WWII 1942 Women's Army Corps Guide

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IT IS AN HONOR to serve in the Army of the Un To work in highly specialized Army jobs, here and overseas. In jobs in hh women —by virtue of their training, background and inherent Beil —oxeel. It i a privilege to share the work of our war with our brave fighting men « + + It is.a duty to serve our country —fully, faithfully and gloriously — at a time of most critical need. 1 am deeply grateful for our sok training, For the many incalculable benefits it will Bring of where our individual lives may shall be eternally“arateful for the privilege of having served with the Women's Army Corps = 1am sure that every Was feels exactly as 1 do. Sula | OVETA CULP HOBBY. Colonel, General Staff Corps. Director, Women’s Atmy Corps. What the Utes do— THEY ARE MAKING A GLORIOUS WAR RECORD —IN ALL THREE ARMY FORCES! THE ARMY in warfare tod “specialists”... ay is a vast organ Pilots and bombard these are jobs for men. rs and eng . obviously, Stenographers phone operator dl typists and map makers and tele- Just as obviously, these as men. © jobs for women as well So the and place will do the rmy takes both men and women spe them where their own particular most good. Waes serve with the Air Forces, the Ground Forces, and the Service Forces. Finely trained Wacs, at mobile switchboards, flash combat messages to front lines. headed Waes handle the high-pressure routine 1 overseas headquarters as ealmly as if the van office back home, ‘Turn out an ineredible volume of sceret orders, reports, dispatches in record-breaking time, thereby keeping our infantry moving forward. were Wacs serve in Army hospitals, helping wounded men to overcome handicaps and battle shock. Waes check troop sailing lists, handle V-Mail at the ports of em- barkation. Wacs make strategy maps for invading enemy territory. Wacs decode, file, tabulate ameras and ra overseas. Wacs do 23 ike blood counts, repair ue supplies to men bound for 9 Army jobs. And above all, Waes do every job —little or big—with a thrilling competence that awakens respect in the eyes of even the ablest G. I. For wher they. se nd the world and back —Wacs are doing a job. A gallant, soldier's job. Making a glorious war record! 13] Whitt Waza do wittt the flog NA FORGES Regie we ‘THE MISSION of the Army Air Forces is to pro- ea vide Air Force units properly organized, trained, nd equipped for combat operations. Wacs on duty in the Air Forces re responsible for such activities as: Communications, Weather Reporting, Photograph Mech: cellaneous jobs such as maintenance of logs and charts, nics, Instruction, Administration, and m ny mis- and clearance of planes. IN TEXAS — Capable Wacs handle the thou- AT ARMY AIR FIELDS — Pilots are cleared Sands of papers needed to ‘keep "em flying” — by Wacs for training flights. the men and planes of the Army Air Forces. IN ENGLAND — Cool-headed, competent Wac IN AIR FORCE HOSPITALS—Expertly trained secretaries work on confidential combat plans, Waes take blood counts. Make laboratory tests rs. that tiek or wounded Air Force men need. [4] ON THE LINE — Wacs, with high mechanical aptitude, werk on planes, checking motors, making repairs. ON THE FIELD— Waes drive 5: “Follow Me” ear guiding landing IN THE MAJOR'S OFFICE — Efficient WAC ‘secretaries, with a lightning grasp of official procedures, earn the title “seed soldier.” (5] flash vital orders to combat zones. IN OPERATIONS — Alert Waes work as patehers. Keep tabs on the planes, the pil and their missions. IN TRAINING SECTIONS—Wacs instruct stu- strument flying. Cheek expe rienced pilots on required Link trainer hours. ili IN ITALY —Wacs man switehboards that Wei Wace do wit he omy GROUND FORCES IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY of the Army Ground Forces to organi nd equip all Infantry, Field Artillery, Cavalry, Coast Artillery, Air-borne Infantry, Parachute Troops, Armored, and Tank Destroyer soldiers for combat operations. This branch of the Si e, train, operates schools and replacement training centers. e at all training installations of the Army Ground well as in Army Headq ers ove! Obviously, s don't meet the enemy in combat. But they do type, file, draw mili aps, rig chutes, tran: confidential reports — do hundreds of victory-vital, behind- the-lines jobs. ry r WACS PROVIDE service as Army draftsmen. They prepare maps to train sto labs, developing hundreds of pictures a day for the purpose officers to understand strateic maps on of training combat soldiers in use of battle the battlefietd. A F EB = om WACS ARE FAMOUS for careful Jeen-driving. WACS HOLD many important They rush dispatches for Headquarters. speed classification experts. They inte Army officers to Staff meetings. susgest suitable assignment. [6] WACS MAKE excellent “radio repairmen.' Their slim, flexible fingers are perfectly at in airplane mechanics in order to prepare home in the maze of wiring. t-line reconnaissance flying. ee a co sv Sl Psa WACS WORK in Supply Offices, issuing tank © WACS ARE marvels when it comes to han+ and auto parts. Record the dling the m: Lightning-quiek of tons of ammunition. checking, filing, identifieation save delay. WACS RECORD*hite” jaircraftartillery WACS AT THE ARMORED SCHOOL, Fort ranges. Wacs also keep pilots of tow-target Knox, Kentucky, make landscape models for planes “on the beam" by radio. soldiers studying tank maneuvers. Whccs co with Ce bamgy SERNICE FORCES THE ARMY SERVICE FORCES provide services and plies to meet military requirements other t those peculiar to the For ny A In the Army of the follo Engine Service Forces a Wae may be assigned to any one 2 Medical Department, Corps, Transportatio re Service. Or to the Inspector Gen performed by In the Army Service Forces a Wae may also be assigned to mp, or Station under the sdiction of the Servi é e WACS WORK as Porsonnel Assistants. They WAGS ARE WORKING as code clerks. They process orders for officers returning from translate secret war information from code overseas, supervise making up of pay rolls, tape for high Army officers in Washinaton. discharges, ete. WACS IN ARMY Public Relations offices TRAINED WACS work as surgical technicians supply press and radio with reauested facts in Army hospitals. Often actually work with doctors and nurses — in operating rooms. [8] WACS WORK as “educational reconditioners” WACS WORK in Mail Distribution, Thei in Army base hospi Instructing wounded speed, and patience in tracing lost letters have men in mathematics, history, current events, made them the Army’s favorite “postmen.'* WACS HAVE GHARGE of immense Army files. WACS IN ORDNANCE make efficient, depend- ‘Their competence and familiarity with this able ballistics laboratory experts, ‘work make them invaluable soldiers. WACS HANDLE the almost incessant flow of | IN PORTS OF EMBARKATION, Wacs help PX traffic, here and overseas, with skill, speed outvoing troops on their way. patience, and unfailing geod humor. [9] What Macs doco Along NOSHIAS ARMY HOSPITALS need thousands of Wi medical technicians... for base hospitals sto release male nd outpost medi nits — overseas. At home, competent, soft-voiced W jobs. In the hospital wards. In the surgeries and laboratories. Everywhere where battle-broken men are being helped to cs are taking over their live again Obviously, the need for skilled Wac technicians is increasing as the cast ty lists grow longer... ler Waes give invaluable help to / their supervision, Wacs take blood counts, tests. Assist at operations. Work in dental my doctors and nurses. U ke laboratory nd eye clinies. Wacs assist in operating huge X-ray machines, work in occu- pational therapy. Give “refresher” courses in mathematics, and many other subje history, economics, Altogether — doing a magnificent Army job. And helping, ind encour: and bewilderment. ging — as only women — men lost in pain WACS ASSIST in occupational therapy pa- WAC TECHNICIANS operate X-ray equipment tiently helping wounded men evercome their in the Medical Department. handicaps, [10]

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