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Episode 2

It is important for a teacher to be aware of and sensitive to the hidden curriculum

the hidden curriculum often supports viewpoint of the majority group or to
influential individuals. It is dangerous because it often presents a biased or
stereotypical view of events people and actions. Teacher must be aware of this
bias so they dont falsely portay people, a religion or specific events in history

Maricel T. Rafael

Signature of the interviewee

White Board Basketball ball

Projector volleyball ball
Television Whistle
In order for us to have a better understanding as a teacher learning more about the
different types of curricula is a must for it will guide us into getting ahead of our
students capabilities academically and also their talents which may need proper care
and nourishment. Adapting to whichever curricula is needed for a student will come
in naturally throughout our career as a teacher, which starts as soon as we handle
classes and get to know and have a good feel for the students inside the classroom

Episode 3

Earlier childhood Elementary

Name: Nicole Jao Name: Maricel T. Rafael

School: St. John Fisher School School: St. John Fisher School
Page 2

Secondary Level Tertiary Level

Name: Andrew Diomampo Name: Nestor L. Traballo

School: St. John Fisher School School: University of Perpetual Help

As a teacher he or she role of being a curricularist in just planning or a good planner

writer intiator and implementator

I as a curricularist help student apply concepts through classroom instruction and

presentations. Being a teacher is much more than just executing lesson plans , in
today world a teacher role is a a multi faceted profession; we carry the role of
surrogate parent parents class disciplinarian,mentor,counselor book keeper role
model planner and many more

He/ she says that a curricularist he plays all the role of a teacher like planner writer
knower innovator evaluator and implementator.

As a curricularian writer, I develop, design execute and assess learning and teaching
of content localization plays great role in the curriculum design using references in
the community may help learner make great connection with the instructions all
undertaking on developing learners potentials with contribute to learner

Role and Responsibilities of an early Childhood teacher

Bureau of labor statistics and department of labor

Page 3

It requires you to be willing to wear many hat as an experiences leader you already
prepared to be flexible as a new teacher remember that your job description many
charge on daily basis

Teacher play important role in fostering intellectual and social development of

children during their formative years. The education that teachers impart play a key
role in determining the future prospects of their students whether in pre-school or
high school or in private or public school teacher provide the tools and the
environment for their students to develop into responsible adult.

How do you perceive your role as curricularist?

As a future educator I perceive the role as a curricularist by means of exploring such

things with regards to the role of a good teacher or curricularist I want also to attain
being aware in the different way or how to play a role of good curricularist .

Knowledge Facilitator

Listener Engages in all activities

Lecture type Collaborative activities

Book, Blackboard Visual aids and projectors

Pencil and Paper exam Practical exam

Episode 4

Activity 1

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Knowledge dispenser Facilitator

Roles of Pupils Listener Engages in all activities

Modes of Instruction Lecture type Collaborative activities

Instructional Materials Books, Blackboards Visual aids, Projectors

Modes of Assessment Pencil and Paper exams Practical Exams

Activity 1.1

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Literary speaking, teacher teach Facilitator because we only serves
everything to his/her student as guide to our student

Roles of Pupils Their role were very limited in People of action, it means that
processing the 3s they can use their for speaking

Modes of Instruction It emphasize childrens Teacher let the students earn social
intellectual development activities be the center of education
a through the 3Rs

Instructional Materials Chalk-board Laptop, projector and other

a modern instructional materials

Modes of Assessment Paper and pencil test Product-based

Activity 1.1 (cont.)

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Teacher as the center in teaching Teacher acts as facilitator

Roles of Pupils Students merely observer Learners are participants in all
A teaching/learning activities

Modes of Instruction Mostly we lecture discussions Varied and flexible mode of

A instruction is use.

Instructional Materials Flash cards, charts, chalk boards Multimedia

Modes of Assessment Norm- referenced test and graded Progress oriented

Activity 1.2

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Lecturer Facilitator

Roles of Pupils Listener/Observer Participating

Modes of Instruction Lecture discussion Reporting

Instructional Materials Books, visual aids Using technology

Modes of Assessment More on written exam Practical exam


My Reflections

As I read their answer, even if they are student, faculty member, administrator,
and parent. They have almost the same answer in terms of the difference of the

Activity 2


Teacher centered
School is preparation
of life
Teachers are source
of confirmation and
Assessment is normreferenced
external and
Intelligence is
measure of Linguistic
and Logico-math.
Products are
Parents are
Parents are outsider
and involve.
Basic learning.
Concept presented as
facts to memorize

Teacher - student
interaction. They both
have ways of measuring
and evaluating learning.
They also both include
assignments and classroom management.


Students centered
School is part of life
Teachers are
facilitators guides who
foster thinking
Assessment is
benchmarked has many
form and is progressoriented.
recognized as varied.
Includes the arts and
is measure in R.L.P.S
Products are
subsumed by process.
In-depth Learning


My Personal Insight

There are a lot of differences in

both types of curriculum. A way
to distinguish them is by giving a
type of approach in teaching a
particular sub and traditional has a
heavily content of information.
Activity 3

Names of Traditional Progressive Both

1. Christian Luyigi B. Crisologo
St. John Fisher School

2. Mark Joseph C. Sheng

St. John Fisher School

3. Jean Matthew M. Capati

St. John Fisher School

4. Justine B. Aumentado
St. John Fisher School

5. Jaynael M. Luspi
St. John Fisher School

My Insights

In my research observation, most of the student and some teachers prefer to

both traditional and progressive curriculum because they want to combine the
different way in teacher as well as the students will engage learning.
Episode 7

Activity 1
Franklin Bobbit Werret Charters William Kilpatrick Harold Rugg
1876- 1956 1875 1952 1875 1952 1886 1960
Activity 2

Foundations of Curriculum Samples/ Situations

1. Philosophical Foundations Teacher provides oral recitation a

regarding to their topic
A to provide information of the subject..

2. Historical Foundations Teacher gives pre-test and post-test

3. Psychological Foundations Students were mentally present on its lesson.

4. Social Foundations Students were having a group activity.

Activity 3

Educational Philosophies :

Rationalism -> Contrustivism -> Cognitive Theory -> Information

Processing -> Mind Map -> Learning Styles
Ethics -> Descriptive Ethics -> Meta Ethics -> Normative Ethics
Episode 8

Activity 1
Ten (10) Axioms for Curriculum Designers Situations/ Samples on How These Axioms
a are realized in the School Setting

1.Curriculum change is inevitable, Yes indeed it is necessary because if there is no

necessary and desirable. curriculum its like going to nowhere.

2.Curriculum reflects its own time. Curriculum should be timeless which means it
a responds to It is a product of its time.
the change that comes from social forces and
a education reforms.

3. Curriculum changes made earlier The change that occurs in curriculum can
can exist concurrently with newer co-exist, oftentimes overlaps for long
curriculum changes. periods of time.

4. Curriculum change depends on It is best that teachers design and own the
people who will implement the change. changes.

5. Curriculum development is a cooperative Any significant change in curriculum must

group activity. involve stakeholders get their support
a and input.

6. Curriculum development is a A curriculum developer or designer

decision making process made must decide whatcontents to teach
from choices or alternatives. and what methods or strategies to use.

7. Curriculum development AS needs of learners change, as society

is an on going process. change, and as new knowledge
and technology appear, the curriculum
must change.

8. Curriculum development is more A curriculum design should be based

effective if it is a comprehensive on a careful plan, intended
process not piecemeal. outcomes clearly established.

9. Curriculum development A curriculum design should always be SMART.

is more effective when it
follows a systematic process. .
10. Curriculum development starts An existing design is a good starting
from where the curriculum is. point for any teacher who plans to
enhance and enrich a curriculum.

Activity 2

Intended Learning

- To know the different

foot massage techniques.

Subject Matter or
Learning Content

- Basic foot massage



- Demonstrate the
different foot massage
technique with


the following accordingly.

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