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Global Trends & Challenges in Water Science,

IWA Specialist Group

Research and Management
A compendium of hot topics and features from
IWA Specialist Groups
IWA Specialist Groups

Global Trends & Challenges in

Water Science, Research
and Management

A compendium of hot topics and

features from IWA Specialist Groups

International Water Association

January 2012
IWA Specialist Groups

Editor: Hong Li
Book title set by Keith Robertson
Copy-editing and type-setting: The Clyvedon Press Ltd, Cardiff, UK

Published by
International Water Association (IWA)
Alliance House
12 Caxton Street
London SW1H 0QS
United Kingdom

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First published 2012

2012 IWA and the IWA Specialist Groups

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ISBN 9781780401065
IWA Specialist Groups




Anaerobic Digestion 1

Assessment and Control of Hazardous Substances in Water 4

Biolms 8

Design, Operation and Maintenance of Drinking Water Treatment Plants 10

Disinfection 12

IAHR/IWA/IAHS Hydroinformatics Joint Committee 20

Groundwater: Perspectives, Challenges and Trends 27

Institutional Governance and Regulation 33

Outfall Systems 37

Marketing and Communications 42

Membrane Technology 44

Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water 49

Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering 52

Off-Flavours in the Aquatic Environment: A Global Issue 58

Resources-Oriented Sanitation 64

Decentralised Wastewater Management: An Overview 68

Sludges, Residuals and Biosolids: Global Trends and Challenges 71

Statistics and Economics 77

Sustainability in the Water Sector 79

Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage 83

Wastewater Pond Technology 86

Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations 90

Water Reuse: A Growing Option to Meet Water Needs 95

Watershed and River Basin Management 100

Winery Wastewater Treatment in a Sustainable Perspective 105

IWA Specialist Groups


pecialist Groups represent the core vehicle for issue-based interaction on scientic, technical and management topics
within the International Water Association (IWA). Specialist Groups facilitate cooperation, networking and knowledge
generation, primarily through regular conferences and publications. They are a major source of channelling the
energy that is in the water professional community to organize events, spread news through regular newsletters, to generate
collaboration on a voluntary basis, etc. One of the larger voluntary efforts that nd an outlet through the Specialist Groups are
Task Groups that are formed within a hosting Specialist Group to perform a dened task, for example the production of a IWA
Scientic and Technical Report that describes the state-of-the-art in a certain discipline or a consensus to move forward on
a certain topic.

IWAs Specialist Groups are self-managed and cover all-important topics in the water management sector. In total some
50 Specialist Groups have been formed. They are an exceptionally effective means of information and knowledge sharing. To
improve the quality of knowledge sharing, for the rst time, the IWA has produced this report on Global Trends & Challenges
in Water Science, Research and Management. It is a compendium compiled from the submissions of IWA Specialist Groups.

This report aims to raise the proles of the IWA Specialist Groups and let Specialist Groups be better known by water profes-
sionals in the world, as well as to supply better knowledge dissemination. It is composed of papers from each group summariz-
ing the current state of knowledge within the SG topic/subtopics and future trends and challenges. It creates an understanding
of the topic for the reader, and shows the trends and challenges within the Specialist Groups by identifying, for example, three
hot topics that are expected to surface in the next ve years. No particular format was imposed, allowing the Specialist Groups
to develop their messages freely to the community.

There are in total 25 Specialist Group contributions in this rst compendium, to be distributed to IWA members, partners and
other water professionals. This effort will be continued periodically in order to keep information and knowledge up to date.

The work of the Specialist Groups is coordinated and supported by IWA Specialist Groups Manager Dr Hong Li. Please feel
free to contact her by email at if you require any further information or have any questions about the
content of this report.

Enjoy the read and get an update on where things are and are moving to!

Professor Peter Vanrolleghem, PhD.

modelEAU Universit Laval, Qubec, Canada
Chairman IWA Strategic Council Sub-Committee on Specialist Groups
IWA Specialist Groups

Anaerobic Digestion
Written by Damien Batstone, Henri Spanjers, Jorge Rodriguez, Jules van Lier, Eberhard
Morgenroth, M.M. Ghangrekar, R. Saravanane on behalf of the Specialist Group

Anaerobic Digestion is one of the most active Specialist and steadily rising. Although manure is a classic and
Groups, with over 1000 members, active sponsorship of signicant source of nitrogen and phosphorus world-
three task groups or working groups, and organisation of, wide (Cordell et al. 2009), for industrial agriculture, the
on average, one Specialist Group conference per year. phosphorus market is dominated by mineral resources.
This is highlighted by our recent triennial conference This has energised research into recovery of phosphorus
AD12 in Guadalajara, Mexico where some 500 delegates from waste streams, mainly as calcium and magnesium
attended, and 200 papers were presented, of which 80 phosphates, including struvite (MgNH4PO 4.6H2O)
were considered for publication in Water Science and (Le Corre et al. 2009). Even in highly industrialised
Technology. The themes at the AD conferences provide a countries, such as Australia, with essentially 50% of food
very good review of major themes of interest in anaerobic (phosphorus) export, 25% of phosphorus and nitrogen,
digestion. Over the years, we have always observed a large and 100% of potassium, can be recovered from waste
number of papers focusing on specic aspects related streams (Tucker et al. 2011).
to the themes of (a) solid waste and energy crop man-
agement, (b) biosolids and sludge management and (c) Anaerobic digestion is the only biochemical process that
industrial wastewater. These application areas have been removes carbon, while converting this into a useful energy
strongly supported by investigation into microbial ecology, carrier, but has minimal impact on nutrient concentra-
mathematical modelling, chemical analysis, process inno- tions. This has been previously seen as a limitation, but is
vations and novel technologies. Over the 10 years though, now emerging as a benet, with the energy content being
we have seen several major new themes emerge. These used in an integrated process to drive full nutrient recov-
have been driven by both market opportunity and scien- ery (Verstraete et al. 2009). This will result in changes in
tic advances. The goal of this report is to further outline the modes of operation of anaerobic digestion to enhance
challenges and opportunities for wastewater treatment nutrient recovery further, and the focus is likely to move
researchers and practitioners in these areas, as well as beyond simply phosphorus to full recovery of nitrogen,
the specic role of anaerobic digestion technologies within potassium and water by a range of novel techniques.
these application areas.
Nutrient recovery will also require a higher degree of
operational exibility and understanding of the underlying
Major emerging themes anaerobic process, in order to enable treatment of differ-
ent waste streams (wastewater through to agroindustrial
The key topics we as a Specialist Group can identify as solid wastes), as well as to cater for downstream processes
major developing areas are the role of anaerobic processes such as water recovery.
in waste mining and resource recovery, production of
chemicals through bioprocessing and bioproduction, and
integration of anaerobic digestion processes into the larger (b) Bioprocessing and bioproduction
evaluation framework, including upstream and down-
stream environmental systems, and advanced wastewater Anaerobic processes have been used for thousands of
treatment through emerging processes such as anaerobic years to value add to organic feedstocks by convert-
membrane bioreactor systems. ing them to a wide range of largely fermented foods and
beverages. This has also been widely used in the 20th cen-
tury in industrial biotechnology to produce bulk industrial
(a) Anaerobic processes for resource chemicals such as ethanol and organic acids, as well as
recovery high-value products, including pharmaceuticals. Over the
past 10 years, we have seen two signicant and genuine
Over the past two years there have been considerable uc- innovations that are dramatically changing the landscape
tuations in phosphorus and nitrogen pricing, which has of industrial biotechnology.
emphasised the realisation that, in particular, phosphorus
is a non-renewable resource, with the peak in mineral Until recently, biotechnology focused on the use of pure
production expected to occur around 2030 (Cordell or highly enriched cultures to generate speciality products
et al. 2009). Added to this, nitrogen is very expensive from very pure feedstocks. This has limited applica-
energetically to produce, and the other macronutrient tion of industrial biotechnology to higher value chemi-
potassium is becoming depleted in major agricultural cals, including higher cost feedstocks that compete with
zones. Although uctuations have stabilised, pricing food, and which often require expensive sterilisation of
is currently of the order of $US5/kgP and $US1/kgN, both the reactor and the feed. In contrast, mixed culture

IWA Specialist Groups

biotechnology uses environmentally ubiquitous microbes 2007). The process of integrating models has been very
to produce a mixture of chemicals (Kleerebezem and van complementary, not only providing important tools such
Loosdrecht 2007). These organisms are faster, can con- as interface models, but demonstrating the strengths of
vert more complex feedstocks and are capable of working each sub-model. As an example, the advanced pH model
under different hydraulic regimes. The mixture of products within the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 is clearly rel-
needs to be directed by manipulation of concentration, evant to the whole water cycle, and this has led to estab-
temperature, pH and redox, and there needs to be a degree lishment of a new IWA task group on physicochemistry
of downstream separation. Research is now moving from modelling (Batstone 2009), which will not only enrich
a focus on systems analysis to a deeper understanding of modelling of aquatic chemistry, but is applicable to all
how mixed culture fermentations (and biotechnology) is topics raised in this review.
inuenced by environmental conditions, and how control
handles can be best manipulated. This should be com-
bined with further research into downstream processing
(d) Advanced wastewater treatment
to develop the concept of a biorenery that can generate
Modern high-rate technologies are successfully imple-
multiple products from raw feedstocks with a high degree
mented at a large variety of industries. Granular sludge
for market driven exibility.
bed based systems are most commonly applied, whereas
China seems to be the most rapidly growing market. Very
Bioelectrochemical systems have been one of the major 3
high loading rates reaching 40 kg COD/m reactor per
developments in the anaerobic process world over the
day are feasible reducing reactor volumes to a minimum.
past 10 years, with an initial focus on direct generation of
Current applications are limited by the maximum spe-
electricity from anodic biological processes (Lovley 2006).
cic conversion capacity and/or efcient separation of
The current cost of bioelectrochemical systems (approxi-
the produced biogas from the sludge. For more extreme
mately 100 times that of conventional anaerobic systems),
types of the wastewaters these limitations are more pro-
and relatively low performance makes them (currently) a
nounced resulting in disappointing loading potentials.
limited proposition for electricity generation. A far more
Examples are wastewaters characterised by high tem-
compelling application appears to be use of electrochemi-
peratures, high salinity, presence of toxic compounds,
cal systems with either pure or enriched cultures to gen-
high fat, oil and grease content, high solids content, etc.
erate specic products. These can either be done via
Various research groups are presently focusing on the
partial oxidation at the anode to generate partially oxidised
development of anaerobic membrane bioreactors mak-
products (e.g. 1-3 propanediol from glycerol), or by reduc-
ing use of either submerged or cross ow congurations
tion at the cathode (e.g. generation of CO2 from methane)
(Liao et al. 2006). The full retention of anaerobic biomass
(Rabaey and Rozendal 2010). The exciting thing about this
prevents specic rinsing of key organisms for specic
is not just the enhanced and highly efcient use of electric-
substrate conversion, whereas the membrane assisted
ity. There is also the range of capabilities derived from the
separation process provides a solids-free efuent. The
enormous exibility of this technology, including the ability
growing number of research papers has led to separate
to set potential, electrode material and cell geometry, the
conference sessions at the anaerobic digestion specialist
ability to favour specic organisms, or planktonic versus
triennial. Working at relatively high sludge concentrations,
electrode biolms, and the ability to manipulate ion ow
cake layer management seems to determine membrane
through the membrane.
uxes (Jeison and van Lier 2007; Lin et al. 2010). At
present, the impact of increased shear-forces on anaero-
The two issues of mixed culture biotechnology and
bic microbiology, physiology and biochemistry is currently
bioelectrosynthesis are highly complementary, as mixed
being investigated (e.g. Menniti et al., 2009). With the
culture biotechnology is generally needed as a pretreat-
drop in membrane prices and the relatively low required
ment process for bioelectrosynthesis, and both can
uxes with concentrated wastewaters, anaerobic mem-
operate in complementary processes within the overall
brane bioreactor systems seem to be of particular interest
biorenery process.
for those applications where successful granular sludge
bed systems cannot be guaranteed.
(c) Integrated systems assessment
This review has focused so far on the promise of anaero- Conclusions
bic processes to replace existing technologies, including
activated sludge wastewater treatment, mineral fertiliser Anaerobic processes have a major role in future sustainable
production, and industrial chemical manufacturing. How- water management, and across all areas of human activity,
ever, there will clearly be longer-term applications for both including agriculture, industrial chemicals and energy gen-
practical integration of anaerobic digestion with larger eration. There are clearly novel areas to apply the basic
systems, as well as its integration with larger process principles we have developed over the past 50 years of
models. Integrated systems modelling, life cycle assess- research, including mixed culture biotechnology and elec-
ment and integrated environmental assessment not need trochemically mediated processes. In addition, new sci-
to include the whole water and energy cycle, and anaero- ence will be needed to fully enable resource recovery and
bic processes are emerging as a clear segment within provide new downstream processing options for the biore-
overall systems modelling. A clear example is emerging nery of the future. At the same time, we need to recognise
methods to model larger wastewater treatment plants, that there has been an enormous amount of work done
with adaptation and integration of biochemical models already, which is particularly applicable to other elds such
such as the IWA developed Anaerobic Digestion Model as domestic wastewater treatment, including upstream
No. 1 (Batstone et al. 2002) into key integrated models sewer processes. It will be important to retain this knowl-
such as the Benchmark Simulation Model (Jeppsson et al. edge as we move into new and exciting applications.

IWA Specialist Groups

crystallization: a review. Critical Reviews in Environmental

References Science and Technology 39(6), 433477.
Liao, B.Q., Kraemer, J.T. and Bagley, D.M. (2006). Anaerobic
Batstone, D.J. (2009). Towards a generalised physicochemical
membrane bioreactors: applications and research directions.
modelling framework. Reviews in Environmental Science and
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
Biotechnology 8(2), 113114.
36(6), 489530.
Batstone, D.J., Keller, J., Angelidaki, I., Kalyuzhnyi, S., Pavlostathis,
Lin, H., Xie, K., Mahendran, B., Bagley, D., Leung, K., Liss, S.
S.G., Rozzi, A., Sanders, W., Siegrist, H. and Vavilin, V.
and Liao, Q. (2010) Factors affecting sludge cake formation
(2002). Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1), IWA Task
in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Journal of
Group for Mathematical Modelling of Anaerobic Digestion
Membrane Science 361(12), 126134.
Processes. London, IWA Publishing.
Lovley, D.R. (2006). Bug juice: harvesting electricity with micro-
Cordell, D., Drangert, J.O. and White, S. (2009). The story of
organisms. Nature Reviews Microbiology 4(7), 497508.
phosphorus: global food security and food for thought. Glo-
Menniti, A, Kang, S., Elimelech, M. and Morgenroth, E. (2009)
bal Environmental Change 19(2), 292305.
Inuence of shear on the production of extracellular poly-
Jeison, D. and van Lier, J.B. (2007). Cake formation and consoli-
meric substances in membrane bioreactors. Water Research
dation: main factors governing the applicable ux in anaero-
43(17), 43054315.
bic submerged membrane bioreactors (AnSMBR) treating
Rabaey, K. and Rozendal, R.A. (2010). Microbial electrosynthe-
acidied wastewaters. Separation and Purication Technol-
sis revisiting the electrical route for microbial production.
ogy 56(1), 7178.
Nature Reviews Microbiology 8(10), 706716.
Jeppsson, U., Pons, M.N., Nopens, I., Alex, J., Copp, J., Gernaey,
Tucker, R., Poad, G., et al. (2011). Fertiliser from waste: phase 1
K.V., Rosen, C., Steyer, J.-P., Vanrolleghem, P.A. (2007).
GRDC project UQ00046 output 1 report (nal). Brisbane,
Benchmark simulation model no 2: general protocol and ex-
Australia, Grains Research and Development Corporation,
ploratory case studies. Water Science & Technology 56(8),
Verstraete, W., Van de Caveye, P. and Diamantis, V. (2009).
Kleerebezem, R. and van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (2007). Mixed cul-
Maximum use of resources present in domestic used
ture biotechnology for bioenergy production. Current Opin-
water. Bioresource Technology 100(23), 55375545.
ion in Biotechnology 18(3), 207212.
Le Corre, K.S., Valsami-Jones, E., Hobbs, P. and Parsons, S.A.
(2009). Phosphorus recovery from wastewater by struvite

IWA Specialist Groups

Assessment and Control of

Hazardous Substances in Water
Written by M. Frhacker, A. Bruchet, S. Martin, F. Leusch, T. Ternes on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction lipophilic substances, was in the focus of groundwater

contamination. In sewage sludge the interesting substances
were mainly heavy metals, polychlorinated dibenzodiox-
Micropollutants: A global issue ins and furans and polychlorinated biphenyls. Nowadays
chemists have improved the analytical methods and are
For the Assessment and Control of Hazardous Substances
able to detect concentrations of drugs, polar personal
in Water Specialist Group, the biggest challenge is the
care products (e.g. musk fragrances, repellents), techni-
risk evaluation and management of the real or perceived
cal products (e.g. bisphenol A, tributyl tin compounds,
increasing contamination of freshwater or marine sys-
lubricants, dyes, motor oils, paint thinners and remov-
tems with thousands of industrial and natural chemical
ers, creosote, wood preservers, lipophilic and hydrophilic
compounds. This is one of the key environmental ques-
pesticides and metabolites, peruorinated compounds
tions for the safety of human and environmental health.
(PFS), detergents (linear alkyl sulphonates), alkylphenol
Besides well-known contaminants such as heavy metals,
ethoxylates and metabolites, quaternary ammonium com-
pesticides or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, for which
pounds), contaminations from construction materials (e.g.
monitoring and management strategies are already set in
pesticides, titanium dioxide), contamination from trafc
different legal regulations, there is another group of con-
(e.g. heavy metals, oxygenates, polycyclic aromatic hydro-
taminants for which less information is available. These
carbons, nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mineral
so-called emerging contaminants are potentially toxic sub-
oils), food ingredients (articial sweeteners) and biocides,
stances whose effects or presence is poorly known, either
nanoparticles and other persistent organic pollutants and
because they are new and just starting to spread out, or
their metabolites, transformation products and chemical
they are well-known contaminants but their environmen-
by-products generated during production usually in the
tal fate gained more attention with better instrumentation.
nanogram and sub-nanogram range per litre (Daughton
Therefore emerging contaminants can be dened as con-
and Ternes 1999; Giger 2009; Richardson 2009).
taminants that are currently not included in routine moni-
toring programs and which may be candidates for future Although many of the new compounds are present in the
regulation, depending on research on their (eco)toxicity, aquatic environment at low to very low concentrations
potential health effects, public perception and monitoring (picograms per litre to nanograms per litre), some of these
data revealing their occurrence in different environmental contaminants show carcinogenic or mutagenic reactions
compartments (Petrovic and Barcel 2006). or are toxic for reproduction (CMR substances) or are aller-
gens or endocrine disruptors; but others are less toxic or
do not show toxic effects in the measured concentrations.
Advances in the area
Identification and monitoring methods
Sources of micropollutants
Advances in analytical methods have been a major driver
Sources of hazardous substances may include wastewater for the identication and monitoring of emerging contami-
from industry or manufacture of e.g. metal, pulp and paper, nants. Gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography
chemicals, food, drugs as well as many others. For point coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) remain the gold
sources best available technologies are already worked out standards for trace organics analysis. The cost of GC/
or will be dened in the near future. Environmentally haz- MS systems have drastically dropped and GCMS/MS
ardous substances are increasingly released from diffuse systems that yield ultimate sensitivity for the determina-
sources and consumer-related municipal sources rather tion of traces in complex matrices can now be acquired
than from production-related industrial point-sources. Dif- for the cost of a single GC/MS instrument from 2 years
fuse sources are deposition, agriculture (e.g. pesticide ago. GC-high resolution MS is necessary to quantify con-
application, groundwater recharge, sewage sludge appli- taminants at ultratrace levels such as dioxins and dibenzo-
cation to land), trafc, power generation, mining, waste furans. This approach could prove necessary to reach the
disposal (e.g. incineration, landlls) or could be accidental very low environmental quality standards dened in spe-
releases (e.g. spills). cic regulations (e.g. 0.5 ng/L for polybrominated diphe-
nylethers in natural waters as dened in the European
For a long time, eutrophication and oxygen depletion were Water Framework Directive). GC combined with induc-
critical conditions in surface water and contamination tively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) seems
with nitrate, solvents and selected pesticides, especially to emerge as the method of choice to detect organotins

IWA Specialist Groups

at their extremely low environmental quality standards. and combination with ultraviolet light and hydrogen per-
Although GC/MS is restricted to non-polar and semi-polar oxide through advanced oxidation processes are still
contaminants, liquid chromatography (LC)MS/MS has being studied, especially for wastewater applications.
allowed the determination of much more polar substances Other oxidants (chlorine, chlorine dioxide, permanga-
(pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, estrogenic hormones ) at nate, ultraviolet light alone) are generally not efcient
levels of parts per trillion. Once restricted to target com- for micropollutant removal, and may present the risk of
pound analysis, with the advent of very high resolution generating more harmful by-products.
instruments, LC tandem MS and LC-Orbitrap MS now Activated carbon adsorption (granular or powder)
offer the possibility of identifying and quantifying unknown appears as well as an interesting treatment for mi-
polar compounds in all kinds of environmental matrices, a cropollutants. Again, more than 80% removal for
feature that will contribute to the discovery of an increas- most substances is achievable. Substance properties
ing number of emerging contaminants and hopefully their (log Kow, pKa) and operating conditions (dose, contact
transformation and degradation by-products. Another time) will determine the actual efciency of retention.
trend lies in the miniaturisation of laboratory-scale instru- Only a few molecules like iodinated contrast media or
ments such as GC/MS, which will likely allow on-line moni- some antibiotics present limited afnity for activated
toring in the future. A miniature GC/MS with a submersible carbon. In the eld of wastewater treatment, more re-
purge-and-trap probe is already commercially available turns of experience in terms of life duration in lters or
with potential application for on-line monitoring of volatile achievable polyaluminium chloride recovery rates are
organic compounds. still needed. The fate of used activated carbon, either in
sludge or in lters, may also be an issue.
On the other hand, with the exception of fullerene nano- Membrane retention processes like reverse osmosis and
particles that can be determined by LCMS, there are no nanoltration allow the most efcient retention of a wide
adequate methods to determine other organic nanoparti- range of substances, but they need an extensive pre-
cles such as carbon nanotubes at environmental levels. treatment and they are the most energy intensive. Addi-
tionally, the fate of the concentrate should be mastered
Bioanalytical methods, common in the pharmaceutical to get a completely sustainable process. Their high cost
industry, are growing in popularity for water quality and makes their application to wastewater treatment very
treatment efcacy monitoring. These in vitro bioassay limited, except in conditions of high water stress. In large
tools can provide an integrative measure of mixture tox- potable water treatment plants, the combination of dif-
icity. Although several practical questions remain to be ferent advanced processes in a multi-barrier approach
answered, in particular their exact role in regulation (if is already applied to ensure a maximum removal.
any), bioanalytical tools are a promising development in
water quality testing. The best solution remains the reduction at the source to
avoid the introduction of emerging contaminants in the
water cycle.
Treatment methods
The removal performances of existing treatment proc- Regulation trends
esses are currently well known for an increasing number
of substances (Poseidon 2004; Snyder et al. 2007; Joss In general, the standard setting is either based on the
et al. 2008; Choubert et al. 2011). precautionary principle, on risk assessment or on tech-
nical feasibility. The precautionary principle has the big
Coagulation and settling can be efcient for very advantage that it allows legal action without the compre-
adsorbable substances (e.g. polychlorinated biphenyls), hensive knowledge on the fate and effects of the respec-
but few emerging compounds are retained. tive substance as required for risk assessment. In the risk
Biological processes like activated sludge or xed- assessment approach, for the identication of hazardous
lm processes can achieve a signicant reduction of substances we distinguish between substances with and
micropollutant loads in wastewater treatment plants. substances without threshold, e.g. the cancerogenic,
Removal mechanisms like biotransformation, stripping mutagenic and substances toxic for reproduction. These
and adsorption on sludge are involved. Parameters like different assumptions are made as well in human risk
sludge age and nitrifying capacity appear to be critical assessment (WHO 2006, 2008) as also in environmen-
to maximise removal efciencies. Membrane separation tal risk assessment (TGD 2003; ECHA 2010). For some
of sludge seems to bring additional retention perform- substances there are already sufcient signicant ecotoxi-
ance towards several emerging compounds. However, cological data to suggest that the compound can cause
substances are generally not really removed in biological adverse effects on wildlife, or that there is a signicant
treatments: about two-thirds of the regulated substanc- risk to human health. For example, in the European Union
es are mainly transferred to sludge, whereas many polar those compounds are listed under the EC Water Framework
emerging compounds are partly biodegraded with for- Directive 2006/60/EC (EC 2006) as priority substances or
mation of by-products. Thus, complementary advanced priority hazardous substances as they are bioaccumula-
tertiary processes are generally required to guarantee tive, persistent and toxic. Also the UNEP compiled a list of
an efcient removal. persistent organic pollutants that full the dened criteria
Oxidation with ozone appears an efcient advanced treat- for persistence, bioaccumulation and long-range trans-
ment, with more than 80% removal, for most emerging port. Both lists have international reporting and minimisa-
substances so long as their molecular structure presents tion/phase out requirements and are under rolling revision.
accessible electrons. However, the fate and toxicity of Pharmaceuticals and polar personal care products are not
by-products still remains an issue to be investigated. subject to any regulation yet and have not been monitored
Optimisation of ozone dose depending on water quality within the European Water Frame Work Directive (Directive

IWA Specialist Groups

2000/60/EC). Also the new policy on chemicals REACH cannot be handled by the Assessment and Control of
(Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Hazardous Substances in Water Specialist Group alone,
Restriction of Chemicals), which entered into force on 1 but need to be harmonised between different other IWA
June 2007, will increase the information on chemicals in Specialist Groups such as those on Diffuse Pollution,
the European Union. Modelling, Institutional Governance and Regulation, Mem-
brane Technologies, Design, Operation and Costs of Large
Wastewater Treatment Plants, Design, Operation and
The challenges and future research Maintenance of Drinking Water Treatment Plants, Sludge
Management, Nano and Water, Pretreatment of Industrial
directions Wastewaters and many others.
The detection of so many new compounds in surface
water, groundwater and drinking water raises consider- References
able public concern. Especially when guideline values are
not available, the questions are whether detected concen- Daughton, C. and Ternes, T. (1999). Pharmaceuticals and per-
trations will affect human or environmental health at low sonal care products in the environment: agents of subtle
concentrations and how these components will react in change? Environmental Health Perspectives, 907938.
complex mixtures. ECHA (2010). Guidance on Derivation of DNEL/DMEL from
Human Data DRAFT (Rev.:2.1)
One of the biggest challenges for the near future will be the /docs /draft_documents /R8_DNEL_HD_Draft_
effect assessment and risk evaluation for human health
Choubert J.M., et al. (2011). Limiting the emissions of micro-
and the aquatic environment for the thousands of syn-
pollutants: what efciency can we expect from wastewater
thetic and natural trace contaminants that may be present treatment plants? Water Science and Technology 63(1),
in water at low to very low concentrations (picograms per 5765.
litre to nanograms per litre). Giger, W. (2009). Hydrophilic and amphiphilic water pollutants:
using advanced analytical methods for classic and emerging
The chemical monitoring of single substances will be very contaminants. Anal Bioanal Chem 393, 3744.
time consuming and costly, without giving the satisfy- Grummt, T. and Fuerhacker, M. (2011). Risk Assessment
ing answers as we see additional effects beside carcino- for Emerging Contaminants in the Water Cycle: Recent
genic, mutagenic and reprotoxic substances properties, Advances and Future Needs. In Chapter Theme 4: Emerg-
for example endocrine-disrupting, neurotoxic or allergic ing contaminants and micropollutants, Proceedings of the
14th International Conference, IWA Diffuse Pollution Spe-
effects. Therefore a tiered approach of effect monitor-
cialist Group: Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication (DIP-
ing should be developed. Especially for substances with CON) OECD Co-operative Research Programme spon-
insufcient data, a quick evaluation method is required. sored conference, Beaupr, QC, Canada, September 1217,
This can be based, for example, on the concept of the 2010. In press.
threshold of toxicological concern, which applies also in Joss A., Siegrist H. and Ternes T.A. (2008). Are we about to up-
the case of an incomplete human toxicological database. grade wastewater treatment for removing organic micropol-
Health-related indication values could also be applied for lutants? Water Science and Technology 57(2), 251255.
all substances based on information on the structural and Petrovic, M. and Barcel, D. (2006). Liquid chromatography-
activity relations, which are not primarily genotoxic, but mass spectrometry in the analysis of emerging environmen-
at the same time cannot be toxicologically assessed on tal contaminants. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
385, 422424.
the basis of chronic or subchronic animal experiments,
POSEIDON (2004). Assessment of Technologies for the removal
and which show no signs, however, of neurotoxic, immu- of Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in sewage
notoxic or germ-cell toxic potential (Umweltbundesamt and drinking water facilities to improve the indirect potable
2008). Such new policy is applied in Germany for quick water reuse. Contract EVK1-CT-(2000-00047. Detailed
assessment of non-relevant metabolites of pesticides. In report, 58 p.
this case, the guidance value of 0.1 g/L based on the Richardson, S. (2009). Water analysis: emerging contaminants
precautionary principle can be exceeded when it is proven and current issues. Analytical Chemistry 81, 46454677.
that the substance is neither genotoxic nor neurotoxic. This Snyder S.A. et al. (2007). Role of membranes and activated
change in paradigm would be also potentially applicable carbon in the removal of endocrine disruptors and pharma-
for complex samples instead of multiple single-substance ceuticals. Desalination 202(13), 156181.
REACH (2006). Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 con-
cerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
Another challenge is the answer of the question, do we Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European
need to remove the trace contaminants from wastewater Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC
and drinking water should we effort it and to which and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and
extent? Will micrograms per litre be sufcient or do we have Commission Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council
to go below? Are our risk assessment methods adequate Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/
to answer this question? Which drinking water treatment EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC.
processes shall we apply and what will be the trade off in TGD (2003). Technical guidance document, Technical Guidance
terms of re-growth or other effects? Document (TGD) on Risk Assessment in support of
Commission Directive 93/67/EEC on Risk Assessment
for new notied substances, Commission Regulation
(EC) No 1488/94 on Risk Assessment for existing sub-
Conclusions stances, Directive 98/8/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council concerning the placing of biocidal
The ongoing and future challenges like the risk evaluation, products on the market.
decision making, risk management and communication pl?A=ECB&B=/tgdoc/.

IWA Specialist Groups

Umweltbundesamt (2008). Trinkwasserhygienische Bewertung WHO (2008). Guidelines for drinking water quality. 3rd edition;
stoffrechtlich nicht relevanter Metaboliten von Wirkstoffen Geneva.
aus Panzenschutzmitteln im Trinkwasser. Empfehlung WHO (2006). Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta
des Umweltbundesamtes nach Anhrung der Trinkwasser- and greywater. Volume 2: Wastewater use in agriculture.
kommission des Bundesministeriums fr Gesundheit beim
com/pdf-preview.axd?code =21n1042mv8327820&size
=largest und Bundesgesundheitsbl-Gesundheitsforsch-
Gesundheitsschutz 51:797-801 (2008) English: http://www.

IWA Specialist Groups

Written by Zbigniew Lewandowski on behalf of the Specialist Group

The mission of the Biolms Specialist Group is to provide a Terminology

forum for the exchange of scientic and technical informa-
tion among researchers and practitioners involved in the There is no commonly accepted denition of the term
eld of biolms. The scope of the Groups interests includes biolm. Although self-explanatory to biolm researchers,
on the one hand all engineered and natural aquatic sys- it is regarded as controversial by many in other elds of
tems, in which sessile bacteria are found, and on the other research. The most popular denition says that biolms are
all biological, chemical and physical processes, which are microorganisms attached to surfaces although some bio-
relevant for biolm behaviour. The Management Commit- lm researchers argue that biolms should be regarded as
tee of the Specialist Group organises specialised biolm a mode of microbial growth, in the same manner as micro-
conferences, conference sessions, workshops, courses, bial growth in suspension is, rather than as physical struc-
and runs a Biolm Scientic Discussion Group. The Dis- tures formed by microorganisms attached to surfaces.
cussion Group facilitates fast transfer of information and
news. It is a forum to ask questions, exchange ideas, share The term biolm refers only to the microbial deposits on a
experiences, and discuss solutions for everyday workplace surface imbedded in the matrix of extracellular polymers.
problems encountered by researchers and practitioners The broader term, biolm system, includes other compo-
dealing with biolms. nents affecting the biolm formation:

The description of the Biolms Specialist Group can be the surface to which the microorganisms are attached;
found o the IWA homepage at the biolm (the microorganisms and the matrix of extra-
Home/Networks/Specialist_groups/List_of_groups/Bio- cellular polymers);
lms/. the solution of nutrients;
the gas phase (if present).
The Biolms Specialist Group also runs its own homepage
at where more details about Another term often used when referring to the attached
our activities can be found. The Biolm Discussion Group microbial growth is biofouling (of surfaces). It is derived
can be reached at from the term fouling of surfaces, which refers to the
process of contaminating surfaces with (usually) mineral
One of the perpetual activities of the Specialist Group is to deposits. In principle, the term refers to the same proc-
organise specialised biolm conferences. These themes of ess as the term fouling does, but it emphasises the fact
the conferences are alternating to cover (a) biolm proc- that the deposits on the fouled surfaces are composed of
esses and (b) biolm technologies. The most recently mineral substances mixed with living microorganisms and
organised conference by the Biolms Specialist Group was macro organisms and with extracellular polymers excreted
dedicated to biolm processes and was held from 27 to 30 by the microorganisms.
October 2011 in Shanghai, China. The website of the con-
ference at species the main The term biofouling deposits is sometimes considered an
topics of the conference: equivalent of the term biolms, particularly in industrial
settings, where it is used to emphasise the presence of
methods and tools to study biolms; scaling deposits or corrosion products imbedded in the
extracellular polymeric substances; biolm structure extracellular polymers excreted by the microorganisms
and activity; attached to surfaces.
biolm microbiology and ecology;
mathematic modelling of biolm processes; When larger organisms accumulate on surfaces, as is
biolm technologies in water and wastewater treat- common in marine environments for example, the term
ment; macrofouling is used.
biofouling and biolm control.

We also offered a workshop dedicated to aerobic granu- Existing Specialist Group knowledge
lated sludge, which is one of the most promised technolo-
gies based on the biolm-type microorganisms. Biolms are ubiquitous and develop on water-immersed
surfaces whether we want them or not. Depending on the
To engage young researchers we had dedicated sessions effect of the biolm desirable or not in engineered sys-
run entirely by the Young Water Professionals. tems we try to control its development by either promoting

IWA Specialist Groups

or inhibiting the microbial growth in the biolm. Often physi- 2. Developing rational and effective approaches to biolm
cal removal of biolms is used as well, which is considered control.
an effective way of controlling undesirable biolms. 3. Determining the structure and function of the extracel-
lular polymeric substances in biolms and their role in
Several technologies taking advantage of biolms have biolm processes.
been developed in the water and wastewater treatment.
They often offer benets over the more traditional tech-
nologies based on the suspended growth of microorgan- Conclusions
isms. Designing and operation of the large-scale biolm
reactors poses many challenges. Most advances in under- One of the emerging conclusions from our discussions is
standing biolm processes resulted from laboratory- and that several IWA Specialist Groups have been converg-
bench-scale studies. Implementing these advances to the ing on similar problems, and they all have a common
design and operation of full-scale reactors is not trivial and denominator: biolms. We see therefore the most prom-
the rules for a scale-up of biolm processes are not clear. ising progress in integrating the knowledge developed in
Applied research exists that provides a basis for the mech- the Specialist Groups dealing with problems related to our
anistic understanding of biolm reactors. Unfortunately, activities. Examples of these Specialist Groups are Mem-
little information exists to bridge the gap between our cur- brane Technology, Microbial Ecology and Water Engineer-
rent understanding of biolm fundamentals derived from ing (formerly Activated Sludge Population Dynamics),
the bench-scale studies and the empirical information Nutrient Removal and Recovery, and Water Reuse.
derived from operating large-scale reactors. The empirical
information derived from applied research has been used Rapid progress in molecular biology opens new perspec-
to develop design criteria for biolm reactors and remains tive and offers new insights to the processes studied by
the basis for biolm reactor design despite the emergence several specialist groups, including the Biolm Special-
of mathematical models as reliable tools for research and ist Group. The implementation of the new insights into
practice. We are experiencing an exponential increase in the practice depends largely on the rate of transferring
the number of biolm based technologies applied in the the knowledge developed by the groups dedicated to
water and wastewater treatment. One of our goals is to life sciences to the groups dominated by engineers, and
develop reliable procedures based on mathematical mod- focused on the technical aspects of biolm processes
els of the processes in biolms and use them to design and biolm-based technologies in water and wastewater
biolm reactors in water and wastewater treatment. treatment. To provide a platform for the discussion among
the life scientists and engineers, IWA initiated the Bio-
Biolms also develop on surfaces where their presence has Cluster initiative, of which the Biolm Specialist Group is
negative effects, such as the biolms developing on the a member. The charter for the Bio-Cluster initiative was
surfaces of the ltration membranes, for example. There discussed at the IWA meeting in Lisbon, the concepts
is a variety of undesirable effects the biolms may cause. were further distilled at the Water Congress in Montreal
Depending on the affected processes, biolms may increase in 2010, and the rst Bio-Cluster meeting, dedicated to
the mass transport resistance, increase the heat transfer biolms on ltration membranes, was held in Singapore
resistance, increase the pressure drop in pipes, have a in July 2011.
negative effect on the material performance by accelerat-
ing corrosion, and have negative effects on human health Because one of our goals is to develop rational criteria for
by harbouring pathogens. Traditional methods of controlling the design and operation of large-scale biolm reactors
microbial contamination, mostly based on the use of antimi- for water and wastewater treatment, we make conscious
crobials, are much less effective when used to control bio- efforts to exchange information with those who actu-
lms. The unusual resistance of biolms to antimicrobials ally design and operate them. Some of our conferences
remains mysterious and much research has been devoted emphasise the microbial processes in biolms whereas
to understanding and overcoming this effect. other emphasise the design and operation of the biolm
reactors. In 2010 we organised a joint WEF/IWA confer-
ence on Biolm Reactor Technology with the mission to
General trends and challenges provide a forum for biolm researchers and practitioners
to exchange ideas, to review recent advances in biolm
It is difcult to point out a few of the most important top- reactor technologies, and to assess the impact of biolms
ics to be addressed in complex biolm systems, but it is on natural and engineered processes in water and waste-
much easier to point out a group of topics that need to be water treatment. We received very positive feedback after
addressed in the near future to achieve progress toward this conference and we plan to continue such joint meet-
implementing biolm-based technologies in water and ings as these types of events put together researchers
wastewater industries: and practitioners and allow them to determine the gaps
in knowledge that need to be lled to provide progress
1. Developing rational criteria for the design and operation in implementing biolm-based technologies. Our next
of biolm reactors, based on the mathematical models conference dedicated to biolm reactors will be in Paris,
of biolm processes. France, in 2013.

IWA Specialist Groups

Design, operation and maintenance

of drinking water treatment plants

Objectives on Assessment and application of biological tools and

new technologies for water quality surveillance related to
Prepare reports and newsletters of Group activities and emerging pollutants effects.
Convene conferences and workshops.
Support young professionals. Joint Activities with other Specialist
Cooperate with other Specialist Groups (e.g. Natural Groups
Organic Matter (NOM) Removal, Strategic Asset Man-
agement, Wastewater Treatment). Together with the Specialist Group on NOM Removal
Contribute to share experience and operational feed- our group organised the 4th IWA specialist confer-
back in the eld of different practical issues related to ence on NOM in Bath, UK (September 2008). A total
full-scale water treatment plants everyday operation and of 94 abstracts were submitted from all over the world.
management. The Specialist Group submitted three abstracts on
operational issues related to the NOM (by-products,
membranes). Three members of the Specialist Group
Management were on the Programme Committee in charge of the
abstracts review, the establishment of the scientic pro-
At the end of 2010 the management committee was gramme and chairing the conference sessions.
re-organised after Jol Mallevialle retired from his position Together with the Specialist Group on AOP, a confer-
as Chair. Nominations for the new Specialist Group man- ence was organised during the Wasser Berlin exhibition
agement team were received and the current ofcers of in April 2009 on the application of Ozone and Related
the Specialist Group are as follows: Oxidants for Innovative & Current Technologies.
Chair: Dr Zdravka Do Quang Specialist Group on Wastewater Treatment Plants:
Secretary: Dr John Bridgeman organisation in 2009 and 2010 of the IWA specialised
conference Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
The Management Committee of the Specialist Group com- in Towns and Communities of the XXI Century: Tech-
prises nologies, Design & Operation during the ECWATECH
exhibition and conference in June 2010 in Moscow.
Dr Jol Mallevialle (Past Chair) The contribution of the Specialist Group was in the con-
Zuhair T. Al-Shaikhli stitution of the scientic programme of the conference
Ms Svetlana Karabas for the drinking water part applications, the constitution
of the scientic committee, in the research of speakers
The Management Committee is now working on the devel-
and sponsors, and in the review of the abstracts and
opment of a programme of work for the Specialist Group
papers. More than 500 abstracts were submitted.
for the next few years. This will include further conference
and workshop organisation and the production of relevant
position papers, the need for which will be identied by Existing Specialist Group Knowledge
the Specialist Group membership.
on Priority Topics
Group Past Activities Solving operational issues (e.g. case studies) on regu-
lated water quality issues (e.g. turbidity, NOM, etc.).
Over the past three years, the Specialist Group has organ- Deployment of tools (technologies and recommenda-
ised the following events. tions) for practical application by the operators.
Collection and sharing of operational feedback (opera-
It organised a workshop on Assessment and manage- tors training).
ment of health risk related to emerging parameters Maintenance procedures (e.g. asset management).
on drinking water treatment plants: case studies and
examples of application to full-scale operations dur-
ing the World Water Congress in Vienna in September General Trends and Challenges
In 2010 during the IWA World Water Congress in Assessing the future waterborne health risks (e.g.
Montreal the Specialist Group organised a workshop emerging parameters) by integrating the new regulatory

IWA Specialist Groups

changes (e.g. new approaches such as health risk Securing the produced and distributed water quality by
management tools operational deployment) and on-line measure and control with micro-sensors (real-
anticipating water treatment plants evolution (upgrad- time network monitoring).
ing and retrotting) to cope with the new water quality Prevent water resources from pollution and associated
targets (e.g. emerging pollutants, non-regulated water economic issues (CAPEX and OPEX): What cost for
quality parameters) by implementing new treatment which quality of water?

IWA Specialist Groups

Written by A. Cabaj, Ch. Chen, Th. Haider, B. Jimnez, K. OHalloran, G. Hirschmann, Ch. Shang,
H. Shuval, R. Sommer, S.K. Tiwari and R.R. Trussell on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction and upstream and downstream processes. For example

most disinfection processes are far more effective with
Disinfection is one of the most important steps in the treat- a minimisation of solids load in the water, this therefore
ment of water, wastewater and sludge. In any treatment creates the link with the efcacy of upstream ltration.
scheme this step is always included. Moreover, many text Similarly, the characteristics of the downstream reticula-
books present the treatment of water and wastewater tion and governing regulation will dene the link between
as a series of steps to prepare water for disinfection, as primary disinfection and downstream processes such as
this is considered as key to protect public health. Even secondary or residual disinfection, corrosion control and
though the disinfection of drinking water is considered to uoridation.
have been mastered in developed countries, new chal-
lenges have arisen such as the need to look for different Once the integration map for disinfection has been estab-
approaches to disinfect water in order to remove Crypt- lished then the operational aspects of disinfection can
osporidium, an emerging pathogen that has been the be examined in detail, and performance criteria and
cause of outbreaks and even deaths in some countries minimum standards can be established. Herein lies the
(McKenzie et al. 1994; Goldstein et al. 1996, Yamamoto next key challenge; how do we assess the performance
et al. 1996; Willocks et al. 1998; Semenza and Nichols of disinfection and what standards are adequate? A use-
2007). Something similar can be said for developing coun- ful way to approach this is in the context of the environ-
tries, where new challenges are adding to existing ones. ment in which disinfection is practised, for example, what
For instance, Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium recently are the main microbial challenges present in the water to
linked to gastric ulcers and cancers (Watanabe et al. be disinfected, viral, bacterial, protozoan, or all of these?
2005) has been the cause of diseases in children under There has been much discussion amongst learned col-
10 years of age with rates up to 15 times higher than those leagues regarding the efcacy of different disinfectants
observed in developed countries and these rates are 10% and in truth there is no one disinfection process that is
higher in rural than in urban areas and may be linked the best in all cases, but it is true that chlorination remains
to unsafe water consumption (Klein et al. 1991; Mitchel the most widely used form of disinfection and it is usu-
et al. 1992; Pounder and Ng 1995), Although humankind ally targeted towards acceptable inactivation of chlorine
has made great progress in research on the macroscopic resistant viruses, hereby accepting that attaining this level
scale, the microbial eld remains a challenge. There is of disinfection will accommodate adequate inactivation of
a need for research and technology to develop different bacteria as well. In this case there will be an inherent reli-
and more efcient ways to disinfect water, wastewater and ance on the upstream ltration process for the removal of
sludge and avoid the production of side effects. This text protozoan challenges.
is intended to present the state of the art and outline the
future challenges in this eld. There now remains a key challenge of disinfection which
virus do we target to establish our disinfection perform-
ance targets? Again there is no one choice that is best
Main challenges for all as viral prevalence in raw water catchments varies
greatly throughout the world and indeed between neigh-
It may sound trite but the rst and greatest challenge for bouring catchments with different land uses. However,
disinfection is to dene the expectations of the process. taking tropical and sub-tropical environments as an exam-
Disinfection is often mistaken for sterilisation in which ple the coxsackieviruses have been the target pathogens
there is an expectation of a complete kill of all microorgan- of choice due to their prevalence and resilience in the
isms. This is clearly not the case and it is widely agreed environment.
that a risk based multi-barrier approach to water purica-
tion is the most sensible approach to providing water that Finally, we arrive at the challenge of determining an accept-
is t to drink. able performance for disinfection. Certainly a CT-based
approach based on log inactivation has gained widespread
Having understood that disinfection is one part of an inte- popularity however, it is not universally accepted and again
grated approach to water purication, albeit perhaps the a risk based approach involving full consultation between
most important part, there is now the challenge of under- all stakeholders is essential from the very beginning of
standing the strength and limitations of disinfection. In designing a disinfection process and should be maintained
other words clearly understanding what disinfection can as the vehicle for management for disinfection reviews and
and cannot do denes the links between disinfection responses to changing environments.

IWA Specialist Groups

Drinking water disinfection high-expected chloramination has been proven to yield

more toxic DBPs, such as nitrosamines and iodo-DBPs in
The issues that drinking water disinfection needs to some cases (Krasner et. al., 2006). The new generation
account for include not just pathogen elimination but also of DBPs reminds that DBP precursor removal might be
bio-stability and corrosion control in the distribution system safer than developing new disinfectants.
as well as the DBP formation. In some cases, disinfect-
ants were applied as the oxidants to help the coagulation In all, drinking water disinfection can never be simply
performance in the water treatment plants. The multiple regarded as one single step for pathogen inactivation.
requirements and subtle balance between each require- The combination of multiple disinfectants and precursor
ment have made drinking water disinfection one of the removal by enhanced water treatment processes could
most troublesome and comprehensive tasks in water be the only nal solution for comprehensive water safety.
industry although the direct cost of disinfectant addition Enhance conventional process will guarantee the efuent
is very limited. turbidity as low as 0.1 NTU which will benet the inacti-
vation of pathogen. Ozone and GAC are applied for DBP
Pathogen elimination is the rst goal of disinfectants. precursor removal on the basis of conventional process.
The existence of chlorine-resistant pathogens, such as UV is used for Cryptosporidium and other pathogen con-
Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Legionella, Mycobacteria, have trol and limit dosage of chlorine, chloramines or chlorine
driven the development of new disinfectants or process dioxide is added to maintain the residual disinfectant and
in the past and forward decades (Corona-Vasquez et. al., suppress the biolm formation in the distribution system
2002; Haas & Kaymak, 2003; Kim et. al., 2002; Hilborn with the aid of nutrient removal during the water treatment
et. al., 2006). Free chlorine, as liquid chlorine or sodium process.
hypochlorite, will still serve as the primary disinfectant due
to its high efciency to inactivate the majority of bacte-
ria and viruses. Chlorine dioxide has better performance Requirements on drinking water disinfection
on bacteria including Legionella and Mycobacteria than by UV irradiation
chlorine (Huang et. al., 1997). Its application increased
rapidly in small water treatment plants but limited in large The disinfection of water by UV irradiation has become
WTPs due to the concern of chlorite where high dosage a credible alternative to chemical disinfection procedures
needed. UV radiation has been proven to be the best avail- using chlorine or ozone, especially since it was demon-
able technology for Cryptosporidium and Giardia control strated that this technology is very effective against (oo)
(Linden et. al., 2002). However, UV disinfection does not cysts of the protozoa Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Another
improve the chemical quality of water. Therefore it can- reason for the increased acceptance of UV drinking water
not lower down the subsequent chlorine demand. Ozone, disinfection throughout the world is attributed to the bet-
potassium permanganate and potassium monopersulfate ter understanding of the process and the higher quality
will be applied more as oxidants rather than disinfect- assurance of the UV disinfection plants. Establishment of
ants although they have better inactivation efciency on quality standards on the requirements as well as validation
the mentioned chlorine-resistant pathogens (Roy 2010). testing and certication of commercial UV plants have pro-
Physical barrier, esp. membrane ltration could also be vided the basis for the safe application of drinking water
regarded as the effective disinfection method in the sense disinfection by UV irradiation. Two different techniques
that it is very efcient at removing relatively high size path- of UV irradiation have been established for water disin-
ogens from water. fection: low pressure lamps with quasi monochromatic
emission at 253.7 nm and medium pressure lamps with
However, the majority of disinfectant consumption was polychromatic emission. In the latter case, it is even more
due to requirement of maintaining the residual disinfectant complex to determine the microbicidal UV uence, since
till the tap rather than inactivating the pathogens. Control the wavelengths account differently for the inactivation of
of bacteria re-growth and biolm, or bio-stability problem microorganisms (Cabaj et al. 2001). As an example a 3-log
were even more difcult than inactivation since the micro- reduction of spores of Bacillus subtilis requires a uence of
organism existed in the complex niche such as scale and 800 J/m at a wavelength of 254 nm, whereas at a wave-
sediments. Chlorine and chlorine dioxide decayed quickly length of 334 nm a uence of 2.000.000 (2 million) J/m
due to the reaction with organics in bulk water and reduc- is needed (Cabaj et al. 2002). Owing to the differences
tive matters such as ferrous on the wall. They are applied in lamp emission and the consequences thereof the UV
in small scale networks or low-DOC-concentration atmos- uence generated by UV low pressure lamps and that by
phere. That is the reason why chloramination performed UV medium pressure lamps cannot be compared directly.
well as secondary disinfectant in metropolitans with huge Therefore is advisable to deal with these two techniques
networks. Ozone and UV cannot satisfy the residual separately.
requirement in the distribution system.
Although UV inactivation is already known since 100 years
One of the other side effects of disinfectant addition is the many concerns have been raised regarding its reliability for
corrosion control. Strong oxidants support the formation of water disinfection. This lack of trust hampered the applica-
passivation layer on the pipe wall (Kuch, 1988). However, tion and the distribution of this technology for a long time.
the replacement of chloramines instead of free chlorine The main objections have been the following:
led to the release of lead or iron in some cases (Lytle &
Shock, 2005). no objective criteria for the efciency of UV disinfection
systems and therefore no possibility to compare differ-
DBP formation has been the main driving force of alterna- ent types of commercially available UV plants (competi-
tive disinfectants development since 1970s. However, the tion on the market distorted);

IWA Specialist Groups

no possibility of an independent check of the proper UV-253,7 nm calibrated microorganism (e.g. spores of
function of the UV plant during practical operating (lack Bacillus subtilis or phage MS2) is introduced to the UV
of condence); irradiation chamber under different operating conditions.
no direct measurement of the disinfectant possible The resulting reduction of the biodosimeter is converted by
(lack of control). means of the UV-254,7 nm calibration curve into Reduc-
tion Equivalent Fluence, REF (J/m) with the following for-
Besides the many advantages of the UV technology, it mula, where N/No is the survival rate, k is the slope of the
became evident that the UV uence (dose) delivered by linear part of the survival curve in m/J (UV-sensitivity) and
a UV system can still not be directly measured nor can d is the distance between the intercept of the linear part
it be calculated. This is because during UV irradiation in with the ordinate and the origin.
a ow-through system several factors act in a complex
combination: the output of the UV lamps, the water ow, d
1 N 10
the UV transmittance of the water being irradiated and REF =  log 1
especially important the hydraulic properties of the K
UV device. As a consequence of inhomogeneous irra-
diation geometries and UV plant specic, unpredictable
hydraulic behaviour each microorganism receives an indi- Owing to the different history of origins specic distinc-
vidual UV uence. Therefore large uence distributions tions occur between these UV disinfection standards. The
within the microorganisms may occur (Cabaj et al. 1996). following highlights some important differences of the
New technologies like computational uid dynamics or approaches.
Lagrangian Actinometry with dyed microspheres provide
additional information, verication with biodosimetry is Considering the general goal of safe drinking water disin-
still essential. fection, represented by a reduction of the concentration
of drinking water transmittable, relevant pathogenic para-
For the quality assurance of safe UV water disinfection a sites and viruses by 3 and 4 log, respectively, a UV u-
four-step approach has been proven useful: (a) the knowl- ence (253.7 nm) of 400 J/m is demanded in the Austrian
edge of the UV resistance of pathogenic microorganisms and German standards (Austrian Standards Institute 2001
transmittable by water to choose a sufcient high UV u- 2003; Deutsche Vereinigung fr das Gas- und Wasserfach
ence (UV dose); (c) a standardised measuring window 2006). The UV uence of 400 J/m also covers photorepair
and a UV sensor for the measurement of the UV irradi- of bacteria possessing the enzyme photolyase (Sommer
ance which allows checks against ofcial specications et al. 2000) and includes a 4-log inactivation of most of the
(W/m), (c) a standardised evaluation of the microbicidal relevant viruses, e.g. hepatitis A virus, rotavirus, poliovirus
efcacy of commercial UV plants by biodosimetric testing and calicivirus (Sommer et al. 1989; De Roda Husman
and (d) the surveillance of the operating parameters (ow, et al. 2004). The high UV resistance of adenovirus is not
irradiance, UV transmittance) during practical operation taken into account. In Austria and Germany UV irradia-
by means of dened alarm points. tion often represents the only disinfection step. Therefore
especially high requirements have to be demanded.
UV irradiation proved being broadly effective against
all pathogens (bacteria, viruses and protozoa) that can The drinking water disinfection in the USEPA standard is
be transmitted through drinking water. Of these patho- based on the inactivation of target pathogens individually
gens, viruses (especially Adenovirus 40) are more UV dened for a specic water treatment plant. Therefore the
resistant than bacteria, which are more resistant than demanded UV-253,7 nm uences vary and are as low as
Cryptosporidium and Giardia (Clancy et al. 2000; Craig 120 J/m for a 3 log inactivation of Cryptosporidium and
et al. 2000; Meng and Gerba 1996). Inactivation stud- Giardia but even high as 1860 J/m for a 4 log reduction of
ies under controlled laboratory conditions have been per- adenovirus. In this regard UV disinfection is often used for
formed in recent decades providing a valuable data base. the inactivation of parasites and combined with chlorina-
For an overview see Hijnen et al. (2006). tion to cover the inactivation of viruses as well. Accord-
ing to USEPA UV systems validated according to NORM
In view of the factors mentioned above, it was necessary to and DVGW are granted 3 log inactivation of (oo)cysts of
develop and establish standard protocols for the validation Cryptosporidium and Giardia.
of UV disinfection systems. This has been carried out by
three organisations:
Wastewater disinfection
the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA
the German Association for Gas and Water (DVGW History
the Austrian Standards Institute (NORM M 5873- The worlds population has signicantly surpassed the
1:2001, low pressure systems and NORM M 5873- extent to which the natural environment is able to ade-
2:2003, medium pressure systems). quately assimilate pathogens that are present in waste-
water. Although wastewater is not universally disinfected,
The use of biodosimetry to measure the disinfection many countries have implemented disinfection efforts to
capacity of commercial UV disinfection plants is common protect recreational and drinking water systems, as well
to the UV disinfection standards of all three organisations as waterways supporting natural resources such as sh,
(Sommer et al. 2008). The investigation is performed in shellsh and wildlife. Traditionally, chlorine has been the
full scale under controlled operating conditions usually disinfectant of choice to mitigate acute health risks asso-
at a test centre (Sommer et al. 1993). In biodosimetry a ciated with the oral-fecal route of disease transmission

IWA Specialist Groups

through water (Tchobanoglous et al. 2003). In the past different disinfection options can be capitalised in one
three decades, concerns have arisen in relation to the use process.
of chlorine and chloramines that are formed when chlorine Given that there are still things yet to be discovered and
is added to wastewater. These concerns include: resist- constituents of concern continue to grow steadily, it is
ance of some pathogens (such as spores, (oo)cysts and important to implement an on-going program to assess
some enteric viruses), as well as the formation of an array new contaminants in wastewater, as well as treatment
of toxic disinfection by-products (DBPs), namely THMs, by-products. Given this situation, most changes and
HAAs and NDMA, and the need to address trace organic developments are likely to emerge out of necessity.
pollutants. These ndings have fuelled the consideration
of alternative disinfectants (U.S. EPA, 1986; Tang et al.
2010; Tchobanoglous et al. 2003). New products for disinfection

Alternative disinfection options The need for effective new

secondary residual disinfectants:
In light of the current knowledge base, the ideal disinfec-
hydrogen peroxide/silver (HP/AG)
tion process, removes a wide range of target pathogens,
minimises the unintended consequences of disinfection formulations
(i.e. DBPs formation) and reduces trace organic pollutants
(i.e. a modern concern as drinking water resources and The approaching end of the chlorine era is already result-
wastewater become more integrated) (Tang et al. 2011). ing in a move by the water industry, worldwide, to evaluate
Established disinfection options include: chloramination, and introduce alternative primary disinfectants with less
breakpoint chlorination, ultraviolet irradiation (UV) and negative public health and taste and odour problems. The
ozonation (Leong et al. 2009). It is important to note that most likely candidates for alternative primary disinfectants
the majority of disinfection processes pose a DBP chal- to replace chlorine are ozone, UV radiation and ultra/nano-
lenge, so the goal is to minimise the formation of DBPs. An ltration. These are all effective water disinfection proc-
attractive alternative to any single disinfectant is the com- esses but they do not provide residual disinfection effects
bination of disinfectants, which is advantageous because which are required by regulations in the USA, England and
a wider spectrum of pathogens are attenuated, the extent many other countries. However, USEPA regulations spec-
of DBP formation is often reduced and trace organics are ify chlorine as the sole residual disinfectant. Thus, with the
typically better addressed. The following combinations are growing interest in ending the use of chlorine, and chlo-
gaining popularity: sequential chlorination (Maguin et al. ramines there is a need for the approval of new second-
2009); peracetic acid (a peroxide) and UV; ozone and UV; ary-residual disinfectants. The USEPA has the authority to
and chlorine and UV (Leong et al. 2009). develop the protocol required for the testing and approval
of effective alternative secondary disinfectants, but to date
has not been done so. This has resulted in an obstacle
Emerging concerns in the development of alternative non-chlorine secondary
Several developments have unveiled and continue to
unveil several unforeseen challenges in relation to the dis- Bromine, Iodine and Ag used as disinfectants in camping
infection of wastewater. Recent ndings and trends that and private homes have not been approved for municipal
deserve additional attention include: water supplies in any country. Hydrogen peroxide-silver
(HP/AG) formulations have been approved for drinking
As challenges with water and wastewater begin to amal- water disinfection in Europe and have been registered as
gamate, with increased indirect potable and de facto (or safe from a toxicological point of view by FIFRA-EPA (FIFRA
unplanned) reuse, proper disinfection becomes increas- Sec (c) April 18th 2008-EPA Registration No.84526-1).
ingly critical. The natural barriers that we once relied
upon are disappearing quickly and need to be augment- Hydrogen peroxide (HP) is a well known, mild disinfect-
ed through treatment barriers. ant. HP used alone has not been found to serve as an
The characteristics of the wastewater are rapidly chang- effective drinking water disinfectant. Research and devel-
ing as the world become more integrated, leading to the opment work initially in Europe (Deak and Kadar, 1987)
need to address a wider variety of contaminants, be- and later in Israel (Pedhazur et al. 1995; Pehazur et al.
cause diseases prevalent in one region, are apt to show 1997) revealed that formulations of HP combined with
up in another region. very small concentrations of oligodynamic silver (AG) as
The discovery of new contaminants is expanding much an activating/potentiation agent (HP/AG) provide a disin-
faster than we are able to address them and adequately fectant power some 100 times greater against faecal indi-
understand their effect on human health. For example, cator organisms, such as E. coli bacteria, than HP alone
prions are known to exist in wastewater, but their signi- and has a long lasting residual disinfectant-bactericidal/
cance and the treatment mechanism for their removal bacteriostatic effect in water distribution systems, tanks,
are poorly understood, and potential interference of and reservoirs lasting many days and months.(Shuval
nanoparticles with disinfection is also not well under- 1999; Liberti et al. 2000) The HP/AG formulations have
stood. been found to be particularly effective in cooling towers
Continued research efforts are necessary for innova- and in controlling Legionella bacteria in hot water systems
tive technologies, which include peracetic acid, ferrate, since their efcacy increases with increasing temperature
brominated chemicals, pasteurisation and combined (Armon et al. 2000; Shuval, et al. 2009). Other advan-
treatment options. Combined treatment options are tages are taste and odour control and reduction of THM
especially promising, because the unique efcacies of residuals (Batterman et al. 2000). Studies have indicated

IWA Specialist Groups

that the probable bactericidal mode of action of the com- 2007). The discovery of these emerging DBPs with higher
bined formulation is a biological potentiation interaction at health risk suggests the need for looking into their forma-
the molecular level which apparently increases the entry tion and control, although their concentrations in waters
and penetration of the biocide through the bacterial cell are much lower than those of the regulated ones.
wall and facilitates intra-cellular inactivation (Pedhazur
et al. 1997, 2000). Attention is also being paid to discover new DBPs from dif-
ferent disinfection means and in different water matrices
In drinking water disinfection HP/AG formulations are including disinfected potable water, wastewater efuents
generally applied so that the initial concentration of HP and swimming pool water. Although there are about 700
is from 5-30 ppm, and the initial concentration of AG is polar and non-polar DBPs reported in the literature, lit-
from 5-30 ppb. While not yet widely used in drinking water tle is known about their quantities, after disinfection, and
treatment, especially in Europe, HP/AG formulations most their health impacts. Alternatives including assessing total
probable future niche in the world water treatment eld is organic halogens, overall toxicity, and precursor availability
as an effective, non-toxic long acting secondary residual in nished waters are being considered. Efforts are also
drinking water disinfectant used in conjunction with ozone, being made to understand the ecological impacts of DBPs
UV or nanoltration which provide no residual disinfectant in receiving waters and, for potable and swimming pool
action (Shuval 1999; Warila et al. 2001). In the USA this waters, the signicance of our exposure to some DBPs
would require EPA approval as an equivalent to chlorine through inhalation and dermal contact. Combining two
for residual treatment. Studies show that HP/AG meets disinfection means is being considered to provide both
those criteria. The patented HP/AG formulations provide multiple disinfection barriers and by-product control.
a stable product with a long shelf life (Gitye and Gomori
2010). Further information is available from the commer-
cial rms. There may well be other promising alternative Sludge disinfection
secondary residual disinfectants waiting in the pipeline for
the opportunity to be tested and approved and enter into The treatment of sludge is commonly presented as a sta-
the market. An initiative by the USEPA and/or WHO on this bilisation process in which treatment is applied to produce
could be of value. a semi-solid material which does not cause harm when
disposed of into the soil or to a land ll. The objective is
to produce a material that biodegrades easily, does not
By-products leach and does not contain pathogenic microorganisms.
Owing to climate change concerns, the disposal of munici-
After the recognition of chloroform as a probable carcino- pal sludge to landlls is becoming increasingly difcult.
gen and by-product produced after chlorine disinfection of The disposal of sludge to agricultural land may therefore
natural waters in 1970s (Rook, 1974), balancing the risk of increase, especially as a tool to sequester carbon. Rec-
communicable disease transmission spread by waterborne lamation of sludge in agricultural elds is still the most
microorganisms against the risk of toxicity from exposure common way to dispose of municipal biosolids worldwide
to disinfection by-products (DBPs) has long become an (Leblanc, et al. 2008). Among the problems to safely
important task in water quality control. The over 30 years reclaim sludge in this way is the need to produce cleaner
of efforts from water professionals allow us to understand biosolids and properly disinfect the sludge. In contrast to
the signicance and health risks of some DBPs includ- wastewater, disinfection requirements for sludge in devel-
ing trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs) oped and developing countries are dramatically different.
and others, leading to the promulgation of regulations The microbial sludge content reects public health condi-
and guidelines (USEPA 2006; WHO 2008) and the fol- tions. The disinfection of sludge is and will be an important
low-up development of technological solutions for control challenge in developing countries as the microbial content
of these DBPs. In general, the common practices for by- is not only notably higher but also includes a wider variety
product control fall into three categories: the use of alter- of extremely resistant microorganisms (Jimnez-Cisneros
native disinfectants such as chloramines, UV, ozone and 2011, Table 1). The complexity of the matrix in sludge
chlorine dioxide; modication of the operating condition (high organic matter and particle content) poses a real
(e.g., changing pH) to suppress the formation; and further challenge to efciently inactivate pathogens. This occurs
reduction of precursors by processes such as enhanced particularly in basic sanitation processes intended for low
coagulation and granular activated carbon adsorption. income regions, for which non-sophisticated but highly
Nevertheless, new knowledge of toxicity, formation, and robust technology must be used.
control of DBPs have been continuously being revealed.

Several emerging DBPs have been recognised for their sig- Conclusions
nicance. The most well-known one is N-nitrosodimeth-
ylamine, which is favourably formed from chloramination Disinfection is one of the most important steps in the treat-
and in wastewater (Mitch and Sedlak 2002; Mitch et al. ment of water, wastewater and sludge as it is included in
2003). Other emerging nitrogenous DBPs include other any treatment scheme. Even though disinfection might be
nitrosamines, heloacetonitriles, haloamides, and heloni- considered as a mastered practice, challenges remain to
tromethanes, many of which have be found more genotoxic proper disinfect water, wastewater and sludge face to new
and cytotoxic than the regulated DBPs (Plewa et al. 2008; pollutants and the production of disinfection by-products.
Richardson et al. 2007). Iodinated DBPs, which are formed
in signicant higher quantity in chloraminated drinking The impressive scientic and technical work performed
water (Krasner et al. 2006), are found more toxic than the in the past 20 years in the eld of UV drinking water
brominated and chlorinated analogues (Richardson et al. disinfection has led to a high enhancement of quality

IWA Specialist Groups

Table 1 Helminth ova content in the wastewater and sludge of different countries (Jimnez-Cisneros 2011)
1 1
Country/region Municipal wastewater HO L Sludge HO g TS
Developing countries 703000 70735
Brazil 166202 75
Egypt 642 Mean: 67; Maximum: 735
Ghana No data 76
Jordan 300 No data
Mexico 698 in cities 73177
Up to 330 in rural and peri-urban areas

Morocco 840 No data

Syria 800 No data
Ukraine 60 No data
France 9 57
Germany No data <1
Great Britain No data <6
United States 18 213

resulting in acceptance and trust in this disinfection tech- Batterman, S., Zhang, L., and Wang, S. (2000) Quenching of chlo-
nique. Owing to this progress UV disinfection ts into rination disinfection by product formation in drinking water
modern approaches for safe drinking water based on by hydrogen peroxide. Water Research 34: 16521658.
risk assessment and water safety plans. The operating Black S., Thurston J. and Gerba C. (2009) Determination of Ct for
chlorine of resistant enteroviruses. Journal of Environmental
parameters UV irradiance (W/m) and water ow (optional
Science & Health, A, 44(4): 336339.
additional water transmittance-253,7 nm) serve as critical Black & Veatch Corporation (2010) Whites Handbook of
control points in the HAACCP concept of the water safety Chlorination and Alternative Disinfectants, 5th edition,
plan protecting public health. Biodosimetry is a powerful pp. 370375.
tool to determine germicidal uence of a UV ow through Kim B.R., Anderson J.E,. Mueller S.A,. Gaines W.A, A. Kendall M.
system. One may deduce that the quality assurance of UV (2002) Literature reviewefcacy of various disinfect-
disinfection reached by the international quality standards ants against Legionella in water systems. Water Research.
is meanwhile superior to other disinfection methods as 36: 44334444.
treatment with chlorine or ozone. Cabaj, A., Sommer, R. and Schoenen, D. (1996) Biodosimetry: mod-
el calculations for UV water disinfection devices with regard to
dose distributions. Water Research 30(4): 10031009.
In contrast to wastewater, disinfection requirements for Cabaj, A., Sommer, R., Pribil, W. and Haider, Th. (2001) What
sludge in developed and developing countries are dramati- means dose in UV-disinfection with medium pressure
cally different. The disinfection of sludge is and will be an lamps? Ozone Science & Engineering 23: 23924.
important challenge in developing countries as the microbial Cabaj, A., Sommer, R., Pribil, W. and Haider, T. (2002) The spectral
content is not only notably higher but also includes a wider UV sensitivity of microorganisms used in biodosimetry. Water
variety of extremely resistant microorganisms demanding Science and Technology, Water Supply 2(3): 175181.
Clancy, J.L., Bukhari, Z., Hargy, T.M., Bolton J.R., Dussert,
for more efcient but low cost procedures to disinfect.
B.W. and Marshall, M.M. (2000) Using UV to inactivate
Cryptosporidium. Journal of the American Water Works
Association 92(9): 97104.
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IWA Specialist Groups

IAHR/IWA/IAHS HydroInformatics
Joint Committee
This was Hydroinformatics vision 2011, the synoptic report of the working group,
edited by K.P. Holz, WG Chair, J.A. Cunge, R. Lehfeldt and D. Savic

Hydroinformatics where do we second possibility of the alternative decided to create a

Working Group with the purpose to try to dene a Vision
stand? for this domain. With obvious background thinking that
the future must not be constrained by IAHR/IWA/IAHS
Hydroinformatics has a tradition and remarkable merits in limits but must extend bridges towards all domains of
the development of computational simulation software for interest concerning water where hydroinformatics con-
physical processes of the water-environment world. Never- cepts exist or will appear.
theless it is felt that for a long time now there has been a
limitation in innovation areas as compared to developments
and evolution of what is called water sector. Hydroinfor-
matics, which within the IAHR stemmed from the activities
HydroInformatics Vision aspects as
of numerical simulation and hydrodynamic modelling, is perceived by the Working Group
still, within this environment, generally understood in such
limited way. Steps are now needed to reshape Hydroinfor- What is a vision? Various aspects of HydroInformatics
matics to the needs of today and, even more important, of (HI) vision as conceived by the authors of the Report are:
the future.
General aspects : HI is a domain of science and tech-
Indeed, already now and more in the future there is the nology covering the management of information on
need for creative solutions to the challenges coming about the eld of water and related subjects. This does not
with the move of society towards open information, to glo- provide clear cut frontiers and allows for overlapping
balisation of business and markets and to networking in with other domains. It does not dene any specic
the Internet. The potential and options of modern Informa- (except for the word water) clarication or limita-
tion and Communication Technologies (ICT) will be imple- tions. Both drinking water pressurised pipe networks
mented everywhere within the water domain. Question is: and socio-economic consequences down to legisla-
will these future developments occur without being based tion concerning water use may serve here as a typical
on, inuenced, helped by the experience of the IAHR/IWA examples of this domain. Vision: What this domain
hydroinformatics currently existing community or does will become within next, say, 10 years?
this community steps aside and constraints its interest to Specic aspects : HI ambitions to coordinate sciences
modelling technologies in hydrodynamics? In other terms, and technologies related to water and water sector thus
there is an alternative: assuming horizontal role in interweaving the ndings,
initiatives, policies. Vision: The interweaving, coordi-
Either this community concentrates on academic nating and synergetic use of ndings and technology
research in hydraulics and hydrology using to that end will become conscious and organised activity. In other
all ICT developments available and leaving water sector words: post industrial ICT revolution and increasing
industry and stakeholders to use the results of the importance for humanity of water will at any rate tend
research. automatically to link all strings together. This unavoid-
Or this community will participate proactively, offer and able evolution can be guided, accelerated and aided
use its past experience, in developing a new approach to reduce as much error as possible rst through the
to water sector activities of research, implementation, wide recognition of that situation by concerned stake-
applications, communication, information management, holders and then thanks to their conscious attitudes
in common with all stakeholders (engineering, manage- and activities. This can be considered as the vision
ment, political, citizens), through innovative interwoven for ambitious community. The vision leading to ally
way of collaboration ? and unite concepts in ways most useful for human
purposes. It involves the problems of ethics, sustain-
For the second possibility of the alternative (second ability, future of the planet earth, etc., etc., although
bullet point above) the framework of the existing (since the Report has no ambition to develop them all.
1992) IAHR/IWA Hydroinformatics Committee is obvi- Organisational aspects : Related to HI ambitions but,
ously too limited. That is why rst of all enlargement of this time, to coordinate and interweave organisations,
the Committee to the IAHS (International Association for governments and individuals such as IAHR/IWA/IAHS
Scientic Hydrology) was decided couple of years ago Committee on Hydroinformatics, governmental agen-
but up to now has not been implemented effectively. cies, etc. Those are many visions, not just one! Vision:
More signicantly the Committee, choosing to follow the Staying within our (current HI community) frontiers

IWA Specialist Groups

of possibilities and competences the ambition could making processes: they want to be involved in matters
be limited to build bridges over the gaps, to act upon about which they care and communicate. It is essential,
educational aspects, to encourage research in certain however, that they clearly understand if and which are the
directions, to convince the stakeholders from and out- objective constraints related to physical laws or political/
side of engineering domains to work together using economic reasons and that whatever is done or wished is
means of information management and of exchange the subject to these constraints. The technical means for
that we can supply. communication and information necessary to these ends
are at hand. ICTs have dramatically changed whole econo-
mies and societies, system components are becoming
Changes that condition smaller and increasingly network-orientated and mobile
HydroInformatics vision-background and the exibility of software is opening new dimensions.
Information-sharing and Cooperation between citizens
The background against which one must consider the and stakeholders, consultants, authorities and lawmakers
place of HydroInformatics changed dramatically during last have become a central and feasible issue of the day.
decade. Essential characteristic of the change in water/
environmental areas is the reciprocal interactive evolution Professional engineering and business are unthinkable today
of societal and technical domains. without the evolution of the Internet and mobile devices
meanwhile representing the dominant infrastructure of ICT.
Water/environment issues, within these present days of cli- Networking-embedded systems and networking services
mate change and growing global population have become are offering new perspectives in nearly all elds from engi-
a major challenge for human economies and their social neering to households; they are pushing developments in
organisations. They necessitate more and more complex all areas, representing an enormous business market which
approaches at a more and more trans-national level. The will also reect mentally on societal developments.
essential aim of such management is to avoid, if possible
or at least minimise, the risks of crises in water supply and In view of these societal and technological changes, all
waste water treatment for populations, in water scarcity for of what is called water sector activities (including all
irrigation, in management of consequences of oods, and activities and aspects of use, management, legislation and
so forth. The traditional vision of a water domain founded directives, protection and political decisions concerning
on a separation of problems and cycles (small/large) on water) is being completely transformed and modied.
one hand and professions (drinking water, sewage and These transformations are founded on three pillars:
evacuation, hydrology, uvial, maritime, groundwater...) on
the other hand seems to fade away, leaving the room for (i) Dealing with water problems on different scales of
unication/integration of all of this into a coherent unity. structures and the integration in face of foreseen
scarcity, generalised pollution, climate change and
Society over recent decades has become much more aware the growth of mega-cities.
of the threatened sustainability of the second economy
(ii) Change in the composition of decision making bod-
which we commonly call the natural environment. Most
ies: instead of engineers only, a whole new entity
built infrastructures are considered as interferences in the
composed of stakeholders including the general pop-
environment and their impacts must be correspondingly
ulation, elected bodies, NGOs, the media etc. is now
minimised and, if possible, made controllable. This trend
is supported in more recent times by the long-ongoing dis-
cussion on climate change. The water world, especially, (iii) Penetration of all activities, structures, behaviour and
has become much more sensitive to and aware of these reexes of the whole water industry and indeed of all
issues. A new awareness of the notion of environmental concerned groups and individuals by ICT, Internet
footprints introduced itself in the society. and mobile communication networks.

Awareness and sensitivity in a society which is becoming It is in this context that the denition of HydroInformatics as
more open, transparent and communicative, has been collection (including data surveys, etc.), creation (including
multiplied by modern developments of the ICT. The Inter- modelling), interpretation (including integration of various
net is accessible nearly everywhere at any time providing domains inputs), communication (including projection of
Web-services for communication, information and sharing the results and impacts towards large public) and manage-
on documents, pictures, music and videos. Because of ment (including aid in participation of decision makers)
ease of access to and variety of information and views the of information concerning water sector activities should
citizens in a post-modern condition of society (commonly be used. This is new and to underscore this evolution the
associated with what the European Union Lisbon agenda Working Group proposes to use from now onwards the term
likes to call an information society) have become more HydroInformatics (with capital I) rather than traditional one
curious and active, and even proactive about upcoming of Hydroinformatics. Indeed, HydroInformatics, for becom-
changes and the consequences of these for their futures, ing an accepted player in these elds, has to change mental-
and even for their lives. Politically-oriented developments ity and views; it has to implement techniques and methods
within societies that are, ostensibly at least, directed from ICT and information science to collaborate intensively
towards more educated and more engaged citizens, have with other disciplines, not only on the technical level. Only
led to more individuals and public interest groups who in this way can relevant aspects of socio-economics, law
want to understand what is happening within their environ- and regulations, culture and traditions as well as workow,
ments: what is being planned on the local or global political psychology, information policies and media be integrated
level and why this should be good and benecial to them. into system approaches. Such systems will change the
Groups want to be heard and to participate in decision working situation of engineers, their education objectives,

IWA Specialist Groups

create job opportunities and inuence societies; they will for improving its quality, for managing its quantity and for
support decision making in collaboration with the public protecting against damages in view of sustainability and
showing benet and risk to involved citizens and stakehold- climate change. The activities are embedded in the objec-
ers and help generating consensus. tives of a sustainable socio-economic development of
society and communication processes between citizens,
HI takes and will take advantage of the general progresses stakeholders, companies and politicians.
of ICT (hard and soft), as all human activities do. Clearly,
the increase of CPU power (massive parallel computing, We are at a time when the inuence of modelling is growing
cloud computing, etc.) extends the possibilities of our rapidly. Models of complex physical and human behaviour
numerical models, and of 3-D displays; clearly Web 2.x are coming into routine use. Ordinary, everyday devices
opens the access to our information to millions of new contain inbuilt processors running embedded models.
users; and the new products in the elds of micro-sensors, We barely notice the insidious spread of models into our
alternative power supply, wireless telecoms, revolutionise lives. HydroInformatics community should be leading the
the whole domain of real-time monitoring and, conse- way by embracing and promoting many and varied uses
quently real-time management. But the evolution in HI is of models in water and environmental management and
nally driven, not by these techno-progresses, but by the engineering.
growing awareness that, even if modelling is historically the
centre of HI, it should be connected-interwoven with all Besides techniques and methods directed towards the
the various aspects-businesses of the Water- Environment description and functioning of systems, models remain
domain. the core technological elements of HydroInformatics, but
have to be understood, however, in a wider than traditional
Viewed like that HI is the template to business process sense. Traditionally they described the physics of ow and
approach of all projects as well as implementation of man- transport and its interaction with other aspects such as the
agement systems within water sector. growth and decay of species, habitats and populations,
and then in terms of quality and quantity. These models
interact with further models about socio-economic and
HydroInformatics and its main areas societal developments of regions, generating a nonlinearly
of interest and activities against interacting system of models of whatever is supposed to
constitute the real world.
the background
Projects, infrastructure and the business of organisational
Informatics and Information in the units have to be managed and coordinated. Strategies for
Water Sector workow and for running processes of technical, busi-
ness, nancial and communication systems have to be
HydroInformatics comprehends all information technol- designed for in-house and public and political environ-
ogies, methods, models, processes and systems applied ments. The transformation and interfacing of information
in the water-sector and water-issues related neigh- from various elds has to be modelled by descriptions and
bouring elds. Information is understood in an abstract methods which support their implementation in digital
sense; it may be about physics, environment, economy, form. To create tools and methods allowing all water sector
social issues, organisation, law, regulations and more. stakeholders to conceive and interweave (if not normalise)
Models and processes concern physics, business, work- integrated and coherent Information Systems is no doubt
ow, communication, management and more again. Thus the future.
HydroInformatics applies, generates, models, manages,
transforms, condenses and archives information concern- Models of physics and organisational processes might be
ing the water-sector. seen just as generators of information providing raw data
from diverse application elds. In HydroInformatics this
Traditionally HydroInformatics has been focused on the information has to be cultivated according to the pragmat-
numerical simulation of physical processes in so-called ics for which it has been produced. It has to be processed
models. This limitation is too narrow. The term model and adapted to the needs and objectives of the water sec-
has to be widened up to any kind of information to be mod- tor. Important aspects are of course the diverse nature of
elled in the water sector. As information combines data, interacting simulation models of physics, environments,
methods, syntax and semantic, any simulation model is societies, economies and organisations.
just a piece of information in the same manner as an engi-
neering report, a digital elevation model (DEM), a water Models, however, are not the only aspects: information, be
level monitoring application, an operational plan of a treat- it raw from observation or from simulation, has to be trans-
ment plant or a workow map. formed in such a way as to be communicated in a trans-
parent manner to professionals, politicians and citizens for
Activities in the water sector are oriented towards build- decision making and consensual understanding. More-
ing, managing and operating water-related infrastructure over, models are not necessarily in the form of software;
and utilities as well as towards observation/understanding/ they may be also be intellectual concepts which, if they
management of hydro environment for providing water, concern the water sector and if they ask for informatics

A business process or business method is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specic service or product
(serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. Business Processes can be modeled through a large number of methods
and techniques.

IWA Specialist Groups

to be forwarded, must be put into action or disseminated and its model building. This may be understood in the
within the HydroInformatics domain. sense of structuring information about physical and organ-
isational processes. New techniques have to be devel-
HydroInformatics domain, activity or movement embraces oped, new methods designed, the range of validity and
the full range of what is commonly called business models performance investigated and models be interfaced by a
from public open-source developments through to private standardisation of procedures and data. Innovative con-
commercial developments, without bias towards any par- cepts about geometrical representation and information-
ticular business model. dened objects using by modern ICT must be investigated,
with virtual communication and collaboration processes
Some explicit examples of the subjects that HydroInformat- considered with emphasis on non-engineering clients,
ics is related to and with which close interactivity, already such as partners, as well as processes for education and
existing, will develop tremendously: promoting understanding in decision making. Integrated
processes reected in HI tools, which are sufciently
(i) Major role played by GIS as system structuring all interconnected, may open new request and necessities
information, as pivotal point of integrated Information for further applied research, basically in the bottle necks
System. Note that GIS as specic tool fades away, of existing technologies (such as new features in graphical
becomes a part of other bases like ORACLE Spatial. tools, much faster computational engines, wireless nets
and mobility etc.).
(ii) Real time problems: sensors, SCADA, Real Time
databases, related telecom systems;
Education and Life Long Learning
(iii) Tools of operational management (work manage-
ment systems), of the maintenance and of asset HydroInformatics aims at the education of staff to do these
Management. kinds of jobs; such persons might even be seen as infor-
mation managers and advisors. Their prole is not one that
Whenever water related problems, or, more widely, the envi- is supposed to manage people or organisations: they are
ronmental questions are concerned , there is continuity in supposed to manage information within the complex areas
the background of all of the activities that follow. Typically in of the water sector and to that end they must be knowledge-
most situations there is an initial problem stemming from able in specic domains of this area. They must be knowl-
engineering needs, from political or investment projects, edgeable enough to understand the constraints, difculties,
etc. Then one tries to nd solutions that are nothing else limitations and possibilities of these domains in order to be
but elements leading to or aiding the decisions. This logical able to coordinate the information coming from each such
chain from generating fact to the solution-decision goes domain and to organise the feedbacks and interactions that
across a number of businesses or stakeholders and will be benecial to the further development of both.
must be repeatable at any time. So it is obviously highly
desirable to maintain strong consistency in concepts, data, These persons must have a sufcient knowledge about
and information along this chain. Such is not necessarily water and environmental processes to run and validate the
the case but precisely this is a major point for HydroInfor- corresponding models; they must understand the proc-
matics because it is its natural role to ensure such con- esses that are mapped in the related models; they must be
sistency, mainly by conservation of uniqueness of data and able to condense and interface information; they must be
information. When one considers the chain beginning with able to organise workow and information processes; they
projects conceived by, say, administration or politicians must be able to manage documentation and presentation;
and continuing through design, impact studies, decision to they must be able to make information transparent so as to
implement, construction and operation there is a need for advice decision makers and communicate with the public.
guidelines ensuring the consistency. HydroInformatics can Social skills in collaborating with people of different profes-
supply means and ways to elaborate such guidelines for sional and cultural backgrounds are needed. To optimise
various types of activities related to water sector. this whole they must be able to make information and nd-
ings ow in interactive ways from one domain to another
so that the knowledge, the progress, the innovations and
Research and Science the applications in a domain can be improved thanks to
information coming from other domains.
The sustainable development of the water sector comes
down, in implementation and praxis, to engineering tasks This prole demands knowledge about the physics of water
and thus HydroInformatics must be seen as an engi- in hydraulics, hydrology and the environment, about math-
neering discipline. In this sense, HydroInformatics has ematics and computational methods, about information
its own research objectives which aim at the foundation modelling and communication as well as about the support-
and promotion of the water sector in all its aspects. ive means of ICT. Complementary to these are methods of
geometrical modelling, presentation, documentation and
In short, research in HI domain might be summarised, a spectrum of selected topics from computer and social
albeit very unconventionally, under the term: information science, economy and psychology, the latter supporting

A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value economic, social, or other forms
of value. The process of business model design is part of business strategy.
In theory and practice the term business model is used for a broad range of informal and formal descriptions to represent core aspects of
a business, including purpose, offerings, strategies, infrastructure, organizational structures, trading practices, and operational processes
and policies. Hence, it gives a complete picture of an organization from high-level perspective.

IWA Specialist Groups

the skills necessary for a multicultural interdisciplinary col- 3 years more for specialised studies that replace original
laboration in an international, sometimes virtual, environ- research required in time for Dr. degree.
ment. Those concerned should have a minimum of culture
in civil engineering because of its central role in project Currently the link between the research and practice is
implementation but also in water/environmental legislation weak and the time necessary to transfer the R&D results
as well as in geography and cartography. The education towards practice is shockingly long if one compares it with
should be hands on with models of all kind. The proc- ICT domain. To improve the situation there is a need to open
ess of taking responsibilities should be inculcated through existing HydroInformatics community to (or even more: to
training by internships in companies. The outcome of such create larger HI community inclusive of) engineering con-
curricula should be an engineer who can support consen- sultants that do the bulk of water-related engineering as
sual views and actions of decision makers and users, on well as to the water systems management companies and
the one hand, and executive professionals and engineers, institutions (specically urban water utilities).
on the other hand, with respect to science, engineering
and social environments. The engineer should be able to
maintain this qualication life-long by corresponding learn-
And the IAHR/IWA Committee
ing periods.
It should be remembered that the present document is
This leads to an intensive demand for HydroInformatics elaborated by a Working Group of the joint IAHR/IWA
educated engineers, managers and, above all, leaders in Committee and both IAHR and IWA have an obvious role
public services and in the private sector in a rapidly chang- in the future of HydroInformatics. This role should be
ing society. experienced through a number of activities:

The research within the aquatic domain in areas such

Universities, Research and Professions as modelling, measuring, surveying and computational
hydraulics is traditional within the IAHR/IWA member-
Universities are changing in modern times with the transi- ship. However, the task to promote the links between
tion towards an information society, under the Bologna this research and the requirements, quests and prob-
Declaration and as mass education institutions. They are lems coming from Water Sector through HydroInformat-
reacting to their new role by introducing new proles and ics should be better understood and carried out within
grades of professionalism. In Europe the Bachelor is all concerned groups.
seen as a rst profession qualication degree while the University Education: IAHR, by its very composition of
Master has become the second degree that may or may a majority of university researchers and teachers should
not be sought by the future professionals, whether praxis proactively participate in the Universities and Profes-
or research-oriented. The Dr.-Thesis is a grade awarded sion activities described above.
at the end of a system of corresponding courses and a Within the Water Sector many HydroInformatics activi-
research project that in many cases is trivial or formal; ties have been implemented and created (e.g. within
in most cases it has nothing common with requirements IWA, but this is only an example). It should be the
of new contribution to the eld as it used to be until the IAHRs role to try to bridge the relational gaps between
middle of second part of 20th century. This requires these groups and institutions by offering them what the
universities to react correspondingly in terms of numbers IAHR in this domain has been developed during the last
and qualications and this requires a clear prole and decades.
denition of HydroInformatics education. At present,
the prole is pretty vague and differs from place to place. The above points can be considered as the tasks for the
Therefore, due to the international character of HydroIn- HI Committee.
formatics and in order to guarantee as much as possible
the sanity of the Profession some standards concerning
the educational prole are needed. The Universities in
the short term (some 1015 years) should standardise
HydroInformatics - Quo vadis?
their ideas about what is an objective and professional What to do?
HydroInformatics prole. Without this the Profession
cannot interact or provide feedback to the University and There are two aspects of the future that are concerned in
the University cannot satisfy the needs of the Profession. our present initiative. One is objective: whatever we wish,
Todays most common idea on both sides is that HydroIn- whatever we do, what is going to happen within next, say,
formatics = modelling and/or GIS and/or programming, 1015 years; another one is subjective: what we wish, what
etc. etc. and that is clearly not sufcient. we can do, what we shall try to do during this period.

Standards cannot be imposed formally: they have to be (i) What is going to happen? It seems clear today that
developed by Academia in collaboration with the Profes- the whole water sector is going to be completely
sion and its Praxis. If there is a known curriculum frame- penetrated by ICT and Internet-like technologies. All
work and if the Water Sector professions recognise in this may lead in a more or less distant future to the
practice the minimum content of this curriculum, such as unication and possibly the standardisation of man-
is necessary to be called a HydroInformatics diploma, agement of information within areas of water indus-
then the prole of HydroInformatician will need to be try. The things will converge towards the concept of
clearly dened and founded. Note that, following Bologna smart water networking including of course projects
agreement the fundamental change of concept concern- and implementation of works in coastal areas and
ing doctors degree opens the way to better specication river basins, for food and agriculture, for industrial
of HydroInformatics curricula in the sense that it gives use, energy production and biogas, for drinking and

IWA Specialist Groups

waste processing. Nevertheless it is very likely that the of HydroInformatics. Integrated intelligent electron-
driving force towards this will be urban water manage- ic nets of all components and services must be de-
ment and utilities. This is so because the population signed and operated for generation, management,
needs today are greatest in this area, because most distribution and billing of fresh and waste water in
of human population is going to be regrouped in the cities, on the level of water-basins, for the manage-
megacities, because this area is today very far behind ment of oods and droughts beyond the regional
the sophistication of ICT tools used in other water level. But also the interlinking of water systems with
domains (e.g. numerical modelling) and, hence, the other areas such as power generation, cooling and
gradient of implemented innovative applications will intermediate storage of energy under ever chang-
be the steepest. Quite obviously all other domains will ing conditions has to be considered. Only through
join in the run and the driving forces will come from the use of such technologies the challenges put by
the ICT industry, not from the hydraulic research, global warming and climate change could possibly
because the former produces industrially applica- be faced in the future.
ble, often off-the-shelf systems and devices that may
modify the whole systemic approach while the latter As an example of what would happen whatever we do
can only produced embeddable tools like 4th genera- consider the one of currently predominant business mod-
tion modelling software. Because of the importance els: the sale or granting of in-perpetuity (generally 20 or
of the water these developments will very quickly 25 year) licenses to use software packages. We denitely
penetrate the domain of decision making, i.e. politics, see the demand for pay-by-use software and technology
nancing of investments, social sciences, information advances now supports this business model in a reason-
& communication with citizens etc. On the other side able way. But we are already on the way towards Soft-
of the spectrum they will most likely completely mod- ware as a Service becoming a regular business model for
ify current (traditional) way of working of consulting HydroInformatics. There are already few companies doing
and also the relationship between the applications/ just this, the information conrmed by the comments from
industry (including consulting and contractors) and 1st and 2nd Circles of persons participating in elaboration
university research on the eld of hydraulics, hydrol- of present Reports. It is clear that current model based
ogy and water management: on selling packages is changing and will not last in the
future. What we do not know is what will replace it there
It is very likely that todays market of the model- are a number of possibilities!
ling software will decline and possibly fade away. It
may well be replaced by Modelling Software and (ii) What we wish or can do? We, i.e. what we used to
Expertise as a Service. All recent developments of call up to now and typically within IAHR/IWA territory,
Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Serv- the HydroInformatics Community? Assuming that
ice, Development as a Service that so far have what will happen at any rate within the near future
been limited to the area of computer and informat- was correctly described above, there are two possi-
ics applications will no doubt overow into the water bilities: either we stay where we are and look on this
domain within next couple of years. Already most new world from the top of our ivory towers; or we try to
of applications we use on our laptops are stored accompany the movement, to accelerate it as much
somewhere in the cyberspace. And cloud comput- as possible, to make some parts of it more coher-
ing will help it. ent, take the leadership of our immediate neighbour-
This will lead to a pressure from modelling soft- hood towards integrating these changes. Incidentally
ware & expertise business on the water-oriented it means of course to stretch our networks beyond
research to go beyond todays limitations in math- IAHR trying, however, to keep intellectual leader-
ematical theory computational hydraulics and ship in order not to lose the experience and tradition
computational uid dynamics. Same will happen gained during last 30 years of existence of our IAHR
to physics, e.g. sedimentation theories. This will HydroInformatics Community.
also lead to a pressure on the university educa-
tion and curricula. Indeed, such enormous, revo- In this context, assuming that we chose the second way
lutionary changes will ask for different technical and that we can consider ourselves as leaders (among
leadership within the structures of water sector others) in the area, what should we do? One may identify
industry, i.e. for different generation of engineers. three skills that are necessary for leading strategically for
Given minimal 5 years cycle of engineering educa- long-term growth: understanding the operational environ-
tion, given the delay necessary to the education ment, making clear decisions and involving others in the
institutions to adapt themselves (at least another strategic process. .
5 or 10 years) there will be enormous push, com-
ing from the needs of industry, towards LLL and Actually the most of the preceding paragraphs are
postgraduate specialisation in specic courses devoted to understanding the operational environ-
and institutions. ment. The very attempt to describe (in a lengthy way)
Networking-embedded systems and network- what we understand by HydroInformatics, as well as
ing services are offering new perspectives in the present situation in industry and education, is pre-
nearly all elds of technological infrastructure cisely that.
from engineering to households; they are pushing Making clear decisions. In our case it is rst to state
developments in all areas, representing an enor- clearly the ambitions we have, and next the decisions of
mous business market. This also holds for the eld actions that we should take.

Taken from aa paper in Forbes Magazine but seems correct!

IWA Specialist Groups

Ambitions, even though we limit their extension to our To inuence the education (LLL, graduate, under-
domain of possible inuence (that is rather limited) graduate), both the institutions and curricula in order
are considerable. Namely, we wish to promote and main- to help the advent of new engineering leadership.
tain the name of HydroInformatics. We wish to make it
accepted as a domain, the essence of which is to coor- To accompany, as individuals and members of insti-
dinate the results and the contents of a number of vari- tutions, of projects, of associations the objective
ous elds of knowledge (including some soft science developments and events as described above, trying
elds); to facilitate interactive transfers of concepts and to make those that are within our area as coherent
ways of thinking from one eld to another; to help in and bold as possible.
the elaboration of decisions (projects, actions, and poli-
To use as a springboard to this the IAHR/IWA/IAHS
cies) based on synergetic considerations of the results
HydroInformatics Committee, International Journal
of various elds; to pave feedback paths from social
of HydroInformatics, HydroInformatics bi-annual
requirements, through HydroInformatics ways, tools and
means, towards various elds while transferring con-
cepts from one eld to another in order to enrich them Involving others in the strategic process. This of
and to progress. Conceived as such HydroInformatics is course is the essence of leadership activity (as dis-
enriching itself through the progress of other domains tinct from management). It actually is the way of imple-
and directing them towards applications. HydroInformat- menting the actions enumerated above. Our Working
ics is itself a generator of innovations by the very fact of Group activity is the rst step. The further steps would
being a transversal approach that uses the progress of follow stemming from our Report.We should take more
various disciplines. Our ambition is to push this concept of a coordination role by more actively making links
through and participate in its development. with other organisations involved in the development
of HydroInformatics. For example, there is consider-
There would seem to be a role for the Hydroinformatics able overlap between the activities of the integrated
Community not only to adapt to improved ICT but also to environmental modelling community and HydroIn-
propose, test and communicate changing business and formatics. Because of this situation the HI Working
delivery models. This can be done through exchanges of Group will initiate, before the formal end of its activi-
opinions, criticism, etc. Such exchanges imply some kind ties, launching contacts with a number of organiza-
of permanent correspondence platform or forum. tions. The full Report will be sent to them and they will
New business models will be imposed by the market be asked to participate in setting up together some
following ICT progress but the HI Community can help to kind of the mailing-exchange list of addresses to con-
discard what` is not so good. tact. But then again it will be for the HI community,
with the IAHR/IWA/IAHS Committee as the basis, to
The actions we can take: organize and act.
To develop a wide (as wide as possible, within and
outside of IAHR/IWA/IAHS) network of people and
institutions interested and willing to participate in
discussions, exchanges of view, of information.

IWA Specialist Groups

Groundwater: perspectives,
challenges and trends
Written by S. Adams, M. Dimki, H. Garduo and M.C. Kavanaugh on behalf of the Specialist Group

Adaptive management. An iterative process of optimal decision making in the face of uncertainty, with an aim to reducing
uncertainty over time via system monitoring.

Aquifer. A geological formation which has structures or textures that hold water or permit appreciable water movement
through them.

Hydrogeology. The study of the interrelationship of geologic materials and processes with water.

Unsaturated zone. That part of the geological stratum above the water table where interstices and voids contain a
combination of air and water.

Introduction of the world, groundwater still receives very little protection

within water laws and is often considered to be only linked
Most liquid freshwater available on Earth is stored in aqui- to the land above the aquifer being exploited (i.e. consid-
fers; groundwater therefore dominates, by volume. It is ered as private water). Groundwater should be managed
estimated that groundwater is a primary source of drinking within an integrated framework that takes into account
water for as many as two billion people and drives a signi- the impacts on and by linked systems and the effects of
cant part of the worlds irrigated agriculture (Morris et al. land-use planning. It should be noted that groundwater
2003; Kemper 2004). Groundwater is broadly dened as, systems are more complex and thus inherently more dif-
The excess soil moisture that saturates subsurface soil or cult to manage than surface water. The perceptions of
rock and migrates downward under the inuence of grav- the public and policy-makers or their lack of awareness
ity. In the literal sense, all water below the ground surface of groundwater, as well as the generally poor understand-
is groundwater; in hydrogeologic terms, however, the top of ing of its behaviour and occurrence, represent important
this saturated zone is called the water table, and the water causes of emerging problems (Burke and Moench 2000;
below the water table is called groundwater. Under natu- Quevauviller 2007). It is not unusual to nd potential and
ral conditions, groundwater moves by gravity ow through real polluting activities above the most productive parts of
rock and soil zones until it seeps into a streambed, lake, an aquifer or that aquifers are pumped at unsustainable
or ocean, or discharges as a spring (Encyclopedic Diction- rates. This paper will highlight some of the challenges and
ary of Hydrogeology, Poehls and Smith 2009). Subsurface trends within the discipline of subsurface hydrology.
hydrology is mainly concerned with the quantity and ow
of water and other uids and the transport of solutes and
energy through porous media (RNAAS 2005). Subsurface Perspectives on subsurface hydrology
hydrology includes the following:
Over the past number of decades hydrogeology has
groundwater hydrology; evolved from a science of how to nd and exploit ground-
contaminant hydrology; water into the integrated management of this nite and
unsaturated zone hydrology. interconnected resource as well as emphasis on the qual-
ity of the water. This can be seen by the progressive laws
Droughts and increased demands have triggered the and regulations, governing groundwater use and protec-
search for alternative water supply options. This has led tion, being developed across the world. Advances in sub-
to an increase in the exploitation of groundwater supplies, surface hydrology include, among others:
especially in semi-arid and arid regions, often with little
understanding and management of the consequences (e.g. Estimation techniques for hydraulic properties
saltwater intrusion, mining of groundwater and impacts on Groundwater-surface water interactions
linked systems). In some places poor land-use planning Mapping and modelling of large-scale aquifer systems
threatens the quality of the groundwater or increases the The nature and variability of groundwater recharge
cost of treating the usually good quality water. In many areas Vulnerability assessments

IWA Specialist Groups

Techniques for enhancing recharge, storage and value of groundwater resources and the general lack of
recovery appreciation of groundwater as a resource. IWRM as a
Transboundary aquifer management concept has its own set of challenges (e.g. Medema et al.
Groundwater- or aquifer-dependent ecosystems 2008) and perceptions and will not be discussed here.
Fractured and heterogeneous aquifer behaviour
Improved monitoring techniques (including remote Changing patterns of precipitation and evapotranspira-
sensing) tion will inevitably alter groundwater ow patterns through
Improved modelling systems changes in recharge-discharge relationships (Narasim-
Unsaturated zone linkages han 2009). Groundwater systems are affected by cli-
mate change in various ways, depending on whether an
area becomes wetter or drier. Groundwater availability is
Challenges and Trends less sensitive to annual and inter-annual rainfall uctua-
tions (i.e. climate variability) than surface water (Giordano
Environmental stress is driven by the growth in population 2009). However, the overall impact of climate change on
and urbanisation and the resulting energy, transport and groundwater and surface water resources is expected to
development trends at country and global levels (World be negative over the long term. The role that groundwater
Bank 2010). High-level challenges, that are not necessar- can play in mitigating climate change threats is also sig-
ily unique to groundwater, include: nicant (Foster et al. 2010b). Adaptation strategies will
rely on investment in better and more accessible infor-
mation, stronger and cooperating institutions, and natural
Global change (e.g. climate change and variability)
and man-made infrastructure to store, transport and treat
(Ground)water pollution and depletion
water (Sadoff and Muller 2009).
Rapid urbanisation with increasing supply demands and
higher pollutant loads
Future research trends mainly deal with reducing uncer-
Coupling of the various reservoir uxes in time and
tainty and risk and are intimately linked with the chal-
lenges faced. The dearth of information on most aquifer
Governance of water and related resources
systems often results in poor management plans. The
Groundwater valuation and nancing
trend is towards adaptive management strategies and
Data collection (monitoring) and data availability (man-
this pragmatic approach is now recognised as an alterna-
tive solution for systems where we have an incomplete
Uncertainty quantication (e.g. model and parameter
understanding of the behaviour of a system (Gleeson
et al. 2011; Holman and Trawick 2010; Brodie et al. 2007;
Poor land-use planning
Seward et al. 2006). However, it is also evident from the
Scale and heterogeneity
literature that adaptive management can be understood
Capacity development
from a variety of perspectives and is often perceived as
Complete description of complex systems
yet another catch phrase (Allan and Curtis 2005). The
adaptive or learning-by-doing approach is a exible man-
Challenges related to groundwater management are agement framework that allows for changing conditions
numerous and overlapping; we will only deal with some of the (ground)water and institutional systems. To ensure
of the key challenges. Giordano (2009) and Morris et al. the success of the approach existing institutional and
(2003) give a more detailed global assessment of the cultural constraints will have to be mapped and changed
issues and solutions facing groundwater. Groundwater to effectively transition into an adaptive management
is often poorly understood because of its hidden nature approach. The continuous monitoring of these systems
and assessments often rely on indirect measurements remains crucial for the provision of background data and
and long-term investigations and investments to deter- information to evaluate and validate adaptive management
mine fully the behaviour of complex aquifer systems. approaches. For planned high-risk activities the adaptive
The invisibility of the resource may be complicating the management or monitoring approach must be preceded
management thereof. However, groundwater cannot be by detailed studies and a good grasp of how the system
considered a mysterious phenomenon or resource any- behaves; adaptive management is about urgency and
more; it can be described using established scientic laws reducing uncertainty and risk over time. Clean-up of a
(Narasimhan 2009). Standard groundwater management contaminated system is extremely difcult and costly. In
approaches depend on the presence of basic data and the absence of local information and protocols, interna-
on institutional capacities (FAO 2003). Data, and the col- tional best practices should be adapted to local conditions
lection and management thereof, remain a major area of (Adams 2009).
concern. Remotely sensed information is used routinely
for characterisation and extrapolation but cannot be seen The remainder of this paper gives an overview of the 4
as a substitute for ground-based programmes or detailed main issues that have been identied to be the focus of
eldwork. the Groundwater Restoration and Management Specialist
Group for the next few years.
The integrated water resource management (IWRM)
approach should strengthen frameworks for water govern-
ance to foster good decision making in response to chang- Urban groundwater management: the
ing needs and situations (Cap-Net 2010) and provide institutional challenge in developing nations
mechanisms for the adaptive and holistic management
of the water cycle over time. However, different funding Half of the worlds population reside in cities and, within
approaches are followed in managing the two resources two decades, nearly 60% of the worlds population will
due to the inherent difculty with quantifying the economic be urban dwellers. The following paragraphs provide a

IWA Specialist Groups

summary of the main on-the-eld lessons learnt from work major stakeholder groups will be an essential compo-
carried out in the groundwater/urban interface under the nent of any action plan for urban groundwater resource
World Banks GW-Mate Programme (Strategic Overview management and protection.
Series No. 3) based on Foster et al. (2010c). Groundwater
is generally more signicant for urban water supply in
developing cities and towns than is commonly appreciated
Groundwater contamination and restoration
and is also often the invisible link between various fac-
ets of the urban infrastructure. Regrettably, organisations Throughout the world, aquifers capable of providing water
concerned with urban water supply and environmental of high quality for potable use are threatened by organic
management often have a poor understanding of ground- and inorganic contamination emanating from human activ-
water this needs to be corrected. Groundwater is a fun- ities. Worldwide, numerous examples can be cited of water
damental component of the urban water cycle and there is supply aquifers rendered un-useable without treatment
always need for it to be integrated when making decisions due to releases of contaminants from various agricultural,
on urban infrastructure planning and investment. But this industrial, commercial and other sources. Contamination
is not as simple as it might at rst appear, because it is of aquifers presents major technical, regulatory and man-
widely acknowledged that there has been little recognition agement challenges. Treatment of contaminated ground-
of the groundwater dimensions of urban water and land water is also complex due to the type and concentrations
management. of contaminants that may result from these releases. The
extent of anthropogenic contamination of groundwater
aquifers worldwide is not known.
In most developing cities the installation of mains
sewerage systems and wastewater treatment facilities
Current and future challenges for urban groundwater
lags considerably behind population growth meanwhile
basin managers include regulatory options for oversight of
shallow groundwater can become contaminated from
drinking water projects treating severely impaired ground-
inadequate in situ sanitation. It may be years before the
water sources, use of groundwater models to evaluate
full extent of pollution becomes apparent, because con-
management options for contaminated aquifers, fate and
tamination of large aquifers is a gradual and hidden proc-
transport of organic and metal contaminants of signicant
ess, and full remediation of entrenched problems may
concern, and current options for source control, includ-
be prohibitively expensive. Thus it is critically important
ing both soil and groundwater remediation technologies to
to recognise the incipient signs of groundwater pollution
prevent continued or future contamination of water supply
at an early stage and put in place groundwater protec-
aquifers. Other potential future topics of interest include
tion measures.
vulnerability assessments of groundwater resources, use
of aquifers for recharge and recovery of treated water or
Urban groundwater tends to affect everybody, but is often wastewaters, assessment of the treatment capabilities of
the responsibility of no body. There are clear examples subsurface environments, and groundwater remediation
of places where action is being taken with support of the and treatment options for chemicals known to be recalci-
World Bank to ll this institutional vacuum and to remedy trant in aerobic aquifers such as perchlorate, 1,4-dioxane,
lack of concern or decient coordination regarding urban 1,2,3-trichloropropane, and other emerging and unregu-
groundwater: lated contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and personal
care products reaching groundwater through natural or
Brazil Agencia Nacional de guas established a national articial groundwater recharge.
programme in 2008 to strengthen groundwater man-
agement at state-government level, including proactive Despite signicant advances in subsurface characteri-
consideration of urban groundwater use policy sation and remediation technologies over the past few
India a recent in-depth study for the Ministry of Water decades, there are signicant technical barriers to restora-
Resources on pragmatic action to address groundwater tion. These barriers have been thoroughly reviewed in the
overexploitation, recommended substantial strengthen- literature, and summarised in several reports issued by the
ing of state groundwater management agencies, and National Research Council of the National Academies in
one of their key roles would be the required institu- the USA (see NRC 1994, 1999, 2005). Subsurface hetero-
tional coordination for addressing urban groundwater geneities render certain portions of an aquifer inaccessible
(although in this case the question of powers on pollu- to uids used to ush out or destroy contaminants. Several
tion control are not yet included) recalcitrant chemical compounds have proven resistant
Sub-Saharan Africa an initiative of the SADC (Southern to remediation efforts, including chlorinated solvents and
African Development Community), is the establishment other organic compounds present as organic liquids,
of a Groundwater Management Institute of Southern and with a density greater than water. These dense non-
Africa, geared to practical approaches for groundwater aqueous phase liquids or DNAPLs (e.g. trichloroethene)
management, including urban groundwater use and can penetrate signicant depths through low-permeability
protection issues layers, are difcult to locate, and are difcult to remove
from the subsurface.
However, these top-down initiatives should be com-
plemented with bottom-up provisions. Mechanisms for Management of large urban groundwater basins becomes
groundwater stakeholder participation are usually much particularly challenging in the context of past, continuing
less dened in urban than in rural areas (where groups and future contamination of aquifers from residual con-
tend to nucleate around a common interest in ground- tamination that remains persistent at detectable levels.
water use for irrigated agriculture or groundwater con- Some of these issues have been summarised in a recent
servation to support dependent aquatic ecosystems). IWA publication on this topic (Kavanaugh and Krecic
Nevertheless, the representation and engagement of 2008; Dimki et al. 2008).

IWA Specialist Groups

Importance of oxic conditions in 2. Hydrochemical, hydrological and hydrodynamic condi-

tions in the aquifer - and oxygen consumption.
groundwater, especially in alluvial aquifers
3. Process of quality transformation of different (charac-
Alluvial groundwater is extremely important, both for
teristic) substances and their adequate inclusion into
human society and for the natural environment. In an allu-
problem solving.
vial aquifer, its degree of oxicity is very important both for
the formation of a baseline groundwater quality, and for
4. Linking the intensity and kinetics of the well-ageing
processes of its transformation. In water supply, the bank
process, through the change of hydraulic losses taking
ltration method is most widely applied and very important
place on well lters, with oxic and other related condi-
(Schmidt et al., 2003). The level of groundwater oxicity
tions in the aquifer.
attained in this case depends on the oxygen saturation
of the river water, the oxidation-reduction processes of
organic and inorganic matter, as well as the level of oxy- Fluxes between reservoirs
gen renewal in the aquifer. Oxic conditions more frequently
occur in aquifers in the upper part of the river basin, less Groundwater is still managed and legislated separately
so in the medium part, and the least in the lower part of from surface water resources the trend worldwide is to
the basin. Besides the degree of loading with organic mat- manage it as a single resource. The two systems behave
ter, the mineralogical consumption of oxygen should also differently in time and space and must be studied sepa-
be taken into consideration. Minerals with ferrous iron con- rately at the fundamental level. However, a major challenge
tent are particularly signicant. among water resource practitioners as well as among soil
scientists is the use of different terminologies or differ-
In oxic conditions, oxidation takes place through oxygen ent understanding of a common terminology instead
dissolved in water. In anoxic conditions, biochemical oxi- of common understanding of the terminology and the
dation is based mainly on nitrates, compounds of ferric different terms used. The Cap-Net (2010) report notes
iron and tetravalent manganese, as well as sulphates. that: Traditional institutional separation of surface water
Oxic environments are generally more favourable for self- from groundwater has created fundamental communica-
purication processes. However, some substances can tion barriers that now extend from technical expertise to
also degrade in anoxic conditions. Knowledge of the effects policy developers, operational managers and water users.
of the degree of groundwater oxicity on the baseline qual- These barriers impede the understanding of the proc-
ity of groundwater, as well as the process of purication of esses and consequences of groundwater-surface water
river water to the baseline quality level, is fundamental for interactions.
the design, use and protection of groundwater resources
(Dimki et al., 2011c). Integrated water resource management and the increas-
ing impact of groundwater abstractions on linked surface
In this regard it is necessary to consider the ltration proc- water bodies call for an improved understanding and
ess that takes place starting from the water source (river, quantitative description of the interactions between the
inltration basin) towards the groundwater abstraction different components of the hydrological cycle (atmos-
structure (well, drainage gallery). While dening the protec- phere, surface and subsurface).The main challenge is
tion zone and appropriate measures during the establish- the issue of scale, especially temporal scales, as surface
ment of the groundwater source, it is necessary to consider water responses are generally faster than those of ground-
the aquifer as a unique physico-biochemical reactor, water. Various approaches and methods have been devel-
complementary to the other elements of water treatment. oped to study the interactions at different temporal and
Besides the basic properties of the aquifer, while solving spatial scales usually involving modelling approaches.
the related problems, it is necessary to take account of Exchanges between reservoirs are often invisible and the
the behaviour of typical substances, classied according to uxes measured indirectly. Quantication of the uxes is
their pronounced characteristics, such as toxicity, sorbicity, extremely difcult and fraught with uncertainty. Because
degradation in oxic and anoxic conditions, etc. Such sub- of the differences in approaches for surface water and
stances are, for instance, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, or groundwater the incompatibility of data sets and con-
some substances that are very mobile in groundwater. The ceptual understanding complicates groundwater-surface
knowledge of the well colmatations is equally important for water assessments. The NRC (2004) gives a detailed
the development of water sources and their maintenance, account of the challenges and research focus to solve
and is usually linked to considerable investments (Dimki these problems. The main challenges identied were
et al. 2011a, b). Among these, biochemical colmatation is (NRC 2004):
largely linked to the level of aquifer oxicity.
1. Our ability to quantify spatial and temporal variability in
In general, in the world more than 50% of water supply recharge and discharge is inadequate.
is from groundwater sources, and of these 50% originate
from alluvial aquifers. In order to resolve issues related 2. The roles of groundwater storage, and recharge and
to the protection and use of these waters it is necessary discharge uxes in the climate system are under-
to adequately take into account factors related to aquifer appreciated and poorly understood.
oxicity. Here, there is a need for better understanding of
relations between: 3. Groundwater measurements are needed across a range
of temporal and spatial scales.
1. Genesis of aquifers, their mineralogical composition on
the one hand, and oxygen consumption on the other Modellers are continuously developing tools to integrate
hand. the various reservoirs at different scales using various,

IWA Specialist Groups

often manipulated, data sources obtained from direct and Dimki, M., Pui, M. and Obradovi, V. (2011c) Certain impli-
indirect measurements. The main challenges that affect cations of oxic conditions in alluvial groundwater. Water
hydraulic and hydrological modelling are improper formu- Research and Management 1.1, 2743.
lation of conceptual models (NRC 2001) and the lack of FAO (2003) Groundwater management: The search for practical
approaches. Water Reports 25. Food and Agriculture
uncertainty estimation (Pappenberger and Beven 2006)
Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
which is inherent in the modelling process. Foster, S., Garduo, H., Tuinhof, A. and Tovey, C. (2010a) Ground-
water Governance: Conceptual Framework for Assessment of
Provisions and Needs. GW-MATE Strategic Overview Series
Conclusions No.1. GW-MATE The World Bank, GWP, BNWPP & DFID.
Foster, S., van Steenbergen, F., Zuleta, J. and Garduo, H.
Efcient management of groundwater relies on the effec- (2010b) Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water:
tiveness of applicable legislation and institutional arrange- From Spontaneous Coping Strategy to Adaptive Resource
Management. GW-MATE Strategic Overview Series No. 2.
ments as well as good understanding of the behaviour of
The World Bank, GWP, BNWPP & DFID.
the aquifer or well-eld being managed (i.e. quality and Foster, S., Hirata, R., Misra, S. and Garduo, H. (2010c) Ur-
quantity) (Dimki and Milovanovi 2008). Groundwater ban Groundwater Use Policy: Balancing the Benets and
management has developed into an interdisciplinary sci- Risks in Developing Nations. World Bank-GW-MATE, Stra-
ence and is not just the purview of the hydrogeologist. The tegic Overview Series No. 3. (All GW-MATE publications
discipline-specic approach to solving specic research available at
questions is important but on its own it cannot address groundwater-management-advisory-team).
current environmental problems. A coordinated approach Giordano, M. (2009) Global groundwater? Issues and solutions.
that links various disciplines is important. It is thus good Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 34(7),
to see that water research is becoming more multidiscipli- 7.17.26.
Gleeson, T. et al. (2011) Towards sustainable groundwater
nary in nature (see Kamalski 2010; Foster et al 2010a).
use: Setting long-term goals, backcasting, and managing
However, there seem to be very few management tools
adaptively. Ground Water, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.
that are able to coordinate such activities at the local scale. 00825.x. [Epub ahead of print].
Research on a country and global level often takes place in Holman, I.P. and Trawick, P. (2011) Developing adaptive capacity
parallel and is uncoordinated. Managing groundwater over within groundwater abstraction management systems.
multigenerational timescales will require management that Journal of Environmental Management 92(6), 15421549.
is integrated, adaptive, inclusive and local (Gleeson et al. Kamalski, J. (2010) Identifying expertise in water management.
2011). The challenge to all stakeholders is how we trans- Research Trends, Issue 19.
late our ever-growing scientic knowledge into improved category/issue19-september-2010/ (Accessed 16 June 2011).
management of all resources and bringing about change Kavanaugh, M.C. and Krei, N. (2008) Large urban groundwater
basins: water quality threats and aquifer restoration. In:
in human behaviour.
Dimkic M. et al. (eds.) Groundwater Management in Large
River Basins. IWA Publishing, London.
Kemper, K.E. (2004). Groundwater from development to
References management. Hydrogeology Journal 12, 35.
Medema, W., McIntosh, B.S. and Jeffrey, P.J. (2008) From premise
Adams, S. (2009) Basement aquifers of southern Africa: to practice: a critical assessment of integrated water resources
Overview and research needs. In: Titus et al. (eds.) management and adaptive management approaches in the
The Basement Aquifers of Southern Africa. WRC Report No. water sector. Ecology and Society 13, 229.
TT428/09, Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Morris, B.L., Lawrence, A.R.L., Chilton, P.J.C., Adams, B., Calow,
Africa. R.C. and Klinck, B.A. (2003) Groundwater and its Suscep-
Allan, C. and Curtis, A. (2005) Nipped in the bud: Why regional tibility to Degradation: A Global Assessment of the Problem
scale adaptive management is not blooming. Environmental and Options for Management. Early Warning and Assess-
Management 36(3), 414425. ment Report Series, RS. 03-3. United Nations Environment
Brodie, R., Sundaram, B., Tottenham, R., Hostetler, S. and Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.
Ransley, T. (2007) An Adaptive Management Framework Narasimhan, T.N. (2009) Groundwater: from mystery to manage-
for Connected GroundwaterSurface Water Resources in ment. Environmental Research Letters 4, 035002, 111.
Australia. Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra, Australia. NRC (1994) Alternatives for Ground Water Cleanup. National
Burke, J.J. and Moench, M.H. (2000) Groundwater and Society: Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Resources, Tensions and Opportunities. United Nations. NRC (1999) Groundwater and Soil Cleanup: Improving
Cap-Net (2010) Groundwater Management in IWRM: Training Management of Persistent Contaminants. National Acad-
Manual. Cap-Net, Pretoria, South Africa.. emies Press, Washington, DC.
Dimki, M., Brauch H. and Kavanaugh, M.C. (Eds.) (2008) NRC (2001) Conceptual Models of Flow and Transport in the Frac-
Groundwater Management in Large Urban Basins. IWA tured Vadose Zone. National Academy of Sciences. National
Publishing, London. Academies Press, Washington, DC.
Dimki, M. and Milovanovi, M. (2008) Basic functions of ground- NRC (2004) Groundwater Fluxes across Interfaces. National
water management. In: Dimkic, M. et al. (eds) Ground- Academy of Sciences. National Academies Press,
water Management in Large River Basins. IWA Publishing, Washington, DC.
London. NRC, (2005) Contaminants in the Subsurface: Source Zone
Dimki, M., Pui, M., Vidovi, D., Petkovi, A. and Boreli- Assessment and Remediation. National Academy Press.
Zdravkovi, Dj. (2011a) Several natural indicators of radial Washington, DC, pp. 370.
well ageing at the Belgrade Groundwater Source, Part 1. Pappenberger, F. and Beven, K.J. (2006) Ignorance is bliss:
Water Science and Technology 63(11), 25602566. Or seven reasons not to use uncertainty analysis. Water
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indicators of radial well ageing at the Belgrade groundwater Poehls, D.J. and Smith, G.J. (2009) Encyclopedic Diction-
source. Part 2. Water Science and Technology 63(11), doi: ary of Hydrogeology. Boston: Academic Press. 978-0-12-
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Quevauviller, P. (2007) General Introduction: The Need to Protect Germany. Proceedings International Symposium on Articial
Groundwater. In Quevauviller, P. (ed.) Groundwater Science Recharge of Groundwater, 14.11.2003, Daejon, Korea.
and Policy: An International Overview. 1st edition. Royal pp. 115141.
Society of Chemistry. Seward, P., Xu, Y. and Brendonck, L. (2006) Sustainable ground-
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (RNAAS) water use, the capture principle, and adaptive management.
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Schmidt, C.K., Lange, F.T., Brauch, H.J. and Khn, W. (2003)
Experiences with riverbank ltration and inltration in

IWA Specialist Groups

Institutional Governance
and Regulation
Water resources management in the conditions of global climate change: set-up,
trends and challenges

Written by Slava Dineva and Jennifer McKay on behalf of the Specialist Group

Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is Carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere are rising. Both
now evident from observations of increases in global images in Figure 1 show the spreading of carbon dioxide
average air and ocean temperatures, widespread around the globe as it follows large-scale patterns of circu-
melting of snow and ice and rising global average lation in the atmosphere. The atmospheric carbon dioxide
sea level has increased since the Industrial Revolution.
Intergovernmental Panel on The current warming trend is of particular signicance
Climate Change (2007) because most of it is very likely human-induced and pro-
Scientists have high condence that global temperatures ceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300
will continue to rise for decades to come, largely owing to years.
greenhouse gasses produced by human activities. Accord-
The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other
ing to the IPCC, the extent of climate change effects on
gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century. They
individual regions will vary over time and with the ability of
have ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through
different societal and environmental systems to mitigate or
the atmosphere. Increased levels of greenhouse gases
adapt to change. However, there is not general agreement
must cause the Earth to warm in response.
about climate change in all jurisdictions so there is con-
ict between and within nations.Policy makers in several Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical
nations are looking at adaptive policy mechanisms and mountain glaciers show that the Earths climate responds
seeking new ways to manage this conict and the risk. to changes in solar output, in the Earths orbit, and in
In some places the increases in temperatures with pro- greenhouse gas levels. They also show that in the past,
duce benecial growing seasons and in others there could large changes in climate have happened very quickly, in
be an increased risk of ooding, yet in others dryness will tens of years, not in millions or even thousands.

During the remainder of this century, different locations

will experience greater or lesser increases in temperature,
Water resources management in the
with the greatest impact toward the North Pole and the conditions of climate change
least increase toward the South Pole and in the tropics. In
terms of global climate change, future trends are shown Water and its scarcity or over abundance will impact
in Table 1. people, ecosystems and economies. Therefore, water

Table 1 Global climate change: future trends according to IPCC

Phenomena Likelihood of trend*

Contraction of snow cover areas, increased thaw in permafrost regions, decrease Virtually certain
in sea ice extent
Increased frequency of hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation Very likely to occur
Increase in tropical cyclone intensity Likely to occur
Precipitation increases in high latitudes Very likely to occur
Precipitation decreases in subtropical land regions Very likely to occur
Decreased water resources in many semi-arid areas, High condence
including western USA and Mediterranean basin

*Denitions of likelihood ranges used to express the assessed probability of occurrence: virtually certain >99%; very likely >90%;
likely >66%.
Source: IPCC (2007).

IWA Specialist Groups

Figure 1 (A) Carbon counter. Left: July 2003. Right: July 2007. Images from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instru-
ment onboard NASAs Aqua spacecraft. Credit: NASA/JPL. (B) Carbon dioxide increasing since the Industrial Revolution.
Source: NOAA.

resources management should be a focus for adapta- Sustainability is related to the balance between economic
tion to climate change through adaptation strategies and development, lifestyle and protecting the water environ-
frameworks for actions at the local, regional and interna- ment from irreversible damage. Managers need correct
tional transboundary domains. McKay 2011. Sustainable quality and quantity data on water resource at spatial and
development is needed and regimes to promote this and temporal scales. Such records are maintained in most
ensure international cooperation are needed. There are countries and there are some international sets as well.
many ways to do this at all levels and examples exist and Furthermore, sociological information is necessary on
are available on the websites of IWA member governments non-hydrological drivers and impacts, such as ownership,
and the private sector. the real or implicit cost of land and water. Water resource
managers are on the pressure owing to the variable cli-
Climate change adaptation in water management is matic regimes in many areas, ever-increasing demands for
related to nding the right mix of the three Is (informa- better quality water by expanding populations. Mathemati-
tion, institutions and infrastructure) to achieve the desired cal models are essential operational tools.
balance between the three Es (equity, environment and
economics). Water management is weakest in the poorest Governance and management for sustainable water
countries. It is predicted they to face the greatest negative resources comprise issues such as the following:
impacts of climate change in the future. Therefore, invest-
ment in national water resources, management capacity, governance processes and organisations;
institutions and infrastructure should be a priority. Main- institutional framework for water management;
streamed funding will help ensure that long term capacity is water management tasks: planning, development,
built and retained in the institutions. The environment has monitoring;
a crucial role in building resilience to climate change and nance, pricing, and economic regulation;
reducing the vulnerability of communities and economies. water allocation and use; water supply and public
As water is at the centre of climate change impacts, this health; wastewater and water quality; river basin man-
demands a focus on resilience to impacts on water. Well- agement and regional authorities, irrigation and drain-
functioning watersheds and intact oodplains and coasts age; instream ow management; ood disaster manage-
provide water storage, ood control and coastal defence. ment, and dam ownership;
utility and water agency management and organisation;
Water resources management implies the integration and public-private relationships;
stable development of both natural and social systems. environmental governance and social equity;

IWA Specialist Groups

governance of water services in developing countries; Future challenges

trans-boundary water problems;
water law and regulation;
administrative law and processes for governance; Creation of new water professionals
stewardship and social responsibility.
This is the key issue to be worked on by the SG.
Increasing global pressure on water resources requires
actions by governments to achieve sustainable water use
Climate adaptation challenges and the
(Grigg 2010). That involves management tasks such as
project development and utility operation. The degree of coordination of water quality objectives and
interdependence among the many participants in water carbon reduction
management is so great that additional regulatory and
coordination mechanisms are needed to control water The basic climate adaptation challenges that arise are
development and uses. water quality (Bogaart 2009) infrastructure inadequacy,
water scarcity, oods, increasing competition for water,
Integrating Water Resources Management (Gooch et al. pollution risk, health risk, and reducing the emissions of
2010) implies the following: greenhouse gases. Local governments have very different
powers and responsibilities but the case studies under-
developing guidelines for interdisciplinary methods; score important commonalities.
assessing of transferability of case study results;
enhancing the dialogue between decision-makers,
stakeholders and scientists; Adapting water management to climate
disseminating data and information to stakeholders to change and the energy water nexus
promote planning and integrated decision-making.
For many decades the governing paradigm for urban water
Water security refer to early adaptation strategy that will management has been reliability. Water supply, sanitation,
deliver immediate benets to vulnerable and underserved and storm water control in cities should be engineered for
populations, and strengthening systems and capac- a high level of reliability over the historic range of climate
ity for climate risk management. It will need investment variables. Climate change has already shifted that para-
in stronger and more adaptable Institutions, and natural digm (Reiter 2009; Glassmann et al. 2011). Now we must
and man-made infrastructure to store, transport and treat nd a way to resilience developing adaptive strategies
water. Information, consultation and adaptive manage- that reduce vulnerability to uncertain but changing climate
ment will be essential. scenarios. System adaptation is a job for water engineers,
climate experts, governments. National governments bear
The best adaption investments for any country in trans- the primary responsibility for funding and regulation to
boundary basins might be outside its borders - in basin- ensure water security.
wide monitoring systems, investments in joint infrastructure
and operating systems in a neighbouring country. Strate-
Setting the adaptation agenda
gies should promote cooperative transboundary river basin
solutions to generate public goods, keeping the best inter-
Mayors and local elected ofcials have to rally and inform
est of all riparians by means of cost-effective tools.
citizens, convene businesses and civil society, and pro-
mote cross-jurisdictional collaboration. Adaptation and
Overall management of water incorporates all available resilience will require new values, changed consumer and
water resources to meet the countrys water demands. business choices, and a mix of regulations and incentives.
Water management solutions should encompass problem Local governments have to build the political will to support
identication and data collection, hydrological, hydro- this work.
geological and engineering investigations, economic
feasibility studies and Implementation.
Mainstreaming adaptation and resilience
Measurement and monitoring imply maximising efciency strategies in multiple city agencies
through water loss prevention. Basic inefciencies such
as leaking pipes result in enormous wastefulness in water Effective urban adaptation to climate change requires the
infrastructures. In regions short of water, the local water participation of the whole range of municipal agencies,
technology solutions should lead to a wide range of prod- not just the water department. Health, solid waste, roads,
ucts, systems and applications to monitor and measure parks, building regulators, re and emergency services,
water and identify leakages. Preventing of water loss is and more all should be active in implementing changes
dependent on the quality and reliability of the systems for water security and water safety. Local ofcials have to
infrastructure. ensure that adaptation priorities are mainstreamed in all
city programs.
Developing of resilience of communities to climate change
impacts on water resources requires investments in deci-
sion making processes that consider current and potential Localising risk and vulnerability
future users. In terms of climate change adaptation, the assessments
water and climate change community realise the impor-
tance of empowerment for adaptation and the need to Water-related climate risks are highly localised in cities
make institutions t for uncertainty. since half the worlds population living in urban areas. In

IWA Specialist Groups

order to ensure realistic risk and vulnerability assessments, Gooch, G., Rieu-Clarke, A. and Stalnacke, P. (eds) (2010).
downscaled climate information from climate experts must Integrating Water Resources Management. London: IWA
be matched with locally-generated data from city agencies Publishing.
demographics, mapping of infrastructure and public Glassmann, D. et al. (2011) The Water Energy Nexus: Adding Wa-
ter to the Energy Agenda (New York and Zurich: World Policy
services, topography, land uses, neighbourhood pro-
Institute & EBG Capital) and World Economic Forum, Energy
les, socio-economic statistics, and cultural norms. Local Vision Update 2009 - Thirsty Energy: Water and Energy in the
ofcials have to provide and analyze this information. 21st Century (Geneva: WEF 2009). For recent references,
as well as US Department Of Energy, Energy Demands on
Water Resources: Report to Congress on the Interdepend-
Increasing in demand for water in arid and
ency of Energy And Water, December 2006, http://www.
semi-arid regions of the world Sandia.Gov/Energy-Water/, accessed 11 August 2011 for
the seminal reference on this topic.
Serious water crisis is becoming in Western Asia, the Mid- Grigg, N. (2010). Governance and Management for Sustainable
dle East and, in some cases, North Africa. Water resources Water Systems. London: IWA Publishing.
have now become the dividing line between life and death. IPCC (2007). Summary for Policymakers. IPCC Synthesis
In many of that countries, the water crisis is caused by Report.
both water shortage or even water scarcity and wrong Reiter, P. (2009). Water, Climate and Energy. IWA Member
Newsletter, no. 38.
water management. Considering these regional condi-
McKay J 2011 Evidentiary Issues with the Implementation of
tions, future will probably be more dependent on desalina- the Sustainability Duty of Care in the Basin Plan, chapter
tion plants, long distance water transfer, and also recycling published in the book Basin Futures: Water reform in the
and reusing of unconventional water resources, especially Murray-Darling Basin, by Daniel Connell and R.Quentin
in agriculture. Grafton. ANu E Press ISBN 9781921862250.
NASA. Global Climate Change.
NOAA. Paleoclimatology.
Bogaart, M. (2009). The coordination of water quality objectives
and carbon reduction: the possibilities for less stringent
obligations under the WFD and the IPPC Directive. Journal
of Water Law 186.

IWA Specialist Groups

Outfall Systems
Written by T. Bleninger and P.J.W. Roberts on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction lative characteristics, and (2) enhance the initial mixing by

multiport diffuser systems, providing efcient and fast ini-
Worldwide, the use of marine outfall systems is increas- tial mixing in a limited zone that reduces pollutant levels to
ing rapidly. Submerged multiport diffusers are gaining ambient standard requirements, and facilitates the natural
increased acceptance as effective means for the disposal assimilative processes.
of treated municipal or industrial wastewater, storm water
and combined sewer overows, cooling water, and brine The size and discharge rates of these schemes vary
concentrate from desalination plants into coastal waters. widely, but the outfalls typically range from 1 to 4 km long
Although this global trend has triggered advances in sci- and discharge into waters 2070 m deep. Some may lie
ence and technology for the design and construction of outside these ranges, for example lengths of 500 m or
such installations there are still considerable challenges for less and discharge depths of 150 m or more when the
Water Science, Research and Management. seabed slope is very steep, or lengths of more than 5 km
when the slope is very gradual. The disposal system can
The recent International Symposium on Outfall Systems, be thought of as the treatment plant, outfall, diffuser, and
held from 15 to 19 May 2011, in Mar del Plata, Argentina also the region round the diffuser (known as the near eld)
(ISOS 2011) provided in its technical sessions information where rapid mixing and dilution occurs.
on the state of the art of outfall system science and technol-
ogy, and discussed and dened the challenges during open- Marine wastewater discharges through outfalls have unique
forum meetings. Both will be summarised in this article. characteristics that are shown in Figure 1. The wastewater
is usually ejected horizontally as round turbulent jets from
a multiport diffuser. The ports may be spaced uniformly
Characteristics of outfall systems along both sides of the diffuser or clustered in risers
attached to the outfall pipe.
A typical engineering system for marine wastewater dis-
posal is shown schematically in Figure 1. It usually consists Buoyancy and oceanic density stratication play funda-
of a treatment plant and a discharge structure - the outfall. mental roles in determining the fate and transport of marine
discharges. Because the density of most efuents (i.e.
The outfall is a pipeline or tunnel, or combination of the domestic sewage) is close to that of fresh water, it is very
two, which terminates in a diffuser that efciently mixes buoyant in seawater. The jets therefore begin rising to the
the efuent in the receiving water. It thus follows two main surface and may merge with their neighbours as they rise.
principles: (1) locate the disposal area into environmentally The turbulence and entrainment induced by the jets causes
less sensitive, and anthropogenically less used, offshore rapid mixing and dilution. The region in which this occurs is
regions, which in addition have higher mixing and assimi- called the near eld. If the water is deep enough, oceanic

Figure 1. A marine outfall system: Treatment plant, outfall pipe, diffuser, and near eld (Roberts et al. 2010)

IWA Specialist Groups

density stratication may trap the rising plumes below the (ISOS 2011) by Henry Salas (Salas 2011), formerly of the
water surface; they stop rising and begin to spread laterally. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), however,
The wasteeld then drifts with the ocean current and is dif- indicated that many wastewater projects in Latin Amer-
fused by oceanic turbulence in a region called the far eld. ica did not yet conclude the outfall system. More than
The rate of mixing, or increase of dilution, is much slower in 10 large-scale projects (each more than 1 million popula-
the far eld than in the near eld. As the wasteeld drifts, tion served) were mentioned where almost completely raw
particles may deposit on the ocean oor and oatables sewage has been continuously discharged at the shoreline
may reach the ocean surface to be transported by wind for more than 10 years. One example was observed by
and currents. Finally, large-scale ushing and chemical the participants of ISOS 2011, as shown in Figure 2. Mar
and biological decay processes removes contaminants and del Plata (approximately 1 million inhabitants served) is
prevents long-term accumulation of pollutants. a major tourist resort of Argentina, currently discharges
their efuent (2.8 m/s) 9 km north the city, directly on
The mixing performance is usually expressed by a dilu- the shoreline.
tion value, which is a measure of contaminant concentra-
tion reduction. It is generally dened as the reciprocal of Studies presented during ISOS 2011 showed consider-
the volume fraction of efuent in a sample (i.e. total sam- able degradation of the shoreline ecosystem (Sanchez
ple volume volume of efuent in the sample). Dilutions et al. 2011, Haeften et al. 2011), including public health
achieved within the near eld are typically of the order of risks due to high bacteria levels along the beaches, which
hundreds to even thousands to one. Multiport diffuser out- are currently controlled by efuent chlorination (Comino
falls are efcient mixing devices and if they are located et al. 2011). Studies on outfall systems for Mar del Plata
in regions with high transport and assimilative capacities (Gyssels et al. 2011, Scagliola et al. 2011) indicated that
they can have minimal environmental impacts. an optimal solution would be construction of a preliminary
treatment plant followed by an outfall 3.2 km long made
The fate and transport of discharged efuents is inu- of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with 2 m diameter
enced by processes that operate over a wide range of terminating in a diffuser 526 m long (Cardini 2011)
length and time scales. The orders of magnitude of these discharging in about 14 m water depth. The construction
processes are tens of metres and minutes for the near- of the outfall is currently in the nal phase, where pipe
eld, and kilometres and hours to days for the far-eld. sections are welded and stored in the harbor before laying
The near-eld is governed by the initial jet discharge them in a dredged trench (see Figure 3).
momentum and buoyancy uxes and outfall geometry
which inuence the efuent trajectory and mixing. Outfall The delays of wastewater and outfall projects seem to be
designers can usually affect the initial mixing characteris- mainly related to political and administrative problems,
tics through appropriate manipulation of design variables, as well as poor understanding of those systems. There is
thus inuencing effects within the near-eld region. In the often a misconception that treatment results in a pure
far-eld, ambient conditions control plume trajectory and and clean efuent which can be discharged directly on
dilution through buoyant spreading motions and density the beaches. This leads often to underutilisation of outfall
currents, passive diffusion, and advection by the usually technologies. On the other hand, this can lead to overly
time-varying velocity eld. expensive wastewater systems, as has been shown in
a second keynote on the ISOS (2011) given by Burton
H. Jones, Department of Biological Sciences, Univer-
Treatment and disposal: Public sity of Southern California, USA, on Huntington Beach:
involvement and Regulations an in-depth study of sources of coastal contamina-
tion pathways and newer approaches to efuent plume
Wastewater systems, namely sewage collection and dispersion. He described intensive eld studies
wastewater treatment, have been growing rapidly in coun- showing that the political decision to upgrade the treat-
tries with advancing economies. Reports from the United ment plant for the existing outfall did not solve the water
Nations Environmental Program (UNEP 2002, 2004) quality problems because the existing problems are not
and the World Bank (2007) indicate continuous growth related to the outfall (Jones 2011). Around 1 billion US
especially in South America and Asia. The rst keynote dollars was spent that could have been invested much
given at the International Symposium on Outfall Systems more productively.

Figure 2. Mar del Plata shoreline discharge

IWA Specialist Groups

Figure 3. Mar del Plata outfall pipes. Top left: Transport in lengths of 12m. Top right: welding in harbor. Bottom: Storing pipe
sections 500 m long in the harbour for transport to the nal outfall location.

Further technical papers (Bleninger et al. 2011, Baptistelli uses, it is more difcult to set standards for public health
& Marcelino 2011, Menendez et al. 2011) also illustrated protection (Kay et al. 2004). There are still numerous
decient projects, but also presented solutions for outfall system projects where faecal indicator bacteria
improved water quality regulations that will enhance the concentrations are used as the only design criteria. And
efciency of controlling and managing such projects from often the commonly used WHO standard (World Health
the regulatory side. Organization 2003) is used without regional validation.
Furthermore, beach and outfall monitoring worldwide
The open-forum sessions concluded that for coastal is based on counting bacterial growth of samples taken
wastewater systems there are no one size ts all solutions. in the target areas (with different statistical implications
Instead coastal efuent management strategies should be related to sample frequencies and analysis). Results, and
a blend of technologies to meet the environmental objec- the related consequences for public health protection are
tives of the particular coastal region and water body uses, thus delayed, and cannot be clearly related to pollution
and they should be tted to the particular characteristics sources nor characterised by their risk for public health.
of the receiving waters. Thus, the focus should be on the Challenges are thus related to the improvement of genetic
receiving waters, and not on treatment technology which (DNA) analyses of water samples to enable the detection
is mainly only needed to avoid discharges of acutely toxic of viruses and pathogens directly and faster, allowing for
substances, oatables and settlable solids. It has been more efcient monitoring and risk management.
shown in several cases that well planned outfall systems
are cost efcient solutions for coastal cities that have mini- Another challenge is to improve public involvement and
mal environmental impacts. the interactions between planners, designers, politicians,
administrators, and the public. Conventional planning,
These conclusions allow formulation of the challenges fac- bidding, and contracting schemes are quite decient in
ing Water Science, Research and Management in coastal that regard, and can result signicant (nancial) damages
regions related to efuent discharges. Whereas coastal to some projects. Public involvement from the beginning
water quality criteria (ambient standards) are nowadays needs to be improved to avoid the mentioned misconcep-
sometimes already set to regional characteristics and tions and to improve the understanding of outfall systems.

IWA Specialist Groups

Advances in measuring environmental Conclusions

systems Outfall systems are often perceived as polluters instead
of clean treatment systems, using the ocean as the nal
Coastal water quality management using outfall systems
destination. However, considering the types of substances
requires detailed knowledge of the receiving water char-
discharged and the considerable assimilative capacities of
acteristics. Various authors of ISOS 2011 unfortunately
coastal waters, an outfall will always be part of a blend of
reported that in Latin America there are several large-
technologies for coastal water quality management. The
scale projects where receiving water data is missing,
publics common misconceptions of disposal systems
and not planned for in the project budgets. This puts
and their associated public health risks, also related to
these projects in a critical position as designs cannot
difculties in measuring them, are barriers for more ef-
be properly made nor project benets properly meas-
cient coastal water quality control. Challenges are related
ured after commissioning. It is like building a hydro-
to improved understanding and communication of public
power plant without good knowledge of the hydrology.
health and environmental risks and continuous monitoring
They may not result in environment or public health risk,
of associated parameters using advanced techniques in
because of often conservative design estimates. But they
the eld and the laboratory.
may cause oversized and non-optimised systems, which
leads to much higher costs than detailed eld measure- Challenges related to associated elds are related to con-
ments complemented with numerical studies would have struction issues in coastal waters, where larger continu-
allowed. Thus, missing data can be barriers to outfall ously extruded HDPE pipes up to 2.5 m diameter, larger
system projects. spiral-wound pipes, and continuing development of tun-
neling and directional drilling techniques are now becom-
The missing data and the often missing complemen- ing available. Better understanding of the receiving water
tary use of physical and numerical modeling methods is dynamics is also improving installation of outfalls (e.g. fore-
in direct contrast to recent advances in obtaining data cast systems for installation periods, Clauzet et al. 2011),
for environmental uid systems. The second keynote on submarine robot installations, and measurements during
the ISOS (2011) given by Burton H. Jones (Jones 2011) installation (Cots et al 2011).
and the third keynote presented by Peter Scanes, Ofce
of Environment and Heritage, Australia (Scanes 2011) The challenge for the IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on
showed examples from the US and Australia on the devel- Marine Outfall Systems ( are to
opment and application of new measurement instruments, advance the science and technology of all aspects of dis-
combined with conventional eld campaigns and com- charges from outfalls and their design, and to facilitate
prehensive mathematical modeling. Particular technical communication between the diverse groups of practition-
advances are related to applications of surface current ers, regulators, and nancing agencies in the eld. This
radar, integrated observation schemes, submarine gliders is especially important as the design and siting of sub-
and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs, Rogowski marine outfalls is a complex task relying on many dis-
et al. 2011) for mapping submerged plumes and related ciplines including oceanography, civil and environmental
phenomena. The improvement and applications of tracer engineering, marine biology, construction, economics,
studies using turbidity or salinity as alternatives (Pecly and and public relations.
Roldo 2011a) to conventional uorescent tracers (Correa
& Yassuda 2011; Pecly and Roldo 2011b, c) are provid-
ing valuable data on ambient dispersion characteristics Acknowledgements
and plume movement. The latter can be studied by using
GPS-equipped drifters set at different water depths, which The authors gratefully acknowledge the organisers and
can be very helpful to validate mathematical hydrody- sponsors of the recent International Symposium on Outfall
namic models of coastal circulation and pollutant trans- Systems, which allowed us to summarise its state of the art
port (Roberts & Villegas 2011; Botelho et al. 2011; Miller information. In particular, we thank Ana Paula Comino and
2011; Morelisson et al. 2011), particularly integrating Marcelo Scagliola for their continuous support, and Ente
xed site current observations (Villegas & Roberts 2011). Nacional de Obras Hdricas de Saneamiento, ENOHSA
In addition, technologies for laboratory experiments have (National Entity of Water and Sanitation Works, Argentina,
experienced signicant advances related to non-intrusive Eng. Edgardo Bortolozzi), Obras Sanitarias Mar del Plata
optical measurement techniques, such as Particle-Image Sociedad de Estado, OSSE (Mar del Plata Public Works, Eng.
Velocimetry (PIV), Particle-Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) Mario dell`Olio), Municipalidad de General Pueyrredn, MGP
and Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) in 3D. These pro- (Municipality of General Pueyrredn Party, Public Account-
vide necessary validation data for mathematical models, ant Gustavo Pulti), AIDIS, the Inter-American Association of
and can also be used to study complex ow phenomena Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, the World Bank in
related to near eld mixing. cooperation with the Spanish Government, and the Inter-
American Development Bank for their sponsorship.
Challenges remain in applying the new laboratory
techniques at the eld level and to improve temporal
and spatial resolutions in the highly variable natural References
environment. More eld studies are required, especially
related to improving the understanding of efuents other Baptistelli, S.C., Marcelino, E.B., The regulatory issue of out-
than domestic sewage, for example, produced water, fall discharge in Brazil, Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall
desalination brine, LNG discharges (cold water), and inter- Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www.
mittent stormwater discharges.

IWA Specialist Groups

Bleninger. T., Jirka, G.H., Roberts, P.J.W., Mixing Zone Regula- NRC (1993). Managing Wastewater in Coastal Urban Areas.
tions for Marine Outfall Systems, Proc. Intl. Symposium on National Research Council. Committee on Wastewater
Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina Management for Coastal Urban Areas, National Academy
( Press, Washington, DC.
Botelho D. A., Barry M. E. Collecutt G. C., Brook J. and Wiltshire Pecly J. O. G. and Roldo J. S. F. (2011b). Dye tracers as a tool
D., Linking near and far eld hydrodynamic models for for submarine outfall studies associated with mathematical
simulation of desalination plant brine discharges. Proc. Intl. modeling. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519
Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (
Plata, Argentina ( Pecly J. O. G. and Roldo J. S. F. (2011c). Dye tracers as a tool for
Cardini, J.C. The challenge of installing an outfall in the surf outfall studies: dilution measurement approach. Proc. Intl.
zone. Mar del Plata case. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del
Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www. Plata, Argentina ( Pecly J. O. G., and Roldo J. S. F. (2011a). Using the efuent
Clauzet G., Rodrigues A. P. F. & Yassuda E. Metocean operational turbidity as an environmental tracer: application to a
modeling to support outfall construction along the coastal domestic sewage outfall and comparison with dye tracer
water of Brazil. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, data. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 May
1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www.outfalls. 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina ( Roberts P. J. W. and Villegas B. E. The proposed Buenos Aires
Comino, A.P., Scagliola, M.O., Frick, W., Ge Z., The use of Vir- outfalls: outfall design. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall
tual Beach empirical model for Mar del Plata beaches as a Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www.
management tool. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems,
1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www.outfalls. Roberts, P. J. W., Salas, H. J., Reiff, F. M., Libhaber, M., Labbe, A. and Thomson, J. C. (2010). Marine Wastewater Outfalls
Corra M.A., Yassuda E., Tracer dispersion study: diffusion and Treatment Systems. London: International Water
coefcient and modeling results. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Association.
Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina Rogowski P., Terrill E., Otero M., Hazard L., Middleton B., Mapping
( ocean outfall plumes and their mixing using autonomous
Cots R., Garcia L., Devesa D., Estudios previos del medio marino underwater vehicles. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall
necesarios para la redaccin de proyectos de conducciones Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www.
submarinas. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems,
1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www.outfalls. Salas, H. Marine wastewater disposal in Latin America. Proc. Intl Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del
Gyssels P., Corral M., Rodriguez A., Patalano A., Fernandez R. Plata, Argentina (
Estudio de la dilucion en el campo cercano de vertidos Sanchez M.A., M.L. Jaubet, G.V. Garaffo, M.S. Rivero, E.A.
cloacales para el diseo de un emisario submarino en Mar Vallarino & R. Elias, Massive polychaete reefs as indicator
Del Plata. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 of both increase sewage-contamination and chlorination
May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina ( process: Mar del Plata (Argentina) as a case not of study.
Haeften van G., Scagliola M., Comino A. P., Gonzalez R. Marine Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011,
sediment quality in Mar del Plata city sewage discharge Mar del Plata, Argentina (
area period 1999-2007. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Scagliola M., Comino A.P., Haeften G., Gonzalez R., Integrated
Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www. coastal management strategy of Mar del Plata city and the sewage outfall project. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall
ISOS. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 May Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www.
2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (
Jones B. H. Huntington Beach: an in-depth study of sources Scanes Peter, Monitoring environmental impact of ocean disposal
of coastal contamination pathways and newer approaches of sewage: experience from New South Wales, Australia,
to efuent plume to dispersion. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011,
Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina Mar del Plata, Argentina (
( UNEP (2002). Water Supply & Sanitation Coverage in
Kay, D., Bartram, J., Pruess, A., Ashbolt, N., Wyer, M. D., Regional Seas, Need for Regional Wastewater Emissions
Fleisher, J. M., Fewtrell, L., Rogers, A. and Rees, G. (2004). Targets?
Derivation of numerical values for the World Health Organi- Sanitation%20&%20WET%20draft%20report.
zation guidelines for recreational waters. Water Research UNEP (2004). Guidelines on Municipal Wastewater Manage-
38, 12961304. ment, version 3,
Menndez A. N., Lopolito M. F., Badano N. D. and Re M. Inu- wastewater/Guidelines_Municipal_Wastewater_Mgnt%20
ence of projected outfalls in the plata river on limited water version3.pdf.
use zones. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519 Villegas B.E. and Roberts P.W. The proposed Buenos Aires out-
May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina ( falls: hydrodynamic modelling. Proc. Intl. Symposium on
Miller B., Numerical modeling and eld trials for the Christchurch Outfall Systems, 1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina
ocean outfall. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, (
1519 May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (www.outfalls. World Bank Group (2007). Environmental, Health, and Safety General Guidelines (EHS Guidelines). Download from
Morelissen R., Kaaij T. van der, Bleninger T., Waste water discharge
modelling with dynamically coupled near eld and far eld Guidelines. 2007.
models. Proc. Intl. Symposium on Outfall Systems, 1519
May 2011, Mar del Plata, Argentina (

IWA Specialist Groups

Marketing and Communications

Written by Brita Forssberg on behalf of the Specialist Group

Communications: an important tool for Water from the tap is still an anonymous product that is
successful water management too much taken for granted. We who work in the water
sector have to do some serious work to change the images
of water and sanitation into the attractive resources they
The members of this Specialist Group are specialised gen-
really are. We have to enter the dynamic, public discus-
eralists and they work in different types of water organi-
sion using a language that everybody can understand and
sations. They have a university education in technical or
associate with.
other disciplines, often including communications or jour-
nalism. Their strength is to follow relevant occurrences
The Specialist Group sees the need to raise the prole,
and trends in society and use this information to inuence
status and esteem with which communications specialists
organisations, activities and services. They know how to
are viewed in the water industry, and to demonstrate their
inform and communicate proactively with different types
contribution to improving the management of water serv-
of interest groups (management, employees, custom-
ices in a wide perspective.
ers, suppliers, owners, nancers, society etc.) using their
capacity to adapt language and messages to the needs of
Many water managers are convinced that effective commu-
each group. They use a wide spectrum of activities related
nications create values and are decisive success factors.
to the present management visions and goals.
Many water managers engage in making their organisa-
tions more communicative. They develop their qualities as
The group will be a forum or network for the exchange and
communicators, leading and inspiring their employees to
sharing of experiences and best practice among commu-
communicate effectively in their different work situations.
nication specialists in water services organisations (both
It demands time and energy but in the longer run it is cost
water and sanitation) as there is a lot to learn from the
experience of others in order to understand what works
and what does not, e.g. in crisis management. It is worth
Sign board in Accra, Ghana:
considering that researchers state that 70% of crisis work
is communications! You say that education is expensive. But how about

Short definitions
Modern technology and
Communication: the transfer of information between per-
Professor Norihito Tambo said at the IWA Congress in
Communications: the different media through which the
Montreal that people in general have understood the
information is transmitted.
energy agenda but not understood and not accepted the
water agenda.
Information: the strategic messages that are the prerequi-
site for increased knowledge.
The intent of the Marketing and Communications Group
is to put water higher on the public agenda by building
Communication: the message process that leads to
good relations and understanding between water utili-
changes in attitudes or behaviour.
ties and stakeholders - the wide range of customers and
water users who have many other (water) inuential roles
Relation: Mutual engagement that leads to action and
in society.
IWA members interested in marketing and communica-
tions increase in numbers. Many of them are involved in
Water management must change the Specialist Groups that focus on issues that are likely to
way people think include or involve water users. It is important to realise,
though, that every water user is also a water polluter and
More and more water utilities realise that water manage- in reality part of the sanitation system or wastewater treat-
ment is not rocket-technology; it is much more: you have ment process. This puts extra weight on management and
to change the way people think! communications.

IWA Specialist Groups

New technology affects water. New technology attracts technically, environmentally and communicatively
interest from media and the public, especially if it affects into the best drinking water in the world. NY is one of
health and the environment. We as a Specialist Group are ve large US cities that dont have to lter the drink-
interested in sharing our professional experiences from ing water.
communications with experts in other elds at relevant The Vienna Waterworks arrange smart campaigns
workshops, seminars or discussions. We will also offer to and have built such a good reputation that the drink-
arrange special workshops on communications during IWA ing water is considered one of the things a Viennese
conferences. would miss when being away from town. They arrange
excursions for you to enjoy water ... and like in NY they
A member of the Marketing and Communications Special- tend their Facebook relations.
ist Group writes:
There are many open and communicative utilities that
engage in campaigns to inuence society.
A personal diagnosis of the current situation could be
summarized by saying that marketing and communi-
The Specialist Group recognises outstanding work of
cation development is not keeping up pace with the
professionals in the water sector through its bi-annual
technological modernization of the water sector. The
communications award which is now included in the
general trend such as general management strat-
IWA Project Innovation Award (PIA) as its sixth category:
egies, technological novelties, modernization invest-
Marketing and Communications. The rst winners will be
ments required for better quality etc. representing
presented in 2012.
the primary interest themes in the major international
water sector related events, often took precedence
over themes related to better communication, aware-
ness and customer relations.
Recruiting competent personnel
The general discussion trends within the water sec-
tor today are shaped by technical specialists, leading Times are changing, the world is changing, attitudes are
to a perception that the main stakeholder in effectively changing and we the water people must learn and adapt
performing this vital public service the end user, the to these changes. We have to face higher demands on per-
customer, the community is left out. Although the formance. Risks are greater now than only a few decades
results of the efforts made by technical people in the ago. We must attract and recruit personnel with the right
water sector often remain invisible/unseen to the gen- competence.
eral public: most of the networks are below ground,
water and waste water treatment facilities are outside A colleague writes: Is it so that the changes that the water
cities etc. A simple motto for the PR activity could be sector has started lead to a very heavy work load? Is it so
Make a very good job and then talk about it. that the challenges we face make it clear that we dont
have the personnel resources needed? The amount of
Another Specialist Group member says we must use com- work and the stress are increasing as we are facing great
munications to make technology really work. challenges as for water catchment protection, security, big
investment needs. Do other businesses have the same
Learn from the successful
Successful recruitment is difcult unless the water utilities
Communications are necessary management components and organisations are known and respected, considered
to help reach business goals; create support for utility interesting and attractive. Effective communications are
operations; make technology really work; build environ- necessary.
mental awareness; build customer and consumer trust;
obtain and keep the condence of owners, politicians and The student recruitment campaign Istudywater by the
investors; build good media relations. Dutch consultancy rm DHV was the Overall Winner of the
IWA Marketing and Communications Award 2010.
Journalists, blogs and Facebook form your customers opin-
ions. It is necessary to meet them on their own terms.
Our common goal is to make water visible, interesting and
accepted. As a monopoly we have to choose our own com- The communication experts, the specialist generalists,
petitors. We can learn from model enterprises that com- have a key role in complementing water managers and
municate well: water experts when building more communicative organi-
sations for a successful future in closer relationship with
Tap water in New York has been handled, water users/stakeholders on all levels in society.
treated and developed with the greatest care both

IWA Specialist Groups

Membrane Technology
Written by Roger Ben Aim, Corinne Cabassud, Val Frenkel, How Yong NG, Vigneswaren,
Masaru Kurihara, Jan Hofman, Ismail Koyuncu, Xia Huang, Mark Wiesner,
Chunghak Lee on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction The MTSG is led by its management committee. The cur-

rent chair is Professor Chung-Hak Lee (Seoul National Uni-
In recent years membrane technologies have started to play versity, Korea), the vice-chairs are Professor Franz-Bernd
a vital role in solving water scarcity on the planet, which Frechen (University of Kassel, Germany) and Professor
is in close association with global climate change. The Vigid S. Vigneswaran (University of Technology, Sydney,
major reasons are that membranes allow not only effective Australia), the secretary is Dr Val Frenkel (Kennedy/Jenks
separation of various contaminants from water sources to Consultants, USA), and the treasurer is Professor Xia
achieve the required quality, but also exploration of water Huang (Tsinghua University, China).
resources from non-traditional sources such as wastewater
and seawater for direct or indirect portable reuse. Information about MTSG members and group activ-
ity can be found on the Groups website (http://www.
The objective of the Membrane Technology Specialist Group or the IWA website (http://www.
(MTSG) is to educate professionals and public around the
globe without barriers about membrane technologies and
to promote and exchange knowledge on membrane tech-
nology. Special attention is paid to the young professionals Existing MTSG knowledge
who will increasingly encounter membrane technologies in
their professional life.
Membrane Market
The group consists of a vast spectrum of active members Membrane technologies have inltrated every corner of
(scientists, researchers, engineers, membrane industry water and wastewater treatment such as municipal and
professionals and end-users.) in academic, industrial and industrial water, advanced wastewater treatment and
public sectors. The group has grown to be one of the larg- reuse, sea and brackish water desalination (Frenkel 2010).
est Specialist Groups within IWA. As of July 2011, it has The major reasons are the unique features of membranes
1,652 members from 88 countries. in providing complete treatment and solving the water
shortage problems that are in close association with global
The MTSG holds the international and regional bi-annual climate change. This has helped in accelerating the grow-
conferences and special workshops on specic topics ing rate of membrane market.
relevant to membrane technologies for water/wastewater
treatment, water reuse and desalination. The following
MTSG international and regional conferences have been Membrane Market: Current Situation
held and will be held with the sponsorship of IWA : During the past 10 years, the annual growth rate of
reverse osmosis (RO) desalination, microltration (MF)/
the International MTSG conference (1st) in Tokyo, Japan ultraltration (UF) membranes for drinking water treat-
(1999); ment, and membrane bioreactors (MBRs) for wastewater
the International MTSG conference (2nd) in Tel Aviv, treatment and reuse has been 17, 20 and 15% respec-
Israel (2001); tively. The reasons for this have been the similar capital,
the International MTSG conference (3rd) in Seoul, Korea operation and maintenance costs as that of conventional
(2004); treatment processes, a smaller footprint, fewer chemical
the International MTSG conference (4th) in Harrogate, requirements and much better pollutant removals. The
UK (2007); energy requirement has been relatively high, although this
the Regional MTSG conference (1st) in Moscow, Russia is reducing with the rapid advance in R&D activities in
(2008); this eld.
the International MTSG conference (5th) in Beijing,
China (2009); The membrane market was strong in 2010 while it was
the Regional MTSG conference (2nd) in Istanbul, Turkey quite different between market sectors and particular
(2010); places, regions and countries around the globe. In general
the International MTSG conference (6th) will be held in in 2010 the strongest membrane markets were sea water
Aachen, Germany (2011); desalination by reverse osmosis (SWRO) and MBR tech-
the International MTSG conference will be held (7th) in nologies. A similar trend can be expected in 20112016,
Toronto, Canada (2013). as shown in the Table 1.

IWA Specialist Groups

Table 1. Forecast on membrane market (billions US$) for There is important growth in MBR plant sizes around the
20112016 (Kwok et al. 2010) world, as shown in Table 2 (Simon Judd). The nine larg-
est MBRs constructed or under construction have a peak
Market sectors using membranes 2011 2016 daily ow of more than 100,000 m /day.

Desalination pretreatment 0.05 0.13 Membrane Market: Current Barriers

Membrane bioreactors 0.53 0.90 In general, much current R&D on membrane technolo-
gies is related to analysis and control of membrane fouling,
Drinking water 0.17 0.33 which is a chronic trouble for the operation of all mem-
brane types. The reason is that the reduction of the rela-
Tertiary wastewater treatment 0.16 0.39
tively high energy demand to operate membrane plants
Industrial applications 0.16 0.30 still remains one of the key considerations for membrane
processes over conventional treatment technologies, and
Subtotal MF/UF membranes 1.07 2.05 the higher energy consumption is in close association with
membrane fouling. In the coming years, many efforts will
RO/NF (nanoltration) 0.33 0.51 be dedicated to managing membrane fouling and reducing
Industrial applications operational energy.
RO/NF Desalination 0.42 0.67
Disposal of membrane concentrate is another challenge
Subtotal NF/RO membranes 0.75 1.18 of membrane processes, especially if high pressure NF
Total MF/UF/NF/RO membranes 1.81 3.25 and/or RO membrane systems are used for salty and high
concentrated industrial efuents. Recently, many studies
on membrane distillation/crystallization, forward osmosis
and pressure-retarded osmosis have started to address
the disposal of membrane concentrate.
The membrane market in 2011 is forecasted to be US$1.8
billion, but it is estimated to increase to US$ 3.25 billion
over the next 5 years (about 80% growth), taking into Membrane Market: Current Drivers
account only the MF/UF/NF/RO membranes. However, it
is worth noting that the estimation of membrane market There are also many factors inuencing membrane mar-
has great uctuation depending on the data sources. For ket. These are decreasing investment and operational
example, global world market of membranes for water and costs, new and more stringent legislations on efuent
wastewater treatment in 2011 is also evaluated at about 4 discharges, local water scarcity, increasing condence in
billion dollars ( membrane technologies, compact footprint of membrane
membrane-market-for-water-and-wastewater-treatment). plants compared with other technologies, and high ef-
In addition, MBR world market in 2011 is also estimated ciency of salt removals, which will accelerate penetration
at about US$380 million (http://bccresearch.blogspot. of membrane technology to several market areas in the
com/2011/07/global-membrane-bioreactors-mbr-market. near future.
Membrane Standardization
The growth rate of the SWRO market has been driven by
the needs of the recent water supplies in places that are The high pressure membranes such as RO and NF become
in the reasonable proximity to the ocean. Recent SWRO commodities items well standardized across the indus-
plants are large, with a capacity of 100,000 m /day or try and the most common high pressure element sized 8
more. For example, currently the largest operating mem- inches 40 inches (200 mm 1,000 mm) can be found
brane desalination plant in the USA is the Tampa Bay in any RO/NF facility around the world. As RO/NF facili-
SWRO, with a capacity of 95,000 m /day (with provision ties becoming larger in size the high diameter RO sized 16
for up to 130,000 m /day expansion). The largest SWRO inches (400 mm) diameter or 18 inches (450 mm) found
plant in the world under construction currently is the their place in the design of the new desalination plants.
Magta plant in Algeria, with a capacity of 500,000 m /day
(Kurihara 2011). Low-pressure membranes are still not standardized across
the industry and this situation complicates the develop-
The MBR market has been driven by needs for recycled ment of the MF/UF projects including MBR. More time
water, upgrading of ageing facilities with challenged acqui- is required to develop and procure MF/UF projects than
sition of the additional land and by the need for additional is otherwise possible, resulting in more costly projects.
water by the industrial sector. In Europe, GE Water Tech- However, there are numerous signs of the standardization
nologies-Zenon (hollow-bre) and Kubota (at-sheet) have of low-pressure membranes with MF/UF as membrane
supplied most membrane equipment for the large MBR manufacturers are following up the after-sale market offer-
plants. However, new companies with novel concepts ing membrane replacement to the operational MF/UF and
of membrane module design are slowly penetrating into MBR facilities (Frenkel 2010).
municipal and industrial MBR markets. Therefore erce
competition in the MBR membrane and equipment market As part of the Amedeus European research project, a
supply can be expected in the coming years and expo- report about MBR standardization including recommen-
nential growth of the MBR market as a result (Lesjean dations has been recently published (De Wilde et al. 2007,
et al. 2011).

IWA Specialist Groups

Table 2. The 20 largest MBRs in the world? (Simon Judd, (ML/day)

Installation Supplier Date PDF ADF

Brightwater, WA, USA GE 2011 170 117

Qinghe, China OW/MRC 2011 150 150

North Las Vegas, NV, USA GE 2011 133 95

Yellow River, GA, USA GE 2011 111 69

Shiyan Shendinghe, China OW/MRC 2009 110 110

Aquaviva, Cannes, France GE 2012 106 59

Bus an City, Korea GE 2012 100 100

Guangzhou, China Memstar 2010 100

Wenyuhe, Beijing, China OW/Asahi Kasei 2007 100 100

Johns Creek, GA, USA GE 2009 94 42

Awaza, Turkmenistan GE 2011 87 69

Jordan Basin WRF, UT, USA GE 2012 79 53

Beixiaohe, China Siemens 2008 78

Al Ansab, Muscat, Oman Kubota 2010 77 55

Cleveland Bay, Australia GE 2009 75 29

Broad Run WRF, VA, USA GE 2008 71 38

Christies Beach, Australia GE 2011 68 27

Incheon, Korea Econity 2012 65

Lusail, Oatar GE 2011 61 61

Ecosama, Sao Paulo, Brazil Koch 2012 61 57

MRC, Mitsubishi Rayon Corporation; OW, Origin Water; PDF, peak daily ow; ADF, average daily ow.

General trends and challenges up to now in worldwide research should be re-examined,

because a large variety of non-standardized fouling char-
acterization methods were used.
Membrane Fouling
Xiong reviewed and emphasized various biological meth-
In general, much current R&D on membrane technolo- ods that have great potential in controlling membrane
gies is related to analysis and control of membrane fouling, biofouling, because they have the advantages of high ef-
which is the chronic challenge for operation of all membrane ciency, low toxicity, and less bacterial resistance develop-
types. The reason is that the reduction of the relatively high ment over traditional physicochemical methods. As one
energy demand to operate membrane plants still remains example of the biological method, the recent study by
one of the drawbacks of membrane processes over con- Yeon et al. (2009) showed that the quorum sensing inhi-
ventional treatment technologies, and higher energy con- bition method, for example the addition of an enzyme to
sumption is closely associated with membrane fouling. inactivate signal molecules, has advantages of non-toxicity
and high antibiofouling efciency. Further study is needed
Much research is underway to mitigate membrane foul-
to conrm such a quorum quenching effect on the control
ing, thereby to reduce energy demand to operate low (MF,
of biofouling in full-scale MBR plants.
UF) and high pressure (NF, RO) membranes. Some newer
membrane technologies are knocking the door.
Enhancing membrane performance with
In 2010, two particularly instructive review articles address-
ing biofouling in MBR were published by Drews (2010) nanomaterials
and Xiong et al. (2010).
Next-generation membranes are being developed that
Drews pointed out that many contradictory conclusions incorporate nanomaterials, such as zeolites, carbon nano-
on membrane fouling in MBR that have been reported tubes, silver nanoparticles and others to improve membrane

IWA Specialist Groups

properties and performance. These membranes have on the use of FO for industrial and domestic applications
higher uxes, resist breakage to a much greater extent, can be found in literature. During the past decade, FO has
and/or exhibit reduced biofouling. Membrane processes been studied in wastewater treatment, seawater desalina-
based on even more advanced nanoscale control of mem- tion, the food industry for stream concentration, as well as
brane architecture may ultimately allow for multi-functional for purifying water in emergency situations. New and high
membranes that not only separate water from contami- performance FO membranes are being researched (Chou
nants, but also actively clean themselves and check for et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2010).
damage, detect contaminants, or combine detection, reac-
tion and separation. In September 2008, Modern Water (Guildford, UK) built
the worlds rst FO desalination plant in Gibraltar on the
Several nanomaterials are used for the formation of organ- Mediterranean Sea. This local plant successfully com-
icinorganic porous composite membranes such as Al2O3, pleted testing procedures of the product water and, since
TiO2, SiO2, nAg (silver nanoparticles), CNT (carbon nano- May 2009, water has been supplied to the local commu-
tube), chitosan and others. These nanomaterials improve nity. A year later, in September 2009, a larger desalina-
membrane properties, such as (1) increased skin layer tion plant was commissioned in the Sultanate of Oman at
thickness, (2) higher surface porosity of the skin, (3) sup- Al Khaluf. This new plant shares pre-treatment facilities
pressed macrovoid formation, and (4) higher permeability with an existing RO desalination plant, providing a good
of the membrane (Taurozzi et al. 2008). opportunity to compare both technologies. Results were
better than expectations, especially on resistance to foul-
The very efcient transport of water through CNT mem- ing and product water quality. Moreover, despite the very
branes seems promising for energy reduction in seawater bad quality of the source seawater, the FO membranes
desalination. However, the road to useful industrial appli- have not been cleaned or replaced over the year of opera-
cations of CNT membranes may be yet a long and arduous tion. In contrast, RO membranes from the other desalina-
one owing to the selectivity and cost requirements (Verweij tion plant had to be cleaned every two to four weeks and
2007). Maximous et al. (2009) prepared PES ultraltration had been replaced over the one year operation time. This
membrane with entrapping Al2O3 nanoparticles and used clearly demonstrates the low fouling propensity of the FO
this membrane at the activated sludge ltration. Al2O3 process compared with the RO membrane process.
nanoparticles decreased the adhesion or the adsorption
of the EPS on the membrane surface and increased the Other key advantages of the FO desalination process
ltration performance of membrane. are (1) the energy consumption is lower by more than
30% compared with conventional RO, (2) chlorine toler-
In particular, incorporation of quorum quenching nanoma- ance and compatibility with a variety of biocides with FO
terials makes the membranes reactive instead of a simple membranes, (3) inherently low product boron levels, and
physical barrier. Kim et al. (2011) prepared an acylase- (4) higher availability than conventional RO plant owing to
immobilized nanoltration membrane with quorum low fouling and simple cleaning when required.
quenching activity. This membrane prohibited biofouling,
namely the formation of mature biolm on the membrane The success of the FO process at the industrial level
surface owing to the reduced secretion of EPS. depends on how to prepare an efcient FO membrane
having minimal internal and external concentration polari-
Overall, these nanomaterials could contribute to the devel- zations as well as how to separate salt free water effectively
opment of specic membranes in many desired ways. One from the draw solution (Ng et al. 2006).
challenge in the future will be to use these developments
to tailor membranes for processes that rely on driving Membrane Distillation (MD)
forces other than pressure, such as forward osmosis or
membrane distillation. MD uses hydrophobic porous membranes as supports for
a liquid/vapour interface and the vapour is transported in
the membrane pores by diffusion. Indeed MD is particu-
Forward Osmosis (FO) and Membrane larly interesting because the principle itself of the trans-
Distillation (MD) fer and selectivity of these membranes does not depend
on the osmotic pressure of the solution as for the RO or
In the context of climate change, the environmental and the FO.
energy issues become essential and must be taken into
account in the design of membrane systems and in their Recent work has shown the use of the MD process for
mode of operation, so that membrane processes remain the over-concentration of brines up to very high salt con-
or become competitive. The relatively high energy demand centrations and thus for improving the recovery of RO
to operate conventional pressure driven membrane proc- plants (Mricq et al. 2010), for the crystallization of salts
esses (MF, UF, NF, RO) still remains a challenge to be man- for their valorization (Ji 2010). Another interesting applica-
aged. As alternatives to reverse osmosis (RO), membrane tion is when coupling the MD process with solar energies
distillation (MD) and forward osmosis (FO) are being con- (Mricq et al. 2011; Guilln-Burrieza et al. 2011) or the
sidered for low-energy seawater desalination and waste- recovery of heat, which can make MD become a sustain-
water reuse able process. The work in progress on this topic through-
out the world relates to the design and development of new
Forward Osmosis (FO) membrane modules (Winter et al. 2011) and integrated
systems, and on the characterization and long-term con-
FO, a novel low-energy and natural process, has been sig- trol of membrane fouling and its properties (Krivorot et al.
nicantly developed in the past few years as an alterna- 2011). Some platforms with long-term testing of the MD
tive membrane technology for desalination. Many studies system coupled with solar energy or waste heat recovery

IWA Specialist Groups

are under operation in many countries such as the Neth- Ji X., Curcio E., Obaidani S.A., Proo G.D., Fontananova E. and
erlands, Spain, Tunisia and Singapore. Drioli E. (2010) Membrane distillation-crystallization of
seawater reverse osmosis brines. Separation and Purication
Technology 71(1), 7682.
Judd, S., the MBR site,
Conclusions and outlook php.
Kim J.H., Choi D.C., Yeon K.M., Kim S.R. and Lee, C.H. (2011)
Membrane fouling and energy consumption when oper- Enzyme-immobilized nanoltration membrane to mitigate
ating membrane processes are still important challenges biofouling based on quorum quenching. Environmental
that need to be optimized and improved using innovative Science and Technology 45, 16011607.
tools and technologies, as well as best operational prac- .Krivorot M., Kushmaro A., Oren Y. and Gilron J. (2011) Factors
tices. Nevertheless, for a wide range of applications in affecting biolm formation and biofouling in membrane
distillation of seawater. Journal of Membrane Science
several areas, membrane treatment is becoming a com-
376 (12), 15-24.
petitive and economically viable option.
Kwok S.C., Lang H. and OCallaghan P. (2010) Water Technology
Markets 2010: key opportunities and emerging trends.
The main factors inuencing the rapid growth of mem- Global Water Intelligence.
brane technology are the following: Kurihara M. (2011) International Conference on Seawater Desali-
nation & Wastewater Reuse, Quingdao, China, June 21.
(1) multiple global challenges such as energy/resource Lesjean B., Tazi-Pain A., Thaure D., Moeslang H. and Buisson H.,
shortage, climate change and rapid population (2011) Ten persistent myths and the realities of membrane
growth; bioreactor technology for municipal applications. Water
Science and Technology 63(1), 3239.
(2) improvement in membrane materials and modules; Maximous, N., Nakhla, G., Wan, W. and Wong, K. (2009) Prepa-
and ration, characterization and performance of Al2O3 /PES
membrane for wastewater ltration. Journal of Membrane
(3) operational stability such as better antifouling, integrity Science 341, 6775.
testing of membrane processes. Mricq, J.P., Laborie, S. and Cabassud, C., (2010) Vacuum
membrane distillation of seawater reverse osmosis brines.
The key drawbacks of membrane technologies are high Water Research 44(18), 52605273.
energy consumption and relatively high cost. In addition, Mricq JP., Laborie S. and Cabassud C., (2011) Evaluation of
questions still remain about the durability and lifespan of systems coupling vacuum membrane distillation and solar
the membranes: the 20-year lifespan claimed by manufac- energy for seawater desalination. Chemical Engineering
turers in continuous MBRs has yet to be proved through Journal 166(2), 596606.
Ng, H.Y., Tang, W. and Wong, W.S. (2006) Performance of
operational experience.
forward (direct) osmosis process: membrane structure
and transport phenomenon. Environmental Science and
Owing to its aforementioned intrinsic properties, mem- Technology 40, 24082413.
brane technology will be the centre of one of the core Taurozzi, J.S., Arul, H., Bosak, V. Z., Burban, A.F., Voice, T.C.,
technologies for us to face multiple challenges in the Bruening, M.L. and Tarabara, V.V. (2008) Effect of ller
future. Membrane technology will provide great help to incorporation route on the properties of polysulfonesilver
meet ve of the fteen Global Challenges (TMP 2011) nanocomposite membranes of different porosities. Journal
for Humanity, namely sustainable development and cli- of Membrane Science 325, 5868.
mate change, water scarcity and water quality, balance TMP (The Millennium Project) (2001) Global challenges for
population and resources, health issues and reduction of humanity, Available at <
diseases and immune microbes, renewable energy and millennium/challenges.html> (assessed July, 2011).
Verweij, H., Schillo M. and Li J. (2007) Fast mass transport
energy conversion.
through carbon nanotube membranes. Small 3, 1996
Wang, R., Shi, L., Tang, C.Y., Chou, S., Qiu, C. and Fane, A.G.
References (2010) Characterization of novel forward osmosis hollow
ber membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 355(12),
Chou S., Shi L., Wang R., Tang C.Y, Qiu C. and Fane A.G. 158167.
(2010) Characteristics and potential applications of a novel Winter, D., Koschikowski, J. and Wieghaus, M., (2011) Desalination
forward osmosis hollow ber membrane. Desalination using membrane desalination; experimental studies on full
261(3), 365372. scale spiral wound modules. Journal of Membrane Science
Drews A. (2010), Membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors- 375(12), 104112.
characterisation, contradictions, cause and cures. Journal Xiong, Y. and Liu, Y. (2010) Biological control of micro-
of Membrane Science 363, 128. bial attachment: a promising alternative for mitigating
Frenkel, V. (2010) Membrane technologies for water and waste- membrane biofouling. Applied Microbiology and Biotech-
water treatment. International Water Association Conference nology 86, 825837.
IWA-2010, June 24, 2010, Moscow, Russia. Yeon, K.M., Lee, C.H. and Kim J. (2009) Magnetic enzyme carrier
Guilln-Burrieza E. et al. (2011) Experimental analysis of an air for effective biofouling control in the membrane bioreactor
gap membrane distillation solar desalination pilot system. based on enzymatic quorum quenching. Environmental
Journal of Membrane Science 379(12), 386396. Science and Technology 43, 74037409.

IWA Specialist Groups

Metals and related substances

in drinking water
Written by Colin R. Hayes on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction (EU) and US standards that apply, their main signicance

and the principal control options.
Contamination of drinking water by metals and metalloids
can occur throughout the supply chain from source to tap All water supply systems in the world, particularly piped
due to industrial efuents, natural sources, water treat- supplies, are susceptible to problems arising from one
ment chemicals, water mains and domestic pipe-work or more metals or metalloids, many of which are health
systems. related. The impact in economic terms is likely measurable
in trillions of US dollars/ EU euros and yet, all too often,
The metals and metalloids most commonly associated with problems with metals and metalloids are not fully appreci-
drinking water are listed in Table 1 together with the World ated, if at all, due to monitoring deciencies. Three major
Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, European Union issues are described in the sections that follow.

Table 1. Metals and metalloids in drinking water

Metal or Guideline standard standard
metalloid (g/l) (g/l) (g/l) H A MB Control

Aluminium 100 200 200 50 200 Source treatment and process control
Antimony 20 5 6 Source treatment (rare)
Arsenic 10 10 10 Source treatment (common)
Barium 700 2000 Source treatment (rare)
Boron 2400 1000 Source treatment (rare)
Cadmium 3 5 5 Source protection (industry)
Calcium Source and point-of-use treatment
Chromium 50 50 100 Source protection (industry)
Copper 2000 2000 1300 Restrict use and corrosion control
Iron 200 300 Source treatment and pipe rehabilitation
Lead 10 25 (10) 15 Pipe removal and corrosion control
Magnesium Source and point-of-use treatment
Manganese 50 50 Source treatment
Mercury 6 1 2 Source protection (industry)
Molybdenum Source treatment (rare)
Nickel 70 20 Restrict use and corrosion control
Selenium 40 10 Source treatment (rare)
Sodium 200,000 Source treatment or blending
Uranium 30 30 Source treatment (rare)
Zinc Restrict use and corrosion control

H, health; A, aesthetic; MB, mineral balance.

IWA Specialist Groups

Arsenic lead in drinking water (as an average) can be associated

with a blood lead level of between 10 and 15 g/dl. WHO
Arsenic is present in the Earths crust and sediments, par- has just published its 4th Edition of Guidelines for Drinking
ticularly in volcanic regions and sediments in the deltaic Water Quality and retained the guideline value for lead
regions. Groundwater in contact with arsenic bearing rock of 10 g/l, but as a provisional guideline on the basis of
strata or sediments can become contaminated to levels treatment performance and analytical achievability. The
many times those considered safe for human ingestion. current WHO guideline value therefore offers little or no
Potential health effects include skin damage, problems safety margin for children and a further tightening might
with circulatory systems, and increased risks of getting be justied in the future.
bladder cancer or diabetes.
The full extent of problems with lead in drinking water is
In Bangladesh, around half the population are suffering unclear due to a range of monitoring deciencies . In
from chronic arsenic poisoning as a consequence of inges- Europe, the EU Member States failed to agree a harmo-
tion from drinking water . In Europe, numerous ground- nised monitoring method for lead, copper and nickel at
water abstractions are affected in countries such as Italy, consumers taps. In consequence some countries are not
Hungary and Serbia. Corrective treatment technologies monitoring at all for regulatory purposes, some take sam-
are well developed, such as ltration through activated iron ples from the distribution network (where there is normally
oxide, but relatively costly. The development of absorption no lead present) and others take samples from consum-
methods using bone char, chitin or coconut husks offer ers taps but only after ushing the pipe-work (any lead is
more affordable solutions in developing nations. Some ushed away before sampling). However, case studies
European countries are seeking temporary derogations based on random daytime sampling of water supply sys-
from the legal standard, to give more time for the imple- tems in several EU countries have found non-compliance
mentation of major improvement programmes. with the WHO guideline value ranging from less than 10%
to over 50%, with around half having non-compliance
Problems with arsenic in drinking water are probably not between 20 and 30%. There is an obvious need for many
fully appreciated. Even with the larger municipal scale sys- European countries to clarify the extent of compliance of
tems, the extent of monitoring varies. Small and very small their water supply systems with the WHO guideline value
water supply systems, many of which are privately owned, of 10 g/l. In the US, the stagnation sampling protocol
are a cause for concern because monitoring is often not used by the Lead Copper Rule is susceptible to a range of
undertaken at all and expertise is lacking to do meaning- variables, particularly distortion from water stood in non-
ful risk assessments. Over 10% of the European popula- lead pipe-work, and problems may also have been under-
tion and about 15% of the US population get their drinking estimated although this has yet to be quantied.
water from small and very small supply systems. Other
regions of the World will have a similar or worse position. Most lead in drinking water comes from the lead pipes
that were used to connect a home to the water main in the
street and are still in service. In Europe, it seems possible
that up to 25% of homes still have lead pipes, putting 1
Lead in 4 children at risk. In the US and Canada it is estimated
that about 3% of homes have lead pipes. In some circum-
Since the early 1970s, standards for lead in drinking water
stances, lead leaching from brass and galvanic corrosion
have tightened considerably as health effects became
of leaded solder can also cause problems. One obvious
clearer, particularly reductions in the IQ of children. The
(2) solution is to take out all the lead pipes but there are
World Health Organization , in its booklet in 2010 on
problems, including: (1) high cost; (2) disruption; (3) split
Childhood Lead Poisoning has drawn attention to the
owner-ship; and (4) the refusal of consumers to cooper-
ate. Just taking out the lead pipes owned by the water
company does not solve the problem and can even make
recent research that indicates that lead is associated
matters worse in the short term with increased lead con-
with neurobehavioural damage at blood levels of 5 g/dl
centrations caused by physical disturbance of the pipe-
and even lower, and that there appears to be no thresh-
work. Recognising the possible extent of problems, there
old level below which lead causes no injury to the devel-
is a need for water companies to operate corrosion control
oping human brain;
in their supply systems. Optimal plumbosolvency control
an increase in blood lead level from less than 1 to 10
will likely entail pH elevation (to between 8 and 9) and/or
g/dl has been associated with an IQ loss of 6 points
the dosing of a corrosion inhibitor, the most effective being
and further IQ losses of between 2.5 and 5 have been
orthophosphate at typical doses of 1 to 1.5 mg/l (as P).
associated with an increase in blood level over the range
In the UK, 95% of water supplies are dosed with ortho-
10 to 20 g/dl.
phosphate, at an optimum concentration, and over 99%
of random daytime samples now comply with the WHO
The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
guideline value of 10 g/l.
re-evaluated lead in June 2010 and withdrew the provi-
sional tolerable weekly intake guideline value for lead on
the grounds that it was inadequate to protect against IQ
loss (2). This guideline value had been used as part of the General corrosion control
basis for determining WHOs guideline value for lead in
drinking water of 10 g/l, that was published in the third The corrosive potential of drinking water has long been
edition of Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality in 2004 under-estimated. Corrosion of cast iron water mains has
and 2008 . To put this into perspective, epidemiological resulted in poor pressure, increased bursts, higher levels
studies suggest, as a general relationship, that 20 g/l of leakage and signicant discolouration problems. The

IWA Specialist Groups

cost of replacing corroded iron mains, or their refurbish- potentially remaining problems from legacy leaded brass
ment, is very high and at the national level can total many and solder, and the ability of corrosion control to contain
billions of US dollars/EU euros. Silicate and polyphosphate such problems.
based corrosion inhibitors can partly ameliorate problems
with old iron mains, but are no substitute for mains reha- Ultimately the key to all the problems associated with met-
bilitation. Systems with slightly acidic water supplies and als and metalloids in drinking water is knowledge. The
very low alkalinity, as commonly derived in mountainous Specialist Group is therefore committed to initiating and
areas, are particularly corrosive, made worse by the pres- promoting knowledge exchange through a series of Best
ence of fulvic and humic acids (organic acids that leach Practice Guides, review publications and associated train-
from bog-land). ing. Updates on these initiatives are available from IWAs
Water Wiki.
Corrosion problems can also be signicant when drink-
ing water passes through domestic pipe-work and, addi-
tional to problems with lead (see above), include: (1) Conclusions
failure of copper pipe-work as a consequence of pitting
corrosion; (2) failure of brass ttings due to dezincica- Metals and related substances in drinking water have an
tion; (3) leaching of nickel from nickel-chrome plated immense signicance, not always appreciated, spanning
components; (4) leaching of cadmium from galvanised human health, the management and refurbishment of
iron pipe-work; and (5) failure of galvanised iron pipes water supply infrastructure and the use of metal compo-
once the protective zinc layer has dissipated. In various nents in domestic pipe-work systems.
ways, the quality of the drinking water strongly inuences
these corrosion problems, examples being pH (both high There is scope for the improvement of regulatory systems,
and low), chloride and natural organic matter. This implies particularly in over-coming sampling problems, so that
a close link with source water quality and the extent and monitoring data can reliably identify the situations requir-
reliability of its treatment. In this context, the nal water ing corrective attention. Effective regulation is also required
quality after desalination requires careful consideration. to ensure that the metal components used in water supply
systems are safe and do not cause problems for drinking
water consumers. There is also scope to extend the use of
Looking to the future risk assessment in water supply management, including the
problems associated with domestic pipe-work systems.
At the prompting of the World Health Organization (3, 5),
the global water supply sector is increasingly implement- Multi-disciplinary research must be encouraged in the
ing a risk managed approach to operations, through eld of metals and related substances in drinking water,
Drinking Water Safety Plans, on a source to tap basis. especially in relation to potential health impacts.
It is important that corrosion control needs are prop-
erly identied through adequate awareness, appropriate
monitoring and any other investigations that might be References
necessary, such as water corrosivity testing. A major and
immediate priority must be to optimise corrosion control 1. Mukherjee, A.B. and Bhattacharya, P. (2001) Arsenic in
to reduce lead in drinking water. Concurrently, it will be groundwater in the Bengal Delta Plain: slow poisoning in
important for the deciencies in the regulation of metals Bangladesh. Environmental Reviews 9(3): 189220.
in drinking water quality to be rectied, and for regulatory 2. World Health Organization (2010) Booklet on Childhood Lead
and testing systems that control the use of metal materi- Poisoning.
als to be effective. 3. World Health Organization (2008) Guidelines for Drinking-
water Quality: Third Edition incorporating 1st and 2nd
The prospect of a future possible tightening of WHOs addenda, Vol. 1, Recommendations, WHO, Geneva.
4. Quinn, M.J. and Sherlock, J.C. (1990) The correspondence
guideline value for lead in drinking water is very daunt-
between U.K. action levels for lead in blood and in water.
ing as it seems likely that even optimised corrosion control
Food Additives and Contaminates 7, 387-424.
will not be capable of securing compliance. As a matter of 5. World Health Organization (2011) Guidelines for Drinking-
priority, policy makers should be developing strategies for water Quality: Fourth Edition. WHO, Geneva.
total lead pipe replacement, which could include legisla- 6. International Water Association (2010) Best Practice Guide
tion to force owners to certify their homes as lead pipe on the Control of Lead in Drinking Water. IWA Publishing,
free at the time of sale or letting. There is also a need to London.
understand better, through further research, the extent of

IWA Specialist Groups

Microbial Ecology and

Water Engineering
Written by Per Halkjr Nielsen, Katherine McMahon, Adrian Oehmen and Mark van Loosdrecht
on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction 15 years. ASPD had primarily focussed on the activated

sludge process (and more recently also other systems). The
The overall aim of the Microbial Ecology and Water Engi- severe operational problems with bulking and foaming were
neering Specialist Group is to establish effective science- major drivers in these activities and as a SG, we have been
based approaches for identifying and solving practical successful in revealing the identity and function of many
problems and develop innovative processes in biological of these lamentous organisms and giving recommenda-
wastewater treatment and resource recovery. The Spe- tions to control their growth. Also, the microbiology behind
cialist Group deals with many biological systems, aerobic biological nutrient removal (N and P) has been intensively
as well as anaerobic, such as activated sludge, biolms, studied and resulted in improved understanding and bet-
granules, and membrane bioreactors. The scientic focus ter operation of full-scale plants, the development of recov-
encompasses identity, physiology, ecology, and popula- ery processes, and the production of high-value products
tion dynamics of relevant microbial populations (includ- such as bioplastics from wastewater. The microbiology of
ing viruses, bacteria, archaea and higher organisms) and the activated sludge process is described in several IWA
many of the tools, concepts, theories and challenges of publications (see, for example, Tandoi et al., 2005; Nielsen
our work are common to all engineered biological water et al., 2009a; Seviour and Nielsen, 2010). The Specialist
treatment processes. Group has been an important forum for exchange of the
many new methods and approaches in microbial ecology,
Microbes and thus microbial ecology is an inherent part modelling and treatment plant design and operation that
also of the water cycle in many other systems in water have developed during the past 15 years.
engineering. Examples are drinking water production
and distribution systems, biofouling and biocorrosion of
pipelines or reverse osmosis systems for conversion of General trends and challenges
seawater to drinking water. Some of these topics are also
health-related and are as such treated in other SGs, but A. Wastewater as (part of) a biorefinery
the methodologies and the fundamental understanding concept
of microbial ecosystems are in common. Studying funda-
mental aspects of microbial biology, e.g. cell-to-cell com- There is a growing need to regard wastewater treatment
munication in biolms, may reveal knowledge that can plants (WWTPs) as resource recovery systems, rather than
directly be applied in any of the microbial ecosystems in purely for preventing pollutant releases to the environment.
the engineered water systems. Recovering valuable products and energy from wastewater
maximises the full potential of the WWTP from an economic
Microbial ecology recently got a big boost due to the fan-
and environmental standpoint. Optimising pollutant removal
tastic development in novel molecular technologies, par-
can therefore become economically benecial, since it
ticularly related to DNA/RNA sequencing technologies and
simultaneously leads to greater product recovery. Wastewa-
proteomics, developed by microbial ecologists and biotech-
ter can thus be viewed as a viable feedstock that can be
nologists during the past 510 years. Most engineers have
integrated with other biomass feedstocks into the bioren-
not been exposed to this exciting development and even
ery concept, producing value-added chemicals, fuels and
fewer can foresee how this can be used in water engineer-
energy from renewable resources (see Fig. 1). In addition
ing. We have selected a few hot topics where these tech-
to increasing resource recovery, it is also highly desirable
nologies are already signicantly changing our capabilities
to minimise the addition of chemical and energy inputs to
to design, control and apply microbial communities in water
WWTPs, in order to improve the environmental and cost-
engineering, and we hope this can inspire many research-
effectiveness of the system as well as its sustainability.
ers, developers, consultants and other persons involved in
water engineering to join us in this exciting new era. One important such example is the removal and recovery of
phosphorus (P), since global P reserves are being depleted
rapidly. The production of fertiliser such as magnesium
Existing Specialist Group knowledge ammonium phosphate (struvite) can generate revenue
and simultaneously minimises struvite scaling problems in
The Activated Sludge Population Dynamics (ASPD) Special- sludge handling units. The enhanced biological phosphorus
ist Group changed its name to Microbial Ecology and Water removal (EBPR) process is most commonly combined with
Engineering in 2009 so most of the present knowledge in P and nitrogen (N) recovery while e.g. struvite or calcium
the Specialist Group was developed in ASPD over the past phosphates can be recovered after the pre-concentration

IWA Specialist Groups

Figure 1. Organic carbon sources in wastewater can be viewed as a viable feedstock that can be integrated with other bio-
mass feedstocks into the biorenery concept, producing value-added chemicals, fuels and energy from renewable resources
and also used for recovery of resources, e.g. phosphorus.

of P and N in EBPR biomass. Optimising N and P removal Another attractive alternative for organic matter recovery
efciency in WWTPs simultaneously reduces the need for from wastewater is the generation of carbon-based bio-
supplemental addition of carbon sources and chemical products. Biodegradable plastics such as polyhydroxyal-
precipitants and reduces oxygen demand, thereby lowering kanoates (PHA) are increasing in demand compared with
operational costs. Microbial ecology has an important role petroleum-based plastics, since they can be produced
in this context since increasing our knowledge on the iden- from renewable resources, including wastewater (Fig. 2).
tity and metabolism of the microbial communities respon- PHA production through mixed microbial cultures has
sible for biological nutrient removal aid the development of been recently shown to be competitive with traditional pure
novel processes, optimise existing processes and improve culture approaches, and has the potential to become more
mathematical models. Some examples therein include the widely applied (Dias et al., 2008; Johnson et al., 2008).
anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) process (Strous Other value-added chemicals that can be produced from
et al., 1999), minimising greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. wastewater include alcohols, organic acids and lipids,
N2O) (Kampschreur et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2010), methane- which are used as fuels or for the synthesis of bioplastics/
driven denitrication (Raghoebarsing et al., 2006) and biopolymers (Kleerebezem and van Loosdrecht, 2007).
maximising the growth of polyphosphate accumulating Most of these compounds are produced through anaerobic
organisms (PAOs) over their competitors, the glycogen fermentation, which is also critical for achieving PHA pro-
accumulating organisms (GAOs) (Oehmen et al., 2010a,b). duction and EBPR, since volatile fatty acids produced via
fermentation are the key compounds taken up during each
Technologies for organic matter conversion into bioenergy process. The microbial communities responsible for fer-
sources such as methane through anaerobic digestion and mentation processes have been rarely studied (e.g. Kong
recovery of the biogas are widely implemented at WWTPs, et al., 2008), and improved knowledge is needed here in
substantially lowering the energy budget required to operate order to better manage the often-limiting carbon sources
the plant. Methods of further increasing the energetic pro- and optimise the processes that consume them; namely,
ductivity are being actively researched, particularly through denitrication, EBPR and bioenergy/bioproduct formation.
bioelectrochemical systems (e.g. microbial fuel cells) and
biohydrogen production (Logan et al., 2006; Kleerebezem
and van Loosdrecht, 2007). These technologies can also B. Understanding stability of microbial
be combined to generate hydrogen via microbial electroly- populations
sis cells (Rozendal et al., 2008). The microbial ecology of
these systems is not well understood at present, and can be The applicability of any microbiological treatment system
quite complex considering the wide variety of organic sub- strongly depends on the stability of the microbial ecosys-
strates present in wastewater. Further research could yield tem, e.g. in relation to N-removal, settling properties of
ways of optimising bioenergy production through minimis- activated or granular sludge, or methane production. Poor
ing energetic losses via competing metabolic pathways. functional stability may result in process break down and

IWA Specialist Groups

Figure 2. Bacteria with large amounts of intracellular bioplastic, poly-hydroxy-alkanoates (PHA) as they use as storage

poor reliability and performance of the system. Such insta- suggesting this is a general feature of similar ecosystems.
bility of wastewater treatment operation has often been This is extremely interesting and indicates we only need to
reported but it is not always known whether it is due to vari- deal with a limited number of core microbes for a certain
ation in the microbial populations or their function. Thus, to type of treatment process, almost independently of the
ensure efciency and stability in future treatment systems variations in plant design and operation. It is possible to
we need better knowledge about the identity of the key study these core organisms by advanced single cell tech-
microbes, their functions, interactions, and factors regulat- niques alone or in combination with the -omics approach
ing their presence. Furthermore, more general principles (see below) to reveal details in their metabolism and nd
governing the stability of such microbial ecosystems should selective principles for control of certain populations and
be developed and founded on proper theories in microbial management of the community. Good examples are con-
ecology, thus providing a more generic and comprehensive trol of lamentous microorganisms involved in foaming and
approach to establish and control communities. bulking (Nielsen et al., 2009b, Fig. 3). Little is known about
the stability of the populations in such treatment systems.
Interestingly, new research has shown that microbial Some studies show a relatively high community stability
ecosystems in very similar treatment processes seem to whereas others show only minimal stability although the
have a common core community of species or ecotypes functional stability may be higher. More detailed studies
shared among different plants. The most recent example with modern molecular methods are strongly needed to
is microbial communities in 25 Danish treatment plants enlighten this important issue.
performing EBPR, where most of the bacterial types were
present in all plants despite signicant differences in plant The rst steps have been taken to form general concepts
design, operation and wastewater type (Nielsen et al., and theories for management of microbial communities, e.g.
2010). Digesters treating surplus sludge from treatment by Microbial resource management (Curtis et al., 2003;
plants (Rivie`re et al., 2009) and even the human gut (Qui McMahon et al., 2007; Verstraete et al., 2007). However,
et al., 2010) also seem to have such core communities, we need more comprehensive studies of selected highly

IWA Specialist Groups

Figure 3. Filamentous microorganisms in activated sludge system. If present in large numbers, they cause foaming or poor
settling properties and a deteriorated solid-liquid separation (bulking). Control of these organisms is now possible in most
cases due to an increased knowledge about their identity and ecology.

relevant communities in water engineering for studies by developed to study sub-cellular systems (DNA, RNA, and
the novel comprehensive approaches in microbial ecology. protein, respectively) of single organisms to multi-species
Furthermore, the new knowledge should be transferred to assemblages (Wilmes et al., 2009). Together they describe
a better understanding and practical recommendations for the genetic blueprint of a microbial community (metagen-
full-scale plants in the entire water cycle. This Specialist omics), the genes within the community that have been
Group will take on this important future task. recently transcribed into messenger RNA (metatranscrip-
tomics), and those genes that have been translated into
protein (metaproteomics). A meta-omics-driven approach
C. The use of the new-omics technologies treats the community as a system, within which are
in water engineering (what is it and what embedded the sub-cellular systems normally studied by
can it do?) microbiologists. The three techniques have the potential
to be extremely powerful when employed on the same
There is no doubt that molecular tools have provided an samples, providing a data-rich snapshot of both genetic
unprecedented window into the structure and dynamics of potential and gene expression at two different levels (i.e.
microbial communities in water engineering systems. How- mRNA and protein).
ever, recent advances in the application of systems-level
molecular biology to microbial ecosystems have opened Metagenomics is already being used extensively to
doors about which we previously could only dream (Raes assess the metabolic potential of microbial communi-
and Bork, 2008). Metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, ties in diverse habitats ranging from the oceans to soil to
and metaproteomics are three techniques that apply tools the human gut (Vieites et al., 2009; Wooley et al., 2010;

IWA Specialist Groups

Gilbert and Dupont, 2011). Conceptually the technology is microbial ecology research community at large, and the
simple: sequence all of the DNA present in a sample. New eld is advancing rapidly. This is particularly true for com-
so-called next-generation sequencing chemistries such putational methods for analysing meta-omics datasets
as those employed by 454 pyrosequencing and Illumina/ (Metzger et al., 2011). Some of the most exciting advances
Solexa platforms have enabled massive parallelisation that relate to building predictive models of metabolite ux
produces thousands to millions of individual sequences through communities based on comparative time series
per reaction. DNA extracted from water, sludge, or biolms analysis (Stolyar et al., 2007; Zhuang et al., 2010). Still,
can be sequenced directly, often without any amplication most such efforts are limited to relatively simple systems
or cloning, reducing biases that complicated the interpre- with only a few community members. Much work remains
tation of results and confounded early metagenomics stud- to be done before we can scale-up and apply these tech-
ies. Similarly, the metatranscriptome can be sequenced niques to the signicantly more complex and dynamic real-
following removal of ribosomal RNAs and subsequent world systems relevant to water engineering. The potential
reverse transcription to convert mRNA into DNA (Poretsky for linking omics-based intra-cellular-scale metabolite ux
et al., 2009). Metaproteomics requires separation of pro- models to system-scale process-based models is exciting
teins in gels or by liquid chromatography, fragmentation and certainly justies the required effort.
into peptides, and analysis by tandem mass-spectrometry
(Wilmes et al., 2008). Importantly, successful identica-
tion of parent proteins from peptide mass spectra requires Conclusions
the sequence of reference genomes (or a metagenome)
sharing extremely high identity (>90%) with the target Microbial ecology is an integrated part of water engineer-
organism(s). Generally, this requires that metagenomes be ing, and the fascinating development in technologies to
determined from the same sample (or subsample) used to study microbial communities that has taken place the past
interrogate the metaproteome. 510 years will make a revolution in the way we can ana-
lyse, understand and manipulate microbial communities in
The promise of meta-omics approaches for studying the all aspects of water engineering systems. Most engineers
microbial ecology of water engineering systems has the have not been exposed to this exciting development and
potential to revolutionise our understanding of microbial even fewer can foresee how this can be used in water engi-
behavior and interactions. Molecular tools based on 16S neering. We demonstrate with a few hot topics these new
rRNA and other single genetic loci have taught us much capabilities and perspectives and hope this can inspire
about drivers of microbial community change in systems many researchers, developers, consultants and other per-
such as activated sludge, anaerobic digesters, and drink- sons involved in water engineering to take actively part in
ing water biolms. However, most of these studies have this exciting new era.
fallen short of directly linking community structure to
process performance. A full assessment of community
function is needed to make this link. For example, Can- References
didatus Accumulibacter phosphatis is one well studied
polyphosphate accumulating organism in activated sludge Curtis, T.P., Head, I.M. and Graham, D.W. (2003) Theoretical
operated to achieve EBPR (He and McMahon, 2011). The ecology for engineering biology. Environmental Science and
Technology 37: 64a70a.
abundance of Accumulibacter cells and the species-level
Desvignes, D.V. et al. (2009) Towards the denition of a core of
diversity within the genus have been documented across
microorganisms involved in anaerobic digestion of sludge.
activated sludge systems and over time within systems, ISME Journal 3: 700714.
but neither has taught us much about the metabolic Dias, J., Oehmen, A., Seram, L.S., Lemos, P.C., Reis, M.A.M.
mechanisms that control phosphorus removal. It was not and Oliveira, R. (2008) Metabolic modelling of polyhydroxy-
until the metagenome of Accumulibacter-enriched sludge alkanoate copolymers production by mixed microbial cul-
became available (Martin et al., 2006) that we could begin tures. BMC Systems Biology 2: 59.
to reconstruct most biochemical pathways involved in the Gilbert, J.A. and Dupont, C.L. (2011) Microbial metagenomics:
carbon and phosphorus cycling so characteristic of EBPR, beyond the genome. Annual Review of Marine Science 3:
and to track expression of genes expected to be key to the 347371.
He, S. and McMahon, K. (2011) Candidatus Accumulibacter
process. The expression of genes detected at either the
gene expression in response to dynamic EBPR conditions.
mRNA or protein level provides an extremely convincing
ISME Journal 5: 329340.
piece of evidence for operation of corresponding biochem- Johnson, K., Jiang, Y., Kleerebezem, R., Muyzer, G. and van
ical pathways, nally conrming proposed metabolic mod- Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (2008) Enrichment of a mixed bacterial
els based on bulk metabolite measurements. Observed culture with a high polyhydroxyalkanoate storage capacity.
dynamics in mRNA and protein levels in for instance the Biomacromolecules 10: 670676.
nitrication and denitrication pathways are currently Kampschreur, M.J., Temmink, H., Kleerebezem, R., Jetten,
helping to rapidly understand the mechanism for net N2O M. S. M. and van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (2009) Nitrous oxide
production in wastewater treatment plants. This will help emission during wastewater treatment. Water Research 43:
to develop process adaptations that further minimise the 40934103.
environmental impact of wastewater treatment processes Kleerebezem, R. and van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (2007) Mixed
culture biotechnology for bioenergy production. Current
(Kampschreur et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2010).
Opinion in Biotechnology 18: 207212.
Kong, Y., Xia, Y. and Nielsen, P.H. (2008) Activity and identity of
Although simple in concept, in practice meta-omics
fermenting microorganisms in full-scale biological nutrient
approaches face signicant technical challenges. These removing wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Micro-
include nucleic acid or protein extraction limitations, errors biology 10: 20082019.
introduced by next-generation sequencing technologies, Logan, B.E. et al. (2006) Microbial fuel cells: methodology and
and interpretation of enormous complex datasets. How- technology. Environmental Science and Technology 40:
ever, many of these challenges are being tackled by the 51815192.

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Martn, HG, et al. (2006) Metagenomic analysis of two enhanced Rozendal, R.A., Hamelers, H.V.M., Rabaey, K., Keller, J. and
biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) sludge communities. Buisman, C.J.N. (2008) Towards practical implementation
Nature Biotechnology 24: 12631269. of bioelectrochemical wastewater treatment. Trends in
McMahon, K.D., Martin, H.G. and Hugenholtz, P. (2007) Biotechnology 26: 450459.
Integrating ecology into biotechnology. Current Opinion in Seviour, R. and Nielsen, P.H. (2010) Microbial Ecology of
Biotechnology 18: 287292. Activated Sludge. IWA Publishing, London.
Metzger, K.J., Klaper, R. and Thomas, M.A. (2011). Implications Stolyar, S. et al. (2007) Metabolic modeling of a mutualistic
of informatics approaches in ecological research. Ecological microbial community. Molecular Systems Biology 3: 92.
Informatics 6: 412. Strous, M., Kuenen, J.G. and Jetten, M.S.M. (1999) Key
Nielsen, P.H., Kragelund, C., Seviour, R.J, and Nielsen, J.L. physiology of anaerobic ammonium oxidation. Applied and
(2009a) Identity and ecophysiology of lamentous bacteria Environmental Microbiology 65: 32483250.
in activated sludge. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 33: Tandoi, V., Jenkins, D. and Wanner, J. (2005) Activated Sludge
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Nielsen, P.H., Lemmer, H. and Daims, H. (2009b) FISH Handbook Experiences. IWA Publishing, London.
of Wastewater Treatment. IWA Publishing, London, UK. Vandenkoornhuyse, P. et al. (2010) Integration of molecular
Nielsen, P.H. et al. (2010) A conceptual ecosystem model of functions at the ecosystemic level: breakthroughs and
microbial communities in enhanced biological phosphorus future goals of environmental genomics and post-genomics.
removal plants. Water Research 44: 50705088. Ecology Letters 13: 776791.
Oehmen, A., Lopez-Vazquez, C.M., Carvalho, G., Reis, M.A.M. and Verstraete, W. et al. (2007) Microbial resource management: the
van Loosdrecht, M.C.M. (2010a) Modelling the population road to go for environmental biotechnology. Engineering in
dynamics and metabolic diversity of organisms relevant in Life Sciences 7: 117126.
anaerobic /anoxic/aerobic enhanced biological phosphorus Vieites, J.M., Guazzaroni, M.E., Beloqui, A., Golyshin, P.N. and
removal processes. Water Research 44: 44734486. Ferrer, M. (2009) Metagenomics approaches in systems
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anaerobic methane oxidation to denitrication. Nature 440: subsurface environments. ISME Journal 5: 305316.

IWA Specialist Groups

Off Flavours in the Aquatic

Environment: a Global Issue
Written by Tsair-Fuh Lin, Sue Watson, Ricard Devesa Garriga, Auguste Bruchet, Gary Burlingame,
Andrea Dietrich, and Mel Suffet on behalf of the Specialist group

Introduction less well characterised and continue to be a major drink-

ing water issue in many countries. In the last 10 years,
Off avours in the aquatic environment have remained methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), a gasoline additive that
important over the last few years. Unpalatable taste and contaminates groundwater from leaking underground
odour (T&O) in water may not be directly linked to health storage tanks has a sweet solvent odour. In this case, the
risks; nevertheless it has major, negative impacts on drink- odor of MTBE is causing T & O problems below its toxicity
ing water, recreational waters, and aquaculture. People level, in the microgram/litre level. For emerging countries,
instinctively link unpleasant T&O with toxins, disease and water utilities consider odour problems to be one of their
decay. Consumers may question the fundamental safety top issues, primarily due to growing economy, increasing
of municipal drinking water supplies which deliver bad water demand, and inappropriate environment (nutrient)
taste to the tap, resulting in use of less regulated, alterna- management. It is predicted that as more countries estab-
tive sources, such as bottled, vended, and tanker-trucked lish safe supplies of drinking water (drinking water that
water. Ironically, bottled water consumption is highest - and meets World Health Organization standards), the issue of
increasing - in developed countries where there is the great- off avours will become more important.
est collective access to treated water. Unpleasant odours
in recreational water or along beaches and shorelines may This report summarizes the current state of knowledge and
deter public use and impact tourist and hospitality indus- advances of off avour issues and focuses on monitoring,
tries. Aquaculture industries experience signicant costs in biological sources and control. Three major challenges and
mitigation and lost revenue as a result of tainted sh and future directions for the off avours in the aquatic environ-
shellsh. Unlike many other drinking water attributes, there ments are identied; notably impact of climate change,
are no standards or quantitative guidelines for T&O. Many emergency management and response, and emerging
of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that cause T&O methods of analysis and treatment.
are detectable to humans at trace levels, and their chemical
identication requires sophisticated analytical techniques
not available to smaller utilities. But even with the primary Advances in Off Flavours in the
focus on removal, proactive utility managers also recognize
the importance of T&O as a diagnostic tool. Odours can Aquatic Environment
indicate immediate problems with treatment or distribu-
tion systems or anthropogenic pollutants in source water. Analytical and Monitoring Methods for
Importantly, T&O can also signal far reaching and long- Off-flavours
term changes in the health and integrity of source waters.
Taste and odour episodes are classically monitored using
Raw water is literally a chemical soup. Its odour is a combination of sensory and chemical analytical tech-
caused the more potent, not necessarily the most abun- niques. Flavour Prole Analysis (FPA) remains the gold
dant, compounds, which differ considerably in odour standard for sensory analysis as it provides an accurate
threshold concentrations (OTCs), stability and response determination of the avour descriptors, which in turn
to treatment. T&O outbreaks are inherently unpredictable, helps select the most appropriate analytical techniques.
and their origins often remain untraced (Bruchet 1999). FPA is the reference method to investigate T&O events.
They can be caused by VOCs originating from one or The odours, tastes and feeling factors are described in the
more biological and/or anthropogenic sources (e.g. min- well-known taste-and-odour wheel, which has been incor-
eral, industrial, agricultural/urban runoff, accidental spills, porating new descriptors and compounds as they have
or even water treatment itself). Biological activity in the been identied in real events (Suffet et al. 1999). FPA
watershed, source water and treatment plant/distribution also describes how to establish intensity scales and how to
systems produce a vast array of highly potent olfactants train taste and odour panelists.
(Watson 2003) including the earthy-musty terpenoids,
trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol (geosmin) and Unfortunately, the drinking water industry holds on to out-
2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB), which are detectable at the dated methods, such as the Threshold Odour Number
ng/L concentration level and account for the majority of method. Today, a toolbox of methods exist by which to
reported events (see below). In addition, VOCs generated screen waters for off avours as well as describe those
from chemical and biological reactions in distribution sys- avours in detail and conduct treatment studies. One area
tems and storage tanks, industrial discharges, and pipeline that needs more work is the establishment of methods for
release from are also problematic. The latter are generally determining taste and odour threshold concentrations of

IWA Specialist Groups

the chemicals of concern, taking into consideration the moulds are among the most frequently reported causes of
background effects of different waters, differing cultural T&O in source and treated waters (Watson 2010). VOCs
preferences, and differing past experiences. fall in two broad biosynthetic groups, those produced at
cell disintegration, which tend to occur in more episodic
Classical sensory analysis techniques, mainly coming events (e.g. pigment and lipid derivatives), and those syn-
from the food industry, have been used to character- thesized throughout growth which tend to generate pro-
ize the background taste of water as a result of mineral tracted odour dynamics (e.g. terpenoids and thiols). No
content. It has been particularly useful for studies which single VOC is exclusive to one species (i.e. a chemical
investigate on the blending of conventional resources and ngerprint), while most organisms produce a number of
demineralised water obtained by membrane technologies. these compounds. Nevertheless among algae and cyano-
Some recent interesting papers have recently addressed bacteria there are broad differences in the most important
the metallic sensation such as from iron species, and its VOCs produced by individual taxonomic groups and there-
orthonasal and retronasal perception: it has a signicant fore, in the timing and nature of their impacts on source
odour component and therefore should be considered as water odour. The most common sources of T&O are cyano-
a avour (Dietrich 2009). bacteria, renowned for potent terpenoids (Geosmin and
MIB), biogenic sulphides (isopropyl thiols) and carotene
A wide array of techniques are available to detect trace derivatives (-carotene and -ionone) and golden brown
organic chemicals responsible for the most common types algae (diatoms, Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae)
of odours including geosmin, 2-MIB, haloanisoles (earthy- which produce rancid/shy/cucumber smelling oxylipins
musty), halophenols and iodoforms (medicinal) and MTBE (polyunsaturated fatty acid derivatives). Less commonly
(sweet solvent). Headspace solid phase micro-extraction reported sources are green algae (Chlorophyta; noted
(HSPME) and spinning bar solvent extraction (SBSE) com- for thiols and fatty acid derivatives), dinoagellates and
bined with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry cryptophytes (also produce oxylipins and carbonyl com-
(GC/MS) are among the most efcient methods for terpe- pounds). Actinomycetes were traditionally also considered
noids, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, biogenic a major source of T&O (notably geosmin and/or MIB); more
sulphides and sweet solvent odours, but closed loop strip- recently their importance relative to other biota has been
ping (CLSA) GC/MS in combination with large volume questioned (Zaitlin and Watson 2006; Jttner and Watson
injection or selected ion monitoring is still quite useful to 2007). In addition, it should be noted that all organisms
scan environmental samples for a variety of analytes, or indirectly contribute to T&O during the decomposition of
detect haloanisoles at their extremely low odour thresholds their cells by heterotrophic bacteria; this is a major source
(about 30 picograms per litre). of malodours along shorelines and beaches. The follow-
ing sections enlarge on two of the most common types of
biological T&O.
Biological Sources and Molecular
Methods To date, 2-MIB and geosmin are the two most widely
reported and studied T&O compounds in water environ-
Biologically derived VOCs produced by algae, cyanobacteria, ment (Figure 1). Numerous studies have focused on the
heterotrophic bacteria (notably some actinomycetes) and occurrence, sources, analysis, and control of these two

Figure 1. Global reported occurrence of geosmin and 2-MIB in water environment (Prepared by De-Wei Chang)1

Prepared based on 107 articles relevant to the occurrence of geosmin and 2-MIB published between 1983 and 2011

IWA Specialist Groups

chemicals in drinking water and aquaculture industries. as sexual pheromones, or in chemical defence against
These VOCs have an extremely important inuence on micrograzersanalogous to the wound-induced response
human behaviour. On the one hand, they undermine in higher plants (Watson 2003).
consumer condence in supplies, but in some cases,
they may be indirectly benecial. They are not known to The complicated nature of odorants and producers also
be toxic to humans at levels encountered in even hyper- requires more study to further elucidate the biochemical
eutrophic systems. However, they are produced by some pathways for different odorants in different organisms. In
of the cyanobacteria that also produce toxins, and the addition, more research is needed in the area of mitiga-
low incidence of human poisonings by cyanotoxins may tion and treatment, and the biota and pathways involved in
be partly attributable to the avoidance of water with the biodegradation of odorants in natural and engineered
signicant odour (Jardine and Hrudey 1999) (although it environments. Progress has been slow, for a number of
should be noted that there is no consistent relationship reasons. (1) At any given time, there is a diversity of VOCs
and these VOCs should not be used to diagnose cyano- in a water body, one or more of which may cause T&O. (2)
bacterial toxins). In addition, geosmin is an important food Most biological communities are also highly diverse, and
avourant (e.g. Camembert cheese, beetroot, coffee and it is often difcult to link specic VOCs and species. (3)
Shiitake mushrooms). The major odour source may not necessarily be the most
abundant species: VOC production per unit cell varies over
Traditionally, identication of biological odour sources has orders of magnitude (e.g. Jttner and Watson 2007). (4)
used a combination of chemical analysis together with Benthic and epiphytic algal populations can be signicant
microscope and/or culture methods. This is problematic; invisible sources of T&O in source water. (5) VOC produc-
not all species are culturable, they may change lose the tion and detection sites can be spatially distinct due to VOC
capacity for production under certain culture conditions diffusion or transport with water masses, or active/passive
and morphologically identical strains recognised using movement of the biota. (6) VOC production may be intra-
a microscope may differ in VOC production. Recently, or extracellular, and vary over population cycles with envi-
molecular methods such as denaturing gradient gel elec- ronmental conditions. (7) Most water quality studies have
trophoresis (DGGE), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), focused on processes within aquatic systems, although it
and quantitative PCR (qPCR), have been employed to is clear that the watershed can make a signicant contri-
identify the presence of potential odorant producing genes bution to surface water odour.
in environmental samples. Initially, 16S ribosomal RNA
(16S rRNA) combined with DGGE, PCR, or qPCR has been
used to identify and/or quantify geosmin-producing cyano- Treatment Methods
bacteria, such as Anabaena. Similar methods have also
been employed to construct the bacterial communities in The primary objective of the water treatment is its disin-
water treatment processes involving biodegradation, such fection and to obtain a product with a suitable chemical
as sand lters, and to identify the bacteria responsible for purity for human consumption. However, it is important to
the destruction of odorants. Recently, signicant advances also consider the important of the organoleptic properties
have been made in the understanding of the biosynthesis of nished water. The effects of treatment on the T&O of
of geosmin and 2-MIB by both cyanobacteria and actino- water can be driven by three mechanisms: rst, the typical
mycetes, and providing the basis for the development of residual disinfectant avour, which is the main character-
molecular methods to quantify the genes responsible for istic of tap water for consumers, as opposed to bottled
their biosynthesis (Giglio et al. 2011). The method has water; secondly, the disinfection by-products, which are
been tested in Myponga Reservoir, South Australia, which produced by chemical reaction between the disinfectant
has frequent blooms of a geosmin producing cyanobacteria and the organic matter present in water; and third, the
Anabaena circinalis. Comparison of results from qPCR, cell change in the saline content, which is relevant when mem-
counts and geosmin measures showed that the approach brane techniques are used.
might provide reasonably good estimates of geosmin-
producing cyanobacteria in source waters. However, the The typical disinfectant avour has been studied espe-
method still requires more validation on eld samples, and cially for chlorine and chloramines. Signicant knowledge
extrapolation to other cyanobacteria before this approach has been achieved about several aspects of its perception,
can be fully incorporated into monitoring programs. such as detection thresholds and masking or synergetic
effects with compounds present in water. It is also well
Lipid degradation products (oxylipins; notably 2,4- known that perception is dependent on persons and also
heptadienal, 2,6-nonadienal, 2,4-decadienal and 2,4,7- between populations with different consumption habits.
decatrienal) are common causes of odour in surface Concerning the disinfection by-products, notable ndings
waters (and many oily foods), responsible, for example, have been obtained about their identication and effects,
for shy smells associated with spring plankton blooms, such as the fruity avours in ozonated waters due to alde-
rock biolms and nets. Oxylipins are produced by algae hydes formation (Anselme et al. 1988). And third, the
with high cell content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty membrane technology improves the avour of waters by
acids such as linolenic, linoleic and eicosapentaenoic acid reducing the concentration of organic compounds. But,
(EPA), particularly golden brown algae (chrysophytes, syn- on the other hand, these processes notably reduce the
urophytes, diatoms), dinoagellates and other agellates. saline content of the water and alter the proportions of
Because production is triggered by enzymes released at the ions. These changes in the mineralization modify the
cell disruption, these VOCs are generated at the end of taste of the water and can inuence the perception of the
an algal population cycle, or during disruptive processes consumer.
such as grazing or treatment. However, some release also
occurs during growth: there is now strong evidence that Some processes (e.g. chlorination, ozonation) exacerbate
some unsaturated PUFA derivatives serve active roles T&O by releasing cell-bound VOCs, and/or producing

IWA Specialist Groups

odorous disinfection by-products, as is seen, for example, Analytical Methods

with odorous polyunsaturated aldehydes. Conventional
processes which trap particle-bound material (e.g. sedi- New methods need to be developed for a better under-
mentation, sand ltration) are ineffective at removing standing of specic types of odours such as chlorinous
many dissolved VOCs. This can be achieved by activated odours that are not due to the disinfectant residual and
carbon and membrane lters, but these are costly and are possibly caused by chloro-aldimines or other types of
their capacity reduced by raw water natural organic matter organic chloramines. Plastic and related odours caused by
(NOM) - which can increase signicantly during high the use of synthetic organic materials in distribution sys-
T&O risk periods (spring runoff, summer blooms). Bank tems are still poorly understood and also deserve inves-
ltration, widely established in Europe, is an effective pre- tigation. Concerning sulphidy odours, a single simplied
treatment for many VOCs (and other contaminants). method capable of simultaneously measuring hydrogen
sulphide, merthyl mercaptan, dimethylsulphide, dimethyl-
disulphide and dimethyltrisulphide would be quite useful.
The Challenges and Future Analytical methods need to be able to separate increas-
Research Directions ingly complex matrices that result from algal blooms
(caused by climate change) and anthropogenic pressures
on source waters. Two-dimensional gas chromatographic
Impact of Climate Change methods which have already demonstrated their ability to
separate a few thousand compounds from a single waste-
Climate change may affect freshwater quality and T&O pro- water extract remain to be applied for the identication
duction in a number of ways. Average and maximal water of odorants in such complex matrices. Finally, the mini-
temperatures may rise slightly (~12 C) in many waterbod- aturization of GC/MS instruments coupled with specic
ies, increasing biological activity (including VOC produc- interfaces such as a submersible purge and trap probe
tion, and O2-requiring heterotrophic processes). This may will in the near future offer the possibility of carrying out
also favour warm-water adapted species, including some on-line analysis of specic odorants in diverse types of
(but not all ) cyanobacteria. Changes in the length and tim- waters. Identication of new odorants has been practically
ing of the growing season, UV irradiance/light spectrum, restricted to non polar and semi-polar compounds ame-
the mixing regime, ushing and water levels of lakes and nable to gas chromatography. In the near future, new high
owing waters, reservoir drawdown, severe storm events, resolution liquid chromatography with mass spectrom-
ice-cover and scouring are all also likely to have a major etry (LC/MS) instruments will likely allow identication of
effect on the distribution and success of noxious biota and unknowns, including more polar compounds contributing
associated VOC production. The impact is especially sig- to off avours.
nicant to important odorant producers, such as cyano-
bacteria, potentially increasing odour episodes in drinking
water resources (e.g. Paerl and Huisman 2008). Emergency Management and Response
to Off flavour Events
In addition to the impact on the growth of cyanobacteria,
the generation, fate, and transport of odorants in water Although geosmin and 2-MIB continue to be important
may also be affected. Increase of water temperature may problems in many parts of the world, off avour episodes
change both the production and loss rates of odorants. other than earthy-musty have been reported. Anthropo-
For example, the rate of biodegradation by bacteria and genic pollution in source water becomes an important
that of volatilization from water surface are expected to concern, especially in developing countries. Discharge of
increase as temperature increases. Changing temperature waste and wastewater intentionally and un-intentionally
may also affect the adsorption/partition of odour com- into water sources are occasionally encountered. Methods
pounds among water, air, and sediments/suspended sol- to rapidly identify and monitor the chemicals and avours
ids, shifting the fate of the odorants in different phases. In responsible for the episodes are increasingly demanded.
addition, increasing temperature may change water usage While FPA remains to be one of the analytical tools to
pattern for communities, and thus change the residence identify the avours in polluted water sources, the risk
time and storage volume of reservoirs and distribution sys- associated with exposure to unknown pollutants requires
tems. These may also affect the budget of odorants in the more attention when applying the method. In addition to
reservoirs. the chemical methods mentioned in section 3.2, on-line
instrumentation, such as LC/MS and GC/MS, can pro-
Droughts and forest res have been shown to affect the vide reliable information on micro-pollutants in near to
avour quality of the water resource. Droughts often result real time (Storey et al. 2011), and may have the potential
in algal blooms as well as a greater portion of the water to be applied to monitor the odorants. This is needed for
resource comprising of wastewater discharge. Forest early warning as well as for the management of emergency
res load different minerals and organic chemicals into a events.
watershed during and after the res. These changes have
impacted drinking water and have required changes in Biological monitors, such as bacterial bioluminescence,
drinking water treatment. To date, the impact of climate Daphnia, algal cell and sh monitoring, although not
change on off-avours relevant water quality has not been designed for T&O episodes, may be able to provide some
systematically analyzed, and more research relevant to this useful information to capture changes in water quality as
topic is needed. well as incidental discharge of waste into source waters.

It should be noted, however, that some species of cyanobacteria (and algae) can bloom under a climate regimes ranging from arctic
to tropical.

IWA Specialist Groups

Emerging biological sensors, including adenosine triphos- Membranes have been a revolution in the water treatment
phate (ATP), immunoassay and molecular techniques, and sector. In the future, more efcient materials will be avail-
uorescence-based methods may also provide information able, and it will be possible to achieve better removal of
about bacteria/algae/cyanobacteria in water, potentially undesired compounds.
allowing for rapid interpretation of off avours in water.
However, studies are required to test and validate these
on-line sensors during off avour episodes. Conclusions
Methods to characterize the odorants for algal blooms are Although off avours in the aquatic environment continue
urgently required, as the issues are increasingly observed. to be a major drinking water issue in many countries, the
The chemicals may be different from conventional geo- different nature of the issues found in particular regions
smin and 2-MIB. For example, an important group of the substantiates the importance of the problems. Monitoring
compounds include sulphur-related compounds, which and analytical methods for off avour chemicals require
has been reported in Wuxi, China in 2008, where water further studies, in particular for on-line and/or near real
supply for the city was interrupted due to sulphide relevant time analytical capacities, and also an enrichment of the
compounds (Yang et al. 2008). taste-and-odour wheel from the FPA method with new
descriptors and compounds. Sensory analysis is a useful
Finally, as the eld of risk communication grows, the com- complementary tool to chemical analysis for understanding
munication to the public about the taste and odour quality taste-and-odour events. It is being used to understand per-
of water needs more attention. The public has become ception of the water consumers, for example about disin-
more knowledgeable, or more accessible to information on fectants or blending of conventional and membrane treated
water quality. The Internet is loaded with good and bad waters. Further study of odour threshold concentrations
information that the public uses to make judgements about and how to set aesthetic-based drinking water standards
the safety of water. Water suppliers need to be primary for water supply is an area of future research as well.
sources of information about their water, especially when
off avours occur. This requires training of water suppliers The genes responsible for the biosynthesis of geosmin and
in risk communication and in the tools the public uses to 2-MIB have been decoded and more studies are needed
obtain information, such as social networking. Fortunately, to verify the approach for quantication of odorant produc-
we can take advantage of the advances being made in ing genes as well as to nd their correlation with odorant
other elds, such as crisis management, to guide develop- concentrations. Extrapolating the approach to other spe-
ments for better public communication and education on cies and genera of cyanobacteria and odorant degrading
taste and odour. bacteria will certainly establish a foundation for better
monitoring techniques. Climate change obviously may
have the potential to signicantly inuence water quality.
Compound/Odour Specific Treatment Its impact on the growth of cyanobacteria, the generation,
Methods fate, and transport of odorants in water deserves a system-
atic analysis and more research.
Drinking water supplies have traditionally focussed their
efforts on providing a product with health guarantees. As anthropogenic pollution in source water becomes an
However, the consumer does not evaluate the water by important concern, methods to rapidly identify and moni-
taking into account the regulations but rather in terms of tor the chemicals and avours responsible for episodes
its aesthetic properties. For this reason, the water suppli- are increasingly demanded. On-line instrumentations and
ers are making a noteworthy effort to improve the odour biological monitors may have the potential to be applied
and taste of water by developing better treatment tech- directly and indirectly to monitor for odorants, although
nologies. method development and validation are required. Treat-
ment of the most common episodes caused by geosmin
Traditionally, taste and odour issues have become relevant and 2-MIB has been standardized. However, for other
when the supplier faces a T&O event. Although sometimes emerging chemicals, selection of treatment trains depends
the causative agent has been anthropogenic, the most on the nature of the chemicals. The effectiveness for the
common episodes have been produced by natural agents control of different combinations of odorants and treat-
like geosmin and 2-MIB, which are produced by certain ment processes requires further investigation.
cyanobacterial blooms. For the compounds other than
geosmin and 2-MIB, selection of treatment depends on
the nature of the chemicals. The control of different com- References
binations of odorants and treatment processes requires
further investigation. Anselme, C., Duguet, J.P. , Mallevialle, J. and Suffet, I.H. (1988)
Removal of taste and odors by ozonation. Journal American
Granular and powdered activated carbon have been Water Works Association 80(10), 4551.
shown to be very effective at reducing the concentrations Bruchet, A. (1999) Solved and unsolved cases of taste and odor
of undesired compounds, but they are not able to remove episodes in the les of Inspector Cluzeau. Water Science
and Technology 40(6), 1521
certain compounds, such as some sulphur-related com-
Dietrich, A. (2009) The sense of smell: contribution of orthonasal
pounds from anaerobic reactions. Other choices should and retronasal perception applied to metallic avour of
be made, including oxidation and advanced oxidation drinking water. J. Water Supply: AQUA 58(8), 562570.
processes in this case. It is necessary to investigate alter- Giglio, S., Chou, W.K.W., Ikeda, H., Cane, D.E. and Monis, P.T.
natives such as ozonation combined with UV irradiation or (2011) Biosynthesis of 2-Methylisoborneol in Cyanobacteria.
hydrogen peroxide. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 992998

IWA Specialist Groups

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odour and health risk perception of drinking water. Water waste? A review of the chemical ecology of algal odour.
Science and Technology 40(6), 9198. Phycologia 42: 333350.
Jttner, F. and Watson S.B. (2007). Biochemical and ecological Watson, S.B. (2010) Algal taste and odour. Chapter 9 in Algae:
control of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in source waters. Source to Treatment. AWWA Manual of Water Supply
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73(14), 43954406. Practice, M57, ISBN 978-1-58321-787-0.
Paerl, H.W. and Huisman J. (2008) Blooms like it hot. Science Yang, M., Yu, J.W., Li, Z.L., Guo, Z.L., Burch, M. and Lin, T.F.
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taste and odor wheel for the millennium: beyond geosmin
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40(6), 114.

IWA Specialist Groups

Resources-oriented sanitation
Written by Ebba af Petersens, Marika Palmr Rivera, Tove Larsen, Grietje Zeeman, Gnter Langergraber
and Elisabeth Kvarnstrm on behalf of the Specialist Group

Context Existing knowledge, experience and

Although the services of urban water management are
vital for urban societies, experience shows that waste-
In order to give an idea of the global development of
water management does not have a high priority when
resources-oriented sanitation systems, examples from
resources are scarce. In a world with increasing scarcity
several different countries are given below.
not only of economic, but also of physical and environmen-
tal resources, resource efciency of wastewater manage-
ment becomes more urgent than ever. A holistic view of Burkina Faso
resource efciency will encompass at the same time the
management of resources in wastewater (e.g. water and Pilot projects of urine-diverting toilets to provide urine and
nutrients), the physical resources spent on treatment and composted faeces for agricultural use have met with great
transport (most importantly energy), the natural resources success in Burkina Faso. Local eld studies calculated
to protect (e.g. the receiving waters, but also increasingly that each person excretes approximately 2.8 kg of nitro-
the atmosphere), and the anthropogenic resources (e.g. gen, 0.45 kg of phosphorus and 1.3 kg of potassium per
capital). Today, many up-coming problems are solved year, which is the equivalent of about 10 kg of commercial
incrementally without considering the problems associ- fertiliser. This is enough fertiliser to support growth of crops
ated with the solution of the immediate problem. The on 300400 m of land. These numbers have convinced
most prominent examples are the solutions for water scar- many farmers to use these new fertilisers. Policy regard-
city, where for instance desalination leads to high energy ing reuse has lagged behind, but the success of the tech-
consumption. nique has led to the inclusion of urine-diverting toilets and
subsequent use of their products as accepted technologies
In view of the immense problems arising from global popu- in the national sanitation policy. The cities of Ouagadougou
lation growth, urban development and climate change on a and Banfora have also signed ofcial decrees allowing for
global scale, a paradigm change of urban water manage- reuse. In Ouagadougou, municipalities have agreed to
ment is necessary. Source diversion is a promising concept partly nance the collection system (household contribu-
for more resource efciency in wastewater management, tion is too low to run the whole system), and monitoring the
and will facilitate also for the application of resources- whole system. The Ministry of Agriculture has also agreed
oriented sanitation. to monitor extension workers and train farmers. Further-
more, the Ministry of Health has agreed to use its health
workers for quality control and will monitor and assess any
health risks associated with the system.
The IWA Specialist Group (SG) on
Resources-Oriented Sanitation
The IWA Specialist Group (SG) on Resources-Oriented
Sanitation focuses on resource efciency in wastewater
management as well as beyond the wastewater system.
For resources-oriented sanitation systems to be sustain-
able from more perspectives than resource-efciency they
should comply to the protecting and promoting of human
health by i) providing a clean environment and breaking
the cycle of disease, ii) be economically viable, socially
acceptable, and iv) technically as well as institutionally
appropriate. For sustainable implementation of sanitation
systems it is of utmost importance to take into account the
whole system and not only single technologies.

This chapter outline some of the trends and challenges for

resources-oriented sanitation, as observed by members of Figure 1. Urine collection tanks in Ouagadougou, Burkina
the Specialist Group. Faso (picture provided by Gnter Langergraber).

IWA Specialist Groups

Philippines high demands on reduction of phosphorous, but also state

that recycling of nutrients ought to be achieved. The prime
In the Philippines, a bottom-up process facilitated the driving force for resources-oriented solutions for on-site
incorporation of reuse into national legislation. The systems is not necessarily always nutrient recycling, but
Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 aims to protect the pathogen removals (through collection of blackwater) and
countrys water bodies from pollution from land-based of phosphorus and nitrogen from the immediate environ-
sources. Several studies show that domestic wastewater ment. There is a long tradition of source-diversion systems
is the principal cause of organic pollution of water bodies and approximately 150 thousand summer houses have dry
in the Philippines. The Act was silent on nutrient recycling, toilets, with or without urine diversion. There is also about
but when public consultations on the Acts Implement- 75 thousand houses with separate collection of black-
ing Rules and Regulations (IRR) were held, the Philippine water in closed tanks. To reduce transports of collected
Ecosan Network advocated for the incorporation of the blackwater and to facilitate the use of sanitised blackwater
ecosan concept into the IRR. Thus, reuse is now legally as fertiliser on arable land, vacuum toilets are installed in
supported in the Philippines. increasing numbers and there is even one municipality
that requires all home owners with on-site sanitation to
install vacuum toilets and closed tanks for collection of
Niger blackwater.

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Sweden has national environmental objectives where one
supported a productive sanitation project in Niger during of the targets is that by 2015 at least 60% of the phospho-
2009 which was implemented by CREPA (Le Centre rus in wastewater should be reused on productive land;
Rgional pour lEau Potable et lAssainissement faible half of which arable land. Since most of the wastewater is
cot) and PPILDA (Project for the Promotion of Local Ini- treated in conventional wastewater treatment plants, the
tiative for Development in Agui). A policy study from that focus for this target has been the reuse of sludge from
project recommended to work on three levels: (i) stake- wastewater treatment plants as fertiliser. There is however
holder level, (ii) framing of productive sanitation in existing and on-going debate about the pollutants in sludge. The
strategies and programs, (iii) to promote resources-oriented national organisation for co-operation between water and
sanitation , for widespread of productive sanitation in Niger. wastewater utilities has launched a system for control of
On the issue of stakeholders it was recommended to work sludge quality for reuse in agriculture, and the Swedish
with farmer-to-farmer visits, inter-village groups, women national farmers association is positive regarding the
organisations and locally active NGOs. Stakeholders impor- use of quality controlled sludge as fertiliser. However, the
tant on regional level in Niger are the de-concentrated state farmers association has stated that they prefer source-
technical services, other on-going projects and the coor- separated urine and blackwater, and that Sweden should
dinating body of water and sanitation actors on regional adopt a long term strategy for the conversion of conven-
level: CREPA. The regional level actors are important in tional wastewater systems to source-separating systems.
Niger, where the decentralisation process is not yet fully
functional. Thus, the technical capacity available with the
de-concentrated state technical services is very important.
The interaction with other projects could be to try and intro-
duce the concept of urinals in CLTS (Community-Led Total
Sanitation) projects. This would be a simple way to build
upon the CLTS method and allowing for simple reuse with-
out compromising the CLTS goal of zero open defecation.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been an
on-going debate in Sweden about the sustainability of the
current wastewater systems in terms of nutrient recovery.
This debate led to the development of sanitation systems
with urine-diversion and by now, there are approximately
ten thousand porcelain urine-diverting toilets installed in
Sweden and at least 1015 larger systems for reuse of
human urine, of which most are managed by municipali-
ties. Although these systems have proven to have great
potential, the technology needs to be further developed
(especially urine-diversion toilets) in order to be more con-
venient and user-friendly.

Due to initial problems with urine-diversion in pilot projects,

there was a backlash against source-separating sanita-
tion systems in the early 2000s. However, lately there has
been an increased interest in resources-oriented sanita-
tion, mainly for on-site sanitation solutions in rural areas. Figure 2. Toilet seat with urine-diversion (Sweden, picture
New guidelines for on-site sanitation from 2006 set very provided by Ebba af Petersens).

IWA Specialist Groups

The Netherlands sanitation concepts (in German also referred to as Neuar-

tige Sanitrsysteme or NASS). NASS concepts are dened
Since early 2000s several new sanitation projects as those that go beyond traditional water-borne sanitation
have been demonstrated in The Netherlands. Projects with the main aim to recover and reuse resources. The
comprise both urine diversion and separation of black working group has the goal to systematically summarise
water and grey water. Projects are in general community technologies and experiences with different NASS con-
(building)-on-site. An overview of different projects is pre- cepts. As part of the work a guideline on planning and
sented at implementation of NASS concepts was prepared and will
aspx?rID=1002 and be published soon as DWA Arbeitsblatt. It is expected
that the new guideline will allow easier implementation
Demonstration and research go hand in hand from the of resources-oriented sanitation concepts especially in
beginning and Wageningen University and other univer- German speaking countries.
sities, the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water
Technology (WETSUS), various companies, municipali-
ties, water boards and the Dutch umbrella organisation
for the Water Boards (STOWA), are strongly involved in
research, demonstration and implementation. The coop-
eration between organisations with different expertise and
the successful demonstration at a relevant scale resulted
in an increasing interest in new sanitation from the vari-
ous stakeholders.

Nowadays new housing developments adopt one of two

approaches to sanitation. These approaches include
either communityon-site collection, transport, treatment/
recovery and reuse of black water and grey water based
on vacuum technology for black water (also referred to as Figure 3. Design for the technical building of the 250
DeSaR= Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse) or commu- houses under construction in Sneek, The Netherlands,
nity-onsite collection of urine, combined with centralised picture provided by Grietje Zeeman).
treatment of the remaining wastewater stream and (semi)-
centralised recovery of nutrients and removal of pharma-
ceuticals from urine. The DeSaR concept is demonstrated General trends and challenges
at a scale of 32 houses since June 2006 and now applied
in Wageningen in a new ofce building of the Institute
It is difcult to give a general global view on the trends
for Ecology (NIOO) and is under construction in a hous-
and challenges for resources-oriented sanitation, since
ing estate of 250 houses in Sneek. The same concept is
drivers and technologies differ throughout the world. In
also applied in a school in the Ukraine. Within the DeSaR
parts of the world where articial fertilisers are excessively
concept, biogas is produced from black water. The liquid
expensive, nutrient recovery from sanitation systems is an
anaerobic efuent contains the major part of the nutri-
important driver for the development of resources-oriented
ents. Phosphate is recovered as struvite and nitrogen is
sanitation systems and also a driver for investment in
removed with anammox processes. In the NIOO building,
improved sanitation (as shown by examples above). How-
nitrogen and phosphorus will be recovered with the growth
ever, there is a great need to spread the knowledge about
of algae.
resources-oriented sanitation solutions, which will create
a demand among users for these systems. It is generally
In the beginning of 2011, the rst full scale Saniphos unit
agreed that resources-oriented sanitation benets food
for recovery of nitrogen (ammonium sulphate) and phos-
security and that there is a monetary value of reuse. This
phorus (struvite) from urine was opened. In addition, urine
economic argument could then be used to lobby decision-
from large festivals is collected and treated for resource
makers. It is often forgotten that with a safe handling sys-
tem including sanitation for all recycled products, then far
less pathogens will be spread in the environment than with
Several aspects can be indicated as driving force for new
the present system.
sanitation in The Netherlands: (i) Water boards agreed
on an energy reduction for wastewater treatment of 30%
In Europe, where articial fertilisers are still cheap and
in the period 2005-2020. (ii) Phosphate is increasingly
readily available, the economic incentives for reuse of
recognised as a limiting nutrient. Recently the Nutrient
nutrients from wastewater are low and the development
Platform was established with a focus on increasing the
of resources-oriented sanitation solutions is driven by
attention for the Phosphate problems. (iii) Sewers have to
a consciousness that conventional wastewater systems
be renewed in the coming future; and (iv) Pharmaceutical,
may not be sustainable in the long term. Regulations
hormones and personal care products in domestic waste-
on wastewater management and fertiliser use in many
water are increasingly recognised as a potential problem
countries, as well as on a European Union level, are not
for the environment and human health.
adapted to resources-oriented sanitation and thus make
it difcult to implement these systems. If EU-regulations
Germany on fertilisers for organic farming would allow sanitised
urine and black water, there would be a great interest
In 2002, the German Water Association (DWA, for- among organic farmers for these fractions. In Sweden
merly ATV-DVWK) established a working group on new a new regulation on handling of wastewater fractions,

IWA Specialist Groups

including urine and blackwater, is under way, which sets the moment, most practical research takes place in rural
requirements regarding hygenisation, heavy metal con- areas of developing countries, because there is a huge
tent, etc., and facilitates the use of these fractions on demand on implementation of sanitation systems. Besides
arable land. technological challenges, e.g. lack of attractive source
diverting toilets for urban areas, the importance of includ-
A lot of knowledge on how to install and manage urine ing soft factors (e.g. operation and maintenance) already
diversion and blackwater separation systems has been in the planning process for a sustainable implementation
gained in research and pilot projects, but this knowledge has to be stressed.
needs to be transferred to implementers, technicians,
municipalities, etc. Toilet design needs improvement, but Another important factor for achieving a paradigm shift,
the market today is far too small for the manufactures to for designing the new wastewater systems for the 21st
invest in product development, and without a better toilet century and beyond including resource-efciency, is
design it is difcult to attract a bigger market. There is also an urgent need for the wastewater sector to think about
a lack of economic incentives for home owners, farmers problem-solving and product-adapting in both ends of the
and other stakeholders. wastewater chain. There is a consumer also at the end,
the farmer, and her/his demands on the nutrients from the
If existing infrastructure for conventional water-borne sani- society, its quality and availability should lead the devel-
tation exists an abrupt change to resources-oriented sani- opment of new, innovative resources-oriented sanitation
tation is not realistic. Therefore a strategy for a gradual (50 systems. An increased understanding of the farmer as
years) transition from conventional to resources-oriented a client rather than an alternative to a landll for todays
sanitation should be developed. New settlements and sludge would create a new platform where it is more likely
those parts of the old system that have to be renewed can that resources from the society can be reused safely in
be converted to resources-oriented concepts more eas- agriculture with a high acceptance. It makes all the sense
ily. Additionally, the development of guidelines on plan- in the world for the wastewater sector to look at the waste
ning and implementation of resources-oriented sanitation sector where source diverting and composting of organic
concepts from an organisation well-accepted among engi- household waste is quite commonplace these days, where
neers (such as the DWA in Germany) shall contribute to large-scale trials to create a compost from mixed house-
more widespread implementation of resources-oriented hold waste seem out-dated. If the toilet fraction of the
systems. wastewater, the blackwater or urine and faeces separately,
would be kept separately it is logical that the equivalent
development of an accepted reuse of the high nutrient-
Conclusions (and outlook) containing wastewater fractions could be achieved.

In view of the immense problems arising from global pop- The technical part of the system needs to be functioning
ulation growth, urban development and climate change awlessly in order for complete acceptance in the long run
on a global scale, a paradigm change of sanitation and and there is a need for client thinking also in the end of
excreta management is necessary. Source diversion is the chain. However, a fully functional technical system is
a promising concept for achieving resource efciency in not the only key to full acceptance of resources-oriented
wastewater management, but it will take a large effort of sanitation. Nothing will happen on a larger scale without
research and technical development in order to develop political buy-in and active steering in the sector. The waste-
competitive technologies. For rural areas, a large number water sector, being heavy on infrastructure, is conservative
of technologies are available, but compact, attractive tech- and to achieve a paradigm shift in such a sector some
nologies for urban areas are missing. One main challenge rm, high-level political decision-making is necessary.
of source diverting technologies is the requirement for Thus what is ultimately needed for achieving the paradigm
decentralised, complete solutions. With more wastewater shift is political boldness to lead and push for the shift, as
fractions, the transport issue becomes critical and at the well as technological, innovative and managerial boldness
same time, several technologies must be implemented. At within the wastewater sector.

IWA Specialist Groups

Decentralised wastewater
management: an overview
Prepared by the Specialist Group on Sanitation and Water Management in Developing Countries
of the International Water Association

Introduction Rational for decentralised WWM

Wastewater management (WWM) is important for minimi- The choice between centralised or decentralised WWM
sation of health and environmental risks. However, there is usually determined by site-specic conditions concern-
is lack of adequate WWM services and inadequacies in ing whether there are any restrictions for the centralised
institutions, particularly in developing countries, which solution or whether constructing several smaller WWTP
often exposes populations to water related diseases and has any advantages over constructing the largest possible
environmental pollution. As WWM requires substantial (centralised) WWTP.
nancial resources it is important to nd cost-effective
solutions, and decentralised WWM may thereby be such a
cost-effective solution.
Possible restrictions for centralised WWM
Higher costs in areas of low population density and /or
This document discusses the basic concept and rational
scattered settlement and/or under certain topographic
of decentralised WWM, the different technical options for
it and gives suggestions on how to identify and assess
Public opposition or resistance.
whether a decentralised system is favorable over a
Financial limitations.
centralised one.
Institutional limitations.

Definition Possible advantages for

decentralised WWM
In contrast to centralised wastewater treatment, charac-
terised by the use of one centralised wastewater treatment Economic advantages for areas with low population den-
plant (WWTP) for the largest possible conned catchment sity and/or scattered settlement and/or under certain
area in a region, decentralised wastewater management topographic conditions.
usually refers to dividing the largest possible catchment Better public participation and acceptance.
area into smaller regions having separate wastewater More appropriate to the local context and needs.
treatment plants. The terms centralised and decen- Less restrictions for piloting innovative technologies.
tralised do not therefore necessarily correspond to the Better utilisation of value-products of wastewater (e.g.
terms large and small, but to larger and smaller, nutrients, energy or reuse of treated wastewater).
as illustrated in Figure 1. The smallest possible decentral- Potential for lower energy use/carbon footprint due to
ised system would be on-site systems serving individual reduced need for pumping.
households. Better adaptation to rapid urban growth.

Figure 1. Centralised and decentralised WWM (WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plant)

IWA Specialist Groups

Technological options for Natural Treatment Systems: This covers treatment

systems that are based on natural systems such as
decentralised wastewater constructed wetlands or wastewater treatment ponds.
management Built Treatment Systems: These systems can basically
be divided into aerobic and anaerobic systems. Aerobic
systems include conventional activated sludge systems,
Concepts trickling lters, oxidation ditch, rotating bed reactors
and membrane bioreactors. Anaerobic systems include
A decentralised wastewater management system consists anaerobic lters, biogas-plants, anaerobic bafed
of either a collection and a storage/disposal system, or a reactors (ABRs) and upow anaerobic sludge blanket
collection and a wastewater treatment system. The former reactors (UASBs).
is usually applied at on-site (household) level, and the lat- Physical/Chemical treatment systems: These systems
ter is usually applied at the off-site (communal) level. At include primary sedimentation, chemical coagulation/
the communal level two cases can be distinguished: either precipitation and ltration.
a public toilet system with a (on-site) wastewater treatment Combined Treatment Systems: Usually a combination of
plant, or a sewerage system which collects the wastewa- different treatment systems has to be applied to achieve
ter from several households and conveys the wastewater the required efuent quality.
to a wastewater treatment plant. There are several house-
hold and communal sanitation options available and a The selection of appropriate treatment systems depends
basic classication based upon on-site, off-site and water on the one hand on the type of wastewater to be treated
demand is shown in Table 1 below. (eg blackwater, greywater, or both) and on the other on the
required efuent treatment quality. Further, several other
Sewerage system aspects, in particular land requirements, energy demand
and operation and maintenance requirements need to be
Four types of sewerage systems can be identied as considered when selecting a treatment system.
options for a decentralised wastewater collection system:

Conventional sewerage system.

Simplied sewerage system.
Pressure sewerage system.
Decentralised wastewater management options are favour-
Vacuum sewerage system.
able if topographic conditions determine that no central-
ised system is feasible, or if a decentralised system shows
For developing countries the simplied sewerage system is
any of the following advantages that outweigh any advan-
likely to be most appropriate.
tages of a centralised system as indicated earlier.

Wastewater treatment system Hence, if it is not obvious that a decentralised option

is clearly preferable, then a feasibility study should (a)
For those concepts that require a waste water treatment compare both centralised and decentralised options and
system several options are available. A wastewater treat- (b) identify the optimal level of decentralisation (i.e. if
ment system usually comprises primary, secondary and the largest or the smallest possible decentralised options
tertiary treatment steps, depending on the required efu- should be selected or any options in between) and the
ent quality. Individual treatment systems may be classied type of most suitable decentralised wastewater manage-
as follows: ment system.

Table 1. Overview of household and communal sanitation options

Water demand
Low Medium High

Pit latrines Pour ush toilets + pit latrines Flush toilets + septic tanks
Composting toilets Pour ush toilets + septic tanks Aqua privy
On-site Dry urine separation toilets + Wet urine separation toilets +
storage units treatment system
Greywater Soak pit and inltration
Septic tank
Off-site Most above options but with public toilets (off-site with respect to the households)

Flush toilets/Greywater +
sewerage system +
treatment system

IWA Specialist Groups

Content of a good feasibility study for nancing of the system should be investigated and a
nancing plan prepared. Thereby, the full range of public
A good feasibility study for comparing centralised with and private nancing sources should be considered.
decentralised wastewater management options should
investigate the following aspects: Institutional aspects
Technical feasibility. Arrangements for O&M as well as any arrangement for
Costs. public-private partnerships (PPPs) should be investi-
Environmental aspects. gated in the light of the required capacity for operating
Social, socio-economic and nancial aspects. and nancing the system. Issues of monitoring and control
Institutional aspects. should be considered.

Technical feasibility
Topographical and other local factors will need to be sur-
veyed in order to clarify which concepts and technologies Decentralised wastewater management can be a viable and
are technically feasible and can be maintained sustainably cost-effective solution and should be considered when-
at the local level. ever possible. It covers a large variety of options and also
includes mixed approaches such as partly decentralisation
or decentralisation of some elements and at the same time
Costs centralisation of others. As an example, whereas certain
wastewater fractions may be collected locally they may be
A cost estimation should encompass the investment and treated centrally (e.g. centralised sludge treatment).
the O&M costs for at least 1015 years. Capital invest-
ment, re-investment, annual recurring costs (O&M), and Various options should be considered and a compre-
benets should be quantied to select economically viable hensive feasibility study should identify which is the best
technologies. The O& M cost may include the personnel level or mix of decentralised and centralised wastewater
and material cost for regular operation, repair and main- management.
tenance work, costs for energy and other consumables.
The economic benets associated with the technology
such as biogas, fertilisers or water for reuse should also Acknowledgements
be calculated. At the feasibility stage, the various options
for sanitation technology can be compared with the total The following members of the Specialist Group have con-
net present value (NPV). A NPV calculates future invest- tributed to and/or reviewed this document:
ment and operation costs for a certain time span using a
discount rate, which trades off present capital and future Dr. David Baguma, United Nations University
running costs and benets (a shorter time span and
higher discount rate give less weight to future costs and Dr. Walter Betancourt, Instituto Venezolano de Investiga-
benets). ciones Cienticas
Mr. Jaime L. Garcia-Heras, CEIT, Spain
Environmental aspects Ms. Ayesha I. Davis, The Luis Berger Group, Panama
Dr. Vikram M. Pattarkine, PEACE USA, USA
What is the required efuent quality of the treated waste- Mr. Bill Peacock, Halcrow, India
water? Where can efuents be discharged? Are there any
Dr. Michael D. Smith, WEDC, Loughborough University,
hygienic concerns? Benets of side products such as
biogas, fertiliser or reused water shall be considered under
the cost calculation. Note, however, that those aspects Mr. S. Vishwanath, independent consultant, India
may also be considered under environmental aspects if Dr. Juliet Willets, University of Technology Sydney,
required (e.g. if saving of water is an environmental goal). Australia
Prof. Zukii Yosop, University Technology Malaysia,
Social, socio-economic and financial Malaysia
aspects + Markus, Hamanth, Jonathan
Involvement of the future users and stakeholders is a key for
successful planning. Further the affordability and options

IWA Specialist Groups

Sludges, residuals and biosolids:

global trends and challenges
Written by S. Dentel on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction country generating the largest amount of sludge. However,

estimates have recently provided for many other countries
Sludges are the result of water and wastewater treatment, as well (LeBlanc et al. 2008; Spinosa 2011).
including industrial wastewater. The accumulated sludges
can essentially be considered as the materials removed The NEBRA survey estimated that about 55% of US bio-
from the water in a more concentrated form, with the excep- solids are put to benecial use, meaning any intentional
tion of biomass grown in biological processes intended to use in order to improve soil characteristics, such as nutri-
biodegrade pollutants. Quantities and associated costs ent, organic, or structural properties (Figure 2.1). This
can be considerable. For example, wastewater plants in includes agricultural use on farmlands; distribution to the
the USA treat about 120 million cubic meters of waste- public as biosolids qualifying for landscaping; horticulture
water per day, at a cost exceeding $13 billion per year. and agriculture; and other uses, such as land restoration
The cost of managing the resulting sludges is 3050% in surface-mined areas) or in silviculture (woodlands). In
of this amount. US wastewater treatment also requires the non-benecial (disposal) categories were disposal in
an estimated 21 billion kilowatt hours of energy per year, municipal solid waste landlls or as landll cover, dedicated
and again the sludge processing requires 3050% of this surface disposal sites, and incineration. These amounts are
amount. Thus sludge represents both an economic and mainly reective of practices at larger treatment facilities
environmental concern of considerable importance. Prop- (>0.044 m /s), which comprise under 20% of all installa-
erly managed, it may also be a signicant resource. tions but over 92% of treated ow. Minor facilities are more
likely to store biosolids in lagoons for long periods before
land application, or use less elaborate or expensive methods,
Existing Knowledge such as landlling. They may also transport their untreated
solids to larger treatment facilities for management.
The above estimate of sludge amounts in the USA comes
from a survey conducted by the North East Biosolids and Land application of biosolids is also widely practised in
Residuals Association (NEBRA 2007). It is believed to be Australia, Brazil, some provinces of Canada, and some of
more accurate than previous estimates, which were pri- the less densely populated countries of Europe. The sub-
marily based on calculations from wastewater ows rather stantial masses of biosolids being applied to land globally
than actual solids amounts. These numbers are thus lead to ongoing questions about health and ecological
reported here as the most accurate available, and from the risks associated with this practice, as described later.

Figure 1. Breakdown of biosolids use in the USA according to 2007 NEBRA study. Illustration from Dentel (2011).

IWA Specialist Groups

In more populated regions of the developed world, various treatment facilities. The exception is China, which has
types of thermal oxidation are more commonly practised not included digestion in its programme for development
(Spinosa 2011). In this case, the energy value from the of large treatment facilities (Xu 2011). For dewatering, it
sludge can be recovered, but this is only signicant if the appears that lter presses and belt lters are more fre-
sludge has been well dewatered. Thermal oxidation may quently utilised than are centrifuges (e.g. Cisneros 2011;
offer the opportunity to recover phosphorus for use as a Snyman 2011). Drying beds are more common in the
fertiliser, although the technology is unproven to date. It developing world. Composting and landlling are also
would also preclude co-incineration with less P-rich mate- favoured in countries where more complex processes are
rials such as solids waste. impractical.

Quantied surveys on stabilisation and dewatering prac- Future trends in sludge processing are tied to economic
tices are not available for most countries. In the USA, development. The most rapid growth in sludge quantities
data are available from the 2007 NEBRA survey, shown in and management is expected in China (Xu 2011), with
Figures 2 and 3. Percentages based on numbers of instal- growth also in South Korea as ocean disposal is elimi-
lations differ from those according to biosolids amount, nated, and in Turkey as it works toward EEC environmental
because smaller facilities are more likely to use less com- standards.
plex processes such as aerobic digestion and belt lter
press dewatering. Larger treatment plants are more likely
to utilise anaerobic digestion, centrifugation and com-
posting. Thus, even though many facilities employ aero-
General trends and Challenges
bic digestion, larger facilities use anaerobic digestion and
composting. Likewise, only 11% of the facilities dewater by Concerns with land application
centrifugation, but this method is applied to roughly half
of all biosolids that are dewatered. By number or by mass, In regions using land application, there is widespread con-
over 90% of all dewatering is by centrifugation, belt lter cern (e.g. NRC 2002) about emerging contaminants in
press or drying beds. Dewatering is a key step in economic sewage sludge. Improved risk assessment methodologies
sludge processing if drying, incineration or signicant are sought to better establish standards for these constitu-
transportation are to be practised. ents. Studies (Viau et al. 2011) also suggest that risks from
emerging pathogens, such as norovirus, may be much
Outside the USA, mesophilic anaerobic digestion appears greater than estimated based on the commonly monitored
to be the main type of biological stabilisation for large bacterial indicators such as faecal coliform. This will lead

Figure 2. Dewatering operations by type (NEBRA 2007). Number of operations based on responses from 50% of states,
sludge masses based on 25% of all states.

Figure 3. Stabilisation operations by type (NEBRA 2007). Number of operations based on responses from 50% of states,
sludge masses based on 25% of all states.

IWA Specialist Groups

to inclusion of new or emerging contaminants or patho- produce well stabilised biosolids. The mechanisms of
gens, or different indicator organisms for monitoring path- pathogen destruction in these processes are undergoing
ogen levels. increasing scrutiny in order to assure reliability and prevent
The controversy regarding contaminants in land-applied
biosolids is unlikely to end regardless of specic limitations Drying and pelletising technologies are of increasing inter-
on contaminant levels. The presence of contaminants at est in providing a usable product without the operating
any detectable levels has been used to support the term complexities of composting. Drying can be based on either
toxic sludge (e.g. 2010). Detection of direct or indirect heating methods, and the processes are
synthetic organic contaminants in sludge-derived compost often of a proprietary nature (e.g. microwave heating). Pel-
at ppb and low ppm levels ( 2010) was also letising offers the aesthetic qualities of composted sludge
used to support the toxic sludge label (e.g. PBDEs at with a more controlled production process. The process
731 ng/g; triclosan 1312 ng/g; nonylphenol 7065 ng/g). reliability and exibility are combined with a lower process
Numerous web sites can be located devoted solely, and footprint. Potential drawbacks are the varying sise, nutri-
vociferously, to the prohibition of land application of biosol- ent quality, odour and other properties of different pellet
ids, declaring that sewage sludge is poison. types. The costs of drying and pellet production are, of
course, linked more closely to energy expenses than in the
Careful and comprehensive characterisations of organ- case of composting.
ics in sludge have been completed recently. The US EPA
conducted a Targeted National Sewage Sludge Survey
(2009) of 84 different samples, measuring for metals,
Technology trends and challenges
polyaromatic hydrocarbons and other semi-volatile organ-
Many emerging technologies for sludge management were
ics, inorganic anions, polybrominated diphenyl ethers,
reviewed by the EPA (USEPA 2006). The technologies
and 97 pharmaceuticals, steroids, and hormones. Bis
were classied as established, innovative (new, but with
(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate was found in all samples, in con-
some pilot or full scale experience), or embryonic (in the
centrations up to hundreds of mg/kg. Some PBDE con-
development or lab stage in the USA). Table 9.1 lists the
geners were in the mg/kg range. Twenty seven metals
innovative technologies and the potential benets. The
were found in virtually every sample. Three pharmaceu-
greatest number of these is in the categories of stabilisa-
ticals (cyprooxacin, diphenhydramine and triclocarban)
tion and dewatering.
were found in all 84 samples, and nine were found in
at least 80 of the samples. Three steroids (campesterol,
Of these processes, one of signicant interest is the
cholestanol and coprostanol) were found in all sam- TM
Cambi thermal hydrolysis process, because the Blue
ples, and six steroids were found in at least 80 of the
Plains wastewater treatment plant in Washington, D.C. is
84 samples. However, these results reect not only the
currently constructing four of these process trains with a
number of chemical constituents in sludges, but also the
410 dry tonne per day total average capacity. The system
acute sensitivity of contemporary analytical methods and
will be augmented by burning digester gas in turbines to
provide both power and heat, the latter being used for the
Cambi process. Completion is scheduled for 2014.
Another study (McClellan and Halden 2010) used 110
archived EPA biosolids samples, combined to create ve
One process, called SlurryCarb, was indicated in the
mega-composites from which to obtain an averaged
EPA study to be embryonic, but would now be classied
value of 72 sludge constituents. Triclocarban and triclosan
as innovative. This process, developed by Atlanta-based
were found at the highest concentrations, 368 and
Enertech Environmental, pressurises sludge above its
12.63.8 mg/kg, respectively. The study concluded that
saturated steam pressure and raises the temperature to
biosolids recycling is a signicant mechanism for the
effect oxidation of organic material. Most water is main-
environmental release of pharmaceuticals and personal
tained in the liquid state to avoid energy expenditures
care products.
of evaporation (Dickinson et al. 2006). The processed
sludge is amenable for use as a fuel, and it is claimed that
In the USA, incineration of sewage solids will fall under
overall process produces about twice as much energy as
more stringent Clean Air Act standards if the EPAs pro-
it consumes (Enertech 2008). Supported by Mitsubishi, a
posed classication as a solid waste is approved (USEPA
demonstration plant was successfully operated in Japan,
2010). This will not eliminate thermal oxidation as an
and a full scale plant commissioned in Rialto, California
option, but will increase costs where outdated furnaces
in 2009.
may be in use. The same trend may ensue elsewhere.
Another management option being explored in the USA
Process trends and challenges is deep well injection of sludge, currently being studied
in Los Angeles, injecting 400 wet tons per day to a depth
Technology development worldwide has focused mainly on of 1700 m (Sanin et al. 2011). The sludge generates
reducing sludge masses and/or producing biosolids with methane through thermophilic anaerobic digestion, which
Class A or equivalent properties. Traditional composting is is then to be recovered as a fuel. The gas composition,
waning as a stabilisation option for larger US cities, in part according to lab tests, should be over 90% methane due
due to operating costs, and also to odours. Aerobic ther- to solubilisation of the carbon dioxide at the high pres-
mophilic digestion processes have been of interest, but sure (150 atm), yielding over 90% methane in the col-
poor dewaterability and an unfavourable energy balance lected gas. Because the nondegradable carbon and the
may limit further implementation. Thermophilic digestion CO2 remain underground, the practice is also viewed as
processes are gaining attention because they can also carbon sequestration.

IWA Specialist Groups

Potential Benet
Bene t Relative to Established Technologies

Produces Class A

((non Agriculture)
LLow Capital Cost

Reduces Solids

Reduces Odour

Benecial Use
Innovative Technology and Advancement

oor Thickens
LLow Annual



MicrosludgeTM (chemical destruction of cells)
Flotation thickening anoxic gas
Membrane thickening
Recuperative thickening
Anaerobic bafed reactor (ABR)
Columbia biosolids ow-through thermophilic ttmnt
High rate plug ow (BioTerminator 24/85)
Temperature phased anaerobic digestion (TPAND)
Thermal hydrolysis (CAMBITM Process)
Thermophilic fermentation (ThermoTechTM)
Three-phase anaerobic digestion
Two-phase-acid/gas anaerobic digestion
Quick dry lter beds
Metal screen ltration - inclined screw press
Bucher hydraulic press
DABTM system
Geotube container
Thermal Conversion
Reheat and oxidise (RHOX)
Supercritical water oxidation
Minergy - vitrication
Belt drying
Direct microwave drying
Flash drying
Fluidised bed drying
CannibalTM process
Injection into cement kiln

IWA Specialist Groups

Research trends and challenges ing or dewatering. Methods for signicantly enhancing
anaerobic digestion efcacy are being sought worldwide to
As indicated above, concerns with sludge/biosolids constit- increase the yield of methane as an energy-rich product.
uents are ongoing in the USA. Controversies have included A recently developed technology known as the microbial
the possible risks from dioxins, furans, and co-planar fuel cell is another means, which could produce signicant
PCBs, which the EPA decided not to regulate after a reas- amounts of electricity directly from sludge (Dentel et al.
sessment completed in 2003. Antimicrobials, ibuprofen, 2004). Research is currently focused on using this proc-
caffeine, plasticisers, ame retardant chemicals, endo- ess for wastewater treatment, but its use on sludge would
crine disruptors and antibiotics are nearly ubiquitous in avoid meeting of efuent standards while still having sig-
biosolids. The decision to include many additional sludge nicant energy potential.
constituents in the Targeted National Sewage Sludge
Survey (USEPA 2009) provides additional knowledge of Sustainability and sludge treatment: Some municipalities
concentrations, but not of exposure or risk levels. are initiating greenhouse gas inventories (e.g. Willis 2010)
which help establish a triple bottom line basis for design
Pathogen reactivation and regrowth are questions of grow- and operational decisions in wastewater treatment facilities,
ing concern, although this has been based on indicator including sludge and biosolids management. Operationally,
organism (faecal coliform) measurements to date. The this means that the nutrient value, energy value, and green-
reactivation can occur when sludge is processed through house gas contributions of sludges must all be balanced,
thermophilic digesters and dewatered by high-speed cen- or counterbalanced, in determining the most environmen-
trifuge. Research also indicates that centrifugal dewatering tally conscionable management scheme. Important future
can exacerbate faecal coliform regrowth following stabili- decisions on sludges will be made on this basis, but the
sation, e.g. during storage or transportation, which means methodologies for doing so are yet to be established and
that the densities determined after stabilisation do not commonly accepted. In principle, even the environmental
reect levels when the material is released of plant custody risks from emerging pathogens and contaminants must be
(Qi et al. 2004). For the many plants using PSRP (process incorporated in any such methodology.
to signicantly reduce pathogens), faecal coliform meas-
urement is not required but the discrepancy still underlies
the use of PSRP. The regrowth/reactivation phenomenon Concluding remarks
is being studied so that its implications can be addressed
in future regulations and practices. Additional indicator Two trends in sludge management are countervailing:
organisms are clearly needed to reect the diverse levels of greater concern about its potentially harmful constituents,
pathogen resistance to treatment processes (Viau 2011). but greater awareness of its nutrient and energy values.
How these are reconciled will depend on public and gov-
Studies of odour sources and mechanisms are also ernmental prioritisations, but also on whether suitable
ongoing. Standardised methods of quantifying odours will technologies are developed and accepted to meet these
be needed if any limits are to be added to biosolids regula- issues with acceptable solutions.
tions. However, odours have yet to be clearly correlated
with health or ecological harms (Viau 2011).
Selected hot topics Cisneros, B.J. (2011) Mexico. In Wastewater sludge: a global
overview of the current and future prospects. 2nd ed. IWA
Near-term challenges in sludge management will centre Publishing, London.
around topics such as the following: Dentel, S.K. (2011) United States. In Wastewater sludge: a global
overview of the current and future prospects. 2nd ed. IWA
Dewatering of wastewater sludges: Approximately 50% of Publishing, London.
the energy content in wastewater is still contained in the Dentel, S.K., Strogen, B., and Chiu, P.C. (2004) Direct generation
sludges that have been generated in purifying the water. of electricity from sludges and other liquid wastes. Water
Sci. Technol. 50(9), 161168.
In addition, the sludge contains much less water relative
Dickinson N.L., Bolin K.M., Overstreet E. and Dooley B. (2006).
to the combustible or biodegradable matter. However, for
Slurry dewatering and conversion of biosolids to a renewable
thermal treatment to extract this energy, even more water fuel, U.S. Patent application 20060096163.
must be removed so that its heat of vaporisation does EnerTech Environmental (2008). The Slurry-Carb Process,
not negate the heat of combustion of the organic matter. Renewable Energy from Biosolids, http://www.enertech.
Efcient dewatering is thus cost effective, and this is the com/downloads/SlurryCarbOverview.pdf.
case for other treatment options, e.g. when transportation LeBlanc, R., Matthews, P. and Richard, R.P. (2008) Global Atlas
of the sludge solids (and water) are necessary. However, of Excreta, Wastewater Sludge, and Biosolids Management:
current dewatering processes cannot easily exceed 35% Moving Forward the Sustainable and Welcome Uses of a
solids except with prohibitive process times or energy Global Resource. UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-
input. Research into improved dewatering processes, or HABITAT).
McClellan, K. and Halden, R.U. (2010). Pharmaceuticals and
into pretreatment processes that signicantly improve
personal care products in archived US biosolids from the
dewaterability, is economically attractive. A gamut of phys- 2001 EPA national sewage sludge survey. Water Research
ical, chemical, and biological processes are being trialled 44(2), 658668.
globally; many of these are listed in Table 8.1. National Research Council (2002). Biosolids Applied to Land.
Advancing Standards and Practices. National Academies
Energy extraction from liquid sludges: An alternative to Press: Washington, D.C.
high-level dewatering is the development of methods for NEBRA - North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (2007).
energy extraction from the liquid sludge before thicken- A National Biosolids Regulation, Quality, End Use & Disposal

IWA Specialist Groups

Survey. NEBRA, Tamworth NH, USA. USEPA (2006). Emerging Technologies for Biosolids Manage-
uploads/pdf/NtlBiosolidsReport-20July07.pdf. ment, Washington, D.C., EPA-832-R-06005.
NEBRA - North East Biosolids and Residuals Association (2010). USEPA (2009). Targeted National Sewage Sludge Survey,
Information Update: US EPA Denes Sewage Sludge as Washington, D.C., EPA-822-R-08014.
Solid Waste. USEPA (2010). Identication of Non-Hazardous Materials That
DenesSludge-May10.pdf. Are Solid Waste: Proposed Rule, (2010). San Franciscos Free Organic Biosolids nonhaz/dene/index.htm#proposed.
Compost is Toxic Sludge, and Not Good For You!. www. Viau, E., Bibby, K., Paez-Rubio, T. and Peccia, J. (2011) Toward a consensus view on the infectious risks associated with land
Qi Y.N., Gillow S., Herson D.S. and Dentel S.K. (2004) Reactiva- application of sewage sludge. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45(13),
tion and/or growth of fecal coliform bacteria during centrifu- 54595469.
gal dewatering of anaerobically digested biosolids. Wat. Sci. Willis J. (2010). Example Using the Local Governments
Tech. 50(9), 115120. Operations Protocol at DCWASA, MABA Workshop on
Sanin, F.D., Clarkson, W.W., and Vesilind, P.A. (2011) Sludge Greenhouse Gas Accounting for Wastewater Treatment &
Engineering. DEStech Publications, Lancaster PA-USA. Biosolids Management, Eatontown, N.J., www.mabiosolids. (2010), Breaking News on Toxic Sludge. www. org/uploads/pdf/conferenceproceedings. index.php?title=Portal:Toxic_Sludge. Xu, G. (2011) China. In Wastewater sludge: a global overview of
Snyman, H.G. (2011) Africa. In Wastewater sludge: a global the current and future prospects. 2nd ed. IWA Publishing,
overview of the current and future prospects. 2nd ed. IWA London.
Publishing, London.
Spinosa, L., ed. Wastewater sludge: a global overview of the current
and future prospects. 2nd ed. IWA Publishing, London.

IWA Specialist Groups

Statistics and Economics

Water pricing policies in situation of water scarcity and in maintaining
access to water - improving and enlarging statistical information

Written by Ed Smeets on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction Existing knowledge

One of the dimensions of the water crisis is the rarefaction In the past several workshops and conferences were
of available resources in comparison with needs. In this organised by our Specialist Group around the topic of water
context, well-designed pricing policies are major regula- pricing in general or more in detail dealing with specic
tory tools to induce water savings behaviour and to pre- aspects of water pricing. In addition, many presentations
serve nite freshwater resources. by members of our Specialist group took place on several
World Water Congresses and articles were published in
A complementary aspect of this issue refers to Water Utility Management International.
wastewater recycling and seawater desalination. In a
context of growing scarcity, alternative resources have Some of the present, active members of our Specialist
an enormous potential: on a global scale, it is forecasted Group have extended knowledge of water pricing and thus
that within the next decade, installed capacity for reuse have the capacity to make important contributions to the
will triple and installed capacity for desalination will discussion of this topic. Besides that it is worthwhile to
double. mention that some of them are working in countries facing
water scarcity, like Spain and Cyprus. This will facilitate
Human beings have been freely exploiting natural resources case study elaboration on this topic. For instance, for sea-
for many centuries. However, the era of abundance is over. sonal tariffs, it should be easier to know, at least in these
Could pricing policies reduce or prevent exposure to future countries, to what extent they are being used and they have
water shortages? proved to be effective. Since the early 1990s the Specialist
Group in particular the Working Group on Statistics has
For the international community, 2015 will be a critical carried out International Surveys to collect data on water
year. It is the year prescribed by the United Nations for production, water use and water charges and on water
achieving the Millennium Development Goals for Water regulation. The information is published as a leaet at the
and Sanitation and, in so doing, reducing poverty in the biennial IWA World Water Congress. This means that the
world. Specialist Group has a lot of knowledge about these kinds
of data and is able to produce tables, graphs, time series
However, once poor people are connected to the pub- about different countries and different cities.
lic networks, what happens? Are low-income people
capable to pay their bills regularly? Will they keep on However, like always, manpower, time and resources are
beneting from the water services? It depends of many subject to restrictions. Hopefully, it is possible to mobilise
factors such as their revenues, the price of water and enough efforts to realise our objectives as written below.
the tariffs structure, which are all essential elements for
making the service affordable. But also the accompa-
nying measures implemented by operators and public Planned activities
authorities when people are connected are important
and also the cost of connection to the network and if To answer questions on water pricing in situations of water
this cost is charged separately or recuperated by overall scarcity, we would like to explore in the next few years
service revenues. the following issues (keeping in mind, that in all countries,
pricing policies and the price of water are decided by pub-
Discussion on topics like water scarcity, access to lic authorities and/or the regulatory body, not by utilities).
water and on many other topics in the water sector
often has to be supported by statistical data in form of How generalised water under pricing and unaccepted
tables, graphs, etc. Therefore, it is very important that pricing policies (e.g. when municipal consumption is
these data are gathered, checked and transformed into not charged or not paid) contributed to move, in some
understandable gures so that policy makers, political regions, from water abundance to water scarcity;
leaders, managers, etc. are supported in making their The way ahead towards a coherent water resource strat-
decisions. egy, with efcient tariff and non-tariff solutions (such

IWA Specialist Groups

as two part tariffs, promotion of change in consumer experiences, mainly from European countries, to illustrate
behavior to foster water use efciency, etc.); how combining affordable water pricing, tariff structures,
The measures to be taken in term of regulation, respon- cross-subsidisation mechanisms (between water service
sibilities breakdown or evolution of economic models of subscribers and taxpayers, between domestic and no
utilities, in order to prevent conict of interest among domestic users) and social policies, in order to maintain
water utilities (which are paid according to the number access to water and sanitation services.
of cubic meters sold and should, at the same time,
encourage water savings among consumers) From a concrete perspective, and to extend linkage with
The growing resort to non conventional resources and other water institutions, we plan to organise, in 2014, one
the way to design adapted tariffs for using alternative workshop on this topic during one major Conference (such
water resources. as the 2014 IWA Congress, the Singapore Water Week, the
Stockholm Water Week). Being organised one year before
From a concrete perspective we plan the following the deadline to achieve the Millennium Development
activities. Goals, the results of this workshop could be used in 2015
by other organisations when they assess the situation.
To organise a workshop on these topics during the 2012
IWA Congress; To support topics like the above we are planning to extend
To make a presentation on these topics in 2013, either our activities on the international surveys and statistical
during the Stockholm Water Week which is organised data we produce every two years.
each year in August or during the Singapore Water Week
which importance is increasing. The latter occasion We would like to enlarge the gathering and analysis of data,
would also help in networking with Asian institutions. so that we can turn data into knowledge. Examples of new
approaches could be cross relation analysis, more use of
Many institutions are already dealing with the Millen- time series, etc.
nium Development Goals. As a Specialist Group we dont
have the means to organise worldwide and comprehen- Data on customer behaviour are more or less lacking in the
sive surveys to check if these goals are achieved like information that we collect. So we are planning to gather
United Nations Agencies are doing. However, the issue more information on topics like bad payments, willingness
of how people are maintaining access to water services to pay for intelligent metering, consumption levels and to
once they got their connections is less observed and compare and analyse for instance the results of different
analysed. countries and different cities.

Therefore we would like to point out two specic topics. Furthermore, we would like to enlarge the database more
with data of continents and countries which are missing for
In developing countries. What pricing policies and social the most part, like Africa, South America and Asia.
policies have to be implemented to help people recently
connected to public networks to pay their bills and then
to keep on beneting from the water services? There are Conclusion
many possible and complementary solutions: extension
of nancial solidarity, education programme to prevent Within the IWA community, the Statistics and Economics
overconsumption among new subscribers, twinning Specialist Group is the central group for elaborating eco-
electricity and water services in Africa (for the rst one nomic topics like water pricing policies.
to subsidised the second one)
In developed countries. It is sure that the Millennium Although in the past many activities in this respect were
Development Goals concern above all the developing developed by the Group, there is still a lot to discuss. That
countries. However, poverty also extends into the is why we will be dealing more in detail with this topic in
developed countries, and is forcing them to nd solutions the coming years, mainly focusing on water pricing policies
to maintain access to water for poor people already con- in situations of water scarcity, on maintaining access to
nected. For them, the challenge is not to create new service water services once people are connected, and improving
lines as in the developing countries. Thus we will present and enlarging our statistical information.

IWA Specialist Groups

Sustainability in the Water Sector

Written by M. B. Beck, C. Davis, S. J. Kenway, J. Porro, S. Matsui, G. Crawford, H. Hilger and H. Zhang
on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction those places around the world least easily reached by

the Associations meetings and customary publications.
The challenge in the notion of sustainability lies in this The Platforms website (
complex compound of issues: is designed to help people share the information they
have, get the information they need in a form they can
use, and collaborate to build new solutions.
The desire to associate the word sustainability with
whatever one is doing is nigh on universal. It is liberally
To launch (in 2010) the cross-disciplinary Task Group
evident in the mission and goals of the Association. It is
on Wastewater Utility Greenhouse Gas Footprints
somehow intuitively grasped by all.
(, with its remit of minimis-
However, holding steady in ones mind this massively
ing energy consumption, operational costs, and green-
multi-disciplinary notion, and long enough and suf-
house gas emissions, while yet maximising performance
ciently completely to dene it operationally as is the
in maintaining aquatic environmental quality.
wont of engineers seems as elusive as ever.
At bottom, the role of sustainability is akin to that of the
catalyst. It is working (and crucially so) when yet it is not
prominent either in the prior circumstances of what is to
Existing knowledge: Concepts Paper
be changed about the stewardship of water and other
The Sustainability Concepts Paper (Beck 2011) is the inte-
resources or in any successful (posterior) engineered
gral of essentially all that this Group has participated in
outcomes. It is as the changes wrought by the systems
over the period of 2002 through 2011, in pondering and
thinking suffused into the Yarra Valley Water company,
promoting sustainability within IWA. It began as a back-
as recorded in Crittenden et al. (2010).
ground discussion paper for the First Leading Edge Sus-
tainability (LES) Conference (Venice, 2002); was advanced
If one likens dening sustainability to the task of producing through the Second LES Conference (Sydney, 2004); is
a Manual of Practice for the Whole of Life, then that is a organised around the accountancy of the Triple Bottom
measure of the challenge. Line (TBL); embraces the best of the IWA Sustainability
Prizes (Ashley et al. 2008; Sharma et al. 2009; Starkl et al.
Mindful of this, the Group has been working: 2009; Crittenden et al. 2010; Willis et al. 2010); and is
fundamentally dened by the plurality of perspectives on
To embrace and express in a comprehensive and the Man-Environment relationship itself the cornerstone
rounded sense what sustainability might amount to of the designs for the Sustainability Agora.
when realised as Integrated Urban Water Management
(IUWM) nested within Integrated Water Resources Man- Intuitively grasped by all may sustainability be, but not
agement (IWRM) hence the Sustainability Concepts in any agreed manner, when more than mere intuition is
Paper, begun in 2002 and now published in 2011 (Beck needed. There is no one right way about sustainability,
2011). except always to acknowledge this plurality of opposed
outlooks on how to steward the Man-Environment relation-
To raise the prole of sustainability within the Associa- ship, and to seek to harness constructive contestation and
tion, through the installation of the IWA Sustainability disagreement amongst them (Thompson 2002). For IWAs
Prizes (rst awarded at the Vienna Congress, 2008) and water professionals, moreover, the discomforting stance of
the hosting of Workshops on Triple Bottom Line account- the Sustainability Concepts Paper is that there is also no
ing (Beijing Congress, 2006; Kenway et al. 2007). one right school of engineering thought on sustainability
for IUWM nested with IWRM (Gyawali 2001; Dixit 2002).
To experiment in and with the learning microcosm of the In sum, the very essence of sustainability is this:
Sustainability Agora (Beijing Congress, 2006; Vienna
Congress, 2008), as a means of moving towards forms Always Learning; Never Getting it Right
of governance for enabling (as opposed to disabling) the
practice of sustainability in the water sector (Beck and For all the many pages of the Sustainability Concepts Paper,
Jeffrey 2007). or the changes catalysed in the practices of Yarra Valley
Water (Crittenden et al. 2010), continuing transformation
To develop the Global Water Platform Bringing the is dening for sustainability at the institutional and per-
Worlds Water Information to Everyone to enhance sonal levels: in the form of learning organisations (Senge
best practices in sustainable water management in et al. 2008); and in availing ourselves (as individuals)

IWA Specialist Groups

of what psychologists Kegan and Lahey (2009) call the Sustainability sees Information Technologies (IT) and the
higher mental complexity of leading to learn. web as central in supporting this Association-wide mission.

Organised according to the Triple Bottom Line, the Sus- Populations in many LAMICs are young; young water pro-
tainability Concepts Paper describes the state-of-the-art fessionals in these countries have ready access to cell
as follows: phones, computers, and the internet; these are, above all,
their technologies and their means of communication.
On environmental benignity: Things are in transition, Yet language, income, and geography often bar the access
from a sole focus on eco-efciency from being of these young water professionals to IWA meetings and
less bad in lowering the water metabolism of cities publications. What form of Global Water Platform what
to an absolute minimum towards including the com- further development of; what
plementary focus on eco-effectiveness (Dyllick and genuinely relevant and effective innovations in internet
Hockerts 2002; McDonough and Braungart 2002), i.e., technologies will place the assets of IWA knowledge at
pursuit of the environmental good of cities and their the disposal of these LAMIC water professionals? How will
water infrastructures as net contributors to ecosystem they in their turn change and enhance IWAs knowledge
services in their surrounding watersheds (Beck et al. assets? How, at bottom, is the IWA Sustainability Specialist
2010). The work of The Natural Step (www.naturalstep. Group to serve under-served audiences in promoting best
org) and DHV ( in re-engineering the Soer- practices in sustainability and to see their practices shape
endonk wastewater treatment plant in The Netherlands the evolving concepts of sustainability?
is exemplary. It stands (with others) at the frontiers of
practice. There is more, however, to the current trends and chal-
On economic feasibility: Grand economic theory about lenges guiding the work of the Specialist Group than the
our environmental bequests of natural capital to future vital task of serving the needs of global communication
generations (Solow 1993; Sumaila and Walters 2005; around the water sector. Since the Groups inception in
Farley and Daly 2006) has for the moment markedly 2006, its policy has deliberately been one of not hosting
outstripped contemporary practice in counting the cost research symposia every 23 years. It is now time for this
of what it might take, for example, to stimulate the recov- policy to be changed. There are issues much in need of
ery of nutrients as resources from wastewater (becom- research and enquiry, such as the following.
ing more good) instead of seeking to be utterly rid of
them as pollutants (becoming less bad).
On social legitimacy: Water scientists and engineers Sustainability in the language of
are leaders, amongst other policy and social scientists business & economics: making
(Gatzweiler 2006; Boulanger 2008; Thompson 2008;
Ney 2009; Romer 2010), in bringing the equally lofty
resource recovery happen
notion of a refurbished pluralist democracy to work on
There has been time enough over the past two decades for
the ground (Beck et al. 2011): in demonstrating practi-
water professionals to think their way out of the mind-set
cal paths towards more desirable governance (and away
of holding up the classical water-based paradigm of urban
from failing governance); and in resolving some of the
wastewater infrastructure as the single, most environmen-
most intractable and widespread challenges of sustain-
tally benign form of IUWM within IWRM. Niemczynowicz
able environmental stewardship (Gyawali 2004). These
(1993) has disabused us of any wish we might have to
are challenges, for instance, of rapidly urbanising water-
cling to this orthodoxy alone. There has been time enough
sheds, with burgeoning populations, who have spiritual
also for policy and social scientists to think about the
associations with water (Davis 2008), yet who are not
socially legitimate options for engineering our way out of
served by classical systems of water and wastewater
the attaching state of institutional and technological lock
infrastructure (Gyawali 2004). At the frontiers of practice
in. We have become quite inventive about what might be
can be found the work of the Nepal Water Conservation
put in its place: separation at source of domestic, munici-
Foundation on the Kathmandu-Bagmati city-watershed
pal, and industrial material ows; decentralisation; systems
couple (NWCF 2009).
of dry sanitation; low-impact development; smart water;
ecological engineering; green chemistry; and so on.
We are urged to Think Globally, Act Locally. In the Sus-
tainability Concepts Paper we advocate its complement,
Computational assessments suggest that extending the
as in:
(conventional) wastewater infrastructure of a city such
Engineers Acting Most Locally to engender a com- as Metro Atlanta, Georgia, USA, to eliminate a further 50
munity eager to engage in Thinking Globally tonnes of polluting phosphorus beyond current perform-
ance levels, might easily cost around $2-4M (on an annu-
alised basis). Yet with source separation, enabled through
Trends and challenges the installation of urine-separating toilets (USTs) (Larsen
et al. 2009), there could be as much as 1,700 tonnes of
resourceful phosphorus to be recovered each year in
Global water platform: seeing sustainability the citys raw wastewater, along with 16,600 tonnes of
in practice nitrogen, with a combined market value of $22M as fer-
tiliser. Indeed, these nutrients might alternatively be used
The over-arching challenge for the Group remains that of to produce biofuels from algae, or dispensed to rivers in
getting the message out with regard to sustainability. As a carefully controlled manner as nutrient supplements
IWA turns its strategic intentions towards Lower and Mid- for restoring and enhancing watershed ecosystem services
dle Income Countries (LAMICs), the Specialist Group on (Beck et al. 2010).

IWA Specialist Groups

The crucial question, however, is what having to do with Conclusions

money, economics, and entrepreneurship might spark
the transition from such a current unsustainable cost Seen from today, we conjecture:
stream to a future sustainable benet stream? If we can
have a global carbon-trading market, to reduce carbon That sustainability in the water sector will be driven
emissions to the atmosphere, how can we yet re-orient its not only by the principles of eco-efciency lowering
counterpart: of watershed pollutant-discharge trading and, the material-energy metabolisms of the city-watershed
conspicuously, nutrient pollutant trading? When might this couple but also by eco-effectiveness, whereby the
be overturned: from a focus on environmental bads to built environment should nourish (not deplete) the natu-
environmental goods, such that we shall see trading in a ral environment;
watershed recovered-resources market? That the economic calculi of sustainability should enable
a decision about re-engineering an urban wastewater
What could be the practical engineering outcomes from infrastructure, for example, for the recovery of a perfect
working with the nancial calculus of natural capital fertiliser, to be based demonstrably on monetary trade-
(Hawken et al. 1998) and ecosystem services (Aronson offs amongst inter alia the benets to the agricultural
et al. 2006), together with the capex and opex of engi- sector, the energy sector, and the ecosystem-services
neering economics (with which we are already well famil- sector;
iar)? Can we conceive of the hard, unsentimental business That socially legitimate policy will emerge not merely
cases for sustaining the enterprises of watershed eco- from seeking some measure of agreement (as in con-
system service providers, without risking their service sensus), but from harnessing the creativity of properly
failure through the loss of biodiversity (Kremen 2005; orchestrated, robust disputation and disagreement
Graham and Smith 2004)? amongst the interested parties, each with its passionate
commitment to what it believes is the only right way to
Tracking sustainability in the city not Just go about sustainability.
the nation or the utility
We fully expect this assertion to be shown to be inade-
quate, in some way, in the event. It is entirely in the spirit
Relative to nations and utilities little has been formally
of sustainability for this to be welcomed, even sought out
observed and tracked of the citys metabolisms water,
by design.
nutrients, energy, and so on (Kennedy et al. 2007). Deter-
mining progress away from unsustainability and towards
water-sensitive cities is currently almost impossible to
evaluate. When Rees and Wackernagel (1996) famously References
introduced their concept of the urban ecological foot-
print, they invited us to imagine the city as a large animal Ashley, R., Blackwood, D., Butler, D., Jowitt, P., Davies, J., Smith,
grazing in its pasture. From this, one did not acquire a H., Gilmour, D. and Oltean-Dumbrava, C. (2008) Making asset
favorable impression of the environmental conduct of the investment decisions for wastewater systems that include
sustainability. J Environmental Engineering 134(3), 200
large animal. How indeed do cities interact with their sur-
209, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(2008)134:3(200).
rounding watersheds, thereby altering water, nutrient, and
Beck, M.B. (2011) Cities as Forces for Good in the Environment:
energy cycles in the wider picture (Kenway et al. 2011a,b)? Sustainability in the Water Sector, Warnell School of Forestry
What do we need to measure to track and to benchmark & Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens (ISBN:
progress in city policies and to discriminate between lead- 978-1-61584-248-4) (also available from
ing sustainability policies and infrastructures, as opposed Beck, M.B. and Jeffrey, P. (2007) Sustainable standpoints
to those that are lagging behind? embracing diversity of opinion. Water21 August, 1314.
Beck, M.B., Jiang, F., Shi, F., Villarroel Walker, R., Osidele, O.O.,
According to the biological metaphor: Lin, Z., Demir, I. and Hall, J.W. (2010) Re-engineering cities
as forces for good in the environment. Proceedings of the
how might we measure not only the appetite (footprint) Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability
163(ES1), 3146.
of the city, i.e., the environmental consequences of
Beck, M.B., Thompson, M., Ney, S., Gyawali, D. and Jeffrey, P.
importing its voluminous inputs and exporting its equally (2011) On governance for re-engineering city infrastructure.
voluminous outputs; but also Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering
Sustainability 164(ES2), 129142.
its metabolism, i.e., the environmental consequences of Boulanger, P.-M. (2008) Sustainable development indicators:
how those urban inputs are transformed into the urban a scientic challenge, a democratic issue. Surv Perspect
outputs; and Integr Environ Soc 1, 5973.
Crittenden, P., Benn, S. and Dunphy, D. (2010) Learning and
its pulse-rate, i.e., the environmental consequences of Change for Sustainability at Yarra Valley Water. Australia
tuning the social and economic life of the city to just the Research Institute in Education for Sustainability, Macquarie
University, New South Wales (March).
narrow and environmentally impoverished bandwidth
Davis, C.K. (2008) Ethical dilemmas in water recycling, Chapter
of merely the 24-7 frequencies alone in the spectrum
15, in Water Reuse An International Survey (B. Jimenez
(Beck et al. 2010; Beck 2011)? and T. Asano, eds), IWA Publishing, London, pp. 281298.
Dixit, A. (2002) Basic Water Science, Nepal Water Conservation
What arrangements of the technologies of urban water Foundation, Kathmandu.
infrastructure will bestow ecological resilience (sensu Dyllick, T. and Hockerts, K. (2002) Beyond the business case for
Holling 1996) upon the behaviour of the city and how corporate sustainability. Business Strategy and the Environ-
would we track this? ment 11, 130141.

IWA Specialist Groups

Farley, J. and Daly, H. (2006) Natural capital: the limiting Ney, S. (2009) Resolving Messy Policy Problems: Handling Con-
factor a reply to Aronson, Blignaut, Milton and Clewell. ict in Environmental, Transport, Health and Ageing Policy.
Ecological Engineering 28, 610. Earthscan, London.
Gatzweiler, F.W. (2006), Organizing a public ecosystem service Niemczynowicz, J. (1993) New aspects of sewerage and water
economy for sustaining biodiversity. Ecological Economics technology. Ambio 22(7), 449455.
59, 296304. NWCF (2009) The Bagmati: Issues, Challenges and Prospects.
Graham, D.W. and Smith, V.H. (2004) Designed ecosystem serv- Technical Report, prepared by Nepal Water Conservation
ices: application of ecological principles in wastewater treat- Foundation (NWCF) for King Mahendra Trust for Nature
ment engineering. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, Conservation, Kathmandu, Nepal.
2(4), 199206. Romer, P. (2010) For richer, for poorer. Prospect, February,
Gyawali, D. (2001) Rivers, Technology and Society. Himal Books, 3438.
Kathmandu, Nepal. Senge, P., Smith, B., Schley, S., Laur, J. and Kruschwitz, N.
Gyawali, D. (2004) Water, sanitation and human settlements: cri- (2008) The Necessary Revolution: How Individuals and
sis, opportunity or management? Water Nepal 11(2), 720. Organizations Are Working Together to Create a Sustainable
Hawken, P., Lovins, A. and Lovins, L.H. (1999) Natural Capital- World. Doubleday, New York.
ism: The Next Industrial Revolution. Rocky Mountain Insti- Sharma, A.K, Grant, A.L, Grant, T., Pamminger, F. and Opray, L.
tute, Snowmass, Colorado. (2009) Environmental and economic assessment of urban
Holling, C.S. (1996) Engineering Resilience Versus Ecological water services for a greeneld development. Environmen-
Resilience, in Engineering Within Ecological Constraints tal Engineering Science 26(5), 921934 (doi:10.1089/
(P Schulze, ed.). National Academy Press, Washington DC, ees.2008.0063).
pp 3144. Solow, R.M. (1993) Sustainability: an economists perspective. In
Kegan, R. and Lahey, L.L. (2009) Immunity to Change: Selected Readings in Environmental Economics (R. Dorfman
How to Overcome It and Unlock Potential in Yourself and N. Dorfman, eds), 3rd edition. Norton, New York.
and Your Organization. Harvard Business Press, Boston, Starkl, M., Brunner, N., Flgl, W. and Wimmer, J. (2009) Design
Massachusetts. of an institutional decision-making process: the case of
Kennedy, C., Cuddihy, J. and Engel-Yan, J. (2007) The changing urban water management. J Environmental Management
metabolism of cities. J Industrial Ecology 11(2), 4359. 90(2), 10301042 (doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.03.012).
Kenway, S.J., Howe, C. and Maheepala, S. (2007) Triple Bottom Sumaila, U.R. and Walters, C.J. (2005) Intergenerational
Line Reporting of Sustainable Water Utility Performance. discounting: a new intuitive approach. Ecological Economics,
AWWA Research Foundation, Denver, Colorado. 52, 135142.
Kenway, S.J., Gregory, A. and McMahon, J. (2011) Urban Thompson, M. (2002) Man and nature as a single but complex
water mass balance analysis. J Industrial Ecology, 15(5), system. In Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, vol.
693-706. 5 (P Timmerman, ed.). Wiley, Chichester, pp. 384393.
Kenway, S.J., Lant, P. and Priestley, A. (2011) Quantifying the Thompson, M. (2008) Organising and Disorganising: A Dynamic
links between water and energy in cities. Journal of Water and Non-linear Theory of Institutional Emergence and Its Im-
and Climate Change 2(4), 247259. plications. Triarchy, Axminster.
Kremen, C. (2005) Managing ecosystem services: what do Willis, R.M., Stewart, R.A., Panuwatwanich, K., Jones, S. and
we need to know about their ecology? Ecology Letters 8, Kyriakides, A. (2010) Alarming visual display monitors
468479. affecting shower end use water and energy conservation in
Larsen, T.A., Alder, A.C., Eggen, R.I.L., Maurer, M. and Lienert, Australian residential households. Resources, Conservation
J. (2009) Source separation: will we see a paradigm shift in and Recycling 54(12), 11171127 (doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.
wastewater handling? Environmental Science & Technology 2010.03.004).
43(16), 61216125.
McDonough, W. and Braungart, M. (2002) Cradle to Cradle:
Remaking the Way We Make Things. North Point Press,
New York.

IWA Specialist Groups

Rainfall extremes and urban drainage

Written by P. Willems and T. Einfalt on behalf of the Urban Drainage Specialist Group

Introduction and temporal scales of the relevant hydrological processes

of sewer and urban drainage systems, rainfall data are
Urban drainage is a system of man-made and natural ele- required also at these scales. The density of existing rain
ments serving to protect human population and the envi- gauge networks is, however, still very limited in most urban
ronment against adverse effects of wet-weather ows and areas. Owing to this and other reasons for limited avail-
wastewater efuents in urban areas. Although wastewater ability of local and short-interval urban rainfall data, rainfall
efuents are hardly affected by rainfall, wet-weather ows estimates are still one of the main sources of uncertainty
(i.e. stormwater runoff and combined sewer overows) are in urban drainage studies, particularly in applications that
directly driven by rainfall, and the capacity of urban drain- focus on rainfall extremes.
age to provide effective service depends directly on the
characteristics of rainfall and their variation in time and Recent advances in the measurement of precipita-
space. Extreme rain storm events cause sewer surcharg- tion include various types of radars and spatial rainfall
ing and surface ooding, or water ponding, and in areas processing techniques. Precipitation measurement by
served by combined sewers they also cause extensive radar is currently considered a reliable means of obtain-
discharges of polluted combined sewer overows (CSOs) ing precipitation data with a spatial scale of 1 km or less
into receiving waters. Consequently, these events severely and a temporal resolution of 5 minutes or less. Since the
impact the life of people and the quality of the aquatic use of radar measured precipitation data requires a dif-
environment in urban areas, and the urban population ferent knowledge than the traditional use of rain gauges,
therefore pays attention to the quality and lead-time of numerous efforts have been made to encourage the use
rainfall forecasts, the risk of ooding, ood damages, and of more complex data in urban and small-scale hydrology
impacts of climate change on such phenomena. Critical (e.g. Einfalt et al. 2004; Michelson et al. 2005). Radar
questions are raised with respect to the accuracy and reli- technologies that are currently extensively tested for meas-
ability of rainfall forecasts or simulations, the propagation uring rainfall with high spatial resolution are the Local Area
of uncertainty, and the range of consequences for daily Weather Radars (LAWRs) or X-band polarimetric radars
life. These great challenges are faced by environmental (e.g. Thorndahl and Rasmussen 2011). These can be
scientists, municipal practitioners and managers, and seen as an alternative to C-band and S-band radar for
political decision makers alike. local urban areas. Another promising technology under
development is microwave technology in commercial wire-
In this context, the International Working Group on Urban less links (e.g. Leijnse et al. 2010). More details on these
Rainfall (IGUR) of the IWA Urban Drainage Specialist advances can be found in the forthcoming Special Issue
Group (, operated jointly by IWA and IAHR of Atmospheric Research on precipitation in urban areas
(the International Association for Hydro-Environment (see section 2.4).
and Research) closely follows and disseminates the lat-
est developments in knowledge, technology and existing
procedures concerning rainfall measurement, analysis and Climate change and urban rainfall
modelling for urban stormwater management (see http:// The IGUR
reported that strong advancements were recently made in
A particular focus point in the context of climate change
the measurement and analysis of the spatial variability of
is on non-stationarities in rainfall time series, which may
urban rainfall. Another particular focus point of the Group
have signicant consequences for estimation of extreme
is climate change. Major worldwide attention is currently
rainfall statistics (Willems et al. 2011). There is strong
given to the study of changes in rainfall extremes due to
evidence that due to the global warming the frequency
global warming and the corresponding urban drainage
of extreme rain storms, and as a consequence the prob-
impacts. Concerning both issues, major advances are
abilities and risks of sewer surcharge and ooding, are
expected in the next 510 years.
changing. In their Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007)
indeed reported, for the late 20th century, a worldwide
Advances in measurement and increase in the frequency of extreme precipitation intensi-
analysis of local urban rainfall ties as a result of global warming. Based on climate model
simulations with different future greenhouse gas emission
Urban drainage experts face major challenges regarding scenarios, IPCC (2007) furthermore concluded that it is
urban rainfall extremes. Owing to the relatively small spatial very likely that this trend will continue in the 21st century.

IWA Specialist Groups

The consequences of these regionally varying changes Forthcoming: Special Issue of

have to be assessed in a perspective of sustainable
development. Water managers have to anticipate these Atmospheric Research on precipitation
changes, to limit the ood risks, to which the inhabitants in urban areas
are exposed. In addition, the insurance industry, as well as
the different water users and policy makers, need quan- A Special Issue of Atmospheric Research on precipi-
tication of these risks to develop and adopt the appro- tation in urban areas is about to appear. The Special
priate policies. Consequently, the number of hydrological Issue presents peer-reviewed selected papers from the
impact studies of climate change has strongly increased 8th International Workshop on Precipitation in Urban
in recent years. These studies, however, most often Areas, which was held in St Moritz, Switzerland, 1013
focus on river discharge extremes and low-ow risks. The December 2009 ( and was
number of climate change studies dealing with urban co-organised by the IGUR. The workshop had four focus
drainage impacts is still rather limited, partly because themes: (a) the accuracy of rainfall measurements - radar,
they require a specic focus on small urban catchment microwave, rain gauges; (b) the propagation of uncertainty
scales (usually few kilometres) and short-duration rainfall from atmospheric data to models; (c) the use of simulation
extremes (at time scales as short as 5 minutes). Despite and uncertainty concepts in urban hydrology; and (d) the
the signicant increase in computational power in recent use of advanced statistical tools and methods for study-
years, climate models still remain relatively coarse in ing climate change impacts on extreme rainfall. The forth-
space and time and are therefore unable to resolve sig- coming issue will be the seventh Special Issue prepared in
nicant climate features relevant to the ne scales of collaboration with the IGUR, following the earlier special
urban drainage systems. The models also have limita- issues of 1991 (Niemczynowicz and Sevruk 1991), 1996
tions in the accuracy of describing precipitation extremes (Sevruk and Niemczynowicz 1996), 1998 (Einfalt et al
(e.g. high intensity convective storms leading to sewer 1998), 2002 (Burlando 2002), 2005 (Einfalt et al 2005)
surcharge and ooding). This is due to the poor descrip- and 2009 (Burlando 2009).
tion of the non-stationary phenomena during convective
storms resulting in the most extreme events at a local
scale. Climate models are derived from weather forecast References
models, which currently are not able to describe small
scale convective activities with a good accuracy. As such, Burlando, P. (Ed.) (2002). Rainfall in urban areas. Water Science
the climate models are thus still not satisfactory for pro- and Technology, 45(2), 1152 (Special Issue 5th Interna-
viding an adequate assessment of the impacts of future tional Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas, Pontresina,
climate change scenarios at the local scale of individual Switzerland, 1013 December 2000).
cities. The models cannot provide data at the appropriate Burlando, P. (Ed.) (2009). Atmospheric Research, 92(3),
spatial and temporal resolutions for these impact assess- 281380 (Special Issue 7th International Workshop on
ment studies, which are usually done through simula- Precipitation in Urban Areas, St Moritz, Switzerland, 0710
December 2006).
tion with urban hydrological and sewer system models
Einfalt, T., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Fankhauser, R., Rauch, W.,
(Willems et al. 2011). Schilling, W., Nguyen, V., and Despotovic, J. (1998). Use of
historical rainfall series for hydrological modelling - workshop
Current research on climate change and urban drain- summary. Water Science and Technology, 37(11), 16
age therefore mainly focuses on statistical downscaling (Special Issue 4th International Workshop on Precipitation
techniques. By means of these techniques, information in Urban Areas, Pontresina, Switzerland, 0407 December
provided by large-scale global or regional climate models 1997).
is downscaled to information of very high spatial and tem- Einfalt, T., Molnar, P., Schmid, W. (Ed.) (2005). Atmospheric
poral resolutions that is appropriate for urban runoff stud- Research, 77(14), 1422 (Special Issue 6th Internation-
ies. Consequently, the expected results from such impact al Workshop on Precipitation in Urban Areas, Pontresina,
studies could be highly uncertain, depending strongly on Switzerland, 0407 December 2003).
Einfalt, T., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Golz, C., Jensen, N.E., Quirmbach,
the feasibility and reliability of the downscaling process.
M., Vaes, G., Vieux, B. (2004). Towards a roadmap for
This problem becomes even more challenging when deal- use of radar rainfall data use in urban drainage. Journal of
ing with the extreme rainfall events. Hydrology 299, 186202.
IPCC (2007). Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis,
The IGUR is currently nalising a state-of-the-art review Summary for Policymakers, Contribution of Working Group
report on Climate change and urban rainfall extremes I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
and drainage. The report will provide an overview of Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Secretariat, Geneva,
existing methodologies and relevant results related Switzerland.
to the assessment of the climate change impacts on Leijnse, H., Uijlenhoet, R., Berne, A. (2010). Errors and uncer-
urban rainfall extremes as well as on urban hydrology tainties in microwave link rainfall estimation explored using
and hydraulics. In particular, the overview focuses on drop size measurements and high-resolution radar data.
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11, 13301344.
several difculties and limitations regarding the current
Michelson, D., Einfalt, T., Holleman, I., Gjertsen, U., Friedrich, K.,
methods and will discuss various issues and challenges
Haase, G., Lindskog, M., Jurczyk, A. (2005). Weather radar
facing the research community in dealing with the data quality in Europe quality control and characterization.
climate change impact assessment and adaptation for Review. COST Action 717, Luxembourg.
urban drainage infrastructure design and management. Niemczynowicz, J., Sevruk, B. (Ed.) (1991). Atmospheric
For more information on this forthcoming review report, Research 27(13), 1229 (Special Issue International
please contact the IGUR Chair (Patrick.Willems@bwk. Workshop on Urban Rainfall and Meteorology, St. Moritz, Switzerland, December 1990).

IWA Specialist Groups

Sevruk, B., Niemczynowicz, J. (Ed.) (1996). Atmospheric Willems, P., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Olsson, J., Nguyen, V.T.V.
Research 42(14), 1292 (Special Issue Closing the gap (2011) Climate change impact assessment on urban rainfall
between theory and practice in urban rainfall applica- extremes and urban drainage: methods and shortcomings.
tions, St. Moritz, Switzerland, 30 November 4 December Atmospheric Research, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.04.003.
Thorndahl, S., Rasmussen, M.R. (2011). Marine X-band weather
radar data calibration. Atmospheric Research, doi:10.1016/j.

IWA Specialist Groups

Wastewater Pond Technology

Written by Marcos von Sperling on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction applicability and performance. These challenges have

been separated into the following topics:
Waste stabilisation ponds are widely used natural proc-
esses for domestic and industrial wastewater treatment Practical challenges:
around the world. The main variants of stabilisation ponds
are anaerobic and facultative ponds, which aim primarily Reduce land requirements.
at organic matter removal, and maturation ponds, whose Reduce suspended solids (algae) in the efuent.
main target is the removal of pathogenic organisms. Fac- Reduce risks of malodours in anaerobic ponds.
ultative and maturation ponds rely basically on the pro- Increase efuent use for irrigation.
duction of oxygen by algae during photosynthesis, and the
utilisation of the surplus oxygen by the bacteria responsi- Scientic challenges:
ble for the major pollutant conversion processes. There
are also mechanised variants, such as aerated lagoons Understand the mechanisms of pathogen removal.
and high-rate ponds, with different treatment objectives. Understand the mechanisms of nutrient removal.
This chapter deals mainly with the non-mechanised ponds Develop reliable hydraulic and kinetic mathematical
(anaerobic, facultative and maturation). models.

Unmechanised ponds are notoriously known for being Challenges in expanding pond applicability
simple wastewater treatment processes. They are simple and sustainability:
to design, build and operate. Their dimensioning usually
uses reasonably well-known recommended organic load- Explore energy and carbon management opportunities.
ing rates, hydraulic retention times and rst-order kinetics.
Their detailed design has traditionally concentrated mainly
on the conguration of inlet and outlet structures and on Practical challenges
protection and sealing of embankments and pond bot-
tom. Their construction is simple, comprising mainly earth
movement. Routine operation is indeed trouble free, and Reduction of land requirements
is more related to maintenance practices than to proper
operational control measures. Ponds do not involve elec- In warm-climate regions, facultative ponds usually require
tromechanical equipment and do not consume energy. between 2 and 4 m per inhabitant. In temperate climates,
approximately double the area is required and in cold cli-
When comparing with the performance of other treatment mates (where surprisingly they are also used), larger land
processes, facultative ponds produce efuents with inter- requirements are observed. If a series of maturation ponds
mediate levels (but in many cases satisfactory) of organic are included in the treatment line, the total area may dou-
matter content, somewhat high suspended solids con- ble. This poses a practical limitation, because in many
centrations (owing to the presence of algae) and very low cases there will not be a large area, somewhat at and
or null counts of protozoan cysts and helminth eggs. If a with reasonably good soil in the vicinity of the commu-
series of maturation ponds is included, a very high level nity. Although there are no formal size limitations for ponds
of pathogenic bacteria and viruses removal is achieved. (there are pond systems with 400 ha), in many cases land
Owing to their high hydraulic retention times, ponds are restriction will conne ponds to small or medium-sized
usually robust to withstand variations in inuent quantity communities.
and quality, and even careless operation.
To increase ponds applicability, a reduction of land require-
As a result of these points, there are thousands of ponds ments is obviously welcome. The inclusion of anaerobic
applied on a worldwide basis. Although these attributes ponds ahead of the facultative ponds may reduce the area
make them a very important choice for wastewater treat- to around 2/3 of that needed for facultative ponds only.
ment at developing countries, ponds are also widely used In some warm-climate countries, UASB (upow anaerobic
in developed regions, especially at small communities. sludge blanket) reactors are replacing the anaerobic and
facultative ponds, and the overall system of UASB reac-
However, similarly to other treatment processes, there tors + maturation ponds becomes smaller (but still land
are challenges that need to be faced to enhance ponds intensive).

IWA Specialist Groups

Reduction of suspended solids in the Increase of the effluent use for agricultural
effluent irrigation
Well operating facultative and maturation ponds rely on a Efuents from facultative ponds are usually suitable for
good production of microalgae, which are responsible for restricted irrigation (good helminth eggs removal), and
photosynthesis. However, a large amount of these algae efuents from maturation ponds may be t for unrestricted
leave with the nal efuent, and are responsible for the irrigation (irrigation of crops that are eaten uncooked or
increase of suspended solids and particulate BOD in the unpeeled), since these ponds are able to remove coliforms
wastewater discharged to water bodies. If the efuent to low counts and comply with the World Health Organiza-
from a pond needs to have its quality improved in terms of tion guidelines.
organic matter and suspended solids, then algae removal
is a good choice. This widens up considerably the applicability of ponds,
because they become not only a good wastewater treat-
Some of the possibilities are: (a) intermittent sand lters, ment process, but also a technology that is able to lead to a
(b) rock lters, (c) microsieves, (d) ponds with oating productive use of the nal efuent. Pond efuents contain
macrophytes, (e) land application, (f) wetlands, (g) coagu- water, organic matter and nutrients, which are required by
lation and clarication processes, (h) otation, (i) aerated soil and crops. Irrigation with pond efuents is success-
biolters and (j) trickling lters. fully done in several countries around the world, especially
those located in arid or semi-arid regions. However, it is
Sand ltration produces an efuent with excellent quality, felt that much more could be done on this respect in many
but tend to clog very quickly. Coarse rock ltration is not other countries. A suitable efuent is being generated,
so efcient, but gives a good contribution and is much but there is no managerial structure to link treated efu-
less prone to clogging (they can run for years without ent producers (sanitation companies) and farmers. The
cleaning). Recent experiments with aerated rock lters challenge here is more institutional than technical, but is
have shown good removal of other constituents, such as certainly an issue that needs to be well looked in many
coliforms. Floating macrophytes, such as duckweed, are countries.
used in several ponds in order to reduce sunlight penetra-
tion and thus decrease algal growth. These ponds give the
possibility of using the high-protein content duckweed for
sh ponds, but require a good strategy for their removal Scientific challenges
from the pond surface.
Understanding the mechanisms of pathogen
The inclusion of any of these processes, especially the
mechanised ones, should naturally nd a justication from
the point of view of the needs of the receiving water body
Ponds are very important treatment systems for the
(and not only as a safeguard in terms of compliance to
removal of pathogenic organisms. Protozoan cysts and
discharge standards), since they imply an elevation of the
helminth eggs are removed by sedimentation, while bacte-
treatment costs and operational complexity. Wastewater
ria and viruses are mainly removed by inactivation mecha-
treatment by ponds must remain simple, and the challenge
nisms, especially in maturation ponds. Molecular biology
here is to improve their efuent quality without deviating
detection methods are being more widely applied in ponds
from the primary characteristic of conceptual simplicity.
research, allowing the qualitative or quantitative identi-
cation of the actual pathogen species, instead of relying
Reduction of risks of malodours from only on traditional indicators, such as coliforms. More and
anaerobic ponds more PCR (polymerase chain reaction), FISH (uores-
cence in situ hybridisation) and quantitative PCR methods
Anaerobic ponds are open anaerobic reactors, and thus are being applied in ponds research, opening up a new
may be subject to the release of malodorous gases, espe- road of important discoveries.
cially hydrogen sulphide. Substantial experience exists on
how to reduce these risks, based on the implementation of A lot is already known about the removal of pathogens in
ponds far away from houses, adoption of suitable organic ponds, including sedimentation and inactivation. However,
loading rates, a good knowledge of the inuent charac- the mechanisms involved in the inactivation of bacteria and
teristics (amount of sulphate in the wastewater) and the viruses are receiving more attention. From these mecha-
utilisation of inlet pipes close to the pond bottom, to allow nisms, elucidation of steps involved with sunlight inactiva-
good contact between organic matter and biomass. How- tion have been achieved, involving direct damage of DNA
ever, because a natural treatment process is being used, structures by UVB and indirect damage by endogenous
there is always the risk that during a certain period some- and exogenous sensitizers. These mechanisms are inu-
thing will not go on as planned, and obnoxious odours may enced by environmental conditions in the ponds, such as
be emanated. dissolved oxygen, algae, humic substances and pH, and
affect in a different way bacteria and viruses. Inactivation
Some anaerobic ponds are being covered to capture the in the dark also deserves attention, and involves predation,
gas and thus control their release into the atmosphere. high pH, algal toxins and stress.
This also creates the opportunity of biogas utilisation and
carbon credits compensation. However, in many cases the However, the prediction of pathogen removal efciency
anaerobic ponds are very large, and the challenge is to reli- involves not only the kinetic aspects of inactivation, but
ably cover a large surface area without allowing gases to also the hydraulic behaviour of the ponds, which are inu-
escape, and still keeping simplicity as a key element. enced by the presence of bafes, the length-to-width ratio

IWA Specialist Groups

and the placement of inlet and outlet structures. Advance- of both models, later on designers started to incorporate
ments in this eld have been achieved, as discussed fur- the dispersed-ow model, which accommodates uid dis-
ther below. persion in the equations for prediction of efuent quality,
thus approximating more to the reality of actual reactors.
Experimental determination of the dispersion number
Understanding the mechanisms of nutrient using tracers has been done at several sites, leading to
removal empirical equations for their simple estimation, based on
physical characteristics of the pond.
Stabilisations ponds are not very efcient in the removal
of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). However, specic More recently, computational uid dynamics (CFD) mod-
congurations, such as maturation ponds and high-rate els have been used, allowing the study of the best arrange-
algal ponds are able to achieve high nitrogen removals. ment for inlet and outlet structures and for the placement of
In the literature, always cited classical mechanisms for N bafes, aiming at increasing pollutant removal efciencies.
removal are: assimilation of ammonia and nitrate by algal This better representation of the specic hydraulic behav-
biomass, conventional nitrication-denitrication, sedi- iour of each pond is of course associated with a higher
mentation of dead biomass and accumulation on sludge degree of complexity, but the increase in the availability
layer after partial hydrolysis and ammonia volatilisation. and use of CFD software may result in its more systematic
Amongst those, ammonia volatilisation due to high pH use by consulting companies in the design of ponds.
induced by photosynthesis has been frequently referred
to as the main mechanism. However, recent researches Traditional kinetic models for the prediction of efuent con-
are pointing out that this may not be the case. Tracer centrations from stabilisation ponds have used rst-order
experiments with N-stable isotopes and eld measure- reactions, but recent approaches focus on the representa-
ments of actual ammonia lost by volatilisation have shown tion of biomass growth rates and the resulting uptake or
that the fraction of N removed by this mechanism may release of constituents. Structures similar to the IWA acti-
be small and have only a minor inuence on the overall vated sludge model (ASM) are being developed for ponds,
removal. Nitrication has been observed in some ponds with the added degree of difculty that not only bacterial
and not in others a possibility is that the presence of growth and decay need to be modelled, but also algal bio-
ammonia in the form of free ammonia (NH3) due to high mass. At a higher level are recent models that jointly incor-
pH values may inhibit the growth of nitrifying organisms. porate CFD and ASM models, being thus hopefully able to
Organisms responsible for anaerobic ammonia oxidation provide a better representation of the hydrodynamics and
(anammox) are also being investigated, using molecular reaction kinetics at stabilisation ponds.
biology mechanisms, in order to see if they play an impor-
tant role in nitrogen removal. Anyway, nitrogen removal With the development of more advanced and reliable
in shallow ponds seems to be greater than in deeper mathematical models, designers will hopefully have better
ponds. tools to tailor each pond to the particular inuent and site
characteristics, as well as efuent quality requirements.
Regarding phosphorus, a major removal mechanism
could be the precipitation of the phosphates in the form
of hydroxyapatite or struvite under high pH conditions. In Challenges in expanding ponds
the case of phosphorus removal, the dependence of high
pH values is larger than with nitrogen: the pH should be at applicability and sustainability
least 9 so that there is a signicant phosphorus precipita-
tion. Such high pH values are not consistently maintained, As with other wastewater treatment processes, sustain-
night and day, in most ponds, and this could be the reason ability issues are now a matter of considerable concern
why phosphorus removal efciencies are not large in most and research focus. Ponds are inherently sustainable in
ponds. Recent research has identied the possibility that the sense that they are a natural process, simple, with-
algae can also develop a mechanism of luxury P uptake, out energy demand, robust and able to operate within the
like phosphate accumulating bacteria do in activated expected removal efciency even under some unfavourable
sludge. If this in indeed the case, and one is able to control operational conditions. However, sustainability nowadays
the environmental conditions that favour this mechanism, also incorporates other aspects, such as green-house
an important possibility for phosphorus removal in ponds gas emissions and the possibility of producing energy.
may be obtained. Methane emission, which could be a concern in terms of
greenhouse effect, is important only in anaerobic ponds.
The road is still open for more fundamental research that Besides the fact that not all pond systems use anaerobic
can widen the understanding of mechanisms, thus allowing ponds, some of these ponds are now being covered, with
ponds to be more effective in nutrient removal, enhancing gas capture and burning or treatment and recovery. Credit
their applicability in situations in which the efuent needs carbon analysis is currently being undertaken in several
to be discharged to sensitive water bodies. pond systems.

The potential of generating green energy/biofuel through

Development of reliable hydraulic and algal biomass is nowadays a matter of considerable inter-
kinetic mathematical models est. Successful pilot-scale studies have been made, and
the challenge now is how to produce and harvest algae
During many years, stabilisation ponds were only mod- from such large reactors as ponds. Some full-scale appli-
elled assuming ideal complete-mix and plug-ow reac- cations are already in place, and this is a topic in which
tors. Although this still holds true owing to the simplicity much development is expected.

IWA Specialist Groups

Concluding remarks ponds are large open reactors, their hydraulic behaviour
is very much inuenced by temperature, wind and place-
The inherent simplicity of a natural wastewater treatment ment of inlet and outlet structures. The representation of
process is one of the rst concepts that come to mind ponds hydrodynamics represents another challenge.
when one thinks on stabilisation ponds. For some practi-
tioners, there may be an impression that everything that Fortunately, with the advancement of eld and laboratorial
is needed is already known in this relatively old treatment detection techniques and mathematical modelling tools,
process. scientists are now coming somewhat closer in the under-
standing and representation of the mechanisms involved
However, as was seen in this text, this does not mean that in ponds behaviour. The expectation is that this will assist
everything that relates to ponds is really simple: in the eld in a better prediction of the removal efciency of key pol-
of wastewater treatment, it is one of the most complex sys- lutants under different environmental conditions, leading
tems to understand, describe and model. From the biolog- to better designs, tailored to each situation.
ical point of view, the simultaneous interaction of different
groups of bacteria with different algae species leads to a This text presented many challenges that need to be
very complex ecological system, with mutualistic relation- faced on a short or medium term. It is difcult to specify
ships between heterotrophs and autotrophs. The under- which of those will prevail and be more embraced by the
standing, quantication and mathematical representation technical community. What is denitely known is that
of the several different resulting biochemical reactions and ponds research will continue in depth around the world,
the growth rates of the various organisms involved are a and that the future is open for ponds researchers and
challenge for ponds researchers. In addition, because practitioners!

IWA Specialist Groups

Water and Wastewater in

Ancient Civilisations
Written by A. N. Angelakis, L. W. Mays, G. De Feo, M. Salgot, P. Laureano, and N. Paranychianakis
on behalf of the Specialist Group

Prolegomena the experience gained from these Symposia, it is to note

that the participants are from several disciplines, with a
The rapid technological progress in the twentieth cen- dominant number from the water sciences, history and
tury created a disdain for the past achievements. Past archaeology; but also including engineering, life, environ-
water technologies, were regarded to be far behind the mental, and health sciences, biology, geosciences, and
present ones; signied major advances achieved in the others. The geographical coverage of the exposed features
20th century. There was a great deal of unresolved prob- and facilities, is very wide, with the prominence in the
lems related to the management principles, such as the Mediterranean world. However, several other civilisations
decentralisation of the processes, the durability of the from other parts of the world such as the southwestern
water projects, the cost effectiveness, and sustainability United States, South America and Asia are included. The
issues such as protection from oods and droughts. In themes are from prehistoric to medieval and modern times
the developing world, such problems were intensied to and are presented in a coherent and critical way.
an unprecedented degree. Moreover, new problems have
arisen such as the contamination of surface and ground- The principles and practices in water management of
water. Naturally, intensication of unresolved problems ancient civilisations are not well known as well as other
led societies to revisit the past and to reinvestigate the achievements of ancient civilisations, such as poetry,
successful past achievements. To their surprise, those philosophy, science, politics and visual arts. A lot is to
who attempted this retrospect, based on archaeological, be learned from ancient technologies and practices so
historical, and technical evidence were impressed by two the SG on WWAC is also focused on the development of
things: the similarity of principles with present ones and water technologies through centuries in various parts of
the advanced level of water engineering and management the world. Specic case studies are considered. To put
practices in ancient times (Koutsoyuannis et al. 2008; in perspective the ancient water management principles
Mays 2008 and 2010). and practices, it is important to examine their relevance to
modern times and to harvest some lessons. Furthermore,
Modern day water technological principles have a founda- the relevance of ancient works are examined in terms of
tion dating back three to four thousand years ago. These the evolution of technology, the technological advances,
achievements include technologies such as dams, wells, homeland security, and management principles. Finally,
cisterns, aqueducts, baths, recreational structures, and a comparative assessment of the various technologies
even water reuse. These hydraulic works and features among civilisations should be considered.
reect also advanced scientic knowledge, which for
instance allowed the construction of tunnels from two
openings and the transportation of water both by open
channels and closed conduits under pressure. Certainly,
Ancient water and wastewater
technological developments were driven by the necessi- technology
ties for efcient use of natural water resources in order to
make civilisations more resistant to destructive natural ele- Humans have spent most of their history as hunting and
ments, and to improve the standards of life. With respect food gathering beings. Only in the last 9,000 to 10,000
to the latter, certain civilisations developed an advanced, years they discovered how to grow agricultural crops and
comfortable and hygienic lifestyle, as manifested from tame animals. Such revolution probably rst took place in
public and private bathrooms and ushing toilets, which the hills to the north of Mesopotamia. From there the agri-
can only be compared to our modern facilities which were cultural revolution spread to the Nile and Indus Valleys.
re-established in Europe and North America in the begin- During this agricultural revolution, permanent villages,
ning of the last century (Angelakis et al. 2005). anticipated from experiences of sedentary life without
agriculture, replaced a wandering existence. About 6,000
With the increasing worldwide awareness of the impor- to 7,000 years ago, farming villages of the Near East
tance of water resources management in the ancient civi- and Middle East became cities. During the Neolithic age
lisations, the IWA SG on WWAC was established in 2005 (ca. 5,7003,200 BC), the rst successful efforts to
and so far two IWA International Symposia on Water and control the water ow were driven (such as dams and
Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilisations has been irrigation systems), owing to the food needs and were
organised in 2006 and 2009, in Iraklion, Greece and in implemented in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Urban water
Bari, Italy, respectively. Also, a 3rd IWA Symposium will supply and sanitation systems were dated at a later stage,
be organised in Istanbul, Turkey, 2224 March 2012. With in the Bronze Age (ca. 3,2001,100 BC).

IWA Specialist Groups

Hassan (1998) stated that the secret of Egyptian civilisa- processes chose an agro-pastoral lifestyle and, driven by
tion was that it never lost sight of the past; because of the motives and pressures related to that choice, interacted,
unpredictability of the Nile River oods and the production allied, established symbiosis with or assimilated other
of grains suggest order and stability. The ancient Egyptians groups, opening to all the package of specic concepts
depended upon the Nile not only for their livelihoods, but that will lead to a leap in complexity and establish the oasis
they also considered the Nile to be a deic force of the as a complete system for the support of lives and liveli-
universe, to be respected and honoured if they wanted it hoods. Through oases, these groups ensured physical and
to treat them favourably. The river annual rise and fall were economic survival in hostile but mineral-rich areas that
likened to the rise and fall of the sun, each cycle being had become strategic in the Chalcolithic Period and Iron
equally important to their lives, though both remaining a Age. It is in this context that was introduced the technology
mystery. Since the Nile sources were unknown up until the of catchments tunnels a factor that allows the enormous
19th century, the Ancient Egyptians believed the water- spread of oases. They are known in Iran as qanat or kareez,
course to be a part of the great celestial ocean, or the sea in Morocco as khettara and in Algeria as foggara. This
that surrounds the whole world. technique has been in use for thousands of years, over a
vast area extending from China to Persia, Spain, and even
The rst actual recorded evidence of water management Latin America. As it is well known, catchments tunnels are
was the mace head of King Scorpion (ca. 27252671 BC), underground channels consisting of verticals shafts con-
the last of the predynastic kings, which has been inter- nected at their bottom with a sub-horizontal tunnel bring-
preted as the tool to initiate a ceremonial start to breaching ing water from an aquiferous stratum. The underground
the rst dyke to allow water to inundate the elds or the tunnel has a slight downward slope useful for the water
ceremonial opening of a new canal. Mohenjo-Daro was a tapped to run down it and into the open air by gravity. That
major urban centre of the Indus civilisation during the early these techniques are not the result of an imposition by a
Bronze Age, located about 400 km north of present-day central power, but expressions of the knowledge of local
Karachi, Pakistan. This planned city, built around 2450 BC populations, is demonstrated by their extreme variety and
received water from at least 700 wells and had bathrooms environmental adaptability, and by the diverse terminology
in houses and sewers in streets as well as thermal baths used in each countries.
(Jalter 1983). The Mesopotamians were not far behind.
The Sumerians, during the Bronze Age, and other ancients Other great civilisations such as the Minoans, located on
that inhabited Ancient Mesopotamia provided an enor- modern-day Crete, ourished during the Bronze Age (ca.
mous amount of information about themselves through 32001100 BC). They had wonderful water and waste-
cuneiform tablets. Water provided by the Euphrates and water systems, such as those found in Knossos, Malia,
Tigris Rivers shaped their societies. Elaborate irrigation Phaistos, Zakros, and other sites. These systems included
systems were developed requiring continuous canal main- aqueducts, cisterns, ltering systems, sedimentation
tenance and construction of waterworks. Sedimentation in basins, rainfall-harvesting systems, terracota pipes for
many canals was such a critical problem, that it was easier water supply and sewage, and sewerage and drainage sys-
to abandon these canals and build new ones. One Sumer- tems. As the Minoans developed trade relations with the
ian epic indicates that humans were created specically to Greek mainland, they came to inuence the Myceneans
dig irrigation ditches. The Sumerian epics also referred to (ca. 1,6001,100 BC). The contact of Mycenaeans with
the effect of uncontrolled human activity on the soil and Minoan Crete played a decisive role in the shaping and
environment, being interpreted as Gods curses, what we development of Mycenaean culture and the dissemination
now understand as the environmental effects of intense of Minoan water and wastewater technologies in the cen-
irrigation (Mays 2008 and 2010). tral Greece and other parts of Europe. While the two civi-
lisations were almost opposites culturally, Mycenean and
Meanwhile, on the periphery of these areas (e.g. in Arabia Minoan art and technology showed signs of cultural diffu-
and in the deserts of Iran, Pakistan and India), food pro- sion. The strong bond of Minoans with Myceneans ended
duction through farming and nomadic pastoralism, hunt- when the Myceneans decided to invade Crete. After a brief
ing and shing, intensied as the various capacities of period of Mycenean control the Minoan civilisation disap-
the desert environment came to be used more efciently. peared. The Myceneans were the most direct ancestors
Its the creation of the oases: humankinds most impor- to the later Greeks. Mycenean culture and power reached
tant realisation to survive in arid areas of the planet. An its peak around 1300 BC. Then the cultural diffusion that
oasis is never a natural or casual creation. It is formed by resulted from trade contacts with the Hittite Empire and
small-scale local communities possessing environmental Egypt started to deteriorate. All these remarkable civilisa-
understanding specic to sites made habitable by applying tions had one thing in common, even with the advanced
techniques whose invention and preservation require con- capabilities to provide water supply, these civilisations
siderable effort. The oases associate different skills and all collapsed. The interesting question is whether water
elements that already exist by using them in a new way. It resources sustainability was a signicant component for
is the fruit of the union of the environmental know-how of their failure (Mays et al. 2007).
nomadic hunter-gatherers and herdsmen, with the water
techniques of farmers (Laureano 2000). In the later archaic (750500 BC) and classical (500336
BC) periods, both historical sources and archaeological
The creation of the oases depends on the possession of excavations provide evidence that water and wastewater
hydraulic qualied expertise and the combined use of ani- technologies were advanced and widespread in Greece.
mals and plants suitable for the purpose, conditions that Greeks built on the previous knowledge of hydraulics and
were rst met in the early age of metals, around the third water resources, but yet they also failed. The advancement
millennium BC. In this period nomadic populations that had of urban water technology and management is illustrated
remained on the margins of the ages great city-building by the aqueduct of Samos (known as tunnel of Eupalinos)

IWA Specialist Groups

and the Peisistratean for Athens (Koutsoyiannis et al. There is no doubt that the ancient societies in Mesoamerica
2008). and the Southwestern United States did fail partially from
the depletion of natural resources and climate change,
The Romans replaced the Greek rule in most locations, at least particularly as related to water (Mays 2007). The
inherited the technologies and developed them further. In period from about 150 AD to 900 AD, was the most remark-
addition, the Romans substantially increased the applica- able in the development of Mesoamerica. During the Clas-
tion scale and implemented water projects in almost every sic period the people of Mexico and the Maya area built
large city (De Feo et al. 2011). The Greek and Roman water civilisations comparable with the advanced civilisations in
technologies are not only a cultural heritage but are the other parts of the world. In Mesoamerica those ancient
underpinning of modern achievements in water engineer- urban civilisations developed in arid highlands where
ing and management practices. A few examples are the irrigation (hydraulic) agriculture allowed high population
Hadrianic aqueduct in Athens and that in ancient Olympia densities. In the tropical lowlands, however, there was a
known as Nymphaion of Herodes of Atticus which were dependence on slash-and-burn (milpa) agriculture which
constructed in the 2nd century A.D. Apparent character- kept the bulk of the population scattered in small hamlets.
istics of technologies and practices not only by the Greeks The non-urban lowland civilisation possibly resulted from
and Romans, but in many other ancient civilisations are responses to pressures set up by the hydraulic, urban
durability and sustainability (De Feo et al. 2011). Now- civilisation. Teotihuacan (City of the Gods) in Mexico is the
adays, the popular but inaccurate image is that Roman earliest example of highland urbanism (Mays 2010).
aqueducts were elevated throughout their entire length
on lines of arches, called arcades. Roman engineers, as Different water and wastewater techniques were applied
their Greek predecessors, were very practical and there- according to local conditions. For example, water supply
fore whenever possible the aqueduct followed a steady in some Minoan settlements was dependent on springs
downhill course at or below ground level (Hansen 2006). and in others on a surface runoff or groundwater sys-
As a matter of fact, on average 87% of the length of the tems. Despite this diversity, common construction mas-
Romes aqueduct system was underground (De Feo et al. tery seems to have been applied in several places in a
2011). The longest aqueduct in the Roman world was con- relatively reduced time span. It can be suggested that a
structed in the Campania Region, in Southern Italy. It is the group of people living in prehistoric sites were aware of
Augustan Aqueduct Serino-Naples-Miseno, which is not the principles of water relevant technologies. This sug-
well known owing to there being no remains of spectacular gests the existence of master craftsmen responsible for
bridges, but it was a masterpiece of engineering (De Feo constructing and maintaining the water supply system of a
and Napoli 2007). community. They should also be in charge for the solution
of some water related problems and were able to provide
Also, management practices were integrated, combin- palaces and settlements with efcient, decentralised, envi-
ing both large-scale and small-scale systems that have ronmental friendly and even sophisticated water supply
allowed cities to sustain for millennia. The durability of and wastewater systems (Angelakis et al. 2011).
some of the systems that operated up to present times,
as well as the support of the technologies and their sci-
entic background by written documents enabled these The link between traditional
technologies to be inherited by present societies despite
regressions that have occurred through the centuries
knowledge and water resources
(e.g. in the Dark Ages). For instance, the spectacular sustainability
ruins of Pompeii provides a clearer understanding of a
Roman urban water distribution system, with similari- At the beginning of this new millennium a water crisis which
ties to a modern water distribution system. In fact, the threatens humans existence in many parts of the world is
ending point of a Roman aqueduct was the castellum being experienced. One might ask, how sustainable is it
divisorium which had the double function of serving as to live in a world where approximately 1.1 billion people
a disconnection between the aqueduct and the urban lack safe drinking water, approximately 2.6 billion peo-
distribution network as well as dividing the water ow to ple lack adequate sanitation, and between 2 million and
various uses and/or geographical areas of the city. From 5 million people die annually from water-related diseases?
the castellum divisorium, the three pipes conveyed the In the attempt to solve this water crisis the concepts of
water to different parts of the city lling water towers: water resources sustainability is creating concern. Water
the castellum secondarium or castellum privatum (De resources sustainability is the ability to use water in suf-
Feo et al. 2011). It happened e.g. after the fall of the cient quantity and quality from the local to the global
Roman Empire, when water sanitation and public health scale to meet the needs of humans and ecosystems for
declined in Europe. Historical accounts tell of incredibly the present and the future to sustain life, and to protect
unsanitary conditions heavily polluted water, human humans from the damages brought about by natural and
and animal wastes in the streets, and water thrown out human-caused disasters that affect sustaining life (Mays
of windows onto people in the streets. Consequently vari- 2007). The overall goal of water resources management
ous epidemics ravaged Europe. During the same period, must be water resources sustainability.
Islamic cultures, on the periphery of Europe, had reli-
giously mandated high levels of personal hygiene, along A component of water resources sustainability is the use of
with highly developed water supplies and adequate sani- traditional knowledge, which constitutes the ancient knowl-
tation systems, which in several cases were the same old edge of humanity ( The United Nations
Greek and Roman facilities, preserved along the centu- Convention to Combat Desertication (UNCCD) provided
ries (Mays 2008 and 2010). the following denition of it: Traditional knowledge consists

IWA Specialist Groups

of practical (instrumental) and normative knowledge con- Past, present and future cities
cerning the ecological, socio-economic and cultural envi-
ronment. Traditional knowledge originates from people It is well accepted that urbanisation will continue to
and is transmitted to people by recognisable and expe- increase in the future and its impacts to the environment
rienced actors. It is systematic (inter-sector and holistic), and especially to water and wastewater will continue to
experimental (empirical and practical), handed down from increase signicantly. In the food-chain, production of
generation to generation and culturally enhanced. Such a meat, sh and dairy products consume 2.9-fold more
kind of knowledge supports diversity and enhances and water, 2.5-fold more energy, 13-fold more fertiliser and
reproduces local resources. 1.4-fold more pesticides than the vegetarian ones. Thus,
in the near future their production will account for more
Where can traditional knowledge help in water resources than 50% of the overall water consumption.
sustainability to be implemented? Because water impacts
so many aspects of our existence, there are many facets On the other hand, the old water and wastewater tech-
that must be considered in water resources sustainability. nologies developed in ancient civilisations, which are the
How do we overcome our modern day shortcomings and underpinning of the modern achievements, may provide
strive for water resources sustainability? Possibly one way valuable insights for sustainable water and wastewater
is to study the past. The use of traditional knowledge may engineering and management practices in the future cit-
play a major role in solving some of the present day and ies. Lessons to be learnt from the past could be relevant
future water resources sustainability issues, especially in to (a) Design philosophy of water and wastewater projects
developing parts of the world. (e.g. construction and operation period); (b) adaptation to
the environment; (c) management (balancing water avail-
Many civilisations, which were great canters of power and ability with the demand); (d) architectural aspects of the
culture, were built in locations that could not support the cities; (e) diet habits; and (f) sustainability, as a design
populations that developed. Now we nd ourselves in simi- principle (Koutsoyiannis et al. 2008; Mays 2010).
lar situations in many places around the world. Arid zones
cover 41.3% of the worlds land surface, corresponding As an example, currently, engineers typically use a design
to 34.7% of the planets inhabitants (2.1 billion people). period for structures of about 40 to 50 years as dictated
Urban growth in these areas has been largely sustained by economic considerations. Sustainability, as a design
by tapping remote water resources. Under the growing principle, has entered the engineering lexicon only in the
pressure of global warming, these resources are becom- last decade. Naturally, it is difcult to estimate the design
ing increasingly insufcient and are at risk of complete principles of ancient engineers but it is notable that sev-
collapse in the medium and long term. The situation of eral ancient works have operated for very long periods,
urban centres in arid regions is therefore critical. Only so some until recent times and other are still operative. For
much water ows in the worlds rivers: the concentration of example, wastewater and stormwater drainage systems
resources in built-up areas has worked to the detriment of were functioning in Minoan settlements since the Bronze
outlying lands, depriving ora and fauna of the water their Age (Angelakis et al. 2005). These include bathrooms and
vital processes require and hence triggering processes of other sanitary and purgatory facilities, as well as wastewater
soil degradation, erosion and desertication. and storm sewer systems. In fact, the hydraulic and archi-
tectural function of sewer systems in palaces and cities are
One might argue that if the ancient societies had our regarded as one of the salient characteristics of Minoan
present day technologies, they would not have failed. How- civilisation. They were so advanced that they can be suc-
ever, even newer technologies, are not the answer for our cessfully compared with their modern counterparts.
present day problems; therefore, there is need to rely on
traditional knowledge to tackle these problems.

What relevance does the failure or collapse of ancient civi- Epilogue (and outlook)
lisations have upon modern societies? Learning from the
past and discovering the reasons for the success and fail- Many civilisations, which were great centres of power and
ure of other societies seems very logical. We certainly are culture, were built in locations that could not support the
a much more advanced society than those of the ancient populations that developed. Now we nd ourselves in simi-
societies, but will we be able to overcome the obstacles lar situations in many places around the world. How do we
to survival before us? The collapse of some civilisations balance the mega water projects with the methods of tra-
may have been the result of the very processes that had ditional knowledge? Koutsoyuannis et al. (2008) explored
been responsible for their success (e.g. the Mayans and the legacies and lessons on urban water management
Romans and others). learned from the ancient Greeks. They summarised the
lessons learned as follows:
What relevance do ancient civilisations have upon modern
day water resources sustainability? Or better yet, what can a) The meaning of sustainability in modern times should
we learn from these ancient civilisations? Diamond (2005) be re-evaluated in light of ancient public works and
proposed a ve-point framework for the collapse of socie- management practices. Technological developments
ties: (a) damage that people inadvertently inict on their based on sound engineering principles can have
environment, (b) climate variability, (c) hostile neighbours, extended useful lives.
(d) decreased support by friendly neighbours, and (f) soci-
etys responses to its problems. Three of these can relate b) Safety, with respect to water, is of critical importance in
to water resources sustainability. the sustainability of a population.

IWA Specialist Groups

c) In water-short areas, development of cost-effective technologies perspective, this is particularly true because
decentralised water and wastewater management pro- water is the beginning of life as stated by (Aristotle, Meta-
gram is essential. physics, 983 b.). Thus, we have to recover the ability to
think young, to think sustainable!
d) Traditional knowledge could play important role for sus-
tainable water supply in the future cities.
e) Climate variability is not a new phenomenon. People
have always had to cope with the uncertainty natural Angelakis, A.N., Koutsoyiannis, D. and Tchobanoglous, G.
phenomena and unpredictability of the environment. (2005). Urban wastewater and stormwater technologies in
Precisely these conditions have shaped knowledge and the Ancient Greece. Water Research 39(1): 210220.
adapted it locally to respond to adversity with appro- Angelakis, A.N., Dialynas, M.G. and Despotakis, V. (2011). Evolu-
priate techniques for capturing and distributing water, tion of water supply technologies in Crete, Greece through
protecting soil, recycling and optimising energy use. the Centuries. In: Evolution of Water Supply Throughout Mil-
These techniques constitute a great reserve of biologi- lennia. IWA Publishing, London, UK (in press).
cal diversity and sustainable knowledge. Angelakis, A.N., Salgot, M., Paranychianakis, N.V. and De Feo,
G. (2010). 2nd Newsletter: IWA-SG on Water and Waste-
water Technologies in Ancient Civilizations. IWA, pp. 124,
The use of traditional knowledge does not directly apply
techniques of the past but instead, attempts to understand List_of_groups/Water_and_Ancient_Civilizations/.
the logic of this model of knowledge (Laureano 2007). De Feo, G. and Napoli, R.M.A. (2007). Historical development of
Traditional knowledge allowed ancient societies to keep the Augustan aqueduct in Southern Italy: Twenty centuries
ecosystems in balance, carry out outstanding technical, of works from Serino to Naples. Water Science and Technol-
artistic, and architectural work that has been universally ogy: Water Supply 7(1), 131138.
admired. The use of traditional knowledge has been able De Feo, G., Mays, L.W. and Angelakis, A.N. (2011). Water
to renew and adapt itself. Traditional knowledge incorpo- and Wastewater Management Technologies in Ancient
rates innovation in a dynamic fashion, subject to the test of Greek and Roman Civilizations. In: Treatise on Water
Science (P. Wilderer, ed.), vol. 1, pp. 322, Academic Press,
a long term, achieving local and environmental sustainabil-
Oxford, UK.
ity. An important subject for the sustainability in develop-
Diamond, J. (2005). Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fall or
ing nations of the world is to research the implementation Succeed. Viking, New York, USA.
of methods of traditional knowledge for water supply. Many Hassan, F.A. (1998). Climate change. Nile oods and civilization.
of these techniques may prove to be very valuable over the Nature and Resources 32(2), 3440.
more conventional (more sophisticated) ones. Hansen, R.D. (2006) Water and wastewater systems in impe-
rial Rome. (accessed February
The ancients for the most part lived in harmony with 2010).
nature and their environment, those that did not failed. Jalter, M. (1983). La Sant par les Eaux. 2000 ans de thermal-
Their actions should be warnings to us, in other words the isme. S.I. lInstant Durable, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Koutsoyiannis, D., Zarkadoulas, N., Angelakis, A.N. and
ancients have warned us. Today we do not live in harmony
Tchobanoglous, G. (2008). Urban water management in
with nature and the environment.
Ancient Greece: legacies and lessons. ASCE, Journal of
Water Resources Planning & Management, 134(1): 4554.
Usually we dene ancient civilisations as those conned Laureano P. (2000). The Water Atlas, Traditional Knowledge to
far away into past and, therefore, dated as very old. How- Combat Desertication. UNESCO, Laia Libros, Barcelona,
ever, compared to the time scale they were the dawn of Spain.
civilisation, their being ancient is more properly referred to Laureano P. (2007). Ancient water techniques for proper
as being young civilisations. If we relate the evolution of management of Mediterranean ecosystems. Water Science
civilisation using the human life as the time scale, rather & Technology, Water Supply 7(1): 237244.
than centuries, it would be more immediate to recognise Mays, L.W. (ed.) 2007). Water Resources Sustainability.
the ancient civilisations like young whereas the mod- McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
Mays, L.W. (2008). A very brief history of hydraulic technol-
ern civilisation as old. It is well known that young people
ogy during antiquity. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 8(5):
have a greater risk attitude, compared to the elderly and 471484.
thus the rst civilisations were more genuine, spontane- Mays, L.W. (ed.) (2010). Ancient Water Technologies. Springer,
ous, instinctive as well as they had a greater risk attitudes The Netherlands.
that leading them toward the construction of wonderful Mays, L.W., Koutsoyiannis, D. and Angelakis, A.N. (2007). A brief
and fantastic works, better understanding the human history of urban water supply in antiquity. Water Science &
needs and wishes. In the light of the water and wastewater Technology: Water Supply 7(1): 112.

IWA Specialist Groups

Water reuse: a growing option

to meet water needs
Written by V. Lazarova, J. Hu and L. Sala on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction tation of water supply after complementary polishing and

storage of recycled water. Other relevant and cost efcient
During the past few years, water reuse is characterised by applications are also emerging such as environmental
a major expansion, becoming thus a competitive option to enhancement (replenishment of ponds, lakes, wetlands,
meet water needs and to respond to the climate change rivers) and industrial use of reclaimed urban wastewater.
(Jimenez and Asano 2008; GWI 2010). The growing inter- Finally, direct potable reuse, practiced for over 40 years
est in water reuse is observed in both developed and in Namibia, is starting to be considered in California as an
developing countries with a major trend for diversication option for the next 20 years leaving some bitter contro-
of water reuse practices. Recycled water is considered as versy behind (Leverenz et al. 2011).
an important element of integrated water resource man-
agement and, in exchange for an increase in energy con-
sumption, it is making possible to close or accelerate the Water reuse terminology
urban water cycle and preserve the natural water resources
and biodiversity. According to the recent market study of To facilitate communication among different groups asso-
GWI 2010, the growth of water reuse is expected to out- ciated with water reuse, it is important to understand the
pace desalination with a strong increase up to +300% of terminology used in this eld, including the glossary used
the capacity of high-quality water reuse plants owing to the in recent water reuse regulations.
lower energy requirements.
Water reuse is the most commonly used term for the
Water reuse applications benecial use of treated wastewater, but can also refer to
reuse of stormwater, rainwater or greywater (used potable
One of the most important trends of this accelerated devel- water from bath and sink). Treated wastewater suitable
opment is the diversication of water reuse practices. By for a given reuse application is often called reclaimed or
2000, agricultural irrigation was, and still remains, the recycled water. According to the Oxford English Diction-
major water reuse application (Lazarova and Bahri 2005; ary, these two terms are synonyms. Because the public
Jimenez and Asano 2008). During the past decade, urban is widely engaged in recycling paper, glass, plastics and
water reuse mainly for landscape and golf course irriga- other household wastes and clearly understands what the
tion has emerged as the application with the highest rate word recycling means, water recycling is the preferred
of development. Indirect potable reuse, and in particular term in several recent regulations.
aquifer recharge (Figure 2.1), have been implemented in
many countries as an efcient solution for the augmen- Consequently, water reuse, water recycling and water rec-
lamation are synonyms used to indicate the use of properly
treated wastewater for benecial purposes. The preferred
term should be water recycling, as better accepted and
easier to understand for the large public.

It is important to stress that with the implementation of

advanced membrane treatment technologies, the qual-
ity of recycled water is equivalent and even better than
natural freshwater. For this reason and to improve public
acceptance, new terms are emerging such as NEWater,
EcoWater, etc.

Finally, only planned water reuse projects are included

within the terms water recycling or water reuse. The under-
standing and the acknowledgment of the non planned
water reuse in particular, river water downstream of raw
or treated wastewater discharge is also very important
Figure 2.1. View of the recharge with recycled water of the but have to be dissociated from the planned benecial
unconned dune aquifer of Torreele/St-Andr in Belgium. reuse of adequately treated wastewater.

IWA Specialist Groups

Technical advance in water reuse Table 2.1 illustrates the most common treatment trains
for the main water reuse applications. Non-conventional
Over 3000 water reuse projects have been assessed by a (extensive or natural) treatment processes are an efcient,
survey conducted a few years ago (Bixio et al. 2005), some easy to operate and cost effective solution for developing
of them in an advanced planning phase. The major part of countries and rural areas for full treatment or polishing of
the water recycling schemes are located in Japan (>1,800) secondary efuents.
and the USA (>800), followed by Australia (>450), Europe
(>200), the Mediterranean and Middle East area (>100), One of the major technical challenge of wastewater treat-
Latin America (>50) and Sub-Saharan Africa (>20). Now- ment for agricultural water reuse is to ensure the health
adays, this number should be signicantly higher with the safety, and at same time to conserve the fertilising value
fast development of water reuse in China, India and the of wastewater. Advanced physico-chemical primary treat-
Middle East. As mentioned previously, agricultural and ment, implemented in Mexico, achieved this objective by
urban irrigation remains the major use of recycled water. means of the combination of high-rate clarication and
disinfection, without the removal of dissolved carbon,
Several mature treatment technologies enable to produce nitrogen and phosphorus, the last two being the main fer-
recycled water quality to meet the water quality require- tilising elements.
ments for the intended reuse applications. The major tech-
nical challenge is to ensure the reliability of plant operation It is important to underline that even for irrigation, recycled
to consistently meet water reuse regulations. water of microbiological quality identical to that of drinking

Table 2.1. The most common wastewater treatment schemes recommended for the major water reuse applications

Extensive (non-conventional)
Type of reuse treatment trains Intensive treatment trains or mixed technical solutions
1. Restricted E.1a. Stabilisation ponds I.1a. Secondary treatment by activated sludge (AS)
irrigation in series (including I.1b. Other secondary treatment trains, e.g. trickling lters,
aerated lagoons) bioltration
E.1b. Wetlands in series I.1c. Advanced primary treatment (high rate clarication) and
E.1c. Others: inltration- ltration
percolation, algae I.1d Idem as a,b,c with a disinfection step
ponds, etc. (chlorination or (UV) or maturation ponds)

2. Unrestricted E.2a. Not recommended I.2a. Secondary treatment by activated sludge with
irrigation, E.2b. Only in special cases tertiary ltration and disinfection (Cl, UV or ozone)
e.g. crops trains E.1. with a well I.2b. Membrane bioreactor (MBR) followed by disinfection
eaten raw designed and monitored (Cl or UV)
polishing step such as I.2c. Secondary treatment by activated sludge
maturation ponds followed by soil-aquifer treatment (SAT)
3. Urban uses, E.3. Not recommended I.3a. Idem as I.2a,b,c
e.g. irrigation of I.3b. Secondary treatment by activated sludge followed by
parks, golf tertiary ultraltration (MF or UF) with chlorination

4. Dual distribution E. 4. Not applicable I.4. Idem as I.2a,b or I.3b with ozonation as disinfec-
in-building for tion step or activated carbon for colour removal
toilet ushing
5. Aquifer recharge E. 5. Not applicable I.5. Idem as I.2a,b
via inltration
6. Indirect potable E.6. Not applicable I.6a. Multibarrier conventional treatment processes,
reuse, e.g. direct e.g. AS or BRM followed by ozonation,
aquifer or ltration, activated carbon, nal disinfection
reservoir recharge I.6b. Advanced membrane treatments, e.g. AS or
BRM followed by MF/UF, reverse osmosis (RO)
and advanced oxidation (UV/H2O2)
7. Industrial uses E.7. Not applicable I.7a. AS or BRM with nitrication followed by chlorination (cooling)
(cooling or boiler I.7b. AS followed by MF/UF and RO with a dou-
water) ble pass RO for high pressure boiler water
I.7c. BRM followed by RO with a double pass
RO for high pressure boiler water

Source: adapted from Lazarova 2001, Bixio et al. 2005 and Asano et al. 2007

IWA Specialist Groups

Figure 2.3. View of microltration units, Western Corridor

Figure 2.2. View of maturation ponds in Jordan.

water can be consistently produced, which is the case with

Title 22 disinfected efuent for unrestricted irrigation of
crops eaten raw and public gardens and lawns. Accord-
ing to the California Water Recycling Criteria (2000), the
Title 22 treatment includes coagulation, occulation,
sedimentation, ltration and disinfection. A more recent
tertiary treatment for this purpose is the combination of
high-rate tertiary ltration and UV radiation. The major
irrigation projects using such high quality recycled water
are implemented in Monterey County, California (120,000
m /d) for irrigation of 5000 ha of farmland with vegetable
crops; Milan, Italy (432,000 m3 /d) for irrigation of 22,000
ha of rice; Virginia, Adelaide in Australia (65,000 m /d) for Figure 2.4. The NEWater Visitor Centre in Singapore.
horticultural crops irrigation.

Advance in science and technology greatly contributes takes the natural path of rainwater as it lters through
to the implementation of new more efcient wastewater sand and gravel to the deep aquifers of the groundwater
treatment trains. Advanced technologies, especially mem- basin. Some of the recycled water, 21 to 57%, depending
branes, enable the production of high quality recycled on the time of the year, is injected into Orange Coun-
water equivalent to drinking water quality. A number of tys seawater intrusion barrier. The GWR System helps
recent projects and/or expansions of existing reuse facili- decrease Orange Countys dependency on imported
ties have chosen membrane technologies, in particular water from the Colorado River and Northern California. It
for indirect potable reuse (Water Replenishment Project takes a resource that would otherwise be wasted to the
in Orange County, California; Wulpen Aquifer Recharge ocean, puries it and provides a new source of water.
Project in Belgium; Western Corridor in Australia; Additionally, the new facility uses approximately one-half
NEWater Projects in Singapore). The high reliability of the amount of energy required to transport the imported
membrane treatment and the decreasing membrane cost surface water. It also minimises the amount of ow to the
favour the implementation of membrane tertiary treat- ocean outfall during storms, preserving the countys vital
ment for non-potable applications such as urban uses coast. The GWR System maintains water diversity in an
for landscape irrigation, toilet ushing and re protection arid region, provides high-quality water for the ground-
(Sydney Olympic Park and Rouse Hill, Australia), as well water basin and protects the environment by reusing a
as for industrial purposes as cooling or boiler water (West precious resource.
Basin Water Recycling Project, California; Luggage Point
Project, Australia). Another well-known project for high-quality recycled
water production is Singapore NEWater. In 2002, the
The Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) System in rst NEWater plant was born. Singapores NEWater con-
Orange County, California, is the largest water purication sists of polishing treated wastewater (both from domestic
project in the world for indirect potable reuse (265,000 and industrial origin) by a three-stage tertiary treatment
m /d; 70 mgd). The GWR System produces high-quality of ultraltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet. The
recycled water that exceeds all state and federal drink- NEWater quality surpasses the World Health Organization
ing water standards and enables to meet the annual requirements for drinking water and is used mostly by the
needs of local population. The GWR System takes highly industry (cooling of air conditioners) but also for indirect
treated wastewater and puries it using a state-of-the- potable reuse. It is expected that NEWater will meet 30%
art, three-step process microltration, reverse osmosis, of Singapore water needs by 2011, providing a secure
and advanced oxidation by ultraviolet (UV) radiation and alternative to the traditional water sources represented by
hydrogen peroxide. The majority of the treated water is importations from neighbour Malaysia and by the local
pumped to recharge lakes in Anaheim where the water catchments.

IWA Specialist Groups

An important new concept in water reuse is the t to lenges. Water reuse practices have to be adapted to each
use approach, which consists in the production of recy- local situation in order to be safe, amenable, benecial and
cled water quality that meets the needs of the end users. sustainable, both nancially and environmentally. Water
When water reuse is implemented for different purposes, reuse quality criteria shall be consistent and enforced by
the most cost efcient solution is to use several tertiary good management of recycled water quality with on-line
treatment trains to produce designed water for each control.
type of use. The best world example of the application of
this concept is the West Basin Water Recycling Plant in The convergence of water reuse regulations is a very impor-
California (315,000 m /d), which produces ve quality tant challenge for the worldwide development of water
recycled water: (1) disinfected tertiary efuent for irriga- reuse and its integration in urban water management. New
tion, (2) nitried disinfected tertiary efuent for industrial regulations should be based on health protection, but also
cooling make-up water, (3) high-quality softened recycled including treatment goals and a simple not very expensive
water after microltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO) and water quality monitoring. A costly compliance monitoring,
advanced oxidation (UV + H2O2) for the salt-intrusion as those required by few recent regulations, could be an
barrier, (4) MF/RO disinfected water for cooling and low- impediment to water reuse development.
pressure boiler feed and (5) MF and double pass RO for
high pressure boiler feed water. Economic viability of water reuse projects is another signi-
cant challenge that can be afforded by means of adequate
Advanced treatment technologies and innovative analytical water management policies. In fact, the value of recycled
methods are making possible the production of recycled water is determined by the use to which it is put. Full cost
water similar and even better that drinking water quality. recovery is a desirable objective but depends on ability to
Nevertheless, the scientic evidence for the elimination pay and the importance of other management objectives,
of emerging contaminants and pathogens is not enough including social and environmental criteria. Unfortunately,
to achieve the public acceptance and political support for water reuse pricing is suffering from the competition
some water reuse projects. Such an example is the West- with undervalued and/or subsidised conventional water
ern Corridor Recycled Water Project in Australia, which is resources and the lack of nancial incentives.
intended to supplement drinking water reservoirs using a
seven-barrier system to ensure the highest recycled water An understanding of social and cultural aspects of water
quality. This planned indirect potable reuse project puries reuse is necessary to develop sustainable water recycling
the efuent from six wastewater treatment plants by micro- schemes. Reuse projects can fail for lack of social support,
ltration, reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation before and reuse for potable purposes meets with the strongest
supplementation of the water supply dams (an environ- opposition. Even for non-potable reuse purposes, public
mental barrier). The goals of the research are optimising attitudes such as perception of water quality and willing-
existing processes and/or investigating alternative technol- ness to pay or to accept a wastewater reuse project play
ogies, monitoring and evaluating contaminants of concern an important part. In every country, the publics knowl-
and, where possible, developing strategies to further mini- edge and understanding of the safety and applicability of
mise or eliminate the identied risks. Research demon- recycled water is a key factor for the success of any water
strates that recycled water treated using the seven-barrier reuse programme. Consistent communication and easy to
system adopted complies with all relevant standards and understand messages need to be developed to the public
regulations for recycled water. However, conveying these and politicians explaining the benets of water reuse for
scientic ndings successfully to the large public and the long term water security and sustainable urban water
convincing them that recycled water from this process is cycle management.
perfectly safe and valuable alternative water supply for the
growing population is still a very challenging task. Energy shortage is nowadays a worldwide problem.
Recently, alternative or renewal energy has attracted great
Owing to the emerging high demand of high quality recy- attention. In the sector of wastewater treatment, energy
cled water, membrane technology is a hot topic in water consumption has been carefully examined and research
reuse R&D. MBR have already been proven to sustain works on energy minimisation in wastewater treatment
higher efuent quality for reverse osmosis (RO) and more and/or water reuse through novel processes are currently
cost effective novel ltration methods are being inves- under investigation. The bottleneck for high-end water
tigated. One of them is the forward osmosis (FO) where recycling systems, which usually involve membrane tech-
separation occurs by using the osmotic pressure gradient nologies and consume substantial amount of energy has
between the feed solution and a highly concentrated draw been noted. In the near future, the challenges in water
solution. Treatment and recovery of RO brine generated reuse would be the development of novel processes that
during water reclamation is also under consideration using consume less energy and/or enhance energy recovery.
innovative technologies such as capacitive deionisation
that uses an electric eld and porous electrodes to sep-
arate the anions from the cations and ultimately remove Conclusions
salts from the feed solution.
Water recycling and reuse are rapidly growing practices
worldwide that can be sustainable, cost competitive and
Challenges of water reuse energy saving options to increase water availability, pro-
viding thus a viable solution to adapt to climate change.
Despite the growing development of water reuse world- Water reuse has been recognised as the solution for water
wide, its full-scale implementation and operation still face shortage problems worldwide. Water reuse industry ben-
several regulatory, economic, social and institutional chal- ets from technology advances and innovations, but also

IWA Specialist Groups

faces several new challenges such as concerns on health Savic, D. and Thoeye, C. (2005). Municipal wastewater
impacts, energy footprint and social and economic consid- reclamation: where do we stand? An overview of treatment
erations. It is believed that there is still a long way to achieve technology and management practice. Water Science and
the ultimate goal of sustainable water management world- Technology: Water Supply, 5(1) 7785.
Global Water Intelligence (2010). Municipal Water Reuse Mar-
wide, where water reuse plays a key role in establishing a
kets. Media Analytics Ltd.,Oxford, United Kingdom.
benecial linkage between water, nature and human. Jimenez, B. and Asano, T (eds) (2008). Water Reuse: An Inter-
national Survey of Current Practice, Issues and Needs. IWA
Publishing, London.
References Lazarova, V. and Bahri, A. Eds. (2005). Irrigation with recycled
water: agriculture, turfgrass and landscape, CRC Press,
Asano, T., Burton, F.J., Leverenz, H.L., Tsuchihashi, R. and Boca Raton, FL, USA.
Tchobanoglous, G. (eds) (2007). Water Reuse: Issues, Leverenz, H.L., Tchobanoglous, G. and Asano, T. (2011). Direct
Technology, and Applications, McGraw-Hill, New York. potable reuse: a future imperative. Journal of Water Reuse
Bixio, D., De Heyder, B., Cikurel, H., Muston, M., Miska, V., and Desalination, 1(1), 210.
Joksimovic, D., Schfer, A.I., Ravazzini, A., Aharoni, A.,

IWA Specialist Groups

Watershed and River

Basin Management
Written by Zaki Zainudin, Wendell Koning, Michael Weyand, Peter Kelderman and Bob Crabtree
on behalf of the Specialist Group

Leaps and bounds have been made in areas related to in the future. These are, amongst others, climate change
river basin management on a global scale, in line with vari- aspects, groundwater and marine topics as well as the
ous technological advances of the 21st century. We review installation of adaptive and exible institutions. To address
six emerging trends related to water science, research and these emerging issues several recommendations for future
management. transboundary water management are made.

Adopt guidance on climate change and update it as our

Transboundary water management knowledge increases.
1 Harmonise surface water, ground water, coastal and
and challenges marine policies.
Ensure legal agreements are implemented and linked to
One of the main issues, which have come under the close
local actions on the ground.
scrutiny of the W&RBM SG, is international transboundary
Clarify the outcomes required from cooperation and how
water management, where a position paper was produced,
the costs and benets of cooperation are distributed.
elaborating various issues related to the subject matter and
was presented at the IWA 2010 Young Water Professionals
(YWP) conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Transbound-
ary water management refers to water management proc- Climate change and environmental
esses that straddle at least one political jurisdiction, either Impacts
within a nation or across an international boundary. For
example, 20 European countries depend on neighbouring Climate change is now a common discussion item amongst
countries for more than 10% of their water resources and politicians, scientists, weather experts and the public.
5% draw 75% of their resources from countries upstream However, the reality of climate change and the expected
(UNECE 2009). Global water withdrawals have tripled impacts are a challenge to dene. It is very difcult to fore-
over the past 50 years. At the same time, ood events, cast conditions in watersheds in 50 to 100 years, and yet,
caused by climate change effects; increased imperme- it is expected that water managers will set up measures
able surfaces, and anthropogenic use of ood plains, are and implement them in water systems to meet the given
increasing in both frequency and severity. It is estimated circumstances in the future. Climate change models for
that almost half of the worlds population will be living in example, have predicted a reduction of 30% to inows
areas of high water stress by 2030 (UNESCO 2009). in the Murray system. In the past twelve years, much of
Thus, there is increased potential for conict over the allo- southern Australia has recorded lower than average rain-
cation of water resources and the distribution of the ben- fall, and in particular, extreme low rainfalls were recorded
ets and costs associated with water use, which escalates in 2006 and 2007. This weather pattern has led to
when management has to be coordinated across borders. extremely low inows for the Murray River and its tributar-
Political power is not equally distributed and can be used to ies and contributed to the antecedent conditions for three
maximise benets to one nation rather than for the collec- mega res (2003, 2007 and 2009). The recent drought
tive good of all nations and the environment (SIWI 2009). sequence in the Murray Darling Basin may be a natural
drought sequence exacerbated by climate change. The
Traditionally, transboundary water management was impact of these events on the farming communities, the
focused on the four main aspects: protecting downstream irrigation industry, town water supply and environmental
users, equitable and efcient allocation, planning and ows has been signicant.
investment, and integrated monitoring and assessment.
However, other emerging issues will require attention for Looking upon climate change impacts in Europe, this region
effective transboundary water management to be achieved has to deal with two major developments. First, there may

Adapted from Kirsty L. Blackstock; Perri Standish-Lee; Michael Weyand; Wendell Koning, Alan Vicorya and Peter Litheratry, Transboundary
waters: the role of integrated water resource management, IWA, Water 21, October 2011, pp. 2224.
Adapted from Climate Change Impacts on River Basin and Freshwater Ecosystems: Some Observations on Challenges and Emerging
Solutions, Avi Ostfeld, Stefano Barchiesi, Matthijs Bonte, Carol R. Collier, Katharine Cross, Geoff Darch, Tracy A. Farrell, Mark Smith, Alan
Vicory, Michael Weyand and Julian Wright.
Adapted from John Riddiford, Water Management in Challenging Times A Perspective from South-East Australia, IWA W&RBM News-
letter, February 2010.

IWA Specialist Groups

Figure 1. The Danube River Basin - covering 19 European states: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Switzerland, Ukraine.

be changes in temperature conditions. It is expected that subtropical and lower mid latitudes, especially in regions
there is a tendency to dryer and hotter summers as well currently already dry; Increased intensity and variability
as wetter and milder winters. However, although different in precipitation will likely increase risks of ooding and
calculations on climate modelling have been made, there droughts (in many locations suffering extreme poverty
is still uncertainty as to what extent these changes in tem- like Bangladesh).
perature will occur. Secondly, it is expected that there will Water supplies from glaciers and snow cover will likely
be a change in the intensity of heavy storm events but, decline, reducing river base ows and increasing peak
similar to the temperature changes, to what extent is still ows and consequently changing the water quality
uncertain. To gain knowledge about possible climate con- (Bonte and Zwolsman 2010).
ditions in the future, it is thus necessary to use climate There is a high condence that rising water tempera-
change models in predicting impacts of climate change tures and related changes in ice cover, total dissolved
on river basin and freshwater ecosystems. The majority solids (TDS), oxygen levels and circulation will impact
of global circulation models predict that climate change freshwater biological systems.
will result in severe changes in the water cycle leading to In addition, freshwater species often serve as excel-
signicant drying in some areas of the world and wetting lent indicators of ecosystem functions. Key threat driv-
in others. More detailed modeling identies specic spatial ers which can be identied include increasing dam
and temporal complexities, such as strong changes in the density; river fragmentation; consumptive water losses,;
seasonality of river ows. Despite uncertainty pertaining to over abstraction; increase in cropped land; increase in
methods, assumptions and input data of climate change impervious surfaces; wetland non-connectivity; increases
models, most models point towards a trend of an increas- in invasive species and aquaculture; and, increased load-
ing frequency of ooding and droughts events. ings of organics, pesticides, sediments, nitrogen and phos-
phorous (Vrsmarty et al. 2010). Habitat loss and degra-
The fourth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on dation present particular challenges to freshwater species
Climate Change (Bates et al. 2008) predicted the following that, in many cases, cannot relocate, with ecosystems of-
impacts on freshwater resources and ecosystems, ranging ten highly concentrated in relatively restricted areas.
from likely to a high degree of condence in their occur-
rence based on observational records and climate change Eventually, the combination of these factors erodes the
projections. resilience of ecosystems until they cease to cope with
sudden changes. Managing rivers based on identication
Global warming is likely to cause large-scale changes in and implementation of environmental ows can help pro-
the hydrologic cycle impacting timing, intensity and du- tect the resilience of aquatic ecosystems. Environmental
ration of water ows. Precipitation and average annual ows are based on maintenance of variable ows both
runoff will increase in high latitudes but decrease in some within and between seasons and years to meet ecological

IWA Specialist Groups

needs such as provision of healthy, diverse sh and ripar- process representations. Catchment scale river water
ian habitat, channel maintenance and water quality (Poff quality modelling with the Environment Agencys SIMCAT
et al. 2010; Arthington et al. 2010). stochastic-deterministic river quality model is regarded as
the best current approach to support decision making for
river water quality planning in the UK.
3. Water quality modelling and
4,5 Water quality monitoring is performed to collect and ana-
artificial neural network lyse various water quality constituents. The data collected
covers a wide range of parameters over a given period
Water quality models are useful tools, which can, for
of time and is benchmarked against various standards
example, be used to project and assess the effects of
to ascertain its benecial use. Currently, as mentioned
climate change in river basins. In Malaysia, water qual-
above, there are various water quality models that are used
ity modeling is widely used to draft sustainable river basin
to assess and project effects of climate change in river
management strategies. They have become an integral
basins. These models have some limitations (Ali 2007),
part of environmental management including for environ-
related to their underlying formulations and structure. Arti-
mental impact assessments (EIAs) and river rehabilitation
cial Neural Networks (ANN) are used to solve complex
initiatives (Zainudin at al. 2009). Computer models enable
engineering problems where it is difcult to develop models
pre-visualisation of impacts from proposed developmental
from the fundamental principles, particularly when dealing
activities before it actually occurs, which enables a thor-
with non-linear systems. ANN is a system loosely modeled
ough environmental management plan under various test
on the human brain. It resembles the human brain in two
scenarios with optimal cost and deteriorative implications.
respects: the knowledge is acquired by the network through
Models are also used as an investigative tool in relation to
a learning process, and inter-neuron connection strengths
assessment and development of abatement measures that
known as synaptic weights are used to store the knowledge.
need to be taken to maintain or achieve a specic target
ANN can be dened as a distributed computational system
quality. Once the baseline model has been developed,
composed of several individual processing elements oper-
each reach (tributaries and main-stem) can be scruti-
ating largely in parallel, interconnected according to some
nised to determine its Waste Assimilative Capacity (WAC).
specic topology (architecture) and having the capability
Depending on the current condition of the river, whether it
to self-modify connection strengths during the processing
is still within or beyond the desired water quality, the total
of element parameters (learning) (Haykin 1994). Some
amount of pollution load that it can still sustain or needs
research has been carried out to apply ANN to water qual-
to reduce can then be determined using the water quality
ity forecasting (Palani et al. 2008). It is expected that the
model (Mills et al. 1986). There are various types of models
ongoing global research in water science will move in the
available in the market, both open source and commercial,
direction of enhanced utilisation of more robust modeling
and each with its own advantages and limitations, as well
tools, such as ANN to become a key component in meeting
as specic focus areas. The input data and competency
higher level of water quality and increased demand.
of the modeler are important variables for consideration to
attain convincing and reliable model output. Nothing gives
the modeler a better indication of the water quality charac- Development of decision support
teristics of a water column than conducting an on-site eld 6,7
survey collecting water quality and hydraulic data. systems (DSS)
Catchment based water quality modeling is gaining wide- Integration of water quality models and geographical infor-
spread use in the UK to understand where the greatest mation system (GIS) tools gives rise to decision support
benet in a catchment can be achieved through end system (DSS) platforms that eases use for the end-user
of pipe and diffuse pollution reductions. Model results and enables graphical analysis of potential impacts. Such a
are used to target cost-effective investment by the envi- system was developed for the world-famous Three Gorges
ronmental regulators, the water industry, and those with situated on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, that has
responsibilities for agriculture and urban diffuse pollu- a total length of 193 km. There are more than 8,500 com-
tion. SIMCAT is a mathematical model that describes the mercial ships in operation, 17 cities and more than 1,700
quality of river water throughout a catchment by using a industrial enterprises located by the reservoir. Industrial,
Monte-Carlo simulation approach to predict the behavior municipal and ship efuent has become the main pollution
of the summary statistics of ow and water quality, such as source for the Yangtze River and results in, on average, 12
the mean and a range of percentiles. A key feature of SIM- water pollution accidents in the Three Gorges Reservoir
CAT is the ability to derive quality relationships between Area (TGRA) every year. An integrated GIS based water
points in a river based on the statistics of observed pollution management information system for the TGRA,
data. This enables SIMCAT to consider errors associated called WPMS_ER_TGRA, was developed. The ArcGIS
with sampling of data rather than errors associated with Engine was used as the system development platform and
calibration of more detailed deterministic water quality Visual Basic as the programming language. The simulation

Article contribution from Zaki Zainudin and Bob Crabtree from the IWA Specialist Group on Watershed and River Basin Management.
Article contribution from Mohammed Saedi Jami, Bioenvironmental Engineering Research Unit (BERU), Kulliyyah of Engineering, Inter-
national Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).
Adapted from Zhai Jun, An Integrated Geographic Information (GIS)- Based Water Pollution Management Information System for the
Three Gorges Reservoir Area, P.R. China., IWA W&RBM Newsletter, September 2010.
Adapted from Pau Prat, Llus Corominas and Manel Poch, Environmental Decision support system to select Robust operational strategies
in Urban water Systems (ENDERUS). IWA W&RBM Newsletter, September 2010.

IWA Specialist Groups

analysis of pollution incidents is mainly divided into three safe drinking water. Classes of emerging contaminants
steps: add or edit the accidental pollution source; quickly now detected in the aquatic environment that are of rel-
calculate the concentration eld and its movement in time; evance for drinking water production include endocrine
and, analyse and visually show the simulation results. disrupting compounds such as hormones and compounds
with hormone-like properties, pharmaceuticals, illicit and
Subsequently, the GIS-based information system was non-controlled drugs, sweeteners, personal care products,
applied to the emergency water pollution management complexing agents, nanoparticles, peruorinated com-
following a shipwreck that released 10 tons of phenol into pounds, ame retardants, pesticides, and fuel additives.
the Yangtze River over 2 hours. The results showed that
WPMS_ER_TGRA can assist with emergency water pollu- The individual compounds are observed in concentrations
tion management by simulating the transfer and diffusion of that are generally considered too low to cause acute effects.
accidental pollutants in the river. Furthermore, it can iden- Nevertheless, health effects due to long-term exposure to
tify the affected area quickly and show how it will change a mixture of low concentrations of all kinds of emerging
over time within a few minutes of an accident occurring. contaminants cannot be excluded with current knowledge.
Moreover, contamination of drinking water with man-made
In Spain, the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) in substances is considered to be unwanted. Drinking water
collaboration with the Laboratory of Chemical and Environ- companies use the precautionary principle to prevent the
mental Engineering (LEQUIA) are working on the project release of emerging contaminants into the environment as
Environmental Decision support system to select Robust the preferred approach to safeguard sustainable drinking
operational strategies in Urban water Systems (END- water production. In the mean time, they use extensive
ERUS) that aims at developing an Environmental Deci- monitoring of their water sources; and, the development
sion Support System (EDSS) that addresses management and application of advanced treatment techniques to pre-
problems in urban water systems, including the sewer pare safe drinking water.
system, wastewater treatment plants, storage tanks and
the receiving water bodies. The EDSS will suggest opera- In Canada, in addition to those contaminants previously
tional strategies that will improve the overall performance of identied, attention is now being given to the presence of
the system and, at the same time, will contribute to achiev- pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, that are com-
ing the environmental standards promoted by both the monly used in the livestock industry. There are approxi-
European Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/ mately 6.4 million head of cattle, 2.1 million pigs, 11.8
EEC) and the Spanish Plan Nacional de Calidad de las million chickens, and 0.7 million turkeys in the province of
Aguas (PNCA) 2007-2015. The EDSS will include specic Alberta (Statistics Canada 2006). Many of these animals
knowledge about: i) the physical, chemical and biological receive medication; however, information regarding specic
processes taking place in the different operational units pharmaceuticals and their usage volumes in Alberta, and
comprising the UWS; ii) the complex interactions amongst other provinces of Canada, are not routinely collected. Peni-
these units, and, nally iii) a set of upstream actions based cillin was the most commonly used antimicrobial and was
on literature, previous experiences or simulation studies administered in the animalsdrinking water and by injection.
mainly focused on the protection of the receiving water. In Alberta, Forrest at al. (2011), analysed 247 water sam-
ples from 23 watersheds during the open water season
ENDERUS will dene operating strategies to achieve differ-
between, May 2005 and May 2006. Samples were analysed
ent objectives. These strategies will be evaluated by means
for 27 commonly used veterinary pharmaceuticals. Trace
of dynamic mathematical models of the integrated urban
(ngL-1) concentrations of antimicrobials were detected in
water system and by using environmental legislation and
51% of the samples (127 out of 247 samples). Maximum
economic and social criteria. The operating strategies will
concentrations for the nine antimicrobials detected ranged
also be characterised using sensitivity analysis (to nd the
between 3 and 250 ngL-1 (Forrest at al. 2011). The anti-
most sensitive parameters in the urban water system) and
microbials detected and their concentrations were found
estimating the robustness against changes in the waste-
to be similar to those in some recent European and North
water composition, in the sewer system conguration, and
American livestock pharmaceutical stream surveys.
against toxic, hydraulic and pollutant shocks.

Emerging contaminants in surface Non-Point Source (NPS) monitoring

waters and drinking water production
8 and management strategies using
constructed wetlands
In Europe, millions of people depend for their drinking
water on surface waters, such as the Danube, Meuse, Wastewater treatment plants are commonly utilised to
Rhine, and Tagus River Basins. These surface waters are reduce contaminants from points-sources of pollution to
contaminated with thousands of chemical compounds protect water bodies. However, with regard to non-point
originating from industry, agriculture and household uses sources of pollution (NPS), this approach has various
and their number is still increasing. This confronts drinking drawbacks and practical limitations due to the potential
water companies with the challenge and responsibility to volumes to be treated. In Korea, around 40% of the
deal with contaminants in their sources and still prepare pollution load is attributed to NPS and this is expected

Adapted from Corine J. Houtman, Emerging contaminants in surface waters and drinking water production, IWA W&RBM Newsletter,
March 2011.
Adapted form Joon Ha Kim, Joo-Hyon Kang and Sung Min Cha, Non-Point Source (NPS) Monitoring and Management Strategies Using
Constructed Wetlands, IWA W&RBM Newsletter, February 2010.

IWA Specialist Groups

to increase further, up to 50%, by 2015. Therefore, best Bonte, M. and Zwolsman, J.J.G. (2010). Climate change induced
management practices (BMPs) are becoming an emerg- salinisation of articial lakes in the Netherlands and con-
ing issue in Korea (Kim et al. 2007). sequences for drinking water production. Water Research
44(15): 44114424.
Ducks Unlimited (2011). How DU conserves Wetlands and Wa-
Constructed wetlands are widely recognised as a cost-
terfowl and Annapolis Royal Wetland. http://www.ducks.
effective method to reduce NPS pollution in both urban and
org/conservation/how-we-conserve /
rural area (Gunes and Tuncsiper 2009, Poe et al 2003). province/ns/projects/annapolis/index.html
Forrest, F., Lorenz, K., Thompson, T., Keenliside, J., Kendall, J.
The Korean government launched a new mitigation pro- and Charest, J. (2011). A scoping study of livestock antimi-
gram to reduce the elevated pollution contribution from crobials in agricultural streams of Alberta. Canadian Water
diffuse by means of constructed wetland. Gwangju Insti- Resources Journal 36(1): 116.
tute of Science and Technology, a leading institution of Gunes, K. and Tunsciper, B., (2009). A serially connected sand
environmental science and technology in Korea, carried ltration and constructed wetland system for small com-
out the research on NPS management using constructed munity wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering 35,
wetlands since September 2008. The constructed wetland
Haykin S. (1994). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation.
is located at the Yeongsan watershed in the Jeolla Prov-
Macmillan College Publishing Company, New York, USA.
ince, the southwest part of the Korea. The results showed Kim, L.H., Ko, S.O., Jeong, S. and Yoon, J. (2007). Characteristics
that the removal efciency of the wetland was highly vari- of washed-off pollutants and dynamic EMCs in parking lots
able depending on the sampling strategies, meteorologi- and bridges during a storm. Science of the Total Environ-
cal conditions, and operation of the wetland system. The ment 376, 178184.
characteristics of particulates, including TSS and turbidity, Mills, W.B., Bowie, G.L., Grieb, T.M., Johnson, K.M. and Whit-
represented quite different patterns when the sampling temore, R.C. (1986). Handbook: Stream Sampling for Waste
frequencies increased or decreased. Clear evidence of the Load Allocation Applications, 1st edition. Washington, DCU-
relationship between hydrograph and pollutograph further SA: United States Environmental Protection Agency.
supported that pollutant loads could be reasonably esti- Palani, S., Lionga S. and Tkalicha P. (2008). An ANN applica-
tion for water quality forecasting. Marine Pollution Bulletin
mated based on rainfall depth and soil condition.
56(9): 15861597.
Poe, A.C., Piehler, M.F., Thompson, S.P. and Paerl, H.W. (2003).
In the United States and Canada, Ducks Unlimited (DU) is Denitrication in a constructed wetland receiving agricul-
an organisation committed to the conservation of wetlands tural runoff. Wetland 23(4), 817826.
and the development of constructed wetlands for waste- Poff, N.L., Richter, B.D., Arthington, A.H., Bunn, S.E., Naiman,
water treatment. Their conservation strategy is comprised R.J., Kendy, E., Acreman, M., Apse, C., Bledsoe, B.P., Free-
of the following elements (DU 2011): restoring grasslands, man, M.C., Henriksen, J., Jacobson, R.B., Kennen, J.G.,
replanting forests, restoring watersheds, working with Merritt, D.M., OKeefe, J.H., Olden, J.D., Rogers, K., Tharme,
landowners, working with partners, acquiring land, con- R.E. and Warner, A. (2010). The ecological limits of hydro-
servation easements, management agreements, and, the logic alteration (ELOHA): a new framework for developing
regional environmental ow standards. Freshwater Biology
use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
55(1), 147170.
Rajic , A., Reid-Smith, R., Deckert, A.E., Dewey, C.E. and McEwen,
Among notable projects that they have completed is the S.A. (2006). Reported antibiotic use in 90 swine farms in
construction of the 15 hectare Annapolis Royal wetland in Alberta. Canadian Veterinary Journal 47(5), 446452.
2002. The wetland is being used to treat the communitys SIWI (Stockholm International Water Institute) (2009). Stockholm
wastewater before it enters the Annapolis River (Ducks Water Front Beyond the River: A Transboundary Waters
Unlimited 2011). The quality of efuent from Annapolis Special Issue [accessed 15th September, 2009] http://
Royal already met environmental standards, but it was
high in phosphorous and nitrogen, which are two nutrients Front_1_lowres.pdf
that, when abundant, reduce water quality and degrade Statistics Canada (2006). Census of Agriculture for Alberta.
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. Statistics and
habitat. The approach has improved the quality of water
Data Development. Agdex 852-1.
owing into the Annapolis River and the nutrients that ow
UNECE (2009) The Water your service.
through the wetland enrich and enhance the area for wild- United Nations, Geneva.
life (Ducks Unlimited 2011). The project also consists of a publications/brochure/Water_Convention_e.pdf
trail system and interpretive signage to encourage the local UNESCO (2009) United Nations World Water Development Report
community to come out and enjoy their wetland. 3: Water in a Changing World. The United Nations Educa-
tional, Scientic and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris,
and Earthscan, London.
References Wu, C.Y., Kao, C.M., Lin, C.E., Chen, C.W. and Lai, Y.C. (2010).
Using a constructed wetland for non-point source pollution
Ali, M.Z. (2007). The application of the articial neural network control and river water quality purication: a case study in
model for river water quality classication with emphasis on Taiwan. Water Science & Technology 61(10), 25492555.
the impact of land use activities: a case study from several Vrsmarty, C.J., McIntyre, P.B., Gessner, M.O., Dudgeon, D.,
catchments in Malaysia. University Of Nottingham. PhD Prusevich, A., Green, P., Glidden, S., Bunn, S.E., Sullivan,
Thesis. C.A., Reidy, C., Liermann and Davies, P.M. (2010). Glo-
Arthington, A.H., Naiman, R.J. and McClain, M. E. (2010). Pre- bal threats to human water security and river biodiversity.
serving the biodiversity and ecological services of rivers: new Nature 467: 555561.
challenges and research opportunities. Freshwater Biology Zainudin, Z., Rashid, Z.A. and Jaapar, J. (2009). Agricultural
55: 117. non-point source modeling in Sg. Bertam, Cameron
Bates, B.C., Kundzewicz, Z.W., Wu, S. and Palutikof J.P. Highlands using QUAL2E. Malaysian Journal of Analytical
(2008). Climate Change and Water. Technical Paper of the Sciences 13(2), 170184.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Geneva, IPCC

IWA Specialist Groups

Winery wastewater treatment

in a sustainable perspective
Written by D. Bolzonella (SG Chair), R. Chamy (SG Secretary), F. Cecchi, R. S. Chrobak, H.H. Fang,
M. Greven, A. Grasmick, D. Jeison, J. Lema, J. Mata-Alvarez, R. Moletta, R. Mulidzi, J. Rochard
on behalf of the Specialist Group

Introduction Just to emphasise some key gures, the water footprint

of wine is reported to be 120 litres of water for one glass
Wine production is one of the leading sectors in the food of wine (125 ml): that is 1,000 m3 per m3 of wine, a level
processing industry and accounted for some 27.6 million comparable to that of other crops requiring intensive irriga-
tons (on average) in the years 20052009: 64% of the tion (Bolzonella and Fatone 2010), while its carbon foot-
production originated from European countries, while the print is some 1.2 g of CO2 equivalent per bottle (720 ml)
Americas accounted for another 20%, then Asia, Oceania (Kern and Rochard 2009).
and Africa accounted for 7%, 5% and 4%, respectively.
Three European Countries, Italy, France and Spain, gener- Because all these aspects are of fundamental importance
ated 57% of the worldwide production. Figure 1 shows the for future sustainable wine production, the Specialist Groups
wine production of major players of the wine market in the members are active researchers in all these areas, with an
past few years. obvious particular emphasis on wastewater treatment.

Unfortunately, the wine-making process has some impor-

tant environmental drawbacks: Wine and water: an overview
the intensive use of land, When considering the environmental impacts deriving from
the large use of water, wine-making, the production of wastewaters is of primary
the application of pesticides, importance: in fact, water is used in several washing activi-
the production of large amount of waste and wastewater, ties in the different steps of wine-making, like crushing and
which need proper treatment to be disposed of. de-stemming, fermentation, ltration and bottling.

Figure 1. Wine production per annum in the main.

IWA Specialist Groups

Produced wastewaters are characterised by variable ow content and biodegradability), they are particularly suit-
rates, as they are seasonal in nature, high in organic load- able for several different anaerobic processes, depending
ing (up to 10 gCOD/L and more during vintage) and in on the solids content of the waste(water) (Moletta 2005,
carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C/N > 30) and sometime low in 2009; Chamy et al. 2007).
pH. In terms of ow rate, 6070% is produced in three
months, during vintage and wine production. Because
of all these peculiarities, winery wastewaters need to be
Extensive treatment processes
properly treated in high-efciency systems before their
Beside high-performance processes, extensive processes
release in the sewerage system or the environment.
also need further development. These systems are histori-
cally very diffuse in the southern part of the planet (see,
The treatment of winery wastewater can realised using
for example, Arienzo et al. 2009; Mulidzi 2010). Recently,
several biological processes based both on aerobic or
the use of high-performance wetlands has also found
anaerobic systems using suspended biomass or biolms.
new application in the European context (Rochard et al.
Several systems are currently offered by technology provid-
ers and current research envisages the availability of new
promising technologies for winery wastewater treatment
(Andreottola et al. 2009). When considering the main wine Micropollutants management
producers, France, Italy and Spain, where vineyards and
cellars are more often part of the urban rather than rural Large amounts of pesticides and chemicals are used in
environment, intensive processes with small footprints are agriculture. In the light of a more sustainable viticulture,
preferred (Moletta et al. 2009) whereas in non-European the management of spraying residues and water for wash-
contests extensive treatment processes, like ponds and ing activities should be considered with particular atten-
constructed wetlands, can be preferred because of their tion (Rochard et al. 2009). These waters can be treated
low power demand and excess sludge production (Arienzo by physical, chemico-physical and biological processes,
et al. 2009; Mulidzi 2010). or a combination of those, to reduce the presence of these
harmful compounds. Although some commercial solutions
are already available, this topic remains on the agenda for
General trends and challenges future improvements.

Considering the contributions and discussions to the most

recent conferences of the Specialist Group, some hot top- Carbon footprint
ics for the future research can be enlightened here.
Wine production and winery wastewater treatment inevi-
The necessity for a sustainable viticulture and wine- tably produce and emit greenhouse gases (GHG) such as
making clearly remains the main and primary concern. CO2, CH4, N2O (Kerner et al 2009; Rosso et al. 2009).
Therefore most efforts are related to the reduction of the Further investigations are needed in this eld and the life-
environmental impacts of the wine-making industry. In cycle assessment (LCA) to reduce the environmental activ-
general, the need for better waste and wastewater man- ity of wine-production.
agement, better control over chemical stores, as well as
denite improvement in water management and increase In addition, in this case, the introduction of anaerobic
in solid wastes recycling are clear targets. In fact, these will processes, because of their relatively low energy demand,
preserve the environment on the one hand and will cause can reduce the GHG emissions.
long-term cost savings on the other. The following hot top-
ics for future research can be considered in particular.
High-performance wastewater treatment The wine industry, from grape growing to bottling and
and reuse delivery, determines considerable environmental impacts.
Most of those are related to water management and waste-
Considering the European situation, there is a clear neces- water treatment. According to the scenario illustrated
sity for high-performance intensive processes: in recent above, notable efforts are needed to face these impacts:
years, a vast mass of work has dealt with both the study researchers in the elds of water management and waste
and application of membrane bioreactors. These systems and wastewater elds are called to cooperate with col-
have demonstrated their capability in coping with high leagues of other disciplines to reduce the wine industry
hydraulic and organic loading variability in reactors with footprint.
a relatively small footprint (Guglielmi et al. 2009; Shah
et al. 2008), producing an efuent with interesting char-
acteristics for reuse. Obviously, this technique is particu- References
larly energy-demanding (Bolzonella and Fatone 2010).
Unfortunately, this is typically the case when the market Andreottola G., Foladori P. and Ziglio G. (2009). Biological treat-
ment of winery wastewater: an overview. Water Science &
overcomes research and development: a lot of work for
Technology 60(5), 11171125.
a deeper understanding and optimisation of these proc-
Arienzo, M., Christen, E.W., Quayle, W., Di Stefano, N.. (2009).
esses is needed in the near future. A wastewater treatment system for small scale Australian
wineries. In: Proceedings of the V IWA International Special-
Another important piece of work related to this topic is the ized Conference on Sustainable Viticulture: winery waste and
research and application of anaerobic processes: in fact, ecological impacts management, March 30th April 3rd
because of their typical characteristics (that is, high organic 2009, Verona and Trento, Italy.

IWA Specialist Groups

Bolzonella D. and Fatone F. (2010). Rduire lempreinte du vin management, March 30th April 3rd 2009, Verona and
sur leau, un d majeur. Revue des Oenologues et des Trento, Italy.
Techniques Vitivinicoles et Oenologiques, 137, 78. Moletta R. (2005) Winery and distillery wastewater treatment by
Bolzonella D., Fatone F., Pavan P. and Cecchi F. (2010). Applica- anaerobic digestion. . Water Science & Technology, 51(1),
tion of a membrane bioreactor for winery wastewater treat- 137144.
ment. Water Science & Technology 62(12), 27542759. Moletta R. (2009). Biological treatment of wineries and distillery
Cavazza A., Franciosi E., Pojer M. and Mattivi F. (2009). Wash- wastewater. In Proceedings of the V IWA International Spe-
ing grapes before crushing: effects on contaminants cialized Conference on Sustainable Viticulture: winery waste
and fermentation. Proceedings of the V IWA International and ecological impacts management, March 30th April
Specialized Conference on Sustainable Viticulture: winery 3rd 2009, Verona and Trento, Italy.
waste and ecological impacts management, March 30th Mulidzi A.R. (2010). Winery and distillery wastewater treatment
April 3rd 2009, Verona and Trento, Italy. by constructed wetland with shorter retention time Water
Chamy R., Pizarro C., Vivanco E., Schiappacasse MC, Jeison D., Science & Technology 61(10) 26112615.
Poirrier P. and Ruiz-Filippi G. (2007). Selected experiences Rochard J., Grinbaum M., Codis S., Coulon T. (2009). Manage-
in Chile for the application of UASB technology for vinasse ment of sprayer wash water: various treatment techniques
treatment. Water Science & Technology 56(2), 3948. and testing of a reed bed system. Proceedings of the V IWA
Guglielmi G., Andreottola G., Foladori P. and Ziglio, G. (2009). International Specialized Conference on Sustainable Viticul-
Membrane bioreactors for winery wastewater treatment: ture: winery waste and ecological impacts management,
case-studies at full scale. Water Science & Technology March 30th April 3rd 2009, Verona and Trento, Italy.
60(5), 12011207. Rochard J., Oldano A., Marengo D. (2010). Environmental inno-
Kerner S. and Rochard J. (2009). Quantication of greenhouse vation in winery efuent management: use of reed beds.
effect gas with the French method Bilan Carbone: from 12th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water
the vine to the table. In Proceedings of the V IWA Interna- Pollution Control, Venice (Italy), 48 October 2010
tional Specialized Conference on Sustainable Viticulture: Rosso D., Bolzonella D. (2009). Carbon foot-print of aerobic
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