Role Play Durg Abuse

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Member of group 2
Nurliana as educator
Haerlina as educator
Gunawan as educator

Narator : One day there are Students of nursing in Hassanudin University hear that
parents complained the young generation in their region many suffered
in drugs abuse.

Haerlina : Hi Gun, hi Nurlina

Gun, and Nurlina : Hi ,
Haerlina : Guys There are some report from the people that nowdays so many
students are in drug abuse. And we cant remain silent in a situation like
Gunawan : Surely, we must take an action to save them. So, whats we can do for i?
Nurlina : Hmm how about a health education to schools
Herlina : Thats a good idea I think tomorrow we can start it.
Nurlina : Okey..see you tomorrow..

Narator : The next day, There are going to the senior high school Tamalanrea, but
before that they was meet the theacher to got permission.

Gunawan : Assalamualaiykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

Students : Waalaiykumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..
Gunawan : Hello guys, How are you today?
Students : We are fine, thank you ! well guys, today we are from hassanudin
university will give a education about drug abuse, but before that, i
will introduce my friends, there are miss herlina, and miss Nurliana.
Students : yeahhh....!
Gunawan : okay, before we talk about drug abuse, we have a video for you. lets
check it out the video...
waching a video together....

Haerlina : after look at video, any body can give some opinion about this video?
okay put your hands up..
Students : okay the video talking about drug abuse.
Nurliana : Thats right. okay so, what do you think about durg abuse?
Students : Durg Abuse is very dangerous for our body.
Haerlina : okay guys, now i want to explain about durg abuse.
What is durg abuse?
Drug abuse, also called substance abuse or chemical abuse, is a disorder
that is characterized by a destructive pattern of using a substance that
leads to significant problems or distress.

Why do people take drugs?

In general, people begin taking drugs for a variety of reasons:
To feel good.
To feel better.
To do better. The increasing pressure that some individuals feel to
chemically enhance or improve their athletic or cognitive
performance can similarly play a role in initial experimentation and
continued drug abuse.
Curiosity and because others are doing it. In this respect
adolescents are particularly vulnerable because of the strong
influence of peer pressure; they are more likely, for example, to
engage in thrilling and daring behaviors.

what Signs of Drug Abuse and Addiction?

People with drug problems might act differently than they used to. They
Spend a lot of time alone
Lose interest in their favorite things
Get messyfor instance, not bathe, change clothes, or brush their
Be really tired and sad
Be very energetic, talk fast, or say things that don't make sense

Be nervous or cranky (in a bad mood)

Quickly change between feeling bad and feeling good
Sleep at strange hours
Miss important appointments
Have problems at work
Eat a lot more or a lot less than usual
People with an addiction usually can't stop taking the drug on their own.
They want and need more. They might try to stop taking the drug and
then feel really sick. Then they take the drug again to stop feeling sick.
They keep using the drug even though it's causing terrible family, health,
or legal problems. They need help to stop using drugs.
Gunawan : Okay guys thats all about durg abuse. is it clear for you guys? any
Student : i have friend who want to quit from drugs, but he cant. why Is It So
Hard to Quit Drugs?
Nurliana : okay thanks for your question. Healing from addiction takes time.
Making up your mind to stop using drugs is a big step. When you stop
using the drug, it upsets your body and brain. You might feel very sick
for a while, and feel a very strong need to take the drug. It can be really
hard to refuse to use the drug when you feel that bad. But he don't have
to do it alone. He should join Support groups, treatment programs, and
sometimes medicines can help. He w'll meet people who understand
what he is going through, who can give he advice and cheer he on.
Counselors can help him find medicines that make him feel less sick and
reduce his cravings to use the drug. They can also teach him how to cope
with problems without using drugs.
Haerlina : okay we think enough for today, thank you for your attention guys, and
keep in your mind to say no to drugs.
assalamualaiykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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