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Rane PI 14 Pseudoacoustic Infector

by Michael McCook

T he legendary Rane PI 14 Pseudoacoustic

Infector is a component that perhaps
more people have heard about than actu-
ally have heard. Although its not exactly a
new product, the fact that it occupies a unique neophyte operators who might otherwise This is a product so extraordinary that if
niche in the world of audio qualifies it for spe- lose their way. More sophisticated users it didnt exist, no one would miss it.
cial consideration in this space. will be pleased to see that the unit includes Congratulations to Rane for seeing this
Rane describes the PI 14 variously as a a full-function ecstasy generator controlled need and bringing the PI 14 to its current
sonic enhancement product and acoustic stim- by a rotary knob on the front panel, as well state of complete fabrication. There really is
ulator, and indicates that the PI 14 can be used as side-by-side Power and Glory switches. nothing like it. Oh, by the way, April Fool!
in a broad range of applications from new age I intended to demo the PI 14 for a local Michael McCook, founder of MAS Audio
club owner. After reviewing the technical and a regular contributor to Pro Audio
literature, he was very interested in the Review, wrote this with tongue firmly in
units 128-bit microcontroller that runs the cheek.
Applications: front panel. It uses an exclusive artificial
New age seminars; cars with tiny intelligence (AI) algorithm to determine
steering wheels; executive wash- whether the user knows what hes doing
rooms; high school cafeterias; door and to override totally stupid input. The AI
stops controller can be used in autopilot mode to
Key Features: predetermine what the user wants and exe-
Independent power & glory cute it beforehand. My client felt this was
switches; continuously variable probably just right for his guest DJs and
this/that level; anti-resonant con- karaoke emcees who are always looking to
crete chassis; here-there pan; time add subtle enhancements and that inaudible
warp compression/expansion to je ne sais quoi to their soundscapes.
synchronize here/there time coor- While unexplained delivery problems
dinates; proprietary paint to delayed that demo, I reviewed Internet post-
reflect odd harmonic light fre- ings by longtime PI 14 advocates. These sug-
quencies gest the units versatility. According to one,
Price: the PI 14 does everything from standard sig-
TBA nal processing to replacing the lead guitarist
who doesnt show up for a gig. The idea of
Contact: using the PI 14 on the road raises one con-
Rane at 425-355-6000. ceptual design problem with the otherwise
thoroughly unbelievable PI 14: its anti-reso-
seminars to railroad crossing warning sys- nant concrete chassis and optional aggregate
tems. To accommodate these and other even front panel. Although the former has the nec-
more unusual requirements, Rane loaded the essary gravitational mass to give the PI 14
PI 14 with the kind of exotic features not unequaled vibrational stability and the latter
found in any other component Im aware of. is a wonder to fondle, they can cause poten-
tially fatal wear and tear on roadies and, more
Features to the point, equipment vans.
The essence of the PI 14 is its ability to Whether the PI 14 is, as Rane says, revo-
add a bit of this or a tad of that, with con- lutionary remains to be seen. In the mean-
tinuously variable breadth and depth, to time, to learn more about the incomprehensi-
either live or recorded program material. In ble trickledown technology in the PI 14, the
addition, it allows for the signal to be essential reference work is Aural
panned from here to there andwith the Hallucinations for Fun and Profit, which first
touch of one switchback again. The appeared in Snake Oil Soc. Am., vol. 27. An
patented Back-Again switching makes the excruciating perusal of this should provide
component especially user-friendly for everything you need to know about the PI 14.

32 PRO AUDIO REVlEW April 1999

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