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ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test 1.4 Multiple class of services Objective [check the the services (more than 16 class of services) are supported by 2TH ssc: 1. Calling based copy service; |2. Called based copy service; ls. Mt-forwarding service; 4. Auto-Reply service: Is. sas signature service: Js. sMs sponsor service: Group-SMS service: fs. User DB SOAP provisioning feature; 6, Ontine-charging authentication function (Diameter): 10, Billing CDR support; 11. TeleDNA kind CDR support 12. Basic Parameter check function; 13. Basic Parameter Replace function; 114, Number Transformation function; 15. Destination Based Routing function; 16. Delivery Staus-Report support, GREDTR lar 22.3 Access Control |The SMSC shall have the aecess control functionality to allow the following + Multiple class of services Which shall be atleast 16. + Configurability of address length for customer validation Precondition [OCS simulator instead ofthe real OCS is used in the test ‘Test Procedure Test Calling Based Copy Service [Step 1.1: Provision the calling based copy service for the test subseriber (c.g, subscriber A) — the target third party address is subscriber C’s. MSISDN number ; Step 1.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber A to another subscriber (e.2} subscriber B); Step 1.3: Check how many messages are delivered from SMSC and what the| destination address are. Test Called Based Copy Service ‘Step 2.1: Provision the called based copy service for the test subscriber (e.g subscriber A) -- the target third party address is subscriber C’s MSISDN number ; ‘Step 2.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber B (o subscriber [Step 2.3: Check how many messages are delivered from SMSC and what the destination address are. Test Forwarding Service Step 3.1: Provision the forwarding service for the test subscriber (e.g, subscribe copyight of ZTE Comoran. Al ighs Reserved ar RE sua ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test a [A) ~ the target third party address is subscriber C's MSISDN number ; Step 3.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber B to subscriber A; [Step 3.3: Check how many messages are delivered from SMSC and what the destination address are Test Auto-Reply Service [Step 4.1: Provision the auto-reply service for the test subscriber (e.g, subscribe |A) -- configure the auto-reply content with “BSNL VT Reply” ; /Step 4.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber B to subscriber A; [Step 4.3: Check how many messages are delivered from SMSC and what the| destination address are and what message content is within the reply message. Test Signature Service [Step 5.1: Provision the signature service for the test subscriber (e.g, subscriber |A) ~ set the signature with “BSNL VT" ; ‘Step 5.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber A to subscriber B; [Step 5.3: Check the message content within the delivery message to subscriber B, "Test Sponsor Service ‘Step 6.1: Sponsor content has been configured in system first; ‘Step 6.2: Provision the sponsor’service for the test subscriber (e.g, subscriber B); ‘Step 6.2: Simulate one SMS from Subsctiber A to subscriber B; ‘Step 6.3: Check the message Content Within the delivery message to subscriber B, [Group-SMS service Step 7.1: Special group prefix has been configured in the system frst Step 7.2: Subscriber A has ereated one group and added members into the group; Step 7.3: Through the simulator, simulate one new SMS from Subscriber A to the defined} eroup which is prefixed with the group prefix; Step 7.4: SMSC will distibute this SMS to all the members, User DB SOAP provisioning feature Step 8.1: Check the target subscriber -- not provi [step 8.2: BOSS system (simulator) initiates one provisioning request for ta Ismisc; [step 8.3: SMSC accepts the request and handles with it correctly; joned in the SMSC yet; 1 subscriber to [step 8.4: Check the target subscriber -- have been provisioned in the SMSC. [Online-charging authentication function (Diameter) Istcp 9.1: Through the simulator, simulate one new SMS from prepaid Subseriber A of ubseriber B; step 9.2: SMSC triggers the online-charging authentication request to OCS correctly Billing CDR support step 10.1: Through the simulator, simulate one new SMS from Subscriber Ato subscriber B: step 10.2: Five minutes later, check the billing CDR for this SMS, TeleDNA kind CDR support step 11.1: Through the simulator, simulate one new SMS from Subscriber A to subscriber B: a ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test Step 11.2: Five minutes later, check the TeleDNA kind CDR for this SMS. [Basic Parameter check function step 12.1: Login the OMM port configure one rule to reject ll the SMS which has invalid lsc adéress:: [Step 12.2: Simulate one SMS (SMS#1) with valid SC address and submit itt SMSC; Step 12.3: Simulate one SMS (SMS#2) with invalid SC address and submit it « SMSC: [Basic Parameter Replace function Step 13.1: Login the OMM portal configure one rule to replace SC address; scep 13.2: Simulate one SMS with the SC address as same asthe original SC address; step 13.3: Check the replaced $C adress [Number Transformation function scp 14.1: Login the OMM portal, configure one rae to transfer address ftom 91151 to 91000; Step 14.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber 911512222111 Step 14.3: Check the translated origAddress, Destination Based Routing function; Step 15.1: Through the simulator, Subscriber A intateByone new SMS (SMSH1), the estination address isthe mobile numberof subscriber B; Istep 15.2: Through the simulator, Subscriber A initiates one new SMS (SMS#2), the |stination address isthe short code of one ESME application; Istep 15.3: SMSC can route the raessge of SMSHI to CN; JStep 15.4; SMSC can route the” message of SMS#2 to the target ESME| applicaiton; [Delivery Status-Report support Step 16.1; Simulate one SMS from subscriber A to subscriber B -- delivery] report is required in the submission request; Step 16.2: Check whether the status report is delivered to sender; Expected Result T. SMS calling based copy service: (One copy SMS is delivered to C by SMSC: f. SMS called based cony service lone copy SMS is delivered to Cby SMSC. [. SMS called based forwording service The SMS is forwarded to C by SMSC [+ SM auto-repy service One auto-reply SMS is delivered to C by SMSC, the message content is as same as the configured reply content; 5. SMS signature service Signature is appended to the tested SMS; J. SMS sponsor service [Advertisement is appended tothe tested SMS; [7. Group-SMS service |SMSC distributes the SMS to all the members Copytoht of ZTE Corpraion. Al Fights Reserved of Page 42 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test 8. User DB SOAP provisioning feature User is provisioned in SMSC by SOAP request 9.Online-charging authentication function (Diameter) CCR is triggered to OCS by SMSC 10.Billing CDR support Billing CDR is generated. 11-TeleDNA kind of CDR support /TeleDNA CDR is generated. 12.Basie Parameter check function |SMS#1 is accepted by SMSC and delivered to recipient; SMS#2 is rejected by SMSC. 13.Basie Parameter Replace function ‘The original SC address is replaced by SMSC per thé'configured rul 14.Number Transformation function ‘The original source address is changed by SMSC per the coiifigured rule, 15.Destination Based Routing function; ‘SMS#1 is delivered with MT-SMS; 'SMS#2 is delivered with SMPP_Deliver SMS; 16.Delivery Status-Report support Status report is generatedtby SMSC and delivered to the sender. ‘Test Record Check the test record below ube, ‘Test Result PASS ‘Test Engineer Test Date 16/08/2P17 BSNL Signature \ ee eB of ZTE Signature We oa Remarks Une taking alvesdy fone te Bsuie Wz Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test ‘Test Record: ‘Test Calling Based Copy Service ‘Step 1.1: Provision the calling based copy service for the test subscriber (e.g, subscriber A) ~- the target third party address is subscriber C’s MSISDN number ; Usernumbersi 90001035, que current subseiberis postpaid customer | Operation service pe Service status Atvate/Pause —Chargostatus_—_Unloc/Leck Ss Fiter ‘unopen ‘sms Forwarding Uneven SS Auto Reply Uneoen Received HS Copy Unopen ‘5s Sponsored) Uneoen Ovisinated SWS Baca nepen Originated SHS Cony activate Pause Unie Lost Grou SMS LUnopen (eR Ase hn Servi hank Eerwce Detad eee name ignated SHS Copy Coormede Copy wink conden Ceapy when orga masta ert ices Step 1.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber A to another subscriber (e.g subscriber B); (1) Two MT-SMS can be checked after the MO-SMS. ad e YF Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 81 ZTE ‘Se cart Postion Sst Ts SMSC Too - SHS Satna Tas BSNL North Zone Validation Test 2 Shere sa Sir | Bers ere aie te ce ee ee eee (subserber B’s MSISDN number), another MT-SMS is delivered to the target copy address (subscriber C’s MSISDN number). TT PY PTT aT icprmmemes 2 oC [econo 11111 #03 28 co coc8 mex a2 #1 cb 16 Aare strcutmevaiamboutegt —(— |ecinad ie ea HEY HE Ho 1 6891) (aca FF YE FF fR HOE FFF pV TY EEE coro: 0 6 6 8 0800 C0 00 0 BO 40 C0 09 69 CO “orate 250 || ees: co Go oo 01 op rE HEH gr HE HET EE sOreetatet60 | |coooeca ¥F 99 9 90.09.99 62 G2 99 60 66 60 00 00 00 cree [ecrzex 0 6 co 000500 co 0 6 G0 Oo 0 60 0&0 = Gi asietsStructrweeetsan fates 0 ok 8 coco 5: cow HE GL BLD a i ot at = Stan streets | yy oR we > Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test r a Ger “SB fia ~ feet iiarae Strettmeneriatoasent leet ‘Test Called Based Copy Service Step 2.1: Provision the called based copy service for te, test subscriber (e.g, subscriber A) target third party address is subscriber C's MSISDN number ; Usernumber91 90001035 query Current subscriber ie postpaid customer “Operation, service We serves ‘aivateyPause charge statis Uniostuloc. susriter Lunepen 9s Forwarding nope ‘3s auto Rely reper Received S45 Copy esivate Pause eck tok 55 Sponsor(s) Lnopen originated 545 nace Unepen ‘Pa ASP Cent Service - Chant Serve Data Service name Received SMS Cony sub service name ‘ree number 9190003015 Star fag Start ‘open date 2037.00.16 16:23:22 ‘The method of open or doe ur mb operation management sytem single mode (erating acount super al adress Vy ‘open time segment funtion ort Unopen (Hour tine prod Week ine period St Hou Ti ‘Cony mode © copy without conden © copy when crggal mess is ents és ee ccm ot 2 copa rage soe YS ee we ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test Step 2.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber B to subscriber A; ‘Step 2.3: Check how many messages are delivered from SMSC and what the destination address are. (2) Two MT-SMS can be checked after the MO-SMS arene on Seem Tou SSC Tol SMS Sag Tae 2) Check the ni address -- one MT-SMS js delivered to the original destination address (subserber B’ s MSISDN number), another MT-SMS is delivered to the target copy address (subseriber C’s MSISDN number) Wy ox we YS Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test ara TOSS THR Tae Oey gear ~ [eoocon: ¥¥ 1798 ¥F c0 28 0 00 10 72 8c 28 91 OA 19 Editar straeumcttoartegt loin S21 AEH oh oo OB EO ences coon ccc o9 20 mre rete meas Zoints eso 6 co 0 ooo 6 neo 0 o ca co eo Co cru: coco o eno neo soso oF ow corte © Pasian Stretton a0 ed, StretBnarehdiSt 7 ea Ea sontococeerceceesceeseee sscaegiosnd Fite stceenenetnnt Ran TT lccon oo 09 co Ok 0o FF FF FF Jrcro. 0 8 6 Go oo ot 00 00 00 vo 00 lrconnt. 2 0c cb St U8 St o2 0326576 froma. 1 $3 1129 Oh a8 52 98D Lo CO BssesssaeR aess 2 88 288 ‘Test Forwarding Service rerrrrrs to frre rere cot wane geessess eeseeaes Step 3.1: Provision the forwarding service for the test subscriber (c.g, subscriber A) ~ the target third panty address is subscriber C's MSISDN number ; conn o 72 Copoaton at rigs fesenes we Page 48 of 81 S ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test Ueerrumber 1 = boesi0s ‘ver, ‘current subsenber i ostpald customer Service status AatvateyPause, Chargestatus UncekLock SMS Forwarding Pause noc wee ‘545 ate Reply ‘uneper a IS ce Sec Chart Seren Ota Sere ne S45 eon rer amber 8560091015, ‘ut og Sat pendate 25170018 183839 ‘Themed ene or dose et wed opera maagemer system sine mee ‘penn terest Unopen © Coen a coentine vegetation ret nepen # Heute peed (-Weektne pei anata EWeakTE Step 3.3: Check how many messages are delivered from SMSC and what the destination address are. E (1) Only one. Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 81 < ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test <2 cure Fenton Ste Too SSE Tels Snag Tae Sige] rl ee Fi te om en Sea ie (2) Check the destination address -- the SMS is delivery not to subscriber A but to subscriber C. Se SET TET 0 / CPP mr ES Ce focccen 17 7 1 03 2 09 09 30-689 289104 1808 Gtaretsiretteeteantettent iron fo 4 HEM HEHE FEO estate e025 loco 95 0 70 FF FF FE Fe FF FP FF FE FF | Slee src 2 0 0 on 60 60 0 0 oo pene noun: coco 2 0 0 on Go S00 90 oe | 2Oigatn 80 sce: ceo ok 0 Fe oer a score eo eo Go 0 2 bo Go Go oo | Test Auto-Reply Service Step 4.1: Provision the auto-reply service for the test subscriber (e.g, subscriber A) -- configure the auto-reply content with “BSNL VT Reply” ; y o wy YS Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test Usermumbero1——poco01s | Query Current subserber is postoaid customer | Operation Service type ‘Service status ActivatoyPause Charge status Unioc/Lock ss iter UUnopen MS Forwarding Unopen M5 Auto Rephy activate Pause. Untec Lede Received SMS Cooy Uneven Sec rane S586 apy “sanon st Step 4.3: Check how many messages are delivered from SMSC and what the destination address are, : (1) Two MT-SMIS can be checked after the MO-SMS. ye e 3 Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test curr Poston Sate Tos SHEC Tol 55 gaia Te ae Am ein (2) Check the destination address ~ one MT-SMS is delivered from subseriber B to A, another MT-SMS is delivered from subscriber A to B (his is the auto-reply SMS); a aeaeaa eae Fares 7 Fine 1 19 Eisele (|S TTL TRH a | sort a Spare (Gb reseh Srserecaara Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 81 BSNL North Zone Validation Test woo e lees 3 : =nas ene : Sorat eee s wens, terres 5 pecs Ce eee we ppse Sf sekte, Struettnedddesert att = Ishi ea oar aeceeecceeeeeceee niteo eae | ppomres | > ED pon Struetuneant SEAT haha || | (3) Get the UI content within the reply SMS which is\sent from subscriber A to B (red color as following figure) ed “Faria = fescocn err en at oo = sid |[ecove eee So's cee z |[sotcon $3 vo 2a rere eT 2 EE ean Sreeteneestn8t fos. 1 cocoon oon coco 00 tet SFr eteeececcenrceecesee eerie tal fieetnie j inten | outer . Areal retmensss | (4) Use decode too! to decode the UI information, get the SMS content (“BSNL VT Reply”) which is as same as the configured ATUO-REPLY content by subscriber, y Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved 3 Page 53 of 81 BSNL North Zone Validation Test Static (og OA 91 19 09 00 OT G1 00 OO TI WGI GI GAO EDM COMP OS ODED ED dl DOT. ‘oc 9D a7 wae ate: (ERaS TT =] os: fee =] wm: RE es ae WB! fiveex Stream Loneth = 50, Decode Finished eee = iIp-mtr = 0. (DELIVER) Test Signature Service Step 5.1: Provision the signature service for the test subscriber (e.g, subscriber A) ~ configure the signature with “BSNL VT" ; User number 9190001015 ‘Query Ccurent subscribers postpaid customer | Operation ~Sevicetpe -=«s=«=«éCSN vce status’ © chivate/Pause Charge status _Unlock/Lock SMS Fiter Unopen Ms Forwarding Unopen ‘MS auto Reply Unopen Received SMS Copy nope ‘Ms Sponsor(alled) nopen originated SMS Basin Unopen ‘5MS Personal Signature activate Pause Untoek Lode Drisinaten Ss Come amen wo & > Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 54 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test | A Sree rena ‘anton at he hme com Chem On : Check the message content within the delivery message to subscriber B. (1) From the signaling trace tool, get the MT request. Step 5. 2a Cane ston Systm Tos SHS Tol S5 anatng Tae 36 [sai WSqeee shige (2) Get the UI content within the SMS % pe Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 55 of 81 BSNL North Zone Validation Test TS es " 291 an Ressasess eusesaeae rosea o hiniee Seigirice | itiee® Mase 000 Eh isetions, sreettencT Sirettonsteg, Sreqantlogd | irra Sects | faa | ea | — Fane) hui, survcteasi ciate T - (3) Use decode tool to decode the UI information, get the SMS content ~- the signature has been appended to the SMS content. y Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 56 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test Crema cONAG) I ee Ble esi HHT TCS S ELSON a: _ ae: [6SIESHS UTM, =] ves: few =] wm: [T 7 |, ISDN = 9190001015FFFFFFFFFFFFFF) 5 17081616591392 OL = 19) UD = hello, snse-«BSML VT Test Sponsor Service ‘Step 6.1: Sponsor content has been configured in system first; (R15 Asveseamare anserHaaly Aoarnen Cacee ange ‘erin oe coy 2 eoere rane dy it ta ‘Step 6.2: Provision the sponsor service for the test subscriber (e.g, subscriber B) ; Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test Urerranberoi — s00n1085 Quen “curet sbseber esto mer Opera seve oe Seve is —AcinstePavse—Chagestaus——woaosk ‘5 ao Per nab 5 Sener) este Pane va ea ‘Step 6.2: Simulate one SMS from subscriber A to subscriber Bs ge Wore Ghtoe aiid Step 6.3: Check the message content within the delivery message to subscriber B. (1) From the signaling trace tool, get the MT request. > crane ostion Stem Tons SSC Tol SHS Sang Trace toe ie Re) slow fewest (2) Get the UL ow Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 58 of 81 formation within the MT request. BSNL North Zone Validation Test TT AR aa aario Ghoetae, streetencetaeste 3 “hate | cieeret toon: mm | soon: 01 1 rer ene nnwnnn oe Sennnnnnnnn 18 0 0 6 60 Go 00 0 000060 FF 00 0 c Go 0002 0 09 0000 REE gee ase " o » a 2 an nan 00 oo 0 oo mien 200 BHO oone ao mie (B) Use decode tool to decode the UI information, get the SMS content been appended (o the SMS content. of Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved the advertisement has ye we Page 59 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test “ts —— ve: (SESSA =] bes: [reitis ~| ‘UHI: [0 ~ 38 TP-UD = hello, enscBSWL VI Feel the new Group-SMS service ‘Step 7.1: Special group prefix has been configured in the system first, Py SPs abr Shat Hes ten eto ‘Step 7.2: Subscriber A provision GROUP-SMS service successfully and then create one group and add members into the group; (1) Provision GROUP-SMS service of Be Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 60 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test ar hr Soh sce i i 3 i steele Hil i i i i i i i i (2) Create one group (AFC Sone Chet ser Od (3) Add members into this group (At cee snes ee ua Step 7.3: Through the simulator, simulate one new SMS from Subscriber A to the defined group which is prefixed with the group prefix; nt ae ‘Step 7.4: SMSC distributes this SMS to all the members. (1) Two MT-SMS can be checked of Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test > curt Postion: stam Tos SHC Tel SMS ang Trace ria Loe Se Sueur (2) Cheek ihe dethvion address within the MT-SMS ~ one is 90001021, another is 90002022, both are the membehs sca defined group. x SS Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 81 BSNL North Zone Validation Test frome Gh eeret strotsaeveriotDataag oie te Ine oeeeeneeseeseerscestscte =e name Current Postion: subscriber Management - Provisioning - User Query subsenpbon wlomauen ‘asic formation: ser mumber 9118125150997 UserType © Postoaid @ Prepaid © Unknown Usemame Wesname 1 rumber ser Gender“ Male # Female Aderest ate of ith Postcode Home Phone Work hone emai ‘creation time 2017.08.28 16:08:00 Step 9.2: Through the simulator, simulate one new SMS from prepaid Subscriber A to subscriber B ll ——— rn Que Step 9.3: SMSO uidRers the online charging authentication request to OCS correctly; (1) From the signaling trate tool, SMPP-AUTH-ACC request which is triggered by SMSC to OCS ‘can be checked (Da comer Porton Sit Tene -SHSC Tools -55 Sang rave 2 Si" S Spa BF es Fa me aoe ae ee (2) One CCR request is received by OCS simulator Ye MN Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 65 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test 1-08-18 TT 1a? 102, 162.78, 3:6000--OCS ts ster) TR r AT-06-18 1711-47 Listening on port 6000 17-08-16 17:11:57 connected:t "192. 192.79, ¢4:52968 DER STOP #57 0100008080000101000000008F7314i ML6CB4St reckeved CER. DyRG) | CLEAR CTT W send ack j-log eption wwe 1 AvP date W seroll a | B see.r0sem00-10s is srt aaj eee Billing CDR support ‘Step 10.1: Through the simulator, simulate one new SMS from Subscibe K to subscriber B; nooner oe . SMSC SCP writes-MO and MT service log into raw log file; Dacurenr ‘Step 10.2: Five minutes later, check the billing CDR for this SMS. Based on the raw log file, SMSC billing module generates billing CDR under the directory of “cdrouthillpick/normal” ZTE TeleDNA kind of CDR support Step 11.1: Through the simulator, simulate one new SMS from Subscriber A to subscriber B; |S once = BSNL North Zone Validation Test SMSC SCP writes MO and MT service log into raw log file; o~ 1. Camere Peaton Sytem Tal SHEE Teale 5H5 Sanaing Tse ‘toro Pare tre 203 90 mara ‘Step 11.2: Five minutes later, check the TeleDNA kind CDR for this SMS, Based on the raw log file, SMSC billing module generates billing CDR under the directory of “cdrouvbillBSNL/TeleDNA\ Basic Parameter cRtekfhetion Step 12.1: Login unifortl, Configure one rule to reject all the SMS which has a invalid SC address |B sare comauaon- 6 Contant Centra Ea cory ee 7 ty Centon kn arabe MOSSES AZERIEST tpn 1 ehesnsc Reet wo 1 23 ox a Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 67 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test eric anon. 18 Crkntin San Cnn Bak bam Cet ms bs song Deinworeet = eam © 10S et Eno cea [aoa erate esac = oighsberaiS |W > Odamiiteoncr Sigacrngn Wak ont - Tetomthso C+ ‘een Recien MECSGENC] Mead Roan cangastin S45 Celineaon- Sten Cefn -Cston6eu9 enn asics ngnrange (0 Typeatnanber 258407 a ee at) pectin NEEM IS raion o sa 25 3 esate wt Pane on 2 + eroase My ‘This SMS is accepted by SMSC and is delivered to the recipient. oe ey Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 68 of 81 BSNL North Zone Validation Test Serica ge MD Sg Sears pee were Baas Step 12.3: Simulate one SMS with invalid SC address This SMS is rejected by SMS per the rule which is configured in the Basic Parameter Check (1) only MO-SMS is checked, there is no MT-SMS; > Cureton: Systm oo SEC Tse 5 Signing Wace (2) Te faite reason canbe checked though “Failure Observer” 2 Current Postion: System Tools - SMSC Tools - SS Signaling Trace [SIP Sigtrace) fecal Basic Parameter Replace function Step 13.1: Login the OMM uni-portal, configure one rule to replace SC address; es we DS Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 69 of 81 ZTE BSNL North Zone Validation Test > Sec Coan SHS Cafiguration-5rten Corgan ~Bat Proms Replace, lace Re aglac Parameter Deseoton| seat ot or estes) TSE tseg STE personal eno wit be eee when Sit eso) os ‘oo ating Tw ot be ease wen Ses onto Sis contgton- Sytem rin Base Pernt eas TtlaveRde | Rapa Parser Pty 11000 ak Rare Y Sime CD oater Quer Rana bled oT a0 ‘vga Retiert SIO ‘gsc fET Descipton suscot = ely Fa0 rol rte > Serie caine aon 545 Conouaton- tem Cation -Cuon Crowe seadaemienghroroe [8,8 aber eer 2s ‘crwese al renders mange Typeetimber ER ‘operation c to, snr 2s ° ena Pane Show 2 + perpase Step 13.2: Simulate one SMS with the SC address of 919442399997; ove Copyright of ZTE Corporation. All Rights Reserved Fe Page 70 of 81

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