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por oe mighty Drake Feat oe) ears Oa himself, and the ng eeu Ce Aree ea ty ee vaults there for centuries since he eee when driven by hunger to do so, De ee ee ee ae ee ed Sometimes whole generations may Peers ag ea beast, and his name and legend will fade, only to rise again with aera Pee Oe ers eg eas Sr a ee ae ee ee ees years for the areas around Sol- Arrath to recover from his raids, ee Pea ee en en aT ree eee the more petrifying his inevitable fora Da ca ee have the wherewithal to do more ed aed ee ee ee fortitude to look properly upon this harbinger of doom find their ee nee er Pe en ‘maw. Those that look closer still eer and will set off with no heed for friends nor family, wandering eee oan cay towards the lair ofthe beast, there Pee ree eg more in eternal servitude. The nature of this entrancement is understood by very few ~ most simply label it ‘Dragon Gaze’, ee eee) some magical power upon the creature itself. The truth is that Deere aa Karrathor’s own doing. The crown Praag ‘magnificent fangs is that of his me nad King. This crown was one of the fabled artefacts known as the Ce ee eed Pere eae een ey eee a eat eed erent ee cy Oe ee ce ee ae their Wicked One counterparts. prem y ema eee eae read Pee enc of whichever future they desire. Cer een ey will feel pain if parted from its nar ea Pee eat a See ee ee ees eed by an army of fanatical thralls Poe ear ey order to protect the very object Boe eee oom who are magically sustained by the power of the crown past all normal endurance and even death itself, doomed to forever fight until utterly destroyed. They feel no pain, no fear and no tiredness, ee eek Splinter and the pain of being parted from it. It is impossible to know for sure just how many eee ered Perea een of the dragon’s lair, but all that eee eee) with each passing year. Though ee ey Pee ee reg gto Pee a ee Seen eared by the multitudes of mindless Rae ed ese ee artefact or roasted to death in Vote er es eee re ee eg To enter the caves of Karrathor is to invite death, but to defeat all Ce career es men ee ea ‘measure. Itis a risk that many en ed none have returned from. The heroes have been forewarned a een ae Pee tea re cen ey eet ee eee ay Po eae ee them from the power of the God Sao ee from its cursed influence. The eee ere ae eae eee ee eRe Ce ee ec en ener ee eg provided for the purpose before that power runs out, or face an Ce ee ed Oe ee cane Peer Ee are es ge centuries. If they are not slain first by the thralls or Karrathor eae ed ea a eed ne ea eae eee ee ee eT Ceres eee ae) ca

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