In The Footsteps of My Master

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Rev. Dr Jeffry David Camm
Chapter Description Page
~~ Copyright 3
~~ Dedication 3
~~ Foreword 3
Chapter One: My Early Life 5
Chapter Two: From Government to the Private Sector 13
Chapter Three: God Keeps His Promises 15
Chapter Four: Assignment Saudi Arabia 20
Chapter Five: First Missionary Trip into Pakistan 27
Chapter Six: Assignment Sultanate of Oman 29
Chapter Seven: A New Wife A New Life 31
Chapter Eight: In the Spirit of Love 39
Chapter Nine: Assignment Thailand 41
Chapter Ten: Assignment Pakistan 45
Chapter Eleven: Home But Not Retired 49
Chapter Twelve: Assignment Israel 50
Chapter Thirteen: Assignment Kenya 61
Chapter Fourteen: The Bible College 69
Chapter Fifteen: The Salvation Army 74
World Regions Map 80
Appendix One: Never the Same Again 81
Appendix Two: 10,000 Pakistani Muslims accept Jesus in one night 81
Appendix Three: Communion 82
Appendix Four: Gods Promise 86
Appendix Five: Christian Books 87
Appendix Six: The Responsibilities of Leadership 89

The contents of this book remain the copyrighted property of Rev. Dr Jeffry David
Camm and his estate in succession. I give permission for this book to be for use as a
tool for Teaching or Bible Study purposes. This book can be a gift, as led by the Holy
Spirit. This book must but not be sold for profit.

I dedicate this book to Jesus Christ, who saved me, to His words, which keep me
on track and safe, and to the many people who have helped me to walk In the
Footsteps of My Master, over the years.
These are too many individuals to mention, except for Rani, (my wife), who gets
a special mention for putting up with me through thick and thin, as we have gone
about the world to 43 countries, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
May the Lord continue to bless all of our lives, until the glorious day when He
returns for His bride ~ the bride without blemish? Then we can have a glorious praise
and worship session in heaven for eternity.

This book is really a continuation in the series about my life. The first one
entitled On the Potters Wheel,1 the second one, On the Potters Wheel
Again!2, and the third entitled On Gods Journey.3
How do you write a foreword to a book that has taken over seventy years to
live, and extract just enough information, to keep the book below three hundred
pages? Well that is the challenge! Firstly, a little bit about my Family History. Like
many ancient families, we have a coat of arms, and a motto.

Serving God with Purpose


The Camm Coat of Arms

Since about 400 AD, the Camm family have been Christians, and records indicate
that they were involved in church life in England, Scotland and Wales since that time,
even having some of its namesakes, as rectors of churches in England, both as
Catholic priests, (before King Henry VIII), and later as Church of England clergy.
It is only in doing research for the family tree, that I came across this information,
and it helps to explain why Satan tried so hard to stop me from fulfilling my destiny in
Jesus Christ. (Oh no! Not another one of them!)
As indicated in my book On the Potters Wheel, I was involved in a horrific car
accident in 1969, my neck was broken, and I became paralysed. But God raised me
up with a miraculous healing, and I walked out of that hospital, without a wheelchair,
or a pair of crutches, or a cane, ready to serve the Lord for the rest of my life.
As proclaimed by Apostle Paul, I can also proclaim; I am not ashamed of the
gospel of Jesus Christ and have travelled to 43 countries to preach/teach the
gospel to a dying world, suffering torture, beatings, and jail for the gospel.
In that time I have helped plant 39 churches, trained, raised, and ordained pastors
and elders, to take over the responsibility of running these churches, for the glory of
Jesus Christ.
For more than 50 years I have been involved in worship ministry. When I compose
music, sing, or play violin, I find it so easy to go into the heavens, right into the
throneroom, into the very presence of the Lord, and see His face.
But my greatest joy has been seeing thousands of people make decisions for
Jesus Christ, coming out of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other isms or occults,
to change their lives and follow Jesus Christ, as their own personal saviour.
My burden now is to write Christian books4 and Christian teaching material5,
and Christian Teaching videos6 to expound the Gospel that challenges people in
their daily lives, to live a life worthy of the sacrifice that Jesus made upon the cross
for each of us.
Jesus said that He came so that not even one soul shall be lost. But He gave
us, (the Body of Christ, the born again Christians, the Disciples), the responsibility
to go to all the nations, to preach/teach the gospel7, to make disciples, so that we will
all obediently follow Him and give glory to His Father in Heaven.



I was born in September 1943, in Sydney, in the middle of World War 2 to a family
who had been volunteers in WW1 and now also in WW2.
This picture, taken at the re-dedication of the Woolgoolga War Memorial in 2015
shows the names of my volunteer relatives; who like many other Australians put their
lives on the line, to defend their new country in WW1, which at that time was only 14
years old8.

Woolgoolga War Memorial WW1 Woolgoolga War Memorial WW1

Family Names of Volunteers Family Names of Volunteers

Harry Allen joined up and served in

Photos of WW1 & WW2 volunteers WW1 & then again in WW2. A crazy

The Commonwealth of Australia was created in 1900.

John Allen (Harrys younger brother), WW2 Leslie Allen Camm My Dad.
who served in the RAAF in WW2

Sir Sydney Camm Sir Sydney Camm designed the

Hurricane for WW2, the Hawker Hunter,
a 2 seat jet trainer and the Hawker
Harrier (the Jump Jet) which was used in
the Falklands War.

Henry Allen WW1 (Father) Harry Allen WW1 (Son)

Leslie Albert Joseph Camm ( my Somewhere in France WW1
grandfather)and his Friend on the back it
says somewhere in France WW1)

The arrow points to Roy Eugene

Leader # 3 Squadron, (Uncle Roy)
The caption on the back reads: Any
landing that you can walk away from
is a good one! (Egypt WW2) Woolgoolga Anzac Day Celebrations
(cc 1920)

War Memorial in Canberra showing the poppies of remembrance, 2015

A nation on display, proud of the sacrifices of their sons and daughters, and
making sure that we never forget the ultimate sacrifice that they paid for our freedom.
[Sadly, not one Indigenous Soldier, who also risked his life, is recognised here,
but that HAS to change!]

My mother (Nancy Josephine Camm, nee Leader)
was also involved in the War effort, working at the Mater
Hospital in Sydney, and then at night, as part of the
Home Guard, making sure that the blackout curtains
were drawn, and no lights gave away the location of
This was because a Japanese long-range plane had
earlier flown over Sydney and all the lights were blazing,
as if there was no war going on at all.
But that all changed when the min-subs came into
Sydney Harbour and sunk the ferry and the mother
submarine started shelling Sydney from outside the
My mum was a person who realised that money was hard to come by during the
war, so she used to catch the ferry across Sydney Harbour to Circular Quay and then
walk to Broadway (about five Kms) to save threepence on the tram.
Later she wheeled me in the pram to the Mater Hospital, handed me over to the
nun assigned to look after me, while mum was working her shift, as a professional
chef, running the hospital kitchens.
Back then, everything was done on site. Mum told me that she used to take home
a bushel of peas in the pram, so she could shell the peas, ready for the next day, but
keep the pea pods, and use them in the soup at home. Many people today do not
realise the hardships of those times, even though we were living in the lucky
After the war we moved for a short time to Arrawarra, where Dad tried his hand, as
a fisherman, but that did not last long and we moved to Dingo Creek, the headwaters
of the Orara River, which then runs into the Clarence River and into the Pacific

The Never Can Tell under construction. House in Dingo Creek Orara, west
It got its name because when they went to of Coffs Harbour, NSW (cc 1947).
sea, you NEVER CAN TELL when they were This whole area is now planted with
coming home. (cc1930) re-growth gum trees.

The house in Dingo Creek was a very basic house, a kitchen with an open
fireplace to cook in, and a sink and table and chairs. There were two bedrooms and a
semi-closed in verandah, but no electricity, no mains pressure water and no
sewerage, or septic tanks, just the thunderbox in the back yard, with the ever
present warning; Watch out for the red-back spiders!
One of my early memories is going down to the creek to get water in a small
bucket, because initially we did not have a tank, or a hand pump, to bring the water
up to the house.
From this place, my Dad and my uncle Roy, who had also returned from the Air
Force in WW2, eked out a living, cutting down timber and making railway sleepers,
for the railway, which was being upgraded to be national gauge all over the country.
As returned soldiers, Dad and Uncle Roy were entitled to low cost war loans to
buy property after the war. Dad bought 400 acres next to this property in Dingo
Creek, and Uncle Roy brought the adjoining property, and then we had cows for raw
milk, (you were allowed to drink it back then) and chickens for eggs, and raising pigs
for the Christmas ham market, as well as a well-established vegetable garden.
As a pioneering family, we made our own butter, baked our own bread, with the
yeast from the leftover potato peelings, which developed in the warmth beside the
open fireplace overnight, and then skimmed off, to mix into the flour, for the bread.
But even though I was not following Jesus Christ back then, I still got a
background in the scriptures, because each night after the washing up had been
done, Dad would take out the Family Bible and would read us some scriptures. The
song by Willy Nelson almost mirrors our home back then in the late 1940s and early

Family Bible
Songwriter: WILLIE NELSON Published by Lyrics Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

There's a family Bible on the table, its pages worn and hard to read.
But the family Bible on the table will ever be my key to memories.
At the end of day when work was over and when the evening meal was done
Dad would read to us from the family Bible and we'd count our many blessings one
by one.
I can see us sittin' round the table, when from the family Bible dad would read,
and I can hear, my mother softly singing, rock of ages, rock of ages cleft for me

Now this old world of ours is filled with trouble, this old world would also better be
If we'd found more Bibles on the tables, and mothers singing, rock of ages cleft for

Here is a link to Willie Nelson singing this song;

So my early life was centred on a basic rural upbringing, where things of nature
were everywhere, and you never stopped to consider who made the flowers, or the
butterflies, (or the mosquitoes), you just took everything in for later years of
I could ride a horse and drive a fully loaded timber truck before I was 6 years old,
but had to wait until I was thirteen, before I could officially get a special licence to
drive the 4 miles, from the farm to the school bus stop.
When I first started going to school, at 6 years old, I had to walk 4 miles to the bus
stop, then 17 miles in the school bus to the public school in Coffs Harbour, and home
again each day.
On Saturdays, while my brothers were working on the farm, I had to go on the bus
for my violin lessons at the Catholic School and then catch the bus back home at
midday. If I missed it, it was a very long walk home. I only missed it once, and that
taught me a good lesson about punctuality.
Nowadays, children complain if they have to walk 1 Km to school. They do not
know that they have it so good. In some areas now, it is not even safe to walk to
school, so they are driven to school, for their own protection, from the bullies along
the way.
Back in our days growing up, we did not tolerate bullies; we ganged up on them
and sorted them out. They left us alone after that!
We were taught the three RRRs because we went to school before the
Wyndham Scheme was introduced and mucked up Australias education system.
I went to Intermediate Certificate level and then started my trade training in
Sydney at the Postmaster Generals Department, (what is now Telstra) in 1959 and
that is when I signed the Australian Official Secrets Act.
1959, was also the year that I went to the Billy Graham Crusades in Sydney
and gave my heart to Jesus Christ.
I had then gone to a local Methodist pastor and told him that I thought God wanted
me to be a pastor, to which he replied; If you still think that it is your calling in
five years time, then come back and I will arrange for you to go to Moore
College. It was not the response I expected, so I left.
In the early 1960s, I installed the telephone exchanges in Cooma, Jindabyne
(new township) and then all the little villages that sprung up in the Snowy Mountains,
including Thredbo, Smiggins Holes, Perisher Valley, Island Bend and Cabramurra,
as the thousands of migrant workers were building the Snowy Mountains Scheme.
In 2015, Rani and I went back to the Snowy Mountains for the 65th anniversary of
the commencement of the Scheme, now recognised as one of the greatest
engineering projects of the 20th century. It was great to see these places again after
more than 40 years, and realise that I had made a contribution to the development of
this major engineering project in our nation.
Sadly nowadays, our politicians do not have the visionary skills to think of other
projects to improve our nation, and the self-esteem of the people now living in

We urgently need people with a visionary gift within Australia, because where
there is no vision the people perish; but he that keeps the law, happy is he
[Proverbs 29:18]

Diagram of the finished Snowy

Mountains Project, Snowy Mountains Just some details about the project.
Information Centre, Cooma

Smiggin's Holes, I installed the

Snowy Mountains Project Information telephone exchange here in 1964, still
Centre, Cooma. working in 2015! (over 50 years later)

Fresh water, straight off the snow @ Rani shows fresh water, straight off the
4C. Even after all this time, we still have snow @ 4C, pure water, with no flouride
not learnt to properly manage our water. in it!

View of the Snowy Mountains on Top of Australia - September 2015, with snow
still on the high ranges. [As part of our missionary work, we have actually driven on
roads at twice this altitude].

One of the catchment dams, which then feeds the tunnels into Lake Eucumbene

Well, we have seen what it looks like now, so back to the story. After this little
adventure back in the 1960s, I did not want to work in the snow ever again, but God
must have been listening, because I did not get my wish!
In 1980 I ended up in Geneva for Christmas, and then into Sweden, for 6 weeks,
followed by a stint for NATO in Norway in 1981 in winter, where the temperatures
were well below -20 C and down as low as - 40 C overnight in the northern areas,
where the sun never shines during the winter.

In 1985 we got to experience the opposite conditions in Anchorage, Alaska, where
the sun never sets in the summer, and it even snows in summer, and crazy
fisherman were out wading in the icy waters (while it snowed) trying to catch fish.
They sure breed them tough and hardy in Alaska!
We were there to preach the Mothers Day service to a Chinese Church in
Anchorage. Oh, how exciting that was!
Before we left Thailand the travel agent told us there was a special deal. If we
bought our travel sectors to travel inside the USA before we arrived there, we could
travel any sector within the USA for $10 per sector. It cost just $20 to travel from
Seattle, to Anchorage and back. What a blessing!


After working for the PMG for several years, I wanted to do further studies. But
that was impossible when you are moving around from place to place, (and the
internet had not been invented back then) so in 1965 I left the PMG. I joined the
Electricity Commission of NSW, who were doing a major telecommunications
expansion, through telephony, telemetry, radio & microwave systems, as well as
remote control systems; for the remote start-up of power stations in NSW, and the
hydro-power station at Warragamba and in the Snowy Mountains, as each of these
stations were commissioned and came on-line.
From the new State System Control Centre, which we installed in Carlingford an
operator could remotely start up the 330 KV power stations at Munmorah and Liddell
on the NSW north coast, or the Hydropower stations in Tumut, or Khancoban.
This was exciting technology, with the use of very early model computers in 1965.
Back then, the computer had less processing power than my smart phone has today,
but was bigger than a small sized car. How far, and how fast, has technology
This was a very old style computer, using valves, because at that stage transistors
were just being invented, and microchips were still 5 years into the future. All the
things that people today take for granted.
After working in the government sector in both Federal and State departments
for fifteen years, I decided to try the private sector and applied to work for LM
Ericsson in Melbourne, while on long service leave. If I did not like it, I could always
go back to a Public Service job. But God had other plans!
On the 16th June 1969, I was involved in a car accident, which left me with a
broken neck and completely paralysed from the neck down. After many x-rays and
tests, the diagnosis by several doctors was that I would never walk again!
Not the type of message you want to hear. My promising engineering career had
just gone up in smoke; I now had to rely on other people round the clock (24/7) for
my mere survival. In this situation, I started to blame God for all of this mess!
Here I was, not regularly going to church, not knowing Jesus on a personal level,
yet I was still blaming Him for my circumstances. It was really stupid! But it got me
seriously thinking ABOUT GOD for maybe the very first time in my life.

Why had I been born? Surely it was not to just lie here in this hospital bed, like a
vegetable, for the rest of my life? There must be more to life than this! Then the
bouts of depression really kicked in! Satan was having as field day, and I did not
even know it at the time.
But in the midst of all this confusion in my life, came a memory of the times we
used to gather around the family table and read from the Bible; those stories of men
and women who did great things for God. And so I prayed! I prayed to a God I really
did not even know, and He was waiting for my call, and He answered!
I prayed a prayer that I would not recommend now to anyone ~~~ but God is
faithful; He meets you at your level of faith, even when it is so small that you cannot
even see it. I prayed; If the Lord healed me, I would serve Him for the rest of my
life. Now God hears prayers like that, and He responds to them but then He
expects you to honour that prayer as well, because it is a covenant prayer.
Despite all of the negative comments from the doctors I started to get movement
back into my hands and legs, after nearly six months and then I got stronger, and
stronger, until I was able to walk out of that hospital, without a cane, or crutches, or a
wheelchair, to restart my life again. Hallelujah!
But it was not the same life. Even though I had movement in my hands and legs, I
could not feel anything, and I suffered burns many times in the design lab, because
I could not feel the skin burning.
It was suggested that I go back to college and get my engineering degree,
because my brain was still working! So I enrolled at RMIT and started a Diploma in
Communication Engineering.
While doing this study, Ericssons had decided to develop a fully digital telephone
exchange, but that was hampered because the CODEC chip had not yet been
invented. A group of us spent the next 18 months in the laboratory designing, testing,
and re-testing, until finally we got it all to work.
One of my best times in this process was developing and testing the digital codes
to be used for dial tone, busy tone, ring tone, etc. and verifying that these digital
sequences did not come in natural speech, or music. We had to change one of the
tone codes, because one particular womans voice regularly tripped the sensors
when she spoke. But after about 6 months of testing we had a good set of codes.
In 1970, the first fully digital telephone exchange in the world was built and
tested in Melbourne, in the lab above a bakery ~~~ and it worked!
We could have been the world experts in digital technology, but the federal
government of the day did not have a vision for its future.
Like in the early 1900s, governments all over the world were saying that
motorised vehicles would never replace the horse and carriage. How wrong they
were in both cases!
Of course we all knew that you could never ever send a man to the moon; and
now we are planning to send men and unmanned vehicles to Mars and beyond.
At the time of writing this section of the book (5th July 2016) the Jupiter space
probe arrived in Jupiters orbit after a 5-year journey from earth.
Now I understand the scripture, which says; Without a vision, MY people
Today, more than ever, we need people in governments who have cried out to
God for the gift of visions, so that they can direct their nations in the paths of
righteousness ~~ where God Almighty wants them to go.
With the advent of the first fully digital telephone system, security was enhanced
and orders started flooding in and very soon Ericssons had plenty of orders, but no
factory to manufacture them, so we had to quickly design and construct a completely
new electronics factory for the manufacture of these new devices and systems.
The first five systems were delivered and installed as the five TABS, (betting
agency call centres) one in each state headquarters.
This was quickly followed by Qantas, for their airline reservation systems, British
Airways for their airline reservation systems (in London) and the Saudi Government
ordered six systems, for their directory enquiries systems throughout their country.
Within a period of about six months over $52 million dollars in orders came
flooding in and it was head down, tail up for many weeks as we manufactured,
tested, and installed these systems in Australia. This was a big order back in 1971.
By now I had been in the telecommunications industry for more than twenty years
and I said that was enough, so I left Melbourne, packed my bags, came back to Coffs
Harbour, and bought a fast food restaurant in the main street. I was coming home for
a rest.
Now I know, all of you business people who are reading this are laughing your
heads off right now, because you know that running your own business is a lot
harder than anyone expects, as I soon found out.
I worked eighteen hours a day, seven days a week for about five years, without a
break, until overwork, stress, and fatigue caught up with me, and I collapsed at work
and was rushed into hospital.
As it happened, another lady had been found unconscious and admitted to
hospital just an hour before me with the same symptoms, and the doctors first
reaction was a meningitis outbreak, so we were both quarantined until they got the
results of our blood tests back.


After being admitted to hospital I was unconscious for four days and some of my
Christian staff were praying for my healing. Without my knowledge they had even
brought a pastor from one of the churches into my bedside to lay hands on me and
pray for me. I did not find this out until much later.
The doctors told them that if I did not come out of the coma by the end of the
fourth day they would have to use electric shock treatment to see if I would respond,
but that was not necessary, because God turned up!
My (first) wife was contacted and told the possible diagnosis. With her limited
medical knowledge she understood that I could survive, but be a vegetable, or I
would die. Here she was with two young adopted children and now a sick, possibly
invalid husband and a business to run. It was too much, so she packed up and left.
I was not told until after I was discharged from the hospital. So now I had the full
responsibility of running the restaurant seven (7) days a week, managing a staff of
twenty-two people, and also keeping the accounts. My doctor told me if I did not sell
the business I would be dead within five years!
That was a real wake-up call! But what should I do now? The only thing I knew
how to do was run a restaurant, or go back into the telecommunications industry.
God was setting me up for a big surprise. I was going to get to know Him in a new
personal way, and from that moment onwards, my life
would never be the same again10.
But first I must confirm my acceptance of Him as
Lord of my life, so I was baptised in Coffs Creek, just
near the railway bridge.
The demands of running a full time business on my
own, was too much, so I sold it and looked for another
job. I saw an advertisement from Telecom Australia for
a technicians assistant in Moree.
As a qualified engineer, that was way below my pay
grade; but I needed the money, I prayed about it and
there was complete peace about going and applying for this job.
In the natural world this may seem completely crazy, but I was learning to trust
God, because He said in His word, that if you seek first the kingdom of God, and His
righteousness, then (He promises) that all of the other things (you need) will be
added unto you. (Matthew 6:33).
This was a completely new adventure I was on, learning to love and trust God,
and His Holy Spirit, to lead and direct my path.
I arrived in Moree for the interview and the interviewers looked at my CV and then
said that they could not possibly employ me for this position, because the unions
would cry foul, especially as I was over-qualified for the job.
However, they asked; can you stay in town for the rest of the day, while we do
some phoning around, because we do want to hire you; but not for this job. We will
have to get approval from head office.
So I agreed to meet them back at the office at 4 pm and went to look at the sites in
Moree, which consists mainly of hot spring baths.
I arrived back at 4 pm and was told that there was a job available, and they
needed an engineer, with my experience for this job. I would be required to go
around all of the exchanges in the area and test all of the exchange batteries, which
requires undertaking test charges and test discharges over a 10-hour period, taking
recordings every hour, to determine if any battery in the battery bank did not meet
the rigid standards for exchange batteries.
I accepted the role and then asked what the pay scale was? It was 4 times higher
than the job I had come to apply for. Then I realised that I was being tested by God. I
would only get this blessing if I was obedient, went to Moree and then to wait for His
blessing to be manifested.
So a new chapter in my life began. Here I was with a car and caravan, getting paid
to drive my own car to various exchange within this large telecom territory, working a

See Appendix 1 for the words of the song. Never the Same Again.
10 hour day, (which meant at least 2 hours overtime every day, and then going back
to cook my meals and rest until, the next day.
Now I had to find a new church in this new town. Which one to choose? I was
going to Calvary Life Assemblies in Coffs Harbour, so I searched the yellow pages
and there was a church called Calvary Chapel which sounded interesting, so I gave
the listed number a call.
A lady answered the phone and I explained that I was new in town, and could I
possibly speak to the pastor? She told me that He was out working and would be
home after 4 pm that day. Would I like to come over for a meal and meet him?
WOW! A pastor who does home visits during the daytime, this must be the
church I was supposed to join.
But I was completely mistaken about what he was doing. It turned out he was a
builder and He was out working, building low-cost housing, and this was how he
earned his living, so he could serve the Lord, by starting a church in that city.
He related the story to me about how he had obtained the piece of land upon
which the church was being built.
A man who feared the Lord owned this piece of land, upon which he had
constructed a special building to store milk, to be then distributed to the houses in
Moree. This building did not have air-conditioning, but was constructed in such a way
to keep the temperature within very close limits, so that the milk would not go sour.
He had pledged this land to the Lord and He said that he would give this land to the
first person who came to him and said that he wanted to build a church upon it.
Over the years, many people came and asked if they could buy this piece of land,
which was prime real estate. His first question to them was always the same;
what do you want to use this land for? As they explained their plans for the land, he
listened politely, but then refused to sell it to them.
But when Pastor Sam came to him and told him that he wanted to renovate the
building so that he could use it for a church, it got his attention. He explained what he
wanted to do and could he pay $1,000 holding deposit on the land, while the
contracts were being drawn up. The owner said that would be OK and gave him the
name of his solicitor and to go see him in a few days to sign the contract of sale.
But Pastor Sam was in for a big surprise! The solicitor gave him the contracts to
sign and then handed him the keys to the property, congratulating him on being the
new owner.
He told him the story about having pledged this land to God to build a church on it
and that many people had come asking about buying the land, but were all refused,
because they wanted to do something else with the land. He had paid $1,000
believing this to be a holding deposit, but it was in fact the only amount that he had to
pay, because he was going to build a church on that land.
And so my journey with the Lord took a new turn. Whenever I was close to town I
would finish work and arrive at the church site, to help with the renovations and the
We raised the roof height, put windows into the walls and then starting looking for
fittings for the church itself. A cinema in another town was closing down, and was

advertising that their seats were for sale. So we contacted them, told them what we
were doing and could be negotiate a deal?
Provided we were prepared to collect the chairs from the cinema and transport
them ourselves, we could have as many as we wanted for just $1 each. So after
some quick calculations, we worked out that we needed 200 chairs, so for $200 we
had all the chairs we needed for the church, all we had to do was work out how to get
them delivered.
The call went out and the following Saturday, Pastor Sams building staff all turned
up at the church with their utilities, and their trucks. Off we went in convoy to pack
and transport the chairs. To this day I dont know whether they got paid for this work
or not, but they all seemed to be happy to pitch in and help.
The chairs had been recently upholstered in purple covering, so we painted the
wrought iron gold and we had chairs with Gods colours, ready to be installed, but
first we needed some carpet.
We prayed about it and then we headed to the local carpet place in town and told
them we wanted some carpet for the new church we were building. The owner yelled
out to somebody in the back of the shop; Have we still got that roll of grey carpet out
the back? The reply came back; Yes it is still here.
God was giving us favour all over town, and everybody we contacted wanted to
help in some way or other. We got the whole roll of grey carpet for just $100 and they
even delivered it and installed it free of charge!
So the day came when we decided to dedicate the church, so who to invite? We
prayed about it and felt led to invite all of the indigenous people, rejected by most of
the churches in town.
We arranged a bus to go to the edge of the creek outside of town and to pick up
anybody who wanted to come. We told them that there would be free food and tea,
or coffee, but no alcohol.
So most of the aboriginal families sent their children to the dedication, for a free
meal, while they went to get more wine or spirits and drink themselves into a stupor.
It was sad really, but back in 1974-5 the racial problems in Moree were just getting
started ~~ it had been smouldering for some time.
Every Sunday morning, we would take a bus down along the creek and we would
pick up all the children. We would take them to the church and we would provide
them with breakfast, before teaching them about Jesus Christ.
This became a regular event and all the children enjoyed these activities. At
Christmas time, we had the children involved in a Christmas pageant, and we had
the children invite parents to come to Christmas services. We provided a free meal
for all the people who attended.
The church grew rapidly and very soon the building was too small. The church
leadership decided to sell this church and look for a bigger building. The RSPCA had
decided not to use some of their facilities in Moree, and when they were approached
by the church membership, it was agreed that they could use the RSPCA land and
building, provided they could pay the rental amount, which was $1.00 per year.

There was with a condition that the church would be responsible for paying all
rates and do all maintenance on the buildings. The church leadership immediately
paid $100 to secure the lease on these premises, thus securing the buildings for 100
Now, this church has a Christian school with more than 250 students attending
classes each day with their parents attending services on Sundays.
The racial discrimination, which was in this city in 1974, is no longer a
serious issue, because of the intervention of the church into the city.
In 1976 I transferred from Moree to Telstra head office in Sydney, to work
establishing the first bomb scare centre in Australia, (for security reasons, that is all I
can say about it.)
Into this mismatch of people, came two born-again Christians. We used to study
the Bible in our lunch break every day, with discouraging remarks coming from the
other staff members. We ignored them and continued to study at lunchtime.
Very soon, they started to ask us questions about what we were reading and we
had the opportunity to explain to them simple things about scriptures. It was not long
after that, some of those other members of staff came to sit with us and join in the
Bible study. Within 12 months, nearly all of the staff was joining in the Bible study
group and there was a significant change in the attitude of the staff to what we were
The management also saw a major change in the attitude of the staff to the way
they work, no swearing, no late arrivals, no late returns at lunchtime, and no sick
days unless the people were really ill.
The management was so impressed that they offered us the use of their
boardroom for these meetings every lunchtime. This continued to grow over a three-
year period. God was preparing me for the next season of my life and I did not even
know it at the time.
One of my colleagues handed me an advertisement for a job. I put it into my
pocket and forgot about it for about an hour, but the Holy Spirit kept prompting me to
read it. I pulled it out of my pocket and it read; Communications Consultant Engineer
~~~ Saudi Arabia.
I picked up the phone and said it was a great joke, especially as I had never been
a consultant engineer, nor had I ever been outside of Australia, but his next few
words, really got my attention. He said the Holy Spirit had prompted him to cut out
this advertisement and give it to me, because he believed that the Holy Spirit wanted
me to have this job.
He had been obedient, he had cut out the advertisement and gave it to me; the
least I could do was fill in the application form, and see what happened; but honestly,
I did not think I was qualified, nor had the experience for this job, especially as it was
to be a job as a consultant for a foreign government.
Next day I posted the forms and completely forgot about it. But the Holy Spirit did
not forget about it. He was setting the dominoes in place to set up the meeting to get
me this job. About two months later I got a phone call to come for an interview for this
position. I told them that the only suitable time for me was in my lunch hour and they
agreed to this. There would be two interviewers, with one flying in overnight from
That night we had one of the heaviest fogs ever experienced in Sydney. They
cancelled the ferries, trains travelled at half speed, airlines diverted planes to
Brisbane or Melbourne, and people crawled along Parramatta Road in their cars.
One of my interviewers never made it to Sydney!
I turned up to the interview and he looked at me and said; You are not qualified
for this job. You dont have a degree, nor do you have the experience the Saudi
government has told us to look for, so why have you applied for this job?
I said if you promise not to laugh, I would tell you the whole story. This seemed to
get his attention, so he agreed. I told Him that I was a born again Christian and that I
worked in Telstra head office and was part of a prayer group there. One of the other
employees had cut out the advertisement and given it to me, because he knew that
the Holy Spirit wanted me to have this job.
He looked at me and then let out a Hallelujah at the top of his voice. Praise God
he exclaimed I am a born again Christian too. Now let us look at this application
He asked me many questions about what work I had done before, especially the
work for Ericssons in their design laboratories and their research department,
especially the work relating to the design of digital call centres and digital telephone
exchanges. Then he said did I know anybody by name that was in charge of these
projects? I replied with two names and he was very surprised, because it turned out
that they were the two top people in charge in Saudi, on behalf of the contractors.
He asked if he could send them a fax for a reference11. The fax said that the Saudi
government was thinking of hiring me as a consultant engineer for the Project, would
they like to give me a reference.
The answer came back next morning, If you dont employ him, we will! So God
had set up His plans and I was going to Saudi, one way or another.
This was a real lesson for me to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, a lesson
that I would learn to hone during the next forty years.


So I started to make arrangements to pack up and leave on my first overseas

journey, with much prayer from my home church, and not knowing what God had
planned for me in Saudi Arabia. But first to get my visa for Saudi, which had to be
obtained in Singapore, because back then (1979) there was not a Saudi Embassy
here in Australia.
It took three days and that gave me time to relax at the pool, only to see a young
lady there with a Christian message on here T-shirt. I asked her if she was a
Christian, that I was visiting Singapore, and did she know of a church where I could
attend on Sunday? To my surprise she explained that they had a church service

Remember, in 1979, the internet was not in general worldwide use, even though it was being used
by the military.
every Sunday in the Equatorial Hotel, where I was staying, in the conference centre
and that she attended and invited me to come on the following Sunday, to which I
I explained that I was waiting for my visa to start work as a consultant in Saudi
Arabia. Did she know if there were any churches there? She said she would find out
and left.
On Sunday the whole church prayed for me and asked for the Holy Spirits
protection on my life and that God would use me in a special way, to spread the good
news of the Gospel in Saudi, as there were no churches in Saudi. But there very
soon would be!
When I arrived in Saudi Arabia early in 1979, I had a very clear vision of what I
thought the country would look like, all sand, with camels and nomadic people
everywhere, but I was in for a big surprise.
There were well laid-out cities, with all the modern facilities we expect in our own
cities, even though the construction methods left a lot to be desired.
I was to be the Systems Engineer on a 278,000-line Telecommunication Project,
contracted in 1979, for US$ 1.6 billion dollars, at that time the biggest telecom project
in the world.
I was supposed to be in Saudi for just 6 weeks, to test and commission the six (6)
Ericsson Directory Call Centres being installed, to assist the Saudis be connected
both locally and to overseas countries. But this all changed when they received
feedback from the contractor of my past experience. I was there for the next 3 and a
half years, planning the various stages of the whole project, which included the 500
telephone exchange buildings, the thousands of kilometres of new cables,
microwave towers and then the survey for the new mobile telephone system, the first
of its type to be installed outside of Europe.
That was my duty during that daytime, but I was sure that was not why God had
sent me to Saudi, there must be another reason, so I started to pray in earnest to get
the revelation of what I had been called to do in this nation.
Christians were forbidden to meet, or to have religious services of any kind. This
was not right! It had to change! I searched my mind, to find a solution of how to
change it, without breaking the Saudi laws?
Five times a day I heard the Azaan, the Arabic call to prayer, for Muslims to come
to pray. Even during working hours the Muslims would leave their desks, or close
their shops and go out to the mosque, or even under the palm trees to pray, so why
wasnt I allowed to pray? I started to pray about this.
Daniel prayed with his windows open three times a day, even when the king had
decreed that all must bow down and pray to the statue in the centre of the city. So
was I to do this? I prayed for confirmation, but got no peace about this. Still the Holy
Spirit was leading me on to a solution, so I just had to learn to trust Him more.
And then it came to me. We must obey the law of the land, otherwise we are in
rebellion against the law of the country, but also against the law of God, so we must
go to God in prayer and have him move in a mighty way so that the law gets
changed, then we can freely worship God in Saudi Arabia!

I started searching out other Christians in the various contractors working is Saudi
Arabia and found forty people who were willing to start praying for God to sovereignly
move and have the law changed. When 40 people start praying in earnest it gets
Gods attention! Prayer changes things ~~ No Prayer, No Change!
So we prayed every day for 3 months. On Fridays (the Muslims holiday) we met in
small groups of two or three in our houses and all prayed at the same time. The
prayers were getting stronger as we believed that God Almighty would reveal His
solution to this problem.
The scriptures tell us that Gods ways are higher than our ways and that Gods
plans are always perfect, so we prayed that God would implement His perfect plan,
to show His glory in this situation. We prayed and then felt complete peace about this
issue, knowing that God had heard our prayers and that He was working on them
according to His perfect time plan.
It became international news! Terrorists took over the US Embassy in Tehran and
held people hostage for several weeks. Then it was widely broadcast that there was
going to be a special celebration as King Khaled washed the Kaaba inside the Mecca
Mosque, to celebrate the beginning of the new Islamic century 1400.
God was about to move in a miraculous way, to allow Christians to worship in
Saudi Arabia, but we did not know that we would be right in the middle of it. [Be
careful what you pray for!]
There was to be a terrorist attack on the Mecca Mosque and the terrorists had
hidden their weapons under the skirts of the women. This was so that they wouldnt
be searched at the checkpoints going into Mecca; but one of the vehicles carrying
the weapons overturned, the plot was identified, and the King was informed not to
attend any ceremonies in Mecca for his own safety.
But many weapons had already been smuggled into the mosque and the terrorists
hid in the five minarets surrounding the mosque, with direct line of sniper fire to the
Kaaba, in the centre of the Mosque.

A picture inside the Mecca mosque,

showing the Kaaba and the minarets.
This is where the terrorists were waiting
to open fire on the king, and declare
Saudi to be an Islamic state like Iran,
but the terrorist plot was discovered!
What Satan plans for evil, God turns
into good!

Another shot to give you an idea of the
size of this building, where more than
100,000 pilgrims can attend services at
a time.

When they realised that their plot was discovered, they opened fire on the pilgrims
with AK 47 rifles and machine guns, killing more than 1,000 people and wounding
many others.
Because it was the new century celebrations, the king had ordered a 3-day
holiday for everybody, so all of the military were on leave. There was nobody to fly in
the army and bring out the wounded, except nine Christian pilots, employed by the
civil aviation authority in Riyadh, to fly unarmed helicopters in the event of a plane
crash, to water bomb it and put out any fires. They were contacted and asked to
volunteer to fly into Mecca.
It is very hard to say no when a king asks you to do something, especially when
you are a guest in his country. They were going to be flying unarmed helicopters into
Mecca to take in the troops and bring out the wounded. But there was a problem,
Christians could go into Mecca, but the only way Christians could come back out of
Mecca was in a coffin.
This was overcome by the king giving each pilot a special document stating they
were under the kings orders and were not to be interfered with in any way.
These pilots flew several missions into Mecca and not one of them were injured,
although many of the helicopters were shot at and had bullet holes in them to prove
Iran immediately tried to shift the blame away from them, by claiming that the
terror attack was the work of the USA in reprisal for Iran attacking the US Embassy in
This was quickly denied by Saudis Prince Naf, the Minister of Information. He
issued a statement saying that the USA was not responsible for the attacks. In fact
several USA pilots had volunteered to fly in the military and bring out the wounded, at
the risk of their own lives using unarmed helicopters. He went on to say that the USA
was a country that respected all religious sites and that they even allowed mosques
to be constructed, in the USA for Muslims to worship.
Ambassador West, the US Ambassador, went to the Saudi Palace to thank Prince
Naf for his clarification message and also to tell him that Saudi now had a problem!
He went on the explain that it was true that the USA did allow mosques to be
constructed there to allow Muslims to worship, but here in Saudi Arabia, where many
Christians were asked to come and to help in the development of Saudi and to risk
their lives to save Saudi Muslims, it was forbidden for Christians to worship, even
though the Quran clearly said that Muslims were to respect all followers of the
Book, which meant all Jews and all Christians.
He further made the point stating that in doing this, Saudi Muslims were in fact
rebelling against their own teachings.
Prince Naf thanked Ambassador West and said he would take this information to
the king for his consideration.
On the 27th October 1979, about four months after I arrived in Saudi Arabia,
the king issued a proclamation stating that henceforth all Christians working in
Saudi Arabia would have permission to have a Bible and to worship, but in a
building primarily used for other activities during the week. They were
forbidden from evangelising to Saudi Muslims.
After careful examination of this proclamation we concluded that we DID have
permission to evangelise all NON Saudi Muslims, which were about 2 million
workers at that time. So the work started. But first to find a place to worship!
Lockheed Aviation, one of the Aviation companies employed to train the Saudi
Pilots immediately offered one of their hangars to be used as a church on Fridays.
So the word went out to all the various companies in Riyadh to say that we were
going to hold the first church service in Riyadh the following Friday and the location
was given.
When Friday came, we were astounded at the number of people who turned up to
worship, they were in their hundreds. Many had walked many kilometres, others had
come by taxi, whilst many others in their company vehicles.
There were too many for just one service, so we told all the people who had come
in their own vehicles to go home and come back again in 3 hours time.
We read the Kings proclamation, because many were not sure if it was legal to do
so. After this clarification, they went home and came back later.
By the end of November, just one month later, over 10,000 people were coming to
language worship sessions in Riyadh alone, which started at 6:00 am and went
all day, with Bible studies undispersed amongst the cabins adjacent to the hangar,
whilst other services were held in the desert surrounding Riyadh.
If you could speak the language, then you were welcome to attend the
service, irrespective of what denomination you belonged to.
Christ was in operation ~~~ not denominationalism!

Riyadh International Christian Fellowships There were so many people attending

[RICF] first service in Riyadh - in October that we had overflow into the next
1979. In this service, 23 different language section of the hangar.
groups stood up, to say John 3:16 in their
own language

RICF congregation meeting in the desert in
1980 for the Easter Service Another picture of the Easter Service

Preaching to the congregation in the Saudi Picture taken looking down, showing
desert, on top of the escarpment ridge the camel trail up to the top, about
2,000 feet above the desert floor.
(Just like the steps of a mature
Christian, with many twists and turns).

There are very few rivers in the desert

(above the ground). Here is an
underground river about 50 metres
below the desert surface, where it is
nice and cool and a good swimming
hole in the middle of the desert, and a
good place to preach about Gods
hidden blessings.

I was invited by the young lady I had met in Singapore, to spend Christmas with
her family in Switzerland, before going on into Sweden in January, to attend some
meetings at the Ericssons headquarters. I did not know at the time that he was the
Singaporean Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, and a very strong
Christian. He was very interested in what was happening in Saudi among the
Christian communities and he went out of his way to make connections for me in
Switzerland at LAbri with Francis Schaeffer, where we spent a wonderful day
together. It is the only church I have been inside where a large fire is burning in the
middle of the church floor. It is appropriate when you look outside to see about 5 feet
of snow banked up and more snow falling. He also made contacts for me in Sweden
with the Philadelphian church headquarters in Stockholm. God was opening up doors

for me to speak and to testify about what happens when Christian get serious
about prayer.
The Holy Spirit reminded me that Jesus took time out to pray to His Father every
day, so if it was important to Jesus, it certainly was more important for me.

Thirty six years ago, I was front page news on the Dagen Press in Stockholm,
Sweden where I was interviewed about the mighty move of God in Saudi Arabia,
where 10,000 Christians were coming to Language worship services every Friday.
It was great how God was able to let the world know He was moving in this nation, so
that other nations could rejoice!


At Easter 1980, I was invited by Pakistani Christians, working in Saudi, to go and

preach in 42 villages in the Pakistan Punjab, over a 2-week period. This meant
preaching in three villages every day, and each one expected a full message with
There would be a teaching message over breakfast at the village we stayed in
overnight, before they left their homes to go work in the fields and before the children
went off to school.
We would leave and go to the second village arriving about 11:00 am for light
refreshments. They rang the bell and the workers came in from the fields to hear the
message and/or teaching, before we left for the third village of that day, arriving
about 5:00 pm, ready for the evening revival rally, or major teaching session.
These people were so hungry for the word of God and listened intently to the
message/teachings. It was not uncommon to finish a revival service and then start a
new teaching with the village people, based upon a question raised by one of the
villagers, which would go on well into the night.
In one village, the villagers informed me that I was the first white man to visit the
village since partition, in 1946, 34 years before. They were very interest in my
reddish hair, especially when I told them I was born with reddish hair. Most Pakistani
men have to put Hannah dye in their hair to make it look reddish.

A meet and greet after a church service

in Sheikhupura in 1980. I have come back
to this church many times since then.

Picture taken after my ordination

service in Sheikhupura at Easter 1981

Preaching to pastors, elders and the
congregation at the Presbyterian
Church rally after my ordination,
Easter 1981.

Preaching, praising, and worshipping

under lanterns, as there is no
electricity in this village. 1980-81.

Another village with no electricity, but

the word still goes forth, and many
seeds were planted, in good soil to be
become Christian lives, and Christian
families, for the next two generations.

A big celebration when the village

elders gifted this piece of land to the
village, so that a school could be
constructed upon it between Chuk 75
A and 75 B, near Mianwali, so that
children from both villages could
attend school. After the school
building was constructed and a
teacher employed the school was
hand over to the Education
Department for further teachers and
expansion as the children progressed
in their studies.

Things were going fine. The churches in Saudi were growing at a rapid rate, with
seventeen churches formed across the country within a twelve-month period.

But King Khaled was not well. Twice he was admitted to hospital, and twice he
was prayed for, and he recovered, but on the third heart attack, he was taken to
another hospital and he died.
King Fahad took the throne and immediately ordered all of the Christian leaders to
leave the country. All public church services closed, and it was illegal to worship
Jesus Christ in Saudi once again, even though their own Hadith 12 clearly stated that
it would be Jesus who would come back and be a just ruler over all Muslims.
The order came for me to leave the country within 24 hours! But praise God the
word did not cease, because the churches went underground and have continued to
operate ever since. Princes and princesses from Arab royal families have now
publicly proclaimed their belief in Jesus Christ (2015-16) and have walked away from
their riches to follow a life with Christ.
Thousands of Muslims are seeing visions of Jesus Christ and are turning to him.
In Pakistan in March 2016 at a night rally, 10,000 Muslims gave their hearts to Jesus
Christ. This is Gods response to ISIS! See the report in the APPENDIX 2.
But back to 1981; because this good news is still in the future and to get there, I
have to learn to walk faithfully In the Footsteps of My Master.
Not all the people in the Saudi Government agreed with this eviction decree, but
he is the new king, so they could not protest publicly. But one of the government
ministers that I had been working closely with called me into his office and told me he
was sorry that I had to leave his country, because he really appreciated what I had
been doing to improve the lifestyle of his people. He told me not to be angry with the
Arab people because of the Kings decision and asked me if I would like to work in
another Arab country?
I told him that I loved the Arab people and that I understood that the king had to
establish his authority over the nation, and yes, I would love to continue working
among the Arab people.
In my presence he picked up the phone, spoke some rapid Arabic and then
started talking for about 5 minutes and hung up. He told me to go home and pack,
but not to go home to Australia, but catch a plane to Muscat in the Sultanate of
I explained that I did not have a visa to fly to Muscat. He replied, dont worry!
There will be one waiting for you at the airport when you arrive.


True to his word, palace officials were waiting for me when I stepped off the plane
at Muscat. He asked which pieces were my luggage, barked out orders in Arabic,
and the bags were collected and we all headed for the exit.
He asked for my passport, and walked straight past the immigration and passport
control, and out to a waiting car.

Hadith 424-426

I was now inside the country without a stamp in my passport. Oh boy, was I
getting myself into trouble or what? The palace official had not given me my passport
All of my fears were overcome when he took me to a hotel, told me to rest and be
ready to meet the Sultan next morning. A car would pick me up at 9 oclock. As he
was leaving he said over his shoulder; Dont for get to wear a suit! Wear a suit! The
temperature is over 40 degrees in the shade (if you could find any).
That night I prayed for peace in my heart. God has closed one door and another
door had opened. I needed to be very conscious of the Holy Spirits leading in the
meeting tomorrow. With that finished, I went to sleep completely at peace, knowing in
my spirit that the Lord had everything under control.
Promptly at 9 oclock, the next morning a palace
car arrived and was quickly driven to the palace,
and I was escorted into a royal meeting chamber.
In this room were several Omanis, all well-dressed,
waiting for an audience with the Sultan, who
decides many matters himself, or refers them to
the courts for legal review and to report back to
him. Finally after waiting about an hour, after all the
other peoples matters were dealt with I was called
and introduced to the Sultan, who asked me to
explain what I had been doing in Saudi Arabia.
Sultan Qaboos bin Said, Sultan of Oman

I did not know how much the Minister had told him already, so I spent about 15
minutes outlining what I had been doing in this $1.6 billion dollar project in Saudi.
He then said that his nation had only 16 Kms of bitumen road in the whole nation,
inadequate port facilities, a poor airport, and almost no telecommunication facilities,
like in most other developed countries. He wanted me to develop a Master Plan for
the nation, to take his nation from the 18th century into the 20th century in one big
The Master Plan was to be for all disciplines and to plan for the nations
development from 1981 until 2005, a period of 25 years into the future.
I advised the Sultan that was a major development plan and that I would need
some guidelines upon which to make decision, to which he replied.
1. All villages of 5,000 people must have a school (to year 6) and a small 6-
bed hospital, with some method to supply potable drinking water, as well as
an adequate sewerage system and of course electricity supply and
telephone exchange.
2. All towns of 10,000 people must have a school (to year 9), a 25-bed
hospital, with water supply to each house, an adequate sewerage system,
electricity and telephone exchange, be connected to the National Highway
System (which at the time did not exist).
3. All towns of 15,000 and above must have a regional high school (up to
matriculation level) mains pressure water supply, a sewerage treatment
plant, an electricity substation, telephone exchange and an airport runway,
or if on the coast, an adequate seaport facility.
4. A major upgrade to the Muscat port facility was necessary; a new
international airport terminal, and a new National Highway System.
He wanted the preliminary report in 6 months. Firstly, I must plot where the towns
and villages were located, as the national maps had not been updated, for about 100
years. I got two maps, a UK SAS map in English and the other a Map in Arabic.


My first priority however was to get married. The scripture says that if your find a
wife, you find a good thing. Therefore, God Almighty must already know the perfect
wife for me, so I gave the problem to Him. I have written about this in my previous
books so I will not dwell on the ceremony here, just to say that it was an arranged
marriage just like in the Old Testament, I had not met the young woman until the day
of our betrothal ceremony (very different from our engagement ceremony).

Rani wearing her engagement sari, after Our wedding 8th August 1982
she finally agreed to marry me.

Rani and my mum at the wedding in Wedding celebrations in a blocked off
Pakistan street
So started the most interesting project of my life (up until now), plotting out the
vision for a nation. I had one of the first GPS systems, which consisted of a large
array on the roof of my Landcruiser and the satellite dish to receive the tracking
signals. All this was in analogue technology. Sometimes we had to wait up to four
hours between passes to get an accurate satellite fix on our location, because there
were only five (5) satellites over that area back in 1981.
Many of the villages were no longer, where they were on the map. The reason
was simple; if the well dried up, then the men looked for a new location for water.
When they found it, they dug a new well and then moved the village to be near the
Rani and I started our new life together literally on the road. This was Gods way
of confirmation of my wife. She could read Arabic, so I would tell her that x distance
along this road there will be a sign on the left hand side of the road, to a town named
Wadi Bani Khaled. She then told me when to turn off and we headed for the Village.
I have used this village as the example because I was learning very quickly that
Oman had a long biblical history. Wadi Bani Khaled was the summer residence of
the Queen of Sheba, who used to travel with her entourage from Yemen to this place
in the highlands every summer to escape the heat.
Another thing that was special about Oman was that the Frankincense given to
Jesus at his birth by the wisemen came from Oman, and the gravesite of Job is near
Salalah in Oman.
We would arrive at a village and my wife would ask to see the headman. This was
totally out of culture, for a wife to speak instead of the husband, but when we showed
them the letter from the Sultan explaining what we were doing, and that my wife was

my official interpreter then it was ok. Many of the headmen were illiterate, but all of
them recognized the Sultans emblem on the letterhead.
In about three months, we had finished the initial map survey and so the planning
began. I had noticed in all of the towns that had hospitals and schools, the majority of
the staff was expatriates. Very few of the Omanis had university qualifications, as
there was no university in the nation. They had to go overseas to the UK or the USA
for their education.
I mentioned this to the Minister of Planning and suggested that a University should
be added to the project, so that many more Omanis would be encouraged to take up
university qualifications, to help develop and run their own nation. This suggestion
was agreed to, and a new topic was added to the Master Plan.

A typical Omani village, in an unchanged A contrast in terrains. It did not rain in

lifestyle since 1000 AD the four years we were in Oman. This
mountain became the site for a
microwave repeater station, connecting
to the Satellite station below.

Al Hajara Satellite station, connecting

Oman to the rest of the world.

Different building styles, using different Historic forts are everywhere.
building materials

Finally, after six months of very hard work, I submitted the Master Plan to the
Sultan. The order came to make a presentation of the plan to his cabinet, so that
they would understand the concept of the development.
I had broken the Master Plan down into 5-year blocks, so that the first stage of the
Master Plan could then be detailed, technical specifications written, tenders prepared
and contracts awarded.
This proposal was agreed, and it became the Master Plan for the nation for the
next twenty-five years. Each discipline allocated to the respective Ministers.
The Sultan indicated to the Minister of Communications that seeing I was a
telecommunications expert, the responsibility for designing the new telephone
buildings and the telecommunications network would be my responsibility. We were
to take the nation from crank handle telephones to digital telephones in one giant
leap! So the designing began, the technical specifications were completed, the
tenders written and the contract awarded.
The new telecommunications project worth US$ 110 Million, must be completed in
one year by the contractor, Siemens of Germany. There was a 10% penalty clause if
they did not finish on time, so their staff worked day and night to complete the
project, in 273 days and nights.
I was asked to design the telephone exchange buildings, (but they must look like
forts on the outside) and the NNCC Building, which was to be completely bombproof,
standing 327 metres above ground level. It is to my knowledge still that tallest
completely bombproof building in the Middle East.

Three standard designs under The NNCC building which is bomb-proof

construction and 327 metres above ground

I was part of the Tender evaluation committee and this troubled me somewhat,
because I knew there was corruption within the government departments and this
was a great opportunity for the criminal element to make lots of money.
I voiced my concerns to the Minister of Telecommunications and got a surprising
response. The Sultan has insisted that you be on this committee for one reason
only. If you suspect any illegal transactions, or bribery about the awarding of these
contracts, you are to inform the Sultan immediately, and he will deal with them. The
Sultan has told me to tell you that righteousness exalts a nation and therefore
receives Gods blessings.
Here was a Muslim Sultan, quoting Christian scripture ~~~ that was
Surely, God did not send me to this place for just this reason; why was I here?
The church had been in Oman for more than 150 years and there were three church
buildings already constructed, (two in Muscat and one in Salalah, over 1400 Kms
away) with Christians freely able to worship at any time. Why was I here?
As I had mentioned previously most of the staff at the hospitals were expatriates,
who were not able to go to church because of their rosters, bad roads and the long
distances away from the two major cities. They could not come to the existing
church, so why not take the church to them, where they were working.
With full approval from the Minister of Health, we set up hospital churches and
soon fourteen hospital churches were established, with teams going out to visit them
at least twice a month, to give services and teachings. We prayed for the sick in the
hospitals. People were so hungry for the word of God.
The country was being blessed by God Almighty, because of the actions of this
Sultan. He was raised by a Christian missionary, and then sent to Sandhurst Military
Academy for his further training. When he took over from his father in a bloodless
coup de tat, one of the first things he did was deed a piece of land, in the centre of
the city for a new Christian church to be constructed. The original one in Mutrah, was
made from slab stones and was well over 100 years old, but was still having Arabic
church services there.
In all the countries that I have travelled to in the world, this is the only place where
a Catholic church and a Protestant Church are built side by side, on the same piece
of land, with 8 pastors houses build around them in a circle, to house the pastors
who speak the different languages. Yes, we have language church in this place
as well, just like in Saudi Arabia.
At Easter there is a combined service, where the scriptures are read in all the
languages and everyone celebrated together. [And it was NOT the 12 stations of the
cross!] It was a truly biblical representation of the events that are recorded in the
scriptures [See Appendix Three]

History has shown over the last forty years that God has honoured His word and during all
of the problems in the Middle East, Oman was protected and has flourished.
Hospital Church in Rustaq

Rani witnessing to women at the hospital Cell groups were very popular in the
churches early 1980s

It was great seeing many people make commitments to follow Jesus Christ in this
nation, but where can you baptize people when there are no rivers? In the sea of

Baptisms in the sea 1980s crowd of witnesses to the baptism

Cell group praise & worship in different Language church in Oman.


After working in Oman for three and a half years, it was time to come back to
Australia for a rest, but God had other ideas.


We came back to Coffs Harbour to become part of the preparation team for the
Leighton Ford Crusade, planned for 1985.

After working day and night for over seven years, it was reverse culture shock
coming back to Australia. Everybody was so laid back. Christians were loping along
without challenges, because there are no persecutions here, but also not very many
decisions for Jesus Christ either.
God had given me a ministry of lighting bombs. Sometimes they had long fuses,
so I would light them and leave and the explosion would happen later, but here was a
situation where the bomb was lit with a short fuse. It was time for change!
Forty Seven churches, of very different denominational backgrounds came
together for a meeting and agreed to study the same book, supplied by the Crusade
organizers entitled; In the Spirit of Love. And in the spirit of love, they agreed to
all do the same workbook assignments, then come back to a meeting in one weeks
time and discuss the answers to the questions.
It was a revelation to them all, that despite their own religious backgrounds, they
all got the same answers, irrespective of which bible they used. This caused
them to look at each other differently; they were all part of the same body of
Christ and He gave His life for every single one of them, irrespective of the name
that written over the door of their individual churches.
It says in Isaiah chapter 43, verse 19. [Living Bible]. For I AM going to do a brand
new thing. See, I have already begun! Dont you see it? I will make a road through
the wilderness of the world for my people to go home, and create rivers for them in
the desert. The wild animals in the fields will thank me, the jackals and ostriches too,
for giving them water in the wilderness, yes, springs in the desert, so that my people,
my chosen ones, can be refreshed.
Right before the very eyes of the whole North Coast of NSW, God Almighty was
moving like He never moved before! Then a more revolutionary idea was postulated.
Each church was to supply their building for a service, with a small number of
helpers in their kitchen. Another church congregation was to come to their church
building for the service, and the pastor to take the service was to be from a very
different church. This meant that a Wesleyan church (building) held a church
service for Catholics, with a Pentecostal pastor. Talking about what they were
studying in the workbook In the Spirit of Love.
What they did not know, was that irrespective of where you had a service that
Sunday, every pastor was giving the same message!
When there is unity in the Body of Christ, guess what happens? God Commands
a blessing and the blessings began to flow. The Holy Spirit turned up in buildings

where it had never been experienced before. People started manifesting spiritual
gifts they were afraid to use in their own church environments, with healings and
miracles. Jesus was confirming His word in the midst of His people.
In July 1985, Leighton Ford and his wife (Billy Grahams sister) came to Australia for
a 10-day evangelistic rally, with separate sessions during the day for the pastors.

The Crusade Choir with Rani and myself in the front row.
Leighton Ford and his
Over eleven hundred people made decisions for Jesus Christ during this
crusade and everyone was rejoicing.
The saddest thing about this crusade is that not all of the churches had a
mentoring/discipleship program, to change these eleven hundred new babes
(believers) in Christ, into Disciples for Christ.
Jesus was very clear in His word. GO and MAKE DISCIPLES! And I will be with
your until the end of the age. Unfortunately, because the churches did not obey this
command, God did not remain with them until the end of the age. Many churches
need to learn this lesson!
So one of the things I learnt from this crusade is that if you bring people to Jesus
Christ, you have a responsibility to feed their souls, until they are able to stand up
against the enemy on their own spiritual two feet.
Many people dont believe Satan exists, but watch what happens in your life once
you make a commitment to follow Jesus Christ; your whole life is turned upside
Satan was not worried about you when you were an unbeliever, but now, you
have been taken out of his territory and he wants you back! The trials and
temptations in your life go up several notches! If you dont have the ammunition to
fight off these spiritual attacks you will be spiritually wounded, and in some cases fall

back into old habits, and old ways ~~~ and many times even worse. Scripture tells us
why this happens.
For when Satan, strong and fully armed, guards his palace, it is safe, until
someone stronger and better armed attacks and overcomes him and strips him of his
weapons and carries off his belongings. Anyone who is not for me is against me; if
he isnt helping me, he is hurting my cause. When a demon is cast out of a man, it
goes into the desert, searching there for rest; but finding none, it returns to the
person it left, and finds that its former home is all swept and clean. Then it goes and
gets seven other demons, more evil than itself, and they all enter the man. And so
the poor fellow is seven times worse off than he was before. (Luke 11:21-26 Living
Sadly, many did not continue their walk with Jesus Christ for very long, because
they did not get the follow up training needed to make a believer into a disciple.
This is a real shame because an additional 1100 Christians in any small town
changes the spiritual scenario of that whole place. Now thirty years later, there would
have been spiritual fruit from these believers, as second-generation believers
continued to spring forth from this event.
This is one lesson that I learnt and took with me on my future missionary journeys.
Make sure that there are people raised up to teach new believers about Jesus Christ,
about baptism in water, about baptism in the Holy Spirit, and about spiritual gifts, as
well as the 5-fold ministry of Ephesians chapter 4.
The crusade was over, what to do now? We prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide us
into the strategies and plans that the Lord had for us in this new season. This door
had closed, we were in the hallway, waiting for God to open to next door that He
wanted us to pass through; so we waited, prayed, wrote some music lyrics and
waited some more.
I drove down the street for some minor item needed in the house and I felt the
Holy Spirit say Go to Thailand. It was a very strong word, so I drove home thinking
about it and told Rani that I believed that the Lord wanted us to go to Thailand. Her
response got my immediate attention. I have already started packing!


It took a week to get visas and arrange flights and we set off for Thailand, not
knowing why we were going there, what we were to do when we got there, how we
were to earn money to live on, etc. but we believed that the Holy Spirit had
commissioned us to go, so in obedience we went.
We took a taxi to downtown Bangkok, arriving at the check-in counter of our hotel
about 10:30 pm on a Saturday evening, and I felt a tap on my shoulder. Here was a

director of the consulting company I had worked for in Saudi Arabia and in Oman
standing right there beside me. He wanted to know why I was in Thailand.
Knowing he was a Christian I told him that the Holy Spirit had told us to come to
Thailand, but we did not know why. He informed me that they had been trying to
contact me for about 6 months, but had not been successful because we had
changed our mailing address and our phone numbers.
He informed me that their consulting firm was selected to work on a one-million-
line telecom expansion project in Thailand, with over 1,000 new telephone
exchanges and infrastructure and they wanted me to be the Systems Engineer for
the complete project, which was worth over $1.6 billion dollars.
Now back in 1985 any contract worth $1.6 billion was an enormous project and I
accepted. I was told to start work on Monday, but first to find a church to go to on
Sunday. Looking through the list of churches in the telephone directory one stood out
from among the others. The name was Jai Smarn Church. I did not know what this
meant, what denomination it was, but I was led by the Holy Spirit to this church
name, se we had better check it out.
We did not know what it meant in Thai but we decided to contact the pastor and
go there on Sunday. It did not take us long to get involved in worship, teaching, cell
groups and evangelism.
We used to pray every week about where we should go to do evangelistic
meetings in the nation. We prayed about where we should go and Pattaya came up.
Now that cannot be right, because Pattaya at that time was like Sodom and
Gomorrah, the sin-city of Thailand, the Holy Spirit would not want us to go there!
So we prayed again and again and each time we prayed it got stronger and
stronger. We prepared to go to Pattaya and have a rally in a hotel. We arrived and
set up in the large conference room on the Saturday afternoon and started doing
sound tests and playing a few praise songs.
We looked up and about twenty people were sitting on the seats along the back
wall, with pots of beer in their hands, listening to the praise & worship music. When
the pots were empty they did not go and refill them, they remained where they were,
as if spellbound, listening to the worship music.
Finally, one of the Thai musos went and asked them did they like the music? They
replied that they did and were informed that there was going to be a concert tonight,
starting at 7:00 pm. How much they asked. It will be free, so tell all of your friends
to come along and enjoy themselves.
That night about 50 people turned up and we had a blast, just playing and singing
praise and worship music in Thai. Many of them had never heard this type of music
before, but they liked it. We told them that we were going to have another Jesus
concert tomorrow (Sunday) at 10:00 am and it would be free, so tell all your friends
and come back for another concert.
Next morning, there were over 100 people waiting for the Jesus concert to start.
We played worship and praise music and one of the locals told how they have been
sick, but were prayed for and were healed. We told them very simply that Jesus
loves to heal people to show them that He loves them and that if anyone was sick to
come to the front for healing prayers.
The scripture says that signs and miracles are there for the unbeliever and the
Holy Spirit honored the word of God with many people healed, with some from
sicknesses that they had for many years.
After the service we told them there would be another Jesus concert that night and
to bring more friends. That night the place was packed! People came to hear the
music while others came for healing. This became to template for our services in that
place for about a month, with locals giving testimonies of their healings and how they
now felt better. Very slowly we introduced small messages into the concert, talking
about day-to-day events and what the Bible said about them. Within 18 months,
more than 180 people had made commitments to follow Jesus Christ.
During this period, we were confronted by a Buddhist spirit house, which was at
the entrance of the hotel. We did not like it, so we prayed for God to do something, to
show his power over this evil. We told the congregation that we had prayed for God
to intervene, to show His power.
The next week we came and the spirit house was destroyed ~~ a tour bus had run
over it, smashing it to smithereens. The locals were impressed, but the hotel owners
were not and so we had to find another place to worship.
Very soon after that we were gifted a piece of land and a local hotel was going to
do major renovations and gave us one of their outbuildings. This building was
carefully pulled down and re-erected on the land, for our own church building, and so
Chrisajak Pra Yesu Krit14 (the church that belongs to Jesus Christ) was named.

Inspecting the site Church site dedication

The translation literally means the church that belongs to Jesus Christ.
Temporary Church Pattaya 1986 And the church continued to grow

Early Sunday School

This was the first of six churches planted in Thailand.

We remained in Thailand until 1989 and I started my own international consulting

business; New Light Ministries & Consulting Services Pty. Ltd.

One of these projects was the Thai Wah

Tower, a 62 storey high rise tower in central
Bangkok, adjacent to the Thai Wah Plaza.

Construction work in Thailand never

seems to stop.

I also stated writing my Christian books, whilst I was in Thailand and this has
continued ever since. [See APPENDIX FIVE]
Rani and I also got involved in fund-raising efforts for a new wing on the
Chulalongkong Hospital, raising over 1 million Baht in one night at a royal sponsored

Presenting one of my books to the late

Kings auntie, and the cheque of 1 million
Baht for the hospital.


In 1989, I was approached by the German Government to become one of three

Telecommunication experts to go into Pakistan, to work for their Ministry of Finance,
on a Grant-Aid Project to implement a System Engineering Unit within the Ministry of
Posts & Telecommunications.
This was necessary, as a preliminary move, to prepare the government for a major
change in how they should operate their telecommunications networks within their
It was really a God thing. Here is was, an Australian, being paid by the
German government to work in Pakistan.
This teaching role was to be for one year, teaching engineers the new digital
technologies, new ways to write technical specifications and to write tenders, ready
for Phase Two which would be the complete renovation of their complete
telecommunications network.
It was necessary to change their way of thinking, about career promotion
opportunities, within government departments. Being a former British colony, there
was clear tradition about promotion by seniority, not by qualifications or
performance, and this needed to change.
The early first century church had the same problem. Everybody looked up to
Apostle Peter (one of the inner circle of Jesus disciples) who had preached one
sermon on Pentecost Sunday, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and three
thousand people repented of their sins and commenced to follow the way, as
disciples of Jesus Christ.

Then along comes this whippersnapper called Saul, who had previously been
beating, torturing and killing Christians, now telling Peter He was teaching wrong
doctrine! (And He was!)
After listening to Saul/Pauls theological arguments the early church agreed and a
new instruction was issues for Gentiles who became followers of Jesus Christ.
Here in scripture, the Holy Spirit was setting out a new template, so that future
generations could follow it and be blessed with stability and progress within their
We know from history that this is a fact. Paul went on to visit more cities, plant
more churches, and write more of the New Testament Gospels than Peter did.
In teaching this new template to the people in the Pakistan Government, I used
two examples:
Example 1:
Imagine you are driving along the road and you are involved in a serious car
accident and your young child is severely injured, requiring major brain surgery. Do
you want the very senior GP doctor to operate on your child, or the younger doctor
who has just returned to Pakistan after studying in the USA for several years,
undertaking specialist training as a brain surgeon?
They answered; We want the best, we want the brain surgeon to operate on our
Example 2:
You are thinking of travelling overseas and you have a choice of pilots for the
plane you are going to fly in. You can choose the senior pilot, who has been flying
piston engine planes since World War II, or you can choose the younger pilot, who
has been flying jet planes for several years for an overseas airline. Which pilot would
you choose to be in the pilots seat of the plane you would be travelling in?
They answered; The pilot who have already been flying jets.
And so it is with the new telecommunication technologies. The older staff, have to
be re-trained, if they want to continue working in this department, or be re-assigned
to a different position, based upon their many years of historical knowledge of the
locations in older technologies. Many of them did not like it, but they could see the
logic in it, so they reluctantly agreed.
In 1990, I began writing the legislation to move the Post & Telegraph out of the
government service and make it into a wholly owned government corporation. [The
Pakistan Telecommunications Corporation Limited Act]
This was to be followed by stage two, where the government would offer 51% of
the shares in the corporation to the private sector, whilst keeping 49% of the share
and three of the board of director positions.
Stage 3 would be where all of the directors positions would be from the private
sector, thus implementing private sector planning and management techniques.
This legislation went to parliament and was passed into law in 1991. On the 1 st

January 1992, the corporation came into being and the major expansions of the
network commenced.
I had proposed that they use the Build, Lease and Transfer Technique of raising
the capital for this massive project, to implement a 500,000 digital telephone
expansion project, across the nation, including the introduction of optical fibre cables
and a completely new digital national mobile telephone network.
The technical specifications and tenders were prepared and five (5) separate
tender packages were offered, each worth approximately US $100 million dollars.
Some contractors said they could complete their allotted project in 36 months,
other said 27 months, right down to one contractor who said they could complete
their allocated project in only 14 months.
As in Oman, I had included a penalty clause in the tenders which was 0.1% per
day, to a maximum of 10% of the contact price if they were 100 days late. This meant
a maximum penalty of US$ 10 million.
Needless to say, the contractors worked day and night to complete the project.
Telecom Australia was one of the subcontractors for the 1,100 Kms of optical fibre
cable installation and they worked day and night. It is a pity they dont work the same
hours here in Australia!
True to their contract conditions, Sumitomo Corporation completed their contract
in 16 months (but the Government agreed the delay was their fault, not the
contractors) so they took work (US$ 35 million) off the slowest contractor and gave it
to Sumitomo Corporation, as a bonus.
Through my consulting company I was also working on other projects in Pakistan,
(the Hyderabad Bypass Project), the Greater Colombo Telecom Expansion Project in
Sri Lanka, and the Katmandu Highway Rehabilitation Project in Nepal. I was very
busy, improving the lives of people through development projects, but not spending
enough time enriching their spiritual lives.

One of 7 bridges and overpasses on this The 4-lane highway to international

project standards, from one of the overpasses

This is the longest 4-lane pre-stressed concrete bridge in Pakistan, across the
Indus River, measuring 1.6 Kms, with another 1 Km of approach road on either side
of the river. This whole project was completed in 27 months.

In the 2011 floods in Pakistan, the Australian government offered military

assistance to rescue the thousands of stranded people affected by the floods and to
set up an emergency hospital. The Australian military were landing their Blackhawk
helicopters on this bridge, because it was the only thing above water in this region. At
one stage, more than 20,000 people were standing on this bridge waiting for the
Pakistan military to move them in pontoon boats to higher ground.
Unfortunately, the Pakistan people
did not appreciate our help and
attacked Christian churches
throughout the country, burning
several with the people locked inside.
Many people were killed, but the
government did nothing!
This is what happens when a
majority religious government fails to
look after religious minorities in their
own country. This has been happening
for many years but has increased in
violence and tragedy since the rise of
the Green Turbans, the Taliban, and
ISIS. But what Satan planned for evil,
Christ has turned around for good and in March of this year over 150,000 people
gave their hearts to Jesus Christ in rallies in one week, and the pictures in the
appendix clearly proving this. This is Gods answer to ISIS!


By the end of 1993, I was ready to come home to Australia, do small consultancy
projects, maybe travel overseas once a year on short mission trips, and start
planning my retirement.
But when I went searching in the scriptures, I could not find any reference to a
servant of God retiring from active service, it just was not there! They all served
faithfully until they died and were promoted up to glory.
I started teaching/preaching and continuing to write more books. There were trips
back to Pakistan in 1994 and in 1995 Rani and I were invited back to Thailand for the
dedication of the new Church in Pattaya.
This was a great time of celebration and achievement for a small community to
have raised the money to have this beautiful church constructed, in traditional Thai

Traditional Thai church, with pastors room Dedication of new church building 1995
above, a place to stay for visiting pastors.
Dedicated 1995.

After the dedication Rani went into Pakistan to work with her father preaching in
the villages, whilst I went to Germany to preach at the Full Gospel Businessmens
Frankfurt Chapter for mourn-day Thursday. I had only one invitation, but I believed
that God had arranged this meeting so He would move it whichever way He had
already planned.

There were several pastors at the meeting, so by the end of the meeting I had
invitations to preach Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday and Easter
Monday. God was on the move!
During the next 31 days I preached in 29 towns/cities across Germany, including
the Pentecostal Assembly Conference of churches in Germany, Austria and

People still go to church when there is Dagmar (my German Translator) and
snow on the ground, because they love friends

One of the many German congregations(Blenhiem) where I preached on this trip.


After this trip was completed it was time to board an Elal flight for Israel, where I
was to be a guest teacher for one semester at the Centre of Biblical Studies, joining

with Torahanic & Muslim scholars, all studying the Torah, especially the first five
books of the Old Testament.
One funny episode I still remember. An elderly Jewish Rabbi came to the elderly
Muslim scholar and said to him; pointing to the Book of Leviticus, he said; Do you
believe this is Gods Holy Word? To which the Muslim scholar replied; Yes of
course it is. Then the Rabbi asked him; Why are you not doing it then? The Muslim
scholar had no answer, because he was trapped by the words of his mouth.

The Torah and my Bible both opened at The Torah opened at the Book Isaiah,
Exodus chapter 20, the Ten to show there is no changes when we
Commandments compare it to the Book of Isaiah found
in the Dead Sea Scrolls (which is more
than 2500 years old)

Teaching and celebrating Shabbat In the foreground, the caves where the
Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in
1942 and then excavated after the war.

Armed with letters of authority, Saul left

through this gate on his way to
Damascus to capture Christians. It was
The temple wall and the steps where Jesus on this journey that he met Jesus on
entered the temple the road to Damascus.

For several weeks we walked and read the scriptures relating to Israel and to the
famous places where Jesus undertook His ministry and feeling His strong presence,
each and every day.
It was a great blessing to have this visit and have an opportunity to see with my
own eyes where Jesus walked, where He taught and where He performed His
miracles, to glorify His Father.

Inside St. Peters Fishers Church, on the Sea of Galillee.

The ruins of an early church in Amman,


Greek inscriptions outside the Mt. Nebo

After this visit to Israel I sat down and wrote the book entitled: The Roots of our
Whilst in Israel I visited the Ben Gurion Water Research Institute to see their
amazing developments into saltwater irrigation.
The problem of salt rising to the surface after ploughing in a desert environment
was not unfamiliar to the Jews, because they had dealt with it many times before,
even at the time of Abraham and Lot, in the Book of Genesis.
Over twenty years of experimentation and revelation downloads from God through
the Holy Spirit, they had achieved the impossible. By 1995, they had developed a
technique to irrigate crops using saltwater that had been pumped up from bores
below the surface.
This water was at approximately 60C, when it comes to the surface, but is
allowed to cool, after any precious metals are extracted from the water. These
precious metals are used in the famous cosmetics manufactured in Israel.
The remaining cooled saltwater is then fed under computer controlled low-
pressure conditions next to the plants, about 18 below the surface to give them
water, with almost no evaporation.
When they explained the procedure I was skeptical, that is until I saw the results.

Here we have grapes being irrigated by saltwater, producing bunches weighing

more than 2 Kgs per bunch, and this is replicated all over the vineyard.


Mangoes, irrigated with saltwater Stone Fruit, irrigated by saltwater
In another place they were growing vegetables, tomatoes, etc. but they would not
allow me to photograph this area. They even jokingly said that these tomatoes did
not even need salt to be added for taste!
When I came back to Australia after this trip in 1995, I wrote a letter to the CSIRO
and advised them that the Government of Israel was prepared to offer a scientist and
this technology free of charge to Australia, to show their gratitude for freeing Israel
from their captors in WW1 and WW2. At this time, the salphation problem was
severe in the interior of Australia and this technology would have changed deserts
into productive farmland. But the gurus of the CSIRO were too proud to accept this
free offer and it was officially rejected. The interior of Australia could have been a
major food basket, supplying food to Asia and then into Europe. The Australian
deserts could have been changed, just like the Israeli deserts have been.

Here is the proof. This used to be desert in 1948 when Israel became a
sovereign state. Can you imagine the Lake Ayre foreshores looking like this?
It could have been an interior saltwater tourist resort.

This shows an area under development, with crops in the foreground and desert
behind, which will be rehabilitated, using saltwater irrigation, as was prophesied in
scripture.(Isaiah 43:19)

Just think what the interior of Australia would look like now some twenty-two
years later, if we had accepted this gracious gift and used it for the
improvement of our nation. Sometimes, our Government bureaucrats do
criminal things with impunity. AND IT NEEDS TO STOP!
After coming back to Australia in 1995, Rani and I started to invite different ethnic
groups to our home to share their culture, their food and spread the good news of
Jesus Christ, in a non-threatening environment. This soon expanded until we could
no longer hold these events in our house and we were invited to use the Bethel
church as they had professional kitchen facilities.

Here is one such group, who came together to sing, dance, to show off their cultural
foods, and to listen to the good news of Jesus Christ. When we came to Toowoomba
in 2001, we continued to follow this method of evangelism, which works!

In 1999 I was asked to assist in the registration and accreditation of the Bethel
Ministry Training College, to provide practical subjects to prepare people for the
work of the ministry. This preparation took a whole year, getting ready for the first
batch of students in 2000.

I taught six subjects as well as undertook the role of College Administrator. It was
great to see Bible Students really being challenged by the word of God, because
they were hearing Gods word taught to them in a totally different way than you hear
in sermons on as Sunday. They heard, they were challenged, and they grew in
spiritual understanding and maturity.

The graduating class of 2000, with their teachers and their principal.

In 2001 we were led to move to Toowoomba, so we obeyed Gods leading,

purchased a house and waited. But to find a church, there are so many here in
Toowoomba (nearly 100 of them) and some of them have been here for more than
100 years. Oh Lord, what do you want me to do here?

When we left Coffs Harbour there were multi-ethnic meetings, there were
combined church praise and worship meetings, God seemed to be moving so well,
what were we to do here?
We waited, we prayed and finally we decided that we would go to the Presbyterian
Church, as I was an ordained Presbyterian Minister. Maybe I could help with
teaching, counselling or praise and worship.
But it soon became clear that I was a threat. People have a problem when they
find out that you have been preaching for over forty years, in 43 countries, have
planted 39 churches and seen more than 15,000 people come and make decisions
for Jesus Christ. It makes them look inwards and review what they have done for
Jesus Christ, and they did not like what they saw.
However, not all churches in Toowoomba were like that. There was an urgency
within the Christian community that God was about to move like He had never moved
before amongst the people here. There was a definite air of spiritual expectation
among the believers. God was about to confirm what He had downloaded to a small
group of people more than 35 years before, and they had been faithfully praying for it
to happen.
They have been given the revelation that in Gods Eyes (not mans) there is only
ONE CHURCH in the city! It may have different names over the doors of the
building, but in Gods eyes, these were just pieces of the same church that He
was building, they were just pieces of His body, which were to function
together, to bring glory and honour to Him.
But for this to take place, a major change of spiritual attitude had to take place.
The writings of Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians chapter 1; from verse 11 onwards was
clearly evident, right here in Toowoomba.
[Living Bible Translation] For some of those who live in Chloes house told me of
your arguments and quarrels, dear brothers. Some of you are saying. I am a
follower of Paul; and others say that they are for Apollos, or for Peter; and some
that they alone are the only true followers of Christ. And so in effect you have
broken (the body) of Christ into many pieces.

A broken vessel cannot hold any water, nor can if function the way God
intended it to function. There had to be a change!

Having been interested in Biblical history I had written The Coastal Pioneers and
I had researched how John Newton (the composer of Amazing Grace) had prayed
and prophesied over Rev. Samuel Johnson before He left Britain (it was not the
United Kingdom yet) in 1787.
He had said; May the words that you speak in the colonies go to all the
nations of the earth. Within 50 years of the establishment of Sydney Cove, the
word had gone out to ever Pacific Island. God was moving on His prophecies.

Then I found out that Smith Wigglesworth had made several trips to Australia, just
after we became a nation. On his first trip in 1908 he prophesied that the last great
revival on earth before Christ returns would begin in Australia.
He identified that in the Old Testament, God had set an insignificant nation,
(Israel) apart, not above or below, as an example to all the nations, so they could
see what happens when a nation is obedient to the laws of God, and what happens
when they rebel against these same laws.
He went on the say that he believed that God was doing the same thing in this end
time period. He was setting Australia16, another insignificant nation apart, as a
testimony and witness to all the nations on the earth. We had been singled out to be
Gods witness to prepare the world for His return.
Have you ever wondered why it was that Australia freed Israel from their captors in
WW1 and then did the same thing in WW2? Do you realise that out two nations are
divinely connected?
This word was confirmed by Smith Wigglesworth on subsequent visits to Australia.
But what really got my attention, was that he said that this end-time revival would
start in Toowoomba!
How could God use Toowoomba to do this when all the churches seemed to be
doing was fighting each other? But God is faithful! He hears the prayers of His saints
and He answers them, according to His Divine Plan, and according to His Divine
In 2003 Pastor David MacDonald arrived in town and started On the Edge
Christian Centre. This was a church, which not only recognized the 5-fold ministries,
as recorded in Ephesians chapter four, but also started teaching about them and
putting these words into practice. Was this appreciated by the other churches? Oh
At this time, On the Edge was meeting in the Newtown Town Hall, which was just
up the road from our house, so we moved to be part of this newly developing church,
where I could freely worship, sing in tongues, like I had been doing in overseas
churches, play my violin as part of the worship team, and really get involved in
ministry once again.
Under girding this move of God was a group of intercessors, who had been
praying faithfully for many years for the Holy Spirit to come and sort out the mess,
because it was not bringing glory or honour to Jesus Christ. They had been meeting
every Wednesday morning in the Salvation Army church, but praying for every
church in Toowoomba to open their hearts and receive the revelations of the Holy
Spirit working in their midst. They suggested an all-night prayer meeting, hoping that
more than just the intercessors would come, and come they did!
God was proving a point. God honours Intercessors, even if at that time, the local
pastors did not!

Have you ever wondered why it was that Australia freed Israel from their captors in WW1 and then
did the same thing in WW2? Do you realise that out two nations are divinely connected?
God was about to show that He does hear our prayers, and that He does answer
them, sometimes with a move of God, way out in left field. People started to get
downloaded all sorts of strategies about how to bring people together to praise and
worship Him.
One man got the vision to design praise and worship banners. That did not seem
to get peoples attention, so the Holy Spirit told him to shave off half of his beard.
Now that did get peoples attention! It was an opportunity to share at different
churches what God wanted to do with praise and worship. Now that man has taken
that ministry worldwide, still wearing only half a beard. It sure does get peoples
attention at airline check-in counters, at Immigrations and Customs. All of these
places are opportunities to witness the love of Jesus to people as he goes about his
daily ministry.
Next there was the revelation that ALL churches celebrate the birth of Jesus at
Christmas time, so why not have a combined Christmas service?
To everybodys surprise, the Catholic Church made their cathedral (the biggest
church building in Toowoomba) available for a whole week, so that this celebration
service could be repeated every night (with a matinee on Saturday, with live animals
for the children to pat). This was a great success, with the choir being people from
many different churches, coming together in unity to praise and worship the birth of
Jesus Christ.
Looking back, it was also the birth of unity amongst the churches in Toowoomba
as well.
Seeing that churches could actually worship together there was a desire for this
to continue and monthly combined Praise and Worship services were established.
In 2004 this had developed to a stage where it was decided to make the praise
and worship CD, called I WILL LIFT YOU UP which was to be recorded and
published by Integrity Music. This took place in 2004. I was blessed to be a part of
this recording, singing tenor in the choir for several of the recorded songs.
It was in 2004 that I was awarded an honorary PhD, a Doctorate in Divinity from
the USA.
It was about this time that I also released my own Praise and Worship Book
entitled; Praise God to the Heavens. This was a collection of music and songs that
the Holy Spirit had been downloading to me since my first song, Now Is the Time, in
But there was a lot more to be done. Many people had not been taught about the
Holy Spirit, the gifts, the offices, or its administrations. I had already published a book
on this subject in 1976 and it was now in its 5th edition, as well as being translated
into Thai and German languages.
I started a 14 week teaching seminar on the Gifts, Offices and Administration of
the Holy Spirit, using my published book as reference material, and challenging the
students to check it against the scriptural references from their bibles.
This was a success and many people had their eyes opened to what the Holy
Spirit was for in the Body of Christ, from basic teaching about sealing your salvation,
through studying each of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the nine listed in Corinthians and
the remainder which are listed in different parts of the scripture, a total of 27 gifts, but
I am sure there will be a revelations that there are many more than this, because the
Holy Spirit is not limited by mans rules.
From 2001 until 2006, as well as being the Chaplain for the Christian Radio
Station, Rani and I had been doing short-term mission trips to countries to follow up
on churches we had planted, but in 2007 the Holy Spirit told me to go to Kenya and
teach pastors and church leaders about church leadership responsibilities. This was
a major task, which first required careful study. I was very aware that God was doing
something special here, but at the time I was not too sure what it was.


Prior to my visit to Kenya I had already been on mission trips to Zambia in 1991,
for the World Bank and to Tanzania for the World Bank in 1992. In both of these
cases I was there primarily for my work as a consultant to their governments, with an
opportunity to preach in churches when invitations were given, but this time I was
going specifically to do Gods work, not mans work.
We arrived in Kenya after flying from Brisbane via Doha on Qatar Airways and
arrived in Nairobi to begin the 5 hours drive to Ogembo in the northern highlands of
Kenya, located about 6 thousand feet above seas level. The country was different,
but the African roads all seem the same, under designed, overcrowded and in a poor
repair, just what I needed to prepare for this mission trip.
We had hired a car for the 2 weeks and we arranged with the hire company to
send someone with us until we got out of Nairobi and onto the road upcountry and
then we were on our own.
Five hours later, after many police check points we arrived at our hotel, ready for a
good nights sleep, but no, Gods work has to come first.
Our visit to Kenya was about three weeks before their presidential elections, so
the whole place was geared up for a change.

This is Kenyan fast food BBQd corn, Pastors organizing committee for the
beside the road ~~ delicious! conference Ogembo 2007

The people were poor, but they wanted to make a good impression. They did not
have a church building big enough to hold 250 church leaders and their families.
They did not have enough money to hire a venue, so they made one. The local
villagers had just finished harvesting their crop of maize (corn) and they cut down the
corn stalks and made a building out of them for the conference. In a completely new
and innovative building, God was ready to move!

Teaching the 250 pastors and church Parents and children at one of the
leaders (and their families) from the Word of afternoon sessions.
God inside the house of God made from
corn stalks. With translation into the
Elogousi language.

There was no electricity in this village, so one solar panel, connected to one 12
volt battery, connected to a PA system, and we were ready to rock!
When people live in these type of circumstances they learn to improvise, and they
do it very well.

Another day, another group coming Dedicating twins to the Lord

to listen to Gods word.

This was a first. I had dedicated many children to the Lord before this, but this was
my first set of twins, God was blessing us for our obedience.

Ordaining new pastors (and their wives) Ordaining six new pastors for the work of
for the work of the ministry the ministry in Kenya.

I ordained six new pastors, but before I did this I gave a small teaching to the
congregation assembled for this special event. I explained that the scripture tells us
the when a man and woman get married they become one flesh so it is important
that the wife is also agreeing that her husband should become a pastor, otherwise
there will not be unity in the marriage and definitely not in the ministry. Therefore I
asked that both the Husband and the Wife (one flesh) take the oath of ordination, so
that they can both fulfil their spiritual destinies; the husband being a servant of the
people and the wife being a helpmate of her husband to make sure that he fulfils
his oath to God.
We also took this opportunity to visit some of the local schools, and a large
orphanage, run by the former Deputy
Small village school, with no walls. A larger school

A school at the orphanage, made with
whatever they can afford to buy.

Another classroom at the same orphanage

school. Children from this school have
gone on the university to become teachers,
The walls a rough-sawn planks nurses and qualified tradesmen.

My last teaching session was on the responsibility of church leaders, highlighting

corruption in the ministry, government and the business sector. 17
This 10-day conference was exciting and God was moving, therefore Satan was
NOT happy, and He was now ready to put his spanner in the works. We were now
just a little over two weeks to their upcoming presidential election.
At the conclusion of these meetings, Pastor Thomas asked could he borrow the
car again, to take the tarpaulin they had borrowed back to its owner. As he had said
he had a license, and he had already borrowed the car several times during the
conference to go and bring food for the delegates I said OK.
It had been raining and on the way to the city with the tarpauling on board he lost
control of the car, went off the side of the road and killed three school children, on
their way home from school. He returned the tarpaulin to its owner, left the damaged
car in the hotel carpark and fled the scene. The moral of this story? Never believe
everything that a pastor tells you!
The hotel manager came to me and asked me what had happened to my car? I
said I had lent it to Pastor Thomas to return the tarpaulin and he was to return it to
the carpark. He suggested I come immediately and see the vehicle. The vehicle was
dented in at the front and there was blood all over it!
The hotel manager and I went immediately to the Police Inspector for the region to
report this incident and to make it clear that I was not the driver of the vehicle, nor
was I a passenger of the vehicle, and that I did not know what had happened to
cause this damage.
While I was making my signed statement, a policeman came in with the news that
there had been an accident and that two children had died at the scene, others had
been seriously injured and rushed to hospital, where one later died of her injuries.

See Appendix Six
Because of the seriousness of this incident, I was placed under house arrest. I
was free to walk about the town, but I was forbidden from leaving the city, until the
investigation was complete.
One week later I was told to appear before the magistrate, for a minor traffic
infringement, because I had allowed someone who was not listed on the hire car
agreement to drive the vehicle.
During this investigation it was revealed that although the pastor had said he had
a license, he had in fact lied, so he was also driving the vehicle unlicensed, when it
killed the children.
Knowing the consequences of his crime he had fled across Lake Victoria into
Uganda, to escape arrest and definite imprisonment.
In the intervening time, while the police were completing their investigations, we
received several visitors who advised us that they were able to make this case go
away, if we just paid them some money. We refused point blank telling them that
God was on our side and we would be victorious in the end.
When the time came for me to appear in court, many pastors who had been at the
conference came to the court, stood outside and prayed that God would move to
expose the truth and I would be set free.
But Satan was setting up an ambush and He thought he was going to win, but you
know what the scriptures tell us. What Satan plans for evil, Jesus will turn around for
good and for His glory.
The magistrate heard several other cases and them my case came up. I was
called to the front to stand before the magistrate to answer the charges, but the
charges read out were not the charges I had been told I would be charge with when I
was issued the summons to appear before the court.
Somebody had got to the prosecutor and bribed him, and I was being charged
with being the driver of the vehicle which killed three innocent children. This was
wrong and I pleaded not guilty, also stating to the prosecutor, that if he had taken the
time to read my sworn statement, which was taken under oath before the police
Inspector, he would already know that I was not the driver of the vehicle, nor was I a
passenger in the vehicle when the accident occurred. I also pointed out that the hotel

manager had also made a sworn statement that I was at the hotel the whole
afternoon of the date in question.
The magistrate said that seeing there was a disagreement over the charges, the
case was to be held over from August till November, to allow the prosecution to sort
out the case notes. He also ordered that I be held in custody until November.
I was marched out of the court under police guard and placed in the holding cells
with about 50 other prisoners, whose cases had been heard, or were about to go
before the magistrate that day.
I was allowed to take my glasses and my bible with me, but nothing else. I was
surprised at this change of affairs, but not afraid, as I considered what had just taken
I was to be in custody, in a jail in Kenya for two months, while the prosecutor
fabricated a case against me. Surely God had another plan and purpose for me
being here in the cell right now.
After my wife and the pastors got over the initial shock they went into prayer. Then
about five minutes later my wife approached the holding cell (which was out in the
yard) and said; Well, seeing that you are in jail, you had better preach to the
prisoners! Then she turned around and left!
I opened my Bible and it fell open at Matthew chapter 10. I started reading it in
silence until a young man about 19 years of age came up to me and asked what I
was reading? He had a small New Testament in his hands. I explained that I was
reading out of Matthew chapter 10 about the lost sheep.
Without even thinking, I launched into a Holy Spirit prepared message. I told the
whole group that they were lost sheep, and that is why they were in prison, because
they had disobeyed the laws of the land and therefore they were in rebellion against
God. I kept speaking whatever the Holy Spirit put into my mouth, then finished with a
prayer, everybody said amen and then they started talking again.
I thought I may have spoken for about 15-20 minutes tops, but later my wife told
me I had been preaching to them non-stop for nearly three hours and they had all
been standing there listening intently to what the Holy Spirit was downloading to
them. The reason I say that is because after I started talking about Matthew chapter
10, I still have no clue, even today, what I said to the prisoners during that three hour
Almost as soon as I had completed the message, the guard came back and told
me the magistrate wanted to see me back in the courtroom. So I was marched back
into the courtroom once again.
The magistrate apologized and said that in the interim period he had been
examining my case and found that some legal irregularities had taken place, but
that had now been clarified, and we would start the case all over again. What I
learned had happened while I was in the holding cell is now recounted below.
The person, who was running the Elimoniya Orphanage we had previously visited,
had worked for the Police Department and was the Deputy Police Commissioner and

already earmarked to be the next Police Commissioner, when God called him out of
the police force to start up this orphanage, some years before.
Even though many in the police force thought he was crazy to give up such a
position, with guaranteed salary and pension, they respected him for his obedience
to obey God and step aside to do Gods work.
He had been sitting in the courtroom when the prosecutor read out the charges
and he had heard me state that I had made a sworn statement under oath to the
Police Inspector.
When the Magistrate went for his morning tea break, Elijomo went to see the
magistrate and said that he suspected that things were not above board with this
case and that the prosecutor should have already known that I had made a sworn
statement under oath.
He went on the tell the magistrate that I was a Commonwealth Justice of the
Peace In Australia, and therefore a member of the Federal Court, and I had already
been a consultant to 16 governments, even writing legislations which had become
laws in one of these countries, and therefore my statements would not be false.
The magistrate called the Police Inspector and asked him if I had made a sworn
statement before him in his office, which the inspector confirmed. He then asked did
he still have a copy of this sworn statement in his files. Yes, was the answer? He was
ordered to bring the copy of the sworn statement to the court house immediately.
The magistrate had read the sworn statement, realized what was going on, and
recognized that some of the family members of the victims must have got to the
prosecutor, by bribing him to change the charge and try to get blood money out of
me, because I was a foreigner.
The Police Inspector was really embarrassed that this had happened in his
precinct, without his knowledge and he said to the magistrate that this incident had
brought shame and disgrace upon the whole Kenyan judiciary and police service. He
even told the judge that if I was fined and could not pay the fine, he would pay it
The magistrate summoned the prosecutor into his chambers and then read the
riot act to him, telling him he was a fool to try to make a mockery of his courtroom,
for financial gain. He went on the tell him that if he ever caught him doing this again
in his courtroom, he would personally see to it that he was locked up in the same
prison that he had put many prisoners, so that they would have a chance to get even
with him.
He then said that the mornings charges that had been laid against me were
fraudulent and therefore asset aside. He then instructed the prosecutor to read the
proper charges this time.
So I was brought before the same prosecutor, but to face a minor traffic offence
for allowing a person the drive a hire car whose name was not included on the hire
car agreement.
I pleaded guilty with explanation, that this was allowed in Australia, but as this was
the law in Kenya, it was my responsibility to make sure that I was not breaking any
laws. I was fined about $40 Australian Dollars, which I paid and then made
arrangements to have the car checked out, to make sure that it was roadworthy, as it
had been in the police compound all the time since the accident.
The police inspector made arrangements for the car to be checked and then sent
out a radio broadcast to all of the checkpoints between Ogembo and Nairobi,
informing them that a damaged car, being driven by a foreigner was not the be
stopped or delayed.
We arrived in Nairobi without incident some six hours later, changed our flight
details and got out of Kenya, before the election took place the following weekend.
The election results were disputed by both the outgoing president and the
opposition candidate, and the nation which had been in peace and harmony for over
forty years, split along tribal lines and civil war, with mass killings took place all over
the country.
We watched this from the safety of our homes, back here in Australia, even
recognizing the slum quarters where we had preached while waiting for our new
flights to be confirmed. They all went up in flames, leaving thousands of poor people
now completely homeless.
Two weeks later I get a phone call from the magistrate in Ogembo. He was really
excited. He says; Now I know why you were in the prison cell. Last Sunday, all of
the prisoners who were in the holding cell when you preached to them, all went
forward in the prison chapel, and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!
More than forty people gave their hearts to Jesus that Sunday. What Satan
planned for evil, Christ turned around for good and for His glory!
When I had realized the real impact of my visit to Kenya, I wrote a letter to the
Kenyan Electoral Commissioner and told him that the blood of all those killed was on
the heads of three people in Kenya.
Firstly, the Electoral Commissioner himself, for failing to take control of the ballot
boxes after the election, and clearly telling the media, that under Kenyan law he was
the only one who could declare the winner of the election.
Because he had allowed others to take control of the post-election declarations,
he was now responsible for the deaths that followed.
Secondly, the outgoing president, who refused to abide by the decision of the
voters; who were not prepared to have him re-elected. He was responsible for the
killing of innocent members of different tribes, and for the disrupted peace, which
once was so strong in their nation.
Finally, the opposition candidate. I explained that the scripture is very clear.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for they shall be
If he had remained humble, God would have raised him up, and God would have
got the glory. Therefore the blood of those killed was on his head as well. I then went
on the say that it would be a generation before this nation would be at a place where
the tribes trusted each other once again, and for national peace to once again be
evident in that nation.
This was one of the saddest letters I have ever had to write, but in obedience to
the Holy Spirit I wrote it and sent it, with a copy to the magistrate as well. Three
months later, the magistrate was murdered.


There were changes in the government in Australia as well, and Kevin Rudd had
proclaimed that it was really stupid for different states to have different levels of
qualifications for the same trade ticket.
He said it made more sense that if you were trained as a carpenter in one state,
then your qualifications must be recognized in all other states. Therefore a new law
was passed making it mandatory for all states to align their trade qualifications, so
that the highest level of training would become the standard in all states and this
meant that all states would recognize a person who was qualified in another state.
This then allowed carpenters, bricklayers, etc. to cross state borders to apply for
infrastructure jobs, without the hassles that they had experienced in the past.
This decision also flowed over into the religious vocational area, so that every
Bible College in Australia now had to make sure that their courses met the latest
legislation for course approvals, and new National Course codes.
As a result, in 2010, I prepared nine (9) subjects for a completely new Certificate
IV course in Practical Ministry and Theology and submitted them to ACOM for
accreditation, under this new legislation, which was given, after some minor
Then I was approached by ACOM to develop a teaching subject on the writings of
Apostle John. This was to include;
a) The Gospel of John
b) I, 2 & 3 John, and
c) The book of Revelations.
This was a major subject, requiring at least forty hours of face-to-face teaching, but
I took on the challenge and about three months later the subject was approved.
So my Bible College course was approved, we then started to prepare the college
building ready for the first intake of students, who were already lining up, with their
applications filled in and the deposit payments ready to be registered for enrolment.
But despite all the hard work, the Bible College never started. Pastor David
Macdonald left Australia to start a new ministry in America and the new minister did
not want to proceed with this vision. So 2010 came to an end.
In December, just before Christmas we had lots of rain; some rivers flooded and
the ground became saturated.

Rani had left to go overseas to Pakistan and I was left here in Toowoomba to look
after the house and to finish my latest book at that time.
It started to rain, but not like any rain I had ever experienced. It came down by the
bucket-loads. Very soon Newtown Park, across the road from my house, was
receiving so much water that it was like a small lake, which burst its banks and
overflowed down across Pottinger Street and down Mallee Lane.
There was so much water that it rose up over the pavement, over the 100 mm
protection barriers I had outside my gardens, under my house and down into the
shed at the rear of the house.
Because the water could not escape it rose up about half a metre, damaging
everything in the back shed until the pressure of water forced out the back wall of the
shed and the water escaped next door.
We now know it was an inland tsunami which caused widespread devastation
across Toowoomba, Helidon, Grantham and the rest of the Lockyer Valley before it
proceeded to flood Brisbane a couple of days later. WE had received more than 90
mms of rain in less than thirty minutes.
A State of Emergency was declared, the SES was called out and I was in the thick
of it. The News Media broadcast all over the world, the cars floating down the main
street in Toowoomba.
Rani was asked in Pakistan: Do you live in Toowoomba? Yes, well it is
flooded! Thats impossible, because Toowoomba is on top of a mountain! Their
answer was look at the TV!
I get this frantic phone call. Is our house OK? I said yes, but everything in the shed
has been damaged, or destroyed.
The churches in Toowoomba are to be praised for their immediate response. A
delegation of church leaders approached the mayor and said what do you want us to
We are ready to set up emergency accommodation, provide emergency clothes
and food, what do you want us to do? His response; Get on with it! Churchlink was
created, which coordinated what was needed, with what people in other cities were
prepared to donate.
Very soon semitrailer loads of emergency food, in one ton pallets, containing forty
kilo boxes (enough to feed a family of four for a whole week) began arriving for
distribution to the needy villages, towns and families.
Home Ice Cream made one of their warehouses available and very soon a large
number of semitrailers were arriving, unloading and then the food was reloaded onto
smaller vehicles to be delivered where it is was needed most.
I personally delivered 119 tons of emergency food aid to villages and towns, from
Laidley in the east, to Blackall, St. George and Taroom in the west.

This is when the churches really excelled, proving that they could organize in
times of emergency, to help all people, irrespective of their religion, or their needs.
This was Jesus in Action.
Major repairs were needed to roads, railways, telecommunications, electricity, gas
and/or buildings. Many houses in Grantham were washed away, people were
missing and at one time there was over 90 people listed as missing.
As people were identified they were crossed off the list, but unfortunately not all
were crossed off the list. The army was called in to help with the clean-up, to check
the vehicles, for bodies, and to remove dead animals, to reduce the risk of Cholera,
Typhoid and other airborne diseases, because the sewerage systems had
overflowed into the rivers.
Roads to places like Mt. Sylvia and Junction View were completely destroyed as
the river made a new route for itself, removing bridges and making the roads totally
People in this area ate everything that had and when they run out of food, one man
elected to walk many kilometres, across six swollen river crossings, to raise the
alarm. He was brought to the Grantham Emergency Control Centre, where the
immediate response was to secure two 4 Wheel Drives, (off the street) load then up
with a ton of emergency food and head back up towards where the families were, to
provide emergency food aid.
The rivers had gouged out part of the road, making it impossible for even 4 Wheel
Drives to continue, so the food was unloaded and carried by hand across the swollen
river to eagerly waiting hands on the other side, where it was distributed to the
Helicopters were brought in to deliver food up this valley until a Cyclone Larry
came and the helicopters were relocated north to Cairns to provide immediate
assistance up there.

The watermark on the inside of my shed A volunteer having a spell after

after the Tsunami had gone. unloading my car and trailer with
emergency food for those in need.

Another location with emergency food and Another location with emergency food
clothing for distribution to those in need. for those in need.

But this effort did not end after the flood, as families were without homes, living in
temporary accommodation, while their homes were repaired, or in some cases
completely rebuilt.
We got involved in this as well and Bunnings bent over backwards to make their
services available, sometimes even at below cost prices. Other organizations also
wanted to help in any way that they could.
When they finally bulldozed a temporary road into Junction View, I took this car
and trailer there to deliver the emergency food. The car was fully loaded inside and in
the boot and there was one tonne of food cartons in the trailer. On one piece of
rough road, I ripped the exhaust and broke a spring in the trailer.
As I was scheduled to take another delivery of emergency to Blackall the following
day, I asked the RACQ where I could get emergency repairs done. They directed me
to a small garage in a laneway near Black Toyota to fix my exhaust pipe and to a
caravan repair place near the Toowoomba airport for the trailer repairs.
They quickly had my car up on the hoist, the damaged exhaust pipe removed, a
new piece welded on and I was ready to go again. They refused to take any money
for the labor, telling me that this was their contribution to the emergency relief effort.
When I went to pick up the trailer they told me that they had tried to put 5-leaf
springs under the trailer, but that they would not fit, so they had put 4-leaf springs
under it. I said that would be no good, having 3-leaf springs on one side and 4-leaf
springs on the other. No you misunderstand. We replaced both sets of springs with
completely new ones. Your trailer (licensed to carry 750 Kgs) can now carry 1.2
metric tonnes. They refused to take any money for the repairs, saying the same
thing; this was their contribution to the emergency relief effort.

Another emergency food delivery, after Houses completely destroyed inside,
the repairs were completed. requiring a major refit before council will
allow the owners to live there once again.

On the road into Grantham, this widows All the furniture and internal walls on the
brick home competely destroyed inside, ground floor was destroyed.
requiring a complete renovation. She Here again, the tradies came to the party
did not have enough home insurance, and did a complete renovation to allow
so Bunnings donated most of the these people to get back into thewir
materials and the tradies stepped in homes.
and rebuilt her house, free of charge.

Despite this devastation, tradesmen from all over Australia turned up in their
vehicles, with their own tools ready to give a helping hand. Churchlink organized the
materials to be delivered, the tradies were set into teams to do the work, and work
they did, from daylight till after dark until the homes could be checked by council and
the people moved back into their homes. Australians really pull together in a crisis!


In 2011, just after the floods, the Holy Spirit directed me to leave On The
Edge, now renamed Victory Life Toowoomba and join the Salvation Army. This was
one of those way out of left field instructions.
Because we knew from experience that the Holy Spirit never ever sends you on
a journey just for fun, that it is part of Gods bigger plan, we reluctantly left and
started fellowshipping at the Salvation Army, where I could join the worship team and
get involved in church activities, without being involved in church politics, which I
hate, because it does not bring glory and honour to Jesus.
We found a church with Holy Spirit filled leaders, passionate about prayer, and
wanting through their teaching to bring the congregation to a higher level of spiritual
There were spiritual gifts being manifested in the church and many of the
congregation were behind and/or active in the vision of the church, of implementing
the first part of the scripture; Jesus went about doing good and in the active
unity of ONE CHURCH IN THE CITY. However, the second part of the scripture,
healing the sick, and all those who were afflicted by the evil one, seemed to
have been forgotten.
It was apparent that there had been a problem in the past, because one whole
generation of people were missing from the congregation. This was not my problem
and I did not want to even find out the details. It just made it harder for the church to
function, with an ever diminishing older generation and a young vibrant child/youth
The younger generation was active, went to camps and retreats and we heard
wonderful testimonies of how God was moving in their lives. They were active in the
church in the worship team, on the sound desk, and on overhead duties, but there
was no church growth in numbers. In fact we had more funerals than new attendees.
The church was slowly dying, because there was no evangelism. The church leaders
went to other churches for praise and worship, but there was no evangelistic
program, going out into the streets and lanes, to bring unbelievers into the presence
of God, to make them recognize that they were sinners and that the only way to
Heaven was through the blood of Jesus Christ.
It was really frustrating, knowing that General Booth had been filled with the
Holy Spirit and on fire for street evangelism. His ministry started and ended on the
streets among the people who were hurting, alcohol, drug dependent, or women who
were mistreated by other women, or men.
Why have you sent me here Lord? Why? When the Holy Spirit answered, I
nearly fell off my chair. I have sent you to the Salvation Army to put SALVATION
back into the Salvation Army.
So now I knew why I was here, but what to do about it? This required prayer,
fasting and many requests for the Holy Spirit to download strategies, so that this

could take place, so that the Salvation Army would once again be an evangelistic tool
for the Master to use.
Praise and Worship brings people to Christ
More than two years ago, the Holy Spirit led Paul and Jan (not members of the
Salvation Army) to pray for a team to start going out, to show Gods love to people in
the parks, streets and lanes of Toowoomba. This was to be achieved by simply
singing praise and worship songs, and allowing the Holy Spirit to be released and
completely change the surrounding spiritual atmosphere.
This started in Queens Park during the Carnival of Flowers in 2015, and was
received well by both locals and visitors, who wanted to know which church are
you from? They were very surprised when they learnt that we were a group of
singers and musicians from different churches who felt led by the Holy Spirit, to
show visible signs of Gods love, by coming together in unity and praising God
this way. W became known as the All Saints Music Group.
At each session we asked if we could pray a simple blessing over the people who
came to listen, and to our amazement, nobody refused, even though some were a bit
hesitant, as they had never had anybody offer to pray a blessing over them before.
In some cases, the Holy Spirit would move on one of the team and a word of
prophecy, encouragement, or knowledge would be given over specific people, much
to their surprise, because in almost all cases, we had never met these people before.
This was followed up by similar sessions in Laurel Bank Park and Lake Annand, with
similar results.
At Lake Annand a lady suffering with terminal cancer, told her driver; I dont know
why, but we must stop here. When they got out of the car we were less than 50
metres away, playing gospel songs. They came and sat down and very soon tears
were running down her cheeks, as the anointing of the Holy Spirit began to work in
her life. We prayed for her to be completely healed and there was a visible change in
her life as she left to continue on her journey. God was working His wonderful
miracles to perform.
Prior to Christmas 2015, the group was granted permission to sing in the
Wilsonton Shopping complex, in the area outside of Woolworths. This was something
new for the group, but also new for the customers, who appreciated the gospel
songs, as it changed the spiritual atmosphere of that shopping complex, especially
when we started singing Christmas carols. The local shopkeepers were impressed
by the comments of the customers and we were invited back for a second session
before Christmas, and again in January 2016.
People were making commitments to go back to church, despite saying that they
had been hurt by churches both here and in other cities. We explained that they
had been hurt by people, not by Jesus Christ. He loved them with an everlasting
love and He was wanting to reconnect with them, right where they are at, in fact, right
Travellers made commitments to follow Jesus and were baptised in a local
swimming pool. Baptised into the Church of Jesus Christ, not into a denomination,

because Jesus said that He is building HIS church and that the gates of Hell shall not
prevail against it. During 2016 the team worshipped at Whyalla Plaza and in
Margaret Street, outside of Jillys Caf on Friday nights, and then on Friday and
Saturday nights.
Even though we received some opposition from some hoons, (who knew no
better), there was no violence, only bipping of horns as they drove by. Sometimes
later that same evening under the influence of various amounts of alcohol, they
would be the ones who would come and listen quietly, or loudly join in the singing of
worship songs that they remembered from when they went to Sunday school.
God has been touching lives and changing the spiritual atmosphere in the
Toowoomba CBD, and it is for the better!
In December 2016, the City Council decided to have active participation in the
CBD leading up to Christmas and we were invited to play in two locations, each for
one hour, singing worship songs and Christmas carols, as the patrons went about
their final days of Christmas shopping. This was a blessing for us, a confirmation that
what we are doing is being confirmed by the local authorities as a spiritual benefit for
the city.
Last Friday night was the start of our sessions for 2017 and on Friday and
Saturday evenings, eight people made commitments to follow Christ. This was
followed up by two of these people coming to our regular Tuesday evening praise &
worship sessions at Mt. Kynoch, where one of them was baptised.
This makes three baptisms since we started. God is on the move and we pray that
more church groups will get the vision and obey Gods word and go out into the
streets and lanes where the people are, and display Gods love to the community.
From 11:30 pm until 4:30 am every Friday & Saturday evenings another church is
providing a safe house in the CBD, where people can come and know they will be
protected from bullies and other undesirables roaming the streets affected by
alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both. Here we have a church literally stepping up
to the plate and being active in helping all those who are afflicted by the evil
one. I sincerely hope that very soon the Salvation Army will be one of them, actively
participating in evangelistic programs, in conjunction with, or beside other parts of the
Body of Christ in this city, as we all move forward, to become a bride without
blemish, earnestly prepared and waiting for Christs return.
This picture was taken just before Christmas 2016
as we prepared to praise and worship Jesus Christ
in Margaret Street, Toowoomba. Now we have two
groups, but we want more churches to get the
vision, that Jesus is love and we are His
instruments to spread it among the local people, so
that they know (themselves) that Jesus really does
love them, just as they are. They dont have to be
perfect to come to the cross. Just as I am without
one plea are the words, I once was lost, but now I
am found, are the words to another song, both
point the hearers to Jesus Christ.

In parallel with this evangelistic work I was still wrestling with the desire to
spread Gods word, through a Bible College, so that anyone who wanted to learn
more, and become a better witness for Jesus Christ could have that opportunity, but
without the financial burden of a full-time Bible College course, which costs about
$4,000 per year for face-to-face teaching.
I had seen many people overseas who were hungry for the word of God, but
had no opportunity to attend Bible College, not be able to pay the fees required to
learn. There had to be a better way to do this. I prayed for the best strategy from God
to implement my hearts desire and the Holy Spirit responded, because the word of
God says that God will give you the desires of your heart, (if those desires line up
with Gods word).
I was reminded that the scriptures also said; It is better to give than receive.
Then another scripture; Freely you have received, so freely give. The Holy Spirit
had given me the gift of teaching, but that gift was not for me, it was for the Body of
Christ, to bless them, not to bless me!
Why not make the whole Bible College course available free of charge, to
anyone who wanted to learn? But the thought continued. If they receive, then they
must also be prepared to give. Slowly the strategy started to form in my mind. I
talked to a couple of people who thought the idea was completely crazy, because I
would do all the hard work, but not get any financial reward for it. Then I knew it was
right, because my rewards will be in heaven!
I established Christ To The Nations Bible College,[CTTNBC] in 2014 developed
my CTTNBC Facebook page18 and started making news by uploading information
about this newly accredited Bible College Course which was being offered free of
Soon a trickle of enquiries started coming in, each one asking the same
question; What is the catch? How come it is free? Once I explained that this was
what the Holy Spirit had downloaded to me, they realized that it was not a hoax, but
a genuine opportunity for them to learn, at their own pace, in their own homes, with
no pressure.
Each student has four (4) calendar years to complete the course of ten (10)
fully accredited subjects. The time starts from when they submit their first assignment
for the first subject [CTTNBC-001 ~~ The Call of God]. They are required to submit
their assignment as PDF files, so I can make sticky note comments and return
them, after they have been assessed.
At the satisfactory completion of each subject they will receive a Certificate of

Download the full course, free of charge at this link:

At the completion of all ten subjects, a Certificate IV in Practical Ministry and
Theology, the present minimum requirement to be registered with the Federal
Government as a pastor, will be issued to them.
But the scripture kept coming back to me. Freely they will have received, so
freely give. As a condition of receiving the free Bible College Course, the student
must pledge before God (not me) that they will teach at least twelve (12) people what
they have learnt. This would be assessed as part of their Practical Ministry. The
students were enthusiastic about this!
And so in the middle of 2014 the first students started to enroll and started to
send in their assignments. But there needed to be some further fine tuning to Gods
Program, as it seemed that the Holy Spirit was impressing upon me, the need to
accelerate the program, to get the message out to more and more people.
As everybody who knows me will confirm, I love praise and worship, so I was
going to a Praise and Worship sessions at the Croquet Club every Saturday evening,
an opportunity to fellowship with likeminded people, and to share the love of God
with people who came there for the food, the fellowship, for the praise and worship,
and to see the Holy Spirit move, in whichever way He wanted to, that specific
evening. One of the people who came up to take part, was from the Gold Coast, and
was interested in the Bible College course and became more interested when he
found out it was free of charge.
Very soon I started getting emails, stating that Mario had recommend that they
contact me and get details about a free Bible College Course. Was it really free?
Yes it was free provided they pledged before God (not me) that they would
teach at least 12 people what they had learnt in the course. They all agreed that this
was a great idea! (Seeing it came from the Holy Spirit it was a perfect idea!)
One Indian student sent me an email asking me could he teach more than 12
people what he was learning. Of course you can! His next email got my immediate
attention. With only prompting from the Holy Spirit, he had gone out to ten (10)
different villages and selected twelve (12) people in each village, and was teaching
them what he was learning.
He was teaching 120 people what he was learning and he had just answered
my prayers about strategies for how to increase the number of people who were to
hear the word from this bible teaching.
I then sent out a strategy plan to my students which are shown below;
1. Each student who signs up for the Free Australian Bible College Course, must
pledge before God that they will teach twelve others what they have learnt. That
was the same condition as before, but now the change comes.
2. The Australian Bible College Student will do the first three assignments out of
Subject #1 [The Call of God] and then they will select 12 people from their own
city/town/village and start teaching them what they have learnt.
3. When the Australian Bible Student has completed the first subject and taught it to
his own twelve students, he will send them out to 12 different villages, where they

will in turn, select 12 people in each village, and start teaching them subject #1 in
their own languages.
4. While they are doing this, the Australia student will be learning subject #2.
5. Once this subject is completed the process for subject # 1 is then repeated for
subject #2.
6. At the completion of all ten subjects, the Australian Bible Student will be awarded
the Certificate IV in Practical Ministry and Theology, with proof, he has now
transferred that knowledge to 12 other students, who in turn have transferred that
same knowledge to 144 students. So the Holy Spirit template was revealed.
7. It will now be time to ordain 13 new pastors (the first Australian Bible Student and
his twelve students). They will then go and plant 12 new churches. One is each of
the villages where they have been teaching 12 people in each village.
8. One Australian student >>>> teaches 12 local students in their own language,
who then go to 12 different villages and teach >>> 144 people >>> 1728, etc.
9. At the beginning of January 2017 there are now 738 Australian students
doing this course, each teaching 12 students, who in turn are each teaching
12 students. Let us do the maths.
10. 1>> 12>> 144>>1728, (multiplied by 738) = 1,275,264 people receiving the
good news of Jesus Christ in 21 countries across the globe, all starting
here in Toowoomba, just like the prophecy given by Smith Wigglesworth in
11. I can say I am so happy that the Holy Spirit wakes me up every day and allows
me to serve Him, just for another day.
12. Approaching 75 years of age, I have come to realize that my days are numbered
and that I must make every day count, for His honour and for His glory, as I walk
In the Footsteps of My Master.

6 Churches

1 church
2 churches
14 hospital Churches

17 churches now
underground churches

This is the situation at the time of writing, but God is moving in mighty ways to significantly change these numbers for His glory

Appendix 1
Chorus by Evie Tornquist
Words & Music by Jeffry Camm 18/6/1980
Verse 1

My life was broken hearted, my life was clothed in sin,

I never could feel good about the longing from within,
I had lived a good but worldly life, no satisfaction came,
And all I wanted was to be made clean.
Never the same again, No, Ill never be the same again,
From the moment I met Jesus, a new Life for me began,
No I wont be the same again.

Verse 2

When Jesus came into my life, there was a certain glow,

I knew I had a Saviour, and on my face it showed,
I became a different person, with Gods eternal grace,
For Jesus has cleansed my sins away.

Appendix 2

10,000 Pakistani Muslims accept Jesus in one night

Here is an extract from the local paper (March 2016)
Senior Pastor Anwar Fazal from Eternal Life Ministries (ELM) in Pakistan arranges
a big Healing Crusade every Wednesday in Lahore, and thousands of people attend
every week in Lahore. It is reported as the biggest Healing Meetings in Pakistan by
At one rally in Pakistan 10,000
Muslims accepted Christ in one night,
and over the course of the week-long
rally there were many miraculous
healings and more than 150,000
Muslims were saved out of 200,000 that
The personage of Christ himself has
been appearing to Muslims across the
Middle East in the form of visions, proclaiming that He is indeed the King of King and
Lord of Lords, and that He will soon be returning to claim His throne.
[It is incredible to hear] 10,000 Muslims shouting, Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! as they defy the certain death sentence imposed for those who leave
Islam and accept Christ as their Lord and Personal Saviour.
The number of Christians attending these meetings is very high. Generally
Christians in Pakistan face persecution from the government and other officials.
The Daily Broadcast in ISSAC TV is watched by thousands of Christians in Pakistan.
It is by far the most watched Christian Channel in Pakistan.


In the book of Exodus chapter 12. verse 1, The Lord spoke to Moses
and Aaron, in the land of Egypt saying these words: Notice in this case
God speaks to both of them not just to Moses only.
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months; it shall be the
first month of the year to you. [The month of Nisan]
God was telling Moses that this was the beginning of Israels spiritual
calendar. The month of Nisan. All spiritual events would now be counted
from this date.
God goes on to tell Moses to tell the people that in 10 days time each
household was to purchase a sheep, 1 year old, without blemish and care
for it until the 14th day, when all of the nation was to kill their sheep at
the evening.
They shall then take the blood of the lamb and put it on their 2 side
doorposts and on the upper posts, where they shall eat the flesh of the
lamb. They shall eat all of it and what is left over they shall burn in the
God commanded the nation of Israel to eat this food in haste, with
yourselves fully clothed, with shoes on your feet and with your staff in
your hand. This shall be called the Lords Passover.
God told Moses that during this night, the Lord Himself would pass
through the land of Egypt and kill the firstborn of all mankind and
animals, in all the houses, which did not display the blood on the
doorposts. When God saw the blood on the doorposts, He would Passover
that house and the plague which God sets upon Egypt shall not fall upon
that house.
In verse 14 God commands Moses that this shall be a memorial; and
you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations; You
shall keep it a feast by ordinance for ever.
Then the word goes on to explain, the feast and the contents of the
feast and what it means, and in the Talmud is explained How to conduct
this feast.
Each year they prepared the house they had set the table, (with a
spare chair, in case the Messiah wanted to visit them) lit the candles and
had all the food on the table before the sun went down.
They would read the scriptures as a remembrance and the youngest at
the table would ask the oldest why they were having this feast? why
was it so special?
The oldest man at the table would reply and explain from the scriptures
why they were holding this feast as a celebration to the Lord, for His
mercy in Passing Over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt.
They would take the unleavened bread, and offer up prayers of
thanksgiving unto God. This complete piece of bread signifying the
completeness of God Almighty and they would break it into 3 pieces.
They would take the second and third pieces and interchange them and
then take the second piece of bread and cover it up.
The first piece of broken bread represented God the Father. The second
piece of bread represents Jesus Christ. The third piece of bread signifies
the Holy Spirit.
When they took the second piece of bread and interchanged it with the
Third. They were in fact proclaiming (by their actions) that Jesus was
going to be hidden for a time and then reappear. While he was away the
Holy Spirit would be here in His place.
The second piece of bread was covered and returned to the plate at the
completion of the feast.
During the Passover Feast there are 4 cups of wine drunk.
The nation of Israel had been observing this feast for over 3,500 years
before Jesus Christ was born, but they still did not understand fully what
they were doing, nor what the symbols really meant.
The scripture records that Jesus said I did not come to abolish the law
but I came to fulfil the law.
Therefore from this statement we know that Jesus must have attended
at least 32 Passover Feasts before the one that is recorded in the
Even during His ministry on earth He must have attended two other
Passover Feasts, but they are not recorded in scripture so why is this
one so important? I believe that the two previous Passovers were taken
with His earthly family, but this Passover was celebrated with His new
Spiritual Family.

Even the way this Passover is established is special.
Turn to Luke 22 verse 8 9. Jesus commanded them to go and prepare
the Passover feast. They asked Jesus; Where should they go to prepare
it? Should it be like last year? That is, at your mothers house? Jesus
answers in verse 10.
V10: You will see a man carrying a pitcher of water. This should have
set alarm bells ringing in Peter & Johns head. Men do not carry
water pitchers in Israel this is womens work. Follow this man into
the house where he goes.
Verse 11 : The Good man of the house. Good man means the person
who is renting the house.
Notice, that Jesus did not tell them to ask politely may they use a room
to celebrate the Passover, No! Jesus commanded them to demand the
room where the Master shall celebrate the Passover.
Jesus then goes on to prophecy that the man renting the house shall
show them a large upper room, which they shall then make ready.
Verse 13 confirms all that Jesus said, so they made ready the Passover
Feast. When I was studying at the Centre of Biblical Studies in Israel in
1995, I went with a study group to a room, which is guarded by the
Israeli Ministry if Antiquities. We were told to take off our shoes and we
climbed the staircase into an upper room, which is said to be the room
where Jesus had this Last Supper with His disciples. There, in that same
room, we had the Passover Feast and celebrated Communion, just as if I
am describing it to you today.
In verse 14, Jesus sat down, with His disciples to partake of the
Passover Feast.
In verse 15 He states that He earnestly desired to celebrate this
Passover with them, before He was to suffer. Why was this Passover
so special?
Because it was to be the last Passover, the fulfilment of the Old
Covenant and the beginning of the New Covenant.
V 16: Jesus says He will not eat until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom
of God.
V 17: And He took the cup and told them to divide it among
themselves. Notice Jesus took the cup first. This is the third cup, which
was used in the Passover feast.
V 18 I shall not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God
shall come.

V 19: And Jesus took the bread. This is the second piece of bread that
had been covered and returned to the table, which represented Jesus
Christ in the Passover Feast.
He took it, and gave thanks and then He broke it and gave it to His
disciples, telling them that this second piece of bread from the Passover
Feast represents His body, which is given to them. This do in
remembrance of me.
V 20. Likewise, after supper He takes the 4th cup saying: This cup is the
New Testament (New Covenant) in My blood, which is shed for you.
So the teaching about the Passover Feast, the significance of each of
the emblems and what Jesus commanded has been explained to you from
the scriptures.
As we come now to partake of this special New Covenant Feast, let us
understand what is to happen, as this communion will be slightly different
to what we normally do at our communion services.
We will each come out in an orderly manner, row by row, to each break
off a piece of the bread and eat it, remembering that Jesus told us that
this is His body which has been broken for us.
We will then drink out of the chalice, remembering that this represents
the shed blood of the New Covenant, which Christ has offered up for us
on the cross.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, we come to you today, through the blood of Jesus
Christ your son, to remember His sacrifice on the cross, in obedience to
your command and to do your will.
We acknowledge His resurrection and that He is now seated at your
right hand in heaven, continually interceding for us.
We give you thanks today Lord, for the presence of your Holy Spirit in
this place and in our lives.
We ask that you empower us today, by your Holy Spirit, as we eat this
bread and drink this juice, and that you will give each and every one of us
the boldness to step out of our comfort zones and be a witness for you in
this city. We ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.
Would the ushers please start to call out the rows, one by one and
administer the elements to them.
When you return to your seats, remember that when the water and
blood run down from the cross onto the earth, that the curse of Cain was
released, and the earth is no longer cursed by the blood of Abel when
Cain murdered him.

Through the body and blood of Jesus Christ we have been set free from
our sins and have been once again allowed to enter into a direct
relationship with God the Father.
We have direct access into the throne room of grace and we can glorify
His name with worship and praise. Let us therefore worship and praise
Him today as we leave this place in victory. Amen.


VERY EYES (If we open them and look!)

And Hashem said unto Yaakov: Return unto the land of thy
fathers, and to thy kindred; and I will be with thee.
Genesis 31:3 (The Israel Bible)

va-YO-mer a-do-NAI el ya-a-KOV shuv el E-retz a-vo-TE-kha u-l-mo-lad-TE-kha v-




There have been questions asked to me in the past 12 months from people here in
Uganda, Kenya and other parts of Africa about the days of the week:
How they were formed and
How they were named
What is their significance today, for us as Christians
Well I want you to look at scripture for some answers.
If we look in Genesis chapter 1, we see that God created the heavens and the earth
and they were without form (they were shapeless) and then God said: Let there be
light and there was light. The light appeared. This was the evening and the morning
of the first day.
If we continue to look in Genesis chapter 1, we will see God create the whole
universe and all its creatures in 6 days. (That is what they tell you in Sunday school,
but it is wrong!)
Now look carefully at Genesis chapter 2, verse 2:
(KJV) 2
And on the seventh day God ended his work, which he had made; and he
rested on the seventh day from all his work, which he had made. 3And God blessed
the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work
which God created and made.
I want you to look very closely at this scripture. Which day did God finish His work?
Was it the 6th day or the 7th day?
Then on the seventh day God finished His work and then He rested from the work
that He started before creation.
Notice in all of chapter one it is the evening and the morning of each of the 6 days.
Notice what happens to day 7. It starts, but then God rests. God does not say, the
evening and the morning of the 7th day, because God is still at rest, and will remain
at rest until judgement day.
Let us proceed further into Genesis.
We see Noah called out from among the unrighteous to build the ark, to start his
ministry, which took him 120 years.
Today, we look at ministries and count how many people come to salvation under a
persons ministry, how many churches they plant, or how many people they heal.
That is how the world looks at success. That is how some churches consider
success also.
But it is not how God looks at success and it SHOULD NOT BE how we in the Body
of Christ look at success either.
Do you realise that Noah worked in his ministry for 120 years, building the ark,
evangelising to the wicked nation in which he lived, but he only saved seven other
people, and they were people of his own family.
By the worlds standards, he was a failure. BY SOME CHURCH STANDARDS he
winner, because he was obedient to the calling that God put upon his life.
Now we skip through the rest of Genesis.
We see Abraham called by God and told to separate himself from among his people
and his culture and go to a land, which God promised to him.
He was obedient; he went out from among his family. But did he get the land that
God promised to Him? No! But his descendants received it!
In Gods eyes, Abraham did receive that land because God saw his obedience as
righteousness, even though he never physically set foot upon the land.
God called Moses out of the desert to go back to Egypt, to speak to Pharaoh and
command him to let my people go!
Moses was a reluctant servant. He complained to God, he made excuses, but in
obedience to Gods command on his life, he eventually went back to Egypt, but used
Aaron as his mouthpiece, to relay Gods words to the people.
Through his obedience, God showed him his purpose, to let the then known world,
know that there was a God above all other Gods, who was alive, who was powerful,
and who cared for and protected His selected people.
Remember, God selected the Jews for Himself, not because they were better than
anybody else was; not because they were stronger; not because they were cleaner;
not because they were more spiritual than anybody else was.
He chose them as an example, so that other nations would see how miracles and
signs follow those who believe, and are obedient to His commandments and His
words upon their lives.
Now in the first 11 chapters of Exodus we see the nine plagues, which come upon
the Egyptians, but in the beginning of chapter 12, God gives a new word to Moses.
From creation until this time, many hundreds, even thousands of years have
occurred, but now a specific time is defined in scripture for the Jews.
For the people who are soon to become a nation this is their spiritual starting month.
This is from where they are going to start counting their years. This is their reference

Ex. 12:1 (KJV) 1And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt,
Ex. 12:2 (KJV) 2This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the
first month of the year to you.
This is a new beginning for you and this newly formed nation. This is your starting
point. I am ready to do something very special and you are to remember this forever.

God goes on to tell Moses that on the 10 th day of Nisan (the first month) they are to
select a lamb, a perfect lamb, a lamb without blemish and to keep it until the 14 th
day, when they are to kill it, to roast it and to eat it without leaving anything over.
They are also told to take the blood of this killed lamb and to put it onto the
doorposts of their houses, so that the angel of death will pass over them. But the
angel of death will kill the firstborn of any household, whether Jew or Egyptian,
including all the firstborn animals, which does not have the blood sprinkled on the
doorposts of the dwelling.
God spoke the word and it happened, just as the Lord said it would, just like it
happened in creation.
God continued to speak to Moses for the next 40 years, but did Moses enter the
Promised Land? NO! But God through His mercy and compassion allowed Him to
see it with his own eyes. Was Moses a mighty man of God? Yes. But he was
disobedient to God and that was enough for the promise to be withheld from him.
So today, as we look at the responsibilities of leaders and leadership, let us take a
real close look at one situation in the scripture and see what happens when leaders
go off track.
Now we know that God moved mightily upon the Jewish nation. He opened up the
Reed Sea (known today as the Red Sea) and the Jews were able to cross on dry
ground, but the Egyptian army which followed after them were drowned and
Moses, Miriam, and Aaron spoke of the victory on the other side of the Red Sea and
all rejoiced that God had delivered them from the Egyptians. The new nation of Israel
then proceeded into the wilderness.
If they had been obedient to Gods word and calling on their lives, the whole nation
of Israel could have been in the Promised Land within just eleven (11) days journey.
In the wilderness, the people complained about lack of water, lack of food and lack of
meat. In each case God was merciful and through a miracle they were produced at
the hands of Moses.
But in the opening part of Exodus chapter 12 we see that even Miram and Aaron
speak out against Moses Gods anointed leader, Gods appointed leader.
Remember; these are people of his own family, they are now jealous of Moses.
Pastors, teachers, and elders beware; Satan will attack you from within your own
family. Be prepared for it, but respond to it, do not react to it.
Let me explain the difference, as this is very important.
If somebody comes up to you and punches you in the face, you have a choice of
how you will deal with this situation.
Firstly, you can react to this assault by hitting the person back by giving as
good as you get in self defence. You notice that if you do this, you are
reacting to the situation. You are doing this to put things right for your

satisfaction, not for Gods glory. This only brings glory to Satan, by taking
glory away from God.
On the other hand you could, turn the other cheek, pray for the person, tell
him you forgive him and tell him that God loves him, just like he is, even
though he has just hit you in the face, God still loves him. When you do this
you respond to the situation and in doing so, you bring glory and honour to
God in heaven and stops Satan dead in his tracks, because you are obeying
the word of God and Satan knows that he cannot defeat Gods word, or those
who follow it.
Now back to Miriam and Aaron. Verse 2: And they said; Has the Lord indeed spoken
only by Moses? Has He not spoken by us also? And the Lord heard it!
They were saying; Does God only speak through Moses? Isnt it true that God also
speaks through us?
The answer was yes. He did speak through them also. But He spoke through them
But notice the last 4 words of this verse: AND THE LORD HEARD IT!!!
Guess what?
Whenever we speak out against Gods appointed leaders, God is listening.
Whenever we speak out against Gods appointed leaders expect to suffer
consequences for our actions of rebellion.
Rebellion? Yes! Whenever we speak out against Gods appointed leaders, we are
speaking out against the authority, which placed that person into that position. We
are in fact speaking out against God. If we speak against God we are no longer
following His word, or His commandments. We are now following after another god
(with a little g). We are in fact saying that we know better than God does. That is a
dangerous situation to place yourself in, because it always leads to trouble for you.
Notice what happens and how God responds to this situation.
Verse 3 reminds us that Moses was a very meek and humble man.
Verse 4: And the Lord spoke suddenly to Moses and to Aaron and to Miriam. Come
out you three to the Tabernacle of the congregation. And the three of them came out.
Notice that all three heard the word of God. All three obeyed the word of God and all
three came out.
And the Lord came down in a pillar of cloud and stood in the door of the tabernacle
and called out Aaron and Miriam; and they both came.
Again they heard the voice of God and they obeyed the voice of God.
Verse 6: And the Lord said to them; hear now my words: If you are prophets, I
the Lord will reveal myself to you in a vision and will speak to you in dreams.
Not so with my servant Moses, who is faithful in my entire house. With him I
will speak mouth to mouth, in a vision, and not in similes (Images); and the
glory of the Lord has he seen: why then were you not afraid to speak out
against my servant Moses?
Are you not aware that I speak face to face with Moses in visions and that he has
seen my glory? In view of this why were you not afraid to speak out against him?

God was saying to them. Are you crazy? Dont you know that he is my special
person? Do you think I will allow you to show disrespect for him?
It then says that the anger of the Lord was kindled against them and the Lord
departed. What happens when the Lord departs? His blessings and His protection
departs also.
It says that after the Lord departed immediately Miriam became a leper. Her skin
showed all the sign of leprosy, which means she was no longer part of the tribe of
Israel, she was to become an outcast.
This was her punishment for speaking out against her own brother, the anointed one
of God, the appointed leader by God.
Pastors and leaders, we must learn to be Gods servants at all times, even when
people commit sins and offences against us. We are not to take them personally and
react to them!
We are to remember that we are appointed as Gods servants, to perform tasks and
services, for the betterment of the whole Body of Christ, which brings glory and
honour to Him ~~~ not for our own personal satisfaction.
Now see what happens next.
Now Aaron recognised that it was Miriams sin that resulted in her leprosy, so he
pleads with Moses. Do not let her suffer for the sin that we (both of us) have
Notice he recognises that he has also sinned, because he listened to Miriams
complaining and speaking out against Moses, Gods anointed and did not do
anything to stop her, or to make her aware of her wrong actions.
If we do not speak out to defend Gods anointed, then we also commit sin.
Now Moses could have reacted to this situation two ways. He could have said; well,
you brought this punishment upon yourself. You got what you deserved.
But Moses went and interceded before God for the sins of his sister, even though the
offence, the sin was against him personally. Moses cries out to God; heal her now I
beseech thee.
God replied: Cast her out of the gathering for 7 days for being unclean (as an
example to the whole nation) and at the end of 7 days bring her back in again.
During that period of 7 days her leprosy left her and she was made whole once
It says that the whole nation stopped for 7 days while Miriam was cast out of the
gathering. It did not continue its journey until after she returned.
Do you realise that your sins can have dramatic effects on others around you?
Miriams sin has an effect on the whole nation of Israel. The nation did not go
forward for 7 days!
Pastors and leaders: We have to be so careful how we minister before the Lord and
the people, because it dramatically affects those around us.
Now you would think that the nation of Israel would have learned a mighty lesson
from this example that Almighty God put before them but alas they did not!
Let us look further into Numbers chapters 13 and 14.
God tells Moses to select a chief out of each of the tribes, who will be the
representative of the tribe to go out and to spy out the land, which the Lord God
Almighty has promised to their forefathers.
So Moses selected a chief (in some translations it says a prince of each tribe) who
was to go out and spy out the land that God had promised to Abraham and to all
their descendants, while they were in the land of Egypt for 407 years.
Moses selected the following people, from the following tribes:

Tribe Chief Selected

Reuben Shammua, the son of Zaccur
Simeon Shaphat, the son of Hadi
Judah Caleb, the son of Jophaniah
Issachar Negail, the son of Joseph
Ephraim ** Hosea, the son of Nun **
Benjamin Palti, the son of Daphu
Zebulun Gaddi, the son of Sori
Joseph (from the tribe of Manasseh) Gaddi, the son of Susi
Dan Gamaliel, the son of Gamli
Asher Sethur, the son of Michael
Gad Geuel, the son of Machir

These are the people who Moses selected, the chiefs of each of the tribes, who were
to go out and to spy out the land.
Before they left on this important task, Moses called out Hosea, the sun of Nun
and gave him a new name. From this time forth his name shall be called Joshua,
son of Nun.
Now Moses told them to go up into the mountains of the Negeb, to spy out the land
and to go to other parts of the land and to see how it lies and what are the benefits of
this land that God promised to their forefathers.
And so they went and they saw and they brought back the produce of the land after
40 days a time of testing for each of them and Moses and Aaron assembled the
people of Israel together to hear the report from these 12 chiefs that Moses had

Look now at their report.
Holy Bible, New Living Translation
Num. 13:27 (NLT) 27This was their report to Moses: We arrived in the land you sent
us to see, and it is indeed a magnificent countrya land flowing with milk and honey.
Here is some of its fruit as proof.
Their report says: Yes we found the land just like God had promised it to our
forefathers. It is indeed a land flowing with milk and honey.
Here was a praise report to the nation of Israel. The land was just like God had
promised. But (Nevertheless) there is a problem.
The chiefs now gave the report about the people in these places.
Num. 13:28 through Num. 13:29 (NLT) 28But the people living there are powerful,
and their cities and towns are fortified and very large. We also saw the descendants
of Anak (the giants) who are living there! 29The Amalekites live in the Negev, and the
Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites live in the hill country. The Canaanites live along
the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and along the Jordan Valley.
Caleb stepped forward and said to the nation of Israel. It is just like God promised,
Let us go up now (at once) against these people and conquer this land, for we are
able to do so.
Caleb still had his eyes on God and He still remembered the mighty miracles that
God had performed to get the nation of Israel out of the land of Egypt. He still
remembered that God had destroyed the whole Egyptian army in the Red Sea, so
that they could cross out of slavery into freedom.
He was saying: Yes what these people are saying is true BUT GOD SAID; This
land belongs to us, Let us go up and take it!
The others were saying: We cant go up against them because they are stronger
than we are.
So they brought a bad report up to the people of Israel.
Here were two different reports from the leaders of people, who both saw the same
evidence, but saw it from two different points of view.
One saw it from Gods view: BUT GOD SAID!
The others saw it from a worldly (reality) perspective: BUT WE CANT GO!
Look what happened to the nation of Israel. Chapter 14:1
Then all of the congregation was in a commotion, and lifted up their voices and cried;
and the people wept that night.
Because of this bad report, the nation of Israel forgot the promises of God
just like that!
Notice what happens next. The whole nation now starts to murmur (gossip) against
Moses and Aaron. They are not putting the blame for the bad report on the leaders
who gave it, but on Moses and Aaron, Gods representatives.

They were saying; oh I wish we were dead. I did not come here so that my wife and
children could be killed by the sword, or raped or sold into slavery. We were better
off when we were in Egypt.
The whole nation are imagining things and complaining about things, which have not
even happened. Satan has taken this bad report and is using it to cause fear and
anguish to travel through the whole nation of Israel.
How was Satan able to do this? Because the leaders did not put their trust in God!
And it gets worse in verse 4. And they said to themselves: Let us appoint a leader,
and let us return to Egypt.
What has happened to the nation of Israel?
They have gone from following Moses through all the trials of the 10 plagues of
Egypt and the flight out of Egypt, to;
Murmuring and gossip against Moses and Aaron, Gods appointed and
anointed leaders,
To selecting another leader. They are now in open rebellion against God.
At this moment what did the chiefs do who had given the bad report? NOTHING!
But Joshua and Caleb rent their clothes in front of the nation of Israel. Then they said
to the nation of Israel;
The land is a good land and if the Lord favours us.
He will give it to us.
It is indeed and land flowing with milk and honey.
Do not rebel against the Lord, for their conquest will be as easy as eating
Their strength has left them21.
And the Lord is with us, fear them not!
What did the nation of Israel do? Did they believe this truth? NO! They now
conspired to stone Joshua and Caleb to death!
The nation of Israel had now gone one step further away from Gods appointed plan
for them. They were now going to commit murder. They were going to kill these two
leaders because they told the truth! When people start persecuting other people who
tell the truth, God has to act!
What happens next?
God appears in a cloud in the tabernacle of the congregation before the whole nation
of Israel. Look at what God says to Moses in verse 11.

In Aramaic, when a task is simple or easy, it is said it is like eating bread
Their strength had left them because word had travelled to them about how the God of the
Israelites had opened the Red Sea and had allowed them to walk across it on dry land and had then
drowned the whole Egyptian army. They knew that the Israelites were at their borders and they were
shivering in their boots.
How long will they not believe me for all the signs, which I have done among
I will destroy them all and I will make a new nation from you Moses and it will
be a greater nation than this one.
God was saying; I have had enough! The leaders dont trust me, the people dont
trust me. They want to kill the only two people who went and saw the land who
believe me. Thats it Ive had enough It is Finished!
God could have done what He said, right there and then. He could have wiped out
the whole nation of Israel and started again.
But MOSES said some interesting things to God Almighty. Moses reasoned with
God. He told Him that if God did this terrible thing, the Egyptians and all the nations
round about would hear of it and they would say that God killed these people
because he could not deliver them into the land that he had promised to their
forefathers. This in fact would mean that God had failed.
Moses goes on to remind God Almighty that he is a God of forgiveness, a God of
mercy, and a God of long-suffering, but who passes the sins of the fathers onto their
children for four generations.
Moses pleads with God to forgive the nation of Israel.
Gods response to this prayer has been the same right throughout eternity.
I have forgiven them according to your word. And the whole world will see the glory
of the Lord.
But, there is going to be a penalty to those who have sinned against me. For those
men who have witnessed the ten miracles I have performed to get them out of Egypt
and in this wilderness, none of them shall see the promised land, especially those
ten who provoked me (with their bad reports).
Because you waited for 40 days for the report to come back to you, then shall you
wander in the wilderness one year for each day; 40 years you shall wander in the
None of those leaders, who went in to spy out the land, except Joshua and Caleb
shall enter the Promised Land.
That night they turned away from the Promised Land and the 10 leaders who spoke
a bad report against God Almighty before Moses and the nation of Israel died.
(Verse37) But Joshua and Caleb, who gave the good report, they still lived.
Pastors and leaders, there is a very important lesson to learn from this story.
Whenever you are sent to do a task by Gods appointed, or by the Holy Spirit,
you must learn to see things as God sees them not as the world sees them.
Whenever you see things as God sees them there is victory. When you look
at things as the world sees them there is always doubt, fear, and eventually

Even 40 years later when Joshua led the tribe of Israel (the children of those who left
Egypt) across the Jordan into the land God had promised, the people in this
Promised Land remembered what had happened to the nation of Egypt. They even
knew that God had protected these children for 40 years in the desert, providing
them with food and not having their clothes or shoes wear out for 40 years.
These nations were still trembling in their boots and as the nation of Israel came
against them, they were defeated, but only when Joshua went up against them when
he was told to do so by the Lord.
When Joshua went up against them in his own timing and using his own methods,
the nation of Israel was defeated and many were killed.
So, today I wish to pray for you all, to receive that wisdom of Caleb, so that in the
future you will learn to listen to the Holy Spirit; who brings all things to your
remembrance, who will show you how to do the tasks in a way which will bring glory
to the Lord and bless your congregations, not punish them.
Yes. This is the important thing to realise. Your actions and your decisions will have
a direct impact upon the Body of Christ, which you have been called to lead and
Let us pray:
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you today through the blood of Jesus Christ your
Son, which allows us direct access into the throne room of grace, and into your
Lord, today I ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit upon them. Give wisdom upon
these pastors and elders that you have called into this position of responsibility and
leadership in many nations.
Remind them once again that Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and that is
their primary task.
Lord I ask, that you renew within their hearts, the vision that you have given to each
one of them.
Lord encourage them to move to another level of maturity in you, so that they may
feel closer to you and put within each one, a burning desire to see this nation turned
around for Jesus Christ in fact turned upside down for Jesus Christ.
I ask this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.


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