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Malachi 3.8
There are two important concepts that I want you to grasp in Colossians 1.9,
knowledge and his will, meaning Gods will. This word knowledge translates the Greek
word epignosis, which is related to a recognition of truth, usually as it relates to moral
matters.[1] Now tie this together with his will, which is Gods will. Paul fervently prayed the
Colossians would recognize the truth of Gods will.
My friends, God has given us guidelines in scripture for knowing His will, and they quite
naturally divide into categories: There is Gods general will for all people, and there is Gods
specific will for each individual. To state the matter another way, there are certain things God
wants for every creature, while there are other things God has reserved for this person and not
that one.
What is the tithe? The word tithe means ten percent, or a tenth of the whole.[2]
Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. After this book comes four hundred years
of silence before the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. However, what transpired
before the writing of Malachi is important to note. The Jewish people had so completely turned
away from God that they were carried off into Babylonian captivity as punishment for their sins
and in fulfillment of prophecy. Seventy years later, they were allowed to return to their
homeland, though many remained in Babylon. Though God allowed them to return to their
promised land, they did not repent of their sins. Cured of their gross idolatry by the seventy years
of the captivity, they nevertheless ignored their estrangement from God and questioned Gods
love for them.
Malachi was written to remind Gods people of His love for them (which included the
prediction of the coming of John the Baptist) and to rebuke them for their sins against Him.
However, they were so spiritually blind that they challenged the assertion that they sinned
against God.
In answer to their query about how they had deviated from Gods way and need to
return, the prophet picked an illustration of their spiritual defection that is very visible and
undeniable. The Lord pointed out that they had not brought the required tithes and offerings . . .
: Will a man rob God? The answer to that question, of course, is Yes, if . . .
Once a man realizes God needs nothing from any man, and that God is One Who any
creature is greatly privileged to worship and praise through giving, and honoring, and pleasing
through obedience, he then sees tithing more as an opportunity than an obligation.
Abrams acknowledgment to the king of Sodom of what he had done by giving his tithe:
Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God,
the possessor of heaven and earth, Genesis 14.22.
Abram knew who God is, and he tithed. Keep in mind that though this is the only record
of Abram tithing, this is no proof that Abram only tithed on this one occasion, for I am persuaded
that tithing was a way of life for him. I am also persuaded that the man or woman who does not
tithe is a person who does not really know who God is.
Will a man rob God? The answer to that question, of course, is Yes, if . . . .
What are you? What am I? What are these others around us? Are we not all creatures?
Are we not all made? In Genesis 2.7, we read that, the LORD God formed man of the dust of
the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Our first parents were created to reproduce, explaining each succeeding generation. However, we
are still creatures, made in Gods image and after His likeness. That being so, there are two
things about us that we need to recognize:
First, being creatures, we are what we have been made to be, and we have been made to
be dependent upon God. We are not independent and isolated beings, capable of making it on our
own. We need air. We need sunlight. We need nourishment. We need companionship. In
addition, we need spiritual fulfillment that only comes from a relationship with the One Who
created us.
As well, being made in Gods image and after His likeness, there are certain similarities
between our nature and Gods. One of those similarities has to do with giving. It is good for us to
give, and stinginess is not only sinful and selfish, but it is bad for ones state of mind. Imagine,
then, the benefit for the creature to acknowledge His Creator by giving to Him what He informs
us is already His. That person who does not give God His tithe is a person with an inflated sense
of self-importance, is a person with an unwarranted sense of entitlement, and is a person who has
such a majestic view of himself that he thinks that all in his hands is his, though God clearly
declares it is not.
To tithe, then, is not only to honestly acknowledge God to be the Creator and Sustainer of
all things, with rights associated with His creation, but is also to honestly acknowledge who we
are, Gods creatures who are privileged to honor God with His tithe.
Will a man rob God? The answer to that question, of course, is Yes, if . . . .
It is possible to have some conception of Who God is, and of what you are, yet have no
awareness of your duty as one of Gods creatures to give Him His tithe. We know that Abram
tithed to Melchizedek, according to Genesis 14. Keep in mind that Abram tithed to Melchizedek
before he was justified by faith. Thus, Abram tithed to God, lifted up his hand unto the LORD,
the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, as a lost man. We also know that
Abrahams grandson, Jacob, while he was yet unconverted and in his sins, recognized his
obligation to give God the tithe, Genesis 28.22.
Will a man rob God? The answer to that question, of course, is Yes, if . . . .
There is behavior that God wants people to freely engage in on their own, but that He will
demand of them if they do not freely do it. For example: Giving freewill offerings is something
God wants people to decide for on their own, though it is clear from Leviticus, Numbers, and
Deuteronomy that He expects freewill offerings to be given. The reason they are called freewill
offerings is because the timing of the offerings is up to each persons discretion.
I am persuaded that the tithe is similar, in this respect: Scripture clearly declares that the
tithe is the Lords. That is, when you give God your tithe you are actually giving Him nothing,
but returning to Him in the manner prescribed that which is already His that He wants returned to
Him. Properly done, giving God back what is His is something any right thinking person would
want to do because it is right. But should a person not want to do what is just the right thing to
do, God then commands Him to do the right thing.
Will a man rob God? The answer to that question is, of course, Yes, a man will rob
God. He will rob God if he does not know who God is, if he does not know what he is, if he is
ignorant of his duty, and if he is ignorant of Gods demand.
How can a father show his son or daughter that God is God while ignoring his obligation
to train that child to tithe? How does a father show his son or daughter that we are Gods
creatures without teaching about tithing, rightfully giving God the honor that is due Him, which
includes the tithe?
Should parents not educate their children concerning their duty toward God? Should a
child not be taught the demand of God to be given back His tithe? As well, how can anyone be
trusted with anything who cannot be trusted with Gods portion, the tithe?

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