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@ Comptete the second sentence in each pair so that it has approximatety the
same meaning as the first sentence. Use between two and five words,
inctuding the word given, and a word related to one of the words in the first
r Sue is very experienced in giving PowerPoint presentations.
Sue . hAA .eOnAtdO.c^hle .eXperiene?. Of,. giving PowerPoint presentations.
z The presenter failed to emphasise the benefits of the reforms.
The presenter failed to . .. . . ....... the benefits of the
3 I have arranged for our guests to be met at the airport.
I have . ... our guests to be met at the airport.
4 As far as I know, the seminar has been postponed.
To .... , the seminar has been postponed.
5 Coutd you briefly summarise the main points of the meeting for us?
Could you give . . .. of the main points of the
6 They plan to pubtish the report next month.
The report .... next month.
7 The debate was hastily conctuded.
The debate was brought to .....
8 Do you think you could guide me a bit on how to structure my speech?
Do you think you could . ... on how to structure
my speech?
9 These reforms wit[ significantly reduce government spending.
These reforms witl make .... government
ro We bought these top-of-the-range laser jet printers to replace our old ones.
We bought these top-of-the-range laser jet printers
our old ones.
u Ms Wilkinson heads the Human Resources department.
Ms Witkinson is ... . the Human Resources
1 Being internationat j

@ Cross out the word which does not norma[ty go with the key word.

1 to make ----r-
to deliver z a visiting ____r_
a publicity
,,' ... ..::::.:;;:

. a speech ,, SPeakei''''rrr1r'rlr:,

''1:it-,:.,-:. =-\rrar,

/- /-"/
t4o to rehearse a keynote

a responsive an enthusiastic a session P P

---..\ '''.:::'t':::ita::.
t)::.r:..- /-'-/

\ ,.'.',,t-r.,r,,,u,,,,r.,..---/
,,,3 u d i e n c$'''rl
tr,ri.itl:. . ---_rr-.--.-_
/ ,-./

a hostile an accurate a team a sales

to invite
_____ '-- to arise 6 to go,o____.._ to hold
' ',:,..,.:.,:.:!1,..,,".
,t;:t.i:rtri q ue Sti on S r'lr,l:::le1, a conferenc"',',,i1:,,

to fire to dealwith to detegate to attend

@ Comptete the sentences with the correct form of a collocation from

exercise B.
t nit .... OP?9,4h.. ... for three days before the conference had
greatly boosted his self-confidence.
z The task of ... is to introduce the main theme of a
conference and give the main tatk.
3 Just because people did not clap franticalty does not mean that you had

4 The aim of ..... ...... is to encourage and energise the

5 The audience had been rather quiet, so I did not expect them
at me at the end of my talk.
6 We are glad to announce that our next .. ....... will be
in May.

@ Circte the odd one out in each group.

7 visuals aids slide
2 explanation ctich6 catchphrase metaphor
3 simplify explain conclude rephrase
4 summarise outline recap elaborate
5 express respond convey communicate
6 programme plan network sched ule
7 incoherent incomprehensible unintetligible unemotionaI
8 a gaffe an atlusion a faux pas a boob


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