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A clich
is what we all say
when were too lazy
to find another way

and so we say

warm as toast,
quiet as a mouse,
slow as molasses,
quick as a wink.

Is toast the warmest thing you know?
Think again, it might not be so.
Think again: it might even be snow!
Soft as lambs wool, fleecy snow,
a lacy shawl of new-fallen snow.

Listen to that mouse go

scuttling and clawing,
nibbling and pawing.
A mouse can speak
if only a squeak.

Is a mouse the quietest thing you know?

Think again, it might not be so.
Think again: it might be a shadow.
Quiet as a shadow,
quiet as growing grass,
quiet as a pillow,
or a looking glass.

Slow as molasses,
quick as a wink.
Before you say so,
take time to think.
Slow as time passes
when youre sad and alone;
quick as an hour can go
happily on your own.

a poem by Eve Merriam

Heres the poem:


Poor as a church mouse.

strong as an ox,
cute as a button,
smart as a fox.

thin as a toothpick,
white as a ghost,
fit as a fiddle,
dumb as a post.

bald as an eagle,
neat as a pin,
proud as a peacock,
ugly as sin.

When people are talking

you know what they'll say
as soon as they start to
use a clich.

As poor as a _______.
As strong as an ______,
As cute as a ______,
As smart as ______.

As thin as a ______,
As white as a ______,
As fit as a ______
As dumb as a ______.

As bald as an ______,
As neat as a ______,
As proud as a ______,
As ugly as ______.

Use fresh similes when

you speak and you write,
so your friends will think you are
quite clever and bright.
A blanket of snow fell today.
After years of misbehaving, he turned over a new leaf this year.
All the world's a stage.
A new crop of students entered school.
Anne is the apple of my eye.
America is a melting pot.
A tidal wave of donations came in.
Give him room to grow.
Have a ball.
He is a road hog.
He is a mountain of strength.
Her home was a prison.
He showered her with gifts.
He was boiling mad.
How's life in the fast lane?
I got cold feet before I was supposed to talk in class.
I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders.
I have butter fingers today; I keep dropping things.
I have too much on my plate already.
I'm all thumbs; I just spilled my milk.
I'm drowning in work.
I'm no angel.
It is a recipe for disaster.
Keep your eyes peeled.
Life is a dream.
Love is a red, red rose.
My memory is foggy.
My name is mud ever since I caused so much trouble.
My roots run deep.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Peter tried to pull the wool over my eyes.
A roadmap to peace was discussed.
He is a couch potato.
She is my old flame.
She works for an arm of the government.
A storm of controversy followed her.
He has a half-baked idea.
Their ideas are food for thought.
Ahh, that's the sweet smell of success.
The comic had the audience eating out of her hand.
Their ideas are difficult to swallow.
There are plenty of fish in the sea.
The police dug up evidence.
The ribbon of highway stretched for miles.
There is a bumper crop of games in the stores.
They hatched a new plan.
They're rug rats.
We're in a dry spell at work.
You are my sunshine.
You light up my life.

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