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NIGP Code Browse | My Account | Customer Service | About April 5, 2016 10:58:08 AM MST

Home POs Bids Contracts Quotes Val khaldarov

Open Market Bid ADOT16-00005979

Current Q & A for this bid:

Question # Created Date User Created Question Subject Question Answer

2 03/09/2016 David Current Installed 3) Who initially wrote the code? 4) Does Wunderlich-Malec. No, It does not. Yes.
Cirulli/CEMSol Technology Legacy the system have a health management
LLC diagnostics failure troubleshooting system
with integrate fault isolation capable of
handling COTS components along with
multi-level diagnostic interference? 5)
Was the software written to any industry
standard such as DO-178B, IEEE, SAE or
other recognized standard?

1 03/09/2016 David Current Support 1) Who is the incumbent? What is the Wunderlich Malec Engineering.
Cirulli/CEMSol Contract reference contract number? 2) Who ADOT11-007062. Wunderlich-Malec
LLC initially installed the system?

3 03/09/2016 David End Goal 7) This procurement seems to be about The requirement is mainly for On-call
Cirulli/CEMSol fixing things when broke. How much is Repair, Maintenance and Upgrade
LLC fix/repair to new development Services of the existing PLC.

4 03/09/2016 David Clarifications 8) In the solicitation Instructions, there is What is your question? The Offeror's
Cirulli/CEMSol requirement to submit qualifications to proposal should include relevant
LLC demonstrate ability to perform the task. information that demonstrates the
The instructions (referenced below) Offeror's working knowledge in order to
discuss traffic operations center successfully perform the range of
equipment. Our company designs, builds services required in this solicitation.
and certifies application to FAA standards
(CFR part 1309). This software provides
the ability to aviate, navigate and
communicate safely in the national
airspace with many modes of operation
functioning completed autonomous of
human intervention. Failures cause
catastrophic events. Commercial
airplanes have envir controls that need to
function in across climatic temp fromm
140 to ? 55. There are alarms & warnings
on airplanes, monitoring, debugging &
maintaining software for vents, cameras,
So, we know how to build, certify and
maintain this equip. Responding to these
solicitations is an enormous effort. We
need to know that if we respond we won?t
be demand as any less capable as a
company with the ?traffic operations
center? experience label. Generation of
Software for the FAA is the most
demanding development in the industry ?
hands down -- We not trying to be
boastful on this capability. We need to
bring up to get feedback from you to
determine the appreciate of this capability
and the approach that will be used in
rating technical capability with respect to
this topic. These responses cost
thousands of $$ to produce. Our company
is happy to support the AZ procurement
process, know we can provide you

1 of 4 4/5/2016 10:58 AM

superior support and want to compete for

this work. But we need to be realistic on
our ability to meet the requirement and
assurance that the procurement
acceptance of technical capability that
exceeds this ability and that the review
process that makes this assessment will
be able to recognize and accept this as
this solicitation requirement is ranked #1.
?experience and qualifications relating to
a traffic operations center equipment
installation and software implementation
and operation of this nature?

6 03/09/2016 David Clarifications 6) What is meant by proprietary in the The Department currently uses
Cirulli/CEMSol solicitation (page 3, section 2.1)? Will we Wonderware system control data
LLC have access to the code? 12) What is acquisition software in the I-10 Tunnel
meant by the software license in the which is proprietary. No access to code
Special instructions to offerors (section will be permitted at this time.
4b)? At times this solicitation sounds like
an extended support option for the original
developer. Is this solicitation an extension
of the original software development?
Offerors shall describe in detail the
features and functions that they would
offer for this program and what is included
or is not fully supported in the software
license, including updates to any

5 03/09/2016 David Task Clarification 9) What portion of this works is coding Please review the solicitation's scope of
Cirulli/CEMSol generation (design, code & test) vs work and General Requirements in its
LLC hardware installation? Does this job entirety.
required digging, welding excavation to
perform the maintenance task? Does this
job required repair to modification to
power supplies to the equipment. Does
this job require setting up or installation of
networks lines, routers, wireless access
points? 10) How many service calls
occurred on a yearly basis, what
categories, average repair size (cost &
hours)? 11) Is there a description of the
system? Where can we get a hold of this
data? How many sensors, topology,
computers, work stations? Offerors shall
describe in detail the features and
functions that they would offer for this
program and what is included or is not
fully supported in the software license,
including updates to any software. 13)
What software licenses does the AZ DOT
have that will be extended to the supplier.
What software tools are currently being
used on the project? What tools does the
AZ DOT require us to use?

9 03/09/2016 David Clarifications 6) What is meant by proprietary in the Duplication of question 6

Cirulli/CEMSol solicitation (page 3, section 2.1)? Will we
LLC have access to the code? 12) What is
meant by the software license in the
Special instructions to offerors (section
4b)? At times this solicitation sounds like
an extended support option for the original
developer. Is this solicitation an extension
of the original software development?
Offerors shall describe in detail the
features and functions that they would
offer for this program and what is included
or is not fully supported in the software
license, including updates to any

2 of 4 4/5/2016 10:58 AM

8 03/09/2016 David Task Clarification 9) What portion of this works is coding Duplication of question 5
Cirulli/CEMSol generation (design, code & test) vs
LLC hardware installation? Does this job
required digging, welding excavation to
perform the maintenance task? Does this
job required repair to modification to
power supplies to the equipment. Does
this job require setting up or installation of
networks lines, routers, wireless access
points? 10) How many service calls
occurred on a yearly basis, what
categories, average repair size (cost &
hours)? 11) Is there a description of the
system? Where can we get a hold of this
data? How many sensors, topology,
computers, work stations? Offerors shall
describe in detail the features and
functions that they would offer for this
program and what is included or is not
fully supported in the software license,
including updates to any software. 13)
What software licenses does the AZ DOT
have that will be extended to the supplier.
What software tools are currently being
used on the project? What tools does the
AZ DOT require us to use?

7 03/09/2016 David Clarifications 8) In the solicitation Instructions, there is Duplication of question 4.

Cirulli/CEMSol requirement to submit qualifications to
LLC demonstrate ability to perform the task.
The instructions (referenced below)
discuss traffic operations center
equipment. Our company designs, builds
and certifies application to FAA standards
(CFR part 1309). This software provides
the ability to aviate, navigate and
communicate safely in the national
airspace with many modes of operation
functioning completed autonomous of
human intervention. Failures cause
catastrophic events. Commercial
airplanes have envir controls that need to
function in across climatic temp fromm
140 to ? 55. There are alarms & warnings
on airplanes, monitoring, debugging &
maintaining software for vents, cameras,
So, we know how to build, certify and
maintain this equip. Responding to these
solicitations is an enormous effort. We
need to know that if we respond we won?t
be demand as any less capable as a
company with the ?traffic operations
center? experience label. Generation of
Software for the FAA is the most
demanding development in the industry ?
hands down -- We not trying to be
boastful on this capability. We need to
bring up to get feedback from you to
determine the appreciate of this capability
and the approach that will be used in
rating technical capability with respect to
this topic. These responses cost
thousands of $$ to produce. Our company
is happy to support the AZ procurement
process, know we can provide you
superior support and want to compete for
this work. But we need to be realistic on
our ability to meet the requirement and
assurance that the procurement
acceptance of technical capability that
exceeds this ability and that the review
process that makes this assessment will
be able to recognize and accept this as
this solicitation requirement is ranked #1.
?experience and qualifications relating to

3 of 4 4/5/2016 10:58 AM

a traffic operations center equipment

installation and software implementation
and operation of this nature?

10 04/05/2016 Amir Sakhi Pre-Offer Meeting Will the vendor need to provide the No, the network is provided by ADOT
network, along with the maintenance and
upgrade services?

11 04/05/2016 Amir Sakhi Pre-Offer Meeting Will the vendor have access to the license Yes.
upon award?

12 04/05/2016 Amir Sakhi Pre-Offer Meeting Will the vendor have access to the license Yes.
upon award?

13 04/05/2016 Amir Sakhi Pre-Offer Meeting Will the I.T. department be involved with Yes
the acceptance of the software?

14 04/05/2016 Amir Sakhi Pre-Offer Meeting How often do you want the On-Site As needed.
manager to be at ADOT?

15 04/05/2016 Amir Sakhi Pre-Offer Meeting What software standards are required by ADOT standardizes on windows server
ADOT? 2012 r2

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