(Document Title) : Construction of A New International Airport in Zhangbei

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[Document title]

The MOFEA (Ministry of Finance and Economic affairs) in partnership with the
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Ministry of Foreign Investment has put out this RFI for
the Design, Construction and Maintenance along with the Operations of a new
airport to be constructed in the Capital city of Zhangbei.

Foreign companies from respective states with the consent of their government
should reply to the RFI.

This RFI is only open to companies based in member states of AIN.

The City of Zhangbei ( Administrative centre of the nation )

The city of Zhangbei has a population 80 million people, it is the administrative

centre of the nation.

The city has a GDP of $ 256 Billion with a Per Capita Income of $26,454.

The city department has initiated a $25 Billion urban infrastructure project plan to
decongest, create capacity for the future and current needs.

Along with the airport the construction of a High speed rail project has been going
on full swing, the terminal would be created with the walking distance of the
airport which can be accessed easily.

Due to Sanshengs admittance to the AIN, it would serve flights only from other AIN
member nations in the region

Aerial view of the selected area for the construction

The marked area is where the airport construction should take place, It can
only be extended vertically towards the sea through dredging.

The company should follow the guidelines set by the Ministry of

Environment and The Green Tribunal.

The Company should use proper methods of waste disposal system during
the construction to avoid pollution which can lead to heavy fines and
getting blacklisted by the government.

The airport, spread over an area of 5,106 acres (2,066 ha), 16.6 KM from
the City centre.

The MOFEA has allocated a budget of $ 4.5 Billion for the construction.

The program is to be initiated in a 50-50 Joint venture between the

selected foreign company and a company to be selected from Sansheng.

Loans and grants are appreciated although theyre not necessary for the

The Foreign company should bring in new technology if possible along with
possible Transfer of Technology. Please note that the Government of
Sansheng respects and abides by international rules regarding the
Intellectual property rights (IPR) and it would be protected.

Construction of the Airport should begin within 12 months of replying to the

RFI and getting selected.

The Project would be under the supervision of Prime Minister and the

The foreign company would handle the operations for a period of 6 months
before handing it to the selected private entity which would be selected in
a separate program by the government.

The companies should respond to the RFI within a month of it being issued .

The Airport should be able to handle up to 25 Million passengers every year

and 35 within the next five years. The airport should follow the construction
philosophy of catering to people with disabilities.

The Airport construction should be completed in a period within 24-30

Months after the first instalment has been paid by the government.

The payments would be done to the foreign company by the transfer of

payment being done to the respected national bank of the companys
The foreign entity should select from the three given list of companies selected by
the MOFEA to form a Joint venture for the construction and operation of the new

The Wanda Group is the largest
and most profitable construction
group in the country. It has an
international as well as a huge
national presence.
It has a yearly turnover of
(US$69.47 billion) (2016).
Taken part in construction
various important projects like the
New Zhangbei finance centre .
It is a private company with
Mr.Wang Jianlin as its CEO.


Jianlin Keng construction group, the company
has a huge presence in the construction of complex
infrastructure like stadiums and bridges in the
It has a yearly turnover of (US$28.97 billion)
Known for following high standards of precision and
earthquake proofing technology
Its a private company with Ms. Rempei Kan as its CEO

The SCG (Sansheng Construction

Group), is a state owned company involved
in all projects of national importance.
Has an yearly turnover of more than
(US$ 80 Billion 2016)
Its a state owned company.

MS. Rei Jen

Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs
MOFEA Office , Peoples road
Zhangbei 110001

To All the participating companies

First of all I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for showing interest in
this project and your offer to help us. This project is of national importance christened by
the Prime Minister himself. This project has the features and ability to stand as a
benchmark of cooperation between various AIN nations through their citizens. The project
is in no sense an easy feet but as we say nothing is impossible once you set your heart into
it. We believe that through this landmark project all of us would benefit and increase
interconnectedness among the member states boosting regional economy, trade and
tourism. The companies would go through a transparent process and the best bid would be
selected by the government certain issues can be solved on a case to case basis. Rest
assured we are embarking on a new journey. I would wish all the best to bidding
companies , May the best seek the throne.


MS. Rei Jen

(Minister of Finance and Economic affairs)

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