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Likely General Election Voter Survey

August 28th, 2017

On the web

This survey of 1,000 likely general election voters nationwide was

conducted on Aug. 24th to 28th, 2017.

All interviews were conducted online; survey invitations were

distributed randomly within predetermined geographic units. These
units were structured to correlate with actual voter turnout in a
nationwide general election.

This poll of 1,000 likely general election voters has an accuracy of +/-
3.1% at a 95% confidence interval. The error margin increases for

National - M&A
August 2017
Direction: United States
- Time Series-

Right Direction Wrong Track

70 69 66 66 66 67
646263 64 64 64 6265 64 66 62 62
60 61
55 56 56
50 52 52
40 41 38 39
30 3129 35 36 38
30 2932 28
27 29 28 28 28 26 29 27 26 26 28 28
0 11/14 1/15 2/15 3/15 4/15 5/15 6/15 7/15 8/15 9/15 10/15 11/15 1/16 2/16 3/16 5/16 12/16 1/17 2/6/17 2/20/173/20/174/24/175/31/178/28/17

National - M&A
May 2017

East 36 57

Midwest 37 57

Direction: United States South




Cont. Obama Pols. 21 75

Change Direction 57 36

80 Approve Trump 72 22

Disapprove Trump 6 89

Favorable Trump 73 22
70 Unfavorable Trump 8 87

Vote Pres. 2016 Clinton 17 79

Vote Pres. 2016 Trump

60 56 Vote Cong. 2018 GOP



Vote Cong. 2018 DEM 16 81

50 Vote Cong. 2018 - UND 19 60

Republican 70 25

38 Democrat 20 77

40 Independent 26 64

Liberal 30 68

Moderate 29 64
30 Conservative 54 38

No College Degree 40 52

20 College Graduate 35 60

White 40 55

African- American 26 66

10 6 Hispanic 40 49

Under 55 39 53

Over 55 36 60
0 Married 44 52
Right Direction Wrong Track DK/Ref. Single 34 57
National - M&A Men 44 50
August 2017 Women 32 61
Generally Speaking, would you like President Donald Trump and Congress to?
Continue the policies of President Obama, OR Change direction and move away from the
polices of President Obama
- Time Series-

Continue Obama Policies Change Direction


57 58 58 58 57 56
50 52 51
48 49 48 48 47 48
40 41 40 42 41 44 44
39 39
34 33 33 34
30 31


0 9/15 11/15 1/16 2/16 3/16 5/16 12/16 1/17 2/6/17 2/20/17 3/20/17 4/24/17 5/31/17 8/28/17

National - M&A
August 2017
Cont. Change
Generally Speaking, would you like President Donald East 46 46

Trump and Congress to? Midwest 44 46

Continue the policies of President Obama, OR South 40 52

West 48 43
Change direction and move away from the policies of Cont. Obama Pols. 100 0

President Obama Change Direction 0 100

80 Approve Trump 18 79

Disapprove Trump 70 17

Favorable Trump 18 79
70 Unfavorable Trump 68 19

Vote Pres. 2016 Clinton 80 11

60 Vote Pres. 2016 Trump 13 84

Vote Cong. 2018 GOP 14 83

48 Vote Cong. 2018 DEM 79 13

50 44 Vote Cong. 2018 - UND 26 44

Republican 14 82

40 Democrat




Liberal 78 18

30 Moderate 46 40

Conservative 16 78

No College Degree 39 50
20 College Graduate 49 45

9 White 35 56

10 African- American 76 11

Hispanic 61 35

Under 55 49 43
0 Over 55 34 56
Continue Obama Change Direction DK/Ref. Married 39 56
Policies Single 54 36
National - M&A Men 46 48
August 2017 Women 42 48
Job Rating: Donald Trump
- Time Series-

Approve Disapprove



50 48 51 49 51 50
47 48 49 48
48 48 46 47
45 44
40 41

30 12/16 1/17 2/6/17 2/20/17 3/20/17 4/24/17 5/31/17 8/28/17

National - M&A
August 2017
App. Disapp.

East 45 53

Job Rating: Midwest




Donald Trump West

Cont. Obama Pols.




Change Direction 80 18

60 Approve Trump 100 0

Disapprove Trump 0 100

Favorable Trump 96 4
50 48 Unfavorable Trump 6 94

Vote Pres. 2016 Clinton 12 86

Vote Pres. 2016 Trump 88 12

Vote Cong. 2018 GOP 85 14

40 37 Vote Cong. 2018 DEM 14 85

Vote Cong. 2018 - UND 35 57

Republican 88 11

Democrat 19 80
30 26 Independent 39 58

Liberal 32 67
22 Moderate 34 64

Conservative 75 24
20 No College Degree 51 47
13 College Graduate 44 55

White 53 46

10 African- American 28 70

Hispanic 45 54
2 Under 55 47 51

Over 55 49 50
0 Married 56 43
APP. S trongly S mwt DIS APP. S mwt S trongly DK/Ref. Single 41 57
National - M&A Men 52 47
August 2017 Women 45 54
Opinion: Donald Trump
- Time Series-

Favorable Unfavorable


60 62 65
49 48 52 51
50 49 50 50 50 48 46
45 44 46 46 46 46
40 37
30 35


0 2/16 3/16 5/16 12/16 1/17 2/6/17 2/20/17 3/20/17 4/24/17 5/31/17 8/28/17

National - M&A
August 2017
Fav. Unfav.

East 44 52

Opinion: Midwest




Donald Trump West

Cont. Obama Pols.




Change Direction 77 21

60 Approve Trump 93 6

Disapprove Trump 3 94

51 Favorable Trump 100 0

Unfavorable Trump 0 100

50 46 Vote Pres. 2016 Clinton 11 86

Vote Pres. 2016 Trump 87 12

Vote Cong. 2018 GOP 85 14

40 36 Vote Cong. 2018 DEM 11 86

Vote Cong. 2018 - UND 30 56

Republican 87 11

30 27 Democrat 17 80

Independent 36 58

Liberal 32 67
20 Moderate 33 62
20 Conservative 72 26
14 No College Degree 50 46

College Graduate 42 56

10 White 51 47

African- American 24 69
3 Hispanic 46 51

Under 55 45 50
0 Over 55 48 51
FAV. Very S mwt UNFAV. S mwt Very NO Married 54 44
OPIN. Single 38 57
National - M&A Men 53 46
August 2017 Women 40 55
Generic Ballot for Congress
- Time Series-

Democratic Republican Undecided


50 51
43 48 4444444344 4645 4444
4241 434344 42 42 4242 44454445 4445 4444
43 4343434143 42424243
4142 434343
4141414141 41 404241 40414142424242


20 19 18 18
16 17171615 1617 17 17 16
141414151313141413 131313 1413131413
10 12 12
1/14 2/14 3/14 4/14 5/14 6/14 8/14 9/14 10/1411/14 1/15 2/15 3/15 4/15 5/15 6/15 7/15 8/15 9/15 10/1511/15 1/16 2/16 3/16 5/16 12/16 1/17 2/6/172/20/17

National - M&A
August 2017

East 39 49 12

Generic Ballot: Midwest




U.S. Congress
West 39 45 16

Cont. Obama Pols. 14 79 7

Change Direction 77 12 11

Approve Trump 79 13 9

Disapprove Trump 12 75 13
60 Favorable Trump 82 11 8

Unfavorable Trump 12 75 13

Vote Pres. 2016 Clinton 6 89 5

50 Vote Pres. 2016 Trump 83 7 10
44 44 Vote Cong. 2018 GOP 100 0 0

Vote Cong. 2018 DEM 0 100 0

40 Vote Cong. 2018 - UND 0 0 100

Republican 95 2 4

Democrat 6 91 4

30 27 27 Independent 35 35 30

Liberal 25 71 4

Moderate 28 55 17

Conservative 76 13 11
20 No College Degree 45 41 14

11 11 12 College Graduate 43 48 9

White 50 39 11
10 7 6 African- American 16 67 17

Hispanic 41 52 8

Under 55 43 47 10

0 Over 55 46 40 14

GOP Def. Prob. Lean DEM Def. Prob. Lean UND. Married 52 37 11

Single 36 53 11
National - M&A Men 49 43 8
August 2017 Women 40 45 15
Top Priority of President Trump and the new Congress
App. Disapp. Wo-
12/16 1/17 2/6/17 2/20/17 3/17 4/17 5/17 8/17 Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Cons Men

ECONOMIC 47 45 45 44 54 46 47 42 27 54 44 53 44 32 30 54 44 41

Creating Jobs 35 33 32 32 37 32 32 28 15 37 31 39 30 18 20 36 29 27

Reducing Taxes 12 12 13 13 17 15 15 14 12 17 13 14 15 14 11 18 14 14

SECURITY 34 33 38 39 30 37 37 38 48 33 32 33 35 43 47 29 35 40

Natl Sec./Terror 20 23 19 24 18 24 24 24 26 22 25 18 26 27 26 22 18 29

7 5 14 9 6 6 6 7 10 5 5 5 7 8 11 3 6 7

Tear up Iran Nuke

3 3 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 6 3 4 4 4 4 3

4 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 7 2 0 4 1 5 6 1 6 1

13 16 11 10 11 10 10 15 24 8 14 8 13 23 22 9 17 13

D.K./REFUSED 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 5 1 6 10 6 7 3 1 8 5 6

National - M&A
August 2017 13
App. Disapp.
2/20/17 3/17 4/17 5/17 8/17 Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Cons Men Women

ECONOMIC 38 40 38 38 37 39 36 35 37 37 36 40 35 41 33
Improving the Economy 14 14 13 13 14 16 13 13 12 15 14 14 13 17 11
Jobs/Unemployment 11 12 11 12 8 7 11 8 12 8 6 8 9 8 8
Wasteful Govt Spending 8 8 6 6 7 7 6 8 6 6 8 8 6 7 6
Reduce Budget/Deficit 4 5 5 5 6 7 5 5 4 6 7 7 4 7 5
Hold Line/Taxes 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3
SOCIAL 24 29 24 25 29 21 36 28 36 31 20 21 37 28 29
Protect Medicare 11 14 12 11 13 10 18 10 16 14 8 7 18 13 12
Reform Healthcare 7 7 6 7 10 9 11 10 10 11 10 10 11 10 10
Improving Education 6 8 6 7 6 3 7 8 10 6 2 4 8 5 6
SECURITY 23 17 24 22 19 30 14 12 16 14 26 26 12 16 21
Natl Sec./Terror 10 9 11 11 9 14 7 7 6 7 14 12 6 8 10
Defeat/Destroy ISIS 7 5 8 8 5 8 5 3 4 4 7 7 4 4 6
Fix Immigration 6 3 6 4 4 8 3 3 5 2 6 7 2 4 4
HONESTY/INTEGRITY/D.C. 13 11 10 13 13 9 12 17 10 13 14 13 13 13 13
D.K./REFUSED 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 8 1 5 4 1 4 2 5

National - M&A
August 2017 14
Current Opinion of the U.S. Economy
App. Disapp.
2/17 3/17 4/17 5/17 8/17 Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Cons Men Women

NOT RECESSION 51 54 54 54 61 68 59 54 64 56 63 65 58 67 55
Getting Better 31 34 31 30 34 54 23 25 32 26 45 50 20 44 25
Getting Worse 20 19 23 24 26 14 36 29 32 31 18 15 38 23 30
RECESSION 37 35 33 34 29 26 29 30 28 28 29 29 29 26 30
Getting Better 24 22 22 19 17 23 14 15 15 15 21 23 12 16 19
Getting Worse 13 13 11 14 11 3 15 15 13 13 8 6 17 11 12
D.K./REFUSED 12 11 13 12 11 6 12 16 8 15 8 7 14 7 15

GETTING BETTER 54 57 53 50 51 77 38 40 47 40 66 72 32 60 44
GETTING WORSE 33 32 32 38 38 17 51 44 45 44 26 21 54 33 42
D.K./REFUSED 12 11 14 12 11 6 12 16 8 15 8 7 14 7 15
Net Diff. 21 25 21 12 13 60 -13 -5 2 -4 41 51 -22 26 2

National - M&A
August 2017 15
Do you approve or disapprove of repealing and replacing the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare?
-Time Series-

Approve Disapprove


60 60 57
56 54 56
50 54 50
40 41 40 43
38 39 39



0 12/16 1/17 2/17 3/17 4/17 5/17 8/17

National - M&A
August 2017
App. Disapp.

East 53 41

Approve/Disapprove: Midwest




Repealing/ Replacing Obamacare West

Cont. Obama Pols.




Change Direction 87 10

60 56 Approve Trump 89 9

Disapprove Trump 25 69

Favorable Trump 88 10

Unfavorable Trump 27 67
50 Vote Pres. 2016 Clinton 24 71

Vote Pres. 2016 Trump 87 10

Vote Cong. 2018 GOP 89 9

38 39
40 Vote Cong. 2018 DEM 25 72

Vote Cong. 2018 - UND 50 29

Republican 90 9

Democrat 29 67
30 26 Independent 52 39

Liberal 38 60

Moderate 47 45

20 18 Conservative 79 17

No College Degree 57 37
13 College Graduate 55 41

White 60 36

10 African- American 33 56
5 Hispanic 61 39

Under 55 56 40

Over 55 57 38
0 Married 66 31
APP. S trongly S mwt DIS APP. S mwt S trongly DK/Ref. Single 48 47

Men 60 37
National - M&A
Women 52 41
August 2017
Would you say you most favor a smaller government with
fewer services, or a larger government with many services?-
Time Series-
Smaller Larger

52 5555 56 5454 53 55 53 55 53 55
50 50 52 49 51 52 53 52 50 51 53 53


30 3231 31 30 32 31 32 34 32 32 31 30 32 3131 31 34 32 34 32 32
29 29


0 1/15 2/15 3/15 4/15 5/15 6/15 7/15 8/15 9/15 10/15 11/15 1/16 2/16 3/16 5/16 11/16 12/16 1/17 2/17 3/17 4/17 5/17 8/17

National - M&A
August 2017
Smaller Larger

East 54 30

Would you say you most favor a smaller Midwest 54 31

government with fewer services, or a larger South



government with many services? Cont. Obama Pols. 38 47

Change Direction 72 18

80 Approve Trump 69 23

Disapprove Trump 39 41

Favorable Trump 69 22
70 Unfavorable Trump 39 41

Vote Pres. 2016 Clinton 34 47

Vote Pres. 2016 Trump 72 18

53 Vote Cong. 2018 GOP 74 19

Vote Cong. 2018 DEM 35 47

50 Vote Cong. 2018 - UND 42 21

Republican 70 21

Democrat 36 47

40 Independent 54 25

32 Liberal 37 52

Moderate 46 31
30 Conservative 73 17

No College Degree 53 28

20 16 College Graduate 53 36

White 56 30

African- American 26 44

10 Hispanic 54 36

Under 55 50 36

Over 55 58 25
0 Married 59 29
Smaller Gov't Larger Gov't DK/Ref. Single 48 36

Men 58 34
National - M&A
Women 49 30
August 2017
Follow None

East 32 68
Do you follow Donald Trump on Twitter, Instagram Midwest 28 72

and/or have you like his page on Facebook, meaning South 32 68

West 20 80
his posts show up on your newsfeed? Cont. Obama Pols. 25 75

Change Direction 34 66

80 Approve Trump 47 53

72 Disapprove Trump 11 89

Favorable Trump 47 53
70 Unfavorable Trump 13 88

Vote Pres. 2016 Clinton 18 82

Vote Pres. 2016 Trump 40 60

60 Vote Cong. 2018 GOP 41 59

Vote Cong. 2018 DEM 18 82

50 Vote Cong. 2018 - UND 18 82

Republican 44 56

Democrat 23 77

40 Independent 18 82

Liberal 36 64

30 28 Moderate 23 77

Conservative 30 70

No College Degree 26 74

20 17 16
College Graduate 32 68

White 26 74

African- American 29 71
10 Hispanic

Under 55



Over 55 14 86

0 Married 31 69
F O LLO W/ LIKE F a c e bo o k T wit t e r Ins t a gra m N ON E Single 31 69

Men 34 66
National - M&A
Women 23 77
August 2017
From the following list, what social networks do you use?

App. Disapp. Under Wo-

Tot Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Cons Over 55 Men
DJT DJT 55 men

Facebook 82 81 84 80 83 81 81 80 83 84 78 78 85

Twitter 39 38 47 32 49 38 33 38 41 47 25 45 34

Instagram 29 32 35 21 44 25 24 28 31 40 10 31 28

Pinterest 28 29 32 23 33 28 26 29 28 31 23 21 35

Google+ 27 26 33 22 35 27 22 28 27 31 20 30 25

Linked-In 22 22 23 19 27 18 22 21 23 23 20 24 19

Snapchat 19 17 25 13 30 15 14 15 22 26 5 19 18

Tumblr 8 9 11 5 17 4 6 8 9 12 2 11 6

Reddit 81 7 9 7 14 6 6 8 8 11 2 12 4

WhatsApp 7 8 7 6 13 5 5 9 6 10 2 7 7

Meerkat 3 4 4 1 7 1 3 4 2 4 1 5 1

Other 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3

National - M&A
August 2017 21
Voter Profile

Party Total Age Total Race Total

Republican 33% 18-29 19% White 71%

Democrat 36% 30-40 19% African American 12%

Independent 31% 41-55 27% Hispanic 11%
Ideology % 56-65 20% Asian 4%
Liberal 26% Over 65 16% Gender %

Moderate 39% Male 47%

Conservative 35% Female 53%

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