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Type Period of
Group of Form Hours for independent Total No. Teaching
of Volume of course unit hrs./sem. Number of credits implementation
course of work of hours language(s)
course / semester
units* studies
unit** Lectures Practical activities Consultations
Full- 5 V EN
SK PR 20 25 15 73 133
*General subjects of college studies BL; subjects of study field (branch) SK; optional subjects of deepening knowledge in study field (branch) PR; optional subject LP
** Compulsory P; optional A

Business planning activities requires from the businessman to go deeper in the context of the region or country serving as a market for the business expansion
This course will introduce students to the managerial system governing business in Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) and other selected emerging
markets. The emphasis is put on the legal, cultural and social, economic issues.
Aim of a Course Unit:
The course provides students with the ability to analyze management approach related to doing business in the BRIC countries. The following issues are
examined during this course: general overview of legal, cultural and socio-economic business factors in BRIC; general understanding of principles of business
law strategies in BRIC; knowledge of peculiarities of each of the BRIC countries, international strategies to enter into these countries. The aim of the course
is to develop the skills of the student to use the marketing and market research theories to plan the business activities in any of the BRIC countries. The
complex of legal, political, financial topics are included in the content of the course. The great reflection on the cultural differences makes the participants
of the course to use intercultural skills and market entry techniques for business activities management in the selected country of BRIC.

Necessary preparation for Course Unit studies:

Title of Course Unit
1. Management
2. International Communication
3. International Business Law
4. International Marketing

Coordinating teacher:
Responsibilities Scientific degree, first name and surname
Lecturer PhD student Diana Garlytska

Attendance requirements:
Based on the requirements of the University Studies Regulation (p.22.4.) attendance is compulsory.

Interrelationships between the foreseen learning outcomes of a Study Programme, learning outcomes of a Course Unit, as well as assessment
methods of studies and student achievements:
Criteria for the assessment of the
outcomes of a Methods of assessment of
Learning outcomes of a Course Unit learning outcomes of a Course Unit Study methods
Study student achievements
2. To analyze 1. To be able to identify the Evaluation of the economic, Discussion Exam
and evaluate the economic principles in the social and cultural factors Group work
international economic, social and cultural necessary for making business Case study
business context of the BRIC countries that development decisions
environment and make background for establishing
trends of business, to explain the trends of
business business development
development for 2. To be able to assess business Comparison of different forms Discussion Essay
making environment and select the for establishment of a company Group work Exam
decisions to appropriate form for establishment and performance of an Individual work
increase the of a company assessment of business
competitiveness environment
of international
3. To manage the 3. To get knowledge of business Determination of business Demonstration Exam
business processes, activities and processes, inputs and outcomes, Discussion
operations of an management related with the results controlling and planning Group work
international business tasks in the context of new business cycles within the Document analysis
business or its sustainable business practices of triple bottom line framework Case study
division the BRIC countries Individual work
(conventional or 4. To know the structure of a Developed example of business Discussion Report
on-line) based on business plan and the methods for plan of a business idea Group work Exam
the sustainable making of business plan, be able to Document analysis
business draw up a business plan Individual work
principles. 5. To be able to evaluate the need of Given appropriate solutions for Demonstration Report
investments and the necessary the investment planning and Document analysis Exam
resources to maintain and grow the identification of the necessary Individual work
business financial, material, human
resources for the business
6. To be able to assess the impact of The clear identification of the Discussion Report
different factors for the risks to run internal and external factors that Group work Exam
business successfully makes impact on business
7. To 7. To know the importance and The clear understanding of the Demonstration Test
communicate impact of ethical standards and ethical and cultural factors Discussion
and cooperate in cultural peculiarities of the BRIC affecting the business operations, Group work
a constructive countries in the business field in developed competences Case study
and ethical way particular and non-formal necessary to cooperate with
inside the environment in general business partners in the
company, with multicultural environment
clients and
business partners
in the

Content and volume of a Course Unit:

Volume in hours / content
Title of topic, a
No. short description of Practical activities Independent work
content Lectures Hours for Consultations
Content Hours Tasks for independent work
1. BRIC countries. Assigned Readings, preparation for discussion
Why this 2 Discussion 2 2
The Sources for Assigned Readings
Review of Global Sources for data
2. Market 2 2 3 1
Political Individual work: Essay on Political/Economic
Case studies:
Environment in environment is chosen country of BRIC.
3. 2 India: The Challenges of 2 6 2
Legal Aspects Comparison of legal forms of business in the
The legal forms of business in the
4. of the BRIC 2 4 different BRIC countries 8 2
5. WTO for the Assigned Readings
Case study: Brazil: Leading the
legal issues in
2 BRICs? 2 2 1
Business Ethics Assigned Readings, preparation for discussion
6. and Corruption 2 Case studies: GazProm. 2 2 2

Business Model Assigned Readings

7. and Strategy for 2 Micro-environmental analysis 2 2 2
Dimensions of Individual work: Research
G. Hofstede model Dimensions of
8. National 2 2 6 2
Specificities of Individual work: Report- In depth written Analysis of
different BRIC chosen country and chosen company.
9. 2 Variety of different cultures. 2 15 2

10. Management of Preparation for the examination

the firm in
2 Management Practices in BRIC 2 24 6
Total number of hours 20 25 73 15
for Course Unit studies:

Assessment strategy and criteria:

A students learning outcomes of a Course Unit are assessed in a 10 point criteria assessment system, cumulative assessment is applied.
No. of the learning
Parts of cumulative assessment outcomes of a Weight, % Assessment criteria and comments
/ sitting
Course Unit
Short essay (approx. 1000 words) based on the assigned topic, concerning the
current issues on the political and economic environment in the chosen BRIC
Essay 2 10 Week 10 country. Criteria for evaluation involve the deepness of analysis, critical thinking,
proposed solutions, and compliance with the formatting requirements.
Students will be assessed on their knowledge of the legislation in chosen market of
Report: Country Analysis for chosen BRIC, business planning, usage of market research skills, analysis of selected
4, 7 40 Week 14
Company country environment, analysis of implementation the companys strategy in any
country of BRIC.
Exam 1-6 50 At exam Exam is done in writing: students answer the given questions and solve practical
session tasks. Duration of exam: 2 academic hours. Each part - answers to theoretical
questions and analysis of practical tasks - makes 50 percent of the final evaluation
of the exam.

The recommended study sources:

The main:
Number of
Year of copies
No. publishi Authors and title of the publication Publishing house Other
ng librarie
Costa, L.M. BRIC. Doing Business in BRIC Countries.
1. 2012 Sao Paulo: Quartier Latin
Legal Aspects.
2. Bloom, N., & Van Reenen, J. Why do management The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(1), 203-224
practices differ across firms and countries?

3. World Bank. Available at: On line
Implications of a changing China for Brazil: A new
window of opportunity.

Year of
No. publishin Authors and title of the publication Publishing house
2011 O'Neil, J. The growth map. Economic opportunity in Penguin, New York
the BRICs and beyond.
2. Patel, C., Dhesi, O.J. Russia: Economic, political and Nova Science Publishers, New York
social issues.
3. 2001 Budhwar, P. Doing business in India. Thunderbird International Business Review, 43(4), 549-568.
4. Goldman Sachs Global Economic Paper N. 66.Available at:
2011 O'Neil, J. Building Better Global Economic BRICs.
5. Wilson, D., Purushothaman, R. Dreaming With Goldman Sachs Global Economic Paper N. 99. Available at:
BRICs: The Path to 2050.
Other study sources:
Databases: EBSCO Publishing, Emerald Insights, Management e-Journals Collection, Taylor & Francis eBooks: eBook Academic Collection
(EBSCO), Ebrary Business & Economic collection.

Coordinating teacher PhD student Diana Garlytska

(first name, surname)

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