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A study of effect of website in development of business

e-stance technology solutions private Ltd.
Respected Sir/madam.

I am Vikram R Maurya doing MMS from Gahlot Institute of Management Studies & Research. I
am doing summer project in e-stance technology solutions private ltd.

As part of my project I would like to gather some information from you which will help me in
an in-depth study of the project. I would be obliged if you cooperate with me in filling the
questionnaire. Since the questionnaire is being used for academic purpose the information
gathered will be strictly confidential.

Kindly fill the following details:-

Name of the company: ___________________________________________________________

Name of consult person (person filling questionnaire): __________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Contact no.: ___________________________________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions by putting appropriate options in the box provided.

Q.1] a) Do your company has website? [ ]

a. Yes b. No

Q.1] b) If yes, then please mention your website:


Q.1] c) If you have website then what is the main purpose of having the website? [ ]

a. Promotion of company and its products

b. Online sales

c. For interaction with clients

d. To get a cyber identity

e. Any other use

Q.2] a) If your company does not have website then weather you feel the need of website? [

a. Yes b. No

Q.2] b) If yes, then why you need website? [ ]

a. Promotion of company and its products

b. Online sales

c. For interaction with clients

d. To get a cyber identity

e. Because your competitors have website

f. Any other use

Q.2] c) If no, then why you don’t want website?

Please specify ____________________________________________________________

Q.3] Is it a necessity to have website for making your business successful in today’s competitive
market? [ ]

a. Yes b. No

Q.4] Which type of website you have or require (if you don’t have)? [

a. Simple static website

b. Dynamic website
c. Flash website

d. Combination of static, dynamic and flash

e. E-commerce website

Q.5] What is the cost of website you have? [ ]

a. Upto 10000

b. Between 10000-25000

c. Between 25000-50000

d. Between 50000-1lakh

e. Above 1lakh

Q.6] How much you are willing to spend for a website if you don’t have one? [ ]

a. Upto 10000

b. Between 10000-25000

c. Between 25000-50000

d. Between 50000-1lakh

e. Above 1lakh

Q.7] What is your budget for annual maintenance of your website? [ ]

a. Upto 5000

b. Between 5000-10000

c. Between 10000-25000

d. Above 25000

Q.8] Who manages your website? [ ]

a. Your own IT department b. Any outsourced professional

Q.9] What is the size of your website?

OR What should be the size of your website if you want to develop a new website?

[ ]

a. Upto 5 pages

b. Between 5-10 pages

c. Between 10-25 pages

d. More than 25 pages

Q.10]a) Do you advertise your website? OR do you want to advertise your website? [

a. Yes b. No

Q.10]b) If no, then why u don’t want to advertise your website?


Q.11] How frequently you update your website?

a. Daily

b. Weekly

c. Half monthly

d. Monthly

e. Quarterly

f. Yearly
I am thankful for your kind cooperation and spending your valuable time on this questionnaire.

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