ps1 - Wordwork Lesson 1

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Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 2/English Unit: WordWork Lesson Duration: 30 mins (max)


General Learning Outcomes:
(4) Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of
Specific Learning Outcomes:
(4.1) Students will use knowledge of word patterns, word combinations and parts of words to learn new words.
Students will:
1. Students will learn and make new words by using patterning and combining strategies.

Observations: Big Ideas:
Are students using patterning strategies to make Chunking words
new words? Breaking them down
Are students breaking down words to visualize all Building them up
their parts? Visualizing patterns (adding an s to make
Are students being respectful to their peers by something plural/new word)
avoiding spoiling their learning? (avoidance of
blurting out answers, or telling them the answers)

Written/Performance Assessments:
Performance component : (formative) Students will play with their letters to make their words on their whiteboards, to visually
and physically see word and letter manipulation and patterns.

Written component : (formative) Students will write out their words after making them, to show that they know how to print and
spell them out.


Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies
Resource #2: Making Words Grades 1-3 Resource (Cunningham and Hall)
* Whiteboard/marker
* Magnets
* Hand-outs printed of the scrambled letter blocks (for all students)
Whiteboard markers
Introduction (10 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber:
Students LOVE to do WordWork, so I will simply say

Alright class, its time for daily word work!

Can one of my pass-out helpers please hand-out the whiteboards and can the other pass-out helper please hand-out
markers and dry-erasers to everyone?
There are always two pass-out helpers that change periodically, but they all love to help hand-out and set-up
for this lesson, it is fun for them.
Now that everyone has a whiteboard and marker, can everyone please take out their scissors.

1,2, you know what to do! Time to cut out our letters and get ready for word work!
At this point I will hand out the scrambled letter blocks to everyone.
While they are cutting, I will cut the sample block used for the whiteboard.
This is a good way to keep them on track for time, and to keep up.
Oh! My letters are all cut up, is everyone else ready? Oh I see V is ready to go! Thank you V!
Acknowledge those who are ready to go, to encourage everyone to get up to speed.
Awesome! Everyone is ready to go! Yay you, yay us! Now, lets get started!

Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Yesterday, our word was _ _ _ _ _ _.

Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:

Students should wait patiently to be called up to the board to show their words.
Students should NOT spoil their peers learning = never blurt out answers or spoil the mystery word.
Dont spoil the ending!
Students can help each other, but this is an individual activity.

Body (15 min.):

Learning Activity #1:

1,2,3eyes on me. 1,2eyes on you.

This strategy is useful because it calms the students down, and gets their attention to listen to instructions or get
ready to begin.

I will have written our chart out on the board.

Grade 2syou know what to do!



Our first step is to find a small word, make it with your letters, and then write it on your board.
After a quick minute, students will begin to raise their hands because they have an answer.

Does anyone have any 2-letter words?

(Next round) 3-letter? etc.

When I call upon them, they know to come up to the board quietly and show the class how they made the
word, and read it outloud. Then, I will write it out on the big whiteboard (on our chart), so that students can
mirror this and print the same in their charts.

Then, I must circulate and check that everyone 1st MADE and 2nd WROTE their words on their whiteboards.
We cannot move on until I have checked everyones whiteboards!

If stduents are stuck, I can help by providing hints of how to chunk words or help them notice a pattern.
Plus, I can pause the game to teach a concept, if there is one in our mystery word.

For example, todays word is B-L-A-N-K-E-T

The concept I could teach is to blend, which means to blend the sounds of two consonants to make one sound.
Is not Buh+el sound
It is a BLeh sound.
To visualize this concept I could use word math by writing out b + l = bl
Then, I could point to each numeral with my finger and get the class to sound out the equation with me.
It would sound like The letter BEE + the letter EL = (when together) make the sound bluh

In the end, we will end by solving together for the mystery word, which is the word that uses all the letters in our word

Formative Assessments:

Are students making, THEN writing all their words? I will circulate to confirm everyones work before we can move on.
Are students seeing patterns? ~ strategy share!

Closure ( 5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:

Wow Grade 2slook at what words we started with, and look at what we ended up with! (mystery word)
By breaking down our words and starting small, we were able to solve and find our HUGE mystery word that used all
our letters! Great job!

Transition To Next Lesson: Can everyone please put their whiteboards away, and line-up at the door to be dismissed
for recess? Thank you! Have a good break. Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere

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