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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22
Say for example the Constitution of the
In UNION, There is STRENGTH Great Britain, they do not pass laws only
POLITICAL LAW REVIEW: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AS at one time. For as long as there is
DISCUSSED BY JUDGE SINGCO government, there is the parliament
2015 - 2016
passing laws, these laws will be part of
the constitution of the Great Britain. Or
JUNE 6, 2015 the SC of GB does not render decision
only at one time. For as long as there are
CONSTITUTION cases that are raised, questions of law
The Constitution is fundamental law of the land are being challenged, the SC shall decide
upon which all government activities are based. It is the and such decision shall form part of the
highest law of the land. This is the Supremacy of the constitution of GB.
Constitution. Any law, contract contrary to that shall be
considered as void.
Manila Prince Hotel vs GSIS
Conventional or Enacted constitution. In what
The Supreme Court held that under doctrine of the circumstances it is enacted? We start with the 1935
supremacy of the constitution, if the law contract violates the Consti although there were unwritten laws which were
constitution, that law or contract whether promulgated by the made basis of the Govt.
executive branch or entered into by private persons or for
private purposes are null and void without any force and From the 1935 Constitution, which was enacted
effect since the constitution is the fundamental paramount by the 1934 Constitutional Commission (ConCom)
supreme law of the nation, it is deemed written in every and ratified by the people subject to the approval of
statute and contract. the Pres. Of the USA because at that time we were
not yet independent. It took effect upon ratification
Different Kinds of Constitution by the people on May 14, 1935. There were
1. Written or Unwritten amendments of the 1935 Constitution. Because of
2. Rigid or Flexible the major changes, it was also called as the 1947
3. Conventional or Cumulative Constitution where there were major changes were
introduced after we were granted with our
Written - when the sources are found in one single
instrument; the different provisions of the constitution There was only originally the 1935 Constitution
are found in one single instrument, there is only once which was revised in 1971 by the 1971 ConCom,
source. this was ratified by the Citizen Assemblies.
Declared having been validly ratified by virtue of
Unwritten - not necessarily mean that the provisions Pres.Proclamation 1102 by Marcos. It took effect
are not written, in fact some of the sources are written on that day when Marcos declared as was having
only that they are scattered, they can be found in been validly ratified on Jan. 17, 1973.
different sources. Good example is the Great Britains
Constitution. It is source not only from the Take Note: the 1935 Consti took effect upon the ratification
legislative/parliament acts, decisions of the SC but as of the people while the 1973 Consti took effect upon the
well as on unwritten source such as the conventions of declaration of its valid ratification by Marcos on Jan. 17,
the people, the customs and traditions of the people. 1973.
They all form part of the unwritten constitution.
Then there was an EDSA revolution, we had a
Usually the unwritten constitution is cumulative, it Revolutionay Gov., it was based on a Freedom
is evolutionary, it evolve from the history. It is a Constitution that was promulgated by Cory Aquino
product of day in and day out activities of the otherwise known as Proclamation No. 3 which
people. It is not just written in one particular period practically adopted the provisions of the 1973
of time like a conventional wherein it is being acted Constitution except for the provisions of the
in one particular period of time. government because the government was
revolutionary. It took effect immediately upon its
A cumulative or evolutionary constitution takes promulgation by Cory Aquino.
time. It is a continuing process insofar as the
making of that constitution. Then there was the promulgation of the 1986
ConCom which was created by virtue of
Proclamation No. 9 and then the ratification of the
Constitution on Feb. 2, 1987.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Amendment when you only make changes to such a
Take Note: it was only declared as having been validly part or parts of the constitution. It does not change the
ratified by Cory Aquino by virtue of Executive Order No. 50 philosophy of the constitution or the basis of the
on Feb. 9, 1987 and thus the controversy when does the constitution
1987 Constitution take effect - whether on the date of
ratification or the date when it was declared as having been Revision its an overhaul, it changes the philosophy,
validly ratified. the principle, it changes the whole thing

De Leon vs Esguerra Question: When you change the term of office of the
president, from 6 years to 8 years with one reelection,
The SC emphasized Sec. 27 of Art.18 of the Transitory amendment or revision?
Provision wherein the Constitution shall take effect only
upon the ratification of the people. It is settled that the Answer: Its an amendment because it does not
declaration of its valid ratification retroacts from the date of change the system of government, still presidential. What is
the ratification as to its effectivity. Thus it is settled that the changed is simply the term of office.
1987 Constitution took effect on Feb. 2, 1987.
Question: The term of office of president shall be
Granted Constitution indefinite based on whether he still holds the trust and
confidence of the members of legislature, then in effect you
Constitution made by one party sovereign state for another are having a parliamentary system of government,
state. Example: Constitution of Japan after it surrendered to amendment or revision?
the US. There was a Treaty of Peace that would serve as the
fundamental law governing Japan as it was having Answer: Revision because it is not simply a change of
devastation as a result of the WWII. That fundamental law as term but youre changing the system of government, the
Treaty of Peace was made basis for the operation of the philosophy of the government being established.
government of Japan that time.
- This pertains to the manner of amending the
Constitution - if it easy or difficult to change. This is important because in the proposal, who can
propose changes to the constitution? There are only
Flexible - it is easy, anytime it can be changed without three entities who can change or propose a change to the
following any formalities, that constitution is flexible. constitution;

Rigid - if you have to follow a specific procedure on 1. Congress 3/4 votes where you convert congress
amending it, then the constitution is rigid. as a constituent assembly, one of their legislative
function although other than making laws
Take Note: You will not be asked in the bar as to the
difference of rigid and flexible constitution. You will be asked 2. Congress may call or establish a ConCon in two
as to the manner of amending our constitution because our ways:
constitution is rigid, we follow a particular procedure on how a. by 2/3 votes they may call for a concon or
to change or amend it. b. by a majority vote submit that question to
the people whether or not they want a
PROCESS OF CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION concon in order to propose changes to the
1. Proposal Take Note: If it is by Congress or ConCon, they can propose
2. Submission of the Proposal to the People both amendment and revision.
3. Ratification
3. People Initiative and Referendum (legal basis, RA
Take Note: Most of the questions asked in the bar is on how 6735) but limited only to proposing amendments
do you propose amendments or revisions in the Constitution. to the constitution.

Changes could simply be an 1amendment or an overhaul RA 6735 is very clear that people could only propose
such as a 2revision. amendments

Take Note: the one proposing may not be qualified to Case: Lambino vs COMELEC
propose a revision but only an amendment. People can only propose an amendment and not a
revision. Thats to propose a change in the system of
government is practically a Revision and not just an
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
amendment therefore people thru initiative cannot 3. Signing - they must sign the petition itself. Not just you
supposedly make such kind of proposal. make attachments to the petition the signatures but the
petition itself must be signed by the registered voters being
Case: Santiago Case the authors of the proposed amendments.
SC emphasized that RA 6735 is not sufficient in 4. Ratification - Ratification by majority of the people who
providing procedure on how people can propose through an casts their votes during the plebiscite.
initiative an amendment to the constitution. a) So plurality, based on the result of the plebiscite,
majority vote is all that is required.
Question: How about the president? Because now you
have the problem with the Bangsamoro where the president On the concept of congress acting as a constituent
proposing to the congress to pass BBL which may in effect assembly:
amend the constitution.
Theyre supreme within their own sphere so far
Answer: Case involving Arroyo: declared proposing changes to the constitution. This is separate
unconstitutional and distinct from its power to make laws and to
appropriate funds. So when they are considered as
Province of North Cotabato vs The Republic of the Phils. constituent assembly, the function is only to propose.
Peace panel. That does not include appropriating funds. The
It was declared by the SC to be unconstitutional appropriation will be done by congress acting as a
because to implement the Memorandum of Agreement with legislative body.
the MI before would propose an amendment to the Thereafter the proposal there is the Submission. The
constitution to recognize an associate state which the submission is made when their done with their draft, it is
constitution of 1987 does not allow. So to implement it then, submitted to the people for consultation so people
in effect the president through the MOA is proposing that the will understand what it is they are going to decide on,
constitution be changed in order to recognize an associate whether to approve or disapprove it.
state. The challenge to the constitutionality of the BBL is The only principle that we need to remember
similar to the MOA case. The justification for declaring it later here is the manner of submitting it.
as unconstitutional is firstly, the president cannot propose It CANNOT be done piecemeal.
amendments or revision to the constitution. There are only It has to be the whole thing so that people will be
three entities under the 1987 constitution which can able to fully understand the provisions and their
propose. relationship with each other. That was one of the
reason why the changes proposed by Marcos to
Question: Then why did Marcos able to change the the 1973 consti, it was scheduled for referendum or
1973 constitution? plebiscite was declared unconstitutional because it
was done on installment basis. It cannot be done
Answer: Because he had legislative power. It was that why.
under martial law and by amendment no. 6, he arrogate unto
himself legislative power that enables him to make Again, your constitution is rigid. The flexible consti, it can be
amendments to the 1973 constitution. changed anytime without certain procedures. Like in Great
Britain, every time new laws are passed, it introduce
Question :Then why Cory Aquino? changes without having the ratification or the approval of
Answer: because there was no legislative body. It was registered voters. Or every decision made by the supreme
a revolutionary government. She arrogate unto herself both court forming part of the constitution of Great Britain makes
legislative and executive powers. a change and is effective immediately. Here we follow a
particular procedure.
But not under the 1987 consti. The consti is very clear,
only three entities can propose changes to the consti; Take Note: Characteristic of a Written Constitution
congress, concon (constitutional convention or constitutional 1. Broad
commission) and people. 2. Brief
3. Definite
How? Procedure under RA 6735, it must be: to make it definite, the interpretation of the constitutional
must be clear.
1. Proposal - proposed by 12% of the registered voters
wherein Question: How do you construe the provisions of the
2. Representation - each legislative district is represented constitution? Whether it should be treated a self-executing or
by at least 3% of its registered voters. non self-executing?
a) And According to the Lambino case, because the Answer: Difference between self-executing and non
people who are the authors of the proposed the self executing


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Self executing assumes that the provisions of the Answer: it is always mandatory.
consti are complete. And being complete, you need not
pass an enabling law in order to enforce or implement it. INERPRETATION OF THE CONSTITUTION
it is complete by itself
whenever the words used in the constitution must be given
Non self executing those provisions that are only their ordinary meaning except when technical terms are
guidelines or principles that would guide the congress employed, then you should give them ordinary meaning.
on what laws to be passed or guide the SC on how the
provisions of the constitution shall be interpreted or how Ex. People -- could be inhabitants or residents (ordinary
the laws passed by congress should be construed or meaning) in case of ambiguity, it should be interpreted in
guide the president in the passing or implementing of a accordance with the intent of the framers. Whether people
law. only refer to qualified voters or to all residents regardless of
Ex. Article II provisions of the constitution understand how the word is being used in the provision or it
ha to be interpreted as a whole.
Being non self executing, they cannot be used as basis for
judicial action. Meaning, if it is not followed, you cannot go to POLITICAL LAW
court and ask for judicial relief saying that that action of the
government is contrary to Article II and therefore it is a branch of public law which deals with the
unconstitutional. You cant use that as basis because accdng organization and operations of the governmental
to the SC in many cases organs of the state and defines relations of the state
with the inhabitants.
(Angara vs WTO)
those provisions in Article II are not self executing. STATE
They are mere guidelines or principles that would guide the
government on how to go about with their functions. They group of people, more or less numerous, occupying a
need a LAW in order to enforce or implement them. definite portion of the territory, having a government
which people render habitual obedience.
Case: Manila Prince Hotel vs GSIS
SC said a provision lays down a general principle such ELEMENTS OF THE STATE
as those found in art 2 of the 1987 consti is usually not self 1. People
executing but a provision which is complete in itself and 2. Territory
becomes operative without a aid of a supplementary or of an 3. Government
enabling legislature or that which supplies sufficient rule by 4. Sovereignty
means of which the right it grants maybe enjoyed or
protected is self executing. SOVEREIGNTY VS DOMINION

Thus, the constitutional provision is self executing if the 1. Sovereignty or Imperium

nature the extent of the right conferred and the liability
imposed are fix by the constitution itself so that they can be refers to the right to exercise functions of the state of he
determined by an examination and construction of its terms government to the exclusion of other state. power to
and theres no language indicating that the subject is rule; the highest ruling authority.
referred to for legislative action.
2 aspects:
Question: When there is doubt whether the provision is internal- supreme power of the state to rule within
self executing or not, how do you resolve the doubt? external- enjoyment of independence or freedom
Answer: it has to be resolved in favor of self from external control
executing unless it is expressly provided that he legislative
act is necessary to enforce the constitutional mandate the 2. Dominium
presumption now is that all provisions are self-executing. if
the constitutional provisions are treated as requiring power of the state to acquire or own property such as
legislations instead of self-executing, the legislature would lands or natural resources
have the power to ignore and practically nullify the mandate
of the fundamental law which is too dangerous. Question: What do we have over Sabah?
"and all other territories over which the Philippines has
Question: won it is prospective or retroactive, sovereignty or jurisdiction"
Answer: of course, it should be construes as
prospectively applicable. we can only assert dominium because they dont have a
government there.
Question: won directory or mandatory,
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
TAKE NOTE: in relation to acquisition and ownership of the
property, the state may be sued. But if the property is owned Question: During Japanese occupation how do you
by the state in its sovereign capacity, it is immune from suit. treat the government at that time in relation to the inhabitants?
Because one of the characteristics in sovereignty is is there a change in sovereignty in belligerent occupancy?
immunity from suit.
Answer: NO. The exercise of sovereignty is merely
Question: Who exercises sovereignty? because state suspended. Laws of Commonwealth government
is abstract and somebody has to be delegated to exercise it. established by US: Political laws are merely suspended,
they are not abrogated, nullified, repealed. Civil law and
DIFFERENT KINDS OF SOVEREIGN penal laws remain valid unless they were repealed or
changed by the belligerent occupant
a. Legal sovereign
Take Note: In a belligerent occupation, what may be
- refers to the supreme power to pass or enact laws. suspended is the exercise of the rights of sovereignty with
the control and government of the territory occupied by the
b. political sovereign enemy passes temporarily only to the occupant.

- refers to the people in so far as their power to choose the Question: After the liberation, when we were liberated
representative of the government. it is the sum total of all the from the Japanese control, what happens to the law of the
influences which lie behind the law. Japanese?

c. actual or real sovereign Answer: They were automatically abrogated if political

in nature and political laws of the commonwealth are
- one who actually heads the government and governs resumed or revived. But laws of the second republic of the
philippine which were not political in nature, like judgments
d. titular or ceremonial sovereign of the courts, they remain good and valid.

- exercises the ceremonial functions of the state EFFECT OF CHANGE OF SOVEREIGNTY:

CHARACTERSITICS OF SOVEREIGNTY: Spain to US by virtue of treaty of Paris

laws of Spain are automatically abrogated. municipal laws
1. Permanent remain unless they are repealed.
- cannot be transferred
- once it is vested in one then it stays there
until destroyed (REPUBLIC VS SANDIGANBAYAN, July 21, 2003)
3. Comprehensive and Absolute
- applies to those within the boundaries - a revolutionary government is bound by the constitution,
4. Indivisible and Inalienable however, it did not repudiate the covenant or the declaration
- cannot be transferred; the same way it repudiated the constitution.
5. Imperscriptible
- statute of limitation does not run against the - as a de jure government, it could not escape responsibility
state for the state's good faith compliance with its treaty
obligations under international law. (example: Cory
- during the interim where no bill of rights existed, directives
- the Philippines adhere to general principles of international and orders issued by the government officers are valid so
law as limitation to the power, which means that any state long as these officers did not exceed the authority granted to
may, by its consent, whether express or implied, submit to them by the revolutionarily government.
restriction of its sovereign rights. There may thus be
curtailment to what is otherwise plenary in character. We had the Freedom Constitution as basis for the exercise
of the authority of government officers
while it is true that there is no limitation in the exercise of the
power, but in relation to deMocractic system of government. JURISDICTION AS A MANIFESTATION OF SOVERIGNTY
1. Territorial
3. Extraterritorial
1. Suspension of exercise of US sovereignty over the
Philippine territory. Different kinds of jurisdiction
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
1. Territorial
-Jurisdiction or control over persons or 2. De Facto
things found on its territorial limits regardless of the Government has no legal authority but has actual control
nationality or the ownership over the affairs of the country. It is only relevant when there
are two governments existing at the same time. When there
2. Personal is only one government that has both, you dont have to
-Authority over nationals their persons or make distinction.
properties or acts whether within or outside the country
Question: Arroyo government, Whether it was a de
Ex: jure government or not?
Answer: There is no other government existing at that
On civil status of a Filipino regardless where he is. He is time after she succeeded by operation of law when Estrada
governed by our civil laws. Even if he contracted divorce in was considered to have resigned
America, such is not recognized in the Philippines. As far as
Philippine laws are concern, he is still married Question: Revolutionary Government of Cory Aquino?
Answer: It did not follow any constitution to operate at
3. Extraterritorial jurisdiction the beginning. It was where people in theory directly seized
-It is the authority of the state over persons the power from the past government and that past
and things or acts outside its territorial limits by reason of government was not able to maintain its operation against
their effects to its territory that emerging government of Cory. In which case there is
only one government that has the control which was later
Ex: recognized as legitimate first by the members of the
The embassy people are subject to our laws international community and later by the people themselves
when they ratify the constitution and elect public officials
ELEMENT OF GOVERNMENT particularly members of the Congress


- is an agency or an aggregate of political institutions 1.De facto Proper
which people render habitual obedience in order to give 2.Governmental paramount force
power to it. 3.Independent government

In exchange for the obedience of the people to that Co Kim Chan v. Tan Keh
government, the government has the responsibility to carry 1.De facto Proper
out the will of the people
The government that gets possession and control of or
Government of the Republic of the Philippines under usurps by force or by the voice of majority the rightful legal
Revised Administrative Code government and maintains against the will of the latter such
- It is a corporate governmental entity through which as government that is established successfully after a coup
the functions of the government are exercised throughout de etat
the Philippines including save as the contrary appears from
the context the various arms which political authority is made 2. Governmental paramount force
effective whether pertaining to autonomous regions,
provinces, cities, or barangays, subdivisions or other forms What we had under the Japanese occupation. There was a
of local governments de jure government which was the Commonwealth
Government. It has the rightful authority because it was
It does not include the GOCCs. It only refers to those established with the consent of the US government and
exercising governmental or constituent or compulsory there was the Japanese Government that actually exercises
functions. the rights of sovereignty but it has no recognition of the
rightful authority either by the US or the people/inhabitants of
GOCCs exercise proprietary or ministrant functions the Philippines at that time.

CLASSIFICATION OF GOVERNMENT 3. Independent government

1. De Jure This is established by the inhabitants of the country who

As to the existence or absence of control. If the government raise insurrection against a parent state. We could have that
has legal authority and control, the distinction is irrelevant. It in the case of Aguinaldo the first Philippine republic they
is only relevant when there is the existence of a legitimate asked for recognition from the community of nations but they
government however it has no control over the affairs of the failed. It lasted for a month anyway. The Malolos republic
government. It only exists in law but not in fact
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
only that it had lacked the recognition of the family of nations. branch is assigned with the function by the constitution
It could have been de facto but it was not legally recognized which cannot be defeated with or usurp by the other branch
as such. otherwise that would be a violation of the separation of
powers and there would be a question on the validity of the
exercise of the power by a particular branch contrary to the
MANNER OF CHOOSING THE HEAD OF GOVERNMENT principle of separation of powers.
2.Parliamentary Question: Why is there a separation of powers in a
presidential system?
Answer: Because the ones heading the branches of
When you have president who is chosen directly by the government do not owe each other's function. They are
people for a fixed term of office accountable to directly to the people. The people chose
On the other hand, in a parliamentary system of
Prime minister chosen by the members of the government, there is fusion of the powers particularly the
parliament who are directly chosen by the people powers such as the executive and the legislative powers are
however he enjoys indefinite term of office. He stays in fused or can be exercised by these two branches of
power so long as he holds the trust and confidence of government interchangeably. Why is that?
the members of parliament. Because the prime minister is chosen by the parliament. he
owes his powers to the parliament. he is the head of the
political party dominating the parliament. In fact the cabinet
1973 Constitution provided for a parliamentary system. Mr members of the prime minister are at the same time
Marcos called himself as prime minister. There was no members of the parliament so what do you expect from them?
president so also declared himself as president. Prime That they exercise executive functions, they do also exercise
minister and president at the same time. legislative powers. So you have members of the parliament
who are also members of the cabinet.
The constitution was amended adopting a modified
parliamentary system of government under the strong In Great Britain in fact the Lords who are members of the
leadership of a president to be chosen by the people through Supreme Court come actually from the parliament. Not only
a direct election but the term of office is six years with no that there is fusion between executive and legislative, there
provision on re-election. It could be indefinite. is also fusion between legislative and judicial branch.

There was a prime minister. He was nominated by the Parliament System

President, elected by the interim Batasang Pambansa with - where Members of the Parliament are also the
an indefinite term. He stays for as long as he holds the trust Members of the Cabinet, not only do they
and confidence by the interim Batasang Pambansa. exercise legislative functions, they also
exercise executive powers.
Interim Pambansa was chosen directly the people by - In Great Britain, the members of the Supreme
regions. We were divided into thirteen regions and term is Court come also from the Parliament. Not
six years also. only is there fusion between the legislative
and executive, there is also fusion of
It can be dissolved by the prime minister but effective only legislative and judicial branch. That is how
upon the calling of a special election by the president. unique the government of the Great Britain.
Can the interim pambansa remove the prime minister Separation of Powers is Adversarial
through a vote of no confidence? - Because while there is separation of powers,
they observe check and balance to maintain
Effective only upon the nomination of the president of a new the separation of the powers because one
prime minister. If not, the prime minister stays. can be powerful by just exercising its own
TAKE NOTE: What is important on the difference - Instance: if youre a member of Congress you
between presidential and parliamentary are these can make any kind of law if there is no
principles on separation of powers and the fusion of checking, like allowing to kill the President,
powers they can pass a law. There has to be some
Under a presidential system of government, they observe - To maintain the balance of these powers; to
the principle of separation of powers. TO each its own. Each guarantee there is indeed the independence
in the exercise of the powers; to protect the
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
people from any arbitrary control by any of - It is exercising powers equal to the national
these branches of the government government and it has been recognized as
- Between these two types of government independent from the national government.
(Presidential and Parliament), Presidential is (more will be discussed later on)
the most adversarial system of government.
They do not trust each other. This is the reason that until now, they cannot pass the law on
- (It is surprising that in this administration, the Bangsamoro because of some questions on the
legislative and the executive branch is constitutionality relating to the operation of that movement.
chummy but the President is getting There will be a Parliamentary system of government if
suspicious of the judiciary. Atleast the Bangsamoro will be established and they will be more
Congress is neutral with respect to the independent in their finances. They will have their own
judiciary. During the Arroyo administration, source of revenue, they will still be subsidized by the
they can see eye to eye, the Congress and national government. In terms of maintaining peace and
the President. Atleast the President then is order, their laws will be independent from the national
kind of friendly to the judiciary. But now, we government.
are always under suspicion every time we
issue orders and decisions, especially TRO. If there is any question on the classification of government
It is unfair to the whole institution that they on Unitary system, concentrate on the concept of
assume, even if there are indeed judges and Bangsamoro on the issue of local government units.
justices selling injuctive reliefs. But they must
be very careful because they might affect the
whole institution; they have to pinpoint the FUNCTIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT
particular justice/judge not the whole system
because its dangerous and challenging Constituent Function
these days because of the relationship of the - Mandatory functions of the government.
three branches of the government) Basically exercising the three powers of the
government: executive, legislative and
- ex. maintaining peace and order; defining
relationship between parents and children;
DIVISION OF POWERS between NATIONAL and LOCAL determination of rights of individual in a
(How powers are divided between National and Local) contract
- So long as the government exercise
Unitary System constituent function, it is immuned from suit.
- When powers are concentrated in one single
instrument (government?) Ministrant/Proprietary Function
Federal System - functions which can also be exercised by
- When powers are equally shared between the private corporations and entities
national government and the local - ex. Distribution of water; housing
Take Note: No more distinction between Constituent and
Unitary System is the kind of system we have today. But Ministrant functions in terms of obligation, because now,
weve been wanting to have Federal System, especially on ministrant is no longer an optional function like housing, it
financial matters because 80% of our taxes goes to the becomes mandatory because of the provision on the
national government. And rich LGUs are complaining obligation of the State to promote social justice. Giving those
because they have to share their resources to other LGUs, if less in life more in the law. State has the obligation not only
only they are independent from the national government to exercise its function but to provide its people, especially
then they would enjoy their own resources. those less in life, the basic services such as water, electricity,
education and housing.
Since the system is Unitary, take note on the matter of
making laws, these LGUs cannot make laws contrary to the So what used to be functions that are relied to the private
laws passed by Congress. corporations or entities are now also being exercised by the
State. If it is the exercise of these functions (providing
This is the issue with the fundamental law governing the housing), the agencies providing for those services are not
Bangsamoro, it is not only autonomous but independent immune from suit; they are suable. Like SSS, providing
from the national government and practically an associate medical insurance, ordinarily the State should not engage in
state. that kind of business and just to give it to private entities but
there too many people who cant even afford paying the
Associate State premiums and so the State mandatory provide for that
insurance in case they need medical assistance. Or housing,
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
the PAG-IBIG, it is not the responsibility of the government
to provide low cost housing units to the people but under the Take note in the case of the Province of North Cotabato,
principle of promotion of social justice, which is mandatory
under the Constitution, now it is mandatory on the part of the it was emphasized by the Supreme Court that in the 1987
government. Constitution provides that no province, city or municipality,
not even the autonomous region of muslim mindanao, is
Doctrine of PARENS PATRIAE recognized under our laws as having an associative
- the government, as the guardian of the rights of the relationship with the national government. Indeed the
people, may initiate legal action for and in behalf of a concept implies powers to go beyond anything ever granted
particular individual. by the constitution to any local government. It also implies
- Such as the case of Government of Philippine recognition of the associated entity as a state. The
Islands vs El Monte De Piedad (December 16, Constitution, however, does not contemplate any state in its
1916) jurisdiction other than the Philippine State, much less that it
o involving a child who has been left with provides for transitory status that aims to prepare any part of
properties by his natural father. But in the Last the Philippine territory for independence. So take note of
will of the father, he appointed his brother to be that.
the guardian of the child and the mother
contested that she is the natural mother of the FUNDAMENTAL POWERS OF THE STATE
child and should be the guardian. The court
ruled in exercising the principle of Parens 1. Police power
Patriae that the State acts as a guardian for 2. Eminent domain
those who need protection, especially the 3. Taxation power
children and women and the disabled and thus,
the court decided in favor of the mother, for the SIMILARITIES BETWEEN THE 3 INHERENT POWERS
best interest of the child because the court
believes that the mother will always do what is Inherent even without express conferment of the
best for the child as compared to the uncle Constitution upon the State, the three powers can
(brother of the natural father). The court justified still be exercised by the State;
by invoking Parens Patriae, that it acted as
guardian of the child. Necessary and Indispensable the state cannot
be effective without exercising the powers;
We were discussing the different kinds of government,
might as well include in the federal system of government These are methods wherein the State interferes
the concept of an associate state. For a comprehensive in the exercise of the rights of individuals such
understanding of this concept in relation to BBL, read the as police power in the regulation of the use of
case of the Province of North Cotabato vs. Government property. The government does not take away your
of the Republic of the Philippines Peace Panel, October property but merely regulates its use. As for eminent
15, 2008. An association was described as when two states domain, it limits the ownership over property.
of unequal power voluntarily establish durable links. In the Taxation, on the other hand, also limits the fruits of
basic model, one state, the associate, delegate certain your property. But suffice to say that there is
responsibilities to the other, the principal, while maintaining compensation for the interference by the State over
its status as a state. Free Associations represent the middle such rights, what are the compensation? As to
ground between Integration and Independence. So while it police power, it is the altruistic feeling that the
may not be granted independence and still it may continue to welfare of the people is being promoted. That is still
remain part of the Republic, it is recognized as a state compensation, however not in monetary terms. For
independent of the national government. Example of these taxation, it is the infrastructures and services. It is
kind of states, we have an associate state relationship with only in eminent domain that there is monetary
the United States are the newly formed states of Micronesia consideration called just compensation equal to the
and the Marshall Islands in the Pacific. fair market value plus consequential damages
(minus any consequential benefits).
In the US Constitution of International Practice, free These are exercised by the State, primarily
association is understood as an international association Congress by making laws. They have to make laws
between sovereigns. In the international practice, the for police power. For eminent domain, they cannot
associate state arrangement has usually been used as a validly take the compensation out of the public funds,
transitional device of former colonies on their way to full so they must have to make an appropriation to take
independence. So that is what we are afraid of that it is property. In so far as taxation is concerned, they
merely a ploy to establish the Bangsamoro when eventually cannot just collect taxes without any legal basis,
the main purpose of which is to sever ties with the national there has to be a law authorizing the imposition and
government or from the country itself and declare its the collection of taxes.
independent status.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
What are the differences? 1. Welfare of the people is the supreme law; and
POLICE EMINENT TAXATION 2. You will not harm what is not yours.
What is Liberty and Only the The fruits of This is basically the lawmaking power for the promotion of
regulated? Property. ownership of your property.
your property. the public welfare, therefore the power is lodged in Congress
Liberty is It does not but it may also be delegated to delegates under permissible
regulated in affect your delegation of legislative power.
such a way that liberty.
you cannot
have what is Of the 3 rights First and foremost you have the delegation of the power to
not yours. The of life, liberty
justification and property, 1. The President
being that the the most 2. Of Administrative Bodies
will for the regulated is
people is the property while 3. Local Government Units
supreme law. the less 4. The People.
regulated is
life. 1. PRESIDENT
To whom can By the State. Not only Only exercised
this power be government by the State
delegated? but also private through the In so far as the President is concerned, Section 21 Article 6
entities BIR. of the Constitution, under exercise of emergency powers.
engaging in the
business of
public utilities.
Requisites to justify the emergency power to the president
Purpose and The State The State The State for the purpose of promoting the public welfare or the
Necessity exercises takes private collects taxes general welfare.
police power property for for the 1) There has to be national emergency or war
for public use. necessity of
self-preservatio having a 2) There has to be a statute
n and government, 3) It is only for a limited purpose and limited period of
protection. without the time
we cannot
have a State. It 1. There has to be national emergency or war
is the life blood
of the Question: Who is going to determine whether there is
national emergency or war?
nobody is
going to work Answer: In so far as national emergency is concerned,
for the it may be the Congress or the President.
without that
money. You may remember the case of Drilon (was it the
Kind of Only noxious Those They are case of Drilon?)
property that property or beneficial for always
can be those harmful public use. wholesome. when President Arroyo declared a state of national
regulated to public Hence, the Taken for
welfare. They payment of just public purpose emergency that was sustained as constitutional by
can even be compensation. always, for the Supreme Court saying that the President
destroyed. services and should know better because she is the
Since they are infrastructure. Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the
noxious, there
is no just Philippines. And as president, she has the
compensation obligation to ensure that laws are faithfully
to be paid executed. And therefore she knows better the
when the status or condition of the country and may declare
property is
taken. It is a state of national emergency to justify the
enough exercise of power or the propose of Congress to
consideration delegate to her the exercise of the emergency
that public powers. So please read the Drilon case, (was that
welfare is
promoted or the Drilon case, I cannot remember anymore)
protected. where the gist of the case when the President
declares state of emergency but previous to that
POLICE POWER you can recall that there was also a definition of a
state of rebellion, that was during Estrada
The two legal bases of which or the justifications of administration. The same justification. So you go
exercising the power are: over that case. In that case, national emergency
was also defined where the sc said that the
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
president can determine the presence of national purpose may be shared by the Congress and the
emergency. What consists of the definition of president because it can only if not withdrawn by
national emergency is defined in that case. resolution of Congress but can be exercised by
president only until the next adjournment of
But on the existence of a state of war, definitely, it is session congress.
not the President to say that there is a war. That is
constitutionally provided. TAKE NOTE: delegation is by a statute. Resolution need
not be a statute. It is enough that there is resolution passed
Question: Who determines the existence of state of by Congress withdrawing the exercise of a power. If it is not
war? passed, then by operation of law, it ceases at the end of the
Answer: It is congress, 2/3 vote is needed before next adjournment of next session of Congress.
president can declare war. Although experts say
that should the president wait for the declaration of Take not guys of the case of Abacada Group, et al vs
war before she declares war when she is the Purisima
commander in chief of the afp. Theyre saying that
by the time there will be a determination, they were because in that case, dba you recall the case of increase of
already invaded. Now considering that the 12% of vat by Arroyo and they were saying that the president
president is a commander in chief, there is no cannot do that because the president ought to know that was
stopping from the president from declaring the taxation power and not emergency power. There is
war. But what is the difference if there is no another power here under the presidents power of
declaration of the existence of a state of war? delegation of legislative power, Section 28. If there is section
Then the president cannot exercise emergency 23 for emergency power, theres section 28 where tariff
powers where she can appropriate funds in power is granted to the power of the president.
order to meet the exigent circumstances of the
emergency or the reason for the declaration of Take note of section 23 and 28 (Im not sure with the said to
war or national emergency. That is the sections cause what I can hear is section 20 and 20)1
difference. these are favorites in the bar exam.

2. There has to be a statute So example of section 23 is the Drilon case.

A legislative enactment authorizing the president to Section 28, it was the case of Abacada group et al vs
exercise emergency powers. Absent of a statute or purisima. In that case, president announced the increase of
a law giving that power to the president, the vat to 12% and theyre saying that the president does not
president cannot exercise that emergency power have that power because hers is limited only to tariff and not
that was emphasized in the case of Drilon vs to domestic taxation. In this case, sc said that there is no
Ermita originally against Arroyo. What the usurpation of the legislative power of the congress by the
president can declare, a state of national president because all that the president did here is to
emergency. She cannot however exercise ascertain the facts through the proper agency of the
emergency power in section 23, absent of any government under the president. And once it was
legislative enactment allowing or giving her the established that the requisites of the law has been complied
emergency power. So only a statute to justify. with, all that the president can do is to impose the law. She
was not imposing or passing the law for the increase of vat
3. It is only for a limited purpose and limited but just simply implementing the law after the finding of facts
period of time that the requisites for the increase of the vat.

The purpose of the delegation is to carry out the So in so far as the president exercising the legislative power,
declared policy of congress. There fore it must Section 23 and 28.
state the purpose of the delegation of the power so
that exercise of the legislative power here should 2. ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES
be limited only to the purpose for which it was
delegated to the president. In so far as the administrative bodies, these are the
department under the executive branch exercising not
And it only for a limited period of time meaning: for only executive functions but as well as to certain extent,
as long as the emergency, reason for the legislative function in so far as the promulgation of rules
delegation exists, she or he continues to exercise and regulations implementing existing laws. Theirs is limited
the power. So if emergency ceases, it means he only to rule making rather than law making. Theirs is only
ceases to exercise the power but he can exercise limited to law executing rather than law making.
the power only until the adjournment of the next
session of Congress. Therefore, for a certain 1
By the transcriber
period of time, the legislative power for a particular
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Then the MMDA, it is an administrative body, it is not a
Take Note: that their exercise of the power is limited tested political subdivision and therefore does not exercise police

Remember the case of Santiago So you have in those cases, MMDA vs Trackworks

relating to RA 6735 where the resolution of the COMELEC theres nothing in the act no. 7924 granting mmda police
was declared unconstitutional because the basis of the powers let alone legislative power.
resolution was ra 6735 delegating the power to the
COMELEC to promulgate the rules in so far as providing In THE CASE OF LUZ VS ARANETA,
procedure on how to amend the constitution through
initiative. But the law itself was insufficient. It was not sc said that power of eminent domain can be used as power
completely (..inaduible). there was no justification for the to implement police power.
COMELEC to pass resolution and practically make a law
governing procedure on how people can initiate amendment 4. PEOPLE
to the constitution. The chacha then initiated by the people of
Ramos was declared unconstitutional. Question: How do people make laws?
Answer: Through the process of INITIATIVE &
Also take note of the case of Hill Check (not sure) vs the REFERENDUM. DUHA HA! 2 ways.
Department of Energy
INITIATIVE 10% nationwide wherein each legislative
regarding on imposition of universal charge by the DOE district is represented by at least 3% of its registered voters.
collecting taxes for funding electrication nationwide. It was
charged against indivitious(?) bill for consumption of big This is to propose statute.
electricity and this was justified by the sc by saying that all
that the doe did was to implement the law which was Regional Bodies, 2,000 of the registered voters.
complete and sufficient. What was the standard that made it Province 1000 of the registered voters.
sufficient? Police power promotion of the general welfare Highly urbanized cities 500 of the registered voters
which was complied with by the law. City 100
Municipality I think it is also 100
So when we say COMPLETE, theres nothing left to Barangay only 50.
delegate to determine what the law is but by simply
implementing the law by promulgating rules and regulations. That is initiative.
Well be discussing this again when we go to administrative
law. In REFERENDUM - the sanggunian that proposes or it is
congress that proposes the law its people to either approve
3. LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS and accept it, adopt it or reject it in a referendum.

Lgus who can be delegated with legislative powers. You take 2 WAYS TO TEST THE VALIDITY OF EXERCISE OF
note that in so far as the law making bodies of the lgus such POLICE POWER
as regional autonomous region, we call then regional
autonomous bodies; province, sangguniang panlalawigan; 1. Subject Matter must be Lawful
city, s. panglungsod; municipality, s. bayan; barangay, s. 2. Means in Achieving the Purpose must be Lawful
Pambarangay. a) Means is never justified by the purpose. Must
concur. Both must be legitimate.
They do exercise legislative power but they should not
exercise it contrary to the constitution neither contrary to EMINENT DOMAIN (ED) POWER
statutes, laws passed by congress. They cannot even pass
in the guise of promoting general welfare, ordinances or - Power to confiscate private property for public use
resolution that amend national laws. They cannot do that. So upon payment of just compensation and observance
you take note of that because there cannot be a state within of due process of law. (*favorite in the bar exams)
a state. That was emphasized. Our system of government is - Process is EXPROPRIATION.
unitary. So the basic principle, Cruz vs Paras, that they
cannot pass a law in the guise of promoting the general Question: where there is an agreement between the
welfare by prohibiting an activity that is allowed in the government entity and the property owner where the owner
existing laws. They can only REGULATE. Not prohibition but agreed to sell his property but the sale didnt push through
regulation only. can the government now exercise Eminent Domain?

Answer: NO. What should be filed is SPECIFIC

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
out of the question. Fom the start, the property owner must - If the property is owned in its private capacity, there
have refused to sell his property to the government so that must be payment of just compensation. What kind of
the government is compelled to confiscate the property properties? PATRIMONIAL PROPERTY. TAKING
through the exercise of the power of Eminent Domain. OF PATRIMONIAL PROPERTY IS
Question: What is the legal basis for the exercise of
- All lands and natural resources belong to the state - There are exceptions. What about services, can
originally. they be subject of expropriation? Yes because they
- You have no reason to refuse the state. are considered property. What is property? Property
is subject of appropriation which you can sell or buy
ENTITY EXERCISING ED which are of course within the commerce of man.
Can you expropriate the services of a woman who
If it is the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT THAT EXERCISES refuses to serve you? No. That would be involuntary
EMINENT DOMAIN, the question of the purpose whether it servitude. Violative of the constitution. But public
is public use or not is beyond judicial inquiry. In other words, services like utilities, can they be subject of
it is a political question which the courts do not have Expropriation? Yes.
jurisdiction to look into. IF IT WERE THE NATIONAL
o These are properties that can be subject of
IF IT WERE ONLY A DELEGATE EXERCISING EMINENT appropriation which are within the
DOMAIN, two questions may be the basis for judicial inquiry commerce of man. The only exception to
or determination. FIRST ON PUBLIC USE (NECESSITY OF this are (1) MONEY. You will expropriate
TAKING) AND SECOND, PAYMENT OF JUST money and pay him with money. Why not
COMPENSATION. just use your money in the first place? Also
But if it were the National government like the (2) CHOSES IN ACTION. These are actions
Republic of the Philippines through the DPWH, the for the collection of sum of money. The end
matter of necessity of the taking that is beyond judicial result is still money. You cannot expropriate
inquiry, it is a political question. What is left to be money if it will be awarded in favor of a
determined by the courts to determine is the issue of private person because it is still to be
JUST COMPENSATION. compensated also with money. That is the
concept of ED. So they cannot be the
1. There must be private property; - What about private property devoted to public use
2. There is taking in the constitutional sense; be subject to expropriation? E.g. cemetery.
3. Taking must be for public use;
4. There must be payment of just compensation; - Case in point, City of Manila v Chinese
5. There must be observance of due process of law. Community of Manila.
o The city passed an ordinance ordering the
Chinese Cemetery to allocate a portion of its
(EXPOUNDED) cemetery for pauper dead. They are not
1. There must be private property appropriating any funds saying it is police
power, for public purpose, for public benefit.
- What is private? If it is owned by private individual. It will affect the public, it was justified then
by the city of Manila. Can that be done
- If it is government property, you could take it without without paying just compensation? Supreme
compensation, is that it? Remember that the state Court said NO. This is Eminent Domain
has dual personality. It is in sovereign capacity and because it is beneficial, the land is not
private capacity. It may acquire or own property. noxious. Therefore that could be the
IMPERIUM OR DOMINIUM. subject of expropriation EVEN IF THE
- IMPERIUM, you dont have to take it because it DEVOTED TO PUBLIC USE, THAT CAN
already belongs to the state, no need for the BE THE SUBJECT OF EXPROPRIATION.
exercise of ED.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
2. TAKING in the constitutional sense claim on the property in which case was
when the case for expropriation was filed
- Is it limited to evicting the property owner from his against the property owner. That then is the
land Physically? Take note of the case of Republic v basis for determination of just
Castelvi. It is not required that the owner is actually compensation.
deprived or dispossesed of his property because
even just depriving him of the beneficial use of his o SO TAKE NOTE THERE MUST BE UNDER
property still in possession but he cannot use the COLOR OF TITLE for first entry of property.
property that is tantamount to taking that is
compensable. E.g. you have a land and adjacent to 2. Entry must not only be for a momentary
it is a dam owned by government. Whenever it period
overflows, all the water goes to the land. Even if you o Meaning the purpose of the entry must be to
planted it with certain plants, they all die because permanently occupy it and use it.
they are drowned by the water overflowing from the
dam reservoir owned by government. Can you o In the Castelvi case,
demand payment of just compensation from it started with a lease. Later because
government? Yes you can demand because in the heirs of Castelvi refused to
essence there is taking, you are deprived from renew the lease with government,
beneficial use of your property. In the case where the government was compelled to
you have property devoted to poultry adjacvent to exercise its expropriation power.
property owned by government where they practice When should be the basis for the
how to fly. Whenever the train pass through your determination of just compensation?
poultry, all your chicken die. Is there any taking there Was it for the entire time when the
that is compensable? Yes. You can demand government first entered the
payment of just compensation because you are property under the lease contract or
denied, deprived of the purpose for which you intend should it be at the time filed an
your property. Another case, you have property expropriation case against the
adjacent to property owned by NAPOCOR but there Castelvis? SC said that at the time
is a warning that you should not be within 200 the lease was executed, the
meters because you might die of radiation, cancer or contract of lease, it was definitely
whatever. For fear of your life you cannot use your not for a permanent basis. It was
property. That is tantamount to taking of your momentary, temporary, therefore
property which is compensable. there cannot be taking at that time
until there was expropriation
- Take note of requisites for taking: already filed by government against
1. There must be entry of the property. the Castelvis.
o The manner must be under color of title or
warrant of authority. Meaning the entry in 3. Property must be devoted to public use or
property in the first place must be legal or otherwise, if formally appropriated or
legitimate. Not as a trespasser or squatter. injuriously affected
For example. This is NAPOCOR case. In
this case, the basis for the determination for o PUBLIC USE used by the public. Broadened
payment of just compensation, the point of now, anything that is beneficial to the public.
reference is the actual taking of the property. Not even the public itself but the greater
NAPOCOR entered the property under the majority of the public that is considered
honest belief that the property is already as public use. Even for a
government property. This was in 1978. socialized housing (asked in the bar several
Later, an owner appeared saying claiming times), small landowners, even if there are
thats not owned by government, that is ours. only 50 families who will be benefit by the
Now they refused. Now NAPOCOR used expropriation of the property described for
the property in which they were compelled low cost housing, it was considered public
to file an expropriation case against the use because it redounds to the benefit of the
owner. Remember that it was already used greater number or majority of the people.
by NAPOCOR since 1978 but case was Even if it is for tourism purposes, it is still
filed in the 1985. So what is the point of considered as PUBLIC USE.
reference for taking, 1978 or 1985? Was
there taking in 1978? NO, as there was no o Regarding this term of public use. Even for a
color of title or warrant of title when they socialized housing, it is for public use.
entered the property. It should be reckoned Several times, its for the farmers or the
from the time when the owner asserted his small land owners. Even if there are 50
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
families who will be benefited by distinction. If the property is taken for a specific purpose, that
expropriation of the property, the low-cost would be a different story because it was not used for the
housing, was considered as public use purpose for which it was intended.
because it redounds to the benefit of the
greater number of people. Example: IT Park. There was no full payment of just
compensation and the owners were asking the return of the
o Even if it is for tourism purposes, it is still properties to them because its 30,000 per square meter.
considered as public use. There was this case wherein they were not given just
compensation and the property was taken during the 40s
o That was the case of Ardona vs. Reyes. For and the government is enjoying the benefits of that land.
an individual, Manosca vs. CA, when the What would happen if the property was not used for the
property was expropriated by the purpose for which it was taken.
government. This was the birthplace of Felix
Manalo, the founder of Iglesia Ni Kristo. In the case of Ouano vs. Republic, t
Since he has contributed a lot to history.
That only few would actually benefit from he SC said the owner has the right to recover the property
the expropriation of the property does not especially if they objected to the expropriation. However, if
necessarily diminish the essence and the taking was absolute like if there were no conditions as to
character of public use. the taking, like an absolute fee, in which case the
government can still use the property even if its different
I think there is a recent decision regarding public use and from the original purpose or even sell it to a private
that is the case of Vda De Ouano. The essence of public individual.
use is for public utility. So the moment it ceases, can you
recover the property? Anyway, we will discuss more of that JUST COMPENSATION
regarding the recovery of property.
It is the full and fair equivalent of the property taken.
Utilization of the property must be in such a way as to oust Fair market value of the property means it is the price of
the owner and deprive him of the beneficial enjoyment of the the property whereby the seller is not compelled to sell,
property. These five requisites must be present. Otherwise, neither the buyer is compelled to buy. In addition to the
there cannot be any taking in the constitutional sense. In fair market value, you have the consequential damages
which case, if there is no taking, there cannot be a valid if there is any. If there is consequential benefit, it would
exercise of eminent domain. be deducted from the consequential damage. Take
note of the relevant laws governing or defining just
If it is the National government who is exercising the compensation. It is not Congress who determines just
power, the determination of whether or not there is public compensation, it is a judicial function. The Congress
use is beyond the ambit of judicial inquiry but if they were to can only define it to guide the Court but ultimately it is a
delegate, then it can be a subject of judicial determination. judicial function.
If a property has already been devoted for public use, can it
be taken for another public use by the government? There RELEVANT LAWS - JUST COMPENSATION
was a public cemetery and they want to have access roads
which will pass through the cemetery. It can be done 1. IF it is a NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE, it is RA 8974
because it is plenary. The power is absolute. However, if it which is based on 100% payment of the value based on the
was delegated, it is not enough. There is section 19 of the BIR zonal valuation of the FMW whichever is higher.
LGC delegating the power to the local government units. a) National infrastructure is when it affects not just
That is not enough because that is only a general authority. locally but nationwide. For example, transmission
They need a specific grant of congress to expropriate a wires since it would affect nationwide. National
property, already devoted for public use, for another public roads and bridges are national infrastructures. So
use. the requirement in RA 8974 is that the national
government taking the property must deposit to the
What if the property has already been expropriated for a bank, as a requirement for the writ of possession,
specific public use, can it be sold to a private individual? 100% of the full amount.
YES. because the moment it is expropriated, it is already
owned by the government and it can use the property in any 2. However, if it is an ORDINARY EXPROPRIATION, under
manner that it wants. Rule 67 of the ROC, it is 10% of the assessed value of the
property for taxation purposes. In issuing the writ of
Asias Emerging case (?). I will give you the citation next possession, the Court has no discretion, it follows the law.

The SC said, like any owner of the property, the government

can do anything with the property but we have to make a
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Before the Court issues the writ of possession, two SC said "the DAR is the administrative agency as with the
requisites must be established: implementation of CARP. While the RTC is required to
consider the acquisition cost of the land, the current value of
FIRST: That it is for public use. like properties, its nature, actual use and income, the sworn
valuation by the owner, the tax declaration and the
SECOND: that there is a deposit of the just compensation. assessments made by the government assessors to
a) If its National Infrastructure, 100%. determine just compensation, it is equally true that these
b) If ordinary expropriation, 10%. factors have been translated into a basic formula by the DAR
c) In so far as expropriation of LGUs, for purposes of pursuant to its rule-making power under Section 49 of R.A.
determining provisional just compensation and No. 6657. As the government agency principally tasked to
issuing a writ of possession, all that is required is implement the agrarian reform program
50% of the assessed value of the property for
taxation purposes. In other words, the courts CANNOT IGNORE, without
violating the CARL, the formula provided by DAR for the
Take Note: that once deposit is made, the government can determination of JC.
enter the property. This is however without prejudice to the
final determination of just compensation by the Court. If RELEVANT LAWS - JUST COMPENSATION
there is already the declaration that the property is
expropriated in favor of the government, then the next is the So you now have the following laws applicable for JC
payment of just compensation. computation:
1. Rule 67, ROC
Question: What will happen next? Payment of Just 2. RA 7160(LGC)
Compensation(JC). If it's appealed? You wait until the 3. RA 8974 (AN ACT TO FACILITATE THE ACQUISITION
judgment becomes final. Until when must the government OF RIGHT-OF-WAY, SITE OR LOCATION FOR NATIONAL
must pay the owner? BAR- Can you ask the recovery of the GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS AND
property if there is no payment of just compensation? FOR OTHER PURPOSE )
4. RA 6657(sec. 17) (CARL)
Answer: GR is NO. You can't because non-payment for
JC is not a ground to recover the property. But, if there was SC added that in this case, the compensation to be paid
no payment of JC after demand WITHIN 5 YRS FROM THE should not be lesser than the market value of the property.
FINALITY OF THE JUDGMENT, then the owner has the So market value ha sa agrarian reform cases.
right to recover his property.
When the State exercises its inherent power of eminent
The owner is entitled to the following if alleged in the domain, the Constitution imposes the corresponding
complaint: obligation to compensate the landowner for the expropriated
1. Legal interest of 6% per annum property
2. Reimbursement for the Property Taxes paid for the
property prior to the transfer of title to the Republic. TAXATION

"IN COMPLIANCE WITH DUE PROCESS OF LAW" It covers persons, property, occupation to be taxed
There has to be trial ha on the determination of JC. But within the taxing jurisdiction. It is only relevant because
because this is very technical, the appointment of of the controversy of Pacman, so there might be a
commissioners by the court IS INDISPENSIBLE FOR DUE question on Double Taxation.
PROCESS compliance.
Double Taxation
Question: Is the commissioner's finding conclusive
upon the court? Is Double Taxation prohibited by Constitution? NO
Answer: NO. It's just recommendatory. Ultimately, it's
upon the court to decide JC. There is Double Taxation if a person is imposed additional
taxes of the same character, on the same subject by the
BAR- In agrarian reform cases. The president can same taxing jurisdiction on the same taxing period for the
expropriate property as provided in the constitution for same purpose. There is no prohibition in the constitution. It is
purposes of implementing CARP or urban development. not allowed however if it constitutes as a violation of the
In Land Bank of the Phil vs. Honeycomb Farms Corp.,
Feb 29, 2012, SC assured the public that as long as it sits, taxation should
not be used to destroy anyone's property. But if your
there is this mandatory application of the DAR formula in property is noxious and harmful, police power can be used in
the payment of JC computation IN AGRARIAN REFORM order to destroy or regulate that noxious or harmful property.
CASES. So the court is mandated to apply RA 6657, sec. 17. Power of taxation may be used as an implement of police
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
power particularly in discouraging business or undertaking It will violate the non-impairment clause if revoked.
sought to be restriced by the government. It can also be
used as to implement Eminent Domain(Just take note of the 2. If gratuitous/generosity, the revocation can be done
new case contrary to this) anytime.


You can have a constitution without a preamble
1. Equitable because it does not form an integral part of the
- based on your capacity to pay taxes constitution. It is just an introduction.

2. Uniform Purpose:
- It applies to all persons uniformly who are 1. To indicate the authors of the constitution We, the
situated to the same circumstances sovereign Filipino people
2. It states and enumerates the purposes to which the
3. Progressive constitution was promulgated, the government was
- as your tax base increases, there is a established.
corresponding increase in the rate.
Are the binding upon the government? NO. It cannot be
What congress is encouraged to do is evolve a progressive used as basis for judicial action if violated when it is not
system of taxation. followed. Your remedy is election but not through judicial
Does this violate the separation of the Church and the State
BAR- In case of doubt whether you are subject to tax or not, when it invokes the aid of the Almighty God? NO. It is just a
how should it be resolved? That you are subject to tax. It description of the kind of people that we are, that we believe
should always be decided against the GRANT OF in God. So it does not violate the non-establishment of
EXEMPTION. religion neither the separation of the Church and the state.

Example of a constitutional grant of exemption: Need to know:

Charitable institutions, churches and personages or Preamble is not part of the Constitution
convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit It is not a source of rights and obligations
cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and improvements,
actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious, Lets have an introduction to the Philippine national territory.
charitable, or educational purposes shall be exempt from This is a favorite in the bar examinations especially with our
taxation. problem with the Scarborough Shoal/ Panatag Shoal/ Bajo
de Masinloc in the West Philippine Seas or the South China
It is regardless of who the owner is. Take note, only Sea. Do you understand? Thats the main concern here.
Definition of national territory
If it were a STATUTE, who can grant?
Congress, thru CONCURRENCE of MAJORITY of all the Article 1. National Territory- The national territory
members of congress, voting separately. comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and
Art. VI, Sec. 28. No law granting any tax exemption shall be waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which
passed without the concurrence of a majority of all the the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of
Members of the Congress. its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its
territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves,
But if it were a TREATY GRANTING TAX EXEMPTION, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between,
then it would require 2/3 votes of the members of the and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of
Senate. their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal
waters of the Philippines.
Question: Can you revoke a tax exemption?
It depends! Briefly, what consist of the Philippine territory?
1. Philippine Archipelago
Answer: 2. Other territories over which the Philippines has
sovereignty or jurisdiction
1. If the grant of exemption is for a VALUABLE 3. The territorial seas (Thats very important! Thats
CONSIDERATION, then it partakes the nature of a contract. what we are disputing over)
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
4. Internal waters i.e. the sea waters separating the Under RA 9522, the definition has been modified. It has
islands of the Archipelago. been changed. Before we have the Spratlys Islands
particularly the Kalayaan Group of Islands(KGI) and the
Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters Scarborough Shoal as part of the Philippine archipelago.
embraced therein
And so when we determine out internal waters, we connect
How do you define an archipelago? them with the main archipelago so that the waters
surrounding these islands were part of the Philippine waters.
"Archipelago" Now, that has been changed with the reenactment of RA
9522 to be more compliant with the requirements of the
means a group of islands, including parts of islands, UNCLOS. Now, these islands have been excluded as part of
interconnecting waters and other natural features which are the Philippine main archipelago. They are now being treated
so closely interrelated that such islands, waters and other as a Regime of Islands. So with regards to the waters
natural features form an intrinsic geographical, economic surrounding these islands, you apply the principles in
and political entity, or which historically have been regarded international law. They are not anymore part of the
as such (Article 46, UNCLOS). archipelagic waters. Theyre excluded from the main
In other words, an archipelago consists of islands and
waters. It is defined as a group of islands surrounded with Well go later to our claim with regards to the waters
waters or a body of water studded with islands. We are surrounding the Scarborough Shoal. We are not interested
adopting the second definition of archipelago i.e. it is a body in the rock. Its nothing. Its just a rock which during high tide
of seawaters studded with several islands. How many protrudes. What were interested in is the surrounding
islands are there? 7,100 plus depending on whether its high waters, as part of the discovery and occupation of the rock
tide or low tide. and also as part of the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) which according to the Chinese Government, overlap
How did we acquire these islands? with their claim over that portion. Thats why its called South
Primarily by cession under the Treaty of Paris. What else? China Sea because its allegedly part of China. They have to
You have other treaties that have been entered into by the rename it also as West Philippine Seas because its part of
Philippines with Spain and the US where these islands are the Philippine territory.
ceded to the Philippines. Like for example what? You have Other territories over which the Philippines has
the treaty of Washington, you also have the US-British sovereignty or jurisdiction
Treaty. So you go over with these treaties. Maxi islands,
Turtle islands, Cagayan de Sulu, and Sibuto islands were Take note of the word or, not and it could either be
ceded by Spain to US then US to the Philippines. The only sovereignty or jurisdiction. Sovereignty in turn could either
island that wasnt ceded under the treaties is Batanes be dominium or imperium. You need not have jurisdiction
Islands. We acquired these islands by virtue of occupation and control over the territory in order to make it part of the
and possession. Thats one of the reasons why we have to territory. Its just sovereignty and sovereignty could either be
redefine the definition of the national territory. imperium or dominium.

Under the 1935 Constitution, what was covered by the What are these territories that were claiming as part of the
archipelago are only those territories ceded by the treaties Philippine national territory because either we have
entered by the Philippines primarily by the Treaty of Paris. If sovereignty or jurisdiction?
we do not adopt the archipelagic doctrine, we would 1. Regime of Islands (KGI and Scarborough Shoal)
practically segregate Batanes Islands as part of the 2. Sabbah
Philippine archipelago. So now its part of the archipelago by 3. Guam
adopting the Archipelagic Doctrine in the 1973
Constitution and eventually, the 1987 Constitution. Kalayaan Group of Islands
Nevermind our claim over Guam. Its out of the question
Insofar as what comprises the Philippine archipelago, you already. What is concrete is our claim over the western part
dont question on that. It is only in determining the extent of of the Spratlys Islands nearest Palawan which we named as
the archipelago. Because there is now a law the Kalayaan Group of Islands. In fact, some of the islands
are considered as barangays already. Spratlys has been
RA 9522 "An Act to Define the Baselines of the claimed by Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, etc. We
Territorial Sea of the Philippines. are claiming the bigger islands as part of our territory. So our
claim rests not only on sovereignty but also on jurisdiction
In determining archipelagic waters, consider the waters reckoned from Tomas Clomas discovery and thereafter,
around, between, and connecting the islands as part of the occupation by the Philippine Government.
Philippine archipelago because it says with all the islands
and waters embraced therein.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Kinsa may gipapuyo didto? Mga navy ug Philippine Coast ignored them. And so they went to the International Court
guards. Sige ra ug dula ug basketball didto. Theres nothing of Justice. But the ICJ can only take cognizance of your
that you can do there guys. complaint if you are a state. Since they dont have
international personality, they were compelled to transfer
But to stress the point that it is part of our territory, we need their rights to the Philippine Government in order for the
to establish a government and so there are barangays government to make a complaint on their behalf before the
established there guys. ICJ so that Malaysia will acknowledge them.

So take note of the basis of our claim over the KGI. Not only You can also understand the position of the government
was it acquired by us through discovery and occupation. It is because it has proprietary rights over Sabbah although it has
part of our 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone. Lets talk no political rights over the same. Now that negotiations for
about our claim over Scarborough Shoal later. the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) is ongoing, the
government does not want to offend Malaysia. So now, how
Sabbah would you consider Sabbah? As it is what has been
established so far is proprietary rights. Who knows
With respect to Sabbah, what is the basis of our claim? Take eventually what you can do like what happened in Australia
note of RA 5446 "An Act To Define The Baselines Of The (*story about British criminals who were sent to penal
Territorial Sea Of The Philippines." Thats the basis of our colonies in Australia and established their own government.
claim. It might be that this is what Malaysia fears considering that
*Take note of the case of Magallona et al. vs. there are many Filipinos in Malaysia, they might establish a
Ermita (G.R No. 187167 August 16, 2011) which government there and affiliate themselves with the Philippine
discussing RA 9522 which amended RA 5446. Government.).

Once upon a time, Sabbah was owned by the Sultanate of Example: If a person owns a parcel of land in USA and later
Sulu whose rights have been transferred to the Philippine donates it to the Philippine Government, it does not mean
Government. What was transferred was only that the PH government has control, supervision, and
proprietary rights. You have to know the difference jurisdiction over that parcel of land. They only have
between sovereign rights over Sabbah and proprietary rights proprietary rights over the same. Do you understand guys?
over the same. Sovereign rights is when you make it part of Thats the confusion there, just because the sultan of sulu
the national territory, as part of government whereas with owned the islands and donated it to the PH government, the
proprietary rights, you own it although it may not be under latter can already control and govern the islands. Thats
your political control. wrong. Only the proprietary rights were transferred to
government because nagkataon when the sultan of Sulu
Lets have this because it adds to the confusion. There is no attempted to claim the property, Malaysia ignored them. So
question that Sabah is claimed by the Sultanate of Sulu. In they went to the international tribunal (international court of
fact there are documents to show, like the British documents, justice). But since the tribunal can only take cognizance over
that this property has been acknowledged by the British a claim if you are a state, the sultan was compelled to
government as being owned by the Sultanate of Sulu. In fact transfer his rights to the PH government in order for them to
the East India Company, a corporation owned by the file their complaint.
British government, when it was established in Sabah,
acknowledged the ownership of the family of the Sultan There was no settlement obtained with regard to the
because they were paying rentals to them as lessee. And property.
there are documents to show that guys.
So theres no question on their proprietary rights. You know In the Magalona case, it was emphasized by the SC under
what is proprietary rights being the owner of the property, section 3 of RA 5446 keeps open the door drawing the
you have the right to possess and control it as owner. But it baselines of Sabbah. Section 2 the definition of the baseline
does not mean that the government has political claims over of the territory of the Philippine Archipelago as provided in
the same such as the right to govern the property because this act is without prejudice to the delineation of the baseline
its only being owned by private individuals. Lets say for around the territory of savva situated in north Borneo over
example, you own a piece of land in America and you which the republic of the Philippines has acquired dominion
donated it to the government. It doesnt mean that the and sovereignty
government has control or supervision over that land. The
least it has is proprietary rights over the land. Maam: dominion in so far as private ownership but not in so
far as Imperium not yet.
Thats the confusion there. We tend to think that because Lets go back to the regime of Islands. Asa man ang
there is a claim by the Sultanate of Sulu over Sabbah, it now Kalayaan group of islands? In the western part dba and the
belongs to the government. But the truth is, its only that bajo de masimloc is somewhere in Zambales.
coincidental that the proprietary rights were transferred to
the government because when the Sultanate of Sulu If we include them as part of our territory, the shape would
attempted to claim the property, the Malaysian Government be rectangular. This is complained of by the neighboring
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
countries especially Indonesia and Malaysia because we imperium, it includes jurisdiction over all persons and things
would overlap their EEZ. It would violate the UNCLOS to found in its territorial boundaries or within the boundaries of
which we are signatories to. So we have been pressured to other territories wherein the Philippines is claiming as part of
redefine our territory. Then RA 9522 was passed. Ge redrew our territories. To what territories are we referring to? We
nato atong archipelago and this time we excluded those have those regime of islands, we have Sabah in particular,
islands such as the Scarborough Shoal and the Kalayaan we have Kalayaan group, Guam and Marianas islands. In so
group of Islands. So ang nahitabo na balik na sa Triangular far as the Kalayaan group of islands and Scarborough Shoal,
atong archipelago. we have to consider Rep.Act. (RA) No. 9522 in determining
the basis for them being part of the Phil.national territory.
In so far as the Kalayaan Group of Islands, you already know
the basis. The Scarborough Shoal nalang. According to the Magallona vs Executive Secretary
Chinese, they discovered it even before Christ pa lage daw.
But our position is this, even if you really did discover it first, Issue: Constitutionality of RA No. 9522
it would only give you (Chinese) an inchoate right over the
property which have not ripen into ownership unless you Held: Kalayaan group and the Scarborough Shoal otherwise
occupy it. We, on the other hand, did occupy it during the known as the Panatag Shoal (West Philippine Sea or China
Japanese occupation. Kita naka una pag occupy sa property. Sea) while considered as part of the national territory are
Now there saying it is within their 200-mile EEZ. Ang ilang excluded as part of the Phil. Archipelago. In the
point of reference kay dash line (**di jud ma klaro**) which is determination of maritime domain, they are no longer
underwater when its high tide. Thats the reason for their included in the determination of the archipelagic waters.
reclamation! Aron ma kit an bisan high tide. According to a Their maritime domain shall be determined within their
Supreme Court justices opinion, ang point of reference maritime zone following the provisions of the UNCLOS in the
should be a habitable territory. determination of the jurisdiction over the seawaters along its
coastline. You have RA 3446 as amended by RA 9522 in so
Ang atong point of reference is that point (isla) nga livable far as the Kalayaan Group of Islands as part of the Spratley
meaning mapoy an; self-sustaining xa. Islands. In so far as Sabah, RA 5446(?), as amended by RA
9522 was the determination of our bases. In so far as to the
China and the PH are both signatories to the UNCLOS determination of the jurisdiction over the seawaters
which states that in case of dispute regarding territory it connecting the islands, they are now excluded from the
should be submitted to arbitration. China, in this case, archipelago, therefore the waters around them shall not
waived it right to submit to arbitration. anymore be part of the archipelagic waters. So you have to
dileanate the figure or the configuration of the
JUNE 13, 2015 Phil.archipelago. What used to be a rectangular form is now
a triangular form of an archipelago.
How do you go about in determining the internal waters or
The Philippine Archipelago consist of the islands and territorial seas?
the waters embraced therein. Refer to Art. 46 of the
UNCLOS of the definition of Archipelago where it is defined 2 methods of determining jurisdiction
as the group of islands including parts of the islands
interconnecting the waters and other natural features which 1. Normal Baseline
are closely interrelated and such islands, waters and other - determine those seawaters along the coastline of a territory
natural resources form an intensive geographical, economic, from the low watermark and you consider the draw(?) of
political entity or to have historically regarded as an political miles. Beyond that you consider as international
archipelago. This includes the Muslim Mindanao or waters.
otherwise known as the Bangsamoro. Therefore they cannot
consider that as separate and distinct from the Philippine 2. Straight Baseline
national territory. That is one of the legal bases in saying that - we follow the straight line method by determining the
it cannot have an associated state or an independent outermost islands and connect them with a straight line
Bangsamoro state considering first and foremost the excluding the KGI and Scarborough Shoal. Waters within the
definition of the national territory. Second of course there is straight line are considered as internal waters and they are
an issue of having a Unitary system of government wherein treated like rivers, lakes and swamps inside the territory.
there is only one state, the Philippine State, that is being Waters outside the Phil.archipelago is what we called the
recognized as the only state of the Republic of the territorious seas or the maritime.
What we follow now is RA 9522 to be more consistent with
Aside from the Philippine Archipelago, part of the national the stipulations on the determination of baselines under the
territory are all territories to which the government has UNCLOS 3. How do you determine? It shall be 12 nautical
sovereignty or jurisdiction. When we speak of sovereignty, it miles from the normal baseline of the outermost island (the
could either be imperium or dominium or both. If it is
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
low water mark of the outermost islands in other words) of it must be reckoned from a territory that is habitable, capable
the archipelago. of habitation, habitation without any intervention.

However, there are islands that are submerged under the Like you have to subsidize it bringing food in the territory for
seawaters so that even the submerged part or portion of the people occupying the territory to survive.
islands can go as far as beyond the territorial seas....
So if you have to base it to the Panatag Shoal as basis, this
Question: How do you determine jurisdiction over the is in the west portion of our sea waters, definitely the territory
sea waters? Where this portion of the submerge island had from which it is based in the 200 EEZ can be subject to
escaped, how do you determine that? Is it still part of the human habitation without any kind of intervention as
national territory? compared to the 9 line dash that was the basis of the 200
Answer: No, its not part of the national territory but we EEZ of China, that portion is under water thats why they
do have authority or jurisdiction in so far as implementing have to reclaim it in order for people to live in the area. So if
certain laws like fiscal laws, custom laws, sanitation laws you are to follow the bases for 200 EEZ, they dont have any
and immigration laws up to an extension of 12 more nm from factual or legal basis. They cannot say that there is any
end of the territorial sea or 24 nm from the normal baseline overlapping of EEZ because their basis which is the island
of an outermost island. that they are claiming as theirs is not livable by human
beings if you are to consider only the island without the
Another point you should take note with regards to reclamation.
Archipelagic waters separating the islands, meaning these
are internal waters inside the archipelago, while they are Aside from territory you have territorial seas which refer to
considered as internal waters, they are still subject to the the maritime zone; this is the sea water outside of the
innocent passage as well as archipelagic sea lanes. There archipelagic waters outside of the straight baseline. The
are no laws yet defining or governing what may consist of an seabed which is included* contiguous zone, meaning the
innocent passage inside the archipelagic waters neither on island under the sea water when it is high tide but however
the determination of archipelagic lanes although they are limited only up to 24 nm from the low water mark but limited
required under UNCLOS 3, the laws are still pending in the only to implementing sanitary, fiscal, custom and
congress but this is required under UNCLOS. For normal immigration laws, its no longer part of the territory. Then up
territories, meaning its not an archipelago, their territorial to 200 EEZ in so far as exploration, development and
seas jurisdiction is subject to the innocent passage as well utilization of the natural resources within. The continental
as transit lanes for vessels to pass through. There are 2 shelf as well included if it is within our territorial seas.
kinds of right of way of vessels to enter into the sea waters of
a particular country depending whether it is an archipelago Take Note of the terms contiguous zone, continental
or a normal territory, a continent integrated territory. shelf, exclusive economic zone

The legal basis over our claim of the Kalayaan group of Case: Magalona
islands started with discovery by a Filipino mariner by the
name of Tomas Cloma, however, it was a mere inchoate SC sustained the constitutionality of RA 9522, that it is
right which later ripened to ownership when we had not violative of the Treaty of Paris neither of the present
occupied the territory. Read RA 3446 as regards to our legal constitution.
basis for our claim over the Kalayaan group of islands

As regards to Panatag Shoal or the Scarborough Shoal, we JURISDICTION OVER SEA WATERS FOR PURPOSES
have claimed it on the basis of discovery and then eventually OF PIL:
by occupation and recently by the fact that they are within
the 200 exclusive economic zone (EEZ), both the Kalayaan
- not within the jurisdiction of ICJ or International Court of
group of islands and the Panatag Shoal.
Justice but under ITLOS or the International Tribunal of the
Laws of the Sea, to which all signatories have signed that in
When we speak of the 200 EEZ, it should be reckoned from
case of dispute, it will be exclusive for ITLOS to settle. which
the low water mark of the outermost island. So it could be means that there si no need for them to waive a right
beyond already of the territorial seas. because when they signed it they have impliedly consent to
submit to the jurisdiction of ITLOS.
Question: Is it part of the national territory?
Answer: No, it is not part of the national territory but we
have exclusive sole right to explore, develop and utilize living Issue on Chinese government not submitting the issue to
and non living resources that may be found within 200 EEZ. arbitration considering that it is a sovereign state because in
the ICJ, it can only assume jurisdiction if the state submit to
Requirement to consider the 200 EEZ: the authority of the ICJ.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
why not ICJ? Because it is only applicable with respect to - when he is acting as a special agent where the State has
lands or rights among sovereign states waived its immunity from suit, whether performing
governmental function or function beyond its scope.
STATE IMMUNITY - sued in his personal capacity
- when he had authority but acted with gross negligence. bad
- consequence of being a sovereign state faith, or beyond the scope of his authority, or with grave
- the theory is if you are a sovereign you cannot be abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
subject to any authority jurisdiction
- there can never be a legal right as against the
authority that makes the law on which that right to sue the Exception To The Exception:
state depends - director of DPWH which expropriated a property without
appropriation of funds. SC allowed the property owner to
GR: state is non-suable present his claim against the official who acted without
authority. so when it causes injustice to the owner, then he
Question: How to know if you are suing the State? shall be allowed to present his claim against the State.

Answer: Because you are naming the Republic as a COMMON DENOMINATOR IN DETERMINING WON IT IS
party-defendant like the unincorporated agency without A SUIT AGAINST THE STATE:
separate and distinct personality of the government-- that is
a suit against the state - if it involves disbursement of public funds or loss of
government property in the event judgment is rendered by
the court against the State/LGU/official
If incorporated- it is independent from that of the Republic of
the Philippines and exercises propriety functions, thus Question: For example, you sue the Republic of the
suable. Philippines in your application for registration of title, does
this mean the case is dismissible because the republic of the
1. Political Subdivision (Province, City, Municipality) Philippines not suable?
Answer: No, the republic being made as
- exercising both governmental and proprietary but party-defendant in a registration case is just a formality.
regardless of the function performed, under the Local Because ultimately if it is established that the property is
Government Code, it is suable because it has given its alienable and disposable, there is no involvement of loss of
consent to be sued pertaining to its right to property and government property because it never belonged to the
its right to defend it. but because it also performs republic of the Philippines. But if it is found later that the
governmental function, once you can prove your claim, property is inalienable then definitely the republic has the
can you ask for writ of execution against the LGU? NO. right to oppose the registration by a private individual under
his name.
Because it is public function, payment will be in
terms of public fund, thus the principle that there cannot If you are to file a mandatory injunction or mandamus
be a disbursement of public funds without an case for example against an incorporated agency to perform
appropriation law which means it needs another its function, this does not involve government funds or
consent from the public corporation in order to make it property loss in which case the action will prosper, or when
liable. you sue a government official in order for him to perform a
duty that is required of him by law, this does not involve
But if it is purely a proprietary function and the disbursement of public funds neither loss of government
court decided against the LGU, such as water property.
distribution, which is purely propriety. now, you can ask
for a writ of execution to implement the judgment Question: For example, you ask for a duplicate copy of
because the funds are not part of public funds. your title that was lost, who are going to sue?
Answer: You are going to sue the registrar of deeds in
Liability depends on the funds against where you order to compel to issue a duplicate copy of your title based
are asking the judgment be enforced on their file

2. Suit Against a Public Official Disbursement of public funds or loss of government

General Rule: not suable if performing governmental Consider these circumstances. Thats the common
function denominator of all those enumerated

Except: GENERAL RULE: is you cannot sue the state


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
EXCEPTION: is when the state gives its consent either was saying that the property belong to the debtor and not to
expressly or impliedly the government and so the bank pursued its counterclaim
against the government that intervened that cause the delay
If EXPRESS it could only be by law: of the foreclosure. Will the action prosper? No What the
government was to resist a claim, and since the government
1. General Law is immune from suit the counterclaim will not prosper
Example: article 2180 of the civil code on torts. Liability of
the government maintaining infrastructure that cause injury And then on the matter of entering into a purely
to the public or a particular pedestrian for example commercial contract.
You can directly file a complaint against the
Accounting/auditing code. That if the obligations arose from government when the government acts like a private
a contract entered into by government. You may sue the individual. Just like any ordinary individual, in case of breach
government only after complying with the procedure. You of contract which is commercial in nature, the private
are going to first file your claim to COA and COA will individual has recourse against the government because the
determine whether or not it should be granted. If denied then government is considered to have waived its immunity from
you can now sue COA and the government concern. suit.
Where do you file the case? It would be a petition of
certiorari you go right immediately to Supreme Court within But when the government enters into a government
60 days from the denial of your application. In that case, the contract
State has already given its consent after you follow the that would be a different story. It pertains to
procedure. governance like for example, the PCOS procurement and
acquisition. If you are to ask for payment of lease or rentals,
2. Special law on the assumption that it was not paid, what do you do? Can
The Congress will pass a specific law granting an individual you sue the COMELEC right away directly in the court for
to sue the state. Should there be any express giving of collection of sum of money or specific performance of
consent, it is by law a statute. Not by contact neither by obligation? Answer is no.
verbal instruction of the president of the republic. It must
always be by statute. The requirement would be first for you to file your
claim with COA
Entering into government contract
When government commences or initiates filing of a - Pertaining to governance
complaint for affirmative relief. If for the purpose of resisting - Case relating to PCOS: the acquisition and
a claim, it is still immune from suit. procurement of the PCOS. If you are asking for
When government engages in pure business or when the payment of lease or rentals of the PCOS
government enters into pure commercial contract or when used during the election, you do not file directly
government expropriates a property for the payment of just to COMELEC for specific performance. You first
compensation file a case before the COA, and wait for decision.
If you are aggrieved, you can always go to the
PCGG v Republic Supreme Court, then you can sue the
Since PCGG, an unincorporated agency initiated the government.
filing of the complaint for relief that is recovery of ill-gotten
wealth from the Benedicto then in which case it is for But if its purely commercial contract, like if the government in
affirmative relief. When the SC said these properties does the case of PIA (Philippine Information Agency) entering into
not belong to the Marcoses but to the Benedictos, the a contract with a broadcasting station, like ABS-CBN for a
Benedictos pursue their counterclaim against PCGG. Now promotion of a rematch between Pacquiao and Mayweather,
they ask for the dismissal of the case on the ground that it is for purposes of raising revenues for PIA but it did not push
immune from suit. Is PCGG correct? The answer is no. through and PIA did not pay ABS-CBN for example when it
because in the first place, the one who initiated filing of the already made a promotion.
complaint is PCGG.
The recourse of ABS-CBN: can file directly to the courts
Froilan case because it is a purely commercial contract, here PIA has
In another case where the government intervene in gone down to the level of a mere ordinary individual and
order to resist a claim against a property that was a subject therefore becomes suable giving its consent.
of a foreclosure after the debtor failed to pay. The debtor
claimed the property was his. When the debtor failed to pay, Government Engages in Pure Business
naturally the bank foreclosed the security or collateral. The - If business is incidental to the performance of
government then intervened saying that you cannot governmental function, the State is still immune
foreclose the property because that does not belong to the from suit.
debtor but to the government and later the supreme court
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
o Ex. Bureau of Customs enters into the of the President. So that when the
business of arrastre which caused injury President prepares the budget, it will be
to a taxpayer, it is not suable because included as part of the budget of the
the arrastre business is incidental to the department or agency of the
performance of governmental function government then submit it to the
which is assessment and collection of Congress for the appropriation of public
taxes. funds.
o But if Bureau of Customs engages in
business of a canteen and someone - If it is against a LGU,
was poisoned, it engages a proprietary o then you ask the LGU Sanggunian to
function and becomes suable and gone pass a supplemental budget for the
down to the level of a mere ordinary appropriation of funds. If the LGU
individual. refuses, then you can sue the LGU for
mandamus to pass the supplemental
Expropriation Case budget for the payment of obligation
- It presupposes the appropriation of public funds
- so that if there is no payment of the just
compensation, the government becomes suable - UP vs Dizon, Aug 23, 2012,
for the payment of just compensation and the o Supreme Court held that the funds of UP
government need not do any affirmative or are government funds which are public
positive act of appropriating funds because it in character, considering that UP is a
presupposes that there should be an educational institution, a corporation
appropriation already, otherwise the taking and that under its charter it can sue and
would be unconstitutional. The Constitutions be sued, but garnishment is a different
says that no person shall be deprived of his matter. Its income accruing from the use
property without due process of law or without of real property can only be spent for
payment of just compensation. the attainment of its institutional
- So it is already presumed that the government objectives. Thus the funds of UP cannot
when it exercises its eminent domain power validly be made subject to garnishment
there is already an appropriation of public funds or writ of execution; the adverse
so the State is suable. judgment against UP is not immediately
- Even if there is no appropriation of public funds, enforceable because suability of the
the Supreme Court in a decided case: the State does not necessarily mean its
expropriation power should not be a tool to liability.
cause an injustice to a property holder so you
can still sue the State for the payment of just Question: Are the funds of UP subject to garnishment?
compensation, this is an exemption.
Answer: UP vs Dizon, a case dated August 23, 2012.
Difference between Suability and Liability Supreme Court said in relation to liability "The funds of
- On Liability, can you ask for writ of execution to UP are government funds that are public in character."
enforce a judgment against the State? Because you might think that it is an educational institution
- No, it is not automatic that once you prove your therefore a corporation and under its charter it is suable. It
claim against the government you can hold the can sue and be sued.
State liable. The judgment is only until its
rendition, not to its execution. Ordinarily in a civil But, whether or not if you obtain a favorable judgment or
case, you the prevailing party can have the garnish the funds of UP that would be a different story.
judgment satisfied after it becomes final and Because the SC said that the funds of UP are government
executory by asking for a writ of execution, such funds that are public in character. They include even the
as garnishment of funds of the losing party, income accruing from the use of real property ceded to the
otherwise you attach his properties so that they UP that may be spent only for the attainment of its
will be sold at a public auction and the proceeds institutional objectives. UP has a lot of properties that have
of which be applied to the judgment. been leased. The rentals from those properties that were
leased to private individuals are still considered as
- Instead of writ of execution, you ask for government funds, and therefore, the funds subject of the
appropriation of funds. action would not be validly made a subject of a writ of
execution or garnishment. The adverse judgment rendered
- If it is against the National Government, against UP in a suit which it had impliedly consented was not
o either you file a case against that agency immediately enforceable by execution against UP because
or COA, and if it will be given due suability of the State did not necessarily mean it's liability.
course, it will be submitted to the Office
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22

This is a basic principle. You have the Executive that is to

implement the law. The legislative that is to make the law.
And the Judiciary to interpret the law. For as long as the
power assigned to each branch by the Constitution
GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES expressly, or by incident (impliedly), or as an incidental
power, such power cannot be interfered with by the other
Article 2 - The Declaration of Principles State Policies two branches unless the Constitution no less allow the
checking of the powers. Because if this power is interfered
It might looks harmless guys but take note that most of the with, then that would be a violation of the separation of
principles that came out in the bar exam were taken from powers.
Article 2.
TAKE NOTE, because what will add to the confusion, even if
Suffice to say that the Declaration of Principles and State you have mastered all the powers that are granted to each
Policies are not self-executing. Because they are mere branch, you cannot memorize the circumstances of the
guidelines, mere theories or postulates under which the limitations of the exercise of the powers, specially on the
government is operating. checking and the balancing of the powers.

For example, in the making of laws. Congress may refer to 1. So then, there are certain powers were the Constitution
the General Principles. But if they are not followed, you allow the other branches to check. That's one.
cannot use the principles as basis in a judicial action to
challenge the constitutionality of the laws passed by 2.Second, there are certain powers that are shared among
Congress. Your remedy is election. Do not vote anymore for the branches of the government. Meaning it's not only
those members of the Congress who do not follow a simple exercised by one branch, it may also be exercised by the
principle in the 1987 Constitution. other branches of the government.

Section 1 of Article 2. Example: The recent declaration of unconstitutionality of the

"The Philippines is a democratic and republican State. DAP.
Sovereignty resides in the people and all government Question: What was the conflict there in the DAP?
authority emanates from them." Answer: That was insofar as appropriation of
public funds. Under the Constitution, the president is
Take Note of the MANIFESTATIONS OF given the discretion to prepare the budget. And then the
REPUBLICANISM. What are these? president submits that to Congress,

1. Separation of Powers Question: The preparation of the budget, can that

2. Non-delegation of Legislative Powers be interfered by the Congress or the Supreme Court?
3. Non-suability of the State Answer: Generally it should not be interfered with
4. The Rule of Majority because that is a discretionary power of the president.
5. Prohibition on the passage of irrepealable laws But, the Constitution no less, allows the checking.
6. Checks and balances
7. Judicial Review Question: How is the checking?
Answer: The budget submitted to Congress
These are manifestations of Republicanism. Let's take them cannot be increased by Congress. This is one way of
one by one. checking Congress, not abusing or interfering into the
prerogative of the president to prepare the budget.
Separation of Powers
The budget submitted to Congress, take note, cannot be
In relation to checks and balances. There are three increased by Congress. This is one way of checking of
branches of government. Congress not abusing or interfering into the prerogative of
the President to prepare the budget. They may decrease
Is it absolute separation of powers? but not increase. After the budget, what will happen next is
There is more to Blending than absolute separation of the appropriation of public funds. Who will appropriate? It is
powers. There's more to coordination rather than complete discretionary of Congress and that is exclusive on their part.
independence from each other. They have to coordinate in
order to maintain the balance and protect the people from After the appropriation, it is for the president to spend the
any arbitrary control. Under the principle of Separation of money in accordance with the appropriation and that is
Powers for example, courts cannot interfere with exercise of exclusive to the President. In other words, Congress cannot
the legislature of its authority to conduct investigation in aid dictate upon the president where to spend the money or not
of legislation. This is always the bone of contention between to spend the money. In fact, the president can impound the
the Congress and the Courts. budget for a particular department, because the matter of
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
spending the money is discretionary upon the president. To constitution, otherwise it has the obligation to declare that it
spend it or not is dependent on his discretion. Remember is contrary if it has violated the constitution.
the principle of impoundment of the appropriated funds.
As part of the separation of powers, the thing you should
But the president cannot spend public funds without the always take note as to what extent of the judicial review by
supporting appropriation, otherwise the president interferes the judiciary of the acts of co-equal branches.
with the appropriation power of Congress. In effect, the
president usurps the power of Congress. That is what You go back to the REQUISITES OF JUDICIAL REVIEW
happened to DAP. What the president did was to impound
the funds of certain departments and considered them 1. There must be an actual case or controversy;
savings even before the end of the fiscal year. 2. The question must be raised by the proper party;
3. It must be raised at the earliest possible opportunity;
Thereafter, he disbursed the funds for purposes that were 4. The issue is the lis mota of the case.
not mentioned in the General Appropriation. In other words,
it was not included even in the budget thereby, Supreme And this does not only involve the determination of whether
Court was saying that there is a violation of separation of the act was contrary to the constitution, because even if the
powers, not to mention the fact that he violated the act is allowed by the constitution, however it was acted with
Constitution because the funds that were appropriated grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
exclusively for the executive department, he transferred it jurisdiction, still that is subject to judicial review. That is
to the legislative department and even to the Commission on provided under the 1973 constitution which we adopted
Audit which is outside of its authority because if there should under the 1987 constitution. Meaning, questions even that
be transfer of funds, suffice the budget is concerned, it are political in nature can be reviewed by the Supreme court
should be within. And if there should be a transfer of funds if only to determine whether there has been grave abuse of
from one item to another, it should be with authority of the discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
president or the head of congress if it were the budget of
Congress or the Chief Justice, if it were the budget of the Read the case of Marcos vs. Manglapus in relation to the
judiciary. separation of powers.

So when you are confronted with a case like this in the bar NON-DELEGATION OF POWERS
exams, you consider, is this a power that the constitution
wanted checked by the other two branches? As a general rule, the powers should not be delegated
because what has been delegated cannot in turn be
Because if that is the case, there cannot be an interference. delegated.
So what happened next is that the President is saying that it
is unconstitutional, that the Supreme Court is now interfering Who in the first place originally delegated the powers to
with the authority of the president to disburse public funds Congress?
and under the principle of separation of powers, that should It is the people by electing them to exercise legislative power.
not have been done by the supreme court in the guise of That cannot in turn be delegated to another delegate. That is
judicial review. His term even was over-reaching powers of the principle.
the supreme court by way of judicial review.
Although you have to master the exceptions which we call
Take note however that no less than the constitution as PERMISSIBLE DELEGATION OF LEGISLATIVE
provides for judicial review. POWERS to
the President (Art. VI, Secs. 23 and 28);
Somebody challenged the constitutionality of the act of the the administrative bodies;
president in relation to DAP, it was not the Supreme court on local government units; and
its own who questioned the same because if the Supreme the people.
court did that then definitely there will be a violation of the
separation of powers because supposedly this are 1. So you have mentioned under the President, Section 23
prerogatives of two independent branches that is Congress and 28 of Article 6.
and the President. The latter is only saying that the congress
did not even complain if it were the function of Congress that 2. To the administrative bodies, since time immemorial, they
was allegedly usurped. had been promulgating rules and regulations to implement
the law as long as the law delegating the power to
Question: Why is the supreme court interfering? administrative bodies is complete in itself and there is
sufficient standard provide for the guidelines under which the
Answer: Because that is the function of the Supreme law can be enforced.
Court, to review the acts of the two other branches of
government, whether or not they are consistent with the


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
3. And then the delegation to the lgu, the only limitation question the constitutionality of the cash transfer because
there is that they cannot in the guise of promoting the the one implementing it is the DSWD.
general welfare under the general welfare clause allow an
activity that is prohibited under existing laws. They may only What pimental wants is for lgu to ensure their local
regulate. autonomy to implement because they are in a better position
to know who are their constituents and the economic status
Take note of the 2 terms: regulation and prohibition. What of these constituents. So they are saying that by delegating
cannot be done by lgus as against national laws is prohibit the exercise of the power to dswd to implement in effect
but they may be allowed to regulate the activity that is violates local autonomy. So sc said that (this came out
allowed under existing laws. twice in the bar exam) the law is not unconstitutional
because while it is true that there is local autonomy, the
4. With regards to the exercise of the power by the people. national government is never barred from passing a law
which would benefit directly the constituents. And since it is
There are 2 ways: initiative and referendum. their program, it is proper for national agency to implement it.
So there is no interference nor violation of the local
Initiative when people are the authors of law, either statute autonomy. While it is encouraged, it is now a prerogative of
or local legislation. How many votes do you need? natl govt to implement its own program even if the
beneficiaries are those constituents of the lgu.
12% Let us go now to Section 2 of article 2 Philippine
renounces war as an instrument of national policy, accepts
If it is a proposal TO PASS A STATUTE 12% of the total the principles of international law as part of the law of the
registered voters nationwide with each legislative district, land and adheres to the policy of equality, justice, peace,
represented by at least 3% of its registered voters. freedom with all nations.

Then you have autonomous region, regional assembly, s. Let us take up firs the renunciation of war what it
panlalawigan, s. panglungsod, s. bayan, s. barangay renounces is aggressive and not defensive war. In relation to
where in those proposed may be adopted or rejected by that, who DECLARES WAR? It is the President being the
them in a referendum. There is local legislation also of commander in chief of afp. Who however declares the
Autonomous region 2000
Province 1000 Question: Who declares the existence of a state of
Huc 500 war?
City 100 Answer: It is congress. You need 2/3 votes of the
Municipality 100 members of all. Joint session voting separately.
Barangay 50
For those, go over RA 9765.
Question: Can the president declare war without the
What we emphasized in so far as lgu, it does not include determination of the existence of state of war?
MMDA. MMDA is not a political subdivision but an Answer: Yes, it would be ridiculous to wait for
administrative body in the delivery of basic services Congress.
including traffic management, solid waste management. So
mmda may only exercise the power to implement rules NOTE: Only difference is if there is no declaration of
provided there are rules allowing them to promulgate rules existence of state of war, president cannot exercise
on traffic management, solid waste management, otherwise, emergency power in the prosecution of the war meaning he
authority from the law or from the lgus comprising the mmda, cannot disburse public funds for that purpose. Otherwise
mmda cannot make its own laws because it is not a political there is no bar for the president to exercise the power.
The most important of Sec. 2 is the second statement which
Another point also with regards to lgu, the emphasize on states that we adopt the generally accepted principles of
local autonomy. What they enjoy is local autonomy. And internatiol law as part of the law of the land otherwise known
when we speak of local autonomy, it is not a transfer of as the Incorporation Clause.
power from national to local because the system is unitary. It
is merely a transfer of administration. Two ways of adopting generally accepted principles of
international law as part of the law of our land
Thus, in the case involving the conditional cash transfer, 1. Incorporation
pantawid sa pamilya or whatever it is, there was a question - Court applies the generally accepted principles of
on the constitutionality of that law because Pimentel who is international law automatically for as long as
the father of the local autonomy he was the sponsor of lgu, these are generally accepted.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
2. Transformation
- International law still has to be transformed into a But as far as international law is concerned, we are bound by
statute so you pass a law expressly adopting it according to the principle of Pacta Sum Servanda.
international law as if it is an ordinary statute
unlike in incorporation which does not need a You are expected to comply when you enter into such kind of
law, it is automatic. that treaty in good faith, you are assumed to sign it in good
faith therefore you must commit yourself to what you have
What we follow is the Incorporation clause. signed and the president being the representative of the
sovereign state is presumed to have entered into the treaty
Question: What is then the sources of these in good faith therefore the republic is bound by it.
international law as part of the legal system?
Answer: Treaties duly ratified. Locally, because the constitution says that not only that it
has the ratification of the president, it must be concurred by
Question: When does a treaty bind the republic? Who 2/3 vote of Senate and therefore under the incorporation
ratifies the treaties? clause, to bind us and to adopt the international law as part
Answer: Ratification is the sole prerogative of the of our legal system, it must be a ratified treaty. Otherwise
president (Jesus v Ermita). you follow the generally accepted principle of international
law which is Pacta Sunt Servanda.It must be a ratified treaty.
Question: Who concurs?
Answer: The Senate by 2/3 votes. Even if the Senate Otherwise, you follow the general principle of international
concurs but the president does not ratify it, it does not bind law such as pacta sunt servanda which is a generally
the republic. accepted principle of international law. So you apply pacta
sunt servanda as if its a local statute. In which case, you
In the Statute of Rome you recall that the creation of apply the statute of Rome as if it is duly ratified by the
the International Criminal Court of Justice that treaty or President.
convention, covenant to creat the ICJ was signed by Estrada Second source: of international law that is automatically
during the negotiation. incorporated as part of the legal system

What happened next? Arroyo when she became the These are norms of general or customary laws. The principle
president did not submit that statute to the Senate for of extraterritoriality which means non-suability of diplomatic
concurrence, so what did Pimentel do? He went to the SC representative or heads of state, principle of pacta sunt
and asked to issue a mandamus to order Arroyo to submit servanda. We recognize them as automatically part of our
the statute of Rome to the Senate for review and legal system
concurrence. What happened? SC dismissed the case on
the ground that under the principle of separation of powers, Question: How do you consider therefore an act as
the SC cannot compel the president to ratify a treaty or customary law?
submit a treaty for concurrence and review of the Answer: Mijares et al vs. Javier April 12, 2005.
Senate as it is a sole prerogative of the president.
Recognition of foreign judgment. A judgment was rendered
The SC declared that even if the Senate concurred by the courts of Hawaii. There was an award of money but it
assuming that it was submitted to the Senate, if the was a hollow victory if it cannot be enforced. The money of
president does not ratify the treaty, it does not bind the the Marcoses are in the Philippines so they need a writ of
republic. execution to implement the judgment of the court. Should it
be recognized by the Philippines courts so that the writ of
So the process is: execution would be issued to enforce that judgment? There
is no treaty between us and the US in so far as recognizing
1. there has to be negotiation, each others judgments of our courts. We dont have any
2. the president thereafter submits to the senate, agreement but it is customary in international law to
3. senate reviews then if they agree and concur, recognize foreign judgments. So in this case, SC said there
4. they return it to the DFA for the president to ratify. is no obligatory rule derived from treaties or conventions that
i. So if the president does not ratify the treaty requires the Philippines to recognize foreign judgments or
then as a rule it does not bind or allow a procedure for the enforcement thereof. However,
ii. even if the president has ratified it but it was generally accepted principles of international law by virtue of
concurred by 2/3 votes of the members of the incorporation clause of the constitution, form part of the laws
senate, it does not bind the republic as well. of the land even if they do not derive from treaty obligations.
The classical formulation in international law sees those
So assuming that it was signed by Arroyo but not concurred customary rules accepted as binding resulting from the
by 2/3, are we subject to the jurisdiction of ICJ? As far as our combination of two elements:
Constitution is concerned and our SC, it does not bind the
republic without the concurrence of the 2/3 votes of Senate.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Two requirements must be established to consider a In the case of Jalandoni case vs. a Japanese soldier.
practice as customary law which is part of the generally He questioned the jurisdiction of the Military Commission
accepted principles of international law. Therefore, saying that you are not a signatory to the Kelogg-Briand Pact.
automatically incorporated as part of the legal system: SC said otherwise. The Kelogg-Briand Pact became a
1. There has to be an established, widespread, and Customary International Law and under the Doctrine of
consistent practice on the part of the states Incorporation, it is treated AUTOMATICALLY as a Domestic
2. There has to be a psychological element known as Law and can be automatically applied in the PH as if it is a
opinion as to the law or necessity. In the latter statute.
element is belief that practice and question is render
obligatory by the existence of the rule of law Read the Case of Kuroda vs. Jalandoni or Mijo vs.
requiring it. So they are bound to follow. Because Director of Prisons.
somehow there is a non-written rule that they must
comply with that practice. Otherwise,if you are Those are the 3 sources of international law that may
based on the same situation, you might not be automatically be considered as part of the legal system.
accorded the same privilege. Again:
1. Treaties that are to be ratified
A good example of that is the case of Pharmaceutical and 2. Norms of General/Customary International Laws
Health care association of the Phils vs. Duke 3. Treaties that have become Customary International
This has something to do with milk products wherein you
have to place there breast milk is still the best milk in the Next Problem: When there is a conflict between the
world or in the universe. The companies producing these treaty/international law vs. Statute.
powdered and liquid milk are rather confused because they 1. If it's a treaty vs. Constitution, Constitution will always
are trying to promote their products. Actually, there was a prevail because of the supremacy of the Constitution.
pending bill at that time in the Congress, but in the meantime
while it was still pending, Duke who was the Secretary of 2. If statute vs. treaty,
Healthy, already then passed the mandate that all these a) generally OUR COURTS will always uphold the
products must put on the cartons or bottles that statement statute. In the first place, the courts are created by
that breast milk is still the best milk. What was his basis for statutes!
that? There is an international law relating to that in the UN. I b) But if the conflict is to be decided BY A COURT
think it was WHO. It has become a customary international OTHER THAN OURS, you consider WHICH one
law. SC said in this case that customary international law is was FIRST PASSED or ENTERED INTO.
deemed incorporated in our domestic system. A mere
constitution or declaration, an International law is deemed to ex. PH vs. China on the dispute of the sea. Which will prevail,
have the force of domestic law. So even if that bill was still UNCLOS or RA 9522/Our Constitution. If it's decided by our
pending, there was an international law which was courts, our Constitution or RA 9522 will always prevail. But if
customary which was used as basis. it's decided by China, Taiwan, or ITLOS, then you consider
What else can be the source of generally accepted principles
of international law? Why do we do this? Because a statute and an international
law has the same status and using statutory construction, a
Treaties which have become part of customary laws. latter law will usually prevail over a former law. The treaty is
considered as an amendment to the statute or repealed the
In other words, we may not be a signatory to a treaty or a latter statute.
covenant. However, the treaty itself or the covenant has
become a customary law and as such, it is automatically Case: Ichong vs. Hernandez-
adopted as part of our legal system.
In this case, we entered into a treaty with China. It was
Do you remember that Kelogg-Briand Pact Allowing or agreed that whatever rights afforded to Filipino Citizens will
authorizing to establish a military commission in order to also be granted to the Chinese. If a Filipino can engage in a
prosecute the criminals of war at that time. The Philippines business, the Chinese can also do so. Subsequently, the
was never a signatory to that pact. But that treaty became a Retail Trade Act was passed, prohibiting the foreigners,
customary law especially the Chinese to engage in RETAIL TRADE. This
was questioned by Ichong because that will violate the treaty.
So that even you are not a signatory to it, that law becomes How was it resolved?
a part of the legal system that justified the creation of the
military commission here in the Philippines to prosecute the 1. It was decided by our courts so naturally it upheld the
Japanese soldiers that were involved in the atrocities in our Retail Trade Act.
country. 2. However, more importantly, SC said that it was passed
subsequently to a treaty and therefore, it was an amendment
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
to the former treaty. (remember for PIL) effectively command, control and discipline of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Secretary of Justice vs. Lantion favorite in the Bar Exam.
"The doctrine of incorporation, as applied in most countries, Who stands to maintain the peace and order? The PNP.
decrees that rules of international law are given equal Take note:
standing with, but are not superior to, national legislative 1. Chavez vs. Romulo on the maintenance of peace
enactments. Accordingly, the principle lex posterior and order bearing of firearms. Is it a constitutional
derogat priori takes effect a treaty may repeal a statute right? Is it a property right? NO! Neither a property
and a statute may repeal a treaty. In states where the nor a constitutional right subject to the protection of
constitution is the highest law of the land, such as the due process of law. It is one privilege granted by the
Republic of the Philippines, both statutes and treaties may state and which can be revoked by the state anytime.
be invalidated if they are in conflict with the constitution" In the case of Chavez, in the protection of the
people against violence are constitutional duty of the
state and to bear firearms is to be construed in
SUPREMACY OF THE CIVILIAN AUTHORITY OVER THE connection and in harmony with these constitutional

What is this? What are its manifestations? 2. Gamboa vs. Chan, - maintenance of private
1. President as the Commander-in-Chief armies is prohibited. The constitution explicitly
2. The congress appropriating funds for the military mandates the dismantling of private armies and
3. The military are subject to court marshalls, whose other armed groups not recognized by the duly
decisions are subject to the review of the President, constituted authority. It also provides for the
being the Commander-in-Chief. establishment of a police force that is national in
scope, civilian in character, and is controlled and
BAR- Who are required to swear, uphold and defend administered by the national police commission.
the constitution which is the fundamental law of the civil
Answer: Members of the Armed Forces of the Take note of the exceptions of the separation of the church
Philippines. Sec 5 Paragraph 1 Article 16 of the Philippine and the state.
Constitution. How is this reinforced?
1. The freedom of religion clause as long as there
Compulsory Military and Civil Service - for the protection of is no clear and present danger of any substantive
the people and the state. It is the primed of duty of the evil that will happen if allowed to freely enjoy the
government to serve and protect the people. The freedom of religion then by all means you are
government may call upon the people to defend the state allowed to freely exercise what you believe in. What
and in the fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, we consider now is benevolent neutrality
under conditions provided by law to render personal, military accommodation, thats the principle. Benevolent
and civil service. In other words, our members of the AFP neutrality accommodation, for as long as there is no
consist of the citizens of the Philippines. compelling state interest involved. The bottomline is
that there is no clear and present danger of any
Take note of the following cases: substantive evil to occur if allowed to freely exercise
1. IBP vs. Zamora the calling of the marines to ones freedom of religion.
constitute permissible use of military assets for 2. None establishment of Religion clause the state
civilian enforcement. Theres no violation in there of has no religion and therefore the state must remain
supremacy of civilian authority. neutral. Must not be hostile to religion and neither
the state must advance any religion. We have no
2. Gudani vs. Senga August 15, 2006 with religious test clause. Religion is not a qualification in
respect to the requirement where the order for one to exercise ones civil or political right.
commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the There is also the prohibition against sectoral
Philippines prohibits the members of the military to representative from a religious sector, cannot be
appear in a legislative inquiry has nothing to do with accredited in the party-list system. There is the
the executive privilege but something to do with the prohibition against appropriation for sectarian
supremacy of the civilian authority. First follow the benefits to support the church, or its minister or
order of the Commander-in-chief who is the highest priest. That is prohibited. None registration of
civilian authority. religious denomination and sect as political parties.
3. Gonzalez, et. al vs. Abaya with regards to the
review of the decisions of the Court Martial. Court Exceptions to the separation of powers
martials are instrumentalities of the executive to You have to take note in the bar.
enable the president as the commander in chief to
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
1. Exemption from property tax - as far as churches, marked antipathy in the Constitution towards foreign military
parsonages actually, directly and exclusively used presence in the country or foreign influence in general.
for religious, charitable and educational purposes
will be exempt from property taxation. This is the case of Lim vs. Executive Secretary, April 11,
2. Prohibition against appropriation for sectarian 2002.
purposes EXCEPT when the priest is assigned to
the Armed Forces or to the penal institution or to This was still VFA. The VFA was concurred by the Senate.
government orphanage or leprosarium. (memorized Now they demand that the EDCA, which is a supplement if
them) not an amendment to the VFA, must also be submitted to the
3. Optional Religious instruction for public Senate according to Senator Santiago for concurrence
elementary and high school students as long as because of this general principle that the Constitution
there is a written consent from the parents or prohibits the presence of foreign personnel or troops in the
guardian, it is done within schools hours and without country. Thats why their exercise is in the Philippines not
any additional cost to the government and the to engage in any kind of war exercises like their
teacher has to be accredited by the religious group. non-involvement with our disputes over the South China
4. Filipino ownership requirement for education seas. This is important if youre asked for a constitutional
institution EXCEPT those established by religious basis.
groups and mission boards. Remember, who can
own an educational institution? Only a Filipino Q: Are we against nuclear weapons?
Citizen or a qualified Filipino Corporation unless it is A: As a rule, we adopt a policy of freedom from nuclear
established by a religious group or a mission board. weapons in our territory. They are all using nuclear weapons
already but we are still using canon balls. Thats crazy. Take
Finally, Filipino ownership requirement for educational note of the statement consistent with national interest. So
institutions except those religious groups and mission later if national interest requires that we have to adopt
groups. nuclear weapons, why not? We are not, however, prohibiting
the use of nuclear power plants. But the one in Bataan was
Q: Who can own an educational institution? never operational from the start. We have been paying for
A: Only a Filipino citizen or a qualified Filipino corporation that until now. Do you know that weve borrowed money for
unless it is established by a religious group or mission board. that during the Marcos regime and until now, you are paying
for it. And its not operational in fact. But is it prohibited if
Now, other cases that you have to take note of is the case of eventually it will be operated and well use the power? Of
Estrada vs. Escritor (A.M. No. P-02-1651 course not. By the way, this is just a general principle so its
June 22, 2006) not self-executing unless there is a law passed to execute
This is on religion as basis for morality. Under the the same.
indubitable benevolent neutrality accommodation, whether
mandatory or permissive, is the spirit, intent and framework RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND DIGNITY FOR THE
underlying the Philippine Constitution. Benevolent neutrality HUMAN PERSON
should allow for accommodation of morality based on
religion provided it does not offend compelling state interest. Article II Section 11. The State values the dignity of
every human person and guarantees full respect for
Take note also of the case of Islamic Dawah Council vs. human rights.
Office of the Executive Secretary (G.R. No. 153888 July 9, *Well discuss more on this when we reach the topic
2003) regarding on the halal. on the Commission on Human Rights.

The classification of halal cannot be done by government RIGHT TO A HEALTHFUL AND BALANCED ECOLOGY
because that is based on the Koran, which is exclusive to the
religion of the Muslims. The State should not interfere then. Article II Section 16. The State shall protect and advance
the right of the people to a balanced and healthful
INDEPENDENT FOREIGN POLICY AND FREEDOM ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of

Article II Section 7. The State shall pursue an

independent foreign policy. In its relations with other This is a public right and take note, this is self-executing.
states, the paramount consideration shall be national
sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interest, and The Supreme Court said in the case of Province of Rizal
the right to self-determination. vs. Executive Secretary and also in the case of Oposa vs.
This one is important because of the Enhanced Defense
Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). The rule is that there is a that just because this right is stated under Article II, does not
make it less important than the Bill of Rights. And the SC
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
was even saying that it is self-executing thus it does not Who knows the political dynasty law might be passed by the
enabling law in order to enforce it. time you take the Bar Exam
We expounded on this matter in the landmark case of Take note of the case of TAMADO vs COMELEC,
Oposa v. Factoran where we held that the right to a
balanced and healthful ecology is a fundamental legal right where SC held that the provision does not bestow a right to
that carries with it the correlative duty to refrain from seek the presidency. It does not contain a judiciable
impairing the environment. This right implies, among other enforceable right but rather a mere guideline for legislative
things, the judicious management and conservation of the action. It is not intended to compel the state to make positive
countrys resources, which duty is reposed in the DENR. measures that would accommodate many into public office.
(Province of Rizal vs. Executive Secretary G.R. No.
129546 December 13, 2005). Maam: when running for the presidency, it does not mean
everyone is qualified just because there is this provision of
Generally, the provisions of Article II of the 1987 Constitution equal access to public service. Precisely without the
do not confer rights. They are merely declarations of qualifications it would only add to the confusion because so
principles and policies. However, the right to a healthful and many people would run after the position. Do you
balanced ecology enunciated under Article II Section 16 understand?
gives the right to a cause of action that may be enforced by
any citizen. (Oposa vs. Factoran G.R. No. 101083 July 30, And then theres HONESTY AND INTEGRITY IN PUBLIC
1993) SERVICE.

No need of an enabling law. It is self-executing, in other Take note of the statement of assets and liabilities because
words. this was the cause of removal of the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court. He failed to publicly disclose his SALN.
JUNE 19, 2015
Article II Section 25. The State shall ensure the
autonomy of local governments. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT

Take note of the Bangsamoro Basic Law. Put many stars on Legislative Power -
local autonomy. may be exercised by the Congress or by the people

Original Legislative Power -

Remember the case of Basco vs. PAGCOR (G.R. No. power of congress to pass, enact, modify, repeal laws
91649 May 14, 1991)
Constituent Power -
Supreme Court said power to propose amendments or revisions to the
The power of local government to "impose taxes and fees" is constitution
always subject to "limitations" which Congress may provide
by law xxx Besides, the principle of local autonomy under Derivative Power -
the 1987 Constitution simply means "decentralization." It power that is exercise by reason of the delegation of
does not make local governments sovereign within the state power to them by the people
or an "imperium in imperio." xxx What is settled is that the
matter of regulating, taxing or otherwise dealing with
gambling is a State concern and hence, it is the sole
prerogative of the State to retain it or delegate it to local Question: Where the power is vested?
Answer: Congress, which is bicameral and to the
extent reserved to the people through the process of
Another case: The Province of North Cotabato vs. GRP initiative and referendum.
Peace Panel (G.R. No. 183591, October 14, 2008)
BAR: What is the difference between bicameral and
The Constitution does not contemplate any state in this unicameral and the advantages and disadvantages of each
jurisdiction other than the Philippine State, much less does it (Note: this had been asked in the bar. This is not
provide for a transitory status that aims to prepare any part discussed though).
of Philippine territory for independence. A bicameral system requires both chambers to cast a
majority vote to pass a law, while a unicameral system
EQUAL ACCESS TO OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC decides, as one body, whether to approve or reject a
SERVICE. proposed bill.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
COMPOSITION OF CONGRESS wherein the SC said that the application of 250,000
minimum population requirement for cities is only to its initial
1. Senate legislative district. It does have to increase its population by
another 250,000 to be entitled to additional legislative
In so far as the Senate, it is composed of 24 senators district.
chosen at large. Number is limited to 24 senators. It cannot
be increased by ordinary legislation. It would require For exaample, the City of LapuLapu, it has now been
amendment to the constitution to increase or decrease the considered as 1 legislative district, any chance of increasing
membership in the senate. What may be changed by law is its legislative district? The answer is yes. It dont need to get
only the matter of electing the members of the senate. another 250,000 in order to establish another legislative
2. Representative
Similarly to the province, regardless of its population, it is
In so far as the representative is concern, we have initially entitled to 1 legislative district and it can increase its
250 and now we have even more than 250 because of the legislative district regardless of the population as long as it is
creation of legislative district(s) coming from the different a province.
province or cities.
Take note of Aldave case vs. COMELEC
Take Note: The membership in the house of representatives
may be changed by ordinary legislation. Because the There was a creation of legislative district based on a
apportionment of legislative districts is a function of congress. projected population of Malolos as a city. SC was saying that
Always remember that in so far as the apportionment of that was a void law because its contrary to the provision of
legislative district, it is a legislative function. the Constitution in so far as the requirement of 250,000.

2 KINDS OF MEMBERSHIP IN THE HOR It should be based on actual population. The increase if
there is any assuming that it started with a projected
1. Legislative Districts population, the increase to 250, 000 is entitled to have a
legislative district only in the immediately preceding election
They may consist of cities or provinces. In order to after the attainment of 250, 000 population.
considered as legislative district always remember, in so far
as the province is concern, regardless of population, it is So you have to wait until after an election where you can
entitled of 1 legislative representative. In so far as the cities establish that indeed it has a population of 250, 000 in order
are concern, it should have a population of at least 250,000. to entitle it to a legislative district. And this is based on a
survey that they hold every 3 years after an election.
Case in point: Aquino vs COMELEC dated April 7, 2010.
A city that has attained a population of 250, 000 is entitled to
Issue: Constitutionality of RA 91276 on the creation of a legislative district only in the immediately following
district by dividing the district of the province of Camarines election.
Sur dividing into 2 districts, 1st and 2nd districts. What they
are saying is that there is a need to have a population of no As the population increases, there will be a corresponding
less than 250,000. WON the population of 250,000 is an increase also in the legislative districts. This depends on
indispensable constitutional requirement for the creation of a sometimes also the creation of provinces because
new legislative district in a province. regardless of population, a province is entitled to at least one
legislative district representative.
No. Sec. 5 par. 3 of Article 6 of the Constitution provides So how do you establish a province? Based on the LGC,
each city with population of at least 250,000 , or each you take note of the:
province, shall have at least 1 representative. Take note
there is a comma to distinguish the requirement for the 1. Population
population between a city and a province. A city requires 2. Area requirement
250,000 population before it can be considered as a GR: contiguous, no less than 20, 000 km
legislative district whereas a province does not require such. EXC: (in relation to the creation of legislative
That requirement of population in a city is only an initial district) If the province consist of island
requirement which means that it can be increased provided
in the beginning it has a population of 250,000. Like the Dinagat Island, it does not actually comply
with the area requirement but because its self
sustaining, its creation as a province as sustained
Take note of the case of Mariano vs COMELEC as to its constitutionality and thus they have one
legislative district there


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
3. Income requirement not less than 200M 1. Three different groups may participate in the
party-list system: (1) national parties or
Again, who will create a legislative district? organizations, (2)regional parties or organizations,
and (3) sectoral parties or organizations.
Case: Sema vs COMELEC
2. National parties or organizations and regional
In this case, it was the regional assemblies that created parties or organizations do not need to organize along
cities. As consequence of which they established a sectoral lines and do not need to represent any
legislative district and there was a question on its marginalized and underrepresented sector.
constitutionality. Can it be delegated to a regional assembly
of the autonomous region of Muslim Mindanao? SC said that 3. Political parties can participate in party-list elections
congress cannot validly delegate to the ARMM regional provided they register under the party-list system and
assembly the power to creative legislative districts. The do not field candidates in legislative district elections. A
power to increase the allowable membership of the house of political party, whether major or not, that fields
representative and to reapportion legislative district is vested candidates in legislative district elections can
exclusively in congress. participate in party-list elections only through its
sectoral wing that can separately register under the
2. Party List System party-list system. The sectoral wing is by itself an
independent sectoral party, and is linked to a political
Now we go on the other kind of the members in the house of party through a coalition.
representative: THE PARTYLIST
4. Sectoral parties or organizations may either be
There has been a change in the concept, actually its there marginalized and underrepresented or lacking in
but our understanding of it, we thought it is limited to sectoral well-defined political constituencies. It is enough that
representation until Atung Paglaum Inc. vs the their principal advocacy pertains to the special interest
COMELEC2, the principle there was enunciated by the and concerns of their sector. The sectors that are
supreme court. marginalized and underrepresented include labor,
peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
This case partially abandoned the rulings in Ang communities, handicapped, veterans, and overseas
Bagong Bayani vs COMELEC and BANAT vs workers. The sectors that lack well-defined political
COMELEC. constituencies include professionals, the elderly,
women, and the youth.
Atong Paglaum, Inc. and 51 other parties were
disqualified by the Commission on Elections in the May 5. A majority of the members of sectoral parties or
2013 party-list elections for various reasons but organizations that represent the marginalized and
primarily for not being qualified as representatives for underrepresented must belong to the marginalized
marginalized or underrepresented sectors. and underrepresented sector they represent. Similarly,
a majority of the members of sectoral parties or
Atong Paglaum et al then filed a petition for certiorari organizations that lack well-defined political
against COMELEC alleging grave abuse of discretion constituencies must belong to the sector they
on the part of COMELEC in disqualifying them. represent. The nominees of sectoral parties or
organizations that represent the marginalized and
ISSUE: Whether or not the COMELEC committed underrepresented, or that represent those who lack
grave abuse of discretion in disqualifying the said well-defined political constituencies, either must
party-lists. belong to their respective sectors, or must have a track
record of advocacy for their respective sectors. The
HELD: No. The COMELEC merely followed the nominees of national and regional parties or
guidelines set in the cases of Ang Bagong Bayani and organizations must be bona-fide members of such
BANAT. However, the Supreme Court remanded the parties or organizations.
cases back to the COMELEC as the Supreme Court
now provides for new guidelines which abandoned 6. National, regional, and sectoral parties or
some principles established in the two aforestated organizations shall not be disqualified if some of their
cases. The new guidelines are as follows: nominees are disqualified, provided that they have at
least one nominee who remains qualified.
I. Parameters. In qualifying party-lists, the COMELEC
must use the following parameters: II. In the BANAT case, major political parties are
disallowed, as has always been the practice, from
participating in the party-list elections. But, since theres
uberdigest really no constitutional prohibition nor a statutory
prohibition, major political parties can now participate in
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
the party-list system provided that they do so
through their bona fide sectoral wing (see parameter You will recall then we have the 1987 Constitution, first
3 above). consecutive terms of office of the congress especially the
house of reps, we had 20% allocation for sectoral
Allowing major political parties to participate, albeit representation. They were chosen or appointed by the
indirectly, in the party-list elections will encourage them president subject to approval of the commission of
to work assiduously in extending their constituencies to appointments, they were appointed from the different sectors
the marginalized and underrepresented and to those of society. After that, RA 7941 was passed providing for the
who lack well-defined political constituencies. manner of representation coming from the different sectors
of the society or coming from the partylist organization. So
Ultimately, the Supreme Court gave weight to the you have the partylist system that was established pursuant
deliberations of the Constitutional Commission when to RA 7941.
they were drafting the party-list system provision of the
Constitution. The Commissioners deliberated that it Under RA 7941, what is our representation there?
was their intention to include all parties into the I want you to read the following relevant cases:
party-list elections in order to develop a political system 1. veterans vs COMELEC
which is pluralistic and multiparty. (In the BANAT case, 2. banat vs COMELEC
Justice Puno emphasized that the will of the people 3. Atung Paglaum Inc. et al vs COMELEC, April 2, 2013
should defeat the intent of the framers; and that the
intent of the people, in ratifying the 1987 Constitution, is Case: Atung Paglaum Inc. et al vs COMELEC
that the party-list system should be reserved for the
marginalized sectors.) In this case, you take note that the purpose of partylist is
supposedly to democratized political power by giving political
III. The Supreme Court also emphasized that the parties that cannot win in a legislative district elections a
party-list system is NOT RESERVED for the chance to win seats in the house of representative. They
marginalized and underrepresented or for parties who composed of 20% of the total membership of the house of
lack well-defined political constituencies. It is also for representative.
national or regional parties. It is also for small
ideology-based and cause-oriented parties who lack So a voter elects 2 representatives in the house of reps, one
well-defined political constituencies. The common is for legislative district, another one is for partylist group or
denominator however is that all of them cannot, they do organization. This partylist system however is not
not have the machinery unlike major political parties, synonymous to that of a sectoral representation. That was
to field or sponsor candidates in the legislative districts our previous understanding of the partylist representation.
but they can acquire the needed votes in a national The SC was saying that the framers of the constitution of
election system like the party-list system of elections. 1987 include partylist system both sectoral and non-sectoral
parties, this is clearly written in sec 5 par 1 art 6 where it
If the party-list system is only reserved for marginalized provides: there shall be a partylist system of registered
representation, then the system itself unduly excludes national, regional and sectoral parties or organizations. So it
other cause-oriented groups from running for a seat in was never the intention of the constitution to make the
the lower house. partylist system exclusive in sectoral. What the framers
intended and what they expressly wrote in section 5 par 1
As explained by the Supreme Court, party-list cannot be any clearer that the partylist system is composed
representation should not be understood to include only of three different groups and the sectoral party is only one of
labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous the three groups. It leaves no room that national and
cultural communities, handicapped, veterans, overseas regional parties are separate from sectoral parties.
workers, and other sectors that by their nature are
economically at the margins of society. It should be Take Note: the party list system now is composed of three
noted that Section 5 of Republic Act 7941 includes, different groups:
among others, in its provision for sectoral
representation groups of professionals, which are not 1. National Parties Or Organizations
per se economically marginalized but are still qualified 2. Regional Parties Or Organizations
as marginalized, underrepresented, and do not have 3. Sectoral Parties Or Organizations
well-defined political constituencies as they are
ideologically marginalized. National and regional are different from sectoral
organizations so they dont need to be organized along
Question: What is this Partylist system? sectoral lines and need not represent any sectoral
organizations. They could be based on cause-oriented
This was established pursuant to the mandate of the organization or by ideology.
constitution having a representation coming from the
different sectors of society. If it is a sectoral organization, they must strictly represent
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
the marginalized and underrepresented sector of the society. members of the LGBT community by reason their sexual
orientation and gender identity. They are politically
RA 7941 defines the party as: either political party or powerless, thus qualified to be a member of the party-list
sectoral party group.

Political party - Question: Who is going to represent the sectoral

is an organized group of citizens advocating organization?
idealogoy or platform principles for the general conduct Answer:
of government. - He must not be a peasant himself to be a nominee
for the party list. As long as e has a track record of
Sectoral party- advocacy for the sector he is representing, he
organized group of citizens which belong to any of qualifies.
the sectors enumerated in section 5 thereof whose - Elderly woman and youth need not be marginalized.
principal advocacy pertains to the special interest or It is enough that they have Well-defined political
concerns of their sector constituencies to sit in the house of representatives
Includes: and be part of the party-list system.
-peasant Guidelines established in ATUM PAGLAUM
-fisherfolk INCORPORATED in representation of party-list system:
-urban poor
-indigenous cultural communities 1. National parties or organizations, regional parties or
-elderly organizations, sectoral parties or organization may
-handicapped participate in the party-list system
-women 2. National parties or organizations, regional parties or
-veterans organizations do not need to organized along
-overseas workers sectoral lines and do not need to represent any
-professionals marginalized and underrepresented sector.
3. Political parties can participate in the party-list,
Under Section 5: not necessarily marginalized and provided that they register under the party-list
underrepresented because professionals are not, by system AND they do not field candidates in
definition, marginalized and underrepresented. Not even the legislative elections they can only be represented
elderly, women, and youth. But they may lack well-defined by the sectoral wing of their political party.
political constituencies so they may organize among
themselves under the sectoral representation as long as A political party whether major or not that fields candidates
they have an advocacy for special interest and concerns of legislative candidates in the legislative district elections can
their respective sectors. participate in a party list elections through a sectoral wing
that can separately register under the party list system.
Marginalized and underrepresented for purposes of Liberal Party for example or kabataan only representing the
accreditation: it may refer only to sectors in section 5 that youth sector
are by nature, economically marginalized and
underrepresented. These are labor, peasant, fisher folks, The sector wing is by itself an independent sectoral party
urban poor, indigenous cultural communities, handicapped, and is linked to a political party through a coalition
veterans, overseas workers, and other similar sectors.
Majority of the members must belong to the marginalized or A sectoral party or organization may either be:
underrepresented sector or must have a track record of 1. marginalized and underrepresented or;
advocacy for the sector represented. 2. lacking well defined political constituencies

CASE: Ang Ladlad LGBT vs COMELEC It is enough that their principal advocacy pertains to the
special interest and concerns of their sector. They need not
- Requirements to be considered as marginalized and be underrepresented or marginalized.
underrepresented sector:
1. It must demonstrate subordination or past Example: Gabriela need not underrepresented or
discrimination suffered by the group marginalized. most of the members are professionals.
2. An immutable characteristic, attribute, or experience
that define them as discrete group and The sectors that are marginalized and underrepresented
3. Present political or economic powerlessness include labor, peasants fisherfolk, urban poor indigenous
cultural communities veterans handicapped and overseas
SC: Ang Ladlad has been shown to be historically workers
disadvantaged and discriminated against because of
negative public perception and has alleged violence against
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
The sectors that lack well defined political constituencies
include professional elderly women and youth sector Answer: highest to lowest you have to get at least 2%
in order to get a guaranteed seat. assuming that there
number 5, A majority of the members of the sectoral parties at least 34 political groups or partylist organizations
or organization that represent the underrepresented and who obtained 2%
marginalized must belong to marginalized and
underrepresented they represent. Similarly the majority of if total allocation is 50, 50-34 how many seats to be filled up?
the members of sectoral parties or organization that lack well
defined political constituencies must belong to the sector there would only be 16 seats left
they represent.
number of votes you garnered divided by the total votes cast
The nominees either must belong the respective sector or for the party list system. so even if less that 2% imong votes
must have a track record for their respective sector but you still covered the 16 seats then you can get a seat in
the partylist. that is after you distribute the seats to those
Finally, national regional and sectoral parties or who got the 2%. but if you got more the 2% say 9%, what is
organizations shall not be disqualified if some of their the maximum seats that you can get?
nominees are disqualified provided that they have at least
one nominee that remains qualified 3 seats lang. again go back to the parameters again
proportionate representation based on the survey every after
3 years. in the legislative district na
Manner Of Representation - allocation of seats
20% of the total membership of Congress
if 250 total members then they should have 50 LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT
seats in the house of representatives
The number of members in Partylist System will depend on
As the legislative districts increase in number then there is the number of members in the House of Representative from
also corresponding increase in their representation because legislative districts.
theirs is 20%
should it be all filled up ang 20%? 1. The Congress,
In Banat which is the prevailing principle regarding the 2. Local legislative councils:
manner of representation a) Regional assembly,
b) Sanggunian Panlalawigan/ Panlunsod/ Bayan/
1. To get a guaranteed seat you should have obtain 2% of Pangbarangay
the vote cast for the party list system
what about the additional seat? a) initiative on statutes: RA 6735

it will be based on highest to lowest in the ranking in the 4. President exercising legislative powers
votes they have obtained: a) GR: No
b) Exc:
1.The parties, organizations, and coalitions shall be - Permissible delegation under Sec 23 & 28 of
ranked from the highest to the lowest based on the Article 6 Constitution
number of votes they garnered during the elections. - During martial law
- During revolution government ex. Time of
2. The parties, organizations, and coalitions receiving at Marcos and Cory Aquino
least two percent (2%) of the total votes cast for the
party-list system shall be entitled to one guaranteed LEGISLATIVE PRIVILEGES/ PARLIAMENTARY
seat each. IMMUNITIES

3. Those garnering sufficient number of votes, 1. FREEDOM FROM ARREST

according to the ranking in paragraph 1, shall be
entitled to additional seats in proportion to their total Even if he is not attending session, so long as the
number of votes until all the additional seats are Congress is in session, he cannot be arrested.
allocated. Limited only when the congressman is charged with
an offense which the imposable penalty is not more
4. Each party, organization, or coalition shall be entitled than 6 years of imprisonment.
to not more than three (3) seats.
Jalosjos case: he was detained and, convicted
Question: how is this being computed? and confirmed by the SC.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Trillanes case: he was not convicted yet, just 2 OFFICES THAT THEY ARE PROHIBITED FROM

They wanted to attend the session of Congress, 1. INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE

they asked that they be allowed to be escorted to
Congress. He is considered resigned once he accepted an
appointment in an office which is incompatible with him as a
Ruling: Remember that even if the Congress enjoy member of the Congress considering that we observe the
parliamentary immunities, these are exemptions separation of powers.
rather than general rule.
No member of the House of Representative who can
In Trillanes, the presumption of innocence does maintain an employment in the government or any
not necessarily carry with it the full enjoyment of civil subdivision or agency or instrumentalities including GOCC
and political rights. While he was not convicted yet, or its subsidiaries during his term without forfeiting his seat.
the fact is he is charged with capital offense which is
not bailable. Therefore he cannot demand rights If he accepts, he forfeits his office. Forfeiture is
similar to the rights belonging to person who is in automatic upon assumption of such office incompatible with
public at large, who is not detained. his seat in Congress.

The history of provisions granting the Ex. As Secretary of DILG, cannot remain as member of
Congressmen these immunities from arrest and Congress because there would be fusion of powers.
detention shows that the same is always been
granted in restrictive sense. Libad vs Gordon case:

In Jalosjos, he was already convicted, if you allow Gordon, who was a senator at that time, was elected
him to freely attend sessions in Congress, that as Chairman of Philippine National Red Cross
would violate the equal protection clause. There is (PNRC). Supreme Court, he did not relinquish his
no substantial distinction between a convicted felon senatorial post despite his election to and his
who is a congressman and a convicted felon who is acceptance of position as Chairman of PNRC Board
an ordinary individual. of Governors because PNRC is a private
organization, merely performing public functions and
2. FREEDOM OF SPEECH thus, the PNRC Chairman is not a government
official/employee. The position may be held by any
To say anything or against anything or anyone under individual including a senator or a member of House
the sun, even if derogatory of Representatives. PNRC is autonomous and
independent of Phil Government.
Even outside the halls of Congress so long as
related to their legislative function. This extends to 2. FORFEITED OFFICE
his staff and to any matter communicative in nature:
not only oral, but also includes reports In other words, he forfeits his seat. Forfeiture is
automatic upon assumption of any office incompatible with
No Civil and Criminal Liability his seat in Congress. And that's the issue in the case of

Limitations of Freedom of Speech Liban vs. Gordon.

- Must be done during the performance of their Gordon was elected was chairman of the Philippine
legislative function: in the debate and National Red Cross. He was urged to resign after he was
discussion. elected to be the chairman of the PNRC
- Osmea vs Pendaton case: The privilege
does not extend to exemption from The Supreme Court said Richard Gordon did not relinquish
administrative liability. If derogatory his senatorial post despite his election to and acceptance of
remarks can be classified as disorderly the post as the Chairman of the PNRC Board of Governors.
behavior, he can be disciplined by Why? Because the PNRC is a PRIVATE ORGANIZATION,
Congress or his respective houses. merely performing public functions, and thus the PNRC
- The privilege is exemption only from civil and Chairman is not a government official or employee. Not
criminal liability, not administrative liability. being a government office, the PNRC Chairmanship office
may be held by any individual, including a senator or a
INHIBITIONS/ DISQUALIFICATIONS member of the house of representatives. PNRC is
- Appointments to certain offices autonomous and independent of the Philippine Government.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
So PRNC Chairmanship is not a government office, or an Take Note, this prohibition does not apply to members
office in a GOCC for purpose of the prohibition in the 1987 of Congress. It applies to all government officials and
Constitution. Senator Gordon can validly serve as the employees because this is provided for under RA 3019 as a
chairman of the PNRC without giving up his senatorial prohibited act considered as a graft or corrupt practice.
On the other hand, they cannot be also be appointed if the
office is FORBIDDEN. On the Quorum. It is the required number of members of
Congress to be present in order to legally transact business,
3. FORBIDDEN OFFICE or to pass laws. So then, what is the requested quorum to
legally transact business?
What are these offices that are forbidden?
All that is needed is majority. And in the case of Avelino vs.
This is when he is appointed: Cruz, when the Constitution declares the majority of each
1. To an office which may have been created, or house to constitute a quorum, it does not mean all the
2. When the emoluments thereof where increased during the members. In Santiago vs. Guingona, majority means
term in which he was elected. "greater number" or more than half. So meaning, if there are
24 members of the Senate, more than half of 24. That's 12
Even if he resigns, he is disqualified for appointment. So the plus 1.
ban against appointment to the office created or emoluments
thereof increased shall, however, last only for the duration of In the house of reps, assuming that there are 250 members.
the term. Once the term ends, then he will now be qualified Divide it by 2 plus 1. Thus it should be attended by at least
for appointment. 126 members.

NOW WE GO TO THE INHIBITIONS. Now then, ingon sila, if that would be the basis of the quorum,
it would be hard, especially if nangabroad, or sick. They are
Most of the members of the Congress before are lawyers. As sick for whatever reason. Now what would then be the basis
a lawyer take note, it is prohibited of a lawyer who is a of the quorum? Should it still be the total membership of the
member of Congress to 1personally appear as counsel house concerned?
before any court of justice or before the electoral tribunals,
quasi-judicial and other administrative bodies. Including the Mao na it was qualified in the case of Avelino vs. Cruz.
first level courts, before kay appellate ra man. Now including
even trial courts. They cannot appear. Same with a It should be based on whether they can be coerced into
lawyering before the Securities and Exchange Commission, attending the session. So it has to be within the coercive of
that's the case of (inaudible) vs. Guzman, or any the house. Not necessarily the total membership of the
administrative body like COMELEC or COA, they cannot house. So that means if, of the 24 members, 2 of whom are
appear as well. Or even in the office of the Ombudsman abroad, they are excluded in the determination of quorum. It
will be based only on number 22 divided by 2 plus 1. That
Remember, they are not prohibited to sign pleadings, would be 12. Including the one that is in the ICU. He will be
because the prohibition is limited only against personal included in the computation of quorum because he can still
appearance. So if they sign a pleading and not appear be compelled to attend. Especially those who are just
before the courts, it's not prohibited. Counseling likewise is sleeping. But outside of the country, the warrant will not be
not prohibited. effective.

Then they shall 2not be directly or indirectly be interested The warrant will not be effective outside of the country to
financially in any contract with or any franchise or compel that member to attend the session. So its useless!
special privilege granted by government or the And that member is excluded from the determination of
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof including quorum.
any GOCC or its subsidiary during his term.
Example, when you borrow money for business purposes, To start with a transaction, you need a quorum, which is
that's prohibited. But if you borrow money from Land Bank more than half of the total membership (50%+1) of those
for the purpose of building your palace, that's not prohibited. within the coercive power of the House concerned. So they
would start with a quorum, if you have any doubt as to the
You are also 3prohibited from intervening in any manner quorum, you can always ask for the division of the house,
before of any office of the government of his pecuniary actually it means that you can ask for the calling of
benefit or where he may be (inaudible) to act on account attendance, tawagan per district then they will say their
of his office. name or they would say their district. So that they would
know kung present ba or there is a quorum. Usually they
would assume that there is a quorum. In order to pass a law
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
what is needed only is a majority of those who are present nigka-MCQ kay di ta mangamote. We want
constituting the quorum, so if there were 13 present, you to top the bar, so we have to be accurate.
would only need 7 to pass the law. But you know,
hinay-hinay na nah ang uban pangabot. This is now what we DISCIPLINING OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS
call a shifting majority, as the number of people attending the (in relation to Enrile, Estrada and Revilla)
session increases, there is also the corresponding increase
in the requisite majority to pass the law. If you have impeachment for Impeachable officers
VOTING MAJORITY particularly,
1. the President,
1. Ordinary Majority 2. the Vice-President,
2. Qualified Majority 3. the Justices of the Supreme Court,
a. there is 2/3, 4. the Ombudsman and
b. 3/4 (proposal for amendments to the 5. the Commissioners of COA, CSC and COMELEC,
constitution or revision),
c. 1/5 (impeachment). Question: How do you remove a member of Congress
before the expiration of term of office?
Kung taas na ganeh kailangan, kasagaran Answer: They are not impeached, of course. They are
kay 2/3 gyud na ang ilang gigamit. Ang removed only through 2/3 vote of the House concerned
inyung kailangan timan-an is whether that for disorderly behavior.
is 2/3 voting jointly or separately. In most
cases, they vote separately. Take Note of the penalties imposed for erring member of
Congress which is discretionary on each house.
There is one instance only wherein they
vote jointly and a ordinary majority vote Suspension should NOT be more than 60 days. If
is needed, this has something to do with the intention is more than 60 days, he should
instead be expelled.
1. Martial Law and
2. the suspension of the writ of habeas Expulsion, not impeachment. For expulsion, you
corpus by the President. need 2/3 vote of the members of the house
concerned. This is a penalty.
Immediately, they will convene and decide
whether to revoke it and all that is needed is Therefore, the preventive suspension that was
the vote of the majority voting jointly in a issued by the Sandiganbayan, not the Senate,
joint session. as against Enrile, Estrada and Revilla has
nothing to do with disciplining them as members
All the rest, voting separately, whether or of Congress. Such preventive suspension is
not the provision is silent. effective only for 90 days, so that was why they
were asking that after the expiration of the
For Example, as to the matter of proposing 90-day period that they be allowed to resume
amendments to the Constitution. The law attending senate sessions.
states votes of all the members of
Congress. The law is silent whether they Take Note: Suspension by Congress - 60 days max
would be voting separately or voting jointly. Preventive Suspension by SB - 90 days max
Kay kung voting ka jointly, alkanse ang
senado kay there is only 24 of them,and So does that violate separation of powers? NO,
there are 250 members in the House of because such is merely a preventive measure. The
Representatives. So it is understood that disciplining is exclusive to the house concerned as a
they vote separately. penalty.

Apparently this was an oversight of the So take note in the case of Osmea vs. Pendaton,
Constitutional Commission because they the House of Representatives is the judge of what
just copied the old law. The 1973 constitutes disorderly behavior. The Courts will not
Constitution provided for unicameral assume jurisdiction in any case that will amount to a
legislature, what we have now is Bicameral. interference by the Judicial department with the
And specific requirements for voting Legislature.
separately, for Example the declaration of
the existence of war klaro na that 2/3 votes In the Jalosjos case, Supreme Court was saying
with both houses voting separately. Take that it was never the intention of the framers of the
note of the different kinds of voting para Constitution to shield the a member of Congress
from the consequences of his wrongdoings. A
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
member of Congress could only invoke the immunity of the members of the Congress either in Senate or
from arrest for relatively minor offenses punishable House of Representatives.
at most by correctional penalties. In this case,
Jalosjos was disciplined and in fact expelled. Jurisdiction of Electoral Tribunal:

In the case of Paredes vs. Sandiganbayan, Electoral Tribunal is sole judge of all contests relating to
Supreme Court said that this was applied in the case election returns and qualifications of their respective
of Enrile, Estrada and Revilla. A suspension members.
imposed by the Congress to a colleague is distinct
from a suspension spoken of in Sec13 of RA 3019. It Election Contest:
is not a penalty but a preliminary preventive o It presupposes 2 parties involved. One is the
measure preceding from the fact that the latter is not winning candidate and other defeated candidate.
being imposed for misbehavior as a member in Thus if there is only 1 candidate running for a
Congress. seat in the congress, does electoral tribunal have
jurisdiction over the question of qualifications?
In the case of Paredes vs Sandiganbayan, SC said, This was the case of Daza,
this was applied in Enrile, Estrada and Revilla, a there was a question of his qualification.
suspension imposed by Congress to a colleague is Accdg to the petitioner, he was a
distinct from suspension spoken is Section 13 of RA greencard holder and so there was
3019. It is not a penalty but a preliminary preventive question of residency. But he was the
measure preceding from the fact that the latter is not only member who ran as Congressman
imposed for misbehavior as member of Congress. in his district. SC said that electoral
Thats all you need to take note. This was asked in tribunal does not have jurisdiction
the bar especially in the term of suspension, 60 days because there is no contest as there
maximum and you need 2/3 votes of Congress for is only 1 candidate. When we say
expulsion. contest, there is someone who is
contesting or challenging your election
with the end in view that in the event you
are removed, he will replace you. In this
case, the citizen filing disqualification
case against member, if he is
Lets go now to ELECTORAL TRIBUNALS AND disqualified will not replace him because
COMMISSION ON APPOINTMENTS he did not run for Congress. That cannot
be considered as election contest.
What is the function of the Electoral Tribunals?
- It is the sole judge of qualifications, election o Does this mean that no one can question the
returns and any election protest involving the member qualification of a lone candidate who may be
of Congress. disqualified as member of Congress? There is
still a remedy. But remedy is not with electoral
There are 2 Electoral Tribunal, one in the Senate and one tribunal but with the House concerned through
in the House of Representatives. the EXCLUSIONARY PROCEEDINGS.

9 each, 3 are Justices of the SC designated by Chief So first of all, that should have been filed
Justices when his candidate filed cert of
6 members from house concerned by of proportional candidacy. But sometimes over run siya
representation coming from different political parties. sa election. Disqualification case is still
pending when election has been held.
Take Note ha. It is proportional representation from So can you continue with the electoral
political parties and parties registered under party list tribunal in the disqualification
included that was the case of Pimentel vs HRET. proceeding?

Who will be acting as Chairman Senior Justice of Certainly not. It will be continued in the
the SC house concerned in an exclusionary
Constitution intended for legislative and judicial proceeding in order to protect the
components of the Electoral Tribunals because they membership of the Congress. To make
do exercise quasi judicial functions and should sure that only qualified members shall be
commonly share the duty and authority of deciding proclaimed and continue to serve as
all contests relating to election returns, qualification members. That was the case of Daza.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
o Who can be the subject of election contest? disqualification. So it should have been resolved and
GR: Only the member which means there should have been proclaimation. Whoever is
that if he is not yet a member of proclaimed shall be considered as a duly elected
Congress, electoral tribunal does not member. The moment he is proclaimed as duly
have jurisdiction over the election elected then he becomes a member when he
contest. Thus there has to be a valid swores in office and he can now be under the
proclamation by the COMELEC jurisdiction of the ET. In this case, Locsin has not
otherwise it will remain in the COMELEC been validly proclaimed therefore she is not a duly
before you can file a disqualification elected member of congress.
case in the electoral tribunal.
Take Note: There is no pre-proclamation o In the case of LimKaiChong
contest involving President, Vice
President, and member of Congress. So it was different. It is different because it is
in which case there may be some the same reason for disqualification due to her
disqualification or election contest in the citizenship. That was never resolved yet by
COMELEC if it is limited only to COMELEC. Election ended. That disqualification
questions relating to election returns. case was still pending. What happened? Because of
EXC: In your election laws, when it is the experience that issues of disqualification are
obvious that there has been some errors resolved nearing the expiration of the term, the
committed in the election returns in COMELEC issued a resolution stating that whoever
which case, before you are proclaimed, garners the highest number of votes should be
it has to be settled by Congress although proclaimed regardless whether there is a pending
there will be no pre-proclamation contest disqualification case, it will only be continued in the
in the COMELEC. That s an exception. proper forum. Since LimkaiChong obtained the
highest number of votes, she was then proclaimed
Cases you need to read relating when Electoral tribunal as the duly elected member of congress from her
has jurisdiction over petitions relating to election contest district regardless of the pendency of the
involving members of Congress. Codilla vs De Venicia disqualification case filed against her by Villando
& Lim Kai Chong vs COMELEC and Paras and others. So she became a member,
was that a valid proclamation? ASNWER is yes.
o Codilla vs De Venicia
So now where do you filed/continue the
Cedilla was disqualified even before election. Non disqualification case? Does COMELEC still have
the less, he won the election. Deleted unta siya so jurisdiction? Answer is NO because Limkaichong
his votes were not counted. Naturally, iya kontra wla was already proclaimed as duly elected member of
man lain was then proclaimed by the COMELEC Congress. You go now to the ELECTORAL
division. The disqualification of Codilla however was TRIBUNAL.
appealed by Codilla seasonably in the COMELEC
en banc. In the meantime, padayon ang elections Does the ET have jurisdiction over the case
and Larrazabal was then proclaimed as the duly of Limkaichong? It could have assumed jurisdiction.
elected congresswoman, Locsin rather, in the The trouble however, the ground for disqualification
district of Ormoc. Later, a year before the expiration was rather unique, it was on citizenship and it is an
of the term, COMELEC finally decided that the established rule that if you question the
disqualification of Codilla was invalid. In other words, naturalization of a particular individual, that is
hes still on. And since he garnered the highest exclusive to the Naturalization Tribunal. No other
number of votes, he was proclaimed duly elected forum has authority to solve that issue. In other
Congressman. words, the ET should have jurisdiction but they
cannot determine whether or not Limkaichong was
What did Codilla do, the term was already expiring? qualified on the basis of the validity of her
He asked De Venecia that he be sworn in as naturalization because they do not have jurisdiction
member of the house. De Vencia refused because to determine the validity of the naturalization
there was still a remember, he said that he should because it is exclusive to the naturalization tribunal.
file quo warranto case against Locsin at the tribunal. So SC said here that first of all, the proclamation of a
winning candidate divested the COMELEC of its
Does HRET have jurisdiction over the case of jurisdiction over matters pending before it at the time
Codilla against Locsin? SC said no need for quo of the proclamation.
warranto. In the first place, there was an invalid
proclamation because there was still a pending In that case of Limkaichong, this is now the
appeal by Codilla. COMELEC was never divested of continuation, Ronald Villando vs HRET. Clearly
jurisdiction over that election contest against his under law and jurisprudence, it is the state
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
(SOLGEN) through its representative, designated by of Representatives. So for this issue, who is going to resolve?
statute, that may question the illegally or invalidly HRET, COMELEC, or the courts?
procured certificate of naturalization in the
appropriate naturalization proceedings. HRET no Are you familiar of CIBAC?
matter how complete and exclusive, does not carry
with it the authority to delve into the legality of the Villanueva is saying that has the authority to nominate and
judgment of naturalization in the pursuit of then there was this Secretary General who also said that he
disqualifying LimkaiChong. To rule otherwise would has the authority to nominate. So there were two nominees
constitute a collateral attack on the citizenship of the representing CIBAC.
father of Limkaichong which is not permissible.
Whos going to resolve the issue?
So it is settled. While HRET has the SC said that under RA 7931, this time the COMELEC has
authority to settle all the issues of all qualification, jurisdiction over the nomination of party list representatives
but on the matter of naturalization, that is exclusive and with the prescribing of the qualification of each nominee
to the naturalization tribunal which can only be and that no grave abuse of discretion can be attributed to the
questioned by the representative of government and COMELEC by division or COMELEC en banc when it
not just any individual. declared president Villanueva the proper party to submit
CIBACs certificate of nomination instead of Perla who
Another note. What about the members of the party-lists who alleged to be as the acting secretary general.
have been nominated as members of the house? If there is
any question under qualifications, who has jurisdiction if you As provided in the Atienza vs. COMELEC,
have to question the qualification of a nominee?
COMELEC also possesses the authority to resolve
Take note the case of Abayon vs HRET, intra-party disputes as a necessary attribute of its
Constitution-mandated power to enforce election laws and
SC said it is for the HRET to interpret the meaning of this registered political parties. The power to rule upon questions
particular qualification of a nominee. The need for her or him on party identity and leadership is exercised by the
to be a bona fide member or representative of his party-list COMELEC. In other words, the justification being that it is
or organization, in the context of the facts that are indeed the jurisdiction of the COMELEC to determine
characterized in this Abayon and Palparan, in relation to questions of leadership in the political or sectoral party. Thus,
Aangat Tayo and Bantay, respectively in the marginalized if theres a conflict on the validity of nomination because of
and underrepresented interest that they presumably the conflict in the leadership, that has to be resolved by the
embody. COMELEC, not the Court and not even the electoral tribunal.
Once the COMELEC says that the nomination is valid and
Section 17, Article 6 of the Constitution provides that HRET theres a question on the qualifications of the nominee, that
shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to, among would be a different story. COMELEC will have no
other things, the qualifications of the members of the house jurisdiction; it will be the electoral tribunal.
of reps. Since party-list nominees are elected members of
the House of Representatives, the HRET has jurisdiction to The Powers Of The Electoral Tribunal.
hear and pass upon their qualifications.
How do you file a case in the electoral tribunal? There are
By analogy in the cases of district representatives, once the two ways. (ordinary election protest and quo warranto pro.)
party or the organization of party-list nominees have been
proclaimed and the nominee has taken his oath and ordinary election protests was there fraud, violence,
assumed office asa member of the House of Reps, the vote buying during the election period? Then we go into
COMELECS jurisdiction over contests relating to the returns. What is involved in returns since theres no
nominees qualifications ENDS and the HRET BEGINS. pre-proclamation?

The COMELECs jurisdiction relating to election contests In the case of Barbers vs. COMELEC, the phrase election,
relating to disqualification ends and the HRETs jurisdiction returns, and qualifications must be interpreted in its totality
begins. as referring to matters affecting the validity of contestees
title. But if it is necessary to specify, we can say that election
Then there is the Abayon case. Take note that the issue is refers to the conduct of the polls including the listing of the
on the validity of the nomination. Are you familiar with the voters, the voting of the electoral, campaign and the casting
case of Lokin Jr. vs. COMELEC? The issue was about the and counting of the votes. The returns refer to the canvass
leadership within the party list organization. One of the and the proclamation of the winners including questions
leaders nominated one nominee, the other leader nominated concerning the composition of the Board of Canvassers and
another nominee. So the question was who between these the authenticity of the election returns and finally, on
nominees is validly nominated and who shall sit in the House qualifications refer to matters that could be raised in a 2quo
warranto proceeding against the proclaimed winner such
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
as disloyalty, ineligibility or inadequacy of his certificate of session.
candidacy. It could be an ordinary election protest or a quo
warranto proceeding. 1. There will be NOMINATION by the President of the
Can the members of the electoral tribunal be removed
anytime? No because they have security of tenure. Once 2. CA has 30 days within which to act. Now, what's the
appointed, even if there is a change of political party action that may be taken by the CA? It may Approve/Confirm,
affiliation that would not affect their membership as long as Disapprove or don't do anything, so bypass.
at the time of the appointment they belong to a political party.
3. If approved, what will happen?
BAR - Is the decision of the electoral tribunal a) The commission paper will then be issued by the
appealable? president. The appointee will take his oath of office.
Answer: Its exclusive; thus not appealable even to the This will be effective reckoned from the time when
Supreme Court unless theres an allegation of abuse of CA approved.
discretion amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction.
4. If disapproved, what will happen? Of course, he cannot
Case in point: Abubakar vs. HRET. The SCs assume.
jurisdiction to review decisions and resolutions of the a) But can he be nominated again? NO once he is
electoral tribunal operates only upon a showing grave abuse disapproved!
of discretion on the part of the tribunal tantamount to lack or
in excess of jurisdiction. 5. If bypassed lng, can the same nominee be renominated?
a) YES!
2. Ad-Interim Appointments-
Its function is basically just to affirm and confirm the
nomination of the President for the certain positions in the This happens when the congress is IN RECESS and the
government. president makes an appointment. This is PERMANENT
appointment if Ad Interim. This is effective immediately upon
Take note what are these appointments of the President that qualification. The duration of appointment is LIMITED. It is
would require confirmation from the Commission of effective until it is DISAPPROVED upon resumption of the
Appointments. Memorize it. session of the congress.

What are those appointments? Those found in Sec. 16, Art. If maconfirm, then he continues until he is removed by the
VII: president for loss of trust and confidence.
1. Heads Of The Executive Departments
2. Ambassadors, Other Public Ministers And Consuls Question: If not acted upon/bypassed, until when can
3. Officers Of The Armed Forces From The Rank Of he serve?(take note, permanent man ang appointment)
Colonel Or Naval Captain To The General Or Admiral
4. Other Officers Whose Appointments Are Vested In Answer: Only until the NEXT ADJOURNMENT OF
Him In This Constitution Such As The: THE NEXT SESSION OF CONGRESS. This is because by
a) Commissioners Of COA, COMELEC And operation of law, his appointment EXPIRES. He is NOT
CSC REMOVED because the appointment is permanent.
b) Regular Members Of JBC

Pimentel vs. Executive Secretary-
the appointment of the chairman to the COMELEC; involving
The requirement of confirmation by the CA applies only to Benipayo. Benipayo was a COMELEC commissioner. He
REGULAR appointment of the officers mentioned above. It's was then appointed as a chairman to the COMELEC. His
regular when done when congress is IN SESSION for a appointment was BYPASSED by CA. Since he was
PERMANENT position. Therefore, if the appointment was appointed during RECESS, his appointment was
done only in an ACTING CAPACITY/TEMPORARY even if it PERMANENT as chairman. And when the session of
was made by the PRESIDENT while CONGRESS was in congress resumed, he was never confirmed. So supposedly,
SESSION, that would NOT REQUIRE ANY upon adjournment of the next session, his term as chairman
CONFIRMATION BY THE CA. should have expired. But what happened? The president
Reappointed him during recess to the same position.

What is the Process Of The Confirmation? It depends. Can the president do that considering the prohibition against
reappointment to the position as COMELEC Commissioner?
1. Regular Appointments- those made while congress is in
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Is this Reappointment Ban applicable to appointments made there is going to be a law that is going to be passed that is
by the president during recess? relevant to the inquiries being conducted. Apparently, they
are trying to find evidence against the Binays for overpricing.
SC: The ban does not apply. The reappointment that is Thats the main purpose of the legislative inquiry. And now
prohibited by the constitution applies only to a REGULAR there challenging that before the SC asking the court to stop
APPOINTMENT that is CONFIRMED by the CA. the conduct of the legislative inquiry because there is no
justification since it has no relation at all to legislation.
So now, you have a regular appointment of a commissioner.
It was CONFIRMED by the CA for a definite term. Upon the It is too general. It says in aid of legislation. Take
expiration of the term, one cannot be reappointed to the note however, that the Supreme Court said in a decided
same position for more than the term for which he was case that it is not necessary that there is a pending bill that
appointed. the inquiry will help in that legislation or in the passing of that
pending bill. As long as it is relevant to lawmaking, it is
In this case, it does not apply to Benipayo because the considered in aid of legislation.
appointment was just AD INTERIM. It was never confirmed.
So that the renomination was not considered as a Some of the cases that you have to take note in
reappointment prohibted uner the constitution. legislative inquiry:

Members Bengzon vs. Senate Blue Ribbon Committee (G.R. No.

89914 November 20, 1991)
Now, the CA, Take Note, is political in nature. Unlike the An investigation that seeks to determine whether a law has
Electoral Tribunal, the moment you change political affiliation, been violated is not in aid of legislation but in aid of
automatically you are REMOVED as a member of the CA. prosecution and therefore a violation of the separation of
Ang electoral tribunal, you have to fill it up. there are 9
members. In CA, there are 24 members, 1 Chairman, who is With respect to the case of Bengzon, there was
the president of the Senate. Total of 25 members, but it need already a pending case for graft and corruption already filed
not be filled up, provided that there is a quorum. That's the before the Sandiganbayan. The same was also the subject
only requirement. There is a quorum. matter of a legislative inquiry. And so the SC stopped the
conduct of the inquiry. It could be similar to the case of the
Relate this to the appointment power of the president ha. Binays because what theyre trying to look into is their
liability. Its not the proper forum. It should have been with
An Electoral Tribunal you have to fill it up. There the court or an investigating body to look into the matter.
should be 9 each in the Electoral Tribunal. However, they cannot question Binay because hes an
In the Commission on Appointments, there are impeachable official. So they cannot conduct investigation.
24 members with the Chairman, the President of the Senate, And he is supposedly to be in conspiracy with the son so it is
all in all there are 25. The 12 comes from the Senate, the better discussed in the Senate inquiry or they can do grand
other 12 comes from the House of Representatives. But it standing and it is published in all papers and broadcasted in
need not be filled up. All the six. Provided that there is a all TV and radio stations. Take note of the case of Bengzon
quorum. Thats the only requirement. because it discusses the limitations on the power of
legislative inquiry.
But there is a qualification to that, guys. This is the
LEGISLATIVE INQUIRY AND QUESTION HOUR case of Standard Chartered Bank vs. Senate Committee
(G.R. No. 167173 December 27, 2007) which is a
These are aids to the making of laws. First you have qualification of the Bengzon case. This is the more recent
legislative inquiry and the question hour, otherwise known as decision of the SC with regards to the conduct of legislative
the oversight function of Congress. inquiry. Take note because it came out in the bar esiyam.

On legislative inquiry, the justification is always in The excuse that there is already a pending
aid of legislation. investigation in violation of the separation of powers thus
Congress cannot conduct legislative inquiry, according to the
By the time you will take the bar esiyam, it may be SC, is not the case. Supreme Court said
controversial because there is now a pending complaint or
petition filed by Binay in the Supreme Court because they The mere filing of a criminal or an administrative complaint
thought that its no longer in aid of legislation but in aid of before a court or a quasi-judicial body should not
election. Do you understand? Because apparently, they felt automatically bar the conduct of legislative investigation.
that there is no plan to make a law that would relate to the Otherwise, it would be extremely easy to subvert any
legislative inquiry being conducted by Pimentel, Trillanes intended inquiry by Congress through the convenient ploy of
and Cayetano. There has been no hint or any indication that instituting a criminal or an administrative complaint. Surely,
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
the exercise of sovereign legislative authority, of which the
power of legislative inquiry is an essential component, these are privilege communication that cannot be
cannot be made subordinate to a criminal or an disclosed in the legislative inquiry.The requirement in the
administrative investigation. constitution that the rules with regard to the conduct of
legislative inquiry must be established in compliance with the
due process of law. This is one of the limitations as well. In
Another limitation on the power of legislative inquiry: The the case of Nierre, conduct of legislative inquiry must be
Sub Judice Rule done in accordance with established rules. In a legislative
inquiry it could be anyone who can be the subject of the
There is a pending case in court, can it be the inquiry including cabinet members. In so far as the cabinet
subject matter of a legislative inquiry? When asked, the members are concerned they need not secure the consent
witness will invoke his right to remain silent, his right against of the president unless the matter that will be covered by the
self-incrimination and the sub judice rule. inquiry relates to the executive privilege of the president in
which case either the president or the executive secretary
What is this sub judice rule? must invoke the executive privilege. Otherwise, if not
invoked, then a cabinet member can be compelled by
The SC said in the case of Romero II vs. Estrada (G.R. No. congress in a legislative inquiry to disclose the information.
174105 April 2, 2009
Question: In a Question Hour (section 22), who
The sub judice rule restricts comments and disclosures initiates the conduct of inquiry?
pertaining to judicial proceedings to avoid prejudging the
issue, influencing the court, or obstructing the administration Answer: its either the congress or the cabinet member.
of justice. A violation of the sub judice rule may render one So the cabinet member may request an audience with
liable for indirect contempt under Sec. 3(d), Rule 71 of the congress or congress may summon a cabinet member to
Rules of Court. The rationale for the rule adverted to is set shed light on certain matters that would help congress
out in Nestle Philippines v. Sanchez: exercise its oversight function.

It is a traditional conviction of civilized Example: a law has already been passed & they want to
society everywhere that courts and juries, in modify it; change it; repeal it; or even improve it, then they
the decision of issues of fact and law should can ask the opinion of a cabinet member who is more
be immune from every extraneous influence; knowledgeable about the effectiveness of the
that facts should be decided upon evidence implementation of the law. So this is part of the oversight
produced in court; and that the function.
determination of such facts should be
uninfluenced by bias, prejudice or The power of oversight embraces all activities undertaken by
sympathies. congress to enhance its understanding of or influence over
the implementation of legislation it has enacted. Clearly
This was in fact invoked by Chief Justice Corona oversight is a post enactment measure undertaken by
when he was the subject of an impeachment proceeding and congress to monitor bureaucratic compliance with program
by earlier witnesses. I wonder, youre supposed to be a objectives to determine whether agencies are properly
witness in a legislative inquiry, not an accused. Youre administered to eliminate ways of executive dishonesty,
supposed to be an expert to shed light in matters that would prevent executive usurpation of legislative authority and to
help them in their legislation. assess executive conformity with the congressional
perception of public interest.
Another limitation: Executive Privilege
The acts done by congress, therefore, in the exercise of
The President cannot be called upon to answer in a oversight powers may be divided into three categories:
legislative inquiry. How about the Cabinet Members? The Scrutiny
executive privilege cannot be invoked by Cabinet members Investigation
unless the President or the Executive Secretary by the Supervision
authority of the President, invokes the same.
Question: if a cabinet member if summoned by
Matters of diplomatic negotiations are privileged congress for a question hour does this need the consent of
communications and cannot be the subject of inquiry. It is the president?
part of the executive privilege of the president. In the Answer: yes
executive privilege, we take note of the principle: operational
proximity test. Communications between the president and a Question: if a cabinet member would ask for an
subordinate such as in the case of audience with congress or any of its committee, is the
congress or its committee obliged to have an audience with
Nierre vs Senate; the cabinet member?
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Answer: No, it is not mandatory on the part of congress only recommendatory, stil It is up to the president through
or any of its committees the DBM to spend the money.

CONTEMPT (it is an imprisonment for the duration of the

session) Case of Belgica vs Ochoa G.R. No. 208566,
November 19, 2013
In a legislative inquiry, if the person summoned does not
appear or refuses to appear, he can be cited for Contempt. SC: under the constitution the power of appropriation is
For how long? vested in congress subject to the requirement that
If its the House of Representatives who issued the appropriation bills originate exclusively in the house of
summons---it should not be beyond its term, so not representatives subject to the option of the senate to
beyond 3 years. propose or concur with amendments. When the budgetary
If Senateindefinite! Because the senate is a process commences from the proposal submitted by the
Continuing body. While 12 senators term may have president to congress. It is congress which concludes the
expired, there are still 12 other senators who would exercise by crafting an appropriation act if they think
remain. beneficial to the nation base on its own judgment, wisdom
and purposes. Like any other piece of legislationthe
Power of Appropriation appropriation act may then be subject to objection from the
branch tasked to implement it by way of a presidential veto,
The power of appropriation is the spending power or the as an exception (diba kung mu.veto and presidente, it has to
power of the purse belonging to Congress subject only to the veto the entire bill). This is one exception when the president
Veto power of the President. It carries with it the power to is allowed to veto per item itemized veto. Now, thereafter
specify the project or activity to be funded under the the budget execution comes under the domain of the
appropriation law. What is the process? executive branch. So once the GAA (General Appropriation
Act) is passed then it is the president that spends the money
The government budgeting process: in accordance with the GAA. So the executive branch deals
1. Budget-Preparationwho prepares the budget? with the operational aspect of the cycle including the
The Executive branch. allocation and release of funds earmarked for various
2. Submitted by the president to congress within 30 projects. Simply putfrom the regulation of fund releases,
days from the opening of the regular session of the implementation of payment schedules and up to the
congress actual spending of the funds specified in the law, the
executive takes the wheel. The DBM lays down the
Question: Who initiates the appropriation bill? guidelines for the disbursement of the fund. The members of
congress are then requested by the president (this is the
Answer: it is the House of representathieves practice) to recommend projects/programs which may be
subject to amendments or revision by the senate (this is funded from the PDAF (Priority development Assistance
what we call as amendment by substitution). Bottom Fund). The list submitted by the members of congress is
line, it must originate from the HOR. endorsed by the speaker of the house of representatives to
the DBM which reviews in accordance with such list of
Question: what are the limitations in the preparation of the projects submitted is consistent with the guidelines and the
appropriation bill (the authority to disburse): priority set by the executive. This demonstrate the power
given to the presidentto execute appropriation laws and
Question: Can the congress increase the budget therefore to exercise the spending per se of the budget.
submitted by the government? thats why it was not declared then unconstitutional then
Answer: NO! because it is only recommendatory.

Question: Can it be decreased? In PHILCONSA case, the court upheld the authority of
Answer: yes, definitely. individual members of congress to propose and identify
priority projects because this was merely recommendatory in
PORKBARELL/PDAF of the congressmen nature and also recognized that the individual members of
congress far more than the president and the congressional
Case of PHILCONSA vs Enriquez, G.R. No. 113105, colleagues were likely to be knowledgeable about the
August 19, 1994 and LAMB vs Sec. of budget and needs of their respective constituents and the propriety to be
managment (2012) given to each project.

SC Ruling: Prokbarel is not unconstitutional In BELGICA case, in the final analysis the supreme court
because the role of members of congress is simply to strike down the porkbarrel system as unconstitutional. In
identify the projects for which they will spend their view of the inherent defects in the rules within which it
discretionary funds for their district. In other words, thiers is operates. To recount in so far as it has allowed legislators to
wield, in varying gradations, non-oversight, post-enactment
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
authority in vital areas of budget execution, the system has
violated the principle of separation of powers. They were So there are three things that you have to take note in
given the discretion on how to spend the fundsthey the questions of the constitutionality of DAP which
participate in the execution of the budget when it should be relates to appropriation:
exclusive to the president as it is conferred to the
legislatorsthe power of appropriation by giving them 1.) Disbursement of acceleration program. One of
personally discretionary funds from which they are able to the question is the withdrawal of unobligated
fund specific projects which they themselves determine. It allotment from the implementing agencies and the
has similarly violated the principles of non- delegability3 of declaration of the withdrawals that is unobligated
legislative power in so far as it created a system of allotments and unreleased appropriation as savings
budgetting4 wherein items are contextualized into the prior to the end of the fiscal year. So what happened?
appropriation bills. It has floated the prescribed procedure of This unobligated funds actually mao ni silay income
presentment and in the process denied the president the of some government agencies. Gi withdraw. Or
power to veto items. obligated siya for certain projects pero wala gigasto.
Dili nato ni ipanghatag aning opisinaa kay corrupt
2 powers of the president that has been violated: kaayo ni. Lets not spend the money. But there is
1. execution of the budget money allocated for a certain project. How ever it is
2. on vetoing (di na ma.veto the president kay di na not spent. Or it could be that it was initially spent
mu.agi sa iya) pero wala gitiwas ang project and they were
considered as savings. Gi pool sila into a savings.
These diluted the effectiveness of congressional oversight That is wrong. Because according to the Supreme
by giving legislators a stake in the affairs of budget execution, Court, mu ingon kuno kag savings at the end of the
an aspect of governance which they may be called to fiscal year. And kanang wala magasto or sobra,
monitor only and scrutinize, the system has equally impaired nagasto pero naai savings kay maybe because they
public accountability ; insofar as it has authorized legislators, bid very well naka save sila. Now, you determine at
who are national officers, to intervene in affairs of purely the end of the fiscal year human nimo ug gasto. Wa
local nature, despite the existence of capable local mana nmu gastua. Sa ato pa you cannot have a
institutions, it has likewise subverted genuine local saving kanang quarterly. After three months. You
autonomy ; and again, insofar as it has conferred to the cant have semestral. It should be at the end of the
President the power to appropriate funds intended by law for fiscal year.
energy-related purposes only to other purposes he may
deem fit as well as other public funds under the broad 2.) There is also the cross-border transfers. The
classification of "priority infrastructure development expenditures of the funds outside of the executive
projects," it has once more transgressed the principle of department. Remember? There can be transfer of
non-delegability5. funds from one item to another in the same
department. Not from one department to another
Theres another thing, the DAP. department. It can only be within the same dept.

Araullo vs Aquino July 1, 2014 (GR NO. 209287) General rule: there cannot be the juggling
of funds. There cannot be a transfer of items
Bali ni siyang Araullo. Theres an appropriation, and the from one to the other or from one dept to the
President is suppose to follow the appropriation law. What other. Mao nai gitawag nato ug juggling of
happened in the DAP is that the President impound the funds prohibited by law.
funds that were appropriated for certain items, if not, not
obligated at all. And consider them as savings even before Exception: when it has the approval of the
the end of the fiscal year. And thereafter spend the money president. However, limited within the
outside of the executive branch or spend the money for executive branch. In Congress, when it has
certain projects of the government that are not included in the approval of duha ha.
the GAA. In other words, there are three things that you have
to consider here. Which violated the power of Congress to Kung sa Senate- Pres of the Senate.
House of Reps- Speaker.
Bali ni siya, ang PDAF it violates the power of the president
to execute the budget. Ang DAP it violated the power of Supreme Court- Chief Justice.
Congress to appropriate. The president virtually usurps the
power of Congress to appropriate. Commissions- it should be the Chairman of
which Commission, must have the approval.
Word does not exist
supra And nahitabo ani , cross-border siya,
supra because there were some funds that were
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
given to Congress for the renovation of its Ex: a bill is vetoed by the president. What would the
library. And library Congress mana, president do? He has to return the bill to the house
legislative dept di unta na pwede. Some of origin. If he does not approve or veto it within 30
funds were given to COA. For the hiring of days, then after 30 days, the bill becomes a law by
consultants kuno and the procurement of his inaction. He has to veto it with a veto message to
computers and vehicles. Tagaan pa gni the house of origin. Veto message proposal to
kuno ug isa ang Chairman of COA. Now, change the law in order for him to sign it. If the
prohibited na siya because the Constitution house of origin is agreeable, then they will insert that
is very clear on this. Should there be any and the will improve, they will have to amend their
transfer of funds or juggling of funds, it bill. If they are against it, then they will have to vote
should be done within the dept with the again on the same bill regardless of the suggestion
approval of the head of the dept. of the President. To do that, they have to get 2/3
votes of all the members. But TN: it must also be
3.) Finally, the funding of projects and activities and voted by the other house with the same number of
programs not covered by the appropriations in votes. If they failed to do that, your bill is as good as
the GAA. dead.

Mao nai pinaka worst. Ingon nato it

is the Congress that authorizes diba? The Informing Function State of the Nation Address (SONA)
disbursement. This one it was the president. Where the president addresses the nation during the
Not even the president. It was the Secretary opening---
of DBM that authorizes the disbursement or
projects not covered by the General Power of Impeachment of Congress
Appropriations Act. And which power the Suffice to say that it is the House of Representatives
president cannot delegate to a Sec of DBM. that initiate an impeachment, 1/3 votes of the
So ang gibuhat nila karon I think congress is members of the House of Representatives is
going to pass a law that would authorize needed. It used to be 1/5, now 1/3. On conviction,
which is still contrary to the Constitution. the Senate is acting as the tribunal which needs 2/3
Mao tong ingon si Drilon, there should be votes in order to convict and/or remove the
judicial restraint. Patuyang nalang man sad impeachable official.
ning Supreme Court oi. The term is
overreaching. Practice kuno judicial restraint. Non-legislative Powers
Unsaon pag practice na thats there function. Canvass election returns of the President and the
The Constitution says under Section 1. They V-President
can review when there is somebody who Determine the existence of the state of war
would challenge it, whether there has been Concurs the treaty entered into by the President
a grave abuse of discretion amounting to Confirm appointments made by the President
lack or excess of jurisdiction. In the first Calling for special elections
place, it was the Mother who gave that
power to the SC. Go back kuno sa original JUNE 20
nga your function is only to act as referee,
settle conflicts, dili manghilabot. So, TN of Do not forget thaw law on RA 7941 especially on the
these cases. accreditation of national, regional and sectoral parties and
organizations. Or more on disqualifications for
Again I repeat, Belgica et al vs Exec Sec Paquito N. accreditations.
Ochoa November 19, 2013 (GR NO. 208566) and the
case of Araullo et al vs Aquino July 1, 2014 (GR NO. Question: What are the parties or organizations that
209287). cannot be accredited or is disqualified for accreditation?
Presidential Veto: 1. When it is a religious sector
2. When it is funded by foreign government
General Rule: Entire Bill is going to be vetoed 3. It uses force and violence as means of achieving the
Exceptions: 1. Revenue Bill purpose of their party or org.
2. Appropriation Bill 4. Supported by the government or identified closely with
3. Tariff Bill government
They can be itemized. And inappropriate provisions. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
Congressional override 2/3 votes of both houses Function of the President


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
1. it exercises executive power, where the supreme court considered Estrada as having
a) executive power basically refers to the presidents resigned even his term has not yet expired yet, he can now
power to be sued because he is no longer the president. Immunity
i. be the Chief Executive and administrator of applies only during the incumbency of the president.
the law of the land.
1. As a Chief Executive, he is the Another point on immunity, while there is no jurisprudence
a) head of all the heads of the with regards to the vice president, WON he is immune or not,
executive departments and as such there is decision of the SC expressly saying so, but the fact
i. it is his function to ensure that that he is removable only through impeachment, likewise, he
laws are faithfully executed. cannot be sued for offenses that he may be, in effect,
This is what we called THE remove from office, because he can only be removed from
TAKING CARE CLAUSE. It office through impeachment. If you file an administrative or
actually refers to the power or criminal case against him and eventually he is found guilty in
the obligation of the president to the administrative case, and the penalty is dismissal, that
ensure that laws are faithfully would tantamount to circumventing the law that says that the
executed. vice president is removal only through impeachment....

2. There are residual powers also that are exercised by the Current Events: On regards to the circumstances that
President. Binay is in right now, especially in that case where there is
a) Residual powers an investigation being conducted by the anti money
i. are powers that are not assigned expressly to laundering. If the theory is conspiracy with people, these
other branches of the government, either people likewise in conspiracy cannot be investigated in
legislature or judiciary, it is understood that relation to the vice president because the act of the vice
these powers be exercised by the President president is supposedly the act of these conspirators. And if
being the Chief Executive. a case will be filed and will eventually find him guilty, charge
ii. Part of his residual powers for example is his him criminally if it is a criminal charge, but if it is only
power to expel undesirable alien. You cannot forfeiture there is no problem because that pertains only to
find that in the constitution. But because he is property but if has something to do with his term or tenure,
the Chief Executive, it is understood that that which will in effect have him remove from office done other
power to assigned to the president. Or the than through impeachment, then that would be a violation.
power of the president for example to
determine if one should be allowed to enter to Going back to the Presidents immunity from suit, this
the country especially a foreigner. That is not power is non-delegable.
expressly provided in the constitution to whom
it should be exercised. In other words, this immunity from suit cannot be delegated
iii. Part of the residual powers of the president is to his alter ego such as the secretary of the cabinet.
his immunity from suit. This is jurisprudential.
This is not provided under the Constitution There was a case on this regarding the case of Gloria, the
and the power is granted to the president. secretary of education invoked immunity from suit where he
iv. The implication of the power of the president was sued. The SC said that this power of immunity from suit
to immunity of suit means that the president of the president in non-delegable so it cannot be extended to
cannot be sued either official or non-official, his alter ego. It is personal to the president and is therefore
there is no distinction, during his term of office, cannot be used as a matter of defense on the part of the
for as long as he is the president of the person who may be the subject of suit by the president.
Philippines, he cannot be sued for something
to do with the discharge of his functions Such as the case of Macasiag wherein Cory Aquino files a
neither can he be charged for offenses not case against Beltran and the publisher of star where they
related to the performances of his duties. ask for the dismissal of the case on the ground that the
president is immune from suit and their counterclaim it will
BAR: can you sue the president for the collection of be unfair that they cannot pursue to it because the president
money. is immune from suit. The SC said that the immunity from suit
Answer: No because he is immune from suit. You may of the president is personal to the president, it is up to the
only file a case against him after his tenure. His term may president to declare, assume it or waive it and that cannot be
not have yet terminated but if he is no longer the president, used by a third party as a matter of defense.
then in that case, he may be already sued.
DAVID ET AL VS ARRROYO: SC said you cannot sue
Case in point, Case of Desierto vs Estrada or Estrada vs. Arroyo because she is immune from suit. That is the reason
Desierto why the case was changed to the Executive Secretary.

- The one impleaded is not the president but the

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
executive secretary the case of Estrada he did not. he only served for 3 years
and was declared to have resigned. since he resigned he did
No question? BRAYT KAAU NI NGA KLASE! BANTAY HA not finish his term and since there is no prohibition against
the running for reelection if one did not finish his term then
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND VISE PRESIDENT: he is qualified. unlike in other provisions of the constitution
for example the resignation of a senator before the
Question: Who canvasses the election returns? expiration of his term, the law is very clear. his resignation
Answer: CONGRESS voluntary renunciation is not considered an interruption of
continuity of his term of office is considered to have fully
Question: Votes needed to proclaim a president? served even if he had only served a portion of it. it was not
Answer:JOINT SESSION, VOTING SEPARATELY, the same provision with regards to the president, they forgot
MAJORITY and majority also to break the tie all about that. they presumed that tapos na yang 6 six years
finish or un finish considered as completed. and therefore
Question: Does congress have jurisdiction over you are perpetually disqualified. they only presume and they
pre-proclamation contest? did not put that in writing. so therefore Estrada must be
Answer: correct. they might get to revisit that.
- NO. Take not cause already asked in the bar exam!
If there is any contest as to qualification and return The Presidential Privilege.
of the election of P and VP, the election contest shall
be filed in the PRESIDENTIAL ELETORAL this is with reference to the executive privilege of the
TRIBUNAL which is incidentally the SC. president. under the separation of powers the president
- Macalintal case: WON it violates the constitution cannot be compelled to appear to any legislative inquiries
when the SC assumes jurisdiction as the and disclose information that pertains to the discharge of his
presidential electoral tribunal? The Constituion says functions and there are many source of executive privilege
that the SC should not exercise quasi-judicial
powers. (June 7, 2011) 1. any matter relating to national security
- SC: Art 7, SEC 4, par 7 says: Grant of authority of 2. treaty making. that is historically by nature an executive
the SC sitting en banc, this authority is not specified privilege. it is a classified information. it is a privileged
in the provision, the grant of power does not contain communications that cannot disclosed to any one.
any limitation on the SCs power. The SCs method
of deciding Presidential and Vice-Presidential the only thing that you should remember is that
election contest through the PET is derivative OPERATIONAL PROXIMITY TEST as part of the privilege
exercise of the prerogative of the Constitutional communication of the president.
provisional, thus the directive for the SC to
promulgate rules for that purpose. It is beyond cavil - this pertains to conversations between the presidents
that if the SC resolves a P/VP contest, it performs an and his consultants that is pertains to the discharge of the
essentially judicial power, not just quasi-judicial, functions of the president and if disclosed it might undermine
thus not violative of the Constitution. the integrity of his office or affect the performance of his
functions and in which case the president is not compelled to
TERM OF OFFICE IS 6 YEARS WITHOUT REELECTION disclosed it neither the persons to whom he had been
- Does this mean he has to finish the whole term
before he can be disqualified to run for reelection?
In other words therefore, as a rule, the cabinet members
- CASE: Purmento vs Estrada when Estrada ran need not ask for the approval of the president for consent to
again against Aquino, the issues was not resolved appear in a legislative inquiry and disclose information that
by the SC, instead it dismissed it. SC said why hey know that they are holding considering their position. but
disturb the situation? It is water under the bridge! the moment the president invokes executive privilege or the
Moot and academic! Case dismissed! executive secretary by the authority of the president then
- why disturb the situation, it will just divide the people. that cabinet member cannot be compelled to disclose such
it is water under the bridge. moot and academic. in kind of information.
other words, case dismissed as there is no actual
case or controversy. Powers of the President, executive and administrative
powers in general.

when we speak of executive powers, that insofar as laws are

What was the theory of the lawyer of Estrada - Agabin faithfully executed.

When you speak of term of office of six years, to be POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT
disqualified for reelection you must complete the full term. in
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
He is the administrator of the laws of the land, that the
law is faithfully executed If the president has the power to appoint, then it is
understood that he has the power to remove. Is it
1. POWER OF APPOINTMENT implied power to power of appointment? Or is it part
Memorize the appointments that the President can make. of his power of control and discipline?
There are 6 enumerated.
Now, the power of removal, take note, is implied in
But only the first four of these appointments require the the power to appoint. The exception to this however
confirmation of the Commission on Appointments are those appointments he make where the
(exclusive, cannot be expanded nor be removed): Constitution prescribes certain methods of
Heads of the executive department separation from public service.
Ambassadors, consuls and other public ministers
Officers in the military, ranging from coronel to Example. The justices of the Supreme Court are appointed
general, from captain to admiral by the president. But he cannot remove them. They are
Appointments vested by the Constitution to make. removable only through Impeachment.
Ex: Commissioners of COA, CSC & COMELEC and
the regular members of Judicial and Bar Council The judges are appointed by the President, but he cannot
remove them. They can only be removed by the Supreme
TN: President is not precluded from making temporary Court sitting en banc.
appointments for the position and this does not need any
confirmation from the Commission on Appointments The Ombudsman, is he removable by the president? No, he
(CA). For as long as the reason being that it is a power is impeachable.
of the President and discretionary to the President and
only for temporary nature, to fill the gap until the The Deputy Ombudsman, can the president remove him? In
President decides to make a permanent appointment, in a recent decision, you remember the deputy ombudsman for
which case it would now require confirmation from CA. the military? He was dismissed by the president if you can
recall. (That happened katong hostage taking). It was
A. AD INTERIM/ RECESS APPOINTMENTS blamed to the ombudsman for the military because of the
Those appointment made by the President, even those delay of the resolution of the case of the policeman. The
(4) enumerated are permanent, effective immediately deputy ombudsman was investigated, and as expected, he
upon qualification of the appointee, however the was dismissed from service by the president. Did you know
effectivity of the appointment is limited unless confirmed that that deputy ombudsman retired with full benefits? He
or disapproved, and will last only until the adjournment didnt finish his term, because he was removed. In the
of the next session of Congress. meantime he appealed the decision of the president to the
Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said that the president
B. MIDNIGHT APPOINTMENT (prohibited) could not remove him. Because this would undermine the
President cannot make an appointment 60 days before independence of the office of the Ombudsman.
the next regular presidential election.
Question: Who can remove a deputy ombudsman?
This applies even to the Judiciary, except Answer:Only the Ombudsman, through the Committee
for the Justices of the SC, that was qualified in of Peers.
the case of Castro vs JBC, Soriano vs JBC, -There is another test case to come, and this is the
PhilConsa vs JBC. Special Prosecutor. Remember that Special Prosecutor
Position in the executive branch is only who entered into a plea bargaining with General Garcia?
temporary and if its not filled up right away, it She too was investigated and dismissed from service. It was
might endanger public service or public interest. prejudicial kuno to the government. The case is now pending
(not permanent appointment) subject to the on appeal in the Supreme Court, because the conviction was
revocation by the next President. affirmed by the Court of Appeals.

2. POWER OF REMOVAL Now, why am I talking about the Special Prosecutor?

It is an implied power to the power of appointment. Because the Special Prosecutor is the same rank as the
deputy ombudsman. If there is a precedence that the deputy
The exception of this power is on appointments ombudsman cannot be removed by the president, why not
where the Constitution prescribes certain method of the special prosecutor? The rank of a Special Prosecutor is
separation from service. Example: SC Justices the same as a deputy ombudsman. And the office of the
appointed by President, removable only thru Special Prosecutor is an organic office of the office of the
impeachment; Judges, appointed by President, Ombudsman. But that case is still pending in the Supreme
cannot be removed by President, they can only be Court.
removed by SC sitting en banc


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
3. DOCTRINE OF QUALIFIED POLITICAL AGENCY, What they were saying was that if that was the intention of
POWER OF CONTROL AND SUPERVISION the Constitution to apply to the Supreme Court, it should
have stated the same.
The president, being the head of the executive department,
has control over the different departments but only has Take note that there is a period of 90 days within which
supervision over local government units. to fill up the vacancy in the Supreme Court. That is

Question: What is the difference between control and What if there is no president elected, who is going to make
supervision? the appointment? That is the reason why they are saying
Answer: that, but it is only an opinion. The general sentiment is in the
Control is when the president can change the Valenzuela case.
decision of a subordinate and replace it with his own
decision, whereas in What the supreme court was saying, favoring the
appointment of Corona, that midnight appointments should
Supervision, it is simply overseeing the acts of the not apply to the Justices of the Supreme Court. The only
subordinate to make sure that he performs his reason that they gave was that if it were the intention of the
duties in accordance with law. He cannot replace Constitution, it should have stated that but it was not so
the decision of the said subordinate. stated. And what must apply is the mandatory requirement of
filling up the vacancy within 90-days from the occurrence of
What the president has over the different executive the vacancy. In this case, they were saying that Arroyo
departments is control while what he has over local should have waited for Aquino for it is still within the 90 days
governments is merely supervision. The power of control of but what if Aquino was not yet installed within 90 days, thats
the president is delegated to the different heads of the the danger or the risk that would be taken. The bottom line
department under the PRINCIPLE OF QUALIFIED there is that it really is not a big deal, only that they cannot
POLITICAL AGENCY OR THE ALTER-EGO DOCTRINE. trust each other. They were afraid that because he was an
The act of a secretary of the department is presumed to be appointee of Arroyo, they would continue to be loyal to
the act of the president, unless it is reprobated, revoked or Arroyo because thats the kind of people that we are. If we
repealed by the president. only think about government, loyalty is not to the person who
appointed you. It should be to the institution and the people
However, there are certain powers of the President that even in general. If thats our presumption, thats ideal but your
if granted to an alter-ego cannot be ratified or if ratified suspicion comes in and that precisely on suspension that
cannot be delegated. These are non-delegable powers you will not be loyal to the person appointing you, you will
which includes: not be given a chance. Thats why they insisted that the
appointment is unconstitutional. But that was settled already.
The declaration of Martial Law and the suspension Regardless of the argument of other authors, you have to
of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus this stick to the argument of the sc.
power cannot be delegated to the DOJ Secretary.
Pardoning power or Executive Clemency That was the case of Castro vs JVC and Soriano et al.
Treaty-making cannot be delegated to the DFA.
It applies to the judiciary as well except the justices of the sc.
But the power of entering into contract of foreign loans, the The discussion is not there but nonetheless, the bottom line
Supreme Court states that this can be delegated to the is the appointment of Corona is constitutional although not
Chairman of the BSP because it is not of the same class of explained clearly. So just read and apply literally the case
powers as that of declaration of Martial Law, suspension of which sustained the appointment.
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, executive
clemency or treaty-making. In which case, the act of the Supervision on government ha. It is not control. So we have
chairman of the BSP is considered as the act of the the case of Drilon.
President under the qualified political agency.
In that case involving local governments, there was a
Q&A on midnight appointments it is the opinion of question on an ordinance that was passed and they asked
Suarez that midnight appointments does not only refer the opinion of the DOJ Sec on the constitutionality of
to the executive department but also the judiciary. This ordinance that was passed. DOJ Sec said it was
was even used by Coronas camp in his defense in the unconstitutional. At that time, the DOJ Secretary was Drilon.
Corona impeachment. So question was can that tax ordinance be nullified simply
on the opinion of the DOJ Secretary?
Judge: That is the Valenzuela case.
Answer is no because Sec as alter ego of president only has
supervision and not control. To invalidate the tax ordinance,
you go to court and have it nullified. It cannot be by the
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
president and the secretary because President only has Take note of the case of Pichay. Junior (?) vs the Office
supervision over the lgu and not control. of the Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs. This was
decided on July 24, 2012 and came out in the bar exam.
Going back to the control of president over the executive
department part of which is the power of reorganization for Do you remember Pichay who was the chairman of LUA? He
efficiency and economy. was investigated by the Office of the President through the
Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs. That office was
That has always been asked in the bar exam as to the power abolished and the powers were transferred to the Office of
of pres to reorganize. the Executive Secretary and he complained. What did SC
say on the matter? Gi abolish ang presidential anti-graft
BAR: Does this include the power to abolish or to commission (PAGC, office which investigates high ranking
create offices or consolidate offices in the executive chief executives, dili sa Ombudsman, mu-agi sa PAGC,
department? concurrent jurisdiction with Ombudsman. Most Cases are
Answer: The president for as long as this will not entail given to PAGC to investigate).
appropriation of public funds, this is part of the power of the
president to reorganize the executive department because Pichay was then investigated by PAGC, but it was abolished.
he has control and supervision over the executive It was replaced by the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal
department. Thus the president may create office like the Affairs under Ochoa. Pichay complained. SC said Section 31
creation of the Truth Commisison. of E.O. No. 292 otherwise known as the Administrative Code
of 1987 vests in the president the continuing authority to
Buklod ng Kawani EIIB vs Zamora. reorganize the offices under him to achieve efficiency,
economy and simplicity. The Office of the President must, in
Sc sustained the validity of the power of the president order to remain effective and efficient, be capable of being
because according to sc, while it is true that this is basically shaped and reshaped by the President in the manner he
the power of congress because this will require the deems fit to carry out his directives and policies. Clearly, the
appropriation of public funds, but in the creation of the truth abolition of the PAGC and the transfer of its functions to a
commission, no funds will be separately appropriated for that division specifically created within the office of the Deputy
purpose because it will be taken from the budget of the Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs is properly within the
president. Then as part of reorganization to help in ensuring prerogative of the President under his continuing delegated
that laws are faithfully executed by having investigatory body legislative authority to reorganize his own office. Since both
to implement the laws specially on draft laws then definitely, of these offices belong the the president proper, then the
president has the power. If in activating an offense to the reorganization by abolishing the PAGC and transferring its
extent on abolishing it, you remember the EIIB, Economic functions to the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs
Intelligence Investigatory Board, the employees here are is allowable under Section 31.
transferred to customs. The others here were transferred to
NBI. Walay nabilin sa EIIB. Katong wla na absorb like kato Local governments, SUPERVISION ONLY.
wala na transfer sa customs or nbi, effectively, were
removed from office kay wa naman silay trabaho and so they Let us now go to the other powers of the president.
complained by saying that the president cannot do that.
What was the justification? The president has the power to 4. This is insofar as MILITARY POWERS.
reorganize the office even to the extent of inactivating the
office, the president definitely can do that as part of his Question: How is this exercised by the president?
control over the executive department. This is Buklod ng Answer: The president is the commander-in-chief of
Kawani EIIB vs Zamora. the AFP and as such, he is the nominal head of the AFP. He
reviews the decisions of the court marshalls.
The General Rule always has been the power to It is in the strict sense, a court a military court. All
abolish public office is lodged in the legislature. decisions are not appealable to the Supreme Court but to
the President in his capacity as the commander-in-chief of
The Exception is that as far bureaus, agencies or the AFP.
offices in the executive department are concerned, the
presidents power of control may justify him to inactivate What the SC was saying in that case involving
the function of a particular office or certain laws may grant Trillanes and the others who have been prosecuted or
him the authority to carry out reorganization measures. The heard before the Court Marshall, the SC sustained the
chief executive under our laws has the containing authority validity by saying that its the only way by which you can
to reorganize the administrative structure of the office of the make the military accountable to the civilian authority at all
president. And a recent decision of the SC regarding that times because the decisions of the Court Marshall are
matter, subject to the review of the highest supreme authority who is
the commander-in-chief of the AFP.

Part of the military powers of the President is that

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
1. he can declare Martial Law and
2. suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. Question: Can the president do any reorganization in
3. Another power is the CALLING OUT OF ARMED the BIR that may run counter to the law?
FORCES to assist them whenever it becomes necessary Answer:No, it has to be in accordance with the law.
in order to prevent or suppress lawlessness, rebellion
or invasion. Also, take note of Martial Law and the suspension of the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus as to the limitations.
Take note of the calling out power of the President as
compared to the declaration of Martial Law. That will be discussed again in the Bill of Rights.

Calling out is not subject to review. 5. PARDONING POWER

As to the grounds, only discretionary on the President Executive Clemency- this is NOT DELEGABLE. This is
whenever it becomes necessary. discretionary of the president if exercised. Especially when
we talk about the ordinary pardon. We are not talking here
In so far with the declaration of Martial Law and the about the amnesty. This is FINAL and UNAPPELABLE
suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, .
This relevant because of the controversy regarding ERAP.
only when there is an actual rebellion or invasion There's a question whether it was absolute or conditional.
and public safety requires the declaration or the The question now is that did it obliterate his public
suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas disqualification to run for office despite being convicted for a
corpus. grave offense where the penalty was Reclusion Perpetua.
He was granted pardon, but did it included the accessory
Question: Is the calling out of the AFP subject to penalty of perpetual disqualification?
revocation by Congress? How about declaration and
suspension of ML and WHC,respectively? SC recently, this year only, that the pardon granted by
Arroyo was VALID(wala gi mention ni ma'am unsa na case).
Answer: No. A declaration of Martial Law and the
suspension of the privilege, yes, it is subject to revocation Going back, Executive Clemency has different types:
and that would require only majority votes of the members of 1. Ordinary Pardon
Congress in a joint session, voting jointly. 2. Amnesty
3. Commutation
Question: Can the calling out power be delegated to 4. Reprieve
the local governments? 5. Remission of Fines and Forfeitures

Take note of the case of Cubayan vs. Tan (July 3, I. Pardon-

2012).This was also asked in the Bar Exam.
a. Ordinary Pardon could be either ABSOLUTE or
The governor of the Maguindanao, the aftermath of the QUALIFIED(or conditional).
massacre in Maguindanao then asked the assistance of the
military to put up checkpoints so that anyone who enters and Absolute Pardon- there are no qualifications. If granted, it
exits from the province will have to go through the NEED NOT BE ACCEPTED by the pardonee. The person
checkpoints. He justified by saying that he has military should be CONVICTED and conviction should be FINAL
powers including the calling out of the military. SC said already. So it's granted only after final conviction. If there's a
that the calling out powers contemplated under the pending MR or pending appeal, he is not qualified.
Constitution is exclusive to the President of the
Philippines as Commander-in-Chief. Thus, a provincial Take note ha? Theres conviction and conviction is final
governor is not endowed with the power to call upon the already. So meaning, this is granted only after final
Armed Forces. Only the president is authorized to exercise conviction. If there is a pending MR or a pending appeal, he
emergency powers as provided under Sec. 43, Article 6 and is not qualified as to the grant of pardon.
the calling out powers under Sec. 7, Art. 7 of the 1987
Constitution. While the President is exercises full supervision On the other hand, there is conditional pardon.
and control of the police, local chief executives, such as a
provincial governor, only exercise operational supervision This has to be accepted because it could be more
over the police and may exercise control only in the burdensome. Lets say for example there is that condition
operations. As discussed in the deliberation of the ConCon, that the convict could not anymore go to a casino. That could
the President has the discretion to call a military when, in his be more burdensome for you. Id rather in be in jail. So there
judgment, it is necessary to do so in order to prevent is a need for it to be accepted.
lawlessness, violence, invasion or rebellion.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
In the case of Estrada, he was granted an absolute pardon.
Estrada filed a motion for reconsideration of his conviction. Probation is granted by the court upon recommendation of
Do you know that guys? According to rumormongers, the probations office where a person is convicted of a crime
Estrada was in Taytay. It was Lambino who went to Estrada the penalty of which is 6 years or less.
and offered pardon. Thats why Estrada, despite the fact that
it was Arroyo who caused his conviction, is still very grateful Parole is different. After serving the minimum of the
to Arroyo. Lambino, after conviction, went to Estrada and sentence. Pono na kayo ang prisohan so ge pa gawas osa
offered absolute pardon. Take note of what happened to the ka. This is jail decongestion. But youre still in the custody of
MR. So they were saying, puro ra line of argument, was law which means if you violate any of the conditions of your
there acceptance when there is a pending MR? And parole, you will be arrested and sent to prison again to serve
therefore the conviction was not yet final. And even the rest of your sentence. Parole is granted by the
assuming that the MR was already resolved, the judgment president, but it has a different effect compared to pardon
has already become final and there was acceptance, it was where you are relieved of further infliction of the punishment.
a grave abuse of discretion on the part of the President
granting pardon after spending millions of money and years Amnesty applies only to a group of people charged with
of waiting for the conviction, only to be granted pardon a day political offense. This can be granted even before conviction.
after conviction. Do you understand? That was the line of So this could be granted before or after conviction. And it
argument. need not be final. Whats the effect when amnesty is granted?
It would be as if you did not commit any crime but there is a
There is no argument that it is discretionary on the part of the catch. You have to plead guilty first before you are granted
President. But was there a grave abuse of discretion amnesty. This has to be approved by the majority of the
exercised here amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction? members of congress.
Supreme Court said so otherwise. Its already final and
executory. Case dismissed. Pardon was absolute and I do not know how they phrased the admission of guilt of
therefore it removes also the public disqualification. Do you Trilanes when he was granted amnesty. It was amnesty not
understand? Sabot or wa kasabot? pardon because he was not convicted. So it was as if he
never committed the crime.
Pero truly ha? Millions of money were spent for the trial.
Bringing him alone to the Sandiganbayan, thats thousands Reprieved is the postponement of the execution of penalty.
of money. Because he lived in Taytay, he was detained in
Taytay. He was treated like an ex-head of state, not an 6. DIPLOMATIC POWERahh bryt namo ana. Just take
ordinary felon like what happened Arroyo now. Hes so note the case of Pimentel vs the Executive secretary.
grateful. Naa pay swimming pool. Suroy-suroy pa siya. It is
his rest house. He is very familiar. Bisitahon pa siya That the ratification and treaty making is the exclusive power
everytime. He ate good food. Asa man ka ana? of the President. Even the concurrence of the senate will not
compel the president from entering into any treaty or ratifying
Question: Anyhow, the question is there. If you have a treaty. BUT to bind the Republic of the Philippines, the
already completed serving your sentence, is pardon still president will need 2/3 votes of Senate.
Answer: The effect of pardon is that it does not Also take note of the case of BAYAN vs ZAMORA, where
obliterate your criminal records. It stays. Only that, you will SC said it is inconsequential whether US
be relieve of the remaining effects of the sentence imposed
on you. You will be relieved of any further infliction of treats the VFA as an executive agreement (because under
punishment. Say for example, you have 40 years and on international law, an executive agreement is as binding as a
your 12th year, you were granted pardon. Once granted treaty and Congress is powerless to invade it) nevertheless,
pardon you need not serve the remainder. You already the VFA was concurred to by the senate. There were
served 40 years and then you were granted pardon. What demands, especially by Senator Miriam
for? I have served for 40 years and you grant me pardon
only now? It is still relevant because you can at least still -even if the United States treats the VFA only as an
serve as barangay captain? Because it will what? It will executive agreement because, under international law, an
remove all accessory penalties like civil interdiction. executive agreement is as binding as a treaty.
You will be restored to your civil rights. You can vote, you
can now manage your own property and exercise parental -Into the field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude, and
authority. So its still relevant so it can still be grante Congress itself is powerless to invade it.

Civil rights are restored. You can now manage your own -Nonetheless, the VFA was concurred by the congress.
properties. So its still relevant. It can still be granted. And if so thats why they are demanding, especially Sen. Miriam
granted that is not subject to appeal. Final and executory; Santiago, that the EDCA be submitted to the senate for their
concurrence because in effect it may be considered as like
that was the Case Of Flores Vs Drillon.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
that of a VFA (because the constitution, as a general rule, is case, the vice-president shall act on it unless the vacancy
against the entry of foreign military troops in the country). becomes permanent and then, the vice-president becomes
the new president. If no vice-president, the president of the
Controversy regarding EDCA: The role of senate in relation senate will act as president. If no president of the senate, the
to the negotiation of the EDCA one of the points raised is speaker of the house of representative will act as president.
that it is unconstitutional. If no speaker of the house of representative, congress must
immediately convene and pass a law that will provide for the
Negotiation of Treaty is an executive privileged that cannot manner of succession in the meantime.
be interfered with by congress. The president is never
compelled to disclose information pertaining to treaty -During tenure:
When there is vacancy in both office, as the president and
7. Power of the President TO APPROPRIATE the vice president: Call for a special election. This is
MEASURES/APPROPRIATION; Role of the President: permanent.

-the president may veto, either: During Incumbency:

1. veto per item only; or
2. entirely veto an appropriation bill. Permanent Vacancies: 4 ways to have a permanent
-the presidents role is in the budget. The budget is prepared 1. Resignation
by the president; submitted to congress, and the 2. Death
appropriation is based on the budget submitted. Congress 3. Impeachment
cannot increase the budget submitted but can decrease. 4. Permanent Incapacity.
And the president now has the power to execute the budget,
which should not be interfered by the congress through the Resignation
PDAF (Belgica case). SC said, dili na kinahanglan formal, it could be
1. Written or
-the president cannot disburse funds and appropriate funds 2. Verbal.
to programs and activities of government that are not
mentioned in the GAA, otherwise, it would be a violation on For as long as, there is relinquishment or abandonment of
the principle of separation of powers (Arroyo case). the powers of the office.

The delegated powers to the President; different power of In other words, the acts of the appointee, such as the
the president; veto powers of the president (tackled during president, the elected president, must correspond to his
the discussion on the overriding power of congress) intention to relinquish the powers. And so thats what
happened to Estrada when the SC declared him to have
Executive Impoundment resigned. He did not write any paper or document to
manifest his resignation. What did he do? He left
-there is an appropriation of funds for a government Malacanang. And made statement to the effect I am
project, as so stated in the GAA, then the person decides not stepping down as the Pres of the Republic. That was the
to spend the money. statement taken from his announcement. And there was the
- the constitution is silent on this matter. diary of Angara saying that the pres intimated to him that he
- Pres. Aquino(mother) did not spend the money is going to resign and on the basis of the circumstances, he
allotted to CAFGO. The CAFGO died its natural deaththey was considered resigned.
joined the abusayaf (wala na man makaon), no more
operational expenses because funds were not spend and On The Matter Of Impeachment. Removal Of An
instead considered as savings. Impound the money> pulled Impeachable Official.
the money (as part of DAP)> distribute the money for
projects not mentioned in the GAA. Permanent Incapacity.

Residual Powers (discussed already) Panganiban was saying that it should not be limited to
physical incapacity as well as functional incapacity. For the
RULES OF SUCCESSION president is suppose to be supported by his cabinet or by
the local chief executives more importantly the military, then
When is there vacancy? theres no point of remaining in office. Get out. Then you are
removed from office.
-At the beginning of tenure:
What happens when there is Permanent vacancy?
when there is no president elected or when there is a tie or
failure of election or no president has been choose, in which
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
The vice president, by operation of law, automatically the other branches of the legislative and executive, may now
becomes the president. That was the case of Arroyo. be looked into by the SC in the light of exercising judicial
There was a question on the legitimacy of Arroyo ascending review even if the power is expressly granted to these 2
to the presidency because Estrada was considered resigned. other branches of the govt if only to determine if such
Who was the vice pres? Naturally, she was. By operation of discretionary power has been gravely abused amounting to
law, became the president. They were surprised because lack or excess of jurisdiction.
there were talks about, ang iyang pag swear in diay unta ato
kay Chief Justice Davide, ang iyang Oath of Office, was to Case in point, landmark case of Marcos vs Manglapus.
be Acting Pres. Unya ka karon as Pres of the Republic man.
Pagka kurata. Di na mausab kay there were too many RESOLUTION
people watching. That was the story behind. Nakuratan kay EN BANC:
grand deception kuno.
In its decision dated September 15,1989, the Court, by a
Temporary Disability vote of eight (8) to seven (7), dismissed the petition, after
finding that the President did not act arbitrarily or with grave
May occur in the Office of the President when he is sick, on abuse of discretion in determining that the return of former
vacation, he may go on leave. So he cannot perform President Marcos and his family at the present time and
functions of the office. What will happen? Automatically, the under present circumstances pose a threat to national
V-President shall act as the President. interest and welfare and in prohibiting their return to the
Philippines. On September 28, 1989, former President
Another way to create temporary disability is when the Marcos died in Honolulu, Hawaii. In a statement, President
majority of the cabinet must report to Congress that our Aquino said:
President is insane, automatically; the V-President shall act. In the interest of the safety of those who will
But the President can always refute that. This is a ridiculous take the death of Mr. Marcos in widely and passionately
provision, because it says that Congress need not decide yet conflicting ways, and for the tranquility of the state and
on that first report, they will decide the second time the order of society, the remains of Ferdinand E. Marcos will
cabinet reports this. If I were the president, I would never not be allowed to be brought to our country until such time
give them a chance, I am the President, I appointed you, I as the government, be it under this administration or the
could always remove you from office before you could report succeeding one, shall otherwise decide. [Motion for
the second time. That is crazy, stupid jd kaau ni nga Reconsideration, p. 1; Rollo, p, 443.]
provision :D if there is a second report, it only needs majority
(of the cabinet), then Congress must right away decide, and On October 2, 1989, a Motion for Reconsideration was filed
to consider the President is under Temporary Disability it will by petitioners, raising the following major arguments:
require 2/3 votes of the members of Congress in a joint
session voting separately. Case: Estrada saying that he did 1. to bar former President Marcos and his family from
not resign, I was only on leave. I informed the Congress returning to the Philippines is to deny them not only the
he is saying that he is only under temporary disability, but inherent right of citizens to return to their country of birth but
the SC did not believe that. also the protection of the Constitution and all of the rights
guaranteed to Filipinos under the Constitution;
JUNE 26, 2015
2. the President has no power to bar a Filipino from his own
JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT country; if she has, she had exercised it arbitrarily; and

Judicial Power 3. there is no basis for barring the return of the family of
former President Marcos. Thus, petitioners prayed that the
The original concept of judicial power is only to settle Court reconsider its decision, order respondents to issue the
disputes involving legal controversies wherein there is a necessary travel documents to enable Mrs. Imelda R.
need to apply the law or the provisions of the constitution. In Marcos, Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., Irene M. Araneta, Imee
other words, the function of the courts is only to act as the M. Manotoc, Tommy Manotoc and Gregorio Araneta to
referee. return to the Philippines, and enjoin respondents from
implementing President Aquino's decision to bar the return
That has been changed under the 1987 constitution because of the remains of Mr. Marcos, and the other petitioners, to
judicial power has been expanded and that includes the the Philippines.
power of judicial review, that is the power to determine
whether there has been a grave abuse of discretion Commenting on the motion for reconsideration, the Solicitor
amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction. Generally, the General argued that the motion for reconsideration is moot
courts shall have jurisdiction only over questions that are
justiciable. Because of the expanded jurisdiction granted to
the courts, even political questions or questions that may 6
G.R. No. 88211 October 27, 1989
pertained to the political discretion or discretionary power of
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
and academic as to the deceased Mr. Marcos. Moreover, he mere shorthand for the specific executive
asserts that "the 'formal' rights being invoked by the authorizations that follow it in [sections] 2 and 3.
Marcoses under the label 'right to return', including the label Hamilton stressed the difference between the
'return of Marcos' remains, is in reality or substance a 'right' sweeping language of article II, section 1, and the
to destabilize the country, a 'right' to hide the Marcoses' conditional language of article I, [section] 1: "All
incessant shadowy orchestrated efforts at destabilization." legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested
[Comment, p. 29.] Thus, he prays that the Motion for in a Congress of the United States . . ." Hamilton
Reconsideration be denied for lack of merit. submitted that "[t]he [article III enumeration [in
sections 2 and 31 ought therefore to be
We deny the motion for reconsideration. considered, as intended merely to specify the
principal articles implied in the definition of
1. It must be emphasized that as in all motions for execution power; leaving the rest to flow from the
reconsideration, the burden is upon the movants, petitioner general grant of that power, interpreted in
herein, to show that there are compelling reasons to confomity with other parts of the Constitution...
reconsider the decision of the Court.
In Myers v. United States, the Supreme Court
2. After a thorough consideration of the matters raised in the accepted Hamilton's proposition, concluding that
motion for reconsideration, the Court is of the view that no the federal executive, unlike the Congress, could
compelling reasons have been established by petitioners to exercise power from sources not enumerated, so
warrant a reconsideration of the Court's decision. long as not forbidden by the constitutional text: the
executive power was given in general terms,
The death of Mr. Marcos, although it may be viewed as a strengthened by specific terms where emphasis
supervening event, has not changed the factual scenario was regarded as appropriate, and was limited by
under which the Court's decision was rendered. The threats direct expressions where limitation was
to the government, to which the return of the Marcoses has needed. . ." The language of Chief Justice Taft in
been viewed to provide a catalytic effect, have not been Myers makes clear that the constitutional concept
shown to have ceased. On the contrary, instead of erasing of inherent power is not a synonym for power
fears as to the destabilization that will be caused by the without limit; rather, the concept suggests only that
return of the Marcoses, Mrs. Marcos reinforced the basis for not all powers granted in the Constitution are
the decision to bar their return when she called President themselves exhausted by internal enumeration, so
Aquino "illegal," claiming that it is Mr. Marcos, not Mrs. that, within a sphere properly regarded as one of
Aquino, who is the "legal" President of the Philippines, and "executive' power, authority is implied unless there
declared that the matter "should be brought to all the courts or elsewhere expressly limited. [TRIBE,
of the world." [Comment, p. 1; Philippine Star, October 4, AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 158-159
1989.] (1978).]
And neither can we subscribe to the view that a recognition
3. Contrary to petitioners' view, it cannot be denied that the of the President's implied or residual powers is tantamount
President, upon whom executive power is vested, has to setting the stage for another dictatorship. Despite
unstated residual powers which are implied from the grant of petitioners' strained analogy, the residual powers of the
executive power and which are necessary for her to comply President under the Constitution should not be confused
with her duties under the Constitution. The powers of the with the power of the President under the 1973 Constitution
President are not limited to what are expressly enumerated to legislate pursuant to Amendment No. 6 which provides:
in the article on the Executive Department and in scattered
provisions of the Constitution. This is so, notwithstanding the Whenever in the judgment of the President (Prime
avowed intent of the members of the Constitutional Minister), there exists a grave emergency or a threat
Commission of 1986 to limit the powers of the President as a or imminence thereof, or whenever the interim
reaction to the abuses under the regime of Mr. Marcos, for Batasang Pambansa or the regular National
the result was a limitation of specific power of the President, Assembly fails or is unable to act adequately on any
particularly those relating to the commander-in-chief clause, matter for any reason that in his judgment requires
but not a diminution of the general grant of executive power. immediate action, he may, in order to meet the
exigency, issue the necessary decrees, orders, or
That the President has powers other than those expressly letters of instruction, which shall form part of the law
stated in the Constitution is nothing new. This is recognized of the land.
under the U.S. Constitution from which we have patterned
the distribution of governmental powers among three (3) There is no similarity between the residual powers of the
separate branches. President under the 1987 Constitution and the power of the
Article II, [section] 1, provides that "The Executive President under the 1973 Constitution pursuant to
Power shall be vested in a President of the United Amendment No. 6. First of all, Amendment No. 6 refers to an
States of America." In Alexander Hamilton's widely express grant of power. It is not implied. Then, Amendment
accepted view, this statement cannot be read as No. 6 refers to a grant to the President of the specific power
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
of legislation. The Court must deny respondents submission.

4. Among the duties of the President under the Suffice it to state that the issues raised before the Court do
Constitution, in compliance with his (or her) oath of office, is
not present political but legal questions which are within its
to protect and promote the interest and welfare of the
people. Her decision to bar the return of the Marcoses and province to resolve. A political question refers to "those
subsequently, the remains of Mr. Marcos at the present time questions which, under the Constitution, are to be decided
and under present circumstances is in compliance with this by the people in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to
bounden duty. In the absence of a clear showing that she which full discretionary authority has been delegated to the
had acted with arbitrariness or with grave abuse of discretion Legislature or executive branch of the Government. It is
in arriving at this decision, the Court will not enjoin the concerned with issues dependent upon the wisdom, not
implementation of this decision.
legality, of a particular measure."141 The intrinsic
ACCORDINGLY, the Court resolved to DENY the Motion for constitutionality of the "Pork Barrel System" is not an issue
Reconsideration for lack of merit." dependent upon the wisdom of the political branches of
government but rather a legal one which the Constitution
itself has commanded the Court to act upon. Scrutinizing the
This has been the source of Judical Activism and complaints contours of the system along constitutional lines is a task
from the co-equal branches of the govt. such as their that the political branches of government are incapable of
complaints about including into the discretionary powers of
the co-equal branches such termed as overreaching and rendering precisely because it is an exercise of judicial
thus the legislature even warned the SC from exercising power. More importantly, the present Constitution has not
judicial restraint. only vested the Judiciary the right to exercise judicial power
but essentially makes it a duty to proceed therewith. Section
You must understand these 2 terms - Overreaching And 1, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution cannot be any clearer:
Judicial Restraint. "The judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court
and in such lower courts as may be established by law. It
These all pertain to powers that are expressly granted by the
constitution to the 2 other branches of the government. You includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual
read the case of Bilgica, et al vs Executive Secretary controversies involving rights which are legally demandable
Ochoa Nov. 19. 2013, discussion on political question. and enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
B. Matters of Policy: the Political Question Doctrine.7 excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
instrumentality of the Government." In Estrada v. Desierto,142
The "limitation on the power of judicial review to actual cases the expanded concept of judicial power under the 1987
and controversies carries the assurance that "the courts will Constitution and its effect on the political question doctrine
not intrude into areas committed to the other branches of was explained as follows:143
government."138 Essentially, the foregoing limitation is a
restatement of the political question doctrine which, under To a great degree, the 1987 Constitution has narrowed the
the classic formulation of Baker v. Carr,139applies when there reach of the political question doctrine when it expanded the
is found, among others, "a textually demonstrable power of judicial review of this court not only to settle actual
constitutional commitment of the issue to a coordinate controversies involving rights which are legally demandable
political department," "a lack of judicially discoverable and and enforceable but also to determine whether or not there
manageable standards for resolving it" or "the impossibility has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
of deciding without an initial policy determination of a kind excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
clearly for non- judicial discretion." Cast against this light, instrumentality of government. Heretofore, the judiciary has
respondents submit that the "the political branches are in the focused on the "thou shalt not's" of the Constitution directed
best position not only to perform budget-related reforms but against the exercise of its jurisdiction. With the new
also to do them in response to the specific demands of their provision, however, courts are given a greater prerogative to
constituents" and, as such, "urge the Court not to impose a determine what it can do to prevent grave abuse of
solution at this stage."140 discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the
part of any branch or instrumentality of government. Clearly,
the new provision did not just grant the Court power of doing
nothing. x x x (Emphases supplied)
Taken from the case G.R. No. 208566
It must also be borne in mind that when the judiciary
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
mediates to allocate constitutional boundaries, it does not Bayan Muna v. Alberto Romulo (in his capacity as
assert any superiority over the other departments; does not executive secretary), 1 February 2011
in reality nullify or invalidate an act of the legislature or the
executive, but only asserts the solemn and sacred obligation On 1 February 2011, the Supreme Court of
assigned to it by the Constitution."144 To a great extent, the the Philippines dismissed a claim by Bayan
Court is laudably cognizant of the reforms undertaken by its Muna (the petitioner), a duly registered
co-equal branches of government. But it is by constitutional party-list group set up to represent the
force that the Court must faithfully perform its duty. marginalized sectors of society, which sought
Ultimately, it is the Courts avowed intention that a resolution to nullify the Non-Surrender Agreement (the
of these cases would not arrest or in any manner impede the Agreement) concluded between the Republic
endeavors of the two other branches but, in fact, help ensure of the Philippines and the United States of
that the pillars of change are erected on firm constitutional America.
grounds. After all, it is in the best interest of the people that
each great branch of government, within its own sphere, According to the petitioner, the Agreement
contributes its share towards achieving a holistic and contravened the obligations of the Philippines
genuine solution to the problems of society. For all these under the Rome Statute of the International
reasons, the Court cannot heed respondents plea for Criminal Court (ICC), which had been signed
judicial restraint. (but not ratified) by the Philippines. The
petitioner also argued that the Agreement was
void ab initio because it created obligations
that were immoral or that were contrary to
universally recognized principals of
Political questions are beyond the ambit of judicial inquiry,
meaning the courts, particularly the SC, has no jurisdiction to
review questions that are political in nature because such law.
questions are supposedly to be answered by the people in
their sovereign capacity which have the people has Regarding the petitioners first argument, the
delegated to their political representatives such as congress Supreme Court concluded that the Agreement
or the chief executive. did not undermine or contravene the Rome
Statute. On the contrary, the Court held that
Take note, the limitation on the power of judicial review to
the Agreement and the Rome Statute
acts to cases in courts carries the assurance that courts will
not intrude into areas committed to other branches of the complemented each other and thus
government. Essentially the foregoing limitation is a conformed to the ICCs principle of
reinstatement of the political question that Ching?? which complementarity. The Court added that:
under the classic formulation of paper vs CAR(?) applies
when there is found among others a textually demonstrable it is abundantly clear to us that the Rome
constitutional commitment of the issue to a coordinate Statute expressly recognizes the primary
political department such as the executive and legislative jurisdiction of states, like the RP [Republic of
department. A lack of judicially discoverable and the Philippines], over serious crimes
manageable standards for resolving it or the impossibility of
committed within their respective borders, the
deciding without an initial policy determination of a type
clearly for non-judicial discretion. complementary jurisdiction of the ICC coming
into play only when the signatory states are
Tanada vs Cuenco unwilling or unable to prosecute. (p. 27)

SC held that political questions refer to those questions

which under the constitution are to be decided by the people Regarding the petitioners second argument,
in their sovereign capacity or in regard to which full namely that the Agreement was immoral
discretionary authority has been delegated to the executive
because it leaves criminals immune from
or legislative branch of the government.It is concerned with
issues independent upon on wisdom, not on legality of a responsibility for unimaginable atrocities that
particular measure. deeply shock the conscience of humanity (p.
32), the Court also disagreed. It stated that
For more discussion regarding overreaching, read the cases the Agreement is an assertion by the
of Philippines of its desire to try and punish
1. Bayan vs executive secretary
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
crimes under its national law and that it is a
recognition of the primacy and competence of This is a petition for mandamus filed by
the countrys judiciary to try offenses under its petitioners to compel the Office of the
Executive Secretary and the Department of
national criminal laws and dispense justice
Foreign Affairs to transmit the signed copy of
fairly and judiciously (p. 33). The Court did the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
not concur with the petitioners opinion that Court to the Senate of the Philippines for its
the Agreement would allow Americans and concurrence in accordance with Section 21,
Filipinos to commit grave international crimes Article VII of the 1987 Constitution.
with impunity. The Court explained that
The Rome Statute, which established the
people who may have committed acts International Criminal Court shall have the
penalized under the Rome Statute can be power to exercise its jurisdiction over persons
for the most serious crimes of international
prosecuted and punished in the Philippines or
concern xxx and shall be complementary to the
in the US; or with the consent of the RP national criminal jurisdictions. Its jurisdiction
[Republic of the Philippines] or the US, before covers the crime of genocide, crimes against
the ICC, assuming that all the formalities humanity, war crimes and the crime of
necessary to bind both countries to the Rome aggression as defined in the Statute. The
Statute have been met. Philippines signed the Statute on December
28, 2000 through Charge d Affairs Enrique A.
It also stated: Manalo of the Philippine Mission to the United
Nations. Its provisions, however, require that it
With the view we take of things, there is be subject to ratification, acceptance or
approval of the signatory states.
nothing immoral or violative of international
law concepts in the act of the Philippines of Petitioners contend that it is the duty of the
assuming criminal jurisdiction pursuant to the executive department to transmit the signed
Non-Surrender Agreement over an offense copy of the Rome Statute to the Senate to
considered criminal by both Philippine laws allow it to exercise its discretion with respect to
and the Rome Statute. (p. 34). ratification of treaties. Petitioners submit that it
is a ministerial duty on the part of the Philippine
Government to ratify the Rome Statute under
treaty law and customary international law.
2. Pimentel vs executive secretary They invoke the Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties enjoining the states to refrain from
SENATOR AQUILINO PIMENTEL JR., et al. acts which would defeat the object and
v. OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE purpose of a treaty when they have signed the
SECRETARY G.R. No. 158088, 6 July 2005, treaty prior to ratification unless they have
En Banc (Puno, J.) made their intention clear not to become
parties to the treaty. The Office of the Solicitor
The signature does not signify the final consent General questioned the standing of the
of the state to the treaty. It is the ratification that petitioners to file the instant suit and contended
binds the state to the provisions thereof. The that the petition at bar violates the rule on
Rome Statute requires that the signature of the hierarchy of courts. Respondents argue that
representatives of the states be subject to the executive department has no duty to
ratification, acceptance or approval of the transmit the Rome Statute to the Senate for
signatory states. By ratifying a treaty signed in concurrence.
its behalf, a state expresses its willingness to
be bound by the provisions of such treaty. After ISSUE: Whether or not the executive
the treaty is signed by the states department has the ministerial duty to transmit
representative, the President is burdened with the Rome Statute to the Senate for
the responsibility and the duty to carefully study concurrence
the contents of the treaty and ensure that they
are not inimical to the interest of the state and HELD: Petition is dismissed
its people. Thus, the President has the
discretion even after the signing of the treaty by The Executive Secretary and the Department
the Philippine representative whether or not to of Foreign Affairs have no ministerial duty to
ratify the same. transmit to the Senate the copy of the Rome
Statute signed by a member of the Philippine
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Mission to the United Nations even without the Philippine representative, the same shall be
signature of the President. transmitted to the Department of Foreign
Affairs. The Department of Foreign Affairs shall
In our system of government, the President, then prepare the ratification papers and
being the head of state, is regarded as the sole forward the signed copy of the treaty to the
organ and authority in external relations and is President for ratification. After the President
the countrys sole representative with foreign has ratified the treaty, the Department of
nations. As the chief architect of foreign policy, Foreign Affairs shall submit the same to the
the President acts as the countrys mouthpiece Senate for concurrence. Upon receipt of the
with respect to international affairs. Hence, the concurrence of the Senate, the Department of
President is vested with the authority to deal Foreign Affairs shall comply with the provisions
with foreign states and governments, extend or of the treaty to render it effective.
withhold recognition, maintain diplomatic
relations, enter into treaties, and otherwise The signature does not signify the final consent
transact the business of foreign relations. In the of the state to the treaty. It is the ratification that
realm of treaty making, the President has the binds the state to the provisions thereof. In fact,
sole authority to negotiate with other states. the Rome Statute itself requires that the
signature of the representatives of the states
Nonetheless, while the President has the sole be subject to ratification, acceptance or
authority to negotiate and enter into treaties, approval of the signatory states. Ratification is
the Constitution provides a limitation to his the act by which the provisions of a treaty are
power by requiring the concurrence of 2/3 of all formally confirmed and approved by a State.
the members of the Senate for the validity of By ratifying a treaty signed in its behalf, a state
the treaty entered into by him. Section 21, expresses its willingness to be bound by the
Article VII of the 1987 Constitution provides provisions of such treaty. After the treaty is
that no treaty or international agreement shall signed by the states representative, the
be valid and effective unless concurred in by at President, being accountable to the people, is
least two-thirds of all the Members of the burdened with the responsibility and the duty to
Senate. The participation of the legislative carefully study the contents of the treaty and
branch in the treaty-making process was ensure that they are not inimical to the interest
deemed essential to provide a check on the of the state and its people. Thus, the President
executive in the field of foreign relations. By has the discretion even after the signing of the
requiring the concurrence of the legislature in treaty by the Philippine representative whether
the treaties entered into by the President, the or not to ratify the same.
Constitution ensures a healthy system of
checks and balance necessary in the nations The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
pursuit of political maturity and growth. does not contemplate to defeat or even restrain
this power of the head of states. It has been
The Supreme Court disagrees with the held that a state has no legal or even moral
petitioners interpretation of Section 21, Article duty to ratify a treaty, which has been signed
VII of the 1987 Constitution to mean that the by its plenipotentiaries. There is no legal
power to ratify treaties belongs to the Senate. obligation to ratify a treaty, but the refusal
The signing of the treaty and the ratification are must be based on substantial ground.
two separate and distinct steps in the Otherwise, the other state would be justified in
treaty-making process. The signature is taking offense.
primarily intended as a means of authenticating
the instrument and as a symbol of the good The power to ratify is vested in the President,
faith of the parties, which is usually performed subject to the concurrence of the Senate. The
by the states authorized representative in the role of the Senate is limited only to giving or
diplomatic mission. Ratification, on the other withholding its consent, or concurrence, to the
hand, is the formal act by which a state ratification. Hence, it is within the authority of
confirms and accepts the provisions of a treaty the President to refuse to submit a treaty to the
concluded by its representative. It is generally Senate or, having secured its consent for its
held to be an executive act, undertaken by the ratification, refuse to ratify it. Although the
head of the state or of the government. refusal of a state to ratify a treaty which has
been signed in its behalf is a serious step that
EO No. 459 issued by Ramos provides the should not be taken lightly, such decision is
guidelines in the negotiation of international within the competence of the President alone,
agreements and its ratification. It mandates which cannot be encroached by this Court via a
that after the treaty has been signed by the writ of mandamus. This Court has no
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
jurisdiction over actions seeking to enjoin the by the president, that is within the domain of the president to
President in the performance of his official determine. So in which case, if it is a matter of political
duties. The Court, therefore, cannot issue the discretion, such is beyond the ambit of judicial inquiry. Only
writ of mandamus prayed for by the petitioners when there is an allegation of grave abuse of discretion, then
as it is beyond its jurisdiction to compel the the SC may look into. So should it be justiciable, meaning,
executive branch of the government to transmit there has to be an applicable law or a constitutional
the signed text of Rome Statute to the Senate. provision as basis for invoking or questioning the validity or
the constitutionality of a particular act of government or of a
law passed by congress.
Where it is incorporated in our legal system through these
cases, its overreaching principle is perhaps best articulated By case we mean it is contested. There has to be a
in the dissenting of justice puno8, please read that. conflicting rights claimed by the parties. It cannot be friendly
debate or mere resolution of court to ask the court to be a
referee. It is not for the court to give an opinion.

Power of Judicial Review Actual means existing at the tie of filing of the complaint up
to the termination WON the act complained of is valid. So a
This is one way of checking the exercise of the discretionary premature filing is not an actual case, in which case, it is
powers of the executive and legislative branches of the dismissable such as the case of BANGSAMORO.
government. Because however of the maintenance of the
separation of powers where you have to maintain the SC said dismissed questions pertaining to BBL because
independence of the three branches of the government, this there is still a pending bill in Congress. Thus, it will preclude
judicial review power of the courts particularly that of the Congress in the enactment of the law if the SC will assume
supreme court may only be exercised provided that the jurisdiction. Prematurity could also mean that the complaint
requisites are complied. In all questions that relates to the has not yet resulted into a conflict but a mere anticipation
constitutionality of any act of government, the SC will not that his right will be violated that would be speculative.
directly go to deciding whether or not it is constitutional. The
SC will first justify this exercise of judicial review on the issue It must not be moot and academic as well, in such that the
of constitutionality by discussing first whether or not the controversy must sustain until the determination of the act
requisites have been complied with otherwise the supreme complained as valid or not. At the option of SC, even if it is
court will simply dismiss the petition for lack of jurisdiction already moot and academic, SC is not precluded in
simply because of the observance of the separation of reviewing the act complained of and determine its
powers. constitutionality to establish jurisprudence so I the future the
same issue may be raised, then there will be a guideline for
The requites are: our lawyers, judges, and public.
1. actual case or controversy
2. raised by the proper party -DAVID ET ALL VS ARROYO:
3. at the earliest opportunity of time
4. the issue raised is the lis mota of the case GR: mootness of issue cannot be considered as magical
this means that the main case cannot be formula in dismissing a case just because the issue
decided without first deciding on the is no longer there. It cannot close its eyes just
constitutionality because the issue is moot and academic. There are
A. Patent And Gross Violation Of The Constitution
The question has to be a justiciable question and not a
political question. Political question pertains to the The supreme cannot just close its eyes and simply dismiss
philosophy, the rationale of the law or the act of the the case because the case has become moot and academic.
government; it has nothing to do with the legality that is The supreme court has to review the act and establish
political because they are in the best position to know guidelines for the future that if the issue would be raised at
whether the law is beneficial to the people. As to the reason least there would be a prevailing principle
for its enactment, we leave it to congress that makes the law
to determine the propriety of its enactment and such can B. Issue Is Of Transcendental Importance Or Of
only be acted by congress themselves as regards to the Paramount Interest Or
matter of policy and why such particular law is implemented
C. When There Is Necessity Establish Guidelines Or
Precepts For Future Reference
Concern: judge said see dissent of Puno but in the case he was the
ponente D. When It Can Be Repeated In The Future However It
May Evade Review Then In Which Case Supreme Court
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Must Resolve The Issue Even If It Has Become Moot And public funds, it has to be anomalous that would result to
Academic misappropriation of public funds.

you have the case of MOA. North Cotabato v. Grp 2nd instance, when taxpayer questions an exorbitant tax
Government Panel as to the bangsamoro juridicial entity. imposition, because that would tantamount to taking his
property without due process and so, unconstitutional.
The president has already signified that she is not signing
the memo but still the supreme court has proceeded in As a VOTER
review the act being complained of.
Must show an obvious interest in the validity of the election
on the other hand, you also have case of Pormento v law, that will affect his right to vote or to run for public office.
where the supreme court just dismissed the case because
the issue has become moot and academic saying that after GR: you cant be a proper party if youre just a concerned
all Mr. Estrada has not been reelected so why you have to citizen because of Direct Injury Principle
review when there is nothing to review there. it has been EXC: There must be showing that the issues are
overrun by a subsequent circumstance that is the non transcendental importance which must be settled early. So
reelection of Estrada and action is considered moot when it that the issue of proper party might be considered as mere
is no longer present a justiciable controversy because the procedural technicality which can be set aside by the SC that
issue involved academic or dead as such when subsequent is discretionary of the SC. So even if you are not directly
events have overtaken the petition and the court has nothing affected by it, if the SC takes that it has transcendental
to resolve importance.

2. PROPER PARTY In a case of Belgica, the SC entertained all the issues

pertaining to the constitutionality of a law
who is the proper party to raise a question of As a LEGISLATOR
There must be a claim of official action that infringes upon
DIRECT INJURY PRINCIPLE their prerogatives as legislators.
They must be aggrieved or in the imminent danger of
sustaining injury if the issue on constitutionality is not As a CORPORATE ENTITY
The parties suing has substantial relation to the third party,
It would not just be any citizen. He has to be affected the third party cannot assert his constitutional right: the right
directly by the law for him to be a proper party. of the third party to be included unless the third party by the
Court is allowed to the constitutional claim.
Direct Injury
personal and substantial interest in such that he has La Bugal BLaan vs Ramos:
sustained or will sustained direct injury as a result
La Bugal are the natives that questioned the validity of the
contract entered by the Philippines with a corporation that is
practically foreign. Can they be proper party? Are they are
involved in mining? Are they competing with the said
3. LOCUS STANDI corporation? Are their rights affected by the mining
corporation? SC recognized their legal standing, not
GR in Civil Cases: must have an actionable right; personal necessarily an actionable right like in civil law.
interest in the outcome of the case. Otherwise, no legal
personality to seek relief. Oposa vs. Factoran.

THIS IS NOT THE CASE IN POLITICAL LAW. The injury would either be actual or potential. So in the case
of the minor children, who filed a petition to enjoin the
In Political law, it is sufficient to have Locus Standi: secretary of DENR in the issuance of mining concessions
PROPER PARTY and logging concessions on applicants. There was a
question as to whether they are proper parties under the
As a TAXPAYER principle of or under the right of or right to a healthful and
balanced ecology, and the fact that, under the principle of
1st instance: when theres an appropriation of funds and the Intergenerational Responsibility to preserve the forest and
disbursement is anomalous. Not just any disbursement of the timberland for the next generation. So it could be
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
accused, and it would be applied retroactively, so
Oposa vs. Factoran. meaning if there is no law punishing the act, then, it
would be as if no crime was committed. In which
Xxxx case, it would be beneficial to the accused because
it is as if he did not commit a crime. The case can be
This case, however, has a special and novel element. dismissed. So it can be raised for the first time on
Petitioners minors assert that they represent their generation 2. On the issue of jurisdiction. That could raised
as well as generations yet unborn. We find no difficulty in anytime at any stage of the proceedings before
ruling that they can, for themselves, for others of their finality of the decision.
generation and for the succeeding generations, file a class 3. And finally, in civil cases, only when it is the lis mota.
suit. Meaning, the relief sought for cannot be determined
or cannot be resolved without first settling the issue
Their personality to sue in behalf of the succeeding of constitutionality.
generations can only be based on the concept of
intergenerational responsibility insofar as the right to a 4. LIS MOTA
balanced and healthful ecology is concerned. Such a right,
as hereinafter expounded, considers the "rhythm and Only when it is the lis mota. Meaning if there are other
harmony of nature." grounds by which the case can be resolved or be disposed
of, as much as possible, our courts should not touch on the
Nature means the created world in its entirety. 9 Such rhythm issue of constitutionality because it might endanger the
and harmony indispensably include, inter alia, the judicious stability of our country. So, only when the issue or the case
disposition, utilization, management, renewal and cannot be resolved without settling first the issue on
conservation of the country's forest, mineral, land, waters, constitutionality, then the Supreme Court may exercise
fisheries, wildlife, off-shore areas and other natural judicial review.
resources to the end that their exploration, development and
utilization be equitably accessible to the present as well as Take note of Belgica et al., vs. the Executive Secretary,
future generations. 10 Needless to say, every generation has Supreme court said of these requisites, the case law states
a responsibility to the next to preserve that rhythm and that the first two are the most important. What are the first
harmony for the full enjoyment of a balanced and healthful two?
ecology. Put a little differently, the minors' assertion of their a) Actual case or controversy
right to a sound environment constitutes, at the same time, b) It must be raised by the proper party
the performance of their obligation to ensure the protection
of that right for the generations to come. Now let us go the effects of the declaration of
unconstitutionality. Assuming that judicial review was
The locus standi of the petitioners having thus been exercised properly, what would be the outcome?
addressed, We shall now proceed to the merits of the
Assuming that judicial review has been exercised properly,
The issue of constitutionality must be raised at the earliest the outcome may either be that:
opportunity, which is when you file your pleading, that's the (1) the Supreme Court may declare the law as not
earliest opportunity. If you do not allege that in your unconstitutional, what we call as double negative declaration.
complaint or in your answer, you may not be allowed to In other words, ratifying or legitimating what is already
present evidence on the unconstitutionality of the act presumed to be valid as valid or it may
complained of during the trial. (2) declare the law as unconstitutional. So how do you treat
a law as declared as unconstitutional? The process in such
If you presented in your pleading, however you did not declaration can only be decided by the Supreme Court
present evidence to substantiate what you alleged in your sitting en banc with majority vote of those who actually
pleadings, then you may not be allowed to raise that for the participated in the deliberation, based on a quorum.
first time on appeal if you lose the case. That's the general
rule. However, take note of the exceptions where even if it Let us review! There are 15, so youll need majority (no.
was not raised in the pleadings in the trial, it may still be divided by 2 plus 1) so 8. If there are 14 justices, youll still
allowed to be raised for the first time on appeal. need 8. If 13, you need 7. If there are 12, you need 7 votes
as well. If there are 11 or 10, youll need 6. If there are 9,
1. When it is a criminal case. You are questioning the youll need 5. If there are 8, youll still need 5. If you have 7,
validity or the constitutionality of the penal laws. there is no more quorum, in which case there cannot be any
Because after all, if a penal law is declared deliberation. If they cannot obtain the requisite majority, the
unconstitutional, it would be to the advantage of the petition will be dismissed, thereby sustaining the
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
constitutionality or the validity of the law that is being
questioned. A legislative or executive act that is declared void for being
unconstitutional cannot give rise to any right or obligation.206
Now, let us go to the effect. There are 2 theories on this: However, the generality of the rule makes us ponder
1. Traditional view a law that is declared whether rigidly applying the rule may at times be
unconstitutional is not a law from the time of its impracticable or wasteful. Should we not recognize the need
enactment or from inception. So if it is not a law from to except from the rigid application of the rule the instances
the very beginning, it creates no rights, it imposes no in which the void law or executive act produced an almost
obligations, it creates no office and no protection irreversible result?
from the very beginning. It will be as if a law had
never passed because it is void. Therefore, the The need is answered by the doctrine of operative fact. The
effects of the law is not recognized at all and that doctrine, definitely not a novel one, has been exhaustively
would not be fair. explained in De Agbayani v. Philippine National Bank:207

2. Modern view we follow this view in our jurisdiction The decision now on appeal reflects the orthodox view that
under the principle of operative fact doctrine. You an unconstitutional act, for that matter an executive order or
recognize the effects of the law prior to its a municipal ordinance likewise suffering from that infirmity,
declaration of unconstitutionality for reasons of cannot be the source of any legal rights or duties. Nor can it
equity and justice. justify any official act taken under it. Its repugnancy to the
fundamental law once judicially declared results in its being
For a discussion on the OPERATIVE FACT DOCTRINE, to all intents and purposes a mere scrap of paper. As the
you have the case of Araullo vs. Executive Secretary. new Civil Code puts it: When the courts declare a law to be
Please read that. Although the supreme court was saying inconsistent with the Constitution, the former shall be void
that there are buildings or infrastructures that have already and the latter shall govern. Administrative or executive acts,
been implemented under the DAP, as long as it would orders and regulations shall be valid only when they are not
benefit the public, the same should not be affected by the contrary to the laws of the Constitution. It is understandable
declaration of the unconstitutionality of DAP. Ang-ang man why it should be so, the Constitution being supreme and
sad ug imu nang gub-on nga di naman nimu makuha ang paramount. Any legislative or executive act contrary to its
kwarta. Its lost forever, its already been used. On the other terms cannot survive.
hand, the supreme court stated that this is without prejudice
to the liability of public officials who may be responsible in Such a view has support in logic and possesses the merit of
the implementation of DAP (the president did not like this simplicity. It may not however be sufficiently realistic. It does
part of the decision), because apparently it was applied not admit of doubt that prior to the declaration of nullity such
retroactively without recognizing the validity of the act of all challenged legislative or executive act must have been in
even if it was made in good faith. It has been applied force and had to be complied with. This is so as until after
retroactively without recognizing the validity of the act of all the judiciary, in an appropriate case, declares its invalidity, it
even if it was made in good faith. So just go over that is entitled to obedience and respect. Parties may have acted
because there is a discussion of the operative fact doctrine. under it and may have changed their positions. What could
be more fitting than that in a subsequent litigation regard be
Doctrine of operative fact was applicable9 had to what has been done while such legislative or
executive act was in operation and presumed to be valid in
After declaring the DAP and its implementing issuances all respects. It is now accepted as a doctrine that prior to its
constitutionally infirm, we must now deal with the being nullified, its existence as a fact must be reckoned with.
consequences of the declaration. This is merely to reflect awareness that precisely because
the judiciary is the governmental organ which has the final
Article 7 of the Civil Code provides: say on whether or not a legislative or executive measure is
Article 7. Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones, and valid, a period of time may have elapsed before it can
their violation or non-observance shall not be excused by exercise the power of judicial review that may lead to a
disuse, or custom or practice to the contrary. declaration of nullity. It would be to deprive the law of its
quality of fairness and justice then, if there be no recognition
When the courts declared a law to be inconsistent with the of what had transpired prior to such adjudication.
Constitution, the former shall be void and the latter shall
govern. In the language of an American Supreme Court decision:
The actual existence of a statute, prior to such a
Administrative or executive acts, orders and regulations shall determination [of unconstitutionality], is an operative fact and
be valid only when they are not contrary to the laws or the may have consequences which cannot justly be ignored.
Constitution. The past cannot always be erased by a new judicial
declaration. The effect of the subsequent ruling as to
GR209287 invalidity may have to be considered in various aspects, with
respect to particular relations, individual and corporate, and
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
particular conduct, private and official." A case in point is the concurrent appointment of Magdangal
B. Elma (Elma) as Chairman of the Presidential Commission
The doctrine of operative fact recognizes the existence of on Good Government (PCGG) and as Chief Presidential
the law or executive act prior to the determination of its Legal Counsel (CPLC) which was declared unconstitutional
unconstitutionality as an operative fact that produced by this Court in Public Interest Center, Inc. v. Elma. In said
consequences that cannot always be erased, ignored or case, this Court ruled that the concurrent appointment of
disregarded. In short, it nullifies the void law or executive act Elma to these offices is in violation of Section 7, par. 2,
but sustains its effects. It provides an exception to the Article IX-B of the 1987 Constitution, since these are
general rule that a void or unconstitutional law produces no incompatible offices. Notably, the appointment of Elma as
effect.208 But its use must be subjected to great scrutiny and Chairman of the PCGG and as CPLC is, without a question,
circumspection, and it cannot be invoked to validate an an executive act. Prior to the declaration of
unconstitutional law or executive act, but is resorted to only unconstitutionality of the said executive act, certain acts or
as a matter of equity and fair play.209 It applies only to cases transactions were made in good faith and in reliance of the
where extraordinary circumstances exist, and only when the appointment of Elma which cannot just be set aside or
extraordinary circumstances have met the stringent invalidated by its subsequent invalidation.
conditions that will permit its application.
In Tan v. Barrios, this Court, in applying the operative fact
We find the doctrine of operative fact applicable to the doctrine, held that despite the invalidity of the jurisdiction of
adoption and implementation of the DAP. Its application to the military courts over civilians, certain operative facts must
the DAP proceeds from equity and fair play. The be acknowledged to have existed so as not to trample upon
consequences resulting from the DAP and its related the rights of the accused therein. Relevant thereto, in
issuances could not be ignored or could no longer be Olaguer v. Military Commission No. 34, it was ruled that
undone. military tribunals pertain to the Executive Department of the
Government and are simply instrumentalities of the
To be clear, the doctrine of operative fact extends to a void executive power, provided by the legislature for the
or unconstitutional executive act. The term executive act is President as Commander-in-Chief to aid him in properly
broad enough to include any and all acts of the Executive, commanding the army and navy and enforcing discipline
including those that are quasi legislative and quasi-judicial in therein, and utilized under his orders or those of his
nature. The Court held so in Hacienda Luisita, Inc. v. authorized military representatives.
Presidential Agrarian Reform Council:210
Evidently, the operative fact doctrine is not confined to
Nonetheless, the minority is of the persistent view that the statutes and rules and regulations issued by the executive
applicability of the operative fact doctrine should be limited to department that are accorded the same status as that of a
statutes and rules and regulations issued by the executive statute or those which are quasi-legislative in nature.
department that are accorded the same status as that of a
statute or those which are quasi-legislative in nature. Thus, Even assuming that De Agbayani initially applied the
the minority concludes that the phrase executive act used in operative fact doctrine only to executive issuances like
the case of De Agbayani v. Philippine National Bank refers orders and rules and regulations, said principle can
only to acts, orders, and rules and regulations that have the nonetheless be applied, by analogy, to decisions made by
force and effect of law. The minority also made mention of the President or the agencies under the executive
the Concurring Opinion of Justice Enrique Fernando in department. This doctrine, in the interest of justice and
Municipality of Malabang v. Benito, where it was supposedly equity, can be applied liberally and in a broad sense to
made explicit that the operative fact doctrine applies to encompass said decisions of the executive branch. In
executive acts, which are ultimately quasi-legislative in keeping with the demands of equity, the Court can apply the
nature. operative fact doctrine to acts and consequences that
resulted from the reliance not only on a law or executive act
We disagree. For one, neither the De Agbayani case nor the which is quasi-legislative in nature but also on decisions or
Municipality of Malabang case elaborates what executive orders of the executive branch which were later nullified.
act mean. Moreover, while orders, rules and regulations This Court is not unmindful that such acts and
issued by the President or the executive branch have fixed consequences must be recognized in the higher interest of
definitions and meaning in the Administrative Code and justice, equity and fairness.
jurisprudence, the phrase executive act does not have such
specific definition under existing laws. It should be noted that Significantly, a decision made by the President or the
in the cases cited by the minority, nowhere can it be found administrative agencies has to be complied with because it
that the term executive act is confined to the foregoing. has the force and effect of law, springing from the powers of
Contrarily, the term executive act is broad enough to the President under the Constitution and existing laws. Prior
encompass decisions of administrative bodies and agencies to the nullification or recall of said decision, it may have
under the executive department which are subsequently produced acts and consequences in conformity to and in
revoked by the agency in question or nullified by the Court. reliance of said decision, which must be respected. It is on
this score that the operative fact doctrine should be applied
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
to acts and consequences that resulted from the
implementation of the PARC Resolution approving the SDP The other side of the coin is that it has been adequately
of HLI. (Bold underscoring supplied for emphasis) shown as to be beyond debate that the implementation of
the DAP yielded undeniably positive results that enhanced
In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. San Roque Power the economic welfare of the country. To count the positive
Corporation,211 the Court likewise declared that "for the results may be impossible, but the visible ones, like public
operative fact doctrine to apply, there must be a legislative infrastructure, could easily include roads, bridges, homes for
or executive measure, meaning a law or executive the homeless, hospitals, classrooms and the like. Not to
issuance." Thus, the Court opined there that the operative apply the doctrine of operative fact to the DAP could literally
fact doctrine did not apply to a mere administrative practice cause the physical undoing of such worthy results by
of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, viz: destruction, and would result in most undesirable
Under Section 246, taxpayers may rely upon a rule or ruling
issued by the Commissioner from the time the rule or ruling Nonetheless, as Justice Brion has pointed out during the
is issued up to its reversal by the Commissioner or this deliberations, the doctrine of operative fact does not always
Court. The reversal is not given retroactive effect. This, in apply, and is not always the consequence of every
essence, is the doctrine of operative fact. There must, declaration of constitutional invalidity. It can be invoked only
however, be a rule or ruling issued by the Commissioner that in situations where the nullification of the effects of what
is relied upon by the taxpayer in good faith. A mere used to be a valid law would result in inequity and
administrative practice, not formalized into a rule or ruling, injustice;212 but where no such result would ensue, the
will not suffice because such a mere administrative practice general rule that an unconstitutional law is totally ineffective
may not be uniformly and consistently applied. An should apply.
administrative practice, if not formalized as a rule or ruling,
will not be known to the general public and can be availed of In that context, as Justice Brion has clarified, the doctrine of
only by those with informal contacts with the government operative fact can apply only to the PAPs that can no longer
agency. be undone, and whose beneficiaries relied in good faith on
the validity of the DAP, but cannot apply to the authors,
It is clear from the foregoing that the adoption and the proponents and implementors of the DAP, unless there are
implementation of the DAP and its related issuances were concrete findings of good faith in their favor by the proper
executive acts.1avvphi1 The DAP itself, as a policy, tribunals determining their criminal, civil, administrative and
transcended a merely administrative practice especially after other liabilities.
the Executive, through the DBM, implemented it by issuing
various memoranda and circulars. The pooling of savings WHEREFORE, the Court PARTIALLY GRANTS the
pursuant to the DAP from the allotments made available to petitions for certiorari and prohibition; and DECLARES the
the different agencies and departments was consistently following acts and practices under the Disbursement
applied throughout the entire Executive. With the Executive, Acceleration Program, National Budget Circular No. 541 and
through the DBM, being in charge of the third phase of the related executive issuances UNCONSTITUTIONAL for
budget cycle the budget execution phase, the President being in violation of Section 25(5), Article VI of the 1987
could legitimately adopt a policy like the DAP by virtue of his Constitution and the doctrine of separation of powers,
primary responsibility as the Chief Executive of directing the namely:
national economy towards growth and development. This is (a) The withdrawal of unobligated allotments from the
simply because savings could and should be determined implementing agencies, and the declaration of the
only during the budget execution phase. withdrawn unobligated allotments and unreleased
appropriations as savings prior to the end of the fiscal
As already mentioned, the implementation of the DAP year and without complying with the statutory definition
resulted into the use of savings pooled by the Executive to of savings contained in the General Appropriations
finance the PAPs that were not covered in the GAA, or that Acts;
did not have proper appropriation covers, as well as to (b) The cross-border transfers of the savings of the
augment items pertaining to other departments of the Executive to augment the appropriations of other offices
Government in clear violation of the Constitution. To declare outside the Executive; and
the implementation of the DAP unconstitutional without (c) The funding of projects, activities and programs that
recognizing that its prior implementation constituted an were not covered by any appropriation in the General
operative fact that produced consequences in the real as Appropriations Act.
well as juristic worlds of the Government and the Nation is to
be impractical and unfair. Unless the doctrine is held to The Court further DECLARES VOID the use of
apply, the Executive as the disburser and the offices under it unprogrammed funds despite the absence of a certification
and elsewhere as the recipients could be required to undo by the National Treasurer that the revenue collections
everything that they had implemented in good faith under the exceeded the revenue targets for non-compliance with the
DAP. That scenario would be enormously burdensome for conditions provided in the relevant General Appropriations
the Government. Equity alleviates such burden. Acts.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
SO ORDERED. a) There is only one sc so that even if decision of sc is
decided by division, that is practically decided by
the whole sc although you can have that reversed
in SC en banc.
LEONEN, J.: b) Justices of sc are only removable through
impeachment. There you cannot file a disbarment
The GENERAL RULE is that a declaration of case against a justice or case in ombudsman for
unconstitutionality of any act means that such act has no criminal offenses relating to performance of public
legal existence: It is null and void ab initio.118cralawred function or even ordinary criminal case because it
could be said that it will amount to disqualification.
The EXISTING EXCEPTION is the doctrine of operative So practically there is immunity because of this
facts. The application of this doctrine should, however, be guarantee on removal only through impeachment.
limited to situations where (a) there is a showing of good
faith in the acts involved or (b) where in equity we find that c) For as long as they are in good behavior, they
the difficulties that will be borne by the public far outweigh remain in power until they reach the age of 70
rigid application to the effect of legal nullity of an act. unlike in America, it is for life perpetual ila term of
The doctrine saves only the effects of the unconstitutional
act. It does not hint or even determine whether there can be d) In so far as judges are concerned where they are
any liability arising from such acts. Whether the appointed by the president, the president how
constitutional violation is in good faith or in bad faith, or subject to exclusive disciplinary supervision of the
whether any administrative or criminal liability is forthcoming, sc in which case they cannot be charged in the
is the subject of other proceedings in other forums. ombudsman whether or not it be criminal or
administrative. Administrative exclusive only to the
Likewise, to rule that a declaration of unconstitutionality per sc. Criminal only when sc allows it because sc has
se is the basis for determining liability is a dangerous no criminal jurisdiction so only when sc says go
proposition. It is not proper that there are suggestions of ahead you can investigate the judge for criminal
administrative or criminal liability even before the proper acts, otherwise, they cannot be under the
charges are raised, investigated, and filed. jurisdiction of the ombudsman. Thats part of their
Any discussion on good faith or bad faith is, thus, premature.
But, in our jurisdiction, the presumption of good faith is a e) Not allowed to exercise quasi judicial function or
universal one. It assures the fundamental requisites of due executive function to maintain their independence.
process and fairness. It frames a judicial attitude that They can only exercise judicial powers and so you
requires us to be impartial. take note of the case of Makalintal vs
Presidential Electoral Tribunal,
Certiorari and prohibition as remedies are, thus, unavailing i. the SC emphasized here that what they were
for these questions where the factual conditions per expense performing as members of the PET are not
item cannot be convincingly established and where the quasi-judicial but essentially a judicial function
regulations have become moot and academic. This is and therefore it does not violate the provision
definitely not the proper case to assess the effects of each of of the Constitution as to guarantee their
the 116 projects under the DAP. independence.
Our decision today should not be misinterpreted as authority Another thing that we must Take Note on their power to
to undo infrastructure built or expenditures made under the appoint their own personnel in accordance with the Civil
DAP. Nor should it be immediately used as basis for saying Service Commission except with judges, such is the
that any or all officials or beneficiaries are either liable or not prerogative of the SC to ensure their independence.
liable. Each expenditure must be audited in accordance with
our ruling.chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary f) Most importantly, you take note that they enjoy
fiscal autonomy.
JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE OF SUPREME COURT (storya si judge sa iyang experience sa iyang allowance and
with DBM/National Treasury)
Question: What are the safeguards to make sure that
the independence of the sc shall be ensured? The recent decision on that fiscal autonomy came out last
Answer: bar exam, GSIS vs heirs of Fernando Caballero 632
1. Constitution which means that it cannot be abolished SCRA 514 and 15 October 4, 2010.
by ordinary legislation.
If the SC is to gloat financially? What was the basic principle
here guys? That when one would say fiscal autonomy gani,
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
enjoyed by the SC, it simply means that it has the power to grave abuse of discretion because that phrase justifies the
collect, access, assess, fees, charges and duties of all kind. SC in reviewing even political or discretionary acts of the
To safeguard the independence, if the SC has the authority different branches of the government and the legislative.
to levy, assess and collect fees including legal fees. Silay
magbuot if muincrease ang filing fees, pila ang legal fees ON APPOINTMENTS TO THE JUDICIARY, YOU HAVE
nga iimpose. Ang executive og judiciary nag-away kay SC THE JBC. This is a favorite in the bar.
refused to divulge pila ilang income nakuha from the filing
fees and they do not want to relay that to the National Their role is to recommend to the president. They nominate
Treasure and they were saying that we enjoy fiscal 3 nominees.
autonomy, these are our collections. If you impose upon us
to declare then that would be tantamount to intruding into our What's the Composition of the JBC?
fiscal autonomy that would be unconstitutional. What
happened to GSIS was this, a law was passed exempting 1. Ex officio Chairman-
GSIS from filing fees and legal fees. In other words, SC
was prohibited from collecting from cases of GSIS, so they The SC Chief Justice; while having the Clerk of the
did not pay filing fees because according to GSIS, they were Supreme Court as the the Secretary ex officio of the
exempted from taxes as well and legal fees, filing fees that Council and shall keep a record of its proceedings.
may be imposed. SC said, of course they are not exempt.
SC said that, SC now has the sole authority to promulgate 2. Ex officio Members-
rules (because this also relates to the power to promulgate
rules,) concerning pleading, practice and procedure in all 1. The Secretary of justice
courts. It has something to do with pleadings and procedure 2. Representing the Congress- you have someone
in all courts. SC said that the separation of powers among from HOR or Senate. HOR argued na co-equal sila sa
the three co-equal branches of government has been congress, so magsend sila ug 1 representative each.
directed (inaudible) hold the power to promulgate rules of So all in all, one vote. In practice puli-puli. Pero
pleadings, practice and procedure within the sole province of nadugay kay 2 votes naman nuon from the congress.
this court , the other branches trespassed upon this in by
issuing orders that effectively repel or nullify any of the Take Note, the constitution says MEMBER,
procedures and rules promulgated by the SC. It was deemed not MEMBERS.It should only be one.
from this perspective that the legislative grant of exemption
from the payment of legal fees under Sec. 39 of RA 8291 SC settled this that there should only be one representation.
necessarily fails. Notice have not carved out an exemption to
GSIS from the payment of legal fees without transgressing So, unsa namay nahitabo atong mga nanominate kadtong
another equally important institution of the SCs time nga 2 ang muvote gikan sa congress?
independence which is fiscal autonomy. Fiscal autonomy
recognizes the power and authority of the SC to levy, assess, The operative fact doctrine now comes in. According to the
and collect fees including legal fees. Legal fees under Rule Supreme Court, there should be only one representation in
141 have two basic components: the Judiciary Development order to maintain the equality among the three branches. But
Fund (JDF) wherein we get our allowance and special what happened to the nominees who obtained two votes in
allowance for the Judiciary Fund, also another allowance. Congress? Ipangnullify nimo ang appointment?
The laws which established these allowances expressly
declare the identical purpose to guaranty the independence Thats why the Operative Fact Doctrine was applied. Di
of the judiciary as mandated by the Constitution and public nato nimo pang-istorbohon. Kadtong mga nanominate nga
policy. Legal fees, therefore, do not only constitute a vital naay duha sa Kongreso, you may have obtained the
source of financial resources, but also comprise an essential appointment. Ivalid pa hinuon iyang appointment. So that
element of the courts fiscal independence. Any exemption would not be disturbed.
from the payment of legal fees granted by Congress to
government corporations and LGUs will necessarily reduce 3. Regular Members of the JBC
the JDF. It will impair the guaranty, fiscal autonomy and its a) Retired Justice of The Supreme Court
independence. b) Representative from the academe
c) Representative from the private sector
If you compare the budget of the three branches of the d) Representative from the Integrated Bar of the
government, ours is less than 10% budget. Sa allocation, 60 Philippines
siguro sa executive branch, 30 sa legislative then 10% for
the judiciary. Co-equal mana kaha?
Term of regular members: 4 years; appointed by the
On Judicial Restraint, that is only on the matter of political President with confirmation from the CA
questions. SC has no jurisdiction. That is granted expressly
by the Constitution to the co-other branches such as the For the first set of appointments in the Constitutional
executive and legislative. to determine if there has been a Commissions, they follow the rotational scheme of
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
appointment. 4,3,2,1. Karon nahuman na nila, the regular 1. provisions of the constitution and the Rules of
members serve for a term of 4 years. It is silent as to the Court. Any issue with regard to constitutionality will be
number of reappointment. decided En banc.
a) Example the constitutionality of a tax
In fact, Justice Hermossisima has been there for like, measure.
forever until he was replaced. He was from Cebu. Its silent
as to reappointment. As long as they like you, you get to 2. cases heard in division wherein the required
stay. majority votes are not obtained

For regular members, you memorize. It came out in the bar 3. cases of the SC which modifies or divorces a
exam so many times. Again, the term is 4 years subject to doctrine of law previously laid down either En banc or in
the confirmation of the Commission on Appointments. Division.

Nomination as to vacancy: Majority vote. For a (Note: There are no decisions of the SC that can be
nomination to any vacancy, you need the vote of the modified or reversed unless it is done by SC En banc)
4.administrative cases where the vote is for the
You have 3 ex-officio members and 4 regular members. So dismissal of the judge of a lower court. Or otherwise to
what is the majority of 7? 4. Here, the Chairman can also discipline judges where the penalty is more than 30
vote. If you dont get 4 votes then you cannot be included in days and fine is more than 10,000.
the short list. And the short list will be submitted to the
President. 5. election contest for president and vice president

Question: Is the President limited to the list? Take Note: When the SC sits En banc, cases are decided
Answer: Yes. He has discretion to choose among the by the concurrence of the majority of members who actually
nominees. took part in the deliberations of the issues of the case and
voted thereon. All the rest of the cases are decided in
Question: If the President does not like any nominees division: division 3, 5, and 7 or 8.
as it so happened,can he return it?
Answer: No, he is just limited to who is included in the JURISDICTION OF SC CONFERRED/GRANTED

One time, I remember, the President did not like the Original jurisdiction of SC
nominees included in the list and he returned it. The SC 1. Any case involving foreign ambassador or
Chief Justice Sereno also returned the list back to him consulsoriginal jud na siya concurrent with CA and
If you can recall in a specific case, when there was still no 2. Any case involving writ of prohibition, certiorari,
appointment for a new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court mandamus, quo warranto and habeas corpus, and writ
when Corona was removed, who then became the Chairman of amparo --- concurrent with CA and RTC
of the JBC? Wala naman ang Chief Justice, naremove 3. Review of the factual basis for the declaration of
naman. Most of the Justices of the SC, the senior ones, martial law and suspension of the writ of habeas
applied for the position. The SC said that just because the corpus--- not just on the question of law but also
CJ is no longer there that the JBC will stop operating. Just questions of Fact
because most of the members of the SC applied for the
position of Chairman, it doesnt mean also that nobody can Appellate jurisdictionall the rest
preside anymore the JBC and therefore it cannot operate. In
this case, SC said you follow the practice, the tradition in the Note:
matter of exercising the powers of the SC. So its in the rules, 1. Original jurisdiction of SC - cannot be decreased by
that whoever is the most senior among the juniors would be ordinary legislation but can be increased.
presiding. Kanang wala mangapply. So in that case, it was
Justice Peralta who acted as the Chairman of the JBC until a 2. Appellate jurisdiction of SC- cannot be decreased by
new Chief Justice of the SC has been chosen. ordinary legislation. Can it be increased? Answer is qualified:
Supreme Court (read the case of Desierto or the constitution itself) subject to
SCs advise or consent, without which any increase of its
Question: How do they decide cases? appellate jurisdiction through ordinary legislation is contrary
Answer: En banc and in division to the Constitution.
En banc cases coming from constitutional
Question: What are the cases covered under En banc? commissions:
Answer: COMELEC and COA- can be appealed diectly
to the SC through petition for certiorari
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Civil Service Commission- immediately We should always remember that this can only be applied
appealable to the CA. kung naai involvement ang government. If there is no
Reclusion perpetual penalty-- ; death penaltymust government, you cannot avail of writ of amparo.
pass through appellate review by CA before it goess
to the SC. Question: What is being protected of writ of amparo?
Answer: right to life, liberty or security. Or threat of
PROCEDURAL RULE MAKING (roles of SC) violation. Even threat of violation to your right to life, liberty,
sec. 5(5), art. 8 (VERY IMPORTANT)- or security.
exclusive power of SC to amend the Rules of
Court (ROC). Although in the case of TN of the Injunctive Reliefs provided for under the Writ Of
______ , SC said that congress--because Amparo:
legislative power is plenary to them, they 1. Temporary protective order
are not precluded from passing a law that 2. Inspection order
might amend or change the rules of court. 3. Production order
But as it is now, the rule-making power of 4. Witness protection order
the SC is EXCLUSIVE to the SC.
On the Writ Of Habeas Data guys what it being protected is
your privacy to life, liberty or security.

Controversy of the case of ___: So basically, it is a writ of the court to order whoever may
the passage of RA 7574 that amended rule 67, have some information or data that may violate your privacy
ROC on just compensationregarded as to life, liberty or security guys. So that the same may be
unconstitutional because according to corrected if it is necessary otherwise you may ask for the
petitioner, it is not for congress to amend the destruction of the information. Go over with that. But in the
Rules of Court, rather, it is now an exclusive more recent decision of the Supreme Court in the case of
perogative of the SC. And SC said that no, COA the Sc was saying, as between privacy and public
no, legislative power is plenary; practically interest, public interest will always prevail.
absolute and discretionary of congress.
They cannot be barred from making any law Just read the writ of habeas data in relation to writ of
for as long as it is not contrary to the information of public concern. This is a limitation of the right
Constitution. to information.
The SC acknowledges that the power (to
promulgate rules/ rule-making power), by
nature, is legislative. The SC is given such
Administrative supervision over lower courts
power to promulgate rules having the force
and effect of law; concerning: (MEMORIZE)
As I may have said already, many complaints against court
i. protection and enforcement of
personnel gikan pana sa janitor up to the judges. The
constitutional rights (e.g. *writ of
complaints exclusive siya, sa investigatory power of the SC,
amparo, writ of habeas data)
however, limited only to the administrative.
ii. pleadings (e.g. judicial affidavit rule-
manner of presenting the
Question : Whether or not the Ombudsman can then
investigate a judge or a justice who is not impeachable on
iii. practice and procedure in all courts
acts that are criminal in nature?
(latest of which, read the case of
Answer: No.
iv. Integrated Bar of the Philippines,
So first. there has to be initial investigation by the SC.
admission to the bar/to the practice
Especially the administrative case. Then later, on the
of law
discretion of the SC, SC may direct the Ombudsman to
*can only be applied when the government is involved. If no
determine the probable cause for criminal culpability. So
government involvement, writ of amparo cannot be availed
they have to wait in other words until SC may direct the
Ombudsman to conduct the investigation. This case I am
referring must relate to the performance duty of the
So related to this rule- making power. Na master na ninyo
personnel. Because if it is not, the court personnel can be
ang writ of amparo, writ of habeas data.
investigated of those that are not related to the performance
of duty. So that is part of the administrative supervision over
Writ of Amparo
the lower courts. So TN of that.

Judicial Privilege
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Where there is no confirmation of CA because
The justices of the SC cannot be compelled to appear in appointment is ad interim, appointment will last only
court. In a legislative inquiry for example, in order to disclose until the adjournment of the session of Congress then
information that may undermine the integrity of the reappointment is not prohibited because the provision
independence of the courts. on reappointment applies only to regular appointment.
In the impeachment case of Chief Justice Corona, this
pertains to the application for a TRO by the Arroyo against Take note of the case of Funa,
the DOJs so they may be allowed to leave the country for
medical treatment. there was a question on the appointment of a member
commissioner to be the chairman of the commission of
It was granted by the SC, subject to the filing of bond. That appointments. It says 7 years. But this particular individual
was one of the issues raised in the case of the justice, that did not finish his term because he resigned, he served only
he was favoring the former president. So they wanted to at about 3 years as commissioner and thereafter he was
know what time exactly was the paper filed. appointed as chariman of COA. I think he did not resign but
he was a member but appointed to chairmanship. The
That DOJ secretary was not bound to recognize the order of question: would that be considered as reappointment and
the SC because the applicant has not complied with the therefore prohibited. SC held that he can be appointed as
conditions for the grant of the TRO. So they wanted to know the Chief of COA provided that it would not be more than the
the date, time, and the people who made follow ups of those 7-year term. So let us say if he has served for 3 years as
documents or who were there in the processing of the member of commissioner of COA, he has still 4 years. If
documents in the SC. At that point they said that it is part of vacancy occurred, he is only to serve the remaining term of
judicial privilege because it would undermine the integrity of his predecessor.
the Supreme Court. (Personally, dili clear ang facts. Hehe. Let us read the case
the na lang)
It has the same effect as the executive privilege.
G.R. No. 192791, April 24, 2012
FACTS: Funa challenges the constitutionality of the
- They include Commission of Audit (COA), Civil Service appointment of Reynaldo A. Villar as Chairman of the COA.
Commission (CSC) and the Commission of Election Following the retirement of Carague on February 2, 2008
(COMELEC) and during the fourth year of Villar as COA Commissioner,
Villar was designated as Acting Chairman of COA from
Constitution Safeguards February 4, 2008 to April 14, 2008. Subsequently, on April
18, 2008, Villar was nominated and appointed as Chairman
1. To guarantee independence of ConCom of the COA. Shortly thereafter, on June 11, 2008, the
- They are constitutional bodies and therefore they Commission on Appointments confirmed his appointment.
cannot be abolished by an ordinary legislation. The He was to serve as Chairman of COA, as expressly
commissioners are appointed by the President (thats direct) indicated in the appointment papers, until the expiration of
but they cannot be removed by the President. They are the original term of his office as COA Commissioner or on
removable only through impeachment for as long as they are February 2, 2011. Challenged in this recourse, Villar, in an
in good behavior. obvious bid to lend color of title to his hold on the
chairmanship, insists that his appointment as COA
Chairman accorded him a fresh term of 7 years which is yet
to lapse. He would argue, in fine, that his term of office, as
such chairman, is up to February 2, 2015, or 7 years
The term of office is fixed by the Constitution. reckoned from February 2, 2008 when he was appointed to
- It is 7 yrs without reappointment. There are that position.
rotation of appointment, it applies only to the 1st set of
appointments to the ConCom. Thereafter, the ones will Before the Court could resolve this petition, Villar, via a letter
be appointed subsequent to the initial appointment of dated February 22, 2011 addressed to President Benigno S.
the commissioners. They are serving for 7 years without Aquino III, signified his intention to step down from office
reappointment. upon the appointment of his replacement. True to his word,
Villar vacated his position when President Benigno Simeon
The nature of appointment is always permanent. Aquino III named Ma. Gracia Pulido-Tan (Chairman Tan)
- There cannot be an acting commissioner, that is COA Chairman. This development has rendered this petition
prohibited. However, you have the case of Matibag vs. and the main issue tendered therein moot and academic.
Benipayo. In the case of Matibag, this is subject to the
confirmation of Commission of Appointments (CA). Although deemed moot due to the intervening appointment
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
of Chairman Tan and the resignation of Villar, We consider or Commissioner shall have served the full term of seven
the instant case as falling within the requirements for review years, then he can no longer be reappointed to either the
of a moot and academic case, since it asserts at least four position of Chairman or Commissioner. The obvious intent of
exceptions to the mootness rule discussed in David vs the framers is to prevent the president from dominating the
Macapagal Arroyo namely: Commission by allowing him to appoint an additional or two
more commissioners.
a. There is a grave violation of the Constitution;
b. The case involves a situation of exceptional character and On the other hand, the provision, on its face, does not
is of paramount public interest; prohibit a promotional appointment from commissioner to
c. The constitutional issue raised requires the formulation of chairman as long as the commissioner has not served the
controlling principles to guide the bench, the bar and the full term of seven years, further qualified by the third
public; sentence of Sec. 1(2), Article IX (D) that the appointment to
d. The case is capable of repetition yet evading review. any vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the
term of the predecessor. In addition, such promotional
ISSUES: appointment to the position of Chairman must conform to the
rotational plan or the staggering of terms in the commission
a. WON Villars appointment as COA Chairman, while sitting membership such that the aggregate of the service of the
in that body and after having served for four (4) years of his Commissioner in said position and the term to which he will
seven (7) year term as COA commissioner, is valid in light of be appointed to the position of Chairman must not exceed
the term limitations imposed under, and the circumscribing seven years so as not to disrupt the rotational system in the
concepts tucked in, Sec. 1 (2), Art. IX(D) of the Constitution commission prescribed by Sec. 1(2), Art. IX(D).

HELD: In conclusion, there is nothing in Sec. 1(2), Article IX(D) that

explicitly precludes a promotional appointment from
On the substantive issue: Commissioner to Chairman, provided it is made under the
aforestated circumstances or conditions.
Sec. 1 (2), Art. IX(D) of the Constitution provides that:
(2) The Chairman and Commissioners [on Audit] shall be The Court is likewise unable to sustain Villars proposition
appointed by the President with the consent of the that his promotional appointment as COA Chairman gave
Commission on Appointments for a term of seven years him a completely fresh 7- year termfrom February 2008 to
without reappointment. Of those first appointed, the February 2015given his four (4)-year tenure as COA
Chairman shall hold office for seven years, one commissioner devalues all the past pronouncements made
commissioner for five years, and the other commissioner for by this Court. While there had been divergence of opinion as
three years, without reappointment. Appointment to any to the import of the word reappointment, there has been
vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term of unanimity on the dictum that in no case can one be a COA
the predecessor. In no case shall any member be appointed member, either as chairman or commissioner, or a mix of
or designated in a temporary or acting capacity. both positions, for an aggregate term of more than 7 years. A
contrary view would allow a circumvention of the aggregate
Petitioner now asseverates the view that Sec. 1(2), Art. IX(D) 7-year service limitation and would be constitutionally
of the 1987 Constitution proscribes reappointment of any offensive as it would wreak havoc to the spirit of the
kind within the commission, the point being that a second rotational system of succession.
appointment, be it for the same position (commissioner to
another position of commissioner) or upgraded position In net effect, then President Macapagal-Arroyo could not
(commissioner to chairperson) is a prohibited reappointment have had, under any circumstance, validly appointed Villar
and is a nullity ab initio. as COA Chairman, for a full 7- year appointment, as the
Constitution decrees, was not legally feasible in light of the
The Court finds petitioners position bereft of merit. The flaw 7-year aggregate rule. Villar had already served 4 years of
lies in regarding the word reappointment as, in context, his 7-year term as COA Commissioner. A shorter term,
embracing any and all species of appointment. The rule is however, to comply with said rule would also be invalid as
that if a statute or constitutional provision is clear, plain and the corresponding appointment would effectively breach the
free from ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning and clear purpose of the Constitution of giving to every appointee
applied without attempted interpretation. so appointed subsequent to the first set of commissioners, a
fixed term of office of 7 years. To recapitulate, a COA
The first sentence is unequivocal enough. The COA commissioner like respondent Villar who serves for a period
Chairman shall be appointed by the President for a term of less than seven (7) years cannot be appointed as chairman
seven years, and if he has served the full term, then he can when such position became vacant as a result of the
no longer be reappointed or extended another appointment. expiration of the 7-year term of the predecessor (Carague).
In the same vein, a Commissioner who was appointed for a Such appointment to a full term is not valid and
term of seven years who likewise served the full term is constitutional, as the appointee will be allowed to serve more
barred from being reappointed. In short, once the Chairman than seven (7) years under the constitutional ban.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Answer: No. It is a statutory body mandated to be
To sum up, the Court restates its ruling on Sec. 1(2), Art. created by the constitution. It is not accorded with fiscal
IX(D) of the Constitution, viz: autonomy like COA, CSC and COMELEC.

1. The appointment of members of any of the three 3. Promulgation of Own Rules Governing Their
constitutional commissions, after the expiration of the Procedure and Pleading that May Be Filed with these
uneven terms of office of the first set of commissioners, shall ConCom
always be for a fixed term of seven (7) years; an
appointment for a lesser period is void and unconstitutional. - They have that power. However if it will go into pleadings
The appointing authority cannot validly shorten the full term that may be filed in the courts, the ConCom dont have that
of seven (7) years in case of the expiration of the term as this power. Remember that case of Aruego vs COMELEC,
will result in the distortion of the rotational system prescribed where there was a prohibition against filing a certain
by the Constitution. pleading in the courts and the SC said you cannot do that.
You are already encroaching into the prerogative of the
2. Appointments to vacancies resulting from certain causes courts, specifically the SC in promulgating its owns rules
(death, resignation, disability or impeachment) shall only be governing the pleadings in the court. You should not then
for the unexpired portion of the term of the predecessor, but interfere or conflict with rules that govern the courts.
such appointments cannot be less than the unexpired
portion as this will likewise disrupt the staggering of terms
laid down under Sec. 1(2), Art. IX(D). 4. The matter of appointing it own employees

3. Members of the Commission, e.g. COA, COMELEC or They also have the matter of appointing their own
CSC, who were appointed for a full term of seven years and employees and officials in accordance with the civil service
who served the entire period, are barred from reappointment just like the other constitutional practice to ensure their
to any position in the Commission. Corollarily, the first independence. Also the matter of their salaries being fixed
appointees in the Commission under the Constitution are by law and it cannot be decreased during the continuance of
also covered by the prohibition against reappointment. their office.

4. A commissioner who resigns after serving in the Judgments Of Constitutional Commissions

Commission for less than seven years is eligible for an - are appealable directly to the Supreme Court.
appointment to the position of Chairman for the unexpired
portion of the term of the departing chairman. Such -The only question to be raised there is question of
appointment is not covered by the ban on reappointment, law and determination whether or not there has been a
provided that the aggregate period of the length of service as grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess
commissioner and the unexpired period of the term of the of jurisdiction. Which means that to ensure their
predecessor will not exceed seven (7) years and provided independence as far as factual findings of the
further that the vacancy in the position of Chairman resulted commission are concerned, they are conclusive and
from death, resignation, disability or removal by binding upon the SC because what is left to be
impeachment. The Court clarifies that reappointment found determined by the SC in so far as decisions of the
in Sec. 1(2), Art. IX(D) means a movement to one and the constitutional commissions as a general rule will be
same office (Commissioner to Commissioner or Chairman to limited on pure questions of law and determination of
Chairman). On the other hand, an appointment involving a grave abuse of discretion. The exception however is
movement to a different position or office (Commissioner to with the Civil service. The civil service in so far as those
Chairman) would constitute a new appointment and, hence, are questions of facts must first pass through the court
not, in the strict legal sense, a reappointment barred under of appeals before it goes to the supreme court. Thats
the Constitution. the only thing with regards to the difference with the
other 2 constitutional commissions.
5. Any member of the Commission cannot be appointed or
designated in a temporary or acting capacity CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION - CSC

Function it is the central personnel agency of the

2. Fiscal Autonomy government

Their budget, like the judiciary, cannot be reduced even to a It is for them to attest whether or not the person appointed by
single cent once it is appropriated in the last fiscal year. the president or any appointing authority for that matter has
the minimum qualifications described by law.
Question: Is Commission of Human Rights (CHR) like
the abovementioned commissions, a constitutional body? You take note of the classification of positions based on
the revised administrative code. This will be taken up
again in the administrative law together with the other
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
subjects in political law. I will not go into details, only those requires specific qualifications.
which relate to the constitution, the career service and non-
career service. GR: Prohibition against double or additional compensation,
Except if you are retired from the government and thereafter
1.The career service could be open career, close you get employment with the government and you get
career or career officers or positions in the AFP, personnel compensation from new employment, there is no double
of the GOCC and permanent laborers. compensation there.

2. Non career are those positions that are based on Removal from office, won entitled to reinstatement
other than on competitive examination. It could be such as and back wages:
like elective officials are non career, theres no room for - Preventive suspension: general rule, no
promotion, you cannot be promoted as a matter of right from reinstatement unless the order specifically
a brgy captain to a governor, you have to run for election. states that you are entitled to back wages
Qualification is not based on educational attainment, you - Dismissed from service, you appealed, then
may be a law student but you are not an elementary you got sustained by the appellate court:
graduate not even finishing highschool now a congressman. reinstatement and back wages from the time
There are no qualifications, and the tenure is limited on of dismissal even if there is a pending MR, it
certain period of time fixed by law. is immediately executory
- Dismissed for 10 years: for as long as
Take note of the different kinds of officials. I will not go on the dismissal is not illegal, done in bad faith or
details on that. grave abuse of discretion, NO back wages.
- Retired: back wages and full retirement
BAR: the guaranty of security of tenure on employees benefits especially if the dismissal is illegal
covered by the civil service. This includes GOCC with
original charter; they are covered by the civil service law. For Elective official cannot occupy any other position in
corporations that are created by general law, they are the government unless it is allowed by law or by
governed by the corporation code or by the laws on the virtue of function of your office, you also perform
employer employee relationship, but if it is a corporation with the function of that office.
original charter, it is governed by the civil service law. - Members of congress are also members of
electoral tribunal and judicial bar and council
Discussion: you should remember some of the rights when - VP may be appointed by the president in the
you are an employee of the government, you enjoy security Cabinet
of tenure.
Prohibition against appointed of defeated candidate in
What is security of tenure? the last preceding election (1 year ff the election where he
That means that you can only be removed for lost)
grounds provided for by law. And there should be a - He is prohibited from occupy any position in
hearing before you are removed from office, demoted or the government
transferred. At the time of security of tenure, your
qualifications to the position with the corresponding Question: Who determines whether the position in the
requisite eligibility must concur in order to demand that government is confidential or not?
right to security of tenure. Answer:
What does it mean? You can be a lawyer but the - President or CSC (Civil Service
position as a regional director requires that you should Commission)
be a CES eligible, meaning you have a career executive
eligibility. Because if you dont have that, you dont Primarily confidential positions
enjoy security of tenure even if you are a lawyer 1. when the president declares the position to be primarily
because the position does not require a lawyer but a confidential upon the recommendation by the civil service
career eligible officer, in which case, you cannot commission
demand security of tenure as a matter of right. Or you 2. when by nature of the function there exist close intimacy
can be a career executive eligible, but your position between the appointing authority and the appointee which
does not require that eligibility, all that it requires is a insures the freedom of intercourse without embarassment or
specific qualification. freedom from misgivings or deleterious of personal trust or
confidential matters of state
All that it requires is a specific qualification. For
example, director of PAGASA, you have to be this The right of the employees of a Government to join in unions.
engineer. Youre a lawyer and you have nothing to that is guaranteed as a Constitution rights. that is in the bill of
do with the weather. But youre a lawyer and rights.
appointed as director of PAGASA, do you enjoy
security of tenure? NO because the position
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Question: are they prohibited to join concerted Supervisor which was slated on May 22, 2007.
activities such as to strike.
On May 25, 2007, respondent appeared before the
Answer: it is not prohibited by constitution but it its
prohibited by law. Commission, en banc sitting as the National Board of
Canvassers (NBOC) for the election of senators to submit
the provincial certificate of canvass for Maguindanao,
Take note the case of SSS employees association v
pursuant to his functions as Provincial Elections Supervisor
court of appeals.
and chair of the PBOC for Maguindanao. Due to certain
observations on the provincial certificates of canvass by
while the constitution and the labor code are silent to
whether or not government employees may strike, they are certain parties, canvassing of the certificate was held in
prohIbited from striking by express provision of abeyance and respondent was queried on the alleged fraud
which attended the conduct of elections in his area.
memorandum circular no. 6 series of 1997 of the civil service
commission and as implied by executive order 180 He was already informed of the resetting of the canvassing
for May 30, 2007, but failed to appear despite prior

COMELEC Respondents [petitioner] contention:

- it is enforce the election law. to ensure that there Bedol explained before the Task Force during its June 11,
would be an honest clean and orderly election. 2007 fact finding activity that, while in his custody and
possession, the election paraphernalia were stolen
Question what is important then with the COMELEC? sometime on May 29, 2007, or some fifteen (15) days after
Answer: the elections. This was the first time such an excuse was
given by the respondent [petitioner] and no written report
1. aside from enforcement, was ever filed with the Commission regarding the alleged
2. is on the registration of political parties and
accreditation of organizations in the party list (you read this Due to absences in the next scheduled investigative
in relation RA 7491) On registration, generally you cannot proceedings and due to failure and refusal to submit a
register an organization or party that represents the religious written explanation of his absences, respondent [petitioner]
sector was issued a contempt charge by COMELEC.
Petitioner was later arrested by members of the Philippine
3. they may also regulate public utilities media National Police on the basis of an Order of Arrest issued on
franchises especially during the election period June 29, 2007 by the COMELEC after petitioner repeatedly
failed to appear during the fact-finding proceedings before
Question: whether COMELEC can cite anyone power Task Force Maguindanao.
to contempt. does COMELEC have contempt power?
Petitioner questioned the COMELECs legal basis for issuing
Answer: read the case of bedol v. COMELEC. Yes. the warrant of arrest and its assumption of jurisdiction over
when it is exercised in quasi-judicial function. The the contempt charges. Nevertheless, he was declared in
investigation of bedol was considered as quasi- judicial contempt by COMELEC.
function perform by the COMELEC when he was cited in Petitioner, then, filed a motion for reconsideration which was
contempt denied by the COMELEC in the other assailed Resolution
dated August 31, 2007.
Bedol vs. COMELEC
ISSUE: Whether or not the initiation and issuance of
FACTS: As Chair of the Provincial Board of Canvassers contempt order is within the constitutional powers of the
(PBOC) for the province of Maguindanao, the respondent COMELEC.
[petitioner] discharged his official functions and was able to
ensure the PBOCs performance of its ministerial duty to
canvass the Certificates of Canvass coming from the twenty RULING:
two (22) city and municipalities in the province.
Powers of COMELEC
At that time, respondent [petitioner] also was charged with
the burdensome and gargantuan duty of being the The COMELEC possesses the power to conduct
concurrent Provincial Elections Supervisor for the Province investigations as an adjunct to its constitutional duty to
of Shariff Kabunsuan a neighboring province of enforce and administer all election laws, by virtue of the
Maguindanao. explicit provisions of paragraph 6, Section 2, Article IX of the
1987 Constitution, which reads:
Respondent [petitioner] Bedol failed to attend the scheduled
canvassing of the Provincial Certificates of Canvass (PCOC) Article IX-C, Section 2. xxx
of Maguindanao of which he is the Provincial Election (6) xxx; investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute cases
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
of violations of election laws, including acts or omissions Third and fourth, he publicly displayed disrespect for the
constituting election frauds, offenses, and malpractices. authority of the COMELEC through the media (interviews on
national television channels, and in newspapers and radios)
The powers and functions of the COMELEC, conferred upon
by flaunting an armory of long firearms and side arms in
it by the 1987 Constitution and the Omnibus Election Code,
public, and posing for the front page of a national
may be classified into administrative, quasi-legislative, and
broadsheet, with a shiny pistol tucked in a holster, in
quasi-judicial. The quasi-judicial power of the COMELEC
violation of paragraphs (a) and (d), Section 2, Rule 29 of
embraces the power to resolve controversies arising from
same Rules.
the enforcement of election laws, and to be the sole judge of
all pre-proclamation controversies; and of all contests WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DISMISSED and the
relating to the elections, returns, and qualifications. Its prayer for a Temporary Restraining Order and/or a Writ of
quasi-legislative power refers to the issuance of rules and Preliminary Injunction is hereby DENIED. No costs.
regulations to implement the election laws and to exercise
such legislative functions as may expressly be delegated to
it by Congress. Its administrative function refers to the
enforcement and administration of election laws. In the Question: what is the election period?
exercise of such power, the Constitution (Section 6, Article Answer: not earlier than 90 days not later than 30 days after
IX-A) and the Omnibus Election Code (Section 52 [c]) the date of election
authorize the COMELEC to issue rules and regulations to
implement the provisions of the 1987 Constitution and the Question: who has the power to fix the election period? As
Omnibus Election Code. regards to the fixing of the date of elections, is it the
president or the congress or the COMELEC?
The quasi-judicial or administrative adjudicatory power is the
power to hear and determine questions of fact to which the
legislative policy is to apply, and to decide in accordance Answer: take note the case of Maguindanao v The Senate.
with the standards laid down by the law itself in enforcing this was the postponement of the election in maguindanao.
whethere or not it is for the COMELEC to change the
and administering the same law.
election. Supreme Court said that the power to fix the
The exercise of judicial functions may involve the date of elections is essentially legislative in nature as
performance of legislative or administrative duties, and the evidenced and exemplified by provisions of the constitution
performance of and administrative or ministerial duties, may, such as the section 8 of article 6 section 4 paragraph 3 of
in a measure, involve the exercise of judicial functions. It article 7
may be said generally that the exercise of judicial functions
is to determine what the law is, and what the legal rights of CONTROVERSY OF LEADERSHIP
parties are, with respect to a matter in controversy; and LDP vs COMELEC. The identity of a political party
whenever an officer is clothed with that authority, and and its legitimate officers is a matter well within its
undertakes to determine those questions, he acts judicially. authority. The source of authority is the Constitution,
fundamental law itself which vests to the COMELEC
The language of the Omnibus Election Code and the
the powers to force and administer all laws and rules
COMELEC Rules of Procedure is broad enough to allow the
relative to the conduct of an election. Therefore
initiation of indirect contempt proceedings by the COMELEC
question of leadership is a function of the
motu proprio. Furthermore, the above-quoted provision of
COMELEC (to resolve), COMELEC has jurisdiction.
Section 52(e), Article VII of the Omnibus Election Code
explicitly adopts the procedure and penalties provided by the
Rules of Court.
Ex. Exclusion of a member as part of disciplining its
Findings of guilt of indirect contempt members
Atienza vs COMELEC. COMELEC has no
Petitioner was found guilty of contempt on four (4) grounds.
jurisdiction over questions of party membership
First, he repeatedly failed to attend, despite notice of the such as exclusion. As part of its (political partys)
scheduled[12] canvassing of the Provincial Certificates of discipline, COMELEC cannot interfere even in
Canvass, the hearing of the Task Force Maguindanao; and limited scope.
refused to submit his explanation for such absences, which
he had undertaken to submit, in violation of paragraphs (b) PROMULGATING RULES RELATING TO CONDUCT OF
and (f) of Section 2, Rule 29 of the COMELEC Rules of ELECTION
Procedure. Lim Kai Chong vs COMELEC. Like Resolution
8062 which provides that the candidate which
Second, he unlawfully assumed custody of accountable disqualification cases are still pending and he
election documents, which were lost while in his possession, obtained the highest number of votes, there can be
and consequently failed to deliver the same, in violation of
the proclamation without prejudice to the
paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) Section 2, Rule 29 of same
continuation of the hearing and the resolution of the
Rules. involved cases.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Question:What is post audit? pre-audit?
JURISDICTION OF THE COMELEC Answer: In post audit, you spend the money first
-Original or Appellate and then later, we are going to review whether your
expenditure is reasonable or in accordance with law.
Baranggay position protests That's post-audit.
file with first level courts, MTC; appeal to Answer: In pre-audit, before you spend the money,
COMELEC in its appellate jurisdiction. If he lost his pass through us first we are going to review whether it is
case before the COMELEC, it becomes final, cannot supported with funds and whether or not you follow
anymore be appealed. Unless there is allegation of procedure in the matter of procuring the project or that
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or item.
excess of jurisdiction.
Question:Which one is mandatory?
Municipal election contests Answer: We think both is mandatory. It is not the
File with RTC; appeal to COMELEC in its appellate case. Only post-audit is required by the Constitution.
jurisdiction. If he lost the case before the COMELEC, Especially the constitutional bodies and the local
it becomes final, cannot be appealed. . Unless there government units. Post-audit is mandated by the
is allegation of grave abuse of discretion amounting Constitution.
to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
Question:Can COA be compelled to conduct
City election contests pre-audit?
File with COMELEC in its original jurisdiction. If case
lost before the COMELEC, must first file a motion for Answer: This is now the case of De la Llana vs
reconsideration to be resolved by COMELEC en COA (2012 case). Supreme Court said that there is
banc, because at first, the decision of the nothing in the said provision that requires the COA to
COMELEC is by division. All adjudicatory cases are conduct a pre-audit of all the government transactions
resolved by COMELEC in division. It is a condition and for all government agencies. The only clear
precedent that before you appeal to the SC, you reference to a pre-audit requirement is on section 2
must file a motion of reconsideration before the paragraph 1, which provides that post-audit is
COMELEC en banc. Only the decisions of the mandated for certain government or private entity which
COMELEC en banc can be appealed before the SC. takes subsidy or equity and only when the internal
control system of an audited entity is inadequate. In
Provincial election contests such a situation, the COA may adopt measures
Same with the city. File with COMELEC in its including temporary or special pre-audit to correct the
original jurisdiction. Appeal is to the SC subject to deficiencies. Thus the conduct of a pre-audit is not a
the condition that he must first file a motion for mandatory duty that the Supreme Court may compel
reconsideration to be resolved by COMELEC en COA to perform. This discretion on its part is the line
banc. with the constitutional pronouncement that the COA has
Autonomous Region election contests the exclusive authority to define the scope of its audit
Still the same. File with COMELEC in its original and examination. When the language of the law is clear
jurisdiction. Appeal is to the SC subject to the and explicit, there is no room for interpretation.
condition that he must first file a motion for
reconsideration to be resolved by COMELEC en In other words, ang scope of audit, that is exclusive to COA
banc. to determine. But theirs is only post-audit, not pre-audit.
Kabataang Barangay election contests
File with DILG not COMELEC. Question: What else is exclusive to COA?
Answer: The manner of conducting. How the audit
should be conducted. That is exclusive to the COA. The
promulgation of rules regarding on examination and audit.
That is exclusive to COA. Not even Congress can interfere.
If COA says before you can procure an item it has to be
COMMISSION ON AUDIT - COA bidded, that has to be followed, because that is exclusive to
COA. Congress cannot pass a law removing that
Question:What is the function of COA? requirement. That would interfere into the discretion of COA
Answer: It is the watchdog of government funds to fix the rules regarding on the conduct of its audit.
and expenditures of the government.
Another Point. The Subject Of The Authority Sa
Question:How do they conduct audit? What are Post-Audit.
the 2 kinds of audits?
Answer: Pre-audit and post-audit. 1. You have constitutional bodies,
2. GOCCs, and
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
3. Non-governmental entities. supplied) The Constitution formally embodies the long
established rule that private entities who handle government
Pangutana, kung non-governmental? It is subject to audit, funds or subsidies in trust may be examined or audited in
only when it is receiving subsidy from the government or their handling of said funds by government auditors. n view
when the funds that it is handling are public funds. So you of the above considerations, we apply the principle of
read the case of Blue Bar Coconut Philippines vs primary jurisdiction:
In cases involving specialized disputes, the trend has been
to refer the same to an administrative agency of special
Section 2: Power and Functions competence. As early as 1954, the Court in Pambujan Sur
Examine and audit government revenues
United Mine Workers v. Samar Mining Co., Inc. (94 Phil.
Examine and audit government expenditures
932,941), held that under the sense-making and expeditious
Doctrine: post-audit authority
doctrine of primary jurisdiction ... the courts cannot or will not
determine a controversy involving a question which is within
Case: Blue Bar Coconut Phils v Tantuico
the jurisdiction of an administrative tribunal prior to the
decision of that question by the administrative tribunal,
where the question demands the exercise of sound
administrative discretion requiring the special knowledge,
Sometime in 1976, the respondent Acting Chairman experience, and services of the administrative tribunal to
of the Commission on Audit initiated a special audit of determine technical and intricate matters of fact, and a
coconut end-user companies, which include herein uniformity of ruling is essential to comply with the Purposes
petitioners, with respect to their Coconut Consumers of the regulatory statute administered." Recently, this Court
Stabilization Fund levy collections and the subsidies they specaking thru Mr. Chief Justice Claudio Teehankee said
had received. that "In this era of clogged court dockets, the need for
As a result of the initial findings of the Performance specialized administrative boards or commissions with the
Audit Office with respect only to the petitioners, respondent special knowledge, experience and capability to hear and
Acting COA Chairman directed the Chairman, the determine promptly disputes on technical matters or
Administrator, and the Military Supervisor of PCA and the essentially factual matters, subject to judicial review in case
Manager of the Coconut Consumers Stabilization Fund, in of grave abuse of discretion, has become well nigh
various letters to them (Annexes G-2 H, I, J, L and N of indispensable." The court reminds us that The legal
petition) to collect the short levies and overpaid subsidies, presumption is that official duty has been duly performed.
and to apply subsidy claims to the settlement of short levies
should the petitioners fail to remit the amount due. Corporations covered by COA's auditing power are not
limited to GOCCs. Where a private corporation or entity
handles public funds, it falls under the COA's jurisdition.
Whether or not the respondent COA Chairman may "Section 2. (1) The Commission on Audit shall have the
disregard the PCA rules and decisions has become moot. power, authority, and duty to examine, audit, and settle all
accounts pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, and
expenditures or uses of funds and property, owned or held in
Decision: trust by, or pertaining to, the Government, or any of its
subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, including
In the case at bar, the petitioners have failed to
show that acts were done with grave abuse of discretion government-owned or controlled corporations with original
amounting to lack of jurisdiction. Case dismissed. charters, and on a post-audit basis:
Petitioners contend that they are outside the ambit
of respondents' "audit" power which is confined to (a) constitutional bodies, commissions and offices that have
been granted fiscal autonomy under this Constitution;
government-owned or controlled corporations.
(b) autonomous state colleges and universities;
Section 2 (1) of Article IX-D of the Constitution
provides that "The Commission on Audit shall have the (c) other government-owned or controlled corporations and
power, authority and duty to examine, audit, and settle all their subsidiaries; and
accounts pertaining to the revenues and receipts of, and (d) such non-governmental entities receiving subsidy or
expenditures or uses of funds and property, owned or held in equity, directly or indirectly, from or through the Government,
which are required by law or the granting institution to submit
trust by or pertaining to, the Government, or any of its
to such audit as a condition of subsidy or equity."
subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities, including
government-owned or controlled corporation with original
charters, and on a post-audit basis. ... (d) such They are required to submit to post-audit.
non-governmental entities receiving subsidy or equity
Another point. Is the auditing exclusive to COA?
directly or indirectly from or through the Government which
The answer is no. A private accounting firm may
are required by law or the granting institution to submit to
concurrently conduct an audit with COA.
such audit as a condition of subsidy or equity." (Emphasis
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Dela Llana filed a petition for certiorari alleging
You have the case of DBP vs. COA, where the Supreme that the pre-audit duty onthe part of the COA cannot be lifted
Court said that the mere fact that private auditors may audit by a mere circular, considering that the pre-audit is a
the government agencies does not divest the COA of its constitutional mandate enshrined in Section 2 of Article IX-D
power to examine and audit the same government agencies. of the1987 Constitution.
COA does not have the exclusive power to examine and
audit government agencies. The framers of the Constitution ISSUES:
were fully aware of the need to allow independent private
audit of certain government agencies in addition to the COA 1. Whether or not the petition for certiorari filed by Dela Llana
audit, as when there is a private investment in a government is proper
controlled corporation or when government corporation is
privatized or publicly-listed or as in the case at bar, the 2. Whether or not it is the constitutional duty of COA to
government borrows money from abroad. The IMF does not conduct a pre-audit before the consummation of government
trust the government, including COA, so they rather have transaction
another accounting firm to do the audit. But in case of coflict,
COA prevails due to the presumption of regularity in the
performance of their duty. The privating auditing firm does The petition for certiorari filed by Dela Llana is not proper
not have that presumption, they have to prove that their audit
is accurate and correct. That is the only advantage of COA. Dela Llana is correct in that decisions and orders of
the COA are reviewable by the Court via a petition for
Subject of the audit are only liquidated funds. certiorari. However, these refer to decisions and orders
which were rendered by the COA in its quasi-judicial
Unliquidated funds are for the court to decide. Kung muingon capacity. Circular No.89-299 was promulgated by the COA
kag liquidated funds, naay kwarta and amount. Kung under its quasi-legislative or rule-making powers. Hence,
muingon lang ka nga ah! Mura man tog 100 Million. Way Circular No. 89-299 is not reviewable by certiorari.
klaro na. You have to itemize and there is a specific amount.
Liquidated na siya. Those are the amounts that are subject Nonetheless, the Court has in the past seen fit to
of audit. Kung questionable pa ganeh ang amount involved step in and resolve petitions despite their being the subject
for audit, you can contest it. You cannot contest that in COA of an improper remedy, in view of the public importance of
for they do not have the power, such power lies with the the issues raised therein. In this case, Dela Llana averred
courts. that the conduct of pre-audit by the COA could have
prevented the occurrence of the numerous alleged
Take note of the case of De Llana vs. The Chairperson, irregularities in government transactions that involved
G.R. no. 180989, February 7, 2012 and Funa vs. The substantial amounts of public money. This is a serious
Chairman, COA, G.R. no. 192791, April 24, 2012, in allegation of a grave deficiency in observing a constitutional
relation to the appointment of the Commissioner. These are duty if proven correct. The Court can use its authority to set
the most recent cases involving COA. aside errors of practice or technicalities of procedure,
including the aforementioned technical defects of the
GUALBERTO J. DELA LLANA v. THE CHAIRPERSON, petition, and resolve the merits of a case with such serious
COMMISSION ON AUDIT, et al. allegations of constitutional breach.

G.R. No. 180989, 7 February 2012, EN BANC (Sereno, J.) It is not the constitutional duty of the COA to conduct a
There is nothing in the Constitution that requires
the Commission on Audit to conduct Dela Llana claimed that the constitutional duty of
COA includes the duty to conduct pre-audit. A pre-audit is an
a pre-audit of all government transactions and for all examination of financial transactions before their
government agencies. consumption or payment. It seeks to determine whether the
following conditions are present: (1) the proposed
Petitioner Gualberto Dela Llana, as a taxpayer, expenditure complies with an appropriation law or other
wrote to the Commissionon Audit (COA) regarding the specific statutory authority; (2) sufficient funds are available
recommendation of the Senate Committee onAgriculture for the purpose; (3) the proposed expenditure is not
and Food that the Department of Agriculture set up an unreasonable or extravagant, and the unexpended balance
internalpre-audit service. The COA replied to Dela Llana of appropriations to which it will be charged is sufficient to
informing him of the priorissuance of Circular No. 9-299 cover the entire amount of the expenditure; and (4) the
which provides that whenever the circumstances warrant, transaction is approved by the proper authority and the claim
the COA may reinstitute pre-audit or adopt such other is duly supported by authentic underlying evidence. It could,
control measuresas necessary and appropriate to protect among others, identify government agency transactions that
the funds and property of an agency. are suspicious on their face prior to their implementation and


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
prior to the disbursement of funds. 4. Municipalities and
5. Barangays.
Dela Llanas allegations find no support in the
Section 2 of Article IX-D of the 1987 Constitution. There is NOTE: MMDA is not included, it is an administrative
nothing in the said provision that requires the COA to coordinating agency.
conduct a pre-audit of all government transactions and for all
government agencies. The only clear reference to a 1. They enjoy local autonomy,
pre-audit requirement is found in Section 2, paragraph 1, a) which means that there cannot be a state within a
which provides that a post-audit is mandated for certain state. These local government units are still
government or private entities with state subsidy or equity dependent upon the national government. There
and only when the internal control system of an audited may be decentralization, but what is decentralized
entity is inadequate. In such a situation, the COA may adopt is administration only and not the powers. What we
measures, including a temporary or special pre-audit, to actually practice is devolution of the services, more
correct the deficiencies. than anything else, from the national government
to local.
Hence, the conduct of a pre-audit is not a
mandatory duty that this Court may compel the COA to Sources of Income of Local Government Units: (take
perform. This discretion on its part is in line with the note for the Bar Exams)
constitutional pronouncement that the COA has the 1. Local governments can levy their own taxes and
exclusive authority to define the scope of its audit and raise revenue including the barangays this means
examination. When the language of the law is clear and that this is self-executing. It does not need
explicit, there is no room for interpretation, only application. legislation in order to execute or implement that
Neither can the scope of the provision be unduly enlarged by provision of the law. So barangays now can levy
this Court. taxes, so pass dayon ug ordinance, hala tanan
kahayupan diha kay himuon subject to tax.
Can you question the validity that it has no
authority? No.

But are there laws limiting the exercise of

In addition to that, it states here that orders and decisions of the taxing powers of Barangay? Yes,
COA are reviewable by the Supreme Court via petition for definitely. In other words, there may be no
certiorari. However, this refers to decisions and orders law that confers such power to the local
rendered by COA in its quasi-judicial capacity. government units, including the barangay,
Congress is not precluded from passing a
What was questioned here was Circular no. 89299 regarding law that limits the exercise of their power.
on the matter for COA to conduct a pre-audit. There was a
resolution by COA saying that they do not conduct pre-audit 2. Another source of income, you have the share from
and that resolution was appealed and its validity was IRA, the IRA is internal revenue management,
questioned. after determination of amount to be given, it is
Is that resolution appealable to the Supreme Court on ministerial on the part of the national government to
certiorari? release it to the lgu.

The answer is no for that is not pertaining to the exercise of a 3. Another, you have the share from exploration
quasi-judicial function of COA. Neither can the scope of the utilization and development of natural resources
provision be unduly enlarged by the Supreme Court. by the national government in your territorial
land. The land and the resources are not owned by
**Note: Gibalik-balik gyud ni Judge ang kanang orders and you. Theyre owned by the state. The reason the sc
decisions rendered in its quasi-judicial capacity. Murag case in the case of Malampaya said that the
importante gyud ni province of Palawan has the right to a share of the
income of malampaya in the exploration. So DOA
was given order by sc to give share to the province
of Palawan.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT On local autonomy, lets go back to Cash Transfers, while it

is true that we practice local autonomy, it does not mean the
What are your political subdivisions? national government is precluded from passing laws
Wa pa nang Bangsamoro, it is still especially if it is beneficial to the lgu, theres no violation
1. Autonomous Regions, there of local autonomy.
2. Provinces,
3. Cities,
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Question: With regards to creation of local government Those who elected pursuant to provision of 1935
units, the provinces, cities, municipalities and barangay. constitutions involving a Filipina married to foreigner.
Who Creates barangays, cities or municipalites? In 1935 constitution, she lost her Filipino citizenship
in which case during the minority of her child, he is
foreigner but given option upon 21 not 18 or any
reasonable of time to elect Philippine citizenship.
Province it is congress that creates province. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
o What are the requirements, take note of the You have 2 ways by which you can be naturalized
provisions of the lgc. like judicial and administrative. There is also
You have to take note of the area, legislative. What is asked in bar is the administrative
income and population. These 3. way of being considered Filipino citizen. If you have
o Theres this one case of Navarro vs been born in the Phils, your foreign parents you
Executive Sec Ermita regarding on the have option to go through judicial or administrative
creation of Dinagat Island as a province process to become phil citizen and this law is r.a.
because they did not comply with reqt as 9139. (I think this will be asked in the bar exam
area but it was sustained because reqt in lgc especially because of the citizenship of grace po)
is 2000 sq km. theirs is less than that
becaue it was not contiguous and consists Considered of being a Filipino citizen. What is this law,
of island and islets so exempt as long as class?
only reqt is it self sustaining can sustain as
its own as lgu. Recall this law that if you have been born in the Philippines,
to Foreign parents, you will have the option to go through
Can it sue and be sued? judicial process or administrative process in order to
Yes it is provided in the lgc. It can sue and be sued become a Filipino citizen.
But liability on the public funds, you need consent
and thus reqt of supplemental budget to be passed Take note of this law, because we had it a long time ago.
before it is compelled to pay from its public funds.
This is an administrative naturalization, R.A. 9139. It
As to the rest, it will be discussed when you go to lgc. grants Philippine citizenship through administrative
proceedings to aliens born and residing in the Philippines.
CITIZENSHIP They have the choice to apply for judicial or administrative
naturalization subject to the strict qualifications and
Who are Phil Citizens? MEMORIZE section 1! disqualifications.

Section 1. The following are citizens of the Philippines: On judicial process, who has jurisdiction?
It is RTC. First you file you intention to apply for Filipino
[1] Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time citizen to the office of the SolGen, if there is a go signal then
of the adoption of this Constitution; the proceedings in the RTC shall commence. The only thing
that you should take note in judicial proceedings is that they
are very strict on this, CA 63 (37, 470?), there are
[2] Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the
qualifications where it prescribes strict qualifications. You
have to have all of them and none of the disqualifications.
[3] Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino The more important part here is when judgment is rendered
mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching in your favor, you have to wait for one year before you take
the age of majority; and your oath of allegiance or before you are issued the decree
of naturalization, if granted there is never any finality to that.
[4] Those who are naturalized in accordance with law. Anytime it can be revoked/removed by the court.

In the first paragraph, you make reference to the Now what is important here guys is on the effect, if you
treaty of paris. Then you have the 1935 then the become a naturalized Filipino citizen, what would be the
1973 constitution. effect to your children.

Then you have the second paragraph, those whose So assuming Grace Poe has acquired her
fathers or mothers are citizens of the phils at the citizenship, is it naturalization? Hers is not, it is
time of adoption of 1973 constitution (effectivity: Jan renunciation and repatriation in her case. In
17, 1973) follow jus sangguinis naturalization sometimes it is required of Filipinos who
have lost their citizenship because they have applied for
naturalization in another country.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
he does not automatically become a Filipino. It is not
This is what happened to (Kimbagyo?) that faith administrative process; he has to apply for naturalization.
healer, he was not allowed to repatriate or go through
repatriation. He was required to go through Modes of acquiring citizen in the Philippine.
naturalization to reacquire his Filipino citizenship. When
you go through naturalization and if granted, you 1. Jus saguinis is by blood or blood relationship. So if your
become naturalized Filipino citizen, not natural-born. father and mother are Filipino citizens, the child is
Your wife and children also become Filipino citizens, automatically a Filipino citizen.
naturalized. They can not have different citizenship from
you, they derive their citizenship from you. This is what Lets talk about this consequence to this dual
we call derivative citizenship. Now what about those citizenship and dual allegiance.
already of age? Then they remain as foreigners unless
they apply also for naturalization. RA 9225 is the law for the dual citizenship. If there was
a Filipino who lost his citizenship in a foreign country
Later we will explain on Dual Citizenship Act, the because of naturalization, any chance for him to reacquire
and in so far as judicial. if there is a question on the his citizenship? Yes. By naturalization or repatriation.
validity of the naturalization proceedings, can it be
anyone who can question the validity of your On naturalization, it could be judicial or administrative.
naturalization? Answer is no. Only the government can
question the validity of your naturalization. For repatriation, it only involves former natural-born
Filipino citizens. There are grounds of repatriation. It is not
That was the case in the Limkaichong. available to anybody. Reasons are theres a political
necessity, that you are deemed to have lost your citizenship
So in this case, it will be the Solicitor General to when you married a foreigner and now you are a widow or if
question the validity of the naturalization and if it would you have served the armed forces during the WWII and
not be in any court, it may be in the RTC or where the lastly, if you applied for naturalization in a foreign country.
case was filed for purposes of revocation but it should
be before the naturalization tribunal. Usually it is in the As regards to RA 9225, there are no specific grounds
bureau of immigration wherein there is an office there provided. So before, it was very strict.
that handles these kinds of cases. In the case of
Limkaichong if you can remember, the ground for What would then be the consequence?
disqualification was because the fathers naturalization You are considered to be a Filipino Citizen since birth, as if
was invalid. So if the fathers naturalization was invalid, you never lost your citizenship.
that does not make her a Filipino citizen. She was born
after the father was naturalized. So supposedly, she GRACE POE SCENARIO: Maybe this is what happened to
was natural-born because at the time she was born, her Grace Poe.
father was naturalized. But if it was invalid, the father
remains Chinese and that also makes her Chinese. So What does she need to do to be repatriated? She should
what happened? Question here was if HRET could take take oath of allegiance and register that with the Civil
cognizance over the disqualification case. It was Registry.
Villando and Paras who filed the case in HRET.The SC
was saying that even if it is exclusive, because the What if you failed to take that oath of allegiance?
disqualification was based on the validity of the Take note, I'm referring to one whose father is foreigner,
naturalization, the HRET has no authority to make a but the mother is Filipino, then she is borne under 1935
judgment whether or not the naturalization was valid or Constitution, but fails to take the oath of allegiance upon
invalid. It was only the naturalization tribunal which has reaching the age of majority. Now he wants to become a
the exclusive power to determine the validity of the Filipino.
naturalization. Thus, the case was dismissed.
Now, can you file a case in court to declare her to have her
Another point as to the naturalization. take her oath of allegiance?

This pertains to a Filipino married to a foreigner. Let us say RP vs. Sagun- Is there a procedure such as you being
Filipino gay married to a foreigner. Does this foreigner declared as having taken the oath of allegiance?
automatically become Filipino? No. You do not adopt the
citizenship of your husband so she has to apply for SC said " there is no specific statutory or procedural rule
naturalization but it is administrative only. So he has to go to which authorizes the direct filing of a petition for declaration
the Bureau of Immigration for the cancellation of his ACR. of election of Philippine citizenship before the courts...C.A.
She has to prove that she suffers none of the No. 625 says that the election should be made generally
disqualifications. If it is male (husband) who is the foreigner, within three (3) years from reaching the age of majority."
So, once you lost the opportunity, forever it's lost. In which
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
case, you file for naturalization, no longer the repatriation After you have taken your oath of allegiance, the answer is
process. no.

On the other hand, you have TAKEN THE OATH of As an initial requirement, you have to renounce your foreign
allegiance but FAILED TO REGISTER it in the Civil Registry. citizenship under oath.
Question, do you lose your citizenship because you failed to
register?(we're talking about Foreigner father and Filipino To run for public office, these two requisites must
mother born under 1935). concur
1. You have taken your oath of allegiance as Filipino
SC said in Mam vs. Fernandez (July 26, 2010)- citizen again;
2. You have to expressly renounce under oath your
"We are guided by this evolvement from election of foreign citizenship (so before a notary public)
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority 3.
under the 1935 Philippine Constitution to dispensing with the The case of Grace Poe
election requirement under the 1973 Philippine Constitution Now, going to the case of Grace Poe. She was a
to express classification of these children as natural-born natural born citizen even if she was a foundling. What is the
citizens under the 1987 Constitution towards the conclusion principle regarding foundlings? Where was she found? In
that the omission of the 1941 statutory requirement of Jaro, Iloilo, part of the Philippines. The presumption of the
registration of the documents of election should not result in law is that she must be a citizen of the place where she was
the obliteration of the right to Philippine citizenship. found. The parents must have been Filipino citizens because
thats where she was found. Theres a presumption. So
Having a Filipino mother is permanent. It is the basis of the theres no question about her not being a Filipino citizen. It
right of the petitioners to elect Philippine citizenship. has nothing to do about adoption of Filipino parents because
Petitioners elected Philippine citizenship in form and a child who has been adopted does not acquire the
substance. The failure to register the election in the civil citizenship of the adopting parents.
registry should not defeat the election and as a result
negate the permanent fact that they have a Filipino mother." Now what happened? When she was in the States,
she acquired naturalization. We dont know how she
Let's go back to DUAL CITIZENSHIP- acquired US citizenship. Was it at the time she was studying
in America or was it when she married an American citizen?
Let's talk about losing Filipino citizenship due to We cant be very clear on this. When did she acquire he US
naturalization in a foreign country. You can reacquire it thru: citizenship as a student or when she was already married
to her husband who was an American? Her husband is still
1. Repatriation- American and her children as well. You will have a President
a) You just have to take an of allegiance again and whose husband and children are Americans. Its awkward.
register it to the Civil Registry. It should indicate There is no qualification that the husband or the children of
that the oath of allegiance was made to the Special the candidate have to be Filipinos as well. The only
Committee in Naturalization in the Bureau of requirement is that the candidate must be a natural born
Immigration. Filipino citizen.

2. Naturalization- However it was acquired, shes a naturalized US

a) So you have acquired your citizenship na ha under citizen. Theres no question about that. She has a passport
9225(CITIZENSHIP RETENTION AND that says shes a US citizen. She came back to the
RE-ACQUISITION ACT OF 2003). Take note, your Philippines when her father died. Is that proof of residence?
minor children acquire your citizenship thru What does residence mean? Its synonymous with domicile.
derivative citizenship. (The confusion comes it. Thats good. That means youre
The question there is when you run in public office. actually thinking). She was back in the Philippines in 2006
Can you vote? Yes. You can avail of RA 9189(Absentee when her father died. Anyway, she was not yet a Filipino
Voting Act). citizen yet at that time. Should that be counted as well?
Because it was only when she was appointed as
But again, can you run for public office after taking the oath Chairwoman of the MTRCB that she has to renounce her US
of allegiance? citizenship. She did renounce it and surrender to the US
NO. There is an additional requirement of EXPRESSLY embassy her citizenship. Ako man gani, gisurrender nako
RENOUNCING YOUR FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP under akong green card. We have to go to the US embassy and fill
oath(so under a notary public). up some papers there. And youll give a reason why youre
giving up your green card, how much more if citizenship.
These two must concur if you want to run for public office" And the US Embassy will ask, are you sure youre giving this
What about running for public office? Can you run for public up? A lot of Filipinos would die to have this. I dont care, you
office? can have this. Id rather have a tourist visa.


CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Anyway, there is an application. They say that the
process will take a long time. Effectivity of the renunciation = the moment you filed your certificate of candidacy, you
was only when? How many years thereafter? She applied in have in effect renounced your other citizenship
2009 man siguro. When did she run? 2010. She applied in Do you still have to execute another document expressing
2009 and it was approved sometime in 2011. So that your renunciation?
precisely in 2009, when she went to the States, she still used
her US passport. So how do you determine residency? 2006 =no need because you have deemed to have renounced
or 2009 or 2011 when her renunciation was approved? Its your other citizenship upon the filing of certificate of
not really clear. But one thing is for sure. The law says that candidacy.
you have to renounce under oath your foreign citizenship,
whether or not it will be accepted. So I suppose the Again, the requirement refers only to those who lost their
reckoning period would be the date of renunciation. Whether citizenship through naturalization but later reacquired it
or not it is going to be accepted by the US government is of under RA 9225. For him to run for public office, he must,
no moment; the fact is that, you have renounced it. It could aside from taking his oath of allegiance, also expressly
be the date of reckoning or the date when she was renounce his foreign citizenship.
Take note: 10 years residency requirement if youre running
When was she repatriated? When she took her oath for President. It must be continuous.
of allegiance. Did she register it? There are so many
questions that are needed to be asked in order to determine
when she started her residency. Because in so far as her
Certificate of Candidacy is concerned, shes residing in the What is residency?
Philippines for 2 years and 6 months. The requirement of -In the case of Macalintal vs COMELEC, the interpretation
residency for Senators is 2 years. Iya sad gipasud sa iyang 2 of residency is synonymous to domicile. An Absentee
years. Now that shes going to run for presidency, she is remains attached to his residence in the PH since residence
short of the 10-year residency requirement! Now shes is considered synonymous to domicile. Domicile means an
saying that I was here since 2006. Should that be credited as individuals permanent home; a place where one whenever
her period of residency? is away for business or pleasure intends to return to.

Because citizenship does not necessarily include Ex. If youre a US citizen and you bought a house in the PH,
residency; You can be a Filipino but residing abroad. She will that be an expression of intent to establish a permanent
bought a house in the Philippines as early as 2006. Kong house in the PH?
green card gani ka ( that is your proof of residency), you are - It would depend because theres a chance that it
still Filipino but the fact that you have a green means that could merely be a vacation house.
you are residing in the US still, thus, youre not a Resident of
the Philippines. You cannot have 2 or more residencies; only When you are a US citizen and you bought a house in the
1! Philippineswill that express/disclose intent that one wants
to establish a permanent house in the Philippines? It could
Assuming that grace poe was a resident of the be a vacation house.
Philippines in 2006, yet at that time she was still a US citizen. Opera_ Jr. vs. COMELEC- The basic rules of
How do you reconcile? domicile:
-dba kong US citizen ka, you are presumed to be 1. a man must have a residence or
residing in America. (libog and inaudible jud ang discussion reside somewhere.
diri dapit) 2. A domicile, once established,
remains until a new one is validly
Going back to renunciation, this is only required for those acquired.
individuals who lost their citizenship by naturalization and 3. A man can have only but one
then reacquire it and become a dual citizen of the residence/domicile in a given time.
Not a question of citizenship but of residency.
But if you have dual citizenship other than through A. Senator-2years while
naturalization, the renunciation need not be formal. The B. president-10years.
moment you file your certificate of candidacy and you
declare yourself a Filipino citizen, then you are considered to Manzano case-
have renounced your other (foreign) citizenship. Manzano was a dual citizen from birth. He was born in
Your father is a foreigner, your mother is Pinay, you were Aurodora vs. COMELEC-
born under the 1973 Constitution. Then you ran for congress citizenship of Tambunting: when he filed his certificate
(but it requires natural born citizens) of candidacy he was considered to have elected or choose
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Philippine ctitizenship as his only citizenship. Not applied in 4. Commissioners of the Constitutional Commissions
the Frivaldo case-lost of Philippine citizenship was (Civil Service, COMELEC, Coa)
delibarate. 5. Ombudsman

In Re: Question of O. Moller about the case of Manzano. That is EXCLUSIVE. It cannot be expanded neither can it be
Answer of Judge: You have the option really to give it up. Its reduced.
up to you.
Grounds for Impeachment: (CBB-TOG)
Thats what happened to Grace Poe. She had renounced 1. Culpable Violation of the Constitution
US citizenship right? In 2009. It was only approved in 2011. 2. Bribery
While I was saying for purposes of running regardless of the 3. Betrayral of Public Trust
opinion of the other country where you are also a citizen. 4. Treason
Approve or disapprove. What is important is your position. 5. Other high crimes
Thats what matters. That you are giving it up. And that could 6. Graft and Corruption
be also the reason of the country to grant it because
obviously you dont want to be their citizen anymore. Why Also, that is EXCLUSIVE!
should they force themselves on you. You might just be a
spy. Accountable of high ranking officials. You have
Same with Manzano. I dont think it needs approval from the
country from where you are also a citizen in order to give the Who initiates?
act. Thats what I think. So its all up to you if you want to House of Representatives
give it up. In as far as the Phil govt, you are only a Filipino.
They dont care if you are giving up with your foreign What is initiative?
citizenship. What is important for the Republic of the Initiate refers to the filing and referral.
Philippines is that you chose to be a Filipino citizen. Thats it.
How many votes is needed in order to initiate the
Now, also TN on the definition of natural born ha. impeachment proceedings? What is initiated is not a
He has to be a citizen from birth without having to complaint but impeachment proceedings.
perform any act, to acquire or perfect citizenship. 1/3 votes of the HR

I suppose Grace Poe is a natural born through The promulgation of the initiation is exclusive to HR.
repatriation. She regained her original status of being a Should the proceeding orders or the procedure in the order
natural born citizen. If it was naturalization, then of initiating impeachment, should it be published?
definitely she is not a natural born citizen.
SC said NO in the case of Ma. Merceditas Guttierez vs The
On losing your citizenship, how do you lose it guys? Ombudsman. SC was saying that the requirement of
1. When you apply for naturalization on a foreign publication of the rules of procedure is only a legislative
country. inquiry not in the initiation of impeachment proceedings.
2. When you serve the Armed Forces of the foreign Either in the conduct of trial before the HR.
3. When you are declared to have abandon or So once probable cause is found, it requires only the 1/3
desereted the Armed Forces of the Philippines esp votes of the members of the HR .
when there is a war. 1. If it is filed by a party individual, it goes to the
4. When there revocation of your naturalization, then Senate.
you would lose your citizenship. 2. By the way, if it is filed by a member of the HR,
theres no need of endorsement of a member of the
How can you reacquire it? HR.
Repatriation or naturalization
Again I repeat ha, kung private individual it needs
You have several laws on repatriation. One of which is RA endorsement of a member of a HR for action to be taken.
8974 other than RA 9225. If it it a member no need of endorsement. So after that
it will be referred to the Committee on Justice.
Accountability of Public Officers
Article 11. just TN on the impeachment proceedings. Now guys, if the complaint is signed by 1/3 of all members of
House of Reps, it would not anymore go to the Committee
Who are impeachable persons? on Justice. The Article of Impeachment will be prepared and
1. President filed in the Senate. In order to convict an impeachable official,
2. Vice President 2/3 votes is needed. The effect is removal from office.
3. Supreme Court Justices
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive,if you have faith. Matthew 21:22
Question: can he now be charged in the Sandigang is concurrent with other administrative offices. But, TN: case
Bayan? of pechay? To be discuss further next meeting.
Answer: Yes. This is without prejudice to the filing of a
criminal case in the proper court or even civil case for
forfeiture of property if it is a case of graft and corruption. Albano, Baring, Calam, Din, Dionaldo, Dionen, Emboy, Fernandez,
Fernandez, Generale, Maligmat, Morales, Obeso, Sacares, Yano, Yap,Yntig

Functions of the Ombudsman: (memorize daw. I did not

understand this part because she mentioned the functions of
ombudsman but she discussed its jurisdiction instead)

Administrative Jurisdiction of the Ombudsman:

generally all public officials are covered
The only public officials that are not subject to their
Administrative Investigation are:
impeachable officials
judges and their personnel disciplining them is
exclusive to the SC to ensure independence of the
congress members - disciplining them is exclusive to
the House concerned
o Case in point: current issue on the Binays.
The son is charged together with the father.
The father (VP Binay) is impeachable, so in
so far as administrative; he cannot be
investigated by the Ombudsman. If the
basis is conspiracy, you cannot also
investigate the son in the meantime.
Because supposedly his act is the act of the
impeachable public official. (take note of this
when the SC would already rule on whether
the Ombudsman has authority to
investigate an impeachable official together
with a non-impeachable public official)

Judges opinion/view: if it is based on

conspiracy, I dont think. They should wait. If
there is no conspiracy, individual act, then
the Ombusdsman have jurisdiction of the
Mayor of Makati. They were saying about
the AMLA, which was investigating the
money of Binay, but it was not Binay directly
but the alleged dummies. Now, they say it
was conspiracy; they investigate the alleged
conspirators of Binay. This is a civil case,
theres nothing to do with criminal. The only
reason that he cannot be charged criminally
is because of the possibility if prosecuted
and found guilty, part of the penalty is public
disqualification. If it is a civil case, there is
no possibility of him being removed from
office. But, in the case of Ombudsman
investigating the administrative liability of
the VP, there is no jurisdiction because he is
impeachable. With regards to the Mayor of
Makati, alleging conspiracy to the father,
then, there may not be jurisdiction. But if
individual, then Ombudsman may
investigate (the son).

The jurisdiction of the Ombudsman in Administrative cases


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