0908.0991 Katherine Freese

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Are we seeing the beginnings of Inflation?

Cosmin Ilie1 ,Tirthabir Biswas2 and Katherine Freese1

Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, Physics Dept.,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 16802-6300, USA
(Dated: February 20, 2013)
Phantom Cosmology provides an unique opportunity to connect the phantom driven (low en-
ergy meV scale) dark energy phase to the (high energy GUT scale) inflationary era. This is possible
because the energy density increases in phantom cosmology. We present a concrete model where the
energy density, but not the scale factor, cycles through phases of standard radiation/matter domi-
arXiv:0908.0991v1 [astro-ph.CO] 7 Aug 2009

nation followed by dark energy/inflationary phases, and the pattern repeating itself. An interesting
feature of the model is that once we include interactions between the phantom fluid and ordinary
matter, the Big rip singularity is avoided with the phantom phase naturally giving way to a near
exponential inflationary expansion.

PACS numbers: 98.80.Cq,11.25.-w, 04.50.+h

I. INTRODUCTION during a phantom phase will give rise to a blue spec-

trum, and consistency with the current WMAP 5-yr data
The current accelerated expansion of the universe is at the 2 level with tensor modes included [7] requires
usually explained by invoking a Dark Energy (DE) com- 1 > wp > 1.01. Secondly, it is well known that
ponent1 which today comprises more than 70% of the phantom cosmology typically ends in a Big-rip singu-
total energy in the universe (for reviews see [4, 5, 6]). larity, rather than the standard radiation phase which
The case of a pure cosmological constant, with w follows inflation. Remarkably, we find that both these
p / = 1 marks the divide to the phantom realm. problems can be addressed when we include interactions
Phantom dark energy models are described by systems between the phantom fluid and some hidden sector
with matter. Such interactions ameliorate the phantom ac-
celeration phase to an asymptotic de Sitter type expan-
pp sion, once the phantom energy density reaches a criti-
wp = < 1 (1)
p cal value. It is easy to arrange this transition to occur
around the GUT scale, which is appropriate for inflation-
and have the intriguing feature that the energy density ary cosmology. This also automatically avoids the big rip
in the universe increases with expansion, singularity as the space time now approaches a deSitter
universe. The density perturbations can have a variety
p a3(1+wp ) . (2) of possibilities, allowing for agreement with observations
[7]. Moreover, in our scenario the universe transitions to
Hence a universe with low mev scale accelerated ex- an asymptotic deSitter phase independent of the value of
pansion can eventually reach energy scales close to the p , and thus avoids having to fine-tune wp very close to
GUT scale, for instance. For some examples of cosmo- 1. As an additional advantage over the usual slow-roll
logical scenarios using phantom energy see [8, 9]. The inflationary scenario, in our phantom-driven inflationary
question that we want to ask is whether it is possible to model one does not have to tune the flatness of the po-
exploit this feature of phantom cosmology and turn the tential usually necessary to obtain the large number of
dark energy driven acceleration into a GUT scale infla- efoldings and near scale-invariant spectrum. In addition,
tionary phase2 . The idea then would be to construct a the hierarchy between the meV dark energy scale and
cyclic model where dark-energy/inflationary phases are the GUT inflation scale can re-expressed in terms of four
interspersed with decelerating radiation/matter phases. parameters that take values of O(1) to O(102 ). We can-
Several problems immediately appear. Firstly, unless not however address the coincidence problem in our
the equation of state for the phantom phase, wp , is ex- picture. Finally, there is the question of how to construct
tremely close to 1, the phantom acceleration will be a theoretically self-consistent model of phantom energy.
much faster than the deSitter expansion, and cannot be We will comment on this problem shortly.
reconciled with data. Density perturbations produced
Before delving into the details of our specific realiza-
tion of the phantom cyclic model, let us outline the ba-
sic picture by considering just a simple two fluid model,
phantom matter (p ) + radiation (r ). The cosmology
For alternative approaches which try to avoid dark energy by
invoking large scale inhomogeneities see, for instance, [1, 2, 3]. we want to realize is the following: although the scale
2 For a brief list of papers that propose various mechanism of con- factor always increases monotonically with time, the en-
necting the current accelerated expansion to inflation see [14] ergy density cycles, at least approximately. Each cycle

is divided into two different phases: (a) Radiation domi- tarity/instability [16], recent developments attempting to
nated phase, which starts at an energy density r = 4max . address these problems include progress in non-local [24]
As the universe expands radiation gets diluted, the Hub- and Lee-Wick [25] higher derivative models; see also [13]
ble parameter decreases and reaches a minimum when and [15]. As we will see, in our model the transition from
r = p = 4min . From here on we enter (b) the phantom phantom to radiation phase and vice-versa is achieved
energy dominated phase. In realistic cosmology the ra- partly by suitably choosing the interaction strength be-
diation phase should give way to matter domination at tween the scalar field and the hidden matter sector, and
energy densities (10 eV )4 , before giving way to phan- partly due to the presence of interactions between the
tom domination, but for simplicity we are going to ig- hidden and ordinary matter sector. (There is no direct
nore this slight complication. Thus for a typical scenario coupling between the ghost field and ordinary matter.)
which would be consistent with dark energy and infla- As emphasized before, the main reason why the cos-
tionary paradigm, max 1015 GeV 103 Mp or the mology described above can replace the standard infla-
GUT scale, and min meV 1030 Mp corresponding tionary paradigm is because in the phantom phase the
to the scale of current energy density. Now, in the phan- energy density increases even though the universe con-
tom phase, as the universe expands the energy density tinues to expand. Thus after the usual dilution in a radi-
increases, and so does the Hubble rate. Initially, depend- ation dominated phase, the phantom phase followed by
ing upon how negative the phantom equation of state reheating ensures that the universe again becomes hot
parameter, p , is this increase in energy density can be and therefore can reproduce the successes of the Big Bang
quite fast. However, in our model we will see that once Model, such as Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Cosmic Mi-
the energy density reaches close to a critical scale max , crowave Background Radiation. There is another essen-
which is determined by the interactions between the hid- tial similarity between our scenario and the inflationary
den and ordinary matter sector, the energy density and paradigm. The essential reason why inflation solves the
the Hubble parameter asymptote to a constant giving rise standard cosmological puzzles is because our observable
to a near exponential expansion. This inflationary phase universe (of radius H01 ) can originate from a very tiny
can end via the reheating mechanism described in section region at the beginning of inflation. Something very sim-
III, IV after which we enter the radiation dominated era ilar happens in our model as well, the universe expands
of the next cycle. by a huge factor in every cycle. In our model the number
A similar idea to the one in this paper has previously of e-foldings in the radiation and the phantom phase is
been presented by [13] who dubbed this model the eter- given by
nally expanding cyclic universe. They too (in their Sec-  
max max
tion 4.3) suggested an alternating increasing/decreasing Nrad ln and Nphan ln .
energy density. However the theory behind their model min 3(1 + p ) min
is quite different from ours, and consequently their pre- (3)
dictions for resultant density perturbations are different In order to have a successful GUT scale inflationary
as well 3 . One major problem of all phantom type mod- paradigm we need Ninf & 60. Thus one gets:
els is the vacuum stability due to the null energy condi-
tion violation. [13] examine a consistent way to solve this Ntot = Nphan + Nrad + Ninf (4)
problem, based on a deformation of the ghost condensate 4 max
1 ln + Ninf
model of Arkani-Hamed et all [17]. 3(1 + p ) min
Although the interactions between phantom fluid and
ordinary matter can lead to an inflationary spacetime, Just to get an idea, if we take min mev, max
we are still left with a graceful exit problem, or how to 1015 Gev, p 1.3, and Ninf 60, we get Ntot 400.
ensure that the universe enters the standard radiation What this means is that only a very very tiny portion (for
dominated era. Depending upon the specific model differ- the chosen example, e400 th) of our observable universe
ent reheating mechanisms may be able to trigger such will ultimately grow to become the observable universe in
a transition. We focus on a model where the phantom the next cycle at the same energy density scale. Another
fluid consists of a ghost like scalar field coupled to some essential similarity between the standard inflationary sce-
hidden matter sector. Such a fluid closely resembles the nario and our phantom based model, is the production
interacting DE-DM models [19, 20, 21, 22] except that of a huge amount of entropy in every cycle. Even in a
the scalar field instead of being an ordinary quintessence cyclic scenario if one wants to address the usual cosmo-
field, has negative kinetic energy like a ghost. Although logical puzzles, such as flatness, homogeneity, etc, as well
field theory with ghosts is plagued with problems of uni- as produce cosmological perturbations with the correct
amplitude required for galaxy formation, entropy pro-
duction seems to be an inevitable requirement [26]. Like
in inflation, in our scenario a huge amount of entropy
3 They always predict a negative, even if extremely small, tilt of is produced during reheating when most of the phantom
the spectral index while our model will allow a variety of possi- energy is converted into radiation. This is essential to
bilities (as discussed in later sections of this paper). ensuring the cyclicity of energy density even though the

scale factor of the universe is monotonically increasing 4 . ing from an action, where we allow for a direct coupling
It is worth mentioning that in most cyclic models pro- term between the hidden sector and the scalar field. The
posed the scale factor a(t) has a contracting-expanding second approach is to consider two fluids that can ex-
behaviour, where both a bounce, near the Big Bang, and change energy while maintaining the conservation of the
a turnaround, when the scale factor becomes large are total stress-energy tensor, as required by diffeomorphism
needed. A brief and incomplete compilation of some of invariance, although the individual stress-energy tensors
the papers that have proposed cyclic cosmologies can be are not conserved.
found in [9, 10]. Such cosmologies provide natural solu- Our system will be described by the following action:
tions to the flatness and horizon problems of standard
4 ()2
Big Bang scenario. Some variants also avoid the issue S= d x g Mp + + C()Lh , (5)
of initial conditions, provided entropy produced during 2 2
one cycle is not transferred to the next. In this case
the cycles will not grow, i.e. become larger (Tolmans where Lh does not depend on , being the action de-
argument[11]) from one to the next, so we can no longer scribing a perfect barotropic fluid. Here we work with
define a beginning of the universe. For instance the a spatially flat FRW metric with signature (, + + +).
authors of [12] developed an ekpyrotic inspired cyclical Notice that the kinetic term for the scalar field comes
model as an alternative to inflation, where a phase of with the wrong sign, as appropriate for a ghost. In the
slow contraction before the bang is responsible for gener- phantom dominated phase, described here, the Hubble
ating a nearly scale invariant spectrum of perturbations equation derived from the action above looks like
that seed the large scale structure formation. In con- " #
trast, the standard inflationary scenario assumes a short 2 1 1 2
H = ( + h ) = + C()h , (6)
phase that occurs after the big bang when the universe 3Mp2 3Mp2 2
is rapidly expanding and nearly scale invariant perturba-
tions are generated. where we have assumed the field to be homogenous.
The paper is organized as follows. In section II we Here a dot represents the derivative with respect to cos-
present our model of phantom fluid and discuss the cos- mic time, t and h denotes the bare energy density of the
mology relevant for dark energy. In section III, we discuss hidden sector, which is independent. We will assume
how including interactions can lead to an inflationary that it behaves like a perfect barotropic fluid, satisfying
space-time along with partially reheating the universe. the continuity equation:
In section IV we provide a specific example where transi-
h + 3H(h + ph ) = 0 (7)
tions from the phantom-inflation phase to radiation and
vice-versa can be orchestrated giving us a cyclic model with an equation of state
of the universe. In section V we discuss the different ob-
servational constraints coming from inflation, Big Bang ph = h (8)
Nucleosynthesis (BBN), and dark energy experiments.
Finally, we conclude with a summary of the scenario pre- One can also include a potential for the scalar field, and
sented and issues that needs to be addressed further. its effects are discussed briefly in the appendix, but for
the purpose of illustration we are going to set it to zero.
The interaction that we are going to consider between
the hidden matter sector and is going to be very similar
to the interactions considered in coupled quintessence (or
interacting DE-DM) models [19, 20, 21]. From the action
The purpose of this section is to implement a model in equation (5) we get two additional equations of motion.
for the phantom component that would drive the super-
accelarated expansion. For now we will not include reg- + 3H = 2h ()/Mp (9)
ular matter nor radiation, but rather focus solely on the h + 3H(1 + )h = 2h ()/Mp , (10)
components necessary to obtain a phantom phase. One
can possibly implement the cosmology sketched before where we have defined
in many different ways. Here we are going to realize the
above picture using a ghost-like scalar field (with nega- 1 dC
() , (11)
tive kinetic energy) coupled to a hidden matter sector C d
which we denote by index h. There are two equivalent
approaches to describe this type of coupling. One start- and we are going to assume hence forth that () always
remains positive. As one can see, both the Klein-Gordon
equation for and the continuity equation for the hidden
matter sector h are augmented by interaction terms in
4 It may be possible to embed the scenario in phantom cyclic mod- the right hand side of the equations (9,10). Although in
els [9, 27] with actual phases of contraction, but we are not going general depends on , to understand the phantom phase
to explore this possibility here. let us consider a constant to begin with. It is easy to

check that the above interaction is consistent with the It is as if the phantom scalar field is evolving under the
conservation of the total energy momentum tensor: influence of an effective potential given by

tot + 3H(tot + ptot ) = 0 (12) 

2(0 )/Mp
Veff () = h () = h0 e (18)
where tot h + . To see this we remind the readers
that the Klein-Gordon equation can be recast as
An important thing to note is the +ve sign appearing in

" # front of Veff in equation (17) because is a ghost field
d 2 with negative kinetic energy. It is clear now that because
3H 2 = 2h
dt 2 of the peculiar properties of the phantom field, actually
rolls up the effective potential e2/Mp .
We have the following late time attractor power-law
+ 3H( + p ) = 2 () , (13) solutions:
since the energy density and pressure for a phantom t t
a(t) = a0 & = 0 + pMp ln (19)
scalar field are given by t0 t0
2 e Mp = e Mp
= p = K = (14) t0
Thus the source terms in the individual conservation with
equations (10) and (13) cancel each other. 1 4
One can solve the hidden matter continuity equation n= and p = 2
exactly to find 42 3/2(1 2 ) 4 3/2(1 2 )
 3(1+) We have verified (see appendix A) that these late time
h = h0 C() (15) attractors are indeed stable6 .
a0 In this phase the scalar field and the hidden matter
are tightly coupled and evolve as a single fluid with an
where we have chosen the convention that at a = a0 ,
effective equation of state parameter
C() = 1 and h = h0 . The a3(1+) dependence re-
flects the usual dilution of the energy density of an ideal
ph 8 2
fluid with expansion. Depending upon the scale of en- p p + + (21)
ergy density relative to the mass of the hidden matter + h 3 (1 )
particles, they can either behave as non-relativistic mat-
The asymptotic value is attained during the late time at-
ter ( = 0) or like a relativistic species ( = 1/3)5 . We
tractor phase. In the phantom phase, expansion of the
will for most part consider a light degree of freedom, so 2

that approximately it behaves like radiation. scale factor is controlled by p , since a(t) t 3(1+p ) .
For the special case when is a constant the Coupling These are analogues to the coupled quintessence solu-
function is given by tions [19, 20, 21]. A detailed derivation of all results
presented in this section can be found in the appendix
C() = e2(0 )/Mp (16) A. The crucial thing to note is that as long as

Now, coming back to the evolution equations, we only 3

2 > (1 2 ) (22)
need to solve the Hubble equation (6) and the Klein- 8
Gordon equation, the latter simplifying to
we have a phantom phase, i.e. p < 1. In particular
2h0 2(0 )/Mp

3(1+) for = 1/3 the last condition gives a constraint on ,

+ 3H = e Veff ()
Mp a0 1
(17) > (23)

In passing we also note that in this phase most of the

energy density is actually stored in the hidden sector;
In this context we note that we have a choice in how we interpret
the augmentation of the energy density with growth of . One
can either think of this growth as simply the increase in mass of
the hidden matter particles if the mass depends on , or creation
of the hidden matter particles through its interactions with , or 6 We have not investigated whether these solutions suffer from
a combination of the two. To keep things simple we are going to any hydrodynamic instabilities of the nature found in some in-
assume that the mass of the hidden matter particles remains a teracting quintessence models [19], and we leave this for a future
constant, but its number density increases. exercise.

one can check that the tracking ratio between scalar field To understand how interactions effect the cosmological
and the hidden matter density is given by evolution we will use Boltzmann equations in the follow-
ing form:
K 82
= = <1 (24)
h h 3(1 )2 + 82 h + 3H(1 + )h = h + 2h (26)
One can also calculate the amount by which evolves
+ 3H = 2h (27)
during this phase. A straight forward calculation gives Mp
us + 4H = h (28)
2 4 max
p = 1 ln (25) along with the Hubble equation
3(1 + ) min
Here min and max represent the energy scale at which 2 1 2
H = h + (29)
the phantom phase begins and ends respectively. 3Mp2 2
In summary, in this section we have found under what
conditions a phantom phase could be described by a sta- Here by we include all the light degrees of freedom
ble late time attractor for ghost-like fields coupled expo- which do not couple to the phantom field, and is the
nentially to a perfect fluid. The purely phantom sector annihilation rate of the hidden matter particles into all
we have studied in this section is problematic as an in- these other light degrees of freedom. We have ignored the
flationary model. For example, for a constant (purely) inverse process of creation of the hidden matter particles
phantom equation of state p < 1, typically one would from the rest of the matter under the assumption that the
obtain a blue spectrum (see equation (59)) which would equilibrium density of the hidden matter sector is small
be inconsistent with the WMAP data. This conclusion compared to normal radiation. Now, the annihilation
is of course valid with the assumption that primordial rate, per hidden sector particle, is given in general by
perturbations are generated mostly during the phantom
phase. Thus unless is fine tuned to be very close to the hh = nh < |v| >hh (30)
critical value (which gives rise to p = 1), we will not
be able to reproduce the inflationary near scale-invariant where < |v| > is the average over all initial and final
spectrum. Thus far we have considered the phantom sec- states of the differential cross-section times the relative
tor alone; in the next section we include interactions with velocities of the annihilating particles. Usually one is
the standard model which ameliorate some of the prob- used to consider the opposite process while trying to de-
lems of a phantom sector alone. termine when a given species freezes out. In the latter
case since the photons are in thermal equilibrium, one
can use thermal distribution functions to compute the
III. PARTIAL REHEATING AND LATE TIME thermally averaged < |v| >. However, in our case in
DESITTER PHASE order to compute < |v| > we would need information re-
garding the velocity distribution of the produced hidden
In the previous section we realized the phantom phase particles from . In the absence of any micro-physical
through an interacting phantom scalar field and hidden theory of such an interaction, for the purpose of illustra-
matter sector. In the absence of any new physics this tion, here we are simply going to assume that < |v| >
phase is going to last till the Big Rip singularity, as is well is a constant set by the details of the interaction, so that
known in phantom cosmology. In order for the next cycle the interaction rate per hidden sector particle is given by
to begin we need to first find a reheating mechanism h
which converts most of the phantom energy density to = (31)
What we find, quite remarkably, is that once we in- Here m is an energy scale we introduce as a free param-
clude interaction between the hidden matter sector and eter. More generally one expects to go as some power
Standard Model particles (namely we allow the hidden law, h , the power being determined by the micro-
sector particles to be converted to light degrees of free- physics, but most of our results and conclusions should
dom of the standard model), which generically exist, it hold qualitatively as long as > 1.
naturally ameliorates the phantom like acceleration to a It is easy to check that the above set of equations (26-
near exponential inflationary expansion. 28) have an asymptotic de Sitter late time attractor so-
As we will see, such interactions begin the process of lution where all the energy densities and the Hubble pa-
reheating the universe by producing a radiation bath. rameter tend to a constant. Defining the following di-
Unfortunately the interactions dont provide us with a mensionless variables,
graceful exit from the inflationary phase, but we will dis-
cuss how this issue can also be addressed in the next h h
and = 3
section. Mp2 H 2 H m H

we have: We will return to the constraint coming from the num-

p ber of efoldings required for a successful inflationary
27 9 + 3 9(3 1)2 + 1922
(32) paradigm later.
3 9 1 p In this section we have found that the big rip singu-
+ 9(3 1)2 + 1922 (33) larity could be avoided in this model if the hidden sector
2 2
particles are converted to light degrees of freedom of the
2h 2m3 Standard Model. As the energy densities approach their
= (34)
3H 3Mp asymptotic values the universe will enter in a deSitter
h m6 3 phase. Of the three components, radiation is dominant,
= (35) yet the universe is inflating. This is due to the interplay
4Hm3 4Mp2
between the coupling of the hidden sector to the phan-
As a consistency check we have evolved these equations tom field and light degrees of freedom of the Standard
numerically, see Fig.1, and have verified that the asymp- Model which leads to a state where all the energy densi-
totic values are exactly the ones predicted by the above ties approach a constant value.
set of equations. Let us make a few observations. Since
we are specializing to = 1/3, let us look at the asymp-
totic value of the energy densities in this case:

16 3 m6  3

16 3 m6  2
h = 3 1 (36)
9Mp2 In the above section we saw that interactions between
32 2 m6  2 hidden matter and radiation can ameliorate the phantom
= 3 1 like acceleration to exponential inflation but cannot pro-
vide a graceful exit from the deSitter inflationary phase.
Note that the solutions above are consistent only if So far we have assumed that remains a constant lead-
> 13 , but we know this is also a requirement for the ing to an exponential coupling between the hidden sector
existence of a phantom phase7 which will eventually set- and the phantom field as in equation (16). If () is not
tle to this deSitter attractor. In particular, we find that a constant a graceful exit becomes possible. Here we ex-
for 1, which is the case we will eventually be focusing plore the case when () is periodic. For simplicity we
on, radiation dominates over the hidden sector: will just assume a step function for (), where
h 1
R 1 for 1 (37) = p 1 for 0 < < R (39)
4 3
= r 1 for R < < 0 (40)
In other words, as increases, the conversion from hid-
den matter to radiation becomes more efficient, and in
particular radiation can easily dominate the total energy and then the pattern repeats itself. The first phase, when
density. However, this does not mean that we can en- 1, reproduces the phantom phase discussed in the
ter into the usual radiation dominated epoch because previous section, leading eventually to the late time de
the equation of state for all the energy densities essen- Sitter like attractor evolution. However, now this infla-
tially approach p = 1, as all the energy densities ap- tionary phase ends once reaches the transition value
proach the constant asymptotic values in equation (36). R . We are also going to assume that = 1/3 in this
Physically, the energy density that the phantom field was scenario. We remind the readers that describes the
pumping into the hidden matter sector is now transferred hidden sector, as in equation (8). As we will see shortly,
to radiation through its interaction with the hidden sec- the periodicity in will ensure that we enter the stan-
tor, in such a way that we approach a deSitter universe. dard radiation dominated era which lasts till rolls to
This phase however is good for inflationary cosmology 0 .
as fluctuations produced during this de Sitter phase are
The evolution of the universe during one cycle can be
expected to give rise to a near scale-invariant spectrum
described in our model using three phases, as indicated in
(allowed, although not favored, by the WMAP data). In
Fig. 1. Phase I provides the Reheating from inflation-
order for the amplitude of the fluctuations to be consis-
ary expansion. Phase II describes a standard radiation
tent with observations we require
dominated era. Then a short phantom phase IIIA ensues,
1012 Mp4 m 102 Mp . (38) during which the energy is driven from the meV to the
GUT scale. This is followed by a deSitter inflationary
phase IIIB. After one such cycle is complete, the next
one begins, again cycling through Phases I, II, IIIA, and
7 see equation (23) IIIB successively.

A. Phase I: Reheating r = 0 case. The asymptotic tracking ratio 8 between

hidden matter and radiation receives a slight correction:
The reheating process is most easily understood when
1 3(3 + 8r )
r = 0 (defined in equation (40)), so let us first focus on Rmin for r 1 , p 1 (42)
this simple case. As we discussed in the previous section, 18 2p
as long as is large, although radiation is the dominant
energy density, the deSitter phase continues. However, We have checked this numerically, and some of the more
if and when sharply falls to zero, the phantom phase technical details are discussed in Appendix B.
indeed ends. Two things happen. Firstly, since initially
is comparable to H, as it can be seen from equation
B. Phase II: Standard Radiation Domination
(33), there is rapid conversion of the hidden matter to
radiation, but the hidden matter sector now no longer
gets replenished by the scalar field. Secondly, the driving After the reheating phase, since hidden matter is no
term in the right hand side of the Klein-Gordon equa- longer converted into radiation, the latter starts to evolve
tion for the phantom scalar field (9) is now absent and as a(t)4 , and consequently H 1/2t as in the standard
as a result slows due to Hubble damping, a6 radiation dominated era. In the meantime continues
and eventually comes to a halt. At the beginning of the to be Hubble damped. Once the scalar field effectively
reheating phase the energy densities of radiation, hidden stops evolving, the hidden matter starts redshifting as
matter and are approximately given by the asymptotic radiation and thus settles down to its constant tracking
values of the late time de Sitter phase (36). As we had ratio given in equation (41). In particular, one can see
pointed out before, for 1 radiation is the dominant from (42) that for sufficiently large values of p , this ratio
energy density component in this asymptotic phase. The can be quite small and easily satisfy constraints coming
reheating phase further ensures that radiation contin- from BBN and CMB. BBN/CMB only constrains the
ues to dominate the energy density. If one tracks the ratio abundance of dark radiation component to be less than
of the energy densities between hidden matter and radia- around 10% [18]. In Fig.1 we refer to the phase when is
tion, R, then it starts with the asymptotic value given by being Hubble damped as phase II.A, and the subsequent
equation (37), decreases rapidly during conversion, and radiative phase as phase II.B.
then approaches a constant, Rmin , once the conversion If r is precisely zero, then the radiation dominated
ends. Note, since slows down, h redshifts almost as phase IIA can continue forever because will effectively
radiation and therefore maintains an approximately con- come to a halt, and unless the value of 0 is fine-tuned,
stant tracking ratio approaching Rmin . In appendix B we will never make it to the next large phase. As a result
calculated this asymptotic ratio to be the next phantom phase will not begin and the cyclic
picture cannot be sustained. This is why a small but
non-zero value of r is essential to maintaining cyclicity
1 3
Rmin for r = 0 , p 1 (41) without having to resort to unnatural fine-tuning.
6 2p For a non-zero but small r , the reheating phases
(I.A, B) and the Hubble damping phase (II.A) follow very
Qualitatively, it turns out that one can distinguish two much the same pattern as in the r = 0 case, as discussed
different regimes in the reheating phase depicted in Fig.1 at the end of the previous section IV A. The main dif-
as phases I.A and I.B. Numerically we found that even ference when r 6= 0, as compared to the r = 0 case,
after 0, it takes a while for the radiation energy appears in the radiative phase II.B. This is because the
density to start decreasing substantially. The reason is non-zero driving term in the Klein-Gordon equation now
somewhat technical and the reader is referred to the ap- ensures that instead of coming to a halt, now tracks ra-
pendix B for details. Intuitively, the main reason is that diation. After the initial phase of Hubble damping, the
initially the Hubble damping of radiation is compensated driving term on the right hand side of the KG equation
by the hidden matter decays into radiation, 4H h . catches up with the Hubble damping term. At this point
Since radiation is the dominant component of the energy the scalar field enters a phase where its energy density
density, this in turn leads to H being approximately con- approximately tracks that of radiation. This can be seen
stant, as can be seen in phase I.A of Fig.1. Once h in Fig.1 where we have divided the radiation phase into
decreases appreciably so that h 4H , the radia- two parts. II.A refers to the regime when the scalar en-
tion energy density starts to decrease appreciably and ergy density is still being Hubble damped, while phase
therefore so does the Hubble rate. This is depicted in
phase I.B of Fig.1. At some point, the conversion from
hidden matter to radiation effectively stops, marking the
end of the reheating phase. Unlike in the r = 0 case where the tracking ratio keeps decreas-
ing and asymptotically approaches Rmin , when r 6= 0, Rmin is
Although the above discussion has been for r = 0, actually a minimum of the tracking ratio that is attained. Since
we note that for a non-zero but small r , the reheating never comes to a halt, the ratio does increase from its minimum
phases (I.A, B) follow basically the same pattern as in the value of Rmin , but this increase is very slight.

II.B refers to the tracking phase where both the hidden

matter and the scalar energy densities are tracking that
of radiation.
This tracking behavior can be approximately obtained

as follows: From the KG equation we have
2h r 2Rmin r

[M ]
3H = 6RminMp r H 2 (43)
Mp Mp

I. A

I. B
In the above we have ignored the e2r dependence
of h , as is rolling very slowly, and r 1. We will
perform a consistency check later. Also, we have ignored
the contributions to the energy density coming from the
hidden matter and the scalar field as compared to normal
radiation. Again, this is justified as Rmin 1 and is t [Mp-1 s]
rolling slowly. Choosing the ansatz
  FIG. 1: Numerical solutions for the energy densities as we
t M p pr complete a cycle from a deStiter phase back to it. Here we
= Mp pr ln = (44)
tR t have chosen: = 31 , p = 5, r = .1, m = 102 Mp and we
have set Mp to one. Note the six distinct phases: I.A and I.B
we find that (43) can indeed be satisfied provided corresponding to reheating; II.A and II.B corresponding to a
radiation dominated universe; III.A and III.B corresponding
pr = Rmin r (45) to the phantom and dS phase respectively. In order to make
all phases clearly distinct we chose the transition set the min-
In the above analysis we have used the fact that in a imum energy density at around 1045 instead of the realistic
radiation dominated universe H 1/2t. In particular meV 4
our analysis tells us that the tracking ratio between the
kinetic energy of and radiation is indeed very small
During this phase the field evolves approximately a
K 2 distance of:
= (r Rmin )2 (46)
3 Z t1A
dt e3HdS t = 1 e3HdS t1A

1A = dS
justifying our earlier assumption. In the next subsec- 0 3HdS
tion we will also see that during this phase evolves (48)
rather slowly, so that C() changes only by an O(1) fac- Above we have used:
tor ensuring that the hidden matter indeed behaves as
radiation to a very good approximation. (t1A ) = dS e3HdS t1A (49)
This radiation dominated tracking era lasts till
reaches 0 and rolls over to the large region. The next where dS represents the asymptotic value in the deSitter
phase of phantom domination, phase III.A, can now be- phase, given by (34) and HdS is the Hubble rate during
gin. the inflationary phase and can be solved for from the
definitions of and .
Phase I.A is followed by phase I.B, where although the
C. Cyclicity conversion from hidden matter to radiation takes place,
the Hubble rate starts to decrease appreciably as well.
To better understand the transition from one cycle to As soon as the conversion is no longer efficient we enter
the next let us discuss the various phases we observe in a regime, phase II.A, where radiation starts to redshift
Fig. 1, where we plot a numerical solution for the en- as a4 marking the beginning of a Standard radiation
ergy densities of the three components from one deSitter dominated era. In Phase II.A radiation and the hidden
inflationary phase to the next. The plot does not corre- sector energies approximately track each other while the
spond to realistic values for max or min , but captures all field is still being Hubble damped. This phase ends
the essential features of the different phases. The plot when the scalar field is no longer Hubble damped and
starts (extreme left) at t = 0 and = R , corresponding starts to track radiation as well, a phase we refer to as
to the beginning of the reheating phase I.A. We have II.B. Next we estimate the time t2A , when this transition
estimated in Appendix B, equation (B8) how long (t1A ) from the Hubble damping phase II.A to tracking phase
the I.A sub-phase lasts II.B occurs. It can be defined as the time when the Hub-
ble damping term in the l.h.s. of equation (27) is equal
! 12 to the coupling term on the r.h.s. Under the assumption
3Mp4 that we are in a radiation dominated phase and that the
t1A = (47)
m6 3 hidden sector energy density tracks the radiation energy

density with the ratio Rmin we get: 1A + 1B+2A , that would have meant fine tuning
the range 0 R to cancel 1A + 1B+2A to very
3(t2A ) 2r high precision. In fact, this is what one has to do as
= Rmin (t2A )
2t2A Mp r 0.
t31A 2 (t1A ) A related nice feature of the model is that the expo-
t2A = 2 (50) nential hierarchy between the scales of inflation and dark
Mp2 2r Rmin energy is rather easy to arrange. To see this let us try to
This last equation can be rewritten in terms of our pa- obtain min in terms of 0 R . By re-arranging equation
rameters in the following form: (53) one finds that the energy density at the beginning
of the phantom phase is given by 9
t1A 1 2r (3 + 8r )2 6HdS t1A
= e (51)
t2A 144 6p 2B
min max exp
2Rmin r Mp
With = 1/3 and in the limit p 1 the exponent
6HdS t1A becomes 3, so we see, as expected, that t2A 
0 R 1A 1B+2A

t1A . 10 3
Mp exp (56)
We can compute the distance the field evolves during 2Rmin r Mp
the phases I.B and II.A since the Hubble friction term is
dominant during this time. Since Rmin , r are small numbers as compared to
Z t2A  r  /Mp s, it is easy to arrange the exponential suppres-
t1A sion of 0 as compared to the GUT scale. Conversely, we
1B+2A = dt = 2(t1A )t1A 1 can reformulate the smallness problem associated with
t1A t2A
s dark energy in terms of four parameters: p , r , R , 0 ,
3 which as we shall see shortly have values that range from
M p e 2 (52)
3 O(1) to O(102 ). In the next section (below equation (62))
we will provide specific numerical examples which make
In the next phase, II.B, as one can see from the plot, this more evident.
all the energy components are tracking each other. Since Finally, we come to the phantom phases III.A, B. The
this phase will lasts until almost today and it began at transition to the phantom phase, which is supposed to
t2A we have: be happening during the present cosmological epoch, oc-
! curs once reaches 0 and transitions suddenly to its
2B ( (t2A )) 4 high value, p . The hidden matter + scalar field en-
2Rmin r ln 120Rminr (53)
Mp meV ergy densities catch up with radiation, start evolving as
a phantom fluid with equation of state given by (21), and
where 2B is the distance the scalar field evolves during come to dominate the universe. The radiation keeps get-
phase II.B. In particular we note that this means ting diluted as a4 during this phase which we refer to
r 2B
as phase III.A. Since the increase in energy density in
e Mp
e120Rmin r (54) the phantom phase occurs at a very short time scale, all
the features of this phase are not very discernable in the
Since Rmin is a small number, for sufficiently small val- log-log plot in Fig.1, but we have checked them numeri-
ues of r it is easy to see that the exponential will only cally. As we have seen before, the annihilation term will
contribute to an O(1) factor to the energy density of the ultimately cause this behavior to transition to a de Sitter
hidden matter sector. In other words unlike the r = 0 phase, when H or h m6 /Mp2 . At this point we
case, although the ratio R does not monotonically de- enter, what we call phase III.B, when all the energy densi-
crease during the radiation phase, but rather starts to ties become comparable and then tend towards constant
increase as evolves, this increase is very slow. This values, leading to an asymptotic de Sitter space-time. It
justifies our earlier assumption of hidden matter approx- is during this phase we expect to generate a scale invari-
imately behaving as radiation. ant spectrum of perturbations. This phase will last until
The advantage of having a non-zero r is that it keeps the field has evolved a distance of 0 + R , when we
the scalar field rolling, albeit slowly, ensuring passage to re-start the cycle.
the next phantom phase when reaches 0 . Therefore,
no fine-tuning is involved in restarting the phantom era.
To see this observe that
9 1/4
Above we have used a value for (t2A ) of 103 MP , slightly
2B = (0 R ) (1A + 1B+2A ) (55) overestimating it. The actual value is typically lower than this,
because of the additional Hubble dilution of the energy density
and crucially for realistic values of the parameters the of radiation from t1A to t2A . For instance, with the parameters
three different s are of the same order of magni- 1/4
used in the numerical solution for Fig. 1 we have (t2A )
tude. If for instance, it turned out that 2B 10 Mp .

V. NUMBERS AND CONSTRAINTS implying a blue spectrum. Therefore to be consistent

with the observations p has to be very close to 1. For
So far we have provided general constraints coming instance, if we include tensor modes, according to [7] at
from different observations on the couplings and the the 2 level we find
scales. For the purpose of illustration let us provide some s < 1.01 p > 1.01 (60)
typical values which conform to these constraints and in
the process we will also be able to understand the dif- implying p < .581. This bound is very restrictive, re-
ferent phases of evolution better. Let us start with the membering that in order to have a phantom phase we
inflationary phase. As already discussed, to obtain the need p > 1/ 3 0.577. In the rest of the section we
correct amplitude of inflationary fluctuations we will take are not going to discuss this possibility any further and
the reheating to occur at approximately GUT scale en- concentrate on Case I with p 1 which seems more
ergy densities which implies attractive.
Lets next look at the constraint coming from BBN
m 102 Mp (57) and WMAP on the amount of dark radiation [18]. To
During the course of 60 e-foldings10 , we find, using be consistent with the data the amount of dark radiation
equations (33,34), that the field evolves a distance of: has to be limited to within 10% of ordinary radiation.
This essentially imposes a constraint on p , but a rather
3B = 40Mp p (58) weak one

As a prototype example, for p = 4 this gives us 3B Rmin < 0.1 p & 0.17 (61)
200. This only gives us a constraint on the range when
which is easily satisfied.
is large. For instance, for p = 4 the number of efoldings
What about the range of during radiation domina-
during the phantom phase turns out to be (using equa-
tion? This of course depends on the value of p , r . Just
tion (25)) 3A 30. To be consistent with inflation
to get an idea, we find for p = 4, r = 0.2, we need
we must have R & 200 + 30 = 230. Given the fact that
these field values are transPlanckian, it is possible that = 1A + 1B+2A + 2B = 0 R
higher order terms in the Lagrangian should not be ne- 0.70 + 2.16 + 0.66 (62)
glected; we proceed here with the assumption that our
starting point is sensible nonetheless. As one can see, all the values in the above equation are of
Depending on the number of e-foldings during the de the same order of magnitude and therefore no fine tuning
Sitter phase we find two distinct cases for the spectrum seems to be involved.
of fluctuations. Case I. If the range of is such that Thus the picture that emerges from the above esti-
one gets more than 60 e-foldings of de Sitter, then the mates is that for the scenario to work we need a rela-
CMB fluctuations are scale invariant. As we noted in tively longer phases in when is large (58), followed
the introduction, ns 1 is still consistent with obser- by shorter phases when is small. However, even the dis-
vations [7] once one allows the possibility of running of crepancy in between equations (58) and (62) is only
the tilt and/or tensor modes. If the range in is such a few orders of magnitude. Similarly, r and p (in the
that we have only around 60 e-foldings then the CMB above example) differ again by only a few orders of mag-
fluctuations at large scales can show a transition from a nitude. It is these numbers (the values of and the
blue (when the phantom phase will be operating and the two values of ) that determine the heirarchy between
reheating mechanism hasnt kicked in completely) to a todays meV scale and the GUT scale of inflation via
scale invariant spectrum. This could be an interesting equation (56). So we see that, indeed, little fine-tuning
and rather unique signature of the model. Case II. If the is required to explain these disparate mass scales.
number of efoldings in the dS phase is shorter than 60 e- Finally, let us come to constraints from dark energy.
foldings, the fluctuations that we are observing in the sky The main constraint comes from the equation of state
must have been generated in the phantom phase. This parameter. A combined 2 bound from CMB+BAO+SN
gives a rather stringent constraint on how far below 1 is given by 0.88 > p > 1.14 [7]. This provides a
the phantom equation of state p can be. For a super- constraint on p
inflationary space-time sourced by phantom fluid, the
spectral tilt is expected to be given by p < 0.61 (63)

6(1 + p ) This may seem too small, but we realize that currently
s 1 = >0 (59) we are undergoing the phase transition from small to
1 + 3p
a large region, and therefore it is easy to arrange that
the current value of satisfies inequality (63) and has
not yet reached the constant maximum value p . Equiv-
10 We choose 60 as a generic typical example for GUT scale infla- alently, the equation of state parameter today has not
tion; the actual number of e-foldings might be lower or larger yet reached its late time phantom phase value given by
than this. equation (21).

VI. CONCLUSIONS refers to the adiabatic index of the fluid the phantom
field couples to, defined as = 1 + h . Throughout the
In this paper we have studied a cyclical model of the main body of the paper we have used h , but for nota-
universe where the energy density cycles between a min- tional convenience here we will replace it by . It will
imum value, typically of the order of meV 4 and a maxi- be assumed that the phantom field has a self-interaction
mum value roughly set by the GUT scale. This effectively potential of the following forms: V () = V0 2 and
provides a connection between the current accelerated ex- V () = V0 2 . We have not used a potential in deriv-
pansion we observe today and the inflationary era in the ing our main results in the paper, but we keep it here for
past. The scale factor continues to grow from one cy- generality and further reference.
cle to the next (there is no turnaround). In order to For
achieve this model we postulated the existence of some
V () = V0 e2 (A1)
hidden sector matter coupled to a ghost like scalar field.
This mechanism is responsible for a super-accelerated we have the following equations:
phantom expansion. Allowing for hidden sector parti-
cles to be converted to light degrees of freedom of the + 3H = Vef f ()
standard model ameliorates the phantom behavior, effec- 1
tively transitioning to a deSitter like expansion, therefore H = (2 + 2 ) (A2)
avoiding the Big-Rip singularity. Although dominated by 2
radiation, in this phase all the energy densities remain H2 = + V () + 2
constant. Therefore, if most of the cosmological pertur- 3 2
bations are generated during this exponential inflation-
ary era the spectrum is expected to be scale invariant. where Vef f = V () + 2 . Although we are treating
Even if not favored by the data, this is still a possibil- here only two fluids, this case is relevant during the phan-
ity. Another possibility would be to have some of the tom phase, when the energy density of any (third) com-
fluctuations generated during the phantom phase which ponent not coupled to the phantom field, such as regular
will show up as a blue tilt in the spectrum. In that case matter, will quickly become sub-dominant. Introducing
we will see a running of the tilt which could be a unique the variables
possible signature of the model.
In order to achieve the cyclic behavior we have postu-
x= (A3)
lated that the coupling between the ghost scalar field and 6H
the hidden sector is constant piecewise. This procedure
might seem ad-hoc, but it is just the simplest possibil- and
ity. We found that no fine tuning seems to be involved
V ()
when requiring to have a long enough radiation/matter y= (A4)
dominated phase. It is also worth mentioning that the
smallnesss problem associated with dark energy is cir- and using log a(t) as the independent variable, in-
cumvented. The only parameter we need in order to de- stead of the cosmological time t, we can rewrite the equa-
scribe the current acceleration is the coupling between tions in the form of an autonomous system supplemented
the hidden sector and the ghost field, and it has a value with the Hubble constraint.
not much greater than one. 
x = 3x + 6 (1 + x2 y 2 ) y 2 +

+ x 1 + x2 y 2 2x2
Acknowledgments 2
y = 6xy + y (1 + x2 y 2 ) 2x2 (A5)

T B would like to acknowledge the hospitality of the 2 i
physics department at University of Minnesota at Min-
1 = y x +
2 2
neapolis. KF and CI are supported by the US Depart-
ment of Energy and MCTP via the Univ. of Michigan.
In order to find the critical points one has to set the
r.h.s of the first two equations to zero and solve for x and
y. We find five distinct solutions,
(i , 0) I.

We will look at ghost fields coupled to radiation or (i , 0) II.

matter via the term = 2 and study the stability

2 6

(x, y) = ( 3 2+ , 0) III.
of the critical points, generalising the analysis done in 2 8+8 2 6+3 2
( 41 + , 14

) IV.

[23]. In this way we will find the stable attractors and
conditions necessary to obtain them. Here the subscript 1
( 3 6 , 31 3 3 + 22 )


Note that the first two are nonphysical so we will no scaling solutions.
longer consider them. Next we compute the fractional
densities for the phantom field and its adiabatic con- p + p
tot = (A10)
stant near the five critical points. The Hubble constraint +
will then enforce additional existence conditions.
Some algebra leads to

3 (2+)2
= y 2 x2 = 1 44 2+3 IV.
(A6) tot = ( 1) + (1 )( 1) (A11)
1 V.
For the three physical solutions it leads to the following
One solution is completely dominated by the scalar field values:
and the other two exhibit a scaling behaviour. For the
first of those the Hubble constraint will not give any ad- 2
ditional inequalities in the parameter space since (III) 1 3h (h 1)+8

3 h 1 III.
is clearly negative, hence less than 1. Here the roman tot =
1 3(1+h ) +2(+)(h )
IV. (A12)
numeral subscript refers to all the solutions, including 2 (+)2
1 34 2 V.

the non-physical ones, i.e (I) corresponds to the solutions
Next we will study the stability of the relevant critical
with (x, y) = (i, 0) and so on. Also (IV ) < 1 is trivially
points, ignoring the non-physical first two solutions. The
satisfied for positive parameters. So the only nontrivial
technique is the following. One expands around the crit-
existence constraint comes from imposing reality of the
ical solution setting x = xc + u and y = yc + v into
yIV solution:
(A5) and then keep only linear terms. In order to have
3 a stable solution the eigenvalues of the matrix describing
( + ) (2 ) (A7) the linearized system must have negative real parts. For
solution III. one finds the following equations
Let us now look at the effective values of the adiabatic
constant = 1 + w for the ghost field near the critical 1 82 3 2 + 12 12
points. For completeness we will keep even the nonphys- u = u
2 2 +
ical solutions.
1 (3 2 8 82 + 6)
v = v (A13)
p 2 2x2 2 2 +
= 1 + = = 2 (A8)
1 2
2 V ()
x + y2
For both radiation ( = 34 ) and dust ( = 1) the coeffi-
With this definition we get, cient u is negative independent of the value of . From
the second equation one gets that the node is stable when:
2 I.
2 II.


3(2 ) < 8( + ) (A14)
= = 2 III. (A9)
y 2 + x2
3 2
IV. Otherwise we have a saddle point. It is interesting to
2 +3

notice that this is exactly the same condition we got in

34 2 V.
(A7) for the existence of the fourth solution.
The total, or effective DE equation of state parameter Let us move on to the stability of solution IV, for which
that drives the expansion can be defined since we have the linearized system becomes:

1 242 242 + 242 + 48 + 18 2 36 9 3 122

u = u
8 ( + )2
1 3 8 + 82 6 + 3 2 (16 + 3 2 + 82 + 82 )
8 ( + )2
1 3 8 + 82 6 + 3 2 (42 + 3 2 4 6) 3 (8 + 82 6 + 3 2 )
v = u v (A15)
8 ( + )2 8 ( + )2

The eigenvalues are: where B is the following combination of the parameters:

1 1  B = 72 2 + 1 + 38 ( + )2 + 54 2 ( 2)+
e1(4) = 3 6 6 + B 2
4+ +2 (36 + 81 2 180) + 36( + 42 )
1 1  1

e2(4) = 3 6 6 B 2 (A16)

The study of stability of the solutions is quite compli- we have verified that the late time attractor solution for
cated here but there is a range of parameters for which V () = 0 is stable once we have such that we get a
the real part of the two eigenvalues is negative. Inde- phantom phase.
pendent of the value of B one necessary condition for Now for generality we will repeat the same analysis for
stability here is a negative potential,
V () = V0 exp 2. (A21)
2(1 + )< (A17)

V ()
For positive parameters, and if is either 1 or 34 this in- Here we will define y = 3H .In this case the au-
equality cannot be satisfied; thus the fourth attractor is tonomous system will take the following form
unstable if the hidden sector is comprised of some com- 
6 (1 + x2 + y 2 )  y 2 +

ponent that behaves like matter or radiation. x = 3x +
3 2 2 2

Let us look now at the stability conditions for the crit- 2 x 1 3+ x + y 2 2x 2
ical point labeled by V. The linearized autonomous sys-
y = h 6xy + 2 y (1 i + x + y ) 2x
tem becomes in this case: 1 = y 2 x2 +
u = (3 + 22 ( 3) 4)u +
p There will be only two physical critical points in this case:
+ 2 3 + 22 (2 + 2)v (A18)

p ( 2 6 , 0) I.B
v = 2 3 + 22 ( )u (3 22 )v 3 2+
(x, y) =
2 88 2 +63 2
( 1 6 1
, 4 ) II.B
The eigenvalues read (3 + 22 ) and (42 + 4 + 3) 4 + +
which are clearly both negative and real so one has a sta-
ble node as a late time attractor. Also remember that Just to clear any possible confusion please note that the
labels I.B and II.B here are not related to the labeling
this solution does not have a scaling behavior, since in
this case the energy density is dominated by the phan- of the different regions in Fig. 1. Notice that the first
critical point in this case is identical to the third critical
tom. In conclusion we found two stable late time attrac-
tors, one of which exhibits a scaling behaviour. Notice point for the case of positive potential. (see equation be-
also that this scaling solution corresponds to a critical low (A5)) The existence condition for the second critical
point where y = 0, so in effect it is equivalent to the case point reads ( ) < 38 (2 ). Fractional density
where the potential is actually zero. values are
Next let us look at the tracking ratio in the two cases of ( 2
83 (2+) I.B
2 2 2
interest, namely the third and fourth critical points. The = y x = 1 4+4 2
tracking ratio is defined to be the ratio of relic densities 4 (+)2 II.B
of the two components.
From here we get an additional existence constraint on
the second critical point, namely:
r= (A19)
( ) (A24)
With this definition we find, using (A6): 4
2 The adiabatic constant for is
38 III.

(2+) 1+ 83 (2+)

2 (
r= 1 44 2
+3 2x2 2 I.B

1 442 +3
IV. = 2 = 3 2 (A25)
(+) 2 1+ 4 (+)2 y +x 2 4+42 3 II.B

Since we have established that we will be using the Notice the difference between the last value in (A25)
late time attractor described by critical point III. as our and the fourth in (A9). Here we can set 0 and
model for the phantom phase, let us actually see under recover as the adiabatic index. Before the naive limit
what conditions we cross the phantom divide and if this was but one was not actually allowed to take that
phase will be stable. Comparing tot given by (A12) the limit due to (A7). Now the inequality has been reversed
following restriction on : so the second critical point in the case of the negative
 3 potential could be used for a scaling solution in a phase
2 for matter hidden sector
81 (A20) where the hidden sector decouples from the ghost field.
3 for radiation hidden sector As before let us look at the effective equation of state
Looking back at (A14) and taking = 0 as appropri- parameter:
ate for the case of no potential one can check that the (
1 3h (h 1)+8

stability conditions are actually identical with the condi- 3 I.B

tot = h + h 1 (A26)
tions for achieving a phantom phase, listed above. Hence, II.B

Expanding around the critical points for the first solu- during the reheating phase (see Fig.1 regions I.A and
tion we get the following conditions for stability: I.B). Once we enter the transition phase (region I.A), if
is large enough, most of the energy density will be stored
1 82 3 2 + 12 12 in radiation, followed by the phantom field, and the least
0 >
2 2 + amount is contained by the hidden matter sector. To a
1 (3 2 + 8 82 + 6) good approximation we will use radiation domination
0 > (A27) in what follows, since we are only interested in order of
2 2 +
magnitude estimates.
The first inequality is trivially satisfied and the second First we will look at the case when the hidden matter
implies: is non-relativistic when this transition occurs, i.e. = 0.
Setting r to zero, as appropriate for the transition to
8 radiation, we will have the following equations for the
(2 ) < ( ) (A28) evolution of the system:
This could be used as a constraint on the steepness of h + 3Hh = h (B2)
the potential in order to preserve the tracking behavior + 3H = 0 (B3)
in the phantom phase. For the second critical point we
+ 4H = 0 (B4)
have the following eigenvalues:
along with the Hubble equation
1 1  1

e1(2) = 3 6 + 6 + B22 1
4 H2 = ( ) (B5)
1 1  1
e2(2) = 3 6 + 6 B22 (A29)
4 We have neglected the annihilation term in equation (B4)
Here B2 is a combination of the parameters, the exact because h 4H will be satisfied very quickly after
form of which we will not be using. A necessary condition the transition from the deSitter phase is started. The
for the stability of this critical point is: solutions for the energy densities are simple:
(1 h ) < 2 (A30) h (t) = 3 (B6)
t C1 2tm3

The tracking ratios can be easily computed: 3Mp2

(t) = (B7)

83 I.B
(2+) 1+ 38 (2+)
2 where C1 is an integration constant we still have to fix.
r= 2
We have used the fact that during radiation domination
4+42 3
4 2 +43 II.B H 2t 1
in order to get the coefficient for the radiation
energy density. Since it takes a longer time for the an-
In this appendix we have found the conditions for scal- nihilation term to be sub-dominant with respect to the
ing behavior in the phantom phase, for the cases of pos- Hubble dampening term in the hidden matter continuity
itive, zero, and negative exponential potentials. An ex- equation, we will have a short period where the energy
ponential coupling between a ghost like field and some density in hidden matter is decreasing faster than a3 .
hidden sector fluid is used to generate a phantom phase, This yields a minimum value for the parameter R. Sim-
where the effective equation of state is less than negative = 0 leads to (tc ) H(tc ). In order to
ply setting R(t)
one. We found the stable attractors and conditions nec- fix the integration constant C1 , we need to know at what
essary to obtain them. As a side result we notice that for time we start the transition from deSitter to radiation
negative potentials one could have a scaling stable late dominated phase. Using the initial condition11 in (35)
time attractor even if the ghost field is decoupled from along with equation (B7), the transition time is found to
the hidden sector. In that case the ghost will just track be:
the hidden sector component.
3Mp4 2
t1A = . (B8)
m6 3

Here we will estimate the minimum value of the ratio 11 Here we consider the transition from dS phase to the radiation
between the hidden sector energy density and the radia- dominated phase due to the sudden drop in the coupling between
tion energy density the hidden sector fields and the ghost field. The asymptotic value
(valid for the dS phase) for the energy density in equation (35)
h (the right hand side of the equation) here becomes an initial
R . (B1)
condition for the transition phase, Region IA.

Furthermore, C1 is obtained by requiring that the hid- along with the Hubble equation
den matter density h value in the deSitter phase matches
the value estimated at the transition time t1A , obtained 1
H2 = (B17)
from (B6). The initial conditions (33) together with (32) 3Mp2
allows us to evaluate the initial value of hidden matter
density at the beginning of the transition phase. In the Notice that we have neglected the h terms in the second
limit of p 1 we get the following simplified form for and third equations since we are interested in the phase
the integration constant: of rapid conversion of hidden sector particles to radia-
tion. Therefore, in this regime the energy density stored
3(3Mp2 + 32 33p m3 t1A ) in the hidden sector will decay much faster than a4 . Es-
C1 = 3 (B9) sentially the reason for this being that has transitioned
48m6 3p t1A
from large to small values, i.e p r . The system
admits the following solutions:
In order to get the minimum value for R we go back to
the condition = hm(t3c ) H(tc ), where tc represents
the time at which this minimum is attained. This can be 1
H(t) = (B18)
rewritten as: 2t
1 3Mp2
h 2 (t) = (B19)
(B10) 4t2
m 3Mp A
(t) = 3 (B20)
leading to t2
8 m3 A 2 r 2
2m3 tc h (t) = (B21)
Rmin (B11) D(t)
Where D(t) is:
Also, from (B10) we can solve for tc using (B6) and (B7):
tc = C 216m6 . Plugging into (B11) we get the simplified 4
A r

D(t) = 4 t3/2 Mp A r + t2 Mp 2 + 8 t2e Ch m3 A 2 r 2

1 Mp t
32 In order to obtain the integration constants Ch and A
Rmin = (B12) we match the energy densities above, evaluated at the
3Mp2 m3 C12
transition time t1A with the corresponding values from
Using (B8) and (B9) in the above equation we obtain the the deSitter phase, given in (32) to (35). As before, t1A
final result, expressed only in terms of p : is given by (B8). For A this leads to:

16 2 p Mp 2 33/4 3/4
Rmin = 3 (B13) A = (B22)
3 5/4 m3/2
3p2 (1 + 4 p )2
The expression for Ch for general p turns out to be
Let us now turn our attention to the case where the messy, but it can be simplified in the limit p 1 to:
hidden matter becomes relativistic at the energy scales

where the transition between the deSitter and the radia- 1 3p 4 r 2 + 4 p r + p e4 r

tion phases occurs. At the beginning there will still be a Ch = (B23)
3 Mp 2 r 2
regime where the annihilation is effective, thus lowering
the value of the ratio between the hidden matter energy
Above we have used 3p3 and 4 3p , expres-
density and the radiation energy density. If r = 0, in-
stead of a minimum we will now have a constant asymp- sions valid in the p 1 limit.
totic value towards which this ratio will tend. This is Since we have r 6= 0 it we expect a minimum of the
due to the fact that once the conversion is no longer effi- ratio R to develop. Re-expressing R = 0 by use of the
cient, both hidden matter and radiation energy densities definition of R, the ratio between the hidden sector and
will scale as a4 . For completeness and generality we will the radiation energy densities, and of the equations (B14)
study the case where r 6= 0. As we shall shortly see here and (B16) we get,
a minimum develops, just as we have seen in the case of r
non-relativistic hidden matter. The approximative equa- (h + r ) = 2r (B24)
tions we need to solve are:
r Defining tc the time at which the above equation holds,
h + 4Hh = h + 2h (B14) we find that

+ 3H = 0 (B15) 2m3 (tc )r 8 m3 r A tc
Rmin = (B25)
+ 4H = 0 (B16) Mp (tc ) 3 Mp 3

From (B24) we can also obtain tc by using the solutions lowing form for Rmin :
we have for the energy densities in (B19) and (B21) . In
order to get a closed form we will need to do some ap-

4 r 2 4 r 1
proximation of the exponent in the denominator of (B21). Rmin = e

3 p 1

e4r p (p + 4r (p r ))
Since t > t1A we can show using t1A from (B8) and A
from (B22) that M tr 4r . Since r 1 we will trun-
We can double expand this expression in r and 1
p and
cate the expansion of the exponential at terms of O(2r ),
keep only the leading terms:
leading to:

Ch 2 m6 A 6 r 6 1 3(3 + 8r )
tc = 1024 (B26) Rmin + O(2r , 3
p ) (B27)
2 18 2p
Mp 2 Mp 2 + 8 Ch m3 A 2 r 2

Going back to (B25) we get, after some algebra, the fol- In the limit r 0 we get the result in eq.(41).

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