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Self Cast on 2+ Self Cast on 5+

Aura of Command Aura of dismay Banishment

Calling on his magical ability and strength ofmind, the Whether he utters foul curses and incantations, or weaves Unleashing a blast ofpure and brilliant light, the caster
caster strengthens the resolve ofthe fighters around him, shadows and mysteries ti decieve his foe, the caster causes assails the fell creatures ofundeath.
banishing fear and dread with words ofcourage and his enemy to see that which they most fear on the visages of
conviction. his allies.

While this power is in effect, the caster and All friendly models within 6" if the caster The power can only affect Spirits and
all friendly models within 6" of him cause Terror, including the caster himself. Undead. The target model automatically
automatically pass any courage tests they suffers 1 Wound.
are required to take.

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

The range of the spell is increased to 12". The range of the spell is increased to 12", The target models suffers D3 Wounds

Range 12" Cast on 5+ Range 12" Cast on 6+ Self Cast on 2+

Black dart Black dart Blinding Light
A mysterious power that strikes into the flesh ofthe foe, the A mysterious power that strikes into the flesh ofthe foe, the Unleashing a glowing aura ofincandescent light from the
Black Dart is a weapon only used by the most dire ofthe Black Dart is a weapon only used by the most dire ofthe tip ofa staffor the palm ofan outstretched hand, the caster
Dark Lord's servants - a means ofmurder from afar. Dark Lord's servants - a means ofmurder from afar. illuminates the area all around him. Whilst this allows the
caster's friends to see as clear as day, any nearby foes are
dazzled by the stark and sudden brightness.

The target model suffers a Strength 9 hit. The target model suffers a Strength 9 hit. Whilst this power is in effect, any shots
Do not roll To Hit or take In The Way tests. Do not roll To Hit or take In The Way tests. directed at tge caster, or a model within 6"
If cast on a Cavalry model the attacker If cast on a Cavalry model the attacker of him, only hit on a To Hit roll of a 6.
chooses whether the mount or rider is chooses whether the mount or rider is Additionally, an area with a 12" radius
struck. Black Dart can even target a model struck. Black Dart can even target a model around the caster is illuminated as if it were
that is engaged in combat. that is engaged in combat. daylight (perfect when your Wizard is

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

A wounding hit will cause D3 Wounds, A wounding hit will cause D3 Wounds, The duration becomes Exhaustion.
rather than 1. rather than 1.

Range 18" Cast on 4+ Range 12" Cast on 5+ Range 18" Cast on 3+

Chill Soul Chill Soul Command
An assault on the very life essence ofthe victim. Chill Soul An assault on the very life essence ofthe victim. Chill Soul Using the mental strength ofthe caster, this power
is a vile magical power. Ignoring physical defenses such is a vile magical power. Ignoring physical defenses such overwhelms the mind ofits victim to force the will ofthe
as toughebed hides, armour and shields, Chill Soul spares as toughebed hides, armour and shields, Chill Soul spares caster upon them. Those who fall prey to this power find
only thoses whose willpower is great enough to resist it. only thoses whose willpower is great enough to resist it. themselves losing control oftheir own bodies, inexorably
moving at the whim ofanother, unable to defend themselves.

The target model suffers a Wound, exactly The target model suffers a Wound, exactly The caster can move the target model up to half its
maximum move distance. He can do this even if the model
as if wounded in close combat. If cast on a as if wounded in close combat. If cast on a has already moved that turn. The move cannot force the
Cavalry model, the attacker chooses Cavalry model, the attacker chooses victim to jump, leap, climb or lie down, but can take it inot
whether the mount or rider suffers the whether the mount or rider suffers the difficult terrain and even make it Charge an enemy. No
Courage tests are required to Charge terror-causing foes, in
Wound. Chill Soul can even target models Wound. Chill Soul can even target models this instance. It can even force the victim to drop an item
engaged in combat. engaged in combat. that it is holding or to put on the One Ring (if he carries
it). Once the model has finished the move, he may not
move further that turn, for any reason.
Finally, the victim suffers the effects of the
Immobilise/Transfix magical powers.

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

In addition, all other models (friends and In addition, all other models (friends and The target model also reduces his Fight
foe) within 3" of the inital target suffer a foe) within 3" of the inital target suffer a value and Attacks to 1.
5 hit. Strength 5 hit.
Range 12" Cast on 3+ Range 12" Cast on 4+ Range 3" Cast on 2+
Your Staff is Broken Your Staff is Broken Hey! Come merry dol!
A rare magical power that can shatter the formidable Staffs A rare magical power that can shatter the formidable Staffs Sometimes the power ofmusic is enough to rejuninate and
of Power belonging to the Wizards, only the greatest of of Power belonging to the Wizards, only the greatest of can instantly heal the body and mind ofhis friends with a
sorcerers and Wizards can master this. sorcerers and Wizards can master this. simple act ofwill and merry song.

This power destroys the staff of the target This power destroys the staff of the target This power can be used on a single friendly
model. All the advantages associated with model. All the advantages associated with model. The affected model instantly
the staff are immediately lost (including the the staff are immediately lost (including the regains a single lost Wound, as well as a
two-handed weapon bonus). two-handed weapon bonus). single expended point each of Might, Will
and Fate. It also immediately recovers from
the effects of any enemy magical power.

Channelled: Channelled:
The target model also suffers a Strength 7 The target model also suffers a Strength 7
hit. hit.

Range 3" Cast on 2+ Range 12" Cast on 2+ Self Cast on 3+

Refreshing Song Call Winds Bestial Fury
Sometimes the power ofmusic is enough to rejuninate and Un;eashing the power ofthe air, the cast is able to conjure Unleashing his magical power to magnify the bitterness and
can instantly heal the body and mind ofhis friends with a powerful gusts and gales ofwind, which can buffer a foe and violent anger ofhis animale follwers, the caster transforms
simple act ofwill and merry song. frive them first in one direction and then in another. Stunned the beasts around him into frenzied and fearless berserkers,
and disoriented by the arcane attackm the confused victim able to ignore fatal wounds.
will be able to offer little opposition,

This power can be used on a single friendly A single model within range is blown 2D6" The caster and any Wargs, Spiders and Bat
model. The affected model instantly directly away from the caster. If this brings Swarms (including Heroes) within 6 are
regains a single lost Wound, as well as a the target into contact with another model possessed by an insane fighting frenzy.
single expended point each of Might, Will or an area of impassable terrain, it stops 1 They will automatically pass any Courage
and Fate. It also immediately recovers from away from the obstacle. In either case, the tests they take. Every time they suffer a
the effects of any enemy magical power. model is knocked to the ground and may wound they can roll a dice: on a 6 the
not move, for any reason, later in the turn. Wound is recovered (if the wound is not
recovered Heroes can still use their Fate as

Range 12" Cast on 3+ Range 6" Cast on 4+ Range Cast on

Enrage Beast Wrath of Bruinen Title
Shamantic powers can increase the beast within turning it The very power ofthe waters ofthe Ford ofBruinen is at Narrative.
into a vicious creature, once the rage is over the beast with the casters command, causing the waters to rise up and
suffer enormous pain. crash down upon enemies.

This power can be used on a single Bat, Only one foe within range may attempt to Rules.
Warg or Spider model. The target becomes resist this power. If the foe fails to resist,
enraged Fight, Strength, Attacks and all enemies within range are knocked to the
Courage are increased by 3. At the end of ground. Cavalry models are automatically
the Fight phase the enraged model suffers a thrown and both the steed and the rider are
Strength 10 hit. knocked to the ground. All affected models
then suffer a
Strength 2 hit, or a Strength 8 hit if they are
in a stream, river or other similar terrain

Range 12" Cast on 3+ Range 12" Cast on 4+ Range 12" Cast on 5+
Command Command Command
Using the mental strength ofthe caster, this power Using the mental strength ofthe caster, this power Using the mental strength ofthe caster, this power
overwhelms the mind ofits victim to force the will ofthe overwhelms the mind ofits victim to force the will ofthe overwhelms the mind ofits victim to force the will ofthe
caster upon them. Those who fall prey to this power find caster upon them. Those who fall prey to this power find caster upon them. Those who fall prey to this power find
themselves losing control oftheir own bodies, inexorably themselves losing control oftheir own bodies, inexorably themselves losing control oftheir own bodies, inexorably
moving at the whim ofanother, unable to defend themselves. moving at the whim ofanother, unable to defend themselves. moving at the whim ofanother, unable to defend themselves.

The caster can move the target model up to half its The caster can move the target model up to half its The caster can move the target model up to half its
maximum move distance. He can do this even if the model maximum move distance. He can do this even if the model maximum move distance. He can do this even if the model
has already moved that turn. The move cannot force the has already moved that turn. The move cannot force the has already moved that turn. The move cannot force the
victim to jump, leap, climb or lie down, but can take it inot victim to jump, leap, climb or lie down, but can take it inot victim to jump, leap, climb or lie down, but can take it inot
difficult terrain and even make it Charge an enemy. No difficult terrain and even make it Charge an enemy. No difficult terrain and even make it Charge an enemy. No
Courage tests are required to Charge terror-causing foes, in Courage tests are required to Charge terror-causing foes, in Courage tests are required to Charge terror-causing foes, in
this instance. It can even force the victim to drop an item this instance. It can even force the victim to drop an item this instance. It can even force the victim to drop an item
that it is holding or to put on the One Ring (if he carries that it is holding or to put on the One Ring (if he carries that it is holding or to put on the One Ring (if he carries
it). Once the model has finished the move, he may not it). Once the model has finished the move, he may not it). Once the model has finished the move, he may not
move further that turn, for any reason. move further that turn, for any reason. move further that turn, for any reason.
Finally, the victim suffers the effects of the Finally, the victim suffers the effects of the Finally, the victim suffers the effects of the
Immobilise/Transfix magical powers. Immobilise/Transfix magical powers. Immobilise/Transfix magical powers.

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

The target model also reduces his Fight The target model also reduces his Fight The target model also reduces his Fight
value and Attacks to 1. value and Attacks to 1. value and Attacks to 1.

Range 18" Cast on 2+ Range 12" Cast on 2+

Curse drain Courage drain Courage
There are those who are possessed ofa certain fortune, their Even the greatest Heroes cannot hold their nerve forever, Even the greatest Heroes cannot hold their nerve forever,
destiny ensuring that they can survive mortal injuries that especially when the magic oftheir enemies is turned to especially when the magic oftheir enemies is turned to
would slay even the most doughty warriors. The most potent eroding their resolve. Little by little, their valour is eroding their resolve. Little by little, their valour is
curses oftheir foes, howver, can strip away that protection, drained away. drained away.
leaving them vulnerable to the blades and bows oftheir

The target model immediately loses a Fate The target model reduces its Courage The target model reduces its Courage
point. characteristic by 1 for the duration of the characteristic by 1 for the duration of the
battle, to a minimum of 1. This magical battle, to a minimum of 1. This magical
power can take effect several times on the power can take effect several times on the
same target - reducing the model's Courage same target - reducing the model's Courage
each time. each time.

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

The target model loses all of its remaining The target model reduces its Courage The target model reduces its Courage
Fate points. characteristic by D3 instead of 1. characteristic by D3 instead of 1.

Range 12" Cast on 3+ Self/Base Contact Self Cast on 3+

drain Courage Fortify Spirit Fury
Even the greatest Heroes cannot hold their nerve forever, This magical power can restore the fortitude and willpower Unleashing his magical power to magnify the bitterness and
especially when the magic oftheir enemies is turned to ofeven the most battle weary fighters. violent anger ofhis follwers, the caster transforms the
eroding their resolve. Little by little, their valour is fighters around him into frenzied and fearless berserkers,
drained away. able to ignore fatal wounds.

The target model reduces its Courage This power only targets the caster or a This magical power affects t he caster and
characteristic by 1 for the duration of the model in base contact with him. While this all friendly models of the same race within
battle, to a minimum of 1. This magical power is in effect, the model rolls two extra 6" of him. Whilst this power is in effect,
power can take effect several times on the dice when making Resist tests. These extra affected models automatically pass Courage
same target - reducing the model's Courage dice do not reduce his Will store and can be tests. They also receive a special Fate that
each time. rolled even if he has no Will points is passed on the roll of a 6 if they are
remaining or chooses not to expend any wounded. This test is taken immediately
Will. after a Wound is caused, can be taken
before other Fate rolls are made, and can be
altered by Might.
Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:
The target model reduces its Courage The target also adds 1 to the core of his The special Fate roll that the power
characteristic by D3 instead of 1. highest dice when resisting magic. provides is passed on a 5+ instead of a 6.
Range 18" Cast on 2+ Range 12" Cast on 2+ Range 12" Cast on 3+
Immobilse Immobilse Immobilse
An unassuming power that can nonetheless turn the tide of An unassuming power that can nonetheless turn the tide of An unassuming power that can nonetheless turn the tide of
an entire battle, the ability to transfix or immobilise a foe an entire battle, the ability to transfix or immobilise a foe an entire battle, the ability to transfix or immobilise a foe
leaves the victim unaware ofthe battle swirling around them leaves the victim unaware ofthe battle swirling around them leaves the victim unaware ofthe battle swirling around them
and unable to either fight back or run away. Those most and unable to either fight back or run away. Those most and unable to either fight back or run away. Those most
unfortunate are rendered completely defenceless. unfortunate are rendered completely defenceless. unfortunate are rendered completely defenceless.

Whilst this power is in effect, the target Whilst this power is in effect, the target Whilst this power is in effect, the target
model may not move (except to Back Away, model may not move (except to Back Away, model may not move (except to Back Away,
should he lose a Fight) or shoot. should he lose a Fight) or shoot. should he lose a Fight) or shoot.
Additionally, whilst this power is in effect, Additionally, whilst this power is in effect, Additionally, whilst this power is in effect,
he halves his Fight and Attacks he halves his Fight and Attacks he halves his Fight and Attacks
characteristics (rounding up) and may not characteristics (rounding up) and may not characteristics (rounding up) and may not
Strike if he wins a Duel roll. Strike if he wins a Duel roll. Strike if he wins a Duel roll.

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

The target model's Fight and Attacks The target model's Fight and Attacks The target model's Fight and Attacks
characteristics are reduced to 1. characteristics are reduced to 1. characteristics are reduced to 1.

Range 12" Cast on 4+ Range 12" Cast on 5+ Self Cast on 4+

Immobilse Immobilse Nature's Wrath
An unassuming power that can nonetheless turn the tide of An unassuming power that can nonetheless turn the tide of Unleashing the power ofnature around him, the caster
an entire battle, the ability to transfix or immobilise a foe an entire battle, the ability to transfix or immobilise a foe buffers and blasts his foes. Whether it is the raging torrent
leaves the victim unaware ofthe battle swirling around them leaves the victim unaware ofthe battle swirling around them ofa river ir gale, or the shaking ofthe very ground
and unable to either fight back or run away. Those most and unable to either fight back or run away. Those most beneath their feet, even the sturduest foes are thrown to
unfortunate are rendered completely defenceless. unfortunate are rendered completely defenceless. the ground.

Whilst this power is in effect, the target Whilst this power is in effect, the target All enemy models within 6" of the caster
model may not move (except to Back Away, model may not move (except to Back Away, are knocked Prone. Cavalry models are
should he lose a Fight) or shoot. should he lose a Fight) or shoot. automatically treated as having suffered a
Additionally, whilst this power is in effect, Additionally, whilst this power is in effect, Rise from the Dust result on the Thrown
he halves his Fight and Attacks he halves his Fight and Attacks Rider chart - both rider and mount are then
characteristics (rounding up) and may not characteristics (rounding up) and may not knocked Prone.
Strike if he wins a Duel roll. Strike if he wins a Duel roll.

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

The target model's Fight and Attacks The target model's Fight and Attacks All enemy models within 6" suffer a
characteristics are reduced to 1. characteristics are reduced to 1. Strength 2 hit after being knocked Prone.

Range 12" Cast on 2+ Range 6" Cast on 4+ Range 12" Cast on 3+

Panic Steed Paralyse Renew
Reaching into the mind ofa simple beast is far easier than A cruel magical power which renders its victim utterly Wounds heal, bones knit back together and weary, injured
overcoming the willpower ofa determined warrior. By helpless. warriors find themselves once again hale and hearty.
using his magical powers, the caster can create a strong
sense ofpanic in a steed, causing it to buck and throw its
rider to the ground.

This power may only target mounted The target is immediately paralysed. It is knocked Prone
and may do nothing until it recovers. The victim also
The target regains a single Wound lost
models (even those on Monsterous mounts). makes no Duel rolls, and thus will automatically lose a earlier in the battle.
The rider is immediately thrown from the Fight unless joined by a Friendly model.
saddle and his mount bolts from the field of f
At the end of the Fight phase, the controlling player must
battle. Remove the mount from play and roll a D6 for each of his Paralysed models. On the roll of
roll on the Thrown Rider chart to determine a 6, the model recovers and stands up. Friendly models
the effects of the fall. who spend the Fight phase in contact with the Paralysed
model, and do nothing else, may also attempt to revive the
victim. Roll an additional D6 for the Paralysed model for
each such friend. Might points can be used to modify this
Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:
All enemy models within 3" of the initial Each time the victim fails to roll a 6 on a The model instead recovers D3 lost
target are also affected. revive roll, he suffers a Strength 5 hit. wounds.
Range 18" Cast on 3+ Range 12" Cast on 3+ Range 12" Cast on 4+
Sap Will Sap Will Sap Will
This magical power is a direct assualt against the willpower This magical power is a direct assualt against the willpower This magical power is a direct assualt against the willpower
ofits victim, an assualt that will leave them vulnerable to t he ofits victim, an assualt that will leave them vulnerable to t he ofits victim, an assualt that will leave them vulnerable to t he
barrage that will invariably follow. barrage that will invariably follow. barrage that will invariably follow.

The target loses D3+1 Will points to a The target loses D3+1 Will points to a The target loses D3+1 Will points to a
minimum of 0. minimum of 0. minimum of 0.

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

The target loses all of its Will points. The target loses all of its Will points. The target loses all of its Will points.

Range 12" Cast on 5+ Range 12" Cast on 4+ Range 12" Cast on 5+

Sap Will Sorcerous Blast Sorcerous Blast
This magical power is a direct assualt against the willpower With a flourish, the caster hurls his foe aside, bowling over With a flourish, the caster hurls his foe aside, bowling over
ofits victim, an assualt that will leave them vulnerable to t he any unfortunate enough to be nearby. any unfortunate enough to be nearby.
barrage that will invariably follow.

The target loses D3+1 Will points to a The target model is blasted D6" directly away from the caster and
knocked Prone. Roll a dice and move the target that number of inches.
The target model is blasted D6" directly away from the caster and
knocked Prone. Roll a dice and move the target that number of inches.
minimum of 0. Other models in the path of the blasted model are moved aside and Other models in the path of the blasted model are moved aside and
knocked Prone. If the target, or one of the models that is knocked knocked Prone. If the target, or one of the models that is knocked
Prone, is engaged in combat, then all the models (friend and foe) in Prone, is engaged in combat, then all the models (friend and foe) in
the same Fight are also knocked Prone. The target model suffers a the same Fight are also knocked Prone. The target model suffers a
Strength 5 hit, and any other model knocked Prone suffers a Strength 3 Strength 5 hit, and any other model knocked Prone suffers a Strength 3
hit. hit.
If the blasted model hits an Obstacle or a model that has a Strength of If the blasted model hits an Obstacle or a model that has a Strength of
6 or above, the blasted model's move immediately ends. The Obstacle 6 or above, the blasted model's move immediately ends. The Obstacle
or model (if it has a Defence value) suffer a Strength 3 hit. or model (if it has a Defence value) suffer a Strength 3 hit.
Move any models underneath the target model's final postion by the Move any models underneath the target model's final postion by the
minimum distance that allows them to be placed Prone on the board. minimum distance that allows them to be placed Prone on the board.
Note, even Transfixed/Compelled or otherwise immobilised models Note, even Transfixed/Compelled or otherwise immobilised models
will be blasted by Sorcerous Blast. will be blasted by Sorcerous Blast.
Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:
The target loses all of its Will points. The affected model instead suffers a The affected model instead suffers a
Strength 6 hit, and other models knocked Strength 6 hit, and other models knocked
Peone suffer Strength 4 hits instead. Peone suffer Strength 4 hits instead.

Range 12" Cast on 3+ Range 12" Cast on 4+ Range 12" Cast on 3+

Strengthen Will Strengthen Will Terrifying Aura
For those who find themselves near the limits oftheir For those who find themselves near the limits oftheir Drawing on his magical ability, the caster fools those around
courage and fortitude, this magical power offers courage and fortitude, this magical power offers him. His visage becomes suddenly more ferocious, his
rejuvenation. rejuvenation. physique more intimidating - causing his foes to quake in

The caster can use this spell to give one The caster can use this spell to give one Whilst this power is in effect, the caster
Will point to a friendly Hero within range. Will point to a friendly Hero within range. causes Terror.
The target's Will can be increased past their The target's Will can be increased past their
starting amount, and this power can be used starting amount, and this power can be used
even if they started the game without any even if they started the game without any
will points. will points.

Channelled: Channelled: Channelled:

The target receives D3 Will points instead The target receives D3 Will points instead Models wishing to Charge the caster whilst this
of 1. of 1. power is in effect must take their Courage test on
3D6, discarding the highest dice.

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