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BR-45 (1)/64 ADMIRALTY MANUAL OF NAVIGATION VOL. 1 Cone (Chapter Cte ¥ coupe VE cope X Caper Xt ChaperX1 chapter XIV, Contents Pasion an Distan ot Earths Safe Admiay Char and Publis “The Ships Psion and Track Fang by Observation o Teresi ics "The Gyo-Campase “dean Til Same Navigation ae Rule of he Rod “ u CHAPTER I Position and Direction on the Earth's Surface aoa the at fing te poston of sip at en, and condating her Sree ete pace Tt put of tags which cancer withthe a rm rs SnTatnceone of eens bods i fly ek ah im Yume “The min purpose of Youre i 0 Orbe poe, which nthe a of conde RP the nebo of anges, gt as rks and shal, Se ale Plage cls ors tpi of chat, Sain Ditections a ar undiso of acl nao agaton wit = bY, Base reek te ao aide Bo fs inorder to apprecte tein ad TENE in umledgat the Earthsnd the ite of meant conceal ‘1, The Earth: Ober sore Fie th, Obtarveetiyabore ‘he Eas ‘he Nach Pie ‘THe EARTH Anlough the arth it ota pet apr, it maybe considered 0 for de ‘pipes of nuigtion se the err mich veut fom shi mpi ae tk nie The depres fom the spel uape ae expe in tue “Tom Pours of se Bat Ta Fig. ta, Pad Pare the eee ofthe Eat ais of tation, and sre ead the “ole Earn 190 West ‘Te drton owas which the Earth roti lle eas the opposite om ano Sour ‘The topes ave dtingished arity. The anh, when vowed frm aoe the Noth Pole (P), rts in an anicloknoe Section Ci 10 ‘Aertel the North Ple may be gare that le woh ies tee fan observer os fing eat The pote pol ele he South Pol (), 1 omicath dzetion cel a gt ange othe es-mest ston 1 gus PP it proted would very ney the ae diectontsa own he Fle Sao Plat ‘he Gsear Cn A sphee i formed by rating ce about dameter. Any section of « anise by plane mut therioe be scl IF he plane ye tha tbe ‘ae ofthe sphere he teting mtn he Ine tte tine fn oon 4 reat cle importa bonne ges the moe {he shots tek betwen nyo lacs whth hoon soe te gta ele {ech the oaret approach ta ener Ene which can be re ae sae sapere esa the ph en iy noo wee norte Fars sac 1 the plage doc not pas though the centre f the apr, te section i Jon thal dese (Fe 9. ‘Tar Equeron “The pret cece mina betwee the poles known the ‘oun’ Every int on the equate there 96" from the pe (Pe Meas “These are sarge ics joining the pet, and are perpen the quator tn Fig PAP? i one mint Pa'P i anther a theca ie slike Ear Latiade and Longtade ‘To find the positon of any pin it a plane, sii ohn it shortest For hs ream, omg Sayeed sng he shaver are 40, and ee AWE ning on whether the ple ca ~, Poston “he poton of plc canter drt nts of ade rah of Se Thomas’ Church toner, Prema for example, i inte 59 deareee ‘fine ay scone on of the sn, tnd in hoi t Cope, nit to seen eu Cree "The postion corded ts ruts Drarmmsct oF Laces The “ince of Meta’ emnen tno places Band Tin Fig. 4 io the erence between the Its of F and That the length FMF along the ‘erin tough Pct ff bythe paral of bide through aT. eho te pie ar onthe sae side of the eqstr sd hve the ame ame ‘nah enn Fig athe difecne foe by subtracting te se oT the sale one, iene bode of F 1E Tes on the ne ofthe equator oppose to F, and the sw places have testa a(n Fg) he ic of ae he “Ti expeion ‘frre ofa’ i hed wheter he iad have the same names or nt ays reed os the dela, hwvton which Fo. Poa “Th rule for fning he at may be summa th Same names tract, inden tind tere owing north or oath, Ta Fig be ald [emoving south andthe dlt would be me S I Fig she woul be ‘ong nh, ste ic wold be mated Tar cmp» ship staming fram Portemowth (3°48) w Git (96 2X} enter ade by 1°48, boo she here satin, Sn Thee From Fatsnouth gs sar jean A ship staing fam Suva FG G8" 28) 4 Hopaab (2° 18°N) would ange belie By 39°27 Tecsu she bevel steno ooh Tae From See wey, ‘To Hoonae IN Seat (opie net ad) 9° 27S “The ‘ference of longitude’ between 149 places F and T (Fig. ie the sieeoce between the ong of P and P= that ithe length BD et off Slog the equator by the meridians through and or te ang a he pe jge% Pormeecor Larne ‘tween te meridians ofthe two pers cones writen ‘ng 1 apa tat sae ra bls for Sing {fe mga for ing he Sa namely Same name rat, ppt name od For example, ship sing Som Sandy Hook, New York (722), 02 the Bibep Hock Light athe Sein (627) woud change het forse by (sys Beeae hehesl ie moving et. Ts From Sindy Hook 42 ‘To Bip Rock OW, ing (ome nai tact) GF 33 A sip gaming fm Mak (43) 6 Gar (52°) shan br lomptde by to's sna she bel moving ee. Th se hg tenner) ig 988 Shou ism excel" alana a nesemay the lowing comple il ee Suppose ht a nino wih o ke i ip om Spey 5 #5 E) ppm : toa (gy S240) Cy By ls he Sng 30" oy he trou go ba othe Greenich meridia and hen rat, reeding west Ihe tine tin pace te woul ovuay go the shore way, which ext, ‘The number ssn ows tle mats be sae or 360° itn 8 an fe mabe reed Ts ‘oe From Syy ast ax, ‘Tolonohie ew, ong opie names ade) 9° 06 ye ong wat When postnne are dened by thir ttade and longi, seein, the estion af one lace else ro anther sta be ety iene «at at Sore UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Angular Distances between Two Paces Since iis agreed to coder the Eartha ahr, he dtc bomen places ‘the Ents rsace convenient apred anplar mesure "The length ofthe grest-ciel are Pin Fig. fren (= angle CT), Ring the ais ofthe sere and he sage FET being ewe ‘dans Because Rectan the length FT ie ppoti ote sf sos RO fo enh cay lr tr a He “he tt conten uit for memuring Shee op te Eats ure i therfore ted onan agli the tt ef tance selected 9 eg often ave whch subtende a gle of one mite atthe sete af Linear Measurement of Longitude Tan be sen fom Fig, hatte dite othe Ears are beeen any {wo meridian ret tthe equtr snd dinsnshes univ ul ose the pol here al he meriane met, Te hi i's det Ttngtade onthe src of the Enh there tre sn ccna with Inte ad canoe beaten aba Standard measre of nth Fane the simace onthe Eat’ ute representing 30 dese of lie aide SEPNT yeah eat len, when atte sno 7 So sail es ath er de ew pet deel de ai ‘Eoin beeen 3 pear bo depen south apron the ae 36 tha besnean dogo an o dees orth ony he comenin of alt ina nen pp Ide hen he sad oni of eruement sf scab el he aust ose ule Asa represent nut of ong oly the Gunter. The naa os mle st the leah of amie of 3te ‘ttmured slong aridon but he eth ie om tat gS fs the ‘hun o bots 608 ett the ple sig tthe ireglar spo the cy, nit thor swab for praca! ont which rm be costae Ie Sppeoimste mean sue ie hrf ake a Bo fetch alae st Ine andthe tr il’ in navigation refrt atie Exespt om charts where the syd A Ts now adopted, this ii bays Which aso the apmiol fers mnt of ae Ths 168 eae i ke. (The syn} pls lore the decimal pi not tic te ia gure seg 19" Sand ot 108m orer ene that 30 ere ‘nae inthe potion the dina poe) Ii or empl, the angle FCT in Fig 56°25, he let of the wat sinless PP msn ov ag5 im anal menaremen, 0098 63) 35°5 te called otf uel sta thou the war 4 Gatco fet ‘ve hoses wad Becoming Bato simpy, seaming sk “he to at tie rom tr od mts of Sd » sp pent Licht mater by enn of ale, ce ofstoured rg edn knots, (Tec etyspced song tes and he mare of kote pt oa over the Tera daring « sven ners of tine (esrered by 2 sings) ied the ‘Sips apelin nea alee per hour “Tm Srarore Miz om Lao Mu "Tin an aris ui ieroncd by Quon Habe , who dese tha it wart be 8 fron of 4 perches of 16} fet ~ making 80 fet tall, "The namical mile being 6 ft nd the sute mile 520 te, 7 ates rile ae apronetly ea fo 8 uate mle, Me crt, £3 satel ‘les areca #5 tat ule. ASCE SNE RE ed alan The ie mee aa cea ele besa ao ea ea Msconmmsrs tote = fect oughly 29 yards, 120 thos rocates (a es or se me or oughly 00 urs ‘ie oo ee = ego obs) = Sen ile thee TIES le per hor (The tae fa mur of seed ai) COURSE AND BEARING Direction efor mvt cin take hip from, say. Scapa Flow to Berge, be us fie cin te econ in teh Berge is fo Sepa Fl, tat by ‘ecing inte dito Ne ay ave t Berge. Ditecion its een bythe nto the bosaogtvardewhich A prone amiog ora Val i orng I thor ently Iie, “The stl dcone are Nort, Sout, East, and Wet essing The rigor ofa ship jn mi-oen the orzo i cil dean abut the ‘hip ascent sad there's ning 9 dating oe piston tha ire fom inater ode o proceed na pute ison ti therfore near to eer toynme dati ine fed deeton Te sgl betes thi ata ln to the descian in whch i eqied wo rowed cab the ening th pin toward weap prose “True Bearing "The mnt comesient dau ia he merida hoo the ship's passion, becasne {hee she mortvscuch ne: Resnge mented fom ta atm ae Keown a re being In ign Fe mean hgh Fs he etn oft fo The eet ik ig Ft Tes the deton of T. The ane PP OT css yh laren of he Ears uc raved by FP may ‘be consdeed it sn spp err ol be nrdced te prt Sle sera strat ens ig 7 oy ev iter in Figs Sand 85,3 wold oes oben" ror FU Fi. or and Ba ere doc wih off bea coe Poston of Close Objects ‘being 29 7 es Gr etn phe, andes e8 So ls from aes “Tre Couns . ‘The iretion in which ship moves in wae i the diet of he fer aan. The ange bee ths reap ean te ee ts theme er sure. ‘THE compass ‘he oagtonl compas i a iseuent tit ee the meer aun ne {hom whith caus and beings cam he eau. "Thete ae ee ed compan gyroompas, ei om td re-megese compan The GyroCompass ‘This ostramet, which i ected ia Chapter VIN, i set epi ‘sinning wha or execpt ais of which sma to pit springy tue nerth, Thus, in the ayo-campas the mvigatorhs tr nett abe slide he eso of thet north by pting slong the te mon Being ken wih s gyroncapac ae there bear, unde cleas ‘ered tin thie Eure sure Ta enue et te don, the autre sf the pro-cmpase repeater, wah slch beat te take, svete loki fom otf aon oF Grio-Coseas Fora number of reson the gyo-uepue wil tsps pin exe 1 the toe orth I yates drs o anon iets a i ‘mein and doe othe compas wil bes aa “ho os The ‘thas of ing seer ofthe yo empath reaper the gyro being ofan objet sor, ese hain a be 7g then can be seen nF. tea thatthe yo teasing gs sis Fike ayo bearing oy sn Poh the ovens to obtain the rue being «ero ero igh must be raced frm the gy Sang. ad gy eur ke tt be afd egy baring. The wine {Gan ay be uel to denne Gyro dT opus eure x Wess "The Magnetic Compass “This natramet, wich x dexcsbed in Chapter IN, may be consider a bar magnet fretynipended inthe honor pane Heng thon overated, {on and ster with one end pining approximately tte nor tw A, {irl pint foe ue woriy beac the Eas geographic te ple “The dren aimed bythe compas etl, when ast wy y the sing through line of ttl force termed the magnetic merisine. “Thus ‘Eich ctl sid oe nth taprtc mr” Owing othe rely The Gyro-Magoctic Compass ‘his nnroment, wich deed in Chapter X, wes 2 magi apt 0 Veriton ‘il se "arin at he place "Varo ist 0 be uly fhe dive ofthe agi och is to the ext ofthe ve meridian aid wey He othe me. Tr espe In dpe sd mites of 2 Tn Fig. he earaion F wad abou 20° wt Ak ™ 4 In prs, the svgator nn the vvintinnciterfom the miata hare nich bes asing orm spec "aogoni chat om eich place gol manatee are ped by whats known seen lines An inne ‘i rprduced in Chapter TX, On ednay shat the sasiation oie for {eae ya tee wth nate of any ama change wach undersng. ‘The varitio in he Salento exp, igen on Adoiaey Chart No. 394 a being 35 Win tgs ad deceng sh analy. To hereto ads 28 (ogo) km which ven 795, ‘Grduaton of Magnetic Compas Cards Magic card wd ob vied i fs gua by thecal Nan En So, Wen Ea ont fre ded ht ‘Zp pr the aon mu ng ed pitch po as inne Stes Noch, North by Ew, rth No En, Sn ae "Theve wee he ‘Ey pt ntl cand Int dy aap wa nomal ered {ook ur pot oral patra stem super th tore scant card as aed in des to ty, Noth Sai Ea and Wer A pe can So eo nl Sew cone Modi copa cts ved ram 030° ‘Scie rnc some tae no longer ay reno or ing Steer cong ler ge Magnetic Beating Dy ‘magni earing” i mean the angle bawen he dzcion ofthe place ot ‘iets suet an he mage mein at the ple felch ini. the magne bear of fom Fite sole tween the rot [FP and he magnets mein through Magna bearing were cay dstinuihed from tue beatings when the amet were Sacred wih eference tothe eal pnts Inthe few He ‘oth are nw ie i thre Ege, and 4 fapntc beings edn ‘bythe saris ME (or magoetich. In Fig. 12 the magnetic tearing of 7 from (Ghat inthe angle AFT) boat 06M, wherean the ae bering (he ale BET) a abut eT dferenceDewecn thes two angles the eatin, "Thermage hesng of pao oebnt these =o ere the dfn the ang beeen the magnese mean andthe dco! te pace ot ‘her meme cole foo 36" frm masnete nh fa magnetic compan i yt nou te pace of a et lene the compan nelle t deaf tetas, the ale wee, the mate meriin sl the recon in wih the ele aay ponte "The deco i ich the comput sly pine i know a compas ‘ort to dngih tf gor th and fae nah 1 sompus orth {esan th et ofthe mignee min the dvaann fa fo Weer west said De weal Coase Beas By ‘compas bi he ante fetsen the icin af compa north and the ction of the ple wr abject quien. Compuns eing figure, fom 9° tr 360, meu clckuie from cope north, flr Ute sl (ar cmp “Thus, Fig the comp ting of 7 from Fite ale between the ret eele AY athe diet in wlth orth ese en of th compass Eaiming. Ae shown mre ear a Fig 13h the smpashetingf om Qe aale CHT) m shut Se Chesca the mic arin ibe angle MET} saben tg Ss th oe hing he ange PPT} 9 aout ons The stsle MEC enh den about 10 ash andthe nee PP he ‘aration bt 25). Testud be brs nen that hanes ig on bad ship he obtain» conan bearing, she mut coe foe ba {sition od stain starve ste ave being Th deed Ine ht fore od at the neo tesa rym svat in reason oi nd esr tne the shi sere curee tha ron and ste wl change pon rely the comps cn and 20 teil aac o repel he nee hy dierent macs he detonate ‘ange for every arson fc Dewuon Tame ‘The actual amount of his devin fo any directo ofthe ships bead cn ‘found by ‘ving shi The devin cn be ree Yeesae), DY cing perhaent mages dso crestor the in se dnctbed ‘5 Chapter TX Its not posible hoever, crest the se devin in he ‘ay: and the amounts which remain ane shwn conse ne fa of ae fe DEVIATION TABLE rot i) | Benin ae i Be ae ae ve "he norma metho of areciog tcp iby singing th ship so succote sole of 24 and the devin tle soul mae ot for Ue ‘eral ‘The deviton or aden ofthe ship's head png Hewes any tof the Iuadings ge i the abe canbe found by snp sepa the deviation rected fr 240°C. the tbl ns ha t's beneen Ee ‘deviation for W SW) and be dein for Wes) te scl si pata 27E Devmiow Conse he above deviation ble i azage in the fom of x rp the devon being pte srt he mpasdncon othe hipaa devon eae Convey, i dein ble for evry tem eget equi i an be sma fen the denon cae . “Th deviation curve ha tight advantage eth evita in habe evition for any erode ean #f the ai ead cn be fod Dy inepecton ‘The Ships Course through il wie “lbe Sects dat a he areata ne a bet oumtangl ithe ange bear that dict and th deston of te, Img, or cng aot Te eutomary,hawevt 0 sped af the coe. {glee corte Ath bar been si thou he earn, wie ho a2 tle, may esl be ald sb ee our. Tut Cova iste angle bermean the distin of tr north and the sip’ (Gren ine, ated cocks sr to 3 (gle PPB in Fig) [Maonerc Core is the ange between the name meridian an te hip fereand-ft ine, mesured acne fon © 100" fom magnetic Path (dope MPa Fg 1s) Contras Covas is he angle betwen the detion of empae nach andthe ‘hi foreandaf ines mesmred ck fom et fom capa north (nels Chin Bs) ‘correction of Courses and Bestngs In practic, he navi i faced withthe problem of Baa, foes, the tro bearing when be at aan the compas esting a of Sing the compa ‘hue when he has woke sth trv eure He mt, therfore, spite cesar cress for arin sn deiston ‘Phe fst of thn il Fo the cat for heya a guna, The secon i ound re he eo le x crn forthe compas diction ofthe i's had ii ese 2 eatin St tind when conecting x compen tring. The compet bening oa ert tay be 20). but if the compan reon fhe sp ead 73°C en the deveion ape a 305°C mast be taken out fo 72°C “To Fino nr Tro Coon om re Cosas Cove In Fig. 16, Pte diction ofthe ships Re the compas ou the angle CF; the wos ours she ale MEE andthe toe eoure i the ing PR "in Fig a he agntc cours than he cpa cue by the amt sf the neste sevaioand het cou ils tan the magpie cose by {Ee nnne of the wey varaton Thee to nd the te cour, the Fig, 6b the magnetic cure rene than the compa courte by the amet fhe ester vito, a he ve eure gree tate aac ‘Se emety devon ad varaton unt added tthe compas our, ip ie the magic eur reser ta the Compas core by the snout ofthe eaeriy devin, nthe te sure lw than the ale ‘Sse by the amt ef the eet vaon Therefore, finde ‘hua, the canter drain mat be added tthe compas oe athe ‘Se no retin fas een pled om the ste of the angle CFB beyond ‘the fc tat mead fom cmp srt, the le fo canvertng ak ‘nua into re one theo sage al. Consider eat davinion snd varaion at ius and etry dition and ‘ariton ea 0d a them tor sua the rom the compe ete teoreding For pp hi action, compar our alae meat fam ang betwee and" om compa math sxampLes 1 Aisin 220°: by maga compas, Hor ition table hoes ‘athe dein and theca ss Bat tcc arto for I pong hat hr a oe Comps are ao. 2% Asai, pos the pis Hoang 315°C. by mantic compan Hr iti bless hat the Seaton 5 We ad the hat th hat ‘rat E Compass ane ag. Wes deviaion o tery vation ee ‘To Fo nt Cone Cou ron Tae Course ration and dein mt be comsiered a pnt, abd eatery ait {id deviainn sv peat The howevtr, weal compo, Before the ‘igntr an Bod his compas cure he tat now the sevnion But be ‘not take is Seviton nae know his compas corse. He therefore ‘dhe ot an approximate deviation for his mage cur, and eceay, {trond and are ccrsc one when eb found wha ella sponte A nesgatr hs ered nt is trv coe a 20. Th arto i 22°, Whet eure mat ester comp? “Tre ane =e Westerly vation Magnetic couse 2. nd it he ners the devon leon page 15 fr da eos is en thatthe “pprosnate devon ie 31 Magnetic couse (at bore) 220°, Eeyore af Compas oure 2086. Ite now enter the devon able with thi aprosnute compa course Be cbtins 4 deviaion of oq, and 4 more accuse compan ce would be [6™6C,But since Me wuld ell te quertermater wo ee othe neat deter Sle 16°C: would mot be neenary 1 Woe shout oneteth aa dete “ate mp iy ae ein ea be eu mae “To Lav om Conta Coon on Bean 0 re Cant Ai lars have wate Seow cmp "oe! pinto Sas, When thereto cece igs he ner og epee copay tad di ins te mgr aps shown Se Fy Some salle dar ‘etn te mone! hve a nao te san (Ont ert te ofthe maga oe wt the asin, the fern sours sod te a hg. 2 Before he can ue ths magnetic re fr ying off + sumgse cous, the aviator sus sppy both the devnton athe change of waaton, "This c te done cmvenient in one ep by combining te deston with the cange of ‘artim and then aplsing the ela nerf the magne on, exameue 1190 the coupe baring of a bet 257°C. the dvi 3° nd the arto fom he hart 2° 955 lng wally “The hange in varason during § yer 0, ich by be tae at aproe F The eres be ap tothe rng ston echt tears EW. PFE, oc 24 ~hat tomy, compass oth 3 to the went of Iragoeie oth Tie maybe en sb acount by placing the pall ret (th wich the tering ida) on the magnetic ees the eto af 157'Cy and then engi antl throgh A atc, er 0 pa ‘oom magnetic north compass not tthe wot of tthe movement mas te'noictuckeiae: The reding to the mage rat ae he jawed get cure) ith SAM, "To ehek thi apply tel fr corrsting course an eaig Compe bearing ‘Westerly vision Mago eng ary change in iio Magnet eving adjusted ocare gE yet hi metodo applying a je distin the ump oun or bearing sad then xing the magne news the nites te ble of inking eleultions an paper, base he hs merely to ad seca 0 Seva! quanttes and slew ha paral rule by tat sot. The eve tobe led eas flows » be combined deviation and chage of on evry the es mst be sleped wt ce, ate, socks “Should ee ele to Kno the compat cure to ser ede ose along erin line othe char, the ane prosiure mus be revcd, By ‘hte te paral eer slong his ine ad rungs te eset gee ‘Course mult be apie the deviation coreted fr any change of wuiion. sxamene Suppor the in 19 i repied 0 tr re hich, oe of the Imagerie re 85°: ond tat the dation Ean the etton EPI 1955, deeanin 0 oma What he op cur? ‘The change of sition n§ yer again 50%. Th er ob aged othe smugness therlore 3°. Tat compat nor a yf ef mapa ‘orth the compas rig set han he tations oe pall let mas fe wdewed that amount slit, thrchy sing athe magnet sve reading of of" “Thc hs by rae Magociccours by art 8, tery change ain = Magnets core co Mt asters deinion Compa couse eure (Note tht in this example he rae appl iv he sete of the one ed inte ‘ample on past 20 since ne ae tae eoscrng Sgn to True) To Tate thee somersins, + small Compe Canputnan Diy Pater No (5 nsuppi os ssn in ic Aid Jo Memny.—"Vose rls say be remeber by the flowing wo swenon COMPASS TO TRUE ADD EAST CADET ‘To Cnuce nue Devas Suppose that a compas eating taken ofan sje the eve beng of ii tran. Then i he var essa the devia cx be {hd omar with shu sad fom the devs ble cue “heb of he Sun or pe abe fond mde wih oe explana in Volume IL Suppo ar yeh a shen in Pig to te con tering a th tune moment hing 295°C snd he raraion a" Toe Troe eting of Sam apo? Wesey ution 7 Magoetctesng of Sun 242M. (Compass Bearing of Su 235% Devition Pa nd therefore ously Relative Resrings Beans of objets tegen given, 0 with fence othe tu, magnetic 1 compas nr butt the fren ne ofthe ship hey thes ld tse pee ang te teense hs lies to port or to satboard. ‘These are known a “relative bearings’. "° i ‘ ee ; Io Fig, the being of 1 Gree 3, tt of Y, Red 40, If he hip eta seaming ey he het beep of so abbot Yee ‘ero eel eu boo te aed 26 and 4 one : = Be Fo, 2, Rate essing ‘The expen ‘onthe bow, onthe Bean, and ‘nthe quae, witout any scl our of eres pn esa epee 4a Pot $F oT pins" oF 9 posto He Wp ha CHAPTER II Admiralty Charts and Publications “Tw Honootvitc Ofc of the Admiay wi rte in 179, sky for {he palacton sf msigaoal carts I twenty Se eparnens oe tech! branches ding within addon tothe Adin ers ake mater a Sting Det, Tide Tab, Lit of Lit, Nose te Marmas, “Amachod othe Chart Branch ae aver naal aan an experienced soneiog an sseting tier Thi dst ito ay the daily we yc ‘raphe lfrraton whch comes thru crepancy mon and ‘her charac The py pric atone asta rene that equi snapanedment by Noten eo Mies stdin sen oF chars a gr, wth maybe raped ft th loving egos (@) Nevigntonal carts, which the abips ack pote (6) Nitin, wich ano Be wed fr ping the i's (9 Diagrams. (Paige, NAVIGATIONAL CHARTS (Charts drawn on the Mercator Projection Aline onthe Ears eutace which etal he mre and pall tthe ‘me angle cle "rhar ite therefore ve places a te Eas ‘acted ya huni ina the aip tere songs Ee thers, Of the ipsa il remain the ume thas the posege Ths dc, is aterm bythe ange frm the eran whe hum Hg, mee ‘eka rar 2 "09607498 ced she uses The Mom le elf, ‘iene of theca» On he Has uric ns um ie of is ship by dnwing ara ne betwen i argos hs Sean Mine apd then mes the tendy corse he a set rt ve ee {Be Mer th pn wt) oa hm th bce (hun es (or stone Fai pen a nt es on te (0) the ange beencen thn hum ie on anh ad chart, are uaed Tesoro ha (6 the eget, which shu ie a wel a re cl arp on {ie Sara swt es (athe deo ade ape hc paral ke eur, Qe dann win nce tte shar Spee ie Et resi henge ata () Ran nee te dr ot epost he Sir ane (0 fete hen (lost Hos hess rn a the oun "Torin dtc, bong gs ce. wd appear ce a2 2 “The Mera potion tm a te grrr bat mata cay contrat al he condone so a sb leat Merete Poin of he North Ane Osan ‘Seutox 4 Macon Crane ‘Sine the equate ie down on the chr at «sight eof define Bath ised ty that kagh ad cotta ten, On tbe Ea, howerer the mendan comers, and thai dacs on 2 Mero cha il be Increasingly sore ian casvet ction proportional the te from the equator it tthe plete sae woul be nite (E32 Tn onder to prs the rest taper thet (0h popes clad chomp the pal of nde whch eel aated 0 he Fat rc Fi 2, anb ineeasngy spaced tats he oles the Mero nie ditaron Steps in Volume ie rene by the scat ofthe Iatkade'On's Merror shar Grsend G75‘) for exami pens 98 ond as Af ath eur hough the Le ale te ies rod a Gretlnd (The scat of 7" i 3) Tha the varying lade see, whi {ven the distri of Osanna Sesto wl ane vac ces Iisa int on ne Ths le ere knw te go entre i tin dt Svinte samen and heir ts ou poe cea acne oo the margin at random. No tu shoud now be ce. t pone to oe te Tongue va for earring diner, ecepe th sesso ht 1000 ee, tht ho es tha ae-ahll iek ‘one mie (A fll derition of hx projsion, which ea tte gown projet it Bren in Vtume 1) "The char eden on tse, toshing the Eat to pit anally he central pot af the chart which ws knw se “erent pin “Lines ae div fom the etre fe Earth though pin the Eats surface, dt thy eae the Bat surface the that nce (0 ees ives appear sig iene ct and hb nev epeae Sins (0) etn era ss omen he pols (6) parallels of latitude are curves; ™ (6) forer spn ont lar sy fam the ange pit he poner eh he dt, © sramni nla ne the inert at met sss we ua era snd pe. Tun etl roa ongitude is read from the border, ' : 7 rp + he “The pcetion ed or: (o) reeel suing chats {8} Fie char oo he darn near the ple of « Merstr projection Fenders deine ethod qe une. (oro a eh S09 ett eer "These plane ze pei form of yoroni chr, the mall se ofthe Barth concreting red at "Thelnude td loge the elation pe’ o sme prominent objet in given under he tide; and on an unraduated plan ce poston of any set pm cn be aid awn by ntng i irene of tude ad lagi from the burton spo these dference being mesure on the spurte nea lade and Jogrude shown on the pln ‘The frm of graduation wed on a omni chart ferent from thet an Merete chart (This ference can eteen an Adaty Char gy, which bes standard patter of border, fraduains an cles) "To Consravcr 4 Seats of Lenore os Pa 1s seal of longitude isnot pve, it canbe fund frm the flowing From the 10 an the sale of title drow ie making angle wth it whic eal she ide ofthe ple 4a th ea sow i. 24 From cach division on the see fIitude drop «perenne to hi ne ‘The itenectons of thee perpeniclrs mith the line mack the we of longue Distortion of Chart ‘The oii work of hart ay be iher ngraned o 3 copper plato dren Int oe an enamel tine pate To ete cas thes trate to tae ‘rng pit fom niche chars re pit yea pve Chars are ale o sgt dsrton at ertain tage inthe proces af tee uci Any dination may be oered by checking the dineeons of the ‘tigi! plat, soa tone Coma ofthe ear Tia gen messed dace th lof darn cely decrees a the seas incense an wil ave he lee ft on lrg chars Moree, the ial plas of rge-sale cart ro brspht up die bore the pas of Stallarale cars For hse ramon, and ther reasons wich wi Re sven Iie, he ler hart ela a ays wed (The proses of reproducing cir i decid in Ve re 1) Information sbowa om Charts [Nene ofr Cu "This ssw in the cight-hand tom comer aed (nce 19 a nthe lt and tp or ‘True oT Cue, - This shown nthe most covet pase, 0 tat no sential navigational inroads Dare oF Sta or st Car, = Thi given ander te tle ‘Dargo Pemtcarion, Thi shown std the bottom maria of the bart, n't ide te bled ashe Admit, oh May, a6, Dare of New Eomont.- Wena chart i sovted thrushowt and modernized {nape ew tn plished, he date af he pew eon being show th Nw ato,ad Jamar, 195t "This prised on the vght of the ori date of publication, Al age and smal cofrecton otis are atte some tine ear ale ope te ‘ha sre cancel snd replaced Dar o Lance Consacrions,- When a char x eareted (0 revit though ‘au Fm import information to cmpreersve 0 pst a haa By hand he ate an which thre Soret ae mae hom the che {hig a he eof pabiaion: the twenty mated wis ew ian Se, so a te th Lar cations, rh Ferry, 1961 All mat correction otitis aa the ate ine ert lol xpies the chart seca and ped Dareor Stat Connscross (a) When a dar is carece fom information promulgated in Adri or ‘et Nouces to Marzers ater tan Temporary te Pekmiary~ bel), {he yer if ot ae sown, andthe uber the soe aera i he etm efchand come fhe casts Smal oats, 196 = 908 ‘Chars jn stock atthe Hy togeapi Spl Estabshent a the Admicity (Ghart Depots ae cael by han from sch norton. When cee 2 ship or estmen, therfore, the che aed to be caret ony fr beguen ice aetng the (©) Pie to 1954 hen a car wa crac fom jformpatin which was onsteel of no impertance fom the anda of sles wh therfore tot promulgated in Adair or es Note o Morey the Year ito svealy shown, an the dat ofthe eves were entre ote {har i oe fw map therm khan corse eo he ae and in sequence withthe aan refered the pressing puasaps cs ‘Shall eect 1952-30 Sal caret 1952-(V13) “These indate tht the char seve sine corto on th May 1952 and ‘ath June 19, eect, sch wl appear on te pti "Tn seh cats copes of tech eld by ships and eae were at sual else, tug in exceptional enn whe ew compan ere Severed ew copie of the chars mat be spp Te sould be patalaly ‘ote hat he shone Of the eaetone repre by see rate aes rom chr des notin away inate for raison. (© Sine 1954 in order tht mee stent may be given to New Eon, Large Cares and eoeectons by Note o Maines forte reson ‘he mang of minor erections o chat pte to (5) ha een dined Teormation of m0 tmpoance to sae and tment ravi ted reeorde for nls in the ext New Bont Lage Caren: ot [romulgnton in iter Nossa 9 Marines shoul change of unos ater ‘he importance ofthe infomation. Tn copequeee the sal eesti dle ‘closed in ecanps doe ot ape eran #953 on mvs has (@) The date of Femporty and Primary aotze in ioe in penll lelow the permanent analcoreon otto a (7) and) 16g. (Chane in tock st the Hydrographic Suppis Eaabshment and Adaivaky ‘Chit Depts ae ot cote fram thease when chars seve fom one tae sure they Wl cfore het be coves el om (@) When i cesar 0 Sring the cmp rey fa chat uptodate a new copy printed ad the date of modenstion preted hnovlogealy ‘th the notation ofthe sal erection th 2) Dare or Parson. This is shown in he right-hand tp corner thu: 135.6 ‘which nds that the chart wan pit on the 1th ay of tor terion of Pune. ~The type of plate med sine by leer 2t the ‘etm right-hand corner the chat Dinaneions ort Cui inchs, between tein ines of he gato, are shown in brakes inthe ttm righthand crnes "hey ae wt ot ‘hecking the dimerins of he shart shoul asian be sopese Sey Sccurate hr requed “ry proof'maybe demanded, The obtaed ye ‘iret printing procs snd fe het tron but fo esos gen Jn Vahome IH pr sth for ems Seat oF ma Cue (s) The ature eso bens he ie (0) On some largeacale chart + scale in appropriate uns is shown, 10 rupplenwat or 0 replace the normal laude Sale by which ian ate feared nore to make he tae of thi ele heed Seo Tate nd Distance’ ‘Staxano Ansari No Seibel on Admits cart ae chown on ‘Chars sts, wh skp in she Fol (Hs) canting lacey cas tnd age, Execs fon thi car ar epredacd in ig 2s ‘Tux Urs ero rom Dervis are sued in bold leering below te tie of he sr, On men chats, saudings under lve atone ae five infers {nd fe: Depi ae gen tow Chare Dar, ub wsly apposite to ‘Mean Tow Water Springs "Thin somes tat See wil nvr be las water Lndeoenth the sip than chan, so hes & marino ety rove ‘Undertned figure om banks “em 4 dente the mame ff he Dk Ss stove Char Datu iespetve ofthe unt wel for sounding Figures sown thos neato atom a 25 ft’ (he he thom is he ui wed on he hat oso). Pi ecomplt information ily Inert in charts when more dt eno srl Faron Ls. On mnt chars ail soundings of and below, certain dep are eat by ine ferent characters, tht te rig wil knw ate ifs eck eos ta line, ew in than ncnean dep Dea he ‘erent ftom ies ze sown on Chr $1 Huss are given in fet sbove Mean High Water Spring. The gh of sll lands ave howe in braces coe hee the sj toch they elo Thi to wid eafarion withthe wundinen “rows Isvomaaion for vais ports onthe chat sprite ina tale ina sata postion the char “oss Sr om (9) At fran sl ean wheter in we ein ste ing shes ft wr sn the ne tt san, spe na at eve et on he an re ob pc wale ‘Sutin for which te tration he (0) iisrion ay eho by mt i em soon etn spew sce dorcel Ree ‘SoS uowon nai Gap Colours Used on Chars Ligh, radio beacons and sometines ial ream ‘damend ar distinguish bya magenta veri to aitte eniaton ‘nome tarts ses of ten bom erin Spare iting by a lve rsh or by a blue wah ine lowing the sppeapent ftom Ene Th tes reas Ext rae Admin Chit son (Caplin f mbt and abbreviations hn on he cas su! by the ceo Dep ca 4 CuAPTER 11-ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUNLICKTIONS aioe Tides and Currents 000 Regen RALEETS TRS | Pl. Funct ram Ady Chart 48 Comte) ‘To Describe» Patcaar Copy ofa Chast When deciing x parce copy of chart, tte (0) the nober of the chat (ute (3) dn of poco; 1g dt of he a ew sion; (G) dt of he la re corti (6) amie (ode) be at tal ertion ‘To Distinguish a Wel Surveyed Chast Bear in mind thefts pis: (he me hd my mas (soundings hood be coe tge an gu, wth no Wat spaces (© fathom sed courtier she shown, {there shoud be plenty of ctu bnew sd ter del {@)alltbe eourtine shouldbe cmp ith ste ne nding ack norma, Degree of Reliance ‘Tae ages of las be patos ht pends he care he igi survey acon the compltens ofthe rears eaten chan Moreover te umber of sounds ich canbe shove sey greedy the eae ofthe chart Asse of ope inch tothe le forcast tach ecunding to occupy am sre tepeenting # ste of sts! gre Eve ‘the cloves sounding may no detect abu segs ofthe THe enshson “The Un of Chas Navigational Ae, nll inte ite: tin to each value of Suing Deny boa be cal mi In thie {he folowing ode: Hint to Remember when Using Charts (@) Amys ue the rence chart, bene (0) any evr ae reed tsi (3) ithe casino, tae eos Wl ave he en ee {3} more dea is show, {the plate om which the tages cha ede is ected before the pnts of alse chat (0) Tansee postions fom one cht to ater by beating and dance ftom pat cman oth ca, dc by ate snd engage Ths ‘Sino neemry cet ei sake nd srs he radios ca te swear (Alay ata fx 200 ple afer he si’: poson as bec teateed fom ne chart oot (@) Almay the nese orgs bea: (0) here wl be es ete af estorton, an the evs ation wil be toed (2). err wl be aed ifthe cart wedi reve on the game {e) Remember the change of ato printed on ach compas 106 (G_Neep oy one shat othe ct tale to woud Be eto of ering ita af the see of chart est the ne (Mk cern whvther he Unite aed or soundgs on the chart ate (hen caring ane bythe tae eae menue roughly the sae nun om ac eof the cia Lae te ak eine eared (The wart ofthe cha ca beat be preserved al slate il Be ost ica pool ands veer st wed I wet eth i ond ‘Pl wo plc towels the frat of the areblewhen weg the ‘hare and to ene ging eget THE ARRANGEMENT OF CHARTS ura eat equi ship a exbltmene are nora suppl i feozrpel quence ot are mbes arauged geographically a ove she wor nat ite stand Ad ly hae la se soy es (Chretien uch uated Sa NP ie tsp the Hougaph Sapp: unin i's}, Baael othe tie exch abe (G) "The fol Le. whit sows the flo and rial none, the date of ‘cignal ste fom the Hdropaphic Supies Exablahret,subseest (dete of ia fom Chart Dep, an the tame of hip and esas te which ied: On he fsa netted he pu the at Ne ‘Meri for whichis nae amended, 1G) The fii’ eich sha the murs and tle ofthe shart contin! {in the foi, and the tes of the appropriate volumes of Sng Diet ao {sty Ligts wtih re aensialy suppied wih te fol. Alun et lak i the fb Tt Tor the iserion of the cose ames ofthe chess ranein the fl, nonin siatenconjction ‘ih the Ide NP lem 13 the extn of hare he oy hd tet Duplicate ft is oe supped and pe ager aback ensle, Cnhe ack of exh char 4 chore ate an which x pine the Ca er an tes pce stale ta the Soo Mamie he serial ure {ihe fla andthe enmce uber fhe shar in be is oe 2) Te bred fo ich conti lesion car fom one ve ore fac, are ncn rina pro for psa hush Ue otecs coveted bythe ep lo, feading ent the noe portant hartovrs in thove see, aa for mt the regu of Kop Elect Malton "Tse ein are insted by tl eves on ene Cha ‘ogi and are mumbred bette 19019 Tn ht es he ‘abiged foo! nar comespond othe ‘compete fl’ umber, fg, Fol of the ardged tenon of Foo 5 (q) Lace nd ee fs vide Yor lal evn th vit of dock. yd port, for speil reuienents or cance by he stove Thee fre numbered tothe joo sand oud fal of tach har a ‘rec art and Con anf Lara Intech, ‘Sr Hour’ Crane ‘Asef snl cen chars i suppl n watepol wallet for wen 2 ships bt, Thi le son cots ime Ging ort dase fed Sarno aber Yaorrss’s Cuants ‘Small cnc ae being produced in convenient fo ache Hydrographic Supplies Handbook (se) ‘This book a now eton of which i able for ne to tne) cortaoa infra teaing to the uppy_ sod coeton uf Admin bar and publican, cionomeer snd mstchn The soe ior comet (3) Genel nformaton, etn lit of Chart nd Chronometer Depts (0) Chars: remarks ont arangenent a comet, (©) Navignonalpubcason Remar Sting Datos, List of ight, Aimy Lit of Rado Sent tnd Tie Tab (@) Notices to Maer, thi tertngement and covets (6) Outs of chars and plac: iformaton siting hi xp pk, (f Air claves and maps: reference to the up. (@) Closomcters and watches seme eri py eplacsment and epi. (0) epost of char ati (0) in ofc and ap fli, an ee contents of ceria ones. () Lats of suigtional publeatons, with their seo ue (h) Eeablstmest af cronrter and wiches 40) Index Chart X51, showing epprosnate iis of Admiethy Chart fae, ‘Chart Correction Log and Folio Index (NP lem 1333) As the umber of char sve no chat ie sega area the Chart {Carscin Lg and Folio ner enumerts the oon iv shh yar at ‘maybe foun and pone spe fr the ieson ote sunene sete {nd for loging the Noes to Miner shat afl wh hat Catalogue of Admiralty Chars and Other Hydrographic Publications Dar) ‘This aaloge, pushed sonal, is spp 0 mj sip. ota it of ielaneots charts ah gaa, of tarpon carts ange * Se aho Ques Ration and Admit asratn. osrphil sequence 2 manera inex chart andi of Salli Dieatine Sp ctherpublonons of eto mariners In adaton, there are Index care {iog the Kinks ofa chats i the aca eonesed bythe. Sing Dens ht nth ti sha he eng ch Contdemial, Restited, and Special Purpose Charts Confidential and eran Rete chars ate contained in fos umber i theyoo sera. Thence Pet cat, Teerph chart Radar and Range Fics Clon car, ir Operational ars, Sora car, Submarine a, Prcce and Rocce Ares charts and Wreck char Oeber Reset and Sf Furpw cor ecu fn he cnn, pea “The fi and ial mumbers of chi hr fit an he ops ube fa content. yeqeapic Depriment) pbctons bel om charge ‘hold be rsnded inthe Rector of Conf’ Chartrand ath 1 Pra (EL) Mone Pcs a pes Parpne chr are eid Mya profi ter, Whore te bse char snl cat (400) the aprile poe etre ete mi hat sha Cn em ne ae) Sapo and U{Ds) sys ve Desa Lanes for cue tnd son bse chs Gite the srt soe ar ateluncns Ine, Instead Lat the later preed ty, Cm char ee nny in th fo sere th pet et eg, Flats Fr nail char atte of Cantal Fe and Reed Charts and Othe Hr Pubctn cued a sp canng Pt char fn tae it ‘rene preticetars none shes anole of alfepecl ear ee ded GND sr Gall tote hich oe tee) 9 tof Fs, Operon fn Spi hant fe; at of Hyeopapic publctons and + oer Inks fhe char one i the clone Prorrise Dison "Thea Inte in 5 and ate supp i a pei ft (#439 rls flict for the ue of scale ae contine inthe Catala sf hamiaty Charts (HD 39), hih tae with amas ir Nei, rr which they are eovreced. ave zapped co aerat-carsers. Referees fo suis made a Hos Tg ne he ropes fhe Luter Commander (pen “ape ae angled forthe tse of sinc and for sore operons. They ate rine in fe form andar Toe copies Further deals me given i te Erno of dat a Ch Tear Cane Cuams “Tae ate pei Fle chr fin which show etl of submarine abe ‘warnever ship ites tosnchor nu ponne which st oral aeoep, ‘he apport Torah shart shoul ke costed toner that thre 2 te cable Mey 10 be ed byte ance. NON-NAVIGATIONAL CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS Aue fat sppie to hip re marked ‘Nott ved fo Nagin ‘The ren forth eter tat they do ot rl se al the signal (Singer operational stine chars tat the are not ht crete by ‘Note to Marner, ee, Only he bce of Napili Het chara 2 conetd. It muy sets be neces #o pot he ship's paton om one thse charter ona lates chart coed with Hao Nasa As 0 ‘he position saul then be toned ton neriationl lart. ‘There ae ho {numer of miscelangnos chars and dara, nich a Letina carte fd Were Aamuth Ding, ahish at numbered inte go see. Mention salen been oe of sein of hse meena car; oes ineade Reference char fli for Flag Ofer {Ghar A flo for nara gener information; 1 special foi, He (or HL3g, aries wo sip, Thin contin the majority of aclu Car agama ables ok ond in {he fla prviuly enumerated A Tat of contents in SUPPLY, UPKEEP AND DISPOSAL OF CHART OUTFITS "AND PUBLICATIONS, Fl information is gven ia, which shouldbe sto by the fear feeponsbe forth char: The repli whi ret presot applicable fe Genre bel Ifthe daly Moma of Navigon fund tern the respec fom Hs the ater should be cnsdeed the aunty, ne fis lsnende tre feet interes let Supply! “Arplicston fora ou of char fos an publaton for ashipcomiioning ‘or recommioning isha waters shouldbe ae Adie Hyopraphie Supe Eaablishinens, (Cette House, “Trinon Somerset ako Qu Ral ont Aaya Seema ance eR a ee {© eaters partir por fot whith aden char oly ‘State of Correction on Suply ‘The cars are normaly supped caroed upto date for permanent ots ny the tf the at ene ig shen ech om tefl ls on the ase and Reese Cette Hs. The pobsties arent cnet uj iu, they ote cram yl pst supplement, Noes Maser » Henin S ble crs to be comected for exiting Temporary and Peni vices th following ae spied withthe ate “sy () A st of weal eins of Feet and Adninty Notices t» Nainers ‘rom No ofthe cent year, leer stone we seeds Thee Ste rth ny if (on ee (Sey Cad (os which afte on, pbs sis he Action an Receipt the Chart Ost ‘Check th ti ye Ine ad Hes Cents (3) (Check the sowie et of avg! pleatane by IT (Cech te ee efi y thei i Sign and eur the reciente on the dpcte copy of Form 18. Inset, in pen, comecatve number of har in fat, in deplete Feit, ania he inde, (6 If on acne complet, ir in peal he flo sere and consecutive takes othr ibele Gotcha for any pres rte pik sic the mabe sm Greta (1) an tics infesting reer wih he area in which the shup will be operating frst. = ‘Action on Receipt of Newly Published Chart Ins aval shoul be td in ef a ‘he pate fi is, {he indes car in Sie appropri Sai 1. 5. the By of the Sie Piston 8, Chains of Adie Charen ‘The chart shouldbe comet foray CH) (reso scans ad fo ny Pemaneat sts lsd sine the rbertout ofthe char Seton IE ‘Noni o Mane ‘Action on Teanefer of Chart Folin snd Pub CCmbined Tarte and ResptCertifci (H.sp in bank Kr, ae ‘Sol vhen chart fo od pulsar anlred fon one oer or sip {Banuter, orto sehr depot, Iractons fr ie competion and diupoal are gives an the frm, eck separate fi ing lite hereon, bu oni the appropri se of publican. Ws exenial hur the Hydogapber should ete = cps of theca tee lately in oner that Noto to Mares and replenishes my be dvr Subsequent Upkeep of Chart Outs Repleniahnevs ae supped fc the Hydrographic Sopplins Taabshmen ‘They tnclae the folowing = iy Noto to Marne, which ar iad go hipe when ay mn ‘ata iforting neds to be prolgated igen. Suc ts Sto rece immene anetiom They te ding’ by the ‘on (Hanae reprinted in the wel etn (ey Westy Eason of the appropete Admit and Fleet Notices to Marne inaeted on pager 42 and, a ons copy of ‘Section forthe erect, by the Camemnictine Deparinert of ‘he scond copy ofthe daly Lt of Ra Sica (@) Chana: New dart new enn, cart ore by ge soretone Std thee coveted bythe anal cores dessbed (0) on Pe 3) fe automaticaly supped, Rec of thowe charts to which 3 ep i ‘led ean be checked by reference tthe Weekly Eton of Nose {2 Marne, whch etait a of new pubstions. (@ Nevgacona plesions, New palatine and mendmens ae aloo supped stomatal andthe exp cat be chested a). (Worn or duaged chara and pblicons ce repel on rnd, Form Hig8 tung tel for char and Form Hayy fe ‘nope and ablations, These should vormally by adesed to the Sati Fydoprphic Supple Eaten ae cha depots ie trond to deal vith thes only ifthe demand is ure. Inritions for lad purchse of chars or peblzaona, whih stat! ony te made in ‘rgeey, ar comin in Bs Dispos of Out on Paying Off ‘When the sip i nde to pay off nd eomiso insritly, the ett thould Be rend for the next common "Whe ship ordered opal and bot rcomion a once, the Hydro spi Seles Estiniet shal be cd for arn abo he the abi nin frsign water, the ou sould be eturned to the east chart depot and the warner esported othe HysropapicSappen Enabishers NOTICES TO MARINERS “Thee promulgate information {@) announcing the pblesion of new cht an navigionalpuition, (0) or making al oreton ws cara and sing etons and important evens of a (0 igi i i Eh Gaps om) Rai (Wer argon wearing (ase, uxowoLavts and roo) “The informacion a) c(i publ in Daily Nei to Maire whch have line crelton cep when thy ate tents ech en thse noses even separate number, ruoning conscielyfo the Iegnnogof ech year. The navigational waring en publabed daly "Phe day cn re republnbed in Weakly Edsne whch connn so the infomation a) In these elit, the umber lesen the dy nates eres “The nly of he Royal Nae ae met bythe mp of Woaly Eton and thir is cllged astray frm the Hyopape Supp Esabohent "The roply of the noes commences sv ston atthe watt of hare and publican has een raat eens when the ott set Notices ae ested oa 9 ave inthe aborts owe i, na patae eng ed non atabe Thos who fal sere see cone $m ite abel so the Hycrogrphic Supp Eablet, The Weely Conplte Edin compre a ties a spp to H.ML shipk, EEA. merchant tie and sutoces who hate a feet enening ‘epost (UK) ster The Welly Hone Elson i sbortenedveson of the Weelly Complete [tn and cota, bel spening infernal aly the Bre Ine andthe mater xen to Crerinds Toclnd the Wht Sea Gls supeli! wo HAM sip, essere sie nd eres ‘shone function rome t howe Derwes oF Cosress or Weasty Koto, very etn beats a number ‘hich crespond tothe veshnin publ The edo have sx secon ‘Section compris nani and sographi indexes fr Seton H Scion 1 eres the daly noice publ sng the week. sare sit'the ade sng information othe publston of new hay ne kone and lange corecion of chat ew navigational publics and new sons of erating neviatnol pubenons Reerence to thee ties bles suhores to eamure ht they hee cert be iter to wih they ae ete and ot eee, to demand he ‘There also oblsed worth Tt of new sling Geto, etc, an npplemens tat re under revo ori he pet a iy tain ne opi of ie cia en we FEISS at Se os Tome Se tom ‘Thera, tis ssn contin nt ing the Srna node sya corrections ocr spf near. to Sling Directions a8 tof ihr (So fra the Li of ight coneroed on ipotnt amends {ticle i hn Seton (Seton II) Bah ace bended ye ‘umber and genera ecipon, flowed by dete ofthe nro ranged Seder appropriate subheadings tthe end are showe the ial mur of {Gechore eof te pesos sted and the lbw forthe neraion ‘The chr umber te sranged i onder a scale soning a the ge fee care When chai aered by ony ein ton fx tise ese Secon ar, nena, que in Bact the srl nner othe che. ‘Nsies maybe snmp by repractions of pons of he hat sted (Cnc) showing the casein refered to In thee Temporary a Preliminary notes ae daiguied by the nots (I) or () Pein Inpedinely ater the numberof thence "A lst of Temporary and Prebnary ates in fre is pubsbol mony, aly during the ln wesh fea tnt The lat ange under Be (genta heeing ad cmumerees the chars afected. (1) and (P) moc in Force on the sit Dewener ae Yeprined othe Annual Summary of Netee tw Marines (we below) ‘Seton IT cota al cretion forthe wack tthe vaso vores of the daly Li of Light Fog Signal end Vinal Tove Sipe, cing ‘hn contol in Seton i ‘Secon IV cota conection othe newest route book se the anal atc to Masiners No 8 (Ares dangerous doe to mine, ‘Section Y contin agonal Warning, es NA HYDWOLANYY and rrtworis tronics eg the week. (The Weekly Home Eanes Siveat nly) “Seton V2 contain sero othe Admiralty Lit of Rais Sina Aya fo the Daly Not, the Weelly Complete an Wesly Hae Eons, ‘ere ae the following (3) Qurely Rition- ‘Thin i colton ofthe Wekly Dos nud ‘ering the quar, ecuding Seton 1, LV, Vand VI. tended ‘rune by foeon psing marcha sis. (0) Waly Eton of Pet Netzer Ths promulgates cased oviae ical teoloil and hydrographic non It spi ship holding x chars, (6) The Aantal Swomary of Admiral Notices t» Marines "This ie allen of twenty ten (umbefed to 0) 4 peranet nnie fi serine (1 and () tens an vitor ara fone ‘the previous 15t Deeonber. The sla publ on Jay ‘oh rome complete eon snd un expunged edi fo the Weekiy Btn. ‘Cerin ofthe idiots tha compe the volume (eg, No. 4, and 4b which concer fii aio megs) nea pulsed ‘party frm the vol’ ad supplied to tines whe re opsay carat with the, (@ Secon 1 of the Weetly Complete Edition is npn sept ftom the edna ani upped eo the whee net in’ oS ‘ted the cect ofthe srs ate back (©) Sein VE ofthe Weekly Compete Edn is an printed partly ‘tom the edition and epi te supplied forthe we of the eo Sims departments in LAL spe sed rao gers sp, Radio Navigational Warnings {oat Navigon Waring fo parts of the word ate trusts fm the ‘lune af rig, Fuscularare given fo Vales Land Vf the day {ato Rai Sigal were ie, opened cat reat inrraieg ‘aye found fate are beac ram G.P.0, Cat Sabot and pent a Hea sap mW menos ‘Loxe-Rusor Wass — For erin pei asthe methods of promt sion ae falls Bast Atomic, Medieranon and Red Soe.—By xastan Tperant srerngs rere brodeu frmn Waington, Wea Alani ~ By eons Some important menagss ae e-brdes Pacific Ocean Bat of 05 at itig Gl of Thien) — Bye “W"NesiGes~ Oe arene creed ly Briss Corronvesth Nisnona Wamings ised in ensue wr wil x tomy la of ema nes ngeRange and "W" wssger are sep in Sesion Val Analy Nose to Mariners Wy soo Lang-Range warns ar aso pit io US Nae Maris CORRECTION OF cHARTS All ama bt impor corns hich aft navigation ad which ea be Imad ote charts by had, are promelsed in Noes otic ah ak the exception of earns fon Tempoay or Peciinayauecd hr ‘once be ade neti ere en ote char fete The sonton {small carers mate src ae dsr oh pst 38 The een a several hac are aed by ot, he lrg chars seal be secre ‘Generally speaking, tbe amount of dae inforiain whit shad be ingred on a hat ad conform 1 tha alealy shown, “hs wll vary caring tote el of te che "Oe Lege seal hart, say net the aided deacitons (a sow on ‘char sts) fall dea of phy Iihcbany td fg snl; the Cates (Ger ons) of ssn sepcted shel Sede carl depth of wate fo baron shfing chanel nd repre of ihe ‘Oe Col cartier the abiged deity ny the princi hte and fos saa =e tov igh and ae tht wil sata king ana Details fights be inserted repeal faly deed the Nast Marines If they arent arta of rach ght sh be omit he faving order asthe esc th ht does Een, Period, Sumer ingroup Vi Paris of fog sige shuld We insted in tee appropri pstons, ‘tthe i eet space; ether they abo be ered ated ‘nde the ite ot in vre ther sooner pace Taner hae Huns ‘td Yeacone shoul not he inscrod on cma Asi s Eas [Boe ante character of he ha ‘Gr Gee eet ony its hich eve 15 mike a over should be inert ed deta shew her sho De Snide carte ad ao. Iruerrios Warne posible, ast writin lear af the we (ole he ots conser ae othe water and ake cre nee blr ay ifn any om te ‘ar When chtionaryo ida ote, etd thy shoul be wren ina convene but eorpcons ple prefer sess tle where fey wil tree wih ter ta ‘nv dele which have be enc shoud, when ness, be rsd gh it ecmsnen et ik They hal ne eres Bocas Noticesto Maite secon accompanied by ceraductions of porto: ef cars which ae elle "Bbc. When caren carts fm such Mace, the oning pins st he ere nd (0) block ot on shows eaten, bt my ale eae work lal fn the chart‘ lave oul scl be ese ip the et the se anh fe tats ha scope sae ns ot Me tho the ett the neta he dane (0) The toundaty lines of» Mack are aang fr canteince a epic cine sod eed nt be Sled when the Back su for puting oa ther, oid the parapep a i cosdee, (6) The new ffonnton shown on Blak cam sts be inetd ‘he chart yd the esos fr png the ack ths chet teaeid long escipuon othe new nln inet of he (Oring to ditorton, the blak will ot always fe te hart exactly there when lock pase on to the care ete shouldbe take atthe more portant maga acesins lly se pose "Ths cant be ehined by ing the Hoc we yan sang {wo o thee peel marks rou the edges te ig Apply pace to the char and ot oth Wc aes the bck ay er snare \oretng Chars rm Temporary an rtiminary Notices “Tet eae sd ener in pe onthe ha ner ih te ree ofthe i cunge M 2 (The mo sal Sb ete in rh inthis oe ne tom Wd ‘roe ofthe cbr wer the permanent salen sn, “Tempo carectae sol ee ow hes th ste ame hen tered br Primary omen il ned whee ee ethed pring tums ne es se Shoe Bt he Adee Cho Elsie, ch gic nd sce cn fn ag a a an ‘Fach movi aleady elf thane applied wih the hae Correction rom Ratio Navigational Warnings “Thee warning (ee page 44 ly concern dsl ad ding bation ‘he temporary tian ghia the deplacenent of inp is 6 ‘vito, repr, te. They auld be ated a eon the chased Radio Navgesonal Warnings uf = permanent nature soto ring te cls and desing ctrctne 9 nag are seimund a Ado [Notice Mariners, bat oer warning iene easurd i thie wy cep in peal ctcatanes When the mariage he mete ‘onidered unimportant fom the post of view of ale magn, sible ‘Stoonon made Coceetions fom Information Received from Authors other than ‘he Admiral Such infomation shold be ete in penton the care afte, bu m0 hare danger ie oe expunged withthe ds authority ofthe Hse traps. When an Admiralty Nate Mariners received contain ti Information, the peo crrecons shod be esd an the sau es tins cal be eel he way any dese, PUBLICATIONS. Publication wed bythe Navgting Mcrae Sie ato wo exter (0) Poblcaiom spl by the Hydogrghr (Han HD. Sei). (2) Texto, yerence bis, handboks snd fers bie frm the C5 Ott or Sppiy Deparment (CBs DR, an 8 Senay ‘Navigational Publiestons (NPs) ate ade up into ss, Seale of which ae {Been Hs -All major war vs se supped wth the “Compe at for [General Servi’ In adn, the apgeoprie Sailing Diecis and Lit of {pls are ued atrial sh cart flea nt the bor of 2th ft ‘State of Corecon om Suply.—Novigaiona pabicaions sre nat comet cn upp, but the Itt suppres, sommaren of ices and any ther eden ot eel a Nas to Mariner ar automa ned Meteorological Publications A se of thee publctions toster with the sale of ae, i given i he Meese Supper Henaook (1). Ships with qualied Meera Ofbcers ae sued wih complete st tne wha quled Navigtag Offer but no Metco Ofer, mth an abridged and thes i ‘terol wering cars Aviation Pbliations (a) Phe Utd Kingdom Ai it prompted bythe Mine of Aiton, a ited bythe Hyeopraper. Teton, to Navel shore, etihmet ta sip concerned Ths bok is lone fom sd costs sloration ‘peng sconata faite nthe Uae! Kingdom Ite pony ‘th Litter Comenander (Operations). ened by Nate Aime (Goris) and by monthly supplements wich contain ny new or repre Seco. A Che List seed monty to coal hehe beh tis apy fe took opt te, ‘Grosset Appesech aed Landing Chars ae sho datibuted by the Hydogeapher. {@)Orher fase aeronautical information, not necouily applicable to the “Ais Pt, i romaated by ‘efernaon Cuca The te dtd oo etal af the Adiay by the Minty of Aviation, (Corespndentereing "0 them shold, however, be atewel fo the Hyoprapher) ‘Navigational Publications Apunatty Sune Dumrons ‘The Adimraity Sang Dict, so eed "Pt ate pubic in sbaut sevens volumes coving the werd. They contain gener snormtin eat o the rigor andthe propriate Volumes ne stomata’ saplid rth eat fin, ‘The mio content ofeach vom conform gener othe Following 14) A enti dawg atenton annul Noses Maines (@) Norton fore for supplement and sunmarica of Nees Maines age bok (o) etn ane wing the book without coming the Inet spp {) Acousiow garding the wi of measurement and wher standards used in the bok (@ Advent to seein, ‘This aes th ts Nieto Maine (0 tration ing Yo Adiy hart ad pation, pve (e) Ines shart "Tia show the sen coeze by the ome, an he indicates thtssepants pan of Dove ening tat unc, pb (0) Chapter Esp in thoes sues that ae concur th he BREN Iss Copter # pene wh bit denipton fthe ones owed by the malas toe eovernent feu, ae and reese fli all humeral of mcrae ‘Sean stl sans, len, tee of ys cea {ons as ston, oskyards tdesevson, Sunda Tine Rs plc, snd ary drcione ae pve sn Ova Paneer ofthe Wer (@ Or chptre ssn dete depos ofthe ae cover By the Sritne Perea chart of the rc hat tne erie ae oven athe tp cack yy sod the each the athe (0 Appointee ae ntl apenies whic ‘rly ive dst of he flowing’ (4) Orders in Coun conseraing dockyard prt, EGR at pons westeie for undermtr epis, with dete o dhe ange ey Sock, ing dco pn pat ach pe (g)A Rol terial pate thlog pats of op. Q\Aancer sped dosage Disraili ition geo hat i te Sang Di Baw Elan, Ane itn of exh wiurmeo Sane Dione ptiaed Sterna ch ig ora mane ei tne pte nthe notes sonennng st plain, inode enable he new ‘bmg be ered toe ing bought nt te Supplement Applet wo each une general publi bel, och mppent encling the previo ore Te flowing intron eps ' * “Whence references ms the Pit, hs Sapplment we om” Sopplemins should be rao intact init the cover of the "i thie xa being note a pencil on te Be of the Bonk The ist patie wed ‘Seompling the Supers rte inthe adverizement. Ne andr aeed |Blacmiing pening i the spon forte fst me eel ia ar ‘cher; dkms ror resus appeteate ar inte by a arian He ‘Soar of Nota #0 Marinas = When a volume of Sling Dein ‘ake up fr eine, fie soplement ota eon fis, Btsbse= [uest paces sft se mmr exh year and leo a septs attention, toute new eon publ, Dea sblt sa be ered nthe ie of the Bn vie ss ‘Carat rom Notes ts Marna - Noses to Matinee ating Sint Dirac ht be nested poli he gin or ene abr Azumcry Lat oF Liens, Foo Sits asp Vial To Stones This pblicioe, normaly ale the ‘Ligh Ls x pub in twee solames oven the mor. Pe yehsoes ae ddd geographical ae snieted Unb indo chart onthe ack of eachume and ae publi real ok tot af ont athe vt fone olme every it we, ‘Content. (Index hr, shaming he ii of he vale (back coer) {8 taco roma on types of gh, fon sal submarine sound iy raheacna soda rectors Hpheseic, Weck nsing Seach and dace sna. (o) Tate of ranges for cling the ditance «ight maybe sen fr Aira beige of ee (@ Lanieoor iy diagram, {9 Deere of alrite! ligt (except light buy) snd fo sigs. ‘Thesisenc of uisbesonsiaindated where appropiate, bt dete them te given inthe Amel Lit of Ras Sal (Vl Ht). (Tac and ther gin tale of which wil be found a Saling Dirt, (a) Deo Vinal Tie Signa typeof Printing = Diferer ype of printing ae wet isinguih vrs ah flows old ope theme nd gat igo Te hing 45 ie ora yp: shre igh ther tha the bore ITALIC CAPITALS: the names of Hih-voe ras osting ih tee han the above Poitn, The aprotnate lite and Tonge of Lig ae given, 0 ‘uct rence tthe car, ‘ratte Light. ~The ler U ater the name of ight nies hat is uoyatced a hereore shoulda be eed upon ipl ‘latins ~The lesion given in aon eared etme the ere of he lane anh eve of a High Water Spring os Mean Tighe Wate ‘Pct pen he Tide Ta "The Big gies im sm 7 hat of he votre, ead rom wp © se ‘sh ight-c ie beg af he daa above he waetine. Grgaphia rng. The ange enim column 6 tara whan chev, th heightat-ye of 5 fn, wold be set oe oe light In lear weather the ia aus of aise Intety tobe ten fom the nit te ee trap range, unipos vty pen. ‘Secor. Te te bsg ser rom tsord is gven in as 8 oe aio Chai (Corres Permanent and Tengoray serene tthe vahanes ae remalae inte Wealy Complete Eton of Adiaty Nee to Masur Section I Altaf the cormon, acum whe the vue wa th resi contained inSain TIL ofthe Woaly Eaton anouncing i pablo {on mparaot conection ss ees Sexton I oe at aed Flee Nats to Maney fo the cotton of chars All orto od bebo in pen, Avnmcry Lev of Aim Liou (D455) Th pblaon, pin ul aren come write dea fal aright, tei! Secon an ghed rato ee pinay fer use i conjunction with i arts, bu same ofthe pts ef te Sseheeavgaon sd, where appropiate fen ta hey can ie ‘lated on mre chars ‘The hurr f many at gs ea hed eer fe proup of eter, Sarco th ight a knead inte uma Lat tie. Assume Lar oF Rhos Stes ‘This publion conte of Sve prt the stn contents of which are ‘mimes blow Volume 1 Connecti: (@) Caution draning stein io Anal Note to Marner (6) “Preface, wth eplnwtary nts a he slam, oclading the date of ‘the eet conection embod inthe bok, (9 sDirectons for coreg the bask, (G) List of abreinoos used inthe took (c) Imeroatoal io waeesping peri, (0 *Disgram to fasta the compara of Zane Time ieee (@) Lie feign (0) Longdstance sipahire aio communion. (0 Seal ca wntcheeping srngenet Gret Brin and ie (Lito ple vous and tors supped witha (0) List fen aio ute (0) Medal serves td guaantine rept ee rate (on) Boies ein, (0) NH sennee (0) Gove aio regulon, daze sae, Sltenatonl Morse Cole sid consennal geal *sbneiatins tad iad *feqeney and ‘rvclengh conver le Vole 1 Datong Station ond Rashes (Genrl nformation i tae of serio (a) Rao dineion-adngaionm, (3) Radatescon. (0) QTG Sere and clibraton ston, (G) Radar stra {c} Code and Regulations (0 Diagram for bing baconnergecy Volume I~ Meter! Secs a) Meteor! rvs and code. (bento Sai and wrens conversion ales, Volune1V = Meter Stations Lis of ecm Observation Stns, Volune YR Tine Sint, Standard Fregeey Sas, Stomard Ties odio Nvignional Wari ad Peston fo Sens 6 ine ine yr ni ar ch mi {Zane Tes eres ps, able of Sandard Ties ke iret ‘ure t ln cone ping Sane! Tine (¢) Radi tae signal (c) Standard Preguncy Series (Radio naga warigsGoehing ce Rept) eer infra: hin and Sele of eee (e) Pasion Sain ssers: Lora, Cons, Des 6) Time soe act soto of Nilay Rao Statins The sins of mabe 6 te Now £999 fe Con Stations (WoL. DF Seaton st tt Fog Signal an Radobeacn (Vol. ‘Tne Sau (VoL) Water Balti nd Storm Waris (Vol 1, " Nedeaond Warning and Ie Repo (VL V) Sena Feqcney Sere (¥t The numberof tocar a nium ote svi eee, while the sxe dient he rae tapout te a foray para si. “Thos whe Seo she Cape Rite Cat Rado Statin, tyes Cie ee ‘BE Station, ans a Cape Race Radiat, ste Cae Race Rao Weather Mesmre Sret sn 0 Cpe Race Natl Wa Sia ‘Staton: Cape ace itr ner tne age nor Sand Pequery Bit, het ere vo Stat jo Spe New Hts and Corecions—Each slum, a ane publation, is pro= dace party and scone ys supplement ich eras eretons {Seed beeen oe dato te solutes rapes and the dt he Soe te ae snnmnning He pb Conretonr all th snore peste in Seton VI ofthe Wey spe Eso of ony Nice ta Maier important eorciare ‘Senger are sadn Seton a thee doe: Coren Roto sl eaten by en of «manor tothe vot eon ofS Nao whee coment by manner nero 2 etn sel ie ead a suc mae re ete ye ‘aplenty se fener "Spt Sie Ss are supid ak two copies of Wome, and V a gf Gus I and The sec bing fr the wie he ‘Srna epumert. ecm soy of Volare Hab upped to Spe in whieh aque Metoolgie er bore, Naso Rove Noo "Ths boo, the fl tle of which & Noth Bwopeor anf Meira Raat ns cotin deo i aren anger nai fies nd rots (th he pcan aking the 0 be flowed thongh and ‘tween sch areas Tex chor ich sow tee etl ae alo faded. "Te Dok fom pate ofthe ct of iat! pblonon nd pied tosis ears he hr ft forthe appropri ates red by St. ‘t's normaly contd fms Secon TV of Aaaraty Noi to Marne st gent menos eed by tree, nore to maa the segue Tambien foun tat fon he promoted by Navan wi be epee n Seon TV sh appa fe Tet Weely Eton of Feces wo Mariners tha hat fuente! the Book sot the Cate pote "Tisha il be bls ns ining atin pt "Phe bored oshipdn which said Navan Der ee eur ofthe clea urate meal ure, Char at lad Ph ‘how mc dead cvent for ferent prs of the wa ‘och tefl inform inte whch wl ot he four nthe Sing Det since the ater re once mil ih cosa Wat saver Pus "Admizly Dioner Te te pbk in fie wlunes covering the wo and pve te dns nviile tances, io aul les, beech anes St Fe paige plowing aot 288 abot gp ott he meal Fn ome snd ino sections a aoa the Ky chat in he hak cee oak voaed ed onthe hey or is camem pat mt hee 3 SNane when he fiance eee! ten pcos omg mc ofa the dtc fom Despre Cromarty srl be Fd that Bevonost es Seen A snd Cromarty hes Seton © "The soem prt brueen Seto Asn wil be four tole Dove ‘rom the ines, Dover appar pas 8 Therefore Pmt 9 Cry “Tom Penrcaross Desi of Tie a Tidal Senms Tables, and other tk pubcatons te ven Chapter This hook pid wih the navigation putin, al He ose dese n Caper A hee pablitions ae tinted nthe Harpe Sapp Hard (52). ‘They inde. Ade and Astnth Tale, Nava and Air Almanac, ‘Antonomiel Navigainn Table, ss Ath Digan he S's Lo (S238 4. The Nevpting Ofer it have clage of the Ships Lag (Be0), and ithe One fthe Watch wh rae enc ny alee ‘enka the Ofer he Wath nd suoctnne bythe Capa, The login cen wey wich expr monthly co be ht in cover (ggstay the peed eo Hey ibe Sedge Semper hfe ho, hei a ig tan deer tot meee The ‘mpl Ing then te Rpt in ove S208 ch coma ele monthly lig ima he dra for ptosis Adninatne Aah tue ites Corped sips tape are tobe tananial othe Head ‘the Record Of, Admin face of taco on the epton of te Sam fom the i sip og a the Series ‘pete lng fora short sn page Bs on pages 54 and 5, Irattons fr cmplting the hip arepee in O Rend A exes from which ae sept nae the cover, together With arouses ssetcorlei aber Se ae Qe ins ont iy mia 4° CHAPTER ADMIRALTY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS p PUBLICATIONS s | ' z _ Fannie Vis LS. ane ung tt kp ude the persion of he Oe af the Watch ne eal the i’ ping hou or ea ny ai Ta sl dea ge se rons th fog The st fee with i cent wy cam by fats vol FH oF mged by HS. Fea ede wtnons of ilerent thd of ings set neha of cing da 6S ca vee vied for referee wo he sin el ween veo the Secreto te Adiay (Sea Law Ban) ha i thule te plese shown inthe Fry cars, whith or ae Pe Png Fes of Wate Fah, a sae ag etd in B08 spine and tno pes och etl informa ew an concn tds Sting Tp of SEER ab conan + capt on wie. pant oF Desaios ‘nacom oF Onenemioss vor Deaios (8748 aan eri of hese fore ae comand ia Caper 1 orcs Romi (Sat; 8459 Nowmaly the Navipting Of ~,r0 quid Nevnaing Oe ie hema Neen the pge and, et 9 the enone og, er Pima Pap of Pst sof Se se ee vay ki pager for mh tase oom Sash 2 B54 set ian cmp a Voter for Paynes of tlre 21) ered an aced othe pa, he to gh che tes Sonn jan the eat pens etocen wich he stip woe ote Fr ete das cncesing paz soe Chaps Toma po, tsk Beh and fregn thers fo dak and bone gr Sh si me ere sae Spec ee a Be | 2 Se regent mar opt i ee let wish the mdi cf permanent closodin spaces bow the uppst deck ‘thee ecb scene Ree Seis et a eg pe a ee i ee SUL he moe ee nip ae tie ore cr sterner eaten ere ae eae ' pKa (Tare pyre ger na ete SECURE is Soe manny ss ean eel oy pc ter crow reno ns Hnked wae, Legs he ge Sey ie eee hy Seater moe al, on hee ‘port of registry, " oe sonnel a ba fe ems SSE a a ees (Gta nna ey oped she (Centificate. The slip is worded as follows: es Rinne (3 Rees et ge mt beta 0 Fon frame of page (in Regd ne nage ot lor ee hh he Se Cal Panage tough Carts ‘Spel ue ae ppd wc song onage orcad he oct ing the log “ ae 1 ute ea uy orien nit lege wen ping ohh a" wie eects gerne See ante eapiatecn tia Sainte eee (ote oeactctocgar mapas Revorr or Tune aso Masons Tes (S347? Tilsen o oan thence dt to cmplete Farm S34, at ‘cre eut within 8 mont o's she being ere ¢ Ove ony ofthis frm ft be rset he Ship's Bod, one copy inte wig Data Book and Ure cape sto be oranda othe Nena For sal hip, only on veel of ah ened ery an he wae Te Adie wil imequenl pmaenc one copy of su Form Sy) techs ‘en 0 be reaed in the Shp Bos oe mer sa nf ee Navaarise Orce’s Wonsso0s (5.248): Notemox 5.48) ‘hers of all abyereations an tluaionsconecod ny way with the nivpton ofthe hip ant kop ink (S48) as alan ‘earng and other intron conned with uigaion arene ome 'S54HA. These books are toe canine bythe Capt nhcacer Kesey ae Socal for them and may be demanded an ated ingy te ae age ssn hy the ship. When the Navignting Ofer persed Se ‘ould setsn is Sys unt umpson of he Advanced Cou be ‘depose of his 848A a he thinks Il, bomevc, 2 ap tapi of eke ‘eat of callson or daage mate the recrnt Sgg8A/snl he need to the Secretary of the Aiey (Ne Bram Namcariosat Dara Book! In ode hat the resus of the perormance of ship under conde of wind and westarnhich ar uid none comton ony bea ete ‘8, 4 manoacpe Nagata Dats Book to be het bythe Navoneng Officer and iso cantante following intonation (6) Dimensions ond Fonae AI deals of length Death, eight and tonnage fom ship's bok Note wich tage Pure shoud be guste Io Ptage duce) Heighso ee (6 fon an) forthe sso des frm wg ma hel ‘Tecng of eo seraon (hom aren) of shi's ster (pact imports n hy wath pd propels Denne Ft Nain rr wt ste and we Distances at which buoys are tant mth bse of jah Cet ‘Shuiow dingam) (0) chr nd Caer Desai of eae, wiht, capac and al tts and rnc anchor, table and eles Aerie of grim shuld pve he pon of each sacle within ts ‘bl after each runing =o ait rnaing ere reo wens Speed of weighing ache nits pr sce (6 Tome Tra From Report of Conaci's Turning Tri oF of Skip's Tuning “Tals he flowing shoul be prepared “Tle andor graph for taking sation fom the bow. (Fey for tse on «PL should na be prepared) "TS te Ge Reis nd Amin Parton | | | | Lesing Ground Diagram ‘Arson of wha fr aes oe. Staring snd op (8) Reataion Toler nd Pal Per Tri Tables andlor graphs fr eng teveon fr oped afer various eos on of dick Al giteinforation oo engine even fr ped when various st ae sop oie (Fut OW Capcity ond Conan Data (OF eat ul be Sted om the Rais Oe nd ould nce Cone tm per ho ped Miles eogefpcd swing © wl percep of fl remaining (© Shiphanding Characters Geter oberon rom expen. Standard dance ch rede peed, stop and go tra when ‘ppteaching an mcrae, buoy or ane beh, ‘EAbas of wit merino tend a mer, ‘Strage wy a tii sow spat. ‘rot of ay for sarin Seton free win Record of ticky behing, thst fo each pre Resin (© ere piece ‘borat of ietcton ‘Metod of spreathing he eas poson, Diagram ofp epeuebmers pos nse sale as ATP 16 for Fas) Dishes tay maine for eon ig. (0) Compan Denso toed Record of ech ng (nage) (0 Ste Sander Beste ot fing (@) Bovom Lag ad 1.8L, Taber Table of eo of the lp nd all atric tbe calteasin (0 DG. Ege ont Reig | ‘Toincode record ad report of ah egg wiping nt depen. (7) Nacipato Ligh ~ Type and Petit “ornlde Pater sero tbr the stron fl mai ad tatery ihe a the. (0) Ratio ide [sof al equipment fu (© Staring Egupment ond Porto: Ores fr Stari Braccemt Pair er ech log (cg at costal oat Width of catamarans for berthing a carrer port side t. = oy Sct ty ae eae = os This book may be euied fr exnation by Cour Marin the eae of tos, stranding or Rardng of «sip Ito be produced a iapcton Uatnfeced to sseive Navignting Offer: ard on paying of be ded the Supericendent a he Ducyard for safe hcp te hip ‘Boor Poors: Fou (76) Thee forms at suppl in pad: Each form cons leo spider wwe af voiech duaner (ame ae Type apt PIP) oe ee pales he Pio of thi cpa. arom oF Grouse om Corso (8232) apf Frm be ee af al ls nd poundag oon eal cise proeeings sania, hy sre tbe reader flo mete "Sia Qu Rear nl Any Iain ee ee teen eee vigil vo be completed and forwarded bythe Consmanding OFero: "Treaury Socio, 35 Old Queen Stet London, 5... Copy to ores ‘Adminsrative Authority for wasminon trough Comune dn-Chit te Adria Tn theese of grounting: A copy of he relevant poron af he chat i alo rue. he pt ae aed by age, soul be marked on the cart, ing ae he acing abou contain a ch ofthe cent esate se wl enable it tobe li accra ver he cha aes, kato the ae erin ine tnd the dts ecm to eerie sparta py och ee 39) ‘Soul i mae op the acing Tracing paper i supped the vl enelope Hts. The acing shoul he rend siete eo Bavore1o-nit Cour wy Nawcarns Onrces (555) nthe even of Cat Marl srting fom oy sting or Mazading of ship the Coot wil dv ne more ewvigaing ser compet ers ‘of hp preset to wack up the ship's pono ad ender arpa! th oon Ranio Nasearionas. Aros Rerorr Fons (43) ‘hie orm, pled wih the raisons publication wed for forwarding ‘spon, a ofdered, on the peformance of the various ado agli fied nthe si, "Tag oF Mase Hees “This conden bok conti vats dimensions o Bits nd Common wreath warhipe. It ld normaly be stained by the Navining Offer, ‘hac it may be veal scone a2 Maxx of Sevan, Vos II IL avo Manns of Navoarion, Vou IY ‘The Nviwing Ofer should make himself throughly acquit wth hee toa hich tsa rma the evi fh ner vari condone, {he ets of rads and propels, the ating th lodgers entering nd eting abou serng rangement Rarupssionnr Ar Sea (ATE 16) Ths honk srs at 4 ger gid in ll mater sling io reperisrent of ships at aca dence various thar tgeber wal the type of Beat Invaed ad ip ica remeron manseing a handing spe diag HYDROGRAPHIC REPORTS BY NAVIGATING OFFICERS: Forms “he particule of al information obtained whi ay afc chars and other ‘vigil pabizaton arto he forwarded tthe Hyeopaper on Hy. sophie Net (Hoa) A dope of this together wih oy of any ting ea Os Retail aly Taran te shuld be sett the Cammmander inhi of the Staton. A prelimi {pos of urgent infront tobe ade by sig ote Adora an secutively, taring on the rat January each year. A modiiog version of this ‘Sem rue by the Meanie Marne and eho on-val autores General Remarks very oppor stow Bett to ota afraton whi maybe of ae to the Hydropaphic Department forthe corto of hans her Pubcon Ships ca ao be of eres stance in pang resumes by septing the adequacy or wero of exting care at ans abd the eed lo Te Surveyor serrate inthe light af ne developmen sad pombe fie senay. The mano the spots eo «beter pn fo ade se mate thn Ge Hydemrapiee Inthe connection the news al requirement of ‘oor sues an pits eof ret mens A hor ltr ring the {enone for suey or recy for the prone witdeaal of cee ‘har or pln the autor an pale # pny 1 3 sng in mid Sh aay eon ae pa ean nan, or a ret an truented ple, forma trope port wth he Repro Pocesingn ssl coin all ere ch ‘Buy be of iar to the Hyropraphr and which beat fe fede in report on For Hos. Acopyrto ie wrt Get the HySwiien ‘Ors rendeig Hyéographie Noes sl be sided by the ctione ‘atuned in Farm Hox and bythe evant wis in Que and ds To ‘Wisin, the flow points snd be etd (0) The Admit chart an nsigitinalpubition shouldbe compared enrantiy wt theconion found sual toe, (0) Inferaton, to eo ale, be a pres and op-o-e 06 Poste. However, ship shuld not estate fore nfrmaton avoid hed bys lmer dete of acura, provide that fall ‘del of te eto by which bas been bed gen The date ff he information shoul invariably be stn, {9 The amunto sll information which canbe supped wil gery be preset when sts vst unlequented piace Cofino ner sendy appeatng in the Sang Daa vty seep (The volume nd page ofthe Saline Diced say be geo, toon when sme orem made pute he boo, [atau when ifomnason enrely new and anne be ned we sy heading peng on the eran page (9 The minbet ofthe lets car tested sould leave quoted ‘When any chart i opeicalymemfoned nthe rp, the it he {neo narbe of hc an Sil eran stom the oops (Trae comer snd teanes ave nly (2) When photographs, etches, tracings, are neni they shold be include a enclones, (Se a Sus i Pworocns, page 67 (Reports should be frwarce om seperate sets ad armed tht thetabjec-mater proper sch othe munbeed sc an be Wed separ, 1) When information is supplied which leads to the cretion of an Ay cae o pla of place infor water wos ene nized hyeoapic authors exis ret wl tbe pve nthe that arto pan, tthe sip oro upping the norton, tecane reference to he nin sub ancrned i alae made efore che con ke, 0) Siose the valu ofthe nisi wil depend precip 0 the fates to which it can be ued for the inpronement of Hydrographic Pulieaion, afte shold ake cre thet all ojece qotee whe fig pears for ethr puro of rere, ve weogee ‘ith ence up he hr. (4) When edsing operons or bldg wath euch ss tst on re Water, hare, docks sed resamaog ne dnb 9 cad tinsion shuld be made been work completed, woo in pres, tnd. work prjeced An sppeasinate tat for ike sample ‘fhe or poet wd able Taformaton not required (a) Hema be sured that the Hydrographic Department ofthe Adil isin paseion of compete vets uf the neat errs of shart Sng acts yf ot Tings acca, there se (0) Informaticn about navigational site in fosgn waters i aot stl accepted witht pio reese tthe Hydrographic Office of the couity cerned ates ffs cor ger e reid pon fo pbk motion Fal changes of any naviatanal interes fo thie own Nove to Marne, Copies of which ave received bythe Hydeorapie Deport ofthe Ady (6) Conimaton of publsbed repre of iegulstce in radio silo moe required. Information for Charts and ‘Siting Directions’ epson nee fy shoal ot dang doe, any foe pon which veal hs track rounded shuld be teil pret, 15 five bern ens angles between weld jee an eet "ie bearing oon of thse objets sal Ye giv Thelen pth shld be sine whenever pose and, there hl water, the ate he btn (Se OR end a1) Soundings az to be ede the evel af the a of the Adenia char {Ss tin wet ut be gen Th arder tt the igSorapber ean make we of chon forwarded fo sign the flowing pins shoul be noted (o) Mack he trae each ime i tied by dang in song the ‘ved eg ofthe wae cre ig theo ofa he we pos (@) Nomber the andr te me (c) Ise she econ depth I peak soundings {@ Or canpetan of smuniog, and before rl up the pipe, dase in ‘Be ora ts and tere ne andy the pape prefer in 1h igh ‘Th wil enure that when the te fen the fs ll (p) Mar eonepicuuly all change of pase. {6 tae he mate and eye of Ehsounding machine and "Ad entra) fest for rene (Screwed) enh ‘Speed at ns 4 fce.sanding en ‘Al mak the gration of the wale at conveien ite (qf ecmmended tt a odelble peel or bal-pted en should te ued forall wing on the scho-scundig tx For further dels of the shove, 1 the remake on Echo Sounding in capt VI Epis hate that more cen san fsck ems Sw ps srt E'S, acing orang o taproag te tacos poe Sat Haraoen Wonts aso Port Inrnwaion ‘Whe reference eae to pier whan the dept a he ote en ant lenge the mas impo Remsfintrtion hat an be ives ahoug WWinennone teeta "The length and baring of ay extension abou he given in sch x way shat they ean be plated with a get procion a the we ofthe chart front "Tit prin fay vow light on tes shoulé be ated vay sa the femora (Gr erinatcs of ny light charted he pe or brewster before exten ‘hocld be meninoe ‘nfrmation in Admiay publications on mers auch a dats, cane patent ip ad fle for repas; supe of cal oi, ter ad soe Kime, weber, del gl, aod po, sould be chee for sone ot Where dodged chan ext the dite of te Ist edging and the eps tied shoul Be nots Loo, Prstiearons Many prs, even thor of cond mpetnce,pbsh pide hook com ‘rout. Opprtnity shold taken, wen Sevan peri fering ‘nd chart if he pistons spp to cman weal ei ht sey [povided ty the Hycroprapic Depmrnant copy abide iladed ih ‘he Capa report Care sould fe tten to ob the date a uel fhe aera nthe bony if hve ae aot pen. On te cha ple fe ‘hea bon import re wets the das or bps sl song, {he se andthe rae Noth ae gem snd then to ek he to BH them thay ae oe gen ™ “A Port Otoer someine hs lgesale manasrip plan of the hacbour and approaches, which sett his own eslagemert of he pan pushes by the goerment. ‘The vale of such plan ean, however, be jue oly by ‘Sempuaon withthe Adirah "Town plane are rt general of impartanc, bu her sl he coed cc fornarte fhe chat shown by tan teed acne forte erage ther mater of ugar Cossacvoes Oners CObjecss which ave akeady not an the cart or desi in the Sang incon cotspicus shoud vay Be obeved for ay change in thet that may have acura; andthe promo rst of aything hat hy ete ‘hem of dere fom thet value a0 mark soul Bente In may pre of the mold charts ae sll bed ow surveys made soar ine apa foi should be rermemtered that corpcuna objec are pray tale ‘hange ‘Ay conspicuous or radar-conipicoour obec which et preset showy sacics Menon mre. sald sed iy poe shape, clor an ae ar apropris), 40 tee tae potions shoul be ‘Stem wh ference to abject tar re san onthe char ‘Whe eck are devi or inetd acpi carte vale realy xhancel if they ae scempaned by endings oe by 1 fe of te eee Seat Sep, reed wo hat data nots ao Panos When reports ae made on = dnrepancy in the sharing of channel, page between nds and when infos i upped aoa one sore Snipa stra or sbut sme nan in wh mates ery er shoul e mad {© dain a connection y angio beating betes the wo Sire he sheet of wach a camection may fae een the seal ease of he dhepeney ‘oe try tei ey mag ope we hr spl Poses Otros for postions of Heleknown acs ae abe neoomed ‘spedaly ifthe poring acer tou get to Wien te char pean, Fr dette of stronomss sera thould beaver n ne a ‘alue maybe ated. When prota he potion ald be Khe ih ‘ec eatigieatin vim potion, Cae soa aay event and doubtful sands, notin the lest depth where appropriate. Cart ‘amit af auch ste oF the grate importance, a the genta mere rita or he sna the puto the Ada ‘he foraouacy and empleo ination, ener sch ot ection rahe ne of he wether a ihe should deer fly i hy ee ily behave fa ny nec 9 the Tt cannot be empha 00 stony tht, i geet the nly tecie| ‘or oo ureral ware all, Ocers should take pine amc de precie Heeler of any ex nv mmes tha re repro. ad et Se ‘ould be taken w a the cnet sendeing of eave tes Gene igh are svcre o have chaste ire rm hose decried in ‘the Lt of Ligh svamended iy he ste Notes to Mair eer ceo ‘ld be a to certs aly whee the aerate ae rman ‘To. ena Oberstos of idl areas soul he abun wbeneer pons Int coer dsrpon enn be rence cnt be tien svn any aipy ‘Eitri m the wt othe eed and sirens. generale tral ov the cccion ofthe sen ey neg "wean “ete athe shang of scan shld ava be sete to high wae, for intone "the nr pg sam eno bree high ter, When he fmf oc igh wae ot Know the un of the sean sha be eed igh weer the meter pre fr hich prions ae given inthe Tie comers Torey sha ull ate may be sin fo information om ete, ‘ample, pe of wero hur, ay vy codes bth in eton nd srengths Whatever the iter Between sgh may ave the ‘ert, when ued by the Meteorol OF are cnveted to en Sour our slug a te loted ss mest portion Between the observed pions ‘Should the veel ate sere course between ght a conser ror may be introduced y mcuing tht this mean pao ies midway bette the tare potions I's near, thereto, tht the ea poston shold "Ses Osi Sal Pin alas be obtained by estimation for half the time tit is capa etmeen he Te the fllowing deta are ave ty shld invari be ise Paki between which erent at experince Nain poutan fewer Shere, Dirction Ce) st an fae 0 's important no nly for the adinary purpose of tavtinn,hit ao forthe hea ofthe er cheng nt sch cea ca ony ie secured is stir mre scrote fos, Toe ope ros, expec the Ices meres vara chan specs vith asl aie f positon ee ao OR. and) The prea seein Chap 1S, Reports sould he made of anv ineauatin i radi sgt te vt steady been anounced, Any ao ilo at ye ue forte “Mima i of Rao Sil hale forwarded. Wraeton are aered to hve carters ising bn tase sen in the dmealy Lit of Rati Sgn, ended bythe Uae Sone Marines erdestou shold be made osucerain ly wether tse ne permanent ‘Shy, the permanence of any changes aero ip the tne a ape sf ‘ean eater li an tem wating, naval i Waris rime niga, soul he vn Information shoul be applied concanng th ine Bee el i tiers fiom that given nthe nea ein Hf he ine Zane Chat (Soy 1.080), inthe mos receypublsied ARS. (Vol Vor the Nate Klan Omer. Semeve fics who under any orignal nrvey which nye sed ier fr the practi of» pan or the sre fon ein plat cha, st {eferwthe Adiraly Maa of Hydra Secon an ote dma Mona of Tae Serres aso Puorocnans uration: derived fom sketches snd photographs form vey sll asjune to the Sarg Devt, aod every appara os he ke cig wo ther The exiting views othe Saling Diet, chats Be Chine! for pote inprnemests for example the aiion of & npn oj ‘Cay sg sketch wil be of sac valve t the Hyckoprapher than 2 “Sitch and photograph of maviainl interes may be divided bony (0) Gere views of» cont or acho, showing the pina charted fete, Tose eae the maine, en mak and 0 aprons, thc ancoge,oleuy h fsres re ey th eh Be done Fem tn Soin (0) View ng ning ma, (G} Nethese phere opel ooo caret iy edie em In the exe of (0) ad smtine nthe ene of (2) an photornh wl haretne un sso il ay pre a Uc eared us slits Even hen ned te pono ap wil vl gequie tenes rer tpi she deed on Sean earn Thi can be doe actly ey y the man 0 he a ‘Three tei ins snr pon on three occa, ce y his ‘eign ouine seh sade's the inet Psoarph meh ‘Reeth pucgroph my be al forthe parrot iprsng “an die Sich ote nodes span phtgrph themes er dawiptins oe composes sec town can convene be aged yun thet, and ca tee be ached tthe porn The (tach one ewe le me ewe ig he a Tomales the ov of sje sold be upper sre; ‘oul dove watson ceca there ayaa, sch a ety inbefrgoand ‘When uti slsch ts en made the ame can be need op the stomp ets bt when thst done ened pt witout mame, hold Eied “Aas, nse repr and oo sh phtorph or eth ih he xe penton om the Fhxgraph ashe he etch ae Stee nnd photgephe forwarded ith view to repredocon sould neve be gue pe to the pgs of topo but oul be nace a eweope nich Sand eae erly tthe ep 4 NAVIGATIONAL FORMS, ® NAVIGATIONAL FORMS Cosma oF Soa. Exvadone Hy ax0 Hay8 ‘ne of the supe wit thew of Nevin Polnton an entsne stow a of he long a | Mdrematie No Siete ear or parsers “Sle ei tarde Sseaio OR ot A Ud wine 1488 | Raordatetn atin | “in Hyaragapie Neto reports | | | ee oe ce eae ee (eet cee tae = Riceweyenns Fito | Sip Ne ear dp Tee a ae ave sual rn a ico teense CHAPTER UL The Ship’s Position and Track ~ DEFINING AND PLOTTING A POSITION When 4 pin i eerie by ty co the ct ye te ain tos 1. Plc an gel the par! rate lng parle of ait ad ave the lr wl mw ge puss teaugh te nti of the futon, at Inictedon ans stechar, Wt tb diem sn thediane, Mike top or atin of the hay fom he mires mete Tote eye! ng ly hl fr hese nen‘ the Tide ston bythe alr, Manne once herr sn be pc erat the tad and the ge my Be make! perl Ssh the lhe pall or Fess Lai 990 Loses of & Cue Po ‘he tai of ans potion ie determined ther by ining the ier 0 ncn he tne ofthe po fer he sear pralel or by refering to thence the se of th oaths the ar or Tb gtd eae ses’ (Thc mos hat he eight fe tte Keene es) andthe des es) fed ft pra rar tal be {he be i of fa his pin, makin crn at I inthe snes ‘Ban 45" Jom te libs To Taneren 4 Pesos rom ove Cust To ANoxia ‘Whenever pil, ton sole rad rom one char seater ‘ny henge ms singing ere com ob, uch ae pane andr» band nt by lta and log, te gradations of ‘sich may cro the chars ing toon Bang eect on Tree nol ee rt sonnel dts hen ee: (Se sl page 3) Position by Observation In onder thatthe nvr may be nr that he flowing is pre-dsrie ‘une tb ncn fo hin to aarti he Pot om ane ine Tie [en by serving dma ae heavenly bois an, fumes ‘Shsning wn ae nw meson ee ’A potion line ant lie, Sys onthe cha, on whith the ships peiton ‘stu omy bear meted ine. The tos af oii 1 pation ie ae det the nest caper The sop fore ef potion ine the ine of beng obtsned 6 tere bjt the poston hi bow, ‘oppose, for caro tha iphone (Lo Fig 26) sen to ber 6 so Aine dren bogh nthe ren of th eo be 35 _Arsownaars os Postrns Lists [A patton tine obtained from a ewig of tres oj, inal by smelting, DE bag inate me * A pectin ie bined from an stronemic observation o rr the ange of real oiet Singuihed by «sig ee ath ee A sonton line tht in manforad Gre Chapter TV, dito by 2 obser at ok es 1 two prion line can be obtined a approximately the same moment the piton af he tip mst be thir pot of teres, whi he oly {it conman tte wo line A pton tos esned ile 98x and ‘Simportn to emember hat he em Rapid oly to psn ond Dy olereaos of terial bets, regu of wheter he bertion ere ‘ade val or y mcs offal atta a It sw othe hat ‘ta dat srrunded by cele with the ine Meade e108 “The Se dace rhein heat caper “Tor Omen Posmow 1 ie dviable to dings betecn the potion obtained by servation fers jen and tha stsined by curation of evel bases. For ‘bis reson the pins sere by the pi of interaction of wo fion lies Gre from monomers rds rm a umber ich pation line known san “ncrved prion’ and marked “Oba Te own onthe chre ma dnt srutded by a dee, wit Obs the Se Aone hats Obs 108, Position by Calculation ‘When itt not pole to tin the sips actu ption by obsevatans, a ‘ewe pone canbe wosked up (rom he bt ered atom see uso Recxowe (D:R) This expen Hed 0 cove all pois tat ae obtained fom the ours ate be the ship an her sed rh theaters eo er {Bros The BR poston i hrelere only approxi postin” ete rn recoded Ey an moma Bloating macone when rsning og (Gis mmcne cored by the sips syncope andthe log the ler ng te abi peed through the water) "Tae Di penton sown onthe chart ot aml crs with the Sine slong’ tues | 020. Emvaren Poors (EP) "This poston i the nt acuta he avgno can aenn by cation and ertvaton oy Ie the poston dived ean the DR poston aise forthe enim este of wid ace, cuvette ee bt emsna an sppronnste poison, bees the exc farce om the sh Cue ad speedo thee variable face eanot ually be ced. “The EP, shown onthe carta dat sruunde Bye ing, with the time sos thu 5 20 Semmary of Positions on the Chart | Fi thesis ion fund fom eb obra Shine ether ial by 2 aio novia "Foe Oberaed Poon i be ship pti found fom rhibe gh hearely ted se eapted fa Vue TE “The Dawd fsckoniag Psion he p's pation eeaned by peting on ftom telat Bi ov eeeved potion the pend ade gon rouge the wer tong the coune seed by emmpa” RR Re ea a i ‘The Eine Poston i the ba eta ofthe ips poton worked up {rom the nf ood postin an fun by alow fees know feo that ay have ase ue movements TAKING COURSES FROM THE CHART “Te cure fom one pice to ater onthe chante determine by pacing an te the pr ler sacha oon tha pases ev het ples, then moving the rler so tat one se pace ouch he cee oft ares compu fue ter 3 tae ora none couse ca en be Sto from the emp vo. Te good plant note te cre read the ‘mans ou ad (ake «mean rating f here ay deter cca a eae loa ma oe rhe ang of sanon ss pane in Chapter ‘Cours and tering soul! sway be fered othe compas foe eee the ships pestiom ecu om sme hatte ain wil Siler apps ‘nh the pin of each copa Plowing the Ships Track "To Kear te Racxone Toa Warns a To Fo 1 Tc Ping he ship's tack fm pte s nid out ia to eps 1, By plating he ure ered an he ped made ond hough the ae, thes ating athe end elon panne OMe By pling on om he en eh potion che ef: eure (8) team, (i) wind and ea, ther tan th ey conse i the speed made sod thro ie wnt, hs asiving the eine poston "efor desing the nal bting om the chat it ees 6 exaie| tte aie aos aren Infration jr ee ‘Poston the pla ll then be cee where hae teed her seal of Sie. “Toctvinte the addon paige usestion i prsie which aes sada dstance i Cnsderson I ote he nee Ps the time take to cne he sda ins atte gal sped, eat foal beaded the ne ot hel one? tot so ich tenth hip tobe ped om om a he rid speed ‘Ml sabacguem postion can bead sae he ne tre and ke from he pn Bh ine teal biel font wate From theres of wring Wale of any ip, ables an be contracted 1 sire the intermedia surreal dance ie cretion fray arton Pfr dierent nce a or Seren rar anes ine sasha ing 2" udder “his ale wed the pine io Figg pl oj ay sande om Avand he costed tne o aval a Be o-Ps at ns red. 2. Dita t New Come Wt etd ste forthe tm shown in Fig 35 the hip ploting on her te cote fom the poit Cr mkoe the ew aurea eth the ‘rin core produce though im fac he pte er hel or tan efor and sean onthe new cues ot Tee time taken te the tance CB a he sgn! ype ie brad ‘oom the tne cretion previa’ excel, ten thet favo te Smapnry pst Ci taped. Th casio eet se Hie Correction, which aan raed tothe te of wel st st the tip fst eae my Ke patel on fm Cac ernie epee sk is cat ‘hat he ship dee nein at pss hough the post Co al “The falling i an example of 4"Saance to new a’ ble const Jor traversed #5 hon tga ae & co | om | tS 1 tic ble ied the pin Cin Fig 36 plato nyo ards aang the iia eure 20" and he te of al ti napa pos ojo) (et scconds eng fgnored) “Tinta hs: (9 headstone nes oy fan ieee (0) dace tobe plated slang te erga cour, (i) ime cretion to be adel othe ie of wheel ove inorder to ha the cose te he pin (bythe dinate that canst be uel or aeration of eure once 5" ers, bce beyond is poi he tance ro now couse bees 14 Drain the Tarsing Cel th Compass “This meth, shown in Fig. 6 tw astra ter methods, but my te asl a appro. ‘Sethe comput Ral thecal diameter nd cueing by ee the pin 2 li ans of te pt wht th wa oe Ic ‘ide with entre Draw the ne course Car angen t thi ce, tad Ste the aa tie he ship ea he av 4 Phtig the Missa fhe are Note the miine ofthe trap plot the ship lng te erga! corse wt his ie Plt her Sure fom thi pt This metho, ssn in Fi 5, gs cloe approximation an! the la of speed ic pay slowed Ios but shold bot heed hen fe sae eeu 4 Phting the dooce nd Tran “This mth of pling cap bese io Bg 3. he Fi Seon the reer of frig el These of seta the tie hea (he ps the sae tine seston for Itemedist Coe snd Diane 6, Ung Person Cat vot the Trang Cire “This mth hr he dadeantage of equiing aloe mune of prouactns for vavon pede ser angle, wae ple Coston for Change of Speed When seed chang ona ssght cute allwance mst be made fo he The tha he ip tc neo gthesgee way rsecr oy he egies thay repo othe enluon ter or isane, inca ata sion of aoa raya pr ot of incest decrease mun be appied tte dane rn (1) whe Med TR det tg wasnt beset Sista abo Recording the Data ‘Whether the dea akong bing ep by hind chy mean of a automatic pong, mporant that sh sum er al sat aed speeds Shout be hep in be auton or 4 ops propa form Tae lepout ths reco wil vay ssdlg tothe mth of nian) Naiating ‘ttc and imate provid shat sft dats are caine to eae Aheetis prin tobe woe up agi shold ay oub ubequry ae Prorvne Cras the sae ofthe nian chat sno suitable fr beep apacarte deal rechoing, 4 ping cre maybe aed Del of ping chats are ta in the Horie Supple Blanc (1. (6) Dh Mathematica Se ae how B38) Tet eprom ine im mites ele the shi ped in kao, [es thes sped om see et gs 0 ule 3 he atne uring ay ie trl cn then be read diet fom eae Bn fig. the ie rle st for a ps speed of 3 bao re. 38 Lait de rule eda Sposa Discs se In ode to Sr he shi’ sped when the tance ram is wn, st the stan ran oo le B agin the tine interval on sae The hs spend ce then be rend of fam se B ty blow the 60 le (by The Spee Tome Distance She Rae (Patrn Now 1435 and 148) The introns for sha ae given on the back the rls which gives linet eating or pede opt 42 bot fr pis Hemera {dap aon, prove sce for eveting depart int os (6 A Spot Diane Diagram oc Nomogaph x pit onthe raat of Plotng see tam be wed sates ofthe methods memoned shove ~e CHAPTER IV Fixing by Observation of Terrestrial Objects Iss Carr I he mi ning thesis poston by eimstion were serie. For thereon gre, auch spain lle oe, and ‘herfore can tha the atgtor soul btn the p= pntion,whebevee ple, by ebrstine of trestles or svn os, a3 Aso cicle Taking Bean "The siquth cee shown in Fig. 39 espe so thatthe accurte sgn the chee self rn suet, and therefore estat Be The ‘pie principles on wih their signed ach at (pode the objec sce trough the V) the ere Bearing cot be ead eter ot bot he cle ol ir algned 2 att point the sec ine enged {he face of the prism ofthe feng ofthe Desig. be nl ‘edo enable the sximuth ceo be hep haztal wi lig a bing takes bering af an bet ot igh aude, te enn he et the elector saul ented trough the Vag a0 the il tine wel the ceflstion io the eased In on hereto. The eting then ead fr the engraved Inn he pr. Daring th operston cae told be ten Xo hep te ee htt by means ofthe level. etc for Chesing the seing ofthe rte andthe pn wl be ound on age 3, 88. CHAPTBK IVFINING BY ONSERVATION OF THRRESTSEAL OBJECTS METHODS OF OBTAINING A POSITION LINE | pation ing, a deed in Chapter I, canbe obtained by 1. a cemp bearing ofan aie tered vl o by ar 2 relate bearing fw bist beer val by ada 5. 4 vee seta ae an it of om big (a range by dance meter, be the ght of he ajc i ans sanding: 1 rls and submarine sound ranging (dese in Chapter), 12 ai pasion fing spate (deri in Chap VI 13 a arrange a eerie in Chapter VD, tate meaning oder in Chater VI) {an asconomi burton a dried in Volume I 1A Compass Bearing Went ome sing of ates eh pin et ene {Beale "ne f bearing ‘Theprinople is deacied In Caper I ‘When a bari ofthe ee ta oj taken, sl tig he righthand edge withthe sol =| andthe end eg wih the ‘bol [= or In hs connection i important mee ta vere ge este Beat bea When sigan eo an that at ve ‘ous be ree tha the wen willy cneopond the dared ee of Enda ean High Water Sponge. cuter “ 2. A Relative Bearing A line of being an abo be obtined by noting the dition ofan, be ‘ate othe con ofthese bead i te lghtouse sora in Fi. 4h aves tbe 6 on the stand (Gran Go) when the ship sewing op" cla hte te berg helightone oo ana line of ear on bean othe char 7 of ote byrne ane rbd in een fame —erPameeereenr METHODS OF OUTAINING A POSITION LINE % 5A Transit. an observer ne to obj in inten be mist be tated mentee ot {alae produce) which nese own in Fig 4. Tha pve an exe prton nc en the datas bern he sme apd the Derr bee ‘Ecmore tam sbot the sth dance beware eect fn ama "Ait sly she by the mba 4A Horizontal Seatant Angle Since alse ubnda bya chord in she sae ent of ile a sa, it floes tha ifthe oberer mesures the houomtal ett angle betwen ‘wo objects he mat le amen these of cae which pee hough then ad obich cna te male over Fa. 42 Peco tne by Horizon Serta Anal 1 Fi. thea betwen the poe andthe chimney as Bsn sneured by sean td ound i be Se A Sg boil a ay be wed one ane sng (or Chagas, . 5A Vertical Sextant Angle of an Object af Known Height be angle subtended tthe obere' ee by veri bjet of ght is tear, the aon of» rghtangied rag wil giv the sere ‘stance fom te tae of he ojos. The potion lie il hen be the eee ferene of scl whose ade thie dtr. “The Danger Angie and Of-Shre Dates Tables (Leck's Table!) eer this tangle by stg the Dei ofthe object and the eerected served angle. "Th tables re died into to fr, se debe Below 9 CHAPTER IV—FIXING BY OBSERVATION OF TERRESTRIAL OMJECTS Page I (fr seo th ict sue the aur thro “This covers ight up 0,3 fet an aan tag eT eines ‘ia (a) ee observed ange pr of igh-angle tage: (@) there nether vefaton nr sara of the ae (c) the bighe ofthe acre? cyto! (G) he frre every below the oc Unalythe ror xe by thse amumpins in np when the dsance ‘eenen the ship andthe sree peter than the ance rm these to ‘epi helo the obj. "he etunce found i the Sane of he oj an not hat af the foreshore ‘The obeyed angle must be cree for index ror, and che eight the object mone be amended fr the hg hee CKAMPLE (Sow Fig. 4) A cial sextant ange of ight, ect 195 ft oasis, Index ere Ie Corrected angle ose Par of Lcky's Tabs, eee witha bape of 15 ot and an angle of of 90% ves the dances 278 mee “Te poston ln, therefre, ithe ccumferene ofa cil of ras 2 kes dawe withthe liptee a et = Fr. 3: Pitney Ws Stn Ane Pas (fr ae when th bjt eyo hero). This coves igh up to tSo00 et and dance of rom 9 il ‘Te folowing comectons mone be spied tthe ore sgl (2) the index ero (©) correction for dip, enon page 46 of the tbl, which mat hays ‘Stance oo the absered spies « (9 aconecton for rlsin,ebained by Aiviing the eine dance ‘nvr by tle. The elt f thi vob eve te tetecton erect tmnt wh ant be sabre om the stare Sone (soe Fi, 4) A moana 50 ft ih it bred a a tans of appavinaiel oy i. The era tan oe ten rom tof ‘eof aft ond fl be Index error af the sent Foe. Dip correction ee (es) vor a lo 44 Ponisi tine hy Vet Senta Angle bit eon von Par I of Lacs abl, eee with a eight of setae an ane of ge gt aie the danse aay le 6. A Range by Distance Meter, when the Height ofthe Objet Known ‘This method s bse onthe pil ofthe vera vest sae ‘There are thee spe of distance mater apie HM, ss They are erred in Chapter il, Tho intranets he uel bese mr eevlton Suppose tre lines, All, CD, BF, are dene, ea na ston oye wt ach ess leat Ge, the aps ra nhl Thy He ship edt eo, and tasty sey urate by win rua he wl eee Sine ACE tthe pot lint ae, DP on he te poston ie tows an the"attenedonton liners wil pl nthe pad Paton ine. Iti tingid by tw tro eh ed Te ahp ime y win stra darng tery te pet hough which to dr the postin line ust be determine in wo ope showin Fe 1. Lay ff fom ae poi on the pital pasion fe, the se ad Stance (AD) seamed bythe ship nthe fra 2 From 2, layoff BK, which the recon od dstanse the sip ‘timated t ave Ben a inthe intra by wi anda Te los line inv tele though od tue” a4. Phe ward pion ine ang lam ‘The Use ofa Single Position Line hen two posto lies ete be otsne, 4 angle one may often be of we in Gearing home danger or making histou, Fa sample, separ that the fours ne steed pa aso sd ledhngd ator oko a Fe 8 ‘The tip. seaming Ao cannes the tine st wah the hace Bc Tine taken to rin te Wane A cated, awng for scam, a atthe end of thi tie the hip ers aac to" le thane macer whee the sip aon the engl Poon ie be wl {tim oot the nee poeon tie, BA, whch il led her it hata i, ¢8 The ue of sing piton ine FIXING THE SIP A Bix the posisin obuind By the intention, a aul sgl, 90 ‘moe positon ins rm eet bjs: ales he potion ise eho ft peactealy the name finer one of ore af thew must be red ot detrbed ater “The necemary combination of potion le to give fx my be obined ‘oom te flowng ues 2 bearing a am nae 5) baring sd dtc; 4 Eherng and 3 unc: £ eeengand secon é rom which a dane can be cauaeds Stntind ange forse eet eh ‘otearngs o's singh oj, ith toe neal between meats 9 Be of snl 1 taco maison sd (debe in Chapter VI): 12. bearings of sop ej and imaltneo ta-ire am dsrid in Chapter Vi ef thee mato sve ea wth in etal he elning puns should be sed and bore in mind ear Pig Te itor sol ty al he ts he ig 0 {he bearing of ne coneiconos abject snd then having to lok nba to lect ‘he 2 (2 CHAPTER 1 “FIXING HY OBSERVATION OF TERRESTRIAL OBILCIS 1 involve, the cage being obtained by 4 diet rang in evry ee) The flo ine eth crcmferene os ch, the of which te diane Foand by he aster 2. A ange by Rangefinder (the rangefinder x devel n Caper VED) "Dis meh i afl for Sng the dice of nga twp, the Beer ofan sje orn raven era ng 4. A Horizon Range “This metho i most wl oght For Bding the tan fight when t fe penn sve the hin or dg blow the hoon Theisen othe ‘Sip fom the horizon, ad of the ip yond the hr ey be our thee fiom the geographal range tale in he Lat of Ligh or fom Table Ain Lay Tes The ass gsr, be an ei om ‘Beit EXAMPLE SEP LA hr et ele thew hd a he ts dian han fe oth ge ‘what isthe distance of the light? i oe "The geographical range ule give: Rane of horizon fom the Hpk (140 fet igh) 13 57 ile wp mnt hehe of ye 40 fet 36 ake tac tom eg oe ge so. mies he abow example is worked by Lec’ Table A, the din found to be ao mien, bests thie rest ieren allowance er rere 577 pehleaamain (0 tata aa sone MWS” or Chr i) he aot 9 Sounding An approximate potion ine can sometimes be sbsined fom soundings For ‘ample, can been that the esata ine esta spon i en tothe Engh Chane is clely mathe onthe char. Ths, when bunting 1 oo fata stained in thsi, the ship tus ie semewhere oe ths ine Simi, fx pou, wellsdeoed fathom ln is deed and iene, ‘wl ie pnt ie which maybe ed to eat sre danger A good ‘ample of eis pen oo ge 144 “The nature of the btm ashi fund by sounding withthe le, can ‘cio be ated to poe an approximate puto Ine when the dierent aman af desy defn on he chart or expe in the cartel eng tp the River Pty, the "Md Wall indices the fay. On ae de the ‘lnm is ome fund and onthe there of eon to. An Echo ofthe Siren te echo of the ie from lic he Ber sponsible to cle the tinanos of he ei and 0 stan poron lin To 6 intake he searte time ira bwece the emo of the ound and ara ofthe eco, ten the distance info of the ship _ the tine merlin sennds¥ 1130 “eon the it’ : x moe approximately: ‘THE TRANSFERRED POSITION LINE Sonne haem ni fy hat ighthose Duar 03 fram he ipa 160 an tat the po steaming 090% a 8s. Th snformaton i aa abt thee oton a 1607 aw aline ACE in 4314 retin rom he gh. This the pation Ke (94 CHAPTER 1V—PIXING BY OBSERVATION OF TERRESTRIAL ONJECHS Suppose thre ine, aM, CD, fF, te dese, cath in a Sirton ey aah tsi en (the sn nal shy he ship SA the tl all une wind rahe tea Since ACH tthe purty li shoe, RDF mm be the postion Bi 1630, The orl pat ine a fa, bas ttre ne own asthe "atened postin lin sh wll he prll tothe onal Pon ie I tings by se shel enh et te ship ie by wi oe rear ring te oy te ins hi to da heptane mat be determina nt Sp shown in i. 1 Lay of, fo any pitt an th org pti i, th cae isan (48) eae bythe sip er 7 2. From B, hy of BK, which isthe drsinn ad tance the hip ‘Stmated 1 have Bete ae in he itera, hy wind and he son ne pw reset vou ‘The Use of Single Paition Line When evo pain fines cas be sae,» ingle one may often ea ie ning eg mae show or cng apa ht he ure be ered up amr a eed dour eka a Ea "Te stp, meaming 8 sere he ine ihe Heiose ee 80th ine hen ton the Stans 3 Sted ling ft wnt Cn , sd steam, a at teen of ths tie the hip ters aac too" lee that no mater whee heap atom the aril poo ie ta be wl tarmac the vated postion ine, A, which wl led he st aro. Fo, The we fs ilps line FIXING THE SIP | fin the postin bin hy the inkneton, a ale ag ‘more postion ins rom eet sj Unless ae oe I pectly the sae Snes ont oF tore of then me be seed, Sect ie “The neceary combination of ponon Hoe to ie ix may be obtained from he Fling ures Seay and an angles 2 Reng adc 3 CREED tad a sundings enn and orzo ange, rom which dann bx u 5 2 tread an age Scraone set Spi {wo eaingy of ge bet with ine ie betwen barton ne of snd 1 ado ovina as (dese in Caper VD 12 Beageof angle obj and mls u-verse inchaper Vi Bere these mete det wth in deta the flosing point shold Me sedan bore in in ‘fore Ping, "Te ovina shouldnt al he objec hei ing 0 sorted ans sce tay Sond tt char To ‘Seay ome St sh nen hv kt CHAPTER IV—FIXING BY OBSERVATION OF TERRESTRIAL OWECTS eee When thing ers brig, the nares ofthe objets shal ret be wsiten own in the ntook, The bearing should then be sbcred at ql oe ale, care beg ake tht he jc ne Hearing changang met pl Ihe Int objec tobe buersed. When tachoring. honoree nee nerve the tt epi chasing easing rat anna teach eben ‘he oto, The ren fr thin tia te stn reed aka he eae “Te bearings shoal writen saint te memes he scr n teva nda the time of thet. The tne ntl sould be tat ot wha the oat bering wat ebcrved eacepe when anchoring, when sould be tht of oe ft oe ‘The tne, tothe hero minut hol no be nen npn ner onthe cart ales the earings ae an st sintaeoy tis impel a ssafcory ceil if he Sine hearing eRenging reply he at ferourabieChcumstanees ae whe the He jor eaceved tat) aba theeaiod ease, To eid plows rere resommmended tat the person obi the ‘eavinge shoul a pte tem in the honk ad sloth he sar ‘When wing a map compan, cmerbu ta the devin which mst Be ‘seo comet the beni the Sev fr the ton of eis ed ‘the abretn r aken ‘Acuracy ad api nung ar ly bse by practice, and seca thatthe naiguor should make himself oon inthis ear tas ce, for on occ it may beeen! to beeree ad ttre bing eo theft of shot ene ery te, Ccnooase Ones ‘When 2 si's postion i ed by thee bearings the objets chosen shoul if pombe be 0 pled tat thee bering fe by abou 69" The ption line willthen me gd! ct. Wea itis only posible tft byt bern theohjet sled sould be uch tha he feu postin Loe coer macy at Ht anes, Dect the fet of any sal eas in aking the eesrvations slaying them fo the hi et when the angle fet go and gradual tenes ss the ale fr dete ‘A cto es than go" should not be cepted elle i. Fi. 49 shows the diference i postion eed by an ere of $ wha peu awit 207 cat being the err apd B th incre psn (Se abe Ylure HT) Always che objets ear the ship in preference to objects say Bea (any eor inthe being ary objet as ow elton the searaey (O Pik tl potion an sina enor inte eng of an jet fees (0g ik of eagle on x chat are ot sete ahr Hines ‘When ing by thee tern the bate ected shold ot be placed chat pS on he cults ofthe ie png ho ha rin ‘ele te i in al ae re won these na ng unknown compan eon Ths cy shows in Fa 3) Stik shipto isch she ple that he odes were areed squat the bets wed in fag et pation thou be onthe Mabe Sas chanel. 1. leog by Cross Deaings ‘When tine fearing ae obtained fa tw irene bjt a he tae ine, the ships be on Both ns naan. Teroe the inc of eng 22 sabe tale et pts oa atthe pt of ees, e.g. ining by crm earings Se CHAPTER TY FIXING BY OBSERVATION OF TERRESTRIAL ORIBCTS 00 For example, in Fig 50, samig ht the lige bate of" sa na ‘zoey the choc bre'a5 he hase ie te ah chy th tt omer mt hae tp eo i Tani ero, thi beat Ged “check bean’) shoul sh be tse" bang shou pa tough ar hee the wn ot ease ‘ofthe other wo bevinge. Ia Fig. soa check being af iciease ee “in Co Hor hn te hg ee + ig hp hi the intersection of two or more such lines obtained at diferent times will mom ayer i a ue See ate tip mt hp coe SSS sey gh ei, bare ad TE nae am camert e (0) exrin desing the oie, & seri at thing 6) iacurey of oben reli he intaons of te cmpa, {5} ompon co atsown or ne sped {cece tne mera atten seg (Soca aft sry eco At he ket ts rs, he we sdb evil wee tht en it nor @) ld ma grocer thn [an may gener beset nor (sib cal by ge pty of es he sera prety my ig ee cared re being: ory fated magnetic beng 19°M. ‘temoe 5 (2) By esinth of eoeny by 8 explined in Vola () By ring of stot acts "Th ship i ae by hori angles, 1 dowribed bie aod emp exig obeaied of diane obec "Tis cn then be compared th tr Bening than fo the cha (q) By recon! orth omthe sip hse eompae ever hen. (83 By Boston Poca (i true Serbo Cheer VIL) ‘The besng ofthe thre shoe abject ae evn no he prac fd the shige pation pote Then the sunt be Whi te zero of {he presacto edioesay fom te Norton the har te ee Fide compan Inthe sve 9€ 4 magic cra ot il De ‘he achat rum the ation ad he devin nor (cane slated ster by making the bacreations again with bora ie iter By apg the regis unt ech eating and {rte the poston ins previ dete ror (cas Be aged a eerie ia Chapter Titres corn ha the cc hat Bee cmpas ero aloe, andthe tsror tant be serine by ny of the tthe daze he te ced Fit nay te veuced sd te comp ro ound a allows st i wile evident the ror mo ive inte sgn and tough shies be (1) or (he wll be th ame neh pated being Therefore ‘itech potion ie rtd bythe sane amount and i te same deta, {post can be laure hey wi eect." ton ca ually ind opto otc Shek te gl be foun peal ee he 400 CHAPTER 1V-—FIXING BY OBSERVATION OF TERRESTRIAL OBJECTS eating of the fret oct St, at thi wl have the peter fect onthe Pin Fi be porto es bv en ote clk fom the cc ht [XYZ wate pin Fath enor ha bot fond tbe Sef Te theory 2 thn i espn in Volume Ti, wheres ore acura bat hy ture ‘nplste et = docrbed) ‘0 eg ad ct be cy yore do Bee sSccin shea cae actin are wo ae poe ‘nding te fouk tee Sure shal Ge taken a Yee ma 2 oe "When tu pet nes ae olsined by radio niga idan pte onaleas chi wil bergen rms knowledge oft sours ations ifthe eqipmene = hse hips pooner nots ed pi tt hi gtr oF & Ban Fis 8 Coss Brann Tt seen in Fp he ship ad the tre chosen objec athe are of these ees thi he tte beings wl eur ts pnt haere the rakes err i andthe chine should no hae Dem Cone when there ‘rasa bean on nay slr bering mach ose the ship 2. Ping by a Rearing and en Angle Te ray appen tht only on ober vnble om the compas, bu acter tlyet ean be seco the ing of the ge The sextant angle subtended “Tole ofa bearing and nal, ether ofthe flowing method can be we (a) Apply the ange tthe observ beacng ad hus bin ee ring of the ther set ot vse fom the cepa. In Fig.l bers ‘ue and he sxtane angle toa church 9 nee the hurch bears ‘HG, a he x om ow be hol by coe beng (0) "Thee the hill dew te ne of ening 00" rm any poi A 00 Uh tine ay ff an engl 4 ote de war te hah hay he wll rls slang the ne Hn abana alert one ope the church ‘he pe mhee the ee the rere he ‘ow of being rm he Ml then the hs pon. Sse; bile pet aa eg ane che dee SG noes ann ote a bone. Fo. s4 Fig by bering and a ce yo CIENPTER 1V—FISING BY ONSHRVATION OF TERRESTHIAL OMECTS 4: Fining by Bearing and a Distance Wh ony oe bj asia, the ship can be ed by » Bearing and a) sage by sangeide or sane meter (as explineom age 91-2), {hha ental oxen angle (eexaied om og 8), {c) 1 hoszon range explain 0a pose ga (Gh eater ge upon in Chapter Uh (6) schon at and sand ipl (or ephne in Chapter). 4 Fisng by Bearing and Sounding (i. 55) On spproing the land, an appriminte pon can be bt, in plier Sher the dap cheng sly aly, by sing a acing ed ound ot ‘ho tame ie Remember at (@alowance mut be made forthe height ofthe tl before comping the rounding it he cha (0) eke will nt he elle anes the fathom ines ae ery ey Seine (e) the il ot be elle ules the fathom ine te exoned nesey plea gt anon 5 Faing by 4 Bescing nd « Horizontal Angle, {com which a Distance can be Calculate “This metho i st sf when the sip ia posing 2 al and hen the mpusbemng of theta exc ego toe and would ve to sl ‘Secre an he bering fone ege Then fom the with ofthe aan, = ‘Bown on the chr ean fom te ship enn be ela EXAMPLE ‘od a tame in th tha ge ere The vant angle ben he tres of ied 7 i is fn Bg 5 fon os “Toind the dicanoe of he ship Sram th ind ies cl he dite "The, sine are = ade the angen ar! 6. Hing by a Transit and an Angle “This isnt 2 by 2 bearing and a ange but since no compa i ed, {The method fecqueny wed gta pnton ‘when sounding 0 ‘are ov doting ey. 17 Fing by Horizontal Sertant Anges "Ths method fer he ship's postin by the neem of 0 oe te ton Une: tose are ound by oberg the horn sexta nes une thes or moe eb Ie is extremely afl fering the ap scaly when mere or st chery an or fing the ship scart ao, when tind hearers ae sai "The advantages of hs method a: (0) e more accurate than a compas, becawe sextant can be ted ‘more ecurately a compas (0) independent of compu eres "The nna: (a) ie take loge than ing by compass earings: (0) thre wie bjs te eet (0) ifthe objets ae incoreychated oe iocrety iene, che tte abet te srr mt pt ke apparent. Fo ho exon, when a ry surveyed chart wae, the ships person sould nora be ‘re by cmp bearing, Beate acces he charted poston. ake wil become apparent when smuloeoos nes of ering “raw on th bare do noe ee pi Phar: A an B (Figs) ae two objects on sore spot nthe ste ima neo the Svc aod te ange Beech te i cred, SPinplian eon he me 408 bounding te ape hich conse the SRend Sle Sina fe angle between and Cio observe, the hip Rois om th ac COM The ats iver a B ap O, Three O mas ethos postion ro, 7, Fiaing by emo or mor hort extn se ‘To Por nm Fs "To do thi it not necentacy to draw the cls the tree ie, OA, 00 and O€ a be reno acing paper 0 tht he angles tO aethoeobcre ‘The paper ped ovr the cut sb that 04, OB aed OC pas trou, TDaok € resp. te pss Oca then be pice hronsh, BEC choteatne hod fploing te pe oi arty Doogln Proactr cor Son otra decribed n Chapter VE ‘A theck wate shld be ake, if pons, fom the cote abet a Sour soft When Son poner oe tial an Be plated ae he a we titted “oy telling th insanely and mening oe of i es thie hk angi lo shoul then ps Thang the oor es ‘Thee smn in ips? would bee Ay sare Bea? Coestee Oats yt leer fom Fig. 53 sha he htonse chiriney a eurch are on the arc of acc pang trough te sip then she maybe sphere on ce war! a of that cic, aad mo fc bled in hie cse "To avd his ‘Siento tbe ctl chosen sha (0 they ate eter al on, oF ea, the same sight Tine shows in Bir ior (0) thei obj nearer the ship than the ie sing the oer 20, bon i Pg spon (ete ship nde te teil formed by ee obs, shown in Fi. bo les Suinblabiee for Benoni fe) Fie Sib abject {or Soom (3) 6, Sable fora Stom-potet Be) ewe pion irs he ption o thpen Ie foun by unviing oh hndege kig the ing fee be sec pnt ea Phe pon of ioc af teen ys oct He te ship pen (0) Ta odin rs 0 pston He bined at deen ve, wen the nist examee (Soe Fg 61) sip i tring 9 at ete Te tidal reat etimate os stg 95 at ia, Ae ttn «lhe bre of At 1690 Me same lights be 318 idee pt of he sip 1, “kat nt rt oso ie RCI Souneo a oam epee in sna he pois where the fist pion Ibe, ramserect and den hgh C, aha second poston line the shi oon 03. (0) "Toobin a fo sm pton ines bts deen nes, EXAMPLE (See ig. 6.) AC 1900 hip fed ad ae tering 180 At sioSoetl Bering Res Ons A 896 ord earn of Bs 057 Rope he ice 19h ond he rec expend fam F790 189. ie. 6, Th suming fr th now ul teen Draw AB, the course sere, cing the Se pon ine B.On the He a2 Docc uc thae BC in 3 mint na fed ier by AB. Tess ihe poston line thongh C. Tbe pot P wheve thx cus the second Fenton Hoe then the fea 1836. Pe the core dine made pal Efseen eps and 83 To ot te tal stam lt D, the DR. a 1836, alo tthe of the hip rough te wer Joa tis oP, the DP ithe ction al st {hte stam berseen 100 a 156. Prof Since the tages 40 and ACP ate sinidr, 40.07 ah AO a OP represent the sped ade god 1 wean 6 nites respes= {eg The oe AE could have boo dan ans drction wich es the [ait lines sad, pried he proportion 4B BC romana the sme, he nated postion Unc mou sry et the second oe at PT tial et ‘Shoe however, be foun da AE plowed ae dvr above (6) Doabing he Ape a he Ba i a psa fr of runing fis wih an te plone ceria the way desribo in) abuso by gucher mated Fothing om the eae betwen the age Suppor ht the aoe betwee the ships hel and the baring of he gt, stows in Fig. 6, bere a ad Ue tine eed, the ine apa ha oie ow ed when the angle 24 follows tht te distance of the hip fom the theta te setod stration st the dane un by We Sip Caring {he tin between te tno serationmsne AIC wl ben ones ag if the bering ne then shen tbe ange re 49" go fom the sips course on the fo atthe beam) she bind is known a 2 “ourpomt ai ‘rahling the angle on the bow camo be we it spe fo if there Tithe, the choervtons mat be plated wrung fy Asin ethic iver tbe ance hip ol seam of a objet, fa tatrated by te flowing ample: “Tae he tine whe the ap on he bow ie "and again when i the dtunce run ove the ground inte ner wl Ke approximately the ‘Sane the ship ilps ear of the ojos. Tig. fy AB ~ 1, but lyf the tac she same the nue ered 6: Finng by 2 Line of Soundings ‘When there ae no objec sable or oberon, i smsines pose shes a Be by sung Alou ha mat do cl ot Sci af roo mrs poston ncn ative non oth sis Fon ‘Sn be obuind ao Sound repularnserale, ting the depth The soundings mst be core forthe bight ofthe sde On pace of tsing paper aw ope or are ‘erin. Layo the sips tac. Alen tire plot the ect soundings, the ree ofthe chat ines Place the tacng paper onthe cht tn the ‘Sino the ships ennatedpston, ad nig the mera a ie Topi icsrighe sore abut seal the suidlge cn the Wacag pet ‘Stn ih hot onthe share "The feqoeny at which sounding should be hen depends oa the sped of| ‘he ship andthe pacing nd ature of he soundings om the a ‘Cation "Fhe apposite pxion found rom lin of cundinge should alway be woe with caution, bene ean postr ok Encof onundings in ever pontine na ch 1a Fining by Two oF More Ranges [een happen that ranges (but at bearing) canbe otane from wo o mare jects If, then the nereion of he range ars wl i the ships poston {Dine ed ty en ny ma, wae in Cape Fising Uncharted Objects and ‘Shooting Ur" "sometimes happens, when ceasing, that # conspicuous object i vie rm {he hp, bot-atbough snl for ine when fing i emo shown onthe ‘hare The positon of such an bj maybe detested (observing i bearing when i in tant wih other hated objet {Two or ore such beings crn shrugh the cared bjt wl then it poston (0 besinng 1x from cated objec, and sinhacuinty oberg the ‘earng ofthe unchred objec Twe or more wich eigen om ‘he pntons the ac wil he te pin of the neared eject 1 say pn that an eject ible for Sing ino early identifiable oa the chart. One tl ciney for tage, maybe tated t= group of eter ‘hme al smn mua on the ehre The oe egies ay be etd ‘yetha ofthe two tends deve above. Tis cle sting wy (Object alot ln bese "shot up ae dese im Chapter V Then ha od ree CHAPTER V Navigation in Pilotage Waters Responsibly “Te resp i a src sured by he AIDS To PILoTAGE opeha with hi nc cad ian gl Serand oe Ivf Na one Bs id Seleah Rec Lights Thee ae stn: hdd ii Tiny Hoon i asm by nd the maeking andre trav hte st fo he ate eh fan Bre ae 19) Gin Mii share ware hey te dng hy 2 mage He Tie aitaed hci sre yn in ose wih the t apron coe, stat tose pan foe ms) beatin Syabertng hein of the spn tone ih ante sae shore ‘jess The potion ee eke ship wil hen be Ged, sown in ‘ie Tawng cumple sy approchng the anchorage st eae 99", mip that «ip Dis fal (Flore toate ip hrc mrt ath chi Baring 90 Sirs th ship bcd i tat th atl Bear 02 From thee wo ine of bearing, D's poston canbe pt 0 the chart. The yrnton of D's anchor most hn be tiated, afer alae bas ben nae hip, sh Fi 8 string 8" nd intnig 1 aha sition Z Fer the wind and ream tthe une Anchoring in a Poorly Chated Area therein no acarat chart ofthe anchorage, andthe ual ofthe beth is 4a sy do take eal soundings wah a fat lat 3 cables of he ‘Hip to make carn tee are no anche roca or denger (abo er ebatine end Adina nsrctis) MOORING ‘Mooring a Ship ina Solected Position ‘When mowing, the same principe apply a er anchoring, withthe flowing ception” (0) Is necessity odie the length of eableon each anche when the hip ba Ben sored Ass gen ule the ent fee for heaty ship ia sacs on eich actor, Ae eypnne in tie anal of Seomarlp. Val. oe dk of cle ety reat 6 found the bons a ha she ring tre! tay be eed PR » (BS Pro 134 Maitaning a pei ck Fhe 133 Alin Cou (1) (6) Avrense Coon Paral index my be stenton a couse, “The mpl cae i tht of turning ont adarconpicious objet which sat hen afer te t,t Fig. #5 he sip tec 7a eid ‘Oriel the ‘dares to ow cos and enw am anal pall ecesery) toh wih «chirp pen. "The echo of the object ll par cove slong the path By By Coase sould ke aicred when te eee the ined tad nih to het sation af vue in fa ore curt todo wo, In ip. 234 the sip i aproching rime on sate Track pull othe point A and 8. Boh Bind appar to sue are ta nh the cous aeran canbe made ITC choco te ent ‘Thich cue shuld be ered ced bythe ur bearing wren HB ‘Rosen depends snnly onthe ear rune: From th it cla Pa, the ‘oma! the lation made, tt chs ae hl Be a ner" rm the Fria ar pre nh ee B shal be sek “On te hut dr les pal tothe ney cou though te eg of 2 and thro the plated peton of wel or, then sre the son index anges (CLR) “Gn the PPA. caro, the acl to ed mak the wo pal index ines forthe oes ranges, thes fate the crs the need Re rack. Fo 134: Alring Cure 0) When the eco of cue the inner parallel, ater couse; the echo shuld then “Pye to mote ah shown by the dotted tach and cine wih the cue Fatt te endothe aterton of nurse Subseyucy the ih edge of © Tiny bea ocotinue the approach on the new our (6) Aveeno ay hap tht sip roqied to schor by vada i 4 postion tat ano event ra ranging mark ahead, La Fig. 38 the approach cue tothe anchorages shown. A ie ide though the ony eases shies. paral w the approach rac, and te perpen dra oa "oth tin tC. AC ies ner range and B's eal the ead age ‘The PPA curt i then prepared mi Fp 139 oo the die sea te sed, with the puraiel nds ine reno the cam nden ange bn teste The den range then marked, alo the intro eal the lin of Seg Of the carte. The cursor em ated no thatthe nde os arpa the approach ak Aa he ship apronchs, the dinance to go is nated on the caro by the Peston af the hoo Bi. 5g shone pica st 3 eben, “This methods uber wo the hacer teed y ay ting eee ub. ( tomwancaos oF Repaelscaencrees Onset “The parle nde ines maybe ued ai the dein of «radar ieompcuous objec, sch ae 2 buy, eet a ral orgs ee in Fig. 136 From the ch, meaue the bearing and ance of the bay fom A. Rotate the index lines so that they ae pul tothe beacng. et pir of vers tthe distance, ining te ee the PP Then ah epi ofthe dividers onthe conics sje teva link ie ston ofthe bun nthe ton he pra! ae one o) Beancisune 4 Cea Axcon Beet When approaching an anchor beth ia ow iii important o ext bt nother ship I fing your intended peo, Pas index may se for hi iar ay hau onion bt in th be ge and Bening of the atebor Berth ran racic ees mn be eared on the char. Uther stem ches iin uti de the puto indeed bythe der, then teers ee icllision ther oe of pall index ox in ani-llison wock bth info ad in ve visit, I the paral ines i aligned wth few scsi pts of ther ship the vik of eallaon ca be ply nore 1 the relive wacko th thes ship pans thus the eee af the PPL en that hip cali core _ 1a Big 7 ship ona clin cnr; hip il pm cat.‘ de pote oprah (CPA) Bete pnt Fad XV ele ents se 7 & Pou Increasing the Radar Rerponee of Simall Target Small ge sch a buys bso inl Beara ae able 2 ie poor Fala revo, owing to ir te sap te mi che oe ‘made, othe fat that hey Done le ness caer Frc. Camerefecurasenblinftedentom Fe. 1p, Theméirbuny su on te ge crc sec ani The cot ceo et ‘eal puter mtualy perpen and touted tha he so ysry "olen A sree sing the ebro swe mgt omg {tlncidenee al be eee seat tec who sy eexaeig Ths esp SF then ere movnted oper cane strange i ome able fot Mac toe rere oar ay in fy wt bene ‘Too of hae comer relator setae shown nig. 198 Te daccion Tang o's boy fed wth oe a thon ceo iy ob nce fen st len ri: and is ime inca ‘aner, rode the swept ut incorrect adjuned. A cornet refesor smb frmorted on the ttf orden Ping vel ule even mene eee (dy The ar By = When waco by he re eller a tse a ndage te, and ie ty oe raged in bad meter al ele ‘inal confusan wth convent tpi The deadarage may be ‘recome by un special conrad buoy such hts in Fg: 3. “The buoy yw ening characteris boty hee ar teeth dein sal pple san boys Positive Lentication of Radar Targets Abough an important navigational mack may give srng rar respons, ‘here re many scene hn i ek sen vi to ae prose, fon the cpl, of ln cine echos fom ater age To err tht Aitouty, teeion maybe aed by eer seve ve punted “Theactve deve canbe usd for either soe or Hosting ar ih eee af theses a the eco, the lack ‘chasse i th co the posy af eonfan nth and oreo ages thence, see ssetuting St ‘ome way onthe edt sere. The ove deve tle for anes wc "hough ible onthe sren, ae ble obe soft with oe shone (a) The Ramorh This i» ida econ wish enables hp fied wi salar obtain besng ination ofthe beaoon om the PPL spy. ial ‘om the mark wil Ee esved when herder ail pis tov they fe dyed on the tar seven a broken lines over sbat2ane ‘ia ram eT ne rie fap Se eto tthe edar ser he tammnon scope over ane eave net {he wave-bandecupied by diferent typ of rite ra “The rama’ neo bearing in ‘cde and oma of sr dts o ex, rs combination of bth ao tht pie detention em hese we ‘more than one rnc abled nthe mame vin. I ao, the ‘Mumia ay be tine code’ fospe-teaged eed, Unless the eo of the rama (or ta ofthe itn or ether autre ‘on wich sted) eae on te dp wll ot be posit sain ‘rage wll an exing “Tse ramals ae at prow nthe expernntl sage and del of thee ‘otblainet apd setae promulgated a ney Adon Nate fo Marne: The amar’ tsision i indpendet uf he recep of gral ftom radar waar canteen tnd by an re of veel ‘oto, with go kane of surtion oe mata terrence. Moone, {inorder to rca the rare tear, anlar dove othe th {he radar set af iru by a8. (0) The Rao, Thin the fame given to x radar sep asa which providers rec inden of bth range snd ering ora ply The beacuse tobe ‘rigce hy a acamier sted inthe ship. preset ‘here fe no ane in oprain fr marine Shoresbaed Rade Imnocn Stanton [ta oumber of ports in sirot soutien, ada italics ase ben et pr abareas an Hid ein the pn Aug may aca ich ater, such stalin ares of ste for informing ves tthe ‘ips tue ose dnc om tn, Te tne oa Canast of plays the store ate shoning in ore or mote sais the Spaces te por. "s Tavormaton concer tir oan positon an thu fae veel othe asbour apres, and the Yelave postinn of rvigatiral mar, can be fused wo hie by adn. ‘This nae trae to we he par in cao i Irhich woul be neal ithe sich information os, provides the har athoiienwth an estantancos check on he potion a BO. td ee Hosting mark ner ther uric, "The sytem i teed sal to provide infermation, and dae nt sterpt in any ayo contol the ovement of reels ‘This cote Femina ‘Stray, in te ands of the mater opal Feary Oreo In cern ives pei nd equipment has ben setup node o aitate ‘eopeton of fre ding tik west. Depending th al opp the radar may be ether aipbrne stores, with as sonata beeen shore ad ein, In one cater ete ee fea snes ‘fom te tore BLIND PILOTAGE Blind Pitage othe nse sven tothe apertion of conducting te page of Ss shipinlltage waters, sing any alae means a ened the nape by tow sabi. Te therfore pou, and ined sl for he Dlnd tage Peation (LEP) tobe ted ins compares fom which then aera General Principles "To eoaure sac it is nce t cond the ship securely ang pe areaged tack planned free vs or blog conitons. In mpuaely “hreited water, ths est dae by conan ing om the ha, aig ase ‘conjonaion wth ther ais appropriate, ME DF, Desennd sousdnge Inurvow wes and doting te fia sages af an achoage eat tat just a in vial page, the dlp inherent in ang ae eacepae: I Thereore nocemty, fr anticelletn sad eaignton in thee clos, 12 rok ie from the PP. or sch oes inure sy be vale = he decameey if Dace homing ahi mpage tng» prepared ‘tcbol Acrar chest been rent Should bemaie whence pcb In ctr cme, the une oration i equi and, whichever method i being employed, the fling principe thou he alowed (0) The ship hold be conned from he sama platiem on eammendy tins fre the RDP tna onthe RPE set hoo leony tthe bide that thee ofthe ship an be tnd, Nevertlm Fil be advangsoe ihe conning drs canbe hed inthe BE (oy in denobie the the Captain should hve xy aac the BE that he can anesthe aidy othe sain infomation wed (0 Hiatt ened Cs sac iar witl thn stn ins ps (ay'The Nevin Over shuld sean apd ances the te Lins thence ptt: sthagh eas nr, sch sua () Bch withthe endl ak show on must he piel che ‘enpepuorn, ath n»saty P of te ad t eble the ‘GLOW. pln chance wl ering. (9 Tie wos Import hat ind Plage sould be pecs in leer Mesto sd al cas pled node osc tenure ofthe Bind Pica Only tho onthe ntconary confidence n the sy be ‘ublhed whi wl prc on of sore comple tobe conducted ‘ae under lod codons. Blind Pulotage Team and Equipment lind lage equesigh degree of team-ock in onder that all yeaa factors may be coniered wile sacing the shi’ potion snd fore ‘movement His etl Ut the Navi Oise shoal be ava of ery ‘Seunatanceafecing thesis pssgey wind and dl seats. sale fevangemen of personel and equipo, whereby this can be achise, ‘ected below (0) Compass Platform. The Coan con the ship on rsommendtions| ‘oom the Ravignting Ober inthe BPP. Chane vn besings fog ae tard, ee, re roped tothe Navigating Ofer, No ape sgupneet requted, bt ear and lable wo-say communication mt exit beter the Sed for th ure (@) Blind Pda Poitin - "The Navigating Oe const the pte na ras the Yaliwing squipnerh inthe hares visa of hat ‘he! (1) Compu peer; (2) Lag Oped sn dance), rudder and wind nds ) RPL fom HLD.W-S dar, (@) Appropriate ratio preset (6) Communion th he cpa ptr an) "The flowing shoul ao be provided inthe DE (6) Eek Sounder, ordre commision withthe FS operator if the equpnien i susted cheers, BLIND PILOTAGE » (0) Reception oly on conning interno andor bt fen the coming Wwieepipe (nt raged the RIP. itn ay enced cnn pir (@ Dirac communication with DE and ais compart (o)Ant-Colison Pale ier neces nc deseble to use an ARAL table fr conducting Blind Pay prtcally iy tl eters, Sone a ‘esteton pt thors heh orm fhe i pend poe (W)ARL: bl hich ms be ation wo he cht Dl wed or pilot, showing gered pon 2) Soi lie r (G) Teathig diet 001 Sse PI, carr {@) Relasve ac atu yc plo "land lgnmeutf paral Asctsment of the Risk Involved ina Blind Puotage Passage Attough normaly the sscracy of Bid Pibtage ech that x ship canbe {skenw an open ancora and anchored wii ads ote deed place the dee of rik involved, parca reed wae st be ely ‘wid Congeion deo her stip andthe conse fare of ‘sro ater a thoes sip ten ome her mae ‘Technique of Blind Plotage A lind Plage pecaon shuld be did into tw dint ‘rts Exe vere (G) The tack shold he sted with putas reference to ala hang agng epeily by parle index tage (9) Ret ng by ae ange ding om el sald be (6) The Navgcing Ofer mus did cil a what cg be wi: (cane har (eng bd a i rk of st omic ‘radar range sak (the tack should be choven, if posible, 9 old isting dine see meme) (9) eve tech an haves PP rom his prepared notebook. ed The ition of el opin fr hig coe may be eer by obsersng the euge a an object whose bearing aprons trght angles tothe new course or by aig the pall ides he ee ‘tad and using, th duc allowane fr tune fo new couse (c) For anchoring, rags of on object abeed mutt br tad sea of beam tearng, and tee shouldbe reared inthe notebook Te diane to ‘ar aera sbuld bested forte to Peo (0'The Nosiging Ofer saul Nims eabrate the radar dipays and rat i below wart the pe (4) Throughout the passage ee Navigating Mie shoul main fw of infomation tthe soc patorn mth the Capt Rep fly so the fur and walle beer abet onc or dagece wth he ecmmes fom te BP. 0) Ae with frm of ing, i ont inporan "DR. sen shroghau Digerati i fe ate kena he deme sow aie he DIR: sn cmp hae (0) ae pra! inde to Kespo ack {Glare appeccined tat ares se tecniqe employed, a di off she ne ily be dete ls eal by radar than by al ets. {c) When afchonng lind ix necanary to wor diel om the PPL ding the fn sagen The Nevigating Ofer sbould uve tothe PPL while there at eae eer to go The vnge mabe sould be poset othe next “images go repr (suming a bjt ahead x Bing wb) ad the ack ‘ould be ceed throat the approach Iter are ao marks uae for Fning «parle nen, should pe the necenary i data to iain. {opt onthe hat an soni th thespian 09 tack Navigational Records When yng ut Bind Piage pg, the Saving Of wil ety ‘ei an min cc nema ct ‘sory suet for tr cra fo Belg on the Gu at by plone Bat'nd Pong pesos Sd ee of sro coun ad pe on Sir ea ia is poser ivaan hgh sd tine cart SEE TI siecle etc tlhe poe aig) Pitn more resicted condone, however, the Naigtiog Ofer should pass 4 cmp resi commtay oe snp tom, sor ame Na 7 bn oh fr om le Shp sigh port afta Sher g8 ses Ang shi ep aco cr te cm ‘eee dal coming ode pe cjoncton he Neen ‘Gites pepe motto sn ecard shoal ue oe oyu CHAPTER VII Navigational Instruments: 1, SPEED AND DISTANCE RECORDERS ‘THE PrToMETER LOG “Two se7es of btm og ate supplied to HLM ship by the Bris Peometer {ag Cay Lid, Lan, ‘Type D, for modem gts, descoyer and abo; ‘Type MLA fora rune sd ere All tometer lope ae peeare pe Tog i hey depen on the eres ‘betwen the noma pres (sate prese) of wae el fm the depth ‘ofthe inrameneproding throu te ll of the shi od the reese (Gopact pros) ue to the movement of the ship teough the water Design ofthe loge ad operating naracon re iver sn BR, 3), “TYPE D PITOMETER LOG Deseription (Fi. 43) Ha ing. ~Thi onsite of oder, projeing bt 3 fet low te ‘ui wen in the apesing pono, sted net he posing pao he sip ‘When hose, the Fase ser through neigh fn thr reveled by sop, ote opening tn he ul ean be aed blo the deter Erase vase The reine 4 hare bron to lew seston ‘onneted accion, oto eck tide, The pts ans irs com> muna with separate bole rng letgtvisethrog he role t ‘oak and thence by pipe ose Bllwstype Dire Unt and Cota Difjrtal Uint and Carat (Pg 1)» Tis si of 80 ‘eel bellows (A and conned othe inp at stat ors. blows {0 arc em () spies cone spn (D). When ths tips sapp the prewure in ath bellws she same; bu when taming she he dora fremure fom the spac arc comprenes the sping dy tough lnk ‘Bechaniam and gearing, drives «pi cain the poe (Eo he Mate ‘Speed se an te Cool Arm (F) ofthe fllon-p mechan eR cen Be FRE ca ‘Gyro Mageet: Campane {Chapter X: hom BR ton we 18h geems. Bevin “The pre dference betwee hello vv athe squire ofthe ship's ‘sped, Bethe cael ping segs tn gie eal pacing over te gree fart ofthe Miner Spect sale However, conan amount of acaineny init heli fom sped th fer the log St neta a= Comreaion is ade by itoduciog a cam into the fllow-up dive wih the " perentag artecion may be spied to the oy speedy ecg length of ecb ed ofthe aking arm. A ssl prvised ‘ic 14 Below Dirt Speed and Dance Traum ~The mover the conte amin the Conta compte ee fort Ewe matrn the opd a anes ‘rane wh (@) ives th Speed Transmit; thie conte the speed Into and te provides the fons iv fo the Conti (@) conta the poston ofthe rol k's pots whe device in the Speed is conver into dtnce willow. A sling cock conl the spc «motor wich, through slab gerng driv the dco he tes ‘wie ts Sued rate Les cern sumber af eons ined i). The [ater hee aovers seed (the penn ofthe ral at dence hich ‘Ttnamied othe dance epterby imple of sco mae ep “See ndzatr and Dance Retr. "These may be coe! ss shown in Fi. 4a, of they may be carte: The Dtanoe Reger a {gelometersype ouster receiving impules of 1/¢0 mle from he Franeniter, (Cam Coutrsl Trumiter.—In ces ship the performance of the lo i steed when is ec unre pti ea Lae fre prude, When thie conten spl,» pe cam, ited nthe coral ‘San lerntve othe normal cam, canbe bong it sey he Cam Control $a (onal sted onthe Brie). ‘TYPE MA PITOMETER Loc “The ain ference between tis and Type D lagi io the Dire and Costar. “Mecaral Difeatial and Contrallr (Fig. 14).~This cons of os chamber () which commits with two tabs (Band though a salir {abe (Dy Te tubes and Botchnber te filed with mereary tx cern ee [bos the mecuy the ten the Seen conning tbe and Fodet {bcs are open tthe ss. ‘The impact ice (A) cnet the oer [Berea les the eee () tthe four 2 woh oat on ofthe mercy in he ou hare, and caricasbrone rk which ngags wth get heel which operas the poet OF the Mater Speed wae (Gh the Contle. The few wear Soceton of the opoed sso he Conteris arto at ie Type D ‘The Dire nd Conor ae mowed bs ‘General Characteristics of Pometer Logs (0) There ten exter moving par 0 here ie aS fhe belo fouled by wed, wate o tt orion (O)A diet incnton of speed obtained, The ein of diane dependent upon the sacs wring oft nteraing mechn {6 The og dr ot eit epce ow 1 hie cen spec Powter ofr we othe Hyogo E {G) Owe cabal pnb at ny evr, by fting 2 ‘THE CHERNIKEEFF Loo of th ag i enn BR 2683). beeen ia arrecewmcncaatiats oa Baa a Peg Oa w+ a eee ie eae i COMPASS PLATFORM [Oe COMPARTMENT FORWARD The mater datince render te, by 9 lance ecarer eps, the mate sped dato, and the spe sre cota, the Note tember fins ois) oft insu oer wich th point pesado 36 conde The wil nds ewe a ton Fercanple ifthe ch wos sand when te reper a ryan it sonal tnches ep InP 4 te ed tt me iRdcted on i inn vn, weld be 1 kr, (Gy The Suchet (Pet) Ths ona a evish vbch coro the sotel natn apd onthe rt of the ota ae Bsn mp Proves secondary mein of eliotn log seed. Te ne, n ond Eke tewen weno lp Abe, ade corpo Speed can hic te ™ The Bare mad bythe impeller mkeand-reak mesh, Theror, berwcen trey ones the fg ath 31400 ltd i fr erample eerenrsrar er Poe ey cd a Pa ‘ich imp, ndated ov the dil of the ped into, Thus eae ‘peed are indicated at 3 The aecuracy 0 ‘nicaoe Fe gna te pbs an: Possible Fats General Charteris of the C (3) The i Canoestion btween he symone ove through the vate, progoce «wl ole, roporinal to the fn snd the ele velo yh CHAPTER VIE-NAVIGATIONAL INSTRUMENTS tance namie an an mooted sis pod re-sraneiion uit cable ly Lind of eanunon for speed and’ dance, er ue for dance, 9 be (nected to seme nite nd ter equipment OBTAINING THE ERROR OF THE LOG Mont lg ave hiro, wich shoul be found and eordd ta pecetage ‘iret ofthe a ead, nthe Nsztos Dats Bok, Ie forsee Te Temowed thn pereetage carecion ante applied to all sbseqent lg "The pecenge correction ofthe Pomete or Cherie ican Be apd imechcaly tote AL ploting tb es “Grd plating fa reas the gure for ssircy in ps sstamatc acing ales Toe ssuacy tpn on the comps ad the tom ‘ipl muntherclore te eased cecil and hacked ery Regent out be eared ot ere ra xcetng ax or The tn ste rm pct tac ral of HM. ip the oped ve fou hy sea he acate ese den belo alien sola of (eo Opertins saved ok neem) — A, calling the ape of the hip poe by te lg; and scone thee peed of esti Actes of thse to wl ete pererage log correct, ce presage lg correction doe ne ayy with pee, ri shou ecard out vera de range of spn nore 3 determine 2 sre of og ‘hereto Subsequent the pproeate tress mst be pied acarding tothe peed own by the log Meth 1. From ran ero Messed Dison’ ith ad api he ti "Whe the tidal sari lil, or a send constant, an in| pponte restore st Ite til sc eto conta for ane wPonmceunry tee i enc don: Preach run, apna tins ae taken ‘Sic tans cose, and this ped ver the oun can be elated Meta 2.— From egal rs pst orth hip big By ee “Two afar re wil neces) for Method 1 Rn at ated to | npr cures over te sae pound The ears shuld be han 2 ovraly bet on clency sped he il te a be th god ‘hve: fom te Des chin Atlus ve lar ud be red etch ay The uel sng thea sod a ats esl be red. Renin ‘wo dette ta be ten esery minut onder that ine at wel vance maybe shee "The diane covered oer the ground ding the {full te Chad diame fete the arr and at les Hes ere ‘Sree con hy wrens ih ai note od forme enon popes 239 and 240 ue the alate gram ten) Conditions during Calibration by any Method In oder 1 obtain Bgh cure, the following reuiceent mt be aid: (0) Boge condtins stoald be mintsned sey sheughout cach rm fd to cate that the terminal spend prone to the condone Ti cn each sgt ra up thease tcf ea fre minute duron i eooary (2) When taming betwen run the rer angle sll aot exceed 15 epee This ite the lw of geod Sarng ee tron a amount trie can be ae up ring feet appch (9) The rudder bold be use pail droge ron. (@) Teal shoul be cared out nen wether an in nd fe han force 4 nce the afc of wind tnd ae on esd spec! cant Nonny be tate (6) The tne intra owen rant onthe mented diane’ when four ‘imate cena mw Be hep rom canst TF ope ron ‘Bile at sogv and he cod at fours bd abd be ade St hoqs and 1100 rapeaiva (0 ha once cay, he pnd ‘based om the saumpion dha the percentage errr af the lng tea ‘vin ver he sued rnge covered by te fur Calculation of Log Speed By the shove methods it apne obtain compari ofthe ged th ‘RL wuce a ahown bythe op with tb any med byte For oe wid ponden ect meas of pect the fang of he opal Inlet ‘Rosle’ srry tg moon (to acon fr nots oer 20 tet {hemes tn ee cn bec to salt panty cone tlw low The ode of Scns secre chs sa Be meso atany dccpncy may be ed and ected ar lp whch pimrly mere ace te seed Ny ag sould be cael tm ten soph are diane ough ae Xtc ealy rental ote lg, a cosing porosity he le tie on thecal ance’ sha be weds The te acura {ping fo ed te tac ough thew Sat ates wi he teat {timc nse wold ens ang os fecton a dvson on he se The pc indne of hn fh sae ces Caloulaion of Percentage Log Corection leis neo to ty at nly rane (nein ech icin i thre m0 ‘Sal ure ic be comer const fre dati of Both ran nth cam the prcenage recon f the lg en by (Grmnte 1 ‘idl tenn Hf Eur rt fn seal het) eit ft ‘he prema hy etre ie by My dle thy Tn tes th bone rie: bam ewe ({i godt emaned ar 23a & 1 fg gad Lp = Meso speeds ese of 3,3 exams A sip steams sr meant dane of 1 matic of 6a fr, raat beg made Sobol te Tia rm, chith i oe Comte forthe ato he ra Th tie for he rs ee 1. mites 3 i ( Fe 2 mts sr Me a5 tua Ph ae pa ich ied ri ur fe 0 peat Socket s " xAMPLE = A ship srs ov mrad tance of noo sl te ech ii, tals ho cee ile Pah of hee aaj Gronad ed: 25370 ag pnd: 20 From formula = Aecuay of Cann | === ‘Se eed a’ an THE DUTCHMAN'S LoG “Thin aoaber mth fing ee pc of the ip a in ma the ow af sight flan The estonia ste hve dick one foncard aime a 'The horbowt disuse beeen the fan hich mst be yataely seid rm he pla of the ship, tad Hea ost pag ch utun ed pen sg ld beet pan inl sso am she fom If powbl, cach aon sa! be cme tmucton vhs cota pan, Numerous ate at be pepe he farward aeration sain mas be ufo fr tallow te Bets 4 feoch he water belve te fete tino sgh. Ivrea an be made Fer anates ship eo dp the sero ston sea tha he Rats fw the certng sip. ato nears fea te Bear, Te When al rey a ic droppe int ee sea At tbe moment te Bat nes hie of ae he nerve a ac stain ier perma ihs P'he eel posting, whore Hah tines ae motel tr | eso Abou Bee Heats, deopped sor ira ste requ foreach st of obcrations The imem of the epee sane fom the ve ration can the be akon at {he sprd af oe ip dang the pil eovered hy the snes ‘scurty in einen and tang tes ccory In ade obtain corer, Fool vas fr camps ithe eco ae yy spar andthe ‘fo of the sip 30 Lota cro of | send th else te wil ‘TO FIND THE SHIP'S SPEED BY ENGINE REVOLUTIONS, [A Revlon ahem foreach res: ship a re of i Th ee the pepe shat et Ifo eal bv of the Sieoped tn oath war, ache bosom ce, Te bie gol goer my mae epeed though he trate prvi tht allan are made or vrs nes the ate MK Rips out and he st of wind anaes Awa le, ee to ‘Sein thee sls fr 3 ag hip than + al one "Time tables cn be comple from the ent of rune exo out i the sxe manne tse vr for lai lg eto, Cape thee tes ‘oui be kept in the Neural ts on TAUT-WIRE MEASURING GEAR “TauctWite Mesrng Ger proves «metho ofmeaurngSses fan oe ‘he round, by cin of tt anced oh se ter ad al sitio he sp “The pi origi de or ei locating in died nthe Ron Nvy may for use “Types of Gear Componente (Fi 46) alr. One we of or rer (vere and to bara i Sted for sulin the yite on othe rac hele Thee ver ane te ele Ir modes by 2 ball mouth ein Another st of he les (mo vet hd one hoist) Sc for ug the mize ove he tr “ater Leasing Wha Ths whee ater he wie soap the ater rales Tomiownrt The tesonmee, or Yosareter, cons of sping Auade ae wel by nu which he eon the wie can Be mere. “Chelmer Whe The tloter ae conte whl rpirs te nea ‘ie ra of conn f 1 wel 8 et insures acasing + ‘Stun unr nbich rept to 11000 le Repeat cour shold be Bed ‘abe comps to (or og Une eps) at te ear an? "Record Leng What's saw he abe ening wes od proved a gid te ir rom the cour wed he dtaerws “Dram. dum creo ier of 08 (22 aug) ih el esr wie Ie on dd and doc not ee “Drum Stour" "This car the um A ain, Stel eo the sedan, carta i foe ed hand Wake ht pes rough he ante of the en, {he unwinding macnn sed tthe ater cof this spine The brake oped by handel and sie st the tenant te ie UTrcing Mehonom Ths conse of » revenge he Ayer sin tect the afr ond of he spine on thers sandr. The ao Fed ith ncousterpine wight one ed, ad opel wa aed the er the ther end Dats" al sit i fring the dro on the standard To Prepate the Gear 1. Iraest he wie rn of and isa any hati ast A ew drum supple well greed and covered Papel sit trading to event the wt from Knkiog whe tase a sown in Figs faking sae to keep it above the pin conning the 140 ‘da ofthe dypamomer The fore eadng whe! aly oct frm the Cmte wel To the end ofthe wite ait 4 shore aay line (4 aubl hicks of codige i utabe) The sa ine eset tots rconcrte rip ker, “The sinker sho be hve vp cnet the tern val and acre ry altho the wt shoul be recovered by ping ack be fer ars the brake ‘Mnithen tense ouch ae - sab aie ont al pena amen a wie un ff dr sshd ray be sl {Trim denied one othe repeaters ean eat “To Ru the Gear Teo men are eed to art the ge ch ine and the her te tend te bak, sow an snare i eed ore te eunte ‘orng ther, oly he bate operstor i nec. we Resort mae fm the ng and eb fey she yer and all geet wah the tarp of he ake tape, wich el ly dp oF 0 cu the il which ccs the sinker to the sin ace the bake, ating the wie Yo tune anomaly. Carl brake contol euied thatthe Ses aon ors nt eran the wie abd chow of 1 the cr the nve mos be cn nr sinker en andes art made “Ala the rae tthe sn never ext Th or fs baw so tinted hy the Sumer. ly nthe brake ofthe sain ‘Sow oor rates sone gu, ty acu i vel speed thot bec The ang stra the wire 20h oy ap tor sat cle her renga hi lw Tt er mmm rh et ee Procedure i he Wie ‘Run for the required distance to allow the sinker to hol, then note the reading {nd the ne ap‘ rn Between te ro ne nt be eid by he To Cat the Wire ‘When iti desied to ov she wite while the gat runing, chaps » pint {rise hea bold ps fom ode he wine, an tap the ie uiehly with «eo chil. Atratively af masts oped, pir of pie ‘Bg edhe sen cee tn eno ei sa 4 (0 Atay er te rake a ees in he ra ‘teowe of {2} Whon the peril the drum shoul hep aver ede revert the nize antng I rst rps ro el pees a} Should be gure to fn the we lng of wie of the um, the od that ued othe dum by a nondenp shold be exe’ rch toeonre hat ts ot jammed Other te Hyer ar il be ent tok {To avoid the poi fsck an sant, is away ae $0 Sa the ma Teles te end’ ated (a) the snker is hanging over the ster and st ssc stopped fore x runs sated, eis avinble lack ae of the eng whet ty mes of Bar ised tvough the spo oder So prvet te machine sarang ih through etn (6) No other abip should pas within Bal lear of «ship runing tater meaturng far Such stip dsigiedby pet ag sign (614 gan de of gree an i tron off wh the year i wong, so the deck soa be nerd with ie tet “This mchie shown in Fie 4, = simple version of the Mork Kay be pued in any ste poaton tthe wens that te wie wil hehe rin aft Its fen found svc se the ger ones lt pear the ar “The mtind of tsvng the wie round the meaarng shee is ce insted inthe rat. Te mite etal that sapped wth her, ee of pear, Dutis ly 20 ler in eth The eal esl rd the wie Sine no gveror ited nn he asthe fe sn noe Ma gate ict to preset the nite orang sn yng rsh othe a ftom. Gobd brake cnt! i therfore cen and th abe ge be walrus to enue smathaperon "The weit af sinker an the toons involved ss be ent wih tse andy dese Incr he sons en fr ah + a "Te dinanengicnor canbe ree by means of a vate kro. ‘Tie method af decaying the cmp dns seplning the fall hur cl ora sei sats, The casing fer that he dm Boe bro to ie with the Bre he sa ames of he machin, 0 tt the spine my be realy esr, Aes dame ae ou scaring o which sie of the ship the ei ed porta hat» pot drum should be pce os pore ean rar darn ns sons a "When net in ues saver ene shale vie for ee ene T I (CALIBRATION OF ‘TAUT:WIRE MEASURING GEAR ‘Once ntl here ie mo ae of arog the ciation ofthe ea unless ‘he comer chand Any ero soul be determined hy several one Uheea mesure dance and tea applet ape heeding 84 frsentge of he distance exe, Accuracy "Th sure fern ate (o) The circumference af the cplometer wheel This is 68 fet and i ‘herfre any covet for tide 4% where 1 ut of liad = (ot fee. The pe tnd for he standard aie le, explain (senhere or word-yide ue; is ave ran ing cried oat he cquno fr inane, where 1 of Tate fog fet then Spyro ero llr The tative coterie 39a ‘Thee infact» ot ft ave ban covered. This Sure represets ax tole oponitely 20 yard, o 0 percent of the dance meatre oy 20.142 mi il the equate, wich a er of 8 CHAPTER ViI-—NAVIGATIONAL, INSTRUMENTS (Dein ahs, ew ying aan a rare To ine thee the sour shuld be Lap rip ether bythe we of bck aie ashore o more by nna pea dower, Act bec ory ad Anode af the erent a tial steams experienced re theft wt ipstan hen the pera era ed a the {hips rack and potion hve to be vet ‘Ser ear ae uel aes odiay aspirant (care and Maintenance "The cexpnitiy for cae ad mntenace of th et shared bythe TAS. fie he Branches (iy Al ring part sud De ep les nd wl bret {S340 esha ad nt on hewn Examples ofthe Use of Tautorre Goat! BXAMPLB 1 To Meare a Ditane tha into Strut Line (0 the portion othe couse serine bya boy, the ship hood Sled tsp ver) coe tn When the oy iam, the whee pat Tard over ands ead ten. Rough the ohip tr on wide are, he ip {Fie on ube ut suit the buoy moe, 0 tht the reading taken ‘then th hao wi aber tay be sepia the toring pate apd the Ina seading the ne our (0) i he corner oe oth ships eck arn the tr an for the et few mies ste led for ing dats te conte bing rad thetic of whestover and api when set Sines has boo an on he few core forthe ts-wire nn he votre EXAMPLE 2 ~To Pa Pmt Ashi, shown in Fig 148, suet wie fon aoe pion at. ering 13g for yo ee On alo Be sere 0225 a the toseure ‘ted‘n Esp (0) sorted ou On coming innit a and Cot fei bund: Te cisnce sony aut we fom to io 30 me. Tit {pede the fit rene onthe tem course, cles er tree as i requed to kao the certs pon ote uit From Figg ican beacen ht the tection of ts dan it aus erie cand 3o ie fn C give the potion of the pi ea agi nro ee a ek eno a ay Send pein dengan ho. 18, Fig «urine pint EXAMPLE 3 To Chuck the Spel Rvoton Table 1 vo weaned stan ali, he peed/revlation tale cn be checked by woryng ut rane ian pat te ial eam, ing tau we, ad ‘iihingsedy eolton dg the us "The tute eaings athe eying and end of each rn wil gv the tape vere evr te round. The serge te sed Soh the wae SIEGG Ge the manerpeviuly decd for casing he tg r,t ‘een evel fori ane e compared with ths epee ower to btn the best ttn, the steam sould be constant up and awn te tana td the mind ihe 3 ponte EXAMPLE 4 To Lay Mark ‘Seer (ot, peeay, tees) cngpicun sre mark, A,B ad Cy ch tha he angle tended then atthe precerined potion 8 neyo Pie go for ofr thee mak). Cale the distance from each shore Tk to te ited poston X "Temporary dr shal ow he iby tau wie in the folowing manne sc ap sehr un fra a acre depart with the re mark ont reap of the coue tobe made good. She then steers the rere ours to X. The ova canbe checked by back Deaings ofthese aur, ‘Bough an acute oun ot newer a taight course Fr seed Tee ren Races, be hn 5 Predtermine Paton. 48) Each ship runt ofthe cael eth tt i, which il the dance em shore marco, lth saree of he Bx on the soe rks Each Sp ben. we shown fy Mand a Pte othe accuracy ofthe enutes made goed “The exc tance of ech dan fom i respective departure pu nn, andthe enest pion Xmas ie thereto, the sc thee pon ‘Sree dein tough the thre da. Te pectic, eae ne ay betel {o be ight nest ph rg fo the couse mae ond "The sip aig the datum mark then seme toars ne an on the creck course an laste lark st X when one of thee a dat {he correct ving. The Gearing of the hd dame a check ta Fig ‘heap ere 5° with Leal snd ae the Sel ack whew M bene sheckng tha, a the same moment, N bear to" For stray lewis ‘mus be mae fo the distance between the bride om hich he Leatng a Shred i the postion rem whch te im ope, otha he hea {Gren shove may rou sgh dren exam 5 Ping the Psion of Merk Oat f Sight of Land “The pint nv in Example above can al eed in he allowing smunne to hepato oak Ru tat wre, fom = Be oftabore, on he eimatesne w the tk, Reco the dine OY tt wiv bes the mace abeam he course mae fod, and hos seins pain ae fs the mk Th ay be ete ped realest snmenio, Repeat the prod rom ono more wise? ‘Gveget fac, nd the postin othe mack wil be te teu hea EXAMPLE - Alurnatic Matad of Laying Mari Peden ‘ution (Fg. 150) A minimum oft ship i ee ane to un et win, and the she drop dan boys In Fig. 1st ab & opped infor ing the run and ‘eval feo by vent ang The ue and dunce fom to 8 (he posiin fo ping the at mary then deter ro the cas he oar ‘seamed so that its runing corey on psig 4, wheres eg ita “The consort is stationed on the wpe quar af the Sap so that bat a wl ake up the al pontine othe ac oe mae ‘Ae running fem 4 ae bal he wb sane of any he conse is ntact trop theft ntemeine dan, When hs tn oped the Ieeing sip asaine sane oft dan an noe the vending the ue From thee redgr and from 1 anata A withthe intense da the lier psn can be plo. This trl ane a's ceo hatte oes ‘usc har been sated ani the eves te ie pang. it Oy Peery tore th nf the a Suoegent dane droped ‘ecemay, unl te positon Peake, where the te ak ‘The pnton of B can fone caked by aster tt we rn a ctu neyo right angles a pont th nal For a log run i al hip are ala, hd meted may be odie sa felows Each sacenive daa droped y + diferrsship. wich mart Sethe ret dn ltd. The prens oe Laid en vecoveed, nd the rscovering ship rejoins the lender, Tit enable dnt 10 be aid p40 abt oor ral apr the lear and mache burning searchlight eged, (© ec ther tl iy. ar ant © ro [EXAMPLE 7 To Detain the Ship's Trak ig Tot Wir nda Sige Ot If singe shore obec saab forebrain wile runing tt wire ghee ee sihiose eens eee fee ea ee mee iors erent stig ariar une ae! ee ee IL, ECHO SOUNDING GEAR Wire sounding machines, stough sl Sted in HLM. sip aren loge sed fora “The ee sounding machi ow itd nal ship ad sumer af ta, such meng bat The cit ao mere ane hes Type 968 a ‘teat spt and ay be Compal a mae sarang nt ‘eal tel of orca. This econ ge 2 ie ein of Type 76 an» summary of ther sen For fret dt otha sca he Opry eceares te elt ‘atone mat be dd asi Principles | hip tans an undernater sound imple which tres ota thoush {he sna norm peed. On tcachng the es fe pst the sundae levee and recrne to the ahip wheres ses fsoled raphe. ‘Tae vb of sound in sexnatere Enon; the interval ewe enn nd veception propane depth a ster theese he phe be ‘ermine Th sallow water this ner extol shar, Sor earple the overt time aly about gy second in oft. Tempo oteure thi oy iret mean so the sco sung machine pris» magne ine Wale ‘pon ich tee shallow soundings on be meses "TvPe és SERIES Outine of Operation ‘A conan speed marin te Reorder dives say aot» slow-nving ‘het of eemalmprepnted paper at jeedpeporanal yo the ocd ‘indi aster Om ech eveluton of th syn stamina the ‘Spur haf open a coractwhich gars the Cita mt a igh energy ‘Siret impute fed to the Tremonti Tranter ‘The ada wore St ent mperoi tl ich i ected dwar tush the ships ‘hl plating, den reflected fem the vex bed and eens iron os exnly finite waneducer ald the Racing Traadur The heel ope tener in he Receiving Trades amplied and weed nthe Amplfr tnd fed as de sling felipe he ect ela wich ha ww vee the paper a itanee propa to the depth of water The spin pode ! ron nin on th pape athe amen of ramon and yuh on Fong the rerned echo, The depth ean be rend rom 4 Pesen sae placed vray Sn on ofthe papers Set variations Each sti gnen oor the sti eter, Type 5 AT on Type 765 BK. ‘The fist indeaes the satem of power mp, the stond the pe of bul fing and te third whether spetal recorder iSite. Type 75 Af indices ‘he noma arangerent; Type 76 BJS woul Be the set tel in hp with erotic spy sod moa bl eg bre mre noul eis Po. 154 Type 7s Sees Diagram arrange ‘Tranedacers Transit apd Revi ‘raaducers ae i sh smd in Deny eins ont ed thre ater nce te ise af the ‘hips plating Thee Mgsrostrcon’taadocrs consi of ck of Un ice itions wih cs ronning though ter a's oasis 9 ance the superaie tation. When the inition nth tae ning dc rtd ong ie fie io vrrer of 145 els that ater etaly dowanan ean by faraolc ioe Som of the manen, ede ro the cf ich ibeste an pr eer esis ye uronic ‘ams have tobe wanted in magnetized condition. This done pecially ty pain sn. orton caret, some ty hc Posy Ca shh nig the aur he poet ey he hn forthe Amplier ‘Sensi cote by thee pre-set cont nid the anpe sita by the Tra tltion Or Tee external clove sm a he Fre pe (0) Alo Mamal ite‘ selector ei for ani ae anu entra oferty ald fate ALF noe a $e thos and MANUAL i dept foe ith (by Manual Sent Carl Wan (inv to AUTO this tal beset MAX. When) eset MANU Arh ool ‘edn ove he ben te Recorder (Fs. 153) A he a sre ace pr, hs Ie ge ofthe paper Vise = hed ead “on mtd al for thse tenon rk Sha wa ‘Sto will show the te depth bw the ace Sud be ‘nthe wal eh eh il ord he dep es the el Wi ‘to rend depths elo: surfce or elon heel nse The tram in contrat bya On OMT ante st he ae of secre, Ce tangs col des nani pe of he ses heh he tin deste wo extend the range of the recorder with sertin to {he sale ‘sowing up the movement of the syn ty the sega he trasnson relative tothe poison of the ays can be ated Letts {stowalcomespnding to a known depth, Tie lnown ss shee anh he “dev by which the tananinion i advanced i aed tthe dep hans the wale to obtain the tue sounding A phasing swith on Bese ‘order rotates the phasing al otnted an the spine ow chek ae oe ‘iting cota at Gare A movement of te dil cece ne coe, {herottion fhe ls avances ihe men of wanomaon fy as hed “depth the amount bing shown on he sgeof he pany ids ee ugh the le winds the ont othe cn 1 the phasing dial turned when the rcoder ft svitced of it mat be ‘ured clack herve the wana contacts wil be dese fe [Ese SSeS = Fe fei Sie Scum ‘The Perspex sles for recede with so or 200 fathom phasing steps are engraved ath range oi atoms in Black shoving pe of fathoms, farther vile show singe tho (2-0 fathom ib Red swing 5 ethan stops, Posen The ol of prenatal ope shoe i thy he hinged i of which forms the conte sacs ofer wtih te paper andes ga Te {he Taper can te vate by the Paper Change Speed kane a ae ie flowing tbe, When the knob & ou the spe b conten, ober eked ee the see ire to the yin spe ‘he bao ts nenen so cr Aas | Fhe 236 Be E ES eee Telre operating he sch the pape sas be Grn damn by coring the nel Boob seu he sls an canes it paper terse kines ‘Si apgar on TE oh fll wansmisin wre resus! othe pups, shallow water ehnes snd tame hy the aking et the ramen pls the rath TPR Thee e ested oye suppomion sprig on te esa the nf cont, Aru inert tthe ig se siete the suppres ‘Sra sth par pres hoa the cle nly + th ane uecrmc Paxea. cS Te etringy a sundigs ad ne faerie the pe 61 Beery enh of este} mt be emphansed i indelle pes (Geta poi pen) beet record wl aim es ‘To Operne the Set, "Waring (0) De oot operte te ear ebnge knob ules the Revit fa) Tike psig is dered when the Recorder is topped the phasing erat Be arma lack te Sith on main Le spy: 2 Shichon aia ups +S Open tnt ener of recorder ud urn she ghar! kort ob at trot pper raw rte sy. Che he eve. 4 Shy tte th rar hung kod to engage low spel 4 Route ting ic alegre appear sbve the ete of the Rae pad eh eso ees 4. Set the ampli smich o MANUAL and adjust nal ssi tot ect tz cn he mt cel ce Reh a po ape sel Swauiow Werth on Green Accocr 1. Sharply rotate gur-change knob io cngge hgh spect Pieper dh {yeaa IA 4 Rando dept a propriate {Eth sounding steamed at low seed wa ore tn 30 fathoms, but Shin the ii fhe highspeed aoge, rete phasing ie locke ht the ech appa a be ce 6, Real of he suing on he appropri sae a a he phasing va. Aoaourey a Rass Darr Sousornce ‘When the se is ft shed on in deepwater,» sang may be bai? ‘rom the ceo ofan exer taping eis, To tein “Thther eeu co ect eng ort the allowing action sal ersten Setch of he ransision On-Off atch he Base ofthe recorder: lk ‘nips compu toon; then aah ont before the transiting REE ponte” Coun the mumber ef sevotons completed y the sos Fetoe thet apes othe tae If a ech I ecved teil er feetteaniason, then the comet ending tht shown on te eorer Irn mene so ered rm, eating it tnge af he nb souner ae the depth shown on theron ion cho vce ual sr the thd enum, ten the cst uli is wie the sone hess pl te Spi shown onthe record. AOStnatng etd socom the pomber of echoes eee ater the ‘oni atch hy emote One od showe tha he rece dep rrr te echoes ow tha the range af the eho sous mat be aed {the seared dep for thee ees a8 Sie tbe ange te eco woe "The paper dive mut be tured manually to ersre tht the ye avers ‘el-rprted pt he pope “Peaupes An echo appnreoa the treat 4o0 50 fans, ‘The eco anyon fcr the sv soon (thet ate to elo fe he Cae ‘hin i sted of) The sage te eo sounder is 100 fathoms. The (ocr sounding 1200 = 420°4 30 1850 hom Rents Eons Th alow water an echo may be reese fom rebeton of the origin cho fom the psu nd fom te wae of hee. (See Fi 134) Inorpretation of Soundings Inconeisenis in se pfs of echo stunting euipmest coals be ‘thon ata cao tatty a bere thet fe. Many exert [Rr infuene the beau othe eguipmer, he moe porn of ih tegen below Stns of fih well cae spurious echo cho eas eer of spend mater in the water, adden anges of tena ‘song 2s ued ty dace feathery echoes, but they ae ily ating rr te (Aeron, nen partly by (2, and abo by eno whet inn tobmarnes and ema eal ‘God and had reletng srices on thew bel ca acount fr consdeale sarin in eco sent [a gta, ard sand, cry cha sd rok ae Ipods thick cu bad, Rock, fr pped formato, cn profuce» confused {Tce in deep mater aston oto, Errors and Adjustments ‘Tras This caed by te secur unig ta incre ape and aie wih dept If te recrlr spd oo fs headed dept wil be to gra, “These ep mt be pops oth ely od ate Mote fora speedo So thorn ie (gto Re, which the ase Tai for weeds apteaton aod they have 2 ey of aumento ver al ily velo For patietly acura onl, renrded undings rit yh al fi ey of Se Geb, “The speed may be cece hy citer tachometer (upp to surveying ves) aby tinge feveatns othe ye with wath To ck tht recorder for Type 765i wt foro wand elacty of 830 fothons or woes. The sae ein tof revlation of hen, ‘Shae the wun has competed double journey, then for 4 wlaky of a0 fates por econ an ech fo & depth gro ato sl ake tac to got sed retraite su shad woe ve of te ss int eon 0 pve cores eating low sped he range af the le i 28 Ethos, Therefore one some revoation preset tes thom yt fathom the seo he cover in # ec then # svi | xsosiol tate 2° ean minuets oie ho aio souNDise sens oe ee ten tee ae Renzi | ert sn sent | ee] st | ABest) et | toes [ARSE E}}) anak | al | aise Sepaeseagant 7 | Commerc Kond ant orsi | e-oieo | soca w | si | SRSA ine |" MIL, RANGING AND STATION-KEEPING INSTRUMENTS ‘THE SMALL-BASE RANGEFINDER Ager rsp rnin pares lic SL shin outed fag hye Cad Ts Type gents sens ee fe peo ier tee oe TLS en sie cee peed ‘Scchanls od spe oy be ied a yo of am {eSluoel he uy scons “Type FT yor s7}: Bo em. ~Patrn No 10st ‘Type FT 9: tere Pattern No. toto inmrcans fr ts operation sd wiple maaenaser ‘The oil pels dosed wee fur Gn ata I, An ruc anon ie ‘pled witch iste Capes oh handbonk maybe obs, ‘ted, Ho Sere Rar and Stal Lt, Anis Cg he penal aang ls angeles enn i gee MB teitanlrce! mounting ppd with tome type tut ben moe he tangles sapped sey by eng igh on he C0 "The inatrament may be wed for range between 250 ao 26.060 yard, ‘hough same pe ae speed with tang mle we extort tocen yada ‘Tec ndvtgof te bigher dub a at he en rom si Tg Poin Pan wh es Aecursey “The magia of rus ehich may be expected in angen i ees te ancy of beerrtin The eorex he sae othe range std ‘Sow freer range i the lowing tbe Description Atte ert ofthe inrunet ae sued the ight epic (fr the Chenin ofthe ange eld) ode ne hand eee (rte shea Fhe ange sek. 0 ng lever i prvi forthe foemee 640 CHAPTER VII—NAVIGATIONAL, INSTRUMENTS : ee eee a“ And the eyepiece i ied ruber facepiece, which wesc cision for the fhe, to poet the ej By the ih eee thee 2 smal Meltseim movere of which rpc aot claret bese ithe "ingen ba Ean opened eyepiece window though which 2 ‘ secon arse ny e the ang dete, ‘Behe underside he we, bythe igh handle, the woking bead, by ‘nc opersion of ich the ranges re Jecerined. pth ethane ssted the asbgmieree, by means of which ops of ipo implryshoped bjs tan be ade to ape Sng, vere) Shee he Held of sow, tun fasting ranging on ach ches “ituminaon for the ioarment is pond,» sole for one eo of the tec eas tpt nth he nop pat, cote in Ue et ani “Re the ends ofthe intuene a Sted the winds though whic dhe "ight from he oj under bvcration enter te inarament. Thee Windows are protected by Tether capa or rotatable covers, which should be ced ove tr shen the true! in se ‘Saat in recone i the ol aged end are the Tight of Tage ad Sele Asent bea tespctiey. Boh ade ae protected by rare oF ged sping cover "Bo uminton of the sale nigh, there ie general provided 9 es mane se wich aad, by ena of bane jt the second ‘Rettenacde window. The lamp i permanesty connect to 4 len wich aN Tad oe anery ano het othe et hdl, presnly eet “The Field of View The objets iewe trough the sight eyepice an apeas a an eect image, ‘Geiad orton it tno eye puri by sprang hie: One al of Gar hge proce! by ech and the tment, andthe to halves can ‘When cine by meme he rangewsring head. "The ane le viewed erg the kt eyepie the come rae eng Ah realngaralned wea the tebe fe ae ste cence, own in Fig g8b. [At the extreme bighrnge ond of he aa there engraved the "Tat tin, mused by a tar The sal Givnge ox et side of the ‘afi ral ce provide forthe parpe of tating ast, adver Tre fnc af tho vane the eqivlent am these of 1 ae othe ovoyare greation 1 brine te Range 4 Objet eth Teele free «ma and whee ple ch ever. = 7 " ‘coloured gla, if roqreds " " ‘the witch in the Ih handle, I the lap gear oe rowed he ne asa streak. gees caer retort se mie oe ocmanesowarae ‘the satigmatizer ‘out and then returning it to the ‘en psitin, mos Adjotmenta 1. Horr oF bce Anystersr ‘When the rangefinder 0 corey ated fo Height of Ima, an object in the Bld of view of the inne may apps citer “pest ia Fig. tsa) see (rn #58) DE & in theca of objects that asinine t he seperating eel amount of Hag af Iage sor wl eth cincldence setig of te paral age fibres the securcy ofthe sale rndng eis ble, teers {he oper to frm the hat of alway testing Height af Ise bore a Ipetclog to ake ange ovevaone,"Fo tat the Height af Image sient the stramen, proce fans (9) Select any welldfne objet and bring the paral images ita algn- ent inthe Bld of view Tes nt mecay fo Rr tact Fags te objet (2) Elevate the angfiner, oo thatthe objets eon oly inthe mer ball ofthe fl. (6) Geny and weay depres the instrument, and thus ces the nage on, nthe ldo io, up he seperti ie I Hegh of Image i arte, he tp ofthe abject wil spear inthe upper Sal of he Bd tthe isa ot appear fren te Tove, tht the Sepang ine wl have no apparent elect onthe upard movement of the ‘iuge I he objec ape to nonin the upper fd shte i an ee of "Gaplnony and # app to ne, hare ean err a "eee To Corea Hight of Image Ever (a) Expone the Hight of Image ajstinent head, ad sos in accordance sth she rcs engrned thee {ty Check te acs Oy vepenting te text esoribed above {@} Repice the ever on the ant hed 2 Seam Ans 1 he rnge rae do not nd the tre rage when pect ut ae ben une, then the rangefinder ad to eve 3 scale err ASjutmen for {hiraouid not be mae unl any Height of Tage evr ha rt ben remove, ‘Tae mea often ge its shuld be wed to oa the sel ro. A selector teat may be cried ut by on of the fa order peters (© Init test om 2 exes badly or om the aia init ater mls provide onthe ranger boa (2) Krowa ange tot on etal oj Jn tod) eo he Mom, when moc th a la hee The test the Moon, era ie sed be cd. wing te indy ater, rvs Flos, Setup the rngfindy ox at aance fot es than 109 yd with the ate nat ain he agin, (Theat ee a Sethe adjuter parle the bu f the ranger by sighting along the end ofthe ton " Bis te een 0. bint jer mak om he surting ing hema he oe ed of the ate, pari inthe se el ‘odiate in Fe toh Tikes sees rags i the ee ese reat fp the sa The pr ist tiiy ego yb yr be ee of eet bac iatrment frm the reriny of Obsrston ile ven on page ah iey te nog eons infor an Sov ane in Sinn indy Ing he mena 4c inert eins sow iniy shold be salted Ian hogs stow nya ie kine ded yh ul mae ain To mata (the ube should haves telleaed scree tl beat {he eet pale igs" shuld be sa nthe taco re 3 hc itis ce that the grster err svar mth pene tee, Gee ca Ite on neat rn Te si ar alo ed Shen marin the ree cath bee of el esd be ‘eb ne the ter 1 arent pea meee ie ake ‘4 god way (uber pail) of tng the tanger to le noes of ligt nore os man, sea ste inne, eack jet bebe ee 220 yds dtr, hen tose tefl the io teges eed "ics ih the tance nsucen the abject searing oe ae HINDER ty 1 the mean ofthe readings es the tue range itn ap. lonane come sponding othe uncertsins of obser, the rngfngr epson To Carat Se Err (@) Rate the range working ead ti he aa inte ‘oii’ or the ‘sown ange oppose inde (©) Expose thew json head, ed move the ad accordance wih the tmeacton engraved tthe ie, ul he image are neat alignment {c) Takes new mie often rating an find the res ft reas, {Whe the adjustment core 0 win the swan at Previn ae cover the eft head sain ‘THE WAYMOUTH-ROSS SEXTANT RANGEFINDER ‘This inwrment Pattern No, 10065) provides a means of ehsnng (a) he range of an ajet a a high o eth (tea ye ra Nc ig om he oe (3 the heh or length ft be of Kaw ange (@) the ncinaon of sup o known length ad ge eimy be ued for ange betwen to an an a Description (Fi. 155) ee the en oe ad nd the indepen ae (2) The outer fering which cari he Bight ve, ta ie an an Inga rk (2) Ther ros, genus fom 2g wo 00 ft, which can be ror s2fly tothe Benne I ae Ce the eee (9) The ge vag granted fom tsa. yas, wich ted tthe wrking ead athe cee ofthe ving a ars inty (4) The nation ring, graduated fm $a" wich can be ted ‘eal ote eget ‘The felacipe ie aed tthe name andi fue by aang thee piece The object asf spit horsey into tw eal fave Ove a [roids the dtu hich is eapale of ajtnent) th ner bal a te Ioved by operating the working Beek With oe al ps le eed, {vo image appara te pepiet el sgh ig By diane tl inages ae shown nF to, the ange bended whe sje ys brow bight log ean be metre; the mesereent thease indeed ‘on he appropriate wale A thuml ever ea he handle povided for un (4 ‘ea. sb, Wayne Sextet Rangefinder owing 2 ‘injunction wth the dived Rea on tp ofthe objtve box wes obtaining ‘range bythe Heres metodo tba ested ae ‘The sowage box consins 3 leer caring ting snd spportng ro a spay ota, adjig hos a sa nu, ‘Te only eorpoible i tha of snide and the nsirumen shoud bays te toed and ase forth elore use. "The procedure fll ee Brigg taken att och the tum ec. 1. Rene the Kuta cap below the obiectve bon, expoing the sere tat 2. Screw thee bad above he objetivo upward ian atc loci ditctiva By means of te working hed rng the infinity ack os the rnge sale > ine wih he "nt me on he fd inex fg 4 Foes te inrumenon# dt objec sd, yen of the bu headed screw beneath the ejoave ox bg the two ine io ‘einen oo tat ao ghar images aie ' Lomen the tw chee esd screws 0 top ofthe ied hen, thereby ‘eaigthe ald se down he ani fa apse by ‘eas thet prestng pn th iid en, Esenie pes ould nt appl 6 By mean ofthe kauing rotate the cle on the divided ead vn i reap the nde ln, car og taken ts he mechan dos ‘ot oe Then ten thet cheot-hnded rs 1 Rela the kn sap blow te sect bs Adjustment for Smoothness of Operation Soul he mation ofthe morking bel become ito hase, ase an ‘emade by mane of he soul Lowred ut ke ene "The tro sted nut are rem by tet oft Lye povided ad the Aue at tphened or stckened 22 mosey tsa nth working. ‘These mut ae thet ok smo important thatthe ses and woking hea should yor be ited le the ate areackened of other the mechan il bess dope Operation (1) Te find the range ofa eject of bn hight or Lth et the bight of the objct guint the Wack ih index mak By tts of the working head, being the upper edge fone ae in ine mith the btm set ster, at shown in Fig lou, aking ce thatthe iat el vey veal ‘Aernatively tthe length of the objet pat the iden, an asng the insrumect horns ng the right sige on age fine with let tg ofthe eter. The tage hen observed agin herd prea ‘othe high cn (2) To find the range of ox eject by the Herz Met. By ease of the ‘dried ead on the sb br, stom helt of eet he nde ne ‘Stal the same eit fp onthe gh ing ast she fren hgh fndes mak ah th er peas and bard hme ad by mean fhe working bring ages waterline mage acini with es hare {the eter image The rnp is the tnd a ore, ‘The method ef obaining ranger should at be sed beyond the following worm tes | nse bom SS 2 E) Sons (3) Te fin the hho rth of om obec of brag, Obs a eu a ‘Ever in (1) above. Then, ing tare net move the working head eae {Hehgh ng pel tered pote net pat he Kon age ese ‘The back beg inder mae wl ten indents the bg oleh (cheer applica) of the bj. (q) To find the ncnaion of fp of Kon let and rng, Sethe ages Kengh aunt the black hight index mask, andthe index othe inclinnon seal (27) aes he own ange, Halling the intrmert. bozo ig he te ages the tb lene ine craiderce.‘The inclaon alae the inure ont ina the STUART'S DISTANCE METER Stuar?s Distance Meter (Patter 48) ic shown in Fig. 64 It provides a means ff meaning the rage fa abet af hn big st rnges Between Sar of able and about 1g ales. Atugh the nae a graduated ove Binge. hier suing canstgenealy Be enadered ree Description ‘Th intrament conf ng cared en (aah to ai atance trae nich i rode frm ane-qunser oa cble 30 cae te {Shek the see noted Inside wbich can bevel up and dow {inde he frame of the nature, A pinion cei on he spine of ae oo (8) nga at pode hia overt °h fed weige shaped lens (C) antes, alnpie the moving es onthe fame of the inrment A small clescope fed with a iteraped hend fe be bed inthe metal col (D) The telscope should te focused her binge in he instrument. The objec, when vowed, appears a 2 er- panel one "Reroute sorb ditace sale tx id horizontal ntl bar, Thi he ‘rates pads fm 20 fet. On ths 2 ie ‘nse reverse of the inrument ts nk ble fr inset io pen he eed dts cueening ships el tobe ove pert Troan «ang, 2 Avresanie Us, cr untnowa high To da tise wen eight of ee 0 Ty voting the ule nb, bing the water ofthe bjt in on 12 the horn in he ote aes The ear ele itis ti aout 5 pet cet oft range mensred tthe method of sme alae at anges HUSUN MARINE DISTANCE METER (Patera 703) creator chien of an pce of ton I Sit index sad orn la ned in vee {cg Sel ah pac eine EO thenoerimre The ht wich grado oc) So feet ‘vn ones on terme The ge ee, pe om 1 10, Breit ane ge [MAINTENANCE OF RANGEFINDERS Adhough built stony m pile, rngefinder cota nur of eine fara and gece ut x fen ott spite aight and wateright ra eis ee tht opel atta shuld be ested ih ae, Pig ike eeoa! caning shal heard ut only by penne who we ind hc eet tbo empl, Darang and sembly of range slowing elatve mavemeot beenean the pris. This movement will tele ctor whic ay be beyond the spe of there jonmene ee ‘ay ao appear in te come of the bjocines When the tempersure a ‘olgh) eches, fel to reach, go he rangendr shoul be hep ia these, ad wheneter pacino Care of fnsruments by Operators Undue force shoud ot ew on ay working prt wich Opi las surfs sald be cleaned ith ec Pater 0) which mat be cean and dey belore we —itray be wate fe metylel pnt Opt ‘ctnal gt sur which fave been ssgete nes uy Be fd it, Thi shoud be wah oi py ate Chats leathers proved for Ceing or drying externa net pa of etal pai reer ob forcing rangefinder oie found to bare slleed onto toe sacs ofthe opal athe israent tho fsa ype vues eye guy THE STATION POINTER ‘A.sation pote, a shown in Fig 16, wed fr plting the ship's postion ‘ined fy hortzontal stare get It const pred Cele sok tive ae, the Devoe ages the later nating frm econ ofthe i i ‘The cent leg, 4 sed, ad bel ie rnp othe reo | IV. PLOTTING INSTRUMENTS ranging resected vey stag balm i ih exepiee pm coin ray ened tee Fe 4 Staton pine retain of he cde hich mabe a eey bles fm 12 Merete ethene ings Om and OC [elt marae imp re moval ind. ch camped ane poston : Bat ime nel insurgent etre which wi ead neck mole Tm supe ile Se Sie ipdeagophc Or sore ae cessed by» aml ik in th Ded ee of tefl ten te send tp peep been see She mah mad nected wah he ene Pe ld ef he ih ene be Bh ey het that of deacon whe abe ard sgl er ald ‘Srseuc the ft eco het ot eed heat he Stu nan est fp shui he mine oust thes of Uttam foe fed gt he hte tae Cham the fed soa eed the gh and jt . Staton prs ont eel ett rai, Cha 7, Dae Teun Stam Pui Prout sop for ths purpose The ‘erent hte prt gan wh ek coy whe cee tthe ating ne snd in tl ego the ere eg OA sone a> fe he moat pr shoul ten e mowed 0 exncde th he ines ch fi ot mma orcs 1 he sn a eal tee mom be ped ssh oecvedse Thou erote saul be ule ete a eee ene ne m vet ede toh eee hp be eg ith ne of he sr lines Thcevotn cumstances, the ato pine teres awkward 9 se For inane the shared pstions of the oerved objece maybe bie under (hei ofthe ints ote se fs sal chart table bay potent the wo he intact fn being nave to tcc postin of he cha ‘Wire te ocu tis eter ay othe nes on » Dough protractor, [eurke onthe ae of the tin pitts one (0) Chap (6) Te handbook wpb! withthe intruen (6) The Admbaty Manal of HodarophicSarcying. ‘THE DOUGLAS PROTRACTOR Description “Tis nsrumeot shonin Fig a, uted an i plowing, tt fo deter ‘Dining pots tak nd Bearings nt chart esos of ein a aren square pettacer,gadated al ound in Sqr um © 10,359" ath diton declvitand stinks Atte centres ae age enough to take the poi of «sharp pene Pel lier maybe deen Ss ders, whe hast sae Tha hon the plot placed onthe chat, mn se dwsmarde pastor wctmite, Methods of Dee (7s ty of come o bing. Align te cee ele nd the sued ‘cig ain wh ny Snes lb this rian vl he ng dg ochre tha ei ones he i whch sur oe oF espe {ay off course of som pa Apne the poco on he es hate cenze whe 4" on te ine ese ae bath on een Slide the prov unt plo on the ruling ede then rl the teu (2) To real of curso bearing ~ Pace 2 ring bg, Fon ofthe Hoes are alg he cour being mn te ene neon ea hi erin as ee of te rc the fe a the es see wil give ie bx. a (6) oe os paral ule, — Nig the porate by oe fis yr ines onde baring eed wy tang geal ins along he appropriate edge he prorat lar xb tarred othe pont reed wth 0 ‘hance of soperceed diapaosnet (a) To ire poston by ange, — Lay of he cere angle on ter side of a R25 oc bt ts deo the pests: the ple tt ade down, Se SESS atte pen line andthe XS eof She proctor ron Pete Sean ence The conte hel then repent the shi’ potion Naeem be revert for ph ad igi fo lft when they ae aot {s) To fd he rection mae end rom rie of baring of a sn ject. — nee he ste ma racemose eet he dance SE isthe ater byt ship bean tbe ine ofthe Beings. Layo ‘BE belng on the chart i the Onuy way. Face the procter over the ‘Beige adst ute earings puss rough the corespondig pins wihtige the pwc, roided there po lation ine ia ean, ‘Seltage at hen epee tothe souee mae good; tithe any al ‘ream or it wil not be he acta tack (6) To fd th i's potion rm aie of sang." pcan be sw or, net of tracing Peer, an deserted fo Chapter IV. 9) To ban th compass rer. ~ This as desrbed in Chapter 1V. Y. MANOEUVRING INSTRUMENTS BATTENBERG COURSE INDICATOR “The Baeoarg Mac 5 Pattern No 6) eine fr sling elt velo Foeas hcl on PEL prstaon wh opty the cre Component Parts {a} The frame i of hm with hee handle tthe back. The fied ter singed in dgens on 8% 359. "G) Ariat auminun seat, vttate though cut avay portion in the Dock afte en eget wih enna pare lack es tone ‘Ss and inseraped pl bck nes inthe her ai igre ck ‘penne dnanee or ped "Eric Raps Sn pinned he eat al be lated in any dened potion, Te engraved th geen conette ings at SEE Sade ut tom te comes wih reo ery er ‘ening tet to 36 unite printer ed in depres fram © to Sept red and ed radial ines ark ery ro degre uy Tw etl senda ped aot the ene, are engrangd wih gues fiom ovo 9g, Bath bar ba a momble sider whch can be cmped in a7 ‘eu pntion. The mile sce beds ate geen andre {5 A cesar dunce sale x engreved on he tack ofthe fram. The cate ele marlin seed fom 190 69 and ou rom tt fo. The io, Bante Macks ‘sd im i tom se coed opi cdscvered, Convers the speed or tine ay be fend theater Rsetonat te sped or sine may Be fund ithe ee es apes of the we ofthe Haenberg for sling vrs a problems ae gen in Chapter IV eer CHAPTER VIIL The Gyro-Compass ‘Acomass may be defined aan iret which remain pointing in Sait drstn sre to an screen the Ea, roan of the fleet in whch he tip, staf whi in which (i exted may be Being. Is proviert datum fom which eure ad beg elie Ahi fas ect ay be ae “One form of compe decid in he eat chapter the mgt compas whch ees for apeation em the mapas of the Fath Aotber, he (compas done be dps pose a ag wc Pye dine the boon Theor srerd ifr Kn of gro-connpaat aes of tee te Sper the Brown andthe Anschutae aang the beer Bowe. The Spry to leopard by the Aura Comme Dear i 9 bce re.) Gyr Comp This empath bean desing pe ave exe in det nek TBR. 9, the Manel ofthe Admits Gyro-Compas (Spry Typ) ned in tgs td desing wih the Valve Fallow Up Compas (Pen 205 ees) tnd the Conacio Congo (Pattern wang ee) TBR. 8 he anton of he hdmi Gye Compes Pato $0 wre inact in 995. “This hater gvea wry ofthe theory of he gyo-compsy a decipton oft par othe Paster 50 sre fr nic spel seins ae requ fioeups tonsa and ars sytemay apd the ileencs beween the tari ai of compan. “The Nevapting Ofer esponale er he correct wb ofthe gye-cmpas upon te nen the cops required te sets be applied "The Elec Ofer asthe gyros Te Ste ae enue for rowing and ming te ipa, lnsng-ap the epee al ppying the esting rye bythe Nagsting Oe THEORY OF THE ADMIRALTY GYRO.COMPASS “he gyrovampss consis cently of yeacope, wich has cain pesie repetcs whet resi aponing, By the appioon of sabe ony Eee ef thee pooper ich ay tat the as of ti ace Sa he re Non aed tis ul th eon Rigi i Space [Ace rye df! in BR. 8 stow in Fig. 268. 1 he spin asi. ‘ranch Pye pining carta Gon in space, hen, hea te ot is gu a sucicny ish ped, shi asa will mania the sue even, Tepes of how te pp ecw a gy in ace tay frame ted or he ropey Bec of he suhouph aii Biber 2 Cambistion sg he vena a tat mt Ea 0 ring ag Tppwem maton of the heen ave the amr Boon oo eit i ‘Probes bomaphc, then in Fi 6p Fe (obserse asda soctowar the North end ofthe ss ofa fc yo wee pointed tthe sa in thi gram, sto apear ire sa acter 2 hr Ih owever, see pena Sey ae eh a spss oe wre ° 2 hous SPEED ERROR The Fath rotten through 15 dress pr, A pint onthe fore, moves though spac a4 peed of (46 fa) ats er howe ee geo knots ina W. . vecton there the voto oped ofthe Farhi (go ev. tee) knots The movement hcl shout he Eas sot Tha ube jet tanec apr ‘atin the northern prt ofthe esse By mean of te onl ead, {he gyr-crpa ae fen tne toate wr sin xis ne atonal in the rein ~ Le with toss at ght angle we Eats roan Consider the pyr-compat in ship atte eganeeseaning Esto West 4 seed of jo tno is movement though space i then 930 S70 ke ‘especialy in an exe deton The gyro, theeare exten aah Change he speed bot rt in he Geen oft e, Sd ao ie il i cle he meen (eg). Asin tsa vs in any ote stad em Conder the sip sain Non or South at 30 hrs The everompse srl tom Be aveling tush pce in ection mich he rect the ‘Es and the stip pees So fara the procs coe he Eh sow ppb ping ab» if so Til ere ee new, apparently mations, poe in the hevvems. In wer word, wil alg Saeco There ftir kon or intrmedate ouss, he rertane movement thr spa wil ier les om the WE oovemem ofthe ah, so that the comps erat il be le, At Tower speeds the err wlio be lee Thus face my be sud ss favs ‘Count Non Noth end of gyo-compas ais et to aston! of messin enor gh Coons Soe ‘Nath end of gye-cmpan ae sts to eran of merdan or Couns East on Wer: yro-compat selector Ni 8 Cue fomate + Spend en So. Tn cher word, spend eto ari the north or southerly component of ips speed As tet sted Eats pc ov tad. The evr eng when ship sere North st 30 kre in ata 6" ico in Fig. Hoe the Ears rotor pet is aly 450 ky ht ahs apes of $0 kts fuses rertact ich i les laced ther oct the Wks deton than i wold e if he ship were athe ester ff. Fige #85 and 181). The {pre-compas cro wil thee be Gnepondingh reer Tf Eats ‘food detent len tha the cor inner, ta the sips Fo. 8h, Spel ier: sip on NortSouth eu in Latin 6? Theos, oped cow formate 2 Speed Eno 2 Fig formule + and 2a proximate forula is bind which an be wa she the ship's oped lo 3 not The ermal Speed os) me Cou ‘con i, — Speed Bree sve apc xo in dees sis where sa constant the Far whi feet in oe Correction of Speed Herr (3005) (Gh) wire the amore of coceton requ ty tat Spat Sita fom thetic sou, iad ands’ ped. The de (ad ‘hips spend when he og nerve) as sty fad Tae cretion [applied to he compass train an all ig aaniions Sein terms of True Corse. The magnitude f seed err in ders or de seth Sek Sop es aie sds ph pen iat, The Maer Traian Unit BALLISTIC DEFLECTION ‘Ap important contequnce ofthe existence of speed ro ti the sing [ton of the gyocompass changes if tere ity cage i hearty of fSuthery component ofthe abs spec sch Scere wan the sip Taos high speed 190 spel argent were made the peop wuld tte at tv ne sting potion ae exccatng thew pa ‘When ship ters ous or ped the nethery componente is acertion or declraton eases rey a Ho it the Sth or Neth pte apes ‘hin do wore "The afr of mercury which cer une the coins cases precession sf the goin arth, Ho a hale dec I wl be ese tt tert wore apd te Nor nd he owe of the sip ease the merary Rott 1 become Sr hey. Terese Talli deecson tothe wet bch ote ston eed ths eae 1 ean be wre that casey halle deen wl be" enaed. whee the serra han sty component hi ces he ete want ‘he amount of ballisc deletion depends on the smut of meccry verted , "The comton of the escry ps and er conoestog pipes can be arcane sth tefl dfesivn rating om schange opel rely oon the Cangestapee-andcnue i il be aid ones tat peed ror aie with nie; tetfor, itis nso for the ot ffl Besos te rege aceon "Ts acloed by vepng the fee scar of te eperery inte Po, ovis crear sequel ow in ow es, bd ee Yr ‘Mercury Pot Domes When hp seta the ery ows ake wp hore, wich eins daring the pad of the cron, A prof deme Spt {hh eres he te soveoare of cn, ene the amount 9 meer Teuton dro stay fae bora. This insbown in i. 18 ‘The fhe ete des et scoring tthe aude. Ove dee of eck nr ioe n that ue th ons ae are, the cnt ogy est ver vce, ol te ere bn of the tut ove ‘Finite isp he Sore ent ena 60h amount | Terery underd obowntn sad nd) se than tat in Fi, 8, ‘Betighe asad a egured for creat alate dalton (0) The fc of having the mreury pt domes set for wrong inde ‘hath compne wil wander mrt tesa ert of out or med, (2) eis dearae hat ehey soul be kp eon pw the sae way the iatede ide although the cra of the sng sno ie 2 npr it, Hower, or mp a al four domes sald (9) Toe the dare, eae the locking. a he Fst ofeach dome shat fd tn the milled hea thragh an exact mune of al-sens vp ‘wn uot he pater a teary oppete te Toa Taide ote ‘ale a pombe Ech led ead shuld be tro through he sane ‘umber of baltturen When sy ccue the dons in penton by the ioc e (a) Fo Intities awe the egntor and 3's the pointer shuld be set to the line berwcon 6nd 30 For lids fo the poster Soul he set opanite te mie ofthe apropie figure ‘orton lite, neta fhe led bead eile 1 faite etwas ner 3" and 50° ero i between nua "and 5% or bw ataes o"ad 7e ‘Se pangs sing shold tray sere for every 20" chang of ade DALLASTIC THT char een epuced how change of sped ar nurse rode alc defection in eimuth eonarcs the ew setng puto, Ovi othe fa thatthe pint tf eotact (ete cone Bang) between the eeury Box an the 1 ‘sng ott tothe En of the Yer xy, anuovactd ti node ‘ch tine bale deeton aks ple Th ret mal ander scr Ileaon of one pens Ifa ship secceses ns rontbey recon, the Noth en f the gro ais sl eprecoe fom i preset ling postin, Store the ne seeing prstion 5, (i. 189). ‘ecru fhe ntsc of he one ering te ph wl be nthe ireion ‘iT, Consequently, although the compat wl ave becn jeeceet ts cote ‘etng portion i simu, tesla wil have dowowrd it aie Te Fig. lyse hat he res wi hae fa asim yl te Baie Reus 07 abr 2s nates afer the aan of cour eA, alate estima ab MASTER COMPASS GENERAL DESCRIPTION (ong serie nly) Sensitive Element “The Seoive Element conse of the Rotor and Casing supared in the Versa Rie, andthe Compenasor Weight tt ee the seeane Semen equal moet fies sont the tuo pnp tal es Phantom Ring ‘The Phantom Ring support the seasive lament and i Kept continual Aligned ith ts tha he ite snpetatn ofthe sthne seers dene ot come tine. ao caste Stem, Slip iy Asia fear and Comps cad Tt is thoogh the aint gar ta he pbonon rng sgn wat the fens clemect a by mars af wc ee pie uae Sa ane ‘he compe heating. The sa indice compen coro Mercry Bonet, “he Mey ones sped he phan sa. Any ht aed NST of emery tse phi eam he hang yes ot po pe The Spider foreand-at line ofthe ship an ean rate Ivey about the phasor ring ae the hip anges course. Atache to te spd sre th lllon-ep maar, which tet the plan rng sth the sensitive semen. taper ithe Be at ome igip hound searing. ‘The Gimbal Ring Ths isan octal sel sng which suppor the spider and gia the ‘ps it the diction ofthe pte a Duo are ied ‘The Binnale Ring "Ti i the temo ing nite Wh the ml rng pve in theo sie Danese Bed ‘The AntiShock Mounting “his ost prt of the master compas, tft oH. hips to Protect the maser imps vo sb and viva. FOLLOW-UP AND TRANSMISSION (205 sre aly) ‘Master Compass Follow ‘he plac sg em ve ts ag with se ‘ompuecouse fo the MLS U follow-up serv stem, sision Unit OLE) ‘The MLL. is sero driven 0 flo te maser compas, eee and tetomataly apps rston freed and couse cry intron ‘keane fom the ship's Ig than sapis oe esta th fn tevminate Asype tanmision for napa eves ly tobe ih 10" and fo sct-salve mp ranean fr he patra o een te wich fed the espn contol apts Lon Taste and sje 1 Iaperave) amt beat by hand and the hadog scat ole scene Compass Retranemision Units (CRU) “Thee ae conversion units which rey the amps rnin «nine of ferent farms for wavows serves. “Tgi eteaigeng cre stem ay be operated om mppe nthe MTU by the Alay ye Mme Compa Chace Control Panel and Alsen System “The Compass Conta Puc cnn the 43m supply stl, gy some tnd ammeter andthe aur rags wich nets lure nf thes aad tpl wap and ofthe np flap ye The aye spc m Fare, ihe the red wari tmp tng thes tel and ath oe ‘tpenprte oesting lan When fat char te ns cutie fe “The arm str x oper om the ‘sisi? 24 ot aey upp ‘Aso sam nolo gen hs spp wee ta the pene hes ok ‘epiy a the orl nine bya en tmp bu el ADMIRALTY GYRO-COMPASS (SPERRY TYPE) (Series 205 and 2095) 1 thn oder compat pe eer i cre the coma wth she ‘ripe noite rue toes ” eee ere imi Set Conese Peaseecy dractiect are nite wr ene wa er When tis pec correcta 6 appl, ican be sep hat io pace the laters pint remedy an emit wich fers withthe sing a th ship. Tel be read om ota ot spend eo aie the nn te ure; atrial appleby te sin ing’ which week in Senjontos wth te specter ean wi the places of theater ing (Ths espa sn more deals BR 9) Roan ox Serre THe Sea Consscton (@) The sped {Gy The etn to hich Rpt at mut depo op i pom the carve the Navigating Ofer ue say be fou [c) The ee ofan incre sting i tt he Ship's bead il be went indie the sip ae ny Noho South component ped. The icon tt the enor nvled suman oppo Spe wing Corer Gyro re Newtaly ‘isk Sour Loe Note Tow es Suber High (4) The err in cosecivn wil have 2 masinue on North and South nd wil ary with the este ofthe curse. “The matin eset of te en fay erin fom the pod ita ale, For earl 9o the Sting corespoads fos res knot est than atl speed, the sain fo err be hgh on North ao tw on South, (eel sig be psd hcp ore Follow-op and Tranemision Ta the 2008 sol 008 sre, tre cise can be tied fm the emp ‘ats the compan costed fr oped eres Mp tune to it i ed fo vento paren and? me peer wep The follow-up system inthe 3205 eit incides Mago and Tralley contacts ad te corpus kn othe Cates Comps: Inthe seh ‘ete a Vale Foon stom ane an We copes Kew ache Vole Faw ap Compas Alarm System ‘Tiss in principle the sume ati the S00 mein exep hata independent 22 ol alm basery it sted ad thee i eae, heel fora eet {tng lamp a the ting pots, CHAPTER IX The Magnetic Compass “Tox magnetic compa i il the pinay means of navigating many vec snd ra ak "The pron of his chaper to expan the princpe om which the nage coumpse worst pot ot the rls wich govern siatry perf, Suto ene fers Yo make the necemmry prepares fort ahs nsdn, lores mae odepuing and efecto the compas "The procere for adjaring the compa together wih mre specie aspects thi bj is cveed ip Volume I MAGNETISM AND TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM ‘Natural Magaets vi founda very ely time tht sal pines of etn rm ret hd the oper wen fey spend, of sting wth cow ais mw parler Gren and had the farther propery of ating sll pecs of ron and rs cents mioed mepec Ariiial Magnets (Cerin ar ron can be tanned ot iil magnet ving the me proper by (9 me with ae ars {Geng acted to vibration whe witin the apes of inunce of sath magne "The proces ese decribed in Volume ‘Neowpane-ecle seen x spec const artic magnet. ic. 86. Maga poles, Magnetic Poles ‘A sll magneto bar behaves a hough it aeacive property wee oie ‘to pints nea the ens of the bar, Thee pans eel te "mapa Doe Phe pols of «br magne nesses aon eel of Ro fom sch by cnn es cad eda bo pa ‘nna pvc wo pee fs mage elite salt pars, each part bees eonpate get nel (ig 8). 1 emo magnet ar pla cle tpt in ond that te ble ple on ge ill act thew ple (aad eepel the te pol) ofthe eer: Heme 2 ‘Enamel awa greta: Unie pl ata ik ot ee Magnetic Feld 1 is ured hat ‘tins offre’ emerge from te rd ple of + magnet and ‘ne he oe pl. Ths ns, comtating the ‘ase fo the magne ‘may be coniered as the pata wich would be fled oy an lated rel ‘le if ach a thing coud exis (Pig). Alertness! magic ele were freely aspen inthe moti da «re gett nl Sta lng the ln of fe in whch wus ated io, 18. Magni Sld suroudings ba oneet ‘ect of Heat, Rar and Vibration Hut, fect of temperate 09 magontc mbtunces rare with the ‘peo mel. For prc pn ncn at nora ste cng have ole a tht ft to one ts apetam ‘when com od ht ie ‘st. ~ Coniderable rst on magoet i found to dere thir apni Vrain. ~ As meaoned above when dncming wii! maze, vibration inion oer fight, inemsng of derening tng Induction ‘Ammetwilindoe magnon in es iron ste pe in its magnetic elSince iron hws ahr pres than the Kin offre tno ronntte in the etl (Fig. 18), Thi ted he ln of fren the it ‘Magnetic Screening (F189) ‘Areyon surrounded byron and ec) sich aa eco bride othe ering AIS St tip, conane ony pat of the Bn of force origin rm Bernal source beste thy tendo concettae inthe surouning ion. ‘Therlore the aati eld ofthe Earthy a wll te see, hell 3 ‘iugnt willbe rece at compas a0 placed. 1 for thi reson that the ‘Ganded Sompus sted in» pocion where iis pose frost ofthe Fi, eo, Mag een 1 as ps9 he eon perme structure init icity to be made of non-magnetic mae. hiss imple ‘Wik beryeen- dock companee, wish there llr fr nines npr (Iolani to reer deviaonn han the andar compass. ‘Types of Tron and Magnesia Irom and ste may be died ato thee magnetic type, szrding to the ‘eaton ofthe elo magnetic Bl {G) Herd io the es edt nate thve forms of ram and tel which ‘pete (Ie should be noted that, a permanent magnets are cade by ari Ten they cin be untae! the term permanent in hs conmecton it {heretics nv cabal scot) Wc) Sof ton th tered to not the forma of fon and tel which at tpate of tecoming magtets when nce ia's magnetic Bland of ‘engng thes magn cman with ange of seagth or retin ofthe ‘dda thi pon in. They do oot ein magetien on bing remared fom the mage el. These rece indeed apt (3) Ivrmait th et sd enatetore fors of ion and tel wilh tay be sane batween the two exremes mentioned above. The {stv ub-peranent magnets. [Bermasons vst a Consocrion wet Magner tere were a met of slog the eet ofthe Has ed and of ro~ ducog magnetic fede of ny ant apd if there were tw iron bar ofthe ‘hie ie and ape, compen of iferent moet material, bt not ial Iagnetied,then: (@) If the two bus vere palin» magoetic Sl, magetiam would be Indeed ino then The one which recaied mote Indiced magetisn ould bee to ave the peter (0) Whe tn were removed om he Bl that they were nse more sued 3 seo wou be found that iy had eae + ‘Sr amon f magein The one wih rete the greater toon wolf to hve te reer ey (o) Mow topes or wre pred na mage Bet of eves is Tem efi ould te irc amount ut the bar rere mc ore ‘denagnined. The oe rsiing the pre Sld would be sald o have (ones aca th the mabrcon pote tn he bn would tu vary exay wah he fld rode ut would ap beind erecta (eet war's paar cn of thin) yee i he {Sic emt thio. ‘TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. [Nature ofthe Earth's Magnetism (Fig 199) "The mugetic eld of the Fath silo that which woud be produced by {aor ognet etude he Ears cets, wit sae passing throu {he aihboriood of Hidons Bay inthe Nowh and South Victoria Land in ‘he South "Ths points hough they ro the pole of he imagiouy mgt ‘scribed, ae tationly haowa the Magnet Nth (ola) Pale and the ‘Magni South (Pale They do ot esi with he tee Noh snd Sat Poe ofthe sn, ich ae onthe Eats of "Te magowtic ples are ot Ted, but ar costly ming ip own ‘hs apparantly completing ye ims pero of many undedsaf Jear ‘X migetic ned ely snp el he lon the Kiera fore of he ars magetc fll At the Nand Su mao pls it wil et veely wih opt ends down at cach oe respectively Ta conor tothe Te tht lie poles tract acheter, the Nonrselig end a's compass nel oe magnet sealed “re At the magne eu, ayprxinaey haley ‘etme the ole, such» ne would rst hens at ay thee pce the pele wil be ocd t whut na he age sip loa “Ternary of the Bars apt can he ee in Adil Char 382 (oacofwtic char and of Chars S38, $398, Sip and 374 a cepodioed twee ages joan 369), ‘The Earth's Lines of Force The diraton asured by a rely sepened magnetic eee, when acted ‘pia by the Ears mage frelon, ek tle fat nce "The verti plane eorsning eof ta fre defies the “magnetic tsi’ Thus sch mele ide nthe magnetic meri. Tad te rized that ong to te ireplaty ofthe Ear magnet Gels ‘he fet that the magnetic ple ate dimtly opposed) a age ‘nein, abough they see sere ily doe nese fs tah Dip “The vera ale betwen the mages ne ad the brio (Fig. 193) ‘cal the ‘sgl o ips "This eso at the magic sunt, wad go ‘magnetic ples ates jing il pstors wf ea sip aks a ena Hoes; and these, wih the magoetic gusto (which may now be defined w the Tne jing al potions of mer dip, reagan the Bes equtor wit, Hand z "The tata force is vied ito tm smponens (Fe 19) (©) The vera! comgoneot, called Z, ie sbown on Chat 378. On this dart the value of 2 are expres i dyes po uit pole oF ‘etl (0) The horizon component, ella (als eprint), i shown on Chat $30, From Fig, gt can ke san that tan ip = 2 Cures of magnet ip ae THE MAGNETIC COMPASS Since dinetin onthe Barth's rfc ie meatred by hizo ange, ‘eee tnt the compa ead shold alas hori Tense Ohi [Rissrpened so hat the core of gravity of hc. wih pe of ee {i below the pivot, or pin of auspenson. Thi st be ace fem Fis 2 he et ofthe Ets magnetic face 00 compas ec et cate x ‘count which tends to vette nee inthe mage teria, (A ele ‘oat of two el paral fre fuk sere) (See Bg Fr connie, is only neeery to sae the eft the North ‘At crmequenc fit oneucn the cpa nee oly dtstedby the horizontal orc (1) the Eats age “Aho the ie of total force are sone ea the mage ples (ne {har aha the dinate forces in be sen fm Chat fy oat Veriton ‘The Farts magotic lds very repr and in gene the maga nd eve merits 4 ot eine. The haraoral al etc the magnet rd Yeaton is eal werly when magnetic Non es wo the West of te North an easy when st be Eas of te North (Ba ‘As the magnetic ples ove, vo the wart change. nab eee ype of change (9) cominios seri, clled ‘eul canges (2) sol factutio, cal ‘enual'shange (VB. This should me be ‘enfued ih the anal aetna i he station Sue te ae ange) ()1 day Suction, eld “dual change (OF the) and 3) may be neglected i practi navigation, although ie edo sited Kingdom the dial ching, wish icreacs wade, ay be motes [CURVES OF HORIZONTAL MAGNETIC INTENSITY i86 PORTION OF CHART NPS579 “The seule change i exami "Vataon 16° ag'W. (954) deren aot 20 Tes ahve ncemary to apply thi change before wg the agai re, so that inthis enum, thc vaio forts made 9 og \ “The companetosc re normally reprinted if the al cane in ain | exc of smo cerecin athe chr mae before hi xa "The vac canals Ye found fom the “Vigatoo Chart tbc ae shown carves of eq varaon elle gone’ linen a the sna ale of ‘he wear change Char g3y4 cars the word. Chart $375 53964 $377 ‘ler ele re ena fr spose sre tite sat rectly ee the ct any gener ‘Shr the ners he omer mn ele Magnetic Disturbance Cera dsurhanes af he Hans magnetic eld ae encuntered. rms te {otis and may eee known era the compose Thee fall orally (9) mage ars (2) oa surat, Magacie storms, often accompanied by dle oft Aurora Borel, | Northern Ligh, case fosting dress. Toca atvacon esis heh aso of tagoetc oe oF psibly » weak, tice eaticendy cle to seine ao ere of the copa Sn the ect of one ‘maget on sather vain ivr athe eae of te dtaace Steen the, {his ero i dom exe by ele nd, but more fen by the sipping ‘fer auch mans gn shallow water, cc cai known oe, set frh in the Satin Dion, daly hte th cat Seat ‘he pasion. One of he nat reas of tha ais In of Western ‘Auta where io 9 Tats, the variation his beet sieved ova Tan See Wein dane fos yrds SHIP'S MAGNETISM AND ITS CORRECTION Dishing fect ofthe Ship on the Compe (Devin) A as es ere te compre eh mnt eid, roves no dosing eho pen, afte Satay Eee se el fy tem ich pc yi twp by sce pss Thon ote ed ee ston of hips este oe de rope psp doris Tho aw ene ee Sl the compass postion is a corbivation of fields due to: " (a) te Ean ans, {the eh pornnt ation Cha en (6) thecal magneto ot nich eens on he ton het head and he esp ee (ae ip bears eatin omen) ich depends Ft ve, (2) and (6) compris th hips magotic Belo tht he forest 0 the sompa one pal ne may Beso Feo : "Phe les of he magic Bel fhe ship toca the compen be no lnger aligned inthe aprtc meri, bt tan get ths drt, This etic deition 1 se compel points wo the Ba of magnetic Noth, th deviation i cad ‘tely (1) and i point the Wes, the evan i sled wets AIM sp lf he ip hg ido nd ana np the shi alts her heaing- Consent the vasa iferen for iteet Ielings ofthe ship Aes ering by taps hae wo Be oer athe devin for th heading gine the maga Bag a = comerely, magnetic earings nd nas have to be teed fa he devin {twee gv compe tearing and cous to er orter the devon lero wo eating, hn, a he sip ix brought fromon heading ote oer the card laced to he poston cored {oie new deviation concen wih the ang of heating ofthe sp This {he ching of ending by compass a ead ofthe (ovig) end gatost the [iter pint wil ot be ane mthe shang apne hesing 148 ‘Cats of Cus 1 Dvir om 8 Areanen® DITO ‘change of devition may be ened by ta tng of no tects rom hi normal postions: (8) toh oer on oe el ebjnc et near the ems sie) ty serio eg ao by earth am eta esi XG) heaving we salon of eee ntramen': Ne the ping of ways or i.e pesonce of wa ange, athe ships within cle dance; 18) somrma ng of he anol, Diet on content mages o Finders ba, of sue depth to Sn prose the sen ofthe ron beneath 9 cen 1 ath-permanene agains (psig, parla res she sip: (@) magnet norms (0) compu cad ving exci fiona the pia aid ) eange of magnet des (iso, duet cllsion, rounding, pune, Bits or net mises. tom ly ly ce «ge in devine oc ose second nth ghar te can Compensation fr the Ship's Magnetic Field In order o ear a lable compas, acre to counteract the eft of ‘he ships ttl magnetic Held. A syne of permanent and duced ape, ‘ich cating opp Bef the same tenga theft feo the ‘Hip, mou trp shi, eco the fl ent deo sbrtnes ‘a inverly the cube ofthe dace from henge oly Seary {ope wml conestort i and around the compre Bona a aehee ht rea Te method of compensation adopted it dive the efecto the turing fide im consenien poner and t dea wih exch compare separ “Te components cn at thre rele tothe fove-aneae thus, a seri recs nthe hy, hg the ene the ene tt Permanent Magnetism When ship ie bling and patty daring the fiting-ut stage bet far rn aur permarene mayen fon te Ear psa ee Tie ‘Sine by bmg rns ae he gh Ths jecraent mgt has the ef of turing the eis adie intercross hae ay Pi. tg Peon aie yi baling ig. batons ship bling on a nrthonetely ang n North ade ‘eve th Eas total liner f free pnt he ip rr Sout to North ‘obliga domed direction nducing» be pole near ste ar pale nt the bows Testo thi ae compe post cam be rele [nto tee emponentn the directions prvi tention. These component ie dx fa Vaan Il ! sed Magnets [Now coor the magnet acute by the sf rn in he ship. ‘hi at previuly sued, scaled inde omgrecm By vitue of pre Proper if produces at the amp poston eft of et hs sea and ply ser sess th sp charges or eating ag "The induced maguetin can alo be rene in eomponens for mone ‘omeniat competetion. Ths re ode in Vane Sub-permanent Magni This very gener em pid to hat ptf he chp’ magneto which is acqated inthe mere om when sp habe beaig ine os isto for long prin "The feces hy vin, ad the Imago ie not cyied immed A grey of ‘emanen and induced ome unde ths peneal tl of sspernnene ‘Scbspermancrtsnetim hus pb crc okay he erent snags ans thar the case of ung in the evince Soe ok ‘atecquety thie lie permanent magni, Fox cone ards ‘eo ring on ocean pase the intermedia ron nage an eet ‘kiton when te dcson of te ships hea changed Since theca, eminem mages dow noe inmnesatly Senppes, the deviation il Meo fatount innishing wih tne Ht alowed fri evan hey oo simi tp gay oma a o) t,t, Temporary dvinion cued by su emanent sent ir {To lminate ers cused by s-permancot ingot when the hip is sung 10 aban he dvitins the fate of suing soul mo so omplte turn of 360" approninatly 45 site" er whe rele From sing to ily seine known ‘Gas ete ects of Lightning ‘Shoulda vsel esc by ighning, er maga wil pry be alfeted ‘oan unoown dee. "The ees arliely todos empten canes ee not unum rs ship tbe several month Before he agit ie scale sin, [A rough ad ready rule, hich has ben found flv, i revere the ‘bwarip mages othe crpae a shit hasbeen ste by Tring ‘hl the owe each une Summary Sub-permanen mage maybe ete, ad he devinion shuld these ‘etek equ, when () she ship ha ees henge sme direction fr + og ne (0) thet levers octane etg (0) ighning sri or pss gett tsp: {heavy anti hs een card ot (e) Rey sea at expend ‘The eect of sab-permanent magnet i rates hen cou i ered fiom Bast or West, becatae the ole of ae oubpermanet.ahwersbig ‘omgonent are closer tthe ona than tw f the fread comer “The amount of deviation cased by subopeanent agen cre be coleute por an ibe caret PRINCIPLES OF COMPASS CORRECTION ‘To emove deviating, the various flees mapa ar cnet in inp fae Pawuscr Maoweris cowroNss: By permanent magoe cee, lac in he oracle vo har tet ges ct once epee, {othe revere dren fo he Sli thy ae coecin Inovcen Macnee coronene: By fio cone, paced aod the ional a Un thir ndaced feds act onthe componsecee ee Teves etn tefl hey te emer Sua-rnsuanet Maceersn: Not cored ut fet maybe expected on the enon lated sve Corrects Prowse Maosats hese are supplied i various sos from } 9 acs Jang for dierent patter finale The spade and eth et patent cone ‘ago of tae wel and tinged by hen ental bd. See te asia to rent rst. ‘The magnets af itered ny fede ‘erent the comp othe the diets orcanda ehwrsahin ted ‘eric In lrgerpterntnnacl the vert mages ee fad et — chet om cin. When at owe, permanent magnet shuld be sowed ith ns of oppoate parity cet, ne tht te mages soca st Sinahed Sarena Concroes "Thee consist of (2) pif sfeion spheres, placed on that brackets, At "aly ‘iced compas tse may be sewed fom te steep tne, (2) retical afin br cll he "Plndr aes Ts ete in brat inde onthe fore, or ates side of «compas: I nal oa the for sd of np pled Sora nthe stip. Ata bal. paed ‘cmp the Find bar maybe slowed rom the fe anata ‘Thee corer ae spplied in varios sins, Whes shipped, they acquire induced magoetisn rth Easel and tat hres fe onthe peas ‘Tor required soe and poston canbe clase um tai, hat fet wil exclycomperst for the vious enegenei the ship's ed ‘magnet A indcsion i thes ono ahi ae th cote tn ate, {om the indvction in these corer vary atte corte teers tad whrever the ship pes. For thi eso, sper sd Fly tr nee ‘roto, seldom equiv be moved orate HEELING ERROR AND ITS CORRECTION (Cause of Hecting Error When ship hen the comes, being gimbal, reins hoe, The res scsing versal hough the cent ofthe compass, ho eusn ho dv ‘en the sip is pi, car then est a haaonal pull on he ogee, ‘eles and wo cise devin. Such deviation cle helng eer ‘ect how in Fig 198, where there veri compooet fe hip ‘mapetion (permanent an induced) wept by 2 eg, oe ee wih ie ple uppermost (I ofthe epponte play the deviation wall othe aw ide, Smee of the high eso te sip) ‘When he ship ols deviating force ent eation ot he emp ‘ar which ake seeing diet I the cae o's perm It, tad e198, Heli ror Aevation would be camed. Int cats the deviting farce proportional to the ange of ee. CCorreston of Heeling Eroe Its nox praceable to compete spel for the flo he petmanent hd induced ago inthe ae of sing evo th te of got fie thertore corrected by versal formant ages corres, kw the THE coment This cretion finde magne css By. permane tingle he pcp ef sompae orecton sed sated. The method sh eorrectn safer re, rom the avantage tha soc oretion elng srr i compensated, together withthe oer cases of devin, woe he compan athe, Ten ate ahip change bade reappear Tough wenthe, whore hs manfons il a an oclaing compan ary ‘i nly desire to reduce the hein cor atone. Where the fem of tind of reducing Becling cor =o unfree ot sppece ‘Sviton when the ssp upright and vost ot therlore be ted tthe Seindard compan Ie can, however, be wed the ering cmp, where 4 ‘enya i of primary npn. Comserios of Hasse Eno at 8 (Staring Compas on) the compas cards a ennging wily, wil be ipo to steady the ship cnoy ont cure, ot head sh be held spronntely North or Sth by onegis, since is on these heading tat ling ear main "The HUE: crectonsagnts the aig compat sould then be ove nt the nous card Hees meade Ie i oe to ake beings a the wcsng Copa, which is ot tally he cv, tben a more secure ‘ection an be een by moving fhe cerecor Magan the Bearing ‘dan (eatonay) sje ead By compe Hsing relued lng ovr on courtom which asthe minum ec fel then be comespondingty eben al ther couree "The onal pio ofthe Seto tal be note 20 that, when the shiping ag heyy ep Abr he pa a SWINGING sin “The expression “winging sip" is uot to describe the whole open af ‘Mion the magnet compa, Tiel no two para (9 Pe ant ing wh crn ae pl ree the (2) The ‘ing, diag which any devin reining afer adjustment i tered and bul ring fc proprio i oh ag oe 5 hema eae ga er ‘Occasions on which & Ship should Be Swung, Ashi shouldbe awung to oti devistions onthe flowing oceans (ober oe nl fn sip {bjt evenanesarcoa aerions nee the copa [chafer comida chung of magnet des (G) She reting ot yng nae deen fra ong psd: (o) ny ft orvtur magne have been alee (hae osfaton os rp of D.G.equpmeet (a) wiping acing epering eaten {i} Bicone ex ease ene har ema SEP ET ceca te ting sr ly SIP Nl se te be peta pombe omnes Be neliabilty of an Uncorrected Compass (Cae tae eccured where sal craft fied nly wih & magic compase Siva shut havo bad crested he amon though ftom, mou be sasety seu for agate. Task cen ‘ance he psformnce woul si Cray be mc a render lo ould ov pt vagy onthe retin f ome ne age oct erat hind cet the fnnal sey deting fo see athe op ‘eel cous "The perinanors of the magni compass of difleet clas of sip before corres se en blo ra nen of he ruts that aye expected Ave carter Crier Destoyer Frist Ler. 1 dos aot flow tha excoive devon wil lays be found ata secreted compass. Ieee savy ee cpr nye equi, ‘ercalrly wre the compan wll ay fom ll ses ttre Precautions before Swinging Ship Before swinging hip he fling preston should be tke (0) The eat to be a thin oe e-sig temperature, {G) The shipso he upright owe hing eno {G) The eompas wo be tote or ton (@) The uibers pin tobe checked for xd with he foroand-t Hoe (g) The arch ram 0 be chested for alignment (6) Alrmowatie im oe ou banging pein (5) Over sist erp a leat y les ene ding the sing 19 Tot cma fr tint ct sol be alee sey at, nti ites ry ait ea Preparations before Swinging Ship Before singing hip, the allowing prepation shouldbe made; “Mapu - Provide spe corer mags appropriate ae Ket Provide te nae heyy thee ae kept by the Nevgatiog Ofc In nd, about be acerained tha the vars oot ping see te Cerca an be eal pene “liners Bar ~ Ae thi gle here i hull be sacetsine that tan na ey soe ec hat iy Be hac Chart. char ofthe are boul be provided on the bridge, 0 acein sod chuck magnets Bsns soe Conmuiations - Compuniaioas betncen the vrous compas posts, and with the D.. oper pane shuld be tee, A rea ing eld ‘teoned a each compas her than the sanded fo eaing opr ‘arms. Tw ak coi of Form 8.372, 008 of S38, andthe Form 8.3748 conan deta of the at oving ar eae (pb) ‘Shame. ~ Thi eed for orang the spt On me ince the -B omreco cls sah toque sakening in oer to obtain scent heat securing the spe DiGi The DG. par show be real er operon, with a eel ating standing bythe sites, The covers should be raved fom the sore foi resance-Soxes The D.G. cae aha he sche wr ot lest Fa are tfoeevinging to aw then to ach the operating ert ‘Methods of Swinging Ship The ahi prose ta place bere dare tome meth of comparing camp ‘easings with magic beeing, 20 tat ee value of Svon et be hue (This nt neste or Meet §) has been shown tht the deistin changes wih angst sip here. fore tamed et stoppinato sith desaon onthe saree hess (cect lio toy sd hen ony ag toe “Thee te fe mee singing hip. (2) Be Beans oF a Distace Omecr “his method requires the ships postion be knowns the magne ein of te dant eject can then be euain iom the cha. Sere hare lng fearing odin oes Th order o hep pati errs within J the ship eau, teflon rinimum dances betwen bjs nd ship shold be obnred (9 owiging a by 4 ies Gi itevingng at sing anor ie (i) omg nde ny: oes, provided ta the hp docs ot ater he tn bye ha op The ship shld aay be a ae a posite to her boy o nc, andi hae condone tr sy toned round by a “The minum distros eve tet sone extent ced by the “em to stand diane, andi boy ited, bythe sat oe esd pth ‘ter, For acura, he atts be ke nt ecu "fr anyremon, nck st bed satya sac af ele ojo, the stove dtc cannot be nee, the ag tenga cope ce ow for te rar of eng Ste on ge $18 (2) Be Retro Bean “This roel involve taking easing of» anding compas or bering plate setup ator the shore besting big signal af sally oxy ra es the reciprocal of he siglo! ering frm aor wil beeen tot magnetic Bering from the ship so compar with the compat besos (CORRECTIONS TO BEARINGS OF DISTANT OBJECT res the deviation Te cea places tere cocoate set pf he mapntc mein Fury stt rom the sip ome gnc by 2 andi Seah, “ere the bering re ign hy ag, i wah fae ppd Onergee but ap wie sgnaling ic gency prefered “One ive of the sein earing mtd i thy hin wie the tip ip mot feed in er reverent wt tring aie “a ing by tho tet omy aloo bee mat etme te ship, one of wich bar x remy crete cone She nthe let ial ered ‘Mipet eating the sprouting ajurmest "Ar empleo competed Form £74 for sing by rip Beings ia given in Yoon il (9) Be Azone. or Hear Hooe "The deton ofthe boy sod be tan 30, nc the leveling ofthe compass bli aly appt, the rate of change of simath shuld be Sua The tan viable for obcrvaion x ang sowing sku, of ‘Ste, he ine ted at eg. “Tre beaten con be oie rm the Tas of Computed Mite end Asin ELD a on Weis Dagar the pesado he ning, tabled formers of sas ¢ mits a anv o magnets Using An eum -F pleted Fars Saye fo Uring hit metho the hp ao cence in ht manent pther mh abl oe Weis Diagram eal the flioing mtb | nny be doped, povided tnt tue et coticent Aor E pene. (The ieee in Volme II Ata wellplced compas: they shod Both Be eglble) “Pe testing ofthe sun stereo he arma aber Maing, warn sd iting 6a there ening. and the ine of exch servo ete. "fhe tt change in mth and the Wa tine taken inate, Abe he ato age fmt io pr mite From eich observed ering, ded the ealelted change a auth ice terete, ad thin san + coectedearig. The mean of thee creed ‘aring wl thu be the ning ening tthe me of th fet oberon Sttocquetspntc bering ae then otis raed for ac heading, byapnying the cleulted nage in sinuth, (9 Be Tewcrs For this etd, he ship ara aero the known bering of wo oF ate ‘exmpiutur objet in tine “Atbough the meted hs cern adrstage auch st no posiicy of parla io, in very ten ict tar on 9 igen thin ‘Bnd; aco rea 0 so thi eb ible ae lenge tha others it ay happen, honeve, ht two core anit ar vale: The sy be gute acpi, w's nonber of ojos wily raced say frm ane ‘ioe como onto ear ejece When th tess the ap ea be stoned on any ofthe wate reverent ding te rng nd baeuing (9) Br Geneon "This i» conveiet mated to ane while pacing corecor magnet but should ony be tc for annng davon if tet meio i prea, {She the tcuracy of the devnione te dependen pon he acucy of the ro-compae ‘Obiining the Deviations of Betmeea-deck Compasses “When ship is teingsving, the avigig ocr ut be informed ofthe of thecutup He noe hey area anes, {at god communion exit, a thts devin ble profaced fo sch “The device of etocen-dosk compan ate obtained ty comparaon of ship's end wih tbe sana compan An example (Fora S74) even in "Te devition maybe obtained bythe ftiowing elon: EXAMPLE x nm ips had North by standard compa th deviation of the sondard compa ta fd bef “Theres by definition, ada compe Nor i 1 the wat of magic ‘Non (Yon) ° SS i it tig te sig conra ae en ine 9s i gC Thre ering csps Now wil be fw tees of te wich ae oly 1 othe wes of magne Nor Inte or he ‘Evfion ote rtiog Snape 0 Tig "The ame ret can ssn rtcataly by applying deviation tthe ageing ing ie a ale hae age hss compari ieee tat th the hang of he wsg campus gee ‘he doin he ey, es [ Sundar compa bealing ee" Devito of sandard compass PW, Magnetic heading ey Saving comps heding S59 Devinn of steering compas 1'W. BxAMPLE » mshi’ head Sy standard compas (85°C) the dvinion of he tnd emp ufos obese, ES FO * ‘Therefore SW. by standard compa ested 2 ay rom magoetie SW. how n Bg. so mee "Now, on th heiing hearing compat was fund to indie a ship’ hand of 291°C. Therefore SW. by scng comps wll ef ny he ‘agree SW ied ofthe ering sompece i Wea Mathematica be ees fe Standard compas rang sas. Devinion of andaed somes "SE. Magaetic Heading aM Seningcompusheuing 237 Devistion of tering omps PW, smmonthe 2 Procedure for Swinging Ship "The procedure i decid, with expe im Volume 1 Daving the operon, ints om he Teterational Ce are gaye Forms and Return relating tothe Magnetic Compass (@) Form S.37a ie appli! fr the purpowe of Lepng 4 rsd of the seston of ll the compance. I shld be ged whenever ships su ow copy shal he forest tthe Der ofthe Campus Devon {BS ce kp in the sips Nevigeoal Dts Bao “suytig ily to ace the compan wich har occred sine the st cnn of endting the form (ch a arto in he sips state oF ‘Smet, orto ac the sceracy ofthe sng wich Big ae {trch whe mare of oer tie, the rp the wing sould be edi he ers? epse 0 Fos S343 {hy Form Shy an sgl eon of thir ad i itn to be apt ine cy he Compa concern ) Wheneler HM. supe or raft ate being swung by naval fiers, che singing ce no abs rfl examin ofthe coe une {iu Sureingy, sting fina thatthe safe dtnces invent heen ‘hig and hare sent seer wy ise He bod abo trpect the compactor cil ester bate nthe evot of is ning any defects or anes which ate improperly ‘iced or pac, he shuld report the miter othe Commanding Oe a tote icine emacs apse when fedeing he Fon 3748 cpy of ich ‘Mould on thi ean Be forwarded tothe administrate nator the bp ‘Checking the Deviation Table by swinging ship on aa object the tre Bearing of which now For the method cuore A (we Noe (9), blow) shuld be sum or of xAMPLE Atel pled cnn the bari of igh, isto! 16 miley re fai te Shs rad Compose (lean) ‘earn x se Ne BRC. P Bec Su Bk s iat Sw rye im ie x 1. saw Men = it "hi ean earn can eso t be the magnate beating of he Hb oute Terfore the devin ae wl be a fellows oi eed eed eoe s bart me | f | BEE) ate a aw re ese te ee ee eee oe OUSERVATION OF VARIATION AT SEA rn prt the wl it fll compute te praitlepton eure ssn daly vaio hast sd he cet vale ‘seeldeeons: asrtins il be Kvn a Ovens ‘eda nti Fst ec tat caton of ar | | | | | tue to be made at evry opportunity The shuld rene othe Byio= rape on Form Hy, Hecod of Observation fo Vat ‘Giverions st frequent intra ae dentbley farnly where the noone lines ran ose opeter tnd hese the sip ack roms at t's Toad angle. lated escrton are aye ay howe ‘Metod of obtaining the Variation Otecrations shold be made with the anda compass on eight or sien ‘sua aang the sip bing aed fora eat fear mmo each adi we bearings se atsned the au eater bevy bd on 2 dota pe TE the arimuth of the havent by is aout the fesse beeen tie ‘ue beating wd the compas eaing wil ie the tal comps tor “The ean ofthe compan cor, cet for Cate mars, wl "To ets of obewations sould be obtained one ret wth the ship ainsi to taroard ad thea se ith he hip singngt por The mea the ‘st shuld be wed ip as hae Cant of 1 he fing ets ope Ser aa fee ag Te ‘Ship's head Comps Te Compas ‘eomper) ‘ear ‘or 2 we Ne see rove. & Bere. me Se. Bre. ove s SSK. be ‘Sw. BC. 96 w Be dae Ste wi, aa mh she ayaay Maan comps ero = gE ‘Cocoon A= ‘pred coe saa cated ty” em mee OBSERVATION OF VARIATION ON LAND Pater 2 Landing Compas (th ettion ce) and Paten 49 Teets te sued co Cormandersn-Chic st ost sed avon for the pre af ‘uning obsrvatnes of sarstion 0 shore. A theme Med mh ay becuntel-apned apneic neve however, hee nyt te ‘Prcsously appeared inthe Sang Detiow wil in fate, he ome since Selection of Site ‘Thee chonen for obser shoul! be fs fram lc mgt need such a kon dri, venforeed cont, rot dings the obuerver moe mare tat he has magne mater Prefrbl tht the poston ofthe av ao be Known to thin one ite Fittude snd longde, but sic alle daca be tained the ‘postion know to win ve ls, Methods of making the Oteervation Br Tusoooute ~ Setup the num in the anal way ad seo it asia Gn magntic noth Obiere the maple ening uf aoe or more heey Sadia at low atode(qrcaby low thn 32", ting ech oervaton Sever! oberon shad be sen ‘Workout he roe taring ofthe tie a he ine stain the rarnn Br Lasoo Costas, Param 2— Toke caret vp the itumen ly level by te bubble Observe the bari of one or more heavenly bis et thang ade, ting ach beer Several eberatce should be le “Appiy the comp vor, ante the lbeaton table, tte ae ‘onto btn the magic ea "Work oot the re esti ofthe bles atthe mes of oberon se | aden dng "The rab ote observations, ia citer of these iwi eae if oacraton an be made over» psd faye anda isesetmeso e RefrcesAdmralty Mal fHoaapise Soren (948), Chapter XX COMPASSES AND BINNACLES eseiptions of he principal pes of on-trataiting compass ad bionaee Sed in ILM shige ae pen Below (0) Pare on Comme ase Pare go Beware Thee are Sed in the major of HLM. ship. The compe card (6 in lamer is mae of ess were Yo 4 nhhelver Rw to wich are Steched two need The ned av cal i achlalver to pve The pnt af muppet epic nie the ost. hs rns ane ‘ea own nF 20 The compas bow x made of bras, with psn plas op ad ste pe tom to dt thesia ightng pce tenet etncen the fsted fam ettorn snd eke ses ofthe bl the covrupaed dapbrapn =k Sows for expansion and contacion ofthe hun Bing the bow athe eee rempersire cha’: Rube war re inert fet The ds a th Teter mate teed water, tl to present the Hise rahe te ft ii the ow #0 cary the pit, and out th tones the gal pots Ths uber’ pint sed imide te bow. Suspension sete tat tho compass crd sal ein a= eat to the fant a peau Bagel nih te prang une above the cne of ray of ‘Sinbonding te compos ar the D.C. correc Feet pat ctu aa cet limp for luninasng the compu cr, wig imme ewich on the ler side he ae A eine ernie gives sxe to numbered oles fr the oneandat i ear magne anor dor on te pt side ives imi coe teen chip mage and tw the clita bls the cain ofthe vere ene i equred poston ithe tube blow the compas bo ieee nis inde te dann to prevent ay movers of the Hort "SS ae cdo he sider an fon af te bina 0 sppoct the sper snd Finders bat. a he et ofthe ian ae sted o allow a small aseent whe ligning the Boal fore anda (Posten o188A Connass ano Param 8 Bossa Petre oH¥8A Compas (-in cad emir in design to Pater 0195, 1 Sy ser With Posen 1 inal (Fig 23 it ed & ao reer tan cera subnaans, No Pers bar we vf the Fam pe chet movable: te nse for hang rr Be made ‘htging the sumer of mages (e Pavrms ony Couns (Dou's Const) a0 Pare 30¥ Bowssix "rhe ootracion f the compas (4 cd) sila at of ater aoe ee Bhs po gc Stina The Boor const of x etl SERA oe ta can be ase azo The ut wo work the stew ree ete ofthe cove, Hluninaion ofthe sd ces fo at tetied ina tract cing onthe side of the inace Teena ir portable and fr ori tips boas Ht may sometimes be foood, cmt en's Pater 1304 Haale ip Emereney Cin Potions SAR ip: Te tnmacl roids fis for permanent magnet corti the om (a Parvo ong Cowrass as Param 7 089170 Baso¥t> "hs galled bons compa, with in cad, wed in ale ney be nde ona Paterna wich ey soften pee Fonencn magnet creo eroded by a Pater 135 corsa box eed ‘a, Pas 8p Binale ‘ew te compu, Aone anal mgs i alli (Se bens W Baten g9C tech ne, corn of Dc an ieee. (9 Pram oth Coa 20 Param 17 08 9 Bama fart pany ata of inked bow ad intended foe a le jee Manowe Compaen Mpa erp hehe ee in ace ee oy tis cpt aa ps (9 Parra 29P 10 35P Cowrass onnde be Siuned tr Snag tort of eects it cree ee fe oe nae poten o cps pjesed dt te othe ting ton pon of he compan cad peje Te tases oP Pasar 43° compan Phe Pater apP compact ha a3. card atthe Pater 33P comp as abn cr (6) Parva oyat Conse neo Param 9232 ann Besar (ip. 204) "This compas, Pate 9232 seri Ninna, har «4h card and 20 ‘overhead ree comps, Used 6 serng compas ps Wess up 0 ‘Shout avers, Fr, ag. Pete opat Compe an Ptr 92 ris Bae (© ACO, Projcton Teme 51 “This cons of» Pane 2 compas ina Paster 53 btu and sal Projector deo for fitng in erin Landing Cree Adsqute epee thereby proved tetcen the compass andthe magn materi eth bal, 1 well athe ferourequpnene fa lending ral cary se eect fe intended tering compass ty and came be wef koe Steg (@ Proyeeron on Rerscrox Conases of ConseciAt. Dest In ships designed wth che Whecbouse immolsely below the Bridge, Parturiy RAs, compases oft type ty te found matted om bridge a the Stn’ Compass ofthe tip" ae tie tnd cere fatto of the compass card are poetd o stl righ stb ee [imal othe elm nthe wich The advrtages ofthis typeof emp a flo (0) Ont oe compas correc isd oft (Aare cong i hays cst should the once come deter (@) The dain o the whetboase a ts equipment it nt cestcted by the reguenen to provide » good magne comps pol fa sewn compan (6) These is more space in the wheethoe inthe absence of seting comp and ie (© Rescion ie ings conectr ci eqipest sd aoc wing Care and Maintenance aint - Wooden bina shoald atin general be punted. Should pining ‘ssome seer ere must be leh that he various ef oo ‘Meal banal shoud be repainted only with the ented Lind mec essing pa. Repair. ~The wok of testing ad repiing soma is ctied ot inky & ‘the Adminy "Compass Observatory. Suph Defctve congas oad ‘corres mt be reurbed sesh the Naval State Oller sel ee aon drawn t replace then. The ae not to best to commetel anges fe insamene makers for ep THM Dockyard undertake mior rps to nna. ‘Kay. ‘The Navignting cer separable forthe isc hep. Bina shouldbe Kopel Autuusiow oF Pears oF Bc ‘The posto of bona ae nt to be aed without Adi 2 subory, ‘A bubble generally indice ak ad therefore dfaive spas, which shouldbe returned atthe et opportenity ands ew one dows pla ‘Companies are spot! with thar howls filed witht mites of eet isilled wate: The sal eo eae tie oe 2 bubs forse tent pombe t exchange the compas, ite beter to remove the bole because neste sop Tle erate and Bae 0 ead Ble ar removed a fo (0) Compa fated with crag examin chamber "Untip the bot from ginal aa ay 0 se withthe linge ppemns Ree te pogrom Sig eu le bel with led SEE" Dsing th procure rock the bot fom sd side oot my Freee thie Revtempenture B taken ino account, moves of he 2s chamber may hve iui ret ths souk not sally be SEEDT seth eon fs When al he ira been removed, ele fhe ig oe (@) Compas fed with maton expansion chars lth tn i og tin sd tum homes th sing pig's ppt Remorse lig, plete maton he expan fron ore wp. FH he Soul ih til wat cing ACUI is rio exape. When te water ovelows, mre the fut at So SSe Ti wt cur ore tert overBowe Replace te iligplug and Siecle ta veto te uTin ve the bl with sight perc ade YOR THE ANRANGEMENT OF STRUCTURES AND IUBHINGS IN iit VICINITY OF MAGNETIC COMPASSES ‘AND CHRONOMETERS (Ex fom B10) 1. The magnetic onpans so sited ent te edn TL. sash, tet is he fing ef the potion tw sch ob ee, ae EINER Regutement: Dang cary te of dog the cmp TOR. fai se repro re need the even by he BERS Gasca, hips and ur concurs by deerme cond, ‘spoon ar approved fy the Boar Wen approval has ben ge he eee prs a nto be changed woe Airy maori (6 Pala 2 "h The reliability and accuracy of magnetic and gyro-magnetic compasses are depend a pest ogee upon Sr Poston i te ship and spon the eer fragt and dca equipment tht pono. Varying Sere Frat anel acuny enn Se seed, depending poo the faction which 9 fr compas rtd to parm. Vass rae of comps pation ihe Be emit. ‘Functions of Magnetic Compasses 4 The mala fonctions of magnetic compas in HM. ships ae defied ot teow: hs reel ma cetera ET) Grae I position. Sach «company, o ees fr itt be Sted she peronn Irn wBich the wu! iar nuvi, an the ew ofthe orzon fom ts pauton i fo bear unierapd tt befor the porpne of taking bearing. (0) The Secousuny Connie It's mage compen which provides «| secondary means of igang the sip, Td be Bd ins Gade HE (9 The Srasmse Costas ia 4 ago commas which prove the primary meas of secrng the hip. It ahold be fied inn Grade TL Poston o tee. (a) "Tne Sraro-y Sreruxe Conrass maga compass wich pro vides secondary means of ecrig the sup. Te aba be itd & (Gre I postion or Boner (o) An Busacencr Costas ison fit forthe purpte of coming o& seeriog the veel aftr acson damage andlor breakdown of al her ‘ens of ding nt sbuld be Sed n= Grade IV porson or betes (DA prepa wp on a dhs prepa mo nv sd (0.9), am gee pry prvi cnc oh Pianta Crades of Compass Fosiion 1 ino x omrm pion inh pb eer in he ‘vig Dats ook tod wa be inde the compat poation By renee ple ache! tthe ana Sate es il taped ee the Compas Divison = Slough "Ty are t be derndl by the Pepa Ship Ovens or Dogar Oc for rw torus and fied by {hethipber For at ther than ae cnt the ates wil be pled {rom ‘Sigh om demant and are be fied by sh a "A Ome pot issu ht it epee orerin magotialy abe vidi small es over» pei of eral month, Leyte compan in ae ‘Mjuseoent shoul be steady andthe devon over sachs period thou temain ihn 2” of theresa Svndon decrincd ate tine the Sine ' "A Gnas 1 potion ipl reacale magic abit ovr 2 pid of mon A corp i auch poston, aerate, should bese and the devinona ove such 4 period should remain within fof the Rela ‘evnion st detemined a the ie of the ate. ‘A Gut IIT pelo pln resonable magne eal ove a eid of some wes. A compen sachs puton, aR ajment sul be tendy fd the devistina over uch prod shuld reat within” he foul ‘vias ar determined the ine af the ajo ‘A Graoe IV pions such tha the magnetic cdo are ule change to such an extent sf render the compu val The Sevitinsof empua ih sich s pntion aftr adjustment shoul rnuin fr we edhe ules concerning Ships Stroctre and Figs rer cae tht th ina aes of cp atin it peste bythe rs of mags aro of mage o ea Feumment te febing sr ato be ober Macnee Mare which may be rege ot pat of te hips . ‘structure must not be placed nearer to the compass position than is ‘Sd ite toring ae Grate Gade Grate Oe ina faz el poe (0) Lane me tea ih noel, ee eos , hems of equipment sch a mani rack sock mountings, pedestal, flesh te wolfe surly tote ahs ste should cate pr of he te. he ny of enemas of gated mane of moti mei should be sided ss copa pit. (@) Maonenc on Esscticn. Baca? Sted inthe ightourhood of gore compe rny pce Sviaion ofthe copa Tort ‘ree the inuedacton ef an unasepable devin after eoretion Eiieconpn ee ee ener oy oe km em a up mtCne Serit escrtan Silay {Grae Ter md i poo th vin rl on ned 1d at Grice 2 The Gury ohh ll ae ere nee pl of ete of aqupmen seo a Sark ‘Brvance and ue geno Appenicn I and Ti of BR. toa. (6 Maowene Coupe mst ot be ped nes oe rete th en sl ctr age at ge th four nces a se (2) Conor ~The misma den wen chose a Se finns shouldbe one-eighth ofthe lt down fora Grade ‘Spa porn (e)Eurerme Wise in the visngy of magnetic cimpases must be raged non sdacnel o cp rode mast eof or-agnesi 4, In gosle tha the combi of mils eat and mage ee equipment ted ator nthe safe dance ape Tor each of 2 "arnt ost, psy, wih tha ofthe sutra mately pete the compas fom acing eect nthe rolls oie Ifeach ce ar invert it willbe neeunry tte spol eau ingrove the comes Faiton concerned. Cover, n sl see may be tet tel si tinganent of sate dnc i he cae of fe Strat sips ling moderne, i appears tam an eamoation ofthe eawigs ta coe sf he above sation ney ta ae, tte saponin the Duct onmpass Division, afer duc Cnederion ofthe lost ath tne eee parton arate toppet ited cncesoos ero elt te coer fr on bbl af the equpnen cocci ener to ste ta te bak ‘impromize rach iod thatthe company wil semi tlie witen the lint pane forthe pad ofthe pion in whch tes "When determining the fe dance” of lige heme of equlpent such at ‘nsec itis ometies persable to mabe tdaiton teen oe pars hic are ready imerchangeable and howe which oni of age mane the ‘achange of which would eal conierble aout ef work In sh aes the ele diane of any item wk in ely interchange ail win ‘he normal manne so tray be revel exchanged witht spec Ming the comps. The semaine the espe empty the re truer ered ms pat othe hips ura: foue pcre 6 (0 and ek IS emoted or exchanged the opie alesed at be ested EFFECT OF DEGAUSSING ON THE MAGNETIC COMPASS ‘Depuasing’ isthe tem apie 9 metodo peeing sipping asin the anger of magoctic nner, The subject fay explained tthe. Maa! of Dagening (BR. S25) In view of te fact tat the technique coma, hg and ie lnely conde » desepion of the varios ype of insaton lat be stomperd hee 'Aluphdeaunng my nse the hips magnetic el in the neighbour hod ef'a magnate ine, the veuant ld the compos psn ay wel ‘greater tan wold be the cae fhe ship mere sor Serle co ‘esation wl these be teed err cna tht eo devas ‘Fie compan arent introduced when he Sega euinet in pert, Inmet th eompenation icf by hung Sapa snrecor et ‘othe magoeticompam bona Thee conetor- eer inkl ote sop ‘kegusig cols oto counteract the Sonpas the ational cnet Bind and Healing Eon nerascnd when the dep en ae cae Responsibility for Compass Adjustment ial hip, the responsi for making fa adjunent co carpus correct ‘ci ies withthe oie compas adjrer saying ot the ssc During the inspection of D.C. equpmeat, before HME. sip a ng for xjsinet of compass, the Adouraty DG. representative forthe SEE, BEM, asthe cate may be) atendig the neocon = repo tha compactor en at untonng tomes, Fl intrutions forthe ting and aumento compacocecor cis sre cotsine in BR. S35 CHAPTER X Transmitting Compasses Wes ie wae becoming icrensingy iil (0 fod mtble poston fr 2 Tange compas on the bid atesmiting cnet congue war eloped ‘Be Aliinany Teniing Magne Compare (ATAU). ‘The ster ani ‘ld be placed in gn mapotc position, td the epee where necked "Any mgs cries wl sur coer tries Wf sje siete movements in x ses, pace here fe any uncorteed heclag (roel forth rom tat 4 agotic cpa doce not male eels Stlacory datum pricy inal ships Thee Garten ae shot ‘ston depending on te ovo af the compan cad sa he ip they are fide se aig wich sino on The Any Cyr Mugs Comm (AGALC) whe wen {rracpe to table te heating, which ne rm nace obtained ‘Bo ie magne compas Io peovieswanaaanan othe sbi epee sat odes the ore-crpan General Principe of the AG.MC. [fice rrncope i one which en controled in ay wy a am wander in imu cart tlaeed such an insraent ean be ade wo havea low ‘eof wander an fan, over shore pesado tine, be wool fix a dau in fuce Tecan for stances sre amily determine he angle tough Ric ashp tre ancy provided with + taurine sytem, sean show Inch aera oferta epee The free prep ithe AGC. is Sted witha all ans ha fecda's teceer whch, i cajunctng ‘wth a single (low-up sytem, an tpl ns tor doves nes tant, Maype 26d magi. Those pas epee tod provide a sytem stable sath owe» lite el of ue The traramitio fom the yr ia ade rie te fo of the magic compas Tis bow say used wth 38 sel remain edn ath iirc ie tr ih he ip Te on a yn 1% tgs property als tain sabe eat wn he sip wih, Sekt beat nd ted seman nthe sane poston re tone eather. “Temas cmpan the ICAL hs nse ie ene swhrey tarsi el generated if the oth otf the camps nl be iubiers incon te compe wl ae noi pene" ong hal ceo tetany som sug » doin ge aed [oats the ol of te sper aye, seuding the comp bow, Shut he luther nee one more ied on cpa North Than abou {he a ofthe gyoncpe may Be pining io ay eto, the repeater ten nd the compass tow! become noctaeehing. Maren, the gpoesape Shit ew tl seth compe bo and coo we apd tothe earamnn which wlan the rato dls sealed None, Soc the syencope han ey Transom wane tet sao rate ah ‘ete very ela at wil le men ater, th al sate signee ‘Wien te sampas ard dtd, 4h” crscan wil be aple t the ranaminion ser bch wl yo dpa the repent fat! Newh ‘ring othe ft ha the at fenton alte eget sre Wil ‘lle by only arta amount during the few scons ta he ca lcd one ay Belov the card eres the meson he elton evened Werhive the, ini rnumison and epee ese governed by a magni compass o ke srthaeking and By apron a dap tte ‘hort peiad perturba ofthe compas car Thee nes he tor Speci rer the spats tha any of tise desea of bath 9 Ee: ‘Spe ands gece compan a vise AGM. 5 AND 6 ‘Thee seems ace prety the sae, but the A.G.AE. 5 a only provide grime Maype Iam whan the SGML nt tne Eye artisans for navgtna natumeats a sat aed fae rae ‘eammision to + Compe Rear Ut fem which Father moe And type secs ae salle, The AGM 6 tsa complete erie tei gyro-conpas, "Theo same have te lowing principal tn of equipment wen | hertz | tenes AGM. 6 is decribed inthe nent page and, bere the dierece between AGN tod AGM S csgican the data of AGM. 5 ae ase ges “Tis oa magnetic compa hati abet compe the dstion insted by the trnsnision stem, hic cade the fe yencope theca Bow! fn the repent, wi he magne meri Te ones pal Whe ee any dacrepucy beeen the tro headings thatthe anion “montore’ tthe magic compass heady saben toe at nd eo ee hig ton ofthe cng ac ar opener roa the crop Th order to deve 2 covtecting sigalom » mashes compu mibout Inpning any recive gue o he mage, he rps eed a Fees eee l ac campus ds made cmocingby th on os al aout of | E f i i i § % Fro, as, Adminty Gyo-Magesic Compan in Binnace a with lth Ay ditarance of the hole cad selative to cach other erente all potenti ference sco the be which when spied, provides a unble ‘ato dive the bow and reper) ine aimee ith he compu eae Binnacle (F295) ‘The bina ema of suninium alloy and tented t ist cordon fom saat arly mounted on spt bing the compas op to total igh Te nateegh andthe ome hod ncmaly ein fac, “he correca-col unit cots theese of cub, B, Cand HE, which, when adjne, counter the eet of the p's dean cal atthe compass "The terminal cover care + dimmer forthe compass amistion and 3 sich muted ON, OFF and EB. wherby the main low power sappy ot Energy dy ater, Std in he dy cing ay be ted oh the Sone np. Ta the lower pare cher ae foreandeft and sthwatsipcorrecoemaget ck an bucket for he hong ero encore "The Flingr bar uly itd on the fore side ft binnal and may be slowed up to 4 The shers cn be sewed pot ye Ua 20 ae Beene sant Seats ee a Ce ee alten fam a te per ee eed cacgn on Daree (ha) Tho he Desa ad Agno Ut ad Te Ere Cor Comet Tee ea eed ie Greg iets ec eS a ee eee GAGE sins oe pee eas ee eee eee ee eae Bore pained gat cag ie ot inn () AGM.6. Inthe fren xt wc Necaee Pe piace ap cas reas ee aioe eee Neeser re eect wr epciye Sean ceo eat ciety: a Ausoromer Tsoi ‘Thin is connected tothe monitoring moter. Whe the este ned op corresy wit expect the magnetic rian he nesters inte eel fon, Aga tpled whe motor dees the ndeator to show Unc ot ‘Sein the window Enep inthe aie of wonhr the nator wl oiling {Bout the ental poston. “Tena, Emon Commcron ‘Varton i appli analy. Deviaon i eto coin the Marr Un, Moon fm ow to fll Moon andor vrsn, Spi re thee oo Shara ds of retest rnge whic ocr in ech of hoe pes, ayn sea of lat ge whch ch ia rm net fll Noon aie vera. sini Spige. Spring tides which occur oe the equinot ‘The vec “Gal tes have thw grees range at those guna opings when the Moon nears he Far Tropical Spingy The range ofthe Srna de varies ily with he desi "i ofthe Moo, fam asim note anu ih fe eet {ono deine, Trpral Spengs ace hve dural td of att {ange wich oro in eachother patio,“ dive fn Oe at ‘aT shen tie Moon han avorage maximo etnton kos fhe trap of Cane Caprice Mean High Water Sing SECIS) ad Moo as Wate Sings (MLLW'S) The het of Mean High Water Spring the neg, toghout he esse begs of wo vaccine hgh mses Garey hove pes of Be eur: in cath eo luton, wien the ge of We de eae “The begbt of Alan Low Water Spring the crate, throng he ‘ero the bigs of uo accel wars ring the see eis ag hour Mea igh Water Neaps(MAIVN. and Mea La Water Nea (MLA) The beige Meat High Water Now (MHL SC) the aes Throughout the yer, of the eshte fg suse gh waters rg thon peso of yr, in ex sean when she ange of hee eit af Me Le Water Nesp QU WA.) te era Seu ofthe gh tw sun ow eee dete sc ne ial met fai Te eT steitelaie tac ety TS ie sv ih ot i msi te “Shenson i ply te ‘Seat cepacia te se sanag rr a casei Tat ee mene an i a ed ce "Teams noon OMGLETE, HUT STL OUND ON cena CHT ‘igh Water Pl and Change (HAV and C2). - "Tie the oe mean tne of phat on thf ful or now Mon, al he ion of ets foreach subequen ay f the Moons age pte an apposite ime of | ‘ph ater on any day. A'method of precision which xed bck hunt sty Mow igh Waar rzl (SILA). Tins the asrage ine been "Moon's trai and ee along high water and wil ge beter serge Tila seam. Sey secing, wool! oly be apelin sree here ‘Sh wae vided wah hgh wr 148 Tie" iene ter apie ter to the fling Ge or 0 the ove | | | | | CHAPTER XII Navigation in Ice “Tw ovigition of ships no ea pk ei to eerie a subj for ay fused sy tobe aempd ingle bape. Reo preeengto high {steno re whore ie may be expected the ravi sed to uy, Iain tothe fey bit en ere uch ofthe wadermeaioned pubatons ‘my be applica to he se of operations ‘Terminology Deserve ters concen xan i iain ae cnt in the evant Sang cts and Inthe glowary of Hydrographic Tens conned in HUD Protein Paper Ne 1 Pas Growth, Decay and Movement of Sea Te Remar onthe roth, decay and movement f sea ce are ln eon in the Sati Dieton, th patclar rence to the ares corel Yeah Information on Tee Contons Information coneing the state ofthe ie ais sea thughout he year ‘oman one or or of the flowing paisa (a) Seine Becton (ES Bydtngic Oe Sain Direction (e) Maye Charts - rte Sear (SOM 90), (5) Ment ee Chars Westen Noth ote (1.0. 479 {e) Mey Ie Chor Nort Pas Ova (1D. 4361 {0 dees fhe Norton Hemp (0 Hydrgepic Oc pbc thn Nas 0). (a Monae of Ue Seon (US. Hsdeepie Ofc pbaion No, (0) Slemgreptic Aas of Pole Ses (8. Hyer Oc pubes ore Par It Arie (i Pr Chart of he North Adatic Oran omed monly by the US. Hyopaphie Off (Donn of he Pack Leen the Southern Oesan Dicer Rpts Pate 7 (Cais) A sary of herpes some In the dati Bn (0) Log Lan, pled wey ies wp dat nfratconeenng the tate fe ion the Now Ate sbppng ruts Nit ll these works ae spp t HLM sip, he Hsdreap ic Supp mah) sn te Mee Sf at) gv Dhar plains, and ame fl repr are uae ia the Hy ogra partment ofthe Ade. lo Reports of ce Conditions inthe North Alanie reportable wo ship aise nthe Adal List of Rais Signal IV te sein beaded aso Nations Warnings a to Reps vies Dn Shipe ayo the Lata ee Patel ships opr ny tine commended Routes clear of Pack lee en acetng# route which may take the sip oar te init of pack, the ving should be come, i ion tothe ley meine (o) Now Atantic Rote Chars (Admiaky Chars 2058 aed 2058) () Ocan Pare of th Wind Decasionlly hee extends er reste aretha al When his occur connotes outs re pel in ABmizaly Nee 5 tote which ler of pack fei not nectar cea of ithe at wes e Intro Tee Osertin ad Patol Serves im the Noth Atatic can are conducted bythe United ates Com Guar. The work cared "py Cost Gonrd tenis sod langrange reconnect operating m the U8, Nava Staion st Arete, Newfoundland fhe sj ofthe nies atl the wea her ies # menace 9 ping to epee at neers inthe aes ath hig Pini to detoy desis whi ara dang naipso, and Gay ‘Tassie Inverts rating tothe formation and dey fw arse when the precoe ofiehelon teat hpping, may Much cach oa and canine wrt Jul, Ships on pat are apne for caning all prs from shige std arersfe and psig thon to shor eee they af eboadeat to shiping a routine tines. (Sr Admin Lat ai Sigal, Val V) he ie atl he vy ofthe Grand Banks and around the cute Newtundland and Labo. ol shies ive sunt hie in iste, and an render mail The wees employed on ths service are designed for ibang, and are aly ited for tinge, Daring the period af the pia sip can ait when betwen 39 ad Nan brween4°W no by eoparing four holy tral te nn couse and apd, wie nd a temperature, iy, ind a and ices orton, hen ihe ing it, cine(.7), poston, fet and di: when repring a cers be prt of the watt Shoal aed : cant Told be rameter ht fo nd bad wether coon thie and thre ny there be tg rot wach av ot cn ee erro the pa Reports fom Shipe sighting Ice or Heber Reports shoul be ne forthe mediate nfrmation of hips in the cay, 00 fo rd pepe ° 3 he ees Convo ose Sly af Life So hie sihting cer ee argon ta mngnton se requed report fet Byatt he cy aes, yagi he ig (a) Kind of (2) Paaon of he eo kr, (6) Time (GACT), and de king the ping xyes TPT fr Lage hr hed ptm $0 Neh ge Ws at ont Mayr oe “These reports maybe apie by svn he aroun of iin ight af the sed covered and thes oe wr ed sea 200 ytd ten Salta than 30 Yard ene Ay reports ade baud be esteed athe shi’ log for reco prox snd he eo A My Form gee Rp Fo The ers Signe ofthe Proximity of Tee Indications of the proximity of ce ae mention in the appeptiae Sling Remarsom the ve of radarand ain in nea ie willbe fun on page 385, Ship Handing in oe Achat on Ship Hing in Io appari the Seamatip Mav, Vl I Sore adionl temas are sain inthe leant Stig, Dect Accuracy of Chars of Polar Repons Chars pole eins ae ener apni, eying a his st leirve min w hen fing by tessa cbc fee alate wr hg eo ‘slsunde ak ea pl = in ples nice sow nr and coks make sce miiaion even and wen eesti ees natal ng, gay Fema Sp the hip shaw tensor pti ina bebe thao Sige poston inc only wl be rane daring te por ot oom ae sihteram twee ba une, eed pation tn paca enamine tae 1 radi side ae ail under mck camasney, the problem i very neh cao, tn sot ar uc the Dnt kan! ened Skee ih he Sudings ato ite va ole the dip none ote few watcha aun bw of nue gre waste ehh wae ‘When Sing by sstenonsa eatin, be wi ra iy shuld be eembeed thatthe spr te inte and Tonge w ciel ay ot ‘oped scr he pin tn hated oj danger. Dompassos Sonsidetion mate ie othe pity of emp eae di ih Sipetrm tahcorly Hf te comet nigh ne appa Gee apetese trate mance cha wing to reaction ete ney Ieelp le deviations hgh aes ust accra ats Th hip Toul sung onthe it pie canon hfe cnet yan here. fer dei id iat actin Pd ey eather and Visibility ‘ag lizards, and poor vsbiliy are man in pla eons nd seven faction often produce mage ce "The eet of aon elacsono atronamica aeration a ici 1 Vee I ‘eeping the Reckoning in Toe ogress i peer slow with cmstant serine of coune and peed to daft he sae ee Te wl sed be pnb ay of cone anlar Exinations of corse and tance males (the hansen) mut be sade at very hort incre Tes cxmemely i to eat pee though. A Dutchman's Logi Tine vl the speed changing fo feu When etmaing dance maces, progres tive to ao bag a con- sano ce oe a beste A rola or engender range of berg Teele eee sons while laberg are more infcncl by aren han ad. Tecate tines move agit the id ad he opps eto oh we ay ‘hee mncment nt be lowed for by aking nace the ps ad “set winds aod prcvaling cures. The ae rede inthe Sag Th open pack whee it ie posible to muni consti, or rey coset seed meat couse and peel sold he etna tans ese Hee toetom oy and AIL pling ile maybe af aniston but urgent tke he me to erable the ag to be outed tahoe thn be evened hy these a ee eee eee ah Use of Rada in or near Tee Radar canbe of great amine in giving warning of ie tight or i por sbility bot tay ao podace fae ee of ty, alah decade the performance of the mt may il lend to dangers rowley undetected. Sil, in amehing ese a dat ese ets ee ows a rower may esti the wave chit, win ery rough ae Fee ten try ft hah ny te ete TW akould be remeraered hale den a0 give wach v goed echo a meta, so tha although a wet ay pick up eavigeonlbuyeat cnain rane, ‘et cesar dete proof he mn S les an las sow up weil 093 PPL to ion i en of be composition ofthe Hoc 0 tat alr by Hal wil weer ines omnes talon “The Quliy ofthe echoes seated wil depend the suri of the ice rater han thickness. Snow-overed Roe wi it produce such gon ches hoe ith s a cocaine Atatiort range eee may be indigshale amore the pac ic, but 1 longer ranges, whee the hear is ling more hrcomaly they Sew tp in mazes where shiping ay be met, individ echoes shld be pote, ‘Thiel inate whens an che ip» dling berg ov Broen Contin between a ship sco and an seg tay ra I ved 00 ‘ing ten to ae Even i the eco caiman bers ul be ‘Bye wide berth inorder toad any growls wich may cel hie ‘Sie! fom i ‘Whe sing radar in comtal waters it shold be rmembeted tht the apps ceo tttines may be great changed bythe rece ofa so el feeb, ‘Wile cade i very valuable aw avigntion ine, Fntatons me sty be borne in mind, andthe fc that ony aa cathe oe ccnphaas. ‘The Use of Antics in Detecting lee In open water antics can be we 10 ive warning of charge and rove stn the cold waters of she Antec pod rol tan te hed Tie ‘eavely wae waters in ich eer are me the Novia Hebe Teserg ing ad ling nse proce mse which can be detec by satis Keeping iteine wach, "The Tin of ara to the easiest presldes the se of acs in sete here a oh pact Preparation of Ships for Ice Navigat Remarks on the preparso of ships pitt extrng the i ae une fa ‘he appropriate Sass Dison, . Conveying in tee Nate on Coraying ix Ise (H.D.394) deals with the conoying of ships by CHAPTER XIV Graphical Problems In san every problem tht inves tovng ship it eel wo fd the creeped eo prt at aie to thipe~O,setming "812 tot, and A eaning oe at to kts (ig 8) A ove bears 346, dant tomes from 0. Gx Oy Os “i sat ae the poston of Oates of 6 morte er Ion, whe “a dass te ate the pstionn ow lac frit tra Gi Oo big the rags of A hom Oa toot ola Tonks rape TS spetieeron bard ifr he nef Ane wer being Seow ot 218 219 the psions of relate t Oar lated (Fig 219) he apparent tack ‘fA am cerved on bard Oy ay Sp 0 tey ete 9, ay oy ap “st, ae el a length nd pari to O4, Ody Onde Oks est ig that on apart our of 27s an cppacet See ct 1 ne, “Tn if two spe ae moving i dierent isi, then the moterent of longa se fom theater wl be erent om the vival eects a ‘her hip. The apparent move fone a sen fom the hers ele “ te ‘eae’ movement; an i the example above, 317 ie aid wo be the eure of A eben othe peed ofA rate to OTe ovement 1 would be tat steered on 2 PsP or ace eave pt on board © I ‘To Find the Course and Speed of « Ship Relative to Another Ship ‘Seppe te two ship inthe bore example area the sepia at fon, ay A lhe 0). Then 04,04, 0, --we ave the poion of O at rbeeqeet Gmina intervals wl yyy eae the pontons oa te awe "meso a aserver om bardO, apparent pang on sendy bong Patel 04s or Ol O'gly-- ee) He apparent peed kot along {hi Beating fovod fy viding the tance Oa, by le how ig ase own thi ck of aie 8 To the engl 40's in Fig a: 40s proportional othe apeat of 0. “AA's poportioata the seed of (044 propos! tothe speedo Arlt tO, Suppote now tat Oand are inthe fom postion elaive tech ote, inthe oer half of Fig 223 (hay tbe ot ls fom Ot Soh, ‘Aer 24 mines O wil Bev moved tO, andi dl If © had bes plod ‘ssaionary ain Fig. 231, would hve spparety moved toy Ay ocely al and pall 0 Og and is therelresqalto the movers ser ¢ mine peed of rae 0. “Th cous and sped of oe ship lie 0 anther re there the tame, geri of he ip aha atin, ‘The Speed Teangle Retire mise and oped can be found by construing 4 ‘pte want Tate soe amples torent hte yet ces a nd ‘hoops te waren be coped by. ecto VO (ig sys) bos eng [jc meted on soe soonest wae and da athe Seton 85" Te ame may the vce Win ig a3 copresent the couse td peed A throagh he water he pe i eames wo ah wes he ne WO darn (Gig 2,04 is sviunly paral to Og in Fig saa The ato of O4 > Gia the ame she rt of WO t AO and the length of O4 mesure (ot apd sae thelr the peed of A ease oO. Of, athe diction fom O taney i huss wer rereeing the movement of clave {00 ticoentenly masked by an srowbead in Ge oe wow pling toneed the thip whee ave maton eect. En Fig 24, OA represen {he cue an specd of relive tO. The repro vec AO represen ‘he our ad peed of O elie wo A ‘WOd ies peed tangle, 1 i imprtant to remember tht, in any spend — f £s Pro, a29 Pro an roang Inthe ps, relative velo problems wee sled by puting he data sip (eh Seie Ofer ship on whic son bd bee order or the ene) Sk spin and Levin her are whe ttl ud requed potion of eva ‘hee ed rn he Horr, new herd we ‘he PLL, thas bsome desabe thatthe soon frat voy proba Sta std pont EPL Pret whe ov ip vee pet onary inthe centre, and tach Seveopng swage spent mace seve Soon tip. For expe, ether ship A bears 05%, dance 10 mil cure oo", syed 0 ita Ou ship's stenring og 16 Kn. I) The lt tc am, wich te wack tn on he a of 4 {he tier ip Pi 395) a low ee rae represent 20 kt on any convenient win he dvtion ‘te This ithe cour and spend of the ther ship reine tthe wae, ‘Draw HO to repreeto6 kaos onthe mare wae nthe dition 296 ‘Tarte cour snd apt of own sip rive tothe tes : E Jn OA 04 tee he ee ad eel (hey a) of 4 sale Od ie te ah abe el ce Set ate Ceca ean unl recent mene he yt hen sol ea ieee et BEI eer ee ee oy bendy ecg pl ge se tees ie Pee Beene otos Math the face ofthe PPL. at w shat OOF seers owt shi’ ‘ore and pect (ts chosen ce). Manta thet 2" reprset he other sis coe and sped (ot the coven se ‘lip he pre index Kes ofthe rotating mk cust) ofthe PP sith O14"; pall trough then gives the uc ack of Aa he Ieogth O74" pes the rete ape In the examples tht follow, the Ierng rade a consteot as pol, and the our vee oped i flo oume sere by own sti. O: sl 1 general ped igen ae Ce ere ter sip, 4: bi oer ed tee in es: ‘are shown by broke lines. Mote det: a ‘The vale newly vid nal problem a relive velo the following fctor ae iva: etre courte ana vltive spend of O or If any fur of the abore ceo, ome by draing a seed wage 1 cl nthe te ‘Aoumnber of ertmplsuctrating the princi of peed inten various cicuratanes ae suman he flowing te deal i dea ‘er phch sho rock SP nies sa wach ee rca Renken vari) Gy moc epi oat Fer te Gnesi Gpe Hs Sepa op ns Sake 1 To find the cour and speed of other ship from i selene 389 {Gtnging sion on «moving ship and nga ven sed 5 Finding the cure pan another ship st sven doance, im 1 Cita ton on mmaviog sip tat fers couse daring the 3p sisted exmnndng oe mca fo * td cosag on the some baring. 8 {To clone won vn dance a aishly a pore (0G a) 3 Bospen oe ren some cr cca aml OSE ‘Te Seguin wie sven eaage of 3 Bor i ft ing a 1 Singin ten coon and returning i see: 3 be fireman i See Campin poste ts gmtgt nt 8 srretch aster ve steerage eros 47 Avoiding ston’ 'hip of loser speed cecping oma ship of Scraper me BB R3 2 at vee Example xo nd the Course and Speed of Another Sip fin ts Tete Moveren You arin err (0) taming 912 at, The fon ange ond arin of nether sip (2) oreo yr os es What he tr coe and sel ft eh ip If he mann his sour and pec, then wil eben wag 1 Fg. 23, the poitinns ofthe chy ay a at plot relive to sxaship Othe panton of he othe ip ath feat sons ‘The late cou fhe te ship i along A He reive en i fund by ding the dunce, bythe tine tke fr he Ste oe et tt enter he ro O'd'ona cnvenent wie repre the coud and ped of the ti oe = Draw 0" oo theme sale to repre course ad sped of ow si ‘eave to the water Join WA wa complte the speed range WIP ‘The coun ofthe ae ship eau to thet (hr eco) willbe parallel t WA, Her tre speed wil be the kngh of WE saeed Speed wa AALS een theme ore ad pe, her ev ack wl ese nvr of se equl tthe dance AM divided by the rebive apd, 11-7 nos Aare Core: 03" Speed ona ight miles ay at 2359 (45 a 11-7 bo), Fig. 26s shows that tie wnecary to mere he aca reative courte ‘an spend ofthe whe ship. 4 is the rave tack of the ther ship acon Mie ag eed lenge proportional ote ave open Hf Wm odin nection 54a ean lage to 36 miner run of own sip Tel repent cou nd spend of owe ship on ge eae wale Aseprsets the relaive eed, 0 that Ha wil present te tue opel ofthe ter ip on that sale "The angler AW, and AW aes, co that che dieton of WA re th re course ofthe ther ship |p: When he co's bigoted onthe Loc Option Pte a ck io te ther tip chnned wba further aemtacion. This bec the ion of cv skip shown roving elatve tthe ate, andthe plod Fenton ofthe oer sip give tu movement rave tothe wee and ot Faire own sip. eample 2 ~ Changing Station ons Moving Ship and using Given Speed tyes te fag (2) i ring 00 at 25 bee Onn op (0) tnt hp en (tat © and ard tke ation cath rbot ert (35) tito 8m Wha ihe oe oe at 235 bot? Hw Eg ll ok? “ 2 probe in tem of PE, pression’ one must cn LORS gtiph mvvenent beste to orn sip i er mod eee oil tainny eet Fi, sino ep 39 frre rion of he Aaphip rave otrwosip mb ands the tre ak of te Bagehip rani co ow sip mut be A —_ Coseracein Proce A ¥ A es er eproning te apie tk a isthe 0 ime of egy Seed woken ee Wetec Wl le po pet 5m tA Pio WO te cle olin to ‘The fap wil hen ove wo ed of 04 ce w wm ship ih son Tt keno eet manrew h ete y ak ‘Seino move seme oe 44 (ye) a kn ek me niin nn nt om i ORG Se RST TTR a ent tr en me ‘Sahin aH clive on sip, we tbe ae whe (REEL Sey tween by 0 se ei (® Cemce Gdns misc 44 i. Ae Se taps pred tate fe $B ton 2 60-64 imam Ste ho teh wk ‘Note that in the peed trig trae teika diverge fm the dat, Hand ‘he agi’ live wack and ex te wack converge her pret ption ‘Catton: Wien the satonaking ship has + lower speed tan the pon which se is taking ution if the manoeot ie cape of being performed (Ese o for etal reasnn, the one requ wb nt gl mi he sure reid avg the higher Example j-Finding the Caurse to Pass Another Ship at a Given Distance 1 Fi 228 an em hip (A) er 5° int 11 mie, st 4 hnt Wht eure ad Joo if 8 lt To ssh ie Fre, 238 ‘Tis problem similar to that of changing station. Ion ship 0 it pte head ofthe ete ship Lepng ouside wily e ther shpat he made ‘cansrnvcrin Ley of Wa, heron of he enemy ding the last 12 minut, cous cs" rc the ti sre, eee ©, ein mess Thi it ‘the relate ac of ah spect tO, tat ps othe coal a Sato, sete W aod ei 12 mine ru t 8h, cat A prodced at 0 ‘Then WO wil be the course tht own sip hast sr (35) snd O14 ‘Beep the stve cove se ped ofthe eneny ship Na ain apd 0 he tris ce ea pan a ae Reample 4~Changiog Station on « Moving Ship that Alters Course ‘during the Masoewre In Fg. 229 the hip (A) sing 020? at 1 hts, At 1000, oar cers (O}, ato 4o mle 30" fom he flip, rcs the fling ‘a: Tae sation $ ier stor. Itnd ter ft Uf yu pred £5 I, hat core mst Jou te aad hee rasta Plt, the sion of the Happ at 120, and Gum thie poison plot the [apnry potion ae would have Bc ative abe had saree om oo tab dy "From O, lt the eave position ofthe agthip afer the change of stations that eager y etn rogue vo fod the cone ou mnt star a ots vo ht te gig appears "o move fam 0. ‘Phi the eame problem osha located a Eno Poa Draw Wyo repre the apps coun ad ped live wth mate (ope etsy. Win cnre Wan aio repent our ov spent Some (Se eng ats pron n Tate eed tape 40 WA ~ Sai’ core ad ped Om couse fener which, when se is waning #15 kn, wil {Sal app appest 0 move fos Ay owas Ay, (7A Coe and wee of fiprelave t the erer. “Te selsive ditaee, Ay vided by the rene sped of the igi, giveth ne en tae op the new aon. ‘Eee Coane to nee 37 ‘Te fia: 926 (95 mien 16 ko}. eample 5~To find the Minimum Speed and Corresponding Course Thecoweary fo Reach = Cerna Stiton, and the Time required t ‘Sempre the Manoeuvre Tn Fi 90, ar marin (0) oes one ip (A) Bearing 320° ito Th neu eit 82” nd eso at #2 fous if dene toon merged fo Porton for atch, | me 3° om 1 trard bon fo reco thee pus nd (e) At wht ers a ped sold you proce? (© Hs ng wil tae yo 1 each thatch ition? Pu ebie potion the ten wee you ae in pan for aac, ‘Draw I to repent the erie nd speed ofthe eneny eave tothe "ial, the ease’ spend 10 Be minima, the tid side ofthe ape etage pee ren pie re in pe ‘Be perpen rom Wom hd produc, ‘Drath perpendicule, 70" om (CHAPTER XIV—GRAPHICAL PROBLEMS 4 sie cee pect inal AO WA ~ coe si’ oue tnd sped WO = sbmaine' sone nd ope O74 = core and pend of en ip reave wo oubmatn. Aare) Cos toto a (Rae de 44 ive dace AA, of 3's, a ve ped O° of 74 tet, i ole 3m : sonra ample 6 To fd the Time a which Toro Ships, Stamnng Difreas “Gouaes snd Speeds wll bes Caiaia Dina Apart Ini, 291, oon tip (0) ering oat 1 st dtr Desig So fm sy ro" 2. Wh a Abe "Draw WA eeprtet the cure and speed of the ater ship; daw WO" ‘preset cori ad ype of own ship. O'd i then the cone and ope of ‘heer ship tele cw ship, and her tack elate own ip ile A, “With cnte © and au 5 miles daw ana ating 74 prose ind ‘When theater ship seed th eave dtnce sh gms from 0, aod the te tke nl be ult he dace cy vided by the leah of "4 onthe oped sce (1'¢ mile at 95 kts) Auer: Ship ae Sve tle apa ar 6 mater Nath wo i ln at 0 end i wi ot sample 7- Opening and Closing on the Same Bearing 1 Fig 232, your rir (0, atone mente ote 0 th lip (A) ering 926 at 11 htt nde to ent 20 ead prc Be ering Yur avble eds 1 iat Maing polo £0 my, ou at det ceo 4 itr he tame bearing Pd th tus to Sethe (our cared the tne ah. From own ship, 0. sot the lave putin of the ahi when yrs hee ‘pened toto mila un the sae beeing. aod the potion af the Bagg ‘then you have coed wo grey, Ay ‘Dea WA to ropreset the couse and speed ofthe agit. With radian representing hnets and cnie W dee ao cing AO Ia © an Ot produced The spend tangle OW and "AW: “AW, cours and spel of Sassi, (4 coure and spend lagi lative to eer when opening (0-4 cure and spond of fag ela to cue when chain Wo = Sears of ecter when peng, WO" Gane of ies when cng "The tine then to open isthe dance, A, ved by the elie apt siren by O14 the tie taken to cloe i de Stance Ardy vided Dy Ue eae peed given by 7A Anvser Crate open: 310. ‘Tne taken: 1 our § mists (mila 47.4 Eno) Core oct’ o7 ‘Tle taken 6 mis (6 mies 285 kao) Canton: Wien the stinking ship hat «lower seed th the ship on which se ia ing atin, if the manorve scape being prone 1 sere wil normaly be two cous wich aa be ered Use ater vine fated ofr tial rams, the couse egeied wl be tht vag the highet ‘aac ped = (CHAPTER XIV—GRAPHICAL PROBLEMS Reample To Close to a Given Distance es Quickly a+ Posible (06-10) (e) le Fg 23 on remy hip (A) merino courte AL. Or sip (0) ther cle wate der of iyo pote Glenty if were vaonry, © would ser dietly tamale A. Bot A ie moving 0 O'mat therefore set for seme pot B aad of. wl come ‘hin the eid ditunce afer seaming fr the sore it ight ‘head in poidon B when te ranged that in wher no ships Sock {GA other tack foe Oto Sec of dua radon nod eet Bch st (0G; o¢ OC, nil be longer ‘ha OC: own sip i now considered opped, the enemy’ ative tack willbe AD, here OD ie tote rau sane & ‘rom onn ship daw OM paral to Al Let AD proaced out OM in G, ‘The angles 48D, DOG at wna. 0G _AB_AB_dinanoe run by enemy OD DB™ G0 ~ Gsance nan By owe ip + _ soon opest oad on sped "Tosetve the prblen, the proces is flon: 1. Calcite the length 06. 2 Lay of 06 om O in deton parallel to the enemy's oun. Join Gd sed proce 4: Draw Ato represen the coum an seed ofthe enemy ship, With ‘ete W and aos own spend draw ate ctng Of pron in ‘Then "isthe count er "This cour aid of fom 0, wil ut GA in D and meet AL in B. 05 max | | | (© Fg. 23400 ship (0) i frigate 10 miles woth of nina sa koote 06 m3 miles SEE 2 mies Lay of 06 in tion 76 fee 0. Jole Gan pace Fi sth ore the widened hp wil to snake god rae tow ship ‘ih Gnu fs rx aro he mes dew Go uti rel nO. WO" wl be ie eoonea ae L7H taco om 0, sting G4 By and AL in B, OD sald equa 3 tts (0 Mou back slg BOL BC yal: ‘Gens bul wer ang OC ad wil et jm es he deed saipen tein C- lar tance AD dee AB, diteee OC Taiepad Od vad Ove Aare Coe: 59 “ime eo mine (4 8 ety of ttt, ‘Tne ken = cal (CHAPTER XIV—GRAPHICAL PROBLEMS Bxample 9-To Open to a Given Distance a Quickly at Possible (0o-0m) (6) In Fie 235, sm hip (0) seston to dian (fom ether ‘kp (A) argu ple, The ther ip stering acne AE Dy the me remoning in Beample 6, own ship must seer nich # enane ‘Bun when the range hasbeen opeed tothe rege distance, the other sip snl esti cr 1 A were sana, thn O wold irc anny fo hr But it ‘Oril bet Cod als dant, ening a soar OC ‘The tack of A reine to'O is AD, where OD is equl tothe seqied laasee From own ship, 0, draw OM pr but nthe oppo dicen to AL Lat Bd produced eat O31 iG. "Th tele BAD, DOG ae sina. Therefore oo. a oon ab eo a AB tt yy 06 = OD x gp BCX G¢— 4 datance run by own si ed Tone he pol he ining poe ete +. Cael 06. 2 Lay off 06 fom own sip inthe reves drton AL, Jin GA snd produce tia both dreconn. 4 Dra Wa to represent he cure and spect ofthe enemy. With cate ‘Wan rasa oun mpd. rw tote cuing A paced In O WO" the une 0 wee. “The eer of this cou, aid of from O, wil ew AL in B and GA produced in. Pz ‘ie este far voter wl ea yon cg Tw be "Di tas On Aeon (Bib rh ne hich wi open (Ghat beer or pect sin popern (0. Fg 96, your Sertoer (0) hs cared at tera tack rm «potion jm te strode of one err (ying O96" ‘ag hes ou th 0 open Bond he un rn of ny 2 Sy {2 pou if your dean has 30 bts eal, ha ore shold Jou ‘ior and wh aly tof ange? he rage of he ear pe roman syiace place Layo 0 in distin 276 from 0 Join Gand produce iin both dre sink GA produced the ative tne wbih the fe wil vet ake fod Ara ay of Wa to represent oe, 24 Ante "With cnte Wand radar go ot othe tame scl, dan cuting AG peaduced in OF. WO" she cure ship mittee. “rhe recipe o ih cours of rom Oca Ln By ad GA prac in DOD should equal 10 nile, The enemy ere wil a Bvben own ship har reached, the equ dtance rom the ey. relive dance AD diane AB ‘eave speed O74 speed of ree Anraer:Coare 0 weer 234° “ime ake: #3} minates (fa 24 Ano), THeample 10 To Romain within Given Range of Faster Ship for ae oag a Ponte "a F277, oom sip (0)~ a cri -is engaging ey rier (A) arng 180 8 obo, rng 70" 10,000 Joke Yur eee Pad 15 Nata oe ih ap th may ede eect fe rng 00 yr) for gos, (0G = ro mies 12% § ie “Thea the time taken = Y they os a here, hte hl yo ero ong will he be under fre? v Poss ‘Thi protien it erly th ee 0G — le (Burp btn ene {hei you ci he dtodd ed Sy the dance od ning You mot ers cers ott te aoe Cre 2B mc he ngs ee eed hss pus sone ‘The dance 06 (9s x 28 oe 34 es) i i of fom Oi the retin ofthe enemy’ coune. AG i the the ack of the enemy relive fo you, Draw WA to re 180, 92 kno te eee ‘ith cee W and radius 20 kaos on he same sl, draw an ae eutng CCA produced in 0” WO" the cure f9 weer, "This cue, af Fon 9 wil eo AG in D Draw AB log eer’ fatare tach, shat All ests OD prodcel in 8. Mesure BC slong BO 20st BC OD ~ shoo yr When ava ap has reached enemy will bea fries abe, The enemy wl this be wii ange fora te elt the reve inane AD ‘Sas by the elaine ped On ‘Aum: Cour: 19 ‘Tine within ange: 4 inte (164 963 oo, Brample 12 Croming a Danger Arca ‘A ship sh in Fig 238, ser erat pt bel from Ao B es vit a ple Poa "rom B lay of equal t the with ofthe sont and a sight angle te Join AP, which wil Se the cure Yo ser on she eof ene ‘ample 12 Scouting in a Gives Dizection and Returning ina Given "Time ‘InP 239, gt in company withthe ai (4) of, inde to trestigae'« DE rr eavng 290, end to rein the at 100, of 20 at Cure and ied of theft 29015 bats wha ne a he fai ae cre 1m ed had el Be re? Fro a99 From A lay of AB in ection 2" equl to 12 hoa setig t 20 bot Ply the pation of an, Jin BA, and dew CA, so that C48 in il to CB (rest coneneny one by eaming the pecpeniale ber of 4B, C being he pot where 2 om a, © Then BC seul to Cay nd © the ring poi Measure AC #0 fd the tine ale ours Aner Tine wae ours 1330150 a 30 bt) oure tej: 327 Example 13-Proceoding to Base and Rejining at a Given Time In 240 ever (0), company sith afl (4) eng 109 0 bat ardeed a 00 to elf ab (0) tht hart 158 tet {0 rile nd Yoni ot #500 Whats th ltt in he an part compa Fk ceed ro hb a 20 nd rma ae Fro. ay0 Plt the fap’ poson a ofco and 1500, and expect Plot he Be B. Mewace 2 (325), Cala the tine the esse wl tte to sum from B to Aya 2 bts Gham) “Tis means tha she rier mut lave the bate a 1275 and if she ise remin athe bse for oe hoe she ma aie tee at rt, Plt he See poston at try, dy ois aan Way reprint the fags cou and seed. With cote W and rats 20 hat, dee a ect Asin © ‘The erer il have to eer + cure parle to 70! to are at B when ‘the Mghip aie ay ha a 109. Draw a lie though B pail to 170" cing the ships wack aH ‘Then Hf willbe the punta ch fo pr cig. AH, by mex, ule miles Annwr: The eres mat pa company 2 of at 0 hao), GRAPHICAL PROBLEMS: oa) aample14- Scouting on Given Bearing aa Given Speed a Return ing in a'Givea Tia on the Same Besing ‘At 300 your eine (O) in Fg. 24, compoy wih he i odie to eat o a ering 5" frm ht ta 264 bland by 1600 1h tame Bearing. Cre ond eed of theft "13, Wht ears sth cee er ond who el the ace fre l' Prost A nthe il postion ofthe et Dray IFA representing the course and oped ofthe agi, Drath live smack AO in the dision 325" 4s" though, The courses to open and ‘doe ate fous essely in Example 7; the ere will open ott Sue ‘allt IFO" sd ie on nurse pro WO" Plot the fai’ ponton m6 (A : oe rat A pul te a ag eae Or a kee turing pit an the csance AT 36) tos wil pe the tine fring Aavet: Coie’ cose ot: 129. Chie cure rein 47 ‘Time of vming oon 435 (67-5 2) hi). = ‘Example 15—To ind the Shorten Distance to which a Ship ean Approach “Anotber Ship that ls Proceeding atu Greutr Speed (6) In Pp a4, wm ship (O), eth eotable ped 10 hts, sieht @ schon tp (4) rng 30° 0 males You imate the ipo (dpa 15 fut and wk Yo chr. What the shred {whch you cm approach, ond hat eure mat ou er? ‘raw WA 10 repent te cous ud spent he merch sip. "Cery, you noe coe har on trey beni, Dra tees with centre Wand radon representing you veal ped, sine, Draw 40" geal to the cede you sera course par 0 WO, she tack of he meschat sip elaine to you wil be A and you wil be next tthe esha ship when see A BPorany ote pasos of, he dintnce OP wil be gree Aare; Core 4° Shore dts: 74 mile (0) Im Fig 245, ner (A) string 199 at 25 tis 04°25 miles ‘from nn hip (0) dtr, to. Phe droge wt dot the ies pul rage har scale pd of 8 ht wt £0 hh tine he else one for 20 bt, Wht ce mt te deste ter? ‘What ithe lat range whe can hr, and chen lhe wre thar ronge? Po 4, the poson ofthe crue st 100, Draw Wl to represent be cole tnd speed. Wilh cease W and rave repreeting the detoyers ped ser 1100 (20 kno) dew an ze, Denwe 40" tangent otis tee 7. WO wl then beth ose ater 20k sppreach within the srt dane of the rie, ain En sa) Ie wil feels be te sue tse ios er tte opps | | | ih ete an ia oye pend ure 11012 ko), den (7A isthe ek ofthe cer relive tothe denope before 100: Prodace (0° tym tat A ropes the eres pont aie othe desoyes ‘2 ion, af which tine the destroyer can neem ee ‘Draw Ai paral toO'4. OP ina righ ope to Candi thus the leat range 10 which the dope ean els. "The tne taken to reach this poston servos the relive Sane 4. tthe relive weed eps by O' Anar: Come oer 159° ‘Shore dtc: 65 ot 148 ‘ence by acing th open curs are pod a bina es Sah ees ‘eal ped (aw) {Sele frm ye meer af O° paced a 4 ie coe at 1 1600 WO"; maces, WO" Any intermedi couse wil produce ‘componee Spier doers anerre ‘ht Tee oh Pan chon i ioe dat SET SB te nd he oe “ (CHAPTER XIV—GRAPHIICAL PROBLEMS (In Brample15() abe the destroyer sil have poser 30 at by 210, She Ot 1 os wef he Bed ap wet In Fig 244 O and A are the potion of deter and crise eget at oe! Ay athe pea of the eae 135 ‘A oy he Souryam rtrd ne tre postin of he ee, sy Pein OF. "Drew OR purl tthe rack of the cruiser. Lay of OD repreteotng the zac sexed by the dntroyerSfoet025. that 5 mle, ang the hie Ob. Join AD Produce 4D teat OR in ‘Sine ORs pr ts d,P the wianpes ODD and PD ace sina a 09 _ ar oD~ PD ia-o9 = 0, (OD is he sinus steed by own ship before inreting send DP and AP repress own seed afer UIs sb the eres speed res: tively. Thereloe (00 = (titans seamed by own ship efor inresing peed) ‘Tosole the problem, th procure it a flows: bun 09 above. 09 = 15 x Lay off 09 fom 0, pari to AP. Join 0 sd podace it, [Avy daw WA, 0 cepeen 195, 3§ kot With cee HP, and aon solknts onthe same sca, wan te ating D2 produced in 0 "Then WO" he coe inate ‘Thin cure, aid rer Owl et O40 , and produ in P Annes Cou net 169" "Dh ie then found by ding he rave tance 4D by there spt Oot, Answer: Interception Soul be acer by #855 (87 milla 33 kts) xample 16 — Avoiding Acton: a Ship of Greater Speed keeping autside 1s Cea Range of+ Ship of Leer Speed, tatty tec? tay course In Fis, yom ori frigate (0) eng at 25 bo whee «damaged enemy ese (Ai ited having 70°13 ale, sein 1 hat, Yo (Sok au the sat of thea. What the ms wes cour [ya cont hth ote aan of 10 le fom theese? 1 you wish o hep outsides range of 10 mil the ave rch the ier ‘min ot pe witha acc whowecente and ri somes When the {rer patra geoff mile her ac relate oyu wl engl tothe toile cil, hate 40 when te gst wihes to eeap toch sth "Th best cure the cusr cap ster to rece th rage a 1 kts ea sigh angie 0 40. Therfre, draw Wal perpenicar to AQ wie Teng ‘huts knots f epee the suse and send of the ee - (CHAPTER X1V—GRAPHICAL, PROBLEMS ‘Wath et a rao kts speed a tig 04 podria 0 Jan WS gem : Mh pee ws coe pal eH" rev ck of hci wilbesnog £9 sa cna poche in ee Teer Coe eammple 17 Avoiding Action: a Ship of Lesser Speed Escaping from a ‘Ship of Greater Speed In Fig. 245, goon a dLamaged dee (0) yor sl hs hr rdend ty so he bei (A) rang 75 bots hey Sos me, I he crow tnd a el i ba ins re fe pee Se tec part of the ison Daw A treet the courne nd spend ofthe bates, 1a he deroyer now tee any core paral oI, Then Pl wil be ‘the courte and apend ofthe batlipsltine to you andthe wll ppt 6 move along the tack 20. “The tack AQ ifthe from own ship when angle APW i gh ange, shat in then AP ie angst tse row oth cee aed ech ‘epeneting om spe "There ae tha wo posible cure, paral o WO" and WO", which make the bate appara mve slong the eve tack A and AN. pete “Thee ance spr of he this wl be OS OR perpen oA snd iN repeal. ™ ‘Ans: Detoer et court par o Dastoye’ test cure to south 5 Lea dance pat of the sg 10 miles | 4 ‘sample 18-AntiSubmarine Avidiag Action: Typical Problems In Pi 247, ain cir (0) ering 70 at 20 It. At 100 sia trate aig that ony marie ih ped fm ipo" so mls rom Jou You ah to poet he tarda ly 1 pil and yo ce 10 athe marine by 8 me, pag ert fe What cose mat 900 str and when eam yo ler cs bah 276"? “There ace two sino open tthe sabting and he cri nt ard gst both f them. The subraine can be cnsdeed a ering the Best cuts to imerep the ei; or srng the bat eb pve the eruber fram ling corse back fo the we ‘To id he at ha cute mat Be ated Pot the atv poston the wating soso. Draw tangent the nl eof the ers, You must ae cone otha slant ach othe acbmarneenlong AL ae out “The bet core or she sabmnine to nterept origangen to A Dany Wed sepeseting the ped ofthe tube, 9 Hooton th cou ‘Wit cnce Bandra the speed tthe eer (20 kas) den a te cating Al produced in O: Juin 80" abe cuter sere cour part 70 the relive ak ofthe sb wl belong AZ ad she ane approach within mais ofthe rier. eid the tn thera con lr Back the et Tis now be are ot th baie leer at Sight agli othe reve the rier fom eurngt the we Tay off reprvening the rie core ad spend after tring back ayo a9 hate With cant aun the brain aoa of 9 deve Saco the noth-wen). From” deste angers 00th re Then et {Te the eubmrinc's cure tte Br ar le hah yt te sir Draw EN tangent the mle clean pall oo The esi can Aer eure 10 apo" once the wating han rte this ie wat fae of ‘he murine beng sl o get wan 6 olen. "Now the sabre ry ve ben steering cure parle to thoughout, Ins car he rack ofthe subi fle ou weal have been eral {oan contracting therpecd tig sw where mt parl WO ‘Drew aA pal too's Th the relive tak the earn en she ia neeing scoure par oy and he wl be able t Gane to thin 6 ris you alr cou to 270" before te submarine creer the line MN? ‘Any otber eure seted by the sobmarine wil came her to cron ti foe tater, vo course mus ao be aed by the crue wat he ter foand by ring the relative distance AP by te live spd, ha ape. ‘Anmer? Coe 0 ee 31% "Tne wo tee origina cure of ye #330078 at 18 hats). eample 19 Submarine Attack: Typical Problem 1a Fi. 24, you ae ino marine (0) ond Jou rie ripe that mop inner’ (9) ring 138" ht ets 0° 0 lo Jo St ei aed tg nto ‘Mhwrel, Th ly 20" ond arn lt er when he ‘oupar ie ahnd he sbmarin' asia ees at the sfc: 19 fats ‘imaged 9 hats (athe mbar’ cs and sed on he face (0) te tine he marine al die {e) the bag which ested igh th traprt i + (Oe barn ert and eed ho rgd {0 the tn of ria i the potion talc, 1 ore to stu a slowly at pole when subrared he aubarine sk ina much ening on he ranepore at she can wh silo the nace "lt te tanpet poston tt90, de Daw Ht epee her cove and syed, With cee and radian 13 knots dew a cle Draw 40” tngeta {0 ts dele; Or wl be the relive tack ofthe tnaprt when the stiarine 3 guning bing tthe maximum ates The ube should sec cure Pull WO" t achieve thi 4 "reduce O74 uot tos theten-ilerange cl at When the anaport reaches hs pol rai othe uma se wil be fo ight, The Sine then Pl be the relive duce, ly vided by he rele speed O'4 a oe rch Pen se weld ch Oy ering pil Wt ge nee sue 22 4 Pea Plot ay, he slire poston ofthe teen when the subnet inthe SCRA Te pre no eh abu pl wa inw By o eepesens the ue a speed of than 16 WO" ia an tight angles ay produced, the ape tangle constructed 90 tar 70" peat reqied by athe) e's nim he sos add ‘ers couse paral to WO" ta vac her ode aching penton fn Aner (3) Subrarin' cour a pect on the ane: 1) He (6) he sbmarin wi ie st ae 8" at 73 hn), (©) The watson wl espe beating yh (Submarines couse nd pel when taberged cH" 6 ki, {© Seg wi ave be aig pn 1 USE OF THE BATTENSERG COURSE INDICATOR IN SOLVING RELATIVE VELOCITY PROILEMS [ATTENHERG, MARK 5 (4 dawson fh eran Cap i) Method of Operation ‘What oa ip airship nse cent, he owing ke py ae vebaly eae pode (ocr deg fo here: (Gita ceri Bi ec (Ba oe oa po pela ed ‘lan soso ample 1- Openiag and Closing onthe Same Bearing A coer i ering 080! at 15 bt Your datrner atone 390,13 ile, fom the erie, i ede 0 cle tote miso Healy eng 1 yous o 4b, wha shal ou sand he a ls tint Cosererin Set the diet se on the bute the requiced relative tack 190" (Bn Fi. 29). ‘Sethe rl curs tnd spend, OD, on ove spat bar (Oy. ‘Sat own pod, OF, on te whe ae (OC) ‘Rotte OG unl own peed slider, flr on tht Sepa line parle wo ‘he og ner which pase through the eh hpi, Dr ene vel be tw poe pons o | | | SS 3 ‘nh got wil rh ce te clo ay ei (OB eas} andthe she wi give the course Kee oon on © sey Searing (OF, ~ 154 : "Tod he ine tan to ln rm 130 milo mse the relive spe DDE eat Kats). The the tne taken 9 en 3 ots = 37 mine. ygnpe +- Clann Sion on » Moving Sip ad Ung a Given See eee Consenon (oun pater (2P, Prenton) sete ‘Perspex disc 40 that the coo" radial line coincides with the 020" line cote oe onthe Perper dc the poet poston of thee, Fan on, vive nr sips tent 2°) orate basepne ut eine ning Pad T hp to the er of shetime ie Sette scour nd spe, OD, 08 pe ed (0) ten eto soon, OB. on he te ar (0) ott wal owe pd lider, eh patie ping hgh the other Spa, Then OF wl ete care ose gy SORLINS ese eae tee nop Epa Sa aS wc Measure the relative dace Petey tes and BD 21 = a mina he ore nthe Perper de your preset poston F, relate wo the cua tthe cee (Fg Both FFT, a the retve seed, BD. Ia thie case 1 kiet The the ne tken 14 mle nd yo fal poston 7, Set the cries course and sped, OD, onthe sped bar 04 Rotate the bse uil ii parle with the ne ning and, ‘Then proceed at before, the relive tues inthis ease Weng TS 4 roast i ‘ha epithe centre, Pot the pion of he athe ship om the Pees, Fie 59. [Relic to ovm hip, the ota ship matt move along FT, whee FT ina ‘ange the ce, cent O, radon § ee. During the change of sation decid in Berge 2, range sd Bering of the other ship an be pote onthe Perspex pling sure. all goer well Thee shuld flow the elie tack PT. Show hey deviate, thi wl be at tone ef wo cane (a inacurte ema of ther sis ome and speeds (6 inacurate mesrent of eashi' inal potion ind yee owing 0 When the athe hips course and peed hve oot ben signal () a Shaly tobe the mor sure of eur, Ln ice fhe begat dd be teed {the acl lative tack td the other ships cure bu (or ped) sated 1 compte the sped angle. "The protien can then be solved tein the Tf errom in ematon of the ther ship's cou snd ape are ot mrp, sod ifown ship has tom tained her cret spend, hea te iatmest only ‘guia tobereagnd forthe ne lve tre rom he ten pled poston Example 5 Finding th Cours o Pats anather Ship at Given Distance “A 100 another hip bar 263 dance 11 ml, eure 2°, ped 24 Int. What te core oer Sed of 28 Bt oo ea of the | Otmervation ofthe Progress of « Manoeuvre | trip, eying tie 5 alr? When ee hip le? otc : TEAS OF sl ovn eed Ue” Clon te tara paning fhe ro ah wil be cna when the othe ship aT, aod the ane taken ahah bie syenec nies eens | ahipe abould therefore be closes: at 1049, (Oy, hen wt ‘Example 4~ Approaching as close ax posible to Faster Ship “AL 290 sip brs 242% dite 16 mie, car 320 sed 32 hs. hm ph bts ie What har ah "Sit he me-paes that fine through D is tangential to the 8 knot ile eee Example $~ Cloning to a Given Range as quicly espouse (0G Ia) is aiid ship ers 00,20 mile from a hip (raat), nd it intl 1 be seing 270 at 12h, Crm tip hen Sia pend 218 knot ea ise lt) mis tui por i oir tp ‘he thr ip. What eure thd se tar? ‘To solve this problem we mas fit calla the length OG (Fig 259 abe ships oped > requied rte Fx ae mon Or sip sw the centre, O. PG, 27°, a miles fom 0 (70 i oun of ship Pot F th ther shi + St the baci wih ine parallel eFC; which ie the eid lie tack ial pat, Se teers cure and pct, OD, nt ped bn (0} then ot com sed, OF on thr ped ks (OC) Rute OC wi own set sie lon the baste ine ig ‘gh he her i 3. en OB wie coe fe ‘ample > Opening Given Rage tuck pom - Ow Yor coved ot teach fons foton 9 rin fen rat mri oa. eu wth {i Serprelet pBt Cs hl seg NY Pe ‘Asin here we nut fiat elite the length OG (Pg 259, te abs open rain Z ao Sa past roid age = 4 ile With on sip atte cents, 0, plo G, 70,8 miles from O (00 i plated onthe rors of the othe ship's cou). Wee Boker ship's aa pston, an posed exactly a in Example 5 se, In he cate GF proce a the requ clive tack “Te coue to wee 23" ‘Beample 7~Laying Smoke on « Given Line “A demoye coving damaged merchant wets oly moe mg icine obs The tue Sid eine ob Bosng fom 005 at Pe Te deeper tame at 2b, hat cores ee? ‘Se he ine ofthe bane plate to the dectiono"-05" (Bi Fig, 250) seth ue nd eped a Secon, OD, on one seed tr (04. ‘in deme spel, OF om the her br (OC), an oat pend ide Btls onthe Sac ple Hoe ping trough the tre wind ser, De “fia wit give oo posible cours, OB snd OB, which te devroner en see (130s 30) Te ACE a ie the higher rensive win peed ED. ad il herlore proce» Tonge thine eof tate than the course OE, wich ges the Teer lave wind peed B,D USE OF RADAR IN FLEETWORK Radar may be wed to rest avantage in solving ny manoeuvring robles "Th mse oat hgh arial Pttio ate abd et A233, Be an uptodate plo of ter sip poisons, hei bering nd gs, nd their {pent ae racks fam the terion ton the PP By fing arte cryng two seed and sing te paral! es agin se the rutable curate the PPL al the elie velo problem (Gi be wed onthe di PPL Manoeuvring Dito (Fi. 257) ‘The PPA. mancearting din onsite of Perpeplonig erie that ean be ned oe te gta curser of Type gpg PEL; two-speed arms can be [ace f the dc, Wihow the spend tna tan be ved ms pling wrice Aide-memoire for the Navigating Officer ‘Tie Aide-Memoie i sranged ia he apposite dee in hich the Ian eco during cman. must We seme the Tho Hs Ath reference ar by pa means conicte noe dn ey oes ety ion GENERAL REMARKS “The duties ofthe Navgting Ofer are defined in Q's Relations aml Aly Iraction, Caper “The sip ie normaly handled by the Captain, bt te Navning Ofer ‘must soy the ut chip hang nthe Masulof Seon {hd 'he perfomance of bi sm ip the Nasal De Dns oe “nia Mana of Novation Yl I ‘the fnctons of the eirmmand tem are given ithe dma Mamal of ON COMMISSIONING A su? 1. Draw Naval store and book. 2 Draw and eek the char ute and naigationsl publican (Cape 1. Draw te chronometer) apd watches (Chaplee XI, $s Alin nl mde gd in sig ao Conc the carta and publstion and ate teehee) [Make yourself hevughly sequined ath ll te aherave sterng arrangement, ad ridge 2nd tering commis, 6. Stuy the procedure to be abaped between recog pasos an the fine soom rexariogtekgapheoormal” inca nthe Cops ‘Sting Order) ad mae sue that here can be no mites. 4 Ina pew ship star the Nevitonl Data Book (Chapa Uy If reco sisconng, dn the book from the ofr of te dna! Supine ff the Dockyard whete ie hat been lodged forse csty tween 1 heck the cperaton of Ratio Navigational Ais, eco-sunting que, ling ble tet og an warn ae Bray the neungemens fr twhchng co BG. an shepostine tnd fonctions ofthe steatr boxes Oban the ater toon of DL ranging (Navigon Dts Ho) ‘deviation tables, Make artangementa fr compass adjainents 1, ake arangemont nse sna Ui ceo the sito and Stopping a he groom, ad he sens fo asda ero 1, Emr that al quieren Eno tr dis steing ary change re steering procedure, wring up the ship's gee) and rere al [Navigasond Spel Ses Duty, 13, Check hat dh ha ies ar mae evel (0 4 Ins new sip check the sf ily ofthe San hes (ne Var ih 1. Write the ND Departmental Onder IN HARBOUR "Care the chart and publeatons fom the best Novos to Maser empoary aodpreiinary forthe tea ony) and Tas Nae 2 Win nd compat th shroncmete) and matches dy 4 Rate the cramer) at eatery fon dae 4 Supervise th dy cecing of scale £ ane te Baer pet oe) if mateo oie eo BEFORE GOING To sea Panning 4 Conds the rl inane ff pr (Ada Dit Tely snd mathe tine pone pangs fer cr Caen ‘tin Soper sre eg sad te es (0) Te tina of Geared ral ay tema eel es Asef rr hrs rand Fd Se (OA pings thugs a He cae ay eed ath oe (9 Biplane a sided by lh changin rote o cmd ind aber a ones (Oren Pee Hc (6 Cancers fing vans Nay etd ah Poking ‘ds and Pig Vet a) (6 SEREDAT ody Nes Marner No.4 may ei the ‘ipo tavern chan nano nae (0 Toe Sow of aia ay te nce fy ced woking br, sts cpu meal od carey the con ing Ne oe feria ad el (o)Reein te Sadar Tie Lp she pt of aril (A. va veant Na) ovo else uta ine fo due oda lt the ind tack he sip drt toe ge on salle Se ee oe ‘Stern wet» esr ae ante flowed ook ‘algal ann dl ates (Pal Sear rs Peake it) lars ef Sr. i a {inert slg the nef arse of ee ae ‘ere meth potion whee Sage af as Che trac al de lager aoe chars rue for he vege (Cha Cape + Ssing Dec), umber he ony, sod the ae trad nero cee hae eed ‘om dviaion a et 00 tl es dpenog on he act ‘cre 4 raw the as of anes foe ight f bie) fhe major Sonal ih Sin me et . 5 Study the appeoprate Saiing Direction, the Reo Noi Warsi sid the Sutin Cte Bok {6 Stay the ners of Radio Aids to Navton; Decca (Dat Sheet) Loran odes Coa) Cont (2.2.88, Val Wy ME DE CLLRS Nee th 1 Pan the de and ties of aeration of he clack, | Stuy te weather o be expected on page rai cece ve, the Sines and frequencies of Fest Foray, Syhopticy Coded Mae ‘Momigs, Home Staion Gate Warning al the mete ee a made by the ship (ALRS, VoL Ih ALS, VoL It, Se eee hrs, Cote Shasta toga Ses Halve, 1 Stuy the care and publications forthe jr of ere Tei db {odo tis before sailg, you may ot hae aden ne on Psp, 1. Pepre siling sign equie, "Show the plant the Captain td adie hi onthe witng of he Night Orde Bock Practical 1 Give the acer instons for sing the src (ith ode Seting for meing through radar an Dacha ung Be ‘Sout it ping hog danger reas) 2% Tost bridge communtcaton echo soding, tions lg ard chek all ‘aivigtonal sro repens (cng c) 4 Mate ste thar all the neem “ntrmerts (inary, engender, tance mec Batenberg et) ad pubis re alctleoa ie ag 4 Make rangers forthe waning usual offers soon Bae topes ete esti ' Make atayeriets or the aun f bet (nbething) par aa oy if ete — ON LEAVING HARBOUR 1 Check the gyro-comps errand the compass devisnn by waa 2 Ser that the cnet peed sting apted toe apes oan 4 Note the dreston and strength a the tl stem when sets boyy, te 4 Check the tuys you fas them, remembering tht sage ene ingortant hun clu 5 Advise the Copan abot sting down bles ot eguied for opens speed i ig hg seed a he om owing COASTING AND IN Low vistertity 1 The present potion of the ship mut aye be onthe che, 2% Check te sh’ pston by etry wate mest Br the operons room uly soncring tena ofthe weather, aor that all shiping i plowed and tha cause, spt a coe appa re repre to the bee roe tht the pride fli ae erefly cco. ‘Adie the Cpe Sut connecting op mre ler poe, ON OCEAN PASSAGE he aon eaving land (he pate i) eimai the vsbilty ‘ror emer ep xed in Chay = Oud bun 2 Take cry oppo of Ging the ships psitonatconmly and by ‘ho avganal ad, Moringa eveing tars sighs mad pa ‘nd meri aad soul nearly be a pee, Ie heviaon tad notte wg it you anne. Remeber that he horizon my be prove by ging down os lower deck level, [Adjust the clo for sore tine Plot daly salon char (na Meterlaial Oe borne, nd ate eather reports (Meta! Serie Hane) Cheek conan ty sna af eaves bes at evry tee hours Make the neaary routine Hydogaph observation obra of ‘arto fate in erren Adal Fleet Orders, 6 ON MAKING LAND ‘The precaution wo te obacred on making land te i own O.R and Before making a tandfatt "Prepare the cha) ving the range aco he more power igs 2 Seat the sounding, 7 5 Give the operons rm personnel x fll dxrpion of what they a ‘pect to neon radar nthe opr tte requ fen team (On approaching lod 1. Take sondings 2 Operate ar |} Hive anchor ceed ava. 4 Adie the Catia shut cars bier power ENTERING HARBOUR Tis tton a eum fame of te pit oss bee ad aig Before 1. Study the chart and sang dictions ti you ave a pure of wht the ace ol ok ike and all the ma features we fan 1 Uning anya an eompcuows cee prepare the chart 2 tha ll ‘ours poiton of rbeve and eduction of epet are clean sen, raw in earn basing for dangers snd auine these vee vung tre instr for your dna. Tranter al this information fom he har to yur ot bse (th secs) then bm the shar and oar plan tothe Capnin The pls shold be equal eet gun ad ay (ee ape VI). 4 Sty any Jel ri eultions (Sain Dict. {{ Alteran whether page ie computsry oe nt (Payment of Pte, ing Diccsat Stain Gur asd fi wy OR, ant tnd prepare the Pstage Form withthe cote oaage (cht I 4. Kivtete Capain aeat eta blr power Entering 1 Chose up sacl ea-duynen in plenty fie, 2 Sound continua. 5) Fallow your plan of emery, making Bol conection for rout Sal ata 14 Nat te oie mentioned in On Leaving Harbour ANCHORING AND MOORING ‘See Chapter ¥. AT OPEN ANCHORAGE 1. Make acrangement to resive weather reportedly aly chart ‘obtain meter frca o0 Metnopcl Ofe bors) 2 I there are ew chard bjt for fing hs ship "shone op unchared fash to stn fang ihe weather Serie 2 Mio the bridge cele onthe hare {£ "Tae spe to sore tht you alvay nfomed by the Ofer of the ‘itch or qarermastt onthe fst igs o the appa of ba wether 45 On the approssh uf ba water (a) Conder ecommending an ateion tthe nt fo se (b Stare the pyro-crmpae (6) Warm opis ada ee (Ghpatie e ntngeo th ig ndcek h hi tion. (Bet ancioe wach O) Geer eho pang oo eigen kar ON RETURN TO HARBOUR 1 Anse the page sd eater any dts of intr in the Navigational Date Bow (x) Speed by coin evolutions fr the tine ut of ack {8 Log err (e) Loewy etperenced fr dierent wind arent nd ietions, (3) Aeration in compas devs {6} Ununal eal sae fem rada an ai i (© Compl the rave t's ovement an the eon of stances see, 2 Demand replacement fo won damaged chats TESTS AND CALIBRATIONS 1. Coreton of magnetic ome (Chapter 8) 2 Calbraion of Saucy ng (on int ommtsuring, and psy there 4 Caliban of DE (Chapter £ Caltation ef ARL tales fon Sst commisioning aa petistcly Senta Gragg (0.0, stan & Catvaion a agro nagsiners (Cheer Manin of fan et nes A aabloing dete ships pecormance (0.8, an A). {9 Cheting of seo taromee. ON BEING RELIEVED 1. Prepue plan of turnover 0 make sre that your este cnn lth information sat the sip. 2 Makita Kuldeep isco the Nevo 1 Check Nal ores nd bos forthe, 4 Prue arly soit a caer ots for the ca tt Forward the return id down in Append 6 Signe wip log om anand oben your races signature PAYING OFF Prepare sappy a exp nts eto cartes and conan Naval ove ook on, Bring the Naviatiol Dats Bol pt ate and end ote ie ofthe Admiral Superotendet ofthe Daya for aie sty wl th sp APPENDIX IT List of Returns to be rendered by the Navigating Officer Sj ee | ae waar [oon go | emia seme 0 Monthly ‘Ship's Log ‘saa | Captain, for signature | OLR, AL, 8) ‘ umaty | ree town | S44 | BRD. Adinty | Rae sotenpicNn | Hae) er ae Sree loge orBtengatwe | 988 rae af | 8 =| si, etam | Soe | ade atin | om | | Ses ato 1 Admiay roa | ARO > [MR Sia || i a Me See Vsurvime | ee | materi, | 04 a |) ectsas | ons | raetewm | = | Sein eum | Tietytorote, | ts (On Paying | Plog Ra

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