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Manatee County Audubon Society
Volume M Number 8 April 2009
We are committed to protecting the environment in our community, our state and our country.
Black-crowned Night Heron

Look back
at our history
By Don Bansen, MCAS Historian
Steve Newton, a herpetologist and ani-
mal curate from the Jungle Gardens,
was the speaker in January 1977, and
he brought a number of live specimens
with him: snakes found locally and from
around the world. Our Earth Day celebration will open with volunteers planting a new garden
to attract butterflies. Those who help may win a gift for their efforts. Come
The last meeting in April 1977 was a and join the fun. Admissin is free and there is ample parking at the preserve,
pot luck, as it is today. The program was located at 4600 24th Avenue in Palmetto. Details on page 2.
a slide show,”Birds and Things from
Down Under.”

During the winter of 1977-78 there was

such a prolonged cold spell that the Letter from President Steve Black
Brown Pelicans were “dying like flies”
as Bradenton Beach Councilman Andy
Rasmussen put it. At his urging the
Needed: Affordable, convenient meeting place
Manatee Audubon Board voted to con- We have a decision to make regarding a meeting place for next year. First Presbyterian Church,
tribute $100 to buy fish to feed the birds.
where we have been holding our monthly meetings, has raised its rental fee to $150 a meeting, due
That donation was supplemented by a
gift of 500 pounds of mullet given by to increased church expenses. In past years, the church let us use its meeting room for whatever
Walter Bell, owner of the Bell Fish Co. voluntary donation we could make. But we are living in a new world, and the price to continue at
First Presbyterian works out to $1,050 for the year (seven monthly meetings at $150 each).
Manatee Audubon was a regular sup-
porter of Pam Stewart’s Pelican Perch, One option we are pursuing is to meet at Emmanuel United Methodist Church located at 5115
a wild bird sanctuary. Ms. Stewart was Cortez Road for $50 a month plus $25 when we use kitchen facilities. We need to make this deci-
always sending a card or letter to show
her appreciation.
sion by the end of May. One of the considerations, in addition to money, is to make the meeting
place as convenient as possible. We have very valuable members who live on the Island as well as
Norman Matteson was succeeded as equally valuable members who live in East Manatee as well as Sarasota. If you would like to have
president of Manatee Audubon by input, you can call or email any of our officers or board members with suggestions.
George Gillis, who served for two years,
from 1979 to 1981. Two unsung heroes: Since my time is winding down as president, I want to thank two unsung
heroes. They have no titles, but consistently do the work that it takes to make our chapter success-
A December bird kill on Anna Maria Is-
land littered the beach with dead or dy- ful. My first hero is Fred Allen, who is out at Felts Audubon Preserve three to seven days each
ing Red Knots. Catherine Spurr, presi- week. When there is routine maintenance to be done, Fred usually does it. He also does a great
dent of Sarasota’s Wildlife Center, took majority of the mowing although Tom Heitzman also contributes. Fred keeps the feeders stocked
about 105 sickly birds to her residence
and he makes sure there is water in the solar fountain. I don’t know about all of Fred’s contribu-
on Clark Road and shipped a dozen car-
casses to a state lab for autopsies. No tions because he just does them without telling anybody. Fred knows about bird sightings at Felts
cause was ever found. as well as being one of our butterfly experts. My second hero is Ivan Marion. Ivan also likes to
work under the radar. Ivan is there to open the church for our monthly meetings, set up the sound
system and then close the church. In addition, Ivan is our electrician. Ivan keeps our solar fountain
going. He works on our generator and he serves as Roger Robson’s right hand man when it comes
to construction work at Felts. Ivan and Fred deserve our undying gratitude.

Bring a dish to our pot luck dinner on Thursday April 16.

Red Knot
Page 2

Felts Preserve: Celebrating Earth Day

By Barbara Singer
Our sixth annual Earth Day Celebration to be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday April 25 at
the Felts Audubon Preserve in Palmetto will feature Critters from Elmira’s Wildlife Sanctuary,
face painting and crafts for children, guided nature walks—and the chance to spend the day in a
beautiful outdoor nature preserve. Admission is free, and there is ample parking at the 30-acre
Felts Preserve, located at 4600 24th Avenue (Experimental Farm Road and 24th Avenue East).

We will open with volunteers planting a new garden section designed to attract butterflies.
Felts Audubon Preserve is The planting will begin at 9 a.m. and those who help may win a gift for their efforts. The devel-
located in Palmetto opment of the butterfly garden is a TogetherGreen Volunteer project sponsored by the National
4600 24th Avenue East Audubon Society with a generous grant from Toyota. Speakers will discuss ways to attract
Corner of 24th Avenue East Purple Martins, native planting for birds and butterflies and landscaping for climate change.
and 49th Street East
(Experimental Farm Road).
Manatee Audubon will sponsor an exhibit of its various activities and offer Earth Day T-shirts
Open House for sale for $12 each. Water and snacks will be available for sale. More than a dozen exhibitors
on First Saturday of the month will focus on a range of products and services, such as recycling, electric bicycles, bird and
nature related items, wildlife photographs, and the various nature tours available in our area.
Work Day
on Last Saturday of the month The Bradenton Herald, Manatee County’s newspaper since 1922, sponsors Felts Earth Day.
For more information about Felts Preserve, the Manatee Audubon Society and this year’s Felts
Sightings at Felts Earth Day Celebration, visit the society’s website at or call our
phone at 941-729-2222.
By Tami McNally, Secretary

Continued Sightings: We’re sprucing up the preserve on April 18

American Goldfinch
American Kestrel
American Robin
Join our workdays to improve Felts
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck By Tom Heitzman
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher For those who would like to help at the Felts Preserve, the work days are always the last Satur-
Cedar Waxwing
Common Grackle
day of the month, except during April, when the work day is Saturday April 18, one week early.
Eastern Bluebird This way we can get things ready for Earth Day, which will be on the last Saturday of the month
Great Horned Owl on April 25. The work days this month and every other month are a great time to come out and
Indigo Bunting help improve the property. We have tasks for all levels, from pulling a few weeds, picking up
Mottled Duck
Northern Harrier
trash or pulling out invasive plants. As we get ready for our annual Earth Day Celebration 2009,
Palm Warbler we have lots of sprucing up to do to get the preserve ready for the big event.
Pine Warbler
Prairie Warbler The burn we had hoped to do this spring has been postponed until next year. The weather con-
Red-winged Blackbird
Roseate Spoonbill
ditions never were just right to risk putting our property and those of our neighbors in danger.
Sandhill Crane The Florida Department of Forestry is very cautious in this regard and our window of opportu-
Tricolored Heron nity just ran out. Stay tuned for a possible burn next winter.
Wood Duck
Wood Stork
Yellow-rumped Warbler
The Bluebird houses are back up and we have seen lots of activity and think some of the boxes
have nests. I have seen lots of Bluebirds in the Preserve. The Purple Martin houses are also up
and we have seen some scouts but no nesting birds yet. Perhaps our local Red-shoulder Hawk
is keeping them away. One of the reasons to postpone the burn was the need to get the nesting
boxes back up which had been taken down in preparation for a burn.

This past week we had a company install more wildflower seed to our existing wildflower
meadow. The site was roughed up and then the seed was applied in a water slurry solution over
the entire three acres. The seed is then covered with a fiber mulch that helps keep it shaded and
off to a good start. Many of the plants from last year are getting ready to re-bloom, so with the
new crop of seed and last year’s plants, we should have quite a display in the coming months.

Many new longleaf and slash pines were installed in the southwest side of the property as one
of our TogetherGreen volunteer days. A dozen volunteers installed more than 110 trees. Keep
an eye on these as they mature and create more beneficial habitat for our birds.
Page 3

A birdful time and a coyote

Upcoming Events
Wednesday 4/1
Field trip Circle B Bar Ranch, Lakeland
Carol Webster, 747-7295, leads this trip
to a nature area with lots of birds
and scenic walks.

Saturday 4/4
Open House Felts Preserve
8 a.m. to noon

4/6 - 4/10
Spring Break Camp
at Felts Audubon Preserve
for elementary students
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 7
with before and after care available
Around the Bend Nature Tours
with Manatee Audubon
By Arlene Flisik, vice president and trip coordinator Karen Fraley, 794-8773
Eighteen Auduboners went to wonderful birding sites around Lake $50 payable at registration
Apopka and Emeralda Marsh on March 7-8, the hottest weekend
of the year to date. An incredibly knowledgable local birder and Thursday 4/16
park ranger, Gallus Quigley, led us to 98 different species in vari- Monthly meeting is at 6:30 p.m.
ous habitats. Beyond the total numbers, this trip stood out because (one hour early)
for Annual Pot Luck.
so many of the birds were those we seldom see: American Bittern, installation of officers and
both species of Whistling Duck, Sora Rail, Blue-headed Vireo, brief review of the year.
Hermit Thrush, Ovenbird, Grasshop- Bring a dish to share and your own plate,
per Sparrow, and White-crowned Spar- cup and utensils
First Presbyterian Church,
row. We also saw ones we “never” see,
1402 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton.
like Wilson’s Snipe, Say’s Phoebe,
Ash-throated Flycatcher, Western (not Saturday 4/18
eastern) Kingbird, and - well, not a Workday Felts Preserve
8 a.m. to noon
bird - a coyote! Not everyone saw ev-
to get ready for Earth Day on 4/25
ery bird, but many saw most, and most
saw many, and all felt well rewarded. Photos by Connie Zack Sunday 4/19
Field trip to Fort De Soto Park
Sign up now if you want faster information for spring migration.
Depart Main Post Office at 8 a.m.
We may offer the newsletter in color via email Steve Black, coordinator, 376-0110
By Barbara Singer
Thursday 4/23
In an effort to help the environment, reduce mailing expenses, and disseminate information faster, we Learn to monitor beach nesting birds!
are considering offering our Manatee Audubon newsletter via email beginning September 2009. This from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
will give a newsletter with color photos and images, and it will give Manatee Audubon the opportunity Holmes Beach City Hall
to expand some areas of interest. 5901 Marina Drive in Holmes Beach
Tami McNally, Manatee Audubon,
We are asking that you try receiving the newsletter electronically and if you are not happy you can and Suzi Fox, director Turtle Watch
always switch back to the black-and-white printed edition. We assure you that your email address will For more information, call 778-5638
be guarded, not sold nor given out without your written permission.
Saturday 4/25
Earth Day at Felts Preserve
If you would be willing to participate in this effort, complete the following and return at either the 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
April 16 general meeting, Audubon booth on Earth Day or mail to Manatee Audubon, P.O. Box Admission free.
14550, Bradenton FL 34280-4550. Volunteers will begin at 9 a.m. to plant
garden to attract butterflies. Elmira’s
Yes, sign me up for electronic newsletter________ Wildlife Sanctuary will present some
wild critters and there will be speakers,
a range of exhibits, water and snacks.
Yes, send me electronic Event Updates__________

Name _________________________________________________________ Welcome New Members:

Dr. Philip and Joan Kinnard
Email address____________________________________________________ Richard and Sandra Pope
Page 4

To trip or not to trip

By Connie Zack, field trip chair
Manatee Audubon needs field trip leaders for the 2009-2010 season. No leaders, no field
trips. If you are interested, please see me at the April 16 monthly meeting or call 758-2929 or
email You can choose a location or ask for suggestions. It is quite easy
to do and it is lots of fun.

Elderhostel birding program: I am in the process

Pot luck, paper plates, of getting information and setting up an Elderhos-
napkins and cups tel birding program just for our Audubon group
By Patti Clauser
for March-April 2010. I expect to have more in-
formation and details at the April meeting. It will most likely be in southern Arizona. You can
Thank you, everyone, for your
go to the Elderhostel website, scroll to the bottom of the opening page, click on Birding and
donation of snacks at our month-
ly meeting. I really appreciate the then click on Arizona. That takes you to a description of “Cave Creek Canyon Birding at Por-
assortment of goodies. tal.” The website says that Cave Creek Canyon is one of the country’s premier birding areas.
The little town of Portal, which lies 40 miles north of Mexico, is described as a birdwatching
Don’t forget the Pot Luck on retreat that “attracts many rare Mexican birds, which come to nest in the spring and summer.”
April 16. Everyone is to bring a Elderhostel says that there is a program of daily field trips and lectures by l ocal experts.
covered dish to share. We start a
little early that night at 6:30 p.m. Since we will have to make an advance deposit, please bring a
check for $50 with you to the April 16 meeting if you are interested
I am also writing to ask everyone
in this Elderhostel program. After getting more information, and
to bring me any, and all, leftover
paper products you may have the date for the trip, you can decide definitely if you want to go.
around the house. We are seek-
ing donations of small plates,
napkins and cups. We serve many She’s the only one from Florida selected to go Washington
people each month at our meet- By Arlene Flisik, vice president
ings, and I know you have odds National Audubon recently invited activists to come to Washington D.C. at the end of March
and ends like I do. So if you clean
for three days of training followed by meetings with our representative and two senators for the
out your cupboards, please keep
purpose of discussing public land issues concerning Alaska, most notably drilling in the Arctic Na-
us in mind. Also, if you would
like to donate cans of Crystal tional Wildlife Refuge. Alaska may be far away, but its issues have been a prime concern of mine
Light, we can always use them. for years, so I applied and was the only person chosen from Florida. I tend to doubt I had much
Again, thank you for being so competition, but in any event I now have an important assignment, and by the time you read this, I
generous. will have spent about one hour of my life being that person everyone loves to hate, a lobbyist!

Send your items for The Night Heron to newsletter editor Molly McCartney
at or call 778-3228

Manatee County Audubon Society

PO Box 14550
Bradenton FL 34280-4550

Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit #970

April 2009 Newsletter

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