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Durango High School

Tyler Bruch
March 5 2017
In life, we are all made to adjust to our environment, it's just how evolution and natural
selection works, those who adapt are those who thrive. However, sometimes adaptations have to
be intentional, as they have to know when change is needed. Just as Marty Rubin says, "Water
flows because it's willing." The same goes for our education system. When we see change
happening, we need to change with it, especially when that change is coming from our students.
We live in the generation of millennials, where our students are more technologically immersed
and advanced than ever. However, this school is being opted to dismiss that talent. Technology
isn't a roadblock in student's education, but a freeway, and as a school we need to keep it that
According to the National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, "The fact
that students already use the Internet for other purposes makes online education an ideal format."
With this said, education should align with student based learning. In a current student's life,
much of their life is indeed involving technology, whether it is their iPad, phone, computer,
laptop, video games, ect. To add on to that portfolio of technological experience, we need to
merge in with that technological intelligence of a student.
Also, school is obviously a basis of knowledge for their future lives/careers. It is
impossible to think about our children's future careers without knowing that technology will be
used in their jobs. No matter what career path a child chooses, there is many technological
requirements that are going to be needed. We need to prepare our students for these challenges,
because people who have little to no background in technology are prone to a harsh experience
down the road when they are faced with these situations.
Not to seem that applying to bandwagon has anything to do with it, but most schools are
choosing to implement technology into our classrooms more than ever. If we leave out Durango
from this knowledge, it will put these students behind from their peers. When the workforce sees
Durango on their resume, they shouldn't think of the technological neglect that we gave our
students. Instead, let employers see that our students have technological capabilities of the future.
This is not just a subject that I personally agree with, but also something students world
wide do too. This is because they do see technology and access to higher forms of
software/hardware give them an upper hand in performance. It helps them keep organized with
all the things they have to do with their daily life. It helps them do research and learn more
independently. It even helps them present their projects to fellow students on a more professional
and modern platform. All of these simple and basic improvements are ones that employers want
to see within their workers. These are all goals that are common, but some see with a blind eye
since a computer is involved
Our technology at Durango High School is utilized to it's complete potential. We
understand that there is a line between using a tool and relying on it, and we intend on teaching
that line to our students as well, However, the district simply can't take out one of our society's
most valuable tools away from our students when they need this knowledge for their lives. We
want to make sure all our students at Durango have a well rounded education in both basic
principles and core subject areas, and technology is our aid to that. Lastly, I can assure that if the
district gets rid of this school's heard earned asset of our top of the line technology, our students
will suffer both long and short term.
Identification of Standards:

When it comes to every one of these standards, they are all very specific on where they

want their students to be on a technological standard. This includes being able to know on a

technical level or even knowing how to apply the technology to a different type of project. These

are all standards that need to be implemented into every classroom that utilizes these tools to

some extent or another.

The standards for classroom technology integration are very clear cut as they are not

content standards, just simple standards. It elaborates that technology should not be used in an

isolated way, but instead in context to their education. Any forms of these technology are made

so that way they can be easily integrated into their specific subject to coincide with the teacher's


The performance level descriptors are more specific into what their content standards

imply. This is more focused onto technical knowledge with the actual technology, unlike the

standards for classroom of technology integration. These standards are things like file

accessibility, being able to use different software, or even being able to type more professionally.

With that said, these standards have little to do with the application of technology to a student's

education, but instead the actual ability to use technology.

Both types of standards are important, but one that I constantly hope to achieve is

standard 6.C.5.1 Select appropriate digital tools for learning activities. This what will be shown

in section 4 as aligning technological tools with the student's lives and education is essential.

This accounts for what they do with their mastery and how they learn it to begin with.
Lesson Plan: English Class (8th-12th Grade)

Objectives: 6.C.5.1 Select appropriate digital tools for learning activities. To make learning
Different English works more modern and fun for the students. To align the learning
With what they technologically use in their daily life.

Materials: -List of English works reviewed over semester

-Computer lab
-Access to Edmodo

Procedure: 1. Get the students into groups of 2-3

2. Let them choose one of the works they like from the list for each group
3. Tell them that the assignment is to log in to Edmodo and utilize the discussion
Portion of the website. In the discussion, they will make their own version of the
Script from their favorite scene in that work. The script is made to be a more
"modern" so that it is more accessible for them. Use typical texting tropes that
They think the characters would be using if they communicated through modern
Texting basically.
4. Have them present their new "text speech" scripts of their work, and make sure
It is fun for everyone! Also, make sure they include a summary of the scene
During their presentation.

Evaluation: During the presentations, take notes on the finished discussions between the
Characters. Grade on originality, creativity, and accuracy to the original script's
Characters. Also, the main thing is that they connect the software tool of Edmodo
To their modern life, and that they further understand the technology.
Student Sample: Romeo and Juliet (Right before the meeting at the balcony)

Summary: This scene is taking place after the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet where they have
Their moment of love at first sight. This is between two lovers that are star crossed
From their families being against each other.

(I don't have access to Edmodo so I just used a phone's texting software to substitute)

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