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Observe a child of appropriate age and respond to the following questions. This is an outline for your
observation, be sure to follow the format given when submitting the assignment. Give specific
examples of behavior in your responses. One example may NOT be used for multiple responses.

Part A - (15 points)

For this section, observe a child between the age of 4 12 months.
1. a. Using objective observation, state at least 2 examples of behaviors that might help you to
determine the childs cognitive development.
The child is on the floor staring up and sucking on his pacifier. The caregiver looks at him and makes
sounds. He kicks up his feet. Then the childs pacifier fell out of his mouth and he starts to cry and
the caregiver picks it up and puts in his mouth.

The caregiver puts him into her lap and reads the book Brown Bear Brown Bear, what do you see?
Book. While reading, the caregiver makes animals sounds and the child kicks up his feet while
sucking on his pacifier.

b. Which of Piagets sensorimotor substages do you think this child is in?

I think the child is at stage two. The child likes to suck on his pacifier and once it is not in his mouth
he starts to cry. He also response to the caregiver by kicking his feet in the air.

2. What toys or materials do you see that would assist the child in moving to the next sensorimotor
substage and why?
I think rattles can help him move to the next level. I think by playing with that toy the child will make
sounds like the rattle and he will slowly learn how to imitate other sounds. I also think that listening
to music can help him move on to the next level. By listening to music, he can imitate sounds of
different animals or objects.

3. How is the teacher fostering cognitive growth in this child? (Give examples of available
toys/personal interactions, etc.)
The caregiver is making sounds while looking at the child. The caregiver is also making animal
sounds while reading him a book.

Part B (15 points)

For this section, observe a child between the ages of 13 19 months.

1. a. Using objective observation, state at least 2 examples of behaviors that might help you to
determine the childs cognitive development.

The child is 17 months old. The child climbs on the mat and jumps in the ball pit and rolls in it. He
gets up and threw the balls in the air. The caregiver watches him play. Then he lays down and rolls
in the ball pit again. He gets up and jumps in the ball pit making a loud sound. The caregiver looks at
him and said thats a loud sound you are making. He laughs and then got up and jumps again
making another loud sound.
The caregiver rolls the plastic ball on the floor and the child runs and grabs it. Then he puts it in his
mouth. He drops the ball and picks up a different ball and throws it towards the caregiver. The ball
bounces off the table and on to the carpet floor. He walks towards the ball pit and picks up another
ball and throw it at the caregiver. The caregiver picks it put and rolls it towards him.

b. Which of Piagets sensorimotor substages do you think this child is in?

I think this child is within stage four. He kept repeating actions like throwing the balls up in the air
and jumping into the ball pit the make loud sounds. His caregiver said thats a loud sound you are
making. Then he purposely jumps into the ball pit again creating that loud sound. I think he did that
so he could get another response from his caregiver by making that loud noise.

2. What toys or materials do you see that would assist the child in moving to the next sensorimotor
substage and how would they help?

I think silly putty or play dough can help him move towards the next level. He can experiment with
play dough to see how it works and what you can do with it. Like what will happen if you stretch it
and roll it on the table.

3. How is the teacher fostering cognitive growth in this child? (Examples of available toys/personal
interactions, etc.)

The caregiver is fostering his cognitive growth by giving him responses. She comments on what he
is doing. So, he repeats his actions. The caregiver also rolls the ball back at him and he picks it up
and rolls it back to her.

Part C (35 points)

For this section, you will be utilizing a child between the age of 20 27 months (include exact age of
child observed).

1. Using the one of the Piagetian scales (scale 7 is NOT to be used) listed as a file in the Content
Module (week 8). Assess what step the child is at currently by administering each step and writing
how the child responded, whether they successfully completed the step, etc.

I think the child is within stage six and he successfully complete his step. The child is 20 months old.
On the playground, the child grabs the ball and throws it at the shorter hoop. The ball flew up and
drops on the floor. The child runs after the ball and picks it up. Then he walks towards his dad with
the ball in his hands and the dad threw the ball into the taller hoop. Then his dad picked up ball
again and threw it in the hoop. The child stood there staring at his dad. The dad picks up the ball
again and said watch me and throws the ball inside the taller hoop. The child holds the ball and
threw it and the ball went behind him. The child picks up the ball again and threw the ball and it
bounce off the wall. The dad grab the ball and put it in his childs hand. He holds his hand with the
ball and toss it together with his child towards the shorter hoop. The ball went in the hoop and the
child screams, laugh and jump up and down. The child runs after the ball and picks it up. The dad
picks up the child and lifted him towards the taller hoop and the child drops the ball through it. He put
the child down and the child claps and laughs.
2. What toys might you offer to the child to facilitate her/him to the next level and why? (Next step
on scale or next cognitive level)
What I would recommend is play sets and dress up clothes. I think a play set that involves the child
to do make-believe would help him to the next stage. By doing that the child will begin to do pretend
play. It helps the child to think and plan the next step while playing. For example, when he is done
pretending to eating the next step is to wash the dishes in his pretend play.

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