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[_r Being international _

$ look at the fottowing tips on communicating and networking with peopte you
don't know or don't know very wett. Which of these tips are essentiat,
desirable or best avoided in your culture? Discuss your answers.
r Ask the person questions about themselves; don't just tatk about yourself.
z Show that you are really interested in the other person's answers.
3 Remember the person's name if you have met him/her before.
4 Arrange to meet again in the near future.
5 Altow the other person to finish his/her response without interrupting.
6 Compliment the person on their tie/bag/iewe[[ery etc.
7 lntroduce him/her to someone you know.
8 Remember parts of previous conversations you have had with the person.
9 Give him/her your business card and ask for his/her card.
ro Make regular eye contact during the conversation, including with members of
the opposite sex.

$ Cood networkers often have a couple ofquestions prepared. Look at these

examples and decide which one(s) you would and wouldn't use. Give reasons
for your choice. Add five of your own questions to ask a person you meet for
the first time or don't know very we[[.

Usefut tanguage I

Questions for networking What do you recommend I do/see (in

How much do you earn? your town/country/region)?
What do you like most about (tiving What's the weather [ike in your
in ... / your iob / this event)? country/city/region at the moment?
What's your opinion on (this What do you think of the new boss?
restau rant/event/ ptace)? What's the politicat situation in your
Do you come here often? country/city/region at the moment?

S- nconference
1.2 Listen to the fottowing conversation between some detegates at a
on intercuttural communication in business hetd in Brussels.
Tick (rz) if you hear the speakers do any of the following.
Melanie Konra
r Ask for confirmation T t!

z Greet someone tr LJ
3 Comptiment someone D LI
4 Accept a comptiment ti flL_J
5 Agree with someone LI L}
6 Express interest tt

tt r--}
7 Refer to a previous conversation LJ
8 Exchange business cards
IJ t_l
9 Refer to future contact n t!

ltt lntroduce someone to a useful contact n tt

S Work in pairs. lntroduce yourself to another participant at an

internationa[ conference.
StudentA: Turn to page r4z.
Student B: Turn to page 149.
1 Being international I
_ _--J

-lrt letsyree $

Expressing / asking for an opinion lnvitations

So, what did you think of the
Here's my business card. please give
talk/presentation /conference? me a cail if
you're ever in ... (region
Ithought the part about ... was really /city).
Would you be interested in visiting our
interestin g/usefu[/su rprisin g.
having lunch / ptaying golf some time?
- --
company /
l'm afraid it wasn,t my sort of tf,ing was
/ not exactly Thank you. That would be great tovety
what I was expecting.
/ I nice I very
Fin ishing a conversation
Could I introduce you to a colteague of mine?
It's been a pleasure talking to you.
I'm afraid l've run out of cards, but I can give
Vou our Enjoy the conference I your stay your
company website/e-mai[/phone number. / meal.

Finding things in common

What about yourselp Have you lived here
lone /
worked for the company for long?
Realty? That's a coincidence! So have/do/am

Writing: replying
to a formal
& you are the Branch Director of the savings Bank of
Girona in Edinburgh. you
have recentry been involved in a takeover
invitation of your company in which you had to
overcome cultural differences regarding
*oiking pr..ti."r. rne chamber of
commerce have asked you to give a tark.
Reply to itre invrtation, including the
foltowing points:
*{#'{{r . Accept the invitation, thanking them politety

Ask about conference details, e.g. the
venue and how long the tatk needs to be
Say you,il send them a proposatioryourtatk

Atthough you may choose to repry by e-mait, you

should use a formar writing

:..1 %
f+ Seno - f9 stoo ,QVi"* X Delete _.iJ ttm sij R"pty Q, Ioots

From Andrew McCarthy S"nt 1g October 20

To Jaume Grau subject
conference: vlrging companies, merging
Attachments Speaker's proposar form; conference curtures
for rntercurturar communication

Dear Mr Grau,
we are writing to inform you that the chamber
of commerce in Edinburgh is
a one-day event early next month on the
subject of ,Merging
companies: merging cultures,.
we realise this is a topic crose to your own heart
forowing the recent merger
of the savings Bank of Girona with the scottish
savings Bank and the
intercurturar issues that subsequenry
arose. we wourd be honoured if you
could attend the event and give a prenary
tark to the business community at
we wourd be extremery gratefur if you courd
confirm your tark at your earriest
convenience. prease find attached a speaker,s
proposar form. prease do not
hesitate to contact me should you require
further details.

Wth the warmest regards,

Andrew McCarthy
Events Manager
Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

amcca rthy@ed i n bu rg hcha m bercom merce. co. u k

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