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New Life Church News Letter

Some News:

Calendar Events:
You can find upcoming events in our monthly
Bulletin and also on the calendar on the
notice bored at the back of the church. Also
see Upcoming events below.
13th Oct - Carl West's Birthday

14th Oct - "Who I Am" Ladies Tea

15th Oct - Baptisms, Bring and Braai after Church

13th Oct Ignite Youth 18:30-20:00

We are still in the process of getting everyones special

dates up so please bear with us in this. If we have
missed you please know that we love you!!!

Serving Duties (For Community Members)

Communities rotate on a weekly basis

(Please see serving roster on the church
notice board) A laminated check list is up on
the grocery cupboard door along with a white
bored marker so that the community on duty
can tick off each task as they have done
them. There is also another laminated sheet
where you can leave a note for admin should
you wish Thanks so much for your servant
hearts! We love and appreciate you!

Comm on duty this Sunday 15th Oct:

it was tailor made for the struggle that
was going on in her heart. Andrew spoke
Welcome Home to those that about how when we are born again, we are
attended the F12 Cape Town NEW creations. The old is gone (Eph 4:22,
You were taught, with regard to your former way
Our members have slowly started trickling of life, to put off your old self, which is being
back from Cape Town. What a blessed time corrupted by its deceitful desires;) Some of us
they all had! Testimonies of what Jesus has may be using our personality or the way we
done in their lives during the conference are are as a valid excuse not to move the way
flowing in! Here is a testimony from our
God is leading them to. Instead we need to
beloved Jessie Gao(please note this is a
summarised version of a coffee date :P) put on the new self (Eph 4:23-24, 23 to be made
new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put
on the new self, created to be like God in true
righteousness and holiness.) He preached how
just like the physical body needs practice
and training so does your soul (spiritual

We need be obedient when the Lord speaks

to us and prompts us, being careful not to
hold back because we have accepted that
we are not that way. We cant hide behind
the excuse of who we think we are we
Jessie Gao need to be who Jesus died for us to
Ohhhh myyyyy Gooossshhhh! Eyes wide be...New Creations! Living lives that are in
and excited! It was tune with him. The more we exercise our
ammmazzziiing!(Hands in the air), These spiritual muscles the stronger they
where Jessies first words. become.

Jessie said that the first message Thanks Jess for sharing your heart! What an
amazing testimony and work God is doing in
preached on day one was mind blowing and
your heart! So if God prompts you to do
each messages after that somehow something dont hold back because of fear of
seemed to just get better and better. man, be obedient. Even if you think you will
look like or sound like a fool, be a fool for
For Jessie personally, the message that Jesus!
spoke to her the most, was preached by
Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV)
Andrew Selley on 6th Oct. Jessie said
You were taught, with regard to your former way of
that prior to the conference she was
battling with fear of man and confidence life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by

to speak out because of her timid nature. its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude

However, Andrew preached a messaged of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to
that felt as if see other side be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Ignite Youth News

Youth is kicking off again this Friday night 18:30 -

20:00. Please note that some changes will be
occurring soon in the structure of the younger and
older youth. We will be separating the older and
younger age groups in order to give them more
specialised attention. Listen closely to announcements
on Sunday

We are really so excited for the youth in this season!

The Lord is on the move and we feel that making sure
our youth are walking authentically with Jesus is of the
utmost importance!

We are continuing to work through the Purple book

with the youth. This Friday we will be teaching on who
is the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Spirit.

We love your children and treasure the precious time

we get to sew into their lives!

Upcoming Events:

Possessing the Seven Mountains

Hosted by: Pastors/Ministers Prayer Network

Venue: Down Town Christian Centre, 233
Oxford Street
Time: Wed 18:00 20:30

Looks like a few of our communities will be

joining in on this tonight! Hope you have a
blessed time!

Who I Am Ladies Tea

The weekend of the Who I am Ladies Tea has

arrived!!!! We are so Looking forward to having a
lekka get to gether with all the girls and worship our
Lord Jesus!

Sure to be an afternoon of fun, fellowship, and most

importantly Jesus!!!

Invite your unsaved friends and family. This is a

great opportunity to reach out to those ladies in your
life that are desperately needing an encounter with
Important Dates
Combined Community: 18th Oct, 25th Oct, 1st

Baptisms: 15th Oct After Church. If you have

not yet told Mel that you would like to be
baptized please let her know so that your name
can be added to the list. There will also be a
social after the baptism so bring along some
boerewors & rolls

Welcoming of new members: 5th Nov. If you

would like to become a member please also let
Mel know

Please note that the 3 combined communities

are compulsory for those wanting to become
members that have not yet attended New
Members Information Sessions

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