Letter From Players, Parents

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a a Michael Lynn HL RoJe Williams Matthew Abdullah Kabbash Richards 10th October 2017 ‘Sean Costello, Superintendent ‘Tom Maloney, President Doug Moore, Principal Brian Wolcott, Director of Athletics & Dean of Students Valerie Meder, Associate Dean of Students Lansing Catholic High School 501 Marshall St. Lansing, MI 48912 Dear Administrators of Lansing Catholic High School The four LCHS students who took a knee at the football game on October 06, 2017 prepared the following, statement that they would like delivered: Our choice to take a knee started out as part of a global, non-violent, silent protest against racial inequality and police brutality. We were looking to raise awareness about the social injustice of racism, using the plarform we have. Due to the events that transpired in the last week, our focus has somewhat ‘changed. Now, we want to use this awareness to change what's going on at our school and in our community. This is very important to us because we do not feel like we have the support and protection of all of the administrators at our school. We want to be accepted on a personal level, not just as athletes, ‘and we want to change things for future students so they feel acceptance at LCHS. We understand that we ‘can't “change the world in a day,” but we believe that if we can change our environment ~ our school, it ‘may inspire more change in other communities. That is how we, four high school student-athletes at Lansing Catholic High School, will change the world. {As is obvious by their statement, your students feel let down and hurt. ‘These damaged relationships must be repaired. We are hopeful that you will do everything in your power to make this right. In an effort to be part of the solution, we are being proactive in providing some guidelines for how to improve the current situation, so wwe all can move forward in a Christ-like manner. ‘These are some suggestions that will help start the healing proc Immediate Expectations (by October 12, 2017) ‘© Formal Apology to the four students and their parents for the disrespect shown to us and the ‘unprofessional handling of ths situation. This includes accepting responsibility for misunderstandings that occurred because of LCHS administration’s lack of transparency and refusal to provide clear ‘communication regarding consequences, as well as claiming that you reached out to more than one student that was involved. (Insinuating that parents/students lied about being benched for planning a protest- when in reality they were benched temporarily. The statement was, “They wouldn't start.” All four are starters, and when starters don’t stat, that means they are benched. As well as apologizing for EE the miscommunication provided as to insinuating they would be expelled- actual statement was "We would determine that this {school }is not a good fit for him” referring to any player who kneeled, “When, discussing this process. The journey to get him to where he needs to be.” ‘© Clarification of any on-going discipline or future (possibly escalating) consequences for the four students who took a knee. Short-term Recommendations: © Apologize to the foothall team for overturning a team decision, thereby making them feel that their voices were not heard, and also for stating to their parents that they (players) would face consequences if they participated by standing and linking arms. (Some did it anyway.) ¢ Develop and publicly communicate a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for racism, which includes the process for students to follow to report discriminatory issues. (Start working on temporary statement now. Update the Handbook with policy and procedures - Timeline at the discretion of appropriate authorities.) Formal policy to be implemented no later than beginning 2018/19 school year. ‘Issue a formal statement to students and families, past and present, apologizing for not adequately acknowledging and acting on their concems regarding racism experienced and reported at school over the years, ¢ Host an LCHS-sponsored community event that focuses on diversity - which may also count toward the required service hours. (Summer of 2018) Long-Term Suggestion Provide diversity/sensitivity training for staff, students, and administration - (yearly starting 2018/19) Establish a Student-led Diversity group (2018/19 school year) © Focus on minority experiences/issues/support © Use input from this group to infuse diverse perspectives into the curriculum, © Develop a mandatory dialogue class for ALL juniors (2020/21 school year) © Focus on social issues in minority communities, may include global concems © Host quarterly follow-up group meetings (including student, staff, and parent members as well as, representatives from the Diocese) on status of diversity/inclusion initiative © Accountability, to ensure what is agreed to be done is being done ‘© Bring in monthly speakers (multi-cultural experts) © Monthly student and staff assembly © Each class would be required to cover something from the current focused culture. Not just social studies, or theology, ALL classes from band all the way to languages. This will cover the students continuously learning about other cultures, which avoids students experiencing inevitable culture shock when they leave LCHS. © Conduct a RANDOM anonymous survey annually done by a THIRD PARTY. (2020/21) © This will show whether the steps put in place are working/having an effect. Establish a Minority scholarship fund (beginning 2020/21) ‘© Allocate a portion of annual donations to these diversity projects (Board of Trustees/Donors) ‘© This will bring in/bring back donors that are saying they will not/no longer donate to LCHS because of the lack of empathy you have shown towards racial issues. © Recruit a diverse teaching staff as positions become available — Ongoing ‘The four student-athletes do not see how they can be punished for doing what LCHS has taught them, to live in Christ-like manner. The boys are not perfect, but they worked very hard to follow the virtues and still feel as if they are being persecuted. It appears to them that they are being punished because they did not pick the right, cause or fight for it in the manner you chose. They need clarification of what they did wrong, Most ofall, they need to know that their concerns have been heard and that they are valued members of this school. We do acknowledge and appreciate the recent steps you have taken, by including the LPD and introducing open discussions during lunch -- they are small but positive gestures in the right direction. We are expecting more from LCHS, We ALL must acknowledge that racism has been and still is a problem (here as well asin the broader community), and make clear to all that it WILL NOT BE TOLERATED at this school, a place which we all hold in high regard. We look forward to working with you now and in the future to make Lansing Catholic the best school it can be for ALL STUDENTS. It has come to our attention that another group is coming forward with proactive suggestions as well. It is our hope that we ean all work together, but we felt that we had some separate issues that required direct communication. We would appreciate the courtesy of acknowledgement of receiving this communication as soon as possible, Respectfully, ‘The LCHS4 and their Parents Michael Lynn I Uh Bin Sy Michael II & Erica Lynn Aradhar ondulloh, Actes PAG, abts __ Matthew Abdullah Kabbash Richards Marcle oe Karim ju / — — Negla Richards Sent by email October 10, 2017 Sent by U.S. mail on October 11, 2017

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