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HEC-RAS Accessing from another Program

HEC-RAS is compiled as a server application and can be called from another

program that supports ActiveX. HEC has developed a sample client program that
demonstrates how to call the HEC-RAS server program. The sample program is written
in visual basic and shows how to:

Dimension a new HEC-RAS object

Load a specific project
Execute the computations
Plot Results
Export the computed results

The sample program window is shown below. The code for exposing the methods
is beneath each of the command buttons on the form. For example the code to load a
project is associated with the command button labeled Load Project.
You might have trouble with the server (HECRAS) reference when compiling this
program. Go to the Proejct menu in VB6 and select References menu item and
find version 4.0 of RAS and check it on.

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