October 13, 2017

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 135 Issue 30 Friday, October 13, 2017 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE 130 Years For Justice Post Office


O n October 1st, the Jus-

tice Post Office cel-
ebrated its 130th birthday.
The Post Office has been
located in the hamlet of
Justice since 1909 and be-
fore that, it was located a
few miles northwest of its
$10,000 For current location. Before
moving to where it is now,

it was in the town of Aik-
enside, a town that existed
from 1887 to 1909, which
eventually became Justice,
giving the post office its
new name.
When the railroad
came through, they picked
up the post office and
moved it closer to the
tracks, and the town need-
ed to be renamed in order
to keep in accordance with
the alphabetical order of
towns that CN had man-
Grocery Grab dated.
It has had many post-

Winner masters over the years.

The first one, in Aikenside,

was Robert Conn. The first
postmaster in the post of-
fices new location at Jus- Photo by Hillary Miller
tice was Harry Mitchell. Rosalie Bieganski has served as Postmistress at the Justice Post Office for
Rosalie Bieganski, the
39 years and has no immediate plans to retire just yet.
current postmaster had
many interesting news Bieganski has been the the community hall. There one person even drew her the littlest postmasters,
clippings and artefacts postmaster for the last 39 were no other postmasters portrait in the form of a she said.
New Rec from the post offices ear-
lier days. One was a card
years, and was there for its
100th anniversary in 1987.
who were able to attend,
but the children of previ-
postage stamp.
She recalls having tak-
The post office has a
small general store in it,

from the post office in- She is now the longest ous postmasters came out en the job when she was where townsfolk can come

spector praising the Jus- running postmaster at the to celebrate. One of the expecting a child, because and pick up some of their
tice postmasater, you are Justice Post Office. She re- highlights of Bieganskis the hours were more flexi- necessities.
a very obedient servent, members the communitys career was on her 25th an- ble for her as she raised her
which likely would not get-together for the 100th niversary as postmaster. children. My kids were Continued on
be considered much of a anniversary, where they The community surprised raised in the post office, Page 7
compliment today! celebrated with a cake in her with a celebration, and and sometimes they were

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2 Friday, October 13, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Fundraising For A New TCS Play Structure

By HILLARY MILLER vided for the purchase of about three quarters of this
playground equipment by total has been raised.

he Tanners Crossing
School (TCS) Play-
the Public Schools Finance
The play structure that
The playground will
have many moving parts,
which will be suitable to
Committee has been in was in place for grades the age of the students
place as a part of the Par- three to eight no longer met who will be using it. It
ents Advisory Council the current safety codes for will have multiple access
(PAC) since 2003, and the school playgrounds, and points, and will also have
hardworking members are was dismantled this past an accessible-friendly
still at it. summer. This means there staircase to assist in the
There are approxi- is currently no play struc- reach of higher levels for
mately 20 members in ture in place for students in mobility issues, and we
PAC, eight of which are this age group, making the will be installing an acces-
part of the Playground En- Playground Enhancement sible safety ground cover,
Image submitted
hancement Committee. Committee extremely vital. said Tomlinson.
This is comprised of par- They hope to have a The fundraising has This image shows the new play structure the TCS Playground
ents, guardians, grandpar- new play structure in place come in many forms, and Enhancement Committee is fundraising to purchase
ents, teachers and admin- by spring 2018, if all goes as continues as a way to col- for the Grade Three to Eight students at TCS.
istration. planned. It will be located lect the needed funds for
According to Kathy in the same location as the the project. Tomlinson The new play structure
Tomlinson, of the Play- previous structure was, noted that they will contin- will have a lifetime war-
ground Enhancement on the west side of the el- ue the hot-dog sales on the ranty on all stainless steel
Committee, PAC was cre- ementary school. last Friday of every month hardware and the steel
ated to promote com- There are two phases at school, and will sell supports. There will be a
munications between to this project. The first is poinsettias with the help 25 year warranty on all of
home and school, and to the main structure, from of Minnedosas Flowers on the vinyl-coated compo-
strengthen the role of fam- Playgrounds R Us, which Main in November. nents, and a 10 year war-
ilies in education, while will cost $78,476.95, and If all goes as planned, ranty on all of the other
the Playground Enhance- the second phase will they also hope to have a components. It is made
ment Committees main bring in an accessible sway Frozen Food fundraiser, to last, and the committee
focus is maintaining and swing and ramp, which a Vegas Night, bottle and hopes it will be a long-term Image submitted
improving the playground will cost $32,227.60. The can drive, and a Canada play solution for the stu-
dents. Phase Two of the new play structure will inlcude
areas of TCS, as there is total for both phases will Day Beer Garden next
an assessible sway swing and ramp.
currently no funding pro- be $110,704.55. Currently, summer.

Minnedosa & District Recreation Commission s

20th Annual

Featuring Keynote Speakers


Minnedosa Community Tickets available at:

Minnedosa Recreation Commission
Conference Center
39C Main Street S Minnedosa, MB
Cocktails - 5:00pm Supper - 6:00pm (204) 867- 2250 or minrec@mts.net

All proceeds from the event go toward the Minnedosa Sports

Dinner Grant Fund, which aims to enhance the development and
delivery of sport, fitness and recreation within the Minnedosa &
District area.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 13, 2017 3

Meet The New Rec Director

By Hillary Miller fan and while she enjoys some sense to her. Before
watching the Jets play, she started in her role, a lot

M innedosa recently
welcomed a new
Rec Director. Erin Houck,
she is more of a Washing-
ton Capitals fan. She also
enjoys music, and looks
of the upcoming tasks had
been completed by Shaw-
na Sotas-Burton and the
originally from Hamiota, forward to implementing rest of the Rec Commis-
has taken on the role, pre- more music programs into sion board. Additionally,
viously held by Nicole Syn- the Minnedosa commu- Houck was impressed by
chyshyn. nity through the Rec Com- all of the work that her pre-
Houck recently gradu- mission. decessor had done before
ated from the University of The first few weeks as her departure, Nicole left
Manitoba with a degree in Minnedosas Rec Director me a goldmine of what has
Recreation Management have been a whirlwind for to happen, and needs to be
and Community Develop- Houck. She walked into done, I am super apprecia-
ment. the start of the First Shift tive of that, she said.
After graduating, she hockey program, and di- If you happen to be
spent some time travelling, rectly into the middle of passing by the Rec Com-
playing guitar and piano the Sports Dinner plan- mission office on Main
in an Irish pub in Greece, ning. I came in at a busy Street, stop in and say hello
then moving on to work in time, but its good, I like it, and welcome Erin as our
a hostel in Guatemala. and I think Im going to re- new Rec Director. Photo by Hillary Miller
Erin is no stranger to ally enjoy it, she said.
Minnedosa, she has played So far, the biggest chal-
hockey here many times as lenge she has faced is just
a youth, and is very excited trying to get up to speed on
about reacquainting her- everything. She is hoping
self with the community. to plan a great Sports Din-
She first heard about ner for the community.
the job from her mother, She has thoroughly
who saw the job posting. enjoyed her first few weeks,
Then, immediately after, the best thing here is the
she had three other people community itself, there
tag her in the facebook link have been people stopping
to the job posting. Every- in just to introduce them-
one seemed to think she selves, and so I am most
would be a natural. excited to get to know the
Erin is currently living people in the community.
in Brandon, making the A few weeks in, she
commute to Minnedosa is finding that things are
each day. She is a hockey finally starting to make

The Minnedosa Performing Arts

Expressions Concert Series Presents

JP Hoe 17102gmg
The Minnedosa Performing Arts Expressions Concert Series
Wednesday, October 25th, 2017

Quinton Blair
at 7:30 p.m.
Tanners Crossing School Pit
Friday, October
Tickets 7th,at
available 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
the Door.
Minnedosa Community Conference Centre
Adults $20
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.
Students (13-18) $10
Advance tickets available at the Library.
if accompanied by an adult
$20 (Students accompanied or $10
by an adult free)
Students (13-18) $10
Web site: http://www.expressionsconcerts.ca

Wine and beer available

for purchase
(must be 18 years or older).
Please drink All proceeds to go to
responsibly. Minnedosa Performing
Arts Committee

With much appreciation to our sponsors:

4 Friday, October 13, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a. Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around Thankful For Health Care

Town... By Darryl Holyk

W ith the recent Thanksgiving holiday, our

community and surrounding area can be ex-
tremely thankful for recent steps forward in our lo-
cians to serve our community. While the whole idea
of a new, modern clinic was to help attract new,
young physicians to the community, there of course
was no guarantee that this would work. I for one will
admit, I had my own concerns and wondered time
cal health care situation. Last week, The Tribune an- and time again, what if we spend all this money to
nounced the ground-breaking for our new medical build a new state-of-the art clinic and still cannot at-
Farewell Fashion House clinic, the Dr. Ajai Khandelwal Primary Care Centre
and there has also been a recent announcement of
tract new doctors? Thankfully, for the time being,
my concerns have been laid to rest and I remain
This past weekend saw another big change to another new doctor slated for Minnedosa! In addi- hopeful that the hard work of many people in our
Minnedosas Main Street as long-time ladies clothing tion to this, it was only a month ago that we intro- region will pay off and result in the end of a doctor
store, The Fashion House, closed its doors for the fi- duced our readers to Dr. Sonoiki. These are all things shortage for Minnedosa and the surrounding com-
nal time. The Fashion House has been a part of the lo- to be extremely thankful for. munities it serves.
cal business district since March 1979 when Judy Boyd Just a short time ago, our community was strug- A number of years ago there was a real push
purchased and renamed the business previously owned gling with a shortage of doctors and occasional for a new regional hospital to be shared between
by Clayton and Linda Hainstock. Judy ran the Fashion Emergency Room closures. For awhile it seemed Minnedosa and Neepawa. While that project has
House solo for six years, then sold it to Beth (Kane) there was only doom and gloom and many feared been sort of on the back burner for some time now,
Bruce in 1985. Judy and Beth jointly owned the ladies that this was the beginning of the end of the high it is certainly not dead and still a viable option for
wear store from 1988 to 2001 at which time they sold it quality accessible health care Minnedosa and pa- the future. That being said, Minnedosa is fortunate
to Beth McNabb and Ray Newstead. Judy continued to tients from surrounding communities had been ac- to be in a position of a fairly modern hospital, even
be an employee at The Fashion House and has been a customed to for decades. though our current facility is now over 25 years old!
friendly, familiar face in that business since she started While some people complained that no one was For now, our hospital will continue to serve our
it all 38 years ago! Hats off to all who have been involved doing anything to remedy the problem, there were needs and with a soon-to-be built modern medical
in The Fashion Houses longevity in our community. It is numerous behind the scene meetings taking place. clinic just across the street and a few new physicians
a business that many ladies will miss. Hopefully, an ex- We are now, thankfully, beginning to see the fruition on our Minnedosa Medical Group staff, our imme-
citing new venture will soon occupy this location in the of these meetings with plans for a new community diate health care future is looking bright.
heart of downtown Minnedosa. medical clinic and the recruitment of new physi-

Sports Reports
As autumn sets in, local hockey and curling fans are
gearing up for another busy season of games and tour-
naments to keep them busy and physically fit through- KERREENS Clothing Dust off your brooms!
out the long, cold Manitoba winter months. As always,
The Tribune welcomes game reports and regular up- Fall Fashion Show Curling is starting on Oct 23rd
dates from the numerous hockey and curling teams in In Memory of Irma and Louise who loved a fashion show!
our community. Anyone interested in submitting these
sports reports please email editor@minnedosatribune.
October 19th, 2017
Men - Dan Mendrikis 867-7067
com Our readers love to read about local sports action! 7:00 p.m. Social Time
7:30 p.m. Fashion show Ladies - Carole Dalrymple 867-3645
Church painting... In Store at 412 Mountain Ave.
The historic 1904 Hunterville Church at Heritage Neepawa, MB
Day League - Doug Thiessen 867-2324
Village is sporting a fresh coat of bright yellow paint. The
job is being done by Gerri Cooke and partial funding
Coffeee and Dessert Mixed Friday - Amanda Winder 573-4511
for the repainting of the old country church came from Prizes
a generous grant through the Minnedosa and District Limited seating CALL NOW!!! Mark your calendar for the
Foundation. The white trim of the building is expected to Call 204-476-3643 Curling Fall Supper October 29th
be repainted to complete the project next spring. (30-2)

Tribune Founder: William Gibbens 1854-1932

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
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published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. We acknowledge the financial support of the
Published Friday of each week from the premises of publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. (CPF) for our publishing activities.
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Fax: (204) 867-5171 All contents copyright 2017
Cell: (204) 867 - 7000
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 13, 2017 5

Its That Time of Year Again!

By Chantelle Parrott
economic Development
officer, Minnedosa area CDC
Idea? to present their busi-
ness ideas and compete
for over $40,000 in startup
of Valley Art Therapy (now
Satori Counselling) in
Minnedosa, the re-start of
three electrolysis studios in
Southwestern Manitoba,
and we witnessed the swift Ye O l d
capital and resources. This the Queens Eatery in Rap- construction of a brand

W ith Thanksgiving
passed, and the third
week of October upon
years Dragons Den style
event welcomes entrepre-
neur support agencies and
id City, and Avion Harvest
in Eden. The fourth and
youngest winner from last
new Laundromat on Main
Street. We also saw the
end of an era for one local
us, we welcome sweater sponsors Entrepreneur- year, 16 year-old Kennedy business, leaving behind
weather and Small Busi- ship Manitoba, Futurpre- Baker had an exciting start an opportunity for another
ness Week, that special neur, Business Develop- with Kens Kustom Kicks big idea to become reality.
time of year when we send ment Bank of Canada a hand-painted footwear For a small community,
a special shout-out to the (BDC) and Community line that not only earned this all goes to show, things 1897 - Potatoes in Minnedosa are seldom more than 15
852,000 Canadian entre- Futures Westman. The day her a visit to the Manitoba are on the upswing. to 25 cents per bushel this time of year. A farmer was in
preneurs and their con- features a variety of pre- Legislative Assembly, but During small busi- town last week with a large load of potatoes for which he
tributions to our commu- sentations to provide as- also secured a contract ness week, and every day, realized the handsome price of 40 cents per bushel.
nities and our economy. piring entrepreneurs with with the Winnipeg Jets and make it a particular point
Small and medium sized the resources needed to saw her product on Jets to support your local busi- 1907 Number one Northern Wheat is selling for $1.00
businesses contribute 41% turn an idea into a busi- shelves for this seasons nesses and the entrepre- per bushel.
of Canadas GDP, and lo- ness, and answers to all Jets home opener. neurs that make it happen
cally, we depend on en- questions entrepreneurial, 2017 has kept up the in our community. And, if
trepreneurs and small 1917 Some Minnedosans are complaining that au-
as well as the pitch parlour pace, with more than a you have a big idea of your
businesses to provide the toists are exceeding the speed limit in town and over the
where entrepreneurs com- handful of new businesses own, join us on October
services and amenities Main Street bridge. Those who drive horses are com-
pete for cash and prizes to open doors in Minnedosa, 19th in Carberry to make
that make our communi- plaining that auto drivers do not give warning when they
assist with turning their big including electricians, your pitch, find me at 39A
ties liveable places and are approaching from behind.
idea into a big reality. flooring installers, apprais- Main St. South, call 867-
thriving cultural spaces. The first year of Whats ers, and accountants. We 3885, or drop me a line at
On Thursday, October the BIG Idea helped to kick welcomed new manage- edo@minnedosa.com 1937 Hydro officials have announced a reduction in
19th, we see the next wave start the Inspire Studio of ment into a restaurant, new rates for Minnedosa. The former 150 kilowatt contract is
of entrepreneurs from Fine Art in Minnedosa, owners into a convenience cancelled and the new 100 kilowatt contract will be sup-
Minnedosa, Neepawa, 4U Home Dcor and Con- store, and were welcomed Running on plied at two cents per kilowatt hour.
and Carberry and the sur- sulting in Neepawa, and into a new home for a local Empty?
rounding municipalities Oakview Equipment, a hair and nail salon. We can Print jobs may take up to 1957 For the first time in the history of Minnedosa, the
gather in Carberry at the tractor dealership in Rapid proudly say our commu- 2-3 weeks to complete. town is to be without a mayor. Mayor J. Chipperfield is
third annual Whats the BIG City. 2016 saw the launch nity now offers one of only Fill up before youre out! not re-entering the mayoral race and when nominations
Minnedosa Tribune closed on October 8th, no one had entered their name

Club 55 Golden Agers Bowling 867-3816 for the vacant mayors seat.

1967 The Minnedosa Tribune publishes its very first

colour photo. The photo appeared on the front page and
SUBMItteD Other good games: Wayne Chapski 198, Alan Tarn was of a combine and grain truck on the H.G. Mussel-
Brown 197, Vivian Cullen 200, Betty Ann Bertrend white farm south of town.

O ctober 9th Bowlers of

the week were Shirley
Mickoski 215, 196 (=58T)
191, Jim Clark 161, Russ
Pettigrew 148, 143, Flor-
ence Brown 190, 224, Ha-
197, Paul Chapski 143,
Doug Pettigrew 210, Vivian
Penner 155.
1977 Tenders have been called for construction of a
local Broadband Network for Minnedosa for cable TV
and Reinhard Penner 180, zel Stonehouse 157, Flor- signal distribution. Actual cable TV service for Minnedo-
193 (=111T). ence Haywood 117, Bev sa residents could be provided by September 1979.

1997 The Minnedosa Community Conference Centre

finally received its official grand opening last Friday after-
noon with about 80 people in attendance. The $850,000
hall has been serving the community since January. Be-
tween $50,000 and $65,000 is still required to complete
kitchen facilities, stage and sound system.

2007 The Town of Minnedosas request to reduce the

speed limit along a portion of the by-pass near the inter-
section of PTH #10 and PR #355 from 100 km to 80 km

Fall Special!!!
has been denied by the Highway Traffic Board.

Don't be left out

in the cold!!!
Electric Furnace inspection and
blower cleaning starting at $55.00
(Plus applicable taxes)
Minnedosa Horticultural Society had another Dr. Derek Papegnies
successful season with Spring and Fall sales,
June Peony Show and Fall Flower Show in August. OPTOMETRIST
Call Jon at This organization looks after the Ishii garden at the
Library. The Minnedosa & District Foundation is
204-867-0145 pleased to support them with a grant of $500.00 129-2nd Avenue S.W., Minnedosa, MB
To schedule your appointment today! For more info or to make a donation to the Foundation go to FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL:
(26-5) www.minnedosafoundation.com. 204-867-2455
6 Friday, October 13, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Newdale News
By Ravens Glen WI ew. Barb accompanied the busy time for Sharon and Amy and Bryce all of Bran- nipeg for Thanksgiving as
Neighbours Indeed

grandchildren when they her staff! don were there along with well as taking several big Be a Neighbour...

And announce
hirley Pederson host- headed back to Alberta. Visiting Irene Creber Dave and Danielle. Brians pumpkins along for grand- these special events
to your community
ed all her family for On Thanksgiving Saturday, and her family for Thanks- parents, Gar and Eleanor sons Sam and Bennett to
Birth of Child
Thanksgiving including Art, Bernice, Brian Atkin- giving were son Brian and Scott of Neepawa, were carve for Halloween, along Wedding
Rod and Barbs family, Ni- son, Cindy and Kendra his wife Sandra from Ot- there and Carrie Baker of with Mom and Dads help! Wedding Anniversaries
25th, 40th, 50th, 60th
cole and Dwayne Hopkins Poncsak all of Brandon vis- tawa. Brian enjoyed help- Dauphin. Logan had to Many of the regular New home residency
and Charlotte, Darren and ited the Pedersons. ing out on the farm, stating work that day at the Lake customers of the Fashion You may qualify for a
personalized keepsake
fianc Colbi all from Medi- The Leisure Inn Res- how things had changed making food for the cabin House in Minnedosa were gift offer compliments
of local business and
cine Hat. Arriving Satur- taurant served a large on the farm since his time closing folks. very sad to see this cloth- professional sponsors
day from the States were crowd for their Thanksgiv- at home. Robin Young of Por- ing store close its doors Minnedosa Pharmacy
Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd.
son Dwight and friend ing supper of turkey and Gordon and Enid tage la Prairie visited her on October 7th. We wish Minnedosa insurance Services
KimsQuality Foods
Jim, who are here for their all the trimmings. It was Clark spent Saturday cel- parents Bob and Willene them well in retirement! Integra Tire
annual duck/goose hunt. nice to see Hilda Davies ebrating Thanksgiving Young for Thanksgiving Heritage Co-op
Minnedosa Tribune
Del and Kim from town and her friend Ev Baisley at daughter Donna and weekend. Gateway Motel

enjoyed the visit with the from Minnedosa enjoying Brians home in Neepawa. Grant and Shelley Be part of your Community!
brothers, niece and neph- the delicious food. A very Grandkids, Jordan and Zahaiko motored to Win- Contact Tillie Johnson

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $10 minimum order)
OCTOBER 13TH - OCTOBER 19TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Seniors Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

Kraft peanut butter asstd ..........................................................1kg ............. $4.79
NN frozen punch asstd..................................................... 283ml ............. $0.69
Unico pasta asstd .....................................................................900g ..........2/$3.00 NN vanilla/chocolate icecream sandwiches CP ...... 24x120ml ............. $8.49
Ragu pasta sauce .................................................................. 640ml ..........2/$3.00 NN icecream bars asstd ............................................... 30x60ml ............. $8.49
Sunrype blue apple juice ........................................................... 1lt ..........2/$3.00 NN frozen vegetables asstd .................................................750g ............. $1.99
NN bath tissue, NN paper towel ............ 24rl. 6rl ...... $3.99 Giuseppe pizza asstd ..........................770-900g ...... $5.49
NN mushroom canned asstd ........................................... 284ml ..........4/$5.00

NN whipped topping aerosol .............................................225g ............. $1.99
NN fresh orange juice........................................................ 1.75lt ............. $2.99
Yoplait tubes asstd ................................................................. 8x60g ............. $2.49
NN non-hydro margarine ...................................................454g ............. $1.49
NN process cheese slices asstd...........................................500g ............. $3.99
NN cheese spread, cheese parmesan ........................ 250-500g ............. $4.99 ML top dogs BBQ original ......................450g ...... $3.99
NN natural cheese slices marble cheddar .........................230g ............. $3.99 NN bacon .............................................................................500g ............. $6.99
NN chicken nuggtes, strips .................................................907g ............. $5.49
NN shredded cheese asstd ......................340g ...... $4.49 Inside round beef roast ..................................... $3.49/lb
NN canned vegetables asstd ........................................... 398ML ............. $0.89
NN tomatoes canned asstd .............................................. 796ml ............. $0.99 Chicken legs fresh..................................................................................... $2.19/lb
Pork loin chops rib or sirloin ends .......................................................... $2.49/lb
NN mini pudding asstd ........................ 4x99g ...... $0.99

NN fruit bowls asstd ........................................................ 4x107g ..........2/$4.00
NN beans asstd ................................................................. 398ml ..........5/$4.00
NN basic soup asstd ......................................................... 284ml ..........4/$3.00
NN salad dressing asstd ................................................... 475ml ..........2/$3.00
NN croutons asstd ...............................................................145g ..........2/$3.00
NN white vinegar CP .............................................................. 4lt ............. $2.49 Hot house tomato .............................................. $1.29/lb
NN canola oil .......................................................................... 3lt ............. $5.49 McIntosh apples ........................................................................ 5lb ............. $3.99
English cucumber.......................................................................................... $1.49
NN all purpose flour...............................2kg ...... $2.49
NN cake mix assd ................................................................468g ..........4/$5.00 Bartlett pears .................................................... $0.99/lb
NN pie filling asstd ........................................................... 540ml ............. $2.99 Cauliflower ..................................................................................................... $3.99
NN mac & cheese dinner, NN pizza sauce ........................200g ..........2/$1.00 Cabbage green .......................................................................................... $0.69/lb
NN rice white, large ...............................................................2kg ............. $3.49 PC mini potatoes red, yellow, mixed .......................................1kg ............. $2.99
NN pancake mix old fashioned ..........................................905g ............. $1.99 Navel oranges............................................................................................ $1.29/lb

NN butter flavour table syrup .......................................... 750ml ............. $2.29
NN peanut butter asstd .........................................................1kg ............. $3.99
NN coffee whitener .............................................................450g ............. $2.49
NN tea bags ........................................................................100ea ............. $1.99
NN chocolate syrup .......................................................... 700ml ............. $2.99
NN evaporated milk asstd................................................ 370ml ..........4/$5.00 Wonder bread asstd.................................................................570g ............. $1.99
NN cookies asstd .................................................................907g ............. $3.49
NN peanuts blanched BBQ/salted, Party Mix chips500g ... $2.49
NN original trail mix ..............................................................1kg ............. $9.99

NN tomato juice................................................................. 1.36lt ............. $1.99
NN bleach asstd ................................................................... 3.6lt ............. $2.79
NN fabric softener sheets....................................................80ea ............. $3.99
NN auto dish premium lemon ..........................................1.8kg ............. $3.99

NN antibacterial cleaner lemon/original ............................. 2lt ............. $2.49
NN toilet bowl cleaner fresh scent .................................. 710ml ............. $1.99
NN garbage bag asstd .................................................... 20-40ea ............. $5.99
NN dog, cat food canned asstd ...........................................624g ..........2/$3.00
OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
NN dog, cat food dry asstd ....................................................8kg ........... $14.99
NN cat clumping xscent multi ............................................18kg ............. $8.99 *PRICES AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKY DOLLAR IN MINNEDOSA ONLY
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 13, 2017 7

Grabbin Groceries
By HILLARY MILLER postponed his travel plans ous years. The winner was
to Ontario, in order to reap given a cap of $700. A $50

A nother year, anoth-

er Grocery Grab! It
comes around once a year,
the benefits of his golden
The rules for the
Heritage Co-op gift card
was given to the second
and third place winners.
and it is almost better than Minnedosa Rotary Club The lucky runner ups were
Christmas morning for the Grocery Grab at Minnedo- Evan Betteridge and Mar-
winner. sa Heritage Co-op are garet Wareham.
This years win- simple: the winner can Pearen arrived at Heri-
ner, Wayne Pearen, only not grab any of fresh meat tage Co-op early on the day
bought one ticket of the or deli cheeses, and cant of the Grocery Grab, along
555 tickets sold, but that simply sweep things off the with his wife, Joanne. Be-
single ticket was all it took shelves, but rather, had to fore the Grocery Grab be-
to win. The Grocery Grab take one or two items from gan, Pearen told The Tri-
took place on Saturday, each spot individually. bune there were certain
October 7th, at 8:30 a.m., This year, the Grocery areas of the store he was
which was also Thanks- Grab was done slightly interested in, but it just
giving weekend. Pearen differently than in previ- depends on how fast I can

Justice Post Office Photo by Hillary Miller

Contined from with her garage for many ways been at the centre
Page 1 years. This leaves some of the community. It has Wayne Pearen makes his way through the aisles of Minnedosa
uncertainty for its future. always been a community Heritage Co-op filling his shopping cart as the winner of the
Bieganski noted that If no one in Justice is able gathering place, a place for Rotary Club/Heritage Co-op Grocery Grab.
now, the store really serves to take over the post of- information. I always felt
as more of a pantry for her fice, it is likely that post that the community raised move. With that, Warren ies, which included laun- each year by the partner-
own uses, as business has office boxes will be imple- my kids because they all was off on his mission rac- dry detergent, toilet paper ship between Heritage Co-
been slow in recent years. mented somewhere in the came in. Thats what I like ing through the aisles of and other non-perishable op and the Rotary Club of
I cant compete with the small community, which about being a rural post- Heritage Co-op! household items. He said Minnedosa. The proceeds
prices of the bigger stores will make it more difficult master, is that community In the end, Pearen he got most of the items he from the ticket sales will be
or the variety, she said. for parcels to be delivered. feeling, she said. managed to square away wanted. put back into the commu-
Bieganski notes that In her time there, she $173.46 worth of grocer- The event is put on nity by the Rotary Club.
as long as she lives in the has noticed some critical
house that is attached to changes in the mail that
the post office, she plans has come in. People used W E S T M A N C O M M U N I C AT I O N S G R O U P
to continue running the to get much more letter
Post Office and small store mail than they do now,

Call for
as it is very convenient for and with the increase in Westman Communications
her. She cannot comment online shopping, she has Group is the operating name for
Westman Media Cooperative Ltd.
on what will happen once noticed an increase in par-
she retires, since the post cel deliveries. Westman is a customer-focused

office premises will need Bieganski would be cooperative providing leader-
ship in communication and
to be provided by whoever sad to see the post office entertainment services in
takes over, as she has done leave Justice, as it has al- Internet, cable TV, phone,
and data transport.
Westman Media Cooperative Ltd. (WMCL) officially Westman owns and operates
announces the Call for Nomination of candidates for local radio stations Q Country
91.5 FM (880 AM) and 94.7
election to the Board of Directors. Nominations are STAR FM that broadcast to the
now open. WMCL members 18 years of age or older western area of the province.

are eligible, as outlined in the WMCL Charter Bylaws. As a customer-owned cooperative,

Westman is proud of its strong
Each nominee must be supported by at least two other commitment to its customers and
WMCL members. the communities it serves.

Completed nomination applications

MUST BE RECEIVED at: Westman Communications
Group, 1906 Park Ave, Brandon MB, R7B 0R9
by 5 p.m., Friday, October 20, 2017.
17102gmf For a nomination application or more information,
call 204.717.2010 or 1.800.665.3337, ext. 2010,
Email: bakers@westmancom.com or
write to the above address.

/ WestmanCom westmancom.com
8 Friday, October 13, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

BASSWOOD NEWS Dr. and Mrs. Bright Donate

By ZELDA FIRBY your Basswood friends.
Get well wishes to
On Sunday, mem-
bers of Ila Rosss family $10,000 To New Clinic
H ope everyone had a
good Thanksgiving
weekend with family and
Jeanne Gitzel, a patient
in Brandon and Isabella
Proven in Minnedosa.
gathered at Barry and Jo-
hannes Rosss for Thanks-
friends. The Firbys enjoyed Mark and Sylvia Firby
On Sunday, October
1st Basswood Hall was a
visits with their duck hunt-
ing friends from Alaska
and family and mem-
bers of the LaCoste and
D r. Ray Bright and Dar-
lene Bright recently
presented a generous
hub of activity when folks and Wisconsin while hunt- Bohrn family gathered at
$10,000 donation to the
from near and far enjoyed ing in the area. their cabin at Otter Lake
new Primary Care Centre.
the annual Cadurcis fall On Saturday, Reg, on Sunday for Thanksgiv-
The donation was accept-
supper. Melanie and Abi Simms ing. They also celebrated
ed by Primary Care Centre
The Kingdon fami- of Brandon, Mark, Sylvia, the christening of Lauren
Chairman, Gord Lane.
lies gathered at the Bass- Ryan, Jordan Firby and Grace Bohrn, daughter
The Brights have been
wood Hall on Sunday for Gui, Marlin Firby along of Mitch and Averyl (Mc-
residents of Minnedosa
their Thanksgiving dinner with Ev Ingaldson, Doris Millan) of Brandon. Lau-
since the summer of 1966
and also celebrated Char- McNabb and Donna Hogg ren was christened at the
when Ray began prac-
lies 90th birthday. Happy had Thanksgiving dinner Neepawa Lutheran church
ticing medicine with
Birthday Charlie! From all at the Stan Firbys. worship service.
the Minnedosa Medical
Group. Dr. Bright practiced

medicine in Minnedosa as
one of our communitys
most popular physicians
for just over 40 years. Dar-
By DOREEN TROTT ing with Don and Margaret yields. lene passed her love of
Northam and other rela- Randy and Nancy teaching on to many stu-

S ympathy is extended
to the relatives of the
late Linda Black (nee
Clayton and Margaret
Wareham hosted Thanks-
Smith hosted Thanksgiv-
ing for the McManus fam-
ily on Saturday. They were
dents in our community
during her years as an edu-
cator in the local schools.
Northam) of Rapid City. giving for their family. all able to attend with the Now both retired, the
Donna and Tanya Harvesting is wind- exception of Joyce who Brights continue to call
Northam and Electra and ing down with many fields was celebrating the holi- Minnedosa their home.
Sam from Airdrie, AB are cleared off last week. Peo- day in Toronto with her Photo submitted
spending a few days visit- ple are pleased with the daughter Leslie.


Business Lens The Minnedosa

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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 13, 2017 9

Local 4-H Club Doubles In Members

By RoByn BuRgess We will be meeting as through with no guarantee
Reporter a whole club on the first that we would be chosen
Minnedosa Multi Purpose Monday of every month for the trip. The teens will
and 4-H for Teens and members must attend begin filling out the appli-
five of those to achieve at cation and begin to think

T he first 4-H meeting for

the Minnedosa Multi
Purpose and 4-H for Teens
the end of April.
Our head leader Cor-
rine Topham will be get-
about making plans at our
next meeting. Our top
three choices are PEI, New
Clubs was held on October ting our project books out Brunswick and Newfound-
2nd, in the MCI canteen. to us soon so we can start land.
This year we have dou- on our projects. Our next 4-H meeting
bled our numbers, having Through the winter we will be November 6th at
18 Multi Purpose and sev- will be involved with our the MCI canteen.
en Teen members. community volunteering,
Our executive for the our 4-H projects and be
year were elected with Ray- able to attend some fun
na Topham taking Presi- events put on by the South
If your label reads
dent, Elliot MacDonald as
Vice, Danielle Brykaliuk as
Parkland 4-H.
The teen group met at
17 /10 /31
Secretary, Torynn Dmytriw the end of our meeting to Its time to renew
as Teen Treasurer, Grady discuss going on a cross your subscription!
Burton as Multi Purpose country exchange trip.
Treasurer, and Robyn Bur- There is a fairly long 204-867-3816
gess as Reporter. application process to go
Photo submitted
Minnedosa Multi Purpose and 4-H for Teens Executive (L-R) Rayna
Topham, Torynn Dmytriw, Danielle Brykaliuk, Robyn Burgess,
Grady Burton and Elliot MacDonald.


10 Friday, October 13, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

YRESS And Adult Learning Centre Hold Open House

By Hillary Miller different things that they they provide a board room
do, which includes provid- that they can use as need-

T he Yellowhead Re-
gional Employment
Skills and Services (YRESS)
ing assistance to the public
with resume cover letter
development, interview
ed, for meetings or job in-
On the other side of
paired up with the Adult skills, and any sort of job things, at the adult learn-
Learning Centre (their search issues they might ing centre, they help men
neighbour), and held an be having. They also pro- and women to complete
open house on Friday, Oc- vide information on the their education, and take
tober 6th, to raise aware- labour board, and provide courses to further their
ness of the many services job referrals. learning.
they offer in the commu- They also have a large Val Gowal, from the
nity. job board up on the wall, Adult Learning Centre
We are two different which has jobs that are said, the open house is
organizations but we kind categorized based on their good PR, and its good to
of do the same sort of thing. geographic location. They get the word out that we
We have the same idea in update this job board reg- are here. For some rea-
mind, said Amanda Re- ularly and also post many son not everyone seems to
nard, the Employment Ser- jobs online, to make it eas- know that we are here.
vices Coordinator. They ier for people. I just wanted to get
wanted to showcase the For the employers, it done before it gets too
cold out, said Renard, We
are really trying to make
our presence known in
Photo by Hillary Miller

the community, I think we
have fallen behind in that (l to r) amanda renard, Skye Hatch and Val Gowal
in the last few years.

Mens Shed
The two hour open
house featured all kinds
of snacks for guests. There
were brochures lain out on
Reenas Tips And Helpful Hints
the table for people to take,
and friendly people ready Hi reena, reduced broth or water to vegetables in a salad bowl
and willing to give answers Do you have advice for dilute the flavour. If this is but do not add the dress-
to any questions asked. cleaning the bottom of a the case combine flour or ing. Present the dress-
stainless-steel frying pan? cornstarch with the liquid ing on the side, this way
Katharine while it is still cold before uneaten salad does not
adding it to the gravy, so get tossed out due to sog-
Bridge Club Hi Katharine,
Here are a few tricks to
that the gravy thickens. giness, it stays fresh and
crunchy for a few extra

Results brighten a stainless-steel

pot, both on the inside and
Feedback from Readers days.
SOUP: Add meat,
the outside: Soak tomato Re: Speaking of Ba- vegetables and broth to
October 5th juice, sauce, puree, ketch- nanas - In your recent col- the pot to create delicious
up, any tomato acid base umn, you offered one sug- soup. Cook the rice or pas-
Meet Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. 1st - Jim/Lynn Burgess in the pot. Add a little water gestion to minimize fruit ta separately, rinse in cold
287 4th Street S.W. 2nd - Cliff Lenz/ and boil for five minutes. flies around bananas and water and drain. Add the
Minnedosa, MB June Clark Or boil rhubarb leaves in another to keep them from pasta or rice to individual
Mens Shed are welcoming supportive, safe places for camaraderie and 3rd - Boyd Grant/ water to bring shine back ripening too quickly. Here soup bowls as people dish
socialization where there is equality and inclusion for all members. Activities may Doug Thiessen to old pots, the oxalic acid is a third tip that combines out portions of soup, this
include wood carving, playing cards, conversation and coffee, woodworking and more. 4th - Judy McFadden/
Community volunteering...Members decide. found in rhubarb leaves is both ideas. Wrap fresh way the grains do not be-
Carol Lonsdale a strong cleaner. Scrub the bananas individually and come soggy. When storing
For Information call: 5th - Wilf Taylor/
Warren - 204-868-0703 Roland - 204-867-7102 Ken - 204-867-3532 pot exterior with an S.O.S completely in plastic wrap: leftovers, keep the grains
Mel Harvey pad, water and Bar Keep- theyll ripen even more separate from the soup
We accept donations of gently used tools, wood, stained glass equipment & Supplies etc.
ers Friend to rejuvenate slowly (because the ethyl- and add only as needed.
pots. For serious clean- ene gas is restricted from GREEN ONIONS:
ing, some people use oven passing from one to the Chop green onions and
Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune cleaner, in a ventilated
other), and theyll be pro-
tected from fruit flies. Scott
store them in an empty
plastic water bottle. The
MAIL THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT TO BOX 930, green onions do not be-
Hi reena, Re: Weed Killers - Ac- come soggy, and they are
MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816 I bought a package cording to the Department chopped and chilled and
of gravy mix but found it of Ecology in the State of ready to use as needed.
Local Trading Area: $43.11 NAME: salty; is there anything I Washington, herbicides CELERY: Remove
(Minnedosa, Bethany, Clanwilliam, can do so its not so salty? (such as Weed and Feed store-bought celery from
Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake Sandy and Round-Up) can cause plastic and wrap it in alu-
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin, serious damage to fish, minum foil to ensure that
Dear Sandy, wildlife and people when it stays crisp longer.
Mountain Road and Neepawa)
Here are a few sug- they get in the lake water. CHEESE: Smear the
Other Manitoba gestions to try: Next time Using your vinegar recipe, cut side of cheese with a
locations: $50.31 you purchase store bought or a tarp, or digging by light coating of butter to
gravy, look for sodium hand are the only safe so- prevent it from drying out.
Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
TOWN: reduced packages. If the
gravy is already cooking in
lutions for killing weeds.
LEMONS: Store lem-
ons in sealable bags in the
the pot, add a potato to the fridge, they last much lon-
PROVINCE: gravy to absorb some of Keep Food Fresh Longer ger as opposed to sitting
Online subscriptions $35.00 the saltiness. Another op- on the counter at room
www.minnedosatribune.com POSTAL CODE: tion is to add milk, sodium SALADS: Combine temperature.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 13, 2017 11

Drama Club Ready To Hit The Stage

By Hillary Miller acters is highly comedic, crowd with the Farmery
and none is as they might beer night.

T he Minnedosa Drama
Club is hard at it again!
Their upcoming produc-
initially appear.
Mary Dalton, the plays
director said that the plays
The play is only 80
minutes long, but will
have the crowd laughing
tion, The Boarding House, style is a mixture between throughout. It will be pre-
is a comedy about a group Saturday Night Live and sented at the Minnedosa
of people who all live in Carol Burnett, and it is just Community Conference
the same boarding house, total fun. Centre.
where there is rumoured The production will Dalton also hopes to
to be a buried treasure. The run from November 15th include a photo booth, to
Boarding House was writ- to 17th. Opening night will give the audience the op-
ten by Vern Harden. be a gala night, with wine portunity to take photos
The stage is set in the and cheese being served. of themselves in the 1920s
roaring 1920s, and fea- The 16th will be the din- garb that will be available
tures Hariet, the woman ner theatre that many have to them.
who runs the boarding come to know and love, Be sure to mark your
house, a taxidermist, a and the final night will be a calendars, and buy your
poet, a hypochondriac, an beer, popcorn and pretzel tickets, this one is bound
artist, a nurse, a doctor, night, with a very relaxed to be a fun evening out!
and a treasure hunter and atmosphere. Organizers
his sister. Each of the char- hope to draw in a younger
Photo submitted

Sandy Lake News

By Diane Bachewich ren, Rhonda Slack and ternoon for the late Da- mother Mabel Mochnoz Sadie Ryptephanuk Dennis and Dorothy
family from Dauphin vid Porteous who passed of Winnipeg attended the took her daughter Donna Johnson attended the 50th

H ope everyone had

a nice Thanksgiv-
ing with turkey and all the
spending the long week-
end with her.
The legion ladies Auxil-
away recently at the age
of 65, husband of Marlene
(Kologinsky) Porteous.
funeral in Minnedosa for
George McLean a one-
time neighbour of Ma-
Cueirier to the Brandon
Airport where she boarded
the flight back to her home
wedding anniversary for
Mel and Lil Logan of Car-
roll on Saturday evening.
trimmings. iary held their monthly Spending the weekend bels when she lived in at Rocky Mountain House,
Family and friends meeting at the Drop-In with Olive Kolchak was Minnedosa. AB.
gathered on Saturday Centre on Tuesday eve- son Terry of Lethbridge,
morning at the Ukrainian ning. Guest speaker was AB and Sheldon, Kim and
Catholic Church for a one- Dennis Yanchycki who is Jake of Gimli, also the boys
year memorial service for the chairman of the Light- enjoyed some duck hunt- THE MUNICIPALITY OF HARRISON PARK
the late Paul Korosil, fol- house Life Lease project, ing while here. PUBLIC NOTICE - BOARD OF REVISION
lowed by a dinner at the a nonprofit corporation of Get well wishes for a Public notice is hereby given that the year 2018 assessment roll for the Municipality
hall. the life lease housing de- speedy recovery go out to of Harrison Park has been delivered to the Municipal Office at 43 Gateway Street,
Francis Kuzmak mo- velopment for Sandy Lake. Walter Kilwinik and to Ei- Onanole, Manitoba and is open for public inspection during regular business hours.
tored to Saskatoon for the Lunch was served after the leen Burba who are in the Applications for revision may be made in accordance with Sections 42 and 43 of The
long weekend, where she meeting to the Legion men Minnedosa Hospital. Municipal Assessment Act:
spent Thanksgiving with and ladies Auxiliary by the A cheery hello goes APPLICATION FOR REVISION
son Steven, Kim and Jack hostess for the month were out to Morris Desiatynk 42(1) A person in whose name property has been assessed, a mortgagee in possession of
and Kims parents Bill and Diane Bachewich and Hel- who has moved into the property under Section 114(1) of The Real Property Act, an occupier of premises who is
Gail Sherwin. en Derhak. Minnedosa Personal Care required under the terms of a lease to pay the taxes on the property, or the assessor may
Sympathy to the Mc- Happy 50th wedding Home. make application for the revision of an assessment roll with respect to;
Symack family on the pass- anniversary to Louis and Robert Mandzuk has a) liability to taxation;
ing of Frank McSymacks Sonia (Rochelle) Chastko returned to his home in St. b) amount of an assessed value;
wife Olga in Winnipeg. who celebrated on the Catherine, ON after spend- c) classification of property; or
Laurence and Barb weekend and to John and ing the past two months at d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll under subsection 13(2).
Osadec spent a few days in Sonia Spaller on their 45th his cabin here. Just in time APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS
Calgary spending Thanks- anniversary. Happy Anni- to spend Thanksgiving 43(1) An application for revision must
giving with son Jeff, Pam versary Folks. with wife Liz and the rest a) be made in writing;
and girls. A memorial gathering of the family. b) set out the roll number and legal description of the assessable property for
Elsie Kowalchuk had was held at the Drop-In Dennis and Darlene which a revision is sought;
Kevin from The Pas, Dar- Centre on Saturday af- Derhak and Darlenes c) set out which of the matters referred to in subsection 42(1) are at issue, and
the grounds for each of those matters; and
d) be filed by
(i) delivering it or causing it to be delivered to the office indicated in
the public notice given under subsection 41(2), or
(ii) serving it upon the secretary,
at least 15 days before the scheduled sitting date of the board as indicated in the public
The Board of Revision will sit on November 1th, 2017 at 1:00 P.M. at the Municipal
Office, 43 Gateway Street, Onanole, Manitoba to hear applications.
Applications for revision must be received by the Secretary of the Board by 4:30 P.M.
Monday, October 30th, 2017.
Dated this 30th day of September, 2017.
Chad Davies, CMMA
Secretary Board of Revision
Municipality of Harrison Park
Box 190, 43 Gateway Street
Onanole, Manitoba R0J 1N0 (29-2)
12 Friday, October 13, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Farm Land Selling at Beautyrest queen pocket ERICKSON FALL SUP- Global Vision Conference at
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Auction - Wednesday, Nov- coil mattress sets starting PER. Sunday, October 15th the Minnedosa Evangelical
ember 8th, 2017, 10 a.m. Alto- at $599 per set (starting at from 4:30 6:30 p.m. at Erick- Covenant Church, October
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING na Senior Centre, 39 1st Street $799 for king sets). Doubles, son Legion Hall, 30-1st Street 21st and 22nd. Saturday at
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, NW, Altona. Selling 316 acres queens and king sets in stock. S.W. Adults - $15.00, 6 - 12 yrs. 5:30 p.m. a potluck inter-
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 in two parcels. Land Loca- Limited selection of tent sale - $7.00, 5 yrs. & under Free. national dinner and a pro-
BY FAX 204-867-5171 tion: From Altona, Manitoba, furniture at 30-80% savings (29-2) x gram with Kernels of Hope.
2 north on Hwy #30 then 2 still available. 8 piece solid Bring an ethnic dish to share.
BY E-MAIL class@minnedosatribune.com miles east on PR #201. Land wood cherry finish queen Have an upcoming Sunday morning Sunday
is located on north side of bedroom suite, $2,799 (KDL event? Wanting good at- School at 9:30 and Worship
PR #201. For more details see retail value $3,899). 5 piece tendance? Let the faithful service at 10:30 with World
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to counter height table set 54x54 Relief Canada. Everyone wel-
www.billklassen.com. Morris readers of The Minnedosa
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa inch (reduces to 36x54) table come. (30-2) x
Olafson, Auction Rep 204 325 Tribune know by placing a
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any and four stools for $799, (KDL
2141 or Bill Klassen 204 325 simple Coming Event ad start-
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be retail value $1399). Solid oak A Singing to End Hun-
4433 cell 204-325-6230. ing at $9.00 plus tax for up to
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third 42 inch round pedestal table ger fundraising concert in
40 words. Call 204-867-3816
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear set with four high back chairs support of The Canadian
or email your ad to class@
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in FOR SALE (opens to 42x60 inches) for minnedosatribune.com. Food Grains Bank will be held
any advertisement which is published. $1,499, 3 sets only! (KDL retail on Saturday, October 28th at
value $2,399). Single over sin- Rapid City UCW Fall Sup- 7:00 p.m. in Minnedosa Unit-
THING. Automotive, farm, gle solid wood bunk set $699 per. Held in the Legion Hall ed Church. No admission fee
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. construction, ATV, mar- (espresso or natural colour) on Sunday, October 22nd, but donation envelopes Will
ine, motorcycle, golf carts, (KDL retail value $999), mat- 2017. Sittings at 4:45 and 6:00 be provided. All monies col-
Repeat ads - Half Price. tresses extra. Watch for 15th p.m. Adults $15.00. Children lected are matched 4 to 1 by
phones, tools, radios, com-
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & puters etc. Reconditioned, Anniversary Sale dates and 6 10 $7.00, Preschool Free. the Federal Government. This
bolding, and centering). obsolete and hard-to-find specials later in October. See Advance tickets are available is an ecumenical event be-
batteries. SOLAR equipment. staff or contact KDL for more from Bernice Finlay at 204- ing sponsored by Minnedosa
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, &
The Battery Man. Winnipeg. information. Mon-Fri 9-8, Sat 826-2226. (29-3) x United Church Senior Choir.
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture.
1.877.775.8271 www.battery- 9-6 and Sun 11-5. Call KDL Hope to see you there! (30-3) x
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. Furniture at 204-571-1971. Minnedosa United
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 660 Highland Ave., South side Church Turkey Fowl Supper. Childrens Harvest Fest.
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 of #1 Hwy., Brandon. Friday, October 20th in the Friday, October 27th from 7:00
church hall from 5:00 7:00 8:15 p.m. at the Minnedosa
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over
400,000 readers weekly. Call FOR RENT p.m. Adults $15.00, Youth
$7.00, Preschool Free. (29-3) x
Community Conference Cen-
tre. FREE games and treats,
Deadlines this newspaper NOW 204-
867-3816 or email classified@ coffee for the adults and priz-
2 bedrrom condo in Frontier Trading Co. An- es for costumes. Bring your
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later mcna.com for details.
Winnipeg available for Janu- nual General Meeting to be own bag for treats. Everyone
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Fridays
ary, February and March. held at the 50+ Senior Centre Welcome! (30-2) x
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE Kitchen renovation! (do
Everything is included, close in Minnedosa on Wednesday,
insertion. it now) In-stock cabinets or
to hospital in the West end October 25th, 2017 at 6:30 Second Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for Decor factory orders! 5 weeks
of the city. Reliable Tenants p.m. (29-3) x Home Routes Concert this
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor lead time. Low overhead
= You Save! Fehrs Cabinet only. References required. season Sunday, October
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of Call 204-800-0530 or email Ladies Curling Club 20th. New England Appa-
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. Warehouse 1-800-758-6924 AGM. October 19th at 7:00
office@fehrscabinets.com. dannym1014@gmail.com. lachian Folk Roots Harmo-
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit (29-3) x p.m. at the Minnedosa Curl- ny/Multi-Instramentalists
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. ing Club. Anyone interested in - Mark Mandevile and Rai-
Parts and full trailer re-
curling is invited to come. (29- anne Russell. Doors open at
pair, trailer safeties and Au-
topac Trailer Repair. Sales,
REAL ESTATE 2) x 6:30 p.m. $20 - all for the art-
AUCTIONS Leasing and Financing of flat- Minnedosa Figure Skat-
ists. Refreshments included.
deck, dumpbox, cargo, goose- Contact Nancy for directions
ing Club is hosting Bring a and to reserve.. 204-210-
neck and utility trailers and
McSherry Auction Meyers truck beds. Kaldeck Truck
friend/Fun Day on October 0754 or nellymills@hotmail.
15th from 2:00 4:00 p.m. For
#12 Patterson Drive Gun Auction and Trailer, Hwy #1 Mac- children interested in trying
Stonewall, MB
9 am Saturday Nov 4 Gregor, MB. 1-888-685-3127. Canskate. Bring skates and
Consignment Sale (New date) Meyers Auction Site
Sun Oct 15 @ 10:00 AM Arden MB Have something to sell?
helmet. Enter for a chance to BRIDAL SHOWER
win a free Canskate registra-
Gun Auction Rifles, Shotguns, Let The Tribunes readers
tion for this year. x
Sat Oct 21 @ 9:30 AM Pistols, Ammunition know. Ads starting at $9.00 Come and Go bridal
& More plus tax. Call 204-867-3816 or shower in honour of Kelsey
Vintage Service Station Polonia Fall Supper.
& Coca Cola Sale To consign call email class@minnedosatri- Paziuk (bride elect of Chase
Brad at bune.com. OPEN HOUSE. 212 3rd Sunday, October 15th, 2017.
Sat Oct 28 @ 10:00 AM Ave NE, Minnedosa. Saturday, Thiessen) on Sunday, October
204-476-6262 4:30 6:30 p.m. Adults $15.00,
Consign Now! October14th from 1:00 - 4:00 15th from 2:00 4:00 p.m. at
Ages 6 12 $7.00, Preschool
Stuart McSherry Bradley Meyers the Minnedosa 50+ Centre (31
p.m. 2 + 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, Free. x
(204) 467-1858 or Auctioneer Main St. S.). Kelsey is regis-
www.meyersauctions.com finished both levels, walk-out
(204) 886-7027 basement, 66 lot, well main- tered at Walmart and Stokes.
www.mcsherryauction.com Please accept this as your in-
tained. Move in ready!
vitation. (29-2) x
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 13, 2017 13


The Minnedosa Com- Clouds have silver In loving memory of GEORGE CHARLES MCLEAN
munity Childcare Co-op is linings and with loss there George McLean. We are February 28th, 1925 - September 27th, 2017
currently seeking a creative are brighter days. Our father deeply grateful for the kind-
and enthusiastic individual looked for brighter days and ness and empathy extended It is with deep sadness that we announce the peaceful
for multiple positions includ- we know his wishes would be to the family during this dif- passing of George Charles McLean. At the age of 92, George passed
ing Full Time Early Childhood to thank the people that con- ficult time. Thank you to the away with his family at his side in the Minnedosa Personal Care
Educator and Part Time Child tributed to his end of life jour- nurses and staff at the Minne- Home.
Care Assistant/Substitute. The ney where he was at home dosa Care Home for the won- George was born in Brandon, the son of Duncan and Alma
successful applicants must surrounded by the family derful care they provided Dad McLean and was raised on the family farm in the St. Georges Dis-
have their Early Childhood and all he loved. Thank you for the last ten months. Thank trict south of Rapid City. George enlisted in the Royal Canadian
Education diploma or experi- to the family, friends, med- you to Dr. Khandelwal and Navy in the fall of 1943 and served his country through WW11.
ence in a licenced child care ical, nursing & home care Dr, Onyshko for their ongoing On September 21st, 1946 George married Jean Isabelle
setting, current First Aid & CPR staff for being there. Thank care they gave to dad over the Dow of Bethany, the love of his life. In 1949 they purchased a farm
and will be subject to Criminal you for the meals provided by past several years. Thank you 1.5 miles south of Rapid City where they raised their three children;
Record and Child Abuse Regis- the Pharmacy, friends and XI to the united church choir Harold, Craig, and Janice. From 1965 to 1973 they co-owned and
try Checks. We are seeking an THETA, this provided a touch for their beautiful singing, as operated the Dee Jay Hardware in Rapid City with their best friends, Don
individual with above average of home to such a difficult well as Eleanor. John and Bill and Reita McFadden. After the sale of the farm in 1979 George and Jean
verbal and written communi- and busy time. Thank you to for continuing Dads love of moved to Minnedosa where George worked for Manitoba Crop Insurance for 10 years as a Crop
cations, interpersonal skills, all friends and family who music. Thank you to the Le- Adjuster. Minnedosa became their home and community for 38 years.
ability to multi-task, profi- called, visited, sent cards and gion Honour Guards for their For 75 plus years George shared his musical talents with his community. He and his many
cient time management and flowers and brought food to presence at the service and to musical family and friends regularly entertained and played for dances. George was very com-
organizational abilities. The the house. The family would the Legion Auxiliary for pro- munity minded and volunteered or served organizations such as the R.M. of Saskatchewan
responsibilities of these pos- like to thank the Legions for viding the delicious lunch. Council, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 49, Rapid City Chamber of Commerce, Rapid City Golf
itions include, but not limited their contribution to the ser- Thank you to Rev. Natasha Course, Minnedosa Elks, Minnedosa Meals on Wheels, and the Minnedosa Legion Gardens.
to, developing an emergent vice, and the representation Pearen for the lovely service. George was predeceased by his parents, his loving wife Jean (January 2017), his eldest son
curriculum, providing posi- from the Masons and the Thank you to Nathan White Harold (April 2015), brothers Olie (Margaret), Harold, sister-in-law Mary McLean, brother-in-law
tive guidance, engaging with Shrine. We were humbled to and Whites Funeral Services Harvey Bertram, parents-in-law John and Charlotte Dow, brothers-in-law Roy Dow (Betty), Nor-
families, basic housekeeping, hear Chipperfields Coffee for their proffessialism and man Dow (Grace), Campbell Dow (Amanda), sisters-in-law Mildred (Bill Attwood), Melles (Bill
etc. For more information re- Shop and Minnedosa Phar- compassion in the days fol- Vann), Alma (John McDonald), Blanche (Earl Ritchie), Bernice (Lloyd McTavish); two half sister-
garding this position, contact macy closed in respect to lowing dads service. Thank in-laws Annie and Laura.
Teresa Guillas at 204-867- Ken; a community coming you to Flowers on Main for all George is survived by his daughter-in-law Irene, son Craig (Sheila), and daughter Janice
3313. Please send resumes to together to go above and be- the beautiful flowers and bou- (Barry Meadows). He will be missed by his grandchildren: Chantelle (Dwayne Coss), Kristian
Box 1108 Minnedosa MB R0J yond. Thank you to Barb Han- quets prepared in memory of (Guylene), Stephanie, Matthew, Kyle, Pamela (Jason Campbell), Shauna (Tom Cornwall), and
1E0 or. minnedosachildcare@ ishewski for her gift of music. Dad. To family and friends, Dean Meadows (Erin Green); his 10 great grandchildren: Eric and Ella Coss, Amelie, Justin, and
wcgwave.ca. Deadline for ap- We would like to thank the thank you so much for your Derrick McLean, Carson Cornwall, Kayla and Taylor Campbell, Natalie and Olivia Meadows.
plications: October 20th, 2017. Anglican Ladies for the lovely kindness and sympathy at a George is also survived by his brother Albert, sister Bernice Bertram (Eric Stanzelite) and many
(29-2) x lunch. Thank you, Nathan time when it was much need- nieces and nephews.
White and staff, from the ed and deeply appreciated. Georges family would like to thank the staff at the Minnedosa Personal Care Home for the
Jarvis Trucking is seeking Minnedosa Funeral Home Irene McLean, Craig and gentle and loving care they gave their Dad over the past year.
class 1 drivers to haul gravel & and Garry MacDowell for the Sheila McLean and Barry Dad we will love you forever and miss you always.
asphalt for highway construc- lovely service. Both your guid- and Janice Meadows. x The funeral service for George took place on October 4, 2017 in the Minnedosa United
tion. Experience with triple ance, kindness, understand- Church, Minnedosa, MB. Interment to followed in the Minnedosa Cemetery Legion Section.
end dumps necessary. We ing and humor brought life IN MEMORIAM In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba,
offer competitive wages. For to Dads spirit. Dads legacy is 10-120 McDonald Street, Winnipeg, Mb., R3C 4G2; or the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Mani-
more information please everywhere in our commun- toba, 6 Donald Street, Winnipeg, Mb., R3L 0K6.
call Jarod at 204-856-3221. ity and forever in our hearts. In Loving Memory of Arrangements in care of Minnedosa Funeral Service. 1-204-867-3868.
(29-4) x May the whistle blow!!! With BOB ATTWOOD Messages of condolence may be placed online www.minnedosafs.ca
heartfelt thanks Ava Harris February 24th, 1947
October 17th, 2007
June 8th, 1921 August 15th, 2017
MANUFACTURED Some days ten years
ROADEX SERVICES re- HOMES feels like a lifetime. With deep sadness in our hearts we announce the passing
quires O/O 1 tons and 3 tons Somedays it feels of Lillian Alice Hayward (nee Moffat) at the age of 96. Lillian was
for our RV division to haul like last month, born to Bert and Maude Moffat in the R.M of Blanshard, MB. She
RVs throughout North Amer- but no matter the way it feels, was one of six girls born to Bert and Maude.
ica and semi O/O to haul RVs we remember and think After receiving her bookkeeping diploma, she worked at
starting under $90,000 DE-
and general freight. Border of your laughter the Laboratory/X-ray Department at Brandon General Hospital.
LIVERED! Best Buy Homes
crossing required with valid while sharing a story, While she was walking back and forth to work, she would see a
Winnipeg/Brandon - WWW.
passport and clean criminal your love for peope, young man sweeping the sidewalk outside of a grocery store. That
record. 1-800-867-6233; www. especially your family young man, Harley Hayward, became her husband on May 30th,
- Canadas largest in-stock
roadexservices.com. and friends, 1945 in Brandon, MB. They settled into married life in Calgary, AB
home selection, quick deliv-
your woodworking gift, and later moved to Swift Current, SK. Lillian worked for the Swift
ery, custom factory orders!
EMPLOYMENT Text/call 204-813-9023.
your business mind, Current School Division until her retirement. It was with the School
OPPORTUNITY your passion for life Division where she made life long friends and during retirement, she
and giving back enjoyed many coffee dates with these dear friends that meant so much to
CANADIAN TAXPAYERS IN MEMORIAM to the community, her. Harley and Lillian enjoyed several winters in Mesa, AZ. They also enjoyed golfing and spend-
FEDERATION is seeking Dis- your positive outlook ing time with their dear friends. Lillian expressed a great appreciation for the wonderful care and
trict Sales Managers in your and the strength you had friendships she experienced during her stay at the Bentley where she resided for the past three
In Loving Memory of to fight each day.
area. Earn a good living while CAROLINE CHRISTINA years. Left to cherish her memory is her sister, Joyce (Gordon) Espey of Cardale, MB and several
fighting for lower taxes, less You have taught us nieces and nephews. Her family loved hearing Aunty Lils stories and is grateful for these mem-
ROBBINS all that every moment
waste, accountable govern- (Nee PETERSON) ories that will bring many smiles in future days. Lillian was predeceased by her husband Har-
ment. Resumes to: rcunning- is a true blessing ley; sisters (brothers-in-law) Isabelle (Ray) Bayes, Florence (Fred) Bayes, Edna (Fred) Sturman,
who passed away on and to be thankful
ham@taxpayer.com. More October 13th, 2003 Evelyn (Art) Dixon, and Margaret as well as sisters-in-law Elva and Glena. Lillians family would
info CALL 1-800-667-7933 or for what we have. like to thank all of the staff and special people at The Bentley, the I-Care team, and the medical
visit www.taxpayer.com. We remember you with professionals at the Cypress Regional Hospital for the exceptional care, love and support given to
Those we love dont go away, everlasting love and peace.
they walk beside us everyday her. At Lillians request, there will be no formal service at this time.
MEDICAL TRANSCRIP- Our memories of you Warrens Funeral Home were entrusted with the arrangements.
unseen, unheard. will never be forgotten.
TION! In-demand career! But always near, still loved,
Employers have work-at-
home positions available.
still missed and very Dear. Lovingly remembered by MOBILE HOMES PAINTER
Get online training you need Marilyn, Jeremy and
Dearly missed and Kreisten, Angela and Evan,
from an employer-trusted forever loved by LAST CHANCE, 1 ONLY Call Terry for Paint and
program. Visit: CareerStep. Rylan, Emma, Hanna
Husband Bob, Son Wayne 16 x 80, 3 Bed, 2 Bath. Start- repairs to painted surfaces.
ca/MT or 1-855-768-3362 to and Charlie. x
and sisters Jane, Marie and ing at $92,000. Altona Mo- Washing exterior siding. Still
start training for your work- Joyce. X bile Homes, 1-800-582-4036, time to book! 204-868-8088 or
at-home career today! 1-204-324-6776 Email amhl@ them@live.ca. Plan ahead for
mymts.net. interior work! (24-13) x
14 Friday, October 13, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune


Living in your
Proud Supporter
Rick Taylor 867-7551
Catharine Warrener
M Gijsbers
Chartered Professional
Available for:
Accountant Inc.
Indoor Renovations
Decks Landscaping
213 2nd St NE - Box 385
Soffit, Fascia, Siding
T: 867-3884 C: 867-0190 Specializing in water & sewer
Email: Catharine@mts.net 204-210-1274 installation & repair
All types of excavation
Minnedosa, MB Basements, Demolition
FASHION HOUSE warrenerconstruction@gmail.com Snow removal
339 - 4TH AVE. S.W. 241 - 6TH AVE., S.W. Gravel, Topsoil

- 1,040 sq. ft. bungalow - 1,390 sq ft. bungalow - Just under 2,300 sq ft
Van Veen
Kirk 867-0180
- 3 bedrooms, 2 baths - 3+1 bedrooms, 2 baths
CL Carpentry Ltd.
- Numerous updates and newly
nished garage
- Single detached garage
$289,900 MLS #1709016
- 31 feet of street side frontage
- Open oor plan providing Full-service construction
company specializing in
many options
$258,900 MLS # 1715248
$179,900 MLS # 1620932 AC Residential, Commercial GENERAL
and Farm building.
M&M Leo or Cherry van Veen
Office: 204 826 2292
AUTO BODY 867-0400
All Auto Body Repairs 0r
Ph: 867-2083 867-7506
5 Main St. North
293 4TH ST. N.E., R.M. OF HARRISON PARK 171 - 6TH AVE. N.E.
- Character home on 14.5 MINNEDOSA
Parish Backhoe
- 1,300 sq. ft. bi-level acres - 1,380 sq. ft. 3 bedroom
near the lake
- 2,970 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 2 - Immaculate condition and
- Single detached garage with bath lots of updates Septic Systems Weeping tiles
- Overlooks Little - Sunroom and double
PRAIRIE REDI-MIX Water Systems Basements
Minnedosa - 867-3853
- Lots of updates and features Saskatchewan River Valley detached garage R eady Mix Conc rete All types of excavation
$264,900 MLS # 1723948 $354,900 MLS #1719531 $298,900 MLS # 1618266 Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh, Certified in waste
Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
Considering listing your Property? All at Competitive
water management
Call me today for great service at great rates! prices Call: Ian
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Prairie Mountain Ph: 204-867-4657 Bryon Gaiser

Gwen Usick Fax: 204-867-2150
Independently Owned
and Operated Broker Realtor
gwenu@mts.net Truck & Skid
Steer Service
LIS N EW EW EW Competitive Rates
Extensively renovated 2 bdm 1 1/2
bath home features all new kitchen NEWDALE MINNEDOSA
cabinets, countertops, backsplash, This 3383 sq ft solid river front
Recently renovated 12x52 2 1976 Portage Mobile 3 bedroom 1 office building is brick & stucco
bedroom 1 bath 1970 Dutchess island, LED lighting, sky light in 1/2 bath home, double car garage with metal roof & features 2 side by
Imperial Mobile Home on rented lot master bath, new HE gas furnace, with metal roof on a large lot side separate businesses each with
in trailer park. Includes vinyl siding, HWT 17, new plumbing, newly that backs onto an open field on wheelchair accessible entrances.
attached single car garage with Paved parking lot for up to 20
deck, flower beds, laundry, shed,
appliances. All the work is done, GDO & remote, vinyl siding,
outskirts of town. Home has some
newer flooring, 2 newer toilets and
cars. West side is 2208 sq ft with SEMI WITH LOW BED & END DUMP
insulation, shingles, roof vents, 6 mirrored offices, east side is 1175
just unpack your bags and move in. comes with fridge, stove, washer sq ft more offices. Both sides have
Deals like this dont last long! windows, landscaped front yard, & dryer. there own waiting room, reception, Roofing Decks
drainage & much more. Call listing gas furnace with central air, central Fencing Exterior Finishing
agent for detailed list. vac and much much more...
Mls#1624538 $64,900 Renovations Repairs
MLS#1723284 $40,000 MLS#1713668 $229,900 MLS#1705709 $279,000
$224,900 $229,000 littlevalleyconstruction@live.ca
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 INSURANCE
Take a tour on Realtor.ca or our website www.remax-prairie mountain-npwa.mb.com
Drivers Licenses, Autopac
BDO Canada, LLP BURTON PAINTING General Insurance Enterprises Ltd.
Cheri McTavish Broker Refridgeration
Chartered Accountants 867-3946 Air Conditioning,
and Advisors Myrna Alexander
Myrna Charles Heating & Electrical
George Allard, FCGA* Cell: 868-5503
Cell: 868-5503
Gateway Street Farm, Business & Individual
30 Years
Onanole, MB Open Professional Services:
Book Ex perience!!
204-848-7413 ~ Tax
8:30 -6:00 This
Howard Wirch, C.G.A* ~ Accounting Bus : 867-3950
9-515 4th Ave. 116 Main Street
110A ~ Farm Programs Spot Fa x: 867-2340
Shoal Lake, MB
Sarah Campbell, CGA Book this spot
204-759-2680 Minnedosa for
Dauphin Office -
39 Main Street South $5.52/week only
15 1st Ave. S.W.
204 867-5550 Minnedosa 867-2957
Call 204-867 3816
Phone: 204-638-3005 $11.07
Fax: 204-638-5817
*Denotes Professional Corporation
week! Call Gregg
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, October 13, 2017 15



Septic Service
L a w O ffi c e
5 AND 6 continuous TV AND APPLIANCE
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. SALES AND SERVICE Potable water Lawn Mowing & Trimming
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h Your Shaw Direct, Dandelion Spraying -
Siding Roofing MINNEDOSA 867-2717 LG, Samsung, Bell delivery. Licensed Pesticide Applicator
Soffit Fascia
Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam
Danby Dealer Book your portable Fertilizer Application
Glen Burgess Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation
Computer Sales and Service
Systems, Monitors &
Erle Jury & Family
Licensed Arborist Service
Hedge Trimming
Fire Retardent Coating Accessories
204-867-3738 PLUMBING Minnedosa, MB 867-2416
Yard Clean Up

204-868-5211 Email: mcreal@live.ca

Phone 867-3164
Cell: 867-7558
Cory Johnston Minnedosa

WAHOSKI E-mail: darm112@mts.net (204) 476-4705

Sewage Service Prairie Mountain HVAC/R


Anxiety Disorders
Air Conditioning

867-0145 867-5551
or of Manitoba Cell: 476-6591 Kitchen Equipment
Commercial Gas Fitter
Support Group Dennis: 476-2766
Gently Used Furniture 204-476-5185 Commercial & Residential
service specialist
FINANCE Clothing & Misc. Items Meetings are held at 23 Hour Service
Donations Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of Kent Brown
Estate Sales HILLSIDE the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 1-204-867-7346
Minnedosa Pick-up & Deliveries Plumbing & Heating
For more info call:
Credit Union
Debbie Fisch
(204) 725-8550 LEONAS
Ty Burton St. Alphonsus Studio Of Image
Main line 204-868-5358 Catholic Church Eminence Facials
204-867-6350 ANONYMOUS 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW.
Brad Ross Custom If you like to drink and can Minnedosa,MB
Minnedosa, MB 867-3831
& Product
Pedicures & LCN Nails
Carol Taylor
Fertilizer That's your business
If you want to stop and can't Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. Spray Tanning
204-867-6368 Floating That's our business. Piercing
Eyelash Extensions
Terry McLenehan Call today to book your
Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 36
Susan Glasgow
spring oating needs!
Construction or 867-3966 204-867-2287
Alanon - 210-0433 67 Main St.
204-867-6353 Darvin - 204-868-5869 MAIN OFFICE Alateen - 867-5121
Debbie Strelczik
Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-5458
867-3401 Minnedosa
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays People Helping People TAC
Dan Quesnel PLUMBING & HEATING - Committed to Caring - Ventures Inc.
Sylvia Firby
Russ Huyghe
204-868-6376 Drug Problem? Phone (204) 857-6100 Waste
204-867-6361 CONSTRUCTION Narcotics Fax (204) 857-8389 Management &
Candice Brown
Cody Huyghe
204-210-0502 Anonymous can help cpcancerservices@shaw.ca
www.centralplainscancer Contracting
Alayna McTavish
(48-4) OFFICE MANAGER Meetings every services.com (204)476-0002
Matt Saler
Kim Robinson 204-868-6886 Tuesday & Waterpals
Garbage Removal
Bin Rentals
204-867-6352 LEGAL Saturday at 7 p.m. Potable Water Delivery
Construction Demolition
Joanne Clarke
G ORD K E L LY at Calvary Temple, Minnedosa and area
Household clean up
Estate clean ups
Gaylene Johnson Alexander Plumbing & Heating 221 Hamilton Street, No Job is too small!!!
Jackson Gas Fitting Neepawa, MB Transformative
ph: 867-2084 204-868-5674 (8-4)
204-867-6391 Law Office cell: 867-0346 Permanant Hair Removal
B-116 MainSt.St
110B Main S. S 142 Main Street North

GRAIN Minnedosa, MB REAL ESTATE MLA Minnedosa, MB

HAULING 867-3981

Lake Audy Meats


Brian Horner
Burgess Law Farm Raised Animals
Grain & Fertilizer Lorne or Ian Arnold
Hauling 204.759.3313 204-848-2205
51 Main Street S Toll Free 844.877.7767 Cells: 204-867-7380
Minnedosa gregnesbittmla@mymts.net or 204-848-0660
PETER HARRISON #7 515 4th Avenue Josh McKay - Sales Rep
Phone/Text 867-5444 Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB 204-210-0740
204-867-7182 www.suttonharrison.com
16 Friday, October 13, 2017 The Minnedosa Tribune

Putting Your Lawn To Rest Local Girls Playing Hockey With Neepawa Chiefs
For A Long Winters Nap By Hillary Miller Bartram said that they have a young team this year,
with only four of the team members being Major Ban-
T he Neepawa Chiefs Bantam Girls Hockey Team has
really become a regional hockey team, including
tam players, and the rest being Junior Bantams. We
are coming along as a team already, and we are excited

A s the weather cools and the trees change various

shades of yellow, red and orange, those of us with
yards have to start putting thought into clearing those
one young woman from Minnedosa Callie Maguire.
According to Kevin Bartram, the teams manager,
there are nineteen girls on the team, from eighteen
about this he said.
Last weekend, the team was in Winnipeg for a
showcase. Bartram said the teams morale was very
pesky leaves before the snow begins to fall. different postal codes. There are young women from good coming away from the weekend. Parents got to
Cleaning up the leaves from your yard is tedious Cromer, Virden, McCauley, Foxwarren, Shoal Lake, know each other a little bit better, players got to know
and you may find yourself considering to avoid the chore Hamiota, Cardale, Onanole, Minnedosa, Rapid City, each other a little bit better, so that was good, we had a
altogether, says Michelle Sordi, director of marketing for Rivers, Miniota and Elkhorn, to name a few. good weekend.
Husqvarna Canada, the worlds largest producer of out- The roster includes Sadie Quane, Sydny Gerelus, This year, there will be about 40-45 games that
door power products. However, removing leaves from Kyia Knight, Kate-Leigh Heapy, Madison Bartram, Car- the team will play this year, but they are not a part of a
your yard will benefit your landscape and garden in the lyjo Carson, Brooke-Lynne Rowand, Payton Malchuk, league, they will be playing only exhibition games.
long run, such as warding off pests and allowing your Kalbry Pearson, Kasey Fouillard, Kora Tibbats, Mon- At practice, Bartram said they have been doing
lawn to breathe. tana McDonald, Avery Richard, Josie Nichols, Callie all high-performance drills, with a lot of skating work.
To ensure a strong and healthy lawn for years to Maguire, Louise Fergusson, Dusty Kawchuk, Alexan- It is a very fast practice, there is no standing around,
come, the pros recommend the following tips: dra Cousins, Brooklyn Hedly. he said, most of the girls have bought into that now.
Normally, Bartram said, there would be more He said this is not like a practice for the younger girls,
Rake the area: Take a standard leaf rake and gather young women on the team, except this year they only these ones are harder, and when they are finished, the
all leaves into small individual piles around your yard. had 19 try out. This is likely because they decided to girls all know they have been on the ice for an hour and
Raking can take a toll on your lower back and smaller hold one practice each week, on a Wednesday, in a half. But they all come off the ice with a smile on
piles of leaves are easier to gather from around the lawn, Minnedosa, which could be close to a two hour drive their face, so it cant be all bad, he added.
limiting the amount of raking you need to do. for some of the more western players. The other weekly He is very optimistic about the year ahead, By
practice will be in Birtle, on Mondays. This meant that Christmas time we will be a little bit better, and by the
Blow them away: Using a leaf blower can take the the team was picked for them, and Bartram is content end of the season we will be better than we were at
strain off your back during the removal of leaves by al- with this, its pretty hard to cut a 13 year old girl, and Christmas time. At the end of this month, they will be
lowing you to stand upright while clearing. Husqvarna its never easy as a coaching staff to have to tell some- having an exhibition game at Waywayseecappo, and
also provides battery powered blowers that are not only body that they didnt make a program that they wanted hope to see you all there!
lighter but also quieter, a feature your neighbors will to be a part of.
thank you for.

Create a compost pile: With all the natural organic

matter in leaf piles, fall is the perfect time to start a com-
post pile. Aim to keep your compost pile in a container
that is at least four feet deep for proper decomposition.

Mulch em: Dont just throw away your leaves put

them to use. Take out your lawn mower and run over the
leaves to mulch them. Use your newly made leaf fertilizer
and apply it to your garden or indoor plants for extra nu-

Routine is key: Removing leaves in the fall will pre-

vent them from getting heavy and rotting on your lawn.
If you wait for winter snow to cover the leaves, youll still
have to deal with them in the spring which can impact
the regrowth of a healthy lawn next year.

Please see your local Husqvarna dealer, Four Sea-

sons Repair in Minnedosa, for more info.


Sunday, October 15th

Prince Albert

Friday, October 20th



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