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Validation Lab Test report of ZTE Equipments (Core) in Nanjing China

From 14th August 2017 to 24th August 2017

1. The following officers were deputed to conduct the pending lab tests under Validation of Phase
VII supply of ZTE Core and VAS Equipments at Nanjing, China vide Sanction Memo No. SM-5/2017
dated 19.07.2017.

1.1. Sh Jaya Kumar Jayavelu, Jt. GM(NWP-CM), Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai
1.2. Sh Mahesh V, SDE(Mobile), Thrisssur, Kerala circle
1.3. Sh Vivek Kumar Singhal, AM (NWP-M-I), BSNL C O, New Delhi.

2. The team of officers reached at Nanjing (China) on 13 th August, 2017 A/N and started the lab
tests pertaining to the pending GR and DTR clauses of CS Core, PS Core and VAS Elements under
the Phase-VII Validation on 14th August, 2017 at the R&D facility of M/S ZTE in Nanjing (China).
M/S ZTE had arranged test beds with Load Simulators to perform the tests in their R&D centers
with the help of specialists. The complete procedures of the proposed tests were discussed in
detail among the BSNL and ZTE team members. The test beds which were set up at the ZTE R&D
facility had miniature models of the different Core/VAS equipments supplied to BSNL and all the
lab tests were performed in these miniature models with the minimal configurations as compared
to the different traffic category configurations specified in Phase-VII DTR.

3. All the test scenarios were extensively examined and accordingly the procedure was finalized
before performing each test. Before conducting each test, the physical verification of the test
bed with load simulators was carried out and the tests were conducted strictly in concurrence
with the procedure. The test results were thoroughly checked for conformity and all the log
files/traces/screen shots etc were captured and saved for future reference. All the tests
performed during the day time were reviewed by all the team members in the evening on a daily

4. By following the aforementioned methodology in all the days in which tests were performed, the
team had successfully completed the pending lab tests under Phase-VII Core/VAS Validation. The
team hereby accepts that the results of all the lab tests performed at ZTE R&D Lab in China were
OK. The summary of the test cases and results is attached as Annexure I to this report. The
details of the lab tests conducted with screen shots of the results and procedure followed for
each test are attached as Annexure -II for ready reference. The test logs are available with the
above team in soft copy and it is also being handed over to NWP-GSM-II Cell of BSNL Corporate

5. In view of the above, the team recommends that the results of the lab tests under Phase-VII
Validation for ZTE Core/VAS Equipments may be referred to the Main Validation committee for
consideration and further decision please.

Jaya Kumar Jayavelu Mahesh V Vivek Kumar Singhal

Jt. GM (NWP-CM), SDE (Mobile), Thrissur, AM (NWP-M-I)
Tamil Nadu Circle Kerala Circle BSNL CO

1. Summary of test cases as Annexure I (02 Pages)
2. The details of tests conducted with screen shots of the results and procedure followed for
each test as Annexure -II (__ Pages)

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