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Unit 31.

LO2 feedback

Aimee Grant 28/09/2017

Current Grade for LO2: Merit

The current grade is calculated on the work that is present on your blog. You may have missing
items, or vastly incomplete sections of work. Please improve this. If you require help with any of
this work, or need to show me work before re-submitting to check the quality, please do so.

Remember, the highest grade you can achieve on this learning outcome is a Merit Grade, even
if you have achieved this, if there are any minor corrections or additions, can you please
ensure these are made.

Please ensure all of the work is uploaded on the blog.

Remember Dont overwrite the blog posts, make new blog posts that are clearly labelled with
the words Re-Submission.

Well done Aimee, you have created detailed plans for your photographic shoot. Overall, they provide a detailed
plan of what you are hoping to achieve. The idea document explains the context of your shoot and some of the technical
considerations you would require when shooting in manual mode, the shooting schedule (although basic) identifies what
you will photograph, alongside the other planning, such as risk assessment, recce and contingency plan. Can you please
ensure that all permissions are signed, this is a requirement.

Resubmission: N/A

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