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The complex management of the waters of the uble River

in Chile

R. Basso, F.Cevallos S Bonanni, P. Buonanno

Lombardi Eng. Ltd. Astaldi S.p.A
Via R. Simen 19 Via G.V. Bona 65
6648 Minusio 00156 Roma
Switzerland Italy

The La Punilla dam project, located in the Central-Southern region of Chile approx. 350 km south of Santiago, will
regulate the water resources of the uble River where any dam or hydroelectric scheme has not been yet built. It is
the second and the most upstream project in the uble River under current development.

Its main purpose is to improve and extend the irrigation of more than 60000 ha. in the uble valley due to the
irrigation during the dry season for current agricultural holdings and the development of new cultivable surfaces.

Additionally to the irrigation water storage and release, the waters discharged by the La Punilla dam will be used for
hydropower generation whose revenues are a key component of the project business plan. Indeed, the Government of
Chile has decided to develop this project through a concession, awarded in 2016 to the company Astaldi S.p.A,
whose funding is split between the hydropower revenue, the irrigation water rates and a subsidy granted by the
Government of Chile. Hence, the La Punilla dam project is a multipurpose scheme where the concessionaire, the
irrigation water users and the Government of Chile share its funding.

Several users situated downstream of the dam, as current irrigation users or hydropower companies, own pre-existent
water supply rights. One of the project main keys is to guarantee at any time these pre-existent rights at their intake
point which can be several km. downstream of the dam. Thus, the incoming flow that can be stored in the La Punilla
reservoir depends on both contributions of the upstream watershed (snow melt and rain) and the intermediates
watersheds located between the dam and the downstream intakes.

This paper analyses the complex management of the incoming and outgoing reservoir flows and summarizes the
operation rules in order to attend the pre-existent water supply rights and irrigation water release. The main results of
the simulation of the scheme operation are presented with a focus on the performance of the irrigation water release
and power generation.

1. Description of the La Punilla scheme

La Punilla scheme principal structure is a 137 m high and 6.4 Mm3 concrete face rockfill dam (CFRD) which
impounds a reservoir with 600 Mm3 of useful storage capacity.

The diversion of the uble River is done through two diversion tunnels (T1 and T2) designed for the 30 yr. flood
which are both reused as permanent structures respectively as headrace tunnel and bottom outlet tunnel.

Immediately downstream of the dam, there is an approx. 100 MW powerhouse equipped with two Francis turbines
with a 104 m3/s designed flow. The irrigation water and pre-existent water supply rights discharge is done
principally through the powerhouse. However, it is essential to guarantee the mandatory irrigation and pre-existent
water supply rights outflows in every circumstance (e.g. powerline out of service, discharge/head out of turbine
operation range). Therefore, two fixed cone dispersion valves are built next to the powerhouse to be able to release
the mandatory outflow at any moment.

A spillway equipped with three radial gates is constructed in the left bank of the dam. The spillway is able to
discharge a flow higher than the 1000 yr. flood with a standard freeboard and it is verified for the 10000 yr. flood
with a reduced freeboard.

The La Punilla dam and its main appurtenant structures are illustrated in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. La Punilla dam scheme.

Finally, one of the project principal technical challenges is to design the structures in a highly seismic region (MCE
PGA is more than 0.5 g) and to deal with a paleovalley that crosses the spillway and tunnels axis.

2. The multiple stakeholders of the uble river

At the dam site, the catchment area of the uble is 1250 km2 and its mean annual flow is 70 m3/s (measured
between 1990 and 2015). uble mean annual flow has been decreasing these last years, e.g. the mean annual average
between 1990 and 2015 is 12% lower than mean annual average between 1959 and 1989 as it can be observed in
Fig. 2, increasing the pressure over irrigation water users of the valley. Indeed, according to the IPCC report (Ref. 1),
the precipitations in the Chilean Andes have decreased by more than 10% by decade between 1950 and 1990 and
could drop down to -30% by the end of the century.
Fig. 2: Mean annual flow at La Punilla dam site (moving average 15 years).

The uble hydrologic regime is pluvio-nival where the main inflow takes place during the months of June
(autumn/winter: pluvial regime) and October/November (spring: nival regime) as illustrated in Fig. 3.

The annual total inflow at the La Punilla dam site is approx. 2200 Mm3 but only a part of it can be stored in the
reservoir as it is essential to guarantee the pre-existent water supply rights of others river stakeholders. The mean
monthly variation of the reservoir storable inflow and the pre-existent water supply rights outflow are represented in
Fig. 3. It can be seen that during the dry season (Jan to Apr) it is not possible to store any water in the reservoir as all
the inflow needs to be discharged. The mean annual outflow to guarantee the pre-existent water supply rights is
39 m3/s i.e. more than half of the uble mean annual flow at La Punilla dam site which is substantial.

Fig. 3: Total inflow and storable inflow at the La Punilla dam site.

Additionally to the ecological flow, the reservoir outflow needs to guarantee the pre-existent water supply rights of
the Central uble (a 136 MW run-of-river HPP) and of the Junta de Vigilancia Ro uble (JVR, the uble river
irrigation water users union) located resp. 8 and 48 km downstream of the dam site. It is possible to store water in the
reservoir if and only if all the pre-existent water supply rights are fulfilled. If it is not possible to fulfil them, e.g. if
the uble flow is too low, then all the incoming flow needs to be discharged and none can be stored.

The pre-existent water supply rights need to be guarantee at their intake point therefore it is necessary to assess the
contribution of intermediate watersheds located between the dam site and the different intake points to determine the
reservoir outflow. Several gauging stations will be installed in the uble River and in its main tributaries
downstream of the dam for it. The different intake points and their respective catchment areas are represented in
Fig. 4.

Fig. 4: uble valley configuration (source: Google Earth).

It is noteworthy that the JVR is a pre-existent water supply rights owner and, at the same time, it is the beneficiary
of the irrigation water storage and release by the La Punilla dam. Indeed, the waters stored at the reservoir will be
used by JVR users only during the dry season when the uble natural flow is not high enough to fulfil their needs.
The rest of the year, when the natural flow is high enough, water extraction using pre-existent water supply rights is
sufficient to fulfil their irrigation needs.

3. Irrigation water storage and release

The use of the storable inflow is defined by a set of rules stipulated in the contract between the Government of Chile
and the concessionaire. The reservoir useful storage (600 Mm3) is divided into four different parts each one having a
particular function. Each part needs to be treated as an independent one, thus during the scheme operation an
individual accounting of the incoming and outgoing flow will be held for each part. The reservoir four different parts
are listed hereafter and illustrated in Fig. 5:

1. 164 Mm3 (28%) of inter-annual reserve to improve irrigation security.

2.a and b 229 Mm3 (38%) and 127 Mm3 (21%) for current and new water irrigation users.
3. 80 Mm3 (13%) which belongs to the concessionaire and can be used to optimize power production.
Fig. 5: La Punilla reservoir different parts.

The water stored in volumes 2.a and 2.b is to be used only for irrigation water release during the irrigation season
from October to April. In normal hydrologic conditions, the capacity of volumes 2.a and 2.b can satisfy completely
the irrigation needs of current and new users in such a way that their empty/fill cycle lasts one year. However, if
volumes 2.a and 2.b are empty before the end of irrigation season, irrigation water release is done using water stored
in volume 1. Thus, volume 1 is an inter-annual irrigation water reserve to be used when during a dry year, or
succession of dry years, it is not possible to complete volumes 2.a and 2.b during the wet season. Finally, volume 3
belongs to the concessionaire and can be used at its discretion.

The reservoir filling is done respecting the basic rule to prioritize irrigation volume over the concessionaire one. The
storable inflow is first used to complete volume 1 then, at the same time, volumes 2.a and 2.b and finally, when all
irrigation volumes are completed, volume 3.

Regarding irrigation water outflow, it is also defined by the concession contract. The outflow rate takes into account
the snow melt previsions and downstream watershed contributions since the irrigation water intake is located 48 km
downstream of the dam as it can be seen in Fig. 4.

The La Punilla scheme operation is schematized in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6: La Punilla scheme operation.

4. Scheme operation and power generation simulation
The operation simulation of the La Punilla scheme has been done using the last 25 years daily flows in order to
assess the benefits over irrigation water users and hydropower generation.

The concessionaire volume is used for three different types of power generation optimization based on the different

During late spring and summer (Nov. - Mar.) when the mandatory outflow is important (pre-existent water
supply rights and irrigation water) mainly due to irrigation water release, the concessionaire volume is
stored to increase the reservoir level and, consequently, increase the head and powerhouse power
During the early autumn (Mar. - Apr.), when the mandatory outflow is low and less than the minimum
turbinable flow rate, the concessionaire volume is used to complete the mandatory outflow so that it can be
used to power generation.
During the winter (Jun. - Oct.) when the inflows are high and the floods occur, the concessionaire volume
is partially emptied to be able to store a part of the floods.

The mean monthly variations of the incoming and outgoing flows are presented in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7: La Punilla dam incoming and outgoing flows.

The scheme simulation confirmed the irrigation water users needs are fulfilled thanks to the reservoir operation.
Indeed, the concession contract requires irrigation water needs fulfil rate higher than 85% for current and new users
during the irrigation season. This rate irrigation is represented in Fig. 8 for current irrigation water users with and
without the La Punilla dam. It can be seen the fulfil rate with dam during the irrigation season is higher than the
required rate of 85 % while without the dam it even drops below 60% during the driest months. Moreover, another
key service provided by the dam is to reduce the number extreme droughts defined as periods where irrigation water
users cannot satisfy more than 50% of their needs. Without the dam, extreme drought lasts in average 4 weeks per
year while, with the dam in operation, no extreme drought event is observed in the simulation.
Fig. 8: Irrigation water needs fulfil rate.

Regarding power generation, the mean annual production is approx. 500 GWh. The mean monthly power generation
and reservoir level fluctuation is presented in Fig. 9. It can be seen the annual level fluctuation amplitude is more
than 15 m between the beginning (Oct.) and the end (Apr.) of the irrigation season.

Fig. 9: La Punilla scheme power generation.

The powerhouse operation range is relatively wide principally due to the mandatory outflow monthly variation. The
mean monthly turbined flow can vary more than three times between April and October as illustrated in Fig. 10.
Using the powerhouse operation range, it is possible to quantify and compare the benefits of different types of
turbines and it will be used for HM&EM equipment optimization and design.
Fig. 10: Powerhouse range of operation.
Hence, the scheme simulation confirmed the services furnished by the dam to irrigation water users meet their needs
and it provided a first power generation assessment. In a next step, the simulation could be used to study other
optimisation options that may require the uble stakeholders approval like daily storage to concentrate generation
during peak hours (it is necessary to confirm the irrigation water intakes can stand significant daily flow variations)
or the construction of a third and smaller turbine used to enhance powerhouse flexibility.

5. Conclusion
The La Punilla dam project is a multi-propose scheme combining irrigation water storage and power production
where the funding, construction and operation is done through a concession. This kind of project is a first of a kind in
Chile and it may be a new way to develop dam constructions in Chile.

There are in the uble valley, as many others valleys in Chile, a high number of stakeholders as irrigation water
users, hydropower companies and others pre-existent water supply rights owners. The La Punilla scheme operation
needs to take into account their operational requirements as well as the concessionaire objective to optimize
hydropower generation.

The scheme operation has been simulated to quantity its impact over water irrigation users and to assess the
hydropower generation. The simulation took into account the different stakeholders of the uble valley as well as the
ubles watershed hydrologic features upstream and downstream of the dam.

The simulation showed the irrigation water users needs during the irrigation season are fulfilled thanks to the dam.
In particular, more than 85% of their irrigation water needs are satisfied which was one of the scheme main goals.
Moreover, it was observed the wide range of powerhouse operation which will be used for turbines design and
optimization. Finally, the simulation arose the possibility of further optimizations, e.g the installation of a smaller
third turbine, which will be studied in the next steps of the project.

1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report,
The Authors

Rafael V. Basso, graduated in Civil Engineering from the State University of Maringa and master's degree, M.Sc. in Geotechnical
Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of So Paulo. Experience in projects and consultancy applied to
hydroelectric projects, and expert in geotechnical project (Intertechne SA, Brazil, 2006-12). Experience as owner's engineer for
the HPP Chaglla (450MW) construction, supervising dam construction (CFRD 203 m high),open cut and underground
excavations and supports, construction method and planning (Worley Parsons, Per, 201215). Hydropower projects, dams and
infrastructure (Lombardi SA, Per, 2015-16). Currently management of the detail design of La Punilla project (CFRD 137 m)
(Lombardi SA, Chile).

Fernando Cevallos obtained a master degree at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2012 and joined the same year the EDF Hydraulic
Engineer Center in Le Bourget du Lac (France). He participated in different hydroelectric projects in France and abroad. In 2015,
he joined the swiss engineer group Lombardi SA in the hydraulic structures department in Minusio (Switzerland). He worked on
different projects mainly in Latin America, in particular in Peru. Since early 2017, he moved to the Lombardi office in Santiago
(Chile) and has been contributing to the La Punilla scheme detail design (CFRD 137 m, P = 100 MW).

Sante Bonanni obtained his degree in hydraulic engineering at the University of Rome. At present he works as Corporate
Hydraulic Engineering Manager at Astaldi S.p.A. He is responsible for the design of hydroelectric power plant worldwide with
particular reference to dams. Head of civil works Pont Ventoux Hydroelectic Project in Italy, Nacaome RCC dam in Honduras,
RCC dam Concepcion Project in Honduras, Huanza Hydroelectric project in Per, Tumarin Hydroelectric Plant in Nicaragua. He
supervised the design of the Cerro del guila Hydroelectric Project in Per since the initial tendering until the final draft with the
designer Lombardi. Currently he supervises the La Punilla project with the designer Lombardi SA.

Pasquale Buonanno He is graduated in hydraulic engineering at the University of Napoli Italy. He has been working as
Technical Director and Project Manager for 30 years in international infrastructure projects such as highway, airports, and
Hydropower. Currently project manager of Punilla in Chile. He has participated in the last 15 years in the construction of
hydroelectric projects: -Mazar in Ecuador 180 Mw, 2 Francis turbines, CFRD dam 180 m high - Tocoma in Venezuela 2,400 Mw
10 turbines Kaplan, dam in CFRD on left bank, and nucleus of clay dam on right side,- Sogamoso in Colombia 820 Mw 3
turbines Francis CFRD dam 190 m high,- and actually La Punilla in Chile 94 Mw 2 turbines Francis CFRD dam 137 m high.

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