitude d'appui - easement of 11 BTAIL - servitude de passage du

support. btail - right of way for cattle.

AVANCEMENT- servitude d'avancement PTURE - servitude de pture - profit of
- obligation to corne forward to the building pasture; right to pasture cattle or sheep.
line when rebuilding. PERSONNEL - servitude personnelle -
COUR COMMUNE- servitude de cour right over land vested in a person as such
commune . .:. servitude restricting building or and not as the owner for the time being of a
the height of buildings on an adjacent ten- piece of land; generic term covering usufruct
ement. (This may be established by agree- and similar rights; easement or profit in
ment or - on an application to the court by gross.
an owner entitled to a building permit issued PLANTATION - servitude de plantation -
subject to a condition that such a servitude obligation not to plant trees within a certain
is imposed - imposed by a court.) distance of the dominant tenement.
COULEMENT - servitude d'coulement PLUME - servitude de la plume - obliga-
- easement to discharge rain-water etc onto a tion of a public prosecutor to act on official
lower-lying tenement. instructions in making written applications
GOUT - servitude d'gout - easement to the court.
requiring a building owner to discharge rain- PRDIAL - servitude prdiale - easement.
water from his own roof onto his own prop- RACHAT d'une servitude - redemption of
erty or the public highway and not directly an easement.
onto his neighbour's land. RECULEMENT - servitude de recule-
, ESSARTEMENT- servitud~ d'essarte- ment - obligation not to build (or repair ex-
ment - forest owner's duty to leave a clear isting erections) within a certain distance of
space of 20 metres on either side of the high- a road; obligation to observe a building line.
way. REL - servitude relle - easement; profit
VIER - servitude d'vier - easement to prendre (eg right to take sand for the bene-
discharge water used for household purposes. :fit of a dominant tenement).
FONDS dbiteur de la servitude - servient RIVERAINET - servitude de riverainet
tenement. - obligation imposed on an abutting owner.
HALAGE - servitude de halage - duty of TOUR D'CHELLE- servitude (droit) de
a riparian owner to leave space for a towpath tour d'chelle - easement entitling the owner
alongside a navigable waterway. of the dominant property to place ladders on
the servient property.
HAUTEUR- servitude de hauteur - obli-
UTILIT PUBLIQUE - servitude d'utilit
gation not to build over a certain height.
publique - public servitude.
IMMOBILIER - servitude immobilire -
VISIBILIT - servitude de visibilit -
obligation to remove or not to erect construc-
LGAL - servitude lgale - statutory ease-
tions interfering with visibility on a road.
ment or right.
VOIRIE - servitude de voirie - obligation
MARCHEPIED - servitude de marche-
imposed on the owner of property abutting
pied - duty of a. ;riparian owner to leave
on public roads.
space along a navigable waterway for neces-
VOISINAGE - servitude de voisfoage -
sary manuvring on land by boat.crews.
right relating to adjacent property.
MATRIAUX - servitude d'extraction
de matriaux-:- profit prendre; right to SVICES - ill-treatment; cruelty; physical vio-
extract minerals. lence.


SIGE SINISTR - damaged or destroyed.

ADMINISTRATIF - sige administratif-
administrative headquarters.
TAT de sige - martial law; state of emer- ASPECTS pertinents de la situation - rele-
gency. vant circumstances.
, MAGISTRAT du sige - judge. TAT de situation - statement of affairs;
, MAGISTRATURE du sige - the judges; return.
the judiciary. JURIDIQUE - situation juridique - legal
PRINCIPAL - sige principal - headquar- position; legal status.
ters. SOCIAL
REL - sige rel - factual seat. ACTION sociale - action brought by a com-
SOCIAL - sige social - registered office; pany, (professional or other) association,
principal office. trade union, etc.
STATUTAIRE - sige statutaire - regis- CAPITAL social - ( authorised) capital.
tered office (of a company); statutory office DETTE sociale - partnership or company
(of an association). debt.
SIGNALEMENT - personal particulars; OBJET social - the objects of a company or
(personal) qescription. p artnershi p.
PACTE social - articles of association or
SIGNATURE! partnership.
A:P REFERENDUM - signature ad refer- PATRIMOINE social - partnership or com-
endllm - signature ad referendum.
pany assets.
LGAPSATION CJ.e signature - legalisa-
PRJUDICE social - loss or damage suf-
tio: of a signature, eg by a consul.
fered by a company, (professional or other)
~ SOCIAL - signature sociale - firm's signa-
association, trade union, etc.
PROTECTION sociale des enfants - child
SIGNIFICATION - service (of process) by a welfare.
bailiff; service (of documents); notice. RAISON sociale - firm name; business
ACTE de significa~ion - record of service. name including the names of all or some of
ACTE - signification des actes de proc- the personally liable partners.
dure - service of judicial process (by a RELATIONS sociales - labour relations;
bailiff). industrial relations.
DOMICILE - signification domicile - SIGE social - registered office; principal
service by leaving the papers at the reside:ne office.
(ie home. address) of the person concernecj., SIGNATURE - signature sociale - firm's
JDXFL{HT de signification - record of ser- signature.
vice made by a process-server.
~ MAIN PROPRE - signification en main(s)
SOCIALISATION - transfer of property to
pfopre(s) - personal service. the workers; nationalisation.
PERSONNE - signification personne - SOCITAIRE - partner; member of an asso-
personal service. ciation.
PERSONNEL - signification personnelle -
personal service. SOCIT - partnership; company.
ACQUT - socit d'acquts - community
SILENCE of after-acquired property.
ADMINISTRATION - silence de l'Admi-
ACTE de socit - articles of partnership;
nistration - failure by a public department
memorandum and articles of association of a
to reply to an application. (If it lasts for
more than for m~nths, it may be treated
ACTION - socit par actions - joint stock
as a refus al.)
SIMULATION - false representation; ficti- ADMINISTRATEUR de socit - com-
tious (simulated) transaction. pany director.
ACTION en dclaration de simulation - ANONYME - socit anonyme - public
action to set aside a simulated transaction. limited company.


APPORT en socit - contribution to a pany formed to let commercial and in-

partnership's assets. dustrial premises.
BUT LUCRATIF - socit but lucratif- INVESTISSEMENT - socit immo-
pro:fit-making partnership or company. bilire d'investissement - company
CAPITAL - socit de capitaux - company formed to let residential premises.
(but the term also includes la socit en IMPT sur les socits - corporation tax.
commandite par actions). INTRT - socit par intrts - partner-
CHASSE - socit de chasse - hunting ship.
association. INVESTISSEMENT- socit d'investisse-
CIVIL - socit civile - non-commercial ment - investment trust;
partnership; civil-law partnership. MRE - socit mre - parent company;
PROFESSIONNEL - socit civile holding company.
professionnelle - civil-law professional NATION - Socit des Nations - League of
partnership. Nations.
COLLECTIF - socit en nom collectif- NOM COLLECTIF- see COLLECTIF
commercial partnership. ab ove.
ACTION - socit en commandite tion - partnership with a sleeping partner or
par actions - limited partnership with undisclosed partnership.
shares. PERSONNE - socit de personnes -
SIMPLE - socit en commandite partnership (but the term also includes the
simple - limited partnership. socit~ responsabilit limite).
COMMERCE - socit de commerce - RESPONSABILIT - socit de per-
trading partnership or company. sonnes responsabilit limite (Belg) -
COMMERCIAL - socit commerciale - private (limited) company.
commercial partnership or company. PRVOYANCE - socit de prvoyance -
CONJUGAL - socit conjugale - commu- provident (friendly) society.
nity of property (between spouses); marital RESPONSABILIT - socit respons-
community. abilit limite - private (limited) company.
CONSTITUTION de socit - founding
(formation) of a partnership or company. SOIT-COMMUNIQU
CONTRAT de socit - articles of partner- ORDONNANCE de soit-communiqu-
ship; memorandum and articles of association order by the investigating judge closing an
of a company. investigation, transmitting the file and in-
DE FAIT - socit (cre) de fait - de forming the public prosecutor's office that
facto partnership. the case is ready for further action; notifica-
DOMICILE - socit de domicile - com- tion to proceed (with a prosecution).
pany having only its registered office in a
given country.
DROIT du sol (jus soli) - rule that
DROIT CIVIL - socit de droit civil -
nationality is acquired by birth on the ter-
non-commercial partnership; civil-law part-
ritory of the state concerned.
CONOMIE MIXTE - socit d'conomie SOLDE
mixte - part state-owned company; semi- BALANCE des comptes en mouvement
public corporation. et en soldes - turnover and balances of the
FAIT - see DE FAIT above. accounts.
IMMOBILIER - socit immobilire -
property company. SOLENNEL - officially recorded (by a solici-
ATTRIBUTION - socit immobilire tor); in solemn form.
d'attribution - company formed to SOLIDAIRE - jointly and severally liable.
erect a building to be divided among
the members. SOLIDARIT - joint and several liability.
COMMERCE - socit immobilire ACTIF - solidarit active - rules governing
pour le commerce et l'industrie - corn- joint and several creditors.


PASSIF - solidarit passive - rules govern- CHANGE avec soulte - exchange with
ing joint and several debtors. payment of the difference.
PREUVE - solidit des preuves - reliabil-
ity of the evidence. SOUMISSIONNAIRE- tenderer; persan
SOUMISSIONNER - tender for a contract.
SOLUTION - interpretation.
SOURICIRE - police trap.
SOLVABILIT- solvency.
SOLVABLE - solvent. SOUS-ACQUREUR - sub-purchaser.

SOLVENS - persan performing an obligation. SOUS-BAIL - underlease; sublease.

SOMMATION - document served by a bailiff; SOUS-BRIGADIER - (police) constable.
formal notice; formal summons; warning; notice
SOUSCRIPTEUR - subscriber.
(to pay); service of an order (eg order to pay, in-
junction or prohibition). POLICE - souscripteur de police - the
PAIEMENT- sommation de paiement - insured; policyholder.
official demand f9r payment by the bailiff. SOUSCRIPTION
SOMME IRRDUCTIBLE - souscription titre
DLGATION de sommes - transfer by irrductible - irrevocable subscription.
court order of sums due to one person to an- PUBLIC - souscription publique - public
other (eg a husband's earnings to his wife); collection; public subscription.
transfer order; assignment order. SURPASS- souscription surpasse -
GLOBAL - somme globale unique - single over-subscription.
lump-sum payment.
LITIGE - somme en litige - amount in dis- SOUSCRIRE - accept; subscribe.
pute. THSE - souscrire une thse - accept an
JUDICIAIRE - sommiers judiciaires - SOUS-DPOSITAIRE - sub-depositary.
criminal records; criminal records office.
SOUS-DIRECTEUR - assistant (under-)
SONDAGE- (auditor's) random (spot) check. secretary; head of section; deputy director.
SORTANT - retiring; outgoing. SOUS-ENTREPRENEUR - subcontractor.
MASSE de sortie - (prisoner's) release
savings. SOUS-LOCATION - subtenancy; sublease.
SOUCHE - persan and his descendants. SOUS-LOUER - underlet; sublet.
PAR souche(s) - per stirpes.
SOUS-MINISTRE (Canada) - permanent
SOUFFRANCE (under-)secretary.
INDEMNISATION des souffrances (pre-
tium doloris) - (damages for) pain and suf- SOUS-SECRTAIRE
fering. TAT - sous-secrtaire d'tat - (formerly)
SOULEVER- raise. Minister of State; junior minister; parliamen-
EXCEPTION - soulever une exception - tary (un der-)secretary (of state).
raise an objection; plead (put forward, raise) SOUS-SECTION
a defence.
CONSEIL D'TAT - sous-section du Con-
OFFICE - soulever d'office - (of a court)
seil d'tat - section of the Conseil d'tat.
raise of its own motion (ex officia).
RUNI - sous-sections runies du
SOULTE - balance to equalise shares; differ- Conseil d'tat - combined sections of
ences (in value). the Conseil d'tat.


SOUS-SOL - subsoil. carry out their statutory abjects (cf ultra

vires rule).
SOUSTRACTION - misappropriation.
HYPOTHCAIRE - spcialit hypoth-
FRAUDULEUX - soustraction fraudu-
caire - rule that an entry in the mortgage
leuse - embezzlement of fonds; suppression
register must specify the amount of the mort-
of documentary evidence; taking by fraud;
gage and the property or properties mort-
fraudulent conversion.
SOUSTRAIRE PRINCIPE de la spcialit - speciality
PEINE - soustraire la peine - exempt rule; rule that a persan may only be tried for
from punishment. the offence for which he was extradited; rule
SE soustraire aux recherches de la police - that an association's or company's property
hide from the police. may only be used for the abjects specified in
its memorandum of association; abjects rule
SOUSTRAITANT - subcontractor. (cf ultra vires rule).
SOUSTRAITER - subcontract.
SPONTANMENT - of its (his, her, their)
SOUS-TRANSPORTEUR - a second own motion.
carrier acting as an agent for the :first; another PRSENTER
carrier. SE prsenter spontanment - report
SOUTENIR - maintain; argue; submit.
SPRL = socit de personnes respon-
sabilit limite (Belg).
FAMILLE - soutien de famille - bread-
wmner. STAGE- qualifying period for insurance bene-
NCESSAIRE - soutien ncessaire (d'un fit.
dispositif) - reasons for a decision; ratio ATTENTE - stage d'attente - qualifying
decidendi. period.
FAMILLE - souvenirs de famille - heir-
looms. STATUER
SOUVERAIN - completely independent; hav- chambre du conseil - take a decision in
ing unfettered discretion; unappealable (not sub- chambers.
ject to appeal); sovereign. LIEU - il n'y a pas lieu de statuer - it is
APPRCIATION souveraine de fait - final unnecessary to proceed further in the matter.
(ie unappealable and discretionary) decision OMISSION de statuer - failure (by a
on the facts. court) to decide a point raised in the plead-
COUR souveraine - court from which no ings. (This may constitute a ground for
appeal lies. appeal to the Court of Cassation or for an
TRE souverain - exercise final authority. application to the trial court to retry the
SOUVERAINEMENT - without appeal. issue in question (recours en rvision,
formerly requte civile).)
SOUVERAINET - sovereignty; (sovereign) PICE - statuer sur pices - decide the
power. case on the pleadings (on the written evi-
ACTE de souverainet - sovereign act; act dence, on the file).
of state. PRLIMINAIRE- statuer titre prlimi-
LOI - souverainet de la loi - supremacy of naire - decide a preliminary point (issue).
the law. PRINCIPAL - statuer au principal - try
the main issue; hear and decide the case; try
SPATIAL - territorial.
the case; decide (give judgment in) the main
SPCIALIT proceedings; determine the merits of a case.
ADMINISTRATIF - spcialit adminis- PROVISOIRE- statuer au provisoire -
trative - principle that public corporations give a provisional ruling; make an interim
may employ their resources only in order to order.


SUR - statuer sur - hear and determine in a contract, agreement or treaty.

(deal with, give judgment in) a case; rule on. CONVENTIONNEL - stipulation conven-
SURSEOIR statuer - defer a decision; tionnelle - clause, provision or stipulation in
stay or adjourn the proceedings. a contract, agreement or treaty.
STATUT - (memorandum and) articles of an PROPRE - stipulation de propres - decla-
association or company; articles of a partnership; ration that certain movables are comprised in
charter; statutes; status; standing; rights and du- (the wife's) separate property.
ties; rules governing; constitution (of a body etc). STIPULER - (in legislation and other non-
FONCTION PUBLIQUE - statut de la contractual documents) provide.
fonction publique - Civil Service Act and
Regulations. STUPFIANT - (dangerous) drug; narcotic.
JURIDIQUE - statut juridique - legal
position; legal status. SUBIR
SALARIAL - statut juridique salarial PEINE - subir une peine - serve a sen-
- salary regulations. tence.
LGAL - statut lgal - statutory provisions
(governing). SUBJECTIF - individual.
PERSONNEL (adj) - statut personnel - DROIT subjectif - right conferred on or ex-
rules governing the status and capacity of ercised by an individual; individual (personal,
persans; proper law (in the case where differ- private) right (as opposed to droit objec-
ent groups. of persans living in the same area tif).
are governed by different systems of law).
SUBORDINATION - position of a persan
PERSONNEL (noun) - statut du person-
who works under his employer's instructions.
nel - staff regulations.
PRESSE - statut de la presse - Press Act SUBORNATION
(Code). TMOIN - subornation de tmoin -
REL - statut rel - proper law (of thing, procuring a persan to give false evidence;
especially immovables). subornation of perjury.
STATUTAIRE - provided for by (compatible SUBROGATION - subrogation; substitution;
with) the statute(s) or the existing or relevant replacement.
regulations; organisational; constitutional (in rela-
PERSONNEL - subrogation personnelle
tion to the constitution of a particular body). NB
- replacement of one persan by another in
"statutory" should be avoided as a translation as
a legal relationship, whereby the latter is
it has a different meaning in legal English.
enabled to enjoy and exercise all the rights
RGLE - rgles statutaires - (memoran-
formerly pertaining to the former.
dum and) articles of an association or a com-
POURSUITE - subrogation aux (des)
pany; charter; statutes.
poursuites - right of a creditor to take the
STATUT-TYPE place of an inactive creditor in continuing
FONCTION PUBLIQUE - statut-type de execution against a debtor.
la fonction publique europenne - model REL - subrogation relle - attribution
staff regulations for the European civil ser- to an abject of the legal qualities or pUipose
vice. of the abject it replaces within a group of
STELLIONAT - tort of selling or mortgaging assets; replacement of one abject by another
to another, by means of fraudulent representa- in a legal relationship (with the necessary
tions as to title, property already sold or mort- adaptations, eg the transfer of a mortgage
gaged or to which the vendor has no title; fraudu- from the property destroyed to the insurance
lent representatiori.s as to title. . moneys).

STIPULATION - term (of a contract). SUBROG- persan replacing another in a

AUTRUI- stipulation pour autrui - con- legal relationship and so in a position to exercise
tract conferring a right on a third party. all the rights previously pertaining to the former.
CONTRACTUEL - stipulation con- TUTEUR - subrog(-)tuteur - auxiliary or
tractuelle - clause, provision or stipulation supervising guardian.


SUBROGER HRITIER - substitution d'hritier -

, DROIT- subroger quelqu'un dans ses remainder.
droits - assign one's rights to someone. MESURE de substitution - alternative
, TRE subrog - be subrogated (to the (measure).
rights of). MOTIF - substitution de motif- right of
the Court of Cassation to correct erroneous
SUBSIDIAIRE - accessory; alternative; sub- reasons given for a judgment appealed
sidiary. against.
, EMPRISONNEMENT subsidiaire (Belg) o PART - substitution de part - substitution
- imprisonment in default (of payment Of a of a child.
fine). PEINE de substitution ( l'emprisonne-
SUBSIDIAIREMENT - in the alternative; ment) - alternative to imprisonment.
alternatively; as a subsidiary argument or submis- POUVOIR de substitution - power (of an
sion; subsidiarity principle. agent) to appoint a sub-agent; right of a
o PAR le droit du Fonds et subsidiairement superior authority to take measures in the
par le droit franais - by the law governing place and on behalf of a subordinate author-
the Fund and subject thereto by French law. ity.
o SIMPLE - substitution simple - appoint-
SUBSIDIARIT ment of a second legatee to take on the fail-
, PRINCIPE de la subsidiarit - principle ure of the original legacy.
that a decision should be taken at the lowest VULGAIRE - substitution vulgaire - see
possible level; subsidiarity principle. SIMPLE above.
o FAMILLE - subsistance de famille - family GLOBAL - subvention globale - block
maintenance. grant.

SUBSTANTIEL - material; substantive; SUCCESSIBILIT

essential. o DROIT de successibilit - right to inherit
o DROIT substantiel - substantive right (succeed to) property; inheritance right.
forming the subject-matter of litigation; sub-
SUCCESSIBLE - entitled to succeed; pre-
stantive law. sumptive heir.
o LMENT substantiel du contrat - essen-
DE!GR - au degr successible - entitled to
tial (material) part of the contract. inherit.
, FORMALIT substantielle - essential for-
mality. SUCCESSIF - successive; continuous; recur-
, FORME substantielle - essential formal rent.
requirement (formality). CONTRAT successif - contract involving
successive performance; continuing contract.
SUBSTITUT - deputy public prosecutor. DROIT successif- right to inherit (succeed
, EMPRISONNEMENT - substituts to) property; inheritance right; the law of
l'emprisonnement - alternatives to impris- succession (inheritance).
onment. .. VENTE de droits successifs - sale of
, GNRAL - substitut gnral - Attorney- one's right to an inheritance; sale of an
General's deputy. expectancy.
, PREMIER substitut - senior deputy public
prosecutor. SUCCESSION - estate (of a deceased per-
son); succession; inheritance.
SUBSTITUTION - settlement of property AB INTESTAT - succession ab intestat -
on persons in sccession; family settlement; en- intestate succession; succession on (an) intes-
tail; testamentary settlement (without trustees). tacy.
, ENFANT - substitution d'enfant - substi- ANOMAL - succession anomale - excep-
tution of a child. tional type of succession in which, by virtue
, FIDICOMMISSAIRE - substitution of their origin, certain items of property are
fidicommissaire - creation of a life estate not included in the deceased's estate but, eg,
and a remainder (which is illegal). revert to the donor or his issue.


BNFICIAIRE - succession bnficiaire RECEL successoral - concealment of an

- succession in which the heir's liability inheritance; conversion of assets belonging to
for the debts of the estate is limited to the an estate.
amount of the net assets he actually receives. TITRE - titre successoral - by inheri-
COLLATRAL - succession collatrale - tance.
succession in the collateral line. TRANSFERT successoral - passing by in-
DSHRENCE - succession en dshrence heritance.
- failure of heirs; unclaimed estate; vacant VENTE successorale - sale of one's right to
succession, ie where there is no heir or no an inheritance; sale of an expectancy.
heir willing to take the estate, no surviving VOCATION successorale - right to inherit
spouse and no universal (ie residuary) lega- on (an) intestacy.
DVOLUTION de la succession - order of SUCCOMBANCE - fact of having lost a
devolution of property. case.
DROIT de succession - the law of succes- SUCCOMBER- lose (a case).
sion (inheritance); right to inherit (succeed
to) property; (usually in plural) inheritance SUFFRAGE
tax; succession duty. NUL - suffrage nul - spoiled ballot paper;
DROIT des successions - the law of succes- invalid vote.
sion (inheritance).
TAT - succession des (entre) tats -
DONNER suite - allow (a claim, an appli-
state succession.
cation, etc).
FUTUR - pacte sur succession future -
DROIT de suite - right to trace or fol-
agreement on the succession of a living per-
low property into the hands of a third per-
san; mortgagee's right to attach the mort-
IMPT sur les successions - inheritance
gaged property and have it sold to answer
tax; succession duty.
the mortgage debt into whoever's hands it
JURIDIQUE - succession juridique - suc- may have passed; right of persans entitled
cession in title. to a privilge (right to preferential pay-
LGAL - succession lgale - (statutory) ment) to follow property; right of a secured
order of succession on (an) intestacy. creditor to take possession of the security
MOBILIER - succession mobilire - suc- even if in the possession of a third party;
cession to movables. (bankruptcy) right of stoppage in transitu;
NET - succession nette - net assets of the (copyright) right of an author to a percent-
estate. age of the sale price of his work (over which
OUVERT - succession ouverte - estate of a he may not dispose inter vivos or by will and
persan already deceased. to which his heirs are entitled for a period
NON - succession non ouverte - estate of :fifty years after his death, subject to a life
of a living persan. interest of the surviving spouse); reserved
OUVERTURE de la succession - passing of royalties; right of an artist to a percentage
the estate to the heirs. of the price of his picture every time it is
PARTICULIER - succession titre par- sold by an auctioneer or art dealer; surviving
ticulier - succession to a particular right; right; inheritable royalty; surviving royalty;
succession in title. resale right.
TESTAMENTAIRE - succession testa-
mentaire - succession under a will; testate
SUJET - persan entitled to hold and exercise
rights; persan (recognised by the law).
ACTIF - sujet actif (d'un droit, d'une
VACANT - succession vacante - failure of
obligation) - persan entitled to the benefit
heirs; vacant succession; unclaimed estate;
of a right or obligation (obligee, promisee,
bona vacantia.
creditor, victim of a tort).
SUCCESSORAL DROIT - sujet de droit - persan (entity)
PART successorale - share in an estate; recognised by law or a particular system
share on (an) intestacy. of law as capable of owning and exercising


rights and being subject to obligations; per- ENFANT (PART) - supposition d'enfant
san, ie having legal personality; legal persan; (de part) - attributing a child to an imagi-
(in an international context) subject oflaw. nary woman or to a woman who has not con-
INTERNATIONAL - sujet de droit ceived; passing off a child.
international - persan recognised by
international law as having rights and SUPPRESSION - cancellation; termination;
duties (as having legal personality); sub- withdrawal (of a service etc); extinguishment;
ject of (international) law. abolition; deletion; punishment; repression.
MIXTE - sujet mixte - persan with two or CADAVRE - suppression de cadavre -
more nationalities. concealment of a body.
PASSIF - sujet passif (d'un droit, d'une ENFANT (PART) - suppression d'enfant
obligation) - persan against whom a right (de part) - causing the disappearance of a
may be enforced; obligor; promisor; debtor; new-born child (charge brought where noth-
persan bound by (liable to perform) an obli- ing more can be proved); concealment of
gation. birth.


DOUANIER - sous sujtion douanire - in
DROIT - par surabondance de droit - as a
SUPERARBITRE - umpire. subsidiary consideration.
SUPERBNFICE(S) - excess pro:fit(s). SURARBITRAGE - decision by an umpire.
SUPERFICIAIRE- building owner; surface SURARBITRE - umpire.
SUPERFICIE SURLEVER - build higher; raise.
DROIT de superficie - surface rights (in a
SURENCHRE - a firm offer higher than
piece of land containing minerals); rtght in
the auction price which entitles the offeror to
rem to buildings and plantations on the land
have the auction reopened if made within ten
of another; surface owner's rights; building
days and security is given for the payment of the
owner's rights; building lease.
price offered.
SUPERFICITAIRE - building owner; sur-
face owner. SURES TARIES - (days of) demurrage.
SUPRIEUR SRET - security; police; secured debt; secu-
HIRARCHIQUE - suprieur hirar- rity of the persan; and see NATIONAL below.
chique - official (immediate) superior; CESSION titre de sret - assignment by
superior offi.cer; higher administrative offi.cer. way of security.
CONSTITUER une sret - give security.
SUPPLANT - (adj) acting; (noun) substi-
tute; alternate. COUR de sret de l'tat - (former)
National Security Court.
SUPPLTIF - non-mandatory; applying only TEINDRE - leurs srets s'teignent -
if the parties do not otherwise provide; waivable; their securities lapse.
variable; supplementary; suppletive. HYPOTHCAIRE - sret hypothcaire
SUPPLTOIRE - supplementary. (usetl of - mortgage security.
an oath which the judge can require a party to MESURE de sret - restrictive measure
take and which, unlike the serment dcisoire, imposed for the protection of the public, eg
does not decide the matter in dispute but leaves preventive detention; security measure; pre-
the decision to the judge). (Sometimes found as a ventive measure; social-protection order.
synonym of suppltif.) NATIONAL - sret nationale - national
SUPPLIQUE - petition; application. DIRECTION de la Sret nationale
SUPPOSITION (la Sret (nationale)) - (formerly)
CRANCE - supposition de crance - police department of the Ministry of
fraudulent claim ta a debt. the Interior.


PRIODE de sret - period of uncondi- SURVENANCE

tional imprisonment ( during which no form CONDITION - survenance d'une condi-
of release eau be granted). tion - occurrence, fulfilment, performance or
PERSONNEL - sret personnelle - per- satisfaction of a condition.
sonal security (ie a surety or the debtor's DOMMAGE- survenance d'un dommage
personal credit). - occurrence of damage.
PUBLIC - sret publique - public safety. ENFANT - survenance d'enfant - subse-
REL - sret relle - security in the form quent birth of a child.
of land or other property; a charge on prop-
erty. SURVOL
TRANSIT - survol en transit - transit
SUREXPERT - consultant referred to for a
second or further expert opinion to resolve exist-
ing or alleged doubts. SUSCEPTIBLE
SUREXPERTISE - second or further expert RECOURS - susceptible de recours - sub-
opinion to resolve existing or alleged doubts. ject to appeal; open to challenge.

DROIT de surface - surface rights (in a ACTE de suscription - solicitor's endorse-
piece of land containing minerals); right in ment on the sealed envelope of a secret will.
rem to buildings and plantations on the land
of another; surface owner's rights; building SUSPECT - person being questioned by the
owner's rights; building lease. police; suspect.
PRIODE suspecte - period of relation
SURSEOIR back ( doubtful period) from adjudication
EXCUTION - surseoir l'excution- in bankruptcy to the date on which the
stay execution (of a judgment); reprieve (in debtor first ceased to meet his obligations.
the case of a capital sentence). (The debtor's transactions during this period
STATUER- surseoir statuer - defer a
may be challenged by the creditors, acting
decision; stay or adjourn the proceedings. through the trustee in bankruptcy).
SURSIS - stay; adjournment; deferment; sus-
pension of sentence (ie the sentence is pronounced
but not executed); probation; giving (an exten- PRESCRIPTION - suspendre la prescrip-
sion of) time for the payment of a debt. tion - stop time running for the purposes of
EMPRISONNEMENT - sursis l'empri- limitation or prescription.
sonnement - postponement of imprisonment. SUSPENSIF
PREUVE - sursis avec mise l'preuve -
CONDITION suspensive - condition prece-
probation. dent (of (in) a contract etc, to a transaction
EXCUTION - sursis l'excution - stay
of execution (of a judgment); reprieve (in the
case of a capital sentence). SUSPENSION - deferred sentence; suspen-
INCORPORATION - sursis de incorpora- sion; adjournment.
tion - postponement of call-up. AUDIENCE - suspension d'audience -
PAIEMENT - sursis de paiement - exten- (short) adjournment of a hearing.
sion of time for payment. CONDAMNATION - suspension de la
STATUER- sursis statuer - adjourn- condamnation - deferment of (conviction
ment, suspension or stay of proceedings. and) sentence.
SURSITAIRE - conscript whose period of CONDITIONNEL - suspension condition-
service has been postponed. nelle de l'excution - conditional remission
(suspension) of sentence.
SURVEILLANCE DLAI - suspension des dlais - suspen-
HIRARCHIQUE - surveillance hirar-
sion of the limitation or prescription period,
chique - supervision by one's official (imme-
after which it continues to run again from
diate) superior.
the point reached when the suspension be-


JUGEMENT - dcider la suspension du consortium.

prononc du jugement - defer (passing) AGRICOLE - syndicat agricole - farmers'
judgment. un10n.
PEINE - suspension de la peine - defer- COMMUNE - syndicat de communes -
ment of sentence. a public corporation established by two or
POURSUITE - suspension des poursuites more local authorities for the management of
individuelles - stay (suspension) of individ-
. .
some common service or services.
ual actions (a consequence of b ankruptcy). COPROPRITAIRE - syndicat de co-
PRESCRIPTION - suspension de la pres- propritaires - association of co-owners of
cription - suspension of the limitation or a building.
prescription period, after which it continues MISSION - syndicat d'mission - issue
to run again from the point reached when syndicate.
the suspension began. (Cf INTERRUP- ENTREPRISE - syndicat d'entreprise -
TION.) local or works union.
PROCDURE - suspension de la proc- TUDE - syndicat d'tudes - study group.
dure - stay br interruption of the proceed- GARANTIE - syndicat de garantie -
ings. underwriting syndicate.
SANCE - suspension de la sance - ad- INDUSTRIEL - syndicat industriel -
journment or interruption of the hearing. industrial union.
MINIER - syndicat minier - mining syndi-
LGITIME - suspicion lgitime - (party's)
PATRONAL - syndicat patronal - employ-
reasonable suspicion of bias such as to dis-
ers' federation.
qualify a court from hearing a case.
PLACEMENT - syndicat de placement -
.. REQUTE en suspicion lgitime-
placing syndicate or pool.
application to a higher court for a case
PROFESSIONNEL - syndicat profession-
to be transferred to another court on
nel - trade union; professional union; profes-
grounds of bias.
sional association.
SYMBOLIQUE - (of damages) nominal. UTILISATEUR - syndicat d'utilisateurs -
SYNALLAGMATIQUE- (of an agree- consumers' association.
ment) involving reciprocal obligations (as in a SYNTHTIQUE
contract of sale); bilateral. IMPT synthtique - general tax; compre-
SYNDIC - president (of a stock exchange, law hensive tax.
society, etc); chairman (of a disciplinary commit- SYSTME
tee); (formerly) court-appointed administrator of JUDICIAIRE - systme judiciaire - organ-
a bankruptcy (liquidator, trustee, receiver); man- isation of the courts; judiciary; administra-
ager of a building in co-ownership. tion of justice.
SYNDICAT- trade union; syndicate; group; LOI - systme de la loi - legal system.


TABLEAU RESSORT - taux de ressort - financial
AVOCAT - tableau d'avocats - roll (of limit on the jurisdiction (of a lower court);
counsel entitled to practise); bar roll. sum up to which a court has jurisdiction.
ORDRE - tableau de l'ordre - roll (of
TAXATION - assessment; price-fixing; taxa-
counsel entitled to practise); bar roll.
TCHE DPENS (FRAIS) - taxation des dpens
RMUNRATION la tche - piece-work (frais) - taxation of costs.
TAXE - fee; due; duty; tax.
TACITE- implied. CHIFFRE D'AFFAIRES - taxe sur le
RECONDUCTION - tacite reconduction chiffre d'affaires - turnover tax.
(reconduction tacite) - tacit renewal (of a CONSOMMATION - taxe de consomma-
lease etc). tion - excise duty.
DCLARATION - taxe de dclaration -
registration fee.
ENTENDU - tacitement entendu - im-
FRAIS - taxe des frais - taxation of costs.
plicitly (tacitly) agreed.
HABITATION - taxe d'habitation -
TALION accommodation (housing) tax.
LOI du talion - principle of retaliation (an MUNICIPAL - taxe municipal- town rate;
eye for an eye). rates; local-authority tax.
MUTATION - taxe de mutation - transfer
TALON - counterfoil; talon for renewal of
PROPRIT - taxe sur les mutations
TAPAGE de proprit - conveyancing duty.
NOCTURNE - tapage nocturne - creating ORDONNANCE de taxe - order fixing
a disturbance ( disturbing the peace) at night. the costs; certificate of taxed costs; allo-
catur; taxation of costs (by the president
TARDIF - out of time; too late.
of the court on an appeal from a taxation
TARDIVEMENT - out of time; too late. (vrification des dpens) by the reg-
TARDIVET - being out of time. PARAFISCAL - taxe parafiscale - tax
TARIF payable to a body other than the state or
CRIMINEL - tarif criminel - scale of costs a territorial (local) authority.
(charges) in criminal proceedings ( criminal PROFESSIONNEL - taxe professionnelle
costs). - trade tax.
NOTAIRE - tarif des notaires - scale of TMOIN - taxe des tmoins - witness
solicitors' charges. allowance; conduct-money.
VALEUR AJOUTE - taxe sur la valeur
TAUX ajote - value-added tax.
COMPTENCE - taux de compte:ice -
financial limit on the jurisdiction (of a lower TECHNICIEN - expert; specialist.
court); sum up to which a court has jurisdic- TECHNIQUE
JURIDIQUE - d'aprs la technique juri-
FORFAITAIRE- taux forfaitaire - fiat
dique - from a legal standpoint; technically
rate. (legally) (speaking) .
INTRT - taux d'intrt - rate of inter-
est. TEL
NOMINAL - taux d'intrt nominal - QUEL - tel quel - as inspected by the pur-
nominal interest. chaser; with all faults.


TLOLOGIQUE SAUF temprament - subject to limited

INTERPRTATION tlologique - teleo- exceptions.
logical (purposive) interpretation, ie based on
the purpose or intention of the enactment. TEMPRER - qualify.
APPELER en tmoignage - call as a wit- PROHIB - temps prohib - close season.
ness. VOULU - en temps voulu - in (good) time.
CONCORDANT - tmoignages concor-
dants - corroborative evidence. TENANCIER- tenant; (hotel-)keeper.
FAUX tmoignage - perjury (by a witness); TENANT
false evidence (when given by an accused not ABOUTISSANT - tenants et aboutissants
under oath). - adjacent properties.
PORTER tmoignage - give evidence.
RETENIR un tmoignage - admit evi- TNEMENT - group of contiguous plots (of
dence. land).
REFUS de tmoigner - refusal to give evi-
JUGEMENT - teneur du jugement - exact
terms (essential content) of ajudgment; ratio
TMOIN decidendi.
AURICULAIRE- tmoin auriculaire - SERMENT - teneur du serment - form of
witness who gives evidence of what he has oath.
himself heard.
CHARGE - tmoin charge - prosecution TENSION (Belg) - salary grade.
witness. TENTATIVE - attempt.
DCHARGE - tmoin dcharge -
defence witness. TENU
DFAILLANT - tmoin dfaillant - wit- INDFINIMENT - tenu indfiniment -
ness who fails to appear. liable without limit (for debts).
DPOSITION de tmoins - evidence given POUR - l'tat, tenu pour les instituteurs
by witnesses. - the state, which is liable for the fault of a
INDEMNIT (de dplacement) des teacher.
tmoins - witness allowance; conduct-money.
INSTRUMENTAIRE - tmoin instru- TERME - time fixed or allowed by a contract,
mentaire - witness required for the official statute or court; (in plural) wording.
recording of certain transactions. terme - time-; forward.
MORALIT - tmoin de moralit - wit- DCHANCE du terme - fact that all
ness to prove char acter. debts become immediately payable on insol-
OCULAIRE - tmoin oculaire - eye- vency, failure to provide security or acts by
witness. the debtor reducing the value of the security
PRESSION sur les tmoins - intimidation given.
of witnesses. DROIT - terme de droit - time allowed by
PRODUIRE des tinoins - call evidence a contract or statute.
(wi tnesses) . CHANCE du terme - expiry of the term
REPROCHABLE - tmoin reprochable - or time(-limit); becoming due (of a d,ebt, bill,
witness who may be challenged as incompe- etc).
tent (to give evidence); impeachable witness. CHANCE - terme d'chance- date of
TAXE des tmoins - witness allowance; payment.
EXTINCTIF - par l'arrive du terme ex-
TEMPRAMENT - mitigation; (minor or tinctif- by lapse of time; by expiry of the
partial) exception; modification; adaptation; time fixed.
adjustment; variation; qualification. GRCE - terme de grce - time for pay-
temprament - by instalments; on hire- ment; further time allowed by the court when
purchase. the terme de droit has expired.


JUDICIAIRE - terme judiciaire - time- TESTIMONIAL

limit imposed by the court. PREUVE testimoniale - oral evidence.
LIQUIDATION - terme de (la) liquidation
- date for settlement. TTE
RETARD - terme en retard - overdue PARTAGE par tte - division per capita.
instalment. SUCCDER (VENIR) par tte - inherit
TERRAIN - plot (of land) without buildings; per capita.
open plot (ofland).
ENTENTE - terrain d'entente - common
TEXTE - wording; legislation; provision(s);
rule(s); regulations; enactment; (forma!) docu-
TERRITOIRE APPLICATION - texte d'application -
MANDAT - territoire sous mandat - man- (implementing) regulations (made under an
date; mandated territory. Act).
TUTELLE - territoire sous tutelle - BASE - textes de base - relevant texts
trusteeship territory. (documents); basic provisions.
TESTAMENT - will. FONDAMENTAL - texte fondamental -
AUTHENTIQUE- testament authentique basic statute; basic provisions.
- public will; notarially recorded will; will LGISLATIF - textes lgislatifs - statute
recorded by a solicitor. law; legislation (usually excluding subordi-
CONJOINT (CONJONCTIF) - testament nate legislation).
conjoint (conjonctif) - joint or reciprocal RGLEMENTAIRE - textes lgisla-
will (now illegal in France). tifs ou rglementaires - statutes and
MARITIME - testament maritime - will regulations.
made at sea. RGLEMENTAIRE- texte rglementaire
MILITAIRE - testament militaire - mili- - regulations; rules.
tary will; soldier's will. UNIQUE - texte unique - consolidated
MUTUEL - testament mutuel - reciprocal legislation; consolidating Act, regulations,
will (now illegal in France). etc.
MYSTIQUE - testament mystique - secret
VERTU - en vertu de ces textes - under
will (placed in a sealed envelope endorsed by these provisions.
a solicitor).
NOTARI - testament notari - public THORIE
will; notarially recorded will; will recorded by
DOMINANT - thorie dominante - pre-
a solicitor.
dominant view (opinion); better opinion.
NUNCUPATIF - testament nuncupatif-
nuncupative will; oral will. IMPRVISION - thorie de l'imprvision
OLOGRAPHE - testament olographe -
- doctrine permitting the modification of,
holograph will (written entirely in the testa- or release from, a contract owing to an un-
foreseen and fondamental change of circum-
tor's own handwriting).
stances; frustration of a contract by unfore-
PRIVILGI - testament privilgi -
seen events.
privileged will.
PUBLIC - testament (par acte) public THSE - argument; contention; submission.
- public will; notarially recorded will; will
SOUSCRIRE une thse - accept an argu-
recorded by a solicitor.
RDACTION du testament - drawing of a
will. TICKET
RDIGER un testament - draw a will.
ALIMENTATION - ticket d'alimentation
RVOQUER un testament - revoke a will.
- ration coupon.
TESTER - make a will. MODRATEUR - ticket modrateur -
CAPACIT de tester - capacity to make a proportion of the cost of treatment not re-
will. imbursed by the social-security authorities.

TIERS - third party; third persan; stranger (to TIRER - draw (bill of exchange etc).
a contract, the proceedings, etc); non-member. ARGUMENT- tirer argument de - rely
ACQUREUR - tiers acqureur - third on.
party or stranger to a transaction who DE - tir de - (argument etc) based on.
acquires the property in question.
ARBITRE - tiers arbitre - umpire. TIREUR - drawer.
ASSUR - tiers assur - beneficiary named
TITRE - document; security; title; daim;
in an insurance policy to which he is not a authority; qualification; (estimates) vote; (code)
party. part; section. The French, Belgian and Lux-
DBITEUR - tiers dbiteur - debtor of a embourg Civil Codes are divided into livres
debtor; garnishee. (books), titres (parts), chapitres (chapters),
DTENTEUR - tiers dtenteur - third sections (sections) and articles (articles). The
party into whose hands property has passed; Swiss Civil Code is divided into livres (books),
owner of land subject to a mortgage not per- parties (parts), titres (sections), chapitres
sonally liable for the mortgage debt, eg a (chapters) and articles (articles).
purchaser of land subject to a mortgage. quel titre - by what right.
LS - les tiers lss peuvent s'adresser
ADIR - titre adir - lost security, certifi-
aux tribunaux - the persans injured may
cate or other document.
apply to the courts.
AUTHENTIQUE - titre authentique -
OPPOSANT - tiers opposant - third party
offi.cially or notarially recorded document;
applying to set aside a judgment adversely
document recorded by a solicitor.
affecting his interests.
CAUTION - titre de caution - as a
OPPOSITION - tierce opposition -
application by a third party (ie a persan not
CONTREFAIT - titre contrefait - forged
represented in the proceedings) to set aside a
judgment adversely affecting his interests.
CRANCE - titre de crance - document
INCIDENT - tierce opposition inci-
dente - application by a third party incorporating a debt or obligation.
incidental to pending ptoceedings to set DPENSE - titre de dpense - head of
aside a judgment. expenditure; expenditure vote.
PRINCIPAL - tierce opposition prin- DPT - titres en dpt - securities held
cipale - application by a third party on deposit.
independent of pending proceedings to DTENTION - titre de dtention - com-
set aside a judgment. mittal order.
PAYANT- tiers payant- direct(-)payment CROU - titre d'crou - committal order
(system), ie whereby the insurance fund, (warrant).
authority, etc pays the hospital, practitioner, ENDOSSABLE - titre endossable - nego-
etc direct. tiable instrument of title such as a bill of lad-
PERSONNE - tierce personne - persan ing.
who assists a disabled persan unable to do EXCUTOIRE - titre excutoire - ( docu-
the ordinary things a person normally does ment embodying) authority to execute (en-
for himself. force); writ of execution.
PROVISIONNEL - tiers provisionnel - FALSIFI - titre falsifi - forged document.
advance of one-third of the tax due for the FAUX titre - forged document.
current year. GAGE - titre de gage - document of title
RESPONSABLE - tiers responsable - per- to a pledge.
san vicariously liable. GARANTIE - au titre de la garantie -
SAISI - tiers saisi - garnishee. under the guarantee.
TIMBRE GRACIEUX - titre gracieux - without
DROIT de timbre - stamp duty. consideration; gratuitously.
PASSEPORT - droit de timbre sur les HYPOTHCAIRE - titre hypothcaire -
passeports - passport fee. mort gage ( deed).
INTERVERSION de titres -'- position where
TIR - drawee. a persan not previously holding in his own


EXCLUSIF - (divorce prononc) aux DOCUMENTAIRE - traite documentaire

torts exclusifs du mari - (divorce ( decree) - draft accompanying documents of title to
granted) against the husband. goods sold.
MORAL - tort moral - non-pecuniary VUE - traite vue - sight draft.
inj ury (damage).
RCIPROQUE - (divorce prononc)
aux torts rciproques - (divorce) based on ADHSION un trait - accession to a
the fault ofboth parties; (divorce ( decree))
ADHSION - trait d'adhsion - friendly
granted to both parties; (divorce) on grounds
of mutual fault. agreement on the transfer of (or amount of
compensation for) property with respect to
TRIBUNAL - le tribunal a eu tort - the
which expropriation proceedings have com-
court erred.
TOTALISATION - aggregation. AMIABLE - trait amiable - friendly
agreement on the transfer of (or amount of
TOUR compensation for) property with respect to
CHELLE - droit (servitude) de tour which expropriation proceedings have com-
d'chelle - easement entitling the owner of menced.
the dominant property to place ladders on DNONCER un trait - denounce a treaty.
the servient property.
MAIN - tour de main - know-how. TRAITEMENT - salary; treatment; process-
PRIORIT - tour de priorit- (right of) ing.
precedence. BUDGTAIRE - traitement budgtaire -
SCRUTIN - tour de scrutin - ballot. (civil servant's) basic salary.
LIBERT - traitement en libert - non-
TOURNANT custodial treatment.
JURISPRUDENCE - tournant de juris- MAUVAIS traitements - cruelty; ill-
prudence - turning-point in the doctrine of treatment.
the court(s) (in the case-law). NATION - traitement de la nation la plus
favorise - most-favoured-nation treatment.
RAPPEL de traitement - back pay; pay-
LOI - tourner la loi - evade the law.
ment of arrears of salary.
TRANCHE - instalment; band or slice (of
conferring (true) possession on the previous cus-
taxable income); (income) bracket; allocation of
todian of the property in question.
TRADITION - delivery. POPULATION - tranche de la population
REL - tradition relle - actual delivery. - population band; section of the population.
REVENU - tranche de revenus - income
JUGE - traduire devant un juge - bring
before a judge. TRANCHER - settle.
JURIDICTION - traduire devant une CONFLIT - trancher un conflit - settle a
juridiction rpressive - prosecute. dispute.
JUSTICE - traduire en justice - bring TRANSACTION - settlement or compromise
before a court. Qf a dispute; transaction; composition; compro-
TRAFIQUANT - (dishonest) dealer or mise (compound) settlement.
trader; trafficker. AMIABLE - transaction amiable - friendly
TRAHISON - treason. FICTIF - transaction fictive - fictitious
(notional) transaction.
TRAITE - draft; bill of exchange.
BLANC - traite des blanches - white slave TRANSACTIONNEL
trade. AMENDE transactionnelle - police fine;
COMPLAISANCE - traite de complai- (Belg) payment (fine) in settlement of a regu-
sance - accommodation bill. latory offence (fine by way of settlement).


TRANSCRIPTION - entry in a register; TRANSLATION

registration; registration of a transaction in the DOMICILE - translation de domicile -
Land Registry. change of permanent residence.
CONDITIONNEL - transcription condi-
HYPOTHQUE - translation d'hypo-
tionnelle - provisional entry; caution; warn-
thque - transfer of mortgage.
ing. .
HYPOTHCAIRE - transcription hypo-
TRANSMETTRE - transfer; transmit.
thcaire - registration of mortgages.
IMMOBILIER - transcription immobilire TRANSMISSION - transfer; passing.
- land registration.
ACTE DE PROCDURE - transmission
TRANSCRIRE- enter; register. des actes de procdure - notification of pro-
TRANSFREMENT - transfer of prisoners.
PARTICULIER - transmission titre par-
TRANSFERT - share transfer. ticulier - tr ansfer of (succession to) one or
CAPITAL - transfert de capital affect - more specific items of property (not subject
specific capital grant. to the personal debts of one's predecessor in
CRANCE - transfert de crance - assign- title).
ment of a chose in action, ie of the right to UNIVERSEL - transmission universelle -
receive payment of a debt or performance of transfer (passing) of an entire estate.
some other obligation. TITRE - transmission titre uni-
DOMICILE - transfert de domicile - versel - transfer of or succession to (the
change of permanent residence. whole or) part of an independent set of
GARANTIE de transfert - guarantee of the assets together with the corresponding
right to transfer profits. debts, eg a share of an estate or busi-
GARANTIE - transfert en garantie - ness.
transfer of ownership (but not possession)
by way of guarantee. TRANSPORT
PRONONCER le transfert de la proprit CONTRAT de transport - contract of car-
- declare that the property has passed. riage.
PROPRIT - portant transfert de pro-
CRANCE - transport de crance -
prit - transferring (passing of) ownership
assignment of a chose in action, ie of the
(of) (property (in)).
right to receive payment of a debt or per-
RISQUE - transfert des risques - passing
formance of some other obligation.
of the risk, eg on a sale.
SUCCESSION - transfert par succession - JUDICIAIRE - transport judiciaire -
passing by inheritance. judgment ordering a transfer of property.
SUCCESSORAL - transfert successoral - , JUSTICE - transpprt de justice - inspec-
passing by inheritance. tion of the site, locus (in quo), scene of the
i:;rime or premises by the court.
RAI'fSFUG~ - defector. LIEU - transport sur les lieux - inspection
TRANSGRESSER of the site, locus (in quo), scene of the crime
POUVOIR - transgresser ses pouvoirs - or premises by the court.
exceed one's powers ( authority). MARGE - transport en marge - marginal
PRIX - transport du prix - transfer of the
CONSTITUTION - transgression de la
constitution - violation of the constitution.
SUR - transport sur - transfer to.
TRANSIGER- settle; compromise; com-
pound. TRANSPORT-CESSION - assignment of a
TRANSITAIRE- customs agent. chose in action, debt, obligation, daim, etc.

TRANSITOIRE - transitional. TRANSPORTEUR- carrier.


TRAVAIL TRSORIER - chief accountant; treasurer.

ACCIDENT du travail - industrial accident
ACCORD collectif du travail - collective paymaster-general; accountant-general.
CODE du travail - Employment Code.
ACCS aux tribunaux - access to the
CONFLIT du travail - industrial dispute;
labour dispute.
CONTRAT de travail - con tract of service ADMINISTRATIF - tribunal adminis-
(service contract); contract of employment tratif - Administrative Court.
(employment con tract). ARBITRAL - tribunal arbitral - arbitra-
COLLECTIF - contrat collectif (de tion tribunal.
travail) - collective (labour) agreement. PARITAIRE - tribunal arbitral pari-
DIFFREND collectif (de travail) (diff- taire - joint arbitration tribunal.
rend du travail) - labour (industrial) dis- ARME - tribunal aux armes - court
pute. martial.
FORC - travail forc - forced labour; (in CIVIL - tribunal civil - civil court.
plural) penal servitude. COLLGIAL - tribunal collgial - court
INCAPACIT de travail - un:fitness for consisting of several members; bench.
work; disablement. COMMERCE - tribunal de commerce -
INTRT - travail d'intrt gnral - Commercial Court.
community service.
CONFLIT - Tribunal des conflits - court
INTRIMAIRE - entreprise de travail
for settling questions of jurisdiction and in-
intrimaire - temporary-employment agency. consistent judgments between administrative
PRPARATOIRE - travaux prparatoires courts on the one hand and ordinary courts
- legislative history; drafting history; prepar- on the other; Jurisdiction Court.
atory documents; travaux prparatoires.
CONSTITU- tribunal rgulirement
TCHE - travail la tche - piece-work.
constitu - properly constituted court.
TRFONCIER (adj) - relating to the subsoil. CORRECTIONNEL - tribunal correction-
REDEVANCE trfoncire - surface owner's nel - (regional) Criminal Court (for the trial
royalty (ie royalty payable by a mining com- of misdemeanours).
pany to the surface owner). DISCIPLINAIRE - tribunal disciplinaire -
disciplinary tribunal.
TRFONCIER (noun) - owner of the subsoil, DIVISION - tribunal de division - (Sw)
minerals, etc.
:first-instance court martial; divisional court
TRFONDS - subsoil; minerals. martial.
DOMICILE - tribunal du domicile du
TRSOR - treasure trove. dfendeur - court of the defendant's place
BON du Trsor - Treasury bond. of residence.
EFFET du Trsor - Treasury bill. DROIT COMMUN - tribunal de droit
PUBLIC - Trsor public - Treasury. commun - ordinary court.
TRSORERIE - accounts department; pay- ECCLSIASTIQUE - tribunal ecclsias-
master's department; accountant-general's depart- tique - ecclesiastical court.
ment; cash. ENFANT - tribunal pour enfants - youth
BESOINS de trsorerie - cash(-flow) court; formerly juvenile court.
r_equirements. EXCEPTION - tribunal d'exception -
COMPTE de trsorerie - treasury suspense (1) court of limited jurisdiction; specia.lised
account; (in plural) cash accounts. court, ie any court other than the Tribunal
GESTION - compte de gestion de de grande instance and the Court of
trsorerie - treasurer's mq,nagement Appeal, eg the tribunal d'instance, the
account. tribunal de commerce, and the con-
DISPONIBILITS de trsorerie - available seil de prud'hommes; (2) specialised
fonds; liquid assets; cash resources. criminal court, eg the juridictions pour


mineurs, the tribunaux aux armes BAIL - tribunal paritaire de baux ru-
and the Haute Cour de justice. raux - agricultural land tribunal.
EXCUTION - tribunal charg de l'ex- PEUPLE - tribunal du peuple - people's
cution (tribunal d'excution) - execution court.
court, ie court responsible for matters con- POLICE - tribunal de (simple) police -
cerning the execution (enforcement) of judg- court of summary jurisdiction; police court;
ments. district court.
EXPERT prs les tribunaux - expert CORRECTIONNEL - tribunal de
appointed by the court; court expert. police correctionnelle - (regional)
EXTRAORDINAIRE - tribunal extraor- Criminal Court (for the trial of misde-
dinaire - special court.
FOND - tribunal du fond - trial court;
tribunal of fact; (in plural) trial and appeal
ab ove.
courts; courts below.
FORCE ARME - tribunal territorial des RATTACH - tribunal rattach - court
forces armes - wartime court martial. that receives assistance from the judges of
GRANDE INSTANCE - see INSTANCE another court.
below. RATTACHEMENT - tribunal de rat-
INCOMPTENT - tribunal incomptent tachement - court which provides judges
- court lacking jurisdiction. to assist those of another court.
INFRIEUR - tribunal infrieur - lower RENVOI - tribunal de renvoi - court to
court; court below. which a case is sent, transferred or remitted.
INSTANCE - tribunal d'instance - district RPRESSIF - tribunal rpressif - criminal
court. court.
GRAND - tribunal de grande ins- RVISION - tribunal de rvision - retrial
tance - Regional Court. court.
PREMIER - tribunal de premire ins- SAISI - tribunal saisi de l'instance - court
tance - court of first instance; (Belg) before which the case is brought; court deal-
Regional Court. ing with the case.
JEUNE - tribunal pour jeunes (not used
SCURIT SOCIALE - tribunal des
in France) - youth court; (formerly) juvenile
affaires de scurit sociale - social-security
(appeal) tribunal; social-security court.
JUDICIAIRE - tribunal judiciaire - ordi-
nary court.
MARITIME - tribunal maritime - admi- SITUATION
ralty court. CHOSE - tribunal de la situation de
COMMERCIAL - tribunal maritime la chose - court of the place where the
commercial - maritime criminal court. subject-matter is situated.
MILITAIRE - tribunal militaire - court SOMMAIRE - tribunal sommaire - court
martial; military court. applying a summary procedure.
ARME - tribunal militaire aux TORT - le tribunal a eu tort - the court
armes - field court martial. erred.
CASSATION - tribunal militaire TRADUIRE devant un tribunal - bring
de cassation (Sw) - Courts-Martial before a court.
Appeal Court. TUTELLE - tribunal des tutelles - guar-
INTERNATIONAL- tribunal mili- dianship court.
taire international - international mili-
tary tribunal. TRIPLIQUE - rejoinder.
MINEUR - tribunal pour mineurs (not
used in France) - youth court; (formerly) TROUBLE - disturbance; disorder; interfer-
juvenile court. ence; trespass; nuisance.
OCCUPATION - tribunal d'occupation - GARANTIE des troubles - covenant or
occupation court. warranty for peaceful possession.
PARITAIRE - tribunal paritaire - joint MENTAL - trouble mental - mental disor-
tribunal. der.


POSSESSION - trouble. de la possession - PNAL - tutelle pnale - (formerly) con-

trespass; nuisance; interference with (a per- trol ofhabitual offenders after they have
son 's) possession (quiet enj oyment) . served a prison sentence, involving either
VOISINAGE - trouble dpassant les obli- detention or conditional releas~ according
gations (ordinaires) de voisinage - nui- to the circumstances; preventive control of
sance. recidivists; preventive supervision.
TUTELLE - guardianship; supervision.
ADMINISTRATIF - tutelle administra- prestations sociales - guardianship limited
tive - administrative supervision. to (the administration of) social-security
AUTORIT de tutelle - supervising benefits.
authority. SOUS - territoire sous tutelle - trusteeship
CONSEIL de tutelle - committee of guar- terri tory.
dians; guardianship council; (UN) Trustee- TUTEUR - guardian.
ship Council. AD HOC - tuteur ad hoc - guardian
DATIF - tutelle dative - guardianship con- appointed for a specific transaction where
ferred by the family council (conseil de the normal guardian cannot act on account
famille). of a confiict of interest; ad hoc guardian.
FONDS de.tutelle - trust fonds. DATIF - tuteur datif - guardian appointed
JUGE des tutelles - guardianship judge. by the family council.
LGAL - tutelle lgale - statutory guar- LGAL - tuteur lgal - statutory guardian.
dianship. . SUBROG(-)tuteur - auxiliary or supervis-
OFFICIEUX - tutelle officieuse - guardian- ing guardian.
ship subjct to certain conditions exercised TESTAMENTAIRE - tuteur testamen-
by a person who assumes responsibility for taire - guardian appointed by will; testamen-
the education and maintenance of a min.or; tary guardian.
special guardianship.


JUDICIAIRE - usages judiciaires - court USUS - right to use and possess a thing with-
practice. out being entitled to its produce.
LGITIME - usage lgitime - lawful user;
rightful user. UTRIN - of the half-blood on the mother's
PERPTUEL - usage perptuel - constant sicle; born of the same mother but of a different
user. father.
PRIVATIF - usage privatif- exclusive user. UTILEMENT - effectively.
VOL d'usage d'un vhicule - unauthorised
use of a motor vehicle. UTILIT
GNRAL - utilit gnrale - public inter-
USUCAPER - acquire property or other
rights by enj oyment (adverse possession, prescrip-
MODLE d'utilit - registered design.
tion) over a long period of time.
PRIV - pour cause d'utilit prive - for
USUCAPION - acquiring property or other a private interest.
rights by enjoyment (adverse possession, prescrip- PUBLIC - utilit publique - public inter-
tion) over a long period of time; usucapion. est; public benefit.
ASSOCIATION reconnue d'utilit
USUFRUIT - usufruct; life tenancy; life inter-
publique - charity; recognised associa-
SUCCESSORAL - usufruit successoral -
DCLAR d'utilit publique - classi-
life interest of the surviving spouse.
fied (as being of public interest).
USUFRUITIER - usufructuary; life tenant. TABLISSEMENT d'utilit publique
USURE - usury; lending at an unconscionable - public corporation promoting the pub-
rate of interest. lic interest; charitable corporation.
EXPROPRIATION pour cause d'uti-
USURPATION - illegal use of honours, uni- lit publique - expropriation in the
forms, names, titles, etc to which one is not enti- public interest.
tled; illegal exercise of fonctions. INSTITUTION d'utilit publique -
FONCTION - usurpation de fonctions - institution promoting the public interest;
usurpation (illegal exercise) of office. charitable institution.
IDENTIT - usurpation d'identit - im-
p ersonation.


VACANCE LITIGE - valeur en (du) litige - value of
DCLARER une vacance - advertise (an- the subject-matter; sum involved; amount in
nounce) a vacancy; declare a post vacant. dispute.
JUDICIAIRE - vacances judiciaires - LITIGIEUX - valeur litigieuse - value of
court vacation. the subject-matter; sum involved; amount in
SUCCESSION - vacance de la succes- dispute.
sion - failure of heirs; vacant succession; LOCATIF - valeur locative - rental value.
unclaimed estate; bona vacantia. CADASTRAL - valeur locative cadas-
trale - rateable value.
VACATION - (in plural) (compensation for) MOBILIER - valeur mobilire (ngo-
time lost in attending proceedings; time spent in ciable) - (transferable) security.
examining a case, evidence, etc; fees; allowances MORAL - valeur morale - sentimental
(for work by a professional adviser, expert, etc); value.
court vacation. NOMINAL - valeur nominale...:. nominal
AFFAIRE de vacation - vacation matter. value.
CHAMBRE des vacations - (formerly) OBLIGATION de valeur - fi.xed-value debt.
vacation court. OBLIGATOIRE - valeur obligatoire -
VAGABOND - vagrant. binding e:ffect.
PROBANT - valeur probante - evidential
VAGABONDAGE-vagrancy. value; probative value.
LMENT- valeur probante des
lments - weight of evidence.
PTURE - (droit de) vaine pture - right
RACHAT- valeur de rachat - surrender
of common; common of pasture exercisable
after mowing or harvest.
REU - valeur reue - value received.
VALEUR - value; merits; security. REVENU
AFFECTIF - valeur affective - sentimental CADASTRAL - valeur du revenu
value. cadastral - rateable value.
AJOUT - valeur ajoute - value added. FIXE - valeur revenu fixe - fi.xed-
CADASTRAL - valeur du revenu cadas- interest security.
tral - rateable value. TRSOR - valeurs du Trsor - Treasury
CONSERVATION des valeurs - safe cus- bills.
tody of securities. VNAL - valeur vnale - market value.
tionnelle - rank as constitutional law. SERVICE - valider les services antrieurs
CONVENTIONNEL - avoir valeur con- - have previous service credited (for pension
ventionnelle - rank as (be treated as) part purposes).
of a convention, treaty, etc.
FICTIF - valeur fictive - notional value. VALIDIT
FISCAL - valeur fiscale - value for tax pur- DURE de validit - currency (of a mea-
poses. sure etc).
FOURNI - valeur fournie - value received JUGEMENT de validit - judgment con-
(amount owed by the drawer to the payee). firming the validity of a garnishee order (ie
IRRECOUVRABLE - valeur irrecou- an attachment of a debt) and transferring
vrable - irredeemable security. the title to the debt to the attaching credi-
JURIDIQUE - valeur juridique - legal
force. VALISE
LIQUIDATIF - valeur liquidative - value DIPLOMATIQUE - valise diplomatique -
on liquidation; liquidation value. diplomatie bag.


VALOIR LIVRER - vente livrer - sale for delivery

FAIRE valoir - raise; claim; submit; argue; (ie within a stated period).
assert; put forward; advance; plead (in one's POURSUITE - vente sur poursuite - sale
defence); adduce; sue for; present (one's in execution.
case); exercise; enforce. PUBLIC -.vente publique - public auction.
VENTE REFUS de vente - refusal by a trader to
AMIABLE - vente amiable - sale by pri- sell or provide his usual services (a criminal
vate treaty. offence).
BOULE DE NEIGE - vente la boule de RMR - vente rmr - sale with an
neige - sale at a discount on condition that option to repurchase.
the purchaser introduces other purchasers; SIMUL - vente simule - fictitious sale.
snowball selling. SUCCESSORAL - vente successorale -
CORRESPONDANCE - vente par corres- sale of one's right to an inheritance; sale of
pondance - mail-order (retailing). an expectancy.
CRDIT - vente crdit - credit sale. TEMPRAMENT - vente temprament
CRIE - vente la crie - sale of movables - instalment sale (hire purchase).
or immovables by public auction. TERME - vente terme - forward sale.
CRI PUBLIC - vente cri public - public PROMESSE de vente terme - option
auction. to purchase.
DBALLAGE - vente au dballage -
special-offer sale (from temporary premises).
VENTILATION - apportionment (break-
down) of the total proceeds of a sale between the
DTAIL ~ vente dtail - retailing.
various items sold.
DOMICILE - vente domicile - door-to-
OPRER une ventilation entre - make a
door selling.
DROIT SUCCESSIF - vente de droits
distinction between.
successifs - sale of one's right to an inheri- VENTILER - apportion; break down (figures).
tance; sale of an expectancy.
CHANTILLON - vente sur chantillon - VERBAL - oral.
sale by sample.
VERBALISER- make a report; (of a police
ENCAN - vente l:encan - sale by auc-
offi.cer etc) give (a motorist) a ticket.
ENCHRE - vente aux enchres - sale by VERDICT - decision (of a criminal court);
auction. finding; reply of the Assize Court and jury to the
ENVOI FORC - vente par envoi forc - questions put at the end of the hearing.
unsolicited postal sale.
ESSAI - vente l'essai - sale on approval; VRIFICATION - audit.
sale or return. CONDITION - vrification des condi-
VALUATION - vente sur valuation- tions remplir - procedure for determining
sale at an estimated price. whether the conditions are satsfied.
FONDS PERDU - vente fonds perdu(s) DPENS - vrification des dpens - re-
- sale for a rentcharge. view by the registrar of his (or the court's)
FORC - vente force - sale in execution; original assessment (liquidation) of c9sts.
forced sale. (If the litigant is still not satified he may
GR GR - vente de gr gr - sale apply to the president of the court for an
to a willing'purchaser (at arm's length); sale order fixing the costs.)
by private treaty (as opposed to an auction); CRITURE - vrification d'criture -
sale on the open market. procedure to establish the genuineness of a
GROS - vente en gros:__ wholesale. document that has been challenged; court
HRDIT - vente d'hrdit - sale of an procedure to establish or disprove a person's
inheritance; sale of one's rights in an estate. signature or handwriting.
JUDICIAIRE - vente judiciaire - sale by IDENTIT - vrification d'idntit -
the court. forcible checking of a person's identity by the
JUSTICE - vente en justice - sale by the police involving his detention on the premises
court. during the process; identity check.


, PERSONNEL - vrification(s) person- price; breach of an implied condition of suit-

nelle(s) du juge - inspection of the locus ability and merchantable quality.
by the judge. TITRE - vices du titre - defects in title.
, POUVOIR - vrification des pouvoirs - VOLONT - vice de volont - absence of
examination of credentials. the necessary intention or consent (owing
to error, fraud, duress, etc); factor vitiating
VRIFIER - check; examine; verify; satisfy
consent or intention.
, SI - vrifier si - determine ( ascertain, con- VICIER - vitiate (invalidate, fiaw) (proceed-
sider) whether. ings etc) .
.. COUR - la Cour vrifie si - the court
must satisfy itself that. VICIEUX - defective.
, ESPCE - versement en espces - pay- DE - victime de - prejudiced by.
ment in cash. FAUTE de la victime - contributory negli-
, FONDS - versement des fonds par l'acqu- gence.
reur - payment of the purchase money. INFRACTION - Commission d'indemni-
PROVISIONNEL - versement provision- sation des victimes d'infractions pnales
nel - payment in advance. (dont l'auteur est inconnu ou insolvable) -
, TAXE - versements reprsentatifs de la Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
taxe sur les salaires - payments in lieu of
salary tax.
JURIDIQUE - vide juridique - gap (omis-
VERSER sion, lacuna) in the law.
, DOSSIER - verser au dossier - fi.le a docu-
ment (in court).
DIFFREND - vider un diffrend - settle
, ERREUR - verser dans l'erreur - err.
a dispute .
.. VIAGER LITIGE - vider le litige - settle a case.
, RENTE viagre - life annuity.
VICE - defect. DLAI de viduit - period of three hundred
, APPARENT - vice apparent - patent days during which a woman may not remarry
defect. (after the death of her husband or the cessa-
CACH - vice cach- latent (hidden) tion of cohabitation preceding divorce).
defect. DROIT de viduit - widow's right to main-
, CONSENTEMENT - vice du consente- tenance from her late husband's estate for a
ment - defect in consent (ie error, fraud or limited period.
duress); vitiated consent; absence of consent.
, EXPLOITATION - vice d'exploitation - VIE
faulty organisation. CERTIFICAT de vie - life certificate.
, FOND - vice de fond - essential defeet; COMMUNAUT de vie - consortium and
substantive defect. cohabitation; married (conjugal) life.
FORME - vice de forme - formal (procedu- , COMMUNE
ral) defect (error, irregularity). 11 REPRISE de la vie commune - re-

, GARANTIE des vices - warranty that sumption of cohabitsi.tion (conjugal

goods or animals sold are free of faults or relations),
defects. " RUPTURE de la vie commune- ces-
POSSESSION - vice de la possession - sation of cohabitation; living apart; de
defect in possession. faato separation; termination of consor-
PROCDURE - vice de procdure - pro- tium either by prolonged de facto sep-
cedural defect (error, irregularity). aration (six years) or by sup.ervening
, RDHIBITOIRE - vice rdhibitoire - hid- permanent insanity.
den defect rendering a thing sold unfit for its INFRACTIONS contre la vie et l'intgrit
intended purpose and entitling the purchaser de la personne - offences against the persan
to rescind the sale or obtain a reduction in (including homicide),


VIF VIOLENCE - duress.

ENTRE vifs - inter vivos. AUTEUR de la violence - person using
COMIT de vigilance - (private) watch LGER - violences lgres - minor
committee; vigilance committee; vigilante assaults.
group. VOIE DE FAIT - violences et voies de fait
- assaults.
VIGILANT - acting with due care and atten-
PERSONNE violente - person on whom
VIGNETTE((-)AUTO(MOBILE)) - duress is exercised.
vehicle (licence) tax ( certificate); vehicle-tax
(road-fund) licence; tax dise. VIREMENT - remittance; giro transfer; vire-
ENTRE en vigueur-'- (Act) entry (com- VIRIL
ing) into force; (regulations, rules, etc) com- PART virile - equal share; separate share.
ing into operation; (Act, regulations, rules,
etc) commencement. VISA - visa; memorandum certifying that a for-
MISE en vigueur - bringing into force; com- mality has been complied with; signature by the
mencement. drawee of a cheque certifying fonds are available;
RGLEMENTS en vigueur - standing countersignature; initials.
regulations; existing regulations.
VISER - specify; in volve; countersign; initial.
PRIX - vilet de prix - totally inadequate VISIBILIT
price (ground of nullity of contract). SERVITUDE de visibilit - obligation to
remove or not to erect constructions interfer-
VILLE ing with visibility on a road.
OUVERT - ville ouverte - (international
law) open (ie undefended) city. VISITE - inspection; search; examination.
CORPOREL - visite corporelle (Sw) - per-
VIOL- rape.
sonal search; search of the person.
VIOLATION - violation; infringement; DOMICILIAIRE - visite domiciliaire -
breach; harm; wrong. (house) search.
BREVET - violation de brevet - infringe- DROIT de visite - right to inspect; right
ment of a patent. of search; right to stop and search; right of
CLTURE - violation de clture - illegal access.
breaking and entry of closed premises; breach LIEU - visite des lieux - inspection of the
of close; breaking a close. site, locus (in quo), scene of the crime or
CONSTITUTION - violation de la consti- premises by the court.
tution - breach of the constitution.
CONTRAT - violation de (du) contrat - VOCATION - right (eg to a usufruct).
breach of contract. AVOIR- y ayant vocation - having the
CORPS - violation de corps par impru- necessary powers ( authority).
dence (Sw) - causing bodily harm by negli- HRDITAIRE - vocation hrditaire -
gence. entitlement to inherit.
DOMICILE - violation de domicile - vio- SUCCESSORAL - vocation successorale -
lation of the privacy (sanctity) of the home; right to inherit on (an) intestacy.
trespass on domestic premises; violation of
domestic priv<acy; unlawful entry of a per- VOIE - way; street; highway; channel.
son's home. ACTION - par voie d'action - by bringing
FORME - violation des formes - failure legal proceedings.
to comply with formal (procedural) require- ADMINISTRATIF - voie administrative -
ments. administrative channels.
LOI - violation de la loi - error of law ATTROUPEMENT sur la voie publique -
(ground of appeal to the Court of Cassation). unlawful assembly; rout; riot.


, DROIT - voie de droit - legal channel; RFORMATION - voie de rformation -

legal action; legal procedure; remedy; appeal; appeal.
proceedings . RTRACTATION - voie de rtractation
.. TOUT - toute voie de droit - any - application to set aside ( eg a judgment in
legally permissible means, eg procedure, default).
form of evidence.
, EAU - voie d'eau - watercourse. VOIRIE
EXCEPTION - par voie d'exception - as a CONCESSION de voirie - contractual
defence or an objection. grant by an administrative authority of the
EXCUTION - voie d'excution - (method right to occupy part of the highway or some
of) execution; (in plural) execution ( enforce- other public place.
ment) procedure. PERMISSION de voirie - unilateral grant
FAIT - voie de fait - assault; trespass to the by an administrative authority of the right
persan; patently illegal action by an admin- to occupy part of the highway or some other
istrative authority affecting the fondamental public place.
freedoms or property of an individual. URBAIN - voirie urbaine - public streets
, FLUVIAL - voie :fluviale - watercourse. of a town (including the trees and drains).
, HIRARCHIQUE - par la voie hirar-
chique - through the usual (official) chan- VOISINAGE
nels; through one's superior officer(s). DROIT INTERNATIONAL de voisinage -
JUDICIAIRE - voie judiciaire - legal pro- international law of frontier relations; inter-
ceedings. national law of nuisance.
, LGAL - voies lgales - prescribed chan- OBLIGATIONS (ordinaires) de voisinage
nels; procedure prescribed by law. - duties owed to neighbours.
, NAVIGABLE - voie navigable - navigable " EXCS des obligations (ordinaires) de
water course. voisinage - nuisance.
, PAR - clause de voie pare - illegal
PRJUDICE excdant la mesure ordinaire
clause in a contract of pledge providing that des obligations de voisinage - nuisance.
the pledge may be sold otherwise than as
RAPPORTS de (bon) voisinage - (good)
provided by law.
neighbourly relations.
, PRIV - voie prive - private road.
, PUBLIC - voie publique - (public) high- SERVITUDE de voisinage - right relating
way. to adjacent property.
, , RIVERAIN d'une voie publique - VOITURE
frontager; persan owning land abutting LETTRE de voiture - consignment note;
on a street. waybill.
RECOURS - voie de recours - appeal;
remedy (especially in administrative mat- VOITURIER- carrier.
ters); means of obtaining redress.
VOIX - vote; right to speak.
, , PUISEMENT des voies de recours -
CONSULTATIF - voix consultative - right
exhaustion of the (available) remedies.
" EXTRAORDINAIRE - voie de re-
to speak in an advisory capacity.
cours extraordinaire - speciaJ_ appeal or ~ AVEC voix Gonsultative - non-voting.
remedy (ie appeal on a.points of Law to DLIBERATIF - avec voix dlibrative -
the Court of Cassation, a,pplication by a with a right to vote; entitled to vote; voting.
third party to set aside a judgment). EXPRIM- voix exprime - vote cast.
" INSUSCEPTIBLE de,(voie de) re- , PARTAGE des voix - equality of votes; tie;
cours - against ~hich no appeal lies; not if the votes are equal.
subject to appeal. PRPONDRANT - voix prpondrante
" INTERNE - voie de recours interne - ( galit) - casting vote.
domestic remedy.
.. ORDINAIRE - voie de recours ordi- VOL - theft; larceny; robbery; housebreaking;
naire - ordinary appeal or remedy (ie burglary.
application to set aside, appeal to the , ARRACH - vol l'arrach - robbery;
Court of Appeal). (informally) bagsnatching; snatch theft.

CORRECTIONNEL - vol correctionnel - VOTE
simple larceny. APPEL - vote par appel nominal - vote by
DOMESTIQUE - vol domestique - theft roll-call.
by a member of the household. ASSIS - vote par assis et debout (assis et
EFFRACTION - vol avec (par) effraction lev) - vote by sitting and standing.
- burglary; housebreaking. BLOQU - vote bloqu - procedure where-
TALAGE - vol l'talage - shoplifting. by the government may require Parliament
MAIN ARME - vol main arme - to decide by a single vote on the wh<;>le or
armed robbery. part of a Bill under consideration, subject
only to the amendments it has itself tabled
POLICE - vol de simple police - petty
or accepted.
BULLETIN de vote - ballot paper.
QUALIFI - vol qualifi- aggravated
BUREAU de vote - polling station.
DFIANCE - vote de dfiance - vote of no
RENDEZ-MOI - vol au rendez-moi - ring- confidence.
ing the changes. DISCIPLINE - sans discipline de vote - in
SIMPLE - vol simple - simple larceny. a free vote.
SIMPLE POLICE - see POLICE above. EXPLICATION de vote - statement of
TIRE - vol la tire - pickpocketing. one's re.asons for v.oting.
USAGE- vol d'usage d'un vhicule- MAIN LEVE - vote main leve - vote
unauthorised use of a motor vehicle. by show of hands.
VOITURIER - vol voiturier - fraudulent NOMINAL - vote nominal- vote by roll-
conversion by a carrier. call.
OBLIGATOIRE - vote obligatoire - com-
VOLANT pulsory vote.
SCURIT - volant de scurit - provision PRFRENTIEL - vote prfrentiel -
for contingencies. vote giving the elector the right to alter the
order of the candidates on the list.
VOLONTAIRE - deliberate; intentional. PROCURATION - vote par procuration -
HOMICIDE volontaire - intentional homi- proxy vote; vote given by proxy.
cide. SECRET - vote secret - vote by secret bal-
VOLONTAIREMENT - knowingly; deliber-
UNINOMINAL- vote uninominal- voting
for a single candidate (not for a list).
VOLONT - will; intention; consent. VOTER
ACCORD de volont- being in agreement; LOI - voter une loi - pass an Act.
ad idem.
VRTS = versements reprsentatifs de la
AUTONOMIE de la volont- freedom of
taxe sur les salaires.
the parties to arrange their own affairs;free-
dom of contract. VU - having regard to.
DCLARATION de volont - statement VUE - window or aperture admitting light and
( declaration, manifestation) of intent(ion). air and allowing of a view (cf JOUR).
EXPRS - volont expresse - express' EFFET vue - sight bill.
intention. GARDE(R) vue - (hold in) police cus-
PARTIE - volont des parties - intention tody.
of the parties. LIEU - vue des lieux...:. inspection of the
POSSDER - volont de possder - will to site, locus (in quo), scene of the crime or
possess. premises by the court.
REL - volont relle - true intention.


WARRANT - deposit receipt for goods depos-

w missible - non-transferable deposit receipt.
ited in a warehouse negotiable by endorsement. ORDRE - warrant o:rdre - deposit receipt
AGRICOLE - warrant agricole - bill of negotiable by endorsement.
sale negotiable by endorsement for money PTROLIER - warrant ptrolier - bill of
advanced on the security of agricultural pro- sale negotiable on endorsement for money ad-
duce. vanced on the security of stocks of petroleum
HTELIER - warrant htelier - bill of sale or petroleum products.
negotiable by endorsement for money ad- PORTEUR - warrant au porteur - bearer
vanced on the security of hotel furniture and deposit receipt.
INDUSTRIEL - warrant industriel - bill
WARRANTAGE- giving a bill of sale by
way of security.
of sale negotiable by endorsement for money
advanced on the security of certain industrial WARRANTER - give a bill of sale by way of
products (prescribed by statute). security.
INTRANSMISSIBLE - warrant intrans-


z sive - exclusive economic zone.
AMNAGEMENT FRANC (adj) - zone franche - ( customs-,
CONCERT - zone d'amnagement duty-)free area.
concert - special planning area. FRANC (noun) - zone franc - franc (mone-
DIFFR - zone d'amnagement tary) area.
diffr - deferred-development area. LIBRE-CHANGE - zone de libre-
CONTIGU - zone contigu - contiguous change - free-trade area.
zone. URBANISER- zone urbaniser par
CONOMIQUE - zone conomique exclu- priorit - priority building area.


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