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Engtish Department
Writing Ski[ls Learned in lntermediate L


Tne bpic senrcnce slates ihe nam idea AII the su?porhC senten.cs
a pd:Enph of tr.tar nay in.ludc reaon., rrct3 and/or r de

.-!,!srr.r lrrqlir{,:rr.rt ,i,! Tri, , , ,i Li r,Lrr !s i: :n


cra..-dil..ficct axFlains cnhc. thc causcs or thr cr'lccls ot a siruurion.
dependiry on whai,s staied in t
he causvEasons wry a snnaiion occus, wrile a puagBph of

be a re9,r o,
corjundiors to shon !,"r.e(I


n3, norc 6r crs ec de*rcrcd !!

What cool headdresses!
D! lor knoN fie nam.s.Iihes.
wlnch .ne dorox likc'

Sample Paragrap[

Ult a Prohd talAo

To a hd from Rote Istmd in East Nusa Tenggara' vea'ing
th. tradidona.l hat i'i langga makes him leel like a disnified person
nrcud of his success in educaiins his 'hildrcn A fathe' *'l1l reel
@od ifhis,Li'drPn r iu((erJul I
iG bclcr'_ he) I' r i"kFn
io uo.,. s" r,,r *t _..p"1 b"!arc \iq . dlr n c _ a''d o' 1
his p.inciplcs. r his children become go'd_tor_norhinE peEons' he
vill lose his sef-respect and digtutv Similarl-\', a R'te nd reers
conlid@t md digDified {ho he waE the di lansga b'celNe ihe hat
sh@ the .h@cbristjcs ol his p@ple. He leels good because he is
Dd ofhis eLb:.'B He also dr'PlaYs ' '_
ii" -rm * - -. n,'. w.oor' tls .i r,neao I _ '- rvi' o
id6nq*aRote "r,o-
Imjustlikea hineris without pride d diglitv

check (1)vhether the sentences areTRLIE or rALsE

'rhe palas.aph discusses Nhat lvearing the ri'r Iansga is like r' a Rote nan L] al
To a Role mm, weanng the lrl /an gais moE valuable than rh success or E E
A faiher does not snf vhen his children do not tste hh advi'e' n I
childFn\ failurc in lile ibei.Iath.r's selfESPa'r E E
Othe. ethnic groups in East Nusa TensAara ved lhe ri'i l'n9'94' E E
ARotemmispoudolw jng rhellI knlsa be'ause n EPESents his identitv' - I


A D.r.gBth of.laloor explains or visualus e @ncept or d idea thbwh analoB/ panial

ULness o. parllel simntritie-beeem the oncept or idea and not!r e6ie. to

. To d!.8 .n a!.log', u* the folowing e.rb ?tmes in the topic rtnience:

be U1.., be sinibr to, ruka ... lihc, rcsembtc
. Tr@ttio! mrkeB:
siru1ot1!, tkeuise, in tt@ sare ua!, erlJalLy

nke, in the ame ua! as

. A con.luding senten.e may not elways be needed.

ma [ron Role lsl d in East Nusa T.neeara. wmnne the

To a
tadnional h.l rii L,r,.o @Les him feel lirce q dimiGed p9{s!n
proud of hjs su.Ns i! d@tilq trs .hildEr A lather will feel sood il his
children are successrul in lile because ihy have taken his ad
vice. He has ser iespd hecause his children hare held on to his pdn
ciples. ll his .hildren become soodjor-nothine pe.sons, he {iI lose
his self-Espet ad disriq. slmllarly, a Rote lrrm feels connddt and
drgnfed wlien he wers tne di /.ngqa
trtensbs ol his rde. He Gels F.d b@u* he is Fandii
also displays the uniqueness and beaury of his culiure as shoM ]n
hai. without his n'i lazd,a ffil/ll/
just uI a- faiher is ,iinout

I u"a.l,". ur. .-*.,".*-".

'rhe colorlul hat lron Aceh, th kzpiah turftearoO Esembles
the Indoncsian rhlrming poem, ihe panrxz. A kupiah reukeutap
3.entlsbs a man! oudit ,lis sinil to / in tle sme va, a Pantun
Cives navo. to a story. The &rpian @,.e!lop has four lelels and
dirercnt colos red, yellow, gren, and black, llsinil ly / Beng
similar to), a Erse in ap,ntun has four lines. Ine /i,pidh mrak'p
is attEciively siructured and colored and has several
neani"Bs. 3(Equaly / Is lile), i\e @ntun is beauti y designed ad
has vuious meanings. The colo^ in tne nzpiah srdboliz several
sspectsr .ed is r.r hercism, yellov lor kinsaom, g.een lor
.elision, and black for st.i.tness. i(Like{ise / I-ikel, the EFr
two lines in the pant n have slmbolic meaf,ings expressed in the
2e I and rns$.r rhe qne*ions.

' ,\ -'o.-. rp""p'"o|.4--tbo-'"-tla;ar-^,t b oD-

s Ho$ mant !"rbs re us(d ro dr3s Llie aralosl

B. Read the pamgraph int. Make d outline or the pakq.aph

abe laqr lewk al the ,At 3inilar td tk fu( ti^,s is 1"2 Pd^tu,.

3 Put the verbs and ransition marlers rrom th box into the.ishr Dlaces ln the p3rsshph

headd.ess ofa Mind8 bnde, the s/anang, The rsponsibilities

in.lude raki4 care ol the husband od .hildren. It is not d
easy task a! all, and i! cedainly is a bis bu.den. ?-, the
slntang on the head oa a bnde is very heaw, reighin8 about 3 to s
knoBms. It must be Eribly iinry lor ihe bnde to lvee such a
heary bulden on her head duing a day-lonE {eddinB ceEmony.
But, no matie. hov neavy and difficul! a married vonan's
responsibilities are, dedicating herselfto her duiies is honomble
and pFjsewofthy. . , the hearT vndaaq is a majestic
crown tor a bride, mating he. look elesant and stunning ln
deed, ihe tasl< of ammied Mmd 1- lhe heavl but mas

4 .r. Ti . ron* r""1 l" .Uout the tlars*d Iirst, fiI in th. blanks vith th corect fom
of the givn Based onthe given ouiline, decide {hich !h. lopic sentence is,
md lrEk it 6 lS. Then nmbr t}Ie smtercs s snM in nhe @dine fo. a pdftgaph of

, The Javdese lte) alvays .fttuIin what they say.

these noble dd genercus bits of ine Javdcse (be) simild to th. civjlity
and, of a batik bl?n4k z
Th. Jave.s. philosophy olM - the Yos/akait
(be)si ilarto headdress lor
m6, fie blongk a
nrey (believe) in bering trcubl cslnny, as rell as i,r amidins ukindn ss,
hard rfrlings, md rdenge.
In addiiion, ihe Javdese (stress) ihe imponan.e of kepins a secrtt, a
belief simjlar to th hiding of the hdt i,n rJJ.. tundholan.
In mcient iime, ma in Yog/akaita
- lwed) hair long they {ti9
it up and ltuck) ii in tlt tundhola,! the loor on th ba.k ofa ,langton.
Thy a1way6 try) to snile md laueh fln when their (cry).

B. W.ite the senten es in A in the corcci psrEs.aph fomat.

B ,r- Listcn to a ometion about lhe sfu@ Ppdt&a Listn asain Fhil' ybu conplei'

nasinent b.idal ti{a, the sigErpePadun

IMllr Makd a trid fel

2. 718 3ieet pepddutna.

a. made of goid or other mdals Plated

3. Any brid. rtrinA lhe sigerpPadun re*mliles

v.B/rirnlmon rar\REa/PE smoi*

ustm ro the di5log agajn to check vou oudind. Then ffiite ih. P@gmph lased on



'ts'i#H:li ?

, Wnte aparaBrapn or snalosr aboui th Balinese adhens fo. the blog INDONESIAN
cRowNs. Find ihe .lata by Cooeline rhc Iniernet. chese one ol tho topic kntences helo*

a. To a Balincsc man, vcaring a Balinese udfung is like keepins the sactity ol a tcmplc.
b. we ins a Balinese xdhengis similar to upholdinsyour beliet
c. Wedins a Balincsc ldnea \s llke ... \atut oon ided)

r a Bdieotsdrt6r Bri kd@lPapla NuEren0FrrvsdqElco:dus

71,. b"t "-.U//"".v

ii fi,. r

1' 19 iho Fulupn idented, ]

4. Dodrrha *tuic suppoh rh. bpic.dnl$.?t.

5. Ad th6 onlund oG rGnstoonlitrBH*l9EHh.,?l

IWtten nature lashes out....
what is happening n each Pi.ture?
whai it haDDen:
m"' --, a .i",t*u erpenenled such s.aldii)?

Sampl Paragraphg
lory do.s il tappda ANu. ol l ett Poodtt
A il3sh flood. sudden localized Avoidine the ddeers oI . flash nood
floodine. usMnv happens an a sloping ,.qurc. r"pl. rn a areas ar rr!k to pal'
sound ,lons a snall cEck oler. Elalielv iraen,ion to no,s'ble sisns or th. drsaqrer
shon time. Torrential ard hke immediare action. Fnst, rvhen a
nelnne re and s.ou hiAl uP on : hr L or rhundeFtom or hea!-v rain happens in the
,". i-.,,nr,,no!s,ea..harees d!\h and aPs ther must sbv alen lor chaqins
cm ch2nqe a 1s to 30 cm de+.reck inio a N.*r. -h"" rh"v h".. a -*i"s
L s m d..p ras'nB ner in one or No
"."diti"nl or when ihe\ fottr. the
srter qi Ll 'ea.h $'ll .reek \ter ns'nq Jnd becom'ng mudd1.
abole a creeks banks A nash nood rlrry nust run for hiqher qruund vithout
reccdes as r,Pid\'as it occu6 Ho\reler, de;v. rvhen a bridae is awash, thev must
rhe damqe to lhe suroundins are.s .m n.t ctuss it. The
be dcvastating becausc ihe sweep a vehrle oll into L\e .tek,
enrehely rast moving Nater is a humm being
lery powerful. It s\reps am] ln bnel, p.oples sareq depcnds
people, alimals, and objecis on meir alcdness and quick
such as houses and vehicles in

s.ntences are IRUE or FAISE

I Paragraph Ais aboutho{a flashnood happcns E E
2. A flash flood can occur in any arca. E E
n i, there is no hear'y rainfall or meliing snow' E E
4. lt ls the rapidly mNing Nate. that is ddgemus' E E
3. PaEsraph B slso discusses aboDihowaflash flood happens' E E
6 Those livins in dangercus aEas musr bevare orihe causes oI0ash E
'oods E
7 A flash nood cs desrrov a vehicl passing a flooded b'idAe E
3.'rakinEa.tion quickly is not a must in case of a flash n'od' rl E
-7 sruoeNr eoor
A prrusrrrh ol lrcs {J, *pltu-s 'ow \omdhme erns or 5os 3 pdi.ul rre-l
'*ppa; / happ";.o Frpl'-rior psEsraph, o' lb)oescrbe" rh'rFp- ol a pr.cdu'e o'
how to do emethinc E.-"to p6FsEph).
A, .:pLEtton pmgsph puts dtails in clmnological order, wbile a hor-to paragnph
dis@sses the proedu.e step bv step.
mrk.E to he pxnderstand the prcccse/p o.e.lxBl

oret/ befate thal

! Certain 6DJIetto!. dd pEposition. of Ume to i.di.5te a Penod or point in trme:
uhen until
. A oncluding snien.e may nor always be needd

A nash flooa, lo.rlized flooding usualn harp.ns .n a slopinq

oound alon. a snull .r.k ov.r a ,clativeh short till!. Toftntial ain, as
well as meliins ice dd snow, high up on a hill or in a mountai.ous
ea, chares doth and can chdee a 15 to 30-.m deep creek into a
r 5-n deep mSr.e rivr in one or two hours. Th. rosnng Mte. will
rcach rv.ll above a creek's baks. A flash flood Ecedes as rapidly as it
moN Howdd, ine .bmage to ihe su@unding mtr (a b ddastatine
becaxse ihe dtEmely faslmoving waier is very potrrtul. It swtrps
avay pople, dihals, dd obtccts su.h as houses dd vcnicks in sec

Avoi.linq the d:q.e.s of a flash fiood reouires neoplc in aEas st

nsk b pav all.nrlon io s.rEl sios and tale imnedhte aciior
rirst. wh.n a thundeBbm o. heaq rain happens in the area, they
e conditions. Nr4, E&4 L]]ey h a mding
sound upstre5m, o' q&r
be(omhe mxdd,, thel must lu for

.tr seeep a vetu.le ollinto tlre !reek, nor to

I Radlhetwop agrapns aboul drougltt. Then discuss the questions vithyour rriends

A drowht occurs when the.e has ben no rainlall ror months or

ye* in d area. Rainfarl nappens when Mter vapor from ihe ocem
rises dd gathers into clouds. The vapor becomes water dmplets, md
as tiese dmplets be6me lalAe dd hea$', ihy fall b&k b Eanh as
Ein, Howeve., the water vapor may not ris hish enough into the
atsIosphere b .ool because of the hich an prssue, so ft doesnt rall s
rain. Anolhe. factor is that th. rain-csrying vind is not strcnc enougn to .ea.h
tn *a, ceusing dmught to occur th.. olr the other hdd, some @ss have
lihle nin dd a lonA drcueht because moDtain pehs block ihe moist wind caus-
ing the nin to f.I on th. wind@d side of the mountains. A seEre drowht nay
cause th. d.ath olwildlil, e.6ect tne eonomy, dd destrcy soctul lif in the e4
rf,ss.nins thc cffccts oldrought on 3nrmals
and peoplc requires a good plan A drolgh1 mav happen
in cold ad dr} Prote.r tlre sojl
Deloreslation lor building .onstruclion and asnculture
oltcn Euses crosion and this n3-1 de.rcase the sorls
abiut to absorb &rd hold.ainvalcr. So rcroresiarn'n Jd
sroving dops ihat cd vithstand the dry weather arc an

ak.") "nd !" F uf a on-

'mpa l'r"l "
0,.,"rr, *,.*.., -"v h'lp - lo' b{o'_is dmothcrI'o'shr ''a'
wav to l'ssen the
dealiEtion or s;a mter to build Nater supplies
impads of dry sPIs. The stored water ca, be tralsponed rhroueh 'anals and
pipeliles to dry areas lor ,risalion sd other purloses'

underlin. ihe ropi. s.nten.cs in the par3gralhs

which one is th( .xplanalnn pansnph and rrhi'h onc is the hdwro PaaS'aPh:'

slunnranz.lhe pro.csses thal m.v.auso droushr b take plt'e

Menlion thc Lrars 10 ihc effects oldtuuahr
. ,{E th. FaEsraphs.oherenr' ExPlai. Unddll'e rhe l'a'sition marke's
. Is rhcr. senlenc. ii eitherparaararh lhar is incleranl to the n'in deaor'ach

2 Read tn. rollownls pansrsph about eanhquake hsci conjunctiont rr'm tlrc b'x
bc us'd more rhan onc'
th. rshl Dl.ces io nakc ihe s.trtcnccs no$ s'noo(Nr Tht\ 'an

Hdv do.s eanhqual<e o..ur? An edhqu2l.e happ'ns

, ts! pl.les a.c (*shurs inlo or sliding pasi
each other Thc oDic, layer or Edh is nade up or mm! floaiins
PW ptar.s that .r. like jigerv puzzlc \uth ed8 s (plate
r,.undansl oide xp {,r lallls lc.acksl rhe tr.rcs keep novns
l- th'
l_ Pl' r' mov
," *1"" r,., "'' " nr,''all or"'" blnB'o''d 'r
nnaUv tuee thcnsetvcs the stoEd ull eneB/ is rc
"r.".,"r rr..,r," r"gg"a "ae* th' rom ol seisni"a's Il<e
-..tC g.* .-sard in aU direcrions in
"\4 n'. J"Lmh' rh", no."
h'\ 'h3!" 'he
l.*+ ,. -
sn und an.l an\th,nqon it
'iix:i'i:li 3

Read $e lollowins poinbE about Ld to pretet ouelB dunry 3n srthquake. Mdk the
topic as T, dd thc idea ss Ml nren Drmber ihe stcp6 a..ordiq lo thc .udine belo(

A4rrore $in be doi4 !\,t


stay as Iar .s3y Irom

ncms ma! rarr and injxreyou i.

4o*"rop tr."" in 3 int. a sood psrasrEph. use the .otect pdaBmph rorm3t,
capitalizaiion, puncimtion, and uansition markcrs and
5 r-i.." t tr,. r.u*i",, .o"""satim aboui a Drc,nic ropti61.

A. Answer the questions.

1. when did Mour Sinahmg in Nonh Sumalera crupi?

2. Whal were the early sisns or the eruption?

3. Whal happened when the volcano erupted?

4. Hov hish did the ash eo?

5 w5s Lhcm sry svs snd debns?

6. were there m! casurliieq)

7. How mm! fled thcir villases ro saleB,?

a. what happened to the suroundine arcas sner the er?losion?

S' c
' M,
JLo "b x l.oUow orcmfl

a s@a p@ph olDtuess aboxt the eruption of Mr. Sinabus.

ra, oo-ono ^,to!jo.r,
- dp'analio^ ,j --o ;

r. Fn and cone.r dalalmm dr. tnrem.t

3. Look ar rhc r! che.k!.u, finalFma

s. &! rh. lid Dl!@

c. A,. e[ di. onhfr.udtt cor&r?


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