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Alter -ego

By: Justine Faith P. Melgar

Its been 7 whole years. I guess this is the day Ive been waiting for. I hope this is
the day; Ive waited too long. In a few more hours, Im finally going to be free. That
is why I woke up extra early today. The pull of the strings weaken whenever hes
asleep. I can move freely without risking detection. None of that pulling, yanking
and mimicking Ive had to endure these past 7 years. Funny, how this all started
with a silly, little myth. Break a mirror with your reflection on it and youll receive
7 years of bad luck. Its ironic how that actually ended up true. So true that who
knew, 7 years of bad luck actually meant I would become my own reflection for 7
years. How was I supposed to know that some superstitions werent to be tested if

Lost in my own thoughts, I am startled as the strings suddenly tense and tug
quickly just like a lightning jolt. From across the room I notice that he has changed
his position in bed. That mustve been the cause of the jolt. Beside his bed lays the
alarm clock and from the mirrored image I can see from here, I can make out that
it must be around 5:55 AM. Looks like hes waking up soon, that means that Ive
only got a few minutes left of unrestricted movement before he rises and the
strings puppeteer me around once again just like any other day. Im just glad
todays the last.

With my unmoving eye, I watch him brush his teeth. The strings, theyre
invisible but they control my every movement. They control every limb and muscle
of my body: from my legs, to my arms and head, and even my facial muscles which
control every smile and every frown. All this, except my eyes. Thats why people
can never see their own eyeball move while theyre staring at a mirror. As a
Awry by Justine Faith Melgar
reflection, Im like a puppet controlled by an invisible puppet master; except my
puppet master isnt invisible and he mindlessly does it here right in front of me.

Every gargle and spit, I copy it in perfect sync. That is a reflections job after all.
Imagine if we, reflections, could do our own things, then that would be creepy for
you. And, a mirror wouldnt be able to serve its mirror-y purpose. The mirror will
then be just like a television of you in some sort of parallel universe.

After brushing my teeth and leaving the bathroom, next up is to pick his
clothes for today. Ahh, this imposter living in my world takes so much time picking
clothes in the morning. 7 years ago, when I had the control of my own body, I
would just pick any jeans and a shirt. Thats what guys normally do, dont they?
But for this me, no. He has an internal struggle of picking out which jeans+shirt
combination he would wear each morning. I can tell because he is me, in a sense
after all. But by me, it means that we look completely alike because currently, I am
the reflection of myself. But that doesnt mean that were totally the same, oh no.
When this imposter me replaced the real me in the real world, he seems to have
gotten my memories but with no recollection at all of our exchange. Well, I myself
dont remember how I ended up in the mirror world. But that doesnt matter; at
least I know which side of the mirror I belong to. Therefore this me, is me but
different. I wish that made some sense. But honestly, Ive been trapped here for
such a long time (which in itself seems to not make sense) so nobody can really
blame me for being like this.

Hey Greg! ... Yes, Ill be there soon Okay, see you there. Bye!

As he talked on the phone, I hold a replica phone, except mine didnt

connect to anyone. Its just a dummy. Reflections dont actually call the reflection
of whoever in the real world they are on the phone with. And I cant hear what
theyre talking about either, just as no sound is actually coming out of my mouth
as my lips form his words. Well, whatever that call was about, theyre obviously
planning to hang out somewhere. If I could smirk, I would smirk at that thought.
Hes so clueless.
Alter -ego
Just before he leaves, he takes one last look at the mirror and smiles at it. I
hate that smile. He then turns his back to me, not realizing that I havent turned
back but is instead still facing him as if he was still facing the mirror. He grabs his
bag and heads downstairs. Since there is no sound in the mirror world, my
thoughts would only be allowed to resonate silently.

Enjoy, today! ... I smile at the closed door walking to sit back on the bed.

It might be your last.

That was awesome man; we should totally go there again! I said as I chugged
down the rest of my soda before throwing the empty can in the bin.

No worries, dude! Okay, Ill see you around! Greg punched my arm lightly, and
started to head towards Espelho Avenue with my other friends.

I, on the other hand, needed to head the other direction because thats the
direction that lead to my house.

See you! with that I waved goodbye to my friends as I turned to head home on
my skateboard.

When I reached the house, I went inside and removed my shoes by the
doorway and my skateboard leaning against the shoe rack. Ive only gone a few
steps inside the house and the smell of dinner cooking in the kitchen had already
reached my senses. That made my stomach grumble for I havent had a proper
meal, spare snack food, for the whole day.

I headed to the kitchen and saw my mom cooking.

Hey mom, what are you cooking? It smells good! I asked as I walked towards her
to see what she was stirring in the pot.

Thanks honey, but didnt you just ask that a few minutes ago?
Awry by Justine Faith Melgar
Umm, no. Actually, I just came home.

She looked at me quizzically and I looked back at her with a mirrored

expression. I didnt know it then. After that, she started laughing and then she
ruffled my hair, thinking that I mightve been joking with her to try and make her

Oh you silly kid, youre old enough already to be playing tricks with me! Anyways,
go change your clothes and come downstairs in a few minutes, dinners almost

Although, I had no idea what she was talking about, I just grabbed my bag
from the kitchen chair and headed upstairs to my bedroom. Once inside, I
switched the lights on and then proceeded to drop my bag on my bed. Thats when
I quickly noticed something strange, something very strange.

Directly across my bed stood a floor mirror, and on the floor mirror was
supposed to be my reflection. Except there was no reflection.

I walked towards it slowly. I was pretty sure someone replaced the glass
with something else. There was just no other explanation at the time. This must
be a prank, I thought. I remembered seeing one of those one-way mirror things
on TV where the person on the other side sees you but you cant see them.

And then I realized that wait No. The person in the blindside of the mirror
can still see his reflection. Okay---, I thought, ---then that must be some other
type of mirror, where you can see everything else its supposed to reflect except
yourself. Yes, yes. That must be it.

I was then standing only feet away from the mirror, and it was literally close
enough to touch. I stretched my arms out slowly to touch the mirror when a
familiar voice spoke from behind me. I turned around, and realized why it sounded
so familiar as the face of the man who spoke came to view. Before I could react, it
was too late because I was quickly pushed into the mirror. I went through the
mirror, as easily as anyone could walk into a door less door frame.
Alter -ego
When I tried to get up, I felt strings sliver and crawl through my body but I
could see none of them, I could just feel them. They quickly curled around every
limb of my body and hooked to every muscle and suddenly I couldnt move. The
other me was just standing in front of me, watching as I could see the terror in my
eyes reflect on his gleaming ones. I tried to shout but no sound came out, only
emptiness as if I was in outer space and the vacuum prevents sound to travel.

From the sitting position I was still in as a result of being pushed, the strings
suddenly forced me up in a standing position identical to the me in front of me. He
moved his right arm slowly and tentatively and the strings pulled mine to do just
the same. As I struggled, the grip of the strings on my arm tightened and there was
nothing I could do but to just move how it wanted me to move.

He clenched his fists, and mine clenched as well. He jumped and the strings
hoisted me up and dropped me back down to imitate the jump. He smiled a
wicked and triumphant smile, and my lips follow although what Im feeling right
now is far from triumphant and closer to being scared. I couldnt forget that smile.
And then finally, he spoke.

Well, well, well, Im sure you had an awesome time in the real world. But sadly,
and I hate to break it to you. But I will be Hugh from now on.

He paced in front of the mirror and I followed.

I know, it is shocking news and you must be feeling very scared right now. It really
isnt a pleasant experience, isnt it?

I tried to struggle but the strings didnt budge and I felt despondently
trapped. He smiled.

Dont even bother struggling. Ive been there, done that. They wouldnt budge,
not while Im looking at a mirror that is.

Dinners ready! Hugh, come down here! my mom shouted from downstairs,
interrupting him. At that point, I was absolutely timorous. Questions swirled and
riddled my brain with fear. Who was that guy? And what was he talking about?
Awry by Justine Faith Melgar
What was he planning to do? What will happen to me now? those were thoughts
that kept circling my head.

Coming, mom!

Shut up, just shut up! Shes my mom not yours. Those were the words I
wouldve said if I could only speak. But then, I felt like a trapped soul in my own

He turned his back to me and the strings loosened up. I was still bounded but
they loosened enough to let me struggle. He headed to the door to leave the
bedroom but just as he did, he turned his head sideways and said, Goodbye,
Hugh. And then, he left.

The strings loosened and attached to me limply and I started to pound on the
mirror glass. I punch and kick, and scream but no sound ever came out. Neither
from my fists, nor from my feet that kicked the glass repeatedly, and certainly not
from the shouts of anger and helplessness I directed it. Then, as a voice at the back
of my mind whispered to me as it does to this day. In a hushed tone it said, There
is no escape.
Alter -ego

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