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Print Media Management Immersion

PBA Game Operation

John Michol D. Estanislao

Estanislao, John Michol D.


1. Media and sports play a huge role and 1. There are people who are specifically
work together hand in hand. Media tasked for online updates.
gives attention to the game and sports 2. The PBA has their own media entity
on the other hand earn from the that updates real time and gives live
advertisement. previews of games.
2. Just like in any media coverage, the 3. During half time, the media people are
field of sports is no different. People given a break but some of them opt to
have various tasks and jobs that they follow the players or the team to the
need to do in order for the program to dugout to know about the strategy of
run smoothly. the team in the second half of the
3. The media offers both positive and game, for example.
negative effects on sports. These 4. The assigned writers of the PBA are
effects can be for the greater good or given prepared layouts of the pieces
the worst. they need to write.
4. Media coverage generates buzz and 5. Media people have special ids they
gives attention to the sport. can use to talk to people and can
5. Money is present everywhere from watch the game from the sidelines in
airtime, to advertising and in game order to get the inside scoop on the
advertisements. game.
6. Media gives widespread knowledge 6. There are two separate stages or
about sports and encourages people booths for the live commentators in
to know more about it and also the game.
encourages people to engage in the
sport as well.
Estanislao, John Michol D.


-Media and sports -Sometimes, airtime -Fan interaction -Athletes lose their
play a huge role and is an issue. privacy
go together hand in -Invites new viewers
hand. -The issue with media every single time -Making it more
and sport is that the interactive,
-Media coverage media has too much -Money and income sometimes catcalling
gives attention and control over sport is present during games by the
generates buzz to especially when it opposing teams fans
sports. comes to what sports -Advertisement are iminent.
get coverage. during sport games
-Making the game earn twice attention
interactive, like player -Attention among
interviews and fun different sports are
segments invites not equal.
more audience to get
into the game. -Events can be
sensationalised to
-Since PBA players promote the media
are legends in their rather than the sport.
own ways, like for
example from their -Sport personalities
respective schools, lose their privacy.
etc., giving updates
about them is -Teams and athletes
relevant and brings in promote the use of
more fans. social media just by
using social media,
-Advertisement is and athletes and
really what controls teams are able to use
the media industry social media to inform
and the backbone of their fans on whats
this. going on.

-Watching live, there

are more moments
you get to see that
the media coverage
does not show. E.g.,
player reactions,
coaching staff
reactions, brawls, etc.
Estanislao, John Michol D.

We were given the opportunity to watch a live coverage of the PBA Governors Cup. The game
itself was quite exciting. Being a person who is not much of a fan of basketball, this is a new
experience for me but I had the enthusiasm to enjoy every single bit of it. We arrived in the
venue as early as possible. When we got there, the players are still in their dugouts and the
media people are taking their places. Kind of like what you see during a news coverage or any
media program, the same thing happens in sport games. The PBA Media positions themselves
near the court so they can have a better view in their cameras. A wide angle camera is also
positioned at the semi-center of the venue in order to get a full view of the two sides of the
playing area. Social media people are present at the media booth. One person is responsible for
Facebook, another for Twitter updates, and the other one for live streaming it through
Facebook. The game commentators position themselves in one of the media booths and starts
to discuss the game. They discuss the team standings, update of any new positions for the
players and anything that can be related to the game. Then the whistle blows and all the players
enter the court for the official warm up. Screams of die hard fans can be heard so loudly even in
a place this big. You can clearly see who people are rooting for. While warming up, the technical
committee checks and makes sure all the technical aspects of the game are performing well.
From the scoreboard, to the timers and everything. Even the media coverage, updates on
scores and anything media related are checked in order to ensure a smooth flow of the
coverage. Then the barker quietly makes his way to the media booth and starts announcing
things on the mic. He then announces that the game will start in a few. People scream and
cheer for their favorite teams.

Now comes the announcing of the starters in the game. The cheers get even louder each time a
players name is announced. The TV5 commentators watches the game in a place behind the
patron section of the Coliseum. All the cameramen are like eagles with sharp gazes making
sure they follow all of the players every moves and to catch all the action. The print media and
social media people are busy at work. Then comes half time. As I said earlier, the media people
then follow the players to the dugout. Some take a break, a coffee break, etc. The PBA writers
watch the game near the court in order to write about it later excellently. The commentators then
again go back to the other booth in order to do recaps and game talks.

After the game, the commentators shoot live for post game analysis. The player of the game is
then interviewed in the court. After the court happenings, the media people then follow the press
conference held in the media room in order to have post-game interviews with the coaches,
Estanislao, John Michol D.

players, etc. The PBA Media writers then writes about what they have gathered and publishes
the articles in real time. The commentators then again go on breaks and switch people for the
next game.

Overall, I think game coverages are a much harder thing to do than news or any other type of
media coverage because in sports, everything needs to be precise and orderly. Because just
one mishap could cost the game for everybody. It looks like a very tiring job but honestly, I
would like to work for a sports coverage maybe someday in the future.

Estanislao, John Michol D.

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